* U911! I lg 5171 Barrie. 00'" I Inna .HU.l1Iln.1'D n.U.u:.u-A. vv. b.n.UvvLV, 1 Prop: istor. Excellent accommodationfor ms travelling public. Bar` on ,1 lsrder well supplied with.-ths.best. ; Good etsbllngr and a - tentlvs hustlers. Luggage of guests convey ad free to and from all trams. Few doors west of Market street on tmnlop. street ICKIN SON & MACWATT; BARRISTERS Notaries Public. solicitors of Supreme Uonrt. et.c.,rBarr1e. Ont. Offices in Bank of Toronto Black, No`. 3, Owen street. Branch 0moe.'h`lmvale,A mcKeggie a Block; `I _u-.. I\.....-........ I'D` A 1'\ In It . .___ ._.. J. Te B'u'5 B` .'.. Dunlap sthset. barrio. V 1'. Solicitor. Nat-ary. 0nV0I8lJce!'- Mony to Lban. 01ce- SPBOUL. `Bardstd D"""" ` "'"' BARRISTERS ",'.}oltors id High Court at Justice, Ncaries .:'t\1g1lo,U:)onv,:-galiicers. Oices over the bank 0 `oron , 1'1 0. -n n '::.............'n n n -n 1:-........ _g .,*_ -...__ -- HE.QU]u:.\i S HOTEL -A. W. BROWN, Excellent accommodation` for tho fvnnvnlllna nnhlfn Run an! In:-Ann mall I UUI, BIO: UEIICI5--l ITBII U001` Bank of Commerce, Barrier '0UN'l*,- Hmwsox-gs` cnmswxcxm. affi- ,1-zstara. Solicitorsrot the Supreme Court or audi . taro .0! Ontario. Proctors. N otarles. ConV_g l&s,'u!`l,'_?1-"a,;,""_:a.it.4q.; A Money to Lban. Olces-- ' AOGARTHY,` PEPLER 3;. MOOARTHY, Barristers, son. ipora, conveyanoers. aw. _D AL'rov Mo 3An.'r_ny. (2.0. J. A. Mc Cnvra Y. F. E. P. :nPz.n.u.Q 0.," E. Honxsnr, 1 - . Run-in. . -.--cu Mocnvrnr. Pnrmm, Mc .`AR'l'BY 8: Duncan, Alhuwn and yreemore. an-_,n:._____ vsu____- _____ q-,pu _ I.=,',.' `.','._.!! 90.99.}; :+1~9mmsH 39!`='<$i1'f!Yi!9,h1299`$; 3'A9. .3;ih9!.:H,: 6' S*6?xrz1*1ni%: J-PE 9`r::;$-e;6# ` 419. vesuxes .me:n9!e2,{;%.-'- `Q-.Il'P _. . J -u-.-.-vw- ---- was vv--v- any 1 I . ' GAR HY Evnss. Pm-man so MCCARTHY, I , H - R. mmauson, BARBISTER. 301301- . T0 n at me Supreme Co- rt 01 Judicature tun lint-nu-In Dnnvnunnnnr ntn Mnnnv tn Innn I 1 n. lnnuuoun, pAxsnL:u..n.n. cuuzur 101' Ontario. Gonveyancer. etc. Money to Loan. Umces in Ross Block. Dunk p Street, Bar:-1e.50 EORGE W, LOUNT. BARBISTER. AT- torney. Soncitor. Notary Public. Olces nu Bank of Toronto Buildings. Owen Street, barrio. Um. - 21-ly TEWART `Sc -BOYs.-Ba1-risters. Solicitors 0! cupremo Court. Conveyance:-s, etc. mces-2 noon norm of Bank of Toronto. Owen Sn, hernia. V H, D. STEWART. LL.B. ' W. A. BOYS. ' Money to Loan at Lowest Rates. C W. PLAXTON. BARRISTER. SOLICI- . tor. Notary Public Conveyance: ac. Umoes over Fraser. Clark 8: 00's. score. Dunlop 84... Barrio. I Monoy- px-ivato and Company funds talent! at lowest rates of intexest on town and tarm-nroperty. 9-1y ARRIE, PLANING MILL.--GEO. BA Uarpenter and Builder. and Manufacturer or Doors. duh,-Blinds. Mouldings. Toto. rum- ning of an kmua done promptly and mustac- torny. Factory. John street. Ban-Ia. AMES EDWARDS, Conveyanoer. Issuer of Man`! 0 laleenneo. V Ulce ptriotly pri- vate. Pout ice Building. Barrie. and at me Tm-nvnto residence`, Mary street. n~1y- _ T. BANTING. CLERK `COUNTY OF . simooqwm be at. has onioe. at the_ Court nouae. Barrie. every Saturday. Residence and P. 0;. Uooklvown. - M R. B. E. MCKENZIE, 14 Bloor street W.- Toronto. will be at the'Queen's Hotel. Barrie. Jam. 28m. March 25th, and last Satyr, any ogovery second: mgnth, thereatter, 21-mt. -Wsv----vu /I!.I-91!-'.~'A"l9l.I.|l0P" fl (DU than ht wu nbnndsntl plain. It could llntdfy be assumed by , Sodgowiok that - Du. PALMER. 8URGEb(N. mm. mm. - rlfhroat. Nose. 46=Gu-raxd-street.` out... To- mato. may be oonanlwd as-the Queen's. Hotel.- Barne. on Friday, Magma low, - trom 8 to 11 a_.m.. and the second. day or every month. ;rt?s. Imonnoy to Loan. om: ` `V "'-'1`-T Cs. " ` C. E. HIIWS L'oU'K.$?...a . ' ' ' .. wur. KERR to B1`=`rH1`- % L`?3= :` .';i1._t*%.:%!. n._.-_L,, no.0. rm. -x.'A.u.uuVu.'ul'luun!o 0! Trxnlcy ga1UVniv.e1-sity. , A'.l`or.anto,4 Fellow. of Trinity M 09.100 Member 1! th Coll of rlfysiotnns ilnlgggnuzeons VoI?On`t.:1-Io. 6 oo- (`.nrnm- Ownmf and. (`nllinm ntlicnvn .-m.....ao.. rnysioxans Ind `surgeons or Onftarlo. Offloa- Oorner Owen and Collier streets. opposite Central School. - ; .. .. . \ 7.1.7: AISLVALIA. H.3U- U0 H... . well : Block. Allsndale. On the a.t`n1ght.. 4, .. _.; I _ .1 A. MCGREGOR M. D. (J. M. F. '1`., M... C. - 0 Graduate or Trinity Umvereioy, Toronto, Fellow at v'1`rInig Monica} College. Toronto. Member College hy aiqians and Surgeons. Ont. Late of '1oronI:o`Gene1-at Hospital.` _0mce.'- Next door to Mr.`B'all'oszori. nhornton. N. 1B. -.Wi1l ho stlvy `ever! Wedneadsy. (mm 1 to 5- .In. W11l.bea.t..l. bets Frld .tr r.`9-.`5p.me.;'.`- " n """ ,' 2%. u "` Due`; R0881: ARTHUR. P alohns song}. gg_c5`y_v. .4`. I_:_m,-1.. 0. 8. LAD. n` A _.I.s__ II vs Isa; nuns an Aura UR. P aiolans Sur- `WI A0 0| kdilh, L; Rev. B , London. J. R. Arthur. M. B.. `ro- ront_o Un1vo;.'nity._ L._O. P. and 8., Ont. Oinces and night xteqidnnoes, Brown s Block. Dunlap street. Barrie. fl'elophonu. 77. ~ ' t :1)" Jo " '- o o DR'Dl8&ABE8 at an mm. 1:43 'r'fir'i`c'?.w ndnos `. my be con; - iiotnl. Ban-lo. the lth `gt n1uhQI:`:::?h._ ,..