conom; prinoig once; ' table 0.1 ect: 801 4-nyngo ` UUU'n.`.'-.'.`.U . 7'9 . , `, . andhow" 6013316 ha`.ve takenfa; better way to insure it`! She `had not a. doubt of his; goal =_'(tg_atamen1;ary).. intentions. It was not for me, at hat early stage of myaections--,before. I` had even1ma.r- rie_dher-to contradict: S0 hy nor, in- deed, have I ever breath a word of -:`nuq'I-\`- 11-ml:-\ I-`run or-nnnnnn .'Du-I` Tuning- ULLIJUB lIl.I.llI_& IJLIPLU LLYUQ G Ill!` 1216 longer--'-sa twelve hours-`-that those bonds would ve, one to the banker's, n`vu-I 11:11 Ann1 nu II-an an-nl-A-n-I-5 1nnu1R , LIGVU cl. UVUI. ULUDUILVQ II VVULVI Ul- jamt upon the Tmatter. ~ But I some- times think if Uncle Lock had lived a. lit- ;.1...1..-.......... ' _;..`;.;..1.. L...`. ..... '. 4.1...a. 4.1.--- 'UUllUD VVXIIIIJL LI.G'VU_ UI-IU IIU III-IV-U Ila]-IEUI. B, and his `.`desk an its conten would ~not~ha.`ve been quit `so valuable as Iegagy - as. I ;-found. them.-Ja_mes:V Payne,` 1n Short Stories. . ' T ""'nua _ip .(3ounte1:f;l;::W_ A T The pa er` mone pof the. United States is t e 'leg.t tlsome in the _.....`l.I H ......I LI... ............'..`L.\.. `.8 .. ..A........_ world," said the proprie`_t__or_ of a money exchange. " That is " because -this Gov- ernment depends _entirely upon the in- tricacy and elaborateness of the designs -on its notes and certicates for" mac- tion against counterfeiters. . ` In oreign countries, `on the other hand, much effortis to making their cur- rency b_ea,utifu1;with~ icturesan.da.rab- ` esques 1n the classic style. 'f'Not only the ,` results prgzi todooks at, but they serve their chi _ urpose better, for` any engraver will te you that real art W011! On a`bi1,l-.i8. far more diicult to `imitate than any purely. ',mechanica.l' eet; no matter how complicated the latter,~m`ay-~ be nitide by ._'_th9, geoniehic`. `lathe and other `devices. " .1 1r._:. -|`_-`.:_`..;.:A.-`.1 . n._11 __'_..._:_.-4._.. -___ ' ICIJIILIU D11 VJIILIUI \.I.UVI.UUHu `-` Most .be8'.j1tifi1l `of-`all papef notes those issued` in; Erance and Prussm. Here-is `a. pretf ' Austr1an"bilI for 100, orinsg pnnte ,in blue ink; with the `design lmaiply g,ompo;Ie,d' of two large standing` gures `or bherubic `children and an nvnfl nf nhildrnn- n hands. A E01115 UI- ' V=1UW' ` 101' 'I.aLlU' Ul.'l.lHnl.l.l_Ul.lII' ` Er ;?.ion of .curre_ncy,-but A `it is? zboth ftrngwand handsome. V` This ia Russ'ia.n:' bill for. 100 -r`1'1bles',1d`one' .111" pink and _gren.? Hereyou have a Scotch 1 `note; issued" by the `British Linen Com- -nmnu uylm-ink nv-h`1m-Inna f)\,.i-no.9 DE nn u- aumuuxug UL ULIUL BIIJLU vuuus vu. . '1`_hat seems-a. queer notion fxomb our mint` of view -for -the- ornamenta- . 42--.. .5 ____.z..._.._ 1__.A.`.u. .1- _._'L".:...1_ oval. ,0! children's he'a.ds.A i`}?, v%``iZn"{)r 5*Zase3Ec3"7` aii`3.-"`o`z1".i`i mand. _In Greg: Brit_;_a1_n he privilege of issuing pgtper` money can? "be obta.ined by corpoxanons other than banks from the Government. . uxr-__ _._-11-_..-,1 .. ............:c..:..... ;..1..;....- 4...~ . gether u on the water mar . UILU \IU V U! l..l.l..I.l.UL| Us - You willfneedia magnifying glass to` examine this .note.with. I, is ..Irish_. The words "one pound are printed alross it in big letters,` but this broad stripe ex- tending from one endto the other of the document _is a curiosity. ' To ` the ~nak'ed eye, even upon: scrutiny,it seems to have no. signicance,` but whenmagnied you will perceive thatit is wholly made up of the words `one pound in microscopic letters. From the supercial appearance of the Bank of England notes you would suppose that they could be readily imi- tated by photography or otherwise, in-V asmuch as their designs consist of very little more than lettering in black that is almost severely simple. But that great nancial institution degelxlids alto- ' g of its paper, w ich is wonderfully elaborate, as you can see by looking at the li ht through ` it. This water" marking ' . `been imitated, but never with success. Ill-IUIII Add \JIDIl5vn. 155:. A alone, when the 1`:r3e"1vio`;-g"re'v;'i';:-g all have matured, the .annual product ...:11 1..- ........ An nnn nnn .m.w.A. .-.4 H1-vln The prune is.a-.V.r;3:hard tree and will grow where the t ermometer touches zero. It favorite habitat, how- ever, is a temperate climate, with a` warm, generous soil. It is -estimated that in California, in ta Clara Coun- ` the tr now growing n11 `hang --uni-nanny` +1115 ovninnl n1-nnnf. uruuurum ULIU Dtjulou Lu uuw uxvuu inas Va.1ley','.in the` San Luis Oh (`Anni-up nu I-`Inn non!