BUB on mnueenunuo unlu me week touowing. Advertisers will not be allowed to use their space for advertising an hin outside their own regular business. ho d the do so. transient rates will be charged for me adver dsemen . IIIIISF no mmuou In to we olnoe not later than Saturday at 10 o'clock, and the co y for such change must be in the ADVANCE o co not later tlmn 12 o'clock noon on Tuesday. in any week ; otherwise the advertiser : announcement may not be made public until the week following. Advertisers not be nllnwml tn nan man- " "':::e:;:aam "=32." `'`"' "' cum: cumlc so. .186 Amos snwssr. Ionoum - OONTBAQT OHANGIS. Advertisers will `please bear in mind that no- tice of intention to change advertisements must he handed in to the olee not later than Sntnrdnv at In n :-Jmsk and tlm nnnv fan aunt. V -nor uwo m_onma-tne nnree monthly note with 10 per cent. added. V ' . positions .In the will be sold at an advance of one third on 5 ve rates. This rule will be atrlotlv carried out. -- ...vuuwg 3 `av; W Inches, 1 Column `For one month-th6 three monthly rate with ` 15 per oent. added. . `For two monthe-the monthly iii : `Ill nan naqib -311...! FARM s1_'ocK SALES Igg.;,:1;;,;.';.'.:;.'.'.`.':::1' 5'12I.`3:i6$iun... I In our town, of late years, the outcry had been raised of too much shade! and everywhere along the streets the wood :' chopper : axe has been at work. On one gentlemen : ground it is reported that eighty trees have been cut down in the last year. T ' 1 Inch .... . .. .... . bl '_.I_ ._ . CONTRACT ADVERTISING. Contract advertisements will be taken at th Eollowlng rateginwhich are drafted on correct M commercial 1: ciples, and, as they will be strictly adhered to in making new contract` utter present contracts expire, there will be only one urine for all 9 V sxwr present contract only one nrioe for all: Reading notices. 10 cents uer line for ret 1: portion: 5 cents per line for each snbsequom Insertion of the same matter. All items under 5 lines of this character charged as 5 lines. u Laonl nm..:..: .....a n-...._.._.-._A -:~-~-u- - ..-vu Va. vu-9 vlzunuuuvl. IJHIIEUU I15 0 111183; :- Legal, Olcial and Government advertise _ments will be charged at above rates. . 1neertion,l0 cents {per line. Each sub sequent insertion. 4 cents per line. ' : qA1`>v'1:1z'r1srNa runs. Ahvmon ins A CIBOULATIOR ' . ` on rounrnnxuuxnnnn up . T L ova corms. Almost ttnot qui double thnt of aniothox Pang: pup ed in Butte. Hmvnmms snouw. icon -mm uorrxu ' . (12 lines solid nonparell make one Inch). 4noi;%fnau ADVAHO: M9-3-._E9RP "'I`he_re was once an English doctor` who experimented with the sunlight in the soldiers` bu-racks, and found that on th_e side that was shut o' altogether from the sun the mortality was 100 per cent. great- er than onthe light side, where its rays had free access." No. or Inches Qnnnn ' O0N'l)_lN8lD .An,vn:n'r1an-.unN-rs. -__-J -J_.-_A..l.__...-_.A- - -- I n L.- %*?5930- ` B l oo`d m_ontha-the three monthly cent. added. 7l737Ll@l*`Z7:'Ii -44 5 ;;; Here I laid he_book down and let `my mind wander off between the lines.` `i~izxoi:r61i" 555 13 u an- 3 son suoo - IIIUIII D (1yr.) . Sunlight. While readiuar Mr. Riia interesting book. How the Other Half Lives, I came upon this sentence :- A POGKET DIBEGTOBY I ASSIGNMENTS or - OHATTEL Monmmn. ABSTRACTS or TITLE, no DIVISION comm: BLANKS, 1u:Nn:wu.s or QUIT cum mamas, ASSIGNMENTS or MORTGAGE AGREEMENTS on ' T T T * sum or LAND 3l_s`.QtfT1TY or REDEMPTION, STATUTORY LEASE8. C--_.x_ -7 fan `92 `E152: .Afulll1neof BLANK FORMS Alnyukeptinntook AT TORONTO PRICES People with delicate stomachs nd Ayers Sarsaparilla, agreeable to te taste, and, there- fore,am-efer it as a blood-purier to an other. This is one reason for its great popularity as a sping and family medicine. Safe, certain and I palatable. NOTE READINGS, .._.- -v --.n "lm LETTER HEADINGS, MEMORANDUMS. WEDDING INVITATIONS, I WEDDING CARDS, VISITING ouzns. 'll"IlItt\n-r A an an - --- - CARDS, MORTGAGES. OHATTEL MORTGAGES. 