-vv. .-..- . -.v, .-.-..va3-v up -envy-o J umw DroK1NsoN. B."A. 2 D. II . MACWATT. Y! 951513??? '59 I 0-`-.-I-_ -numul. may be consulted at Hotel. Ban-lo. the 1th the Queen's I`:-kip: or each month. 1:. WM. monumsox. Dentist. Graduate of the Royal otnental Surgeons, and Honor Graduate 0 Toronto University. Preoorvatlonot the natural tooth a specialty. 0Fl'IOE.-Bothwelrs Block. Dunlap street. Barrio. Out. A T 8-1: Dr. Bounko. 0moe-Rooma lately oc- cupied by Dr. .-Boauiko. Residence-Quaen a hotel, V . 16-l_y. In A vs vlnllvg I-Pins: ovu E. H. Swnxrnr.` Q. C. '1`,RAT.'4Y & nsm. Rent. a.................,_. .......--,. .. mar ~ at cuoollonttcrnu u|touHdo"theH:'iII.- ~ EIWBON'& inn ----- I A. lJpl.\lJl1LVCl:UIID1 g lJ1.l\Ill.3.I.'.NII, Al." I . tornev Salim or-in_AChanoery. Conveyan- ur. etc. ce-First door Owen street. over nnlr nf "nmmcwnn 'FlnIn~in~- ' 40.19 ONEY T0 LOAN -3250 000 at 8 and 6} oer oent. J. '1`. SPBA UL, Solicitor. etc , 0NEY.-A large amount of private funds to lend on at:-a.i%1_1t loans at lowear. rates. Man-A `D'l'V L .DI.Il!`D Ir Mar! A I2'l`lilV v v-an-vvl-tn via: not seehaly avot/fdrnunxe ur}:ve.. to nail theioonutitutionalityof mfAot in 3 that province. 3 (l:ioar,_.hea'r.) What` did_` it matter whether thb Aot"bf' tho "Pi_."bviii`-`j cial Legislature v;ras"i1ltr a virea`, bi iI1ti`i_` vixen '1 The q1i'eatio hf' 9` _be deteitxnfijd` R;.`;J'. F. .PAL1.ING.'G1-udnato of Trinitf --Univ.ers1ty...'.l`oranto. Fellow. of Trinitv L9.....H"8*:.::.,2.-:.:*:.=:`:.=:.a,...nu:.;_,nrr2~2-4; "`s'o"1:iE3`n R1-';'.:" '1'f'Fo'a'i:'s'uitT&%&3F E-EX? McOAB.'1'HY, +- PLER & MCCARTHY. A. RAuuNi5It}Rsi?.--%mnn'fsTnn, AT- tn:-m':v_ mini m-.in hnnnm-v llnnvnlrnn- nw.1i.nmn ?` to Boaffko. c"'11.3'..I_ $:3 ..`.1.".'.:.'}.`1`.."i`3,";'.`1`_' A.'MG'mr.Go'I Lin. C. l. ' uratfuate ty`Univan1gF. T )4 0 71!.` xnxann -11.1). c. n. ` once in | mmk. II th I'IBI'n`nA- eAv11.Lnn-noa11o1#=`A1 vinotsl Lnnd Surveyor. hut-Io om 7181.003; _ us MANUFACTUBES. 3109,: .. - ._. .L .-.-.-:1, <'>fi~ . 7:; ;1sI'hQi; thapupo'r`| brought own. " ' Rn` C-n`6 -:5`: and t\ll|lQ:II@a II` u...i..;;;`j;....,;.. :- cni. rntslcuris. HOTELS. .01? FICIAL. pnnnsril 1 LEGA 1;,` i}e5"auZZ`?a`s15?E"E&e ""a',3u`iii3~ passed. Assuming that thismstter ought "to be deslt with by ithg % Govrnmentyof this 'D0miui.on. ahbiet t6. ihirlpbilihili-; ty of-Ministers tic Par Timant. 1.1.6.. wanted. to know why the que stion.co_qldnot; have been as well zsettled lsstssptember, when- the. petitions were; .presen'tod-- why. the Government insisted upon ' promoting: litigstlon, insisted unonkeeping slive an unfortunate -contentionsbout the rig}1'tof the mind;-icy inthe Province of Manitoba," hands ould niothsve 9.. 0904 -`id =t .W cannnt and will notLtnter1`e.r.9-",;.!I I".is1 @4159 any, .99 his fn1l.re:ponsx...1`Yh' `H 30.1358! at this Housg, that he thoum` it. - _- .-nlllint Bnwscpz.` ynfuuu G. H. Rsuu; 41-tf Tmnmlcovciotlououo "'1:-in-tn` , TwwlOOIOIOOIOIOIQQIOIOIIOII I I O I I ll :`mmoflIIo'q toosolos..-coon--coo... Toronto and ALL nuns south a.t..... 'l'oronto........-.... ....... .. *!;Igf>_r.!!:.l3rcn.c. `Railway ind Simona way nt....... 1'\"6i-{xi v ll n. ,. r ` . 11 a 1` 1 y all . N all `u inf`?- ?! 10 90 I E ...... -- 30 in y&`.`,4't:'::,..u-u:: we I**.*.i3" ,:`%`$:w: `W _ o 5 ' oo 9;! no ' ;3r0"` I I 110 3 m `I ' ' ' ' ' . "5 7 hur [,`9h0nd& i'_ `:1.-F-lj~i`da,ye)u I :9. )9.`-`"531! wdg .1109, I1 9191'. III! III . .llAILS nvnnv mu mm mom { Torontoat................... ........ .; T0l`0lIt0'lItu-n--'-------....... . . . . . . . ..I: Toronto ...... .. Toronto at. .......................... . . l [Railway mails from the south at. . . . `- mastoid Branch Railway and North` Simone I-snmnh Rniiluruv at I 90 DUNLOP STREET. |o.:;aiortabIo`Lroom and meunuru. pruuuu rwunifay and Northi Slmooe Branch Rmlway at ..... .. Collingwood a.nd'Ux`iliia. at ........ ..: Gravenhurat. Branch Railway at. . .. ; Hillsdale. Craizhursn. Dalston, Ed- gar. and Crown Hill at .......... ..i Mldhurst (Mondays, Wednesdays 5;` Fridays) at. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ._3 G1-enroll \'1`ne;-days and Fridays at.. i `part "of" thee""ieio1im*6u; '_"'iv"o .`i fsI1'i1:'-" Ah`,', ' the feet: `ot1;I.hie'.e`u'e;..knoWi`I I`g1 theifieie? - WIICU UIIXIIIU IIIIII UV HHWUBU IIIV IIBUI Government, with '3 full of $11 ' because they were e|tebliehegi'?ii Hli_'e ,t'_ri_ gl ` 9f. .tl..1e..._9.s.l9.e_lnd not retuued entertn.in.. . the appeal `end_`ho.d"not` at ` 6:106" de 1i eiI_` to great relief = in 3 `mutter noon w`hioh7 u_- I.:._|.-..e. w..:|..`...~.: -.-.- LL ; 1:I~_ .-..:_... I'. ;.A-' 6 RUSSLA N Ii RESTAU RANT D BOARDING HOUSE ! e*a;e.:."a.; ba.;;.;g [man ovsms Aurms In STOCK. `Soups, Entrees, Jellies, etc.. made to order on the shuxteat-notice. ESTIMATES AND PRICES ON APPLICATiO.\'. Piabo7;ALEEf2y 36 DUNLOP`ST., BARBIE. Those wishing to join give in their names ` at once and secure a place. The dances taught are : WALTZ. POLKA, RIPPLE, RYE,- BRONCHO. SCHOTTIGHE, BOI\-'l`U.\7, J ERSEY, MINUET and all the later dances of this season. LIIKSAVIO -jliul WU; UV, \JCL|L CL7.UU PCL term of 12 lessons. Two parties taking lessons together special terms will be made. LONG 'ES'l.'ABLISHED COMPANY 19 -' based on 3 solid toundatlon of economy of tnnnnlnnvnnnf aria nnnnt` $nIunCwua.-nan vs:-innin'1DI. 7 H115 IAIJNU li'l.'u&..U.l.4lBtLl!ilJ UUMFAR 1 H-' of management and sound business rinci `lea. Bpeoinlzteoturss: Forty ears experlnce;%.1b- oral form or Policy on non-forfeitable am!` we and threeyeu-s._ Prominent ob'ect: Sound llt_esssura.noe;._8'I.000.000 `Bid in cfaims ;_ 4.000 families beneted. Cost: _ slowest oonelstent with sarong. `Bonuses every three ears. 119W less than per cent. on the lite p an, no less thnn uper cent. on the endowment plan. otgl Abstinence Auurnnce: The only compan In Cunsdsjoerlng `spools! advantages to tots sb~ stsiners. Accumulated Fund nearly 86,000.00}. Reed omee tor Montreal. 11 av` an-nu--.-- - _--.-. ` ' moment the qI1estidnf`af insi`stin`g fsgsinst - vsgvq t . .I.u\`_1 \1_\svsIos_.v_a.s ex _IyvH upuu9_.,.A..,g,. vmj_ the .vex`ed_ qgeggion ..0.f_ the :Sep(u:ite. schools , _I_t"wa`s whether the Province; of,` Manitoba. with epopulation of 150,000 people. `of: whom not more thnn:?-20.000 were Roman Catholics, was:-to hsve` im - ` poseii upon it against its will a. Sepsrste school `system. Why should they, as` a matter of `policy-why shou'ld'the G.o'v'e'1"`n'{ ment, .who, after all were only a commit-' tee , of] the House-_-en,t.1't.ain` for` one the will of the province that there 'sh ,dnld,: I..- Q......--a.. '....'l......I- d an inn]: it thnt. -_-_._ ___`_ -'- w-_.-----`_ --v-wavy-nu _ H..N; COURTLANDT. 29-tt . @7430: Agony; tor Barrie [LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY nag, A PHOTOGRAPHER, QUEEN'S HOTEL T .- NQB_TH BAY. llllllll ruuuu II unto:-med mu cms new `I `'H`1 110`? onened for the accommodtr tiolloftn. era.- No Iohubeenspamd 3110130 ham north of Toronto. . -e - m 13:" and ofnntox-cl i`n""z` '1'%.:``.img35 39Ul`0V9d IWl8.< , 6 ndtlw mama and everything the rcquil' I.|.. l.`u'mn7h-on `to ggdwwar day isorzgr _ % ' 7'14-tr. z- j Oice nom-s. 8 a.m. to 7.pn:. muted). and for 20 mhmmn an... 1'uomAsysHouI.nIcE. %% i V`:::xo,AvA'.bo:a.. ~ >~ `I .:`4'6E:fii_%L R8k:n1l'l::,If;IB.x:J`?a'lE11`Nl: - ' T ' , V lov {(91:51 work and general repair` , Jonworx 60; um genera: Address 201 I hhggi Gas Works. E'Z1'?..ufe'iE'n"'.Ia"Z3'u'Ei:1.{.}S'5" {if {Q} what enabled l_1im to support the t-`I? In--I -~..-I ~-cI.~.;~-..a-..~`.'|a`.`a.*.`;a."' a."..'""` du`3l>`.`Iil.`` . `as t. :on M'3m`.'1`=;opa ry?1`3. 0 ._ Solicitor. $0.. Ml `,g;,,._..,V.A.,,; _ L, ,. . |s5o;ooo .::.+-R HURUHIBON. Barrister Inn-.s:m.t_ `I -I11-I-la. - lktroo EUR`-UELBULV. U8! .9;-. - 3 4_.___,' "'.._.J vu auger mpnuuomrmg U0 ! uulmua no-' ill . v we Barrio Dlltrict 5 _ ' of men, will want other 80 _ mentonllthauyhoes. Qood.enor8' ~___'_ ._._ _._...._-.z...L__._A- :..n.__4.n__.. an |uo"'"' .'<`: oi?a`: i'xa..;s':`.v`3` %`5mnmf" W. . _'i`;11$s:-Ladies $6.00, Gents $3.00 per mu-n A? I`) In-annn Tmn `l'\n!0f:Aa fol-u'na EDWARD 7LY1I6n:_- - enopmmoxv. _IiEiMTPIRE `no will 0` `Ha PCUVIIJVU UNIV llllvlsii ulapuovmr be. Separate `schools? 3*.` 3001` its ._tllIt; three-quarters of the people of Ontario were against the Separate ` school * system, and if they had it` `in their power would sbollsh them `tomorrow; VH'e' thought nothing` more daneerous, "nothing more subversive` of the principles of_ our ce_nsti'-__ tution, could,be tolergted than that the Cabinet._of the Dominion. should assume to act inthis or sny...other `question an It. judicial body- . It had been held for years, perhaps for centuries,vand wisely, that for every act of the-Executive his advisers`- must be responsible. Manifestly `the- Government proposed to consider the matter from s_ judicial standpoint glad to endow themselves with judicial authority . They proposed" to restore. the `Star ru........I..... :. n......:. 'l`h-n Qt... hnmhnr OI-" ENGLAND. DANCING. %|__;:i'Lr3t.1c is informed nut this nnw nnnnn Inn tins nnnnnlm DAILY IAlLB FOB in Lean. nrgnusnnn IN 1347. Ngw CLASS FORMING yr March 16, i893, Barrie. 5.b5?Z"3?naZ. gyar "`i...'t2; arrogated to itlelf judicial functions.` and. .-'A In.` -nn-`(snarl :11 nnmln. .I7AIW H! hwy 38-1!. UNCL1 D110 vv_ uu Once though be_en.a. x `-4- -- Ix -Cllmlw mercial I am 511 perimt-1 wed1<-:1 she was one win iness of as he w slncercl Oil (_`.l H) 1-13+-:1. 1 VI`! , U.....,. T11--1' -few 51 and hi wasim lit if i `i;,rhtf11 `ll lll.'l.'U`uhUu nu urnuu. Juulvlua suuvusvuug unau- we had restored in Canada the ivory chamber abolished by. the Tory Parlia-a ment in theedays of Cromwell. Was this a court to exercise judicial functions` `or not? If it was itought to be overruled. Undoubtedly ' the people of Manitoba could not be expected to `submit to the judicial decision of his hon. friend the First Minister, whose deputystarted Mr. Barrett to l1tigaticn. whose Govern- ment paid the cost of the litigation, _.__I -__Ll_.Q-J L- 5-1-4.`;-u -ntdnn `afar- 111,; um: u xvzas di have 5 had sh and gr` xvim ll/ll\,l I I \V'he did a comil that tl and 1) Um-Iv bound every for me would of her forwzx `prim-i1 Every is obje that`; t dislike Lock questi he obj pretex no im tion c _ s.nd.I AIL ' ' -Dunn Speak '-=: Shall Live tr A are `IL self, only. gentia L luv but, the _sa have thing. suppo rr|1;f1r b`J shmw mma idioti about ne_ ofth torn) over fronm Isho L- _.., credi say t mere the f heire` own the 1 Do y look mgn Iuuuu pluu Iauu vuuv vs. uuv nua--V.v.., and continued to take` an , active inter- est in the suituntil its determination. Was it possible for any` judge in the land to occupy the position which the First Minister said he occupied, "treating this matter judicially, when` he had been an active promoter of litig"a_'tion' against the province from its first step` `It ` ' Mn. MULOCK-Pleint1'. too. at that`. ' MR. TMcCAR'I'HY--iY.es. if" so, `fthe f\.__-_-9-_ 'I)..;-I'n .'..'..'..l.o' Ln` -nnnnnnn bhnh nevef so`pi1:1 havg what IJUVU that for 3 whi your tha , fegli men lati worl thin denc fro: only lJ\.L.L I Alt _1 T1 lll-. -$'1\J\_Jl\iI.I-I_..I."-`l-,VHg an Irv, uaaag Queen's Bench ought to remove these proceedings. They could not dissolve .a Cabinet, , but. if this, was as court," the Queen's Bench. which exercised jurisdic-V tion over every_ court of the land, no matter how high, should remove the pm, ceeding by` certiorari from that present; Cabinet, which could `not be lit to deal with them. When the `thing was reasoned. out, how weakel their" claim tojudicisl function. If the Act of Parliament `had conferred judicial, functions on them, ef course wemust bow to thelaw. "F New, this petition was not an appeal ;f it wasfa request to the Dominion Parliament to pass": an _A__ct, `of. Parliament - which the. Local Legislature had not done._ What was the sw'w.9 nerd. to.ps-9? ` We had power to, pass laws pfcrpthe peace, amity, and good, government of Canada. . He viould.s.-I1.m..eth9r,W99. en .9p'1m1.- - .'l-`.h. 1 appellants makerapplication to. _the Gov-. erncr-General. asking. him to -cause . to be. passed remedial legislation. That order. did not chanae,the_ matter. . '1`helaw still remained. The Parliament here had;no..- power. in that particular case, and.for.that- particnlarpnrpose. to pass remedial legis- lation which the Cabinet thought `ought to be passed. ' When` the New Bruniwiclr Act came up fordisallowance the question of intra vires and `ultra vires `had'to_v be considered, and when that was` settled the questionof_c policy had to be considered.f ` When this `appeal was allowed ,,thfe sine, < matter; arose, first , as, to wh'ethe'r j there was p ewer,_ an`dAwheth`er'_it was ritlhli that an order slieuld; be passed. He had hieh-. tioned.in,9.b,8.I.'.1i.9_" part .. _<'>U.Ii.I :ob.ae'.rv.s'-V I tions that it never 'occnl'.r0d; ti.l1.N-ovember. I last that the B.N.A. Act had any_thing;to: j do with the.-`provincial:econstit ntion .3 It was after the petition `had been ' presented: a that Mr..E.w.art for the first ~ tlmeiraiaed ` the point thatza` clause in the B.AN..-A-a. Act" had aom_e~applicatibii`tc the! question. " If the B.`-N-.'A. `Act was incorporated, 1nj=th'e - Manitoba, .-"Act. r the *'Govsra:'micf'_ were` ; miki :l'9Ad. . E '3 ' Eh? Mr. |'l'|.'.`.-.' .0. .. .f ]:.I,I}.'.,N.,`03.l ';J',li.l.0`@7iIi',I__7 .._l`f, urwi9`.6tivsiheithi s:2.ez;2=sfsses::s,taf;::'u X I lettlillg.%the;:qgleItlon;=p!.g..yeto. _g,ggq doing inza ronudabnttzwayzwhattonjhlisw hpvuboomdono 3i_1'bctly.x= trltn would `hiya bQ6n*Ir`.lI9*l!i'?*"1l5illdIL:thi_a`!.Ahtftlian 30-lilwby a eimieopn roam to-jde's`ti" ' eicacy.` If in the worua`e!?tlie:i3i.'taie_ .a'1*f-rnl'%iUI.I.- zriolhol ..n..nx.-:.:"n...l`:`......~a.' tu....7: HDTV `lug Iuvu "UCIII-~' IIII" * Ivlllll .. been settled ' "` 7li"aN'o`W r'iIh`I-' wick l6`I11; gt jag did ' noto " .' '6' `"6 f` is `ch thin `Ii`I {61`n,`o ` 32 u` -- F._`_ _` , ..f-fM.3. V". =m%*`2"~`.2?r V M! A Vrnvrrztz -.23. ~ "*J~.!':':=2!:`!c,. ,5! `E-20? \,1nI$_g;.;{!; 0791'??? ,, and he for his ` , and he thought` 5 majority in the OOIO, if they would set m`.'.- Jcn.e:a4u aapan-_u of -_ .. `..u I:... n. ~..' --'.-'a..: 4.1. 1 na-E: ___--`_ , _.____. _-_,._ Irgt }_;_n1ate'r ithht th Govrnggghg p_eyo_r.. tinpt.fandei;_;1pi1aT:i'c lsfthtipept of the; .h9ghv.= set .<.iia|lo.wi.u8 it. that. it -um as (L-n?9t9 hexead t_1_;9 reach 9f Mi9isteI.r;g - L-` _ !6lfonoo,' what `cm tho_ ' _};.3qf `slltipft _- Ill the litipti9gg_h_ nu__ ' i_1Q{f;_that the GovorIi_6li3"huv`c"`%iJ6me iiht, ihut Inn to be done? Would the -Govfgniment interfere? Now was the `iiiife to cattle that guootjon. If the Gggrg, - --~~ ~""`""-,L""_".,_'_l` 11:`; .:r:"_' _"`::;r_`;_` i. 1'? T WUIIC "0 IUUWID UIIIU` IIXIIUII. ll; IE5 \I'UV' '!m`7I5ilf ` ,. u I !"`::."T.7,5Ia:;-`5t: :1 Ws!_`l!inist`e?of .1 u`_'sgee'- "j . .. 77' . bers: imam ...ba='some%xean6m1invia ..-`they : .wonld.say.wsehweWthia~ H N_ . renaty. .l9ci"s!tion.. `~ ` ine"n"xb'ei-`sr `or this` H`i'2'\3'I'e woulli`-hnow'where7 I that .-tood-.._e 1f.'u.9n'..tb9: -..ot,heI; _JI.snd.: I ` rm;ed.is1` 'o.I:.d0;i .;Iivf!8f. Ii03k1`9 P9; Pi!!9d.} awhya 1 , .j I 1 i.nvit9Z`l.itii&.i.n :`+0+d.tIiune ..pur.ly an. ecdemi qtlon? e H0 - his stand tigmly. on . the ,gro`und=; that,ani ounces .. of, prevention mas` . hotter. than a p_o,uh d1.of:cu:e.h. Letthe matter.'1_he;stop$ '4 ped.- "He commended the speech of his` hon. friend ft-om:Winnipeg*~(Mr; Hugh` - Meodohald`); and concurred` in; what he 3 said as to not `snbmittingato ;an e_norofach-' : ment onf'th_e*r ights or `his `pi_o v;ihoe", and Lin. 1 his statement. th`a_t_h.05[ `m_su1d,vote'aa`ain.t j any`Gvernmj9;c that attempted -t.'iIf1ter4 i fete "with ' what that province `had done. ` _ What right had the Governmenvt to invite . litigation, and to call upon` the province ' to appear at the bar of justice ) _He- _ .1 - ` `-1`?~ had made good his position-he: 1-,hAuh`;se,`;_? - "*.*`-`-this was a political Ahad`;start6dtwith`.' tuf... f ,f 1"?-hatanyl 8-lild .1595 3' 1_851;Q!1"i9*' '5.."* I if 5` qxieisih` `of. `W. 3??` 59314 .`?7 `;.F`."*`9 " wi.thio.t1t_ 'o`s11ine uponi but h0n.-.'.fP1d th Minwia.t'e.r.- or I J "u-tic: ' to 3_dYiF. 9. #0 WP legal oourser After thu!P0l'*r from `.130. sub-oo_mmittee.the: membegs oi the Oabie not determined upon a policy of .exp9dl eney,7eo that when they had to jg0~ .bk' to the people ' for re_t-election} the -position might be taken -that they were s'1ttlng as a` judicialtribunal,` and not`_as MI_nlI0'!'6 3: the Crown; Whenhis;ho_n`. friend from Selkirk (Mr. Da`.y)_ went" `for reeleotionf : and was asked aaqueation` as to the course _ he would take on thisumatter, the answer: \ wasthathe was a judge. (Laughton-.) He had shown,.he thought, , that the whole mute;-V was morethan? a joke, and he sup- pm-tgd with great heartiness that part of` 4.1.- ........1..s:..'n shut fair-Iv arraigned the WIWII IWlIv uwua zrnuvuu vursv "1uav \._va the `resolution-`A that 5fIll`1y arraigned the , cond_uct"of"the Government`; in respect tof ' `great mischief indeed. ' Under these ' cir- ., cnmstances 'w,as'it-right that they :should 5. strain. the relations 'existing_-hetween the ' Dominion and one 'o_f_its' `greatest ` "r"o-i _ -iin 9`es"'l' "'.W`a.`a it for'th ,&1, inn 1 ` ltliiii-.t.ri;a>l`ir.e=.-1is>,xa-ibi1ity,.t1:'-vz jth9Gvetn+ = ment were prepared to refuse" at `once to Government might cast on this occasion,- thm` ' assuming ` `judicial " functions." " , 'H_-e" did not `disapprove of the Government's action ingot dipaI1ou;vi;:a.t1_xe got. bpt of 1.,e.f.,-am mm the constitutionality of the Act "was determined.' He ' heard it whispered-in`=the lobbies that the Govern- ment_ were not-goings to interfere with the ManitobafLegislat-ion. He heardthat re- ferringit to the "Supreme Court and daily- lng with it from year to year was merely to escape from iadiiculty, and was what was properly called politics. (Hear, hear.) He heard onthe other hand that it was oertainthat the Government `were going to interfere. From what, the First Minis- tersaid last night, he thought it was im- possible to arrive at any other conolu ion. The First Minister had spoken o the grievances of the minority, of power which was vested in the Council to re- dress those grievances, and had `admitted it would be unfortunate if that power exercised in such a way that v`_""nl_d. there might be reason to 2.81. `it All th mi3M.b4 t`k`.m C.`-I indication that H minm; .y "':.-iaritat to be protected and 1-V3 1'm'3ual llgislation. The question" `"..`-'o a practical one here and now. He asked theouse to come` to a conclusion one way or the other `asfto whether inter- ference would hertolerated, interference which would only. le;a'd`to trouble between stretched to i_ti.ntino at.'.1iznit..' .H'ed_ic_1.'not ' h6.Iil.ate.t_o'say at the moment thatit was. - a dangerous attempt.` and that irritating proceedings were calculated to do : very intereferel `Was, it fforf this `that the friendly;..fee,1insza' existing between. the. -' Dominion and the province were to be jeopardized ! Upon the vote which the .` would to a` very great `extent rest the wel- fare of the Dominion.` v I the Di_)_Ii_tip'.ioi shame of. its . provinces. 111 .M&.nI.fAnba ;the.'veto` pow'er',ha`d ;befen. _Ma'.rch.to search is the `old adage; It searches o_1it anyFweakness_ of the system, "re- sulting from impure` blood. `Those who use VAyer's Saran Iii.` nd March no-more seairch`-` ing or even isagreeable fhan any other month; This medicine` is a`jroudetu1'ipyigomtor. ' ' . {taunt 4 gluon. j Report hi this A11anda`1Ta"P ub1i Shboil} for the fmonth of A `February : Senior F-ourth-Gertia Taylm-,vAlberts Onnpbell, 1 Maud Crops, Jamel `McMillin, Isaac Am- broqog` - Junior? `Fourth --As'zg'ie _U_rou, Syfdnj y_, _' Armstrong:-' Bart `Ellis, `Harry Mardglbs, may Gibson. Senior Tliii-d"'- 0live`001,1ihi;fJhti _Mit.`1?.lb5-. Goiha Wallis Barn'e's`, Ec.li,_t}hT J ohn bb"n . ` J"un'ior Thi:-(1-Jo.e V1dsr.;1t`-yid. Willi "_Brad fo'td. Willie . Taylor. ;M=,b9l` } M9 t.kYtef.. %..Ge6ise Beech. .,SenioI;., Se_c9ndf-_-Edith Jonah, Robinson. Gampbell, ' Frank A1-mutro_ng,,= Mary Story, Ida. Fookler. Junior Second -Willie Hill. Harry Orou, Ohu. Gibson, Lorne. Page, Fre_d.. Dnrtnell. Part Seo- ond`-Mnry Jievonl. _.VlplI ;O0lliDI,v Ru- - henna". Shepard, fM|uh|l-1 Page, "Janie sca;gizI_e'... .:Muobdanoo-*-Divi.ion 1.