Ammo HAS THE 33-It La xnn WIUDI. ARTISTIC ` PICTURE MADE. IS THE MOST A D I"lQ'l`lf` in- aouetv. umcea--uver Ewan: Dryl Ste Residence. 56 Mulaater St. ` j Lllu attended to Block 0 _______________..._______________ A . M0RREN...V9terinary Surgeon and Dentist. . Treats all of Domestic <~ Animals (Horses. Dogs. Cattle S_heep, Pi , etc) Dental work and trehtmentvo diseases 0 animals usedin `the smd.:.specialties.. Oice at Love Bros. Livery ODDOIRQ Blllk of Toronto. RQR;dnl`D_ __`-_,_, `V ----v- qua--u vn sviulltvo nvulucubtg gtabfes aniinrtnary. 6a Collicr street. next door to the American Hotel. Barrie, Ont. Oioe Telephone No, 70 .,H|lIG Telephone No. 7. xoly R. .R. A. CALLIGHEN, Graduate of Trinity -' University, 'c_sronto Fellow of Trinity_ t`..II..... |1.....|..... .|.- t ~_u-_.._ .1 III,,,,- ARRIE PLANING MILL -GEO. BALL, Car- penter and builder. and manufacturer of doors, sash, blindsmouldingn, etc._ Phning of all kinds `done prompgly and Iatufactonly. Factory, Bayeld street , Barr e. ` 4 ;u. 04: an ms_ omce. at the court House. Barri: _every Saturday. Residence and P.O.. Cooknown. I Inc. gunnn a nu 1151..--A. W. BRO\VN, Proprietor. Excellent accommodation for the travelling public Bat end-larder well supplied with the best. Good stablmg and attentive hostlers. Luggage of guests `conveved tree to and from all trams. Few oors west of Market street on Durwg street. . uu 1. An` a rainy UlsL1'l`.-We have a M. large amount of pnvate funds to loan at 5 per cent. on good `approved security. MCCARTHY, Pzvum & McCA_I_gmr. - .__:_..__ ? | IAMES EDWARDS, Conve oer, issuer of ~ Nlurrlaze ldcenuen. ce strictly private. Post Oice building, Barrie, and at his pnvate resi- dence. Mary street. xx-ly ._.__j._..`_._ T E QUEEN'S 'HOTEL.-A. w. .BR0WA'-N, accommodation th 9|-nun:-any lnnn`\I:i\ D..- n-J.I....J__ _._II _...._I` , 3 0.: $1 U,UUU f.2 e`1ox5.Z`I`.?.-i;i":o`weZ' rat`: `3? interest. Nodurincipal money required until end of the term. . H. STRA'l`HY._ Solicitor. Etc., Barrie. _ ` 37 \ H. LYON. PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN . on Real Estate at lowest rates. Farmers homes Diswunted. Collections' any art of the County. Real estate bought and sold. onvey- ancing in all its branches. Marriage Licenses issued. Ofce-Ross Block, Dunlop street Barrie. Ac-Iv. R. W. D. MACLAREN, Dentist, successor to Dr. Bosanko. 0:ce-Rooms lately occupied by Dr. Bosauko. Residence-Oueen's Hotel. 1! -` -.-------A -------~-- ` R. WM. RICHARDSON, Dentist. Graduate of the Royal College of Denta Surgeons, and Honor Graduate of Toronto University. Preserva- I tion of the natural teeth a s ecialtv. 0fce--Both- I well`; Block. Duulop street. arrie, Ont. 8-ly I ' IVOKSIY, CW. NIOIIC I0 103.11. UICC8- narnc and Stayner. Barne iee-Bank of Toronto Building, Owen street. 2 54) 9 DR. .R. A. CALLIGHEN, Toronto Trinity Medical College, Member-of the onege of Physicians and Surgeons on Ontario. 0$oe-over Mr. Monkman's Drug Store, Dunlop Street. Oice hours from no to 1'2a.m.; 2 no 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Reiden. e-corner of Worslev and Clapoerton streets. R. J. F. Pallin , Graduate of Trinity University Torontn, Fe ow of Trinity Medan! College, AMember of the Colege of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Oice and Residence,` 18 Owen street. ! DRS. ROSS 8; ARTHUR . Physicians. Surgeons, 2 etc. W. A. Ross, L.R.C.S. Edin,, L.R.C.P., Londnn. J. R. Arthur. M.B. Toronto University, ; L.C.P. and S., Ont. Ooes-and night residences- : Brown : Block, Dunlop street, Barrie. T clephone V 7']. ` -H'lWUN & uxlmwnusn, narnstqru. conq- tors. of the Sugqreme Court of Judicature of Ontario, Proctots. otaries, Conveyanccrs. etc. Money to loan. Oces-Ross Block, Baxrie. A is 11 _______ _- A `E L! (`amount-on E:'.'E.'i:LJsBL'. 9 VC IICCT. (`JULIE | Block, unlop street, I .:.uc uuuwuys were early. Louisa looked up as the pat-ty tro,rn' the" I-Iotelv _d Italia. entered. - "Mamma`."_' she whispered; ` '.?m ei~ '" e.`-*-."*`.` e.F*9nP?99 > f% wlre. .?o. C W,` PLAXTON, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary . Public, Conveyancer, &c. Oices over Fraser, L l_a.rk 8: Co's. store, Dunlop street, Barrie. Money -fpI-ivate and Compan funds to lend at lowest rates 0 interest on town a farm property. 