emu: S'l_'_gV_E wonxs I anuskang foi fcbbgganlng snow-svlioyliug accessories and winter atJAcKSON, SCENERY `> ,. ..... 1 .. ,v`. `.1 1,'.>;_n ~. ... .; . . .` 3.: . - a . ` .. _ Mr:.'_;A 8} Mocking.` Allsndflay viaitinghln.-James Drill, o_f;Bndfo;d.` Mr. Funk Hornuby. of Burial, llod_Mr. J. -M'..,D_unou`,: I nhiirginhyl X!.y;` 9a 5.1.1i|}*9l!s.f0!hB:'1'u1; ( 5kL.-'-*VBi:tol'i A ?:>s`<*;.;~'=. . . 1: .1 specuu. SNAP (If --q:;;.;;jeJ` ~P|5`1 8eItler Tfains A. "Ham :3`: """""" `TC '- %FI:e2tlJ;act5~F'an ms" MANITOBA NORTH-?WE8T 1 see there arequite u Hnumberbrf un- paid bills. the- preeuuiptieu . being that there are no funds to c_snoel'them. It appears to farmers in my township who `hsvespoken to me about this curious statement of receipts, expenditure and debts, that it would have been` to the. credit-"of the ofoere of the eociety,to have qettled the unpaid account: before indulg- ing in elevating luxuries. ' ' I axntsir, yours truly, ~ . ' HAY_aIEED.,. . Veapra, Feb. 20th, 1893. . 4`? Ti `Send 1:5 yaur nos:-cit Rdlzoud _ 130111: and obtain a. oopyot For : Particulars ABOUT THE sxovv s6:E;z` AND THE -oN THE- -4 Old Canadian. Provincial llfll` `ll'nI-Alan I-lnfjlan hnnn Mr; a,% 1>onu-.1'f'w;s ag. Tuudgj,` I -. A PH O'l'O'R. I-I. scwnsvg 2`: .riT_,}ai,YAe' sssgaq L H nm:.:Z:E fmni 'nJ':q~ua.n-;.;'~..Z3 4152'!` A... -',.'hr,rng:.` 512`. ; I _ g1 vv A'1'5w S. U 'l'ltJ.Jl..l1 l."1l;l&.INBUR- THE EOONOIIIOA L FIRE INSURANCE CO. "Hb:i?}a;I`',A8oroi; ' if `z 4 IlIQtl..C_"9.N30- . Main 40; i-ac mort ages. {Con- veyn _ qdqnoy collgso kc. o1I`!'Ii .,HENDER.SON S " .nm.`u -.4`&'...`..... _ _.-"L.J._~ L _ .}-v._ v _ ,.._ _~ , .. ovvynvwuuu lull! LUIIUWIDK Uom . 082- um SUN rm: mam: N0 3- . F -%l ;0NDDl_{NG.Eo this o1aonvvs ir.o1rs`mr _1na';,co. mm wad ~ ` `men 8 o1rNoR'rn mm. A;- oam`ss.`ooo.ooo. % V ---vv ------- --.---- -u- vvnnnyocunlwn-In iv -r Jlra-Awiuniott. DlM?~`SI,+%W9?6`nOt'lli6`i96ih'P9*6a indolence slid iforgetfulnss. "1')ft`_,,_n!_x;;.l_S`V"o"j~g.` tery J. -E. W-ill,mAott_. .-E_=qv,. so well-known to tl_i__e. Directors `and "all. liayjing_"hud` tiny business with the Central Simcoe.Agri- `cultural Society during the past year, I might have deemed it ne_cessnry_t_Q unawar- the absurd chi:-gas that he hIrI_t"IQO,ll`.'I make against myself in a late issue of your paper. But under the circumstances I deem it best to treat them with the silent contempt that they deserve. ` I am. yours truly, Gnome Rsmns. 'I\ I `III I an I cnnn E &;sMITH7: L gnuuwu AJNUI} 001019` NQRTH AMER- . . ~_ 13;; Oanltll. ss.ooo.ooo. INSURANCE CO 0990.030-.8 w9!3I_I!II;n,mopoIl% mode. was wA"rnn1.oo`1tUm'UAL FIRE-IN . uwxmo. uumumm UR ` Blank Books made any size and to any pattern. All work guaranteed : be rst-class. "Music s specialty in Cloth or Full Leather, Stuff and Limp Covers. Portfolios made of any size and style to order. Repairing of every description of Binding done on short notice. There is nothing in the Binding and Rnlinz line that cannot be done here an: gnsrsnteed rst-class. Parties hsving Books. &c., to bind need only send a post cart- -or note to the bindery, when a representative will call for the work and return It- ssme when nished. PRICES LOW AND TERMS CASH. Skates, ' Electro Plated Cornets, Knives, Forks, Spoons, &c., s X Cut, Saws, s Maple Leaf & other makes, "Axes, Axeandles, Cant Hook Handles, ` Logging Chains, - Minute Books Lodgo Books Journals Cash Books Blank Books SLEIGH BELLS Manhfacturr and Binder of. W` ?'iY$;T%1 E yeafs business with ai hum we M. `offer t_;hese`:goqds ._ a;,t;surprisingly` low prices. They have beg. bougi}t: unusually -'low-, and We are giving our customers %benef} 6f,A our; Be sure and see our % : `Ii5.. Wi1If`I")ay.'yV()u buy early this year and to buy at th .Ba_rgain Hpu_se..