- 65 ;: diviiion"2,"_`5_5H`;_Favipion-r~ 3, 40. Ton! #':9*-xv.`-9%?*%9%(.19ef.1" ~ L "bf Kiib` Mi! I,'hf.591_" `T91! ti,` `..4Is1f`O!'nu-+l,m9le Oat-on. Eds %ii:lsi9-69;"`M5!;11irx`A Min! 899%, ..n-I-.ft,:I=.e .,'9,m.I -g-Mmede ,:.0~r-on. . _ J 0-6912 D.iki!I.I9.l.I.-:.~ ..:-Senior: .3rd-:-M&.r! .Bmt.; Maggie , Muir, ,~ Funk. . Garrett. Norman. Hurdy, May Alexander, Thoma .Bin`n-la`, Violet Garrett. Senior 2nd -- Edith Knapp, `Cassie-vReyholda,`:0hre Alexander, 'JImeI;BintIi0.: .BeI1e-.,= Muir, Alberta. `Alex- 3n`1ior_~,`;1|?ho;I|I:-E0_IlI'tin. =. .;.~ht :2-0160] Fifi nd-1.-4 -:"eleeur {Ga-tut,` 'rM'nI'1dI_ Hdrdy. ;: ` lat Part Junior 2nd.-1-*FeIIilI"`Didi:|hIo!i;` *lI!ilI2?.4~trIcLa.L\:L rr I)nu.`.*u..r-.`lb :. J4. _I `ll ... ..t'l.2L I. 1" u Pa_rt_ J unio; 2nd.-i`a'I*uIli9I1'j'Dlc_k!lhI_;ti , r}lli`GIiu i!3hfe*l%`yinold|}2 !Mi h;el lllliin ` if}'.fl'L.IiiLv" :lIILl3`l\`-L'L~1:_:.s_rg- 159 me ynunqu 5 an _: Ill 3.301 Dub 1'9 II`9h'{t"7GiD1H" Didv $3 1v 1 uv'vu;uu you 3 395 ~ x. ms 1 ..;`2xt1i66%.% 13; mag; uh , -:`!92s}1Z99k .is.1wrQrr V `.99-`T ..T .991. 5 - =1 = . . Z ma .. 4 " I fort of the .21st of March, to the e'ect bull: Du; uvuu uawvuvuwsvp `waive us. vv_.,... Thompson both agreed -that the Dominion` \ Government would undertake allexpense in the litigation ~neoessar`y. ' Later on,`_ on September 8th, 1892, the Deputy Minister plaoed himself in communication with` solicitors for A'rchbisho'p"_'1`ache,, in which J39 stated that the case was `_'nom`_iha'lly undertaken by one Barrett, who ask`ed to 7 have his name used as "a nominal `plainti; but that the costs had been `paid by the Dominion Governments .'.l`he_'r_e could be no doubt that'Barrett_ was the `agentor nominee of the ' Dominion Government. That bore outhls statement that'~the liti-` gation was promoted, not `by any person on his own account, but `by the agent of the Dominion Government. Coming` to the nal proceedings. on the last day of July last, it was then ,determined' by: the Privy Council that the decisionof; the, court of Manitoba was right and the. de- cision of the SupremeC'ourt erroneous, and the law "was held to be codiititutlonal. Shortly after that V proceedings were re- newed, in pursuance -of _a. `promise `held o.ut,by the Minister of. Justice in his re- that if the law turned outto be intra wires, then "it would be time. for his Excellency to consider the` ' petition and aarsyers under: the provisions of the `Maui- poba Act.' Ultimately apetition "was pro-' seated, on > which `an -investigation" took ..I.'.. mm Hm mhnth nf"N nvembdr..lnnt. .=-v-.-.u-mt `Hitof!-J'V! KPp JP.'.lF..| . -H9985` Wil1ia"Blnni9a:;;;.-z;.-H 1;.--..`v;.~. Ia .uw-.' IA` . " ' .~xiJ'--` -.1! .12.. .1 ..(~ :1. .`.`.;.-. E.:.;-:; I 2.41:? `min Jr 4 1n&stha~.;:ou`iiah3{.naisngA _ Sound; Wmlnongiog =6. 2 van; lat: Putternon d;` McLeod ; and Graham,- nf Tnrnnfn AI-In ' ' ` ` 3toc9,~:ot.':0wenv al. DIIUUFIIIII 5 ml; of Toronto, 4th. ll ins`? blhecf noun: Fromm. Went to;-_g1__1 yogggzs in T _ 7.l3,Inffi'iit iJiiI-ivvfiislto 1_Vo,.v.u...8co:,u;.. Prince ' Edward Island, b ;`.7"*1 ` ' ` thb uopr iii Iithixig. ihiud and plan.- sure raaom-s.oL1.`nnsda..ara.sJl alonguzis line. .. . _.Dnllmnu nnInJAaI7III Mnntrnnlvnn Mndnv_ SD10 IB0l'li$.0L 1.'nn3ua.,are.nu B|D.IIl.ll1lAHllBo~- -- -`Pullman oarsiesving Montreal -on -Motiduy. . Wddnosdny. an [ J and on Tuesday (1 Friday run through to Halifax, Nlfhui-s'da ;y and Sam `day to `St, ohn, N. 3.. without change. I Elnnn nnnnnminnn m:fdn'n.t. point Levis with JODD, N. W" WIIZDOIIE 0115086. V _. 121029 opnneoxions m de;at.Point;; Levis `the! 'Grand'l`ru'nk Railway and the Rioheiieu and Ontario Navigatio : Company ! steamers tmm.,Montreal.,ant1; athevia with `the North Shore Bail way. Wlnonnt y-nr-nhu:a Dnllinnn hnfI .qt_ and BIIIOKLIIK 0&1! onau I-l1l'0llRI1 trams. I . First .-class refreshment; rooms gt convenient di=ta.noea. ' ` ` ' ' mnnnmsrmfn %XP0ars%nAs' I -.111 0-2 St npla-"n-.`o\n-Anna: in i{ni:' `K3: nfn an IIIII bury -II& U1u`$ 1.! ?yi' Fm? willlnd it advantageous to use this route. as iris the;quicke`st in anoint. of . timezandathe rates are -as_ .low.as b any other,. Through freighps forwarded by ast s cial trains, and `e enencahaa proved the nt.`erc`olonial`route to .the;qnickast for European freight to `and trom all points in Canada and the Wesoern Rtntnnj _ =- ~ ' V snore new A _ Elecant first-class. Pullman buffet, and amokmg ca.:-ja onall throucm trains. ` `IN l`lI ..l'.|llI 1-A1 mahmant I-nnlnn at convenient um ined and sled intbrma-H 'tion about the route` and about. fxfeight and paaqenker 1`-ates from ` ROBERT B. M'fI0DIE.~ V f Wester Frei ht a.n'1P8s8el!801' Agent. V 93 Rosain ouse B1oc.':.- York st.."-l`oronto.r _1_J, _v.o'1"rINaER. . f 8041. . . . ' glgget _sunexint!d*"r9? - let of the proivince. It was"hardly`to` he Mn M0053 !-'I.l.t!;:~. 't .;t ~ on the Manitoba school ` qdsation. :'ev1e'w-`W .a. the principal events Ieadinu; to the present situation. . It was not `necessary he thcught;"fqr1hem"t_o""be very in considering the right of the Govern- neat to aumne j.udi.cia'l:: .f.uncticns;;1hen they knew that "then Governm'enthad pro- moted 1iiKI }?71!i_.9-!.l'!.iI'I,!&`.te.1.I.}0;jSigiattitsltionale expected that the \provinca"c_cIi1"d -have very great condence in the judicial body before whioh it was. summoned, when it was known to every" member of that Legislature that it was this Government that paid for promoting the. litigation against them. He had no sympathy with the hon. gentleman who` moved the amend- ment. and who, as he understood it, thought that the Provincial Act ought to have been disallowed. On` the contrary, he was enceedingly glad to hear the` clear, ' tinpt. and emphatic statement the III`. nlnllfnn 1|-1:35` `LA annsnnnunnnl -an-un- A Medical Wov" Sclomical themost valuable, artistically the most beautifu medical book ever publishcd; 96 pages eve page bearingahalf-tone illustration in links. ' Sugecu; treated :- ` ' ` ' ' I'I"U'"UI-l."O'l'IUl|lUl3 ...'*:~:~.*.':'.A--..'.'..*.~..:'-v -:r* > _wmje o'3'urno:{;99.sr1'I:n mil 1 only. ellsyou how age! nollfnnd Nervou_eND,_eb111ty, Impotency Stetillty, . ` 4 ,1)eve1oph.1ent, Varicoele, The Husband, Those Intending Maniaze, etc. A Every man who would know the Grand Truths _ the Plam Facts, the Old Secrets and New Discov- . gerieaof Medical Science as appliedto Married: :Life,' who would atone for past follies and 3 :avoid future _ itfalls .should write .for thin: :W-ONDERF _ ALI ' LE BOOK. C - _ I. ...:n 1.- ...'.... r...'. ..:_.1-..--_n __L2l- .1 A , u. E ' "1V:}L51T{e`{` r.;"., ..f.5'.".`.'2;}' `$113 : :11 am glans. Aadreauenepubnxsnen, . :..~;. 2` .-lfhill `I-is-I-"urn can nn lI..511-b- n it -A-v-v-- -.-v E11231 mE1r"1'5Iii'."Ei$., nuttaI%a,%u,v. Ennnnn nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn n....... ........I - (-- -.-v---- -v v---- v `-3 wvli-IU.III lI=_ 3ngum;pgnuimuminlnnuunngiumpiqgni ::"aaa`a'.zi:ea1ar.:s"aa.;~J%A r x - .uI;w Y0_B_K LgIFLe:I_3ulLoIue;j,nnonm_an._cuci l _ .._.__-- . a&c'|:a1 dh\z7s_;kP;F$`r?:::a??`:; me st'1'enng- fr6n3e e:c?s of 0 lies `and GIQXQ E .:~s`to'gd't6" ec1~`health,'manhood` andvigor.-P ` ` Rummy zra HousANns`B'tf'r'1-us; Manvnnoud Rtllva 3 responsibility. ue regretted .`...". ...' John Thompson) had not as .__emphatic;!ly_ stated his views in his report.,as._;in..-this; speech; It is now agreed :by;b_o'th_ sides of the House, for '=Mr. "Blake sp'ea,king_ the. bulk. of his p'ar.ty- some: am. no. - stated thet for their pm, open` any `for `fellow -members on his side of .the__1H.ouse, ' they held 'tlia't`_ legihlation; with `regard to education was not to be. `vetoed or 'dis'al-` lojredg` _..He 'deti'_r`e_ d' to `make gacaf his stnWen.with regard `to. the warmer in Which'thei`litigation was promoted by the Go'vernme'nt of this Dominion. ' A ques-`_y tion arose as to the retainer of Sir Horace Davy.V He was retained in theret b the Dominion, in. the second (place by t `e Province of Manitoba,and.in the third place b the `city of Winnipeg. When he was ca led upon to accept a b'rief,`the question arose as to what brief he would take. In England such questions" are settled by the A'ttorney~Genera'l -after a, gooddeal of formality. - He here quoted` from a letter written by, Justice Sedim- wiclr, then Deputy Minister of Justice, ,0!) the 4th of J snnary, 1892, to the solici- L-.. :... T_.....l.... {n uhinh +.a...h.m.+....r...+.`..o...1 Oefionem accord t .di` " or chrfu yand'eonsc enuous"`re? 11$"-I ", : Ice-.m.ao.-epncnazs moo. .. `V-V` 7' V d `,' ` 0 .. 7, '. .,\'V':l:_`omo: 'uWno%1f!'.sr1$Wt: rAi`.`r8,"jfor men only. all: you how II. V ~ . ju'ol|_ inl shy"-"VI ; ` AAA... in} hall an IIE.EIl"EIIIl|IIlE [III ...u... , `'1 IA... 1 '-.' 7".-'.",'f"' Z. Around bu ."tl$a E are n siia g1iu1(;1- nn.hol" L """1 SKIN 00]). Their oon`nlarinn`iiLh`rr3.uu`a: s2rsvsxa2m:s:::::a:.:=:s.*;"M fvlyaher. anialootholzgnd-more bosutitulvthan th me W V ` oPELCHo:-ll ':).l...E`?.n2......s. 4... I womenwno use cnean preoarttlon. _1.-nnon-m.oo1u is not 5 whitewash to clone no the pores of the skin. and cover 11 Lita lnueootiong. but is 9'. SKIN F000. it o 3 the` `RH: lenvint it soft. pznooth. u:. bagufully tics snarent. , uu pun Awvmg 16 B015. unoom, um bsluulhllj L ziauannrent. . : -I .-1-Inca`-m.oom~ to 3 lately hnrmlau`, V but itibrinsl nbon: the rcq ted results quickly. (1 mm: h, V ' :1 . .tn ::nuhr:ess.' niyI:pl::'bl:;9i1.enp$;"frb;'ln::yan[ tan. ' ' ~ ~- -"T" """"' "" PEACH-Bldnolil having I tendency to f . s3%n`.` n13n'i113 ou%'-nt&n%.`9r1?12La ll VIIV IVE VI. UDIIIIUIJ .l.Uuu, vv vu_v uvnvp' for in Lpndon, in whigh th1e`deputy-state that'Sir J o`{1_nLMacdo na id_ and 1ir"_Jghn "-----~---~~ -_A-3L`.-1LI.- Illguyvu Z` uugqa VIII . I |u1n'93'i i~ \ nnalni-A and ngnlv nu 'IllUl'UIl]' I.vvcuun_ Inl.l"`l'Blll0Yl!lK `Wlllli to I1lr`inVx:;!o t 1?uaq.s%xo`1); % ` w'1 c"roi onEuto'AL co., "1 Adelaide t.Woot, Toronto. " Was Halo In `Ila:-In I`. (1-- 1:-_u_._.__ -. Auuuxuu at. W est, 1'01-onto. For Sale in Btu-lo. 1: Gen. Monklnnn n. H. mom-m, D ta. 4 7-1; ' . !ur'es;I3bs`fPmve_'r,V Lbli V -`N `h:='Losscs ~D'- senses tcuusedgy '-.by,Ab .ow.5: I Woik,. Ihdiscretipn, .l"l"Ba.oco ' ggium _or' S'tim]kxlAnt_','LI5a'c:k 0 V ` , Lost; _ emery, Head npjmzand WnkhfaInem..u : ` ix" m"i"e'?`tII " h3'*3iT c iJ i3x`i"r?a` &'3?IZ'7"7 . I II I O . '` sani m.'.`. sFi3`.'` `s'.;{ {.`.":5`.`.'c....s.*`5cu..u.` ` ` unlad Imalmm dnixgg lnsnect I. ,` '.ResF_I |t,;'AtHe `stomach, L-`V3! a n:d ]_`B .owVel,s, _u n locks . 'u'nc5ccret.ionvs,?Puriesthe Blood andremoves"all im-`- pu-rie; 'frorn~ ,`Pi'rnpl?e_ to` `f-'|"If W "5?-'5"`75`fi'=`!5F3_3. S5534. . _AB5%E0T7FY% Anofuow T0 A`r1_','_ >suhm'itted ' for consideration, and` tlnie a certain provisions andstatutes should be BBDWBU, Ul_lfWulUl1 Qu auvyuvlguvsvu vvvn I place. . Till the month. of Novemberdast; 1 no person ever dream: that the clause; in _l the B.N.A. Act of section 93 had any ap- I plication at all to the Prov_ince[,of Mani-4 I toba. It ~ne'ver_ was; euggeeted in, the `K earlier papers. I "It never was spoken of 4 till near the end of October, in apetitionp i sent in by:Mr,. _EwartsiI'I which-it-was 4 claimed that the .clausewof,the_.B.N-'.A.tAct. 1 had some bearing on the queation. A It 4 was on this last petition that the report of 1 thesub-committee .to which the matter 1 had been referred by the Council was de- 1 cided upon." In the month of September: ` or October the parties were -invited to at-' T tend, and endeavor toVpoint ', out to the -nub-committee the form in `which this appeal sho_n_ld_ be made. That meet- ing was attended. by Mr. Ewart. . It`: was not attended by `a representative ._of. the Manitoba :Government, and he did not think they had then been invited. Among the questions before the conrt- ` was that as to whether this appeal was V Inch anappeal as was contemplated in sub section 3 of section 93rd of the B.N.- `A. Act, or sub section 2 of section 22 of the Manitoba Act. Certain questions the subcommittee recommended` should be wta;aet..t hear the arginnent as . to the form _or,substsnce theseezqubions should. take. In _',the return bm'_ugh_tA do.wn_, T he; fourth prayer declared that his Excellency} __ . was requested to interferon: order. that re`-enacted which tweretr law -before the _,_-__ -2 AL-` A '1onn LI_*_L LI.-. lYouwmmod%|i `The POCKET` DIRECTORY? - .-.f(',r~l898.{- .-.,r: _ 1.,` Now` `rbndy '?Raliab1eA-and aLcl J 0lll`GtG'.""_`P.l'iCO`2`G.`;.' "-56 .-,-' . ' ' "t *- ' "D " "'-""VllVI UV : %..``;:an;.`.;.;3a.?a'L 6".-.`....`i::. ..:`.`:"a`.9`L2su`.'.` r= nreventlnsr mm M-`mnirlm .umm.. `,`j" .'. um r.u.u.. Causes, Hon the Effects, - V rointo the Remedy. IAIN rr. Impofency, ....1..;.;.. ....4. passage of the A Act of 1890, that the Roman Catholic minority should have certain rights with regard to their schools. The House would see that this petition sought the destruction , of the Public School Act of. Mxfsnitobs. The rst Act was that establishing the Separate schools. The Act of 1890 did away with these, and established a separate `school Tsystein, '-.l'hIt Mt 'w.eI.h,eld . to: be ihtre .-vi,r_eI.., end. I to. be .within the competence ofth9;l I1?liI-` 3 meat otthe` province. The -schools have ` been in existence since .1890. This peti-`. tton or hearing now_ opening` was itskenv for the purpose of destroyibgisnd _nnl,lify~fe ing the uSel1col**Act,-pissed `in -1890.` that it wuopuzht `tId9.it!`.o'!'.h'1ot;;`3i5nd"`t re-_en._ac,t such A ualidstidiii his *wor`~,t1:. some 1,871: *3, wmalarfbe. wolrgto, , `E l'i,!}i*1 m5i1'!1`a;.!;`V ?0"ii:I`iill5.!i`s*l>B 31,1.` -. 1 6.1},% ;I..h0'!.IaI69*. ;t!l.I'.t..rtl|5; IhIQf'f!9i I Ht 0Il0II!0n_ pIl.I..'llih0llt making thhbeqxankt It seemed quite, Klein to the Ministerucl ` Justice _l_890-t `atthevtime would.snrely ccgne faiths widetiewfxiuticns bl4|h8*petltioI|'s isssoh as` " soaigiifup, .3.` A ` S .1. Into sunvnro,n"y.; O `H LYON PRIVATE rUNDs T0 LO %. on I_l_e_sl'kaute at lowest:-a en. Farmers lsocerniloonntod. Collections mule in an .-.--5.430.. .iIp&I'-Inm|n6,- Run} - I at: -n hnnoht 11! R055. mantis Uouoouunl IIIDIIB In In pIrto~-1ht0onntr;""R:ost`I-st:-It honzhtnns n:.'.'_' ~purIrvr`uw vuunu . swan rum xv uuuguu -uu A _ygnpo|_:;g1n all in bunches. Mar- l!f}g1I>np,aeM;'B1!-ne... .,0,i..-Rou Block. 5.11 . CW U,.\J.\J.\J. Ireenmu security In Iowan. rive or;intoroat.~ "No principzlmon reqnir d un- ti1end~ot~theterm.- u. H. 8'1` A'1HYqSolic- Mn. aim `Rn:-I-in in 811001 Ivlll! tutu nor, eto.. Bu-no. .1; - :7-`'". .'- -- rrootora. Notaries In lnnn nm...._I _..._.._uu-;-o can _ _ -ny;-rl ` P-';'i)t3ra. otu;1e Lg. . - N. W. `Ry/station. Barrie. and Binghanfs `to loan. 01cea- 1nd`s Block. opposite n. Lx. I Blnck. Bgadtord. HAuani~oi1 `Lune x. Wnnmnarox Aura-. Jonx R._Kuu:. . _ '1`. G. A. Wmonr. A ~0 FOR mvms'm~cN'r on good 3` ,, . . . freehold security at. lowest .1-ate an `interest: V-No nrinoiml money req air ttqpglui `:{>f:t_ii3"=`1sc?'wu' 5 M rbn diil? inlz iI'di`k`IA.iRn`t' -_ _v-._ W-'--w vv-w