BARBIE as-AN?H. 3 Av III as _-:-BA 34%;: DEPARTMENT " _ Deposits of$1"nn d%up4wudu received and Interat allowed. _ A _ -.-.-M-FOR T|'|E-- ---GREAT---- `DUNLQPQSTREET, BARBIE. LFOR'- The CHIMMAN. .- Ulllu onrrie-1 on ` _n')a.nufactu djfpnrt thus - Siona and nd create "That tl I duced or Ipecting t fforious, .v`. of rcmed '8!-"H8 (til neaa of L -with -Gre -`ts not. un {hose wh accohhm A,j.l ari -<;1x:;] IPec_t: of`? fa-IE NORTHERN ADVANCE, " NH-3 33 hbringing though i because ins if t been Ll - Im.l't.y, a `,.the Up ..Na.t.iona /751376, an tended` yI.uuLu I He L _ duced 1) ` Ami 187 first co others. . clussed ' still adh from L A Increase A-. combiu : make a. l _ portions nd equi Dy \.l|\Iu. `And J foreign Stmes of care in I `II- ... A T: i\` t."x.3-`. F . Etc co m In in. re$t)f\ib 5"!-ant` ah Iv. - -~-- ?Thn.t. six pctivc -3)` it the ear.- |1ch man ning A---4;.` nu Nth Gr in mg ' I'll MANITOBA 8GB_0_0Ia QUESTION. It was a. foregone conclusion that Mr, Torte : motion `on the Manitoba iohool question would be defeated. Hat. `nnticip ized. A `bad co V` away. f which '1 pmctic * was so `held tn 1; the Na. ;_ duatriq A tional challen ; atatisti great. i j_to th Concen .1\lor_1tn{; Shot-G Tr:-ale: ]_5etWer H -5. .*':a*:4 fgyin , incenti dultri onnme for all . WOPO ll the Na. 5 as bait witho Hal `IDA! LLB] 1891 2 were 1 tries Natio ` not taken and fo A person ; penden L7 the ho He th E7 put of Evoltima 5? that ggbout .r-7' cottod _oc1cnl: move 4-`- E %1 of the .910?` `.`~v`c.~ G539 UM |ueIch`year. V " ` 2 - I,` . Ou:-refnt mount. Ei`p`e.L19d- ;; _, . Ferhmeu" and Commnai MP9!` 9133' ponted. V . T > .f `Farmers Sale: Notes collectedf A Advances. made on Farmers "Sale; 1!.t-- I % > DAPl1'AI..b - - -_*4ou_dfpa.obo. .v--wvv v-- w--1--cg dsymornlnk. b % _ ,gg.91_Igpg. wnsunt. rnory.t_1l;_'r9g,.| . ..-.-.~..:.4_.. ._- -uL'.r _ should never be grsnted'.i"ii'8_"v`ride spresd .'. ,",. v . .; .,- ,3- mn ruse um Anvnnnsma. Among the eingnlsr things of this ever- 1 plunging, restless. pushing ' snd money- seelting age, is the _ poll!!! &do_p_t_ed by sdveztieing buresus and other sgencies to get weslth snd other . substsntisl sd- vsntsges st the. expense of the press. Every possible srt. trick snd device is resorted to best the printer end get the prots of his labor sttheismsllest possible. cost... The medieinessre themost notshl amsnam in this work-for-nothing gsme. One rm in this line is resping sn income of one hundred` thoiissnd ' dollsrs "perf"1iid cj`u`r which it owes .entirely to the _i9'uence of the press. yet it grudges 'the'" source of this 'weslth s 'fsir* rrenianerstion for vices rendered snd seelLs7-Vvith` ~ nnwes_`rl6d" persistency to but down l still -lower, while asking privileges is snuuavmmug 4-tin!-9'i th r-l-sl 3-0: but duo 1!: An 8 lice. 48 0olunn'NowIp_n'pu_-V. PllIIIIhOd'h1)lll the "Omoo. Dunlap Street Bu-1-lo.1ntheOo_untyot 8tmooo.thoPro- ` .vlnooot.Onuio.0cnuh..owry1'hurI- ` j_-'-.-__l_.... I... Interest a3._dd to the, Drinqiphl ,.t,wi__<;__e \ n such ivem-. ` Ii. I-I. 3&0 RBIS, MANAGER. . ..f.: . 'J=~"`('7` .., .. N g._a,.-..~.. .'m-`M1-nW"7" ma It may be some objections to signature in certain special cases, we think as a general principle it is right` and proper. In these days, when what a man says or writes is largely estimated by the amount of his wealth or his `social posi- tion,` an occasional anonymous article may carry more weight than if the writer were known, but as a `rule it would be better, if a man has anything to say of public interest, he should have the credit of his work, and if it isvaluless he should shoulder the responsibility. -There is nothing more common than for writers to say `don t publish my name. V-Oi course these writers generally wantto get some-` thing in the papers that is intended to- hit some .-person -in their neighborhood and `escape the consequences -of their acts`. The editors of responsible newspapers will, always consign` V such communications the waste paper basket, but if the signa- tures were published much `of the trash. which dlsligures some of our"`ownj"coui_ttyf; papers wouid disappear to the manifest` benet of the communities in which they circulate. Wehold it-tobea good-thing for all men who "write on public or contro- versial questions to attach their names to the articles 7,th__ey-`Vwrite. By the anony- mous `system many a man is deprived of the reputation his work` would give him, and many`~othe'rs get: rid of the 7o'dium from which their`a'ncnymoua writi_ng~too often `saves them"; We notice? th`at:--the` women who are-writinginr women ?in'th'e' Toronto },Globe* aretnnow "attaching their 'sign'ature"_s.'1 he7question i, one am 'd'e- seevguue `careful. consideration for ; cgi- nfailianjiewspaper men. -` . ` "From conversations which I have had with a number of newspaper men during the east two weeks, I have come to the cono1ueu}I'.!`.!.*`.'!!9 F39!` '!|P9!'*.-ant qua.- tion meeting newspaper` men to dayis that of signature and its resulting person-' ality of writers. The old theory` of the anonymous "in journalism, born of the libel laws of England-, and surviving to rule under utterly diiferent oonditions in this country, has been done away in a measure. There are thoseamong us who can easily remember the time when even the great vmsgsaines were anonymous.` The change began. . when the . Century ' asked its writers to sign. Harper-s _,` the `Atlanta and Lippincott s speedily followed suit-the first because it found the Gen- turv hsd the pick of articles. ` I aim... `L- ---l.I- ._-..-..- r,.u :..a... i:..- I IIIIIV WU UIIIU PIUI UI UIUIQIUI. Then the weekly papers fell into line,` the signature appearing, rst - with the poetry. The growth of the `Sunday edi- tions of the dailies until they praotioejly became what used to he meant by weekly papers, brought lth ` ii Blcnuture for, speeialtiee. such as the people outside of newspaper work who contributed articles on topics they were believed to be authori- ties on. From Sunday papers `signature is creeping into the daily editions. - u`I'.. F-mung nsnnnfn-A :1 4's`-a`:nsn5nncu IE vswwysus IHUV UK? `lfll $"`VuI In France signature is obligatory under the law, and as a result newspaper men have a chance of making individual reputations which has always been no- corded to actors. .smx urunn_s IN nnwsrqnnsle In the New`Y.ark J ournsliut of January 28th, Allen Foremen calls attention to the question ofeigneture. "He in asking for the opinions of newspaper men on the'ed- vieability or otherwise of` writere for newspapers signing. their articles. He says : A ' amen .-roo ooenv. ` _ - - There` nreieome things in this Cenede of dun altogether too: costly for those, person: who hn ve-connection -with them.` One of these in the ooet of collecting`: debt: In our lewheonrte and another is the Jet- tlement of an insolvent : estate. If pro- perty has to be told to Ietiefy the eleinu of oreditou, in most one: the hulk of it is need up-in tho -prooell of "I810 and settlement, and e verfunell pert goes into the creditor : pocket. `The Monetary Times of last week given on feoeonnt of the eettlementt of the-`eeltete off`Moir & Mills, of Port Ai-'thnt;!hy the euignee. 1`h_e sole or etoek.`7~Ihop"xtniei. h Clebtl. otd . WI! i $1,388; `The peynnente were 81266.10-vine todivid omens credi- , .. l?e"'7`" _?93. ',1`!I{4'RIt0 s`1fi 2"4a ; ` eaea sin`: _'3.9!59:M .. . . e V ellIOIh0d'.:e0l'=:_: V '_`_--.__..n.1;;. ~_._`__;:_.-.u;' .i if ; Q. to the pa. ation. tion oan;'tl9:4x'o(53fIn9l 1:*nsslol';'work; A con;-bi.Atn.;et tahnsms. l bjiQBIblC; ts; -T ` positively any positionto advertisers, p and totske,;not aoen t jthan regular rates for all ivork done,- would` be perfegt-- lyh justiable. " It` sh6nld_ as "5: '_h9dy memorialize Psrliamentto render` unlaw- ful a1l-F'suoh' * fakes as . " prize puzzles, missing words," and the. many other devices pubhshedl in news papers` to oheat the simple and defraud -the-:pu_bl1c. All. these advertised games are no better than` lotteries and other species of'ga:nb`li_ng, by which people are robbed of their money under the idea they are to get a valuable prize for a small sum. In the interest of honest and respectable journal- ism, the rights of publishers, and the good of the people, Tn: Anvmcn com- amend! this whole question to the careful | consideration of all newspaper men and XS ..... mof `mums or sunsonnrrion. )1 Per Annum in Advance. $1. 1' No new name will be nddedto the Sub- on List until the money. is paid. . . ` In here now in arrears for three months V and over will be churned 81.50 Der nnnum. -.. _'v.'..._---.3 uvu---win, _` W L11s.i!3 maim `of 0630 in l|O_..lOIliliD o!"`C1380 `aid the .n-&`.`.Ii.. . n.-`.. .1` '%.'n"~i`zi`a5x in .. nu _uuu_._.:uu;uu5gg or yaw Ina no |_diItilb_itio'n of gtor Ron:-are nor Stinbt th; i rean Au;ci- I ! ecl the death at a'fief9atelllvl5laldViator_iii the moat barbarous days of Ancient Rome. This demoralizetion. this union of; gambling and brutality, under the `name of Athletioa" and the manly art of "eel! ` defence" not _only goes without protelt, or but a. very feeble one, from press or plllplto. b "[8130 number of papers pub- ilIhll1e.dlaguating detail: of these ghts, round by round,`in their eolumna, the main e tendency ofywhiohia to blunt the moral 2 sensibility of our youth -and familiarize them with one of the worst faotora in social degradation. 1I.3:;Ta Ts&;.j.g:n.i'i1L? Tho debnto{`j';o1'Li on in pa:-lipmant 1 on Mr. 1\I.c.f.3~.r .f51 i`.t`I.riif. r.e-olhtionr that 2 on. Mr. John McMillan : ooolntion _ oogamendiug. the of Moorthy, L 'to~bo'P!'<:>I":3:I:01'ixi;t.lIo Grand Ordnxe Lodge of Weotern-Ontirio, -ih_1|.oo'alon at Orange-_ vi1Ie;~i>r"!-1-9. Me` was Iiv1:r`tourn-4 men. _ ~ 1'. -_ " `Boston hgs. `boyoln "atly -goqnrgod by ii6- T'.1.F.* .13.73` 4 '5' and $150,000,000` wot-tlggot.-I property. Thy 61-e'of 1889` aypt jtijg lllI0 quarter ant;-ilinei-1 Ibis: 0.! a6j.oo9;oop; ] am. _of` hot Fridny in.'thlo'.|nmg 1ooility'entgiled= -11:;-i of nearIys5:ooo;o00 with )6 ton of 1ir'Ii`Y'f|}PLd. 5 H9931 -.IP'.Ini `_!i.ui'.- ' 1Ja`u;-. 'x;..'.%'1z;.;,'u'%,.:>.`... 1 ..,. =. w.- mu' u'.' take -Hawdii: or',lave it alone. It .Wu14f5'1?"=fi'.' nd. iifar #0 WW0 it doh'_of-While Ben. . was Presi- dnt the" latter "chute vyu" not used `by 135 .1 r:I+I-.1`9i.1Ii~IfIi|i I. .`6n0n. ~ in 5 1vit_h- ~ driving. the` trgity his 1_-o'ndeud it - naoel -? u;ryv_-Y7o|;B1-Irthii man you "'h'sd um. 1odvathbb;i.ilnk!d.nlnb-- 9`? . L this House to express its dllpprovel of the notion of the Govern- : MGM; in dealing with the Manitoba. school question, and in assuming to he possessed ,o__f judicial funotions conflicting with their duty as constitutions! advisers of `the crown, which assumption `is wholly un- known to the law,` and if now acquiesced in will be entirely subversive of the prin- ciple of ministerial responsibility. , Ii, ,, `T116 Empire is an. `ungrateful to the man who brought it into oxlntendo and ` npmfighed `in: Gol`dwi'n Smith in to the ` oountrythnt protect: him. A The way. .the. Gordan Rolohetog in the `army bill. phone" 3 resolute in'depen'_d.e_xjo'efth'et' wlll make both Keller Wi1llun..enrl .hie.Chonoellor pause and 41.1; 1. ,' .;.:.g1{T second reading 6f: the Home Rule` bmjhu lili .p6tpohad unmet Eater. Thirty thounnd `Ulnar `women met the_ otliei. jdapyj jqsnageameqely . protmadg Aguinat thg palace: .of: the. hill. flvlr./Ghdntone' v-"--_--- - V - _ --- `CV1 lcaueing _t9fI_11 Sikej` 9 _.1.oa.d man,` and who lay fora long time my aatate of in- Ienaibility. A For this the victor got sixty thousand dollare,and the some loat and won in beta must be. very large The cheer- ing that reaounded through the building when this brutality was enacted, closely l-repembled the delight manifested ghen an enraged hullttamxee a matador in a" Spanish arena, or the cheer: which herald- __1.a_'- .a-_u_ _n-`j_n,_.-a ,1, as . 1 A: one o1"eho=.ig.ii of the times, it inf; annomioed; that than in to be a combine V` to leuen3th_o expenses of those brutal ox- hibitions sad so -inoreua the prots of their pxfontotern. And` this in near the end of the nineteenth century: ........'.?'-!'.""'7."" .. ..` . . ' r . .'1`o!v.n.Hg_ll.rOro,.Mu-oh 8, '93. i `The oonnoilmet .punn|nt-to ;ul'ourn- mom, tho.momb9u sl_l ppe|`ont.v-the ve iI':'_tho . .Tho>nn_nutoi of 11; meet- ing vfvere-readand-co'nrmed'." ` - ' .':u..`.~............-..oa...... ` ..-..1~ -' 6.35. "19 m Ill WUIU 'l'wu\| tau" uvuulluwug ' 9 o foinmnniutions o " from `R; w, Hodgkinnou oomplniinir ot The condition of * on-ouwsy.; bt.i).,T at 100. Mine oon. 11 and 12`, u'1&7._|'Ikih 0: -a- cunt of .. money to improve aid .|i'xio.T..L|id-oier till road mooigI-l9,It.p|`>ortioned. ` z V alias-nn__nnn-n,__ f\_.I ......i _ 301: motion`: Andoroon--Dmry-_-Ordered that 810 be placed In Councillor. Shaw : handy, tokbo by him expended for George R-n-to-d._ . f 1 motion. oi Andorion:-llolvon-`-, -Ordorod that tho 'l`roIIuroi"poy Tp. of of 014 74. how: but. in full duo for work dong on townlino Oro angliodonto iii`*18_92.~ ' _ - I__.!. _ _ . _ _ __ I1. _ Q I A on '. nltnraumfxt um5wI:n.'rn. " one of "the marked, chcrcctericticb of the precentidcyiis the inciecce of the most demoralizing . operations under the name of Athleticl. A 7' Pug`ilicm,= jcppnmntly under theccnction. of my `and; the protection of the"po1ice, is clmoctof daily occurrence at Athletic` clubs in the United stggu A few day; nae two brute: named Fltzsimmonc _an".`i Hall, fought before ten thousand cpectetorc, I Very 1-rue number of whom it wouldibe fair #9 pfeaulne had made hetc onthe result. The ght lasted fifteen minutes when Filzsimmonc struck 'hi,c.opponent c terric; blow on the jaw _-_._2__ -_I_!.,, L, 2- I:I_L- _ 3---3 Mr. Tolrte spent ve hours in speaking 40 this amendment first in French and then in English. He took the ground, however, that the Manitoba school legis- lation should have been disallowed which is the opposite ground on which Mr. Mo Carthy, Col; O'Brien and others who voted for the amendment took in dealing with the Government's policy. ls 7| III a I 933 I2 JKJIFHO ' ~'"i'io'.`b'i'duW9pn. lino2 and3,. 14...... `Ron and Drury reported an f_ollovn:~_-Ar: Clfhat we have received tendon" tor the oonlttnotib . lit ti` ` ` "'.'".'!."`;"."'.`?"_;`!?|` -xv Irnulzel 10 alpp .. bu aoh+%:1Ine,btw~on,%=snd--t:,a:': con`-A oouioulnt Oro, and ln.vg__l_o tho_._wrk_1;o_ 4...- __A_.A!)_ _, D II --:v.- '"".'.""1.`fv,`..':-r".'-')Iw','.`r.,* '13, W11? have lot thowork to. two purtidl, a follow : The ntyrth bnfldgo ..-.._,_- -_ ..v. .,__v,_.,u,- _.-r---- -1.. " , ` A The`i;ur' for .;i`cl.,if6z':e here ' given it clearly the ciah system of busi- ndss. The noun": we gun get to doing all"iIjg sud selling for-cash down the .betr' if will"b.3 ' for all cohcerned. The poo1f~tngn'a court could abolish;-d, apd Veveryibody w`9u!dL be btqr` offoxcept lawyers slid con`:-6_ ooials. Univ nwvll-Vin 1-VII Iii lIl`IllW - A of ` ' bu'i'!nn: Then '9 `.99!,;f`zP:;friIa-vector: f9_o`g:Uq1;,`tg_;;:_o,n_`.vin feel; for-L the 9 \_ln&I ___,-,7_.' .-,. iii'}:pa: oo{:L 3} iii}; in._a:f.6I`Jo. e")`.- SI--_i:':'a,k.e,f j;1'1f_r``Ei_i:',k}{` gtfj t1;_o> `tent. Iiiku ,_aii;_1 t'nxq,:;_no; .e;`ehoJ;in;ui:;noe, 'ilioh;1irize4 sic i`. .vi_o;pbui!i1v.d6uonad. ~-.V__..__-' .7-.. _. V- 1;;.:.;.,.';...i.{.;%:;..;;; ...... .;. .m ogllxio morrgbodn qr: :when his nib- sta_inoe`i 'a'w`al1lo.wod " u_ p:in ;thia_ hay. ' I l'`n_-'_____." I nnironxu. mxu'rs._ Arceiih} lablearraiiqininent by` Mr. Mc- Carthy of the policy of the Government` in trying to shit]: -responsibility on `thin diicnlt queation, by _..aaeuming judicial powera, and thus upping the foundation of reaponaihle Government, there -vitae -no apeech delivered during the debate more "8" W1 m'P1...'!!!;`!1!'.9 Q91,- 0'Brlen.7 'Hie'utter`ancea frank -and` honeat and unmistakable and it would be a bleuingif all our Parliamentary repre- aentativee -would thua eubornate the claim: of party to the true intereetiohe country. At aix o'clock on, Thureday morning after an ell-night debate the vote was taken on the emendinent and was loat by-a vote of 120 to 11. W ~ ` _ .' ,-; .. 3 : .'i ' . s h ,.vt;pok..t_I&Vp1'ineInd:If. Algae : uoonyd; A otof spopiqg__me9nm omhgnd.` .Walk`e'r'. S Calvert, G Perry, J H Cooke.` J .McKsy. .W I-lolmel, D orne, N Mc- quyn, 5 vuuuvyunn, vv JJIIlI'. J. JJIIULQ J Oeldwell. J Johmton. `Jamienon, D5 H, Mii_1ty`,~J Ouldwell..S Ourtih, F H_BIll, 1 J Hubhert, A S Pslk,`J' Onldwell, W-G Lu`ck,'J"K`ey J M_Syme. TBidwe`ll. H. Diiield, J hm..on, _N_ .McEwen, W `_ J ; Lii:k,` ,,J `V M_a.ddo.n,, J T `tompeon, Shanahap; . G ,C.'eld'well, ll`. , . .J_P_ne, G _F'n,Ier,_ W Kiuiok. James Smith, J Patterson. `J Guthrie. `D Brown, J .;Hn nt,- A Orittenden, J McNabb, R A"Oompbell, VN Gilchrist. JV Hudgo, R Brooks, W Sinclair, W Walker, R Stu-,' olnn, J _MoEeohe,1-n, J Gilchrist, J Unw- ford, R Ipgnpn, DWJ Burt. J Canton, 8 Bagahun, EA. Bell. W MoPl1ie, M Gil- lespie, J H01,-n_e, W J. Crawford. A Camp. bell,- l[_Tl,1omBon,. O McLeod. _jr., J Shaw, D Bell, . Allinghem, S H Bleak,` J 1` Home, N. Currie, W J. Footer, HG W;.~lnta,'J; S Litltor. J Rohertnon, H Leigh, J Anderson, ur., D Osmenon `E lhudlley, Oalman, J Leigh, J Elton, A Andenon, MPsidIeJ4dsm+ , Pound Kootjoru-' A Smith, P McLeod, Arch. Ron, E Bukervillo`, Alex. Brown, E Johnnon, J VMcK,en_xio, J Seymour, - J Jei1h'ett,' George Mo , .` J Bsldwiu. S O.lgu,pp%! 'J Qninlnn _ under. '1` Can- ,. I .. n-all .:l!;I1tIn.p\I| ' 1` 'I)_._._ 1' I--A - =0verseers`- W7 E 8her.v'ro`od, W E O'Br'ien,`-A Witt," sr., Joseph Gardner; W Kirkpstriok, 0 Moore, L Robinson, `Gf Osldjrell._- 'r., `A Graham, GAJ ones, W `Me,-V Lsrty, F , ll,'E A1lingl:sm,.E Ia`uek,'sr.,, W- Elliott, `J W `Csldwell. Johnston, R` Paisley, J KN Rouse. D Fletcher, E Bas- kerville, W Tsylor, W Grey, 1 Addison, J ,_CookbI_|l'lh `J Gillespie, -W . Forrester, I M Y0unlo-F Turk, MBesrdss'll, J DlHs's-` ' tings. A`Link, A Woodrow, J Thompson,` . D: Oszneron, J Jsnnett, ' J Elsinore, W_ Qns'il',.J Seymour, W Cooke, J Lswlor, F"I:s'yebek,1'l"0_sldvyell, W Drury, '1` Lack. T `I `nI 1A U "'.n`n-nnfnuuu T ' '_-a'u 3---- 1\ v.|!qyyv, If guluxuu, I! JJIIICII.'q II.` \}" nagh, D Livinnton. D Brown. J Jamey, H Pesrnll, F Csldvgoll, R Crook, A Woodrow. , `Faxes Dummoro. J `Mc- Lean, Lsrkm. 'JfAxfthu`f,'G Muloolm, '1` `Hum. J Bevin. -r;. ;A.`Rb`ai`I;-Jo.AdIIb. A ;0.s*!.; 1l1-Psi-lax; `M Our. J. Go ?98!h'r9Ii'. G,R-otli`. W Home E` mum, Jmoou, w MoPhio', 11 14 Clark. J Reid, 11 Shsw, W;J2~FoIt,O!.e- nn Inn,-un AG .A...1_..-- `l'\..._:.- -I-I k..-A Ben, `J Wm, no guvua, 1.: IIIICII, JV .Il."cII".p.`O:` On motion of _AmleI;eon--D:ury-;-`-The Reeve _end;_0letk W.Ol'0?IpPOil:|C0d` '3 com- mittee to 1-eviee'l'p. by-hue ; 4 k " N `tgneeiing at the-eulkof Reeve. _ 2'-:-"II: and approaches opposito lot 13 to Mr. Thou. Hendorgon, Edgar P.O., for the sum of $169. The south bridge and ap- proaches at lot 11 to Mr. Donald MoCuai,` Oro Station P. 0., for the sum of $109. the work in both cues to be oomplotod by; the full of. 1893. in nooordonco with uni -......:-- 1: .... _ ' i`Af1`>.-19'? -#pp9intl5a .tn,`.I`6;.i;" ' gizqmrueu of. Highways. Pound `Kopp-; eumd-1_?'onpoVieweu;:. ' = V ' ' J ustnow our Dress Goods counters is the centre of attrac- tion`. We show undoubtedly the -choi;ces`t; stock of Dress Materials ever shown a by any house in Barrie up to date. This is the general verdict of Ithejladies W110 have seen i our goods during the past few days. At 50c. per yd. we show a line of -46-inch Fine Woollndia Cashmeres in 16 shades, `also another` line at 35c., positively the best value we ever oered. Lovely stock `of v New Dress Trimmings to match all shades, very cheap. N ew. Frillings, Veilings, Laces and Embroideries. Call and see us. 'IC? I-II \JI J-9 I specication. .Note form: flle on epplieatlon. A Dnurrs Issunn payable in` all parts of` Canada , Great Bnt-sin, the United States of America, and elsewhere. ' T` 1 of A;nderson.-_-Shaw-Tho rolpurq wu1d_optgd.. A - _`A'o`oou'nt:`I.'.to_ t_h'9 pt;}o9n'of Ind-n"'n`A ' ' i Dnring The spast wee]; vve have opened _ a bigelot of new Spring . Capes and Jackets. We fhave . the very newest shapes `shown in, London, Eng- 1aji1dT,Ato.'-day. Lovqlyobby capes at; $3;50 to $8.50 each, Jackets from $3.50 to $9.50 A each'-7they' 1 are selling fast. . .If you want one you had better hurry. up. I Big stock of . Waterproof Ulstor with deep capes--4the very latest- from. $1.00. to $5 20 each_. Geo.Reedy. d d i.".:.-g3.`I om- 1-T5 is lled to `over- , with new Spring `Goods, Our- Milliners `and Dressmakers are all at work again, and the spring-` trade has begun wirthradrrush. Our Mill- inery "Opening will take place on Wednesday, 29th Margh. More aboug this later on_. 1'hePopular Cash tore, ._- .._ .__- vju-~v- QVUG J;:Tvi>i%6n.TTo.'31k- 7Wedding Presents! |P.M.unWIN, "#0111 ioio1 to jgo into Iupply Mn Taste moved an Ilnendmnt-. I ,;,jr;.% ms aa=4ms+ gm as S S U I T S Tcrchon Laces, the product of Saxony lace makers, also the new Irish point, all low in price. |Fraser, Clark 8100. JEbroideriA - gelebratedgwiss lfgrlzilsfrom the eSi8`11.'So beau ' ` - new in `3fi11a.1hgnA % tlful 111 msh as to Ipecti Ioriou `txve; Th: tari Ipeqt. ' tho I: Jtoms dom. are German made, :;,ij.*A%Imported Direct, and will be }_?1;i7;%4%v%A%%Afound correct in style A and perfect in t, % NOW FOR` BARGAINS IN,.i Chinqzand Silverware Seasozn; EMBROMERIES AND LAGEI Sir John Thonipaon ; spe.aoh in rueplyy _to Mr, Tu-to was a clever price of ;pocial plesding-and fully juities what Mr. Mc- Carthy has said of the 'Prem!'ot in the new `Canadian Msgazine. and A % MiSse 13198 1' A CHINA HALL `In aIlhe :Ldtet Designs in Patterns and Decorations. endless variety, and Price; 139 suit every pocket. (JiAI}:I&`i}A,51*I5D5SEE WHAT WE U`AN__fDO FOR YOU agogrtihqni of Boys Sulfa for {Ms Spring wlll be fqundi more than usually extensive V T Pllorns and Styles. wlll h tlio I-ovvbst yo} known the Rudy-made clowns I-~: m..-... com at ': ".:. .. ` .` ,z;.f:' -. 96V "9 sTocK FWHITE GOTTONS AT MILL PRICES. a_ndV Elegant choose from. -14-.` v____ T It would be 3 most intereatinw; matter to know just how many voted` on that occasion` in direct opposition to their conscientious views. There can- he no doubt that many from Ontario and other: pcrtlcns of the Dominion. ycted from {party exigency rather than from honest conviction. If -there were some means of dealing with questions that are not strictly party ones and `which would not necessarily involve non-condence in the Government by which all might `vote ln Accordance with sense of right we should have lees dishonest 'vctin'n "'c'n`d` much better legislation. L V ` V