imd Tiiere is not much business except thresh- ing now going on in the vicinity of ,Cold- water. ` ,__, -- -.u vn -nu WHO IJVILI lu"lla Joseph Beard. `of Creighton, recei severe injuries by falling from 3.. mow in barn." --~-- --nu-J anal: WEEK. ~l . astepsare being taken for a"regulan.week- _ . lylmarket day at Beeton ` ` * ' The last of the Carthew Bay Camperslpleft T for the south" a few days ago. ` V Some Goldwater people are crying out tor a better post oice building. Cr s are turning out admirably in the nelg orhood of eevern Bridge Regret is expressed at Jarratt s Corners because the school master is ill..- Mr. McIntosh, of.Allandale, is billed for a sermon at Rugby on the 29th. - The revival meetings in the hall at Mitch- ell Square, have been discontinued About 400 tickets were sold at the Brad- ford station during the Torontoehow The late heavy frosts did much damage to `gardens in various localities in the county The Dunford winter camp in the Severn District will be started again ina few days. A meeting of the select degree of Atherly council, R T. of T., was heldlast Tuesday. Joaenh Rnsuvrl `.-.4! n..-:..i...... _ Mr.C; Alilewell lw.'s_ purhaged a he farm`: at Sa.'ndy`Point. The s Corners tmperance folk had a. grand rally last`. week.` 4 ' - Qt--- ---r ' `ton. i am; condensed Into Interesting Para- s staph! to: Advance Romero who V Like the Marrow or the feat. Uornb feasts are fashionable in West Essa. The Thorah show is on the 2nd of October. Thepicnic season still holds on at Beaver- Buildiog operations at Atherly are still in progress. ' = ' The Genera.l~Sessions at Bracebriclge begin November 4th., ' V Mr. C laws purohesed fine farm`: Sa.`ndy'Point. Boots and shoes. CUSTOM WORK . . . . . _ ( court; at Goldwater last nru-1 Q\7h:I-AA ....._..:.1..-A 1` ..u an. \JuLuWllaloUl.' 18.86 excised considerable V, has lately erected a A. nmn n-n...l..... ..n. all vsvvlavu. G crusher at- l requires the high. ` V-3-Tim 7 Apvgnd fhprebv . pcknoviddgs: 9. _compli'm`.eutar`y% "ticket I to `the -Edit T 'Simco'e _ag1f_iou`lt1iral exhibition. ~_ I ` W. J. Bell and we Bronze` Turkeyl. Mr. W J. "Bell, of Angie, the noted mam-` moth Bronze turkey `ro.iae:_-_,`wa,a e-"agcceseful prize taker en the ila.t'e. Industria.-I. To- ronto He obua.ined"Iet prize on aged hen turkey, and _2q_d prize on} aged gobbler, 2ud prize_.on- yonngwgobbler and 2nd ` on"voung hen Wrk.ey.ond 9 siiploma on bSt,.P9iI` of urkeys of any`b'reed." He eleo secured 2nd prize on.Leghorn pallet. V 1 . . ` ~ . .,Mr Bell e rep.umion for, fine, birds. has one beyond Ceugde, and his name is `familiar goth `inEngland` and Ireland` for _ large tur- keys` such-`ea are liked by;Joh`n Bad and hi: . fem-ilygi He obtained -let. prize for; his cele-_ bm;;g1j47v.:ouga .At>l_l-l.`k`y eta` the Royal `Show. oih,Epg)|pn, . .. . A ; .. ; , .` -. , T. 3 . . . A SPECIALITY. }:`epaz'7'_z'ng Neatly and Promptly Done. - gap-TERMS,-cAsn.m ` I V 1.4 MULCASTER STREET, BARBIE aa-Iv VVNC hi uuuuny an an uuuu` CLIUULB. ' I V The bonnets are generally small and trim- med towards the back, while the hats are large and trimmed with very wide ribbons, ` ostrich feathers and stiff wings. The rm are entitled to great praise for bringing'to. gather so excellent :1. `display. The opening , con tinuese on Wednesday--da.y. and evening,` from? to 10, ' . ' T ' VULJ uupvo umuuu uuula 01 we IO!'8lgl'l &l'lJl8tS. ~ I"a8hionahle colors pake a. `wide range. but the moss used seem to be_blu_ette; greens and browns. Velvet ribbons and gwings are nearly all In shot; eecta. ' rm... `I-..........u.. ....- ..-..-_---_ -- I - _ V .. -.. vv -v. u wu.vvvl Iull.lllo All day Tuesday the spacious show rooms 1 of Powell & Co. were crowded with ladies who were interested in the fall display of millinery. On `entering the room. one is struck with the beauty of the arrangements. Plants, ferns and owers were there in pro- fusion, but the most_ interesting part of the _display was the elegant assortment ot hats and bonnets, manyof them being imported from.Paris, London and New York, while Vthe work of the firm s .ownmilliners'came~ very little behind that of the foreign artists. Fashionable colors lzakn a. mid. .......... 1.... BARRIE, On mornin early Mr H. Cooke e 1 household was distur ed-by a commotion in the poultry yard. Donning hie unmention- ubles. Mr. Cooke hastened out, and found a. fox making havoc of his pet poultry. This roused the Adam in him. likewise the slumbering instinct of the hunter,` and the busy tail of tha.t fox soon hung metaphori- cally, from _Mr. Cooke s girdle. .Reynard disdainfully passed by the barnyards and half-breeds,`to kill and worry the choicest of the thoroughbreds. which Mr Cooke has been counting on exhibiting next week at the Orillia show.