-_ A V - 7 - H llNTER.AVSARJEA NT & co. BVAMIEBOUK BINIJEHY Day Books At J. Hr.-:NbERsoN's. appear cmsrios, LPROPRIETOR. .o. no Nola Hhnnihnu-II: junhfu tlun :ItA'...'u.I. No. 5 Dunlap Street, Top Floor. Ledgers And sc.White Cotton %'7'C:.Factor .$ 4"" ll Ilrouuea ant mums tab! wi M 01r;0l!.svonrod ban 6 which gay 3:! -`us may jhes` doctors 1119 1: is by the indie! ` ' ..-tit-=3-':i'-'12`-*2 : u. Sl`a?.i`fn$u":f;&3a&r%`` . 1M." Id (1 ' I "a""$'sa... ...;....:.:'r:.1...::.`;'....:1;., Jsszz u_l.ru'd tonttaok th is V mint. {Va ma escape many ; 11:51 31:31? 6:27 `llgggux-onrpoiu wenm-tmea with p_ur~, 1896 I Drona-ly ponrihed. 1-a.me."-un~h fssarloa Guette. Ii illinlunnlo -uI.. '|.-a1:.._ .._-._._ -_ __m. 3 l`vL'ilud`o:l`1`I?|}ly boiling water or milk- only in nockau. by Grocers. labelled th -I ~ IPPI. 8. co. lomoopat : 1.onan.'I:uuum. ,. `A - 'dL 1n\ : ffl ` o `BREAKFAST. , Q thorough knowledge of the natursl -(B loivlfwhzllr vex-n;tho operations of digestion g_n1_'_unt1-1:131: and bv n. on-afnl Annllnntinn of UCCX $VllCIB `WVI-Ill] UI Il!i\I\Il UV QUE! VI-IVII-I from sinking beneuth the burden. Some people in my neighborhood ask if there 1: noteome danger of the judgment being ' clouded and ='the`-red ticket put on the wrong article by the use of so much aqua. frumentiu was coheuIned._ T ' 'I __- LL_.__ ___, _ ,-I._.. L2 ___- uuvu.wuqun'xovel'n,I.nooperlt1 t di u u and: nqtrtuorx Ind. by a o.mr 1". a11oa{'3 ; 3! "10 l_iGD1'0D6l't10lot`well-selected Cocoa, M?- ED hm rovldedonrhreuktut tables with Tdv mtallavnnnd haunt-non ..|.a..s. ...-.. we EP eRAmEFUig.c6EaF'J1"i'ii- 1;. -n-L Q-` Sleigh Runners, Snow Shovels, e Lanterns, Coal Oil, Hay Baling Wire, % Rope, Bar Iron and Steel, Glass, e_Etc. &c., &c., &c. Periodical Pamphlet ` Law Reports _ Magazine: Sample Cases` Th o11ow{g 1ve;:Vada}sa3i2$4;he editor of THE NORTHERN Anvnzcn have been received for publggitigpg `I III`. Balkan Prosntu C ' En|-.4oa .....,.... ... ..... ,,.................. .. ........ ......-.,. I knot they. are exceedingly hard and dipujt endgometimee depressing, and evid;e:7;t_,1y-~IV.'aj; exhnbition they were dextro- ordi,hr_ilyV;o`,.by the need of neerlymineo teen d`o'1lerh worth of liquor to keep them -AIUI `|nI|An`L `kn `nun-Ann '- Hayseed on me I'.'!iui'or"!teI'ne. " > DEAR SIR,-`-In looking oveif the ac- oounla of thecentre Suncoe ; Agricultural Society, published. `fin your `Vluitv. week : iuue, there, ere two items which have 93.- trected `considerable ;- attention" in * Athiip townehip. They are the'folio`w'ing` E 4 - '1`. Simpson. Ale. . . . . . .8: 5 .00 ` R. McDonald, Liquor. ..A,13 75, 1 it '1`he.ferlnen out here had not the least ides thet itiequii-ed such an amount of stimulant to sustain` the directors and 1; udges in the performance of their duties, hfllluj I-has nun RISE` QIIA --u-- av u-. -u-nvn :9 Iuvvnvug The recular meeting of the above ao- ciety was held on the evening of the 13th inst. It was decided that the collections taken on open meeting night: he applied to the organ fund. As it was open meet,-_ ing the attendance was large. and the fol- lowing programme. was given : Reoita-. tion. And he aaidsctne. -Alex. {lamp- bell; reading; . Jimmie Butler and "the; Owl, ~A1-ch Campbell; instrumental aolo,._ Wm. Robinson; recitation, Up I.ife'-iH;1l, _ Miaa,M; A.