Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 9 Mar 1893, p. 4

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-2:33 ~ . _.v -----v.--up, -vvvvuc uuu -Ivvvvlllilsb VB! In - In price; , Dress Goods at regular clearing out prices. ?,nJ\/ urn if to.red-ace 13119 awn-'1 der to d0 SO We to c.a,Sh. In Or . 111 g1V9 Great Bargains in All Departments! % VVe have commenced our An 111131 STOCK TAKING SALE, so as .___--_.___L , " I SALE. V lStock Takin % NOW For: BARGAINS IN Japanese, China. and Silverware CHINA HALL REMNANTS! REMNANTS Clothing, Tweeds, % cost or `run nxr me -war. ? The New York Preu indulge: in tome calculation`: of the next big war in Europe; It in taken for granted thnt Inch 5` war in Inevitable but just` when it in to begin and what eecte are likely to ensue to this continent are factors left. out of the j____-.. r-:- Ti-T In all"the LateatTDesigns I;a;tterns and Decorations. TOILET SETS in endless variety, and Prices to suit every pocket. Should greatly tend to please prospective buyers STOCK TAKING SALE COME AND SECURE A BARGAIN. SPECIALLY LOW CUTS IN 3`, Carpets. Caps and Furs, rear, Dress Goods, AID omen uuas. ' --GREAT-- m-a-r-k's: ;1;;-z;;e {in as 2o,bo0.boo. which means 4 per cent. on $200,000,000` "ayear. During the last Franco-German war the battles decidmg its fate were forced on France in quick succession. France was weak then in numerical strength as well as in her army leeders. Sheisstrong to-day in both. If we do` not conquer her the struggle will be a long and erce one. In 1870-71 the contending armies fseed each other in the field for nine months. It has been calcu- lated that with smokeless powder, increas- ed eoienoy in rearms. &e., the war of the future would be shortened. The best strategists assume that the war of" the future will last nine months at least.- DUNLQP STREET, VBVAIRRIE. thm in of . puv nu... _ last. pm` V _cQntemp ""\lI\A [[- A~`TW)e n1 over th yeray be of Finan gdiau dek _`:;c1t_v on a I ainst ( , 0 the cu and (h?) latter. A per -Y9 mm I . TLi-Eonrnsnu Aovmce. A- Q 1...- AAL-'a_____, .p,__-_ _ -_ fines bet +the Cuna ' year. '1` would m IIVL _ _.. "Rivas: rt -`product Mr. BIsina s that it l`ociproc' States a pres: lh "opinion basis w Uqited Wiiie a t ose of HAS 41.; fa Lhu DCIDC basis Lh natural Canada against desired diful Bccepta Tuck ` consme ' only m; the gzw vrecei ve kets on and an right. 1) deratin charad MNUTE Una: um. ~ Int revenu l'8VeII1l and pu G.--9 KIIJLI I rt; basis would derive She w propor upon which equal goods goods Lh- pom] -"Thoee 20,000,000 math inuat ' be railed in caeh within thoee nine months. Where are they to come from 7 The im- perial fund together with the cash "on hand in the national banks of the empire would not enioe for the purpose. Caih payment would have to be euepended in Germany, Austria. Hungary, Ruuia, Italy and France and unredeexneble paper money ieened. We aueeeeded, after the invaeion in France in 1870-71 hed `leeted only a few weeks, in obtaining the mean: BU`-I\.l0 Lit. otherx .or 0th LIL 30ver nthes ropula rehed for ta J\II vu In Blaine Clllded fonne` only these equah upon be he unless its ra. very excise upon Ion,a ggcue impos excise "pared Unite \/Annuv condit ture 0 red to lull II\.I M r, "quest its w alrea discri manu neces crimi clpfo cally 84-pa that `these dinn woul As an princ main amt _bya two Ilvvu M 1` point. wool rec`? p plate V3113. AVI I Can the _upon prac that Inadi vuivw vu wtvjuvy 'c ' day morning. I: uumu. wnsunr. rnornmron. Ina!