---Packet. Good progress, says the Banner, is being ` made in the new high school building. One defect yisible to the Banner is insuicient window area. This would indeed be a grave I defect and serious to the pupils, whose sight would be imperilled. Not a single resident minister was intown on Sunday last.. The incumbent of St. - Jameswas-- at Synod; the Presbyterian pastor was conducting a communion service at Bala; and the Methodist pastor was was away on account >7 of. sickness.-G.raven- hurst Banner ` ' . ' -_ _..`.-- - `nan.-J. Quite a. number of J a.rratt s people are in a ` potato raising `contest. `David Welsh, at ` present stands at the head with 93 lbs of Clement No 1 potatoes from three pounds. At the late meeting of the Barrie Presby- tery John Miller, of Avening, and Angus Roebuck, of` Wyevale, were given the status of Catechists and will be engaged in mission " work this winter. ' . UThe of he Lord s. administered at the Novar E `church last Sunday by the Rew rioch, of Burk s Falls. ' Tliefdziillia Packet aa.ys- The show of fruit; at the East'Simcoe exhibition promises to exceed anything previously seen in our agricultural - q IN TOW;VTHlP OF ESSA. lo a of .26` 8.} 0 I 0 1.3. J i. 4' . ber yards. 1 So many res "at Gravenhtrst leadste the idea that a. re bug is in the town, and a. stricter watch is kept at the mills and lum- r Trouble is reported at the Dalston school on account-of the alleged exc punishment of one of the pupils b _teacher. . Thomas Hawsome, bf West Gwiilimbury, fell while playing with other boys at school last week and broke both bbnes of his right ` arm / - - ` `JUL I l_ pie _ -_-- uuu cuuuruuu llll HD1118 A eompound fracture of the arm was sus- tained by George Clair-ke s little boy by a fall from a -fence at Rathbun last Sunday. Rev. Mn. Webster, Ja.rratt s Coi-ners, J claims to possess the boss pumpkin. The C_erners is bound to luxuriateinpumpkin ...~u until. you 5001') . `V.-Veshago people are now getting their Sunday theology from the Severn Bridge ` Presbyterian student preacher. - | At a. garden party held at the residence of Mr. Arthur Craig, of Craighurat, the other evening, $35.00 was collected. Mayor Sanders, of Stayner, has returned from his trip to England. The band met `him at the station and escorted him home A nnrv-nnnn....3 -- ------ " ........... uua VUIUII by . , S`. R..Beeton. of Phelpston, picked from one pea. vine 256 well-lled pods. F103 is asked tovmatch that pea. story. Thn Wnuhnnn ----'- A-' , -_.--_- -uuvvv& I5 Ulll good business, and will continue mgkingi later than the usual time. ` ' ' V Thecontractore building the _new` church at Hampshire Mills are pushing the work % with commendable celerity. R: `R. 12...-.. -1 DLJV - ' ' ` ` Harry Ward, of A1-drea,_ claims the palm for raising oats. His averaged 87 bushels to the acre. . ` Music` Hall Rents. The Music Hall will be rented upon the following terms :--For local churches, societies or private par- ties, where admission is charged or collection is taken up. $8.00 for first night. and $7.00, 3rd $6.00; where the proceeds do not amount to $24.00. one-third will be accepted for the rent. For rehearsals, from $g;5o -to JO each. except on afternoon of entertainment, W. :1 is gratis.` For foreign "companies terms may 1' ; wreed on. Apply to N. KING _18-u -. ,,-__ ---~- In nvvv VIWJD ugu. . Grain is now going into Allisbon, and the Herald announces that money _is easier. "Horse buyerev have been visiting-'VLefroy and purchasing at from $50 to $80 9. head. `nu: llnrnu ....- _ `I!..n ' ., _._ --.........a my IL um IIPUU A few days ago a. little` the Severn bridge, owing plank. . ` ' '.([`l1V;-grown Hill cheeue than FIVL- -- - ' ` l were never so many `partridge as there are this year, -Collingwood Enterprise. A ;.Novar has 9. case of diphtheria. 'Gravenhurstfa.ll fair is now in progress. Muskoko. showed up well at the Toronto Industriah e - . Numerous weddings are on the carpet at Fair Valley. - ' Attendance atthe Bradford High School is on the increase. - The Moonstone Hunt Club captured a. 300 ' lb. black bear a. few days ago. i .. (11-nin ha .3-.. ...L =.-- --- Powell 8: Go. a Showrooms. I--. 7I1.-__.'.|_-- AL - -- ' 7 BARRIE, THE COUNTY A % ` COUNTY OF SIMCOE _ 2 ` ONTARIO, un uuu uuruu oupper Was Presbyterian EV bv than Flaw Mn (1..