9-ly. 4 DR. PALMER, Surgeon, Eye, Ear, Throat, Nose, '46 Ge`:-rard street, act, 1` ononto, may be_ con- sulted at. the Queen's Hotel, Barrie, on Friday, May the 10th, from 8 to u a m,, and the second Friday of even: mnnth. ll IOIU, [TOE] every month. A.` MCGREGOR, M, D. C. M., F. T. M. C. . Graduate of Trinity University, Toronto, Fel- low of Trinity Medical College, loronto, Member College Physxcians and Surgeon, Ont. Late of Toronto General Hospital. Oiee, next door to Mr. Ball : store, 'lhornton.- N.B.-Will be at Ivy every Wednesda , from I to 5 p.m. Will be at hgbeat every Fri y, trom I to 5 p.m. Harvie & Smith, Orillia.) Office and residence } DR. J. c. SMITH, L.C.P.S..- 0nt., (late of Drs. I -comer of Owen and Comer streets, Barrie. 23-ly nu uuu.wapuua_.Iuus.. vluce at Love urea. Livery tables. 9 `out: Toronto. Residence. bfes an nrmary. next the American Hotel- Ran-in nno nm... 'r.1...|....... T If. RADENH URST,` Zisamsi :}r',XE'::}Q}, . Solicitor in Chancery, Conveyancer etc. Oica-lFimt dqor Owen street, over Bank of Com- unnqlnn I2...-2- A&`Q_ L.) ` barnscers, Solicitors in High Court of J usticrs, Notaries Public, gonvpyanccts. Uices oven the Bank of Toronto, TEWART &.VB0Y5.--Bartisters, Solicitors of . Supreme Court, Conveyancers, etc. Oices-2 doors north of Bank of Toronto, Owen street, flan-1-3n ULT & COWAN, Banimers, Solicitors of the Supreme Court, Procmrs. Notaries, Conve - ancers. etc. Money to Loan. Oiccs--Ross' Bloc . Dunlop-st.. Barrie. `I'-- - -------- A --- -- A. an F4`... . u .....-u. may guru In MS-unset in Rome, with the grand Cain- ,pagna bathed in mellow amber glories, I and the dome of St. Peter's rising like a dream of beauty out or the sea or \ golden haze. _-And Ivy, dressed in blue i silk and sapphires, with niyosotis blos- soms braided in the auburn gold of her hair, sat at the hotel window watching the glory oi. the serenely perishing `day. Come Ivv_ sinnm-had 41-... ....a..- -1 ON ALD ROSS A.-Barrister, Solicitor, _ Convex ancer. et_1:.. money to loan. Oices, Bank of Toronto Building, Owen strect, Barrie. 48-ly \ 1 l'.U}(Ull. W. _LUU1V 1_, barns: er, Quoruey, oun- cntor, Notary Pubhc. .Ofces m Bothwelfs i Block, Balfrie. Ont. 24-ly Dffle. H. D. STEWART, LL.B., W A. Boys. Money to laohn at Lowest Rates. ENNOX 3; KERR. Barristers. Solicitors of the I Supreme Court. Proctors, Notaries, Convey- anoers, etc. Money to loan. Oices-Bank of Commerce Block opposite G.T.R. station, Barrie. Branch offices at Alhston and Crecmoxe. ICKINSON & .\lACWATT, Barristers, No- - taries Public. Solicitors of Supreme Court, etc., Barrie, Ont. Oioes in Bank of Toronto Block, No. l0van street, Branch office, Elmvalc, McKeggie's oc . ., - -5 as. C` an up MCCARTHY, PEPLER -& MCCARTHY, Bar- risters, Solicitors, Conveyancers, etc. D'AL1'oN MCCARTHY, Q.C. F. E. P. Pzwum, Q.C._ J. MCCARTHY. D. C. Muncmson. R2 rrh-. I` M.. WATSON. '0ntario Land Surveyor, o` ' Draughbman etc. Orders by mail romptly `tl;oudo;d9 .9150: 9% Kennedy a Co.,I6`:_Cnarthy Dent. J. 1. arm Barrie. 1st Oct.. 1885. RTRAI HY 8; ESTEN. JOHN mcxmsgu. B.A. D. F. Mncwxn-. ,_ wv - n\IVV 'I_vy Hazard was a. bound girl !" no longer. And Mrs. General Frenchley had something besides a, tan terrier and a. gray.Afrlcan parrot tp interest } her mind at last. ' K__.. .7 - A sarne. Money in sums of $3,000 and upwards, to loan at 5 yer cent- van wvuuu H. H. Suwrnv, Q.C. V ----r -v-, --_--v. WELLINGTON AULT. '.--own v---vvv -- -_.....-v4 Haucnrox Lxrmox. ..----v.. -u- w. -V---v--u MCCARTHY, Panza, Clmnovnn & MCCARTHY - ( r; in. ' IONEY AT 5 PER 0EN'.I`.-We have me amount nfnriunlm I>`..n.k on `t\'IO| .. _ )R., BOSAN K0. DENTIST---Ross block,` Ieat of Post of-cc. Oice open every day. :4-ly Tomav To. at 6 and 61.: cent. J. T. SPROUL, Solicitor, etc.. 3arrie. mt OCL- l:. i-J` MCCARTHY. Pnrun, MOCAR`l:HY 8: Duxcw, Allistgn and Creemore. _-.. ..--,-u SEORGE W. LOUNT, Barrimer, Attorney, Soli- r .--:on. Nata-u Dnklio (`mt-an :1: RnfHuIp`I'n vu-van Oh. -ncVo,' I wou`1dn t dd that. Let's: take her in and give her something to eat. [EWSON & CRESWICKE, barristers. Solici- a.-._. at 41.. Qua...-an (`nun-t nf lurlirnhnre nf 'F. C; GREGG,` Veterinary Su eon. Honor GndunteAOnt`. Vet. Colle , onor member Em mi : .....nInQD 111-`. I1... r=1\:\p' _ T. BANTING. Clerk County of Simcoeywill b6 8! his oice. at the Cnurt Hnllnn, Ran-3- ]'M. M. CAMPBELL, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, etc. Mane to loan. 0ices-Barric I Stavna-r. Rnrne '70:--Rnnk nf Tnrnntn T. SPROUL Barrister, Solicitor, Not. vc cer. _one to loan. vOthce- B: . .....I.._ ..s...4. -.a:- 1. Dan uuu. uerk bounty ox simeoeywill his_ oicc. at the Court House. Barrie. Saturdav. Residence and P.()__ Cnnklinnrn ` VETERINARY summons. T. ARNALL, M.D.C.M,, office in Bothwelfs Block. Allandalc. On Qhe premises at night. A1-IV MANUFAOHUBES. .80 IIVE ns. A1\;Irs. Frenchley was childless and soft`-hearted--the General was too lazy to object much when his wife seriously A insisted, and Ivy was very pretty'-so that the chance nap in the vestibule was the fortunate circumstance that led to a new life. . ` OR INVESTMENT .on fr-pal-unit` QAJ\no:Ou- at I.-..'..;...A _ PIIYSIIJANS. .1"1NAN__:1..A__!-V-_ o13mo1.u.. .I)EN .I`lS l`S. HOTELS. LEGA In uxucn, 4s-|y- C. \.III 43-ly V A. E. `H. Crucswxcxe. Ivnaeul , ; v _y uuu ucz-ac: L. I he wandered through the lonely` streets until she was tired, and then curled up on a. comfortable door-mat -inside or a. vestibule to go to sreep. And there Mrs. Frenchleyenearly stumbled 1 over her when she came from a party 1 at two o'clock in themorningh in her. white silk opera cloak and diamonds. Tlrlsoi 01.4; Ana-nu `an IL 0 A `.1... on ,1- - ucuor, no um- Bot well : rvnuvu -- Joux R. Kniuz. Auzx. Cowan. I-cu-U-uu:_ -_ wu w--- _ We are now manufacturing 0` , ovod -*.....* mm UAIJIJ AND elsewhere. 41! - --Exoavat0"". . . ' x` CONTRACTOR or all kmds ot_ exgggip Sawusi` Csnuns. Wsus. _Cxs-rn=.x:~s. ho My Job war and general repairm8',d" $1" 55 wstC_ Address not Dunlap street. Barne, xst 0 Worh. . A . BABBlE,'.' srgyg WPEE 531%, Will COHSUIK IHCIT O\Vll llclcato V] I sales in his hands. , C Orders left at Tm; Avmxca ofceol attended to. . 35. G. R- F _ --Z G. R. roan veyancing done, Accounts collec}L\1. arc. "5 OFFICE. -- Over HE1\DERS01` Hudware Store. [1 ` scnoeam & smrrn. Ixeuram ' Barrie. 0nt.. THE um RELIABLE Aubu ,_ ...un\' I "'IIII'I T I I` 7" . M Are` a speck It , and parties intendl"8.m gt Ides, will oonsultheir own interests b) PI3` nah: 3n Iain hands, , :11 ll INSURANCE AGENTS AND CON- VEYANCERS. _ _ Represent the following Compamee:- THE SUN FIRE INSURANCE omen OF LONDON. EN G. ` The oldest purely Fire Ins. (To. in the world THE msvmxncm cmr or xomu AME ICA. Capital. $3,000,000. um MERCANTILE FIRE msu RANGE 00 0391381 8500.000; Government. depot!" mm` run VVATERLOO MUTUAL mm: INBW Anni! nn n...n.| Mm 000. .1 an vyusu Ialvun uuu uxauxuuua. What the due is it ? A dog ?" sleep- ny demanded General lrrencnfey. ` "No, it : a. child." responded hi,sAs.a- V vanished wife. . 4 lil QQUCPI-Du `U `v. urv- Monti tol oa.n on rs. m0rt83R99- "Vane g collected. We nnnvnm . v1n\*,1TI3DQ( HANDLES ALL KINDS up A sums. THOMAS SHBUI:I3/LGEI uus vuu-u:xu;uU mu'1', Inna ----Iv AND! 00. Capital. 8500.000- TBEECONOMICALFIRE xxsuxuxcfa BERLIN. ' `ats! assets. 8340-000' Mono to loan 0* Vvnngla Anna L nnnnnfn nnnnnid. saa;;.E`3:am .g ______-:---jut-y 1 55C. Whighl will sell at LOW Pl`-'{|CES,_~'~"= sgstent_ wxthrst-class work and man-rials. Bang ; dxrect nmpdrter of FOREIGN GR.\.\'lTE. Ian`. 1: ; Vnnsinn tn man} all Cain .-.\.......a:.2 -.. Mutts unyuncr ul ruxxnxuu UK;\.\ posmon to meet all fair competmon. Being a Practical Workman, I 011"` A antoe Satisfaction. Having bought out the business of .\Ir. A. M. Bx rowman, inending purchasers will nd it to I116 . 3-d"3-*3-'o to all at the works and inspccl the stock! SIMCOE MARBLE WORKS} Call the police," suggested the Gen- eral. ` ' - . . Bones In some anrdone. . We have noticed an unusual profus- ion of roseein some of the get-dens in town. One citizen countedovexf three hundred roses `on one bush which in: about ve feet in height and not . very large. The leafy month of June emphntioally the month of ---.-..-...._... .... - nu--Jun-mu.:1'[`u_ Condensed advertisernents on First pm Inch as Wants. of all lnnds. Lost and Fem Property for Sale or to Rent._Specic Article; Eto..Etc.. must be accompanled with the cm and will be inserted-F 1rt ln8eI'ti0n.2oe;m' per word. each subsequent meertion. 1 V l word (names. addresses. and gures co? ., 5 words); but a. reduction to 1 cent per word he made when the number of insertions of`? tune matter exceed FOUR. $4-!` ,, A I, ' 15 per cent. added. - t h ' wigffo SS? c.'}.`T`a&23'3 `hm `` M B` Preferred poeitio i th I sold at an advance of (fe t'ima`Z,`,";,`{,`2, ,'111 bl Thiemle will be strictly carried out. "6t ' CONTRACT CHANGES. Advertisers will please bear in mind um tioe of intention to change advertjgem must be handed in to the office not later? Saturday at 10 oclock, and the copy tom: change niuat be in the ADVANCE oice now than 12 oelock noon on Tuesday, in any ' `f otherwise the advertiser e announcement ' 5 not be made public until. the week followj M Advertisers will not be a1l_oWed to use ____- A-_ -.1____.A1-n,, , '"::a':e"'"m.:.:'::1'1a..`;';a:;`:::,:$,kgum Ivloo for advertising anything 0331139 `hm own xoggtnlar bnsinggs. Should they edghdx tnnsi rates will dsetnent . charged for em` iv: %L1n uoarnm mvnnnsrna RATES . or ronnrsnm nuN`. ,':u.m noun corms` `Nb `Ilnnnt II - A L _ _ 1- ~~ VV` Ilia` Almost it not quite double th Paper pubiished in B:.:'r(i)fa. M` .' ADVERTISERS SHOULD NOTE '1' (12 lines solid nonpareil make 0119 Reading notices. 10 t ~ oertion: 5 cents per g ?o`1 ~ea1?.J'm. Insertion of the same matter. Alli usW 5 lines of this character. charged as 5'm8 and, gum. v'vi1(lM1l}?:lha:;1e(:1 t?.ttorl:?:.,:dVmu, co\'rnAc1' ADVERTISING Contract advertisement '11 following rates. which a3e3mR.`;n um commercial princnplee, and, as they strictly ggrgnwmaking new utter prose c ex ' only one 131-106 .for all: mm than "M ----v-.-. uguuocoogos ` 2} In6he's..'- ......... .. 5 Inches. 5 Column. 10 Inches, 9 Column so Inches. 1 coxmn 56 E3533 5 53iu`.?l ---.v -----v. \aan\r\IIII-A L'\Jur\u Cuts for Advertisements mm! In em, 1 case be mounted on solid metal bum, 1|` w., '_L ..' .4 --a-nu ansa, an uuucbl At eleven o'clock, `when all_ the house was still, Ivy creptdown the stairs and out at the front door, closing it softly behind her as she went 0 `max ` 1' --..-.IL 1.- - I. ~ - - - - Zl.'L.IJl1l\Jn FARM STOCK SALE? Trains leave Barrievfor and arrive from z'r undermentnoned places as follows : E V `For one month-t1 I` In`. Anni nnnl Barrie Railway ems? 1O55Aa.m. ' (from Co1lingwood)-7.18 a.m. `C2 " 10.13 8.3 -to _Collingwood) 5 30 pm.` -.-u-...._ . -. - . rnnn 1 RAM. 10.55 3.111. , '8 55 a m. 805 p.m. 4 5.30 p.r:- "'l.18 on Mondays from July 8th to Sep 2nd` I-T 3.111 10.15 " 1K_.... 11. a.m. 10 All :0 COLLIER STREET, BARBIE. \ll. .59: \aIBI.l.CDD Mrs. Bit-kersteth boxed her ears when she got home for letting the baby's dress get soiled against the wheel of the perambulator, and Miss Alicia shook her for answering No," with- out the regulatlon "ma am" tacked on to it. And, tocap the climax. Ivy had to go to bed without her supper because the baby chanced to be cross, and Mrs. Bickersteth had to `rock it to sleep her- self, instead of shlrklng the duty on th? bnund girl, as usual. A& ;\I..-.... -I-I_. I._ .L,u, , -- .- - 6 57 a..m. . 11.28 a P.m. 8 58 GRAVENHURST 8.: NORTH BAY. has p.rn. C 07 -Gra.venhurst only) 8 59 -to Orillia) COLLINGWOOD 6; MEAFORD. No. of Inches a.m. 1n1x A Can] Relpec;;lly Sollcllcd. J. J. ooxnnxsm ADVERTISEMENTS. anon} ..4Iu-us-63........._A... -_ ... MQNUMENTS. --.At-A u Janna now: an unuc Wclllo vFo;`I _won t be` a; bound git:-1 any longer, Ivy told herself. Gk- -"4-.-..I-_..I 4.I..._-_ -.I. -- - (BoRRowMAN's Ow Snsn.) mm- 3 " IITZTTV, BARBIE AND ,u.us1o.\'- 4.2-" HAMILTON. PE1:'ETAi\ G. -_TORONTOi.V V (from Orillia)-655 am. (Gravenhurst 0nIy--9.35 " enhurst nnl\'\ 1.56 pm. sun -' ..the three monthly me '1 . "One [ Inner tion. 1 4 l`5ol,` uuonsl nannnana IICL C CD. "Oh, I wish` I wasn't poor: I wish I wasn't a bound girl, she sobbed. baby into the guvttex-`in the vehemence nearly overturning Mrs. Bickerstetlrs of. her distress. ' `ll..- 1-|1-u_,,.- .1 . -- JUNE 20 189.5. 11.2s;.}.. 12.48 p PROM. `yvu o Ivy picked off the placard and flung it into the gutter. * "I ll never forgive you for this, Ern-A est Conway !". she, panted, "never." - As if I caredwhethr you did or not 2 declared Ernest, contemptuousiy. "I don't associate with servants, any- how., - . - . And he walked coolly off, whistling, with his hands in" his pockets. Ivy stood looking after him, with a sense of bitter injustice swelling her heart and -filling her eyes. olf\]` 1 g-..l'.nI.~ `I ..-......!4 ._--r - th Bed end `At Earn tn m}: not D01 does In the ove pres alto ---Al; the ard id-.- omf nd UL! hm `ngi hol _ tere leis gen `for gV8 'frie The --.~..`...u., wuuun-up yuan: Meanwhile poor little Ivy pera.mbu- lated on, unconsious not the mirth and wonderment she was exciting on all sides, until she was forced to 9. knowledge of it. e ' IlTl7I.-L __- __--_ _II n - - - A net 5 Earel -..-y-vvauuav UL Ila "What are you all laughing at 2 Why are they all following me ?" asked she, topping short at once. And then. tearing off her shawl, she saw the ob- noxious label. Il'I'fYI__ 31,` `I I tun: - - 7 ...'...V vs "W115 dffftliais 2" she demanded, with ushing cheeks and fire-darting eyes. ltlwas I, said Ernest Conway, de- antly. "You are a boupd girl; aren't" vou ? J. ll 1 day HUI: UUI. IUI' tutu." I So, the next day, when Ivy Hazard was out trundling Mrs. Bickersteth s baby, in its second-hand 'perambula- tor, Master Conway affixed to her shab- by blue _ shayl as .pla.card inscribed "Bound Girl. ` ' Isn't `that Jolly *2" ,quoth `Ernest, hugging himself with delight. Won't she be mad when she finds it*out ? the hateful, stuck-up puss!" Mnnnurhiln -..-V... usu- -r_._ u,.., N - A modern Warlare. It is signicant of the growing im- portance of electrical apphcations in modern warfare that an elaborate work has appeared on electrical advanced eld illumination and its application in fortication work. In military move- ments by night various illuminating appliances have already been brought into partial use, such as re-balls, il- luminating rockets, preparations of magnesium, etc., which are to be set up and kindled on eminences, or thrown `out by the artillery. But. these agencies serve only for a short time, and for a very limitedspaee. They are now to be supplanted and to a great extent superseded by the electrical projector. Powerful electric lamps may be placed either on the ground, on natural or ar-A ticial eminences, or may be fixed in captive balloons. A balloon can be sent up in the dark, and when it is at practically a safe height above the enemy s position, a ood of light can be projected downward, which will reveal the plan ' of hostile operations. `It is ' found that in the illumination of arc lamps a track of country and every- A thing taking place therein assumes a very different aspect from what it- might take by diffused daylight. _ For instance, troops in grey uniforms are very hard to distinguish, while on `the other hand, the ashing of arms and of- tcols (when in use) comes out more distinctly than by day._ The inequali ties of the ground, if gentle, disappear, entirely. Objects at sea are more read- ily perceived. Gredgattenticn is being H paid to the protection of the lamp re-. ectors from the enemy s re. On fortresses, projectors are to beguarded by armour-plating, and arrangements will be made for suddenly obscuring the lights, during which, if portable, they may be removed to a. short "distance to perplex the enemy's aim.-New ` 'Goos ey ! not to know` what-.,men1al = means! shouted Master Errezt Con- way. "It means to work ton your living! Ivy Hazard works for hers. She washes dishes, and scrubs the steps, and-wrlngs out the clothes on washing day. That's menial ! ` u/\u. In -- - ._--..-.. -- vvvunau cvcuuuauy uc. ' 1 They dledfsudden and violent de'3.ths. ` and left her to the mercy 0`? th: crel < world. And Ivy.` ch mg ng r mi 0 1 ca eless and indifferent hand to another, nally 10. nd herself "bound to '}..r~.. . I:icke_rst.:th. ` I II-I__ _ L A--- ` ` " " ` 7 --cactus Elva Ill ` Only a found gm," .4a1-1 Mrs. Co ~- vs ay, scornfully.` Louisa and TAdc=la.ide, I you know you`re not. to speak when you 3 meet her in the streets with Mrs. B1ck- ' ersteth s baby ! L n'DnI> -can -1...)- _ -.`I ' - `v'- ` Iv\-BUIAUILIJIIJ a And Uncle` Lewig says she s g t eyes like a. ga.-- --- began Adelaide. Gazelle, promptlyput in her young- er sister. ` ' ' . arr , _ `Louisa, "and she plays J1c`st:on's way; 3 _ _' . But, ma, she's a nice glrl,Ts1id beautifully, " I It And TY_-I- U -AI ` ` I ---V-any-a Oh !" said Louisa, dubiously. But she's a great deal prettienj than either of you g!rls..went o_n Ernest. crmking hazel nuts between his teeth. 1 ghv nu afIIn{nvIr\I- on`! n_ --..A-- -- .....u..u..5 uauncx nut.-`.5 UULWCUII ms teem. .She s as traight as an arrow. and her voice isn't squeaky like Lou's, nor her nose pug like Addy s. I like Ivy. I She dm:s:n f Hlrn vnn n..-......:.. n ....u ...,.._ uuac yug uni: nuuy 5. 1 IIKC IVY." She doesn't like you, though," said Adelaide, viciously. She says you are a. mean, ugly, mischievous lout !" ' Does she ? said` Ernest, somewhat discomtted. I'll pay her out for that. n fhn -an-.6 A--. _.|..`._ 1---- -v ' . , V I [ .`'..What s in 9, na.n__1e.? says the great ; dc-lineator or; human` passions and ; griets ; but it is ourtlteory that th'~re ` is often a deep signicance in a. name. ; Anclwhen Ivy s parents calie} her by the name 01' th~ s e`t (1 ng'. g vine, they little dreamel how` 1-`a-1:1` - . priate it would eventually be. V E "`It'\I! Rln;3'-uq.I.I_- ---J - ~` ` ` " -- -.-_-noun s "I can't help that," said Mrs. Con-` way; she's a. mere menial. A. " nrlnnfhs I-Input ...n__.__- nun , 7 -- - The common .and ever-present warningeofh ktdnev trouble. back-ache and "weakness in. back, are quickly relieved by Dr. Chase-'5 `Pills. The origual and only 25 cent Kidnee -. Liver Pills. hen all other remedies fail, they cure. V - - V. ,- n cu; - , man :1 an lllt {C VIIICIIIH-I." ` What's that, mamma ?'{ questioned \ Louisa.` _ A ' ' ' * mp, '1_'m; noun emu 7 -_-_-__ a us: 0 . and Dealers in Coats at all Kinda, and (feorge town. Gm and Guelph W9-ite_ Finiuhin ' Lime. t em--nta u all kinds, .Fi.e Bricks and. P A terers' Hair; Stnrehousdzst the Northl-rn Railway Switch, (onto! John `attest. m-at theepnt The` bond of this Lima in better than that of any other kind, and :0Al'g:e-`-C`$>rneAr ` of. Joya and > T.hVe Adva hoe." .95 Dunlolp-St., `Ross Block, Barrier` 1 1 Evenings at tsidece 67A(),wen-Sb~. Sold in Barriebv Druggist aaAiIL*-1e'7aww"To"' Before and After. ,f, ;",'w,M,."' ; gnntig Ineanuu, andianarlu 1` as npreecrlbedoveg years n ousan cues; in the only Reliable and Honest Hedtotue known, Aekdrusclettor Wood's Pholphodlnex it I he ouere some vyorthleu medicine in place of thin. lnc1oI0_ T price n letter. and we will send by return \ mam VP:-toe. oee package, 31; six. 05. One will | please. can wtlloure. Pamphlets tree to enyaddreu. The Wood Company, Windsor; ont.. Canada. 'WO0D S PH8HODINE ; The Great English Remedy. ` Sta: Paolvabea Guaranteed to ` _ A promptly, and permanently ` ,2 euro all forms of Neruoua l 1v._I...--- In...:-.:-..- n__-....._ 1 Judge Harlan, of the United States Supreme Court delivered judgment the other day in a case of an appeal from; a conviction for manslaughter which has considerable interest. The old theory is that a man `must retire before A an assailant until he can go -no further before he is justified in defending him- self against that assailant armed with murderous weapons. The judgmentof the U. S. Supreme Court reverses that, and holds that if a man is where he has a right to be, such as the appelant, on his own premises, and is assailed by one who comes V intentionally to. do it, he has a right to stand his ground and. defend himself to the last extremity. In this case the assailant was reaching for his revolver when Beard, who was assailed, struck his assailant on the head, from which blow the man died. He was tried for manslaughter, convict- ed, and sentenced to the penitentiary for 8} years. From this judgment and conviction he appealed` to the supreme court, the convictionwas quashed and the man set free, the death of the as- sailant being regarded as a case of justifiable homicide. This puts a new face on the recognized rule of self defence. \a\g\Ql.a o v s n n u an aunt. UL Vlul-IIIID. There should be no misguideil senti- ment in favor of the monsterswho de- liberately commit murder and arson and felonious assaults upon" women. They are better out of the world than in it,.and society is never sate while they are alive.` - The expextience of Michigan is a very good -argument in favor of retaining the gal`ows and it '3' to be "hoped that no other State will make the mistake of ab;iL*3h'ng it.- Atlanta Constitution. ' . vv :pu;pIIC_~ pat-unseat 311'! 1 ever` saw," '? entnuslasucally declared` Ernest Con- } way. Is that the lovely V. daughter` 1 fwith -the queer name ?= I never knew ' 3 but one Ivy before, and that was Ivy it Hazard, the odd little creature that used `to wheel Mrs. B1ckerste_th s baby i about. ,Don t you remember her, Lou?" "I-`l uah-uh_aI-. In -1.--I--A --'-~ " ` nan`: Hun: awn: ` the death penalty enforced] makes a far better showing. In that country dur- ingvthe past ten years therewere 'on!y 238 murders,_aga.1nst 484 in Michigan. \YOf`IIIVI\r fhnrn {Q Isnrunniu? - - _ A . .. 4. Canada, population and T _..w .......,_v. -a, -ac,`-nnuau. xv: one Alullblllsibllu Naturaly, there is someth?ng.revolt- ing in the idea ofhangmg a man, but _what can society do to p.otyc-ct itself when a mtirderer goes to work. It is not safe to rely upon life imprisonment, for the prisoner may escape or be par- doned and again resume his ca: eer of crime. A life for a life seems to be the only safe rule inmwrder cases. Hang- 1 ing will terro:iz some c;iminals, ard it certainly prevents murderers front adding to `their `list of victims. !`l1I.-_.s _I...--IJ L. _. _-9 life sentences. urnnvi--\n --saw`: I1. saw was Lulblllsrll. n that Stat'emc`a;pital punishment was abolished a. generation ago, and the a`e- ` sulthas ben`an increase in the num- ber of murders. In the_ ten years end- ing with 1890 homicides increased in` Michigan more rapidly than in any any other state. In 1891 and`1892 the the total` number reached .162, 9. large number for a. State with 2.000,000_pop- ulation. 01. the 162 criminals 39 were never tried at _all, and only thrse per cent. of those who were tried xece-iv`.-d 1 -4.. g.` - ._ - 7 ibupltal riuiaaninent. The kin'd-hearted pcople who advo- cate abolishing _ the death penalty, should keep their eyes on Michigan. I`! `final Qfnlrn nn'r\IIrnI van:-ulnl.-......._4. ___.. `van a , Didn t you know` that I was only Mrs. Frenchley s adopted daughter ? I recognized you, Ernest Conway, when _rst I saw you, for you know I used to- hate you desperately." Do you `now, Ivy ? I "Not quite so badly, perhaps, but-" "I won't wait," said Ernest, positive- ly. Now that Ihave -discovered that we are old friends, I insist upon know- I I I ing at once whether you will be my wife or not ? ' II Butj___ll _ V "There are no buts," said Ernest, se- curing the little white hand, all spark- ` ling with its pearl and sapphire rings. Is. it yes or no?" Would you wed one who was once a `bound girl ?' " , "I would make you a `bound girl over again, dearest, for life this time, p with myself in the place of Mrs. Bick- - ersteth." I 41? ... an, ,,, .-- --- - NO!-INSON & SARJEANT. BARRIEL Im rt: . Dealer: Add on awn. Grey and rGuel`rh wm... m..:..n.:...~..~r:- `:1 link I'll: "Yes, thenglf you will insist on hav- ing an answer, owned Ivy. ` An.-I I-lug I-uI..c........ .......- ..--I-.1 ._.nL-- coca um: uunnvvca, UVVIJCU. IV]: And the indentures were sealed with 9.` wedding-ring. J Barrie has some W17)! the best stocked stores in Ontario, outside of the cities. -v --an anyuwo 1 ' "Who vowed she would never forgive w you because you pinned a. plain truth ` on the back or her shawl. ' ` Ernest started. . Yes, but how did you know ?" Because it was I," answered Ivyr, quietly. 16174.. I!) ....-_- ...v... .. JUII scuxcunuclr net, 14011 I" Hush-sh-sh 2" checked Mrs. Con- way. Yes, she is pt-etty.V ` .'.l`hg.Conway tamlly met the French- leys at a. reception at the house or a. Roman$a.nk,er evening. Miss Frenchley, still In, blue silk and sap- phires, won Ernest's heart. as it were, by storm. . , I lII\I. _____II , _ In -_.. _ - savagely. Paint, ` i _.,- _ ...._... vw p;cu._y u. 1. puuuttu. Hold your tohguzl cried Ernest, deed ! Why, `you can see the color come. and go in her cheeks as she -talks ! She is the love- liest girl in Rome--ay, and the whole world besides. Louisa. tittered faintly. . do "I do believe our Ernest has fallen` in lcve with General Frfenchley s daugh- ter`," she said. A--- Int. - - an . . - - - us.-, sync nalu. Loire, like all other tropical plants, thrives in the languid glow of a south- ern sky, and it was just six weeks after their introduction that Mr. Conway frankly told Miss Frenchley that he couldn't think or existing any longer unless shecould be his" wife. 11 !!! AI. 1-. - - -` `- v vuuu wt; lll VVJLC *7i"`1'1 ~t'ia.ini:V o'r`1t," said M153` French-l ley, coyly, and evaslvely. "No-but, Ivy-I may call you Ivy ?" Well, yes, `I va- no objection to tha.t."l . ""Ilknew an Ivy once, years ago-a wild, little elf of a child," began Er- nest- ' * "0h. yes." said Miss Lou, a. little ma; liciously ; she's very pretty, I dare 88?. I could be pretty if I painted. `nh-I unuuo-4.-.4.-........nn -...|__-I -r.-.,,_A-- Lunwun; a ``You 2" `guys. .. "With-:5:he' brettist n-rma`ig sum. 11.. .2- -1- . .s'uascmaE ron The Finance Minister, in reply to. a. question of Sir Richard [Cu-twright s,v lays the number of post oioe. savings bank accounts is 55,815, aggregating $17,726,750. T This cannot. be very soothing to the blue ruin knight. vunv In-A AVAJIID VA Ava: vvwd Weakness. E`muatona.Sperm- ` atop-rhea. Impotenoy and an qfeotaof Abuse pr Emma, L Ifanfni wring: ngggnglug -.-g girl I ever` saw," ? ..... A' 1n_'____. an x THE NORTHiRN -ADVAN.3E. A Boots and Shoes._ I `c`Us'roM_woRx..... _ I . . . ..._A SPECIALTY. Repaiqihg Neagzy and P'r'6mpt'Iy Dane. 9 ,fH`TERh1_';-CA`SH.` L e14M9LcA$T:a st .'tT.6sRB}IE:~; "Q-In-l'v" guackson 5-Novmlis -J THE .N1:w `F-%'ra?n_k Jackson. lnoufishesa `It do `more for weak Babies and Growing Children than any other kind of `nourishment. It strengthens Weak Mothers and re- stores health to all suffering from Emaciation and General Debility. For Coughs. Colds, Sore Throat, Bron- chitis. Weak Lungs, Consumption. Blood Diseases and Loss of Flesh. .8cott& Bowno. Belleville. All Druuists. Soc. 8: 8!. 1' V nut-roliux. J0'r1'n:_.G8.': The drowning aeasoniei in fulleiiowjeri and will bloom until the fiost oomee and stops hosting. The annual so.ori_-. {ice of life by water iea. shocking evi- dence of a carelessuegs that no exper-_ ience appears able to cure. --27 `7u-- the formula for making Scott's Emulsion has been _gndorsed by physicians of the whole world. No secret about it. This is onexof its strongest endorsements. But the strongest endorsement possible is in the vital strengt/z it gives. PY%NY- PEGTORAL Far 20 Years " I contracted a severe cold, which settled On m lungs, and I did what is oftenidonea insuc e , s, neglected it. Ithenconsulted a doct_or,_w 0 found, on. examining me that the up 1' art of the -left lung was had! aifecte .. e medicines he ve_-me did no seem to do any good, and` determined to. -try Aye:-'s Cherry Pectorai. After taking: tewdoses m troublewas relieved, and tore I had, nlshed the bottiel was cured." -A. Luann, watchmaker, O1-angeville.0nt. em ".Chr=iP5*9ra' dyer : Pals V cure Iudlguuou. GURED BY TAKING AYER S+W.'2-3%. msAs""'LuNas uhm Awards 3; World : ran-. A The House of Commons at Ottawa has voted down` Mr. Mulock's `anti railway pass bill by a majority of 54, the vote standing 46 for the bill and 100 against it. Seven Conservative members voted in favor. of the bills among whom were D Alton McCarth and Col. 'O Brien. _ s . U mulsfon Just rccived from Hethe`r- A mgton (Chicago). .6. of his latest backgr.>vundsA Visitors are welome to View display in studio. - but don't fry tolpatohn up ulingoring cough or cold by trying oxponnnjntd umodiu. like ' mud relief II ocirtnln ea follow. the most obltinsto bqughn. colds, Ion throhtl, in not ovary form ol throat, by cold. Largo Bonlo. 88 Oontl. IN` PHOTOGRAPIIY. ngmutmcrunalg 0} mm