fore. % have the: largest Stoc uq`rumuIysI.25""i73r Box. 3 A W _ ,k of L1quorsA_1n thAe% _C0"t3 * % I 0mprisin2~ the nu... 1vn-n--'3- A = To ensure having them in `Shelf and Heavy Hardwar Hoes, Forks, Common an II TN." ting, Lace Leather, 3 VVI1 time if not in stock, who has 2115; e, Spades, Shovels, Garden Rakes d Safety Barb Wire, Plain and Tm?) Machine Oil C9; , H I ......--.... Lu ununn. \\'1'l'H. MoALLIs`FER, `i'oRY 84 (30,. TO having them in 1-imn {P VIA` :. ..L--1 IN FULL SWING . I Plough Lines. _ .Mill F urnishing-- F1 , Tanned Leather Belting and wheels, Files, Shingle ttings, Packing, Oak Lace Leather, Emery ands, Oils, &c. Carpenters Tools, Cut and Wire Nails, L Kalsomine, sh es, Pain mixed Paints, Lins ts, Ready eed Oil, &.c. Ananaauo. Advance Correspondence. . Mr. R. K. Cameron, of Michigan, former- `ly of this village, has been on a. visit to friends in this _vicinitIy)'. The nocie`ty of C geen Fri_endeA of thin "vinnnn Ln].-I I-Inn}... ...--L--- -`- V e have the la;'gest stock Liqt com rising the nest brands of d A C Sagets,%L~ Champagne, ` Cider. I At a discount is Persons needmg repalrs for machmes made or % controlled by the I ` M T A --- --- * ....u uu,u:1tu'g88F stock of Liquors in the. count` . '. ;t1.1e`inestibr,ands domestic .Wh1sk6)'S' 3arfets,:.: Champagne, Brandies, Ports; _S,l1,`e[rri`e`s,_iS,c91:ch'iand Irish Whiskeys, Basses Ale}; Guinnises Sf:jout*,. Sacramental `,3 i;__,.ii'Wines`,;etc. : i ' " .; ,.a g. nan At .-nun, `cl, WILL PLEASE LEAVE THEIR `-sun .:.uursua.y.oI each month. Mr. E Shear spt a. few days in Brad- ford last week. . Miss Paton gave an At Home to `a. few `friends on .Thursde.y evening last. A very pleasant evening was spent by those pre- sent. l\____ #7, 0 I I o - -- ~ l:,% isthfefdre prepared to sell cheaper " `" ' than before. * r1.\!Ierc]:1a11`t, I-land sowed Spot Gash ! DUNLOP STRIEET |e| ORDER \VITH _1_:l_1e_ _county, Th dhhsen Friends of this "villa a hold their meetings on the 2nd and 4th hursda.y.ot each month. Ml` Qhnnn .... xm. .. E--- 3 ` " $|.2! $|.5 $2-01 $|.7! `XI of th the - (Ant. mg 1; Rent '11: u III JuLI.uUUlUlIe While we sorrow for the comparativel ~ea.rly death of an old and esteemed frien , `we.o'er to his bereaved widow and children -A our sincere sympathyin the dark hour of . aiiction. FIVL- 1l_.A,I N` ` null land The ver Rev fro The OWC 4 poli sho true th - unn pres Lie: pres port his bott n pre obt be exp -wit tem {ex mi may safe Gua and V pria guuu m n .uuy uuluulllDl'IOD, &n(1' too Juli? :20 claim political perfection in his own party. In days gone by he was a frequent contributor to the columns of THE ADVANCE on educational snd other topics. He was also 9. contributor to foreign magazines, both litersr and religious. A few ears ago he publis ed a little book, to aid" igh school :.students in the study of Canadian history, "which received the endorsement of the De- ~pa.rt of Education. 'HIn urn -nun-A-. I-.. LI, - ' GILIIU IIIUIIO The ora.l_ offerings were very beautiful uand'consisted`of the following :--A crescent from _His Pupils ; Wreaths from His ,`Assistants ; The Y. P. S. Christian En- deavor (Con ` Chunch,) and the Misses Ida and Emma inc ; Crosses from the Junior .lEndea.vor (Cong. Church,) Miss May S ry, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Morgan and Mrs. S er- block ;a,spray from the Mechauics Insti- ` =tute ; an anchor from Miss McConke C ; a `bouquet from Mr. and Mrs. T. W. ray. `Woodstock. ` ` I rm__ ___,..,,I F" ' -auw w uuuau wuu uuwuell W mm. In politics he was a Reformer; but: too liberal-minded to deny that there may be good in a. Tory administration, and` too just nolitical Derfactinn in M. M... ~ the degree of LL.B In the spring of -1878 - In 1879 he was married to Miss Sarah J. sous, av sAILusI!uu,,I?