so Dozen Ladies Flne KID GLOVES. Dome Fasteners, Every Palr Guaranteed. MILLINERY Reduced. S|aughter| .Watson& Lennox, [GOLDEN COTTOLENE. 24 %BAYFIE2LD ST., BARRIE. Steam, Hot Water and Hot Air Heating. The latest designs in American coal or wood Cooking Ranges with hot water attachments. American Gas Heating and Cooking Stoves in all the latest designs. Lawn Sprinklers and Hose. . Tinsmithing in all its branches. Estimates Furnished, `Prices "Moderate Satisfaction Guaranteed. Call on us; w'e will-try to please you in prices and workmanship.. PLUMBING on the Latest Sanitary Methods. PLAXTbjN"S :L.D s-I-A1\'r:D. Q _ No. 31 South Siqe Dunlop Street. M%35.>;&%M*5o6aa Id, 1, pur1v`on.oi . Jwpnm A NIACELLY BOUNDBOOK or POEMS MANTLES Reduced. Bibles, Prayers and II?/imis, Bibles and Jlethodist II;/mus b ` ombined, Bibles ct` Presbyterian II !/`I2/I7_lll Combined, The Largest Stoek of Bibles North of Toronto. . ' FOLKS : Picture Books, Juvenile Books, Boys Own Paper, Girls Own Paper, &c., Toys, Games, I &c. Miscellaneous Books for Prizes-an - Endless Variety-on which we allow 21 ~ Liberal Discount. SCOTT, Bookseller, , me oLn'iFumE AIIOTIONEEH G. R. FORD `nnmnns ALL KINDS ~ suns. I l'IlIIvI u-- --_____, Are a Ivecinlty; and ice Intending to hgvq ' sales. will consult the r own interests by plggmg their sale: in his hands. Ito:-dots left at T3: Anvnm; omag wm be .sttondedm- 35 G. R. mom). En-nouns s?uLmcE, ._.._-.--4- _1; j5-Q l Contractor of all kinds of excavating in ;- SEWEBS. CELLAR8. WELLS. U18 PERNS. [' DRAIN8.-&c.. Job workmd general repair- ngdoweon Ihortnotioo. Address an Du~lop St... Bu-no`, luthonsowoos Guworka. 38-1!. FAn_ngs'g'_>5_:K SALES -_ l_a.-..Alnn on kg`, Double V'uIug .0, `M, `_ mtuonmeu.II1`|.[uk:vm'P`"I Il Com j `M R"'"" 0! Bette Blmu "lult in" . r u t" | ` 'nrliu.V mom, AT SCOTT S .} '3xEA7'AToB. Choice assortment A---sUocEss0Rs TO-- JOHN =:= PLAXTON G-ROGERS. 50 Prs. White Wool Blankets. A Great Bargaln, at FAMILY GROCERIES A SPECIALTY. Ob AUCTION 500. Per Lb. [U \JIIIJ'Jl|5UlIJU\-I IVJ II`-III'V\IIIIlB of absolute necesslty tothe-general good. That conception of government comes nearest to the fundamental Liberal idea. .41. ;. Mm dutv of all true Libenils to ls_a very suitable Present for Lady or Gentleman. We have the Finest Line of these ever shown in Barrie. Whittier, A Tennyson, Longfellow, Scott, Burns, &c., in all Styles of Binding. ' W, E HAMS, ROLLS, SHOULDERS, PURE LARD. $1.00 Per Pr. Large Portrait Makes An Excellent Christmas: Present FRANK JABKSON. Oppose Station". coumry. T People are falling into the error of sup- posing that iris enough to have a good lorfn of government. There is no form of government the wit of man has yet. devised that -is not capable of being perverted, and in this same Uanada. of ours l we have an exceedingly good example of M the truth of the aphorism. * uf`......J.. has a `nerd: nnn fnr-In nnv. U16 u`uLu Ul uuu upuusuuu. Canada has a. fairly good form of ' gov- ernment, but, in spite of her many ad- vantages, she is far from securing the free- d_om she deserves. -.~------..-_s .1:-s..s..- c.. 41... .........1.. our gUVU|'lIlllUllD UUIIIPUIB UIID PUUPIU I.v uvo Protection creates a privileged class, to maintain whom the rest of the community M are taxed. ' ~ 111': ,, L2, _ _.'___ -___'_ ._.L..-.l..--J r...L..L DOTS OI .['BI'|lllIIlBIlla- Now, I wish to point out some facts concerning the grossly fraudulent pretences on \\ hich the National Policy was brought into existence. You will remember, doubt- less, how it was claimed that patriotic- motives alone inspired` the authors of that policy. But a gentleman in the innermost ring of the founders of the N.P., a" bosom friend and counsellor of Sir John, who knows, if any man does, the reasons why the N. P. `chipped the-shell 14 years ago--Mr. D Alton Mc- Uartby, said the other day, `We were out of power, and there is no doubt in the world that we adopted the National Policy because we wanted to get in. If Mr. Mackenzie had adopted it, there would have been nothing left for us 'bnt free trade. 1 L1 .,:__- `ll - ..-gdut bun urlluf. ha ` Tot 9:;-Imrd mute. I give Mr. McCarthy credit for what he said, but` I doubt if he realized the true signicance ot that confeenion-. Politicians, for the sake of getting oice end for no other reason under heaven, deliberately; turned ground and made promise: to the 1 A people of Canada. which they knewiwould never be fullled. -4- -I..-___ L-1'A Chad` oh. nnnnn hut De Iuluueu. . . I have always held that the oence tor which the Conservatives were expelled from power in 1874 was vile indeed, .but. the means by which they got back in 1878 were a thousand times more vile. ,_ ;_n:L-...._...l... 51...; than Innurn II-`Had .... u vuus nuu -vurvauu-u B--- -- r_---r-~ Although there has doubtless been pio- gross in some few favored locali_ties,_Cansds has made no advance. materially `ipeaking, Within the past 15 years. i A protective system is wholly incon- sistent with a proper representative system. Our theory in Caneds` is tluttthe opinion of the majority of the male adults should pre- Vail. Although this systemhas its theoret- ical drawbacks, it would work fsirlyytvell it let alone. But the system is constantly be- ing interfered with. * ILPIYI . thousand time: more vuui I say deliberately that they have tried with the people : intereete to such a. degree as has very nearly driven in on destruction : brink. Not only have they driven one and a. quarter million people away in 15 year: but they have extracted, as Mr. McCarthy truly says, one thousand million dollars from the taxpayers, the greater part of, .which was directly or indirectly and an a bribe to keep them in power. . ..u,_. .i_._. |_.`.... .I-.......-Iml ant` nlrmlnd urine D0 KEEP DIIUHI Ill PUWUls "More, they have degraded and debesed a large number of our people. McGreevy s revelations from his present residence in Ottawa. afford proof of that fact. Mu ireevy sinned, but he was very severely punished, while his beneciaries, the men whn owe their seats in Parliament to _the funds he subscribed, go unwhipped of JUI- lice. There are men who but for Me- Greevy would never um been in Psrlis- menteh all, much less hold seats in the Privy Council. These men escaped, while their tool and scapegoat goes to prison. .1 lI.I . Al, ,n_ L-.. .`l-..LsI.... Lanna run- rg ...v-. avnvu Iv uvonu What a farce it in when infamoua.gerry- -manders are shamefully practised and II tentative institutions!` I shamefully laughed at to talk about replfef tollqg` I \1 1 _Dncmmnn 14. 1893. . "inn xoaubd dice ugainsr. us win did we have`! V "Aliens were btoughp her to` thu resident. vote. In anuuy_g:n119!| Dl'IOI'II IAIIA `llllll an`: I. `I-a.|:| ' ...w -upvu adv lav... gar) Pelidni; vote. many coin; M1,; '~',."..' -:.~*.'fr;_ . Persons were brought. en.-,u'.'_m 7.I_tI dI"` llde of the line-men who ' had "'1 V 1'. c|3dI with no intentionof we. u~1~n.k-.-g 5-`-ii 7; 1 n1`orm ts 1=::oPom'1ov.n1c men-zcsIuv1'.4r.~o.v, . . ` Dec. 12.--Time ig monay. Yet. __A.....S.-Lt -nnlyn nnvnnf =D 'n' uw-rp w.-I nun: H `.J.\! -W4 ~_ on Iwunp the honut ruidontv6t!o.\ If any 1 one who intended to -reside in Canada had voted the Conurutive pnrty would have been Iwunped. - . , _ ;A Vnin: Than than Ijln M'nQn;v|1n ran `wade " es, that is another branehlof the sub- jeot,`eaid Sir Richard. `. Bribery `exists iii a hiahly orgeiiised state, and will ourish so long asproteotion provides corruption funds . Much hue been said of the `bye-eIeot.ions--those by which the Con- servative majority was raised from 4 to 40. This showed the" extent. of the bribery brigade. In a general election she forces must. necessarily be divided, and I consequently they we not very powerful. But inelectious held on different. days the briggde on be transported from place to bland, nave been Iwunpod." = 3 _ ;A Voice: Then phoy had the `Montague plu gen. - An Olga} in g-.-oI.-r_ I.V_-__L" -2 A:L- -3`-L runvvn "Even if. the protective system is routed tout thereis. another consideratir-n. How in the `future will we take such precautions t __ __,5Il ,1` A IIYL - I ---4 II vuv guvulv will WI! VISU DIAUII PIUUDHDIUIIB u wiil prevent its recurrence? What I am about to say Ieey on my own responsibility elone. In my judgment we must amend the eyetem of representation in order. to remove the recurrence of gerrymander` and remove the temptation to bribery. W hile the: `altar Inna n-`nun ha nnun'n\ntn`n `Inns- IUIIIVVU IIIIU UUIIIFIODIIIUII IIU UI'|UUl"ya `V HI` the latter _ may never be completely ban- ` ishedv it may be enormously lessened. ' Minority representation is, a misno- mer `and misleads psopl, but I be- lieve` better results could be obtained by the introduction of something like pro- portionate representation. V " "Bad as the House of Commons may be --s.nd if I was put on my oath to express In y candid opinion of the present House of Commons! would speak very strongly- : still it has a perfect system of proportion- ate representation. And what is so easily done in at body like the House of Commons could be done in a larger sphere such as an election. Ido not intend to draft a bill to-night, but a plan of double elections._ grouping constituencies or some- thing of that nature could be adopted. his in the interests of Canada and the interests r of humanity that this Dominion should be ` given a fair and just representation. Altlansanln thn Tjhnnnln nnnla-nl within n EIVUII C {III Cllll JIJDV lUlJIVUIIUCiIUllo 1 Althou h the Liberals control within a ; fraction 0 thowhole vote of Ontario they have on! 32 out of the 92 members. It is a groin an` drying injustice that thin should be brought about by such articisl disturb- anes so gerrymandeu. ` "'DI-nnnrt.innnf_- IInr|InnnnInf:(\n I-nan H. :1 EIIUVI CG `CI I J IIICIIIIUI .0 - "Proportionate repreeentation may, it in ' claimed, give weight to promoters of fade and fancies and may make party govern- ment impossible, some claim, but I tell you,it is a message, I bring you to-night, and whatever the objections may ` be, the rinoiple ought to commend itself to every li oral and every -honest man. ` T Banana tkn avnnnlb. of nrnvanlvlinnnlhn UVIFIJ IIUUIGI Dlllul UVUIJ `IIUIIUBU Illhllo , I believe the result of proportionate ` repreeen tation would be to brlng better men to the front. Such 8 system of proportion- ate representation is goingto be the reel safe- guard to univerul suffrage. DnnnIA at `Ann In-It I-aqua nunnlrnnna in ' v ec. )2.--Luna lg mum-y._ Ian UCurt.wright spoke 8.gLillSi : it. 5" Rlburiu Rial.-na.i1ui Hall` lash aveliing iri:n,iu utilizing iis blue-ruin 1l'H.I|U.li3t', I. |'e-tiuoiled. - '1 3 gym bcgn ilivilfd to deliver an address- 1 Young Liixerais, 8.7.53 thi"P"91d"'v by t 1]: Pedlvy was in the chair. Two inm- Fmg mi fiy persons, about `20 of Whom :1':ecre1`adie,,, comprised his audience. There are two ideas as to what, enn- mugeg the funcmiona and duties` of It a Ovemment, began Sir Richard. One ` . he paiernal or patrigrchal idsa, that a. :'ernmenL is omnipotent. and ought. to in- tgrfcre in everything-t.ha.t people at best. m but c'_s'_dr_en and ought. to be Lrezue_d ad dealt with as such. V The other 1d ea 18 am 3 government. is after all o_ul_v strictly 'de1egat.ed authority _ ami that intcrfereiice wiihiiberly is ouly.]ust.1sd by something . _l...,.InIA neuessitv to t,he-general good. Ilulll IIU IIUIIVUI.-Cl HIIILID Us People at long last have awakened to the evils which were brought upon them in 1878. when the Conservatives were so anxi- ous to adopt the system in vogue in the United States. Now that the Americans `are at last emancipating themselves from the fetters they placed around their necks, the people of Canada will also emancipate ` themselves from their slavery. Tn nnnuinn In `info A` fhnnbn fln Rh` "" i`.I"ii.'ov"a.`"'L"L3 $J"J"ii..nk. so Sir Richard, Mr. M. G._ Cameron`No man is so much maligned and abuued in ' Sir Richard Cartwright, and it ck... .. -..-. ....-.. l'.'I.-_-I- -L-..l.I -AIAL in :6. VJDIIDUG-I3 DIV LVIUIIGIVI WDIUWIIEIIU. all It therein any man Liberals Ihould stick to it `is be. We love him for thconemieu he has made. _ He is no friend of any Tory living. Why should he be? It will not be long be- foro he will occupy the position which it \ would hive been better for the country ` L- 1...] -.-g'- I455 33 III-IIJI IIQVU lIUUll ll` go had never left. 11_ -r____|_ rlL_-A IIU uuu IIUVUI llulh Mr. Joseph Tait, M. L.A., in seconding the mouon, said be admired Sir Richard most for his colossal nerve. Glblon of East Enron Endouu Their ` Plnttorm. BRUSSELS, Dec. l2.-At the Reform con- vention held yesterday Thoma: Gibson, M.L.A., was again nominated as that Itandardibenrer ior the Legislature for East Huron. ` II":LI_ _-.._..J L. `L; Dnbnn-um A` 'I ...l..nb-- 135"! I1\ITUIIe With regard to the Patrons of Industry Mr. Gibson seidvthnt in 1873 he proposed a . olicy in the House much along the some ine as that contained in the . Patron plint- form in reference to the appointment of county oicisls, such as. sheriffs, registrars, etc. He apfroved of having them elected by the pee years. unici nl oicials would come under the same end. e, their term of oice to be ve : Gonnnicn; o;t:,.D{e : 12.--Tho'Libm1. Conservative convention for the west ridin of Huron convened yesterday in town hal for the purpose at nominating a candidate for the Ontario Legislature. Speeches were I deliveredby the most prominent members of_ the association, but the selection of s A candidate was postponed till further notice. Jlonson Pleads Not Guilty---seoltt, Un- loented, Declared an Outlaw. Enmnunon. Dec. _ l2.--In the High Court of Justice Tuesday Altred John Mon- son was called upon to plead to the indict- ment charging him with causing the death, at Ardiemont on Aug. 10 last, of Lieut. Hambrough. The case is known as the Ardla.n.ont mystery and has excited keen interest in all parts owing toethe pro- minence of the prisoner and his alleged vio- Moneon, pleaded not guilty. Hie alleged accomplice, Edward Sweeney, aliae Davie, alias Scott, has not yet been found by the . police,` and in accordance wrth the rule that obtain: in the Scotch courts he was pro- nounced to be an outlaw. -r-_--..v.. o....n..`.-. um: than next. Ivitneal nearegt, [0 but! luuuauluuuu uuucnun Inwa- uh ig me duty of all true Libera'ls to advocate freedom of speech, of thought, of union, freedom of soil and freedom of I. ,1, . . IIOIIDOGG I40 DI an uuuuw. Moneon e iootman was the next witneee celled. He testified that on the day of the shooting Moneon returned to the house and informed him that Lieut. Hambrough had shot himself and that hie body had been left in the woods. Witneee searched tor the body,but wae unable to find it until Moneon took him to the epot.' The body wee lying on ite back. ' Witneee law no gun. On the night before Lieut. V Hambi-`ough e death - he heard about `the boat of which younfHambrough_ had been. --- --------ab, nunlrill ill rlh bl`. Iw younfembronghe had been In oeeupent sinking in the bay. He the bent. Ithsd 9. hole in that `bed obvienely been mede with a knife. Further evidence wee given by witneeeee ` for the roeeoution to, prove that the hole in the at had been out with a knife. 1 Moneon hee always einoe the best incident eve:-red that it wee due to the eepeining o`! 1 the craft. . _ - ' DEATH OF MR. W. H. 'lHOWLANDa T `fottomota 2 l\lIl us- Mr. PATRONIZING THE PATRONS. THE ARDLAMONT MYSTERY. Wu: Buroxi roulorvatlvol. / \ Ix-Mayor mu from an Attack of Pneumonia. , __ _. _ ."___. yv. B; How? , AL _ -.-g-n [IDLE MEN IN TH0U%ANDS.A uvvnv-~ `trade. A H\ Storokooparl Clone Their slmpc, `Fa ring thq Mob Ilglit Loot. Them _ Km- ltdlo Add!-sun tho Mon, w lm March lblh Tower Hill to Hyde Pu-k.V LONDON, Dec. l2.-Thouaands of unem-. gloyed workingmen of London met. an owner Hill and listened to addresses msdo by James: Kier Hardie, a Socialist member of Parliament; Frank Smith and others, 11.. `I"r__.Is, -1: 1 1. 4| DISPERSEII Airnn .4 '1`!/ssr.u uY. 3 i ; Lo1vno1v`PoL1c1c. vluwto . Mr. Hardin said he intended to [move the `adjournment. of the House of. Common: to- day in.` order to call the attention of Perliement to the condition of the,unem- played. Upon the conclusion of the speech- muking the _crowd mlrohed to Hyde Park. A lllllhknr A` u--A man than` t`:l\IlYDl` v-_--nut. I` V `.':`.'!v\I| IEEUJVIIUI-I vq L4._yuu LIII as A numger of red ags were displayed. Several speeches were made in Hyde Park, that which the procession was re-formed vand started on thswey back to '_I_`ower Hill. A ` ' T .n II\l 1 QJIDIO -Au the men marched through Oxford- itreet the police captured the most offen- sive bannenthet was being carried in the lines. The men `were allowed to march through Cheepside, but Iubae uently when they were ordered to disperse y the police they refused to do IO. ' rm... ..-1:..- ..|.-...._.: n.- .........1 .`...a ..:o.... . VIII? IULIIUUII UV U IUO The police charged the crowd aind after a. slight resistance succeeded in dispersing it. Trsc wss stopped for it short time. V Some of the shop-keepers in the vicinity of the 3 % disturbsuce feared that the mob might loot : their laces of business, sad as soon as the ` disor er began shutters were hastily put } up, doors locked, sud business suspended. Parllament neollnee to Adjourn to Die-` jncusnthe Qneetlon of the Unemployed. LONDON, Dec. l2.-In the House of Com-V mons the Right Hon. Lord George Hamilton, Conservative, formerly First -Lord of the Admiralty stated thati he would shortly move the adop- tion of . a resolution calling upon the Government to inform the House easto its intentions in regard to increasing the strength of the navy. Mp `Kine 'FI'nrdv_ Rnninlint. mam- VIII! Iuruuglou Ul uuu nun . Mr. J amen Kier Hardy, Socialist mem- .ber of the eouth division of Weetham, * moved the House adjourned. The motion was made for the purpose of calling atten- tion of Parliament to the condition of the unemployed. Mn `I -Insulin said that nnntn dint:-an wnl uuumpwyuu. . Mr. Hardie said that soute distress was `prevailing in the entire country. A large "number of cases of suicide and etsrvstion had been reported. Psuperism has in- creased, especially in London. It was necessary, he declared, that. the local authorities-should furnish employment for the poor. . - ' 11.. 1-1.- \l.n1'\m;.l.l mnmhni-for Tnwar inc poor. A A A , Mr. John MacDonald, memborfor Tower Hamlets, supported Mr. Hurdie. Mr. Haggis : motion was lost by a vote of 175 to . .d . _ mi`: govermneut should take care to so regulate the` divisiun of piots that no mm shall be allowed more then his fiuir share. _ _ . ' There are certain things a government ought. not to do, It. should not gran} privileges to one class of citizens which it. * refuses to others. It has no right. to take more taxes from the people than. is necessary to carry on the business of the country; _ _ Dnnnln nrn falhna mm the error of sun- Eleven Hundred Apply For shelter In ' One Nlght._ ` CHICAGO, Dec. 12..--By actual count 1119 3 men jeought shelter` in the City Hall last night, and as many more were stowed away on stone oors last night. J oseph Jefferson and Stusrt Robson ere arranging to give a joint performance for the benet of the un- < tortunates. V nu, , s.,__.1_.-.`l_ -1 ...-_ -- LL-.. `nu! an OI-an xoruunues. The hundreds of men, ssthey lay on the cold tiled oors or fougnt for places near the steam heaters, were questioned by Prof. Hourwich of the University of Chicago and his class in statistics. V 121 1 11-..: -2 u_- l`1.c:......- r*-.....:n..; [III UIHII In l|IDlIlllllUIo W. 1 . Read of the Citizens Committee said that such s calamity had never visited Chicago before. The city : elevators are ` bursting with supplies, and yet people sre starving for the want of food. _ The senti- ment of the meeting seemed strong in favor of getting" the city authorities to provide work for as many of the unemployed as possible. 4;`. onu, n,_ -__._-__.I-_. 6000 tale in -Amuerdnm. 0'lhere are more than 6000 idle eople in Amsterdam, add out of 145 sets 0 knitting machinery 125 are idle. The Overseer of the Poor in contributing $2 3 week to near- ly`400 families. Thus far this year it has 1 cost the city nearly $10,000 for the main- tenance of the poor. , V V 'lhe Dntlell on Planned Lumber Restored- Other Changes. WASHINGTON, Dec. _12.--The Wilson Tari bill was formally "submitted by the Democratic majority oi the Waye and Meane Committee to full meeting of that committee yeeterday. -This is the first time that the Re ublican members of that committee have een permitted to know in . their noicial capacity the contente of the bill. Since the statement of the provisions \ of the bill was iven out by the Democratic i majority eor pu lication two weeks ago a number of changes have been made in the schedules. 7. :_ .._-..:A-.l s|.-a sl... L3" -1.. lulu- ICDGQU 16!: It is provided that the bill shell take effect in June, 1894, not in March next an in the first. draft- The duties on planed lumber have been reebored, barley melt `is increased from 20 to 25 per cent; ad valorem, and there are many changes in the wool and crockery schedules. ` ` [even Nave Bhttlonlnipe .to be Built and _ Forty` Illlllone, spent on the Navy. LONDON, Dec. 13.-,-It [in reported A that the Cabinet has ielded to the demand of Earl Spencer, Frat ord of the Admiralty` :.. u- t1I...I.o.m.-.. . flnvnlvnrnnnt, far A new 01 I`J`[7I QPUIIUUI,` .J.' III uldvlu VI Uuv Lauu-nu--vi in Mr. Gladstone : Government, for 9. new [and fairly large naval proglfam. The expeq diture under the new proposals will amount to forty million: of dollars. At least 81! or seven new battleships of the tint. clue will A be included in the plan. Surrender: $128,060 a Year. I A LONDON, Dec." l2.-The Duke of Sexe- . Coho-rgGotha has reeolved to surrender 1 the allowance of 25.000 a year which he ` receives an Duke of Edinburgh from the Britieh Parliaenc. It will be announced to Parliament ehortly. The Duke of Cum- 'berland retained hie allowance when he aucoeededto the Hanover throne. GLADs'i'ONE S VVAIALETWFOUND DEAD- u_om sue ueaervca. . v - Our government dictate: to the people with whom they shall` deal. The essence of slavery is that. the slave is not allowed to enjoy the fruits of his own labor-he must divide with somebody else. That. is_ exactly what,_under the protective system, our government. compels the people to do`. Is`D..-s.moinn M-nntaa n nnvilnand Alain`. tn Ell Iiodj Found Floating in the Thames -sulold`snsp'ootod. - LONDON, Dec. l2.-The body of Zmloro Outram, Mr. Gladstone _s valet, who mysteriously disappeared at the beginnmg or December, was found oating in the. Thames, near London bridueyesterday. It was takento the Tower Hill Mortuary, wherean inquest will be held. It is sur- mised that Outram oommitbedrsuicide. H- I-ta I... `Mr, IuI|tnna n Downing. mined met. uuurun connmuuu-;.u.u...c. He left for Mr.` Gladstone : Downing- etreet residence on the night of Nov. 30;; outentinlly to meet the young woman to whom he was engaged to bemamed. He did not, not meet er and wee not thet- wsrdl seen by any of his acquaintances.` It in conjectured that on Ilium night or noon . after he threw iximulf into the -river. HARDlE`8 MdTnoN DEFEATED. GAUNT WANT IN CHICAGO. vBRITA|N S7l;U\VAL PROGRAM- THE WILSON mu. REV|SED.__ THE 5`RTHER1.T,WANCE- Choice Lot of Dress Babes, no two alike, selling at N about cost price. 50 Places Exira Vllde FLANEL- E'l'TE,%,|ust opengd. The Best ; % Quality. % 12,-$C.~ Per Yard. DRESSGO OD_S_ Reduced. are usxeu. . _ _ If anything was ever introduced which made political corruption a. necessity it was protection. Under the existing ystem a large corruption fund is delibera. ely pro- vided by law. So long as this is done it is impossible to have representative institutions. The machine is not only a" part of the government of Canada. but the. government itself. `It is [within my own personal knowledge thst on more than one Occasion the tariff was dictated by the manufacturers verbatim et literatum to the Finance Minister, who thus became the mere speaking-trumpet and mouthpiece of the Red Parlor to carry `into eect their decrees. and not the decrees of the mem- ` bers of Parliament. __!,l_ 4- __..'L ....I. an-an `unis: CHEAPEST HOUSE NORTH or TORONTO. % 3-EC); IIEZEICY, IMPORTER. ;The Tremendous of Poultry that usually takes I. place at this time of the year is now at full blast, and in order to make them ready for the table and (whats most im- portant) ready to be easily di-` gested, you should have a Happy Thought range to cook them with. We have them in 24 different styles. They are the most popular range in the market, and for economy of fuel and ease of management have no equal in, Canada to- day. We are selling them at less than - Toronto prices. _ -n1--___. n-,..J... LIL Ill.` J `P Ourw:t:,o::1: `c >.t:'L;1-11-p'L('}oOds is complete. - We have Table Lamps from 15c. up, Hall Lamps from $1.50 up, and Parlor Hanging Lamps from $2.25 up. A ` M Our stock ~ ot decorated *Granite T. Pots, imported di- rect from Germany, have just arrived, and they are beauties. Make your choice before the best patterns are picked up. ,' _..,A. 1'_.....-L A--.. '1-u`r\ta'-9 twp ll\J VII U\.lQLD&l Inn`: r-`a--wv- V. Don't forget our `stock of : miscellaneous `House Furnish- mg. Goods is most complete in all departments. ~ 0TTON BR08. `mos. N. HOBLEY, & % TEAS&GOI-'-`FEE new . % nos ' DATES Jnlslus g % GURRANTS T A cnumeo PEEL * wonoasransnlna i awe: on % bluuowr AT --1'uaPvIuuIns;"% G-eo., Reedy. Opp. Q,ueen s Hotel. gicHinT`MmssAGEi<%