(. p.\:`|'_7""~Lo r ASSIGNEES, o WANTED-$%2.500. BARRIE, Ont. n to me special _1a.muura . vestors and Borrowers. i'(-;1'3N'IJ_1z7%I.`AT;1_3i~I'I*, EAREIE. ` y.` I TC;RO1VTO- .2-ty ` .;._01`_;.. 'a?`m' %':`.`3 .f.. Bean. X . smmon `tion holds a high place in the estima- tion of the `people for .the excellent ; {pride by the masses. True, it was not 165 uuu Uapuuugn vs vuavu-.... The Agriculture and Arts A-esclcia-_ . work done in years `past and for the honorable character and high standing for its oicers and councillors. For many years it was the chief agency- employed for the s furtherance of im proved agriculture. Under its man- agement the Provincial Fair became the chief agricultural event of the year,; and was looked. to as a successful educative agency and regarded with always so successful from a business standpoint as its friends could wish, but the fairs were largely attended and did much good. ~_lBut as the country developed and the cities grew, the old Provincial began to have `rivals, and when it was shown that a fair under independent auspices could be made more successful than the Provincial. baclred by the prestige of the A. and A . Association, and a large Government grant, its days were nutnbered, and . when it ceased to exist many thought` ` the said association should die with. it as their chief energies had been devoted to its success. I SEC.-TREAS., BARRIE LOCAL `BOARD. The .- V? TORONTO. ROSS BLOCK. your sun! 31'. 61'lyo {Sour Simone, irrespective at Party. North` am iGENTLEMEN. s - i I the active r V ROG E R5 clothieriiif and Gentfsi F ui-nisher of Dunlop Street Barrie, respectfully so1icits_ your attention to his important Spring salutation be_ fore the election addresses begin. to pour in upon you. Once IDOPB XIII!` \llh\alJ vvvu I believe some verV- euccessful matches have been held, usually by uniting with some other society; but in some instances the grant was returned` as no society could be -found to unite, 1 hr the purpose. This has not been` 9. i great `success. A II .I'I\ 1 , ,'I-_ -!___.'--"-1 `Il\!I`:-kl. Cm} LUUIU` `I-Io stancxs at the head of the Poll For honest Goods and Lowest Prices. With-`untiringeorts-and%the great advantage he has in the markets to secure the Best at Lowest Prices, he can prove to every 4`-. _-nL . PIUVU uu_ uv\.;J em and Tory. Patron and P. P. A., That hisnew vast stock fpr Spring and Summer Wear will A carry. both. constituencies ying! He is simply telling the plain unvarnishedf_truth, when he states his clothing is cut trimmed and madeup in the latest andmost approved, styles and bears` the journeyman Tailor s stamp. . v_ 200 Men s Stylish Suits at $4 90. `l20.Men sAl1 Wool` Suits at $5.50. 250 Men s and Young Men s Suits, cut stylish and nobby at $6.50, $8.50, $1_0.00> $12.50 and $15 00. ~ 175 Special Bargains in Black `Worsted Suits, $8.50 $10.00, $12.00, and $15.00. '**--'4- Ljj__ 1-: A _ p A `Our spring Overcoats advertise themselves. Welare able to show a `line of as elegant made Spring Overcolats-as ever hungupon a pair of shoulders. All wool nohbyispring Overcoats.$5.50, `$6.50, $8.50, $10.00, $12 0()_ Save you from from $2.00 to $4.00 on each coat. . Mo|ers--You Who make and control the coming Pal-. liament, if y u are looking for honest clothing for your boys, We will surprise you this spring. ` Boys"Short Pant Suits at 99c.;~&B1.20, $1 40, $1.7 5, $2.00. Boys Long Pant Suits $3.00, $3.7 5, $4.50, $5.25. Ourspring `Hats will attract buyers of all tastes We are in touch with the Manufacturers of Soft and Stiff Hats, and can save to our patrons the middle men s prots. THE WONDERFUL CHEAP CLDTHIER. ,cornr Dunlap anql Glapperton sts., - a COVERS Manufaqttlrer U9 IIIII IJ\rI\1\I\rIIuIvv I But there were other duties enjoined upon the association besides holding an annual exhibition. Let us see what they are and how successfully they have been performed. By turning to Sec. 28 of the Agriculture and Arts Act, we nd (leaving out minor duties to economise space,) It shall be the duty of the Councils to take measures" for the promotion of Agriculture and the useful Arts in the Province, in any or all 01 the following ways. .0 %Bil|H|EBOl( BINDER` Blank Books Journals C9.shoBooks . ` V V -Minute Booksi Lodge Books: V T - .BlI_.nk.Book_s mIdofnny.`ai:_!o snd'Rulod to any pdtern. All work guaranmd r!`-91III..-. . o . V f .. 4 5 .M_ _.O.`|i Qpgoslty i_n.Ol_otl|` or Full Leather. Still` and Limp Covers. Portfolipih `_f?'_IIjI9. pf.gnny 31150 ;lI'ld`Ityl0 ta order. ~ ,_Rpii!9Roi.1;9yry;ddioription of Binding done on short notice. line that cannot bo done he: T-rm. to bind need only-and "fa F M 3% '>,tfutiv;!'m.o.",Itll for. the work and rot ` l1??iTE1*.M3o;0A3H-n A.-fact Advertisers should note. ?si5i=Er+ o_v_E:3c9A'::'s. nu--wvwvv-- v- and Binder of Day Books noaanr omsroa, PROPRIETOR. , Ledgers V5 wan w- v-.v .V._ 3. By oerinVg prgzes -for the been managed farms, `farm buildings, etc. I In , ,1 ._L- ....-..L Puillop Sh-_%t.Top Floor- Remember that besides begng the best newspaper in the northern district, ADVANCE Goes into more homes, and consequently is read by more e people _than any other journal. ` Am. '11. 1395. Law Reports % Magazi . Periodicals Barrie. Alana as n. ....__.V After the withholding of the grant by the Legislature for the Provincial Show, this matter became prominent and prizes were awarded in many-parts of the Province for several years. Ex- perience proved this to he `unsatisfac- tory, (see remarks*of' President Auray and actions of Council, ' page 118, A. and A. Report, 1893,) and it i was dropped `as the annual fair had been; _,`I,_______ aavqau Ell elds ove vvay to bu umne oft from thns from Can everyt-,hin un. : I .. - $lI\l&J |IllAl,A While I removed I uttered uch evid ...L_1 replied Li little git nl.-In n--.. _ and rath `- Lilian 21 . nearlya _ing owc o path, W lraised his a This st medy on sure t-hut, land- much co But the taken on of novel grove of trees, wh sudden u around a that they. aright. The rid a silver-n beautiful pardon, 5' have frig you at all bray. LI` we live :11 other side 11r\1 ' ve u goo at lovely er sec h 9 small ' A AA - uuu L(i|Jl/U that cu e big C botvwex Let s longed s explomti ent islu both the. prised to other s e Separate not.ver_v 4. i.35:~h'<;l;1i;gM<$rj aiding plowing matches, etc. , - - -- 4: '._---_..r.-I se-shell his area d found natives nus.-. 7 pnv vA1All I i After a i Unnuuu \IA | The M _. manly b were the Alittle`gir the yom `l.l'...... N em` t, one of H dim) urc inland f fami1i-.~.- M0W})r:1_ former ( that of t fIVI,- If 7 In lutzm Till 10. T1. 1..___ Ami -1`; Then a. _ It 91:1 Forl 11 So of ' `en B"""' """"' ' ' 4 "6. By introducing and testing new varieties of grains,'_ seeds. vegetables, etc. ` A - in I` .L ' But un Th p _I cann I km) V Birds 1 Bub III` 1 4l -jupw 3 1' `HY "C11 7 Wha "Just; 100 th .`Undor ti `sweetly. t\l 4.1,`, uul` it's] 17's 1 'i`his is being so thdroughly done at the Government inststutions at Guelph and Ottawa, that nothing further is: IQ` quired. - ..n,, :;.;.._.I--..:..... 2... ah-an ha I113 i gar; How 4 7. By introducing or aiding in the introduction` of new gmd improved breeds of animo.ls.* Ion. \r\t\-up V- If the A. Assoiation eve_r did anything in this line its work has been superseded, and private enterptiseii is sufcient for this Phtzpoae. 1 - 2 _1:__ .. -.. .......':....` II) lllllbivnvuqv --- -----V 9. By causing, or. aiding ih causing lectures to be delivered. on such sub- jects and at such places as may 'be deemed in the interest of agriculture}? '- 1.1 \.IVUI.l.L\J\A baa. Inns: -----_ v_- -, The work of the Association could` not have been satisfactory, as" this is being done very suocesafiilly under other auspices, "namely, the Farmers Institutes. ' i i A `keeping. registers of ' phre bred._.abock.A - % " :f1i;vi;_E)ei118 eicientlydone by the At-er`sPnumg,. couple 0` m-"- `m Secretary of the Association, but as we ::an'y"'bMM'::l;lt ~ In M" - '1- . k :33. 53911, $5212. 1a:f`.:::.'Z %8d*!`sh*%:-ndA mi?-=ev% W we-Whomw la - 1 3319' min II iii?` 1y~p:sia11y:i:~- suoceedede; `while `hsjvt :>`-,;`- tirely taken out of y:_t_h`ei1`hIii3(_lsiin,iithe'. 7! duties fisatisfaotoi-ihly pexffonmed under; in diernt `hanagement. . i "M A I helievethis Association haste Ia i great _degree outlivel its usefulness I know my` opinion isishared by _many - _who have given thought to the subject; : Let" me quote the words of President 2 Dawson .(A.- mid" A. Report, 1894-, page 4.-) If I can do anything tomake this Association as useful as it was in . the past, I shall be very willing to do . so. ' Evidently -in his opinion its use- ifulness had declined. s t . Not 307 thought .Vioe-President _Sis- , sons. He thought the Association {had done grand work in the past, and` although certain nartieswould like to see the Association done away with, for no good reason, he thought it was just entering upon what might be" a- career of very great usefulness It would. he a great'mistake`,to allow this organization to step `down and out. i I am willing to leave the_.public to. judge yvhether.there' are `no good tea- sona. It is admitted by Hon. Mr. Dryden to he a very expensive institu- tion and by Mr. Awrey, M.TP.P., to _he too cumbrons for the work it is doing, and many believe with : me that the time has come for it to step down and out." i I have brespassed too far upog your valoable space, but could not-stote my casein a. more condensed farm. ` A ` I remain yours, The rapidity with which croup develops calls for instant treatment ;and yet few house- holds are pre ared for its visits. An admirable remedy for t is disease is Ayer s Cherry Pec- toral. It has saved hundreds of lives arid should be in every home where there are young children. . On Sunday; Feb. 24th, Rev. A. 0. Watt held his closing services in the parish of Mono, and the large re- gations at the various churches tee ed. to the high esteem in which he is held by his parishioners and friends. On Monday evening a. large `number of his friends met at the rectory and present- ed `him with a purse and the following address : TQREV. ANDMRS. A. C. WATT. LU LVIJVI (ulnar -no-v-.n --. -. DEAR FR.IE1s'ns,--It was witliff-eelings of deep re ret that we received "the announce- ment 0 your intention of severing your connection with the parish "of _ Mono, forthe purpose of enteringpa new eld of labor. In so doing you mark the close of a most pros- perous epoch in` the history` of. the parish, and terminate a period of faithful service which will Tong be remembered It seems but yesterday since you entered on your mission of mercy amongst us, yet during a period of fourteen years. despite the many hardships, trials,` and reverses which you have been called upon to bear, you have ministered to our spiritual wants with that Christian courage and untirinz zehl which characteri s the true servant of ` the divine Master, and wins the respect of all God- fearing people. - e:...... unnr Innnntinn. and In-aelv as a ' re- ` rearing people. Since your inception, and largely as a. re- sult of your earnest efforts, "we have become self supporting-a.n evidence of materrilel progress of which we feel justly proud. 0 you, likewise, is due the honor of having extended the work to outlying" districts of the parish, and the result of this undertak; `ing wiil long stand a. monument to the suo- ` cess of your earnest efforts on behalf of our people. - . 1 In. H. >Wm:t._ also- we owe a -debt of people. To Mrs `Watt, also, we owe gratitude. ` , ' , . Having identied herself with every good work which had for its object the-welfare of the parish, she thereby played ro small part in the prosperity of the past. By {her re- moval we feel that we not only lose a kind friend. but an_ active agent in church work. A...: ....... .... +1.. inn`: of mum rlnnartnre . IPIOIIG, D115 al1_u.Ull.Ve'ungcuu nu vuusvu "V: n. I And now on the eve of your departure "from our midst, we wish to extend to you both our hearty thanks for past services and best wishes for future success. ` r-_ -_I_ --_.- 4.- ........-.5 Elm; annnnnnnntna D8813 wlsnes Ior luuuru euuuuuu. We ask you to accept the accompanying V purse, not as any measure of our good feel- ing towards you, but as a. slight token of ubg; high esteem in which you are held by yoin. parishioners. And we would express. the hope that you maybe long spa;-ed to c_on- tinue elsewhere the good work which you I have so faithfully carried on here. u:......,: .. Lnlmlb nf Hm mu-inh hv the have Ialtunluuy uuruuu uu uup. Signed on behalf of the parish by the Church Wardens: 4 - -arr: _,` Simcoe, March 30th, 1895. suitable reply, thanktng them most. heartily for their. kindness to _ himself and Mrs. Wutt,.a'nd_t-egretting his de-_ parture from the epeeple with whom he had labered and spentao many haapy years of his life. V ` ~ ` ,_.__ _ .'._.__1'. .15 I.`_;....} `..5.. . usuunv-u 1-.-- ...v__ . Josnrn Duuun, _ 81:. J ohn a, DAVID WARD, T Mono. WILLIAM Wu.soN.`} st Jam; Ronmvr Goonnvn. ? -Jomt PATTERSON, St. John : ` .' Gnomn Ln, Mono Mi_lla._- Lucille,` Feb. 25th, l895.- A ` ' - Mr; Watt dude -9. very After-`spehdir-xg a couple of hours in ' pleasant social . ihtereoeree, the `com-. puny bade their kind hoet and `hottest `ma nighund hldiuapereod? to quih-h ggey. % eml homes; . ,,.--A.` -~' `v X3951!!! (Correspondence of The Witness and News) A 1 . -g __ ` , . .`..m.~.-` ..:sm ..\_4.;:.--.~.... ... isa'"n_a:tt_,Irb.l "ei_1doivnf1entof aom fortu- -nhste not the less a talent which may bd cultiv.e_d,' and which will`. continually repay the time and care devoted to its acqairement. ` 9. Men-sometimes elect toplive together - in bachelor freedom, -surrounding them- selves with oomfo_rts.a_n_d luxuries, `hav- ing well-trained servants, so that the household `machinery moves -`without noiselor. jar, and then atter them- selves .that they have-made a g new A Eden." Perhaps thevshave; -but it is the Eden` that existedbefore Heaven's last best gift, was bestowed upon the world, and at .its very best is only a" ; lifeless imitation of the beautiful reall- 'ity. since it lacks the womanly atmos- phere `of home," `and is without its nameless grace, its abiding sweetness, T its indenable but most potent charm. A Yet a houseful of women can make a home in the fullest sense of all that the (fear word includgs ; indeed, a soli- tary dweller of the gifted sex will suc- ceed in investing her belongings with the permanent comfort and ,dainty` graice which belong to the real home ; atmosphere. There are houses "and there are homes, and it must be a very in_di`erent or a very selsh woman who cannot `evolve the latter from the least promising elements, and___ta}:e pride in - improving it to the utmost. VI`-`L- .......:.....3.`.. -4` nan -nun nnnunnn what IlIJt)l_UVI!J5 IV VII llllv uuuavuvs - The majority of women possess what. arrangement," which is, he continues, a kind of natural magic that enables these favored ones to bring , out the hidden capabilities of things around them. and particularly to give a look of hahitableness to any place which, for however brief a period, may happen to be their home." Under the skillful touch of these persons unpromising or incongruous materials are brought into subjection, harmonious arrangements replace sti` outlines," defects are con- cealed. and good points emphasized,` so that rooms which had been hard and forbidding assume a genial and inviting aspect.. These clever folks not only work their spells upon unlovely sur- roundings they accomplish. what is even morediicult, by giving an air of domesticity and use to the most splendid apartmentg effectually dis polling that soulless magnicence which is so depressing to warm-hearted every- ` day people. Hawthorne calls "the gift of practical 7 Gansdslvor The BeIt.A Canada gets the beat of all seasons and the. worst ' of none. When the woret Canadian winter is as its worst, the Canadian knows that still wVo1_-sewinter is raglng in Dakota, in Greenland am} the countries nearest.` the North Pole. A Oontrj that never:sh'1vers under _t.h frown of winter, never shines under the smile of spring. 15 The Uanadian, if he have not `a cold, and if the April weather be moderate- ly good, feels sorry at this season for dwellers in summer lands. A land where it is summer all the year never knows the rapture of a springtime. `Nature in tropical climes does not glorify May and June with the rich meanings whichthese months illustrate in the jtemperate regions of Can- `Spring is - a little slow -in coming. Winter is not exactly quick at starting to go, but, on the whole, there is -no climate likethe Canadian climate, for -several other countries `jean fall lower than the worst of its winters, and no country can rise higher than the best of spring, summer and _autumn in Can- ada. ' Honor Roll of ' Craigvale Public School for March. Senior Fourth-- Florence Gordon 389, George Neely 340, Annie Johnston 326, Lewis Gor- don 295. Junior Fourth-Albert Bob- inson.477, _'1`e_na Ness. 319, Funny Smith 273, Edwin Johnston .196, Georgina Vernon "100. Sr. Third- Minnie Bond 370, Nelly Bond 344:, Willie Howie. 294, Stephen Tanner 256, Fred. Snth 250, Mamie Black 252, Martha Robinson 95. Jr. Third -Samuel Gordon 515, Allie ';Neely' 398`, Wells Kemp 107, Whitman Neely. Second--Thonias `Fagan 337, `Lennox Black 271, Ida.'Ro'binson 190. First-.AGareld Gordon 73, A, Black 42, Jenny Nixon. -James Wiggins, teacher. - A g . i ' , Mr. Thompsoh, the former teacher it Ardtrea, was the preacher. there last Sun- day and preached e gopd. sermon . To meet me WIIIIGI OI ulenr l:uluun- era The Goo. E. `racket: on son 00., law .. llaInllton,.ont.. have placed upon thomurker -. = . - V Ulmhination Fluent To Smokers _ Thissupplies a. long -felt want. g1.'v- ing th1e_,c'onsuiner_on_ e 20 `cent -plug, or 9. ggt 'pie6e ozff iafvp cent `piece of i%h%.f#n99%% at B%"'b'-W1 of pure. -. . 0 *'rvmm.+ ..!e.=::`.:::.e `:g-e-..:..: :.:'-::'.:'.:';::.t: }`jg1e.Li%;b3rHnBNIADVANCE. iS,7;aZi/ng-.-1"obacco. Ontario Pe%rti)%anfnI Q Building `andLo,an. `Association Cali: attention to the special failities offergfl _to In cvnafnrs and Bdrmwers. TENANT-Why pay rent, when, on such Y monthl payments, you can become your own lord ? nu have the choice of repayin at a month! rate if $1.20, $3.50. or $1.90 for cac $1oo.oc bor- rowe . - 4. V ' _`__`_ THE |Sua|_|c-why spend all aolgr ocket money? 6oc; a. month placed with the . and Loan Association will yield you in about 8 years A PRESENT of $roo.oo, or a. prot of $41.40 over your monthly payments. _ _ -- --1- - 1~I1I,_, _._A. -_I...u. Ana THE mv:-:s'ron-wny noup-ace you; $100.00 with the 0. P. B. & L. Ass'n. and have It doubled in 11 years, beside receiving during the in- terval 6 Z per annum paid to you every ,six months ? Inother words, for your $100.00 you will receive as interest $66 and a. lump sum of $200, making a. grand total of $266. ' ' ` - I.',._ .._..l vvluua vn `unwav- An investment safe as government seeurities _and much more protable, realizing the investor an equiva- lent to 15 per cent. per annum, simple intei-cst. _For printed matter and further information call -on- Home nuunnsoma STAN DIARID LIFE ASSURANCE CO. INVESTED INACANADA OVER 8 8.000.000 CCUMULATEDFUNDS ' ' .- V 38,500,000 TOTAL ASSURANCE - R. " 109,000,000 INCOME - ~ A - - " 5.000.000 PHOENIX INSURANCE 00-. of Hartford. - IMPERIAL Insurance Co. T COMMERCIAL UNION Insurance Co. NORTHERN Insurance Co. NORWICH UNION Fire Insurance 00. EA STERN Fire Insurance. PROVINCIAL BUILDING AND LOAN A$SOCIATIUN. &Q . &c. WOODSTOCK, ONTARIO, \Iuun ...-.....__., `r-_, -- V TH E mvt-:s'ron-whLy n,NP`3 _ $100.00 L._ {KS8 nu 3-Pd >h .:....L.I-A :.. .. unnre hemde recenvmz dunnz tl Auihiid BapiIaI,$5,0U0.000. Subscribed, -. $|,091,8.0. This is the only association tna. makes a aenmte eonttact with both INVESTOH and BOR- ROWER _ One glam only. and this divested of all technicalities. Wit in the twelve months to June 30, , 1894, the shares paid upon increasedj'from 4'32 ; to r 19,654, and the `Vida-nd from :2 to :6 per cent. l Investors Stock, zoo shares sold at $50. carrynig 6{ interest, Payable half year-ly-and accumulating interest doub e principal in Eight Years. PROVINCIAL ` RUILDI ' ()FFICE--;-47-Dunlop= Street. Excelsior life } 1 Insurance 00. LEVEL rnnxmums NEW AND ATTRACTIVE FEATURES That are not excelled by any mher Company ' in Canada. I HEAD OFFICE _ BARRIE OFFICE ;BABB|E [MN '& SAVINGS 00., INCORPORATED 1881', SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL, 0 $250,000. 4 Per Cent. Interestiratd on Deposits. The Security for De itora in e Loan company is un oubted. , ' Ross new Block. south side. - Dunlap street east. of the Poet Omee. _ 8-ly 4 Th'e security to depositors in a` Loan Co'y is` un- doubted. There is no instance on record whera depoeitior has ever made a loss bv a Loa.nCo'v. This is the only association tha. makes a denite mnbrapf W3! hfh Auooas HAND. ACCOUNTANTS REAL ESTATE AND Tmualzn LIMIT BROKERS. V75 Victoria-St.. _A______ . 1 '0 CAMPBELL,` JA1ims_ McPI-IERSGIVZI. I; Anigne`einT:-ust. A Audntor-and Accountant. ; In order toVrea`.lize the above sum in the first of March next, _we will sen. all our mam: ured Furs at what they cost` us to make. This V is a use where we must have the money. and owmg to the poor business season, we have a. first-class stock on hand. Coltgtif you v4La.%_tdl 7`urs_ atohnoljt price for Cash. Sale to thron runrys . . - . . " `Sign of the" Thryae Bean. - 1 V I. n. Mennnis. " Flinn. MARE. District Agent. _ 8-ly Local Agent. _ . BUILDINGOAND A LOAN ASSN. C )3` TORONTO INCORPORATED imnnn CHAPTER :69, R.S.O. _flIK\7.I'4 DRIUIS l\lJnllJDlV\.aE EUR 7311145 13 Allandalq. on thecomer of William and .Burt0n : Avenue. Seven rooms,` two balls, pantry. double cell?arsizefafhous'e'. baths: :95 fee rm: .nieo lawn Withlhlde trees. "This pmoem will ' (old chnhn_ nd.w:'II In 1 Jinuvnin tn nnvnnn in nnnrl nf n sign of the Three. Bean. K V . , _ SIMMONS 8: CO. P. S. All out:-standing accounts must be paid by archxnt. JBWII. IIIIIIB M lllll PI'0O|'I\ WUI X XIII ' elm and;wilIbea.~harainto an one in need ofa. g , Inna, mmmkgmno. cwm,-A11-uduI_q_.` JOHN noc._EnsoN, _.___._ .. ...qw`vo-o i|A1\'l\' ARGE BRICK RESIDENCE FOR SALE in n` vAnu|t|nIA nu ihgjvixuno R` Ilttllhan gin. ll...u\.. LIFE AND FIRE i I called attention to the present made i i could not be reduced without detri llotlleoeunrliy that W030?! T neooiuonottno-wnur. .. The followin letters addreeeed.'t_0*the I editor of Tim onrmmn ADVANCE have heen received for publication : 'v ` i no amoumu-at and V i not 3 ' has outlived its Uutulneu. : l b'IR,-In your issue of the 21st instg, . of distributing the Government grant to__ the agricultural societies, I now wish to refer to some of" the agencies employed for the improvement of_ agri- culture, and to inquire if the number ment, the expense reduced proportion- ately and the amount saved applied to some better purpose than paying salar- ies and expenses" of oiclals. " - ` I -4-. A ....--2..