Y oonu-ovll .... ..... -..-... bvornmont a L , I, A j._.,i,.....,.!,`,.,,,,g,_,,_ A._.W. . H _. .V ` rln tgegu-d?; t'o`.b the Britiih`E!n'hlt0,' )6! !ll.." kno\`v_`.th_h't,fItlong'h in ,t_h`e' pr.o'eoes;9 jinndn jngnbeyond the eeegreet eommnnitieeo our". e siownfj race `end blood,- weeunnot `con:nt~ M .`.`~"t-he'.,i e oomunfnnizieein jexjrjoajry' {screen to for-`mi ` {pert o.f'the eeetive Vetrength ;of the United. ~Km`gdorn.- Thev--time` may come`: wlg'e'n, nnlejg theycan nd eomemeftho(_l`;of,`j ` " *bi.nd.ing if j'tlieme_el:v;efe' ;'_ in. .. f ordnetitutional I l relations to.-the` Mother Country, the threedz of common-`a'ction and common sentiment may be severed. [Hear,heer.]` Do notlet us then Zwibhine the. .United Kingdom itself endeavor to bringeebou-t a` state of `things- which` we eee will be V no sev- erally productive" "of _` national weeks . ness. Ireland in A tin: the process of being united to Great Britain more closely in the -bond of common national ef- fect-ioh than ever before. A` The land agita- tion began in l839,under the guidance of an aible politician who `postponed perhaps lo: a generation, perhaps even longer, the full coxiaummvaiion of our wishes. Although a. gree.t._\ha.rn_1 who 'thus done, a.'though our ` 3.-hil{lren and grnndehiildi-en ,lw_ill'iatill.feol c gthe effect of revolution in Ireland and be-. 5 trayal in England-, etill - In _ think` "i : _.tl1e. 'country and. the House `have j ,-the , poiyere to Jay now: This process _ {shall go nofuijther. -. Much as they have ;-feulfeI'e'rl-in_th"'paet "from vacilletibiii they williet all evente'no'w 'put en ` n'd` to tliie project, absolutely impossible . of . execution in its-jdeteils.` end even woreein theigenernl l princi_ples`by which` `the `PriI'neTMin"inter, ` under the: cloak and. guise of drawing together innloeer harmony the different narn hflzhn Tlnitp Kinudnm_ intends to 90>!" inn" Chou coit- M 3-V Onncunn. JR`: hf AIDA nnl `ii_'rqJd.i`-'inuu ` V _ , .d6nt:s'.iu=`?% iII ginn:i6a- dIiiIit"y.{ --.`,- ._ V- _ yin wbill Karo not duty. Whfg '-tlioi,:= - lav? tbiy` * 'dn no*Io better than prnduwanch-`-sir.bi)H' Becsuu the _.Ilbvq it.tbiIiptOd>ln` slum Limpouiblq Fed_er_a}E Govarumen` I >or` I Coloninil`. GY9'"!9?iF=*0-1 li`8>.o1d`. : n-:6. '. .I.3it'!ti.-ill. <,=`on-f, ahitntion Ls;-it" sands may .be.good; but this. bastard combinuion of-three in vludicroun I.nd=1'mponibl`o. -- ~ ` Tu; h-..n4.v`tn Oluu `D-{63-`AL `Pu .-nnhnn min` a ` ' llllllfu` . -` . Mr.i Gladstone, Lord Salisbury` added Prime Minister since _ the Restoration who had the-reputation of striking down the 7' -j He'sr. -hear.]i . . _-w The" Government aimed to mutilate an ;"_institutionxthat was .older- than the dynasty A =`or other institutions otthe countr_v.- Surely it wit a'{ma.tter`of deeencyfor the ministry ' approval ofla revolutionary policy by secret action through exercising its inuence upon - .y-the church pcommission over which the Gov- "ernment hadno authority. _. [Hear, he_ar.] ` . The Earl of Kimberley} a Liberal peer, . i asked the,H_ouse to .dismiss' the matter when the Welsh Suspeniory Bill was introduced. `I .....? `A .l.k.-nu -uh`; lI"4.'-nan`:-unithia\JnnnnnnnA ih signicant terms, was the rst British 7Chu1ch_of England. Thle present was aa ;turning point in English history. [Cries of 1 to refrain from trying` to obtain preliminary, ,Dl'6&cn 01 um, UUIIHDILUDIUII. :3-~ 5 L61`d' H.rI'cb'1li HiA,;ghT Chancellor, L "deuid`th" the Minisbgrat ha,d` inixencd the_` Cliur`ch' Cdmmiiion.` ' The strong 1 Tlangna \ise`d' bi $h_q'[yponbnf, dt th Gor- ` 'm~ninmt.' was out. "of uladce in View Voftho I|4J$VUIsUI III'V `ll, -UK IIQI IIIUII.` UH? LIIIIVIOQIUV atjtp'of1;he_United 'King_dom,: nntgnds to omjd infsft'.itnuiotis which' hugs `tend. ever. and e'vor.asAl`.ime 39s: on to. ieparate them 1 in `.t`eI'nper._ in mind,--and-ultimately in nationatity. ' [Rgpsted _'U|_1`ion`is't. chasm] Tn flu: `Inns; .nf`f.nI-(In vnntifa Lord` uu.uuuauby.. Lnpppuuuuu Uuluullu UIIUUI 9.1 ` In the. Home .`6f.`Lo'I"d'e yesterdey Lord .Sa.liebury~a.1ked- the Rt. Hon. -sud .Mont. . Rev. Edward. White. Benson-,> Arch- biehbp "qt Cg`n_terb'|_1'ry nd ._P:jime_t.e pt. .11` 13;;.1u:;z1_;w;vna'eher_`shy tbn _e _of7 the Gawg. ertimVe9t4_ire,ted.`,to-Jybe -'Ch'u`r:.-h. Cognmis? A side `to ' Welh j d_io,'se`_ was . eu`c_h altrii `I.:heySuspe:is'or_v'iBill was `elieady a aw. ` ' ' ' The Atchbiehop, in x_-eply to Lord Salis- bu'ry s questien, read lel.t.er's ishbwiing that the a`ssi'gnmen't. of certain fuhdsiof the diocese of SD. Aea,ph e had been suspended. r.....A~Q.`.1:.Im.-"u lchn'rA`nnn'n' nrnnnndhd tn .. ture.` '4 . language 11809. Dy ll8..0ppoueuu_s 0: one nov- Jruin:iit _wae' out? "of pluoe in View of the "iela'ioi1 b'e'reeii_the' Government jend the cmriasin.4h T; " ` h .. The Houe_`e then_ `adjourned. -'4 The Ifih P!1f1lI'tYi9.Ii.t*|`)*.I5.8'*y . at a meet- ingfipecially eu`{Iim'oned_ after the delivery, of Mr. Gledeto'ne a great speech, cordially A -accepted the new Home Rule conetitution V 1: a. satisfactory eohhi at Irish national .eelf-governnient, subject` to endeavors in M committee `to improve ' the propo9ed"n'en- oiel efrgdgemehte; end _'to have V the time o Ihotteed ,W,h'e`rei'n the land `question is tobe withheld` traui3th'e' Irieh `National Legisla- : UIUCQSIUIM JV: neapu D unu uucu aucyvuuuug Lord` Salisbury thereupon: proceeded to make in. furious '"e;tta.ck' upon ' the Govern- ment. He declared tha.t Mr. Gladatone l administration was guilty of 'a serious trans- gression of the constitution. The action taken in regard to the Irish Church afforded no precedent infthie csse. The robbery of v 4 the church eiforded no precedent in this case. The-`robbery of the Church of Ire- 1end ha.d* been followed-by the robbery of landlords andthe proposed mutilation of the State. It was indecent on the port of the. Government to attempt by private` action` tonnticipate a. decision of" the Legis- la.ture.e 1 ` nu, s-;-__ 'r__1 C-`I:-L-.'....- -.1.I_.1 = Oommenu of`tho British` Journal: on tho v nomdinula 1cm, V . L,otno1*:,"VFeb.: l5.-I`).a.il'y'Newe It `is "utterly childish 'I.o`osll`I:he bill-in separatist ` `measure. The` `double ' chamber` arrange-' `= 'u'Ien`t itiuriibely better than the propose! pf 1886.: Theretentioh Of , Irish members "at Westminster in the most. likely part of '-' the bill to excite keen resiltnnce." nu, ,, !'l1:...__. (NFL--- '..|...... kl'_ ('11-), IIIU` !V`|ll uuppvuuuxg J.J|_I_I W_O_I_ nuvuvuuvuu. = Lord Ashbournb (C0naor.v.af.iv'e)denounced fhefiytidn` ,of,t.h'e Govgrhnznt as 5 gross _brea_li of the, 0Iititi1bi6If. : ' ` 2 ' `I".`_:'.I ` `".._..'.I.'Q.II` f'.\_ ;I` 13:35 ("Ln-ung'I`pno ' WHO Dlll. L0 BKUHIC Iscvu Icululuuuu. The Times: Those whom Mr. Glad- votone failded to oonvincein 1886 will not beeonvexfted now ubya less powerlul and ` iesmpernuaalivo oippeul. Theqfieeii indeed was marve out or _a. man 0 earn. 0 .But if he has shown thstl he can stillybend the -bow `of Ulylsee hie moat uncritical ad- mirer: will hardly refuse to ugnfese that he L-rnolongersends the.err`ow straight to the urns:-k.u... The axoluaiou~of- the Irish members -`from Westminster, the very corner storie of .Mr, Gledptouee policy o_ , 1886, _has diap- peuredg V'.ll1e_m_oet indulgent, will fail to disceru'-:tlie,fuiuteq,t sigu ef_ finality in, the scheme. and pmlnuou of `u_nyer`efe'ren.co to the lai1j(l;qu`eti9u; until ueetioud on.the_ Ib'O_'6V'.v_;i`n:llllg9I..l_B|n1 % `_ ow he l_fus erti. ,ciul.y_;re'a;tVrA1cted`. in view, prgpqped p __.,Q9.'uue,il lg uu__ exceedingly doubtful pro gstiogg .f9r,the. uriingtity-' . The m<)at`fer- _t;ilo,'e_o1irbJof`of nfrrel 'V'r,il1l 50; _`fhi'3f rhuncisl ..p.r9 ; `lg "L; Ho.'l`im`den,b_unc6i h:0.':|._r6... sen ir6,:?:"9;t1`i'.3-:Ii'i.'.h ini-m*>:7' -~ WWI- `Fri53*`.z::`9`sai:*::;:2:*.:r:::l::*.;wt I1 . - .. .. I; . 5: . _ 90.. I, 9, -- Th fiI"l5I5:iititY'f.!I;l_`{t5|`'!'ii'i0II' am! the ~Iiu `*9 |I'I!~". W>lli" i`i9`l`ftr?l`=` ?9f. . ` '*l9h : l.'1.'3'5! "'5i ' nd*`Ii-isli aigigl-,uaa;.:unta_;T:er:. fliy at o ~ illusory veto th`i`ri8pmpo:e'd."` l um- (1.-...I.im 'l`h-a nrnlnaotn of the bill.` xuulory V630 III! II prupuruu. `= V The Gtjephios The prospects of the bill `are nor. may. The measure ' brittle: with =3g1g,i.,=. A controverhy is likely to rage ovgg-(,`l``V`8tO wecwahd `the retemion. of - `the -Irish mam a` at Weatminster. The -nmer projioeel is undoubtedly the weakest e ` partomhe BilIa;...' .- ` 'l'h..m'a ` niate:-:']?h'e`re't:.e.ntle't.iV1>'f' r.he:Iriah pars oune uuu. % Thelmonicfez .Th'9 retention of membefs ,al:. Weltmi-nater ,is 7 accordiigg to Fdur ,- jndimauh J :0Il9=- jlh portant feature that rlh&&k'l.'s _ ibnyhz -:EIrgla.ia1d;iand: ~Iralund'.. ,; A`lx'oge_t.her .:`n'u` htutb product-B9me.;a_1&e_:nat.iye plan of -... - .'\.J``.. _l, ..." .`, , . . nug. Qa.....`InuuI. .'I"I-us Inninuln-A in hnnrnnti. ~ Home; Rule -bill. scceptuble t.o_ Mmej3o.resatrt`liiH.:i8:R .gneut. i.mw'vamex-t on . .~the.bil11df.';l886.:mnd; zumse opposing `it e ..`v ."4 v`,,~.`."-. :',"__f>.` ' ., The Smundard: The measure is iunpracti- -FQR=AND A_eA'INs1'. I _ `ll IIIJWUVI -I Wit. 5 yggglluul IlllI'lI lu .`.' N ' - . 9 I : mu Du. in rreem-n`- 'Jnrns1= ,\Vh=1st A .,opd_'li improvemeiyt,` the bill is altogether }1:ot"`e good waiter-tiglnt. measure. ` The Irish Times: Seven yam-.-s Inn-e+,fnilud to teafoh ' Mr. Gladstone rsipect, either of ft.l;1e.riglue of the" Irielr mium-ity or of the feet: of history. Ulster says simply it will ` -not. have it-. ` nu.`_` v\,|_u, 1: .1. - ,, ,_'.,_ _ ` `"9 P9 llllu ,- ].|_ `lluldvu _I_U,,w;vu|I| .`.;va{% Th dgv1c om; g.-t';nc.aon 0: 't|ie' I|"iIfI*7l>'l:I`Olli1)Bl`I M \Vca't.n1in-st.ur' is auclm pdlmble~absur_dit.y thut- G! uistmne`-L lrituself " onl41_not..;mompt to~,I.reM it sen-imialy. The, speech. howqver, wn a personal uinmph. "M "Plan nu hn F-our-u-n`n `Inn:-nu]: \`7hilnt aim imam. rs .-*s......x.a nav'd|`?:rdi-Ir ; Tfi` d av1ca of thn-i rail-i'sni.ion of 4 IIIFU. {IRVIS ll ; The|__Du bIi'n `Express: `ltnis incnstfly -I _' mere repe`t.it.ion of the former hill. Where it diers it. is more complex and iingn-act-L 'cnb_le; The suggested safeguards are most `L illusory. `The Irish Independent: `N0`deniLeV opinion `can be : expressed Vumil the` next. of _ the bill is before the public, especislly as V MI` I'I\. `Q IIII`IQIIII`1I! BI`, VIII? IIIII ID IUUIIFIU UIIU PLIUIIU CCPUUIQIIJ "C 'Mr. Gladstone ; method` is unmauafly in- civolved. On the points "of police and `nance, the hill seems especial y had and justifies Parnell : account of his interview 'withGladsto`ne; - - . - 'I"L_ _-, _,A_ E , ,2 I )2, '(.:'(`).l:)vt::l:l.t8 of an core of ileadiug Provincial duilieq show that. the Unionists have n9 disposition to give the bill any SI DUI. ' Michael-Davitt, anti-Pamellite, in an in- terview, eejd the bill was more democranc and practicahfe than the bi1l,of I886, 31- I though hewould personally prefer a. single chamber. He was satised Mr. Gladstone `would arty thebill.` _ Dn|vnA`l:tAn Avnunnnntah knn=OnnO an- Jvvulu out 1, uuc.uu1. - jThe Parnellites expressed. hesitant ap- ` prova1 of the bill, though theyare dis- utised with the- proposal to retain the `loud under English jurisdiction for three ' `I . T}. `I Hahn:-gnu an`-nio,A.1 lhn I-I1 nu Inn J UCKIU It` In generally admitted the bill will be allowed to pass the second reading with `little or no opposition and that the real . fight will be regorved for the nal stage. tscouand Bends Doputanona Alking 11:: . ~ L ` Removal. ' , LONDON, FeB,]5.-Lord Aberdeen yester- day intizeduceda deputation of `80 rep1'e- -aeutatives of the public bodieeof Forfar- shire, `Glasgow, Dundee, Aberdeen and .Perth to Hon.` Mr. Gardner, the Presiderit of the Board of Agriculture. They urged the removal of the restrgctinn on Canadian = cattle exported to Britain. . Mr (Inn-rlnnr in runluinn tn tho rlnnnrn- IICIIIIIV W&vUIU9\I U\l Llllillln C . . Mr. Gardner, in replying to the deputa.- 3 tion, rmly supported his officials and said whether the disease found among the Cana- dian cattle landed at Dundee last year was cornstalk, pleura or the other pneumonia, it certainly was contagious. Mr. Gardner Was, therefore," compelled by law to apply the schedule and. moreover, he could not remove the schedule till satised that Can- edztsrwas free from the disease. ,_Ij,j '-_._ :,_-_1__ L`__L L- LA,,._`l Z I `'13 IIUC IIVIIII IIIIG \llUVl1\l He added, encouragingly, that he hoped the decxaipn would not be much longer de- layed. But he would await further" ad- vices respecting the conditmn of the Cann- dian 'nerds,_and also the intention's of the Canadian Government regarding the impor- tations of cattle from the United States. I lll work IIGUIUIID III. UQUULC Illllll VIII? L/IIIIIUII K)lIGlCn In explaining this latter statement Mr. Gardner said he understood that settlers" ` cattle were admitted to the Northwest i I from the: United States free of quarantine. ther evidence. ' _ I , ,,L The law compelledhim to be assured that t.he~C_anadia_n herds were absolutely secure. He would gladly and anxiously weigh fur- TT, _`_j L, :I_, R,,; A` ,- AL, `YT 3.-.`! IILIUI U I IIlUllUVo He referred to the fact. that the United States also demanded free entry into Britain for their cattle, butin the can-goes landed from 18 States 41 beasts were found to be A diseased. - HALIFA.{, N".-S..' Feb. 15.-Miss Lynch, ` daughter of Peter Lynch, the well-known lawyer and` historian, Wes among the audi- ence ate` concert given by the Orpheus Club last. night. A: aha urn: rain:-rnn I-Innnn ':|| nnrnndnu \I|uU luau ulsuvo As she was returning home in company Lwith several other ladies a runaway team dashed into them. ' A ,| '1. ,.I,, ,I - I I.'1t-. 7 1 By g Iunaway Team at Horse: in Bali- , :5 IICII III MU UIICIIII "N- i`|1o shaft. of the sleigh ca.ught'Mis`s Lynch under the chin and killed hr instantly. M:-a I.nnn`| man |;`\nn!- An unubn n5 nun IIIIIJUI VIII? IJIIIII E|I\I BIlIC'l IICI IilBlGlIUI o Miss Lynch was (about 40 years of age, and well-knownin aoc_ie`t.y circles in chin city.-. L b = 1- 7 ~ v An Aged Farmer rumbles over With a ` Fatal Pain. M Nonwoon, Feh. l5.-John' Kidd, an, of 1 ` Dummer, u. o"ninent farmer of Peterboro county, die "very suddenly at. his residence this evening. He was in appareiitly good health `all tin and drove the mail as uengl to Norwoo . Shorlgly after arriving home he tnmhled over. complaining of a severe pain, in his stomach, which had troubled him on. previous occasions. -`II- nuns I-conning` On Qlsn hang..- --`J Al-) UI'I)llI.l|Ull_ Illlll I-Ill. PIUV IUIID UU|.3lUll5n l He was removed to the house and died I in affew minutes before anything could be done to relieve" him. The deceased was about 76 years of age and h9.d lived con- ~t,inuously on his farm in Dummer township ' for 60 years. - (`E08138 nd Hawaii. -LONDON, Feb. l5.-In View of the state- ment made in the Dominion Parliament that Hawaii was to be one of the landing stations of the proposed cable from British Columbia to Australia. surprise is expressed that Canada has made no pro- 3 test to the British.'G`overument against the United States assuminga protectorate over the Hawaiian Islands. No com.- municationst have passed us yet and the British Government is left to assume that Canada acquiesces in the mooted pro- tectorala. -'.., D 3 ,,.'J':' xhave . ; xteg pas. Four Big Men. LAKEWOOD, N.J'., Feb. l5.-Mr. Cleve- lhnd officially announced the names of four memberi of `hi: cabint esterday. They no Walter Q. Gresham of Illinois, Secre- -`t:sry' of State; John J. Carlisle of Kehtucky, '-nn-`tau-n n`'- this 'I":-nnnnv-Lu naninl Q Jan. `IQ! Ul Dlailauj uulul Us Vanuatu In Lxvuvuuny, `Secrets:-. of the Treasury; Daniel S .La- mont o New`Yor|t, Secretary of War; lI1:I..'.... Ll 'll:.....II A` Drinking-fan _ IIICIIID UL LVOW LUII, Uuulcvn Ul vv_nl, warm 3. Biuail of B'u'alo,`1';ootnnaater- Genrul. T HALIIAX, Feb. l5.-The refined sugar mnrket, which has ljeen very rm for some t.im,'t_ao k an upward} turn yeafrdai , and griceuiwert `advanced by both Hali ax to- " neriea, caulilng quite I commotion in the `-'j1v'ho1enfo.T_e ' `sugar, bot r'ocery_t.ra.de. Prices of rened ' in `Upper Provinces and United V Suites, so the reners Ahereiclaim, are higher thmrthey are. here. M_lNN'EA_POLIS`, our trust. has been formed. . Most of the spring wheat. . miller: in Buffalo, Chicago, St. Louis. Mil- ~ wuukee, Minneapolis and uibdcary points -have gone=into.the orgauizanion: The new list ofprioes it towgo into effect after the next harvest.` ' V_ . A 'fI;n`lnV Vvllunpgg, -WINNIPBG, F.eb.'l5.--The Omngemen of . this city have passed 3 xesolutiou declaring "they have no condence in` Sir J uh n Thomp- Iolu.-Vaud; alsu protecting against interference lty t'z,aeD,-.-miniou,-wish the school legislation iox*M%auimba. ` .% THEOATTLE EMBARGO. men subm-:m.v. A LADY KILLED.` A '-`wig: _u|-priin. 1 kinds oi Icmms, 7. COMES,- A Flour Trult. Gatarrh For Rheumatism For ll blood diseases, the bestyemedy is D116 DLOUD BBQ. SYSTEM. when broken down by overwork, mental worry,di.smse. excesses and indicate- _ ;tions. They have a. Srscmo Acnox on he SEXUAL Sysmm of - both men and women, restoring LOST vmon. and correcting all V - IBREGULABITIE8 and smypnnsszons. A ;Who_ finds his mental fac- ulties dull or tailin , or his physical powers agging, should take ese Pmns. The will restorehis lost energies, both physical s.n_ mental, _ ---- -un shuns: III u`...-m1.1 4-.n`Irn 1:1-Iain, P & Do .C.A I "aa- sy nggm, >r'i.=e 3.; sixbottles,a;;-- EIEIII Ilullnn %?r`i.`;;j.,u",i;.:1;"..':."}; pressmns and lrregulantle wh1ch mevxtab y entail sickness when neglec ed. -1: anal: QIZII -1.-.....I.1 balsa flung; 1)rr,1',a vuuuu Blunucaa vv ucu ucalvvuvuo Yllllli IE3! a~`:,`;`;`:.%::;:t`:`%.E 318:: It: youthml bad ha.b1ts, and strengthen the vnmm wnlma :. 2...':L` &e..*h:,.":.- un's_ii;; _ MM?! I UV U Irv: _!na.ke them regular. ~- -~1- I... -1` J..-_. IIIDAU uuuua Lv5ua)L For sale by all druggists. or will be sen_t upon receipt of pnce (50c. per box), by addressmg THE DB. WILLIAMS MED. 00. T . Brockvilla. 0138. Sarsaparilla You need`ri t go to F|orida, but fake: -LUIVU UIn-'nI:. UUSEIBIBB cm: In wuw '1-esist`other, remedies yield ptom to thi pleuant play Syrup. - . * ~ PR10l_T8BOa AND $0. FIR IOTTI-I o ngn - nu -an --nan:-I-Q T , 1 . Rich in the lung-healing vixtues ofth Pine combined with the soothin and ant properties" of other pector herbs and baths. A renrzcr cane FOR .__----. .---n- L:n':Q V! I IIIXIT I C. 6593 ' C For Information and free Hmdbook write to MUNN a: CO- 361 BROADWAY, Nlw Your. Oldest. bureau toraeouring pawns-tn America. ens taken out. by us is brought. before nvexvy v the nohyonouoe given tree or charge In the 4 Q . O W 43.30 In: ' V `W. Lament Vorld. . Spleudidli 111 N Intent .1 circulation of an scientic paper in the should be without. It. %Voek Em" re sun six months. Address M5}! 5030'. E01` Norwegian Cod Liver! ces % s, Globe .Vt_ilv R TEIITI-VI VIII:-n u 7:: couar-Is AND COLDS ,1-lonrseness, Asthmz Brooch! -Sore Thr `n-n3nO`nI-`inf pin-incline wlnltl nrnnn Crou andnll>`l'l-IR AT, BRO CHIAL -LU G DISEASES. Obstinate chsmwhtifhl; C worm. Bplenuxmy Iuuawlwu. no tax man week16"*z. - ear: 81.5031: months. Ad 11 N I i'Unusnna.s. 861 Broadway. ew York( snows ':E ru_y:uuu-1 uu_u uluu nu... EVERY Vi0I\lIll%?r`1,"; n-nnninmz and irregularities. W] Noi-way pine ..S.),..l:.uI,.-...;b,_- -. u . _.._.!_A..-_ I % | V i I DU\I o vim women minke them regular. i;%13i;;;1ei;,i`i:i;i;a; ': V Oil and Hypgphosphites. : It will STRENGTHEN WEAK LUNGS. |8'|'0P Tl-IE OOIIGH, AND CHECK all VWASTING DISEASE3. A `remarkable esh producer and it is almost as Pa|_at- .able as Milk, Be sure to get the genume put up in salmon-colored wrappers. .. n rs _4nI M (In htcrwualictedfornenrlyayear with The phyaiciansbein unablcto 2s'z_':2...:*=v ..:::*;.'.~.=.e::*=:..n-.. mi: DANISRUFW41 nus fa J at` `III1 help net, my wt Sarsapu-Ella. `followed his advice. hree reoommenaeu 11 Cl 5?- th f regular treatxn t with A '- ,nS`a.Pr:ap u:,lla and A er's elglills com 1331; res_tm'ed m daught shealth."--Mrs. ouise Rielle. Lit Canada. Ware. Mass. . For several years. I was troubled with ammatory rheumatism. being so bad at times as to be entirely helpless. For the last two years, whenever I felt the effects of the disease. I began to take Aye:-'3 Sarsaparilla, and have not had a s 11 for a long tune."- E. T. Hansbrough, Run, Va. Prepared only by Scott. & Bowne, Bollovilla. DR- W.00D 5 AVE R S Ill ,'l7I1KU I, Uubulh Illll SEASES. con hswhich : remedies prom this :11 lvrnn. , ' $$II'U I'D`. I CHI I T` Eorvnuuurs. etc lung Itnnhrmb --MA 015' Eshouid take them. `They cure all 311 .5 unkinh innwnh v -\_ Z - B Furnished. erwiae pronip |a.Anm Hi .uu. 1"0l.' Blvllli VEND S, afconii get. Strbhd} 7 Room, . ' I BAR BI nLE-%-1; ')rder,- FULL as I: ) BEST ' ALL K11 were you and half so vgln. ' midst m folly I would In see how ull and like 3 oo 1 - . L. was myself`: Idbn'.t becauo-3-v ` ' `And here I heave "I pitsihig am not vnn : I'm only . were you. no selsh care ll ` `d do a. kindness everyday. ` - But, here a. sin I n it true That I am _, and you arevyon. ould not be so verly quick 0 take offence. if were you; ould respect myself, or least. hatever others say or do. - v Alas! can no one tell me W117 I am not you, instead of I. 2 short. if I were only you ._ ` nd could forget that I wan: .* hiuk that little cherub wings nnld nnrnnf. nnnn me. `hv and bv. hould chase my cheery smile `uwii 8`: scatter round my love and hope . 7 j 11!: LLUULU Uuary Lvunvu. uy auvv JJJJ a.unvu h an incredulous . stare. There were ng heart beneath that jacket of navy . I 11 know you next time. Warm, t it? . A. Right you are, Colonel, I said, w is business? V A Pretty fair; dull times now though? Ought not to be for-you,eIsaid. lthe ladies are doing their spring y can't sew without needles; you e needles, see? ' ` i , e threw me a shrewd glance from so Wonderful blue eyes of his- `I see, he said. , fter this I never passed without re- ving a salute from the little colonel, sometimes when out with a friend as enabled` to introduce a new cus- er to him; These favors he always reciated, and I came to be looked n as the advertising` member of" the nofnvonn no 1111) }\i1i1+, `I17! D }`|;()' of unspoken comments in thelsmall % e, but all he said Was, as he lifted his ` pping and having their sewing done; A were 15,11. ! - % those. 1: , tor 00. " ' alwa.Ys`Jog`i'I'I!f0:'l" T3 _ d always think it over twice; v . And then -Iulhouva dgh- j 5 _For afterall Pm onlv I. v as it I - 1'z'?111n3o m gfwmn; think of all the virtues first. 1 ndsctmm ownahoV _ , nut fhnna all thinin grinds and had watched him every day for ks; he always stoodsinthe shadow of American Express Oice, on Market on on.` M-in nnnv 1'H'.f.`A 11LUUI'lCHuI1 .l!JXpI'B55 UUJUU, UH JJLGLAQU e, and his-poor little -hunchedrbaok `name, and his palliti little rendered doubly delicate in appear- .so pitiful. He was the tiniest mite ` by the little blue suit` he a.1wa.yI" e. He had light brown hair that Iv Aunt: nunuend I-11 nvnnn fl. 'm-:u D5011 UVUI uuu Uavvvu UL new a stack in summer. expression of his. mouth was old, 1 voice very distinct as he elled his es to the passers-by-: ollar but- 1es-twenty-ve cents a. pack! el or a. dime and let him keep his (1. One could see it was anvirksome _ --_l-.__,.1....'I --~.1.-\--4-.11 Un uuvnm , like the softer wiscgf hey that; L A f_ zeyes werog the "blue of `the Italian "Sea. But old, and the .business.tWang in his . -two for a. cent. Note pa er- 1 me few used to buy from. him-; , rs, more often, would `give him .a. . To each and every pu1'chaser- he" ed his hat, but he forgot their face_s:_' on as they amalgamated with the- Lw:-.."`.; uulun Us Ilsa UIIIJLI van UIIUU Iaowvj d sh 1-too. 111.9112 , shl13u`;.?1?> "K :3l"t1;hu9|3dI?l1*n:!:l tat-nus ; Ia.mbut` ;Iunno 1011.`; ll (13 IJLIU GUVUL 0151115 LIIULIJUUL VI. 0 . Between us we built up a big iness, and we both felt encouraged. ut one day as I sauntered down there king of a certain little piece of good s I had for my partner I was some- at startled by missing` the colonel in the old stand. _ . `Funny, I thought, very funny. he ; not speak of his intended vacation. surprised for the colonel is gener-` ` so businesslike. I went on, disap- I nted, of course. Days passed and 1 I missed him. I could not nd any e of him, and, strange to-~say,=-rdur-" all our intimacy I had neglected to uire his exact'_address. I: 7' I. ~ 11 `day long, and as much of the, ht as I was awake, I was confronte a vivid memorrof li'ttle,`pa1lid e. The suspense seemed unbearable.` ut just at that point where it seem- that Icould not wait a moment long- I was relieved hy avmesgage from Tf. rnnnhn me `In this wnvv T was at around the small felt cap. -hed back over the crown of his :7. EU uau. Vusuu Usuvvu uaou uuuu k 0 LL. 4.1.- ....A..._ ...:....- 4&0 `luau: 6-Mod.-' U _) Uu DU Lcuusuzav LILU vv uuu .1. av JJJ time. I ve traded witn you for- ks and yet you never know me. ' I m ing pretty mad about it, 1 can` tell T , my friend. he little chap` looked up into my face In nvu 4nnv-onln-nu uh):-n Thorn nfnrn U. ULIU UUu;u DUU Lu wan aLI'.u.nBvu-zv .. mechanical, unloved. He - was ying _on something all` the time.- the weeks I passed by he did not . to know me until one day. I paused % said: Now, look here, colonel,-"I :11: you to recognize me when I go by + Hmn T vn f.1'a.r]t:I uritn vnn fur. .l VVCIB LULIUVULI IJJ CLIIVDFEV I-LIII-ll . , It reached me in this `way: I was. sing down the familiar Matkett ce, by-the old stand, thinking fond] sadly of the little. colonel, `when iced a big-eyed colored boy with a, `f ble row of white teeth, looking erly up and down `the street, . For ie unaccountable V rea`_son ` I` feltthfat knew something of my partner. W `I pped up to him and Said: ' - `Good morning. Are you looking for eoneg, . . - V . `Yessum, lady, he said ; ``I'se,heen5j kin for a white lady as used to know , little chap as allere stands here selll ' collar buttons.` -Deedw -I'm fraid,,, ugh, I can't nd her. I ve done spoke ; three already, and gollyl (here he nned so both rows 0 teeth showed) A ey was mad. Deed theyewas. ' `Iiiow were you to know the lady? I e . A. , p . `Little Jim said," . replied the b0 ,u dknow her by hersmile. So he pr Gawd, every one as has `genes? age; nin I ve axed : ` In yo? ` `ttle 5 one1's -partner? an it strikee em'.'sil_ly they gits mad. `Deed the doe" `~ ' was smiling broadly at _ ', ijctur-. : he and animated relation of t o`pa'et hours adventures`; he ceased look- _up and down the street and caught in the middle of-a fu1_l-blown--snnle. " p went the black paw, o went the , tattered and torn. and" exclaimed,` ` `Say, `ladygiy bo`n t; hag, n19" . . '. K` .1: `V_~..:,;; mun mat ume cnerun wluga Vould sprout upon me. by and by. 'An(1 D826 1 IIBIVO I plliylll am not.y4_m; Pm only 1. [E LITTLE o0L0NEL.`%L] TON on ve found your mum I aai(1;*"`I I the co1one1`s partner. Now tell me 1; message he sends by yang, - he colonel am -bery sick. He done L `A me to fetch yon . ef yo would coin._e;] fef yo had no time `to tell` yo .nehew`.' , but dat he'd tote hinrself do_wn_ tar ` _'ness at do `x-at partlonlar pp ` `r-jg fty w en he can geteoqten _ _ ; V Can you take me to h1m2".= I cued. v e boy was wonderfully solemn by; I `Hvnn nn` `A"1AI;t` uuuu auu uunuuu. 91;. UV Luau put} A in dublequioiz time. V . Ef `yo is t1r'ed, h_e- quid, than ht-L. y, _yo might tiek` a bar." gnght near his house-I il ,run=.on md; yo `kin git` on at -.--s street! You come, too,'_ Ipuid. "Get onithof form. I ll".13a3y'ybj1 i`_`fp;r6."`V.A " L V was lost in about In sick. 1.. #..:.....1 ...1..... 1' ...-_~..-....-.....1 .a LI.-'. 'wasTost dreamsi aboizt eiokjl e friend when I was" aroused y _.__`._." d'-- -_.-- nu. uu_y wan wuuuusfuug nyngvguu u stlme, and hustled o to"lead e 1! `I1 11n911\1n .1uui:n1v IF GVGLI. l`UW UL uuup|_.1, Wulw Incou. led My throag I could not ` e partn er; my -spgakg--..__ .M .. ..braveVlittIe `3-Hwmother began ' brightened `as fanning him gently and evenl again from the. otshersisie 01 the ' eyes 6 s'.'w.n1fe ,` `and `*_ hand was lifted to greet me.,:V`-;.-:;_T:~-~=E T-Tnr1 '4-n (viva nun Inunnna Q. h Uuwugvs ~ - oo:m1no19;g,"=31thonght; wummhmp thinplaoodir soonashecanbomov " `U. aneithersidqot qua: `way stood ` n"vi'|ni- hf 1`u>'n :`"-Hvn` 1n.1'\"nn AH 'nlAnI|n- ?L$33:$1E?`E&7 the 4 1 mymg. 8113- tmhy, $3? e oftlie : . av o_.'3 , . , F7 ._ _, ..f'eE5\1'1ved1-"i`n~.: woman that fiuepiidj . ' V E504 ere`;v1m.s_` _ , '7; 3 far deeper than` would" tel} aria that_ quiet, There was a. bed 1n the farther corner, and one -little folded and parchment-like rested on the- darned cove:-_let.. _ _I _tp- theside of the bed. The little," `g ,- brown head. was ithrown ;backo'nit31: pillows, the blue eyes were. more mag; ca-l than ever in theirhue: ` The men `.` with its shrewd, oldjjnes was open, and the `breath came untdadily through the even rows of small, `white teeth. 1:. 4.1.......u. c11..:r '...;. `am: `I am-1.1 nnt. bear to see ion loolrso. 111;` What -onel-.-_-A -_1.-_:: _L 1.___:n ' 11:- ...........-.11..-. Ida 'l v5a liftedtogreetme.,:.*-Liza" 3` Had `to give up business a se , said the, colonel falteringl "oh,_"aa1'-ling," I d;ia,, {Si-'gtt.i1_:g' my? . part in V. strangeggsscone, I 1 cannot :1 Set Yi>u?" .` 1 "= A radiant smile lighted his face, and A 38 Eointed upward. ;.`f'I n; afraid I g_an _t;_, `. o ' `uses `at the'!go1d'- tand,-i`f`.`he::;s'aidj`. 5 faintly, bnt:'I ve tg upathreff : and I hope_F.I`can kggpiiiy back, cau's(p?-if I don t iwhsn ouaoms along ygu won't know the ittle col- ..I .11`. ..;:"\ _-He" ceasd : Mg` 3ie`.ft`t1 . him some wine and watbr>'tin i: `zthati. him and watts`: stood at hand. H1's.eyea{f,eI acolored friend standing 1._:_`_:_ __ 1_:_ 1.-4. :.. 1.....J.`I.. 1.... 111111 301119 WIHU auu VVIIUULV IIILQUII: Ill-IGIL` Hisieyeagife ` little vac he `door twisting his hat in both hands neryo` ; and shifting noiseleesly from one foot` "-> the other. _ . , , You fot_x_n'd`her by her smile, didn't you?" said the little colonel. I told you ' youwconldvtell '3 it. My partner` has _tl_1e sweetest smile` in the `world. l'I1`L- J...........,...-_.o A`-:vnu11-nun `I17 sweetest 8111116 In hue wunu. The temporary stimulus afforded by the `wine and water began to wear. away ever so quickly: . , The shouting of.the children cameiin `at thedoore and window, and a. smile passed over the faceof, the little; eoloigel. They are mostly black, but the were alwo; s good to me, he whispere Than nu-I 1'11` rnai: 117` D were EIWE B SUUU. DU mu, uv yvaaspyvavug. . Then su denly hr rose up on `one thin little elbow and cried excitedly: Collar buttons, two for a cent; needles and paper. twenty-ve cents a pack, wav- ing an imaginary bundle in his hand. _A change, sudden and awful, passed `over ; his face, his hand "tightened" its ; fasp overmy own, he sank slowly bac "on his pillow; there was a azentle uttering of eyelids, some long-drawn stm breaths, and, the little -colone moved to `his new stand. - v ' `'-....` J..- -"?"'!t,.- -.',-.-'.."'- , . Atone of the largest shipping omces in the city, as the majority of the clerks reside in the most distant suburbs, a certain amount of gracejsallowed them for arriying'in` the morning. They are, however, required to 6 Iain ona list speciall required `for. :, eftpur y _ the cause 0 their unpunctuality. r `e rst to. make his appearance always leads 01! with the words, `I-`rain~`1late," Bus horses down. or as; ,the_case._may. ;be, and to this the` `other -clerks invariably say` .f`Ditto.. . .80 acoustoniod ve they \ become 'to'th`e `fornia1"p`fdce_ that ` they hardly ever, take the : troub]e'to see what excuse headsthe list.` The other. morning.the.rst.`-arrivafconscientionsly; pencilled in the words, _ *'Wife ill- gvins. af11d1A;11:1oisthe;ttr;"1`i4a.maeeme1ignof 80161..-Q aor ,_ e. ` 9- tion was promptly (ii '3" the way down. Nor wasjhis astonishment diminished when he discovered` the oice boy's name included I7-London _ (lity 11.10115 Wluu unc uzysuuuuuu uuqv uuu nxpresslon mind your A : "and q a `origins ated in a printing 0 ca because of the .......-n.'I'nma -In -lnrnn nf {aha rdmmnnvd 8-E60 In B prlulaulg umuu vvuuuyu nu uuv resemblance in type of the respective letters. is another one which attributes _. the origin to another cause. In the` early settlement of New York the old bur here had a habit of sitting around ipub '0 houses spinning yarns" and drinking ale. The score was kept on a blackboard, -generally fastened. to the door. Onthe left side of the board was marked , on the right q,` meaning. agints an `quarts. When one of the urghers drank a pint it was marked under the p,`andwhenaquart under the b. When the landlord thought theaccount gettingetoo long he -would pom" t to the, lackboard .-with the `remark: You'd, L -A.;._'__ __:_.1'..-L-.. -J. ....;.1 ..'.v.. u1uux;uuu1'u gwnpu yup ;uu_.wun better mmdyour gp s and q a. -----:11 or faded J 00. For a 0.} LU ANDRUFFVW 13` M Iva -ms . Trustee-- Brother Hardesty, how much;are~you going to give for the sup- port of therchurch this year? - - ' Farmer Ii.a1%d9'3tIr"`=N9thin'- Haven't y'ou*had`good`crops this sea.-._ LLCUVUIJ U JVEC I-Indra avvvn vovrw can-up swun- son? - Yes; Putty good. , `` llgad any sickness in your family?" `.` 0. . V - . A -`goat any`of your live stock?" 46 Q." . ' , - dnything happenedto ` yourgbsrns or4farmii1g`imp!aaxnenta?'-'. T L d.` .. : . . A Thqn.it` mo, Hardg esty. you are not Ihow1ng.,a proper irit -`of ~_p1_'oaperity 4; -4. `Ii.-.. II: V man I _ _ T _ Prosperity! Say. wdvehhd as cholera." scare, hain't we? ` " D ` `Yes, but the pestiloncohan -not come, and that iauallthe moxga 19.53 Should- . .; ,, .. V ' ._ .,; J ` `?Ham t 90m,N 3 15% D9! % :5 ~ the cholbra; `W Pin ".ta1lqhg__"})bu fhe ' scare. `See tht'!Oiufl,9i;3a_I"6Id*0fr yanderrj; ... 2% ' . % *w3`n:*1 p1autga1;*in:o9wbnmbera*:o* ~ the Tomato ::'.F9B!*h8e.n-a01'9s.o : coweum _ I: 7 5 5563113.`. VA A. ickin l this` you-,_ rother: got no grudge. bu1=`1t"W * a 111911"-"',"Tj`I. iref.` % '1mc%i??1Tirhs%1m`5 1; { % V ` :1. Sarcastic; Guest-'-_'Wdil'dr Ivgyish you would take , _ ` `the %. ofsi "to use Mithvr he aiter-`What : thg _L `. I , havinwmi ` V `tabetter slaeakzb asq ' ` Aadollaronme . 1 Mind Your P : am; 9'5, Aloiigwith $1.5 rm-mmnn mind vour D ! and O Oi'iEin- or Ha"rd_esty?s Bpuo_n`. T\_..A.1_ ._ " 71*-...:i ._:._. Farm 'l.fhny_ ,sh1;1'_'f".nA/1_i,g:<`>. f n u- _ 1 ____ ..LL ..1..:..... ;B?jaALFouI.l. 11' _I Npfrf A PRAG- `1 L l yg\,I)|,|u I1 IIVII IIU Ill:llJ in In: Lawlv-Iuvv nu van: ; lezvling \y;i`th;1l;e_, I_.;..i}1:l,;.:ngi tenure. . up; e:a4spAue:.1c.{pg-.1;._i gm, comuii aw i Gu\'epn_ine:i_t.td :L`i1y`kj pguyj :jI.n':' intrrxgluce 52;; h Jsml hgll. - 53` agid -,; ,oernmei_nf: car-3,; _9.lou&id_e cnqigaj ;3&1as;Bi11. -Tmi; ad- 3 "minittritiq'g1 mggazaxgaaagip _::;wou1d:%.mean- =im9'f90Wi'- t!I'91V!3'8l;!i~|..`0h,I.="I<'r1..i9 thpr` lisntlntgi of the local authorities. ' .. -1,, -n u_.__ .|.-.. ._--- _...:_1 1-_-.1`f'f ..`:'".._ iftainlyiriditl :1jpt}`in6e' dijttii: irinf a lllfd:-'_ bill?- 1:*`!.Il`l"V ,G-leaet`, V -' e \ . _ , I gander the provinioutof. the Home Rule Bill, * the contribution: freq: `tithe v-Imperial AEx- V `A-clrequer tolocel We in Ireland would been-;musrisa. s;s-5: nay vine` iii?-6:? desired; ti); _` wi Bi ti `A it-t;qx-'% Eo;ypt'{agwpnl__d,; _five;_o gr adviiiceu ."~'nn_p:; ,the ;.f _ nd Purchase Act. T ' ` . ,' Mr. Gladstone replied thetmcontribntions from the Imperial Exchequer for Irish local purposes would cease and the bill creates a - `lint charge on the Irish. consolidated fund in favor of the British Exchequer for re- [nyment under the Land Purchase Act. It" lurtl:er_;3rovides al-smnmary lnetliod to. re- ` cover fiioin the Irish.\.,Exche'quer without 1 the direct interven*.ion of" Il`l8h authority any sums clue lo the Bl.-igizsll Exchequer. Lou] George Huinliltiniinlslceci Mr. Glad- stone when he prngxus `d to i..u'oluce a. bill lnulinn \|v;f| Ilnu Tn lulu Inn` lnnnrn, no on and ztof .. 4, V hail 'Ion_I the dune `lino Bopuunsiiib ""1: the lnpu-In Parliament. V IIIINDORZ, 00.. 1o.-.|,,p lLlll10Ul6 yclwl" . "191.-r;3.__ .14:-Bon:s::A:zI;%i3-Ifoisr.7sstg : miva< euluf,uikd"Mr.*Gladt6n1r_1v}gq:f`;`*- A ..,\J usuw said: _ ` flu , UK Ulla |_l_ UHl I-|IulIU,I'I|IIU3o A V , ,__,_ Mr. Balfour then rose amid loud Union- at cheer'I.-'a.,ndZ began his reply tq Mr. ::,Glads!.one s~apeech' of last evening. " HOV `-an':r:-9' '=`d.lLl3 H ' .; .`Th`e"I`Iouse first of all has the right to enquire`,`;`\?\ hy is any bill, good or bad,` re- - ? uired! This is a question which the rime Minister has tried to answer _"on two `.tainouIf~: oocasip ,;=on (.:e.-`ins "1886 and agaiii"las'`evn'iiig. ' even years ago he laid the whole strength `of -his argument upon the absence of,-. social order from Ire- land. jetoldj "the House then".-that`the juries in Ireland;conld not be trusted to do their duty, andthat` ' evictions, just or un- just, werelooked on with suspicion by the agrarian; population. - Why, you = all -_know the present iiief Secretary for Ii-elan__i,,has told you freoently that -there never has been a time when! rents were better paid-.1_iSo great isthe condence in. `the manner in which Irish juries.do their duty. that the Chief ` Secretary would not even retain in the bill ` a provision for a change of venue, which his colleagues declared was no limitation of the liberty of the subject. 7 " "Du ....u.u-an`! adv :-uiuninn Hun-A 'Al'A~ turn uuert-_y U1 I:l_l|I aunquuv. ' By universal admission there -are two causes `of trouble` in Ireland. eOu_e, the agrarian condition of; the =cou_ntry; ` the other, the fact that it is possible, owing to . the unhappy history of the land question, for persons with a political object to serve to arouse criminal agitation throughout Ireland.-,- 1 J- _.L __..A _.L:nI~ A` OLnnn~ n`Onnnn_ .u'e|a.uu.-,- e ' EI do not care which of these'alt.erna.- tivea -`in chosen-. `Whichever is chosen `it does- not point. to the. neces- `uihy of Home Rule,Ibut rather to the impoasibi1il'yi`nf" iuldbptioug ; r win vs `vs--v . - 7---- impo.sibi77St`~:ut'ad?>pFion:?' .-:7 ' When the" Mom _ABilli_.i of.=`-.1884 was brought in the present Prime Minister was "fairly warnede:.whu_t..tim oouneqnenooa might be upon Iriihfgre 'resenttipu, butyivith ft! 1` thatknowiedg no declgl-itf: tl'1t *;EngHili . majorities were nqtIlike'_1y` 10 beJ iiiozed i>y'.7 o.. iIt"elan(l s. genxng lbrgly hi" rnented 5 fnnmb'e_r of -:Hom'fo"_R'ule'r'o ' to 11 K _Ia I1IIfi1t. ml n-Perifapi the oni Hound conititutionafivay of assuring pubic opinion upon this point ` would be to take the votes of _ t,i_1se1Honge__ without too curiously enquiiing from vhob! country they came. _ l _` ` A T8 olnnn lnrnrn nninn in Anhk hn{i.hrinin1n` country may came. 7.- ,,_ If they More going to udqbthlgyitihipiai`; Jet them adopt in in its oiitiretyr`-3 "Why .......- .1... .. 1.... 4... A"_il'|ILnJ`I.t_,C'1-;l|`;f.W . JOE uncut uuupu no In Lu: vuvucv I ,0 I '7 II were they to look -to-1 NQVAT int _ufogIity_. in Ireland without lpokigjg to _a ' in U later! By wln et`r_i_` ht_ yyek they to _ proceed to cut 011` Item! fro`in"'I. `duets iof" 2' the United Kingdom because` ~"m`jority` dy.51,`!ri:~1s*!i.t.v.` " from an arbitrarily -aeleoted=~'ai'eo' 1 __ _ , . Home Rule? Wheti I`ll`..'>.la9.'.|`lv}l`.l l`.l-'_lf". with an absolutelx ut1aI3i_m9u_s vo_ice do- L" clued against`the;"I8gi :ig`i:t` gqvleion , . and ebhorronoe, :gIl1ix1_,:the3ritiei3 pughtgf. not to count:'_`f?;tbi ;:'.lIi*,'C1erg : local ebllitioni ' of feeling. Ulster st lean; deserved /,exgeptionel treat- ment fol` hi3K'5 yfiion appeared in 'thedaillrrnowspliood-beforethe House. `Dan..--cllnn n Hi-nu -n. the nu-nnnnnlil AF " `Proceeding to discuu. the proposals of 1 lnB"0lu~?nuvr-pluouu vnuru um u.uu-aw. the;-bill in desqllg Mr.._Ba)four contended} that the an`_o\ 1tlined_.for dealing .viit.hr.tho_ \ con1:tab airy 'a;nd`with'ho anvil sefvints of the: Government .w'ould.= oertgsiulylgad.-_to t.he'inicliio`n'of greu"t_hgl`d_9hi I. _ .- 11 - 1l.IIn'uino;nn9f.. nrnnba in It-1|`-H-ihinl` fuxmx, Feb. 15-19 thg House yuf.er- _-r!a.a..|.u:.1:..-,a.L:.. 1. .n.u...`.'.. nun. mm.-nu-.'> UI8 'lllulUElUu U} gtuuu up|'u_gnu 5. __ _ Mr. Ba.Ifo'\_`u'nex`t. proceede to critibige` the plan of creating thrqe constituencies cf di'_erent. fbrma in Inland. sending mem- bers to `Nib ~Irin|r - 7Asaembly7 *1 3.6 Wzh` Imp'elfill'..Parlia`ment and to an Irfslfi? ooz,rd:`1 chhmbqr; _5 '.l.`h`o idopion '6f'aucl'1 a.` iohnxi would,.hn ' decluted, ...p`.unge ,u'aim.into ..I.' - `condition. of _hop1gs_ .exg_I;gnnglEe)Ip_c:a:x.1` Q,` .[Hgqr! H hear")-`.7. nu : '-J.v"`ui ..=;ia{ .-m;u.-- '{1..1 no.-Jeaiai I-4..-.s~ `ix ' fr,'_ae a`1*l5`ei rine 11`tiu'i*;`7;i:it.`icfdilV? ` 21463`? hai`.-1].` . * - ,.' ' .1 E .} f " ',' j H6. ` .t.1.,ti.l;=* '%,'nh` .pr.<>`1b`.o.s.ai :' -for Fa`. secdn "i:haIi1Bar"`vroIi1iiht:(tid,' I` `re hf` objc "W.`a""t5li' Er`t`>`l`.e`_ _ gum be r6tecwd.,va w-;.e-% an iv e;r=`zan;a;;:, .'-" hung: `A-t. .- `.`ui:I"- 'h1* .*.*5?n<?`?`i'F,tJ"Ti55 , condemd ini th9*6_wTnh n1I,:'_ ';-1_x_>_'I'_`. '_`-I.`-.. .>.1` t.`.f". 9i'eii` ties",'3b`u`t_` concgrnpq _u1_ ultg uyvuqI;pu1 ua. unuu. _ _ Thfe wh ole* cliet_n e`.` v(:i".ptiq` feftile. "vjvitl} dan'goi"." As` -to"the'*ror'i sq{ ,6f,'d _ 'vet_u" ower by the Imperial Pariittment Mr.`4'~ alfour held t.ha.t"un_:h 'v2T'provision would lead to a legiIlat.i'v'e1d6a.dloc|:: in either the . Epgliqhib -..t_1h I_rh:h i` Pa.'rlian.1gn `[H'arg : M fbI'ld li-'pLI`wa`fnn'1"nI*.:`t\In5 n "l>.`nr` tn nuur.-J ' . . _ . V Itfwils idle" f6r'Mr.'Glu,`dstono- b'o Vtnjk to theI*o'f' fhe aua.logi'9i'b!* Colox`ii'n.l' 1'.eiu1a- , t.ure`_I.`._ (Hear, "ha`t_".] ,"1'ho`- quedtibnv now undr aiwugipu __6i11`d`n'o't 1193` si:gu'ed fun ;i!`-4 Irelcudxu-any ~i`6'gpict -r'edembIed= ageotnny. " An `W-"chi quowidn =0! Vlmiparihl; uuproniu.o y_ = they wore. to`ld4~thst auprmucy would gure` lnrgeli the preamble of 2 0.3.- kill what. ha danil-ad Yn.s%* migi`.eai'a="p1s5'5" *1:`=;i.* `pr9isieii:,'{ ; .000. mu. Iiiii3_iilihh:"`iai"thw; 1+ T559110 Q0 IIIVU .`l.`IB It UllUI llf`I`I:l uoweeor; so w/*Irc1au;1`%'r was` as, 1 ought _ to be '~!tbcruF ~* with: Ireland. 1 Jam wi11i1 .g'~_"<=."" l`:"6"-`*`I)'cliberal, but '~i ,. .- `l..;`_._v.I......- .`. .u...2:-:L n. .1 L`-O annbnr Alum? Qmni`? -1 'Im _ w11ung"'1n`r ` DU ' nu Inn. uuu wham thiorin Ii adiviuibn '.htwoln'~thC;ii M16 ? cqnytrluwolitulu "enerouit yr' Inivnbud % .jn1jo1.i79U.`n '.n6k>6ht=b:-btdo; What in; _= Itaoabu f6r? . 51 itdpnliinti: - 3: f:~aai:i8ii' ~.=oz%;:1';;ooo,9eo,~ 2, m't:;:wh 3 fjfbnghi _=.;6hi=sf :nean`u`t.I:y:f= toi toi 7 Inhndsz ; l7;000,0003~: The oulytidudussirhici; Igan-s :iboni<:eive is the confenion that we havaibeon :: beaten and must pay this amount 3 Ion {rape