-at-n Elana nf anuu IIHVU Luuuuruu, uuo uuuuns pxuuuvy 1vmil}`be over 40,000,000 pounds of dried` Thee` `most extnsfve single prune orchard in the State is now 1n -the Sal- :_4_-_ 1r..*n-__- -.2- 4.1.-` Q..- 1'..:.. Akin- W01? gllglvwu Uu psuug uvuun, uuv Inna nun grown into distavor . on account of the tendiancy of plums to throw-out suckers, .andothe'r sto-.`ks,. "the mach, tho` apricot, . and`, lastly, 1_:h`e 'Myro comg intq usfe,.`j-LQgidon an _.p1nm, have _, 111813 vuuuy, .111 um Duu. uuu: vuu: County, on the eastern alo of t e coast ran , near` the Town. 0 Temple- ton; -In t orchard there are nearly 800 acres of prunes in one body, con- taining 324.000 1 The rst xrunes. 1-no-ma nrafl-ad nu `l\1I`II'lI afnnlt 1511114: in hill vvv vwv-vw 324:)-Ooiztees.` . rst'sr1iz'x3s. were grafted on plum stock. but 15 ' hl nnnun-u in!-A Rinfnvnr nn "'nnnn11nI'. nf thn ' L 2 The Empress-`of aerma"`y7is` delighted to her three ybtinger sons with her _ , oncogmoro,` Yand they are equally de- tobe with their mother. , -_ Prince; Eitel-Eritz, and Prince Adlbelft are at Schlosa Wil- 'l-n:'s'I~rn`:hn'Hn haixiv Hanan} 1'D}1AI| thnv Am he s.hohe.:n9ar Ca-ssel. ~w.1.1ere they are to,'.remai_1_1 fer the present. 5A ivory Eetty jst<">_Rl is told . about _..the. Crown ; lnce: . _e . princes .a1wamh.v`eTa Bible lesson. from the cheap . in` at-" tendance every Sunday; an `one day, at HQ L'I{lIIUU EVICIIIUL I! Ev WV pvuavuu VI 61!` 1 .Norderney, the revererid gerrtleman ino ' '- formed the three little boyi. that all men _ : are `sinner-s.~ Dopyou mean to tell me that papa`-is a sinner?" said the Crown ?r"ince.* Yes,. answered the 'chap- 1 l "forall men sinners. That . may be~":aaid His Imperial Highness/ . bntl irnow that my mamma has never ififll` gun-J. gum s1nned.". Kate-:X1:x::l;(a"i'; ;`:y<;'1r:;1:::vho has suered a `goat deal for` her beliefs. inns:-in-I nurvnnl . Thad-, IISIA has M. ulnuruu is real: nun; 1w; ucu; uuuuw. H-Sfu:'gn--`Ao;ar'me! What are her be- e : r - - - "I7".A.- . 51.; 1..A..'I--can n'InA' Gavan`. n 1`{t;.te-She. believes she can wear a 1 No; 8 shoe.on~a.:No.: 6 foot, and a. :38-inch --...-L .... .. on Jun]. cIvn:n`- 7'D:-uni-nn (Wain- JNU. 0 lllllli-UH l'Iv.LV Ur ll l:UUu, an a aulrrauuu corsej: on a. 80-`mch wa.1st.-Boaton Oom- m.enc1ul Bulletin; . . v. ` - . V - B;'iggs- 1i}az7}1fp6{Bsa to Mm " Mgzreypengf, the other night. L T . '--'es.` ' . V `~"Hdw-,di1;f`y,ou'cbme out with your unit? T` ' saved m`oat` o i`t. LC1ot`hie;'- and` I`|.___.:_I. .1... ` \U:7IL`.V|I>_ I:I :;vusA-IvJ]`."A II` oti-t `hm A. % di1uIf VIII .. .9..' 5 ,tfainWv,ht,to.. lpxrvjgle. and: they, ..m;"a;a. an I -can-n'ah: nH`1n.'s"|-n'n.`I'|;13'I'7I'|'1:_`_'.'N ." rung _vypu_w vu. . 4 sadxee: 80.18` 33? ? . tvimonyuid-the Vvriaoner. - 3 "Thatisn ta-oriIne.r:: ' V '`Yeo,.itii. 21:11 ected~to-kill;myrIt wi,1b9f9r; %.=my.-qcon E conomr, 91 PAN.Y`1.v- ' VJGDIK auu IIE VUIIICZIIT ill J 515. `32 It . is Y1+3 .- ` , .1adA(t:.;f-.'};j;2..;*.a..iJT->Iv1'1'ney)+I hope vZO!'.1fe,go;t?-t ge htvftrmp. CU."-_~;_;" 1.1; Y ' kk`, K::e ere-I-1 iw}hza;n'hesuyva cad.t9r.:`thotit_time;g. `21`ht c:- hb::iunxfut;'%ha_aftbuhlw*1iain _ __ ll 4...._n'..-.-Ia .-m.-z-a 0.0.. u;_RT'l"}$'- I.=.v.s=.uv-7!` W-W` *nii19,_ rs if this 9, .'t}10yI,81l . 5 5"~ `? 1' 8`**`" F`? *? ??`83`*-*'?YTY?. Slut"):-e d_ for Her Beliefs. .n`n. me. _-`.__-._pnn-_..._..__.1.. What Was Left. . Miklig Sure. Ln n-.. _ ______ F vary. A . __-."a_ 1.; `A-_.'C T PruniTSs.W :All accounts that have been rendered 5 "four timei-and .over will. be" placed in this`- ! oolumnj for sale. V Any one who cdn take - advantage of 'a.ny 1 V of these accounts'invite d to call on us 2 3 -Anv`ANcn Oice. ` T ' The .foHowing opersons Are indebted to this `office to the amounts set opposite their names: . , W. J Conron. Toronto . . . . . . . . . . . .3 4 36 M Seth Snmmersett, Barrie . . . . . . . . . . . 8 06' ` Alex. McRa._e, B C... . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ll 67 W. A. Lennox, _ Toronto . . '. ;, .` . . . .` '24` 7'0" W.W. Butcher....-.....'.v . . . . . . . ..2725 Joe. V. Lazonby, Goldwater . . . . . . .. 2 54., Alex. VVe.1la.ce, Stayner . . . . . . . . . . . . -8 50 D. C. H." Watson, Toronto. . .A . . . . . . 10 66 T. "R. Purvis, Toronto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 45 L C Smith, Coatioook . . . . . . . . . . . .. 15 40 J. B. Griiths, oMidl9.nd. . . . . . . . . . . . 10 95 A Robertson. Josephine. . . . . ., . . . . 12 22 J. ,1`. Flint 8; Co., Rock Island; Que. 3 66 Leon Caisse, Toronto` . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 32 W. T. Barker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 20 Henry, Johnson 8: Lord, Burlington, .v+ B _ , , , . . H 7 42 Ara ::oi:apo1iudd'withthb`fvii ta: % xgeneral usefulnns adaptability. lfhey are composed of 2 the. purest: vegetable a_.pen'_.ents. Their delicate nrnnnv _ nnnhnn 1xr`I'hlI'| 1-Lnilu R~:n_ '_ VSVUCIIIU GVUIIU -c inn " m"ioh,W;dWvi:` .5; Ymmh, pr..rv.. their_`fuJ1medioin`zilva.lue andi makes` them to take,`e'ithereby old or .y_oung.A . or constipation, dyspep... sin, biliousness, sick Lheadache. and the common derangemente of the Stomach, Liver, and Bowel; ; ale? to check colds and fevers, Ayer's T): .. u 11- Lluuuu, Linvuasuuu, 4.`. .1. Sohn Bnlmer, Gravenhurst. .5. Lorenzo. Ball, Goldwater . . . Joseph Cooper, yelpaton . . . John Coultor; Toronto; .' . . . . . Wn1'.'Ca.mpb`ell,Eur1-is . . . . . . . . J. _G1fa.ha_1n, Anton A. H. Dewdne , Toronto. . . . 117.... 'n._`_1 _.. . '..... :.'. .1.-- DIN uuu unuulu, u.u\.unuu. . . . . . .-. . . An'i1a'Gilch_rist. Steelb ......... .. Joseph Griiths,`J_osep,hino . . . . . . . J a.r'n6s Gunn, Hilladale. .. . . . . . . . . J oshua. Guest; Toronto . . . . . . . . . . . W. S.` Hyland, Guelph . . . . . . . . . . . Thou. Hurst, Pagkdale . . . . . . . . . . . Eli Holmes, Toronto. . . . . . . . . . . . . John Hirona, 3`-reiifell . . . . . . L . . . . . Thou. Langma.n,'1ate of Midland... James McCn_eight3 lotov of Mt. 1 Tania A `5DA:ii'::feT'v,"f1`ofQht5.`. Wm. Dunlop, arminater. . . Qnnhnn 1' III} IJUIJIUP, V7 GI. IIIIIIDIJUI o Stephen Gzinton; Midlad u `An'ni1n'(1Hn}n~inf. Hind: , _ , _ _ `other, cathartios, the eect of Ayer s Pills isjto str the excretory organs and restoreto 1 them their regular and "natural ac- tion. Doctors everywhere prescribe them. , In spite of immense compe- tition, they have always maintained their pdpu arity as a family man- cine, being in greater demand now than ever before; They are put up both in vials. and boxes, and whether for home use- or travel, Ayer s Pills. are preferable to any other. Have you ever tried them? 1 UDHDVB A.VL\a\u..V|5a.nvg swvv V. an-vv v Louis....'.'.`...V..'. . . . . . . . . . ' J. D. MoMurchy, Lindsay . . . . . . . . . Joseph N oble ; Spencer,lWis`. . . . . . ` John Nolan, A__lexa.ndra;"D'a.. . . . . . . y John Orser, late otv . . . . . . . . A1ex.Primrose; iApto. ; . . . . . . . . . . . Mrs. Bernard Phillips," Huntsville. . . John A ,Perry,- New Lowell. . . .. . Geo. Ritchie, Into of,Ivy.... ... .. .. Wm. Rggnshgw ._. %ta._ er.,,...... . Wm. ng;a,13u;l u % V a -0001 V1>re pa.:e'd'byV1.)r`.'J. c. A}&}& cog, nmn. ' " Sold by all Drugglstu. ` Every _Do's6"Effectlvo 5 A `n..mes.:of`; raons indebted to thii p`1ce;.and.whow not. avitheir `indebted -"E -0- ` . _.-__ _'-:n 1.- -.:.1...: 4... Mg. 1: pice;._and.who will not. av itnel 1 ness. will bendded to .th lint. Ax%r S P` S .. .. 1 I1 A...`-.blV.n>`l'.nw1;'I`I.'Il'A..n~_ slmlrm Em] 5.. _L. .`_L-'.'.'} in .. -nc;-nc- m ' STAM7 ` ?S.f`%}%`` ""': ``e`3V ' '5 __ 2`:`:,`v. .' - -' 3 ' `,. . " '; ' , ..,,,`.,-,,:.. _rv _ _..;:.-.:'5._.. .1-; ~ . I u.` 1.: A ._`o `nuNno13'sniau:r. ,3: , .. E" f` iN0m`.:;..,aI . 3 IS. Are the Best J.\cu=ILvenwEL|;.* s_ "W . .. 2 80 ,Lindsay .. 7 00 >encer,AWis. . . .. 7 50 rs.nX':;"D'u.". 1; % >t-- gun. .. Apto0.;.. co` 7 illips;Huntsvi1le.... 4 90 New Lowel1....7.... 7 13, a of,Ivy............A 6 50_ _er,,,. . . . . . .. 654 ;IF` lI.'. ..-.:.'...og 1 s-% W--'9!-T kt "this '1 aootnm .-`= *5 =~~.`-.7 . `;L`:" rust uonruejag AIIVMIOE J '1 _ 'Al)vA`N1i:'n';1"s'A' cxnwm non - -or noun-nun nmmnnnnm T - - ~ om: corms. ` - Ill doblothntot th ; p.p.i-`` ' snqtinu gcon mm north (12 lines solid nonpu-all make one Inch). . Elrct ineex-htlon, 10 cents per line. Egch sub sequent insertion. 4 cents per line. Reading notices, 10 cents per line for first` In oertionz 5 cents per line for each subsequent Insertion of the same matter. All items under 5 lines of this character charged as 5 lines. u-,-,-e 4153-1-` ___J ru-_-___.-..s -41.-A-Ola. 0 UB1 01. uuu IJunL'nvvuL' uuunguu. an up Aluvlwu Legal. Oloisl and Government advertise manta will be charged at above rates. T OOH} 0'1` ADVHEBT7 - 7187 ING. Contract advertisements will be taken at th following reteanwhioh are drafted on oorrect oommeroiol p oiples, and. as they will be strictly adhered to in making new contract` otter present contracts expire, there will be `nnlv mm urine for all: utter present 00lllil'BUli I` only one nrioo for all; i 8Inches............