3-I respectfully solicit an opportunity to furnish estimates `for All kinds of work ln all the styles of printing, such jnnnKnmuJnurn1mmm. PROMPT Alli I23 IJIJNLUP ST.. BARBIE, HA8 UNRIVALLED _FAcn.rrm THE lonrmanu Anvnucs -s1'EAM-- ~ PRINTING HOUSE, have me know the ladies in his own A"' It is easy. enough to tell good men from bad men. When amen seeksf my society continuslly and pays me marked; attention`, and yet never expresses e desire for me to meet his mother or his sister or his wife, if he.is married, I know that to cultivate his acquaintance will do me more hsrm thsngood. When {men has self t respect and hes perfectly honoreble `rend unselsh motives in his acquaintance with i_ me, and s deeire to never piece me" in a position that will be in the least com- promising. his rst thought" will he to fatny. omcoxs, g . onpmcs, _ ENVELOPES. A full line at all prices. Irll `I1-In . o;..-_._. N 01']! OIROULLRS, LETTER OIBOULAR8 -OI ORDERS OF ALL GLASSES OP- _l_93. nopamzs. --*br nu--- of my kind printed to nonrawn. V -- - --_..- -_ w--pw--I-v---__-.--`gv _. `I ovarheaea *.o..;e1vesy. }a..ii1e rerhai-ksi Vth__ e other day that ife"worth' making _a nap ahoj;__ of_.V T_hey`wei1e_`u`ttere_'.i`V'hy_ a young lady who had had a meat practical bringing up, or eiae whose own good sense gave her the right view of things. She had been, evidently, diacuuing men in geineral, and. one man in' paftieulu, _with another girl. She was summing up" i couoluaioha and said : nsmut EXEGIJTIOI smprcs, ETO. And on ti A long, Inw -v i u v Over a H8112 m ' Across a. A D10 A `utn '1 HILL Witlz .3 A IN) Flown _ Rnstle u This day With I All I, All If hap The Inn n Then let thylife be brae and true, . In words and thoughts, and actions toot; _' For though" thy path be not zentwined I , With (towers. a sweetereirest thou lt nd V , Beyond the hills,` Though short may be thy life, or long, Then ina.ke;it-as thou.canet, atong ; Its melody w1ll [penetrate To world a unseen, and for thee wait Beyond the hills.` --:_1 da Maria, Fins. lookin rain-d a boa send 1 - he __l.A. stay i! E worse. 11 T the ha H11... come, jacket scend f\._l ""f13`1 On an op a mo V tenan 1: /\l g the } Iooks : 'fL__ `\I\ll.LuJ It W opene the 0 It vs 11 ,1. _, ' that All Y! const quart rrh L strum l.'et..and' 'mu!fmu'g ovir `'11) life? . s Pains Iha`rt.Tth.ia Lerly strife. 3 Then `notefeaoh siviitly-"ying year, " N_ot here they rest ;? git doth appear-`,l ._ 3 u 1 "Beyond the hills, - ; Though friends shall cease to hold thee dear, Though clouds seem ever hovering near ; ; With patience run thine earthly race`, And trusting ever. turn th face Unto t e hills. Bu; u The whoo` laden tea ta BVGII OVGI` I A 4 A here, , of be g nor, I wall. `hint? Dunn you s famo .17 H1155 rude. 1'0()I1l ` .x\' twelx A A 1 VYLAI 0 /t1 fain. `man% Ihow A _ gra: ed hi fuL fectL '4 1011] A1` Nor ask the reason ; 'let.thy lot . In thoughts of others" be forgot." " .j~ The world for thee has little thought ; Thy h&PPV time may soon be wrought ' Beyond the hills. ' ? h . gsnsdj ' n Phi ;uow 1 -Strr;k , 11: 'had `man hen Fbiil] A BIO That EH}: .4 11111;) be'ex gon Pal. A t) :"nI|r :1 runs` She _ for call was ~hke hbu `LI. ,, A I13} ll that , she no on t yod sha too wh it 91' in 1 H181 ove E2 I0 % A Wmnn o!"I7JI':i_le`1-s't _n::_7dIlVA::g'.`.V . All york lving eendde wmmi _ ghteone sentiment can be into operative lew, we will 1 3 snarl vvva ullays ' ' The device referred to also teaches that voting belongs to that category of secu- lar things with which women should have nothing to do. One aim of this [depart- ment is to dispel that idea. ' It is not the; part of Christian principle to divorce religion from, an_y_phase'.or diity pf ,life.. The true aim upon which. women must insist is that God shall be enthroned in: cvemnient. not by the .ma9z9-' .re02ni- Ition \!thiohf., umvidgn ,. a chsnlein, in, $11.9: house to read_pray'ers,, but byfwtlie `united; force of. .oo n'scientious Ohrtstian _ ballots; .u|.