The Oddlellows it church. Last Sundsy*Barrie lodge I. 0. O. F., numbering about one hundred members, marched from their fine hall, McCarthy's block, to the Baptist church. Rev. Mr. Trotter, the pastor of the church, preach- ed a very instructive -and eloquent ser- mon, tsking as his text the 14th verse of the 4th chapter of the Prophet Nehemiah. A "main point emphasised was the duty incumbent on all men to make provision for their iemilies, so that in case the bread-winner is taken away, those de- pendent on him may have some means of living without depending on the cold charity of the world. The Epworth League of this place are in a ourishing condition and intend hold- ing an open meeting next Friday night. All are welcome. A good programme has been arranged. Quite n numnor are complaining of ache; and pains thst reaermblenthe grip. -I\ .106 - `everybody says, very cold and backward spring and the consequences no the farmers are very backyard with crown mu; T . Advance Correspondence. Mrs. Alfred Caldwell is much better of her re oen_t `illr en". Robort iIoLean'io Tomi i (ol -iti- cal condition with not much hope: of his recovery. ' ' fI1I,,1 , I 1 II C Fran}: ]_31_-pv-r1`1e_ : : INSURANCE AGENTS AND eoN- ` ` VEYANCERB. U - Represent the following Companies :- THE SUN` FIRE INSURANCE onto: or - ' LONDON. ENG. The oldest purely Fire Ins. Co. in the world THE INSURANCE BUY 011' NORTH AMER- " ma. Capital, 33,000,000. rnn MEROANTILE FIRE INSURANCE 00 Oopltal 8500.000 ; Government deposlt made. THE WATERLO0 MUTUAL FIRE INSUR- V ANGIE nn_ nnltnl, mm mm s an vv a.1'nn.uuu at u '1' u Ah l."1.l:i..I!i us 5 U 11- ANOE 00. Capitol, $600,000. THEECONOMIO A L FIRE INSU RANGE 00. V BERLIN. ` Total assets. 8340.000. Mnnnv to `ruin on Hill.` lnnrhrnonn "an. IJUHII IIBBUIS. '3`U.INUo Mone to loan on rs: mortgag . {Con- veyanoizlg done, Accounts collecte . kc. nnmrnn l\-_ , , `l"l'I'n\Y1\11I*l\ru1\\.9I;-u ` Sixteen tears ago when Mr. Schultz pre- senteil in the Dominion House a. resolution praying for `pi-ohibitory legislation bythat hody, Mr. Ross was the champion put for- ward to oppose him. What was that re- solution`? Wimt were his at umenta? Who was his witness?" Mr. Mere ith read both resolutions, pointed out th '1' similarity wording, doubt as to juVr pending," etc., and stated that Mr. f ions then as now had called 88 his witness the Attorney-General of Ontario. who was in the same state of doubt as now, who had the same intention of opening up the whole question of_ jurisdiction. Precisely the same promises, the same witnesses. Wifimm 1'1 nnnn ~- knlvn v\nnal\r' 4....` -5 -o.._ I.-- diction, case _, SGROG(IiI MITH. Insurance Agents. I Ont" ' ' _ scnoecla & sum: 2 - --v_-', -v--. --vvvu--vu vvuvvvvuo `last. ' b1rFIoE. - Over H'ENDERSON S Hardware Store, R-A-Doom-As. 5PH0TGRAPHER, SPECIALTY % Dirt! -- vrpv-uq `Queen : Bench and Ohanqory Divisions. 9-8-... U'..I-....I...:A.... T ' [F YOU WANT THE BEST HOUSE PLANTS AN D CUT FLOWERS GO TO The Government, which modeItly_ 018:1!!!` ed credit for all the xemperance legxllutgtr: of a score of years, did nqb even carry 0` ` honestlv and fairly the license syutgt. n which they were the fathers, It hdu l_ 3;, Ln auempn to yoke tempera.nce_ an. _IqB 1 interests to their t,riumPh3l h ."t" ry this system they held themselves In 110' - . - o lo thrrn 1L meant the smews of war. N wonder Lhey trembled when its foundltimll were threatened; Vl'VI A ' _-_ 1.: :.-_. .7 7._.-.: And them fresh front: the greenhot;seI;. cor, Owen and Wellinctaon eta. Telephone 1-I. Flm-AI 'Ii`n'nm-Al Dnniann n nnnninltv_ 121v (XII. UWBII Ell VVBIJIIIKIIIII Ulla '1'0l8])IlDl1B 14.` Floral Funeral Design: a specialty. my ' Your watch needs cleaning and oiling once every eighteen months, if you would preserve its time-keeping qualities, Gon- sider In that -time the balance-wheel. turns on -its delicate axis 13,,99`6`,800,000 times; it does not rest at night, like ordinary machines, but keeps at its work uncea-singly. You oil an engine, or a sewing-machine, or any other mechanical contrivance, daily orweelcly ; but that delicate instrument, of; precision-~your .watch--is allowed to go uncared for until itris clogged with dirt, and stops, The best of oil becomes thiclc and dirty in time ; in-this condition it wears the pivots, and destroys that exactness of their fit in the jewel-holes which is necessary to a correct performance; .` "Let me look at your `watch--_I will give you a conscientious opinion as to whether it n'eeds'attention. LA'RGE V-rue Jaw'aL|.en. worth Having gecured the China. Hall` Stock at half of the r_st cost, I_ am clearing it out` at pnces to&su1t everyoqe. l'I'I'I_.-..J___`I__-_- ___ 1 ii a `_v---V-V V '-'-- ' V-zg v--v' The sisock g f1ev_v a.n_d select. This Is a.ch_a.nc_e 1n.a. L11fe-t1me to secure Bargalns 1n Sqlverware. ,{ ......a. prumoltlob." 71! he Attorney-General has been pbiin as a strong prohibibionist, Hi! i3onVO?,l',Ii2l1'i Fince last, session Ian} I... ..-.'..x.| ._L-- - R. A. DOUGLAS JGREAT SALE S ILVE RWAR E. Evehihgs at residence, 67 Owen-St. FIRST -:- COME -:- GETS -:- FIRST CHOICE. A11 Sales SPOT CASI-I. R. A. DUTTON. (0. H. LYON CHIN A I-IALL BOUGHT AT HALFPRIGE -usow AT PRICES T0 sun EVERYBODY. Mr. Meredith, ,on the line of his rati text, pointed to the "inconsistency of the i Minister of Education in declaring that the } Marter bill would drive the retail traic into the homes of the people, although he himself was a member of a Government. that had introduced a. measure the local option bill. V T (:3 A ,,,| 1: n I `u. . 34-Vand as Bayflold Strut . $'.`opecia.lQ%uAo1:a.tions% . . . . On Sugars and Staples, Fish, Fru`-its, Etc. [The Crescent Grocery, Watson & Len n ox, ISSUED ._ BY___ 95 Dunlop-St., Ross Block, Barrie. [You will nei LII`? L\l\J1LlJ.L .IJl.LVJH\JL\JI.U.l. . for 1893 Now ready. Reliable and ac- curate. Price 25c Address Advance omce. FOR REFERENCE The POCKET DIRECTORY V f-_ IOIIII GENERAL GROCERS, BARRIE. SALE % u-aw... _.~. Although the House was asked to repu- diate the Murter bill, although the debate had waged since Monday afternoon, they had witnessed the extraordinary spectacle of 5 Premier dumb before his accuser: and making no effort to set forth the reason which had forced him to his alleged con- clusion that the Province. was powerless in the matter. ' BANKRUPT STOCK Opposite Queen s Hotel, 127 Dunlop St. THE JEWELLER. .013`- "mum ms, rnnmun CEMENT. _ Water Limo, Plaster of Park, kc. 50. H. LYON an soN, T313? I Q I I`YI`E\? I Q YETIO Read .for use in any Quantity. For making Soap, Bofwn nu Water. Dis 11 ec-ting and a. hundred other uses. A can equals 20 pounds Ea! Soda. II `nuv III l1_...u.-- n-J `II-.._...l-L- J.G.SCOTT GMLETZ3 (Own. ' Oh, mm `too thin for you ! chu'ck1ed Mr. Fraser. . ` _ ~ Mr. Meredith spoke for an hour and . ._ half. His texts were the inconsistencies of the Government line [of argument and 3 action, the iniquities of the license system the specious sophistry of Mr. Ross amend: menb and decisions in point. on the question of Provincial j1u'isdiction in prohi.bit.ory measures. _ I we _ _ 4541` ORDERS RESPECTFULLY SOLIOITED. AITIIRAGITE AID BITIIIIIIOII8 PUREST, STRONGEST, BEST. Lnnrlv fnr nnnln nnv nnnntltv, Fnr 1-nnlrh-vv n- Onion: Yuma . Rosa Block. Foot of Toronto Stree Telenhone. . 9. USA: vgullau MV yvuuua uni: uvucro Sold by All Gr-ooen and Drugglnta. if .?1'.'I' .`E!fI1l'I'I_ l'I'I-...._... BARBIE, ONT- -1 BUCCESBOR TO ---Daaler In `he lnulbul, uunuunsn uvuulvuo UFIIIIUIIU UI _ 21:;:;:.r:::,*":.i:`::`:.*f !`r3;`:.Il:.$..':a made any deliverance in the House. Surely we have no right to listen to the shallows J while the dee s arefdumb. r}n{:rm`ll]l!`18 failed in Bil. dub of c`on3cie,,ce.keeper. This amendment oesn"t ,aythe.y`will passnxly measure, `but that when the question of jurisdxction I! settled they WI consider the matter. Let the . cut, an" whether we have the Gtnoszgi-no? n0t.. `)"BubV no; the liqhor dealers Ere fastened to the Aflm1n1strat1on_. by an -m,, chain." Mr. Wlutney theh told the 1 ofatoxchlight procession at Hamil-_ goypaid for he averted by_ assessments upon the liquor dealers` of that unfortunate 0nuyn> . "("1 town. uI\L []()L H.l1UUL` L-uu Iuvnuau us uuu uuuagguu I point. The .\ of Educa. tiou,wit.h hi! cmf;_j1y.wouled rlesohltvoll, had burned hi. 2 bridges behind hlm. 'lhe Attorney-Genet. a], go said his henchmen, had exgresaed doubt as to the power of -the provmce in gheunatter. Certain nebulous opinion: of` _.- nvnrnnned elsewhere than in thus 1'-Inna: '- wiul gucll Gxpcuualauy. LIV uu::uu.u.uuu uuu we}, uniformly crowd`ed go.lle_rIes. And what has come of it? '1he question uf]uria- dietion is in as hazy doubt as ever. ' ` The Debate. M Contrasting the position of the Govlern-V * mentwith his own sideof the case, Mr._ Whitney was glad that the Opposition"; could not be accused of shirking any re- sponsllllllt/)7. abuse 0 did not affect the merits of the queslioii in ,:_.. `Hm Vlinister of Educa.'l.inn_wit.h lh Mr. Balfour : vimp.ertine`h`t" f people 300 miles away at Ottawa. - ` "T TORONTO. MR3 out. _ . A . H l`)3.h--ldTh: ci3u``i`I.`_~'j-I. "lit 3 - . ee xn .[ 3 .9 `_"Y'` `Y W1`-` c`iv::: h t:e rim:-gial of the Marte1'bil1_C. by }, 'vote of 54 to 33. _ The sky tht momned gympubhebumlly for `the ,m`a-. sure, whenever H. has_ come up, was the gray anddmlk as the gmsnyule 4.! gfgumgqts that strove to vmdlcfue u- lwers posgttpgy as the greatest, conat.1tut.1onal lawyer ofghls '1 da ' and B01 . _ _ .. . 1})..,.kuh|v no nrovlncml measure has of `strove LU Vlllulufbtu 9.4:; uuvvn Q yu.`u`PR._ :al},., greatest of_ h_xs, soil. 7 ` . da}};r0ba,hly no provmc1al' measure_ hal of` We wears created such widespread lntI!l'B8'. :` No division has been looked ,.forwa::fd:t,o ' h expectancy. No debate has had ' ithsuc . . W4. n..H'nI`lnlV crowded aallerleh. And out. THE MARTER BILL oI:r=:=.A"rla7 maomrv. % ' ;; Debnt on.1`ompornncg lT.o_g_|n-g. , But the Votc Was strictly It fg;-g,.:;. _-the mu Given a an Mnnthn` wwvuct uu. . 1116 FOUIU Wlll-IIIIBII _1\o_ pr_on}nu there of a.ny.|tepI V Jumdnctnon. No promise of Pohihitinn V .u-uuuuusu. nu uuIIvu__xI|uu" :11 had bon npid. when he i temperance i'nolino.t.ionI pl - not their prohibicory pro.-A v--u pruyouuou oluw mu , the municipalities boforo ire by the British North lIf!'l'Bd to tho" iPr'o'viI`Ioo. _! uration tho munioipqlitiol 1 m-nhihit. ah. -n..:l .11. nlni pm. ;'.I.".'.'.';'%~ .:.- Mi: 9-N 'I'-dlnnd .....ow York_...,.'.I Mn a._n.u2|n...........8outhsmpton.N Dprlfuu. Dsnouvup anal. vv uuv.-, vv vvu \-.__.,. Iun-I& (bucorln), Buuh, Comjzobell (Algommf Gun boll lggrhsm) Clone . Clarke.` Follli Glen- , dlnn ng, _yIn.`: ammo . Hlccott. udaon, Koran. Hoclear Ilcooll, Mcbenaghsu, Mag- Vwood. latter, chum. * Mo`:-odith. Encamp- boll. Monk, Preomn, Bald. Rorkohltyorson. Bnmh no % trronunao). 700101. Y!N_o W11 , Wlllough- ! boll, Monk, Preston. Bold, horn ztyenou. alum: * (Frontonoo Tooloy. White. Whitney ` by wooaz utlngmwyllo. . W.- """ 0 Xblont-Am-oy, P?ort_oI'. Carpenter; ` Among tho notion-of motion yutoz-do won one by Hon. Mr. Fruor for an add`- n tionol sum of $62,876 over and Shove the Mppropriotionl of 31,250,000 for-the new 9 'Pnrliunont buildings. Alto I motion by "Mr.vGlondinning for I j1-otuifnjnho1yin gf_nll \ --..;;" ..-.13.:-~` thn `I.iniio'1-;`Li6nniI,` Act 1 Allan. Balfour. Barr (Ronfrow). Butte r. Bluur. Bishop. Blozsrd. Bronson, Odwell, Charlton. Ground. Oonmee. Duck. Dull. Dow!- lng. Dryden. Eunturol, Ferguson Fleld,oFrnor. Gan-ow. Glbnon (Hamilton) Gibson (Huron), Gllmour. Guthri Harcourt, ardy, Hnrty. Kirk- .wood. Lockhurt. uzhrln. loliav (Oxford), Mo- Ksi (Victoria), Hoxeohnlo. Hoxonzle, H. Mo- ll: on, luck,` Mackenzie. 0. Moore Mowat, "O'Connor j*2P.oton mums. hoblllu-J, - nous. sham. Emma (fork smm: gvlzvool). Snider. Bprltuo. Stratton. t..WatorI. ood (Brant). IA7I_.n Mr.` Ulenulnulng IS)!` I livlggu Iflvvynnn. `...- conviction: under` the (Liquor, License, in Nqrjtgh,.Ont__u:i:o du_rip3', th year! .1891-1'92. M.l'._ lllullulyluupg` nu uuderf t] 2. \'l'-..4.I. l'I..&--in Ant uoccN..W !0l'K_ooo_o-I may 9--Buln...........8outhunpton.1V _ll:| u! uvvunuuuuv, Iluuuuu. . Uncle Dick Tooley voted nay and was choegsd uproariously. 7 ' ' An the count rovonled 54 you, 33 nayl. ' 'l`hn'DIvIoIou. . VV IIIIIU VUDUII `lII n ( I'll ulvnyu vote for want. of condence_ in the Gov ornmont." uidoi. 1'1-..-I`. 1'\:-l. lI'!--1... ..-s-.l ...... -...! ...-- The `honorable member for London was inimica'l to liquor. He owed his very neat to1John Carling, the great London brewer, for whom he worked and canvaeaed dili- gently at book and call. a i ` Mr. Tait gave a graphic portrait of the ; advent on of a plebiscite, accused Mr. ` Meredit of wandering from the issue and said that he would vote against the Marter ? bill became litigation was now pending ; and because it would relultr in the india- ; criminate and nnlicenled aale of liquor. Then at 10 p.m. came the division on Mr. l Ron amepdmentn. It was watched with * deed interest by the crowded alleriel. Meure. McKay and Monk curra led the etragglere and made their little bow to the Speaker, who read the amendment from the `order paper in front of him. . " Al ex ected. it wee a straight" party vote.` 'thr ee. v Mr. alfourvoted for Mr. Rose amend- ment. ` - _ _ Hear! hear!" shouted Mr. Meredith. "All right, auented _Mr.` Balfour ac- cepting hieeackoloth and ashes reaignedly, "the six months hoist in better than `FBI -.-..I I.--..l -_:.I `II. F....._ ..n` -I fflgfonrl hear! laid Mr. Fraser VII 801 White voted "hay. ' L N`I'9II `:1-9-an unln fnin aunt. Kn` nnnnnnn ' av nu urn: uuw quuuulvu will In llallall ql). ` Then came Mr. Tait}. The first 3 part of his speech was an ; rogation point. About that'Cnthbert ei- ` davit---did the honorable inember for Lon- don write it? Vvhen he t.ook,it to Cmahbert _did that gpmlemen protest that it wan too 1 etrong? d the honorable member for `London uy he weuldjee him `safely threugf. Dan-Inh `main inf-nnnnnbunn tn -$-1-6:-- VIII. uuau 5 . Pasuin from interrogation to sirmstion, Cuthbert`. 5 name appeared among those of 143 Torontolicenseel denying the atstemon ts inf the affidavit. ,Whioh. would ha ha- iovo! ' T ' ,, -I, ,,,,,,I,I, ,,,_,-,| ,',, 2 r 1 su VIII, vuuusuvsuusv u.uu.UI'.' Without givin the elaborate legal argu- me te, that eoul be appreciated only by th rofession. it may be said that his con- tentions were two: (1) That the Priv Council had not .disc1"iminated between- wbolesale and retail aale;A(2) That in any decisions on approximate cases. it _ had not been denied that the province bad the ri ht to prohibit, not yet had it been stated t at it bad. This T was probably because no cases in exact point had been submitted. At any rate the question was in etatuquo. Then name Mr` 'l`n.if. 'l`lm ns. There Jwere no decision, he said, strictly I apropos. Those on the McCarthy act were ; most proximate. Opinions of prominent ` judges outside the decisions left the matter in very considerable doubt.- Wif.hnIn0. nitnnn G`-in 4.-n`-`A--6-- 1-.....` -...... uuvu us uaovu uuuuun uuuula. Then Sir Oliver reviewed .the legal aspect of the case, and quoted indus- . trioualy from decisions and opinions of the Court of. Appeal. the Supreme Court . and the Privy Council; - T Thar: nine-n non nn:n:n-- I... ....:.I _d._:-LI_- I II-\I unvlul IV I IIIUWCU DU uuuurluuua. The action of Mr. Ross in 1877 before the` Dominion House was perfectly consistent with his present position. The Opposition had urged that it was inconsistent on his part not to declare that the province had the required jurisdiction. RIIT. I Il!nn f. rls-ntgnr` mha T Jnn 6 L-, \J\-IIIIII/II "50 It was only recently that V it. had been .c`aimed that the province had the power urged. Then did Sir Olivencham ion` the license system. There weremore onaerva- tive licensee than Reform. - Referrin to the Cuthbert affidavit he gave another vereionof the matter. Outh- ert had come over to the Reform commit- tee rooms, had said he was a Reformer and_- had asked to be allowed to contribute. TL`. nanfdn-a A` `I- D--.. 3.; IDHH I_--___ 4|, ,' -- PM we manner on`. '1 consider it. No promiu to test our jurisdiction provincial prohibition. The At-tornay-General uuv I `minus 0 Jul Iullilrlu But..I won't pretend what I don't be- lieve or have doubts about. rm.-- m- nu:---_ ._---:__--.I -L. I - --......-v nu-- up uuruvvn VI I0 ` gtfistion ii1eVi'_el_y'?' ' ` Then Sir "Oliver recited the disastrous elfeota that would follow precipitate legio- lation on this matter. tlneindisoriminate unlicensed sale, the endless appeals, the difculty of conviction while 'thema.tter was in doubt, and all -the other ca.1emi,Loua con- comibantl. ` _ ' f` AA_ , ......... uy ma statement that his was not a. Brohibition party. Would to God that oth parties could effect that great end! It was 20 ears since such a bill as Mr. Ma.rter s ha: been introduced in the House. In '73 Dr. Clarke had done so; At that time both himself, the leader of the Opposi- tio_u, Mr. Cameron-,sfterwsrds Chief Justice. end all the lawyers in the House were of the opiniog that the measure was ultrs wires... Whatever `might be said to the contrary, [.;_l_\j'lnr[t I_- was 8"pro'hi- `bition - bill. inetiri-twentietlns of all Jiguor Ialee were made in shops and tav- em. The wholesale trade was a` mere friction, How. then, could etheopposition sfue that this measure was in. matter of re- \ gu ation merely`! 1 Th. Q:- 'l\`l:.--_ _.__:._3 .| 1. . uunuu uuu ll l_llDUU_l'IUgeo" - Sir Oliver broke his lon silence at 5 o clock. Hetsunted Mr, eredith with making prohibition an" election cry, as he had also done with the Catholic question. He fullg agreed that intemperance was the cause 0 .vice_, crime,` poverty and universal wretchedness. - He rejoiced that there was ` such ~ an -advanced 2 temperance ~ sentiment. .8 movement that could onsy originate from pure humanity, religion an benevolence. He 4 was prepared to stand by his statement that his Drohibition nn.rt.v w....I.i .. n--I ALA ._..u.uuuu xromoelore the House. T . ~ Mr. Meredith in his .peroration said; they have; come to` `the turning of 5 the roads. They must choose the better or the worst part. I have no shadow ofadoubt that the- bill is within om-`power and that the amendment iaa sham and a`a_ubterfuge. Qi- I'M:--- `---~` ` ' .~----...---we-- [V ``.'?'.b.""""8 .?'- fJ4`3"*.`5"":";3;*.i.`~`i !"'?4?. '33!` `W9: ` 2 .MIi'tot'. bill w'ae'ii`nIn = ; M f- _, ` :-within` the pmyr of`;he7pru'gvi,ir_'e'f_ 7; `. V 5 V -`He denied; ivhfnt .\|i?.,: My f"_(9|"".'.V,".".5ln`i;:WIl '3}: V piiohibytion nie-guire :g.a:.l1%iqoc9rilin;jIy : nllp_7. vireo. ` He advised b. _`l'f=-:0|lV .vrl`A:&):-AL g-6lIi_i eU himself for earnest medita.tion'.e free`: from} the disturbing inuences of certam _ meni- bers of his oa.bineL,for at least 24 hours. By that time hii doubts might have limp-V" peered. He characterized the Go\'em1 `uncut oratory of Monday as a. apoli- teneoue outburst of mmiufactm-ed euthueiusm. 5 He indicated the slower than .Du.rwiuian evolution of the Government on . the prohibition question. He asked why in` 1877 Sir Oliver had asked Mr. Graham of Lambton to withdraw as prohibitory resolution from before the House. Mr ll.......I:u_ : I - ' suahnnup I;o_ioI.noI'I_-., ~u..'..-" ; A .15....-nu! nL -v nvollll ZIVI Cb [)l'0HI0l`ory fore the perormion said. ' _l a to 'I.|m r......:__. Ir. My net-_ aL hull was 9 iIi?df`3-ccqrtlipgly nlnra "Sir " 0.wer~ tin ', so-(1u_de' meditation . free` fro: encen nf n...o-... ..- Pauuunrta, LIIU BGIHU WlVlIUlUHo ' ' Fifteen years have passed and no stop ha! i been taken for solving the diiouIty.. Wliat reliznice can we place on such prqm- im? IL was strange that the gutor;_1ey_- i General. armed to [the teth on` all other 1 provincial questions, should on this one embarrzissing question affecting votes bd * without his harness, not in the` vanguard like a gallant. knight. but actually running away. A" 71` -. i uu uunu ms was not ran!-. that ..-....4. -..J- ..u 1 ;.Now ork III UIIU IUIII IIIIIJVIIUIV Ile vwellyuvlag laun- Eortin to bear the-eignatnre of Dixon and iewie. He wae uitted upon -both`; ohargeeL Attbe trial. re. Dixon admitted that ehe had forged her husband's name to- notee rogating 82300, but denied that ahe he signed either the Campbell` or Mo-' Lelland noted. All the admittedly-for fed. .__..-_ ...-- Lginnn an-a` Jan LA: hmaiknmin at at z UOIDOI, -nun mung uwwp In Deoem'bor`lnt, it will` |h:;oc<>tlleotod,V David RbhIo'u,c yo1ing broker of Milton, , wu srreutodfchurgod with fol-gin this note *s1id"6nbuold?tn5RobbrtfJ. Ounp ll. pur- ` ---than In `Inna lalun,-innnfnu-A n` nit-nn and Mn.` Dixon of '1`:-nr_alur Arrested on tho` Chan-go otyuilljnor Hnnbgngn Name. Mwrox, May 3.--MM.-ildl. ,Dixon, wifo of `John Dixon, 1 `reipeotsbgo farmer of Tnfslgqr? County `of Hutton, wu at-rented yesterday on I ychurgo of the for-ery of a. -- ~ romiuory vvnoh made 3` by orpelf and Jo 1: Dixon to D.- 4. Bob- Ion, and by him oniiorud to William _ Mo- Lellund, whofwu-tho com Iuinant in the one. "She was brought? be on W. H. Lind- ny, J. P., snd,wu 1-amended nt_il_ ` Friday. :- st 2 o'clock; -bit! `hing scoop . : ` ' Tn Tlnnnouiinnnqgnla if. Ii. ha Illa ullvroyuu. worth $35,000. uruuluu. By united~.o'ortn ghe military an d `olico eventually Iplit the mob and drove o the group: _of. rioton. , ` ' '> liluuy-Day Mayor: Suspender]. '- PARIS, May 3.-The Prefect of Mar- , uillee hu Iulpended for one month four deputy mayors, who, While wearing their inuigme of ooe, .pu-ticipsted in the May- day demonstrations.` , " ` VVHIUU UIIU PUIIUU VVUIU WUIIETII, LUllUWUllu Huuere were Iummoned to help the police, and 5 metal ght at close uartere was begun. `he rigtere _defende them- selves with club: and stones. j Several ecl- -'dier'e and policemen were `badly cub a`.x_1d bruised. 15; ___;u.__I -t!-..A_ AL- ...1`I:L-__ -._._ .1 .'.*-I:_- :q? The Military compelled to Assist Police ~ ' In Disporslng Socialists. Puus, May '3.`---Last evening the Msy- day crowds in the streets of `Marseilles be- came very disorderly. The police tried to arrest. several Socialists who were waving red ags sud inciting the workin men to violence. The crowd resisted. A ghti, in which` the police were worsted, followed. 'lI........ cunt: nus-nvnnnnri tn Kala ORA .._..u ugaunsr. me Marter bill, because, as he `Nd. Sir Oliver had stated that he Wu 81nR to test his power: before he pulled: "1? measure. The amendment; propl W Put the mzitter off. The House will. then C0nlider it xx. ..--..:-- LL 1 A ---- `~4- E III UV! n each can the cause of failure was stated to be heavy withdrawal of `deposits. L w;1`he Standard Bnkz of Aiutraliu, A til 28. . he Natlpnnl Bank of _Auatra.luis, V Anvil RD A{{13oT" __ __-I. wvvug XI1:tTr!:l i-`:1-iyan In failegduring April, ujollowu: V Q nnwnin-uh:-` 13...]. A` A ..-L...-I:- AL- Tho Commu-cis1=Ba.nk _of'11ustralin, the In use bank in Victoria, April 4. , he E l_ish,' Scottish and Australian- Charterod uni, April 12; A TI`: `III.FAh Joint Qlrnnlo 12..-`I. A_-:-I Ill 3UII'lII\lWCUUIIIIIO - This step was taken after consultation with the managers and other oicials of the "leading banks. Several banks that were not consulted has to the advisability of closing their doors for 3 short time have paid no attention to the proclamation and to-day are transacting business as usual. In l nearly every case where Australian banks have failed within the past two yam the l trouble has boenattributed to "the with- drain! of deposits. I dun Anntivnnnn haul: Cndlg Anni..- A ..._:I Grmitedito the Surviving Banksi-In Au:-' trans. MELBOURNE, May 3.-The general un-I eesiness caused by the many failures of the Australian ban-ks continues, and the suspensiouof the National Bank of Austral- asia. the last financial instyutions to go under, had added greatly to the excitement in banking and commercialgcircles. The colonial government has issued eprocle mat-ion ordering a five days bank holiday with the `object of allowing time for the banks still doing businesito adopt measures of self-protection. mhh lfn Ilnnl fnlrnn 1:045: Anus-Quibgti-.. lJ\lUUII|'J a nun IUHIUU Ul. VUlllI[l_IIQKIo From the beginning to the end Mr. Cur- ter had spoken for two hours. As he set down Baron do Courcel, ' president of the court, said: "I cannot refrain from thank- `-ing you. air, for this magnificent e eech, whigh has peen <:_I3a.ra.c_te"i_zei__b_y a. lo tines: -u-5 Jun. -u, uu. vuus unsgulucunv I 86011, which been cha.ra.cte'rized_ by tines: of view well worthy of this high court. -Va?! vuvslw Uvrlflle In his eroration Mr. Carter described: the slau ter of female seals heavy with their un orn youn and , other horrors of pelagic sealing. o prevent those horrors and to protect the nail` herds the United States. had taken the position which he had explained to'the,hest of-his ability, The ;Uuited stateshad taken this position -at. the risk of ,war with Great Britain, and they had been ready to maintain this posi- tion and thusdischarge thedutiee to hu- manity even if they had been obliged to -face -half. the world in .arms. History. would recognize their rights and the jus- tice of their cause. The duty of the United States had not been extinguished by the re- ference of the dispute to the tribunal, but ` had been merely transferred. The United States had withdrawn and left to the arbi- trators the sacred duty of forbidding pela- gic eealin and conning seal killing to the islands. t the tribunal should decline to assume this duty it would only leave for posterity a new source of contention. Vwrnl fhn knndnndnn 6:. CL` A_.` `I - I`-.. l1vnun..l LL - A object to Mr._;.'GI_.rtor preienting a utatement J Ofht v:ev:n-9`n`-the 9ub'eot. . , An animated discuss on followed,in which Baron do Gourcel, preaident of the tribune]; took part. It was nally decided that counsel for Great Britain should argue the quoatioeu of rights and the question of regulations separately. :1 Tu}. Eh. .... ....a.:-_ 1:. AMA, '- unarles stated, hjiiever, ,=tho.t'he would not I - ~-f-_--- VII IaI_IU TIIIU gl.'UIlIl(l' the oueeio? revenue and qunreutine laws. Mr. Carter proceeded to argue on. the subject of regulations, but. was interrupted I by Sir Charles Rauell of counsel for Great ` Britain who said that Great Britain would not recede from the position that the I question of "right lhauld be argued spurt from the. nation of regulations. Sir ha:-leg gtgt.gd_ {shaver 9.5.9 1.. .......u ..-s vs... uuuq pelagic lenuug. ` . " Asssnming, ndded Mr. Carter, that the ~ rights of property of the United States ~a.`municipa.l law? This. he continued were admitted nu claimed, was the Govern- ment of the United "States to follow the ` vessels engaged in pela ic sealing home in I order to claim redress or trespass against } would. not only be ine' but would I not oomport with the dignity of the United. Stato_s.- No nauon eve deigned to rehort to another nation for enforcement of its municipal `laws. The only -methov open for the proper en- forcomeut of such law was the method of force, and that was 'ustifiable in the case the Behrin Sea; on` tine same ground as in thelonsesvogrevenue gngl quarantine -..; V nd iiqn-lied. us. `2 ' - .- 1 - -. .;C. .CIrht -of `obnnul for the United 5 -.3!-IlC__ lIiIiutIinod_ that Vthc rights of the `lJnicod8utoa` in Behring so. were nbsulute ` He argued over again ~` that-the Govomupent. of the Unitod Sstes justified" in `protecting its rights in those water in time of peace as well` as at anyother time, and he clumed that the United Stgntee had 3 right to sieze vessels ' caught. nq pelaglo sealmg. __ | Aaaummm ..m..: M- n----- -- - jun? L-:3 Lot_-hB,_g_uIiII.'.!.IIh=rco llo Argunql souu._ 1} 00?! I!onciud`a's. V Q10] 3. -Tho Behring Sea. Tribu- llll of Arbnnlion resumed union Tue-day, anon, the Britinh Arbitrator, who ill, being Iuciontly recovered to Vvbeiprosent. J I 1'! II, -V- ` IIIDKUUKUKI JJDIIB PIVII I 60 The Auqt.uliaV Tloint Stock Bank, April n FORGED HER Husamozs NAME- THE LATE Loao oensws WILL. MAY:-DAY RIOTS IN FRANCE sauce last. session -hgd avowed the M hm party, but I pennicies. rm- K - I UIIU CIIIlIIVUUl.II" |,|` `';:z-k.0'|i`.;|'A.' 5! ,:.4" b".'h91".; ioyd. `T h ` "_vV6|hn | 'lmib u` unt-M :EI`353;rriT y`_vVoIi1an ""huu`b'in`3` in V To correspondents. , X. Y. Z. undo us 3 communication by way of correspondence from Edcnvnlo. A: X Y Z` are cymbal: of unknown Algebra. -0 the writer in an unknown `pcuqu to up, and the communi- cation 1 ne'o'ouurily' remains` unpublished. you tike`in-?.tho-iituntion? It has . The latest ugo 1; ;`ll'oo1-as 29 it :1, $1.50 and $2. untor. luzleuu 1: co. JJVIUI V L1 GIUVII VII, Vg II 0 Dobaon v. Brown (two ections\.-Jud- ment in `action: tried together at Ben-ie. Actions for damage: for wrongful dietrou, eto. Judgment ; for the plainti John Dobuon in the first action for-$225 without colts. The nine notion in dilmhied unto the pleinti J unee Doblon, without ooltl. Action of Matilde Doblon dumiued with costs. Heughton Lenncx, Bertie`, for yleintil. " J no. Hood , Ben-lo, for de- a_I:.3.I.x`:.I;.'-.-M32" \I?II C JIYIIUII III`. IC Bozo Falconbridge. J. .I...._ .. 'D......... /5."..- _ Appropriate decorations had been made by Mr. Wm. Johnson. The word Wel- come, and underneath, the letters "I.0. O.F." and below that the three links with the letters F.'L.T. The service was listened to with deep attention. In our ioln lot or run oodn l2c.Vand 140. for! c. J. yte. rvullblel. ` , -com` The amendment, Mr` ;f{,2. pro- Dlained, treated Mr. LIa.rW" . it t wag hibitcoy meaenm ""1':a:n-` of"; the an act for the 1'98"` ` ' . . euil mm meroly, dealt with the I,` trade only and . e got- power of the province. Th neon" d_en1t wit ~ (1 warn ' wholesale Ihof n . ' u 2 }:"9nses. No one conteoded that "30 Hm` . _ lieeuui : ad not the power to abolish shop. -8 matte r of wgumiom surely it we can. . regulate `here.-" here we can f0l' .l"v " 1, All the decision! of 6,119 0?! 0'5" to _: upreme Court and PIN! ,C9`n;- t,|:e_-`H establish the - broad P"P`. m m{.3;5o!0?2 3 powers vented in 'ml|>l_|`A`p-.~h:_ 4 nfederetioo were by` Sh!` 3;` ,::i, 0'y] bp'.;?;_4 merice. Act treneferred *' .` i-i- -[mu If before Confederation _$h0 }!`93`g ' _ god the ower to prdhih!` `gamut ; f, a'_?i ' uor, t e conolneiou-VII . , ' $1. Meredith than cited 3,` 9.".`.`.~"" 4; /, . - W `ltogQthQ|,`. vmhm