` Shaw ;.read.ing,' The Landlord : Visit," "Mrs. R. eon; recita'tic,'7*1n vUn'ha`ppjy aa'.m-hp; tion,= Robt. -_`Roheiteon; . inateulnental aolo, Miss M. I. `Sanderson 3 xecitaticn, The Rich andthe Poor," T. Shaw in 'stmmati1f".`aubt` `(mcmth.. orgq:);*iv:" Rohiniaoii 'i1{9pt;",Jch'neon ; dgqaponee , -,7" - . h:;;"' V ::..':em.c .221` .22 \l Ill\ll B&l'_!'i6, Feb. 20th, 1893. -v .xa.r.."?'!'! . . ...... are- N ' ` A_ ,ng..:np1y.~ense manga- KINGSTON, 0211' , 18th F_`eb., 1893. A; In Guthrie I. and 153001033`. W W. PALL11a, -Fort William -P.O., Ont. yj at Teh$omai;n%B.k. of F? *vn_*-low M us: was: uvu v u glut! -Rev ; Mr. Hunter.` Ta |.-..,-I~-'_v-_-1' `A A_.-: H I VI J-`Q3215, A Battery. u.u.w_oI meeuuu was $100. lz._ ` V _ L Oicere of Aasocumon-Honorz_1ble James Robert. Gowan, Patron ; HIS. Honor J udge Ardagh, Honoralrv Pres.; His `Honor 'J1_dge Boys, Honorary Vice-Pres. ; H. H. Strathy, 3Esq., Q C., Pre_s.; Geo. Mobenly, E93, Viice-VP:-e4s.;_; F. E. P. Pepler, Eaq.,, Q Esq -Curator; HaSI1t9n Lenu`ox, 5 V `.3 , Sec.-3 Tran}; G H, `Epten; E381", A,s.a t._'-S'e_q. '-'1`reh.s"; D. F. M9Wat1_;..Esq , 3lAldHA._E. `I-I_._'_Cr`o;$V;_` wioke, Esq , Au Board of '1`r_uute4s--' His Honor J ad 9 Boys, II H,Strathy,_Eaq.,j- 01`. . ll` 17!, P, nlnl-, Ru`-. 0 n ':I". ....1.4-'..`.+. Our comunity was treated one day this week to a series of lectures by a gentle- man (who would no doubt tell you if `he were asked that he is s professor and . graduate of some foreign Uuiversity) the said lectures were delivered at the homes of those `who were fortunate enough to have him call upon them. the subject, be- ing the ills following the disoheyinar of the laws of nature, the object being the sale" of a mixture that would (he said) cure the worst or any sickness that he might eon- vinoe you thatyou were troubled` with. Price only one dollar a bottle. ` -: A meeting of the above was held on Fri- I day afternoon last, the president. Mr. `Hey, inthe chair.` Mr. R. Crew `moved That this Society order that the further readin of the Corridor Sym ium be discontinued. Speeches in favoro the motion were made by Messrs. R. Crew, T. McKee,` `end einst MI -by .Mesars."A; Quinn; A. Kidd and M _ % ~Erly..A On -a_.` vote bin: taken yhe motion 4'3! *0"? `Wf8.V91 ~9 Of 4ii~17`.` -0 that - tho` 'Corridor`S`yin1goii`{1g| iK\vilinvoon13inne_ltd {arm .:,ps'1-ta of*the;progi-nime. at~.the~=`me`etinge.1 i d tuvssyynvuu, uuu-5 uv uuu vusuv. UL VQIV HHVU been donated b members; The c,a.sh bel-A ance to the ore it of the association. at the _ date of meetiugwas . $155. 72. nd:......_ _: A....-..:...:-.. u__-_.'u- 1-_`__'__` Lu: uuuul` uuu9 Duyl, H 11. oorutny, 1!: gpler, . . . \ . _ I-9 9 F E-. I Q C-.9 Lennox, Esq" John Dio!_iindon,, Eq., . V. E. Hewson, Esq ', H. Ro`bo'rI/onv, E,aq.,' 0., E J. Hearn, Esq., John McCosh'. Esq. ' ` - Barrie, Feb. 20th,` 1893., 75.; ndi} ;a;;;..;;;; LE 7.13 R. snow.- plough and two" engines were completely wrecked on the H. & N. W. division` near Tottenham The train waspushing its way` through a heavy cut ve miles south of this town, when the rails read, causing the plough to roll over of t e track. The en-_ gine immediately `behind was literally smashed into atoms, the rear engine being not so badly damaged. J A special train eon- veyed Dre. W. E. Wright, 'of_ Tottenham,` and Cheifey, of Beeton to the scene. when" itwas found that four men `were injured slightly; none seriously. How the .eugin4 eers and remen escaped without being killed is a mystery. The auxillaryleft here in the afternoon to clear the track. Simone Law Association. . This association` held its annual `meeting on 26th January last, i in the Court House Library, Financiallyand otherwiseait was found to be in a prosperous condition, al-` though not receiving as much_aid from pro- fessional men outside the County Gown as it is entitled to Out of annualghembership fees paid in during the last year amounting to $120 only, $12 was contributed by profes- sional. men outside of `Barrier Theonly remedy `for this is to vigorously eniorc the .rule. that on! members in good stan in willpbe allowe the use of the hooks, an this course was unanimously `agreed: upon at the meeting In addition to the annual sub.- Uscriptions; booksto the value.o$2l`0` have hunch Ann-nnna I-no IYIQIIIEQVIQI mknnnnL L-` I _-couosmo, s_oioty `A `. I own 4 uuu was yumvuvu. Iuuu uuulv Uuuur VIIIIIIUIU dogs were `destroyed. It wouldn't matter so much if some of those bite of cure were put out -of existenoe,- but to willfully destroy very valuable dogs, is a.'|ha.m`e. We hope the guilty party or parties will be found 0 and dealt with as the low directs. j ' 1-36.-}{m"r&}ioj;*' 'b'of`;{5': :;i}a"g" u$"KIr' fie"; 'i3'1aZIE'- bird was poisoned. also some other valuable Anna nrnnn Iinnrmnunl` If nn\nI.Iu-.95 caught..- -A The sleigh ride out to and the social at Mr. Charles Palling s residence on Thursday evening last, was a grand success. Seven or eight loads went out. It was the `best social held this winter in connection with St. George's church. Mr. Palling spared no pains to make everybody present enjoy themselves, - ' 1 Some evTi71/ disposed person has commenced. the work of poisoning dogs in our vill e. Last week the large and very .va.lua`ble 1;. Bernard dog` bekonging to Mr Geo Black- }\Iu` ulna nninnnn nlnn nnrnn no-Inn: tvl|`nunk`A Crown" Inn. L Advanob Correspondence. Another one of our blizzard: passed over us on Sunday night and Monday, to- minding us ' that Jack Front in king yet- 3 I ' - '1`he Grnnd Trunli Compn.n'y on Wednesday last, declared a. dividend of 21' per cent. on the 4 F01` cent. stock, making a total payment in a l for the year 1892- of 3 per cent. as against 3} per cent. dividend for the year 1891. ' ' ' '1 M5. \ZN7 :i 1so11-,7Z<;fZ'i`<;1:shth:he;n;;;istIthe ul- pit of the Presbyterian church of. this p ace `ousundaylast. Mr. W. R McIntosh is expected to fill the pulpit next Sunday. l'I'\L- I`|..__.I fI'1_-_-_I- `l__'I____.. l1,,, , According to the revised list of constables for 1893, our village has four constables in the persons of Messrs. Edward Burns. James Campbell, William Kell and Lo: Webb. " 'M}."Gea.{i;a;$i a$;'o}"i}; G. T. R, we are glad to my, has recovered from his severe attack of pleurisy l`IY,, _____.,-L -_ I,____ .1 . in v , Z regret th hjwzeiizhvdstate that Mr. Lem. Little, 0 the G T. R , is still on the sick list and is conned to his bed. What the Toronto Telegram Says. - D Alton McCarthy. has announced his intention of championing the cause of the Patrons of. Industry in their demand for free binder twine. coal oil; corn and all kinds of wire fencing. Donsiderable speculationhas been indulged injas to the course to be adopted by the "leader of the third.-party. and this annuuneement.,which is a considerable moderation of his views on the-subject of the tariff changes, is as- cribed by `Government sunporters to his desire` to secure a following in Ontario. The Patrons of industry are said to have a membership of over a hundred thousand in Outario alone. He will introducean amendment; to the resolution to go into committee of sunply along these lines. . . Annjndalo. - Advance Cox respondenoe The regular meeting of Court Allandule. I O.F., meets to-night, 23rd. . ,, 1'1 1 In on us Mr. -E. 0. Davies. lnsneotor of Agencies for the `Provincial Loan Association of Toronto, sve.Tnn Anvmcn a friendly call yesterday, * o 3 . :1 :::r.." 3:-:'xr_7:.3; 4.?A 5 .-"2'? Miib Olsrk, of .fl`ominto,?II=vilitinMtI-" O-`. H. 519,00. w 2`-`("9 .- F ""`7` *3 3" ms? :1<~.>uia= C.ll'ege convrplaiiopig` It `Tunfqnto . jut. week. A " v 5 ,4.) V... .. Miss G.` Leadley, of Toronto, in the guest of Mrs. Milton _G1-ant." Her rich voice in the Collier an-eVet Methodist church echoes yet. ' V ' -'.i'he pounding of tghe hay press in. once more henrd among us and our former: ore -bound to make the most` out of the hay` crop. -....-,1-:-rt?-fa-r:v?;T*I;uk\::, lllglllnxu #1.,`-,p9.g|>_|Qqf Of. 8?-,Y!:2v93`, `-`Tau 1.12` V;41T',W1heI nim `_'ple'gTog;i":voy;nj:9And, anfa ram:-n_ ' '; ` ' ` ` I. . V Mia. 13.511;cinb;';:Be`.__.i;uasc pf Jayme: Bfuce, N evton _R,obinI_ n_.' -_1 Mr. Hubert; `Barker, of Toronto. paid In short visit at Mr. Johnton p. ;Ma1fy t.. a_.nd at his couin a, Dr. Taylor, Br_adfnrd- at , list weak. V ' . ' '*5**i!"!=bse.9f `hi-E f-hail` hiiidx St-i Y.!!*?! !3g.j1YV:e;t- ,Inai33;`: `rm-.a` 415: VANCE 'wiIhua him I. 'Ini'nn'i'I:}vniinbA Ahd %mr.T..;.i 11;. :%;;;;,.'I.;.,.;;. ;.2u'.;}i York and other places 0n` the -`other :tidg_ lagt weafk. ` " " ` EMI'. `P. E. `Stow-art _ig Vattqndiug ti1e Grand Camiioil .Roy_al '1`ez_np`1ars o,Tem- pdranoe ut,Ga1t. ' . . ml` - *1;-I'I.J'FOf!:I`l`ly Drury baf_iaitihg the parental home at Alliaton. - ' Inc `I\ an an n y 3 "5. - --I an --_y- `Miea M$;:l;k;f on _ Mon- da,y.-morning for` .3 `week : visit with friends in Toronto. - V Mn." Oowie; Alilguzgale, -left for To`; ronto last Friday on 3 vuit toifriondh. I ' IE IT ` _Miq.Hatiie Carley. hub riitittneil ff()`liI visiting friends in Orillia, . Quit 3 nngabr (gfoin: neiahborj re are shipping off their fgt cattle at very fair 3 QQI Iv gag,` . t W` T .. 2 Ge 1'; 0 . 1101' ,. -51"`-';'5 eres-ea?` _ `F ; "drab at {one on o`l-o`I.;-1I'o0`g';t'-' '` lei i .Tnrtey's oer lt'o..~._;..~~;..... lbw ea}. c . .:.."'.x'r~.:7=;: `<"=!s`?7~ -"' `.-'.'eIn' , Bludquarters per cwt.... qezf_ewu.".' .. . 8` R II V v`;&L_=_-b(o,._...uu --J-'y_I;t- Ch`.oVk,ene per. pair.. ..,.,. .. Geeee_per`lb...`. I..ard.per. Eggs per _doz.......... Pota_toea- Hay. perton.....;.......;.. Stmweper 'I`-snow. Farmers Oak per lb. Wool. washed. per'lb.......... Flour, Bake:-'3, per cwt......`.. Flam-.fsm1ly.`per owt.......,..~ Flour. pastry, per e,wt.. ,, Hatmeal per owt.,............T... Cornmealpere_wt,.... moms. bow or Sheer, Farmer's, per owt' Cow or steer. trimmed. per ow: heepakins each .. .. .. nooovnooo ` N0. l'Gl'O8nid0I....-o - . u . -canoe `. sklU..u u`... nloulo Lamb Skins each... ...... -,._.r ..g._no_!o 03. mwpmwom` = E ='= Wheat, 62 to 68c.;1ba.rley,'~ 35c. to 40c.; rye, to 45 ,; oats`, 30c. to 32. ; p`ea. se. 58c. to 59c.; buy, $7.00" to $8.00 per ton`;struw, $4.50'to0$5.00; beef, hindquart'er s, 86.00 to $7.00.pez7 cwu;,fox"equa.1 tern, $5 001:0 $550 per cwt.;'_n__1utton. `$7 00 to $300; goth. to 8,8,g50;`per_cwt.;,0turkeya,"`1 L p'et'f_lb;; geasgvo; per 1b.; ducks,<\6_0. pp 709. 1; pair; fowlq',`_50c_ toj_60c.;a p,ir;.. in rollg, t-,`;a2f_:;.; _1j_lb.; tub, I _; to 0l7Ac .'.~`pe"r 1b.; $3893, to 220. a'.do`ze_n 3 lard 11c. 12c; 1.5';`bOt&foesv0A60c. td'65c.`f0 -. ; a pm.` ' 1.25i .1;.5o par`-,bb1;9:.;,`1'}itriiixtihed` ides; :33-5049 0 ..s00 per .c.wt.:. h99kih. $1 .00,.`.to $1001 160. ;t.o,-;1_8c, %1-0 1b.`; 1:. w.3.~.?i.%!;`.;?2 SW The editor of THE ADVANCE through the ooureeeyrof Inspector McKee, had the plea- sure of seeing specimen: of megping, -. menship and free hand `drawing y pupi e in the South Simeoe schools, which aregoing` to be"eent*to the World : `Fair: at `Chicago. 3 The work ,ie*by pupilebovs and girls. from` 8 years of age` up to 18. The '-schools from whichstheee edmirebly exeoutetie specimens } of youthftiltork comes "chiey, V Allan-' dale aoookitown, Bradford, Tottenhem apd :7=so1i13V,rura;l muons. -.:cn.yeann'ouai1e6 et- eitention, even eb,a._j-world. e: fair, from i the 'oie:er`A c1een' writing, henoutlinihg of the i . . Iarket Notes. ' The market on Saturday was-not so large as sometimes, but was a: fair average one and- quite active Everythin found ready sale. at improving prices. ne feature of. Satnrday s market was the raise in the price of wood, sellers asking from $4.00 to 84 50 a cord for-` dry wmd and =- :83 50 for green. This=has the appearancfe A-'of-a wood seller s _coml_)ine - The following` `were `Sa tur'd_ay. s prices ourrent:- . * --111.: . .nn~. <~n.-5 ,.. 1- . `_... w,ooa, ary. 1-u.w to cord, $3 50 ;"Anthra;cite _coa._l. 36;` 5`fngr Vton_, vulva: mac naav vavvcuauslf UHDUUIVB. I` [We clip, the above om the Western British American`, of Chicago, which shows that Mr. Shaw. s artistic talent is recognized by art. critics. accustomed to see the produc- tions of `both European and American paint- ers. En. `AnvANo1I.] nu , zaluu auav. su vluul-uluu Ut uuu law, 11.0- I 0.. e 203. s. 4; 55 Vic,, c. 58', s. 5. 0.` James and Alfred Hook were ned 82.00 and _'cots each, and Gazley $1.00 and costs, or ten days in gaol The cases against Hen- derson and Shonldie were dismissed on the groundzfeof their youth. The magistrate warned them that should the be caught again he would give them the nil extent of -the penalty, that is $40. 00 or a" longer term of imprisonment. _ Canadian An in Chicago. Some good paintings _by a Canadian artist, Mr. 1). A. Shaw, are to be seen in the arts moms of. Messrs Russell and Lehner. One another the theme of "is a. portrait of adyounf girl, beautifully and , an delicately painte which is tragic, A Poor` Conscript. The solid and certain stroke in the execution ot these paintings testifies that Mr. Shaw `knows how to paint. Mr. Shaw s water colors are also exceeding]! eective. TWA nlin I-LA ah-nun: until` bl... `lT....L...... 1. uuvv uvulv Iuuvw Uul.` luau l`UpUl'U_- On Friday last, 17:11 in_st.', De uty-War- den :Bea.rdal'ey had James Hoo . Alfred` Hook;'A_1exander Gazley, Harry Henderson and George Shouldice -before the Police Magistrate on the chargeof fishing on Sun- da.y,.j'l2th inst., in violation of the law, R. S. nnon-1..4.::v:.. ..xov-zn DEAR S1B.,-Enoloaed I send you 81 00 for Tan ADVANCE for I893. You nome- timeutinsert items stating that some {one has paid for ngrent many years subscrip- tion to your psper. I think thin in my 20th year nnd-I still like it. Your: respectfully, ' .1110. Hans, IIACI'I\ .n Tliere` has`not:I;;.e`x'1'x;'11:c.l-1'-businea in th Police Court since our Int report; On Wwlnv Inch 1"! 3nat-' nhnu|Gn,,Wnn Anotlier Barrie xaiden Gemini! Into Notice. THE ADVANCE has had occasion to speak of the elocutionary promise of little Leola McAllister, of this town. She is now a mere child, but she seems to enter into the spirit of the humorous pieces she recites as much ; as one of greatly maturer years. With care andproper training and no un- natural forcin and unnecessary articiality she is destine to a front rank as an inter- preter of our literature. She was recently at an entertainment in Collingwood and this is what the Bulletin has to say :- rph nnnnnnnu Fnnnurnta n fnnn l\I| `nA on vvuuw vuv IJIIIIUIIIII nun H) any 3 The company received 9. treat on the appearance of Miss Leola McAllister, of Barrie, a charming young elocutioniet. The young lady is a student of Mine Laura Harper, of Barrie. and has also etudied under Miss Bertha. Harper, formerly of this town. Her recitals were, How Tom Sawyer whitewashed the fenco, and Little Dora : Soliloquy, and " Wrinkles. Mile .McAllieter has a brightlfuture before her. " Y; 3. ->;:_:;:s 2:.-.v.sr;'v'."'.*| V ':*-av l 3-mg, ~;-`cg 135? 9.9:-I.'."','; ;-'>_l.":'..'f:`,`f' - 2.-.` ,-`CH. ..-?|`M,PrlnA.Iv lsnliuz II-AM-lI_grrI0:eaII_:.s'l-`or! liaison ` :.iunn!~naum:unxuz:.; a-, : ~; ~ ; .. S. ,..:::nsaixanzreb;%a2:1so:.1e:` ' '0'-ouolclolollllooglunfiInmG:g.5m'-9%;` Ila:-Inn ,,_..__ _---_.-_--_'- Mr. A. W. McIntosh was elected critic, a.ft.e1-`which the following, roramme was given: 'Readinge, Messrs ing, Voll- mer, R. Craw`, A.7 W. Milden; piano solo, Mr.`G. Smith ; sextette, Messrs. R Crew, M Du', W. Kidd, Vollmer. T McKee, W. Sanders. The sextett_e' gave as an encore -"There's only room for one, in which sever-_ 9.! hits were `given in regard to Collegiate aifoirs. p-n|__ _________A_,____ , - 111 -1 ' . 011. 1 uu'i`;`hl;.programme`on Friday next hill be given by the, ladies. vVisitor,s always wel- come. lt'..~.;..-;..... -`Io Iron I-\oa'!'n_:Qs-0.! 03,_ .. -. ur-_-9` .e < Butwr.-roll.~ner Potatoes . D6l't0ll.....:....-.........n Cak per'lb........_.... cwt.......... Flour. family. `per owt.......,... Flour. Cornmealpen-o_wt................ L`Uol|Il'UUll I'1l0Bl...ou sk!`n.OI|I'VlLOIIIIllftolou Lambskin: Bliss Kathleen D1-ur`y,i| viaitingAfV13iendaA and relatives in Hamilton. ` 'l.'oI-onto bF s'n noVu, _ Ila-`trot. _ _ Toaonm. Eeb. 21. 1893. . UOIIOIFICQIOIIQ-.CVIIO_o os -E What; nnrimr ................ - - ."' DU .`IIC..'...'. .I'_. Rll.'1@!_......`.';.={....5_.. U`.(`1Y',`.. 05.300-clounr;0-cola-IoltooI iwork tot-. fvfvpg-1;`i'o_%1-'ats?;' !J!r`*F? T '5 '4" . ,. .~- 5` ._..';,.-_ ..-'- L`- 57-r Ponce court. 10o.. -13.... P`-`DIJI 85 . new They Feel About It. . Fem WILLIAM, Feb. 15:11. 1393 Sm,-Please nd enclosed one dollar ($1.00) for which I hope you will send me; THE N omnmm ADVANCE for the follow- ing year. 'If you charge more than one dollar, please send the paper, and let me know the difference and I will remit it immediately. It is some few. years since I was around your town, butnthe time was when I read Tm: Anvmon every week and I have lately takena longing to see the old familiar page: once more. Please address _ ` A `I 1\.,4A__ A ; _h h Song gain-.v'lce, . . ' Ovvng to the snow _s1.ox-mrof )ast7'Sunday aftemddn and evening, V the long` service in cbnueotion with the Elizebetlf street Metho- gdiet church postponed, und- on Sunday .'e`vediu'g~.-' the 528311 inst. , th_e-'- o`rder of*a`er"vioe Will be`~`oa.rrie`d out at originally intended`; 'bnpietihgTdf anthems, iolod, anew, andj'ei1`g- igg Sytbe ho`irand*c'_6hgrega1;id1i.- `>5 .T:'..:.;;.z .,: u` .,,:': 2.2-,` .-.'::. ` V. " uuq-u_u_q1nq1_ pup`; -uI,o,UIll' (_.l}!lpQl&l. > _ Ngw ' Stibscribers 31,00 forj'1`nl Anvxkcn for-I893 w`il too is a. copy, and our reaeptf. subscribers yqho pay in _advance for 651:`:-A1893, Wi11..l','_0%iV9 II. copy % _ _ This I : wi1lBe`amsn um. .m~...:.a ....1._ `vb Gill: .vLq`U9n WDWIVU I` K h49dlJL %Eir9'!i9,.; % .9353 y i "' _: , `r ;mmo$sooI.ty._. A The meeting of: e the; Barrie Branch Biblejnciety will be 2 held: Wednesda.y_.eveq- ing,sl prom, at 8 o clock, in .-Collier street he presented; -, It is exoectedtliere will he a Mfgadhcfchuroh. ~ The annualreport will` member of the society -from` Toronto to do- lixenthee principel eddrelu All are -invited f't0`&tteds'.2:.: ,` - ` x , . ` . 'A;-~_DonlID' Patterson informs us that the Supreme (B `rt has sustained the judgment of the courts below, disrnissing thrappealu with. costs in the case of McKinnon and Camp- .bel1tvs.._NRoohe. The case has been in the _oourt between three sndfour years and is nownslly settled in favor of D13. Patterson. eTbe--fact! of the case are well_ known to our --rea.d_erg and need, not be gspested. 13993.? i . - '6 'vI>V` '7` V`, be- `.- .. . . .beanift5.o33t?on:f&,p'Jfmb" *f W New `Rnihhhhn `I"ui1'!H\`n' 3! Sin :4; iI\'..-; ma e and the clever free hand drawing of euc young pupils. It is creditable alike to pupile. teachers and Inspector that work worthy of exhibition at Chicago is done, in the inspector-Sate ` It will be remembered. I that .a similar exhibit was made at the = Colonial Exhibition in London, England, - a few years ago, and thirty-six medals. were awarded to the work exhibited and'one'to Inspector McKee. A A - { ~ We are new manufacturing and our ? stock Stoves of the latest improved det CALLAND EXAMINE STOCK before 1 elsewhere. All I.I Q 21132`! u u - A 1 um uununan, rrov-noxu b J. and Fox-eizn we Stmpu want:-d for cash. H. WALKER. 5 or]: Chum bets. Toronto. j 44-170. ST.14.1?- `Wh Av vv uuyu`g_I_|v,_,_-buuI'Ull,` ' DUI! UIILIIIIQ, Dy the Prdlideht. Rev; Mr, Hunter.-' The meetiog":i"w.pI`;thon oloied. QA pro- gramme}: prepar_od for next *mqeting`. Viaitnn_wo1oomo_I_t ;"h_y .tiIne._ A" 1 V`