f,4:,;_,s,g.. wk. -4 ~ '- ` .,~'.:4e--+`-.-~.---.-.L-.~. 1 . .:, _, .) .;~'~:.: >I `.~ `-.,\ .` M Too 00 an 0% DOMINION DAY in Barrie will be celebrat- ed _on Monday, July 3rd. Stores will be open on b'_atu1?day, July 1st. inawley & llevlin. Large assortment Canned Good A A and Campers Supplies. CORNED BEEF V SAB OHIPPED BEEF - ' ` KIPPERED HERRING MUSTARD SARDIN ES Fresh Fish Thursday. Friday and Saturday of each Week. jwnsou 2. LENNOX. 1 China Silks, 25c. per yard, \l % Lovely Art Silks, 70c.;. 35 in. wide. ; .qlFor Dfaperies, also~Bengalines in all shades, for Ladies `.Und`erwearI keep th best stock in town. f:A lll..isaltione;ylg1s9:1;ep; in stock. -HARD "r`o Asc-. Ea1`ArN :`H`\`-E SSIATUS" V oP`woww_' in `ANY cb'uNTnv.` -...-. u-vt"vIiIlnvUVu In. vnfalnu vvolx:n1oodAo- any 0 0 war . an no oolloo Thin Auodatl has In Ouwid and Un1tod- osntaten, WATSIIN & LENNIJXJ u now oouoouoa Tm: Association has olcoa , and States, Head and oloo. 60} Adoludo at. East. Toronto. muo, 11, 1! am` 18. 0. E. GOL- IJN8, General Hunger; at H. B. ANDREWS, u g. No. I22; to'l'I'n lnttl: Duns auuruul nu mumocuons to Toronto, 2:1?` :.`."...:...'... ';:.. :'.".' "` ..``'...`5 9.` Joanna - vanoonhemoneytothocroditor itdenh-ad.` -. O. RL.O0LLIN8. Mnnlnr. n. 0. uunomaox. bommina -so;1auor2ornarnon1`a_z;1_o:. Union cygdit 8. Protection ` Ali! A IIIVA no an-uuu mu n.m\'1'.~A smut tarnished ho three or tour-furnish a 1n gn o9?nlgl('1 house. The East E36. 4130 :1`: :` X:`xF?aq`"...`a.r.it `. n.';E:1`- aw? To 315 mm on FOR 8ALE.--Thnt substan- tially built residence "Bonldortoll."_ nttapd`-' Inn I-Q I6. in-n '...a..._A'. -1 n --.__..` .~_v_ - Anzn TO RENT.---A mu t house. or _g_tr:r:}1oho`m:::n: III All nnnnnln knnag -- uo__: _.g .- *i1IU an nan` un run BAIJE.--'J.`hlt Iubst residence "Bonlderoll." an in in its own grounds or 2 acres. and hat n .'beIld hitch "tr! .1; wo'"'1 *'I'5TnY9n'a':nsmn??'.'-'.a.." J2 1353110 U.uuu..a um gpcuoawnc, L_ll. w ulvg; ` I know no other example, ofapeoplgj utilized fox:-c;;zt.u;`.es% ;_36l%ely ;o:' the pro- t, not offa conquex-ing.foreign: ::av'ce, but j of individual forei nets, bornin ruder 3 climates. The con ition of a peopl which does not kriow how tohandle. the sword and ne`v_'er resists force, in the "T gjesence of bruta_1 barbarians, like the"? rks or the Ma.melukes,~c:u1not be fa_r w removed from a state of servitude. Such` ` has. been, for centuries, the"-lotAof the o 'l4`.-nnsl-Lgna Tn a rant: dun`: an Inn! tn ` ii" - W. '5'I'l.d'wi:Tt'`1.1' V` mg? to wnr 35 x:s'r12';"-1e.' QEPEBSLJTAKEN IN HAIR womg rather than suet damages by lime, mortar 01- re. moval. % .%y.1tra.1:i0I1 Clearing Sale of our Entire For the :(a:`rL1'eaes1:;f Bargains ever offered `For first-class Nw Goods V` ,1 The gradual development of our business de. mands of us greater accommodation for our very large stock. d We are forced to further enlatge on, premises aswell as to make important alterations and must therefore make a s25,uonwunmurnnvsnuns Egzpt, in all classes of aocnety, t to [R700 UV DUE lulu `VV\JlAJ(I&l _I.I:\AuvIi\I 0 " , The condition of women, among any f people whatever, is falways dif to 1 determine with precisiom and especlally -1 diicult among a. Mussulman peole. tIn . 95 - TY eep women hidden, and, when the ` -innnrnn nnrmifn thnv Inn]: - Ihnm- nn- At Blearingsale Prices TOMATOES % `co1m_ FANcv sToRa SACRIFICE PRICES. GENERAL Gnoczn -I-% S15 ep he IlS | "BEAN_ `This means a sale of "SEAS To be offered at nun UUUU, l.Ul.`Ucul:u.l.'u:a_, uxw IUD us uuv Emtians. In _a race sunk so low, to w a. degree of slavery must wohot ex- pect to see the women"_i"edu"c`ed-`? . -' ' Tho nnnfnn nf in-inch nmnno nnv .SALE Stock. UA1`II.`I_E15. 13% _I;EJi['P-I{INS. PEACHES I `T11 sAR1)mns"IN om LOBSTERS. Tails and Flat: sunorv KTINCI It. r\I'11r\Y.`I' 1 1"1`.`%'c`` ona"hA1t miles" 1 16 or aha` ac: `Bu-r1oP. . ; .4_,.':; - ,1niIA.uIuuu. o-r"'v"'" [W , `to `loan on Brat mor V `!0IIO.'AoooImta collect - R501 _ %_%,;.1A,`-'-L1-g.-Over BEND f mmrw / L,. V 1 . ""` 433.1133 sALB`w, -' `H 1 gal. ttlmnnl 7"T-: vs --- . ~ nzsunnccn mums mp o0N- .- - , - vrnuncxms. , . Benronpns the touowing compani- 0; 3'33 3U),li'IRE INSURANCE OFF! j ; . LONDON. ENG. M " Fire Ins. Co. ln"1 I5 ziftlluligunaxonz cow or NORTH A ND mnmsrmx msuruN__, , - . . :Gcvo1-nmant dew! u, wuunnoo xurvu mu! 1?` = ~ 0.0- =OIDltAl. 850v' CF03 Twgomcanrmnlxsun . :3 ,3: g BERLIN. 1 . i`-.`l _~_, '0'- _/ {isqnoaouz a. sM[1H'I `MOI-I VII Ill 8000!` ' GLU Lu5Lvu, BI-|\-I GUI! .181 V thaogntrarx, the Moalems who,` ;.under pretext of pro teas, pretend` to ` adopt all o {burs yvhiqh ma ke`west,er;A19 is 'with their .prin`cip1e_s. o - Bayfield Street, Banial ll-IJHLJ _PlNE APPLES. V JAMS,E1`C. J UNE; u\IL` MACKEREL, 29, 1893 .< `mvmee Bm Mr xlc_a.n . `tainments h ' Historic W jl "traveling wit .has`been decl Neva} befo natural, trut approval whi the South, short wherev eat of all W . This is the been earned, most genero better know expense to is necessary to organization and at the s acircus orgn in the world`. 77- L..'.. L. Ill `Inc 7'-\ILl\l| He has th Indian chief has the gra Mexican _ran lainsmen, c est. To co plebeness of at the perm qnent perfo ninr (Inl- .,......_,,-..u. M3101` Gor the hero of created a. s Carson. Dav .times, thing distinction a. ` and the Chi} That this tions is atte and that t illuminated as day," is I the same ve a.turda`y not much in few persons The followin rvvutUC, I) to $1.75 pe trimmed h sheepskins,- lamb skins . . 1b.; woo'1, coal, S6 50 .-uvuucl` unl oice. Th oender an costs for th On Tusd iq the "n charged '1` purse and- Last Fr_id another unl n: I`:- , -..uu ll`: money had He had m` McFern. '1' were sec I found the know just the ma int Centre. s`o see our 51-. agatio r.;-_"- 7- ,soc,i.ty'. pr petouw `T. T ';J_rL:agrve`al"__t1gejr 1! WHO UL daughters. NA TUE lu E1! e_etn_AI-e DlI!'erent"in the E:_utV--: ` There Itle a veritable Boon to fine 5 Inhabitants 9! the Tn-doplcs. V 5 Indian opium is,- as it_ always has ` been, the luxury of the -nch m Chzna, ~ 5 just as champagne is in Europe and Am- : I erica. ; the only dierenee between them , being that, while the dally use of cham- -mn-nn nun nthnr urine: and anh-its Ina-. ` I ' xllx ' DUI! Illnllllllll G DULUUI UIILBBJ BIIGIIUI ` The European has made lovely jewels and will make lovelier ones, buthe has [ never made jewels like those of the 3 Asiatic, who With a illimitable art can , take from gold all its glitter pwithout e ' diminishing by one iota the perfection of its color, and will hand you a 'bit` of enamel in which the green is as bright as the emerald, the red as ery asthe ruby and the whole as restful to the eye as a piece of turf. The oriental jeweler has anothernxerit, and in it liesvthe secret of a possible great development in I the demand for European jewelers } work. He always gives to his jewels a ' certainty of value. His gold 18 gold of ! unadultrated purity, his silver truly ;silver of the standard. his gems and stones they are said to `be and his work ' paid for at an understood and invariable rate. `The consequences are that he V makes little and that the market for his a commoner wares never ceases,-, 'ewels * L-:.... __ __..-_L _ _ . _ _ . . _ __ LVUUUI IIUUUSSIULU UU DIIIIILIEUI B: One day, during an excursion in the suburbs, I met-a distinguished professor belonging to one`of the great educational establishments. of Cairo, and we ex- changed some words of politeness. On our return to the city. he very courteous- ly invited me to take cotfee with him; accepted his invitation and followed. him. Here we are, he said, suddenly stopping in a narrow lane in which we were walking: "be good enough to wait a few minutes. He entered his house, from which he soon emerged, bringing with him some chairs, for which he `searched for a level place in the street. Then, inviting us to "sit, he called out to his neighbor, the coffee-house keeper, to bring some coffee. This is what he styled a receiving us at his house! Certainly it was far removed from an English ~ home or even from the hospitality which you will find at a French peas- ant s; it is one of the results of theposi-. ' tion of women. ' A..--_.. _......I_ ....:6-A -`Ann 3` :1: `wanna- fcommoner 'ewels ,being as much property as . Anglish sovereigns are-equally , portable, pearly [as capable of concealment `and-as xed _ in salue. ` ~ ' - UULIIE Illlly, VVIIIIV EIIIU \-IGILJ |IU.U.I. UIIGILI` , pagne, or other wines and spirits, malt ; iquors, etc., may - prove deleterious, the ,.smoking of pure extract of Indian mono- , poly-opium can, in itself, never be in- ; Jurious tohealth, not even when indulg- , ed, so far as time and money wasted on , it are concerned, to so-called excess. . . . . Opium, in brief, is one of the greatest `gifts of providence _to.the people` of the tropics; and not simply as a soothing adjuvant to the digestion of a. ve retarian diet, such as that used by the indoos, `and a `prophylactic againt malaria,- `through its specic action on the. perspiration, the only secretion , it stimulates, but, above all, because its , use, like that of tea, cob-e, and tobacco, 3 anticipates and allays the natural thirst of mankind for alcoholic stimulants, : which certainly cannot be safely indulg- ' ed inby the emotional people of South- .ern Asia and Africa, exce t, with the ` greatest circumspection an carefulness. ` Opium, furthermore, is one of the most I economical of stimulants. The English drink-billfor 1891 was calculated by Mr. Dawson Burns in The` Times for `Feb. ruary 17, 1892, `at 140,000,000. Sir John Hart calculates the Chinese annual opium-billat 25,000,000; and were we, in this country, to substitute opium for wine and spirits, etc.,-' our proportionate - bill would beonly 3,150,000, as against `14o,ooo.ooo.--sir George Biirdwood, `quoted in" Engineering, London, April 7. I _ ` - . glare, to have his eyes hurt and hisbrain. l_1e.i'teil by `unsuhdued effects of light. Consequently, though he dyes his wools in intense colors. having few others, he so combines them. so mixes them with blacs and that dark cream of which Europe has never caughtthe secret, that the. total result is res'ful, and _the very idea "of glare or of full daylight on the patterns is entirely absent. It is precise- 'v the same with oriental 'ewels_', says the American Jeweler.` heir natural glareis kept down byvcombination and want of ~ polish. The Asiastic, who carved in jade and `sank deep inscrip- tions into sapphires, could have . faceted precious stones as well as the cutters of Amsterdam, who until lately used no machinery ; but he did not desire to do it. He wanted subdued etfects and made UIDIJIBCB IIJ IIU Llflll CU UU UV IJLILIVJUIL VVIIIII . of the garnet a. 'car'ouncle-which is a l miracle of col without glare?-sor he ' 0113 03. 88 we have seen in many `emer- ` 9-Id! 3 m9re corner, so the beholder, in-` stead of being bothered with ashing N811. hould peep at will into green ePl7h3- We do not say he was alto- gether right--as regards the diamonds he Was entirely wro'ng--but we may - rely on it that he knew 1115 business, and when he failed that he intended to fail. ~ His intense appreciation of turquoise was due not only to admiration of its color, whichcan be matched only by one or two owers, but to the {act that it was the one gem that, for all its brilliancy of color, does not ash.- To this hour the high-class Asiatic loves the cat s-eye as the European never can, because. the iliht of it gives no pain, but reveals it- 1 se it through a sort of dusky shade. r`1`.`:.;;,"`1;;':;";s..";;.,;;,;1;"a;.e ,.ia...,1 ` genius is no longer considered necessary. I PIIL- _ Jo. au:AA`A 10:10` .nnnn:a43n Inns: 1 I I Fashionable doctors now "send their wealthy consumptive pa.tientsto Egypt. The `newest summer drink is a mixture of half `buttermilk and half beer. V-_ _, L- .LI__ __,_,, Bvunuu nu av lvnaovo vva-...-V--- ._..uv~w.~.J - j The n do siecle girl -e'xer_cis9q hei- igxllgenuity in designing a. multxplxcxty of I gusgs. A V . o u ,_,_ n___-;L|_ _.LI__4k_,_-_" "'LT;$in only one-fourth of the u! - |tioncan read_ _and write. ~ pp 9' Y , .0 __...I_ _.,_ An! - ll UIIll LOG uuu vyalvv 'm:1`he po ufatiou of n.1ode ru Athens is only a htt 9 more thgn 100,000. 1 ML. 13---; .._.!._L8..`...- ...........L ..:..4L...;.. :_ - VAQQJ up no-py-V -a-vow w--.7-- -vv,--vu The finest existing` ancient iotufe is 9. `mosaic. the Battle of Issue, found in a -pavement at Pompeii. ' .s C . I % ~ I mnnL-~&An I1 (`I nkncauha `A. n `Then lookind back to 1:, Iron: whohusvgof L A` To Itony wayuu It had with bleodinteg ,2 . so bitter now the cup thnt whshve drin " ` ` ' `f '- Adlnnu Ann: in nu :anuIyI~.nA- a`-A-up ans. "5 ,. : UUIUULLIEI In proportion as the means of the householder diminish, the space occupied by the dwelling becomes less. Men are in closer contact, without gaining any- thing in sociability or the houses losing their appearance of being risons. In those streets of Cairo in whic the houses are contiguous, the outside walls are .%E,erced with few and small openings. hen the low doors are open,_you see nothing but a wall a. short distance back, at the side of which is a narrow. dark, and tortuous assage, giving access to the interior. :1 such houses there is no room accessible to strangers. (XI-nn ow rlrlrintv on nvnnrainn in fhn uvvulvuv (IV I. vun In `.1 PG Washington, D'._ 0., charges a liquor license. 'l`I-{as Tn`kIQnIIll l\' 31 ,'"`aFiI; i;`I.3iI.'. of Corinth Ship Canal is_ `neg:-ly completed. ~ - '1'h0l`It I: etthutoomeointoallfo .2. 3' . Beams for the heart. has known 9 pain; But whcn each Jay hrln greater Itnfe, . And lite endures, the gut must hopp` s`i a:".o`}`1Te'c1.}?'i'n`:"3.?$3L'?nri';'i:*9 In other city! to us would-now seem uirrcef. . - ` ' ` ' '-Lv. Wm A new silk 9.V:'9%niIz1Agi j sunrise moire. -When in repow`+it~leokI . -white, but in movement alwrhely-Vpxnkfar W1 8393- W143 : J :uI- \ PK i C9. 3 9.9`-.1 3.5- `..n9~ I4 .. . W. g:ur`2' ussunnarri ,5a3ter- istics, afe blind iirnot being ab1'o.;`t'o iaeei the absolute inqompatibitxof l,'a, ' 18") : i `withw instituii`6nso.chiis3:ia`m `a ions. In t:he'=preo3.utioi' s talt en'-`by -Mu'ss "ulman's to 13151.6 tlleirmtozxien. in iecluditfg them. t2se_;,a.;ei.rich_. enough," in .comne`l1in' .them4tqiw.ear a veil if they are " poor, ,m}i ofopinion - that rave" disorders are avuided. I believe it Am; the liberty eu- joyed by Christian women would lead among, the Egyptians to frighttul, dis- solutenc-s_s.-Litera.ry Eiigest. - - - . Bx"i|l.ia;|ut. Tints Cc|nbl_I;o:d ,Suiau"_`io~a`ve lleitful _i'3.'i'ect on the Eye. ` The reason 1;` at colors in an` oriental brooch or hraceiur. are so perfet is the same reason tinat; V` an old oriental carpet is bet.I;er than any ( net. An Asiatic ; dialiiiei to be dazz ed, be blinded with .-lam. f1\ Innyn LL. Avvnn hunt .....-I `Lia In...-.:n A DEFENCE or THE QPIUM M317. 7'oa,a~T'AL ART IN coLor3',:' Sguruo Vltlholx-Q. DIULI U1 VVULllUUo Among people quite poor, it is impos- sible to have suicient space to allow their women to go about without being seen. Such are no longer protected by their veils. and often, when engaged in hard work, they seem to be in f erent as to keeping their faces covered. TC -mcun& wu'1\` hn nnnnnnanti `Rh. fl-nu nluu- G1?-`Ital. Dotu. .x ai:<*1 3; the` as. e Vtiiiini T It;s.;....I4...s` ..'.r".'sk u-nnfol-.1 nix Ivan. _ - ;-i-Oy Wanna . L Advance!-6';A1re`apondenoe [ Mrs. Dr. Gould is visiting with friends at G od wood. - _ ` The P.-4.1.:-om will hold 5 monster picnic '39 P.-nimular Park on Monday, July lat. A (rmd pr: szramine has been prepared cud .. gnud time may be expected.- Mr. Johnson Back : strain ilonu at Orsigvule is completed We ulmito the enterprise of Mr. Black. and for him that share of the public [patronage which only mch -men ire" entitled to. C/~ aigvale aaggryaln gisrkot geoond to none. ` M ' . . ` Women Omce Seekers st the capital. The women omce seekers e.bo{1t' the cup- itol are easy to distinguish. They suer from -the feminine drawbacks of no pock- ets, end most of them have to carry their pre- cione documents in their hands. If e wom- en appears with s. at, small package about 4 inches wide and 8 long, done up in brown menills paper of the_ dry goods countess i stamp. it is safe to say she wants an omee. She iiinke nobody suspects what is in tii package. but `every member who sees it | knows from experience the exact character l of its ce_ntents'.-Kete- Field : Wgghingwn. Mi-"a Nettie Nana. of` the Simdo hotel, Barrie. spent a few days Int week visit- um fiends in Scroud and vicinity; Atvthe last regular meeting of Eugene Divieicn. Sons of- Temperance the follow- insz uicers -"were elected for the enening quarter, ending October 101: :,e `W.P., Bro. Jame`; Black ; W.A., Sitter A. Bro! lay (deselected ; R.8., Bro. Herb.` Wel- luca; A.B..8.~. inter Ids Bieck ~(te-'eleot- ed); F.S., Brl}: E." E. McB1_-ide : Tron, Bro. Brown (re-elect`ed);")Ohe`pl|in. Bro; Wm. Ms _ne'er';,f Oon., Bro.LN. Gqcdfellcv e(re,-elected); A. 00111;. siBt'ai-if '3. Ooiikv 'I. I)_A_' `fI _I_L' -. KID I.\l Iillbl osvvww vv v wavy-I It must not be supposed that the cus- toms which lead men to hide women ' from all eyes is the result of masculine l jealousy alone; such customs were ` necessary. The social state in which vtheyoriginated and which lasted long enough to cause them to become deeply rooted in the manners of the people, was altogether different from that peaceable t and well-regulated state which we too readily imagine to be the normal state i of all society. In Egypt, on, the con- i trary, the normal condition was one in p which all the property of private persons j as well as the State almost inevitably became the prey of the strong and the cunning, the weak having no means of preserving their wealth, save by. hiding it carefully and assuming an exterior of goverty and even of sordid misery ' uch a social state was the traditional centuries-old conditions of E, pt. To- day, it is true, such a state of t Inga ex- ists no more, but this is due to European inuence, regamsented at, this moment by En lish, yonets, and it was but este y that it ended. In accounts of gypt twent or thirty years ago, you will nd suc incidents as the follow`.-, .!...._ Vlujtunnuouoolnb. ; V. TheB&l.fl'i, club .M1ent to_;,0ril_lia 1-:~s.tj Wcdye-W 0.91! one at the uehedule ma'.tchea.. {../ The fortune! of the mminat om-5-Ind; This lnmnlzimnn` :. 4 3..-. me scerung lnerua guau avcauununv uulinuvvvg 01 its people are none `the `less worthy of recognition L when 0 portunity demands. We trust yet; to see 1: e proper inscription placed upon the pediment of the Ericsso . sta.tue.-New York N ewe. T . . Dangers of Compulsory Arbitraom Competition maybelrdlled by compulsory 7 arbitration or it may be carried to the most ; harmless extent and through the honest ` eiforts of a jury to decide what skilled ex- perts are not able to decide. The objectors to compulsory arbitration have sometimes said 'that it would result in slavery for the workingman. ' The advocates make light of this. But really and seriously. is it not slavery when a man who wants 82per day for his labor can be compelled at the point of the bayonet to work for 01.80 perday? _`There would` be no fear it seems to me of capital going out of the state or out of the country under the regime of compulsory arbitration in industrial aairs, for "it a would gladly seize upon the results of such a- regime to compel a rise-in prices to se- cure a combination which the law insisted ~ upon.--tCarro1l D. Wright in Forum. The Diamond Market of the Future. _ Chicago,- says a diamond expert, is soon to be the greatest diamond market in the world, because Chicago is today the largest retail market. and wholesale deal- .ers must follow the set of the current. Nearly $2,000,000 worth of diamonds were 1 sold in that city last year. It is a saying in 1 Europe that _a lady without a title does not 1 wear them, but here everybody wears them. ; They do not indicate great wealth-merely ` taste for that kind of jewelry. Before the Dnroaudon n Dutch: than I-`en Anus`-on at `Kn CIVIL} J-113351 QIJIL 1 L977 SGIGUUTI Q I A_frica."-Philadelphia Ledger uuwyvuuu. L116 lUl.'liI.Il.l3l 0! Elle aware against our lads. This sometimes` is inevi- table; :Theruhould be neither. worizy nor fidisoo VL 'mnt`ahoia1sj;uoh` a defeat. If u. smisfdlm. `rben msdos lotl icv bgiguagded against fan the next eld. uu:uv_-use -uuwlp IIIIUB-' I |`;"g'igst .o'p th,ne"xt ld. Zllcu-vunvuuuv as -v--- -V- --. v- `An extraordinary thing happened during Mr. Seney s last illness. While a friend was with him he was smitten with a violent at- tack of angina pectoris; It seemed as though his suiferings were more than the body eould stand and survive. The parox- ysm lasted for more than an hour. After it had passed he opened his eyes as one who awakes from a sound sleep and said to his fl-iends.sWhy. I have -been asleep. haven t -I? Sothat it seemed that the excessm pain "and struggle had really produced a sort of anaesthesia, and the case will be discussed at a meeting; of one of the med- ' ical faculties. -New York Cor. Phllad elphia 'D_...... - UGDUV IVA IIIJIIU EIILIL UL JUVVVLIJQ I-JULULU IIIIU russien siege Paris was the center of the trade. ' Just now London is. The best die- monds sold arefrom broken sets in Europe, from Brazil and a few selected stones from A 1.3-- n 1'\L:I-_1_1_|.2- `r .`z__.._ There is at the executive mansion is so called `eccentric le, on which all letters from palpable cranks are put; Most of these containthreats and warnings. This le has been kept ever since the episode of Guiteau, who wrote many such notes` be- fore. he shot President Gareld. An en- tirely sane oice seeker the other day sent a lock of his own ery red hair ,with his ap- plication for the -place, saying that he un- derstood that character could be divined by aperson s capillary traits.--Boston Tran- script. ` . GIJIL 'i lock a EU DUUP WUIJJUIJ IIIUUUU `` IIUII `VIIV income` ermits, they world is almost absolute` ;_ their houses, in Cairo, - are generally fsquate edices - one story high, -"and surmounted by .a`, terrace. Great numbers at; such are seen in the -quarters` ofl'.gIsnia:iliel1 and Bab-el-Louk. They are surrounded by gardens , which separate them from the street. The windows, large and numer- ous enough, all have blinds, which are kept -hermetically closed. 7 The Cbalcomes and terraces communicating with-. the apartments are closely surrounded with; wooden gratings rising about sixteet and a half from the ground, throug li'fwhicli nothing can ` be seen from the outside. The house is entirely, devoted to the harem. The master being the only man -who enters -it. He may have business [with other men, and nd it necessary---to receive them. For that purpose aspecial wing, completely isolated, very small, cor-' responding in aspect to a porter ; lod among us, is placed alongside of the en- trance door. `This wing constitutes the Selamlik, or apartment of reception. It is. generally a single room, of which the limited dimensions and the shabby appearance testify how small a place its uses occupy in the daily life. of the own- er. In the street, before the entrance, squat some chattering servants; but the principal edice, so far as can be seen, is deserted. All these habitations, some of `which. are magnicently built, do not seem to be made for the living; accom- panied by cypress trees and entire silence they have the appearance of huge mau- soleums. Y.. __._-_.-__A.!-_ -_ us. ..._.._.. -1 mg. _, them up. A, Amongt is rich, the seclusion ; from the T i I -I ! I 3 A Remark Fox-vDe-I71;e'r;eople. The following will be appreciated by Den yer people who are familiar with the white I conical shaped ash receptacles the city law compels them to have: Five-year-old Henry brought home from Sunday school the les- son paper, on which was depicted Job of- tering up a sacrice. His mother asked him what the picture was. f`Oh, nothing, was the prompt reply. but Job standing V by his ash 'pit.A--New York Tribune. `H. v.-.mu_sg-fa an Uvflnq DJIIUQI. Ul,[l|Ug___lIlU" ; Oonkev ; I.8.. B'ro .fJobnIon Blah`; O-.VS.V, _Bm R_.abp._ ,1`.han'np,Ion ; Organist," `Sister Hsttie Anderson. - A-Uh = . " K <;A -- ~ \mJ, <:m,_ . We do not `see the", `statue xi Eriesson should notstste that he was "sins; . tive-.0! Sweden ma, .5 citizen ~by_ adoption of the United Ststes.- We have many thou; _ sends` ot'Swedes""smon8"us who have be-.A come citizens, and they are a worthy and reputable portion of the foreignbora tingent of our population. Ericsson w typical Swede. whodid honor to the coun-_5 try of his sdoption as welltss to that of his . birth, and there would be no impropriety in stating the facts suggested upon the pedestal of his eigy. Sweden is one 01 those countries whose sons the least fre- quently force themselves into notice, but the sterling merit and steadfast character` -3 u... ........1.. am nnnn +11; Inna wnrthv nf It is a pity when there is little appetite for breakfast to waste much of it on fruit, but a few` strawberries or a little freshly stewed rhubarb will sometimes bring about an articial appetite for more strengthen- ing food. A poached egg served on a bit of toast which has been soaked in the strong- est broth makes a breakfast to be depended upon.-Chicago Tribune. ' - - Anaanthesidrrom Torturo. A Ddlnty B :-aakfant. L_. :1. __ L`, ,_,, `no `Eccentric Elle. Ru_uuI:.Jn:; 28. 393.`. A -L nO.ull4llIul`0naIiuuoslccvs 0 '-:a-`.:- ao.fau:}oo-.A:a- 0:: "3 Rrleyo};-gnuo-jucfrq"'oo- not ..A .n.n..`o,n on oo_a mi`: 1841 the Governor of Esneh set eyes I on a young and pretty woman, and had % her carried away from her house and I brought to him. The husband oflthe ` woman went to lay claim to her, and 1 received -two hundred blows with_a stick. ` A fortnight afterwards the ravisher gave his victim her liberty, and she returned ` to the conjugal root. The fellah received her with` apgarent satisfaction, and %cut her throat uring the night. Then he sent a tition to-Selim Pacha. relating the fee of the case. The petition was forwarded to the `Governor of Esneh, who hadthepoor devil seized and ,.put ~ in death ` `IVBIIE Oats . Rye `Dana , JOHN GALB RAITI-I, ALLAN DALE, .-`M A NITFAIYPITRIII OF`-- 1V0.ll1l'UUl.|l'lluUl.-.............. Uouoo V` ` SkinI..................' `V 6--co 6 Lamb Skins each ..... ... . . . . . . .. ' 25 Toronto rannen Ilurkot. . `Tonowro, June 27, 1893. Whoa`. white ..................8064to8 65 Wheahspring...a............... - 82... 83 Wheat. red.w .... 65 `NW-unt onnnn ,__L , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ m____ The Celebrated Toronto Biscuits. ; In fact anything you want. [Barony aj git-- Canned A Chicken, Ham, Tongue, Beef, Salmon, Lobsters, and J Vegetables of all . ` T kinks. ' - A Condensed Milk, Tea, Coffee, Cocoa, Sauces and Pickles. _ |8PBlNE$-:-I8-:-HERE? \Il uvxl ICLI D0 Dunlopitreet i promptly llo. has in sto_ck just what y_ou want. `Tho P0pli`I;';ii"`?lld!I0i} 'q,. wow -- I Mistake. 1 Egypt exlxibiis the $p;ecf:ic.l, of w'lii}i ' T lvnnuy nn rut]-or nvunurn n7` :1 nannln : 1.2:` . YOU WANT wmnow PLANTS. YOU WANT BEDDING PLANTS. `, YOU WANT PLANTS THAT WILL nnnw A\T`l\ nrnru: IHITTBN J: vv -- nu; .nunu LID ALIA]; "Shh GROW AND BLOOM. YOU WANT _TO GET THEM, BOTH WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. `IO 6` ' Wi L"iIiAM 'rA3(g.on `T l'\'T&III A. In A 1.51:: ._ Are} You Gmng Campmg? rnomsf is-V11-xn:'r__ `GT-;1;1> n:_nn, Box 77, ALLANDALE- ' V"-"I" l`V'Ill-|'I|9l' Ull thopsti tinth_ t tbmstb . A ~ Thrtrotlnd Lnl:l`8nr`l !Gh.`9f 78 3 003111 st. Dlslbsis Tnn'r.3D.-`Clturh of the Head 5'! '1'.5I"If- Citvrrhnlbeintn Ohroni Bron- chitis. Aontt:uma an: _au`o `fo of W1 " Tonnn :33 N 311- ms: nu: N-n1~:on'-'uuoe :3.'3 xomov wt on the in ..,. V 'lI|I- Er-nlnli-otnnbs qnlli `I. -.. 'n_ -_'_;_n- . ,, _-v--uu - uvqvolyuv `III! Dlllvl Ullr. it wl]lv bo.I'i.n, on j July `ll n-oIn8.80 pan. till _ ' ~ ha00Ap.`l|..\-` - ` L _`.______...,.' V _1!T""i'.___.______......_____" ' ` __ VW No `ma ` men n0fUlY f'8TOLEN; -- Nom- ! mdnwn on Mauro. Moxegzle Oo'a.i_Bo_nk. Q `H'ItI In Uncnu hC>I-_-_. I:-n_| N01` AND MONEY? STOLEN. -Notes drawn Motors. Moxegzlo a: Ca .VBonk. Barrie. and In favor of James Reid. Angur one notemado by Thou. Clayton in favor o- Mmly-uyimmn tor 845, 835 nllxbeen and on the note, - , public . are `continual Against no)go*iat1n3'tl;ohbova` noun. 'JA)lE8v .> :` . ., `I-.`: ,' Y D WE LING` on .Q a-winuuw Igo. so'?"vI:`r]3n Anvn 6.` T'A.ll'nu:' an \l1'l\nt\1 IN) IIUEUIM Considering the way in which Egyptian i women are brought up and the life they .1 lead in the hareme, I am clearly of opin- ion that their seclusion is reasonablo.4a.nd' 1 judicious. The kind cf educ_ation.:l we 1 give our daughters would be nonsenqe in w connection with Muisulmen ' mp.n_ners;' and the obetinateold Mussulmans; who. . T reject an _ Eutopean, `innovjqtions, infer`. . theaeolg r_e_a_.son1 thati`-the areof` Chris.- A em e :18i9`..`!4 . D__gJT_ToN, W l!o'Lld..NU'.!:'Uu BALI}.-$400 will dwallinir No. 80, -two:-an `Applv J $08.09 GI EV. . purchase. or `street. Bart-la. " '. I 18-tf . Orders llt at Tnnlnn lung: 9 The Grocer. % -MANUF'ACTU8IB _0F-- ` -_` ;9,';123.*:a~a::.a;=. a:;.9.'ss .j----.-.-_---a---.-- B.--$400 wxll purchase. l W813! `uent Rn!-I-In