`heard now in West` Essa. IJIIU Uvuuug sun sou. . i It may be interesting to eople generally to learn that the bum ofpthe threaher ls The North Shore is becoming the popular oampin ground`, and will are long, in lung ' phraeeo ogy,teke the cake. 1 1:- nun `D Qmask AC 'RnuIfnI-J, tank A. PlII`GVUlU",` llwnv In-v v- I Mr. Will R. Smith. of Emrord, took a. run on his wheel to Amheratbnrg last week. He made 280 miles in 2:} days. ..-- -. - Q, .'L,..__`L-.I _ ......u-Ann I117 llluuv avv uuu-u u. -3 ....' _- The Midland box faebqryihad ena.r1-ow? escape from burning down last. week. It; was on fire twice the some night. , _ , . . . , , - _n_..I. I|_I-I-nA- -glljgg Qt W3! Ull uu: tvvuaw uuv wu-nu. .....- noaucuun aux nolunu unm at; cost price at Hunter, su-Joan: at Go 0. In ,- `n 1 u.:II.....II I.-lm nf w.rIOAl'_ OOII P1160 II lnuuuug w-gv-._- - V. .. ` `Rev. R. I. Stillwell, lets of Edgar, has ; invented a new gems called "Recreation in ' Rhetoric. It is something like the gemeof Authors. V -' n . 1-1 119,. .___...i -a. I..V..-..I...II V` Alwnoru. Owen Sound beat Colliugwood ab baseball the other day. The Collingwood boys should not permit themselves to be beaten like that. | .... , __ ".2 -u-_.:n...... 1......,.)...l nae mu. - _ Robert Thompson, of Hamilton. houhu} eight car loads of deals from the. Ba. er. Lumber Co., of . Grsvenhurat, last .'week, for direct shipment to Scotland. I . V nu nng`_;_-_ "-....I.-I noun .1` an .wnn I uuvvv ~---;--.---- -- ~-V -~ `The Alliston Herald says a do was ` mysteriously shot in the Dominion ouse . yards last Monday. and in is surmised the taxes had not been paid thereon, __ _ our L9,- -3 n--.....:.J..l.. Ca `rash A1. waxes luau. uuu uuuu_ rs-nu ....-- --..._ > ` N. J. I-Ian-kin, of Sunnidsle, fell from 9.1` loft in his burn a. short time ago and na.rrow- I 1y escaped death. He was badly `shaken up : 1 but willvsoon` be all right again. .- w an 1-- .1 li -....-.I.I-nu nniI|n' nr i uus Wu: wvvu -v --- ...a._. W", David Jeries, of lomgxkins, come` near $ losing his hand. the other any at the shingle . `mill of James Jeries. His hand` came in contaotswith the saw, laeerating it severely. H -- - l\_:II in-nnnhg fn ` contacnwm: uuu nu-u_. uw-........a -- --. W i Rural Dean Jones, of Orillia, premheci {:0 the Home Circle last Sunday at. St. John : } church. Cooksbown. The Bond Read Circle --- -I-.. ...........m'|_ The sermon was 3 vi `or the Gilford= 'Gocd"1`emp1.rs. M Look out something xntereuung mu. 5..., ..... The Township: of Notteweeage and Toe- eorontio `have notpeld their share of the rent of the town hall, New Lowell, for. di- vision court purposes. and `the Sunnidale council is threatening to cite them tothe hereof the Poor,Men e-(Court. ` ' ' A Gilford correspondent of the Bradford Witneu writes`:- -T_he ,W8rd ef_emilX,' of; Borrie,__;\v1 _ve one.of.tbeir oplendi certs in the em noe Hall on the evening or Sept. 8th. A T Cay come` under thesusplcea for billr. I ` 1 A L A -Wuhegornen wmeuo the Pocket:-- ne of Mic lo a Dytnent unen~ wg.edrowned;_ in theilt river on 'M01d,9Y -om.!.`Il.i!Ig`..I1) 0\,14' hnif`i'in,11e~ri:;',l;a:q.jgjggwhera m; > ~ J-Y.8l'g; V. _ e 4h7r;!g=;_n*2;!` , K 1;`; `I , ., en Vw.u ?wm;'_`i'h`_vlog that .h_ave ,b99x_14 , lmio` ,a.utl:_Couc}:iching..`~ `I: appears he fall of nfb ooIn.1;- Iaqdzbeing--~ 'yn_i+* able to '-wim.=wa-L f<.1;rQ1119c.1:.,before a.-n!6..n:` ' M ' ' .Wl!i9A fudiiil could help hing` J V _ % V ;py~ieou;~_.1;pm.%where; iiR1.f;.h0i?!?$.'f%20. .; .. ,L ,. +I~ %'91<:;?9y ? Br*`>*`?3K- . hi xvnt; <,1ow fn, ,. -\ _ 4 Iran INTERESTS` on irini: COUNTY v!!}33.;X?f I {viii ah ..v - -.-.--guy. Templar: of Uiington are` in a. prospexfous condition. - l`n-n__:\ -- `Ti:e:Lvvater woeso deep` it required two pike poles tied together to reach the bottom. III-slj '___.:II 0- u ` wi1i ;n}L'i`{ 't"&i.' .L};'"at?;&:x;w; the back townships. `= ; ~ CL. _, ___I A-II I -II ' ' "'i"'F" s&l;ll0 E buried last Tuead 7I'IL- _.__4 -._ 1 Allen s.'1i!l at Allenwood was ayO ._ _.._- _-.-_---J u i fruit crop in the vicinity of Thorn- Ijpury will be a failure. ' ' ' nn'u-n' ----- T T1$;zaL} -C-it'y" 2;-Midland is to be . lengthened fhirty feet the coming winter. ` A _--...I_-.. -2 _____ I_,,, I . I I ,,,, V v--a~----v.- -----' _vv- u--v vwuuaucn vv no.- A numbe of new `barns have lately `l;een erected in th neighborhood of Fesaerton. IIVL- `A..- ,_-I 9 -_- ._--=--v .-v-.. v. -:--v-cv-u ;1;l_reAtt_-avelling dairy_haa been teaching the people at Gravenhuret how to make butter. The - Stayner Sun declares that Nottawa- Olga` -has 668 persops qualjed te act as ihrlu-:2-' L l;l:e Ofangemen of Rosaeau are agitating the question of` 9. new ball K .... . .. ---- -- `_"'6 J`.'-` ' *`r*;'e...eh pipe a.g..;.. which the ladies of the Orillia Presbyterian church are purchas- ing will cost 82500. e so. . 4 `IV I -_ ..