=,f.9r lyzislsalzs who.,will,A.tna_sk9a;??!??2 compromise with vdishoig6r. fi`_` no"6c'yenant with death." no'a`reeu;ent'with5 11911,; no jllltioltion Of -tll Iinkns-I `nan asA_3 ....... nu uu ugruuugulli inll 11911,"; rzqtimtign. ,of the wicked fog re-A, ward ; ' V 1n_,thfig_;si_;n out but men unite. W_g mt|:'h1iayb lb. :11 God : gifts to: men and women should return to him in. loving faithful, `.:;-ruc ui` we-now ohearfq ' 7 i--*;Ollgl- on: and philsnt `we; shall holpto nahagl4`I'rE` A . of ~~pro-E *. .'-"' '4` in- ;_L__..'_2_- AI. ,1 u& g. -- "-- : 'mI.l.'l'1o. embedd lheoryjhnt tics would :h_eie"edeterioi-sting e'eet' on` women. and, therefore. she should not be allowed to Vote. `The validity of thin, -objection in destroyed by the _I;hetI women ere Followed, for `the gain and placenta of men. to pursue calling: of various sort: by which both manhood and womanhood are totally destroyed for time -and eternity. ` l 'l`|-us .I....:.... ..--....~-.1 1; 4;- . I -- >- ,,- t--t__ __. nu-g-u .111 ZTZIIW . A device of ;the` enemy of all good, which bu been fruitful of` inditferencei among us in thimdopbrtmant of our work, must be met and expound at every. oppol_'.- tunity. ` " v .i` `ls :. -...I.-.I.JI. 1'.1!2'_."`;1'_-'-in 7 .... . -.; 3 uunv HUI lU`ll.UIUI.IUU|Io I Iiii ti"n"eT 'I'ie"'w'ieII!' ihueIioe 7 iii the concentietegi end purneglv inte _ the : ballot- box, which is the sole exponent of the I I 4I-_2-_ -l AL ,` 3 home, in the church. in society. Our de-i mend is that this "inuence" shall be will of the people `in their le.w-ineking. : V alone` issue all movements` and 'in`uenc'esJ - establish, the kingdoni fof Qhrist in ..the_- it legalization, and, for `a v-price, for rev-' \I` `II? uuussu|uu,vI-.U.J..~U- ~ ~- ` ; In pres_enting_ this my second annual; report of this department, I'obsy~my`rst: il.Pl.llse and express praise and thanks-j giving to God, from whose holy Spirit; for the fullment of the Divine ..plan to` earth. True, this department is devoted to securing political equality for women. True, by aoommon consent, the realm `of - political action -is not generally associated , with the idea of inuences from the Spirit V of God. True, also, that prej ndice yet- sways an old concensus of opinion, that women and politics are an unseemly alli- ance. . Nevertheless. I feel thankful to God `that he indicates dierently, and that to-day, ,-as in no otheriage, the ques- tion of woman's rigl_1tto_citizenship is at- tracting favorable attention and winning` friends and advocates , The dawn of the resurrectim morn which witnessed the Saviour s commission to women, T has brightened into a glorious day,` whose noontide splendor reveals to our awakened womanhood the full purposes of Christ's life, and the true purport of all His teach- ing ; and I believe the command to "Go and tell of the risen Lord implies: also in the light of present day kno"_wledg'e the command to tell of all the possibilities of good to mankind, which His consummated work had provided, i.e., Christianity ...'.er5 Christ teaching applied to all human con- ` ditions. Great. truths appeal to us, We must accept them. They are echoes from the sermon on the Mount.. They com- prise all the principles necessary to uplift humanity" andbring the world to God. These principlesare to be of nniversal'ap- plication. They know no distinction of. sex, they acknowledge no` monopoly of privilege, honor, emolumem or `opportun-` ity for one-half the race to the "exclusion of the other. They are to permeate and control all places andiconditions, not for one nation, but for this whole race. Not for the social or spiritual `life alone, but; for the political as well. In the blessed, illumination radiat_i_ng from this compre-, hensive view, 'we"w emen read and accept the" grfst: trlithfthat " no evil is a neoessity.. Thll truth puts us immediately in conict: with organized government, which not. only aaceptsevil as`:necessar_y,, but gives enne,...makes the whole nation, women and. a_ll..party to its own degradation. _._Thes. we W.U.T.U. women. "with all"o ur in-_ stincts, principles `and plabdgs`; zdismetri-d 6'- 1..1yf'.. op 11'9Id.` 4:6 ; tliil`, ponoy; ,st9' m-dp} participators in this iniqnity`be`c`a'use we are not represented. ' ` ' ` `l'i' ..' s;'..;. u`_'.' "_';s=.s'.1'. :;n_`._."-_'n 9;; ~ .. of the Dominion ,W.0..T.~U. . The rmaonuo {or women. __ By Mfs. Annio Barker. Barrie. _ . The following is from the qnnusl report `I ... ..___'-_;.'_._ LL! I " When -manual training with its domes ; tic 'economy department of cooking and _ sewing gas -belng,5_nrgedt_a_s a `necessary V` "art of public, school trelningfteachers and wise men brought forth `the argument - that it is not needfutfor-.mothers to teach these branches, and, our girls are being ~bl-ought up It-ithont practical `household A training. One summers. lady had 260 . girlsifrom iofces, stores and fa'ctor1ei_':to board` during two weeks va`cstion. At . _- the end of the summer she fo\i5:l that but _' nine `of the number knew hojvjo mske.,a _y bed, and mianfayi of ctam uafjgae it `a beast that they*'had never made a`hrf in their lives. - some of them didnot even know 1 whether a sheet or blanket should go on 2` ~ut._ And these iare not destitute girls; but such as reniresentyonr ` "self respecting "wage _ earners-.-girls who . were boar d'ers. paying `a. fail: price,` and yetwho `were, ex'pect_ed, to maike, their evgn "beds. Mothers had not truned-Cthem. -There; ere_hundreds of bright,--- intelligent? girls `of 4 15, 16, l8'and even `older; who heve -` never sewed, and do not know whether a; thimble should goon their thumb -or fore` nger. ' Wha't'kind' of wives and mothers are they`tomake _I ' ' Q ' i " -r pigmgqt an ixi the course of oentnirieq Tdygd the Echisfp u;d_ Qgngo ,rg_oe,a. The ,, ,___.-,y ---_--_ _nyu_gIu ':ai'1jg.oItiou in too toupjuriug. E-i iuwuul manual `to Operative * e1`3aoWW'. .i1'.o'&"i'y' ` ;. chteon-` orygt. Ito operative hr- -. -m .......:_.__: --Pt`act8VIl'E"olI..|Q . -`rout V$lI.| . I)l'].I|".l';l Iv, we ml! oontnnnej 3 ti .:.In,.A ;Ipenkin.Itil.:;h Wlrdid` johout 1 ame .-_;Rul_o-. ~.d0bA9.0 :.-in, H.o.nu.: Hr _' Gladstone referred to the high plug of \, qt? .1 th;u;:.sne:eoI;o.o... dathviexnpblpml 4 gauge bl mrsonhli:i;:;xQi I m.md-.m}.ua snow, maam mueuy .nQ*9l:..(`_1n5nil!idi!%IIi6d nth oneh 8 K of IQB.E1llW.j' 'i;`~- :%:~Ti'*:r.r~:? -95?: .?'::;s~_r.--5:3`! um wuuu vu Uglllllll-IHIFOI and the B, I.Enapeoto1:;9r Gt?! f '.l`ha_ lucky twp \ ',it:i.tion ,b1' .5 10:89 cri of mdantu. retI.n'nedIby t,h.e_ oztl!.,h..tr-in (.decor,.-ted.)A ` ox; Siturdgyh being met. , at tho. Oolling-_ eoldil-bilfixiu II.,b!.`I!2I-.. .1!-I29 braces;-~ ui.Ii-Jhlth in.it.it..|.1t0_ t ion: a._..a.V,ea%:.je.1,`;j%jr..11ma 1., 3!? 99?:-:!!!1S.!t9tsrr.;o,the: Lite; 3.9 am headed by ` ghof 1 9919,:-. inn? `_,`:UI!i6I1. 9901:? gt`; 7A'I 1g"hianLI-tlost .;...:....a;;..~.: bhdf bu: cpuumyooa :.x.m1; . A very considerable rivalry exists be- tween Oollingwood and Owen Sound, not. onlyin lacrosse, bat in educational mat- ters. Resolved that , the constitution of Canada is superior to that of `the United States ? was debated in Owen Sound on last Friday night, two . of Oollingwood students, Messrs. W. Hamilton and W. G, Wright. taking, the airmative and two of__d|e_Squiid s,Qol1e.;iate lidhta, the nega- ti_v_e._ The nrmative won, the. iuagea boiI;g`.|;1;1bef.1`)i`incipala`c'f` Owen sound and go1|ingwqod.0oll.egiat'e,Institutes and the . Q` 1-`Q (1..-.-' ` '--`-- 1* - -e Va Ill .lJUIl\lUIla The provincial convention of Ontario last October passed a resolution to take immediate steps, either by petition, or in such manner as may be deemed most efficient, to memorialize the legislature to extend the provincial franchise to wo- men.7. _. ,We regret to say that from. some cause the purpose was-not carried out. '1`hepi._'i` l_i_t o,f_'petitionVis ours to use. and thejustioe of _our_ca_use, the results de- `pending on its success, aawell as the ne-i . dssity of continued agitation forthes edu- cationof public opinion, warrant repeated v_isi_t_a, to our legislatures, until success ct-o`w'_n_s_our e`ort. ' Weare authorized. to inwnnnlnn Oh ; `Inn 5-` LL.'I;'-. .I_L-_._. 5_ A`! urAuiw,u_upuur !.|.l.Ul'.