_ I 7.. -1.-._ 1 lVnInwnn C. j.||\a`.|(.;9 n u u u - u - - . . . . 5 Inohgs, Column. 10 Inches, Column 20 Inches, 1 Column `For one month-the three monthly rate with 15 per oent. added.` `For two months-the three monthly rate ,wl_I.l_1 10 per oent. added. ' 'Preerred positions in the meg will be _ sold at an advance of one.-third on 5 ve rates. This rule will be strictly carried out. _coN'r3._scfr CHANGES. Advertisers will please bear in mind that no- tice` ot- -1ntentlon-- to change` advertisements ' must be dedinto theoiilce not latex-than Saturday a 10 o'clock. and the copy for such change must be in the-Anvmcn omce not later .13 o'clock noon on Tuesday, in anyvweek; o erwise the advertiser's announcement may , "not he made public until the week following Advertisers will not be `allowed to use their :'.".... .`::...';`.'.`:n. '1..`...F..E2.`.`:l%1`n.`3ao`$ '"'rogu1ar`"' "'?iTes.""ia`3`&'1 "'b'3`y"ao'"a'3. wn gransiont rates will be ohm-god for such sdvor u-Inn-nnnf UVLIJJIIAIDHAI any v -A.u:.nn:-a--.- guy- A Condensed advertisements on First Page such as Wants'of`ul1 kinds. Lostrand Found. y for Sale or to Rent, Specic Articles. Propert E,to.,Eto.. must be aooom nied withthe cash. nut` urn! Ra Immu-I-.m1_l` mt innm-tinn- 2 manta I'l.'II|lUl'll l.Ul' D319 III In) Avvu v a.-no-v-vs. 9 Eto.,Eto. ;i;dyvvVi`t-h.the and will be inserted--F t insertion, 2 cents nnh um-ma `gunk nnhaumnnnl-. Inna:-an, I nnnf. "now and `F111 08 1nserwu-1-`Iran muuruuu, 1 minus per word. `each subsequent insertion, 1 cent ' 1' word (names. addresses, and gures ooun as words); but a. reduction to 1 cent per word wlll In mama whnn than number nf innm-tlnnn of the words); out reaueuon no 1 cent per worn wm be made when the number of insertions or the nine matter exceed FOUR. Out: for Advonlsemenu must In every case be mounted on solid metal bacon. ULIIIIII Iulnunuu-un Inn blur u--_-__ .. . For Sale in Barrie by Geo. Monlzzirgz-1 and D. H. Macharen. Druggiats. I l1l`I\ [Fave storm ULL HEADA |-| uaypuuuuvuu .... ..._- _-... Onego Ie gatarrh. WI work w6'nders. -Pric 50. at Druggists. Sent by mail on receipt 0: nrice bv addressing _______ THE um asums AIIBTIIINEEII % G. R. F O g, 'HANDl'oE8 ALL -KINDS OF AUCTION gAIaB8. Are a." V V Inlty,'a.d lee Intending to have sales,` consult th awn interests by placing th_eir sales in his hands. OlICE-Noxt door to J. Galbraith ; nearly opposite the Queon n~and Barrie Hotels. .1 n..z-_. has .5 61.; AnvAunn nnn will ha Upyuuuu uuv uvvu 3 an uncanny nnvvvnnii l;l'.0:-den lot: at the Abuse: omoo will be ttandod to. 35 G. R. FORD. Uc. at Urugglsns. bent uy u.u.u uu ..m.o.,... .. ` rice by addressing cum: cuzmlcii co,.usa Aneulna sT.Wsr. mom ` ,_,,,n- I__. 11-- Il -_I......_ A-3 `I1 NOTHING LIKE THEM ON EARTH. ' They produce a natural fresh pink color" on the oheeke and lips. The most remark- eble end the most perfect of all health giving remedies. The greatest of all esh formers. _.__-__ ..u. ._ 5.1.2. nn. WILKINS Red IlJV\lJV-0 Luv Dav:-vvvw vn u--_ ._v.._. They purify, enrich and strengthen the blood. The only safe, sure and certain remedy for all those `distressing complaints so peculiar to - the female sex. They act promptly on the relaxed mucous membrane of the digestive canal, and in this way restore its functions; Pale people using these pills rapidly acquire a beautiful, clear and healthful appearance. - ` Price 50c per box, or six boxes for $2.50. sale by all drugqists, or sent by mail on receipt of price, by addressing _ lxcuxon-. FLETEB...,RWLEE| No. or Inches nnnn ` '9`; `In! % 'rll```PiiB:`iln 5`9Ioutd n:wg;v.&; wvgams ` ll Wu-=`ir"2r;*-=~. `$1 "A->"t".i %m..n"i DR. H. P. -`W-II.3KINS,Toronto,O. ` ` ' " 45-1y`. = - . _ h,,,;,,;` . . ;e_:. s~- - ~ pa'jia;rIancmnn fg`. hbwwmn,` FARM s'rocK SLAE_S uni. gm: mints. ooxnnxsxn .Anv'nn'r`xsnun:N'rs. LI`..4__ __A... -_ `.I....L Blood ?|*'F2|5 8.00 per 3 taking e made. `|(;:,1l;:)|1 ;|;r .0 :7 ooi PRIOI I 13 1': El Pills. . DIOXID- elm-21* - 8600 1400 Tn: onnlsnu Auvnnos -STEAM- [PRINTING Hausa, I23 DIJNLUP 8T.. BARBIE, `HA8 UNRIVALLEU FAOILITIII PROMPT AID TASTEFIII. EXEGIIHOI )BKlJ|l1H'llNTllE. t-I Vreapoctfully solicit an opportunity tofurnisheltimnteu forallkindnoi work mm the style. of printing, not ouuas, NOTE HEADING8, `LETTER HEADINGS, MEMDRANDUMS. WEDDING IITVJTATION8, D WEDDING cums, VISITING OARDI. MEMO BIAM CARDS, ' BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS, `POS'l'ERS4-Pla1n and Ornamental. % npnelms, Sarrie. AT TOROITO PRIOII QUIT cum Dmms, ASSIGNMENTS or Monmmn AGREEMIENTS or EQUITY or REDEMPTION, ` `STATUTORY muss. Emu LEASES, RENEWALS OF OHATTEL Morcraml. nrwmnan or ASSIGNMENTS or ` onumn uonrewn. % pssrmows or -rrrnn, no nrvlsxbx ootnvr BLANK8. MAGISTRATES BLANK8, k sU1uzoGAm ooum BLANKS, OONSTABLES BLANK8. Blank Form or my kind printed to nllnn ' ` ' IPMKEI Illnseronn 9'`'[' `"7" ""'`? 