-_- _v`. v__.. "Out of twenty-sefnven bcandidates at Wm-I bauuhene. eighteen were successful in pass- * ingjhe 4Ent-rgnce. - . ' ` - T I i parsonago now in course I oi erection at oldwater. mil .be the nest building in that burg. | Donald Horne, of Oro, says the grasshop- pers ate through the binding twine of about 2000 sheaves of wheat in his eld. I The Baysville Presbyterian church can boast of having the best and most comfort- ;_ able`. pews of any church in Muskoka. I A- 17-21 1n_1\_.___,:.n-_ L'_____ ..__:_:_.. -.. `.1... " "Xi-.'iI;i'1 'i9;Icf1;;rt'11wi;;b' on the _ 6th line Nottew 3, Frank Little was } agruck by a put-lin p ate and severely injur- 1 The Fesserton Presbyterian Sunday school held their picnic the other day one Picnic `Island. Emoyment was the order of the day, and the cash results quite satisfactory. Some persons at Gravenhurst are kicking against the appointment of Rev. Father Mc- - Guire on the high school board, on the alleged ground that he cannot take the same interest in educational matters as a married ` man with children. _ A New Lowell man writes :-'.l`he hay crop is not an heav in this locality as it was last: year, and the all wheat is far below the avernige. That sounds very much like the wail of somebody who is preparing to get l more titneon hiestore bills. I D AI,_ gent teams, Dllli wuu wan" smuuu-wu nun: ' . a rib ,.ie reported to have sold the match -.' eye in Barrie last `Wednesday between I Orillia and Barrie. Thomas was about the ; i best player in the Orillia, club and was an , excellent home player. The man who u bought up Thomas in reported to have clear- ed 8175 by betting on the Barrie boys. l I l `I I, 1' _I_-___S- I_L- -l Il'--_-Ac. `nlpn AA`-. lllvnv Unuuv-was --,-uv-v .w_.._.. At the meeting of the executive of the C.A.A O" at Hamilten on Friday, it was de- I cided to pay half the Grand Trunk Rowing - Club : costs in connection with their unit egcinst the steamer Orillia. which collided with their shell at the Barrie regatta. two lwyeera sgo.,- V II._.._ (IL-..L-_ 'I`__L-o- f`AII3-utwuuroulu` %B;ARR;IE, COUNTY OFSIMCOE, ONTARIO, AUGUST 17, 1893. -Juno: n.vu Mrs. Stephen Teekev, Col1ingwood._ died suddenly the other day at the age of 76. She was in herueual health when a number of ho a threw stones at her barn door. The , _-.I __I_ -._I.- _.-- ---:I. n\urnn.`Al` unnn Ant 01 00 I uurew uwuuu an Inn. uuuu uvv5- J.uv aged ady, who was easily excited, went out hurriedly to. call her son to send the lads away. On her return she sat down and al- most instantly expired. I sun. `to an I 13,--- 1\.____ L-II_ 4.1.. 6.1`... IIIVWU IIICUTXUIJ vnaurqp u` - } The Midland Free Press tells the follow- in; barn yard story :--Wm.- Smith, farmer, j who has 9. record as an ardent admirer of King Willia.m,'eommenced tying sheaves of wheat at 9 e m. on Monday, and _et5 p.m he had tied 624 sheaves. This_ is at the rate of about 12} sheaves a. minute for 420 min- ` utes. Mr.` Smith is 48_`yeers of age. to '1 9 s- , _, `L1- _ nu_______ `Inc 1' QIICUI-Us nuruu III! lal.I_|I 3-.-|.uvuuw._ the lacrouo player. who was rulod'o' last I ' aeaaon for playing -with two or three di`er- :'ent teams, but `who wu relnstsbed this ......z.... 1. ..........a-.3 on hum mm than mnfnh wu. V1 '0 II: In-usual-B v- . .-- --_--- .._'... Jose h Lelonde, late of Morrison lake set- tlemen , and ex-councillor of the townshi of Wood, was on Tuesday charged before us: tices Cockburn and Robinson with having assaulted and beat his wife on the 31st inst. The defendant's attorney, F. Hornsby, en-A I treated the court and complainant : repre-' lsentative, R. Kimber Johns, to withdraw ' the heavier oence and bind the defendant in sureties to keep the peace for one dyear. To_ this Mr. Johns consented, on can ition that the `magistrates issue their order to .the `license inspector, under 8. 124 of Liquor License Act of Ontario. forbiddingwthe sup- glying of liquor to Lelonde for one year, as 1 y his excessive drinking he is wasting and mis-spending his property to the loss of his `l family, and which order wasduly made. ' E. C. slmmono lo buuydolng over mu now and IIIVIIOI you to call In and interview hlm abontthat cap of your: that need: ropnlrlnz. or the ` mull , collar. or com, on: sun made to look | Police Uourt. Ine Queen` Va. ........... Moatt. The nartiesin this case reside near Elmvale. Molfatt _is a livery stable keeper . and the charge against him was for stealing ` ahorse, the pro rty of Albert Cole. Moffatt claimed that t e horse was his own and that he had only hiredvor rentedit to Cole. Cole claimed that it was an absolute sale. The_ case was heard before Justices Ross and Bird as we went to press last-week. The court found that Cole was, in fact, the owner of the horse in question, and, that Moifatt wasguiilty of the ofence as charged, and adjourned the passing of sentence fo a two weeks}; J ; R. Cotter, County Crown Attorney, and Hanghton Lennox for the prosecution, Mr. . D.- F; Maacwattl tor the rlnfnnnn, PIDIVVUUI defence. There are miw about`l00A guests at Penin- sular Park H tel. Amon than now there are Mrtand to. A. ` . 11330511, Mr. and IL--: A V n= 'r....nmni . Mr. and Mrs; W.` mwuo Hahn puuunvnn cu -xv J The Penetang Herild l;;:tl;iu::;[`homu., In. `nnnnn-A nhuwnr mhn wan l'lllad'0E 1881`. `U111. E: Q: \J 9 Jalvy-~ In, N. '51.; Mr and Mn+%G.5 fI. Jo ; Br_,o9klyn,> N, Y.;_ M';. and `Mug A.--- . Baqmforc, New `Orleans; Mr. `and. Mrs. -V A.: :T_`.~Robe1-taon,~ Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. W. n ..\ll'uIlhnnn ': \ Ann Nov A . * Long:-Intenunnoo. _ _ Police Cohrt. The. Q|1n."3- w`n n ,a-_ LA. n'u.- .....-+:.. in 9.113: mum relide near ;';>::"d-eaire to e, - _ - - An_d free trdm that "annoying taazo, . 3 y , l . ._Just go Jphn Woods w3u_.know;; at : For=?.Puds. andi 'al,`nn3l9foot1 _ga1: tr `f`7-`$1 *2, 5 '*"l.~`2_iI.B"uv.V;.4%, _` f1;::.:>; .`; .1. .lVUl.lv&'vuuu, an Mowilliamn .|>i----uw--o .. nFmr1s on ma WING.` or snmom -um .'rmn_ nominal! onF.o41unA' ouia. can-nmox. L-ki.m acore; :98??? ? a_... Public School Intimate; The following is the report of the Finance committee of the public school board, con: taining the estimates for the coming year, { which was adopted at the "last meeting of ; the board, on motion of Mr. Daniel Spry, 1 seconded by M1"-. J. F. Smith : 1 To the Chairman of the Barrie Public School ; Boa:-d,of Trustees. A V 1 ` Your committed n Finace present the" ` following report : V I_- _ J .,_..z_.._ -..:I ;_._..._.J: { I Salaries - luwuuw Teachers . . . . . . . . . . . - Extra Teachers. . . . .$ 33 00 Model School'Teacher ' for term . . . . . . . . . 0 Inspector for 18 (1.. ....L.. I"... . 5000 $6] Bsl. cash on hand Jan. 1. '93 .. . . $1153 63 County grant for Model School. . . 150 00' Legislative grant for n T ,. . 4 150 00 Legislative grant. for -Pub. Schools 508 00 Model School `fees of pupils, say; . 115 00 Non-resid`ents,. in ~ .n . . . 10 00 ' ?,_l(`,K tusiulumv-em run. HADES A;G,,fgd,1e, an the corner Tot William Burton Ave nue. Seven T001118. two h\l'l.V and 11 i e of house. Lot has W mi r3 x`:.1.i`. e. lo? 125m with shade tree : 125 `",opmv will be sold cheat). and will be a. 33:3 to anyone in needhot='g:rod`li%n}{a: MD . 93 `.`.`.`i..`i.'i :`.`}`. ' " ' ' am -V.-v u .-a -_-rv- - - . let--The estimated receipts and expendi- ture for the year 1893? \II\IIIIZlJ VICKI. 3 Ul Furnaces, new . . . . . . Flooring and repairs. Supplies--Mape, etc . . u - --Printing end Stationery . . . . . . . . . Fuel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unforeeen expenditure that may arise . . . . . . T ! a.nn l coat of schools Debt charges- Sinking fund on $12,- 000 debentures due 131; July, 1896 . .. . ' Interest on same. . . . V {E20 00 Deductinb.onSipk gF d 320 00 From which `deduct re- ceipts... . . . . Leaving to be provided , '7 for by taxes . . . . . . . . $8113 37 As the taxable property of the town is liable for balance for public.school purposes. which is assessed for about $1,240,521. six and three-quarter mills (62) in the dollar will be sufficient to assess for public school purposes for the present year. 0nrI_Vnn1r nnmmitfnn mnnmmand thait the PUTPISCB LU!" IJIIU EIIJUBUIII1 Jlnlu -2nd-VYour committee recommend that the secretary notify the Corporation of the Municipality of Barrie that they are re- quired _ to provide by taxation for public school urposes the sum of $8113.37, which sum. wi linclnde all charges for sinking fund` and interest on public school debentures, and all the necessary expenses connected with the public schools during the present Ifll yllf. - . 3rd--That a bank, aooountibe o edby the` chairman and treasurer in t e Barrie branch of the Bank of Toronto in the name of the Barrie School Board. and that'all funds payable to the Board be deposited in said ban to the credit of the Board. 4th-'.l`hat the present system of issuing orders on the treasurer of this Board in pay- ment ot accounts be discontinued, and In future all pa ments be made `by cheque, drawn on the nk in favor of the person to whom the account is payable.-such cheque to be signed by the chairman and treasurer and conntersiened by. the secretary, who shall issue such che use only when payment of an account has Len authorized by this TI---) uO ' ' 4th--That the treasurer of the Board be authorizedand directed to arrange with the Corporation of the Town for an advance monthly payment of cash suicient to meet the current expenses of the` Board, and in such a way as will cause the least incon- venience to the Town Cornoration; Respectfully submitted. Dnann. Svnv- LIIDFUUIIUI SUI. L005... Caretakers. . . . . . . lN_-.__L_____ `I to MIEU. nllllgw Mud 7 o'clock mm. ___.