Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 14 Dec 1893, p. 1

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Rev. E. Moore and Dr. Norman have been conducting revival services in the Beeton Methodist church. They are now closing their labors. ` Rev. J. E. Lanceley, of Barrie. will de- V liver his celebrated lecture on the Ministry i of the Nose next Monday evening, in the Methodist church, Orillia. . 1 [III 1 .1 V 1 \ Dr. Harper of Barrie, ably lled the pul- 3 pit of the Methodist. church, Orillia, on Sun- = day 3rd, as the Pastor Rev. W. R. Barker M was suffering from xnuenza. fI'II - I I3 II 7- I I |i N zitaoopen- s Falls ar going on much after `the old fashion. The Methodist service at the house of -Mr. David Genno on Sunday morning last was well attended. ow A Hawkstone man writes-:-,_Barrie has ado ted the Curfew bell and it would be a. goo thing for a. number of youngsters of ghis place if the name eould be enforced ere. ' ~ There was a. benet concert at Schomberg last Friday in and of Mr F W. Riley, who ha.se`bee n an invalid for thirteen years. That isvone of the concerts that should be put- _ronized.. . . ` " the 1.2 year old son of Mr. Alex- ander McEa.chern. of Nevis, was kicked by a. horse on Sunday morning 3rd. There was fractureiof the skull. and the lad remained unconscious till death. The frame. dwelling, stable and barn, owned by" William Connell, near Elliott a Corners, were burned on monday mornin of last week. The family narrowly escape cremation. Loss $3.000, insurance $1400. I...... . . _ bridge, tor his bravery in saving Walter ahene on the 'l8tth of hat. June. V iL*ii;;"Ii/%ya1`I1T{1ix.'a[:.'3cEZi ifs' vI{ed 1 amedal to Mr. Samuel Ellery, of Wye- ` Uharlebois from drowning at Penetangui-_ Mr. Hart loaded 10,000 bushels ot barley this week for the American market, The entire lot graded better thanenumber one in _ color and weighed 51 lbs This proved two `things, viz, careful buying and scientic farming.--Alliston Herald. _\*0'l`lCE T0 cnnnrrons on AN-` DREW Mcl)0_NALD, Deceased. I l The Midland` Free Press says that the nervous system of Mr. Thomas Truman, Principal of the Midland Public Schools, is seriously disorg_a.uized't'rom overwork, and that his physician has ordered him to dis- continue work at once "The School Board has given him six months leave of absence. AMcLea.n, Lafontaine, telatl1sl;Zer(,( in one day 626 ieces, saw logs, while Jos- eph and Angus ooth, once or Midland roll- at` `ll-horn nun` 7|":-nnrnuu `Run-(urn. nun-I Tan-no-u Vtlil III-I\L Ill-IBIID JJUUUII, VIIUV `I-I JIJIUICIIII LVN.` ed them, and .Thoma.s Brown, and James A` insma.-de the trails, the logs would make 42, 00 feet of lumber. '1`be.hosa of the job was William Argue. It is now in order for some one to rise and say he could beat: it by about feet. A lllllllllilll 1l'llIII BUIIVBIIII KIVBII away to every urehaser of one dollar - worth of Goo as at E. 0. slmmonu Hat. Cap and Fur Store, Music Hall Block, Ba,rrl`ea - , . Honor Roll. 7 iReport ofFe1-ndale School for the month of November. Fourth Class-Walter Law: 356. Jas "Campbell 349. M. Dawson 296. Third` Class-' - eorgina Campbell 252, Maude McFarland 226. Martha Spearn 135, Mercer Marlin 88, Arthur Burridge 38. Robt. Daw- son 31. Second Class_--J..o_i'ne Campbel!237, Olive McFarland 159, Leslie Dawson 129. Nellie Waldrulf 69, Fred. McFarland 55. Part I`I--Roger Croghan 96, Albert Marlin 92, Willie Minniken 81. First (a)-Peter Croghan, Bessie Dawson, Ossie Minniken, Ivan Thurlow. George Croghan. Gertie Spearn, Alex. Ferguson. Robt. McFarland, Etta Waldrulf, George Spearn ; `(b)--Jessie Ferguson, Mary Cro han, Edith Cha 1. Man Nhnnnnl -' ln\_.` in-vnv Nlinniknna--. An} The following oce were elected at the last regular meeting. of Barrie Council, 109, R. T. of '1`., for thefollowing term :- | s. C.-Br`o. `Charles Palk.` e P. :C.--- u Joe, Pullen. I V. C.-Sie._- Nellieestory. - _ Chaplain--Bro, H T. Whaley. Rec. Sec.-Bro. R.._ W. Thom. - Ant . Rec`. Se'e.'--Sis. Fanny Lower. V -Fin. Sec.-Bro. B. W. Somere.` ` vTreas;-.-SiI. Sarah Bedford; : ;_ `Here.ld--Bro. A. W. Benwick. ' . Dep. Herald"--:-Sis Lillie Lower, v ` rGua.rd--_-Bfrog `Fred, W. Williamson. . ,S9nt1n!+l-;Bi=o-' Axmiur Briey. i ;NoiiifiIatiiixI"uiIj'lleotlon._ i . V The day for `nominating candidates fer the municipal couneilwwill be Friday, December 22nd. and the day for electing candidate: will be Monday, January Int, 1894. V l FUFKUEUH, int} \JlU uuu, JJLIAIIII` vua cl. May Chap 1 ; (c)- arvey Minmken,-Svack I . I Croghan, _ilhe Dales, Harry Dales. BAREIE, CoUN.n,oE SIMCOE, ONTARIO, DECEMBER 14, 139' 3. A handsome X-man` souvenir given niwnw tn own-I1 nn rnlnnnnr at nnn nlnllnu-9: A year s subscription , to ScRIBNER s I MAGAZINE will bring into your home twelve monthlv numbers, aggregating over 1500i pages of thebest and most interesting read- ing, and more than 700 beautiful illustra- tions. ."'I";e Village Vouncil meets on Friday 9vn- ing of this week. ' I 11- IV, r1,,--,-,s_.