` ,,.,.' -_v __-_._.. fen. vigjoni enemy : own country. Will we be able to repeat this experience 3 The writer then indicates if in one _ of the oontending oonntriee, e uooiel revolu- tion, each u the Sooieliete of `Germany, the N ihiliqte of Ruuie and the Commun- ist: of France were to teke 3 hand in, the oolt would be much greetoi. V * .7 In these nsncisl cslculstions only the direot costs of the. war are mentioned. Nothing is ssid of the lossesentsiled by the stsud still of industrial institutions, mercantile losses. the disorganization of agrioultnrsl pursuits, nothing of the money vslue ot the men destroyed. end crippled for life. If the oost to one country thus sznonnt up to en slinost inosloulsble amount in nine months. whet would be the losses of all the `notions thst would likely to be involved shou_ld the contest be prolonged? r- --v-'..'- . `I1-:t`nen_beoomee egnnd lending quee- tlon why in this eivilized and Olnfietien age, when intelligence more than any other time in the_werld'eehietory in more, generally diueed, do the people permit the whim fend ambitions of Emperors.- Kinge, Preeidente. oreny other` rnlere engine in theee eonteete of blood '1 - __u,,"_ __ -___- v-_.-v--- v- -rnvvu I Will the better day soon come` ivhen. Inch hon-on yri_ll be rendered impodiiblo ? ISTABLISEID 1531. can-nu. A - - - ; ouooopoo . ---v---: ----c---' ~ Goldvnn Smith got pun, wm ngtlgd at the meeting of the St. Geode : Society. `uh . QIIQQ 1:: A4--'._-J L- 4-- '- __ ____ __----..a --_--v cum vvvtv I D0013`, lat week. that In: convened n eoneider A resolution eoniemning his treuoneble course to the country that protects` him, and to uk him to resign as e` life member` n of Inid society. There was nlively debate and eeonipromiee ieeolntion. wee, after I lluefhonn you-do, nnunilnonulyr Ghno hour? wt: '0! vb;-dl, unanimouuly adophd. The P:-o!_euor'a annexation hi- i'otT'h;ovr| Sale! Notes collected. nova. * ..4i._." '33.... " 3;." Published from the Ollloo.Dunlop 81:-out u.I:o9o,tl!9! !'?- vhogot Ontsrlo.0sudn.ovo1-y'1'hnu- j-_ _.-:l__. L- I-I. M033-IS, A PARTY NAKED I133. _ MANAGER. ' {hi hii$dsiat:.;'"1;1; bible used in the ceremony" 7 *9 i'|3 to Mr. Cleveland by his mother 41 year! \ logo, and is the same as was used in the ' ceremony when entering in his iirst term. . Before the oath was administered the i` President delivered his inaugural speech, and his utterances were the essence of the day's proceedings. It is one of the most Q outspoken and refreshing speeches that] any President has ever uttered under the 6 same circumstances.` If Mr. Cleveland , can carry out the policy he marks as the ` right one, he will do much to `elevated. public life in his country and lift heavy burdens from the people. `The currency question, tariff reform, justice to the , negro, the suppression _ of the combines and trusts that are sucking the life blood 9 out of the working man, civil service re- ` form, the abatement of the pension fraud, : are the `main things he deals "with in his .sddress,_and he does so in language that I l u seems perfectly honest sud sincere. We know, however, the forces that will be i brought. into antagonism to the Presio l dent's programme, and if he does not; weaken in presence of these forces it will he s blessing to the people of that country ' ;3 egchsnge him for such a man ss Har- E sAvmos .:- BANK` DBPABTLC EXT It il unfortunate tint Mr. Cleveland ` has given evidenee that he can merge the statesman into eomething pretty clone to the Tammany politician; 3 V A ` ram maueunn. syncs. ; . Sntnrdey was I brilliant day at We.ah- ington when Grover Cleveland was sworn ; in to hie second term of the `American ` Precidenoy. T The proceedings are repre- : eented an gorgeous and no doubt theyl were. He was sworn In by Chief` Justice f Fuller. The oeth tnken in ee`iollowe:- I I do solemnly swear that I willfnithfully execute the oee of `Preeident of the 4 United Staten, end will, to the bent of my l Ibility. preserve, protect and defend the .A`_-"9n I1u.. ice 4 He. Smith ddunytlnt tlnnooioty in ujhefuvovo-, lent institution and that it bu no :-iglnt to he T `*r "_ -e_-_.-w- W ,1 I ldieee_u1politieel`queetione.- 1 II|eyheteehniO!Fill|5nt_iepreetie_illy` week end velueleee. ` The St George : | eoeietyilelojel uciecmnd mman . : member Ihoeievowed object is to div 1, rapt the empire, whole unity every 0913- :i berieenppoeed to be ready to protrot and :l euetein, "would be en absurd ea retsining :1 en etheiet en 9 commuuicant in e ehrietieu ,1 church or e libertine in e society for the 3] promulgation of Veoolel purity. We hope '1 the action teken by the St. George : society will `convince the erratic Professor 1: that his annexation vageriee will not be '5 longer tolerated by the people of Canada. 5 i f can In was UIITID curls. | The increase of crime but especially. 4 that of murder, in the United States is at- tracting the attention of the press _and the people. The causes and a remedy are being discussed with the View of checking the frightful waste of life and the terrible moral obliquity which is involved. An inquiry into the commital of crime in `the State of Massachusetts has revealed what willbe a surprise. to most. people. The inquiry has demonstrated that murder" is more often committed in the rural `dis- tricts than in the towns and cities` and `that is larger proportion of the murders in thatstate are committed by natives than by. foreigners or persons of foreign origin. Most people. have the idea that the great majority of murders are committed in in city alums and by the ri raff of foreign countries that gravitate to the low holes in American cities, the inquiry referred to demonstrates the fact in the case of the chief New England state that the supposed innocent country people in proportion to their nnmbersccmmit the most capital crimes. It is important to know whether this is an exceptional case or whether it will hold good forthe whole country. The debete on the budget oontinued ten days and between , sixty and eeventy of the member: spoke. It won` the repetition of an old etory, but `it will cost the oountry 3 great many dollars. The debate on {E3 .Msnitobs School question use opened on Monday site:-noon by Mr. Torte in s ve hours speech. Sir John Thomnlolx mode on elsbonte reply. V Mr. M00-thy moved the adjournment of the dehste, and spoke Tnesdey afternoon. We will give the essence of this `great speech next week . _At all events, the 'M_auechu|ett| one is a curious revelation and one entirely at variance with popular opinion with reizerd tovthe clue of people who commit mur- der. . znxronxar. mxu-rs. The Premier leaves to-day for Parib.` to sttend to hi: duties on the Behring sea arbitration cue. . V V Second and thin-:1" meetinge of the Inniel Council All member; present. volition `Chill Win LA` --uni `au.`h.--. -mans or svsscnrmxox. 1 Per Annum in Advance. $1. C No new nnme will be nddodtao the Sub- mmt until the money in paid. her: now in arrears to:-three months and oyer will be churned 81.50 nor nnnum. .t`|nQ Ilagn Inn n-ad XIII `Ann aI...I.. --.._2_' Lu was vuuuvna. an uauluuuri l)l'UIUI_.li. Petition from Wm. Jack and othera. Ognunnnicationa from the c Provincial Board of Health, John Rohbina, Oharlea Dye:-and Wm. Hooper. `Account: from ?;.o Barry, Vanaickle; 81. Bro., and David` ya. _ V I ~ The followingaceounte were to be paid ':-- '- , * ,h T D. G; Johnson be allowed a rebate taxea to the amount o f;O1.80. the'a`ame5 being on mill prone:-ty in Yme which in removed and not utilized during the yea:-' that the`.aaa'ntonje"; report he lid 1 nun -uu uuuuuuuu I_V|l',ll I uv II-DPT um thus they be; `d 0_ (or thoir1nervi_o u; David Bnyu, g1"I*niIh'1ng'ood5r and build{ ingbr.`dge on . 8th:oon.. our creek, 838.34; . Vsnoiokly 5 B20.` .; A.-. vv. rnvuvnivvun u-uu -vunsvu vv_vvuIuu_vvucu. I Moved by Bnillie.- Herrieon - Thst `leave be granted to introduce a By-luv authorizing certain persons to construct n wharf at the foot of the townline, and `thnt By-luv presented herewith be read 3 iret time. --Oarrie_d. I'I.I,___ J C519 XIIZ Report `.5 Finance recommended that `the Clerk be inatructed to reply to the gcommunicationof A, W. Beardaley, Sec. 8.8. Board, Barrie. explaining out au- thority for placing M. J. Hamlin, Jae. Graham and M. Cunningham ,3, public iachool supporters, ; that no action be taken `an. to the communication of F. 8. Spence, `Sec. Dominion Alliance: that the pom- lmunioation of F ire Extinguiaher Co. be led; that the Clerk be authorized to [place on the aueaament rollof 1892 lot 12 ._Jacoh'a Terrace, the Treaaurerto collect `$2 taxea for the same from J. C. Fellows. `Report adopted. ' Anni `an `IZl-..1...-_ -'-L.._... _ , 'I._L ;f?i`:st, aecond ma gm,-d lime and pnued. ` ` D1134-1-5 R -1.434;-uu:A-i-` LL_L Council met this. caning; -Present :| the Reeve and Councillors Bnillio, Hur- zrilon and N ewberry. nnnnnnnn:Anb`A-- A` 1 , I` `l`..I`-u-- I {Moved by Baillie--'- Hu'rinon-Th_et John Boon receive 3 refund" of $1 for error in assessment -Ca.rried. , Council adjourned to meet March 20, `7.30 p.m. _ ` r E. Wnnnnnun, Clerk. Ailsndae, Mach 6, 1393. I Beuuarul lanecnrtalnl for 50s.. 75 i 8! ant m5*at the Bargain lloupo. lllunor. aunt & (Sn. IICVIIJ TII LVCVTUTII" Communications of J. C. Fellowu. A. ; `W. Beardsley, H. 0.'Han_ at Co., F. S. \ ,Spenoe and the Fire Extinguisher Mfg. 00. presented and referred to_oommi_t.t.ees. 'II -_-A L- I)-:Il:_ I"I'___:, _, III i"n7iL}'e3" E`? 1'imi.on-1Ieubmy-'rh.c I Wm. Atmurong be _reappointed gogd. master for 1893.-Cu-nod . It---) I... n_:n:. iv, . _. _ innco-Gr'e01-mu`) war cost 12,000,000 ._ __L _2II _-_L nn AAA AAII % A. L. Stawlnul-t,4of Dunaak. 5.. hkon up hianbcpdgju our midst. " 7 1 Council adjourned to meet at Hill : `Hotel, Lafroy, on Monday, the lat day |Ul. `III lot! `I IE I ! Humor. gm-Jean: an co. o-.-vauu-vaavnass Lav III -ll CBO}!!! ll-I IIIU ICU` tastic art, andfor his age we are certain we never saw his equal in that line. The- two solos given by ,Miss Arnold were genuine musical treats. She has a very sweet and well trained voice that always gives pleasure to the cultivated ear to listen to. Samuel Brown, of Ivy, fur- nished plenty of laughable material for more than a week's solid laughing. Some of our people are smiling sweetly yet when they think of him. The elocutionary part of the programme was sustained by "Miss Ethel Washington in a manner that would do credit to profesrional_elooution- ary fame. Mrs. Reid has been unsnaring- ly complimented on the excellent manner in which she sang her solos on that even- ing. ' .We hope. to hear her again. The accompanists were Miss Edwards, Miss Ella Vincent and Mrs. C. K-. Clark. In a few `well timed remarks Rev. Mr. Leish- man placed before the audience the bone- ts of `life-insurance especially under the society `plan. Uhas. Palling eiciently lled thelpositiou of chairman. and by his timely: witticisms added very material- ly to `the enjoyment of the evening's amusement. . The dialogue farce by Messrs. Clark, Stewart and Scott was a decided hit. and succeeded in bringing down the house. . When we get up another` entertainment. we hope to have a much larger crowd if .we can nd-a place to put them. The proceeds were about $80. ._ hoveliegsnow is theiorder of the day now.-- arealuiost impassable since the recent greatstorin . by A Weiare..'ghd*toilesrn that Dr. West is hi! recent .We 4!?! int s for fag;-vices` fv " pnotpomdf _in tina'Pmobytarin church but Ssblyoth on account of illness of nugorf 5'?` W WV 33'?` Indigentu'-Mn. Bowmsn #5. Mn. {Davidson 85. Ma. Meredith :5, Mn. `Dunn 85, P. McGuire $5, June: Young and wife 85. ` I I It-_,,_II.,, vs: 3 3 1,. 1 $50`: 1! III! . 1~- ` T Moved by Little, seconded by Jamie- Ion-That this councildo memorialize the {manger of the G. T. R of Canada, Mr. Saargeant, calling his attention to the gfact that the railroad crossing on the Tollendali road, is. owing to the high ibeulu, &c., a very nuufe one for the travelling public to travel over and it Qrequiree thet some protection be placed gat the crouingto insure safety of travel. 3 o Moved by Little, seconded by Mo- 4Oonkey-Thnt leave be granted to intro- feduoe .1 by-law for the purpose of appoint- limz psthmuteu, feneeviewien and other oioeu for the year 1893 And until their Hnceeuore are Ippointed. Carried. Q nn_`n- -an` Q G-L Aggy.-:4: -_.I LL2_.: .123 ;*1g.*a.we, <~:%4s1-oo,~A lIf_. `II'....._9.. .I:_...._ -..j AL.` ..A..- O refund of $2.00 on his taxes for 1892, .thct tho account of S. Bury for $15 for zront of house for James Young and wife, `indigent, be paid seep:-ding to agreement, gthe :00 begng for 10 monthr rent from '1-6 -3 Ln -8.` - Deposits of'$1 and upvu-dc vreceivcdi dncj Interest allowed.` . _, Interest added to the principal twice In each year. Current accounts opened. Farmers and Commercial paper"/din-A nan ntnd ' 5'B'?fG'?.7 a"2'"1{F."e'I.eo3'.I&":.7& um tinle. ' ' Advance Correspondence. Our society` concert held in Dominion Hall on Feb. 24 was a `grand success, the programme being executed by n-at-class artists. Mr. W. C. Tait has a good voice and unlimited powers of imitation. In his Scotch songs we were convinced that he was quite recently from Glasgow, but his Irish comedy" soon convinced us that he was perfectly at home in Paddy's land as Bridget s sweetheart. We had to_ give him up in dismay, however, when he told of his Katrina and ' his Dutch gal, for he was either a Dutchman or a mongrel-bred man. ,0. K. Clark gave an entirely new series of songs for our special` edication on that evening. A It is a dicult matter for Mr. Clark to appear before almost every local audience without duplicating his songs, but this [must say he seldom does except by request, and when he does repeat there is always some new touch of comedy? that renders the old pieces over new, and the new always welcome as is shown by his repeated encoies. `A new and very interesting feature of the pro~ at-nmmn in than dnnnina nf M..o-- a....I..:.. I1 `LET ICT$W '5 VII. III. !fWfvm. Hoops : divinioh, and that your ` `A--=LGA `-2; A-n;m4` n---pg` nggnnucun u-u-u V. vvsvuvlu` IOCII ID UL IIIIU PIT)` nmvme the dancing 0; Mute: Archie Eochorn. He in an adopt in the fan- }_nntin'nIt` nntffnu `n nag -n g... --..L--. mu" '" i?2Z$v2.a'Z'21 '32-1'.'.o ..'.'e3 for snow nod they doom it ::`n. Lg -4- LL`; ---an A-A . -A ' IZV Xi WWI. D ;1st May to date. t...a:.......:..- 11.}. Oauum-s_ Pause,` ` ` Townahnp Clerk. 4VA.1\'0E {V vs .9111 We -an ..._-u-uvv vuunvillllllllulllg A petition in being signed hero to the PootmuI.er.Gonen.|, praying him to give 1. daily den-vice hero in lieu of tho- proient ti-i"-weekly. " _ A '1`hoTrondI|V'1-e nll _blockod again with drifts. 3 Lwqgq-o%kdr% {oi Attic has % pepplo an on stair my-toxoevo!y., . While the Reiohuteg and the Germ!!!` ntion are considering theeoet of armed peace, the former Minister ot State, Schue, hes gured out the ooet of the inevitable ` war of the future. The See our display of Chenille Goods in Window. F ull-sized Chenille Curtains,.fringed top and bottom, with dado, $5.00 per pair up. The colours are |beautiful. A _ o upu-uuu Iempie." Wm. _Brooks; reed- ing,iA Mighty Cure-ell," Thos. Show; vocal duet, Miss Johnson snd Miss Don- csn ; reading, The Bridge of '.l`ruth." Wm. Brooks; resding, "The Unbeliever, Arch. Campbell. The critic then msde some very interesting remarks on the pro- ceedings of the evening. He also request- ed thst those whose nsmes sppesr on the programme, end who, for some reason or othet-,sbsent themselves on such occasions, be reported. For oertsin reasons the re- porter does not deem this the best -plsn, but would suggest thst the critic bring the inuence of his "Mightyr0nre-sll`to _besr upon the mstter. end so remove the diiculty. It is to be hoped. however, that no further trouble in this direction Iill his Arnns-innsuul ` ~ We have passed through the Customs this week the largest, shipment of `goods we have ever received. The Goods were shipped from London, England, on Feb 3rd, and ar- rived here in Barrie this week. To give any" idea of the con- tents we would ll a good sized newspaper. We shall be pleased, however, to show cus- tomers through the different departments. We show the Latest Novelties in Dress Goods, Prints, Sateens, Etc., Etc, g at prices which 1 should command the trade of the closest buyer. Also a case of New Dress Trimmings, bought for cash direct from one of- the best Trimming Houses in London. a Our prices on those goods are lower than that of most wholesale houses in the city to-day. This may , appear a bold statement, but W "()\nca"sg New Spring Man- tles and Capes--more to fol- lovz. $ee ghem. Next week our Milliners and Dressmakers will be at work; The best time to buy your Spring Dress _is NOW I Don : forgot to see Hunter. `cant &0o9 .50 35 7 d s 9- snnu .'.s...-1....` $8 3. _"' " " Ajji U I! IIIIUIIC` :31 ! I; oxperionorrl GllthI'lO H. In. 800IlC!.' The regular meeting of the shove so- ciety was held on Monday evening, 27th. ult., with the president in the ehsir. After-the business pert of the meeting, Thos. Shsw wss sppointed critic for the nvnnsnn Thu CnII.v.--nu ---A_-.------ ---~- can no vuuvv woo uyyululvvu IJIIIBIU 101' `I10 evening. The following programme was then rendered: Reading, The Old Book, Thou. Show ;' instrumental eolo, Wm. Robinson; reading, The Mag" of Murigolde,Miu A. Mair; reading, The Spiritual Temple. Wm. Brooke ;mre;nd- ;..,, -CIA IA:...|.s.. 11;... -n in` nu... . trust all our young people will avail them- selves of thropportunity `offered them of joining together and by so dping help those who think lightly of such matters to take an interest in their future wel- -_- Advances made "on Farmers Salea Notes. 3 T Note form: free on application. Dxarre Issuan payable in all `parts. of Canada. Great Britain, the United Staten of America, and elsewhere. T ` We regret to learn of the deeth of Mrs. Geo. Beily who diedhin Toronto last week; She had been sick for some time with lung trouble. Mr. Baily and I0]! are attending her- funeral-, they have the sympathy of the village in their bereave- rnnnl-, A W People shsde their eyes and look in astonishment at the speed of teams on the street, and say. What's up, the answer echoes" from over the hills our butcher hsssn ice bee. T T We no to state than Rev.` J. Leiuhmsn bu beonoonned to his bed for sbout 3 week with 3 severe cold. rankj1i;IbieI}Z.'{.i.I11e';'1. out for s few -days. Ghd to use him around sguin. T C g cm: - - on - .- __ _ Mr; John Blnin who died on the 23rd nlt., won I member of the A. O. U. W; society, of this plsoe. . .u an a Service of song at the Presbyterian church has been postponed until Sabbath next, 12th inet. Miss Ella Vincent will be the organist. Mrs. C. K. Clark will assist in the singing. h an II-r -r Us - - w'r-` T. W. Lennox Esq. Reeve of Ens, was in our villago,on Mndsy. . Geo;Reedy. Popuiar Cash Store, BANK llf EHMMERGE I1 We are CLEANING UP STOCK that is throwing out I pdvdh lines and hhort ends` of 1 Goods which are badly broken mto. The pfices ofthese we `W111 CUT SO LOW that o1_1r _ _._-_ ....... ........ use us uuuus Wnlcn Dadlj prices 0;` {Ease will SO: LOW customers quickly perceive the advantage to making selections. * 11-`. M. mm, All Woolel-lose,sl.adles slzo, from l5c. children ; 1a free! !9e- Vlhlte and Greystcottons at mu Prices. * S;::: Flannelettes ln cholce patterns and colors. Sffrif Grey Flannels, the cheapest In the market. In Table Llnens, Towels and Towelllngs very Low ""3 T Un11 In no-Inn ' -rs-. Odd lengths in Choice Goods, very cheap, in a great variety of ma- terials. Must be cleared out. Winter and General Dry Goods! |Fraser, Clark & Co. BARBIE BRANCH.

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