Grey: Flannel, 28 inch, .hest"quality `V- Flannelettes, light and dark `-A . ; 32 inch `heavy Flannelettes ' ' - Grey Cottons, very heavy. I - ' H - 44, inchPil1ovv Cottonj , s _- .4,46'linch Pillow? Cotton = 7' - ' - Bleached Shirting, 2 yds. wide, best Bleached Sbirting, 2% yds. wide, best `Best ,Flan_nel Shirting, 2 yds. wide Striped,` Shirting Flannels, worth 30. Ladies Wool Hose . ' - - - Ladies Wool Hose, extra heavy - Ladies Fine Cashmere Rihbed Ifose Ladies Cashmere Gloves ' A - ladies extra ne Cashmere Gloves `Ladies Fleece Lined `frost proof Gloves Ladies" Kid: Gloves, Dome: fasteners, The Popular Cash Store. Fae-simile of Mammoth Quartette Bar. The Best Soap in the World. A BIG [OT OF NEW MANTLES JUST OPENED. AREPEAT ORDER, DIRECT E A N E FROM lDNDDN, ENDLAND. R THE BEST Goons AT THE LOWEST PRICES . . . . . . I=2E-:AD. THIs LIST: Watson & Lennox, A GOLDEN COTTOLENE. . Steam, Hot Water and Hot Air Heating. ` The latest designs in American coal or wood Cooking Ranges with hot water attachments. ` . . ~ American Gas oating and Cooking-Stoves in all the latest designs. . Lawn` Sprinklers and Hose. ' ` Tinsniithing in all its branches. Estimates Furnished, Prices Moderate Satisfaction Guaranteed. ' . c _ Call on us, we will try to please you in prices and workmanship. \ ----- - ----.--:-g-ui-inn: 111- 1% :I"l'I A 11"I'\ LIHIL LJIIEILBIIIIIULI UIIUI lllu The St. James Gazette talks of the mock Alcibiades youngsters, basing the remark on the cabled smtement. that. one of the` young men belonged to the militia. The 3 paper says they must not be rebaineci In ` that service of the Dominion of Canada. ` That is a. matter not. depending on any loyal feelings to the province, whaeever that, feel. ing may be, but on their loyalty to the Do-' minion Govemment. . Il`L_ `l)._:.__. _K II! . . - - ' - A G|JNS,R|FLES AND SPORTING mmns, ROPE Ann LEATHER mu.1':ns. 24 BAYFIELD ST., PLUMBING on the Latest Sanitary Methods. , 1 1'7 . 1*rr,L-__ -._.1 ' -.L A:.. `LT AAAA rut! ~ 1`_`KA,_Eu-;-uorom I40! 17. vonlacaalvu -v "'Vu . about -tl'Ie,_mlddIe of October. _a one year old I-IeiFei f,n;`)`otted red and white; whn_te spot on fore- heafdmahe small; up-`t on nose; whnte on inside of fronyleg. Anv person knowin of such animal will oblige byletting me know. G.- . T. HICKLING. Dnhlrml P-O. f` , . 46-48p ` , TEACI-IER`\N'ANTED. ANTEDAfor S. S. No. :7. Om. a teacher hold- in a..secon_d or third class certicate. (male prefer:-et. for the year 1894. splications, stating`- salary expected. will be receiv ep to November 3 Ch: `M; G` C: .0 . Oro, Ont; T ' 46-47 ` oblige gytltafu 73?. W," .'3`i%,< DE RSO N s. IIIILJIUII \l\l V \i|uIllU|I U. ' ,Pl`iD Of `.`.'a.leI presided aLt. Prof. ` L901`?! 1"".'are at thef Imperial Institme ` *3 iF .`.1. Mr. Lecky, in speaking of the .4 1m'n..;..I v-Avxv-aannlniinn Irina nfnfnr` hi- j-" . - Lot . Co bession 2 V0-'0.` nf tgzmber? a year 1 ,Ca,tt1e}C,hairjs. Lanterns, X Cut Saws, Axes, Handles, Apple Parers, Stove `Pipes, Horse N ails, Te ` * Home -Shoes, Bar Iron and ` V , Sleigh-shoe Steel, at 121}- -j i:._..__ _: 31 South Side Dunlop Street. Choie 65c 15c 15c 25c 35c 15c 25c 25c 5&- assortment -;sUccEssoRs 'ro-- JOI-IAN '38: PLAXTON -I-W *--5.1. Mr. uecxy, in speaking or one ,-m','.erial representation idea, stated his opinion that the presence in England of a commissioner from Canada, with agents lrom other colonies, constitutes a real, thongh informal, representation. The feel- a ing in Canada, towards England in 1837' was contrasted with that ruling now. The treatment of Canada at that time _ was a ` reproach to the controllers of Britain e colonial affairs. After 1832 the Liberals were ready to oblige the United States by- the cession of Canadian territory. Happily Canada s immense resources had enabled her to outlive this treatment. He referred `to Enigland s generous treatment of the French and also emphasized. the fact that the French-Canadians were loyal to the British ag. * GROCEI Asa.-...___.:- FAMILY GROCERIES A SPECIALTY. chiefs - -4 - - Ladies Pure Linen horn stitched - Handkerchiefs - - - Heavy Tweeds for Boys wear Fine Halifax Tweeds (all wool) - Ladies Black and Navyvcloth MantlesV (g?vua1f'anteed) . - - - Ladies "Embd. Silk Handkerchiefsv Ladies Fine Embd. Linen Handker- A . Beaver Cellar, Buttery Cape _Ladies Black and Tan Beaver cloth _ Mantles, Beaver trimmed - Black Silk nished Henrietta cloth I . regular value 65c., for - M`en s Belmont Worsted Socks, worth 50c. , for - - - -. "IIVIPCDRTER. HAMS, ROLLS, SHOULDERS, PURE LARU. In... Ll! lmuu. , The Pall Mall Gazette to-night says that the outrage is of a peculiarly offensive, character. The French-Canadimisf ,the article continues, have received the most. considerate treatment under British rule, and have no grievance, and have no hope or wish to come under French protection, and detest the idea of anuexa.tion to the United States. However, the paper continues, it. jg only the wilder headed among them who. insult the memory_ of the natioliai hero of I the English-speaking race. In conclusion, ` it adds that if there is amyvstroug revulsion: in the Dominion `of Canada's`t the French-Canadians, the responsibility rests "with those ungrateful citizens who prothy English protection and ' insult everything that Englishmen cherish. TLA Qt In-suns llnnnbtn .nrn A` thug nnnnlv $1.00 3 A nu'mherL ot first-eless houses and vacant lots In different parts of the town. also some excellent tel-mejnst outside the limits. -rl-narrate`! A. t'\I)`lllcl1'H`ll'!`7 uA-st For Sale or to Rent. _ REWARD.--Lost. -a Silve;7Cu' Stud npitlu Mnnnaram, Annlv at this Cmce I.-0 Auugpnuv vuuunuv Univ -aa-o-u EEWBON & CRESWICKE KISWAKU.`-L083, '8 -VIIVCF UIIII with Monogram. Apply at this I 46-58 {. V LONl)0.\', Nov. `22.-V-`All lhe~pnpemJyes`A;erV- 5 -day morning pubhshed full and gn'nptgicac:,: counts of the abternpted` outrage on "t.h`e` Nelson monument ux Jacques Ca:-cieTr-sqlmre in M0nLrca.1. . . _ rm. Hnilv News saws thaf. this IR nnn (ff 10 00 100 10c 600 10c 20c 35c 20c 30c Monuuui. ` _v The Daily News says that. this )3 one 01' we results of the agitation for we :u_~_at.ion. ]f mere is a strong revulsion of eilinghii Canaliallgaillst the Fre'nch-Canadians t?he`f_` 1~eaponsil;i`licy rests upon the - ungratefu` citizens who prot by England's protection toilisilif all Lhzit. Englishmen cherish. 'It_ 313 stated as a. positive. fact. tliab, one of tIl_isY r Montreal culprits is a son of_ ex-Premier "Merger. This is signicant. in 'vieyv oi the strained reIs.t.ions't.hat, have long Ae_xist'-" ed between the French and British in Canada. ~ A , nil... D..H1l..l1('1....u..66- 4.. .....l.s ....-..-. 4I...o. "U H. AtN!IllptPd Outrage` on Ihn N..g3.,._ Monumewt. Described Ann of `fun Po-cuu. "fly 1)`en_aive Chm-a'ot_ar"-Prnf I.ock _x-`,3 Lecture At the ulmperlulv II|.~sl|tllfos.;7.,' Dividend Dc-clam-cl y (ha 'l'I'n'iY '1'uId` Loan (`b)IIpnx[r,' ` _ I` 3' -11.1 l `-11 will Probably B-e Ready for the Pulblic on Monday Next, : \\'AsH1Ne'roN, Nov. 2 .--Th`e`-Ways an Means Committee will probablywgive out. the new tariff bill on Monday `next, the 27:! instant. A meeting of theefull com- mittee will be called for that day; as it is necessary that the bill be spread beforeths ` entire committee and a formal vote-taken on its adoption before the measure is given to` the public. The Democratic members are now devoting most of their time . in- conference attempting to discover-.'with the.- aid of Assistant Secretary of V the 'l`rea.sury Hamlin and other" treasury oi-V cmls the exact amount of revenue that will be yielded by the various schedules under the revision contemplated by the committee. "This involves detailed calcu- lations, and until this labor is ended no nal ' action can be takenyon any of the reports of the sub-committees. The income tax`pro- vismn is still held in abeyance until the amount of revenue likely to be raised under the other provisions of the bill is ascer- tained, though there seems to be no doubt ot its nal adoption. This will greatly re- lieve the subcommittee on internal revenue, and render it 'unlikely that there will be any increase on any of the articles embraced 1 ;. ct... imm-nul veimnne hchedule excent vmjau TOPICS ,_~g.u.u:m'r1m UPON BY .1ov1z.v4msr.s, XDCFGIIBB on uuy U1 Iallu uriuusca usuuunucu in the internal ievenue schedule `except whisky. The tax on beer and all grades of tobacco will be probably allowed to remain, though a. small increase ot the whisky tax is quite probable. the increase now most frequemly men-* tioned, but the committee still remains Ten cents per gallon is ` quite non-committal on the subject. ' Night ` sessions are now to be held regularly by me Democratic members until the . bill is | In; uululuunv Lu.-mpleted. The Tie-Up In Coulplat--A Tlireatenlng Outlook in Elmira. l n1LADELP11IA, Nov. 22.-Gener'el Men- ngur Voorheee of the L.V. R. said last `night men had been employed in this `city, East- em and Jersey City, and the outlook for the company was much better than he ex- prected it would be. It was a. surprise -to him, he said, that the telegraph operators were not better organized, as only 32 had gone out along the line and their place: had i been easily lled. In reply to an en uiry as to how much traffic the road was toing Mr. Voorheee said that all passenger trains on Sunday schedule of Lehigh and Eastern and Ambery divisions were lled with but one or two exce tione. [Four crews are . working in the eat Buelo yards, ends considerable amount of coal has been moved between Mauch` Chunk and Bethlehem, ' ' v..'2\Cnb ache:-men-horn of Bollevnlp Hat` T Ono Wife Too Many. 1 BI:LLEVlLLE, Nov. 22.-Jeoob=.`Schermer- 3 horn, aged 26, was arrested by Ofiicer 1 Snoneberg at. 6.30 o clock last. night. out hil _: home in the Canifton-road, charged? WW1 ` bigmny. schermarhmw. `first. wife` ve: `V Mary Todd, whom he married on Ma`rhel8, ` 1887. The marriage was performed by I Rev. Mr. Bird. a. euoeunnuuted Methodist ` minister, living in norI.hfFroit-lifi , '5 1 first. wire is a. loose cherqcter, j{V 3 Weeks ago Magistrate Flitft senerhqef e. Retormatory for aixniouthe for it1Yi`3i"el Conduct. On Oct. 25 last. Mr.;iBird -Wu. `L-alled upon to perform a second "m`hrriug'e, In which Schermerhorniiip e`n"'i_`Ae`1o!:_i`:ii'L`8al:_ el role f Rroom, the young bride 1 eitt `Mlia `Lizzie 1&0"! of Canifton, daughter o George H. i om. mm... m. ..........a nu. ea. '....1u_..on - v......yuu uuu luau: Us \-'9`-"5' ". Horn, tanner. H ie seolfmd wife is bill)`-".~90 Years of age. ` - '._I`he prisoner` when arraigned pleaded l_11ty. Sentence wee deferred f ' ' k!` G MEXICO (mt1;;`Nc;.`w`.L'df ovrnoro ' - _- gun - Rralfhs that Sand "M mm, ` `an? `wit ' rero Iurrondergd v"`- "d`AwmV j ' ' Bravo. Novnmsnn-`23 `l`893 THE NEW TARIFF BILL, THE LEI-|I(;5zH STRIKE. GUll:WbF BIGAMY BRIIISH ..un.:u us vnguv uarqutu. - ` , _;` _.1j'1fteen_Vshipga`m&cks are missing from .Scairboraiuzha T V ` ` ` "l`l... \r-_...-_= - s`f. m H I4 -- - - - - Isl.\1III IIUI UIIKHS ,'1`he Norwegian grque Gratin is stranded _ `oh111e',E'gn2h coast near Bareur. `Three of Her crewwere lost. V ` I`|V|,,,. 'l\......'_L L____,-- In -. 1 `D . A -- 7_b`urg.~ .-tdnik ~.o`.-;. ? w'i:l:; `i5o;i'is`l:cl;:rlul:.Embla,' from Gothen- aibhernseu, near Hull. Captain and four drowned. A , , `Initial: _A..___-.. ___L .. "%:l;u;3"l.`itiBl- steamshiyv)` 'O.lTive[ Bran Mia wrecked 03 the Welsh" coast. of ` `Qth crewwaa aa.v'e_d. . ' A hemvv um-m ...,..\a .1..." M...::...-............ The Wiml 'he;{I)'&5ih:1' ..,j`.""`,g,'g~.` ~-:u ..-5M-`' 4- I-o=.I>oN;=y ~Nov;;-+~22:w--*Repmts~<`~-nceivod~- ; \ l from manv nointn Arnna ml... ........+ -1..-..`.. .1.-. `-`V*`.*N*` i` '$V'\V"-_."ZI."`I"p' '-3 ` rocem g:"!."{y II_9iIl,}I along t.he_gqast.Ah wyh 95 3516 than Ip_e'nt.~' its fame. twi C.3".5:'d D.nuki:'*k58 vessel: Eivvie` sh ' at. R n n]nnIr 1-... ..;..z..` u... -; 4.-. - _ v.v--'-I_=J'||.I u.sAuIsu"Is`oo VB!l{],",'.',WQl'O manore {so 6 o'clock hat. night}; Mon at ~ehem= -are shing boats, but `two are steamers and seven or eight. barquea. ' ` '|;I\l'I llillnlrn nun rm:-n:-um `unann- vu-ywuu auu l.Uul' UFUWIIULI. A large steamer, whose name has not been ascertained, touuderd off Wichernsea yesterday with all _ou`Aboard,. . '1`\~ Amnnzumyn ..{.......I;'.'.A ye8Ler(1&.y.Wlbh&l|0ll_:b08!'d,. < -. '1,_`|iefBri1.ishst.eo.meTr Amcolt was wrecked off Ald-borough, Yorkshire. `All Taboaid. ~w5felosb.. ` _~'\ _u|` . 1- A-. -. ,-o;uv vI.0W.'VVDl IDVC}.lo A heavy storm swept the Mediterranean M coast. LIoyd s Recorder reported 144 wacky, the highest ever reported fora single`da.y.Z The Tworsb day before waagin ` 1879, when 139. yasels were Rust in 24 hours, The -`ayeamer Abnukirbnv was wrecked off _M6rla.ix,`near Brest,,AFre.nce. `Fnnrtnnn hntiinn `cairn Hanan nu...-L.-.J nun . vvnqyncu uu _+V.|.Ul'lalX, HUI!` DTCSTI,` Bra AL Fourteenlgodieg have been washed up." A` violent gale Blew Sund-xv all a.' I _;vI-an Iu\}\I!Il_!\I\`Ic3 llV-U UUUII WHSIIEU up. gzile L Sunday along the Atlanxtic coast of Spain and Portugal. Th OPQW5 0` Ll knrnnn Ihnf. haul! ll. nun- uuv agvwuuvua uuuau Ul oyzuu auu .l'0l'(llg&l. The crew of a barque that sank off Dun- geness yesterday clung to the rigging. The `Dover lifeboat, tired `after 3 de_.y s fearful work, put off to them and reached there after `dark. The high sea prevented rescue then. and-_.the ehfebpat r.emeiue.d.neo'.ll..f daylight, when seven almost. dead men were rescued. "Four benumbed with cold had fallen elf. . The`life-severe` were cheered by all Dover on their return. "I-`rem every. district come stories of the splendid where-' ism of the lifeboat. men. T)__.____ __._:_L-j 2, 4: I A m e"1-`s;;;: ;;:;;1`;1u'e:!lfi:;'-`the snow in Auteu- den,VSussex. Peterborough, Northampton, Banbury, Oxfordmld Crickley. A mg nnr!-. chum`: Inn Man liiuun .6 TY:-\:nn_ 0 vnove`-9 wuu V|VD|`7JI `."Xvz:1;f;1' cart. stuck in the snow at Uning- 'ham,VRubland. and the driver was from}- bitten. The h_orso_.perished . - '1'}... kn-mung an: inn: `Au... .5 AAA Anna muwu. um u_uraa_. penaneu. The burque Moss was found at `sea, dere- `liob. Three of her crew: were aboard dead. The others were missing. innA unnlmwlnv lhn landing A6 A0 uinnnn `lit`:;;";;at:;s::i`:I;':.:;lg5<;dies of . 40 victims of the storm have been picked up near The Helventer 'l`ow'o-d Into. Port. LONDON, Nov. 22. -A despetch from `New Quay, Cerdigenshire, states that the steamer Helvester hesvbeen towed into that place en route to Liverpool. The steamer was formerly a. N ationel Line steamer, but was sold a. short time-ago to a French rm. She cleared trom Liverpool for Marseilles with a. cargo of pitch. When as short. dis- tance at. see. she sprang sleek and was com- ` polled toteke a. tow end return. She has 1 no passengers. sir Oliver Mowat Add:-aqua "tho" Toronto Reform Association. TORONTO. Nov. .22.-Lasb- evening the Toronto Reform Association-* met. for the election of ofcers. ` c1:'_rn:_____ ____L ____ _I-_.-.1 1_-..______ VIVUUIUII III \Illl\-HUI 31 Sir Oliver Mowat was elected honorary president and made a short address of "thanks for the honor conferred. He said: The present election of oicers is an election in importance "greater than that of some other -years. A general election will have taken place ere these members have retired from ` the positions they now hold. j It is thus `necessary that the officers you ; _elect be good-ones, and they are ' good men. ` They are men capable of doing everything in human `power we ask of them. . '. The Reformers of Toronto have an up- *h1ll"gh"t. In other parts of the country the.Liberal party is rewarded by greater "successes. But the citizens of Toronto are educated, and Iam sure that the` average Toronto Tory needs all the education that hecan get. You educate Toronto voters and encourage and indirectly organize the whole country. . ` 1' Inner. a-an Gun nnnns-:1 nlnnlhinrsn. III!` Gen: _WlIUIU UUllll|Il o I I have seen ve general elections and ve successful elections. In .1879 the National Policy cry ewept the Dominion, but it was not powerful enough to spirit away the supporters of the provincial Government. At the elections more recent every man- ner of election scheme has been devised to defeat the Reform Government._ All have met with the fate they deserved. ' 1' Arm nnnffdlutl n`:` no-nu one` 1 aunt. nnrnn Ila`? KIWVCI KIUIIU IIVIUI You iheve a "cause to serve. The Ontario Government has recently ,added to its long. lists of reforms. numer- one important reforms; There is the improved law. to insure mechanics `and laborers of their weges-a law to which no opposition" can be raised `for injury -is done. to no one. Then the law protecting child- ren and a number of other reformn. which interest Toronto locally. ' " VH1..- Dnn`:nn|An.{ nninnn Ienlrn I-Inn nnnn- [nth Wuau wlu luvv DIIUJ ucnun vwu. I am getting old now, and I wank some peace. I nd it must come, if an` 511, from retiremenb. `This will be the last election in which I will work as leader. 1'- ...__ 4-. 1;- u..'~I--a. L... :4. _.-_ I..- '1` Ill VVIIIUII .l. vvsu Vvutn ll Vlvnucso It. may not l)ethe`last, but. it may be. I` don t want. this election to be unsuccessful and my effcrts `to culminate in disaster. ` To be successful I must. call on you to once again rally round and support us as you have` never done before. 17--- ` l__'..- _ lllllfeltl Luruuvu luuouy. _ The Parliament Buildings have been com- pleted, There were no extra: for them; -It was built very cheaply. There was no boodling. _ - V mu-.. urn nn Tim: nhnraen rnanineh the booaung. _ _ V , There are no `live charges against the Ontario Government. The Dominion Gov- ernment organ may speak of our indebted- ness and speak of us borrowing, but there is no indebtedness or need for borrowing, for our bank book shows s `surplus of 81-,- l50,000. - " * 'D..:..a......-. uni" hum faith in much a. Gov- 1aU,Uw. . ` Refprrnera will have faith in such a Gov- ernment. and will never forsake the prin- ciples on which the great party but been . New Evldenge P1_1c-:orvg_u-d and Bar Pug-. % -T P 12'?`-' 8.-ht V , A` LONDON, Nov. 42 2. --There ire; ohihe `foi- Mrs. Florence Mayb1' be released from Waking. At the trial testimony wu_` gien that ehe used glycerineeontaining oruenic. u...... `Rirminahhm nhnmicnl rm snvll UIEG BIYOOFIIIC Qlolllllul nnuuuuzu Now 3 Birmi` rm say: that before Moyhriokh` e ch German gly- cerino containing orlenio was. told in Lhe Midland Counties. _ . o t\__ LL}- _.....--.A "In. `"l|I1`\D:`! fg;gna. 6lle_|_lll_:'laoj`D_ i_;%u.n'y l:,9t:1:-LnEa;hA1Ai8_ lilac. ` ' ' Tjioixaandn of Gain. '3 4` BERLIN, A Nov._ .%Fic}6gxi9 of gin _ ubns 1a:mibvatnz%mg 2a : p:;n~ih-ta _ueuo B0530 TV-nt:Ie!i-96W! .'.'9.?A`.!', _.A..;_ 4 Muunnu Uouuuua. On this ground M rs.` Maybriok I f':i;e,nd_aW :sy`il,-nf`'iiov_v/ithdifrl`b'q-tglffot ,ht:1;`>9_rd:;A 1 f : ;i*j"'M51;EcpENzA;EPlutmIo-,%};~# ` -9 I W 0 :3. _. E ' ` L .- .. HBQDZQ II --._p`I'/UVI|All>ll`' Illj ;I'A|-Ilqvg 5- n_a-nun Twpnty-Ieyen deaths f|_'1om`the: d'qea_:: hqvg occurred. -at .Oppo;1n. ]Atu. Zi.Og phh'l'a,_, 34 miles from Oppolu, the seminary`. hw~ba'_en ; cloud. Beventv of the pnpiliaare uporiug ` withihnonz`a.'- in its ieverest form.` ` ~` L" 1< " Lanashmg ,1f*5,$!?f1'i;i"1`V%.,`;`-32%?-VYYi&hi!f rn.9.<.;m.-,%=% th wkd,thaq`hziv b0?.i1.,10. ..`n=.9=.9;a.-91; mi `in Ilenzqin thuT}.ru-\Igh3o~B ll)'l!l`Il~,: 'o ..`. 0 AFTERMATH OF THE sfrohm. HIS-FIRST CAMPAIGN spaacn FOR IE5; MABRICK`S RELEASE. {lien . A.'.I_"|m'),'!`_"3`,`3:` 099904 3: ._ .:.'&-' v`IO>-.I"9..;r\\ Ah _-H`. ";!:!IP`Iyovv I>-D3`:-_u`..-v. `-5 i K wove -.`-"'2.t~*Wi&hi *"*,", H A,i. 9`~'-` 51.5155 like bean.1o.000.m~.oeu-.01. 1P1:o1}:4'1uL:1'r 11141 an mm. ma: ` % 1:E1'_(1gz.uc_D_ BY` AOOLA am I w.\-'. <'l`lu- Mo `-reevy-Connolly Case In the Bunch: of tho, Jury-Expo-ioumun 'Ihat l'lmy wm I)"lS'_.g-:9`. `Patrick : Quo- ci_ati_0n_ Welcomes the`Go15e`hmi'-faenerul ' ,0TT4W.Ai,:uYa ~An con- `ventio'iii:of- tli'6`Go1is5rvatIv e party. was held last night in St. James.Hall to select a can- didate for the representation of the city made vacant by the appointment of _M r. C. H. Mackintosh `to the LieutenantsGovernior- ship of the Northwest Territories. Mr. George Cox,_I i'esident of the Conservative .Association`, .preside_d, and `I53 delegates were present.- A resolution was proposed by Senator Clemow was unanimously car- ried expressing the thanks of the ' associa- tion to the late member for the very able manner in whichhe had represented the nitv, both in the Mayor : chair` and in the House of Commons. " ' .I|u___,_ _,__,"_j,--_ __..' nouse ox Uommons. I _ _ 1 : w'1`hree candidates were `then at in nomi- nation, Sir James Grant, M. ., and ex member for Russell; `Mr. MacLeod Stewart, f Ex-Mayor'of.0'ttawa, and Mr. R. G. Code, ` President of the .Macdona_ld Club. On the first ballot the vote stood: , Grant*;_69,'_ Code 59, Stewart 24; neces_s`ary`to' a choice`70. Under the constitution of 'the-'sssociation the lowest man dropped` out, and the second _ ballot resulted: Grant 79.. Code` 73. The nomination of Sir, Janges Grant was then ` made unanimous. He was not present, but soon appeared and madeis capital speech in . thanking the delegates for selecting him. - *`_'1_lI is` generally believed that there will i be no contest. -but that Sir James Grant willvhe elected by acclamation. V The great hstrengthdevelopcd by Mr. R. G. Codein the convention was a pleas- ing surprise to his friends and may be regardei as an indicationvqf the tendency of Conservative conventions towards young I men. Mr. Code is about 35 years of age. OJ`amee Grant _is on the shady side 0 6 I i ' V e." CO: A The St. `Patrick's Literary Association to-day presented an address of welcome to Lord Aberdeen, in which he was referred to as one of `Britain's noblest. sons) and _as one who has won the heart: of millions oflrishi men in every land by a. careful interpretation of the constitution and impartial discharge of duty as Lord Lieutenant of Ireland dur- ing your memorable regime. The address also referred to the wonderful work done ' by the Countess of Aberdeen to better the condition of the Irish people and to develop the ' resources of Ireland, and asked the Earl to convey to Her Excellency the sin- cerest welcome of Irish-Canadian hearts. 11:- 'I.1---_n-_.-_- 1_,_ J'_.|:.._.! .. __:._...: UUTCIII WUIUUIIIU U1 .lrIIII'\JIIlIulIIll IIUlIl'|e3n `His Excellency has declined to extend his patronage to the Ottawa Cricket Club thentricals to be iven shortly on the ground that he will not eehleto be present. He enclosed ed cheque for $25 as 9. donation to the clnb s funds. It is understood that His Excellency has decided to decline in future to give his petronage to any entertainment he cannot bepreeent at; A rnnensant dn than `atly-nnun_r!:\nnn"n A-tang ne cannot oepresent at; _ - Argument in the-Mc_Greevy-Connolly case was continued_this`mot-ning by Mr. Samuel Blake, who made alengthyv and powerful plea tor `Mr. MoGreev'y. Mr. Osler then summed up for the- Crown and His Honor Judge Rose laid a .very calm. dispassionate and comprehensively analytical digastof the evidence before the a `my, who retired at_ 7.45 and had not rought in a verdict at 11 o clock, when His Lordship left the court for the night. No verdict can therefore be returned until to-morrow. The general impression is that the jury will disagree, but that is, of course, more conjecture. * a Mr 'n.n`\ArI-_ vnnndnn A bl-an 11':..l....:.. nu- IIIUIU UIIIIJUUIIIIIUI . Mr. `Robert Veuning of the Fisheries De- partment,whoV visited the Russian Seal Islanda as British commissioner, has re- - turned to the city. Of course Mr. Veniiing does not feel at` libertyto say anything with reference to his mission beyond the fact that he was most courteously received and given every facility in his mission by the Russian ofcials, all of whom he found V spoke French and a great many of them English. Mr. Venning traveled about 21;O00 miles. `KT--L --....I. Ll..- l`|.....L...dI-..- -8 I`..-L.._.... Cl ,VJVU IIIIICHI Next week the Controller: of Customs and Inland Revenue will resume their man . conferences with the farmers of Ontario. Two meetings have been arranged so far, one at Belleville on Wednesday, the 29th, I andvthe other at. Napanee on the 30th. -EAST LAMBTON CONSERVATIVES l . - . I Will Not Place a Candidate in the Field, But support Mm allnm. VVATFORD, Ont., Nov. 22.--A large and enthusiastic meeting of Conservatives was held in the ' Music Hall yesterday to further the interests of the party in the ensuing bye-election. Dr. Gibson, president of E. L.-L.C.A.. stated that a resolution would be submitted and discussion then permitted, and called` on Captain Pollock of Forest, who read the following: lI'I__s a.. _.l..._ 4'0 4.3.- ..\..-L:.._ 5...: _ _ . . _ . -_ That in view of the election being so near we deem `it not, advisable to place 5 men in the field, and that our friends he at liberty to use their discretion in voting. . _'.;_._-_`l_-__jJ___-_jI In `S vv I-hrs` --V.- \.--w. -vl- -- . ---.., The meeting waezthen addressed by G. F, Matter, M.L.A., George Moncrie`. M. P., P. H. Battl_ett,' Capt. Pollock, G. Shirley, A. J. Syer and others, all of whom were in favor of supporting. Mr. Mccallum of Bo- Ianquet,` the independent candidate, rather. than place _a etraighparty manein the eld at so late a date. V A Fnther, Molherjlnd Sun lnjm ed In 'l`ro)- lei Accidents. ' - Tononro. Nov. 22. - On Saturday `last. E. Bloodeworth, a farmer near Clarinet, and his` wife were driving to Toronto market, when their rig was struck` by a trolley and wrecked. Bloodaworthend his wife, who were badly hurt, were taken to the residence of their `non, Police Countable Blooduworth. at 23 Rolyat-atreet, L where they still are. --4.--.I.'-o'6|u'A'-an nun: fnlrnui` tn `:3: Hanna` IVOI Il'Il:l'UBl, WIIULU uni uunu Iuv. oqterday thoion was taken to his homle, suffering` .i|_'om` 3 qevot_o scalp wound And liaqtprnal inJuri.e_u roeegved, in a t;o_lley acci. ant. ` Jr.-- .....`-.."LI..`-' `-:I!I;....'I'...uu-'9. GBDD. . Bloodnworth in driver of the police van.` He was driving up Ouington--avenue to the police station. and -in crossing Bloor did not observe) an outbound trollex Ya: IIKUUIII dnt. 131.7. OIOIO IJPOII 'llllll. Dluuuuwun uu unqucu, W horses, but the our `caught the rear of the inn, turpiqg ipopm lately over and throw- :.... In 9.]-m an-nund` lbodlworul nnd Fire-` vs-vvw ~-.v i;sn, t\ :rpiIgmiiVofo}i: ltefy ' ing to the ground` lisqdlwortb and Fire-` man Harry` Leach. who wig. on His neat. with him. Leach rouivud 1 ganrul hhaking up lug hn_ihiI kndoosp dilplsebd. A ; ..........Ln.l6- Hun-g 'Il1nlIn nn nnnnnrn n I; guvv ~-nvu-v-v -- vv oglervg an -o;.Itbou-l:d"iz1<$1ieg 7 "until it wan o`1m upoh*him; *`Blood:wor't. lashed the |........_wh.m tha an `caught rear I Ind nnq -nu Kupuuup uupuuuu. _ ` Fortunately there were no prisoners in the van. ' flfho Evil ct avjqg Money, A DES MOINES, Ia..,'. Nov. 22.-_-Miies Mark, aged 50 years, Wu murdered and robbed` "and hi: body burned in his home here yea- 't.erda.y. Mark wu..known to have I largo numiof; money.-m hin'nouaIIion.s., ; 9 3".`. -*~;'."I""-",_."'3'-`.5 , Buvna, ,-Pa, ,1 :Nov.. 22. --L-Aj f,rightlfu'I?holo- o.Imit.qcc;nrr9d,2 M ,t|\ei_GqVr!Imen,.,Ism. tvm ` milu _.b`9l9w. .cAi,0.1 - yutordn _`. by : whiulnix men were burned talent` `ind; Iovonl bndlyinjurcd. ' ` ` THREEVICTIMS IN ONE FAMILY. . ' TI ,g.~I_x,.,Isurued5"lfp 1 .' ` '9.` $72; 9-2 '_ **`rn gm. - _.:ra9_-z~.v-~:-z=:,~<;-n-: : -r- * I Here si.r..:Signa| There s danger ahead for the person who buys only with the View of ' getting a low ~ lprice. . Quality is of the great- est importance-- the reliability and trustworthiness of the rm are also essentials. When you buy of us there is no question, ` For the best; and the best only,you should see our Radiant Home Stoves. and Happy" Thought Ranges,_ also a full line of wgod cooking anidvheating Stoves. In Lamp Goods we always le%ad. Our leader justnow is the wonderful Pittsburg lamp, which `stands Without` _an equal ;as a light producer. Askto ;see one bnmingngi be con- ;vi.nce%d of. it-%.tIieritS{ 3 Our} stock` gofvg, Qutleryi Gran-, itef; Ware, 5 '.W9Qd9`;`j` Ware; Brushes. etcee- is.%1?~1W%$%% A `1)`oi1 t-`.forge'1; TTON%BR03- A.`%:foApp-[ Queen: _At.