__ __.__._ _ g__ j____ nvn \lIr - Just bl-zinkof it. To keep the sidewalks of our vxllage clear of snow for the rernainder of the winter for $17. ' ..---- '-- ---- .__ Messrs. Bowie, \`?.$;.."I1ittle and R, Coady of our village attended the funeral of the late James Hawley, in Toronto, on Monday. I _ L_I_!' 2.. LL- V-Cgrietvmaa trees and` entertainments will be in order now. V . . tug UL IIIIII Wlho Mrs. Geo. Cummings sptent a few days with friends in Tofonbo last week. I "'.i'_1;; B. of R. T. have in o}>iie}a}X1auion the P gnolding of a. grand `_` Assembly m the near uture. ` -wgugicipel matters. are veriy quiet in our village at present ' Who wil be our council for 1894? -_ _._- .._._--_ _-.. 1, Quite 9. number of our young men atfend-A ed the oyster _supper of the (7. M. B. A. in Barrie on Monday night. ' ' '10 7.0..` 1 is lw I ---'- ---v- --', -- -v-v.---v, -__ _~. 0 . Anniversary services were helfcrlz: in the Methodist Church of this place on Sunday `last, and were `very successtul considering the stormy weather. On Monday evening the annual tea. meetin and entertainment washeld, and was wel attended. an La Grippe is working great havoc among a large number `of our citizens during the past week, especially among the railway men. There were eleven engineers laid off with the above complaint at one time last "week. There are '-some cases which, it is feared, will prove serious. I\ 1 ,SAS,_.,_ I'_. T_L.. 13--.. _- 5&5: Our respected citizenvhir. John Boon re- ceived last week from his son William, as a. Christmas present, two very large salmon` trout. caught in Lake Superior. The com- `Hun;-I tnlnl-:9-, IA` flln {turn Rah wan `hi lal'UU.II. uuuguu Ill IJIBU Iautlwl. .l.uv |4UlII' -bined weight of the two shhwas 67 lbs They are the largest that has been seen around these parts, and it is worth your while taking a view-of them at Bothwell s butcher shop. \ V . , ,I_ 41,. _,___SJ._.__ .E II_ .. -.-v-w- --vr- One night last week the residence of Mr. .William Thorne was entered by burglars, who picked the lock ot the door. The thieves scoured some $40 in cash and a bank book, andbefore leaving the house the rob- bers did considerable damage to the house- hold goods. The inrnates were sleeping up- stairs and heard nothing of what was going on below. It is to be hoped that before long some of those midnight prowlers will be cap- tured and severely punished. ' in AII II `I'\II (II 1 E Report of the Allandale Public School for November. Senior Font-th-R.. Da.lton, T. Patton, L. Graham, B. Brunton, J. Am- brose. Junior Fourth-H. Hurd, S Camp- bell, J. Moit. F. Hamlin, ' E. McMorran. Third Cla.ss-Willie Tickell, Willie Taylor, D D:_:_. `II II7l..:a..1.... `II `D......... .....l `I `ll UIDBB: VV uuv Llunuxl, VV ullv LG Iva, LUIJ. R Pirie, M. Whiteley, H. .Burns and J. Bradford. equal. Senior Second-'-,Helena Collins, Amanda Moore, Edith Jones, Willie Pirie. Junior Second--Sadie McMillin, Willie Hill, Earnest Dickinson. Joseph Beatty. Part Second-Jeesie Steggles, Viola Collins, Sadie Peacock, Willie Scott. A'ver- -age attendance 140. James Hawley, aged 23 years, unmarried, who resided with his widowed mother at 114 St. Patrick-street, accidentally shot and killed himself on g. G.T.'R. train on Friday I....& , Edam` - Pineapple - .Gorgonzola. - Boquetort--lIutch and Gill Edge Cheese at "The Pyramids. . Hawley was employed as a messenqen by the Canadian Express Company- He, took the 7 30 train at the Union Station to make his usual run to Niagara Falls. Messenger J. McCausland, of Hamilton, was with` him. A:`ou- `Anny:-ans I-Ln Anna` `[1 {cu-`A-9 'un'An"nA U0 J.V.I.\i\JElIUIGI-Ill UL JLQIIIIILULI, VICE VVIIIII llllllo After leaving the depot Hawley unlocked his safe. put on his revolverbelt and was goin to put his revolver in it Mr. Mc- Caus and was in the other end of the car and, hearing the report of a revolver, ran to where Hawley was. .The latter said : Jack, I m shot 1 and fell. Blood was pouring from a wound in his breast, where the bullet had entered, lodging in his lung. His ftlce was out where he had fallen `against the safe. He said nothing but the three words and. then became unconscious. When the train stopped at Queen s Wharf in a few minutes he was taken out dead. _'The money bags and valuable parcels in the safe were cover- edtyvith blood. ` "I ,1-`I ;I,..,, e ; 1 .1, <`u WILLS IlIU\I\lo From the way in which the safe and the revolver were lyin , and from the direction of thebullet. it is elieved that when taking his revolver out of the safe the hammer caughtvon something and was drawn back, and that in doing so was turned towards Hawlev, or else that he took it out barrel rst, causing the discharge. Hawley s father was formerly bridge inspector on the Northern branch, in the Allandale district, and died about.a year ago. He was pretty well known here and well liked. rn1_._..__1-_ _2..L- .1 . _ _ _ _-j ____ 2,_3.e_._`_1 uA:u. _ AN$0UNGlHlNTS.` 5, vheorge W. Cable will begin in the Ja ary ; mmbera. romance entitled John March, outh- I Thursday ni ht deceased was initiated into the A O.U. . in Toronto. ' The funeral took lace on Monday after- noon, from the reei ence of the decaaed, 114 St. Patrick-street, to the Necropolis. AI-nnnn I-lag afar 45` `Ian Avnnuohsnn mvnnnan KIN` -I. KUILVJRTULCUL, II`, VII? L` VVIUEUIIWQ Among the staff of the American Express Company no one was more popular than the unfortunate young man. Many and beauti- ful in design were the oral, offerings.-- Of these a floral safe from the staff at Hamilton, a pillow of owers from Toronto and owers from Hamilton were ' especially beautiful. The Rev. Mr. Hunter and Rev. Mr. Moln- tosh officiated at _> the service. -'.l`oronto W'o`rld.j A V a .1 __-_. ___n I___;_-_ '-# 3 12,.I,1._ . The deceased was well known and highly espected In the Village of Allnndale and Town of "Barrie. The young men was form- erly a. resident of Allandele for a. number of years. The mother and sisters of the do-. ceased have ;the heartfelt sympathies of their many friends in tl_1isyvic1'nity.' in this sad aiiction. . BIB D0011 ulluculuig uuluuvvunu nuts 51: vuv farmer's wife something wherewith to make Christmas cheerful Lube {allowing were the Market Square prices ; ` ,Whea.t,i55c. to 570.; barley. 35c. to 400.; rye, to42c. ; outs, 290. to 30e.;pease,52o. to 52; hey. $600 to 87.00 per ton; straw. $4.50 to $5 00; pottoes, 40. ' to45c. shag; apples. $1 25 to $1 75 e. 'bb1.-;'.b08f, hind; quarters, $5.50 to $6 00 per cwt.; fore- qusrters $4.00 to $4.50; peigcercase, $5 00; mutton. 37- 00 to $7-. 50; Earl`... $5.-.80. o 36- .15; . turkeys, 8c. to 9c. perl j; geese, 60. 6c.; ducks,;40c'. to 600. a`. pair; fowls, 30c. to 400. `s nun: Non: ' Last Saturday : market wasexceptionally large`and much pork fwaa oered for sale. There was a. fair amount of grain oerediaud sold at our noted prices. Butter and eggs J... KAI-I. -48 ninn unvnnunu-. ind ` alum tho a-_<)-l('l_t;I;"(>I1`r 35fed pr1cea' . `Butter and eggs are both sti eninz somewhat and ' give the `.-_.;.- n ao\uv|a`\:I\lI in New Imnnrnuea In-um at wrine` Pyramid I. - Advance Correspondence. -_ Things are very quiet just now on the I. m 12 A Very sad Fauuty. pair; butter in rolls, 200. to 22c.` 29. lb , in crooks, 18c.` to 200.; lard, 12 ; eggs, 17c. to 200. per doz_; hides, (untrimmed), $3 50 to $400 per cwt.; sheepskins, 60. to` 70c.; wool, 17c. to 18c. per lb ; wood, $3.50 to $3.50 per cord; anthracite coal. $6.75 a ton. 1'1 llK'l'. `F wo other important serials have been engaged : J. M. Barrie. author of the famous "Little I Minister," has written a new novel. the first, since that famous st ry. George Meredith, ' the great English novelist, has in preparation a no cl entitled The Amazing Ma.rriage."e snowr sronms will be abundant; W. I). Howells, M as Elliott. W.` H. Blnhnn. I.ud ovnc llalevys Paul Bour- azel, Joel Chandler Harris and many runv wrifnrc will (`nl1fI`;hlltB'. J. Moore, in that burg. ".2L1iani.b'u;;'n;;;;{ ..?.L.;`im-. J; J. Moore of Barrie spent a few days with his brother, T. V our old friend Mr. Thomas Leemmg of Toronto, who gave us a "call on Monday. `II ... (V.............. `D.....I..-.-I _L-`AL L..- ......... DWI` \II-I JIJUIIKIIDYQ Mrs Cameron, Bradford street, has gone to Point Edward to spend the Christmas holidays with relatives and friends. -`Miss 'Agqie'Ca.m bell, Simcoe, Norfolk County, is visiting er sister, Miss Annie -Campbell, Kindergarten Directress, Brad- ford street. II ._ `I"\, I IIJII I , , -I,, A J -_ -v---.- The Advance ill glad te learn that Mr. `Geo. H.- Hale of the Packet, is convalescing. Mrs. R. Marshall of Barrie. spent a. few days-in Orillie, last week. I 'I"'I"l ln IIJI VI DUI GWUO Mr. Davis, of Midland, `gave the Ad- vance a call on Monday. He says the hay up there is frozen, that teams come to Mid- land from all the surrounding villages, on the ice. He also states the Rosedale, one of the largest freight vessels on the upper lakes, is frozen in, and will have to stay all thiyvinter. ` 'l\ ,, ,' I , 1 E , 93,, III}? I Ulla PWIJPICD IILW IIIUBIIIII-I\.I u su $ 0., lately he has been appointed one cf its General Managers for Canada. He will make some appointments in the County when here. lull? " II-I `Cl I Richard L. Barwick and family, are to spend Christmas` holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Cotter, Barrie, during Mr. 'Ba.rwick s [stay here he" will, we understand, attend to the business of the people s life insuranc ("Ya llI`Q`I1 `an `Inn Lana ni\i\t\=r\nr` Ann A` :1-1! "Ponce Court. On the 8th, John Train was charged with being drunk and disorderly. for which ne and costs amounting to $5.20 was aked by the Magistrate or one month in gaol. John was locked up. "C5 IUUCCIL The same day Chief King charged John Flynn with vagrancy. Fine and costs $5.20 or one month, cried the beak. Flynn went up. William Cole char ed Julia Qu' ith having` more husbandg than the im There was no positive evidence to show the woman s guilt. Some admissions of her own and talk with others was all that was pre- sented as evidence. Cole himself who made the complaint had been charged bv the woman with the seduction of her daughter. The case was dismissed. The parties hail from the neighborhood of Waubaushene. Haudwove Plush,Albums for 750. atl Ma.nn s Book Store. new WTIICTS \VIll CUl.[`lUulcs ' I STUDIES OF AMERICAN LIFE will be ` .... 2.......,.-L..'..o 4'.-uxtnon :1-n~Iutna' NEWDOI1. Bar Educational. Model School Examinations are in pro- gress at the Model School. Twenty-three candidates are writing. Inspector Morgan is presiding. Collingwood and Bradford students are writing at their own schools l`.i\n:a6vnnn nvv-n:v\n1:r\v\a 150- fl-in nnlinniafn EUIl\lVI.III KEV VULIIJIIIE U IIIIWII UVVII QUIIUUID Christmas examinations at the Collegiate Institute commenced on Wednesday of this week. i ` , l\I,,,,_,1Iv1\,! ,!_,,I), ,,,',4,,A ,4 A1,, "W5! Mr. Glaspell; Principal s assistant at the Model School, will teach near Toronto dur- 3..... `I DOA widiuafudhope, of Orillia. public school, is`/J writing on Model School Examination here Mhn n Q`I`lAQI\" nO- O-`an III A` UVV VIII` IW\IIlIIJU\-I3 \Ilul\I\lI LIXIAU , \}$l-0 un; Thos Hawkins, Model School student, ` "will teach next year at Honeywo_od. 3 ` Wllllllla Ull LVLUIIVI KIUIIUUI JJJAGIIIIUGUIULI IICIU ` Miss Robinson, a student at the Mode School here, will teach in the junior depart ment of Newton Robinson school next year. ll - "l`l..-... 'I .I ..-.l...- llI'..J..I L`..L.-"J ..Ln.L-...L - . The rst f a series of concerts under the auspices of , he _Citizens Band was given in the town hall on Tuesday night to a fair- sized audience. The band to the number of some sixteen, played their selections admir- ably well, the clarionet solo by Mr. Scott with band accompaniment being particularly well given The assistance given by the Collier Street Methodist Choir lent con- siderably to the success of the concert. Any defects in the`singing of solos or ducts, are to be attributed to La Grippe, who had not yet left some of the principal singers of the choir. All their choruses under the skilful leadershi of Mr. J. B Edwards were well given. `~.r `ho Killed Cock Robin. perhaps n-ullinn `rth flu: lnnnnf. nnnlnnnn thnnah I \.llll.ll`UlIEll; LIUKUGB, uauluw, lugs, ulfsauzc, woiqons, cutters and farming implements of all inda. .Sa.le~t.o commence at 1 o clock, R. W. Sloan,_ prop. _W. D. -McConkey, auctidneer. , . A creditable Record. We were much -pleased the other evening, on being shown a silver medal, which had been won by Miss Carrie McConnell. . daughter of the Rev. W. McConnell, and for several years a pa ii of Craigvale Presby- terian Sabbath Schoo , she having been suc- cessful in obtaining 90 per cent of the marks given for the Intermediate Doctrinal Paper, at the recent examination in connection with higher education in the Presbyterian Church. As this was competition not merely with one school, but with pupils from every school throughout the Dominion, it certain- ; ly speaks volumes for Miss Carrie s persever- ! ance, and reects much credit on any school to which she may have belonged We hope it will be an_ incentive to many of our young friends to go and do likewise. COM. I " on Wednesday, Dec; 20th, l893.-At Churchill: horses, cattle, pigs, bpggies, unnnhnnn nnblunnn ant` uwnhan 3:nnlAn-nnnta AF AMERICAN IaI.I."li wm oe . an important feature, includin Newport. Harbor, Lenox, etc.. and the cat. L THE lLl.4US'l`IlA'l`I0N8 will be even more numerous and beautiful than ever. A series of j I ontispieces chosen by Philip Gilbert llamerlon will be especially notable. Complete Prospectus point _on request. I i `P "18 -Decorations `for . Windows, Shops, X.-Mu `Trees, -o,1'1ly 5c. 9. yard at Mann : Book Store. ' ' . 38' A splend(idv as`o;t-menI;:f Mechanical Toys, very cheap at Mann s Book Store.~ --.- --.-_ --- --- v.--- .- Mrs P. Cnddahee. of Orillia,-v heen ill for 3 month past ind her infant child died on Saturday. On Monday her eldest boy was lying ill with In grip e, when she went upnnd laid her hand on is face, the skin ..Ia..... ...J.I slum. -1... oknnblnb A-I... Ir... nu... QIIII SCI I-IUI IICIII-I Ull lll IZJU, UIIU DIXIE-I P felt so cold that she thought the boy was dead, and from that moment her mind he- ganto wpndqr. Last Diht she went into as pantry. secured a..ra.zor and cut her throat. The unfortunate woman is still living, but ` cannot i reooer. l --u-u o -- j----w-u ygw-- -wt uvwzvvn One week from to-day, .2lst inst., Miss Cam bell will have an examination of the pup 3 of. her Kindergarten class in the Me- chanics Institute Auditorium, commencing at 10 a.m. We advise all who are interested in` the New Education" to go and see how intellectis naturally developed. SIV OI-I. V Y_ IJU lLlllU\l wvvn LUVUILI. P05 Illlkiu V Lcalling forth the loudest applause, though the three selections approached perfection. Ont Ho:;'hI-out wnii L. `nan-. u`... cu. A1-`nun: mnaorau-ton School. citizens Band Concert. Auction Sales. `Iaxms, statement Ul ulc I` accuullts uuu um nature` .f the securities (if an ) held by them. ' Ann TAKE NO ICE that after the said 17th` inn AF `annnrv IRQA fhll Rah`! Administrator Bern! Templar: 0! rempernnoe. 'An open `meeting of the Royal Template of Temperance will be given in the Town Hall on Friday, (tomorrow) evening. ' 5: -Ten1ponn.tnne at 7 a. m. Monday morning 5 below zero. , ' KANY MINOR fATTIRS KUGHLY --Wi'13'r`, :1; vivihy, is there sucli a profound municipal calm? ..c-'I\II 1\uI-rr 1 D an -#T:-Vainmgns concert at Bothwel1 s Hall, Alls.nda.le, last evening. - ./It .1 no 1 91. I .1, `a;r;(;_<:o1;n are said to be the two staple products of Iowa. ;-0n Qveix Zt;1Z-61:72)` u;.Q;vi11be the winter solstice and the shortest day. @ Three new` XI-iats fo(r(th`eZf(aV.l(lV jug: passed into stock ; see them. Simmons 86 0. ` -'-Allandale Methodists ran a special train from Barrie Monday night, the occasion of their anniversary tea. ._.rr 1 u .o u IAOII. -ta -I{`emf)e;1`f'elvdft; `over on the morning of the 13th December, the earliest time nine years at least. ` ' The numbers _ . I SP E9 !:.g-Epugr u'.'?-`H333? '-$4.50 The name, with back numhoflg bound In cloth, ' - " - 3370.0 Sample Copy. 10 cents. ` cums SBBIBNEWS sous. nun -n_-_.;........ In ...-u 171.:-Ir- Which, unxoa` -rogeinor, construct as Very Interesting pad Gouipy chapter of Local History. . '--Division Court in Barrie J auuary 3rd. -Five public school trustees will have to be elected. - _-Mouday' was the day for the sale of lands for taxes. 3' 150113` a.1;i `Doll Heads from 5c. up at Mann s Book Store. --An addi7ti6n(t;. v:v every day or twoand our `winter roads will be complete. M` 131.71 . P .n pl! -Rev. J. E. Lancelev lectured at Orillia. on Mondaiy night, on the Ministry of the Waco ta'We have tile new ladies Milita.ry'Cape in Sable, Beaver, Persian Lamb and Mink ; see them. Simmons 8: Co. ( I -Exa.mine.tion of Mariel Schocl students as candidates for teachers certicates is now going on at the Central School. -117 Q In c In 1 o n SI 3:- Ha.ve you tried Ca.rr& Co. s Carlisle Biscuits--the nest in the market? For sale by Watson & Lennox, grocers. --A good many attended the land tax sale last Monday, and the competition was keen, nearly all the lots o'ered were sold. little ice71;6ut(1icl( le the bay has raised the hope of the small boy, that with Christmas there will be skating. 1'1 ! `I ? `I `I T\ 1 . 1 .l VIUIJIBIIIIU Unwuusnnn a Last Thursday evening, a. musmeeting Was held in the Town Hall to .forwurd the Work of prohibition It was not very large- 1) attended His Honor Judge Boys was in, the chair. The speakers of..t.h9 evening; W9"-`_ Revs Messrs La.nceley,Ao1le ll'L!i(_1';(:3riI'-' brook. C w Plaxton and Mu,:McKee.; 0 0!` two resolutions were adoptedbntz W9 did ....4. 1--.... LI.-:_ ___;__....4. ' XICII. I I.EONARD.-At Stroud. on Thursday, Dec. 7th. 1893, William Leonard, aged 57 years and 7 months. _ Wurzs.-At the residence bf her daughter.` Mrs.` Geo. Whitebread, 51 Owen St., on the nth inst Mrs. M. J. Waites, aged 84 years 3 mos. ` AnNoLD.-AtTBarrie. on"thc 8th'inst.; Robert J.: Arnold, aged 44 years. ;ni.m;.; L3.;;1;za;o',;;;;;;i;:;e.1 the services and preached at Trinity Church both morning and evening on Sunday last. V vlfryou want something nice `for X-Mas presents in Plush, Leather, Wood,Cel1uloid, just call and see our stock at Mann s Book Store. We ask the atrons of Tm: ADVANCE to remember kind y the carrier boys who have so faithfully tah en them their favorite paner from week to week. One week from to-day they; will deliver the last one before the Happy Christmas comes, and they will be glad to be so substantially remembered that their Christmas my be happy. -Dou t forget Trinity Church Sunday School entertainment on the 21st That will be one of the good things of the season. .a:1 , . `I 9 17 `ll !PA1uemH1:Bs' PBMIL uins. ' -The dedication of the new Orange Hall at Thornton, will take place on the 22nd December Anumber of speakers, includ- ing the Grand Master of the Order, will \take part in the proceedings. :11 n It - A DELIGETFUL Pnnrvnnn FLUID. The. winter is coming and you should go at once to JOHN WooI)s"drug emporium and provide yourself with a. bottle of his Pnnmmzn WINTER. FLUm.- It is a. specific for cha pad hands, sore lips and roughness of they in, and a great beautier of the comnlexion, Celebrated G. B. Chgc-oluteu mm 9:. ate hon, New Brunswick. at '_l`ne I Pym an. 4 A - Come and see our Tea. Cosies, Pin ` Cushions, Necktie Cases, Handkerchief and IGlove-Cases, all hand made. at Ma.nn s Fundy Goods Store. - u . . - \ --7enus lattalinled her greatest Eastern ` Elongation on the 6th inst., and from now i/onward will be getting nearer the sun until she nally appears as a. morning star we PUBLIC scH5oL TRUSTEES invite Tnnrhare Fnr Inn 1-nu-Ac nF an-nan nannhl and l?Mr. A. Marois instructs us to say, that he will be at the Clydesdale Hotel, Barrie, on Tuesday, Dec. 19th, prepared to purchase horses weighing from 1300 lbs. to 1600 lbs., from 5 to 10 years old, sound and in good I condition. - -The anniversary services of the Eliza- beth St., Methodist Church Sunday School, will be held `next Sunday. Rev W J. Barkwell. M A , pastor of Gerrard Street, -Methodist church` Toronto, will preach both morning and evening. There will be a plat- form meetin in the afternoon. with ad- dresses by A r. Barkwell and others and singing by the nupils. There will be a Christmas Tree on the evening of the 21st. Go and encourage-the energetic superintend- ent, Mr Rhinehart, and the pupils in the good work. +Grippe is gradually relaxing his hold on the Editor, as well as the proprietor of THE- ADVANCE. He is a. pretty tough antagonist to` do battle with, requiring no small amount of the "cunning of fence," to ward off his side thrusts as well as his direct blows. --Tbe Annual X-Mas Entertainment of the Congregational Sabbath School, will be held Tuesday evening, Dec. 19th. A tea will be provided for the scholars of the school, served in the basement from 6 to 7 11.11:. The entertainment will commence at 7.30 The scholars have taken great inter- est in their practise and a. good programme is expected. ' .. .'n. _u ~'l-\ us nu t8"`After the` Ball , people like a nice Cracker, with somethin else, according to tastes.` `Tastes differ a out the Someth- ing , but all tastes do not (life: regarding the taste of T. B. &C. Uo s., Biscuits. Taste them and try, we mean taste the biscuits, not the tasters Taste our Moss Wafers, our - - well just taste anything we make, and then you will think as we do. ! A8'Very handsome Dinner Mats and Dailies at Mann s'Fancy Good: Store. cnnrsranlznn GINGER, PLAIN ANDVCHOOOLATE CADATED, VAT "TIIE PYBAIIIIDS. $1.450 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE smaut corms. I-`IVE clmrs. our can-lot Boys. --v j VOL. XLII. No. v Quaint J . /1394; t9 On the evening. of JaI|\194'V nth Ad > .1; town ball will doubtless 5 am Brown, postmaster ` ~ " " i . l ex-M.P., d liver bl! celebrated . ' 1>,ioOl1f5 le World : Fail`. m5tm`t'ed `y i 5 views Fill the house. .-xV ` -mu news u-om me am _ _We learn that Mr. Swithiu Kin _hI!}'0'; elved the sad news of the death 9 his tilgther ant} a. s1ster,- both of: whom `fell Vic-1 AD: to dxphtherio. a. few days: in thence offers we sympathy to ls sad bereavement. ' " .- - ` V T " gel, J06! `lIIIIIIII.lI7l 1 wnters WI contnbut. --__-_:.. -: _ ..._____.., Mechanics Instxtnte vlll DWU ISUBUIIIIIIUHB did not learn their "I559 uv'I.IKII$ll T TV 743 Broadway, New York.` ARM FOR SALE.;-The North East Half of Lot No. 17. Con. 4, Essa. is situated nine miles from Alliston, and is convenient to post-oce and school-house. On the premises there is 26 acres of fall wheat sown, and all the fall ploughing done. There is a comfortable leg house with trame kitchen .1-ttached, two barns and good stabling for horses and cattle, two wells of water and about 95 acres Of` clearing. The farm contains I00 acres more or less. If not sold, will be rented for a. term of years. Ap-' ply to _]AS. A. MILLER, Baxter P.O. ` _ 5o-56 Sad News from fhd 0111 < 151-..... . II. N . " WHOLE No. SAMSEEOWESLEY. Proprietor. ' SW4 _ Prebatte nlaetnnz} X|"V3J|Tp UUUK 0| other help ; have you a house to` rent or sell. Two or three lines `in this col- nnnn Lain Ivtin IIIJCB Ill IIIIS C01` umn will help you. Do you want a R4-rvun'nd>_ Cnnlr nr I11` ,l'l\ I\ILVB\I1V, S ,lClt0l' for Amnnnstntor. U DU. DAL Ia. Chairman Supply Cdm. 13'-?5oFE' { urn: FUDLIU aunuuz. 1 nuo;nno mvue Tenders for ma cords of reen ema 1e and bee;-ch. 4 ft. Ion , to be delivered at t e=Public chools before the 1st ay of April. 1894. Pa re-inc tendering mav tender for the whole. or in amt- 50-tf |cuumnnnAu-n1sm1ur nnxns. cu-runnn BY sumo: min nwrnxcr \ xxcnurans as noon. umvs. I f ;:a.vea_} Christmas tree and a big- time generally. ` fI1I.__- _._ AL, I And condensed Into Interesting Pau- _.._._u.... 5.. An_'.. _.. cu--.-_._.. CIII_- ` }u75:L'}ZI'Xavanoo ""' -nou"";r':-WI-1;--Z ' ukotho Hun-awn! theoat. . Orillia. is getting the best `coal-oil it 12. cents a gallon. V 7 'I\ I , A .I II III . nu 1 '(V)\1;l `1r1`e_f'>f the five mills at 'Sevei`h' B1-idg5 is now running. T ' ' Mi! Dhi n`\:v-stunt` a nun at nun-"13; `no-gn`I|n if `oak of apples frolin Tottenham on Tuehday. V V (V....I______A,, (`I O . Z Th. 'l_:z.;gvFe;.;:.'i enetanguiaheneA is I said to be four inches tyick. 1' T ;b;.'..; 5_1$L;;'1i'J;} with inuenza, at the Penetang Reformabory. ' . `I -__,I 1 i 1 A I " I NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to,the Revised | Statutes of Ontario, 1887, Chapter no. that all ' persons having claims upon or a ainst the Estate of Andrew McDonald. late of the VI lage of Allandale, Carpenter, who died on or about the 20th day of V November, A D. 1893, are requested, on "or before she x th day of January. 1 , to send b post,` pre- paid? or deliver to Daniel slgiaser Mac att, of the Town of Barrie. the Administrator of the property of the said deceased. their Christian and surnames, addresses and descriptions. full particulars of their elaims, statement of the r accounts and the natur V of Amh TAKR NO 101-`. that afnar flan said I-nth` -report business 1 better since the sleigking began. V ` ~-v:v- uuuvv vs-v -lav: banana Ivvallun-I The new Presbyte1"'i5.n [church at `Bradford 1 I will_be nished in about a. month. , 7 1 Th; (6:-'iVl-lii; iidbiic" 's;a;.n.;.i.;"1.g.;.. been ` thinned out by the prevailing colds. L i m WS(a.1Z;ra;t'io;1 'A;;,;y{{`;;T{:e;;o;g;aA to he` i doi1_1g`gra.nd work at Homing : Mills. ' T In! . 1\ -1'1 vs . -I so 'fTeEg%v}i1Ia "1503? }a'1i"r"uI."IiZa1y edi- 1 tion imtil after the municipal elections. . | 1 n . Mass Tmeefilngre th: now the order of the day in many localities.` . rl rt . . n 1 I T Theeecm;..;;,;e1;;..;;e.;;*;:a;.;.;;;.;;110.: a. i head teacher and received 60 a.pplica.tionT , `II A , IE I I ` San} Mei ii}; is} eiid "$35511 Aiiii g F three foxes t `e other day near Schomberg. VIII `I`\ I IQI I 1 1 "7r1;e` i>'e}ie'c`.?{ ,;;;;.;..;.;; 1c};1%'}{1i%'i. ind on the 16th ins .. nderpower of mortgage. EAI , ,, ,2 (`I,,,,, l *Xgoga`;;.;;;.;:tL;`:..;g ;n;;. o`fTS;evern, iBridge ha.ve gone to the woods for the | winter. ` Fiiazns FOR V4066.` r Rumor along the Blue Mountains says, the lumbering business` will be active this `winter. - - T . n It igsaid Deputy-Reeve Anderson, bf Oro. will retire from the municipal eld this com- ing elgction. - V ' an I l `Iii I I ,,,n!n9.,,,_1 J |. | _.--."1`l'1`a`V`;->- le of Elmvale have petitioned the Post Master General for more postal ac- commodatiqn. ' - "ni}L'1{fe."i)}?n"et"& 033:2 aT1E'i.Iena puttinga. gangaaw into their new lumber mill at Severn Bridge. V * ""i'Ju};".ZI.i&I1i{ee};}2. be done byvthe ` Collingwood Literary Society at the Grand ; I Opera House on the 14th. ' ` ,;,,I 4I,,L LI_.___ L_.__.I..-.I J--._ Oro always gets `her share [of `snow and ! now has much more than the country lyinc ` I immediately round Orillig. 1 1' I0" . . 1 , (;,I-~,__ML_v;I__ ` I vr--- -..v..... ._ It is reported-;l;a_1;twt;ree himdred deer have been taken through" Gravenhurst this season by hunters, going home. ` n 1 n I -1 rI_,,___,.L2-_- _L 'I I':II_.`1-1- "-gt;-(l;v Ec;;:re;1:.i;)'t; at Hilladale `last; Thursday. Ionventions will be held in Flos, Medou te, ; Tay and,Tin-y. I,` I\,,,,_ Celebrated 99 Lily chocolate: and French Cream: at 6* The Pyramids. n In . 1 _ --_, _._-~,_v- -v, _.. --.___ __-" _ Thedog killing mania gas reached Brace-. bridge. and Mrs. H. Armstrong is the loser of a valuable and favorite canine. bexorc the :5: aay or Apru. 1594. - _ Parties tendenng may tender for the whole, or m . lots of 50. 40 and no cords. The wood to be proerly piled in the schopl yards to the satisfaction 0 the Trustees. and to be at least one half maple. All Tenders to be addressed to Mr. Fulljames. Sec- retary of the Public School Board. on or before the goth inst. Any further information can be had by 1' to-the ndersigned. W ymg _ GEO. BALL. (`L-...-...-. n Q...-nlu (`Am "1"ai;' School, received a nice address and some presents % I on the occasion of leaving the locality. . 9"-r - 1 go ml: `IS."-1;e.i_sl`e-y,"<>f e;;;;;dnn his young friends to asleighing party the other | evening. There was much enjoyment. ley last week, for $23; It; is but fair to say ' that the crows were Just foreclosing a. mort- gage, ' ` A V A te'a'.m ofhoraea wer sold at Grand Val-' ` `l I__._A.__.__-!-l_-__ `H'.._..1.I ' 1-nauun -' a-"i`vl;e Penetanguiahene Hera.l.d says : Quite a number in that town had their '5 ; water works frozen up last Saturday nivht, ` E 2nd inst, _ - I There will be a. publicvmeesings at Rugby M to-morrow, evening to discuss Plebiscitae mat- ters. The meeting will be under the con- trol of the S. O T.` The barn of Mr William Hunter, Matche- dash. was burned last week with all` that gentleman's produce. . The re was caused I by the accidental upsetting ofa lantern. I V. --.....u-..gnn 'Y_un-A u-inwnnlr crlwnn _ By the accidental breaking of -9. coal-oil slump in the store of J. S. Body '85 Bx-0., ` I Bradford`, a few evenings ago, about $100 1 I worth of damage was done. _ w | 1- if IITOIIP ,___L_._ 'll_L_L_ "J "W ---------" "J'.""""u -- ~ - ~ - A Handsome X-mas ouvenlr elven I away to every urchauer of one dollar : . worth ol Goo a at E. (7. 81mmon9s Hal, * Cap and Far more, Manic Hall Block, i Barrie. ' . H I I T1` ,,,l,1 ____.-_ _"[n_A__:___ The Muskoka Herald says: Ensign g McGillivray, of Barrie, will shortly deliver a lecture on the cause of the downfall of one ; of thewomen killed by Jack the Ripper at lyhltechappel. T ` e A Back Settlement man says : There are heaps of snow on the mountains, people taking to the elds to avoid the drifts. `If these are the preliminaries, what are we to expect of Kingiwinter" at the__height of his vassault? _ ' ` II` L, 42..--.. 2.. `T-LL..-l-".7 ` usauuw : _ I There are tobe lively times in Notta.wa.- I saga. at the municipal elections. Mr. Glover `Alister and Mr. James Hamilton will be op osed for the first deputyship by Mr. A! an Flack. i 3 ' i ` ' ` The Packet tells of three boys jumping on e. farm_er s sleigh drawn by spirited horses that needed the farmer s attenI.ion-two of the'boy,s jumped o , end when the third new that thettermer was not observing him he known though the farmer is not. will again enter the lists against Reeve Ma.c- . stole a. sm_a.:l parcel and. left. The boys; are in nu}, _ ___~ |_______'I .\r\u [Ann nuuun mat aner me saiu -7m ' day of January. a894, the said Administrator will M proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased ` among the persons entitled `thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given; and that the said Administratorwill not be liable for the assets, or any part thereof, so distri- bmcd. to any person of whose claim notice shall not '1.-nu been received at the time of such distribution. I`ated at Barrie this 8th day of "ecember, 1893. JOHN ')lCKINSON, i ' S. /nithr for Aministrator. `in the church on paquuyu u.u...,..,, ......-__ in `smoke He explainabyeaying the atovel pipes had been varninhedandh the fire burned it-, lling the place with smoke, so that the reacher stopped "and sent " his congregation - nto the outer air. a l The annual re-union of the N. S. N. Co,,_ at the close of navigation took place at Col- lingwood the otherevening. ~ It was _,a , lea- eant a`air;;bnt the pleasure was leeeene by the unavoidable absence of General Manager; Martin Burton 3 In his-letter explaining the; cause of his absence he _eays.:--During my `whole buelners `career "of`~'e`ometbin'g like 23 years,` I have employed a great number of` men in variouh capacities.` but I never wan ~~_--a-.: ...m. an =amanization" or set of` Illlvvvnu v-.'.-=_7 . The municipal euthoritiee of Thornburyv took it upon themselves to direct the course of the river through the private pro rty of -g-=_.-.. rm... mitirznn nlnimed amanei I of the river bnrougn mu 9. citizen. and the matter weeref when the tww II LL- -_-6- That citizen claimed 11 was ord mmnh Amount: to about $2.- 0 plilvulv tn. erred to arbitration, ered to pay $300 and ".1:;.:.;.'.,;; 5 :li";:.l;e';;s;.";vhioh amounts r hbout $2,- 500more. ' ` . ? A Nowiwa man writing" to the Uolling- wood Bulletin" says tl_ge--,Methodist servtcea n the church on Sghbpth _t`uorniu`g, "ended 4 _...-I... 1:. .mlninn'1iv;-sovin2.the atove._ cause absence ne aays.:- uuu whole career of7'sometbing l.i`|:e `years, of` capacities. never connected .with an organization" of men who endeavored`-mote earfully to carry out my inuructione er tnwork for the gen- .\\> THE '1N'r_-EREs3rs_';1oI ? BAiRfE. f1`HE:.CotjN?i'Y- or ;s1Mco;a AM) ran` DOMINION or CANADA ova CRITERION. -O has a Christian Endeayor So 1 oiety, :w_hose, meetings are always largely `attended; ' A The _Midlan11 Free Press `advocates tlxe '__.__2_.. -2 - .__._l_._ I)__ I __ L_ 1.1.. I 1---__.2l v`-I;l; school entertain- ment at Guthrie on the '22nd inst. mills of the Longford Lumber Co., I have closedsfter a. very successful sea.son s operations V ' * I I , , AAI.T'I,- I ex-$1 of their mployers. V . ` Uhhho` will have a big Ch_istma.s tree. Midland harbor was frozen over on Sun- day 3rd_`inst. . .' ~ ' ' 'W._ANTED at once at the Brrie Hotel, a. class Coo_1;. H 7rII iv?r;;i.;aag. 'woolle.nn[1il1s {van be ixi i operation a"ll'the winter. - IIQI , , OI` I I`! I ,,I , ,`I ,,,A,__L-24. ii iizirnliljs iEaS1eI1},IaL;. sold over 3,000 pound; of honey this year. -,,,-1 '_,r'- _A_ n It in"i ompiained thatfhe proniised sEave % ifacitofy at Coldwater has not yet`. become % _visb_e.~ _ u - b ' ' * ` |v,wvw rv---- -- _--vJ ----w 4-....- car was hroken open at the Bee- ton station the other night and 9. quantity of goods stolen. - - v ` - 1' -rn,c.o I-1:1,, ,n, Vp.s'Zg`3`:`Z`ZIFu3}`E`}.L;`$3f b'ii{ZJu.{Ea7 of that municipglity. ' - % "of the Collinzwood people, |"s'}x}.'e'}1I.}'?I'.' dubbed a profssor, is `going to try to hypnotise some _nickeIs out I V- V _`.__, "lV V1:ivce -sv(V3rc.ZJrners(Vl1;.sf`si1:`V, inches sf snow, and a. professor of phrepology. What else the folk need it is hnrd to say- ' (`Os f "M'."1{' iI}idr}}I. nicasea over fifty hogs qn the Alliston market last Tuesday, psying upwards of $500'for the lot. ` I 71' TI lV,,I, __ `*&`o;:1;:o:;o;i;;,;; ??1a.' E171.`-1*.` "cook op- poses an export duty on saw logs, which is .one good.a.rgument in favor of restoring it. i The Orillia. Post Oice is not yet com- leted. It reminds one of the annoying de- |` eye in opening the Barrie oice some years ago. . 1 ,, ,,A! _,__,,-_I,_11I L_ Y sfigcial degree meeting was held by L. O L o. 679, Utterson, on the 24th u1t., wnich was a. most pleasant, and protable a_ air. 'I\ vs Ir -I `Y I I IANO FoRsALE}-A second-hand s hare piano in good order, Rainer make. App y .to. H. GOODE, hanty Bay._ 5o-5o

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