- lime girl` /rn {ifgugh e, to`a defeetbive JOHNSON & SARJEANT, BARRIE, Im orters and Dealers in Coals of all Kinds, and eorge town, Grey and Guelph White Finishinf Lime, Cements of all kinds, Fire Bricks and Paste-rers' Hair. Storehouse at theNorthern Railway Switch, footof John street. near the depot. The bond of this Lime is better than that of any other kind, and the nish superior. 0ice-Corner of John and Elizabeth streets. _ - ' ___._. u um ucuawu puouc/ excessive f by the ; 1. uauy wrlau "Rev. Mr `Gar- Suppr pl'DBl\f7`A-~.\ -- nnnnnnn vn OF SIMCOE AND '-A A San --aux e Detective Beardsley has hunted jnp` Joke Reid's Iprison` recbrd. He has spent one 3 teltnavet `Blackwell : Isl_a.lid.~ New. York, for` Uuxjg1ary,,one termgat Sing Slpgiior burglary-, 2' one term in KiVngston`.pepite'ntiary . for the? same` off'e'u`ce,, `:indfo`zf 'o ther;_oe neee` He's`:- been ~tv`vioe`in 3601 `in Tdranto, once-'1n Co-_ boug_,.`oz_1oe London ind `(Vince-' in Menu. Fraser & Go's. Opening. . This most pop.ul`a.r, establishment was crowded all theafternoon, and `no wonder,` for a ner display of the mt elegant: thin s in the rnillinery line is rarely seen _outsi e, the large cities The colorewere browns, * reeue, bla.eks,v .bluee.and bliiettes `with com- Einations of all these making woi1_drous_ ef ` feta bytheir` lmtmdnious blendings.` Miss. Pribch`ard. ie_et.ill in` charge a.t"this fashion-. able _e'mpprium,_a.nd that means aygqod deal. Mr` Freak, .accotpq.nied `by his daughter. Miss EdnaVFreek, visited last week" with friends in London_a.nd St. Thomas. ' 4;- ~ ' Mrs ,Cross1and. superintendent ward ' nurse in the Protestant Epi~copal Hospital, Philadelphia, is visiting her mother, Mrs Wright, Mmesing. and he_r'sister,, Mrs. J. Todd, Mary street, and other relatives and friends, T - ' -A Miss Jennie Emerson, of Uollinzwood, was visiting the Misses Lower, Willow Hall, Barrie, last vgeek. ' ` Miss Pearson is the guest of friends in Brampton. 1; Irv 'I-` - VILLA! ~ Bush St.. lot 73. I- ueen St., lot 10 , ` ueen St., lot 10;. ` ing St , lot 32. 1-,! Price and Terms mac Mr. -`Robert Kifby, late missionary at .'Herma.nsville. Michigan. visited friends in town over Sunday. - V - jf IV Postmaster and Mrs. Edwairds ar visiting friends in Toronto.` I ctuulllllo V Mr. R. C. McLeod, of `the Niagsra. Falls Record, gave us a. call on Friday. - Mrs. W. H. {Smith and Master Forest Smith, of Minnedosa, Manitoba, are visiting Mr and Mrs. Barber, Bayeld `street. Mrs. Smith is Mrs `Barber s sister, , Mrs. James Barber, of Owen Sound, is the ' guest of her son, Mr. N. Barber, Bayeld street. Mr. Renben Carr, of Innisl, has been ap- ointed Principal of the night school on eVinches.'.er street, Tor'ont;o.. Mrs. John Wallwin returned recentlg from 9. two months visit with relatiyes in the North-West. - ~ -__..-v, . vs-I ulu uuuy WES [found in the water close to the bay wall N 0 one saw him fallvin. e ' V \ Some years ago a man s body was found ; near the wharf, Mulcaster street. It is supposed he had mistaken his way in the night and walked off the wharf. These drownings make a very small record for over ten years. uuauuu. l!.'&l.'UH W33 made, Whel found i Qnrna Irnnnnn ....- - .7 ' ` ......u,.-,.. uu mum one stonlest heart. The wonder is that more fatalities do not } happen on the bay from the large .number who go..boating and the number of small - boys constantly playing on the wharves, the esplanade and the log booms. In Toronto fBay scarcely` a week passes `without the record of one or more drownings--but in the last ten years we recollect no more than five or six of such fatal items, In 1885 `a boy named William Waterman, 10` years of age. was drowned at the Bayeld street wharf, On Sunday. July 12th, of that year. a young man named .l'homas Dobson, was drowned while bathing in the neighborhood of Lover s -,Creek. On the 8th of July, 1890 Captain Andros was drowed by the upsetting of his yacht. On the lat of May last year. a 9 year old boy named Russell Harvey Nogar, a son of Mr W. H. Nogar, Mt. Jewett. Pa , and grand son of Mrs; Guy Appleby. Dunlap" lstreet, was drowned nearly opposite Dr Morton's He had been shing and being missed` search was made, when his body was found close to than 1..." turn" Last Saturday, a boy about seven years old, named George Reid, whose parents live ` - . A my Drowned. on James street, near Owen street, was street. _Just how he fdl -in could not `bezi very `well ascertained though there were` _drowned in the bay at the foot of Mulcaster two other little boys pliying on the wharf at the same time. The steamer Conqueror is tied up at the wharf, but the ropes will allow the boat to be pushed out to some distance, and it is thought that the lad wharf and the other on the boat, and that the boat moving out the boy fell in -between it and the wharf. When taken out of the water he was dead, though Dr. Ross spent. Iwhen playing there, had one foot on the home, and when the dead `child was taken home the grief of his poor mother was enough to melt the stoniest heart. The wnnrlnr in that an...` I-'-- "-' ` ,-_, ~-_-. _..u.-, uvu [The views of our correspondent are s6.ut;<,l_,,., Either the capacity ofghe baskets should` be" legallv dened or else fruit should` be all sold by weight. This will all be remeilied in due time.-ED. ADVANCE. ]. V 15.} il inches square at top, 4 inches square at bot- `tom and 3 inches deep. It seems to me it would be much more satisfactory if the ca.- pacitv of the basket for each kind of fruit were dened by statute, the same asthe im- perial gallon or the legal bushel. Then the purchaser would, at any rate, know the_ .qua.utity he is gettinar for his money.` I V Yours very truly, I i V L._ JOHNSON. Bsrrie, Sent. 24th, 95.~ . .:.._,%}__ -i-,!i(-)mACRE FARM FOR SALE--Lots :8 and :9, '. Con. 7,`Vespra. The sol is good. - About no acres cleared and under cultivation ; house. barns and otherbuildings; a bearing orchard; 54 mile from school. 3% miles from the Town of Barrie. I will sell part of it if required. For particulars ap Iy to J. A. DUNN. Barrie P. 0. (1--tip The Admission Aof correspondehce Doe: 1 Nat Nsnnnuuunlln fllvnvniuw 5:.-. no- --- - mrrnns Annnnssmn -ro ran; mnrron wars wmnx. ;WHAT. THE PEDPLE HAVE TO SAY. - awn-I III ) Net Necessarily imply that We Hold The `Opinion of the Writer. .The following letters addressed to` the] Of THE Nnnmuvnxr Anvvn--- ~ ,,,4__._______.________,_ THE DOMINION OF CANADA OUR CRITERION. Personal. us LUVUGID uuuressea I00` the NORTHERN `ADVANCE have (n- 'r\|1]nHn._\J-:1... - ` ` 5 } whose Owen was ' Mulcaster. ha FA] .5-. ----IJ -A` " ` ;____. ), SEPTEMBER 26,1895. ERSONS wishing to adopt a child. or who may know of others desirous of doing so kindl inionn (Personally or by Mail) MRS. M." BURTOBK Sec. C!uldx-en's Aid Society. or Barrie . 6-ly A _ uaoroue. _ Lash Thura.'1ay Orillia beat Newmarket Talagoos a.t~lacroase, by 2 goals to 0 The return game was played at _Newmarket on `-Mondgy, resulting iu"2 to 2. thus making ~ . Qrlllia winners on the total. The victors . were in town for an hour on their way home `onMozida.y eveiiing ahd were in jubilant` . .8pirits.- - ~ ~ ` - I ;,St * Goon`-g'e s Church. A1;pno"ale,` Harvest. ~ru.._._ 3:? , anus ' " ATh'e'H#.rv`ast; H.omVe lvideislwilll be held 1 . ,next-. Sunday, 29th ins , morning and even- 1 ` ingm A socialaud co rt will be given. on ` ` TI,1psda.y.eveniqg, __1_st,;_a-ta 8 o clock_, in I bh ]0rano"Ha`ll. Net collection; `Allure ` welcom. _ _ -- , x I` V They are in need of` 3 av: HUB. Mr. Roch,Marien, `th Horse Kiog. of Montreal, and [Mr Prou , of France, intend visiting Barrie on the _good, well made, blocky Horses; Sad e, Driving and Fast: Trotters. Parties 11 to dispose of will do all to beat Mr. Ken- of J1edv s Hotel`,Barr' , on the abovedates, where they will d-ed. ready purhaser if theirvdnimals are I: all up to the mark, at.` good re_muners.civ prices. ' 5 and 3rd of Oct. 4 _-...... .. ._.... n. W. wnruman. ' Mr. Ralph VV. Wardman. ot Newton Robinson. died on Monday night of typhoid fever, after a. sickness of nearly two weeks. He was about "forty hve years of age and unmarried He was a. prominent farmer, his handsome property. of two `hundred acres on con 10, West Gwillimhury, being among the heat` _iu the township. His resi- dential grounds, garden, orchard and out buildings are models of neatuess. Mr. ` Wardmau washeld in the highest esteem in the en tire community, as was evidenced by the large funeral on Wednesday forenoon. g He was a. Conservative and a Methodist and I leaves two sisters and a. brother, who lived 5 with him. ' A -u won as an sung weu sung. The meeting was a satisfactory one at the Lodge room and exceedingly pleasant in the banqueting chamber and will long be remembered by those who were there as an I evening ot unalloyed enjoyment A III , Te Presidents of Southampton and Kempenfeldt Lodges "-Elicized pleasing replies _from President_Hs.llett:, of South- ampton Lodge, and from Mr. C. Tickell, Kenlpsnfeldt Lodge, as well as a neat little speech by Mr Walton; - T" Our Host and Hostess -was followed by a song by Mr Most, of Allandale, and a. neat and appropriate reply from Mr. Skelsey as well as a. song well sung. ' 1`hH rllflllf Inna n and-:n:....L._.._- -- . .....\.A unit] gnu. neulrey. - I "Our Distinguished Visitors-Song by Mr. E. S.` Meeking and witty, interesting\ speeches by Mr. Haughton Lennox, Mr. Samuel Wesley of THE ADVANCE and Dr. Pulling I H'l`I.- 'D......:.1..._._ -r 6 VAJD u. uugmuu uuuauy-smg.1c. 1 "The Grand Lodge called forth responses from _M. W. Bro _Clatworthy and R. W. Bro. Carter. ' (I 'I7'__,,,, , 1- 1 1 . -r c -- -V llll LIB After partaking of the good things that strengthen the physical powers, the intel- lectual man was exercised in pretty speeches and the melody of song Sentiment and sociality ruled the hour. ' The Queen was most heartily respond- ,edto bv singing the National Anthem as` Sons of England usually-singit. I "The GPRDA ].nrIn-n m.ll..A 8-..:-L ------ P!9n9r'ie9J for W? J1 \I \Jl UUII ` Kempenfeldt Lodge -E Walter Barry and Renfrey. "Our niar.:m...:.1....1 v:_: sun: In nuglnd. Southampton Lodge, Sons of England,was visited oiclally Friday evening, by M W. Bro. Clatworthv and R VV." Bro. Carter, of Toronto _ Kempenfeldt Lodge, Allandale, ' was well represented by a goodly contingent _ of its membership. -The Grand Oicers were well p'eased with the condition of the lodge and the work done. After the business of the evening was ended the brethren with invited guests partook of refreshments in the form of a hot chicken supper atpthe Barrie Hotel. The tables -were tastefully arranged and the menu- was excellent, and the most fastidious epicure would have to acknowledge that Mr. Skelsey knows well how to cater to the appetites of, those who know what good fare elegantly served means i - I vvnap-usll L: . Everythmg as usual ts , and"a.round the castle. -............. wet : connueu ID the Jail all the cost of salaries, &c. would be paid by the government In the quarter ending March 313:; last, the account. stood thus: Criminals. . . . 299 days Poor . . . . . . .2681 days. . That is. the government would pay about tenths. I This is important to be understood by those who oppose the establishment of an Industrial Home. Here the county is `keeping virtually twenty poor people in a jail instead of a proper home, without being conscious of the expense or of the disgrace attached to it. while each municipality is separately paying money _ to keep the bal- i ance of their poor at other places. Almost the municipalities are represented among `thesefpoor old men, but Essa. it is said, con/txgibutes the greatest number of the jail contingent. n`.\.vbrI10lnr.n ..~ ------' -' " ` ' _ ur av uvvll Criminals.... 551 days. . i V Pampers. ; . . . 2(,'28 days` ` { That means that the county `will pay nearly three-qua.rters of the cost and the goveynmeut only one-quarter. If -`only crtminals were conned in the jail alt the salaries. Km, wanna 5. .....-A 1... .n.- The cost of the jail, that is the payment of salaries and other expenses, is divided between the government and the county,` each paying pro rate. for the rations, etc. of the inmates, the government paying for the prisoners `who are there for crime and the county paying for those who are shut in because of helpless poverty. This is how `the account stands for the quarter ending June 30th : o The `castle. Our county called the-castle and there are some reasons for it. The front has a castellated appearance and the height and strength of g the walls are calculated to impress on the mind the fact that however easy it may be to get in it is not very easy to get out, provided the going in is involun- tary. At present there are 27 inmates. 25 men and two women Eighteen of these men and the two women are paupers and only 7 are really criminals, thus over 74 per cent are merely baupers. To all intents and purposes the county jail is therefore a. refuge for the poor `During the last quarter it cost 8 1/$ cents , per head per day to maintain the criminals, and 9 4/5 cents per head to maintain the poor. stock He now gets two years and three months at Kingston. _..-.. ._....__.`.... .`-.. Death of Mr. R. W. sons "or Englaizd. `____._1 rm - Barrie, Sept. >rS "."v*V"'.-""' Lacrosse. 1: .... - HOTIOS. J .1. Wardilnan. I`l7_., 1|, ' -Songs by Messrs. clean and tidy in | Queen : Bench Division. . t Holliday v. Township of Collingwood.-- 9 A` Judgment in action tried at.Ba.rrie without ' a. .jury for damages sustained bv plaintiff E owing to defendants leaving a. road in unsafe learried Judge holds that there was reason- , a.`ble"excuse for wxint of notice required by i5] Vic. (0.) ch. ,50,"see. 13, and directs _y' judgment with costs to be entered after '9 third day .of next1.sittings of Divisional Conrt_for pI`ainti_`fo1_-_v$75.0 damages. Clute, ;.,Q.C., and Dyre (Thornbury) for nlaintiif. ms1e1`~-:o_n_ :"n'm1 ~ MI..n~.`.4-1....`m.-..n:..A....-.....-.n g.-- condition some` repairs The . V W..,., nuu uyre unornourv) tor nlaintilf. ; Usler-`Q.C., and M Moberly (Collingwood) for `defendants . V ~ ` A _.[The above caise wauatried bake and cziused. coniderablg i`zi_berest at the time.-L-Ed. AD- vmom] - ;. , _-,-... .. .u uuvv vauuu .l.'nl.'HllI|g " and 18 a_ magazine of 66 pages of good` solid reading matter and a. good many pages of usefulostock and other advertisements. A .special editor has charge of each separate department of stock and farm work. the : imp'ortance,_of which cannot be over estim- ated. The.illustra.tions in the $epte1nber articles `ought to be appreciated by the` farming community. "'FarmTng is a- , credit to, the publishers ancideserves wide i and general patronage. . I -I ` The Canadian Live Stock and `Farm Jour- 110.! has this month changed its name and its 4 form. It is now called Farmin and is ' mazaziue of 66 naaen nf nnmt --1:-I uvu ulay u uourlsn In me dear old town of its birth ` Its weekly letter from the pen `of Broaribrim is alone worth the annual ;dolla.r for its practical wisdom and moral ; suggestions. max: unt: pL)uncl'0I butter 11 (1 order. , . Any parties interest with me at once. stati meeting held to learn a to meet them. elivered here in gcod will please communrcafe g where theywould like a rticulars. and I will arrange s-uuur 5 1'8 018. Our clever cotemporary. the Norfolk Re- former, comes this week changed from the big blanket spread to the popular eight; page form and is now called the Simcoe Reformer. Long may it ourish in the dear old Tf nrnnltln `ad-I-an F--um -I-A - * uvu Pl play c Al)... nuuunery Openings. . _ Last Tuesday was ladies day in this good town of Barrie It was the fall millinery T opening at some of our large dry goods and milliuerv establishments. -A representative of this family Journal always takes a look into these attractive resorts of beauty and fashion. Tuesday was a grand day for these openings. The weather was delightfully bright apd cool after the hot wave, enticing- people out, and crowds `ocked to the rooms where fashion reigned supreme. A visit was paid `to all the places making millinery I disp'ays. ' -_._ 6,, ...... V. vuv uuuy. | --There has been great improvement on Peel street: this summer. The grounds of Rockforest have received attention and the ne lawn next to Sophia street is a. grand _ place for bowling or tennis The grounds in 'front; of Statenborougb have also been much improved. I -_-- -v- vnulo Lllll. _--The extraordinary beat; of the last few days is not often felt in September. Its unseasonableness has had a very serious effect on sensitive people, causing derangement of various organs of the body. ___'I`l'|n-nun L-~- `-- V ` u...u..u-uuu s, w orsley street, a cellar dug for a. handsome brick be built; thereon this fall. and durmg one of the pleasan the year the boats are in their winter quar- ters ' ' -Mr. Black of Cookstown vicinity, has purchased the vacant lot next east of Dr. Richardson s, Worsley and has the * dug handnnmn 1`...-,.1, ..--=a--- ~ - A ............ uuuumx: UL c-uem. -`--Mr. Robert Moore. of Stroud, was thrown from his buggy while driving through town the other day, and fractured his collar bone besides receiving internal injuries. T-Tnohon n...-.. .-A~- -1 ' ` - -..... , ung xuucliuuvl 1 -Mi'Iughes, Owen street` I `and a. half of onions raised fro! he has over oqe_hund_red hives o ...`.L : -1- L I - .... nlllll burglarlzed on Tuesday night and 9. pf jewelry, dry goods, boots and shoes, &c., I stolen therefrom. } ` e-You may shoot partridge for your own 1 table from Monday, the 16th of September, Vtill Sunday, 15th of December. but you musu I: make merchandize of them. `*1/In 'D -`~ -~-` ` " ' --Mr McLeod s store, Hawksnone, was quantity" E3 . . In the towm of Barrie, and v_v any parties who can `furnish Barrie or at their nearest twenty mi'es distant. -At ne CREAMERY B seventeen cents for a. suf make one poundof butter ord_er. _ _ receive cream from either .delivered in . R. Station, about esent market price of _TTEB, I can pay nt ciuantnty of cream to if de ivered here in `I _ ..-_u --The Muskoka. Herald, says Hrs. Reedy and Miss of Crown Attorney Johnson few days with him -I, u- ._ -The Minota. Mr. came into pgrb last ` andlauded a. few gu away by rail. I --Mr. Alexander.Coutts has been very ill, bgt THE ADVANCE learns with that he is` fast recovering`. -_- 1 00k on page 2 for Editorial Notes and interestin selections. and on a. e 6? for | 8 P 8 ;notes of Mr. Pea.rson s sermon to railway men. -R{{v. 1)., D Mc re-opening of the B1 church last Sunday. ,,,1\... u--.i 1 I ,_-,. ....-u4\s-J- ` --Mr. Alexander.Coutts {earns pleas: .1`.-. 3.4 `--L ~ Which, Linked Together, Gopstruot 3' Very Interesting and Gossip Chapter of Local History. --The temperature on Monday and comfortable. -Don : stand on the sidewalk young man, and obstruct the way.` -The band` will play in St. Vincent Park to-night, weather permitting. ---Temperature on Sunday` 90`- in the shade and about 120 inthe srm. --'-THE ADVANCE` acknowledges the receipt `of awpress badge for the Alliston: exhibition. t$'Don t [buy your dress goods before you see the splendid assortment at R. I. Fraser & Co. s. MANY _mNon > PARTEEAPHERS PENI}/IL POINTS. " A `T1 n-on-_.._ III` the Inc-.I . -......._, auu miss Jonn . Johnson, are with him 97 tf Mllunery Open1ngg_ .u.-Ion nu... l..J_-__ 1 Vx.oo _PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE SINGLE cnvnzc mun: nu-MW --.....,... nu. uuler sV steam vacht, Wednesday afternoon ` gnenm u'lnn --m-A ~A=~~ Editor : Table. MR iREuDY s `SPECIAL NOTICE. -. ....a..--. _- .. - _. -I41` n.nn uLu. In AUVI SINGLE COPIES FIVE CENTS -j -- ......uvuuuJ 0.11101 guests who were 1: a suPcien!: qumber of cowqare 1-lpmised, the unclersxgned wxll m a very short tnme en a HA'I"I'E:RS MUCHLY rnrmn aunt, U1 DraCeDrlage,. Johnson, sisters hnnnn ova nun-..J:._- - O'sler sv steam vacht, Nnn1nna.l.. Iv - Ft -I-~ - 1. Of Bracebridge, 88 Jhhnnnn aim`-A..- u-uu ua-D hut? residence to ` ,-_ --_- _ has one acre `I '\U\-\ .-...--'l - uuuu, one |aI.7l. G spending a vs uvull going frgamery I Bream; Thewcst half of lot No. 17, in of Medonte, [00 acres more or lea house and barn, will be Sold ch suit purchaser. For further ' STRATHV about 50 cleared, , and on terms to articulars apply to 4th Concession V OR SALE OR TO RENT.--A lot: can. 3, in _the township ?tc}?,?s;,f,a',; Caunty_o Simcoc is` for sale, or to ,-en -1 respon_s1ble. party ; well watered a gr; 5131:: conditxon. and immediate possession en.` This is =:2Ja"&:*Xy`g::i`z f" a aslass, man-. ``?:;:.;iie;;'1;"";;;;:5:y* 331MEs H-AYI.P, Edgar. "10OK_ WXNTEB.-No w.:1sl;in or ironing. J ply to MRS S. DYMENT, igh street. RE-WM. mason ESTATE. ` 1 "' I -nulwn Silver Watch. O_wner cad have `the sa ' pro rty and paymg expenses. Applym . 5",`,'f,.' on urton Avenue east of Wiiliarp at!` t. Allanda.le.' dthdn-nrl Improved Farms. ATCH FOUND-Found on` bu . '1 Barne. on Tuesday. Sept. 24:1,? 0 Silver can have the sam y ...-nnprtv and navmg Eirnnnenn A....I.. .. _ -1 Uslv U Uh "3 October 2,3 and] ouND.--Last Saturda .1 in J. Allen 'o`mpson s bush, con. 3, Oro_. a oubge barre (1 shot gun. The owner can have It by callmg at HB ADVANCE ofce for tins advertise ent. DAVID ADEY. Oro Sept-23rd- 39-41 uuron, Ike: D,`. . .1den 'R?:esf;a;:k.:;e;'r:::z: wife of w::.a%:*::4,:Y:?ai`:.~e::::m:V*'*8*"=r (;_ 1_AQHER.-In Barrie on Frida S t. '- udaughter to Mr. and Mrs. R. Gag agheeg. go. A a . GUILFOYLE.-O Friday. Sept. 13. a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Guilfoyle. . Died ' wAm;.--At French River on Sept. 16th. ohn1-13,. old, youngest son of S. A. and Mary 351,, aged , one year and ve months. N.= COTTER, W.:?:~;,?;:k:`ie;'i: ::,Y,: SP*-A*8*'= .` AAn=3:A,%;*i'HoMAs. V318 Sho_w a.t Sty r. V f!'26t the 5 sh a' in 39`52 " -v - ---~- -3: vv.- ----5.-,--f offered. p lvhttraotions-Aop; I` aims... I '11-, _______.___---z----u----1--..... VOL. XLIV; No. 3 Snnnm, NEW Anvi;i';sEMENTs vrnucu or Aivaus. Farm For Saje. MANUFACTURER OF FINE I WILD LANDS . . Big Show: `D!1 t myller, 2. 3 Prizes ever o'ered.. S pom. . 24: '9-5' CR] EANI 2 ...cnEAMEn}{. , I-ma. ` 1-_p a v: at I.I\.`l.Ilil.I" "si`1'2-AH}; V 'ESTEN, .1v. 3., wHoLE`No; 3.5-,--1 _SAMuEz. Wnsuzv, Proprietor; ' , ` -- ,_,____-____.. _.. iV:;gV`s eed-ing ooh; 128,6 vero cred. Fun, II $I 33-ly Birth. _A1w.qn. HILL, FRED.` Mann, .ql\A.I1l:1 Al LOT CON. - ACRES mu. mama, S'ecretatia_. % - .15`, Solicitors, Barrig. 52 IA ;J `S is 15 {,4 I5 7`) 5. 13 I0 IN TOWNSHIP or VESPRA. S PART 1 I0a0fN%OfE%.....{.-. .o 2'3, 566 H21 . . .. N7oaar(\)fP_'1/z ' ' ~'. ' k t I urst (H338 class man. 39'4l'P _ nrilo t_reet, h, Ladies 1 u nu-ru>:_ .-.. V5 . 30 `J ,`5 An , .. 30 6% .1/5 15 a0 39-40. ` 5003 ofE, N7oa0fE N102 rs} `I7 . There is a.` large vi_ne a.'t---the side of the Editor's dwelling, comer :T_hird. and Birch streets, vinhwhich a. `partridge has had its abiding place for a week or more? `get: Thurs ay `morning the bird `changer fits boarding house, and ew into Mr. E Sbe'wa.rt. s drewing-_.\~rq9m -the -street. hbreekin a.windovI"r in so doin The bi/rd wee" -pic ed up and `set; at 'li erty. It is- retheg:-. _:mu1gr;.;;ph9ee:? S_u1;;day,.;;momitig" >e- 1 jpercrhi ef'Ti0'iV h.:".ihato" Mrs; ,Siu'eh';i`r s .d\in_iugV e'mf, it Int-.reeth It; in said` was. there wife Bf ' Last Wednesday morning the oatmeal and` barley mill at Thorbury, was tseovered to I be onre, and it wa.s.foun d im essible with the means at hand to save it. t was totally destroyed with all its contents. 'ma._e_hi_nerv and everything else. Had . it"not; "been for a heu.vy_ r' the town would have been wiped `out ... Loss $6000 Whether insured or net _is* not stated. Incendia.r'istii' is "sus- pect e'cl _", `- -' -__- 2.. -- I_..__ _2.._ _'A. LL- '._..I.4 _ LL- I `Bracebridge Herald --.C`attle buyers have visited parts of the District and bought a large number of cattle which they purpose feeding for the markets. A? fair `price, it is said, is being paid for the animals. Other ca'tt|e.buvers willno doubtvieit the District shortly, and we advise the farmers not to" sacrice their young stock. `g, V` ' ' 1 __L l`IY,,1, ,, 1 , 4| . I I.\ Mr. Arthur. Shannon, near Collingwood; I has been gxble to show the peop e of that` neighborhooditham it pays-to raise fruit He has. this? season harvested and marketed over 1300 baskets of plume--at 800. per basket. His many friends will be pleased to hearof his good fortune. 1 1'!` I1. I! ..I Robert Wright, ir.', Centre Mara.;1has| been exercising himself in ddck shooting. He rediat a. lot while standing u in his boat, the gun. kicked and knoc ed him down, upset the boat, leavine the `hunter kicking round in 12 feetjof water. He is all right now. - ' .-I. \_ .. ... Hm---` ..--v--u-`nu-u Game is very plentiful just now around Hobart. Some have` lost a. number of sheep by the bears, and last "Sunday afternoon 9. young man chased two bears along the side. road from the first to the 8th concession` I-u UIIUII .UIl0U 0116. Miss Bell 6f East. Oro, who jumped from a. carriage after losing control of the houses, died of her injuries on Tuesday of last week and` was -buried the following day. The funeral was largely attended. l\-_.., S ..,_ .... . V- --uvuuu-canon. Mount.Sc. Louis has now a. ghost in the form of a. '=priest,wis,hout a head. They suppose it is one of the Jesuit missionaries who was ma.rt,yred"in the long ago by ` the Iroquois. nu_;.-1...- . ... The torchlight - corn - cure - grease - spot - cleaning fakir was lately trying to gull the Bradford folk, but the Witness does not think he wasvery successful. `ll ..__. 01. 1 , ., uL1.`a72""' N30ao*W% N fW...... So?:$ar(;ao!jW}- Eight . . . . . . . . - - - - ' " ,_- --~ -~--- ,--;~-- ----v v--v w5vuv- . 1 Geo. Godfrey, of Coldwater, drank ha.rts- ` born from a. bottle thinking it was mountain dew, `and ever since he ha}! been under medical surveillance. ' -- - -.. u. ..u wunvuvuag The hoxjseieg Mr. J. A. Ha.rvee,`oT Forest `Home, was destroyed by re a. few days ago A lamp and wall paper. were the agents. (1.... (`1...I:_...- -: r1-u;_,,. - Mr H `i\-['c;Arthur. of Ofo Station has been capturing prizes at the different big shows wit.h'his stallipn ` `Grand N a.bional. ' Since last v;vVri<;.Ve_k';--iuearvl of cats -hs been found on Mr, James Middleton's farm, near Hobart, with 300 grains . 11.. (V `II A .1 _.- .. -"vvw\a: Thvei i;resbyt,eria.ns of Ardtrea. will hold their anniversary andtea. meeting on Sep- tember 29th and 30th (}ravnh0rst public school board $3000 for current exper-sea and 1 ` scho'ol`boa.rd $600. ` Poor _iVI;.:1 s Court at: Orillia. iaist. week consumed only three hours in doing the ~'busineas.before it. ' - ' Noccv1'vice_or preaching in the Congr'eg`a.- } tional church, Edgar, last Sunday through some mistake. ' V TheqPoor _Ma.n's cour` Friday was lively, and interest. Sevan, of Vasey, late 9.- large windmill with 9. grain tsached. ' ' ' - V `That ealuable Stock Farm in the Township of V espra, part of the late Wm. Gibson estate, viz., composed of Lot :3, in the 9th Con., and part of Lots 22 and 24 in the same co.1., together making about, 37:: acres, a great portion is improved, a frame house is erected and the property in a good state for further Improving. 1 here is a good running creek on the premises. Distance from Barrie, 3 miles west on a 1st class mad. Quite convenient to churches, schools and post office. '