|i. we Ire ._a.uI.nonzed. to .ex ll`th'e "belief thafsideterminod effort wi Ib__ guide Vat this next union to scout-ve this right. - . (`I-..L:...-_.1--_ .__-._ n vvs-u vuvvu uvvvua -"An advance in the sentiment which made it possible. for Toronto to elect three `women on the public school board is one of the triumphs of the year, and their delity and success amply demon- , strate, thewisdom of the citizens choice. _To all the cities and towns of Ontario,` where unions exist, the advances in To- ronto have been an inspiration. London presents cnepexsmple of interest to us. i For the first time in the history of the! city a mayoralty candidate addressed his public appeal for support through the pap- ers,` to the " Ladies and gentlemen of the ` city of London. he got in. There are] 600 womenvoters in the city. Every ward is organized, having its committee and chairman, all women. an example worth following. The mayor and nine out of eighteen aldermen, also ve out of seven ;schc_ol.tr'ustees were endorsed by the W. 0.,'1`,. U. and elected. A single woman worker in one of our wards, says the report, tool: thirty-seven women to the polls on -election day. Magnicent work. involving labor and sacrice to put power where it could be be best turned against our liquor foe. The London city council inaugurated itswork by devotional exercises; 1:. not this a tribute. to the participation of women in public affairs`? No wonder this council was equal to the task cfcu ttingidown the licenses fron'ivfty~ tnxforty. Let use rejoice with the . C. '1'. U. in London`. _ ' ML; "_._____,,,_ a-I n In . r... .. wvuguu uuwsussvsvvu, uwau` surgtuy `g to a: strengthening. conviction that their ; power to promoteprohibition and general ; moral reform` would -be increased; and ; -secondly, on the part ofsthose good men ` in public and private life who realize their . need `of a ballot reinforcement to` "offset ' the forces against the removal of evil. _ V V IN ONTARIO. . ~ Where` the municipal,-and school fran- chise is enjoyed by women, no one, we think; would `be williugvto return to the former state of things, nor _wi1l.sn.y. haz- ard the [absurd remark that former pre- dictions of `harm: to the women voters have been `fullled. Onmunicipal elec- tion day our civilization reachesfits, high- est point and every year bears increasing ly favorable testimony to the intelligent interest of the women in municipal and `school matters. as well as to V the zeal, politeness and consideration of the men who seek their auffrages. In the city of was tested when the Sunday street "car was voted down.` . ,|.. _J..__-, _-- 1` Toronto the_value` of the woman's ballot` -no ;vIIuI_vI us uuu muuguuuqulvuonl Btllll. . In-our-own country we record not-apid growth~of- pu':blicqsengim_enI: in favor of _t_l_1 e"fran_clviise for `women. First, on the part of women themgelvea, owinghrgely to I ltrnathnnina nnnuintinn u..+ oh...'..l Twenty-one of the `United States now give partial ihga to women.` To the state of ` Wyoming must ever belong the honor {and .. distinction of first crowning wom_en~w ith*f_nll and unrestricted citizen- s'hip.;'snd"nll testimony from responsible parties _in.;thnt' state justiel the law by the results in the 'most"unequivocs1 terms. . In nus-fnnn nnlinlrnuv -5.. -.;......I - ..-_:.1 uuU`I.uuuneu~.'-r` ' N -V "~ The more `detailed information that 11" r9Ihd :thi!.`-ounti7..;onoen9inR tho` defeetof reman : eurege in _New Zea- lnnd jnnd South, Auetrnliavehowet that in 7both colonies` the` in 1` mere ' uke. _;-In: New; Zenlpnd t;he,~sdyer'I'e majority WIS onlytwoin the upper ohember. -_In South `Australia there wee.'act'q'g.lly (`majority i -for thevchenge, byut erit `wee not .3 me-. ` 'jo_rity.cf the whole chemberit was in- % eucient. It;mn yf be noted as a. sign of -the times that~Mr.- Balfour, Gonuervetlve _1Id,rv of: M homhof ,inIn<.>n.-i stated` 90 "a. reason why the one man one vote bill `could not pass wes`that- no reform bill fcould be;cone1_dered_ which did not deal with women auf-ege,., Note also that at the` gireht ` Socialist congress` held in Germlnv. the programme was; amended to include universe! womanhood eutfrag, though no one'wjll readily` accuse the ~Gei'mena-of eentiment.* `Then-e.'if any- where, citizenship` is `based on the bearing of `arms. ` `Yet even in Germnnyl women : claim to the franchise is ' gining" recog- .inition." . . . o ' ' A `to odoste -the public oonuoionoe u to iti -valua,Iu ptell-our_-iclaim for its poa- faenioni. V . - 1 r-,:- 42.; _' -,__I:__ _I'.:__.._- `I .....-......L 6.. BLUE`. 5' [tie with eohlier pleasure I 1:):-agent to you a. brief epitom of the pr.-agrees 6f,_ the cause at woI:ieo p enfrenohinement in other Zlauds. there in inspiration In the `record qhioh ma"! timu1I,te_.fus1to_add to our faith perseverance." IaV_}.... 'I`l'u. Dnlvlnuut AC Dnnihmn Inn runnin- VIII ICIUII PVIUCVCIIIIUVQ From The Reyigw qf _Ievi`9y_vn we quote ` the follbiiiifg_':i-av - .- . . ` CGVIVI... nu).-A '1'n`nnA :nfnunnn5;nn final! "0ontinod' on page 8. :'nE ADVANCE ... ... :4 ~.-:.-7-I--IIJH'II!.-II-uuufni..1~'<,{".k `-5. I If-ray_oI'I- iuzeni Hdn1 q*= u;c= % sauna: j ~_iho W uwq uwazoaaw nowm~u1.m~. , . . 6 "1. u-.`.1 1/ `Ba-`_A_4_n_-__. O ,--.3-i.n.?--, __- - --..u- -u F`-vuuuv W111 you not try to_follow the Engliuh doctor : example and experiment with the sunlight '1" Those whojive on` ,`5the light side of life, and gunk God for it,` are wise. -Dr. _J.` R. Miller. mrnnwn ` --- uoun .l:lll`0lJB, Jrenfell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Thos. Langman, late of Midland. . . . J ames McCreight. late of Mt. St. Louis..... J. D McMurcl1y, Lindsay . . . . . . . . . . Joseph Noble, Spencer, Wis . . . . . . . John Nolan, Alexandra. D3 . . . . . .- .. . John Oraer, late of Angus . . . . . . . . . . Alex. Primrose, Apto. . . .. . . . . . . . . . Mrs. Bernard. Phillips, Huntsville. . . . `John A Perry. New Lowell . . . . . . .. _ Geo Ritchie, late of Ivy . . . . . . . . . Wm. ARa u`nsha.,w, ta.yner...- . . . . . . . Wm.- Reid. Burk '5 Falls. . . . . . . .- . . . . ' '0ther`nsmes of Hanson: indebted to this joi'ce,. andlwho wi not gay their indebted- ness, will added to this ,list.') I ' ` . ' . /I ' A 8.eWooloy. . - : 1.. 1 ,, ...x - ,. .- ," I . ,-. .__-gy-p v wq P1>>s1*;-;s~,`f1j _A1z1z_I`.4 _ T = O `l`::*.,r A5 " 'rr1H_":.-.'.s'r-*:-'*~= -- -` ` uuumn uuuu, nlustuu Joshua. Guest, Toronto; W. S. Hyland, Guelph. `Thou Hurst, Parkdale. Eli Holmes, ` Toronto. . .. John Hirons, 3`-renfell. Than T.nI1(Drv\nu\ `AL- -1 vv In. AJKIIIBIU, VV &V6l'ly .. . . . . . . . . . . i Robert Gilpin, co . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Geo. Fletcher, Allistonv . . . . . . . . . . .. 5 James Bell, Angus . . . . . .- . . . . .. G. A. Binyon, Bracebridge . . . . . . . .. P. Lance, Beatrice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. James Coulter, Cookstown, . . . . . . . . . James Small, Colgan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . James Lewis, Fergusonvale . . . . . . Elijah Ball, Foxmead . . . . . . . . . . . .. W. M. E. Perkins, Gravenhurst. . . . G. W. Taylor Estate,Gravenhurst. . John` T. Hewson, Huntsville . . . . . . . D. McCartier. Nottawa . . . . . . . . . . . . David Ross, Oro Station . . . . . . . . . Peter J. La Rush, Penetang . . . . . . . . John Cam bell, Ridgetown. . . . . . . . Thomas Glieaves, late Wyevale . A. . . . D. Camnbell, Grenfell . . . . . .v . . . . . James Parker, late Vigo . `James Roberts, late Barrie, ':i*3}..i. James Kirk, Saurin. . . . . . . . . . . . . _W. Brunton, Allandale . . . . . . . . . . . M. C. Brandon, Holland Landing. F. A. Belles, Riverside, N. Y . . . . . . . John Balmer, Gravenhurst . . . . . . . Lorenzo Ball, Goldwater . . . . . . . . . Joseph Cooper, Phelpston . . . . . . . John Coulter, Toronto . . . L . . . . . . . . . Wm. Gampbell,Barrie' . . . . . .' . . . . .. L W. J. Graham, Anten Hills . . . . . . . A. H. Dewdney, Toronto . . . . . . . . . . Wm. -Dunlap,` Warminster . . . . . . . . Stephen Gan ton,` Midland . . . . . . . . . . Angus Gilchrist, Steele . . . . . . Joseph Gr_iiths,. Josephine . . . . . . . .. James Gunn, Hillsdale`. . . . . . . . . . . . .Tnu}nun (lean:-at 7"--A--L- vv In. at u. Lu. nlllllul . . - - 0 . . E J. C. Fraser, Angus... James Scarrow, Avening. . . . . ; . John O'Connor, Creighton . . . . . James A. Cam bell, Chesley. . . John Dunn, illsdale . . . . . . . . ._ P. J. Langane. Mt. St. Louis. John Carey, Manseld . . . . . . . Lachlan Macmillan, Rugby. . . . Duncan Macnab, Stayner . . . . . . Colin Gilchrist; Steele P. 0.. . E. Polkinhorn, Waubaushene. . John Lee. Manseld. . . . . . . . . . James Anderson, Waverly . . . . . Wm. Drinkle, Waverly- . "Rabat-f. (lilnin `Thin go-nu , uuuuauu uu uuliu, Du1'l1Ugl Vt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -. . . Canadian Air Gas Co., Montreal. Foster & Maxwell, Angus. . . . . Frank Lazarus. Montreal . . . . . . . . Alf. Tramp, Orillia. . . .' . . . . . . . . ; . ] Wm. Artris. Allamdale . ; ._ .` . IT f` 'I:`.......... A....--_ . The following persons are indebted to this oce to the amounts set opposite their names _: V _ W. J Conron. Toronto. . . .. . . . . . . . .$ 4 36 Seth Summersett, Barrie . . . . . . . . . . . 8 .06 Alex. Mc-Rae, B C . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ll 67. W. A.. Lennox, Toronto . . . . . . .'.. . .~. 24 70 W. W. Butcher. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 25 Joe. V. Lazonby, Goldwater . . . . . .. 2 54 Alex. Wallace, Stayner . . . . . . . . .. 8 50 D. C. H. Watson, Toronto... .,_. . . . . . 10 66 T. R. Purvxs, Toronto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 45 L. C Smith, Coaticook . . . . . . . . . . . 15 40. J. B. Griffiths, Midland . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 '95 A. Robertson. Josephine. . . . . . 12 22 J. '1`. Flint 85 Co., Rock Island,` Que. 3 66 Leon Caisse, Toronto` . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 32 W. T. Barker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 20 Henry, Johnson & Lord, Burlington, V1; '7 A0 I Any one who ca.n~.ta.ke advantage or any of - these accounts are invited to call on us --ADVANCE Oice. { :A1l accounts that have. been rendered four times and over will be placed in this column for Sale. .. vuunv ,..._........... . It is wonderful attached on: aonla | become to out ahaqle treea; we hate to. have them go.` , The state of_ ' mind an hnszglng one : nniiei-y "is a very lllllllllll one. bnit is not healthy. Exercise in good for the soul, but you and I know, more than one hard-working soul that it yet in poor health beoanae it will work in the dark. Simply that. Not avcrime you say ; but such a soul grows aallow and ill- favored and peeviah, and it in not here- In- that the Father is gloried.` ' 117-11 , ,, n 'A000UNT8 roa SALE. 1 ' Vigor has remedied the troubfe, audit; 5 hair is now its original color and f -' ness."-B; Onkrupa, Cleveland, 0. ' P db Dr. J. C. Ayerd: Co.,Low 11,Mal. xepoggld y Dmggistsnnd Perfnmgrs. ` A7F 'i|air Vigor pfnvnhf 1111; `Mary; la-.._-..-'.' __,_,,, A$?f w`;g|"|f.'a;I'i;" \'Ifi"or pnafnrna hn:s- nfl-nu -"nu-........ " ' ' - . - ~ . i . 7: Makes the but soft and glossy, I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor far; nearly ve years, and `my hair ij_nqist.~` glossy, and in an"xce1'Ient state of pm, i ervation. I _am forty yearsold. and have ridden the plains` for twenty ve year:-.;"-"_ --Wm. Henry Ott, alias Mustang Bill.";. 1 Newcastle, Wyo.. _ . 1. Ayer s Hair Vig 1J...........J... 1...}- 13..-... .l.'.`l12..... -..A. Aymsuairvigor 1 ' 7 _ - _ `T v -- Prevents hair from turning gray`. . ' ' My hair was rapidly turning gray and - falling out; one bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor has trouble, and my, hair is now it: m-icing! NJ... .....I r.-I .- ,- - `- `G7-" Restoresnhmraftor fevers; Overa earago Ihadasevere fever. and when a `recovered my hair began _ to fall out, and what little remained turned gray. I triedvarious remedies, .but_wi_thout success, tillat last I began to use Ayer s Hair Vigor, and now_ my hair is growing rapidly'and is restored to its onginal color."-+Mrs. A. Collins, Djglgton. Mass, ` P;vnts hair fr 11'1-fal1m' Tg: 6:1: 1: A ...___l.-.. .1` _A____ ____ . cumbeeci ago. by;recoui~ mendaxion of a. friend, I Vbegan, to use Ayer s Hair Vigor `to stop the hair from falling out and prevent its turning gray; The first effects were most `satisfactory; Occasional applications since havekept my hair thick and of a. natural color. "`-- H. E. Basham. McKinney, Texas. L - - I uloroooonmu on the Skin. . The ret diutinotiot'1othe eye make: _in` meeting ietrooize persons and tribes in` their oolor. This in the darker races `in. found to be a block or very broivn duet, terror." Ieuuaeby `to deposited on the lower loyers, on aground the color of old ivory. _ T_hl| .lqI,t_oI1,o_t*9p5 ute discover to be 'o::ne. eoot7or` esrlioia deposit, and the point he! a |peoiel@- eat for women in thiif if L V I nature "rile ` di,ai1,g_a `?a!:n.:3 ..-i;`~. the enlarged _glnnd-lnglg -, . '5 . . ' In but u I1Inong`~1I.l.I'.`..1_.A.n.4nu;*. ,. NOTHING LIKE THEM ON EARTH. They produce a natural fresh pink color on the cheeks and lips. The most` remark- able and the most perfect of all health giving remedies. The greatest of all esh formers. They purify, enrich -and strengthen" the blood. The only safe, sure and certain remedy for [all those distressing complaints so peculiar to the female sex. They act promptly on the relaxed mucous membrane of_the digestive canal, and in this way V restore its functions, Pale people using these pills rapidly acquire a. beautiful, clear and healthful appearance. Price 500 per box, or six boxes for $2.50. For sale by all drugqists, or sent by mail on receipt ofprice, by addressing lkunnus VwAN:4& smuss cu.` I INCORPORATED man. 7 DR. H. P. WILKINS, Tc;ronto,O. Are mt: a }V1_nc;-t:h: ulec,`v:$coona1;l1:.:lheR-`::v:1'intor:a1n1: ,px..uK3 thelranleoinhiahsnds; 0lIOE-Next door to J. Gnlbl-sith a, nearly opposite the Queen : and Barrie Hotels. 111-I`... I-nL -3 41.- 4__.__.._ , 4. .-. - So: then._ my dear young friends, `I think you will not contradict me when I say that health of character isfully as im- portant p as health of body. and that for our characters to thrive well, they need plenty of sun. , You have heard it all be.- fore, though you are too polite to say so. Thelpoint about which 1 am anxlousis, whether. having heard, you will really, get to work with your axeand begin your job of clearing. Some of our dentslgroan over the sacrices of theft- miliar elnis` and horse-chesjnuwts ; ,th*e`:`y"ajI -e_ loath to see them` go. In_one house where typhoid fever carried o'-three children in the course of the summer. the thick. dreary branches of the pine trees hung as close to the windows as ever, `the bigjfront` -yard is almost a jungle. and only the most persistent sunbeams ever hold lawn parties cn those premises. _ - ' .. . . _ `CI .1 I- Q` n .,,.__.v v... `muons nu -uu 4.:-anti: l..I.U|UlUo Q` Ordortlottst the Anvnzon omoo will be at dad to. 35 . G. R. FORD.~ A , I HANDLES ALL KINDS` OF AUOIIG? SALES. DR. WILKI NS Re d THE .0l|IE[lABlE Aucnnmzenl '('}-eo. Monkman and D. H. Maoharen. Druggiats. '-1-` EU-U9: UI'.ULAl`IIl'o)' Ulllllli UUII't. -W never fa11s- IT cuaes OATARRH nu ma HEAD THROAT AND NOSE. COLD IN THE HEAD, HAY FEVER. INFLAM AL TE N8! , 1'6- stores the senseEoDf gme, a&'3J%s a.wL.8 the ULL- HEA 0;: He exp_erienced by all who azve atarrh. one ottle WI work wonders. Pnce 50c. at Druggists. Sent by mail on receipt 0! ' arice by addressing - IEIMIK IEHFMIIE rn mu Ancumc R-r Illnr mnnum 1.--.uu--r .- v nuiasontnc [D- Oondeneed"- "advertisements on First Page Inch as Wente of all kinds. Lost and Found. Prut,>.perty for Sale or to v Rent, Specic Articles. lI`.tc.. must be eccom niede with the cuh.e end will be inserted-F ret insertion. 2 cents per word. each eubeequent insertion. 1 cent word (names. addresses, and figures coun as words): but a reduction to 1 cent per word will be made when the number of insertions or the eme matter exceed FOUR. Cuts for Advonlsementi must in every case be mounted on solid metal base: