Jthat last dey of his mental balance had been _an unhappy one, say 9.-. day black with anguish or remorse, or em- bittered with rage and revenge, would. he now be the opposite of what he is, a wild w beast in toils, the remainder of his life the horrible revolution of an incidental, who knows but an accidental, mood '2 ~ l J x 1 Have ;"eceiv`edj and marked o the rst consj Canadian Papers and nd a larger _ and b ;th:`_11 ever; betore. V g u mem etter assoltm ---mad by the-4-- Closing Out, childrens sleighs at cost price. Have` teceifecl and Vma`rked_ the Ask your grocer for Mills 8: P|axfon s celebrated Furnaces Stoves ! Stoves ! Stoves I % L. 1.PAPER- 4 SOUTH. SIDE DUNLOP ETREET, NEXT TO THE L`-ANTON TEA STORE. BARRIE AND STROUD. 2-Iv. full stock of Iron Pipe for Steam, Water and Gas, Globe Ya: Valves, Steam Gauges, and Water Glasses. All work in this line promptly attended to. - _, . : r& (Judo Ur\r And all Funeral ikquisites Furnished. Orders by Telegraph or otherwise prom; attended to. ' G. 0. IDOLMAGE, Manager Stroud. Steam Works and Show Room, ~ COLLIER-ST.. BAR mg COFFINS AND GASKETS OF ALL Kl.\'I i In stock or Made to Order. ' Permanent enlargemelm 1 new and beautiful process. 3:5` | rum. 3 ` - L001) com. 10 xx. B`' "" 'h1n- 0ar5'5?'2'ic`. .1i:3w E? 081! boothouse rentgaidfor oneyw. sums. 1 get A call solicited tor alfkinda or DRUG8,'PATEN'1` MEDICINES. nY[ STUFFS, SOAPS OOMBS. V AND BRUSHES. SIX MILES A MINUTE. -Ivw 7'13`-Jtlllrs I J.",'\'V- ` `A 1 --wlll be tonnd--" , a 31115,` 2 nouns wast or me Mums HoTil -' `ii::'re3.} fssggge Mounmu, 0 ABTSTETS `;`j:` FROM $3. m2. now only n1|.('A1') Keeps the head Fmnl: FROM Duvnnwr. W 1110338 growth. restores array or faded hair; % natural color. Pmcn: $1.00. For saw- ts. or at DORENWENUS, 103 ` ` 105 Yonse `street. Toronto. _. _ , [V7 nu. nonauwzun? ,1 Glfylqg HAIR uucu, `DA--- TOILET AR'l`IOLES-A FULL LINl'~ - 5 Lobes, Crape lg"! .11 13..----) n;,-,g 2. cuemnsr mu nnuemsx ermanent enlar b` HIWVAL ` ' M You and - his supe ` everybm 91`. 3`\RR|E Aug anon nf BRAGEBRW worthy ( AI\l\ A4` 4] STOP TIE-IE [arch 9.` AND` BEST r, Q Child Marriage. and . -There} rive freig 810113 the rggd, and Above the QA Phum Ilillt. ' A noble pm And sure Vuu IJ\/ x; was the mechzmi f 8 1H( his p1`(rf calhng. iTi7.="1r'i , ((r,. `V- WU1 nu v a `one of"t1 1,111 `g: M ...',,'| In in as Ba_d' `Way. yo-u:i1g - < ward, fw fast_ `exp 4\utb1w\r\ VQl;u1b . Asaf ~ posed in t0 be,(`_( )1 his new f.OOt1.)na given a ha 17 P34`);-*1 an71`}a',3 Nettie Byrnes :7|lY Cl`I\ (I JUGIJ .3. Th e 0 interest him 111 Billy .11 A'4- Ix JJLLIJ ,Al( At 11 Nettie 1 with he 1n9_dica I.lJ\Jll1k (I. V` For gaged, - had ea robbers enginee no reas riggga d upon fres ' `ttin IT:--TlJL v' ".Iu"""`A PIP` my JWI``w XVI `should much `upon t 89nC6j no-.11 ~ 4?... `* found .- But .31. seat, \ _ Net 8.116 w lover, clung !t.en'} eyed , fneer, down wzllest ' T "111 139%? l hrothe :1} ho wri \Jl\ll.|b S11 6 ' by th and _s fear J.11I`)`- UK ; .7. UI1. ' he 1 me 3 Ab you ' ygu ` For all emngements ef the throat and lhngs, : .11.; ; Ayer's Cherry Peoto;-alhis the speed1et- and ` . most reliable remedvs .eE_Ven in t,h,e_udvanoedj my stages 'ofConsnmpt1ou, thiewqnderfnl prepare-` 3;;-..'ion affords great relief, cheeks bdughing, ai1d_ ` .r sleepy r V (`run home `ITYI 33356 t. at t Kl , .7 1 hone we r 3 her, ibpt th orld I '41-nu-nr 1 '8 ll. 1:4 Prl reg 5.13.1, ;u1c. \ Lto fl ., L1, . I810!` I may x . Olilnfg: 1 VVL 1 th ould ensi 7 ` -_-_-_. ----v- v- --r--- vlvvu, 1.0000 i`i:Ql;l`;STIONS -.-l. Which is` the` longest book in the New. Testament? .2. Which is shortest? 3. The-longest verse? 4. The shortest? A V Barrie Bible society. The ennnel tn_ee_tin_g of ; the Barrie Branch of the UpperCe,nede' Bible Society was held at the Collier `Street Methodist obnr`oh_ on Wednesday e vening', '{M_e;rch-' let. His Honor Judge Boysllocouvpied the chair. The` meeting was opened by `devotional services, prayer being oered by` Rev. D. D. McLeod. After some `-appropriate remarks by the .cbeirinen a very elaborate report was read by_ the Secretary, Mr. C. W. Pluton in which he gave an intereetinizv history cf `the society. The report was unani_monsly- adopted. The audience, which was a fairly representative one, though not very large, K was eddtfessed by Rev. -Mr. Bryant, of _Toronto, who gave some account. of` the work the society has been doing and presented its claims to the support"|of all christi_an people who desire the sprencl off the bible among the people of the "world.- whet-her civilized or eevaire. An Earthquake Wave Once `Crossed the Pacic Ocean in Twelve Hours. Feople are opt to indulge ap rehensione shout the movement of waves of the ocean which are erratic, bofn perhaps of illusion- ery inuences. Evervone has noticed the. action of the wind on a. field of cornand seen the undulations caused by its crossing` % the eld in a. few seconds; but no oneesup-v ~ poues`t_'nt alingle s1talk.has'7left_ in plgce, ` As lth thetoorniwaveg `says the` Brooklyn ] A Eagle;-`so With the weter =weve,-. the sub- ` `stance remains `rising and falling. in. the 3 u1mn.nln.ce_ while it in nnlv the fm-m Mme, 1 Dr. Parker made a few remarks on the importance of the work-f.heA usual {votes of thanks. were given---musie was furnish`- ed by the choir. The ministers. present. were Revs. Messrs. McLeoc', McGrat.h, Dr. Parker and Dr.VHarper. ' i A Popular competition. I The Publishers of the Ladies Hom Magazine presents` its great Winter Com- petrtion to the public of America This I Competitionecloeee on` April 30th, 1893. .l'\num..-...... 1 rl1'L2_|_ 9, .- f _ ___.-rv-- y The benedietion, was pronouneed by Rev. Mr. Brya.nt_ and an interesting and instructive meeting was closed. ' Elderly eople remember their spring hitters with a shu der. The present eneration have much to `be thankful for, not t e least of their blessings being such a pleasant f and thorough- ly effective spring medicine as Aye:-'e Snrsapen illa. It is a health-restorer and hea1th-main- tainer. V it Vllowvro COMPETE. -Write ' the questions. down,-and follow with the answers. Mail this to us, together with $1 to pay for six" months subscription to the Ladies , Home '_Magazlue-one of the best Home Magazines. 3100 in gold ; 2500 Ele nt` Silver Tea of the day, and if your answers are` 0'01`-erect you will receive one `of thefollowin prizes :. $1000 in gold ; $500 in gold ; "gold 5. . its ;. Organs; Pie.nos,'&e. - verything fsir`a.nd. ; Lsmns square. . Send postal card for `list -of foririerr rize winners. over $10,000" sdistribiitcl uring the t two `years. ' Address :'*Tnn"7 OM11: M A I`: A vlfxrr < Dad-gh`..`..."..* ..-1. ' JJQIILIIE ;9'*?*- 1 Mr. Voorhees signied his assent.- did _the others in their turn until Dudley was reached. He declined. never drink, he said. Well, come down and havfe a cigar? said Judge Gresham V "T Thank you, I hover amokn, said General Dudley; ' ' 11 `I . II ' Not Anne to Johnny. This atory about J udge Gt-e_ahal`n is told by enhnld Iudianian. Sitting in his oioe one day were Senator Voorheea. W. -W. Dudley end some other "friends. They were diacussmgpolitice, when Judge Gresham arose and said: sunpeae we go down and have a." drink. You'll go won't you Dain '1 h `E `G . - -- --~ said Judge Greohem. you have all the qu_ali_tie'u that go to make u. bad. man . IVIIIUV suusussus ssusu nuu usurug III. 0119 ` sameplace while it.is only . the form that l The s moves. `peed -of this movement de- pends onthe speed of the` Wind; When a. a gentle breeze is blowji_1_g the friction be- tween the 'atmo_sphe'rje"and the water is` small, and only a slight `ripple is re- duced; but should " the velocity P of the wind ` increase the ripples become... waves ' or even b billows, mountains of water, moving at a tremenduous speed. The ri ple or slow undulatiou may}movej at"a ve ocity varying from three or four to eight or nine miles per hour, and, increas- ing in size to a wave of greater or less pro- rtions, may have_a speed of from ten to fteen or. twenty miles per hour. In agale the rate increases to twenty-ve or thirty, and during storms has been estimated at 'lhirty, thirty-ve and even forty miles per hour. The latterspeed is exceptionaly great and far exceeds the average. Waves which have resulted from earthquake shocks have traverse the ocean ata speed which is al- most incredible. For instance, the great earthquake which occurred at Samoda, in Japan,caused a wave which travelled across the Pacic from that country to San Fran-_ cisco,a distance of nearly 5,000 mi1es,in not . much more than twelve hours--that is to say, it raced across the ocean at a rate of about six and a half miles per minute. The selfsacting . tide guages at San Francisco. which recorded the arrival of this great wave rendered it quite certain that this was the tidal wave Whlch passes over the` ocean twice dail . travels in places at an enormous speed. t has been estimated that if the seas of the world consisted of one uniform - sheet of water the tidal wave would tra- verse them at the rate of 1,000 miles per hour. As a. matter of factgitdoes proceed at something likehalf this pace across the V Pacific and Atlantic oceans. The inter- vention of-' continents, islands` and shallows. iowever, reduces the speed_in places to not more than forty or fty miles per hour. ' But when daylight fades to twilight and the lonely night windsisigh, the glory of the evening stars is shower- ed from the sky ; When thestillness hovers round him like the holy hour of prayer, . . With no sound but unseen pinions pulsing thro the slumL rous air, Then her presencerules his. bosom with the old angelic sway, x ' ' And he knows her worth and sweetness ` ' when his wife is gone away. - Yes, she stands before him smiling, guardian spirit of the night. . With a voice so full of music and `with face so warm and bright-; _ - And his heart a grows soft and tender, as come thronging to his mind _ All his deedsof love and duty, all her help- ful words and kind ; . And her im erfections vanish as the shadows of the ' ay. - ` V - And he loves her, oh, how dearly ! whenhis wife is gone away. ._W Qnvsfnw :91 llnlnggtnn `KT...-.... a.nuu'uv WVDID Luv WIIIUUBU IIIIUIIU uuu CI UuC3Uu' hole bouquet-- . Oh ! he is mighty ne `and tidy. when his wife is gone away. He attends eachfete and picnic in" a radius . often miles; , - Is the very incarnation of politeness`wreatb- ed in smiles ; ~ ' V _ And the girls declare him charming-just too nice for anything ! V . ' For he treats them _choice confections and he takes themin the swing. . As a bachelor he poses, and he woos the ladies gay- Oh ! he doesa sight of meanness when his wife is gone away. uuvp 'vu van a uunuu nu-rnumoreu laIlC|~- B01116- times forgets to prsy-- A ` _ V Oh 1 his days are full -of trouble when his -' - wife is genes.-ws'y. `He resumes his {ou_t_hfu1 hahits, lingers with the boys til late, _ Sings the charms of winsome women, dresses like a. fashion plate; . A Aye,-he shaves himself tri-weekly and his ' ntent-leathers shine ` Whi e his neckware is a. study in both color and design : - . Analne wears the whitest linens and a. button- I\A`n Lanna. u 4.5 ---I-U 10$ 'VII- ID WEI ate " .. ., H .. .. ,. ,..~:,._ H; r..;.a.;`A 1;a;~ ;;;=.%.m;.*.;=:.na 1.. puts his laundryout ,_ , _ H ` Sew: on b'u'utoni, `hunts hla, slipp`era , jcatters everything 'abon'1t`; ` * . Tears the curtains from the 'windowa,'va.inly tries to -put them back; 7 Tilt: 9. `.0&,bi!|6t, in falling wrecks some `treas- Vured brie-9.-brac : _ . Goes to bed a. `shade ill-humored `and some- ffu-nnn `Annual... 4.- ..__-- edple bitters 11 (let. The nrnsamf. annnrnnn ham. %!s Twin-u amt. '5`? --W. L. Sauf6yx:d, in Galveston. News ID 6UlIU CW C four 1 ywo years. Address :`" VTHEV _MAG.AZINE, Peterbo;-ough, 1s'o` Mr ~ I if the snow is drifting or the rain is beating- UHGTB Wll ID 051119. .I`JVBl'y y 311109 CD811 hasbeen that ha y Saturday to him. He , has just returneygrom the lake, no matter the windows. It has been a perfect day, everything is divine harmon . _ He will go over to ). s for a game of w ist. Even if Miss X . meets him he asks if she is at` home, as if he were addressing some one else; then he is so lad she is up at the lake ;he is going ack to-morrow ; there is every sign ' of- perfect weather, eto., all in his old-time charming way. Then he takes up his cards and plays a capital` game, and goes home in the sweet expec- tation of a-ha y to-morrow. All else in life seems a blank to him. In that one fair niche of memory he sees all of the. past, the-present and the future. He ap- - ears to be reading oftentimes ' when the 0k he holds is upside down. a Death means nothing to him. When his friends die he does -not weep,v nor question, nor- miss them. He has had such a happy day, and he is going to repeat it tomorrow. Naturally his case is of interest to special- ists. He is never troublesome. He goes about the village and exchanges cordial greetings. Nor does he always speak of what is in possession of his mind, unless you hold him too long ; then he has excuse for breaking away. n......s:..... . 1': st.-. 1--.. _1;__ _.B L:__ ,.,u WA % The cheapest and choiceet stock of Teas, Coffees, plain and fancy Groceries in town. QUALITY HIGH. | Sfrongfll, PURE Monsoon PAYS {FOR THE ADVANCE FOR ONE `YEAR. An Excellentlnvestment :%;Q : .-...`_. g, ` 1 ` Q. "Elie '.:a.;1;;; 'J:'e?;LZi.ai;"3om. he had a paralytic stroke. Not a severe one, only a slight shock, but it clouded his brain, If we can call that a cloud which xed for- ever in his mind the happiness reigning there when it came. Every day since then `nn1\nnn l-`inf. hnnnuy .qnfnI-Ann 1-A khvvu "A `amount or 7ic'1un" cim %:.7.::.*......*:'.:*.3*.**"..`%....:""z'%'I.~.*i "' cuo months. .Aaarouu5k 1 i't1.1|;.sn.361 Broadway. zm Yo: -at --w--W Inven tree or charge in mg ;'Eutii; gnmisau muse nmun.o.o.... 2.: .... ..-. . THE mmcsm? 'l`EA IN THE wonnu Il'\t\ su AGENT ran BAIIRIE. IN MAN Pilrlfy England can furnish instances of child marriages, not perhaps to any great ex- tent, but as young as any to be found in eastern countries, where such marriages are . slrnost of daily occurrence. The youngest En lish bride. on record is, ,be and all d Igbt, a. den hter of Sir William rereton. who". in the sixteenth century, was united-. in bonds of holy matrimony when `only 2 years of age, to a bridegroom who was only- her senior by one year. In this one `the,- children were carried into church, alnd` their. elders spoke for ,.them. ,-Subsequently, when .. the it reached years _ of maturity,-they rsti ed the strange tie. In this instance,- ' the'objeo`.- was to carry out a. desire to nni,te-~ property --All the Year Rounds #0KVlA'l'Oo .~,'run:- mama; CIIION FATIIITCQ QOPYBIOHTO.' Handbook arm: on End Flavor. 1.00 PRICES Low. an :41- 1-;&"!x#.Es ` TEA 4 Per Cent. lhfonn raga on nopoilu. ` The security V -Dovodto:-n In` a. ; ` ` Company 4:_;:ndoub- * ' / . f '. : _ : ` V I,_ , V r `, ` . J<?``*"'%&%, ` I ; gems %%%*w 11:;- 5: . O ; III HINDI 0., : JOHN. % .,as.cI-ppemn 8;t.. '3: axnme mu xv. smuss cu! ' VINOORPORATIVD l`88l. _ ' ac: @ -.--`5 VI C . 4 " Wain! (Who is engaged`-` to. _ ChuV:lea)V--> g` v `ChI.`r1'es, don't. you remember -you said you 3 . ' woilld buy methe 1f8t h&DdlOm9 ` ring. . w? ..H_er_e.in 'thi3 `win(,1'<:_oW. is a. _1`-egu l.Asr . . 'llOIIlI>y; . . .. y , 1 n,Ih`Ajv,'A-na .1\nI6 T Ln---595 -;L I ----" I `ID rvvunl uvnvlu Luwu pauuu: . Withn ers weary and worn. With eye ids heavy and red, A woman sat in unwomanly rags Plying her needle and It will be observed that the last word is omitted. The rst person sending in the verse complete,` with the proper word inserted. will receive Szoo.oo IN GOLD, the second A 8 .oo GOLD WATCH to the third A $25.00 SILV R WATCH. To the last will be given $xoo.oo IN GOLD, to the second last A $50.00 GOLDWATCH, to the third last 1 A s25.ooVSILVER WATCH. In addition we will give TWENTY - FIVE SILVER ORUETS to persons sending in intermediate correct answers should there be that many replies. A Each answer must be accompanied with $2.50 to pay for one of our veipound caddies of tea. We guarantee this tea BE TER THAN THE TEA YOU NOW PAY THE SAME PRICE FOR will pay all charges to any place in`Onta`rio. an if the custo- mer IS not thoroughly satised after giving the tea a trial. it can be returned to us and money will be refunded... This will cost us many dollars but we believe it will be a paying investment. for we pur- pose giving our customers such , good value for their moneythat the will continue to deal with us. In writing state whet er you desire Black tea Hy- son tea.]apan tea. Gunpowder tea or Mixe `tea. As a further inducement we will give a half dozen Sheield sterlirteaspoons with each ve ound caddy of tea. ese spoons are accompanie by a guarantee from the manufacturer to stand their color and improve with wear. Do not connect this with any fake, but remember it is an` honest oer made by an honorable, fair-dealing firm. to extend their business in a le timate manner. Address CANADIAN TEA C _-2-1 Franc .m.-.... In... n-I Vina-| III.-Ill-llybh `W703! 9" 0'" 0" QUEEN MEDICINE 00.. NEW YORK LIFE 3.WLUINe.o MOIIUOII, can. The present age is one of keen competition, in which one dealer vies with another in offering in- ducements to the public to become his customers. The Canadian Tea Co.. of Toronto, have done this ness an delig t their atrons. Their business has been conducted on t e principle that it is bet- ter to do a large business with small prots than a ; small business with large prots, for in that way they please many more good customers and laga solid foundation for future trade. Actuated y I their success in this line in the past they now pro-` , pose to do still better and offer the ublic induce- ; mcxzts that no other rm has dared) offer before. In order to introduce their teas, justly celebrated for their excellence. they place the fol owing verse of poetry before their patrons : H\XI:ol.-l:........... ...,.-._- -__I __.-__ I in years ast. s aring nothing to extend `their busi- I I 136 mu nnmx :2 8263.900. VGLJ -_-.---poI ;_13!AN <"5"' Are the beston the market. They are stamped T. B. 8:. C. AG,".,|l V .5` iii: `nE'ci[A'r'o`Iz. CATISFAQIJON GUARANTEED. IIUIIIIIJL Chm:-leo-A-Y-'e_-ag` but: I. haven't. ht. V pqcketbook in` theae kpantgs, and t. ey thy ouly,:pa.ir_I -.ve bgou.-.-Texas Sittings. _ __ .__--:-j` W Pianos `hat hsveboenlhusoslwayson ,, {rand for Isle` |`BXOi-i:A`.,1\TG-E_S MADE `.1-`III! RAJ Ihiiun Al `Iii----; - I"-`. unuu tut I810. Co. ` them. --gwlw-C ! .!411,V0|T!;llii'!`_E% TUNER! Toronlo Biscuit & 0oIi f;' PEACH-BLOOM having a. tendency to feed the inneraawell as the outer cuticl it induoeeo. lling out.a.nd rmness of the in thereby preventing and removimz wrinkles. It is invaluable for chapped hands. Sold by druzziste. and sent on reoeit of price 3100 by eddres WESTON CH MIGAL C0., 186 Adelaide t. West, Toronto. For Sale in Barrie by Geo. Monkman and D. H. Maoharen. Druggiets. 7-ly look as The aoaumui Women Around ou. thatu'eueingPEAcll-Bl.00M SKIN 00]). Their completion is brighter.` fresher. smoother. and more beautiful than the Women who use cheap preparations. PEACHQBLMM In want A mhlfnmmnl. 0- women wno use onean preparations. PEACH-BLOGM is not a. whitewash to close up the pores of thegkln. and cover :1 its imperfections. but is 9. SKIN noon, it 0 can the skin leaving it sort. smooth. and beautifully tronsoarent. IDI!AnlI..IIl1u\nr a- -u..-n_._u_ . , , . Inl.'lIlUUBl'C I16. PEACH-B1001! is absolutely harmless, but it brings about the_ required results quickly. and retains them. permanently removin 1`);1hness. pimples. black heads. freckles` an ._v-u- -uunuvaulll I `G . m K1ngst.. 'W..1 G. G. SMITH, UNDERTAKEB r Put in at short notice. A full of I Stop and Check Valves, Gm run- ALL THE MOST APPROVED MAKES, WITH THE LATEST A ` - NISHINGS,`A'l` MANUFACTURERS PRICES. .2 1-9 BARl_lA|'7!`EM$1_'9y_E_~_zFURNACE neru 11avepaiaecAsH Down for this ream. customers benet of the discount. A "Owingto crowding of stock in old stand, v ,room*for Wall Paper in the ANNEX, directly See our sample befole buying your n p,,,mgn wnu pnpg Jill` alit