[s.`1ss.`," V.` V, P"?! ' Y .`l 5 {lunar}:-nun` :4 {tho bei rem tI_u-e of the entgortainmant, and at slittle `and hnhnn ,-urnnn.<.l:Iin. Innn~n.-.1-i'h1'unnl fwmlis ma 1. oamna. 5 mIon&..them.tohiI t ried '- winked at h_1n1I,`a_al_`x_o` 'e ,no't` into the'esoar1e1:41ined5'r6ceptacle; and glanced jtily towards the. groupfoi yo 'es to aeeifhe hud`bee'n.;ob_- serv ` but no one appeared to-have no- ticadhigny-T b. .. ,. . . ., . Later-he found Kitty, "but wnsnlmoat aft-n1'` in Iinnnbn vinnin Bar `unit I aha hint` : 11 .11` `$11. $91.. 1) ' "toolgra .the one ittye1:h!;dycavx'-w onn;;.1.,m* ,;;,;:;.: tho_grag'l;fithen" JJDIBI ILU LUUIIIL 2100 , UILI. WK CIIIIUDII afraidf'te linger 1'1 (her, estl.qhe1h aid' not yet found the note, a.nd.migh1 thrust `her hand into the -bag and draw . iifprthin his presence'--gto his utter con- fusion... 3 . .. ,. .. ..A - But nothing of the kind occurred; the afternoon` waned, "th tired p1easure- , seekers returned their homes and twi- 1ig_ht fell.--~ 1 .. . . I -- . . . 1-- 1:__1_L ..... _...-.1 :_ V.-u.... m.........1v.. uuo1.uu.">. , `SNO light ' appeared in Ki_tty'Tyrre1l s `parlor window that evening; though poor Tom watched" hopelessly far into the night.` ~ V ' "Wan ho nonkn n.'nvi*nnnn'Ir fn ouu 111511115. " ` . -- The he acked agri sack, walked to the noltl;-disgant city amf took the e`a.r1iest* lung`-n at:-`rntr U1-LU JJU ll` \uI_&D Ill] train away.` uuuu wvvc-J . No -one in I Thornville knew why or where he-ha.d: ' Mu :'V'~3~I-I-:1 -in. Host .an1-A 1*H>f1n Bani-I-. W IJUIU LID ` I-I.lI\IE 5Ul.l.Un Onl- `Kitty ~in.h$r -sore little heart fanciedshe-knewwhy. ~ = - Elan cun'o-nnvn'Ir|nsnar1 Qka-F 111: 11:31` unit`- I_&IlGlBQ.'B;ll,U-llUVV'VVuy-. -= She remembered what he had said;. evidently he had proposed to the woman he loved,` and had been rejected; and 17:44. -:.y-{ `La: any-rnny~n:nr1 nitv far -hifrf image from her heart. UUILIU. Hill-IUBII LLIIVD Uuxpv qua 51;; 11 1.10 would not listen to his siiit; . butto her? selffor dang to lovehim,--for givin her love unsought, she ' was piti]'es's' an unforgiving, and tried to remove his ' 8 AL D6 IOVGQ-, uuu. uuu. ucuu .lUJUUUUl.l~, uuu_ Kitt , in her sorrow and pity for` coul almost have cursed ` the ' whb _..-'_`I.l ...~L `:nLr\| 4-A `In-3a cam-. T1114--4-A I-|aIn;' ` It ;vas fuily` 9. 3-iiear laigr `tha; the through . exigress. was delayed half an hour near hornville, by 9. wqod train ...& 4.1.. It `ad :51 U.U U.l.' LIUG-I 1. LI off the track. rn1.- .'... z-.....' meu tnemzgexvua 191' an nap. - - _. - - Two1ad1es whowere chattmg, and a gentleman arrayed in a faultless suit of ay, who -sat_ behind them and was ooking wistfnlly out of the window, . . . n-nzn-n nvnnnhn On; Bnu brawn. _ The _ majority "of the passengers set- tled themselves for a. nap. . . 1UUl\.lI.I.5'VVLDIJL|LLLJ Avuv va. Itnpv u.......v-., were pxceptions. . Were you ever her 9 before?7'.asked one lady of her cdmpanion. r\nnn 4-'m- I: (`luv nnlv was 1:119 ranlv. 0118 180.) 0]; I161.` Uulupuuiuu. : Once, for a. day only, was the reply. I attended a. picnic here, and a. some-; what singular thing hap ened. . -_ The _gent1e1;_1an behin them t1_1rned :I 1.-___._ -._ -..4..... What B1ng'u1_a.r mung uup uuuu. - gentleman turned from the window and became an inter- ested listener. e . . H'l"1m Iov TA wan vinitina sittanded the estea llstener. The lady I was visitin attended the picnic; and I went her, ntinuing my `Journey that evening, I was far upon my way before I discovered that a pro- posal of marriage had been put into my hand-bag, i probably mistaking it for that of someone else, for I hung it up with others while I assisted in decorating the L__L1.. U IILIUI D A table. x4f\ Of course it was not meant. for me. It was addressed by initials only and signed by .initials, so I could not forward it to its owner or return it to the writer. Although not to blame, I feel that I have been the means of separating two who might have made each other happy. I` hope some day to make` amends,`or at least, to right the. matter by meeting ssome-one who mayrecognize the hand- ba_g-:-whic_h I_ always carry with me. . She paused. -` There was a slight click of the silver clasp. as she unfastened it from her girdle and held it up for her friend s mspection-a black, scarlet- lined. bag, on the side ofwhich was em- . broidered fakitten in gray chenille. ' _The entleman in gray sprang to his feet an stepped forward. ' Madazn,. he exclaimed, I am more than glad: :-to meet you! The note in your possession is addressed to `K..'.l`., and issigned `T. J. I am Tom Jones, the unfortunate writer. Thehand-bags were alike; hence the mistake." 7 fI'|`l..A `A1111 Bola` I\1`I". Bin` `hand ' W61'B uuaw, uuuuu put: uunuunu. The lady he d out her hand. I am glad to meet youl she -replied, cordially.` A Let me write a line or two to ` the lad -or better still, take the hand-bag 'ou will nd the note in- side, and.wh_en she has seen it, return the bag to me.~` ` - She`penci1ed`her' address upon a card, \ and when," a few ` dropped it in thejbag, _ _ minutes later, the track was cleared and the through express went on, the num- ber of its passengers was less by one, and Tom Jones was answering, on the familiar streets of Thornville, the in ings of friends whom he had not seen 1 since he had dropped out of the life of the village, ayeare before. 'I"Lnl- Annndnn 11 . 17116 Vlllageg u yvur uuxuxv. That evenin he walked up .the path to the porch W are Kitty eat as of old, and without other greeting laid the em- broidered bag in her lap. ' ' ctmknun in o uni-n in it for vnn 'IZit+.v, Droluereu Dug Lu 11:71.` up. There is 9.` note in it for you, Kitty, he said. I pntit there a. yearago, and ' never knew until to-day, from a. conver- \ sation that I overheard on . the train, ; that you had notreceived it. I love you just the same now, dear, as It did then. Think of the months I have waited, and if you care for me, give me my answer soon. 1'r:A.A.._ 1_...'.l ...`h.....nA ncvnii I-`ha run}-n Mani-._t soon. . Kitty had glanced over the note hast- gytas Tom spoke. She arose to her ee .4 T A ' I-I 1l go `ans light the lamp now, Tom, she said, blushing. - - `Dan. 'I1i\vv\ hm-I `h-in na-tn n1-nnn hnrnha- '.l'0In," B116 su.1u, Uzuuuuxg. B Tom had his "arm around her `be- fore s e could go 3 ste toward the door, ` and thelamp wa.sn t p aced in the parlor ` window that evening, either; butnTo1.n 23.} AL Anon I-n nnson VV l.l.I\L\l VV IJLJIIII V V vsaacnc did not seem to` care.` -then me. away, butrlxeep your month just shut up tight; D_o_n't have a word to `say, `be `ou ll.get,a. bite once more, . and `ha in . Fish, andthen you may I shout and yell and roar as loudly as you I wish. Fon. COUNTRY BOYS.-If you see an- apple on the tree, just aslgreen as green can ever be, do not sit down on the ground and wait for it to acquire a riper ` stat,A`butgo7'away;:-for a. week or so,` _.then come again, maybe, you know, you may nd it turned a lovely red-if no one. else has picked it instead. Don't 1 51Il8]e...'1a,.i1te1`,n8j;_ 911$` `0_f' ` pumpkins` that I .D.ay'. ?.01",-it may be: usedfor:~ ies` .on.'1`hunksglving y .tY9!"1f 999 150? d0" ,9O;`dn't you s9'9 .;;y0"misht loser aextfapiece . thewr9=a-.~+Hsrw*-"9vnso:rPv1-: . r ` A Few` Maxims. r . F_IsHEmmN~.-Don t yell when you` chance to get 9. bite and scare thesh _'-._____ `L..L -4;Aan -noon in`:-\91+`V\ 1.11n". ht `!.E.`_'..`.'_`_`_P.`.!`.'.!. . . .:1 The more one endeavors to sound the :.d61>.ths9f`his. 'isnrauce;the deeper the Alcott .~ % .. mu %'l:a.v`e1gi`el'Iii:`ta.lents, indnstry ca &:'i:~`~ `m era a _ _ `-L 118 ` `B11 _ j P 'm{h`-sa.i11ue1hgmiles. ` the deficiencies.` .% :9 ;9Y9rY,!I!9e! .i191iVi %und10;r.`wh49V1 s % ihdi naiityuof _ ...m`;-;.`a1 Inch-ninnvi+.n' iwl-n .n1n:zIr.r7;1'nnn at} ~UH9.:"s ` . `v`mVlQ'|WuV`.vI Ulll-'UV,Za;. -lav : instruments into every= ;man s` hands` by which_` to make himself and - achieve his misston.---J. G. Holland. at-:'e_t<'>':'~:>.Wb5it fund the 'sh- % .y, but eep your unt nan !-. `I-u'um "a ward {in miv. Aph ox-lags. I I S ' "i"-`.*.;z.,?r.- .`.::3$;'s.* _ `,5 ` y ` `j:-9 - = A term.-s .` reeshcatupsmf - - .w" ` V l mien ~a.sn'tion. k '=She= .5 perfectly i 'faee;`hn(i:-hands and- short`, -kinhy ha`iri,_wigli' the foetuses ;of a '_negto. The L ioInsn ss`id {hall she vies born blsch_ and. ' i'eI}II,i_n9d Io, until she was 15% yem,_.o!d. when she snddenly turned white, remain- ing so for one `your, when she turned black `again. Since that tinne she is alternately white and black, not alone in spots, but changes color entirely. She. ll fairly intelligent, sud saye_sh_e has never had ayspell of sickness and has _never ` taken a dose of medicine. Shelives, near Ssllis station on the Canton and Aberdeen mad. She says she cannot stand the sun at all, and wearsa double veil and heavy z:lov,es,. She says if. the sun shines on her skin for one minute it causes it to blister .4: once. She has been examined by physicians, who are unable to account for she change in her color. Lwho` Ismnu. nut-"You-1y Literary Competition _I i 0! The Ganudlun An-ienltnrlst. In accordance with their usual custom for some years past, the publishers of that old and C relinblep publication, The Canadian Agriculturist, now presents its 7th Great Half-Yearly Literary Competition for the winter of 1893, -to the people of the United States and Canada. '1he following is the prize list : _ ` ` ' Tat (lune-nu! hii. . . mm in Qllll I I I J o 0 3 3rd , . .. . . . . 4th - . . . . . . . 5th _ . . . . . . . . 5000 Elegant Silver Tea. S Organs, Gold Watches, &c.. lvnltnlv nf turn! 1 mm `nl`;7A, \Jl.'gl.lB, \J'U1u. vv uuuucu, unn, u.v., nnnnn nub .. totaltof over 10,000 prizes. How To SECURE A PRIZE -Ta.ke a few sheets of per and make all the words you can out 0 letters contained in the words, COLUMBIAN ExPosrr1o1~',and send them tons, enclosing one dollar for six months subscription to the Agriculturist or the Ladies Home Magazine--two of the best home monthlies in the world. n._-_.- 1 m.._..:..... ..........1.. ....t ..1l.~.mm1 Fye sh H36. _; nome monnnuea 111 Due wuuu. R.ULEs-l. Foreign words not allowed. 2. L Letters cannot be used oftner than they `appear in the two words, Columbian Exposition. 3. Names of places and persons barred; All 1:..+.. mmenninn mu.-m 1m nnrrnnf. wards persons oarreu. All lists containing over 100 correct, words will receive a. valuable special prize. Send ostal cardrfor list of prize winners in ormer competitions. Address, THE AGRICULTURIST PUB. C0 , Peterborough, Canada. `Report. of Psinswick Public School for Feb , 1893. Sr. 4nh--Lsurs Wioe, Mina Ross, May Warnics, A. E. Morrison. Jr. 4th--_Frsnk Wsrnica, H. D. Morrison. John Wright, John Cook. Sr. 3rd-W. J. Morrison. James Culbert, Blake Mont- gomery, M. Foster. Jr. 3rd--Selly Carr, George Culbert. Sr. 2nd-'-LillieS1bbnl'd, Ada Collins. Charles Shannon, May Sib- bsld. Jr. 2nd-W. Ransberry, J. Mont- enmery, R. Osrr. Average attendance 38. Report. of Croasland school for Febru ary :v Senior 4th-M. Cameron, Geo. Martin, T, McLean, J. Higga. Junior 4t.h--G`reo. Porter. A. Wallace, F. Burton, W. Cotton, R. Higge. Senior 3rd-J. Strath, K. Cameron, S. Anderson, K. S-`rath. E. Higga. J. Morrison. Junior 3rd-T. Wallace, Ashton Lyons, J. Har- ber. Senior 2nd-L. Pearson. I. Healey. Junior 2nd--I. Brolley, D. Seeton, S. `Cotton, S. Martin. Part 2ud-C. Porter, D. Martin. T. Bell. ___:L.g1Xjj11 4% A 'I"_._.' . Having fjurchased the entire CROCKER.nY STOCK lsaiggrglayglho 4I|I Marcll __-L LL- --.1.-..q1p\ l\`I\(I1? JAS._uV,_AIE , [Z8 nab : Ist Grand Prize. 1 . . Dirt 1 . ..... ....,, -_. _-___ T .to clear out the whole stock at one-half less than it T "can be bought for- % < .e1swhere5_- _ ~ HMEZER!E -%e1swner. - _ % Av.D%UTTO.N,% 28 Dunlon Sire at away below rst cost, we will commence. :;-` Your watch needa cleaning and oiling _ once every eighteen months, if you would m'eee1.'ve 55-9 time-keeping qualities, Con- sider: In that time the balance-wheel turns on its delicate axis 13,996,800,000 times; it does not ;rest at, night, like ` ordinary machines; but keeps at its work unceam'ngly.t You oil an` `engine, or a sewing`-mach3'ne,_or any other mechanical co1:tri1{an..I0v5ly or weekly; "but that delicate of ; prec'}`;8ion-your ; alh>_wed`to gozmcared for until ` itie. clogged withtdirt,` and stops. The beat of oil em and dirtyin time` ,- ` I oiuoearo` the -.' -and e.'v.l4...:.. .. :1....a ...z....a....-1u$`.I1...m 951 in tho U660 F'IlDlI'C6V(Ub'l/1OI5`V] vnvu Jvv -u u... jewel-holes wlufchis necesaaryto `aj correc pe1fonnance`.' .~ ".1 '-Letmeiloohat your watch-.-I y:'pe- you a pqnscientious . `.r.....;._.`._n4A_ p... 3 'nl UcU7uIKI"'wVuTU llllv IIOUVIM, >u/uuv ' d'estrroya that=eacmeaa_o/`th`eir t in the jewel-hole : nec_essary__to _r_ cprrect 825.? IN- REWARDS. '-58 Dunlap Siot. A Honor Roll. nonor non. '&a.:i1s;iz:` of Q T-rm: JEWILLER. ' $2,500 in Gold 1,000 in Gold `500, in Gold '. 250in;Go1d inn 3-- I`! -11 3'65 L"`Zi Services, Pianos, \c.. &c., making a. For Scf5fu|a Catarrh Rheumatism snows :EMl|Lsl0 Forwall blood diseases, the - best remedy is i or PURE NORWEGIAN coo LIVER | on. AND HYPOPHOSPHITES It or LIME AND SODA, ' will restore alost appetite- lost esh, ' and check wasting diseases, especial- ! I in children. wit wonderful rapidity. ' oughs and colds are easily killed by a g few doses of this remarkable remedy. PALATABLE AS MILK. Be sure to get | the gmuine, put up in salmon-colored I `wrappers. ! Pregared only by Scott 6: Bowne. Belleville. Presared is Dr. J. C. A r & Co..LoweIl. Mass. So! by Druggists, rice $1; six bottles, $5. . Ourob others, will cure you :&LL Km Sarsaparilla" For Sale in Barrie by Geo. Monkmu: and D.` H: Ma.oLo.1-en. Druggista. -- ..~_. ATION . TU!-Imu orrutnnu Nu 0 I nag /brmmruegiazsaatizl In 9 'ha'.nds ot tuzsns it has proved perfectly invaluable.` ever Fails even in gun` . , tbru to 9.22.192: 1225 ..,. ..!:'2$. '9v..m,:.%`;:,. Diseascs are often diicult to remedy. u`.;a`.`- t"';`T1 .i;`.`.`i` ' %;`.;e"?$2a9`{i3a a 3s%'g cum: (.7uumL 00.. I8 Aneume sr. as: mnou . T ' 1 Rnch in the lung-healing virtues of the Pine combined with the soothin and expectorant `properties of other pector herbs and baths. I PERFECT OURE FOR` ------ Ann: @3133 DI riilirswr \rwn- - v-. .COUGHS AND COLDS I-Ioarseness, Asthxn Bronchitis. Soto Thro Crou and all THR AT, BRONCHIAL LU G DISEASES. Obstinate cou hswhich pgpiab nbl-snr rnrnndinn vi:-Id nmmn V this \.ol'0u anuuu snnvn; ua\vuv....... ...... I hswhich resist other remedies yield promp y to this pleasant piny syrup. Flues 250. AND soc. PER BOTTLE. noun -v All nInnnInYn_ Pl ' ."Aauu`eringfor bouttenty-G yeast: froun scnofulous the ugartn-. -2:=* =="-s....~;:*=.s".:.'=:-;..<*: nan at-ful fault. Five bottlu to use Aye! I Saruuparull. use I. won cure was the result. Five auced to restore me to hcalth."-Bonifacin Tangy nan? (`.nan|nnnnn (L. Antnnia. WIUIQ. . ' I us uncut help he`:n:|Y TA ct`: Safsaparilla. I followed his advice. ` hree - months of regular treatment with Ayer's Sareaparilla and Aye:-`s Pills comletely restored in daughter s health."-Mrs. ouise Rielle. Lit e Canada. Ware. Mass. 5 _ . _ . vvrinlunlqo Usua- For information and free Handbook write to HUNN &. 00.. 381 BROADWAY, Nlw Yoax. Olden. bureau tor" . ng patents 1n`America. Eveny t. take out by us la.b1-ought. before the.` , hyanotioo giventreeotohgu-3e1nt_h.o Ar) 0 10.00 In 0 " My dau ter was am_1cIea xor nearly a. {car withca . Thephymciansbein unabeto' In-In hm-_ mv nagmr recommcn Aver : .E1iE'f}Ev?ib3E -_..-_4 .n_...'I.An._ ._`a .__ L.n.._ua- -..-._ I. LL- F91-\ several years, I was troubled with` inammatory rheumatism. being so bad at timesas to be entirely helpless. For the last two years. whenever I felt the effects of the `disease. I began to take Aye:-`s and have not had a spell for a lone` tnme. - cuscasc. I Degan I0 1: rr u......u...-.....1. vvsuu av uunv on V: c ya naive? s ell 3: Ion E. T. Hansbrough, E 1: Run, Va. I181! `lllollli-D0 WIFIIOIIT: 1%. W09! `US- car: susosix months. Address 3! RN 4 031188138. 361 Bxoadwar. Raw York < My dau V ter alictod for nearly a um: ca . The ohvaiciana bcinz unab &&IIT I ijj` . Why be troubled with p|L53_ ex- TERNAL on INTERNAL, FISSURES. ULOER-- ATION %TCHING 933.3 EED NC 0; 1' U8`? 911 1', CL R ?.%h. Lr.%zC'",;,,.ia:?a:*: $22.13;; Fon6`II1Ir|InI`111"'| aunts Flute, van in DR W.00`D 5 AYE R S 1 N----.-`coo . `Gm`Ul3E GUARANTEED 11 A trnnhln with an an ... CRVEATCO '1'R5D` HAWKS; `3lO' `PQTUITSI _P'RIHT 9 0` Iran `II -nhnnk is-{tn in in-14 = $359? _"> "1""` ..u.w. . uvu v -'--vv x.thee'd btter goyin and rub some tning liniment on thyle , father?" am going to stay rig `7 h91'?." 110 rubbing his shins. tI m gomg to an eye on those candles, Mary. ere`s Jessie? ~ There sheris, said mother, pointing s shy, little gure` in 'a. black dress , ked away in one corner. Poor little g? She would wear. her mpurxung ; hes, and she does look so plan 1. A Well, she ain t much for. looks; that s ` said Father Qraig, glancing from littleorphan girl who had come to . lp on the farm to his own daughter toy, in her ruied pink lawn, gay 11 lace and ribbons, that fluttered ut her as she moved. ' A he violin and the harp began the ` -ited music of a Virginia. reel, and tty Kitty Craig opened the ball with bin Shaw, the handsomest man in doneld. _ `Who is that little girl in the corner? bin asked, as he brought Kitty tri- phantly down the length of the oor the tune of Bonnie Wee Laddie. _ `That? said Kitty, a trie scomfully. hats a girl mother took out of a .n -In 4-nnrn Qhn helm: the irning. `Poor little- thing! said Robin, ten ly; -How sad she looks! V `What did you think of the icnic, bin? said Kitty, tossing bac her Is with a irt of her head. Fine, s11 t it? ButI wouldn't be in Betty 'mlle s boots for a good` deal. Tom rding says that last year she brought ed ear to the husking in her pocket. t was Robin s turn now, and he did t reply. Down the barn oor he nt again, his handsome-face aglow, ` feet `in perfect, tune with Bonnie ee Laddie, running the gauntlet 0 irty pairs of bright eyes. , V Jessie, in the corner. looked at him. e had never seen such a handsome an before---so strong, `so ruddy and ` Kitty Craig going ' marry him? she wondered. V A woman 1 ust be happy to have such a good, = ong man always at her side to protect (1 love her. . Poor little thing I she said, uncon- e iously, thinking of herself. That is hat they all say. I suppose I ought to thankful for their pity, she added, belliously; but I am not--I am not! In afraid I am a wicked girl, but I n t help it-'-I can t help it 1" - ' ` V `Tears came to her eyes, and she felt em ready to fall. A wild desire to get ay came over her, and sheslipped `t of the door into thequiet moonshine gm 1` - -5:?` . t 1' 1 hand she ov3l1?3't"ah'e':-e` 'unb1es.ibu e< heisglsdtooauseherpain. - bea.utitu1`A'utumn!b $3190 s e weeps as she thinks of a. certain deep V 6 1 ,. rea esters are blooming, `where tells p dahlias nod, . re dwells her last daughter. the sweet` golden-rod. - n Autumn meets Winter her Iips are oein- .1` pressed; . has given him much-sha.ll she give him` the rest? ' - ` tshe gazes with pity upon the grand rees- ` v must she surrender such vows as these? T .. Vinter adwgances and vainly he tries to see the b1g tears in sweet Autumn's oven` a . ' - ` ``r\S Vhy do I live?" she sobbed. No e cares for me; no one wants me. If was only pretty like Kitty Craig, may- to`be good, but it does not make` any erence. I am only `a. poor little ing." Oh, I wish I was dead---I wish was dead! - !\1`\':V\ Dn.1t......m+ Qnhni-+ian1~m nnw some one would love me a. little. I v The harp and violintwere playingthe tumn. cease weeping! `Tia foolfsif nil? . {nut-- 9 A covers her face rushes headlong to Winter"s embrace. the, proud, tr? umphant, dries his own ears. stles a tune in Autumn's dull `ears; ; hes her face_with the crlgstal snow, down the znsles of the ast they go.` \VlLIl nauuxs UUIU. uuu umuuuuug any IBEST ;ut: uzu`p ztuu. V.l.U1l..ll. wuzu p1aaJLLJ obin Redbreast Schottische 35;? essie could hear the movements of the ncers feet, the light ripples of laugh- r, the gay sallies and replies, but she `(I not hear a` soft fobtfa11:on_ the ; sideher. I -< V -. Why, youpoor little thing! said a. nder, manly voice beside her. What the matteil? __ _ 1.`I__A.I!l .....:.`l T:\nn:ln -5 LHU LllLtl,l;U1'l ' Don t call me tha.t_l said Jessie, pas- 'onate1y, springing to her feet. I am 01; a poor little thing. ,1` wonftjhave ou say that I am`!- , _ . . .- - T4`n'r-n-{no rnnl" nah? QIWIIW, e barn looked beautiful. "It 'w.s g with festal greens and decked gay lanterns ti11..it look like "a' ballroom. hey 1l burn the ` place down `before. are done, grumbled Father Craig, had just had a. fall on; the"wa.xed , and felt a. little out of huinor. ` ohn has plenty of buckets, Mother 11' w:-nlin rM"",-_ -g .-n,,_94. .+_1.,`m DU Duu way ...u --____ __ __V_ eyes; _ try as he will, b si ` - gs with a rush t1g%) `FU1111 nan yusuug u.I. uuvnUvD' .;_-u_uyng1- r-I replied; g:::13;._ ""Don t `thee [Iljllllih vvw-vv -'~-r-v-uv --w ""`f'-1 V- us _ _ y not surrender at once. if you must?" _ n, with hands cold and trembling` she mvers face A ' ?OOR LITTLE THING I} 011 Bay Illa .l. 3111`!- 'nd1y. I did not mean to hurt you. I ought you were ill, or--or-j- I want to k youto dance with me.- `I saw you me out, and'I`*came1:orh`unt* youi Jessie was overwhelmed; V ' zed way. ut his hand. Come! Something has urt you. Let us take a walk down to Forgive mel _' siizido Robin" `S"h8:W. - Dance with mel . , gshe repeats!-1.. in 3 Will you? ? said. ::Robix1,`. out V. A 1'\-rv;11rvn nnr` 1-Iv`:-nnvn vvnrl ZR; Luv _yuu. JJUIJ LID UIWILU (I Walla uuvvu vv Before Jessie knew it, her `W925 h ' g down the road together. _ What had happened to the world in e past few minutes? The shadows ; ere full of nightingales and lifeseeme 2. onderfully brighter. . ' 1 ; Sit down here, said Robin, when _ ey reached the bridge. Your narue ; Jessie, isn't it? "Sit down pere, J ess1e, ; (1 tell me all- about your troubles. _ hat makes you so unhappy? - . I suppose it is because! am un- owly. ad?" up med what there was e awn through Robin s and they were . ` ppy most of the time," _' sa.id.-165810. - Your father 'a.nd'm ther` are both '3 t v Yes. My father was . doctonlisgutsi h died very youn , and my motheriqoon ` ' ' `wasn't much 2 j ce I was four years old and. n in a. home ever~sino0!*V -V8683. , . Craig came and brought me here ' _ help her with thevdairy work." 7 wants Laa.Ll.|.u.'U. J. uuvu uuuu uu.-.v: . 370 h Am,__ clii3`13i3 ---mu nu--- vvov- urn Her racfe was Ituimdt 56 tthhat` `the moon's rays fell full upon it, .;a'.nd_a.s }--Robin Shaw looked at _her, he was sud- ; denlyaware. that Jessle had the most a beautiful eyes he had ever's`ee'n. `Her ; parted lips disclosed ane set.:.of regular * teeth, a1_1d a change had, oomeover her K face whzch told .tha.t, beauty -some times follows happiness. ` ' ~' `L amt.-- -...`.t ..1....:..... .. r..-i.:f1:-._ n';..:.:- "4 icky! m i . ' . `i y -:.._...,.,.;., -'3 . *3! ; lam sraid inandea. F to work on a. farm." . `H "nab ing'_ _ __ , , _ , I I ` M l|ll|z`.IiII1 "wuuuavslr On HUI`.-in 1 notied; hoir"i6vBii1ie "ii? " I1t'i% % sunset,,.back of that litt e notch there, {horn 1:: +1-in ;1n1n:1-:na+ n1n11r1_1nnv\Ii nnuvun BHHDUU; $1175 UL IILIHIII LIIIIJIU ILUUULI Ill-IUIU, there is the loveliest cloud-bank some- times. Itxis like a rainbow, of. lights and colors.. _ . . V tr..- 3.2. _-- .L.'.....-J L . J.-|.-L 11.- Y "3 ""..!`5"E! --%..e - _.7 Well,-i'i1pQx_1_ - `W 1333,! said Kitty Craig. asshe sawmt.obin=.,.~,chattixig gaily with-Jessie. .4 L ~ ` `Mother, " said `.B'athe1`*( }raig;einphati- i cally, Jessie a.in t s_uch.._a bad-looking .-4-p1 nPl-nu on T? n`In`n?a:mg nrflv i-no-and n pu.u=nauu.Iu:,J.uu-.;uwr; uuruugu, wn15pur- ing his hiifts'6f 'whii.t ti) do next, till she gained condence.-enough to enter heart. T 11:? into th..811'1`: V ...... .. I uur`..11 :';.M.. ..`..-.... .a'u-.a .42.!) _..'-';1 ......... -....-...,....,.,........... , _ ` They. ave; playing .9. .' coti11ion,. said` Robin, jumping,`-`up. :?`G.ome, Jessie, I want you toda-nce withme. ' ur ...... .. ........, ......... .:........-n..1.-'.i- , WV In--V JV`. VV.'.`9?'9*.VV 3"-`f0v0"."'. . v _ . I am. a...,:V91.'y` `poor da ncer,.ahe.de- murred. ' T L '13utgRobin:1et1-ler; through. Whisper- ing his hiifts"6f what to do nexf, till ___;___: ____n:|,___ -__,_,__1_ L- -, Ual-l_) , UUBBIU run I: D_uUu,-a vuavu.'a.uu:u.u girl after all. If 8l1 e*was.'only togged E I like the rest; :91 :76!!! idI1'n_9d...i_f'.:ish0 wouldn t look.n1f:e1` ~ ` "I always; old._t11`ee_i$h,Q' .1 ' 1` W99,-`wen enough, sand Mother _'Cr g,` gently; but I do ho``e'.i Robin. v`von"t turn her headcomp1et_ey..': . ; . l What*'h'ad gotten into `Robin straw? ; He stayed with ..J.eas_i_e ,ti1l supper-time, .` and waited._on`he'r as `though she were a. princess- 3 2; - \ T4- in nnn ng R-in +3-nnlzn nni pnncess. V 1 ~. -A r It is one of_ his treaks, said Kitty, shrugginglher shoulders; %5.`f'.l`ha.nk you, Mr. Harding! I would like `some moun- tain-cake and a. glass of lemonade. - ~--A--J- --A--A -nn-nA1uc A11` l\` `unit IJi11l1'UUl3lU GOLILI. GI 5a.a:.: UL Lvsuvlawuvc ` The words were scarcely` out of her mouth when a wild scream, followed by ` shrieks and shouts, brought every one to their feet. V . A lantern had caught re and fallen.- As it fell, it struck a beam andrglanced o toward the hay-mow." In agminute there was an awful roar of ame; smoke lled the barn in dense clouds,and there -was a wild rush for the door. `you .___ _'I_ _ __...p. .a. ' VV1;D Q VVVLJ-`.5 I. uusa Q-Va. vn.n\4 \In\r\r-I Who. can describe such a. scene as that? Girls fainted and were dragged through the flames to the door. Terror and dismay rendered many of the men -helpless. A _ H1i`.n- 1mnn'.m:,~n n smlrn, cried Robin- -ne1p_1ess. _ For heaven's sake, cr1ed Robma 8h_-w, get everybody out! Kitty, are .u there? Mary Bainsl _ Where s Mrs. raig? T d - Four or ve times Robin rushed back into the burning barn to rescue some A one bewildered by the re or stupeed by u1\_..u. ...- 'I.-...n'I- J-Innson I mnfn In ' . .`?n t go back there, ._ Robin 1 Tom Harding shouted to him at last. Every- body is here. Keep ba.ck-it. is danger- ous ! ` A x'(T-_..}A .'.-.-. L lunuon inn an-it` 'Dnnr 01181 ' (`Jessie isn t here, he said. Poor little thing I . Once more he burst into that stiing place. The heat was intense, and the hot, thick smoke choked him. i ' J essieli _ he ' shouted`? witlr.-Pall his force. ,`; 'This ,vvt_1y_! Here` is the door, 'JeBSielf I::: -I '. I`-' " ' He stunb1Z_eii,i3icross{ somethi1'ig.Z..- In getting `up he turned and lost"hims`elf.e Smoke had shut o the passage. .... -...JI `I...-.--:14`nnunI` `nu n Dmunu uau. nu uu uu uuu run-oubv. = He turned around, sbewildered for a ` -.m_Joment,`_and then, still _- shoting Jes- lie I" he rushed across the` barn in the op- osite direction from that in; which he ladentered. I 5 - 3 -Ii) '. Robin saw instantly hisrtenfible dan- ger. Allabout him` was dense smoke, ` which blinded his eyes.: ` ..,'When he opened. them an instant, he `saw only vast sheets of roaring ame about him; A terrible sensation of suf- focation came over him. His cry for Jessie l was followed by a ha.1f-a.rticu- late one for help, and then he fell. ' 14. ...u.;. n~n111 n vnnirnnnt :thnno11.;i`Ii`. late one I01` map, uuu uuuu uu Lou. ~ It was only a. moment, _=though-1 it: seemed a century, before he felt 1 grasped by the shoulders, and someone aoi - said: T . Help yourse1f_a11 youucanl .I am not very strong. Th1s way! ~ A 1'.`l'n nvna nnInnr]n. hut hf: fnlf. V a.1i<`:_i: strong. `nus way: He was powerless, but he,fe1t.-himself dragged agross" she joor and 'then".he fell, or was draggedout o _ into a pile of hay outside," as yet un- touched by arksa _ 1 ' A dozen: V Water and. fresh air -revived him slowly. Someone was cooling his ._head;with ice; Your face is all blistere(1. . _said.;a:soft voice. I am so sorry! ., V . u'I'......:.. 9 `Inn aaiil '|1n1:1.~Ind-- f\`I`l".V hi: i iifsmall door - ds : seized him then.` V0106. "1 am BU uuusy z Jessie, he said, holding ` out his hand-, I am so glad you are safe. Was it on who brought me out? ~ . L he nodded. ` - u1\....9L -4... nu-nl-`Juno n'hn1-M-, +, '3 clnn bne noauea. . _Don t say anythin about it, she whispered. I knew t ere was another door. 1- heard you had gone for me, and "--and you know the rest! . Robin pressed her hand warmly. You are a brave__girl, he.sa1d, in a low tone. ' s . And J essie s heart leaped for jo. . The barn burned down`, as poor ather Crai said it would, but all hands fell to 1 and elped him build another, so that I ; there was not such a very great loss. By the time the new hay was ready-to omiln, Father `Craig was pretty well Kitty says that -was the most un- lucky dance _,ev.er,heard tell 0 ,v said ` J 68816, as she sat on old stone b atisftgziset, .watchin,`g; , `er. ; beloved` 01011 N 03 for me, said Robin Shaw, un- less I have made a mistake, Jessie. ; I saw ou rst at that dance in the barn, and have watched you sings we have -11 1.-.... -0. CIv1\Q1!.h .J\I1I.ll;G:t1`I and Lnave Wawneu you sump vvq uqvw all been at work ,-_he_ge;_bpilding ;;he barn, and Jessie, I (195 noA..gkn9,vv~:1q.ny gitlin I-iddoneld I we . tsumarry .0;-.. cept on, I Jqye you very mqch, J easie, and` 16611161 makezou hgpy 1f-- _ Robin'w-=oh;`?R.o in! e cried, bhrst- inginto-tears.r-H ` ~ i 3;\ . ~ `M ` "1113 lH.`.|'|lB|I=lIUW"lU `ll-1'!"-f"`V)V _Y"`". Q ;'-'j Ki.ttY.`Cr&i8 ?19t, f1'1".;i w."i J & ?a'a`"a:3w7ii. E? Dgnng-Plttu, 2`: `T?.`i": s-:.`.= L 'rn1:i_rn.a.u.!lI.I;LKL.& Lama 11 lobe VaVlvV ork [ D0n1l_i`1 lRIl7.._` Ei`i`:=:T;L - A . _. _ ,_ -'Tb=iht`e11i`gehthavo aright overo` ignorant--namely, the right of instruct _ ingthem.-Emerson. ~ ` K ` jAnil: bendln !AAJ_;Qvraor_ up to % He thatch fl _ u,__u1U nllllllliilalllltg T!` n ..,. -... somo?imptovi' '"ment to :" > I ' '~ arm e 7? % r Not . . AnIl1:6` rove n<-IiIi'A n'dh-antihm- or hiluint n - moms mlng m- pf-mm coma no nna_;_ 7 ; direction, or n Waghnt as rela;._natl,o_n;_to his mind. * . `B`< ` *a$.:'3':'..':.1:.&!*'"9*'*9n- *'%" !*.%~9*9 "~`?e`1`3.i'3`z`i'a'i`.11`.`..`e.`h**9e `` '1?he;mmt invi blemha had met;..- _A A . Andxh ggiit was jlnisainn to emgigxvhis on . ` w i this perplexing question yet: a'bit.o.ehirking' {he has ever sinee b'eei1 working 3 - " ' Yet. withall his application, to his great and `gee vexation, " . T ' ggigen 01: gas the answer he desires! " V_ .f`; _ Ontlie-problem.` with an ardor that n'e`er_ Palgyavv gvg pgq quavvrua no Van * 3.-. - . . ; ji.`}Q~"iii`1it3 . '1`yne11~i`n the-orainary wacygthere wqjgd 1\o`v'"'}Inn1r~. a+hvlr-`I-nrd-Q11? . . ` 4 h;"`~'b8B>nQ'tOfyZ, ~ -- .l DIV;-cl Ll-I |Il-IV \.I&\LqI.ll@ III-[VI-V VVMI s B`.WTQ11L.Y3 ._1.2ashf1.1!. and. ,.a1tho8h inf;1_i_`mo`sj:_ s"a.hgui`n`e momeiits he-hid so1}} e`mep_:_.;ancid : tha.t`; pie 2 ca. 74291 119%! jj119;1;P9Y91,..t*:t-V. J silfo pt1.;i_BWfa.te in the test, a.niI""1'ii-61$1}1b}y ne""v_v_`g>u1<} h_ave d to ask Ifrso `gnfe at. , npt been f61"{_1th;e 313;]: some one` -elise would jjhe; ; tiggs and take 159: away forev;f;::;:=_: '1 ';.I2ers0n _?Y11.Ji1'..:11&...f9:11id... logt 1i1 do_th1-was` %{o_u_11g'man_ theipgjgmhqng ssed_-Iwih affair share .of,tiine, money diid ._'g`o_o_'d _ I5Qk3.. . ....;r: .`..1....4, -in-r'v':hN 'Kn1-_4m`-' +11 mm`: .111 n`laA-`+1: ,P0*`E>ail`.om,t the"`b1ty 0 make . . A sp ,. . . to:Kn tyNV1th0nt:+anyhesAt&n9'.u;. I or coptaglog _,wh_a,t_e_v.e1-. ; =- wbman goonld with Athii attfactibs, Toin"co1 i1d' hot se, t a.nd`so,on the. eve. of a. "picnic which 1 Tom knew-thatwhp, Kitty: andrthe, to him, objrectionablo ygung man would all attend, Om made tip his mind that he must ask her at ,once, or perhaps lose K her forever. "A ii Li... ..J..._....-.2.-. -.n-I1;-near` nvnr , Strand. oom, \: 118]` I.Ul'6*VU.l'-, . e ;. , All the aternoo Tom ponderedover ! the words he should: say; but when, in A the twilight, he walked`. up the ;:path to Kitty s residence in Thornville, and saw. her sitting on the porch in her dainty White dress and scarlet ribbons, the words and his courage ew away to- gether, and left him standing almost V speechless before her. `n'a`m mxm -in the r-.hn:ir she offered speecmess uewre uer. He sat down in the chair she oered him besideT_the little stand on which lay `a number of feminine tries with the sewing utensils Kitty had been usini. "After the usual commonplaces ad 1.-.... --L4......nA 7I".-um tn-our n-chi: nn "Amer um uuuzu. puuuuuupzmuon unu been uttered, Tom grew silent, and tried to think of the words he had etud- died over so long, but he, could not re- call them. The silence continued so Ion that Tom ew/dasperate. itty, he an, recklessly, I m thinking of--of getting"-a cold empi- ration broke out on Tom- s_forehea -of getting to the picnic to-morrow. Qn am 1' 1-Anlin Kittv. demnrelv- getung 170 But! pwnu: bu-l.uU.u.uvv. So am I, replied Kitty, demurely, the mischievous dimples deepening about the corners of her mouth, for some instinct seemed to.-warn her of what Tom was trying to say. 0611- A11 114: o vdnnnnnf. unir T f.hi1l1(, Wnati '.I.`0In was crying w any. It will be a. pleasant affair, I think, . continued Kitty, after a pause. I hope so, said Tom, fervently. There was anotherlong silence. I hear that there are two or three loads ofyoungpeople coming from the 3 city to join us, said Ki , sweetly. That remark spurred om to action. ; Kitty sf plump white hand restedou the stand between them; He reached out toward it, but again his courage failed, and his hand fell upon a. scarlet-a.nd- black silk hand-bag that lay . there. He took it up. - ~ 3 i an .'.m. mm!-'nmi1inr with its nnnea.r- 0001; It up. He was qnitefamiliar with its appear- ." a.nce-it had been Kitty's almosttinseir arable companion for nearlytwo. months i-from the silver clasp on the b1ack-rib- ban by which it hung from her girdle, to the miniature, but lifelike gray kit- ten playing with a scarlet ball, embreid- ` ered in chenille, that decorated the side. - What ever made -you embroider a kitten onthia?-' he asked. 1(1 1--..._..'A\n-nnuuv '4\-run nn11 vnn lumen OIIUIIIBY nu umsuu. - Because `every one calls me Kitty, she replied. . ` . ' `-`Oh, to be sure! returned Tom. I ought to have known that without ask {nu " gt bright thought came to Tom 'ust then-so bright it seemed that he ,an- cied it an inspiration. ,- _ 2 -. V - . "You carry this with you everywhere V--.don t ou,- =Kitty=?vhe- asked. .: Yes. she replied ; adding, playfully: `H mg. -0.011 B ?'uu,".n:1uuy:: vuu aanuu. .~ Yes, she replied; adding, playfully: That is my pocket. We have to` carry" .them, because we have `no pockets` in our dresses now, you know., , .;- Don t ou? ] 1?ueried Tom.- I-didn't }mow; ow ' elikefit is1";he added, - 1_u|_ 1--`I_:..-`. .;L` LL... `I.:J-I-an an-.11 Rn- 0111' ul'UBIUBUW,'yVu nuvvvy ' , .- 1 1}1ueried I- didn't know; elike it brightly, looking` at the kitten, and de- lighted withthe. thought` that had come to It is beautifully done, Kitty~_l 1:11`... )1 -1...` -any-u1hs u'l2....in fl`!-gn-pun` W nun. ".|.u us Ucuvuuuuuy u Yes, she` replied, `v`Be;;i: did it for me, _a'nd`I_ do some sewing for her in return. 7 Herdwork -is beautiful. She visited` at G1-a.cie_ Graham's; You. remember her, don t` you? H11 - 1 -anus`-:13!` "I`n ha a {nun that in. remember net, mm D you: No, replied Tom, in a tone that ii1- dicated no regret whatever. A_2 :_ .. ..'I...-...A. &:mn' Lo ow-Ann {-11 an ulcateu nu ruxruu wuuw.vm.. And in a short time he arbse to go, much earlier that usual, Kit noticed. u17.u.a...n'-1... .....'.1 um-innav ma `ha 11111011 0311191` Iillv uuum, nwu uuuuvuo Kitty, `he said, seriousiy , as he turned to go, to-morrow ` be a. de- cisive day for me; all my -future will be decided. To-moi-row I -am going be ask the woma.uI1o ve'.to be.m.'y If she does not consent, I shall` leave Thornville 9g_ever. ` ` ~?.=K1ttys boa1:;a1most3'%tqasn1fau- 7 ytion ood'- ~ $11535:-3li`e>1?3=1v::.,itTom`vo;8as.:io1'li:fgoing ta`) ask hertobehisewife? A _.J'~`L- Inaunloann lmcin ' `lifllg ask nu to 06 um wuw And he,-having thus committed ` self, and asjt were burned the bridges : behind him ru sh_ed honie to put his plan my ~ ~m,,..;.1; J .urry1n _ _aoru _rs,"'e \ drevzea. ahegt of paper towar him. and .wro - ~ . ; DEAR Wllyou be my wife! 'I..ha.ve long. 1oyad.,youo,.bnto never. dared to tell Ifgahall ._,look for _a small HF parlor `window thm ';`[`Yom e.` 'Tq.'Jo' ' . - nH!.019-.%1.`F.`*1`P189bdhi*ir; no;-gang 50 W...` ._;i.. .9, "H: ,_,V. ;'j; ` o e '*`:.`?*`P1"i?E .".`.=K.'1`., P1omo'G-_mu.m3s.? ., . . o Arrived at thpigg-panda next any Iron: early `but -lost harm the. crowd. ore! he `could get jshe oppor- .?9 8112 *'m}`_*h9"`'m . ; lbroxereds 'ewhi9hJ3%i9t@!5- v < : ;`:1r=.-~:' z.r,::'!7'r.a`!3". ,3 f'`' v} , 2 ekiif of the oro'wd,_ `6111!!! _himael_ among the merry. workers who -....`.. nnnnnuna-}Il|'*llII\I'(\17iIdIn,])1g for eV9n.m3 . . .. . . ' there I shall 0Tu1 lov it is not I shan`;nwei`%trd,nb1 _ . ....;-..."'V='nn'.~-. atter we reacn nouns. V 11. e.me;"b 4 9 utu`. `1'11a"z`iil3`.;"z1" ":i'1;-A-"'7I')'L'1*ipgriai: +&inao`vv_th;a evening a, 1' h_<.>m.- I.` .1`? E9 +1m~m T .. .`hq1`I !vrm- love me: -"but If mmaelx among une_ merry wuz vgez-_e prepa.ringLthe`~imp1-ovised 'IUI'B W EU 1 table fox rnishd. ise prompt