}!l'!'y;;H'F',". ,':"';-,'3,"{"" wick, near the town of .1)p`mf ',.e's",`,_Set.'tla_n('i ' `His; parents having'd'ied;-when he was young, he `spent his boyhood with an aunt vinethe latter place. lie came to Canada in. 187), and entered the Barrie `High school-gas`a pu il in 1872.3 He mat riculat`ed`as a student in` oronto University in 1874, and during his course in that Institution,.- received several prizes and scholarships. a doublp scholarship in 1876. He aduated in 1879, receiving the degree of, . A. Two years "later, in 1881, he `received the de es of .M.A., and about six years ago he 0 tained he came to Barrie and was appointed on the -staff of the Collegiate Institute as modern. Ilanguage master. In that institution he has been ever since, and on the resignation -of H. B. Spotton, M. A.. at the close of 1891, to take charge of the Harbord street Col- legiate Institute, Toronto, Mr Hunter was promoted `to the Principalship, which he resigned only. a few weeks before his death. McConkey, then of Bradford, and formerly of Innisl, who survives him, together - with four children. The deceased was a ver in- tellectually active man and was at the earl of Chatauque classes in the town some years ago. He took an active part in the Mechan- ics institute, and was its president for two years. He was an active Sunday school worker. being superintendent of the Presby- terian Sunday echool for some years and subsequently superintendent of the Congre- gational Sunday` school, to which body be attached himself, not being-able to accept all the gloom severeties of the Calv'nistic creed. He 0 ten occupied thepulpit of the Congregational church when circumstances needed a supply, and his extensive learning and accurate scholarship with his simplicity 'of diction, rendered his sermons most accept- :able to those who listened to him. In nnlirinu Inn cu.-- .. 'I)_-._..__._ I . 99.39 5'2? Last Suxidiy, Janni McFi`H`uii\Ci-,3`! If A "LL.-`B , Principal of :the gunk`? no em; Institute. ,p_ussed qnieqly` 'ap_I'd__ 1J_eao_`efuIly away t.o`hI everlasting rest. ` The deceased was"born ._;AnguIt `Nth, 1851, at Boreland Burn, parish of South- nn'nIr nnnr lthn fnurn nf Thain`:-hue . Qnrlvlnn Ordination of Grllbrooil. ~ `. D (\ f`1...2_L..--L - 0939 $0.3?! .u;.. 1*......'.. 11-13:- 11.. COLLINGWOOD AND GECRGIAN BAY` Royal Mail Line in connection with the Grand Trunk R y.. and Canadian Pacific R y. It is intended he staunch and popular steam- era PACIFIC. Capt. P. M. Campbell; Arnamxc. Ca t. R. D. Foote; BALTIC, Capt. W. Tate Ra rtson ; Wowrnnnw Bnnu. Capt. J. Wilson` will run as follows during the season of nevi tlon 1893: Leaving Collincwood 1 p.In. Me`:-. ford3pm. Owen sound 1035 p.m. Wmrmn midnight every Jllonday, Thursday, and tldataurlay. `tor - Killarne , *M:ito1gan!f . e urren Kwawo . ore . pans River. Serpent River. A.l`oma Milleheeealon. Bruce Min Hilton St. oegfh Inland Garden River and am! he Ma o.,1eavina'A8au`t Btellilide at daylight every Sunday. Tuesday an urada . 0` Columlzlnn Exposition. 9 ,-- During months `of JnnehJ_nly- and Austin. steamer Baltic will be wi drawn tram looalrronte and 33% into oe between Co Owen ....:`.':.%... 3:212 ...n VIII-lw 311-. :Toe. Garvin in hox_ne. from` `the achoul of Pedagogy andwnnting anxiou- ly for results of examination. Algoms. IA .. T vnauuuu um um nolna. parents and frilpdu. Mr. T. H. Snegth, 'l_`rinIty medical student, in apendmg hll vsoqtion `in .-- n.-..-{.-. :- I-M - - "11.-`.".'I"i.;'.'"1`i'.'t3'in.on in building a ne barn with stone utabling. . Mr. George Munro. of Toledo, 0., is visiting his old home. parents and frihadu. Mr T H Qnnnbl-. 'l`..:..u._ _. - '12 I IV lll|V_ ll ! I.V6|llBl' -.UiI.'VlUU aura, Mr. Dld Garvm is about to erect. . new brick house. - T `I- T-l.__ I) I_!__A,_ I I, on -. _ ...u - --vv vvaavvyvuuvlb St. Paul`: church has been ne.wly paint- ed and carpeted and looks much the bet- ter for it. Rev. `Mr. Godden, of Allan- `dale, has been appointed by the Bishop to takeup regular services here. Mn nnn::I (1..--J-.. 3- _L...L ;. , now. They Pass Away.` It is. not yet twenty-three years since the triangular `contest for a seat in the Legislature. between the late W.- D. Ardagh, H H. Cook and Wm. Lount. Yet how many who took a more or less prominent part in thecanvaa have already passed over to the silent maj writy, Among those whose names at the moment occur to us-in addition to those of the then leaders, H Sandeld , Maedonald and Alex- ander Mackenzie--a_re -the Hon. M. C. Cameron (afterwards Chief J ustice), Dr. Ramsay. Dr. John Ardagh, Dr. Johnson ' Ardagh, _Dr. Ardagh of Barrie. Robert ` Simpson, Wm. `Noble Rutledge, A. A.` Thompson (Ponetanguishene), James Dal- las and his son Thomas, James Sanson, D'Arcy Bonlton, John Kean,-Dr. Black-_ stock, John Thomson, (Longford), Henry Fraser, the Rev.` John Cooke, A. Mill- chsmp, George Taylor, Thoa. Wood, John Nelson, Jacob Puwley, George Tudhope, B. Tesky, Wm. McPhee. Francis Hamil- ton, John Ho g (of the Collinowood En- terpr_ise),.W. V . Nicholson (of the Barrie Examiner), R J. Oliver, `Andrew Mrifstt, . Athenies King, Robt. Bailey, Henry ` Creswicke (County Engineer), Dr Robin- son (Ardtrea), Alexander Kennedy, F. J. - R. Grant (Clerk of the then village), Captain May, Charles Corbould, Daniel Gill, J ohn _Wylie, J. H. S. Drinkwater, Charles Harvie, Wm. Harvie, J. B Thompson, Thomas Morrison. A little thought would no doubt recall others. But as_the list stands it must, to those who remember the election referred to, be a somewhat startling reminder of the never-ceasing harvest or the grim reaper, who. to high or low, active or weakly, comes soon or late, `and to not a few when least expected.-Orillia Packet. uuussul, sIUVUl' K0108 OIIBIICIO Of CHOU! v ' Ordination prayer was then offered by Rev. J. W. Gcin, of Edgar, and wss accompani- '-ed bythe laying on of "hands. ~Rc\'r.` Mr Goin cxtendcd the right hand not welcome and christian fellowship on behalf ~ of not` only tbs oplcofjthc congregation` but also 0ffhl_Iff0lOllV, morsp , . .. ~.Tl`In\ nssl-An . AC 1l .....'llL-_ _ .1 iv 7 Fsdorns In endless variety at E. 0. Simmons from 50c. up. ..... auuuvsu uuul nuu Ul'l.UI IIOHOO 01' mm to Judge for themselves of the kind of thing that may be expected at his hands. Mr. Ahbels will be assisted by some first- olass singers, ladies and gentlemen, and this together with a speech from Mr. Bennett, M.P.P.. who, we understand, has kindly promised to bewtth us, and neighbouring ministers. will make up a good and entertaining program. After noon sports weather permitting. Tea in hall 5 to 7 pan. vvodvl luvs: uuusucu WHICH llllgll DO U9l003* ed. speaks of him in a. late recital of his in the Association hall, Toronto;--From grave to guy, from lively to severe, Mr. Ebbe`s charmed his audience. Weleave our readers from the brief notice of _him kn annn I... LL.-.-..I..-- -2 u_, 1,: Advance Corresnondsnce. Preparations are being made in cutaneo- tion with the annual picnic and antertain-' ment at Elvar on _the grounds adj scent to the C -ngrogatic-nu! church. Last year the Ward family were! the greatattrac-. mm in music, and A Mscainpbell, Esq , M P.P., was Bun-Must the chief speakers. This year again nu elf art will be spared In getoiug up an entertainment and at- tractive Drug!-anuue. The chief feature will beseen In the person of Mr. E J. Enbeln, of 'l`m-ontu. a professional elo- cutinnistp He is to be engaged, and will delight his audience with several humor- ous and dramatic readings. such as Flash the Fireman's Srory of the Tragic Virginia, "The Chariot R-toe, ` Ben Hurs." etc., etc. This is how the Tu-. ronto Saturday N Ight, among many other press notices which might be select- ed. sneaks nf him in . 1-5- .....u-I -1: L:- The Canadian Itagaslne. The May number of the Canadian Maga- zine contains some very interesting articles. In literary excellence and mechanical make up, it is A l and is springing to the frbnt rank among the magazines of the day Ibis a credit to Canada, and deserves general patronage jo-.__._. `Three minute addresses were given by Revs. Dr; `Parker,McGrath and Trotter. A short address from `Rev. Mr. Grisbrook brought the meeting to I close. Appropriate music wee furnished [by the choir. ` A scavenger services Badly Needed. Why does not the Council establish a scavengerservice, with a tari of fees for the work, so that peo le shall not be com- pelled to pay twice w at it is worth to have ashes and garbage carted awa .? A little less time lost in unp atable iscussion in the interest of com anies, and. little more practical work in t e" interest of the town wouldbe muchbetter _ ' Mr} Gabrodk was direote`dlto'lo'v ithe work to take good care othiahealuh, to ha 9. stu: dent an not to be wear in well doing. _ Ra. Mr :Du;iIAl'\.i nf nu-n`\nfn' n.-Irnndnrl ucqu euuu Auuy in nu want vvpu uuJug.- _ Rev. Mr `Gee:-y, of 'forento'. addressed the people. He exhorted them to `let sin- cerity pervade their every act of swershi , toheireguler at church, to hr-in their ohil - ran with them, to be liberalein t eir offerings to betolerent to other churches and among themselves 9. d to their minister. fI`L_-- _-!_-._L_ _j_I_.___-__ mg, I vs llll. IUIIOW 5550f`: Re'v. Jno orton, of Hainilton, address- ed the'pu9.t_or on the lines of ' enoourugement a.x=1&d' direction He should be `enoouuged $LT`332Ti"`""" ._ -:1-grwrt y~ '< .v .7gg:_y " V. V A. ., ,, ,. 2`! k ho` ~f'gI5_"_ gt` 1;, . Advance Correspondence. , __I`- -1. _____L I 1'9-tf 5 '.I'.;3JN'I) : Street. , ___- _..__--- v-----v--g ---v---vv-CI Steam, Hot Water and Hot Air. Heating. ' , The latest designs in American coal or wood Cooking Ranges with hot water attachments.-. ` _ _` . ' .' _ A ' _ ` " Ameificanss Heating and Cooking Stoves in all` the Alatesf designs. ; ' g nLa.wn'3Prin_klers and Hose. g `- Q `V . 7` .~ . <.'1`.insmithing i'n- Val-1 , its :`brsnehes. .` jEsti1_nates liurnished,-.A Prices, Metlsrate, can you in.pri.~ and `WW-Ian3hiP~ A n in .1 jjg:--_-. 435.. _--- ---u----- -- ~ Pl-UMB|.N0 my __fl_Ig_ l._._atAst. wsanlfary MO'I'|IO d8. QA........ t'l'-;. 117- ; _, L10 Ilo I UlJC\Jr.m A 19-21. . Clerk of the said Municipality. IGS FOR SALE. -- Pedi ed Improved .Yorkshix-es-Youmr iga o the best blood. ?t~`t"BBP8bl0 priqes. W . 0. WILSON. East _ TWO STORES FOR SALE.-Nos. 54 and 66 Bnldst. 'r reasonbl.'A 1 to JOHN m'3!:.asc1a;$33on st.. ari-1e. t M con E & ma run sans. Pedi ed Improved gs at reasonable ( 1-o,[ Ont. 17-20p --_--7.`... II: a. V. \ws'sI|u'Il0So Rev. E. 0. Grisbrook was inducted into the astorate of the Congre ational church on uesday night. The inc ement weather kept many awa but a `fair sized -audience was present. 11 the_ early evening an ex- cellent tea wasserved in the basement of the church After singing All hail the power of Jesus name, Rev. Mr. McIntosh read a portion of scripture and offered a prayer. Rev. Mr. Du',_of Parkdale.` then preach- ed a sermon from the text The Church of the living God Before proceeding `with his sermon he referred to the death of Mr. Hunter. It was tting hesaid that the V heavens should weep over the death of _a man whom he recognized as havin a choice christian spirit. Mr. Dn' de ned the churchvas a company of believers with the ' indwelling of the Divine Spirit not as an embodiment merely, nor a satisfying joy,-nor % merely"-as a comfgrtto the soul, but as a ppwerof the human soul manifesting `ilitiilelf ;. along acertain line, never transcending these 3 bounds, never "going outside` of them I Urdinnn m-`um. Inna LI... .sl.';:..ui|.._.~-n -v_~ -_-___ -_- __7_ vuvvd van uswJ' AUUU ii 11 o ol;;k n.m.. to hear- and determine the- severel complaints oterrore and omissions in the Aeseeement Roll for the said Municipality tor the year 1898. ,;3'u%,2a':3::.2:a*::,:.2=s::a?* *h *r Dated at Oro thetsth day of May, 1893. ' = By Order, ' V . - H. J. TUDHOPE lifonday, the day of May, 1893, at o'clock n.m.. to haunt um a'.a-........ ._- u_- I `in`s Jr themcgurt of Revision for the Munictpnllt 0' the Township of Oro for the you-1893, he holds: the Town huh. Oro. on V ' " OOUBT OF REVISION AND APPEAL.- NOHCE is hereby given that te that sit- ttngs of the Court ofURev_lag9n {or the `llllnovunllbty AI 6|...` ll\...:_ - - lmmu =:u=AI.I1g"iu= duo: AB W6! day on 1! I____ , ._.v'-- wuvv cc jvw." 1393 at 12 5&3: noon. to b3 and determine the several oomplaintsoi` errors and omissions in- the Assessment Roll for the said Municipality tor the year 1898. . All persons having business at the court are required to attend as aforesaid. . Dated at Csokstown. the 2nd day of May, 1898. _ _- `By Order. R. T. BANTING, 19 21.. Clerk of the said Municipality. _._____.___.________.___._.___ count or nsviinun APPEAL. Notice is hereb given that the `t-st glttin of the Court of eviaion for the Munloiguni of the Township of Essa. tor the our 189 w be held at Alexander Stewart : otel, Thom- ton, in the Township of Essa, on Monday, 29th day of May, 1893, 1|`. `I9 n nInnIr nnnn On Iuggu --1 5.4.. l__ LI , Mun|c|pallt_!_of lnnlsfll. OGUBT OF REVISION AND APPEAL. rj aruer I011!` weeks of illness. ' A large number of the members of the Y. P. S. C.E of our vxllage attendedv the union meeting at Barrie on Monday evening in the Congregational church. . M lunieipa|i1y_of Essa ll ,rvuIiwIg UIIIUIIIIECIQ DEUIn ! dolzead for main BnK1?::!`l:i`t . For making soap. mes. Lugs`: :t1|`I:ill:% pounds 3:111 3:12. am I `V ` nun-A-Q --` 'II..___l_A_ I Joan GALBRAITI-I, ALLANDALE, ,,,lI A\"TZAl1lIII9I\:c. nch BARENYW ovovvavavg dlli `II. 190 IIIOOIIUUQOIIIOIOO. 0 Wheat. spring ..~ Whant, mm In I-OIIIIIOOIIII a`on-o .,, RK uuauruen I:uueI..`.............. 3.... 3 ' Skill--.........'....... 5-4:- La.mbSkinaea.chu. ..... ..... .. G.... 6 Tgronog rumors Ilarket. v Tonowro, May 16, 1893. un.--o - union 0 A -n A-- A A `c'o~ao.. aiI.aIVo`I'oIL1oCO' JIIJIDWJH ta 1- u I Boring Lamb . Veal . . _ . , , _ _ -1 . t':.; -~n-~ . 3.12-T%ZZ&Dj~-' ' "` -. ' - nu`... ~ ~ , ., 2. unto HIl_'hOtI..IIlIl -IHIRNIO` Wick; ` I ' 3:331: qtuxxf lunxrr. ' .x` f.B.AlBIl,HBy_i7.` 1:93.. V 33.00:.aI}obn3ou.|nocd;-'uo;o 0 u M 7:; JPUREST, STRONGEST, BEST. lead! for use in any mannmv. For mum. In v-u uqunlu aw puunua nu D003- ;ou by All amen and nu-ugguu. VF. Gp11.1.s1u-urn. rn....___ PURE `L Powummj -MANUFACTURiR OF- FLQUR; i---.-S'U6OESO_BiS F0-A-_- ` % JO-I-IN` -:*- PLAXTTQN. jtt ---`.--c-' ---"-,. ..,.,`,. _ .u"..'..'...083 tycoon :-n 3 .'. - `II as - . ~-.nur.:.~.-u\.-.- . mun ; H. B.` ANDREWS, g$nA'1%urg1:all oozgniooons to Toronto. Ont.. ooe. '1`el:l`1o_ne N o. 8463. This is the only Association t settles oooounts, and ad- vsnoos the money to the Creditor it desired. s _0. E. COLLINS. Monger. o D. O. MUBCHISON. ` nilnlbnn `.- I3'.;..I_ l\n.A_n-A IV VVUUUUI8s The funeral on Tuesday afternoon was `very largely attended, every profession and `business in the town being well represented. Revs. Dr. Parker, D D. McLeod, E. O. Grisbrook ' and W. `M. McGrath' . were present, the secondnamed conduct- ing the funeral services. Out of respect rfor the deceased the public schoolswere closed during the afternoon. The Public School and Collegiate Institute Boards and 1 Town Council were represented at the funeral. The pallbearers were Messrs. A. Hay, R. McCraw,. of Craigvale, J. Woods, 4%. King, sr.,.H. Harper and J. Thomas. V . A UNION IIBEIIIT 81. PROTEBTIBN ASSOCIATION. FOR themctilleotion otolgtind Wolr`thleeaAo- ooun neny o ewox-.on no chm-gee not oolleo1?1. This Aooietion has local es in Canada and Unitod- States. Head and nerol omoe. 60} Adelaide `at. East. Toronto. . me 10, 11, 12 and 18. O. E. GOL- $3, General Manager; 3 H. B.` ANDREWS, Address all oommnnlootlogg to Toroqgo. (`ilk Anna hgl-ml. .g_- 11 - All ll'|I- 1- - VTTAMILKANDEI The 0ldgMan's_l.ace or congrats; Boot ` . . . Ladlu D. Kld Galtormcommon Sense, sawed t- - - `` Dongola,aLatoweand Button, Opera Toe, I-lalf Sizes - Oll Pobailtton &"Laco, Opera Toe, very styllsh, Half sizes $|,2f e I(ld'l.taco Shoo, Opera Toe - - t - - Our.Boy`s tschopl Boots can't be beat for - - 75c. and so % 0|:-I : Laced Boots for School - - - - - 60. to 8 a GM : Flno Lace Slfoes, 70. a t G|rl s I-`Ina calf Button Boot only $I.od children : Strong Lace Boots - ' -` - - - 45 to 6 ` . 1 Our Colored Shoes, Dark and Light Tans, also Bright Red, are most Stylich and Ye: Cheap. _If yoq /Want a TRUNK 6R VALISE it will be to your advantage to see us. DON'T MISS SEEING OUR BARGAINS EARLY, No; Second Price! a Cash! I you hav'en:lt, bougl1t- your supply of Footwear for_ Spring here is an Opportunity of W , life to secure the most comfortable, Stylish and as Honest Wearing G503` es OVOIFIIIIIIQ, at Prices that will convince you are Bargains of immense merit; c, c To give you an idea of what we are offering, read the following prices as an example; Monfs Strong High ol.i.eoe Boot, warranted all Leather, only ' . 35 V `F I _i _ Laoe coot, Bellows Tongue, - - . 5 ~ g - Flne;Lece or Button congress Boot, sewed or Pegged - $1. -Dongola, Laos or congress Boot, sewed . . $._ A 400., 500., 60c. Fragrant AND . -:- Delicious, A'Luxury 4 ' V OF {T -:- Luxuries, THE FAMOUS . IN THREE COLORS, lIlVIlls ul uur viuage lately. Would it not bee. paying scheme it some enterprising person were to put 3 small .ferry boat on our bay to ply becwe'en Barrie and Allundale? Your correspondent in of the opinion that it yvould be just the thing. As our wharf committee Ara. ll. lm.I- k-- WTSAN SHO MOORE; 'o"1ie7`F 23;" am e mstuot l`I-I- YOUR GROCER INDO CEYLON Has it. AtF1aW1 ey s,I 5911 VI Our genial friend, Mr. Dan McMillan, left the other day to take chargeof an engine at Stonev Lake Pit. Dan thinks it a long ways from Barrie, but he feels quite contented and happy with his lot. His smiling face will be missed from the cab window of the mail train on the Munkoka. branch. M Quite a. number of new pianos have been arriving in our village lately. I DO"; 138 I. hn17;hn nninn-MA 3' ---M -