--- 4._--_-.. Barrie, 7th Aug., 1893. `See our Lace Cm-talus, you will be sure to buy. J . Fyfe. V Barrie General Eospltai. The money which was contributed for hospital purposes in Barrie has been expend- ed in securing a small building, well situated to be" used as a hospital. It is furnished with four beds, and all that is necessary for the nursing of patients, except an adequate water supply. A comparatively `small sum would furnish this requisite, and in cases "in which a trained nurse is necessary such nurse could be procured from the city. Such nurse could in some cases be paid by thepatient, and in other cases a very small revenue would enable the hospital to furnish a nurse. e . . - 1172.1. __ _ .1-....-I.- _._L.n. n.nIum`iv an-I snnnnn H Illlfo With an adequate water supply and means to furnish a nurse, there would be no need to send patien to the city, in many cases. In many to ns in the Province as con- venient to city hospitals as Toronto. hospi- tals have been or are being built, and t e inhabitants of these towns are taking a deep "nterest in these local institutions ; churches and benevolent institutions vie with each other in supporting them. The citizens do not hesitate to use them in case of sickness. The town Oquncils deem it.a.privilege' to aid them, ancl being properly equi ped they-se- cure the government grant 0 so much per day per each patient. than him] nhviininnl "Lara I300!!!- any pet euuu PIDIUIIU. Our local phyitciens are quite as com potent as these in Toronto, in ordinary cases, and I suppose in any 'c-she`, except where ! specialist treatmengie reqtgired. 'l`hn numivnan i-nnrnvarfen of Dtilltl ill l IPSCIGIIIF Ul'8BUll8l.l_lu l.'_I:q_I.|_uvu. The average ` recoveries of patients home treatment is `quiteequal to that of the recoveries in `general hospitals. This fact has been%dem`onatra'Ied by investigation of the subject. ._EA _ . in` aurgicalp oases, Sir James Simpson, in _ _ cottage hospi- tals, has stated that the_re oovo"i'ieo in private homes andjcottage hoopitalawerer greater in namberathan in.8-6-;.thr..e9-ted, :in;wso inni- tutions. "' - ' V T muons.` _ A_ '1`heAdoctors of the town have ex reused` their approval oft-mi: little hoop But we need more ` funds to ugh the good work begun` . A slight addit on to the building, togetheri with the introdigttion of water, `would. seeuretfor the town a. very*veluhble institution, and hop!) that those who hi\fe tlie`1_ne$1is' u1'&'y`b :`noved"to helin the good work. We caooot expect the town,`~in"- To provide for. . . . Ill " rlinary wear & tear EXPENDITURE. JoHNsox-0n the 11th A - Warren Jrhneon 1.9R3t.1893.th ' ` ;_.. . alimbeth -8, 9W!fe_g- v!'I.et_ ..` daughter. Died. 379 oo 7\|~ DANIEL. SPRY, Chairman. $ 920070 $10200?) 2086 as $2086 63 1000 00 the present state of its nances. to do much for us. but we hope it may not be long be- fore wemay look for some support from `this source. * And may we not hope that this one charitable institution in our midst may se- cure the sympathy and aid of the commun- l past ? ity to a greater extent than it has in the h I\ RJnI'.unn _,....__._.._ " NERAL smavaxwr WAN l`llD.-A I Etc MRS. ESTEN. Woraley Street. bogie":y1 R ma 7 o'clock ' protruded. He also had his left leg broken - they were interred in the Rugby cemetery. o----- v-- w- -_ -.-While Repairing Cars. On Saturday last at about one o clock a sad and fatal accident occurred in the G. T. R yard at Allandale, which has cast -a gloom over the entire neighborhood. It- appears that the car repairers were getting read and were in the act of taking out_a, coup e of broken drawheads. The men, Messrs. Sibbald. Ormsby and Farrell, were _ in the act of taking of the bolts, the draw- hsads bein iacked up. and as a train had 3 just arrive from Hamilton, they ran to the north and switch and threw the train on to l the siding, -wherethe men were working. ` Mr. Ormsby was sittin on the track in a position to take off t e bolts, when the 1 terrible crash came. The car was struck with such force that it knocked the jacks 1 down and one of the broken drawheads , caught Mr. Ormsby near the groin and finned him to the around. making a very ge hole in his body so that his intestines -----_. --_-'__ .. --____- - ._- I 1 I 1 and badly bruised and cut. "in the ition in which he was caught for about we minutes, the men having to un- couple a number of cars and shove them by ` `hand apart before he could be relieved. The other two men barelyasca ed. Mr. Ormsby was taken to the hospita on the afternoon Shoo-y,, but about an hour after he reached there death put an end to his su'er- ings. He was conscious through it all, and bid the men good~bye, knowing that he could not live ' H . The deceased was a young man about 26 years of age ; he was very highly esteemed and4=espected by all with whom us was acquainted. He was steady. kind, good- natured. and always seemed to have a kind word for everybody. He was a member of the Canadian Order of Chosen Friends, No 140.. Allandale, by whom he will be eatly missed. His remains were taken to awkstone (where his mother lives) `on Sunday night, and on Monday afternoon He was held The funeral was a very large one. and was attended by a great many railway men and others from Allandale and Barrie, who feel the loss of their fellow-workman very much. The oral tributes were very` handsome. A star from Fairview Lodge, No. 137, Brotherhood of Railway Carmen, Allandale ; a " wreath from Brotherhood Carmen, No. 84. Toronto; a crescent from Canadian Order of Chosen Friends. The following were the pall bearers: Messrs. T. Brad- ford, Wm. Campbell, T. Sibbald, J Kearns, T. Schrieber and T. Johns. The deceased had his life insured for $1000 in the Order of Chosen Friends The relatives and friends of the deceased have the sympathy of the entire community. ` Alt:-ed J`. Ormsby Meet: a Horrnble Death i dung;-_ :-____n.... aI-__- l - _"*""'?*"'?.'j' Patrols this week at Reduced Price: at Hunter. su-Jeant an Ooh. - Barrie s civic holiday was well improved by its citizens. . A large number took in the excursion to Parry Sound, enioying the breezes of the Georgian Bay and the ne scenery of a portion of the eastern archi- gelego. The distance from Barrie to Parry ound would not admit of any long stay at the Sound--about an hour, but the call was a pleasant one, and made more so by the Parry Sound band turning out and pla ing the excnrsionists down sgain to the Ian ing. In spite oi the fatigue of so-long a journey, those who went were well pleased with the events of the day. This excursion was ' under t1(e auspices of the citizens s band and the fire brigade. ,1 ,___u_ L-) __ ________:__ Barrie, Aug 15th, 1393. ' The Presbyterian church had an excursion to Niagara Falls This was no`. very large- ly attendeil, the bulk of the people prefer- rin to go to the north, where many, of them ha never been before. Those who went to .| , 1'.I,II._ _,__|_ 1.2-1.1-- -: u... .... ............s -6 [1511 never ucuu ucluuz. .|.uuac vvuu wwuu uu ` t_heFal1s speak highly of the enjoyment of a. visit to this great natural wonder. I 1 A" ___-,____-._ L- `I):.. Us 1 snow [The Foresters had an excursion to Big Bay Point, and many of our citizens patron- ized it. This is a favorite spot. involving but little expense and less fatigue, while it gives much enjoyment in inhaling the pure air of Lake Simeoe. urn. vac .. ..,-__ About fty went on the Orillia on her regular trip to Strawberry Island. Although the temperature was up pretty -high, there was a most delicious breeze, making the run to the Island delightfully exhilarating. A few of the party were entertained at the hos itable camp of Mr. John Stephens, qhi e others betook themselves to different shad spots for lunch in true picnic style. On t e return, soon after leaving the Island, a thunder storm from the west produced some excitement and fear among the ex- cursionists. The lake became rough and the lightning ash fromthe clouds pro- ducing a grand e ct. It soon passed away andtthe trouh e waters calmed down. A4--- '43 _-_... __-_`- ...LA }I::` '|t\.- an An llllu (HO |.I1'Ul.l'JlUu. Wuuulu vuuuuu uvuu. Many of our people who. did not go on any of the excursions were fishing or riding out into the country, or otherwise enjoying the holiday. All felt that a civic holiday is a reel boon to tired and weary workers `AA ` FAHIVI II} 931` lu"'&IllU Iuunuu u mile north of the Villain of lv{`.n'h;;;l`l' odem _imm-ovements. good dwel and outbuildmga. hard and Itf water Dlllllpl. 1.1-ge orchard. Apply to MR3. MALEY. on me premises . " by legrsxto Iv! Poet Omoe. . scan`..-----_._, -- _- ..-, _-_,-_ To Miss. ORMSBY: ` . Whereas it has pleased the Allwise Provi- dence. in his innite wisdom, to remove by sudden and accidental death our respected companion and dear Brother, Alfred J. Ormshy. 1 ' Resolved, that we. the members of Fair- view Lodge, No. 137, of the Brotherhood of `Railway Carmen of America, extend to Mrs. Ormehy, the bereaved mother. our sincere ......s...oI.u.in imp. h~nnnnrnhln=lnn:. and in-av Unnuuy,` uuu Uvltuvvu unvuuvsu vun cnuvvsv eimpethy in her` irreparable V 103:, and pray t at God may grentyhe rltrength to bear the terrible amiotlon whi 11 has so suddenly overtaken her. ' Signed on behalf of~F view Lo.-lge. |_ `A big bush re in the neighborhood of Midhurs't,`threa;ten_ed `destruction to the yilhge; lhltf week. The Barrie remen went onb.'to.uqipt. o'n,,.Thurqdey, afternoon. Mrs. 'TrK`otk1 i;Qrop`rty, -_l_1ot1A8.? barns, &c,,. were dgiti- y'd':' * ` A Bololntlon or condolence. . Fairview Lodg,,No. 137. ALLANDALE, Aug. 15, I893. 5 --n I`-51.11151 . 'l.`I.BRIBLl DEATH Ont 01710 Holiday. ._nu_u {tn-6. D. D. McL1non, Chairman. \nn 1.` "L131 Z3-40 rum to suit the ourohllor. W} l'.ot 15. (();:nfe5,'l`p. Medonte. about 80 acre: cleared. bank barn 40x60. frame house. orohnd contain- 1113100 apple trees set out 8 years. and 100 post- ..... not out. two years; also 3 "small old `ANY .HIN0RT MATTERS HUGHLY grmumam 15iii%1u{:L Poms. do; --The festive grasshopper is on the hunt for food. w:-`Our educational estabiishmenlzs open oi! the 28th. T ' ' - v- av1r\`c -Things in this locality are suffering for lack of rain. has` been taken out 01 the post oice floor. 111 71- ,4; ll n _. -.._ _`I_---.I W - temporary organist at the west and church. rv-nu vnnnvv u-nvv- --W. H. Bet;nett, \d.P., e are please to state, 13 convalescing. A 1-: 0,1. --Th'e sidewalks on `Bradford street are Igesting in a. _deplora.ble condition. on,._ A____--___ 2- ._I-.I 1.- I__.__ LL_L `ll..- ..'-..-w v-. u.-- ---.v -.vv.v- ` -`--- _.. -The {chimney on 12116 post oic:-`is being tagting down and rebuilt. having become un- sa e. `Which, `Linked Together. construct a . Very Interesting and 'Gouipy Chapter of Local History. -Rev. Father Laborea.u s picnic yeaier :13`? . n'"-o -- "_"'r""""" --Tm: ADVANCE is that Mrs. `Bothwell was some better yesterday. -:Why are the leaves of the maple drying up and falling off. W111 some one give the cause 2 t_?Don t. by (four dress goods before you otoecthe splendi assortment at R. I. Fraser . o. s see our double told dreu goods at 25c. J. Fyfe. -_r . __E; ,,,)I_'.__.! __-_j .__.I OIIVO C. &"IwI a`Get your dry, soft and hard wood. and order your coal now from Johnston an Sa.r-- Jeant. 1I-.-_._j-_ El-l-QI-an-. --.4. GO--`IQ: Concludes. shlrilngs I-.nd Staple Good: cheap. J . Eyre. [mm Noam Comrmv. wvu-- v1--..-v -. -.._-_ --SUBSCRIBE FOR THE ADVANCE THE BIS ! OONDUCPED AND MOST READABLE JOURNAL IN +'l`be Mountai; gsb, last year, almost broke down under the weight of fruit, now the fruit is quite scanty. _ Al- ---_,4 OR SALE. ~ A II!!!-Ollll Duct vunuuruu House and Lot on the corner of Olagporton and Wm-slay em. opuosxte the Baptist 0 us-oh.- Rooms. Hard and Soft Water. Furnaoo-.' Good; 9 Cellar. Wood Shed. Drains. 810. House in splendid order. known as "Id lwlld." Terms wauitthe Durchaaer. For or -Dlrtloulan an ly to .1310. STEPHENS. orBox 817. Bav-1-`lo. 1.. 1713. 1893. ' 99-ct. c-i-a;e"ovf`ti1_ewo_1;ening of the season for shooting woodcock has been changed from Aug. 15th to Sept. 15 -The tent caterpillar is left~.on many trees within the corporation, just as though it was both useful and ornamental. -A. prayer meeting for young men is held every Sunday afternoon In the Y. M.C.A. lrooms. All young men cordially invited. -__... ___... -...'..a..._ I... ._ I.....-...o -4 I` at gay -u t3'Fa.miliea having furs for summer keep- ing kindly send in to us at one, will deliver Oct 15th. Simmons & Co , furriers, Dunlop Street. _ s T nvvna-us o.-- '_--= ..-v- --- ..__.__J ._ , __-_ Bu your spring hut Vor bonnet at `J. Fife I I _:I.I III 1 _ 9 __ f_____ EA__ __________ `_____ -.rw-v ~ -Our vonn man says, he has` rarely seen such a. ma.gn' cent set of wedding gifts as were presented to Miss May Spry by her many friends. , I11 ,__I 9,, .I,. ll _ _ _ _ -_.j L2- I___:_1- ..---J --- is Worship the Ma or and his bride are taking in the World s air on their wed- ding trip. They will 'return about the lat of Sfptember. with his bride. sociavlugathering was held at Mr. J. Kr" Ross last Wednesday evening. in honor of their son, Mr. W. Ross, who had arrived vv --- -._ ..__._-- For summer wear In light, at!!! Hus; light Fedora: ann airy straw good: try :3. Simmons, at the Music Hall Bat '90 -, . . .u nu noon -Is it not almost time for an official report as to the condi_tion of dairies supply- ing the town with milk? Reports should be frequent to be of value. ""fo6" la set 3 years. nun xw pau- Egse swans years; orchard. Apply to C. S. BURTON. un_._-|- I3 ' n - ~ | t1'We are doing regain on furs now; bring in your Cap, Mu , and anything else in the line Satisfaction given Simmons & C_o. , - turriers, Dunlop-st. __u-up . 1- , , ,____ 77,91` `_4___ ww V`-, _____-__, _ .__. Watson &. Lennox, grocers, will have Fresh Fish on sale Thursday, Friday and Saturday of each week for the season. Prompt attention given to all orders. ., _u,-__u; L- _ 1:..- -1: _..- 1.1:... r... .. -v...r- ---------- _ . -_ -- -_-_ ---There should be a. ne of one dollar for every one taking a. dog into the post ofce, and also on every one who commits the maisance of_ spitting on the pavement out~ Bl e.. _ -'The residents in the neighborhood of Victoria; street, west end, are greatly annoy- ed by horses running at large at nights. This is ageinst the law. Will the owners of horses running at large take warning. 1' In A-._______ _A_-L_J Ll-,L -Laat week THE ADVANCE stated that Mr. R. Sullivan David had been retired from the Grand Trunk Railway. The state- ment should read has retired from the employ of the Company. to go into other business. . 4 - still bathe from the fiayeld street whnrf at all hours of the day to the annoy` once of passersby. Whose duty is it to look after this? THE Anvaxcn called at- tention to the indecency last week, but it. still continues. --Mr Hallett wrltesto THE ADVANCE to say that he willtfurnieh any teacher or can- didate withathe entrance marks required, if an addressed P. Card be sent to him at Bracebridge with the names of candidates whose marks are required, on the back. H'Before insuring your life, see the new Unconditional Accumulative Policy of the Confederation Life. No restriction and extended insurance guaranteed, when default in ayment of premiums, after 2 years. H. ax-per, district agent, Barrie. an. 11... `at- 1:1--. __---1.-.1 - ._.- J V-::1-`he-l?.;rV:EM1". Hart p:eacl;ed a 1 me- morial sermon on Sunday morning last, in the Elizabeth Street Methodist Church, on the death of the late Thomas Lovatt, taking for his text: . If a man die shall be live again." The singing on the occasion was very appropriate and well rendered. ..-__1\_ '-r-L1_ L`_. _..n 14..-... -_a.:....I ...--:..I vv. , --'_.r..-.p-.--- ---- . _-_ -_ ._ l3'Dr. J ebb, the well know optical ecial- ist and inventor of the Optometer or ex- amining the eye and sight, will be in Barrie at L. S. Sanders jewelry, store, Aug 21st till 23rd. Cures ulstion and inflam- mation of thelids, eadache, supposed neu- ralgia, and straighten: cross-eyewithout an nuns-gfinn A fit: llmnfnnlnn nnnnnnnfnllv l'BIslh,.nuu Dunn un UluVDU`VJU wauuvuu on 0 tion. He-sfglt: spectacles successfully w an all others fail, and guarantees all his work. Consultation and examination of the eye. free, _ A AAA Sons of lnalsnd lxonruon On account of the unfavorable weather on the morning of the recent` excursion to- Strowberry Island of the above society, m`a;n"y"were prevented from attending. They have cons`entedto the wishes of a. large number to have another, which will take _p1aee'-'=to Jaokson s. Point on Friday utter- ;;ggri,.`~.`Ang., 25th. on the Str. Enterprise, "svlio, :35. togrsmme of En lish. ts. ` V out. See potersalaierfpori 1: ::- {$1.00 `PER ANNUM IN ADV ANCI ' swam: corms. rrvn: can-rs. `VI TXXII Miss Sadie Ellis is visiting friends` in Orillia. A .. Mr. John Kerr. Barrister, is holidaying? out of town. T. Mrs. E. Lount has gone to Oalwille to visit friends. ' 1- ~ -7-- -4- -4 L- n..m:.. .... 31fa `131! lncuua. 4 Miss Hattie Carley has gbne to Orillia on a visit to friends. - T - "" ` ` -~ ------ L- \`I73..n.-can 8. \'lBlL LU unuuuw. Mrs. John Woods has gone to_ Winnipeg for an extended visit. ` V .-` . k -` ` ` " *-/`A I01` till t:.\I.cuucu vauuu . Mr. J. B Edwards has goneto Chatham on a visit to relatives. . ' M Mr. W. Ross and bride are, visiting his 7 father, Mr. J. K. Rona. . We are glad to notice that Miss Bella` V`-`ardman is almost convalescent. Rev. A Brown, of Brampton. jpent Sunday with Mr. Jonathan Siuons. - . r. 17 \I_-_._ I.-- -..L.nnnn:I l>n nff,gwn__ ms. E011 1\.1x-. John Galbraith, of Allandalo, attend- Aed the Millers Association at Toronto, last week. sireet-. WCCA. Mrs. Dr. Lynch. of Lindsay. is the `guess of her mother, Mrs. McGuirk, ,M`cDonaldv 5Uree. - ' Rev. Mr. Pescott and wife. Hmilwllo were guests of Mrs. D. C. Murchison" lllt week. ` & M r. W. D._ McPherson, Barrister. 05 T0` __ L...... .. Qn,huv.inv nn court jronto, was business . M I Y7 xxenneuy. , Mr. and Mrs. Laird, Worsley. street, have gone on a. visit to their son in . the city of New York. M Mr and Mrs. Fyfe. Hat-r l'la.ll. started last T Saturday for a visit to the World : Fair, Chicago. V ' _ n . u__ n-.......... H tvnndlnwn." left, : W`;-\-1'r.'a>.-:-1-(i`1rs Coo er. Woodlawn." left town last Saturday or Montreal Md 031101 eastern places. _ T, ' ~.\h-s. Joseph R era, of "Barrie, and "Mrs. (ieoruen, of New 01"`: are 8`.`5'f R Rogers. Stayner. A \ - - x r ~ , (II. J .1 LI. nnnnulnr nnnffoica FARM TO RENT.-This farm in 109.91g Village; 0; !v_y_. hufmi Miss .\1ag'gie Todd. the pop! clerk, has gone to the States, .1 Lane has taken her place. V v at 7 _..I..V A` hulle L13 t,8.Kel1 H.Ul.'lJlGVUu ._ - . Miss Leslie, formerly of Barrie. M135 . Lakio: and Miss Autber, of Toronto, 1.3 been spending some time in -Bl-1`l`i' [ . . / vu .1 n _-_....-_ ..-`J nan NAG York. ---- u nlluuxnnu uvn-9w u----v v M r. `El anor Georgen l_no`N'_.:w who l?u\'c;)een guests of Major R089" some time, left: on Monday foriBelleville.v nu - - . . 1-1 I J ..-'_:;""n oh!` M uvult: uulu, [Ulla uu a.uuuuu, -v-- -v ~ - The. M uskoka. Herald sa_n.'y3Mr-_ nd J. W. Hallett; are 3 ending. hell` h01*d3Y.' at Montic Christie Is and, with Mr, W: Sihbett. 7 __ , ' I n , , !I-- --`.1; - - |)lI,'UUI/Uo ` ' ily` .. Mr. and Mrs. Hutton and P '- havc been visiting Mr. End ME`! DEF: Mrs Hat.t;on s parental. 1'W' Tff:?*;:"?:'"*8-,{L._ -. -.ucauu.y u1u1'1u1lg- - ' th Wor- ;VIrs Mullen, sister of Mra.G :9%. .Mull`en;.A sley street, and wlfe of _Ri":' her 5igtvel.`,!h3" Fergus, who has been Va 8 mpanied" by returned to 11%` ilgmei co. 4 .' Master George 00 0 , funk. Mr. Geo, H. Carley 0* .-`}` e`'i,";':d Titian. Railway, Hamilton. 1155; gzcapwcrrt with that compa) ml uholeul grocery" llosition with th_e larC" of.cbo'.tc1W- rm of w. H.G1l1.rd & j-;km~ u. Miss E. King. Mi R`: d'p6na.W..;C._% Ellis and Messr9- Dr Ri%Vl`llllImIdII _ and Hunter, w. S8,l'jB&11tsE' M [mm conigy Chas. Benton are del68h-' -to . street Methodist -_hr Thm`..dy?'5'|"I!' '3 Y.P.S.().E. at Orilha. neh u, Friday in the Presbyterilm _ , '-i " oh-`:"3.'. ,7 nduoatlonaj. .' The names of the successful the recent examinations---H `lischd-"P FY: Junior and Senior Leav .8--W0.l` IN_1(`._._.;. hshed in the Toronto dailie:la.s_t`_`,1oSat1irl&y:% A fnIl.....:.... _.__ LL --- _..a.. .....*.A `I...-.. G. Ki ,J. N. m1_e,TJv.\Lot;u9 W III j foot, W, L; " . 9=I~!*`F9Y'{; WV:}(;pL;n;:.(:`:D:h:$l:;3:;|d 9; E:.`it; i`1.' Iitaiiin, A. Ben. J. G. Cavenagh. N; Go 16. E- Flt9,h [,. A`E5J . Graham. E. Ha gar. . 11- 5- ~7```'`` `"`'`= ~35 . _ ; L J P `k ,A. W. P Md 6.` ._`',-'.Q;.'.. *"`;*.`.`[.5:i 4's?:`-" Robisoif, M Ross, `H-g H.srig1ey,F.vo11me;-.AJ W! _4 _: g~.:# Junior Lea.viug--D_ Beaq2jo__ _ XLII. N0. 33` SAMUEL Wn:sLIr.v.- Pl'0Dl.`iO|D!'.' ` ;._j *** RESIDENPE FOR. sum ..P.3,il..(1.}` an tha oomerot William )a I)I'IIUldUl' VA any in town on Satutruay on court H181`. gie Todd. popular Bloutfoice -- - L- -.1... mun-A. nn in Allie irth. Died. "l.l;V_IlO P." 0.. L pill I_.a_uuuav , a.nu({ K133; Allie | ,:ew Yltf, ---_.. I`-.. Black, In her, F. he.` on. B. bfi `Lynn, Va ntz, F. on Bpnce, * lLeft Vin` for . . . M -r-- A 1 on-roman at sumo: mm ms-rue-r 1 nxgnmans as noon. runs. [mum u111:Lu-n1smc'r mns.% And condensed Info -Into}-o:t1.I:L Pu-ab.-5 `graphs to: Advance Random who ' I II.` g I.`-.._-_._ -5 An. _ Q3, - A V I `so:-`\;era1 Orilliaus attended the Hamilton regatta. ` V `J5 day. 1\ Wbog poisotiing is is oommcn thing at Cooks- town. will ban scarcity of `plums round Midland. - Berry? picking is one. of the industries` of Bax`t.e;.i V 1 remhfkable going on at Totten- ham just now. - ,_ XII ' ` . . Q . . pa` re- ThoVgovAern;nent achol gttant to Cremore ? this year is 892. T _,. '.`._ Hotwson was biiled to preach at Alliaton last Qnnduy. ` t'1.______L _Iv__;s-_ -. I, I ,1: i . o n o ,(,7-,._~--- ~_-~~-v -`~:-~`---g- . _ Cr uetvple gb la Lhtiebee in tuhiggable atyl1`s:ere{t. mp in om` 3 U Tdhlo linens from 180. up "at J. Fyleh. A black beafwu seen ii: the neighborhood of Everett the other day. I I l1L3_|___ '-1g-_-_-, _,_I,u__ ._ 11,- u _C-l1'ickeh`_thieveo are how `troubling the hen keepers of Cpllingwood. - URL; IIl.II__. .1 `I32... 1'I_S___ J- I,-___ LI__!_ ` mihe Mm1am1'"Fir' ' `B:-i ---rw-- v- --v-- vvv-- sde, have their` annual outing on the 22nd. - I ` lC\. 5:0,`. "in 'eI.{1}eE.7;1iu1.ooa of Ba. 2 Lake are fun ingfor lack of rain. ._ ' Whortleberry pickers are still Ewing their a calling on the rocks at Cooper : a la. ` l`I_____I_______- -___ .I-1_._ !.....___-_ J-..._..- `Grasshoppers are dciing `immen's;V('lamuge in many localities out in the townships. ` I ,, v ,__ -I_- I1... 3 '"a?i.'J2x'e}.}}?J.}L's.'.ls; Joli gm: (Ema Trunk spoiled the Alligton band excursion. V -n 13:, __ _ _._- __-_Lu_L_.I| "E2 'iJL}SrI{"1s,EF8'}T {oi `;;;I.ii;1I.;.a ' last `week, having taken its annual holiday. -__.I!-___L_ I-.. 2_2A..!-A.!-._ .'L "717i{ES}}-; Iii": iI1.uiQ'EJii;iiAio'a;c 3 _Mad River Court 0. F. at the next m`e_et- `KKK w?I"he Gravenhurst Banner tells of sticuE' encounters in that quiet and orderly sawdust. `kn-nun - VIIVV I `burn. VIII O The Creemore Sta? says it will take 35_ mills on the dollar to run that village this year. T V . '_..4 -_-_.-.I -4;-u-A Innnun AIIIADIAIQIII Just opened some more American ! Olnalllel. to sell at before at lgoggwonh 20c. Hunter. sarjegnt an Co. | Many leaaure seekers`-`$0 to the islands in 1 the Tneig box-hood of \ aubauahene `to be i _.__- L2 _ The ;i'rat new wheel: of the season 9' takento the Oreemore-mill from Tousorontio last week. .. , . ' A 1- us} 1 19-] I-_L "V9 Mrs. gather, of Ccliingwood, died last Friday at her residence there, at the age of 88 years. ` ` - T The meinberafof the Presbyterian church `at Wyebridge welcomed their new pastor . yeelfaerday. , . 1 am. 1A-_-n.-I.- -...l ('1-gugnhnn-I-. Ant-inn`- yvulgcxuuy. - The Muskoka and Gravenhurqt Agricul- tn:-at Sogiet are making preparation for ` LL- _-...._n 41' `angst :uFaTsI{ci8'3}e" m: the coming all fair. , L-__-__! ,.- _-'. v- -cunt was Ivuw 1 _ 1 1-1:: `the Mano: or me agent. T Harvest hands are search in Matohedaah. Civic holiday at Penetanauiahene yes1_:er- LEV. . Sets