nineamznn noaiainiifv, Law and right are often the antipa- des of each other instead of being in- exact accord. Gambling `in grainand other human food, as is done in stock exchanges by sanction of law, is nothing` less than legalized robbery, The pro- ducers of human food and other things necessary for the life and health of the people should have a fair prot for their labor.` In the majority of they do not get it. Just as soon as their prouducts are ready for the market-av set of men, who never raised a bushel of grain in their lives, and are bylaw recognised. under the. name of a stock; exchange or a grain exchange, rest to work to depress the price and when sold? - thengoompelling consnnjei-s to '. buy _. you enormous adylino.-}.l .7ITIiIneiise' for -L. a ` Up to da'te,Vwe never have been in the condition or position to show and handle the class of goods We now ex- hibit. The very best and choicest in every line. All our Departments Enlarged, and our Prices Contracted. We should do the business of the town. and would, beyond doubt, if you d' come in acquaint yourself With The New Store-- its new stock, new display, and the saving it means to trade with `HQ 1 VVe are selling Millinery Pfll & Du. ` ass; The Cromptou Coy. Yatise Corset in white and fawn. The B 8L C Corset in White and drab, also colors. The Brush Metallic Corset in black, white and drab. -.,'.. `,vJ. ..v-vv-vv-v \/vs-.\/v Jlnl tlllllt, KJLLIC W The Dutch Spring Corset in Wh-ite and drab. We are selling ladies Underwear. T1leirt&lrr:$'i1i:3(:xr;JnI;la:1ii.';'ba beautiful moulded long waist Corset The_,,Model Form. `a beautiful moulded long Waist Corset in r whiteand drab. a The Detroit `Waist, the celebrated Health Waist, and drab. ' The Crompton Coy. Hygeiau Waist foriChildren, Misses Ladies. W l The Crompton Coy. Magnetic Corset in pink, blue White and ' drah t I in White and We are selling corsets H. I. muslin & cu` And Novelties are being .' added as` they appear H in the market .|. FRASER & C9. Farmers` T sale notes. cashed or taken for collection. Ladies Ladies Ladies La.dies Ladies I Ladies Ladies I Children's Corset Waists from 250. . . . . % -BARRIE. Corset Department. ' Long Sleeve Vests at 15c., Worth 25c. ` Long Sleeve Vests at 250., Worth .35c Puritan _'VeStS 50c : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . I A k Purltan Vests at 75c. : . 5 u`2s Puritan Vests at $1.00. 5' PURITAN Health Brand Vests and Drawers. Hygeian Vests and Drawers. ` And have added several lines of American make that e'v_ery lady should see. .i . , . . . ` Fan Miuiggery Dress Goods Mantiles Drafts issued payable at par in Canada and United States. Hosiry 4; 1895. Transact a General Banking `busin ess. Current Accounts kept. Farmers and Commercial notes discounted. BRANCHES ELMVALE and smman. An 8 Page 48 Column Newspaper. Published from the Oice, :23 Dunlop Street Barrie. in` the County`of Simcoe. the Pro- vince of Ontario)` Canada.~ every Thursday Morning, by J. H. McKEc;.gII-:, BANKERS BARRIE, om". ran: mew JUD(_3E.. Solicitor GeneraiCurran has been pro- moted to a position as Judge in the Que- bec Superior Court, which has long been vacant. Mr. Curran is an lrish Roman `Catholic, and his promotion has created a good deal of excitement in Montreal among the English speaking protestants, who petitioned the Premier in strong terms against such an appointment, declaring that an English protestant should have the place. The reply is A that Mr. Curran was promised a. place on the bench long ago, that precedent justifies the appointment and that the petitioners did not name anyone to ll , the place. ,. The high position of many of the petitioners, who hold that Sir i` McKenzie Bowell has snubbed them, and failed to recognize the rights of ..the minority, who own `a very V large part of the wealth and business of the metropolitan city, will most likely op- pose Conservative nominees in Montreal at the next "election. It is said if `it , fore not for Mr. `Laurier s free trade 1 i 1 1 policy `a large number of these Conserva- ` tives would transfer their allegiance to ` the Liberal leader. It is to be deeply ' regretted that the `question `of either ` race or religion should have to be con- ` sidered in judicial` appointments, but ' the way things are done for party pu__r- ` poses and through party exigencies 9 serves to render any `other course im- ` possible, until the people rise from party i to country, and as `citizens of a common ` country demand a new, order of things. ` That just now looks about as improb- 5 `able of accomplishment as A the coming of the Greek"Kalec.ds . ' V _ D 1 ESTABLISHED A1379. Terms or SUBSCRIPTION, ` A -I &. .CO., Managr. nnrrainrs rowan. A just conception of the power and J , influence of Great B`t'ttain~ is not easy. I Some idea 01 it may be obtained by her 5 operations in Chinese waters _where the , presence of her war-ships brought the _ Celesgials to their senses and compelled ,- them to punish the murderers" of the , missionaries. At the same time a eet . at the Dardanelles compelled the un- , speakable Turk to accede to terms with ._ regard to Armenia. In another part of , the world an ultimatum has been sent, _ and Venezuela, whose mongrel popula- , tion and government have for -months been insolently defying British power, under the idea. that the United States will interfere, will have to take the same course as China and Turkey or get a taste of something from British ' ironclads. Britain new demands that the boundary duiculty shall be settled, by force if necessarv. There is tall; by ' the jingo press of the United States ' that the Monroe doctrine is infringed by Britain in this case, though British ministers say the Monroe doctrine has nothing to do w'ith'it`. The, wide ex- tent of the British empire, dotting as V it does the whole world, necessitates` a eet powerfnlenough tor its protection` and strong enough to` resist the eets which may , combine against it. The people of- the empire see this, and do not grudge themoney it takes to enable ; Britannia to rule thepbwavea The ag that is found in every seat proudly oat? ling _over_ British `ships and thelproducrts . of `British industry,` _ia:_ty pica) of gB:'-igh` `~po.i_Vei' ind` Britisli`tree;ilom;`. 'IJsng;.n{.y , _'Britai_n :etain,,iher;.pi-,pjud su;.re.;m', -;,o`;`; 1 $50. `,5?-.." f!` `'a"Vl!i6'.'6e`:`hav__e[.' 1" .brea1;inaiih.,rslrirfi?}Iiise,s yd the i :>B . 7! elnonszrundsitytt uutvuuvu .|_vu,v uuuusuu ,0; grain _lll v___nou;-9, for\L=\Cnnni_Irg'hm, ch loaf .-7, "concession 9,` `En. _ . .. -. 0 J V no` y lu`t'wek,M` Ii'vfi'm,Eo'q;_Egl;"g';- e,' ~th hed"l.B5.0b bl \ ` EL . Let the` law for the collection of store debts below $50 be abolished, [and the cash system, where it is most needed, would become en accomplished fact. T A` ' u so "" v_:7"""-B' Our prophecy has not been entirely = verified, but, the credit system as it 3 then existed is `at an` end.` Extended credit, sometimes for years, is not now known, no one giving, nor anyone ask- ing for it. .Some of our `merchants give no credit and keep no books, others say it is impossible to get along with-. out giving credit to some, ttough for a brief period. That of itself shows that the system isdyiug out, and will one of these days become extinct. -The abolition of the courts for the collection -of small debts would most effectually end it. The poor man s court ought to go. '.Then the few days accommodation which so many nd necessary at the town and country store would be given to those only who promptly settled the same on pay day; A little self-denial and an honest discharge of the weekly account would soon establish a practi- cal cash system, prevent losses to the seller and result in raising the unfor- tunate debtor to a. condition of comfort, and increase in him a spirit of manly ` independence l Some years ago THE Aunvaxan enter- ed the eld of prophecy by asserting that ten years from that date the credit system would be practically dead in the town of Barrie. The Toronto Mer- chant at that time` took issue with us on this matter, and seemed to indicate thatiit was neither practicable nor de- sirable to. do ` awav with the credit system. We are glad to see that our Toronto cotemporary has changed` its views, and now regafzds 'the'system as anything but an unrnixed blessing. n___ _._..._L___. L , .. A i 1-an cnnnrr srsnnr. V The credit system is inherently essentially so` for both debtor andcred--7 itor. It?`is a costly thing in -a variety of ways. -i The cost in bookkeeping and -nncollectable debts often make serious inroads upon the merchants prots. It -is -also a direct` temptation to ex travsgance on the part of the debtor, and to the mors.llyw_eak a direct road to dishonesty. The division court ex- ists chiey to compel debtors to pay smal1debts,pand the amount involved in one year s business, as . reported by the inspector. shows the wide extent of the credit system by small traders, and thediiculty in collecting. he ofmhed. out. f` Booauge,;g5vmmantn and come allow w_x1o.n'gsf"I:e exist-, we have the general diecontentiand un- rest `which every iow"and theneexhibits itself in strikes, but which will culmi- nate, one of these days, `in general revo- liztion unless a remedy is applied. \` wag ulna`. ur vvuusu uu Iunlul IIU rliplyo , Quite a large amount of -btuf is taken from store. viiudowa in that way. There ' Wi&I`:dnri;i`A the ldlg argood .1134! o!t'-pony irony; gqrdanr--fruit and .o_jy on3 - retty Thlevlnlr. , The Toronto Police Magistrate spoke the other day` of the constant increase of crime by children. He deeply deplored this, but offeredno suggestions as to cause or cure. . What is true of juvenile crime in Toronto is true in many other places Only the other day a gent emery. was going along Dunlop street he e when he saw a lad 12 or 13 years old} stand got the window of a fruit store `The lad kep__t his eye on the people; in the shop. sndhwhen. he; thought he `was unob- jseryed,;`..toi.1 I. _bunch of from s_.r.bask_et Udjlyim` sway. .f.'.:l`he gentleman `I`pqko'to;! b9y?n_'oint..i!_-zvnt..the _fI:vro`n he wit} iioio5;?.'::Which_ lie-made Iioerefply. =ilun w 1mnnna-. gr. '.-..s :. .~...-...~.. . Sm-,I am told that in the last {issue of Tm: ADVANCE you say you would like to know who gobbled up the funds _of the Barrie Amateur Athletic Association. I was treasurenpart of the time, and have a recol- lection of some facts which may help to en- lighten you. The Club owed me $17 or thereabouts when I gave up the. books. I. _think the auditors were Messrs Urquhart and Beecroft The Club was then practi- oallv defunct I do not suppose my succes - sor had any of its money. ' Chnnlr-inn lnninn in nu-than-_Inl-, Inn 'c-nu.n.......I ` uvuu V uvyw 1n_ ll' 8 Again, thenew Club gob property belong- nngro the Athletic Club, and the Barrie Euchre,Clu_b, which cost;$450. on $400 paid. ot which Mr.`Bothwell held lien` notes fur 8100. Where in this property or its pro- ceeds L? A practical answer to these ques- tions ought, I think`. so eatify Mr Both- welfe claim. If.___. I, , UVI IIGII GI! III [ID IIIUIIUJ. Queries being in order--let me propound two First, what, became of the large amount clleclzed tofortn the Club which took over the assets of the Athletic Club I % and many others paid $10 each to this con- com A _Wheoe is it-? ` . A ...'..... .|.._...-._ nI.-L ___ ._..-_-_-.. L :- V Whilst on the subject. perhaps some one can inform those `interested what became of the assets of the Barrie Club, to the funds of which I and a number of others subscribed $15 00 each, but which never became organized, although the tables of the Barrie Amateur A. A. came into the rooms of the proposed Club. -.-- -..--.. --uv nay--up nu rsoluul Su -s_cribers now in arrears for three months and owe: wnll be charged $1.50 per annum. ` '-' ' " l'.",'-I` - Moreover, if] were a member of the Club, I would require to know where the books are, and what became of the funds and assets of the Club. It is generally understeod that the funds were diverted for the purpose of paymg ` ringers '7 iuthe Barrie lacrosse club 'I'I'TL_`I 1 , qyv.vv `in V.b;'x-1o1rh'ea;h; }3Y1o'&s?1'm he ought also to help pay what the ooicers and dnreotors of an incorporated company have inconsjderately, promised them- selves to pay. - - `M .... ._-;_ so 1 , -.,_ . .. .. ------vu vu nu. nu] l.llUo Even if I werea member, I would not eonsiqer myself morally bound to pay a. cent towards the judgment recov- eredvagainst Mr. Sproule, for the simple reason that when a. member subscribes his membership fee of $2.00` or $3.00 .:a. L... _. ..._...._.. 1.-_n-_-,.-n. L I ` - That Inunoy cue Again. Dun SIR, In reply to Mr. T. Herbert Lennox s letter, which appear- ed in your last weelga issue, I desire to say I never was a. member of*the Club in question ; never took any part what- ever in its affairs; and never `was in the building, where its operations were carried on, in my life. ` la`... :4` I" ...-..-v - My -~-~ -- " ` ` `f ath you,.Sir, I join in asking who swallowed the bilhard tables and other assets. - ' Oct 22nd, 95. N0-1:V Mr." T: Herbert Lennox maj mean"t.his -I hope he does-but J. can only say that in all these years he haa never made any such municent offer to me - "ll-wo'bse;v`etha.t' although the law recognises Mr. 1`, Herbert Lennox as an infant, and as such relieves him of all legal responsibility, yet he feels the weight of the moral one so keenly as to be compelled to come to his friends nancial assistance and contribute what heconsiders his just proportion-which, taking the basis of a club membership of [50, would amount exactly to 90 cents, ' ` v I can asI1`r;aM have . .7 - J Jumped ab'1t, and the matter never heard of in court. T - u p u vu-vnnv QIIIIIJ IIIJUBV 6CLIUIUIIIUuu Mr; T. Herbert Lennox implies that, as endorser. I _ am equally responsible for these notes. Be that as it . may, had these gentlemen approached me at any time with an o_'er to` bear their share of the liability-one-third each- `I ...... ........-.. _--- cu: Y o new,;1ame will be added to the Subscptien . ist until the money is paid. ' .E.. _.._:I.-.._ .____. 3.. --___,_ 12,, .I,_-- ,,,,, .|,, u J v----, ---a ......n uuuva uuv utnuoauu until: "I was the party aggrieved--the only sufferer. T , Not being a `lawyer, or an infant, I am unable to throw a, cloud of mist over the eyes of your readers. but with 'your permission will state briey a couple of facts. For two notes made by these gentlemen, which, with ac- cruedinterest, now am-runts to about $135.00, and for V which I received no value whatever. but for which I had to pay `fully in cold,hard cash,and although this occurred so"me six vears ago, I have never had in all that time the of fer of a single cent by way of reim- bursement from `these gentlemen. ` M. 'l` `nnnlmn-`L Y--A-.a-- -'-----`3~- 4' ` ' Sn:--I_n the matter of Bothwell versus Spronle and Lennox--a Division Court case recently tried` here, and which resulted in a verdict in my favor as against "Sproule, the court taking a merciful view of Mr. T. Herbert Len- nox s plea of infancy. Until having my notice called to this gentleman"s letter, I had been, for the past six years, laboring under the de usionthat '~r _ , , . n - 1-Inn 6'.` -----L-- ----A~-3 editor ef Tm: onrnxns Anvmcn have been received for publication : rm: rlimmlg am; to an. Yours, &c. . Yours respectfully, . JNO. M. Bo'rnwnLt.. Yourl. &c 9 A. E. H. Onnswicxn nauo Ur Lluvavnar lI\JAI' $1 per in Advance. Axxv, ,, 1 THE NORTHERN ADVANCE. J. _'1`, srnoun. H. B. Myers. Mr. Goodfl}; `Mr. Jon. Anderton. N. Cotter. Mairtin. Burton. Wm. Sherwood. W. Sargeant. Robt. V` Meeking. M. Atkinson. j 'Chas Peters. Alf. Lee. 3 no. McClain. V Sole Agent in Bar1fie fo14 Gurney -_s -T- Bafnum. , S. Richardson. H. Myers. J as. Andnerton. ` H.H.0tton Rev. E. I. Hart. H N. Caurtlandt. % A. E. Dyment. _ Below nd a list of peoplel whom we can refer you to who` use the _SOUVE.\`IR RANGE. I They are so simple. V % They are so easily managed. They have Aerated Ovens. They have Duplex Grates. They are in use in `24 `differ- ent houses in Barrie and vicinity. They make Joy and com- fort in the Homes of those who use them. ""1~?aI1y all our people have aecured their potatoes before the heavy frost of the 20th inst. Those having apples not gathered say they are frozen so badly that they will be of little use SAMUEL WESLEY, PROPRIETOFIN [BUY ONT . $0llVEN|R RANGES. Mrs. Robinson and Miss a Bob- inson spent Sunday visiting friends at Rugby. - `KT--__I( , I! _-...-J. Mrs`. Reuben Hill has 1T-etnurned from 3 9. three weeks visa to` relatives in King ` ` township. In`... H 13.1.!" _, 1 Ir- -- - ____..__-.._-... ..v -v vvnuv sun UUVVl.Ig ' Mr. J. Shruosolo intends. moving into the house now occupied by Mr. F. Drury. ` ' ];___. n_ ,I_', -rr-u n V . - - ..--v -- -.. uu v v u olacuuj _ IUUUVUIIY o Quite a number from nur village went on a shing excursion to Eight Mile Point. last week. They report great success. V 11.. 'I'T VIII, -- ` "` ' ';.u8. Drury and `family are removing to Barrie this week. We regret the loss of so many of our vilgag ` am. an" n. lnran nun-nl-mm A4` l\I1- '...._..-.. __ _-- -_- -v u u U1 U0]. Vlll P O -u . vv uauul ` st `era, as" a. large number of our former inhabitants now reside in town." 1n__ 7 on I 1 crown am. . Advance C01 rospondenoe. We regret to say that. Miss Clara Bell has been indispcsed owing to a sore throat. 1 5-``.N'ii;ompson attended Bradford fair last Friday. . j . .'T'|_-lE_ NORTHERN ADVANCE -l7li-8.1:-S. a;a'l;"i;;;'fkl:v'a.a visiting with fMrs. Thos. Brooks, Dalston, last week. `MI - .._.'l'll',,_ rs, , :1: -r,_,-,,I. Mrs. John Sanderson met with a painful accident while driving into Barrie last Saturday. She lost control of the horse, which threw her from the buggy. breaking her arm. . We hope she will have a speedy recovery. ' nluhn an o..._..L-.. l___-- - - 9" n Wray, we are pleased to_say, is able to be around again after her severe illness. -- _ ' __-.... .-any vvnn, .lJuIBUUl.lg 1003 "`7`7' Mr. and'Mrs. Gouch and Mr. "Joseph Graham, attended the funeral of Mrs. Gouch s sister, "Mrs. Greensides, of Barrie last week. Mrs. Gouch has the sympathy of the entire community in her sad bereavement. Her sister was the only surviving relative in this country. ` `II ... 111., - _ umuuu nu .uuu'u1u. ) F Rev. Wm. Nixon delivered an inter- eating and instructive lecture on Geology in the Methodist church" here on Friday evening last. M:na-Qnu-L 1)}.II. -........ _2..2L2_`_ _.:sL 2 . _huty B-in V Advnnoe Correspondence. A Rev. J. E. Cooper, wife and daughter returned home last week from visiting friends in Detrnit. 1 _.t C an I I - disappearing` ii in the thevlossf sue sides this. a g` annoyance of thgseoplel thgmm many` been made about boys annoying people at. their houses in the evenings Parents who `allow their children to run out at night's are giving them ample opportunity to. uire habits that, unless a timely check is app ied, lead on to potty stealing, and nally end in the penitentiary Many parents, to whose attention the conduct of their children out on the street is brought by a friend, instead of tr ing to remedy the evil. feel annoyed and et their children go on in the same. way.` That's tnedirect road to the ruin of the children. Think of it, parent. sohvonlr. L J stoves % and Rangem] &$on. 'I`.Te=.=9 t6. Barri?11`'~ Special attntionv given to collection` of ` notes and ac- counts. Will R. King. J no Sissons. Thos; Baker. D. C. Murchison.` Robt. McMillan. E S. Meeknng. _,H_ _---. .._.L.__..., ........ uu-mm uuc uxurcy. lVI3n'3 ugavy Top mrts vex`! ""' `Callus, _S_'ock','Mitts, `Braces, Hats and Caps, lowest in town- `annex; Np._1.9 : Dunlop Street. will be kept 01$` ;l:1t.~5of: 'Jan'1'19;l,'y`. -where you will- nd our clothing ' ,` .1, `V Mtqthe 'do1lar'. ' \ 9`? :7 CC-Ltzw ` : T V '.u9 3 rF5`n Winter Unde-rwear. See our hwnvy Shirts and D"3 .fQr'.50c. .a$a`uit, worth double the muvgey. Mn s_ Hgavy Top Shirts very cheap- nnfn and lV....... 'I-__-_.. :- 4.-.... L nevergive enwthing else. We guarantee to every purchaser 811 -_._.w ---- n Int---- _Hones_t dollar s.worth of goods V in Men's, Boy.-. , and Children s Fall Wear. I` is an unusuallylbg-dellan- s worth. We have bought for our Clothing D9P"l ment for.fall_and- winter. the best flothing possible to get This Ulorhivg `5 marked very. low in price, so when we declare to give you a. full equivalent 3? th'e:fdo1_la.r we want you to feel sure we on do it and do do it. ()ur Clnldfel Department, is the lamest iu_town.A It is full and complete in every P"`"I'"' Priceeranging from $1.75 ayeuit 12084 00. Full lines in Men s and B019 (Jyeroeats and Reefers; . ; , z . - . Everything in Fall and Winter Wraps nobby, New and reasonable in price can be found in.POWl*.LL[ 85 00 s B g Cloak. Dep -rrment. ` pg an an: - -n `ova-an d-Iidulul-`J-uI\JJ-`Y Ournstock is lzirger and `better assorted than any in Barrie, in-akinz P05` sibie to you a wi ve choice of everyihing desirable in the line from the ev1`.V d"7 "Sailor to the nest creations from the World s great fashion centres, 1" `he prices that haveemade our store so pv pular. _ -We display a charming assO1'_ `F?t of -thelatest confections -I-Iats, Bonnets and 'l`oqu+s-a|tog ther an eXb1b` that wins the admiration, and further cements the bonds of h`iendsh1P 1` existing between the purchasing public and this attractive store. . i U Our Fast Black Wool` Hosiery at 15, 20 and 250. sell on sight, the best values purchasable, 20c a p it Extra size Linen Huck Towels, 8 and 100- 'Novelty printed and new Woven Flannelettes, 25c. Half Bleached T3519 lADatn,aak `of superior worth. N2:-- &I Our sliock is more varied, price is lower, goods are ner, departments larger than any timeisince we ve been in business. See thu 25c. black and Colored Cashmeresvall wool; 50?). Black Novelty Dress Goods, foreign; 250- German Fancy `Novelty Dress Goods in Green, Brown, Navy Blue, Purple -Dd Black. Our Novelty Dress Goods from 50c. to $1.25 a yard are dreams. Speciul--Black and Navy Blue Cloth, 54 inches wide 65c., worth 900. New Laces, Embroiderirs and Veilings. Finest we've ever shown Cheques cashed, American exchange bought and sold.