110:3 189:3; the Proprietor, 5. Wesley, oentllttheomoeg (II feat bylllo` poitpeld`, on receipt of tin Lima - I booniat may but One Dollar syoouy ruuuu -""`!n thgontv of and an ' ` ` `tho gigduhtjoh. '&w=sImnhn:ner and --0l`_ OIDIBS 01` ALI: OLAISIB 0l'.- MORTGAGES. OHATTEL MORTGAGES. smmmcm-s, BILL nuns, NOTE emoumns, LETTER OIBOULABI ICETIDIIIQ Afullllneof` BLANK FORM8" Alwsynkeptlnntook OHEOKS; % A onmms, ENVELOPES. A full line at :11 what. I'll IOITTI LDVLIIOI ORDERS or DANCE MENU CARDS '--ron ` mclgj MORTGAGE. sALno1i'm1m Hons}: Luau. smrns, no. YDT. = and`: s1ocx. nd the made to my If U ll-ti As there are .In'ine men who are al- ways known by their Christian James, or Wi1lia1n,_ 0l'._Bn0b1't-33&nd,;, others with whom their friends are more ` familiar still, and use those names ab- brev1'ated--Jiin, or Bill, or Bob-'-so there are men who might have had no Chris~ tian name at all, so little is there known, of it; except when the `write it one. check it is never in_,evi ence, and they are known by their surnames only` to the end of their life's cha te'r.i Of such a kind was `my Uncle Loc Few of his acquaintances, till they. read `it on his tombstone. i were aware that he was christened Richard ;. and if his mother ever called him Dick (which I doubt), she was the only one. ~n...... 1-u o Hmn `ha was mnrad. UNCLE L06K s LEGACY. she me omy one. . . T `Once upon a time he was married. though I did not know him till he had been a widower for a. quarter of a cen- tury, but his wife never_ addressed him by any other name than Mr. Look. The only parallel to this within 111 experi- ence is the case of 8 lady of`. tle who` speaks of her husband as my lord," but Aunt Lock never got even to degree of familiarit ; she never called him my Mr. ock nap ropriately ._ --_ .4. 2,... Hum mama 11`in!`A i'|m 1; (mm; uegruu UL , nun. .......- ........-.. I':ock _ ropriately enough, for they weremore `kc a com -_` mercial rm than a married couple, but I amsure she never ventured on the ex- periment. "She died after a few years of _ wedded life, not of a"b r'oken"heart," for she was not of that kind, but rather as me who. having had enough of the bus- 111688 of life, retires from it early. She . was not an attractive erson from any point of view, but s_ e suited Uncle Lock much better than any one, includ- ing himself, had had aniidea of. as he was, and harsh as- e could be,~~he sincerely regretted her death, and. what seennedi curious. to men) P99 .16.. nshqwed it in a very sentimental fas ion. a matter of fact all of uh who` are not ab-. solutely inhuman are actuated by -senti- - uwxlt, and those who deny it, at least 21>` much as other people, and the more . ...\\um1\nn 4-`Inn no+111`n1 amntihnn,` XVHS IIIIPOSSIDIB, lnueeu, LU]; urn uu uuun `it if it existed at all, for amore de- 11i;,rhtfu1 child than Sophy Mayhew it w;~..< icu1t`to imagine; nor would she lmve seemed capable of improvement, ' had she not become the most charming zuul gracious of young women; ` ' ' \X7hu'-n `her nn.wJ.`I1`I'.R'{ed. IIIHCH 8:3 031181 p| 1Up1U, auu. uuv guvsv we repress the natural emotions, `the more extravagant become -the ex res- ~iuns of them, Thus, though ncle Lock never wore mournin for his wife, not even in the mitigated orm of a. two- in_ch hut-band, he put away every article of jewelry and clothing shehad worn in 2L room, the door of which was never opened, and kept the very books:(most1y on cookery and housekeeping) she had used," under glass, like melons or you- or-.un1be1's. ~~-~~ ----`- - rm Tuna inan that t`,1'Ul1 DBTS. There wee a. soft place, indeed,` that` fmv suspected, in Uncle Lock s heart, and his niece Sophy found it out. It impossible, indeed, for her toemiss .;. 4+" 4+ ,m-.+m1 of. n1] for amore de- zuul gracious OI young woman. a y . When her. parents died, which they` did a few years after her birth, and cmuforted no doubt by the ireection that they had made the world happier .-aml better by presenting her to it. Uncle Lock _adopted her, and, _I am a bound to say, did his duty by her in i every respect, save one, unfortunately. `for me, a most important exception. He would not allow her` to marry the man of her choice. The objection he put forward was that he did not approve, on principle. of. the marriage of cousins. Everybody knows that when anything is objected to on, principle it means that the objecting party has a personal dislike to it, and this was what Uncle Lock felt as regarded the suitor question. It was not the 'c_ons`angu1mty_p_. he objected to so much as me, but the pretext, exactly suited his purpose, for no improvement of myself or my posi- tion could get over the fact that Sophyi and I had had the same grandfather. Ir` 4. A144...-......1.. T van on nv-n'I1nr|' `I-tn HA1`. ` and 1 mm. nuu. D116 uuuru 5w_mu.;n_uuvs. - . Although I was an 013311811, like her- self, Uncle Lock never;a opted me, but only, in due course, made me hiscon dential clerk and secretary. The I received for my services was . " but, on the other ;hand...I.li_ved under VJ the same roofwith Sophyywhich would ' hlzlwe bee com en:iationenoug1`1f1 t i . ow`-. ,nceyLock-= gcop :1 pyef 8\1I>I;>g<>sed-~-i3ai- ` $ib:1f.'th&L.snch -, onga: gt? ?pase?Jatis&`$e`1i$;` 3 13 3 so 0 - - .4 amazing to me, but he tigiiiatized it as"" idiotic. After expressing his views about the marriage of cousins (enter-., mined, as I am persuaded, on the spur ` of the moment, and solely with an eye. to my discomture), `he adde'd':*More-=- over Master Charles I cannot conceal from m self, and I know no reason why I shoul do so forvyou; that it. `appears +.n ma H1 at vmrr mmn~af. ions are nbt V61`? .1 BLIUUIU. (.10 EU LUI UU2 I/uuu` I-ll`. .G`*l1`IPGlD_` to me that your aspirations are not very creditable to your sense of honorjldon 1: say that your motives may gwhoy mercenary,-Abu_t you cannot _1Jej1)li;;d to the fact that Sophy will probably be my heiress, and y_ou have nothing` of your own but a hundred a year, so you are in the position of a. mere fortune-hunter. Do you think it a. high-toned thing to look for your livelihood to your wife's .- money? , . V , _ - , T mm1:.,.1 Mme 1' man an uri1rTIv fond of uueyr ~ _, -- I replied that I wasso w11dly fond of Sophy that such consideration had, never occurred to me. - - ~' v uAA_ _11 ___-__A... 7! `I... ....-ma` .l1t`VlL`l` UUUlll'I'UU. DU 1116. At all events, he went on"; `:`they;`~' have now been` presented to you, and what may also suggest itself 1:9 you='~is:.: that when I am dead 8nd~gb11e-:my`-- ninnn .~....-. .\..4- A3 On.-.-'Ih\'|u'"l-np\'1'-xx` `Qfd+1{"`FQ int! 5 ir names The T Ullltla VV LIU11 .I. all} I-LUGNI Qclllf `5Ul4|U " niece may, out of foolish"go'bd natiife `of other causes (that was how he spokeof the noblest emotions of_ the femaim -heart), throw herself awa upon you, penniless though , you be, :. _Q1;_V3 1-." -7" to stop that by the form of my which it will be rovided that she 0 1. I marry a man 0 suitable`. o1:tup9,{nay2'. .4 with 20,000 c'>fhis`ov`vn ; ifslieima-rries o 1\nn-urns: n1r\l\ C-iv-:11 `nan Inumanu . a beggar, she will be a beggar herpelf, as in that case my inonelwili 37 where. I don t think so ' of you as to T suppose you would drag her down `to p poverty and dwretohednees,p---7l)qt;b0IiV9;. ; that this proviso wmput an end,6ncO for _all, to any nonsense between you,` in whxch condence-I~peha.11= your present situion. '~ ' " To thislre lied that, as `to poi beggar. I 00 'hard1IMhh1k, 13% Wlbll $r9U,UUU UL 1115 LL DEV IHQLLLVU ` that any man `of and: E fan]-inn {gunk no Tjmod 1|`!!! '+}IA ll1\`lVI!.\1i. Thou muetbet _, ..v-` It then the 0 `lg Thyveoul must ovprag .:"< Another-`s soul wou reec ' It needs the overow of heart T3: *:,*:.%;?..`:.*a:.:*:a*:,.:.;=:,*e. 11 0 .. . . . .- Sha.l1ethewor1d`e amine teed; r Speak truly. and each word of Shall be 3 trumful seed: - a -: Live truly. and th lire shall be A great and nob e creed. Marqh % J 8; ,-1898 "`-WW any mun UL uuunuuuy uuu. gut! feeling (such as Ipaid him `the compli- me`_nt of being could leave" the onlyreo latxon (exce So hy) he had V in world (myse tohsly unprovided for. ' A1 . {+53 `-11: A-:3-vunt` T , \l-l\.Il-I T L W 56551.5 IILLII VV I being: om`??? Sgxy) tho_ (Ipyse [to y mprovgded ms_1_a,9, ,ea,'1 ;_;n b 1 Q, >n_np T 2 (Es gii. 4 1 ,5` ahot ` im I <*>fV1'ight would dictate. -I did not ail: Q L1.:...w&-mu.-la`Iunmnnnm-"Inn . Inn` lnhnnnn an `S tuna 1Jviny"6ivn . _~ To tliiithe on1yLi_" ' ' noise`; which I tempt, and the*sab3ct dro L ;, :;`=ahd`:or alon time-things went oJ`1:-I-')a9:tliey'-hid? done fore. Notwithstanding that we inhabited the same dwelling, `I saw little AC Qnnkw Raina 12-nf `nova (:4! 1511101? in ' Luuuuxwu uuu sauna uwcsuug, .1. saw uuluv of Soph ._being kept hard at Work in my unc 9'9 oce 1:111 near dinner-time, and even when I got home had few pp; ' 9\t\III~|11|I:f1'na AC "nnnnir-`um jiriilvl hhr ran. arid got. fevq.9y;- ' gortunitieeof 7s akmg ._V-wit.h h_e_r `alone. 111; I wrote to - er long~1l etters" every night and slipped them under her cham- ber _door when I went down to my early. breakfast with ~my~uncle, at 'wh1ch she did not appear. Thaw nun-A vnrv fnnnf and `I1nnA`F111 UULIIJUUIID U1 uUl.'-uuuuau UGUIU LUV U, UILU still duty ran through of them, and I -am well convinced that her gratitude to our common relative (to whom she was 1 indebted.for all she had) would never. have permitted h.ete:t6 disrard hispro- hibition"so' far wed "me in secret; had I been caxpable,-of pro `such a thing. ....~A1l thesellettersr I; ' pt; tied up with rose.-colored ribbon, and read and re- read azain and again ;` I hafe reason to be- lieve she`did- the `like . 1i`oi"did we. ever dream that this innocent but agreeable correspondence would be interfered with ] but one `day it came to a sudden and miserable end. . In Uncle Lock s-. study, as he was i" leased to term the apartment in which e often looked at his banker's book, but which contained no `other, stood an oak Han`: vnnal-. 'I\nn1-|*H*F1117- ' Thin UJIL LIUII vp1)UlI1'. _ They were very tender and hopeful, speaking of the eat fortune I hoped to make one do. , w one only value _1n m eyes would . its `enabling me to her mine. They were also ._plentifu11_y -interspersed: with verse of the moat touchmg kind, `And sheon her part re- plied to themin :the.eweetest1str', Hed- Jurin me to keep a. `good heart gandbe nnn-H nn nl Inns -nannflmnnaanlxhln 'InvA "hut .Z1'i'1 d.'n"it.ta. 4 % ;,ai.?gpr:g: tied um} 44: 1nnan_nn1n1vn hhnn 'urm""" `hie? i*.3"l7e13"a} "gbi>I1' `i1bIz9t7_5nd' con ent of her.uncha.n able love, _A.:'I1 }I.-L-. cu... #1`-.3-napalm 451 I\` I-`mama nu VYLVII. LUDU'UULUlF\I llllvlln , .- ~ `*1 fqund zthope gin ` your room; ' nng`. man; and `they are-the 1aat you ' war ` *`91.v _fr,0.m your-. c<.>usin.~- ,She_ zhas. % gwen mg ~he`r word note: to write` to you 1 ag a;i1i,on condition` that `I do` `not stroy them; so here they will be kept -safe enoug . . Tmnnannrfn 1xrH']1 nnnainn Rf. 011*.- WIILUII Uuuuuxuvu MU Ulauvl, nyyvu an uan esk, most baautifu cm'r'ed.g This was" - hy s handiwor ,*ah,d,'aa )1 had often to 6. him, I envied him the posses- sion of itmore than anything e1se.i.n.tho world. hevei1_ing;j,whn It rfeturndd from th omc he threwth is" `(men {and .d.isp1a.yed..inflt. tO~11-1 ]8r_ea.t.,ind1gna__tion,. a cannula I-nan-Ir hasln .=.M' ;17nHnm*- tid : "i` `z76's;`8"&n5reE"r3 B"b`3h` `*1 found `those ;in' your -Btu.-U uuuugu. Transported with passion at this out- rage, I exclaimed: V ' '"'Thnn - nnnnnrlrn -`mv T rage, .I. ULULGLLHUUVZ ` 3 ' } 'When- -you sansacked. my V room, I presume you read thbse letters." ' _ uvnn nrnmrrnn air -innn `ha mud. w1.-nu H; IUUIS U_l.` ,LIu'_y ..w uuzu. .1. nLg.a_u. uwvua. .; forget. ,_ To do my uncle justice, he "was toomuch -of a. gentleman to do anything, of. the ~ kind, and such an imputation was inexcusable; I made some sort of apology, but he only answered :' A _ unrlmn T am Roar! vnwncr mun vm-1` pruuuuw you Iuuau lI!..I.UB.U sauna; u. % _Y9u presume. am m_ f_..;he.sa1d. ` With aflook oi ury.wh`1ch; I shall never ; l-'n-.mnd- Tn Rn u-my 1-n1n1n 411aHnn 1: was apuxugy , uuu nu uu:._y mun vv vs. uu . _. When I am dead, young man, 'you` shall have them again, and not before. \T.\4-1..:..n. an-ulssnn man cmi 'hn+.1:n:mn' 11: Bllull JJWVU uncut wgcuu, atuu. uvv uvsxuv. Nothing more was said between us, but I felt that I had done for myself so far as that modest competence from Uncle Lock was concerned. It was _characteristic of him, -however," that this incident made no Vdiiferenfce in our `external relations. _ ~. . . I- .._'L..:J.....-. :3 upon cwonun Q um-n .0xU3I'I1lIfl 1'.U1ub.l.Ul-13. , . .: . A To outsiders, if we were not a united family, there was no sign of any do- - mestic unxileasantness, and though they instinctive y kept silence upon the mat- ter` it was thought only robable, as indeed it well might be t at we two` young people were well disposed to one another and would sooner or later make a match of it. If. my uncle had objec- ted to such an eventuality, it seemed only natural that he should have se a- rated us and placed me in some ot er oce than his own; but as has been shown, he-had taken another with us, .-... t.:..'I.. Is}: 110!` nnn 1non'ann\+n.nn1 urn-nl ` snqwn, 116 mm wxeu ,llllUlolll:_!l.' 'W1laL1 us, = T-h1_ch he had ood _1'e_tson)to feel would be still more e caclous`. . " " -n. ._.._..- .-.1.....'..'& ...:_'. .`........aL1..1-u` .'.`-la-.-... (-1.!- 06 33111 IHUIU ULHUHULUUB. It was about six`1nonth`sL9}f_ter this that my uncle a. sudden illness, which, ,though,,,it did V not ,. conne him In -Hm Imnncin In-p ruin-n `ffhnrn n An.-62~nr twn, Wnlcn, "Un0]18.I.1.,, 15 (110 110,5 ,.UUBl.ll.1U mm "to the house for mreithan 3.63?-or two. was; asl utterwarai "discovered, of a. unnnv -as-3:5: nnlznmn n nvdlnnn in `W865 53.1. ullIU.I'W'lI.l.`Ix uxuvvvvxvu, UL _a very aenous nature, He developed, In Cg`;-.6-. uncommon`-noun `nan-Inf Rhsnnan n!` , ever, a. ;ittlae_;' ' very` 30110115 nuuuru, U uvvuauyuu tact-. eym tor_ns.of `hear? disease, and tl`i`e doctor, a jured to be candid informed him that it was a warning which _wou_1d ndtzbe repeated. OP'Iin.'Wbrda;cthBt his; next seizure would be `a` fatal one. :The~~o1d- gentleman received this in-. telligence. -with.. ,much eqnanimity - mere1y~~ observing` that `his aairrh ` loribeen 9 spirit: E 61- " ' I"e1i5"jp .- ward t`b`ld"ine';' With very genuine emo- ' tion,'-_ in his conduct to herself, which -. "glad to `as I neverzepeke axword against; im to concealed 1 became morethan.,tender.. ,. 1_am . tear. and carefully from her * my conviction ` that he inten- dad to cut `me-oft iwi.t.h: as. .. . -a belief which, I am constraine to say, was never'<.,ehaken` b any` demonstra- tion of avuncular ection. The se- ,,_ -1 1. -____;'; rv.z ;.'1:`."....-"~_`r'1.*: ....a ....`W..'.". 46- anrarggedtgvvith a v,iejn5,t,a;any;. ` j%::,.1zhat;';` t. .- 7 ha? . There was, how-1:. "year mu mun, Wm 01 *=*Vu!!w3.e!:~*.f..'!5=.P!e*4*' .,:*..*? *:'v quel, _hpwever,, `g! ;oyga:' how easy jglt 1,8`; to` npsgudge .pedp_J.e,3 v_eng whgn gnear o {-1 van UU vvnnzv-_p 3 relatlves. _ .. ,. 3, ::.-;,;. -,.;r,;:; My uncle, about the tlme was ma nnIIII`A nhnlnmou kin =InvAnhnnn4'l U-Ly UHUIU, GUUUU Ill-I15 Illl-I-117 WT B13353 some -changes in `his and one evening received more than 20,000 of mcurities .. from his stock- broker; as-it was too la.te,`of co.11rS_e,r to {ace them in his banker's hands; he ` ocked them 11 in desk -' night and retire to rest, neither better. . nor worse than usual. " 'I'Y_.'l__.....:`I.. 8... `Ln unnnnn'n `no tuna HUI` VVUIEU IIIUILI uauas. 2 Unha pily, in" the morning he was found eald in" bed. - This catastrophe, which ave me genu-_ ine sorrow, thou h. there ad cortainl` I beeii:`?iib"ioie los bawyen 1 gophy. xtrinely.` Thurs `waa`.,nb m km. m-ii"! Fm mnv `r-.nnnidarn.tinn' of WU, K V1 -I.u.LuUl.u0auu, ass: 015 "Wu xvi! v . . , S0.58.itD b malls: `ne; be no ndsiisy tor ev n' 9; "-i'e'ria1y suit, I I I, _A_!.-..__.1..- `I_-'--5...`:-nan II` cvnum bopny. exniuzuuxy. .l.u.u1'u vv_wB ~..uu suvu; in her mind for an `cons1dera.tion' of materialatfairs. but or my part I could not help yhinkingpf Uncle Lock s tes- `+nmno.n-'-aw-:-tuim-rnn1l>:l'nri'n~" - Aftari 4:ha ; nor ne1p pnlnxlngpr uuuw 1.1003, n `tamntnliyf `ax Ei .; funeral his ma.n of 1i'sii1es caIIed?o1_1 ~';. her, but she refused a.nd*re-" 4 P! .f_0r1`6S1fh%II1f ;t0f7m5if; ` ' ' ~ T nnnnnnn 1+. in 9. said. .I.1'.1'.9,;n!1 1 T :; w ;. 2 7 I suppose it is all the same, he said, with acheerful smile, and I feebly tried ;tqj)okjsif3t:vvaa.' `:`f`.Yb1isee'a.s there a're'n<') r1a2tii'e"s"15'i1i'. jeti ewe; `he went on, and you two, as I understand, are `..x.'.;..+.. 1-.'a`c`na3&-ii`na": be no 111055 Bay CDIITGOEUIIBBIU. JV any |._n%hew, Charles Lock,- he says, .`since\ * I` `eiv he values it very highly, I leave . L '-I.\JV&I`,' Fer dancesd S9`P.8...r!P '8 33'"? .;.".*.=; "we 'm- W W ncesssy for even 9. `-1e"na1y which otherwise thawording of your - -'=-~. ' . 5 ' ' " ef5">t`:fso h'w1ahbd" 1 her, he LICIOD `VIII JIJII IIJOBIII IVA, nu few h vnlcn Uhuvrvuau uuu vv nun _1;c1?s--w_iil:*y . -. 1:5: ~he3e;5it5.3 lie h:5;s"fo1'gi(1d n otmirry any - -1._ .. ...-.& ososanhnna AC 0`! `gunk iu,- rc- A: yo 1% ad 11 '!!9".9!!."3Y IT 2 but ~_@how 1:0-fa11%;1:'x L-It was;r1ot;1o1';.mg, a, {mere lB!m8.aI1.;to . tea; Iegal 6piid5I1i:Sophy t'oo.=; ld thepglamb view as .the In. car. i .she?hhaa I always thought, ,she sai , that Uncle ` Inn` .n knv\n1'nnan I-311411-inn . my uesx and xts contents, andin the 11am]: tuna Iv-Min ,vnnnn11. T42 lunt-aCnun `- GI W any D IlI4Iu\J|L5l.I _ BLIU H31, Ill-LGU V ILULU L00.khad.. . c`oul `h 0 "iherhappineg.~insv,iaw; . FRIETO_Rf .: