BAR RIE BRANCH. IA v In 0 5} -:-A and K DEPA BT31 EXT Jo ville of te - pose . l_vno'| the I IIOI ' an; brm Jan insid 50: -hon to new ing' tion Mc( ll\ P933 Ivan doci jcx cha Gra wh an the Hula` In .aelf Mia fo'r tun fall ff` 5'! i:iti'1nI}`s n1'5i.Y._ The Empirereply to Mr. McCarthy's letter is as weak andillogioal as iujattnck ,on that gentleman is unwarranted. In- lI,,_,I_I__ L- 'II _ `I- ,vna Inovvv Hyper.-----.- -- -- ~ v------ stead of replying franlily to Mr, ,Mc- Oarthy"s inquiries whether, speaking for the Conservative party, the electorate he- `lists that the Mercier`Jesuit legislation is "right or that they believe in `imposing Sep- ' arate Schools on the unwilling people of Manitoba or to perpetuate the use of the French language in the North West-it seeks to show that Mr. McCarthy is, in its own elegant diction on the wobble. (We presume the Empire means wabble). Re- maining in an old, badly worn rut when the signs of the times show the necessity of a change is not statesmanship but mummi- ed fossilism. If to change under such * circumstances is wabbling, -then Peel and Wellington, and Gladstone,- Hincks, Sir Allan McNab and hosts of others have found it necessary to pwabble. Is it any- -discredit to Mr. McCarthy to be with Mr. Mowat, loyal to Canada, as against Annexationist Myers`? The Empire makes a sad- blunder if it hopes to discredit Mr. McCarthy because he has brain enough to see where a politi-i cal policy is defective and `honesty enough to new it. It comes too, with an ill grace from the Empire to chide Mr. McCarthy for alleged desertion of Mr. Meredith, in View of the fact that it had not the cour- age to say a word in his defence when that gentleman was attacked by the donghty Archbishop of Kingston. To blunder, however, seems to be the prero- gative of the Empire. Ln 8 Page. 48 column Newspaper. Published tram the Onion, Dunlap street. Bu-rle. in the Conntyot Bimooe.thoProu- time of Ontario. Osman. every Thurs- day morning. by . - IAIIIUEI. WESLEY, PBOPBIETOB. nnsrnrcrxon or nnuena-rron. ` Onesof the serious problems which is puzzling Uncle Sam is that relating to immigration. Just how to stop the scum of European cities nding its way into the great Republic, is exercising the brain of the Washington politicians. For many years the most useless and the most dangerous elements of the population of the different countries of Europe and Asia have been pouring into the'American cities, and the result is that crimes against person and property are being committed daily, in number and atrocity without paralleL it is proposed to shut 03 im- migration for a year, but just where the line is to be drawn is the puzzling part of the problem. The Chinese part of the shutting-out process seems also to have in it a most serious factor-the constitu- tionality of the shutting-out legislation of the celestials is to be brought before the American courts.` In the meantime the feeling in China aitnst the -Americans for the ill- treatment of the Chinese is said to be wide-spread and becoming more in- tensied, and a massacre of Americans in China is feared. Altogether the problem is one that had much better" be seriously, considered by _ our neighbors -than giving aid and comfort to traitors in the attempt to bring about the impossible-the annexstion'ot_ the Domin- ion to their sadly troubled country. _ V Axuccnxsws nnsnnvj: no 9yA3iI_ l_i; uvuvvc Notq foruziy fro his piication.` J:-1:. I-I. 1\aoa1-uzs, I Vnuuan-3.` fat Am-1 r-M00- mi in? ` un..'__ wmyy ;x'Q3iefinim'l"r:!ig;litfnl'. cppliqsionjn innitifit and France was" pro-i'-3-fi-n tool!-1"!` no very ' n_ice_ distinction _'di-aiin s""s to the antsoot-;_ onto or so : 'ca!lefd .faolitical- exiles. do The construction of what constituted. a_ politi- _eal.e';nce was _very gliheral and _ many ta- scoendrel escaped ' extradition under the plea of patriotism, . Of late years the home authorities. havetfonnd that the? foreign refugees are often a danneronsclsu; actuated more by hatred of society . than by love of country and" that they are just` as much the `haters of law` and order in Lnndon, New York and Chicago as they were at home.- These Anarcl_1_ists`al'e `now . closely watched in.Britain and V a number of them who wereAfabusing`En_21ish' hospi- tality and for manufacturing bombs and who had drawn anumber of Britons within than tom were recently sentenced with their British assoeiili to long tom 9f penal servitude. This, and ii`? 3'd" tion of the French Anarchist. Francois, have so irritated -the Anarchists tin Lon- don that it" is believed they are pre- paring to `strike a blow .in retaliation. As the general enemies of society it is the duty or every man to do all he can to bring to justice such monsters in human form. ' non. Joan csnamo. . ~ Attemptsare frequently made by Grit newspapers _ -to belittle cnnemoa. to the country of the Hon. `John }:Carling. But all who we takes! the trouble W Wmh ~ `his. ecfnn-ae_.t both `as Postmaster-General,` and Minister of Agriculture cannot fail to recognize the value of the work he has done. _ In his position of. vMinister of Agriculture especially, Canadian farmers and thecountry generally owe as" debt; ct A gratitude for his services to the country's "most important` industry. _If`_the farmers -recognizethe fact`, that to his cum skill in. would practically adopt the methods and suggestions made as the result of experi- ments at the various eiperimental farms. 9!? ?!'9`.9 vi their farmiwciuld bslargely increased. For after all the farmershould producing more and better stu' on his farm rather than by legislation he must in the future depend for bettering" his condition. To enable him to do this`: has been the aim of the late Minister of Agri- culture and it would be diicult to esti- mate thevalue of what his department has done. The petty spiteful ebullitions of the Grit Press againstiMr. Carling can be explained only on ~_ the same principle as the Greek countryman in -writing upon his shell. bis ballot, for the banishment of Aristides._ We hold. that no Minister has done more for the real substantial` progress of the country than honest John Carling, of London. `C `In each 'yn`r- Depooitc of $1 and upgvfu-do received cud Interest allowed. ` Interest `added, to _the.;brincipal twice : Ocrrent * cccontu opbxied, ._ Igrrgeru and 'Commerci91b1Aperddia- onhtod. V Farmed T Sales N oteu collected . - .;fg y5pes made `oi: Farmers Sale: -1-` H8. MCCARTHY AND '.I'HIVIHPIBE.l ' ` Last Friday's Empire contained a characteristic editorial intended to ridi- cule the man to whom that badly dis- credited sheet owes its existence. and whose money now helps to sustain it. We lately had occasion to point out that the Empire is greatly more `a ministerial organ than the representative `of _C.on_se'r-C vative sentiment. `We are more strongly convinced than ever of the correctness of the views we expressed. The attempt of the Empire either to read Mr. Mc- Carthy ont of` the Conservative party or to discredit him in "the eyes of a majority of the Conservatives of this Dominion, will assuredly. fail. We will- ingly give Mr. McCarthy's letter a place in our columns. V ` WS:.x:,`-'-iwaa not a little surprised` in reading your leading article in this morn- ing'a issue, under the caption of V An- Impending Calamity, `to nd that it in VI: Anny C-I-0'0: an attack on me, .o'enaive in tone and couched In a apirit of V hostility, which, I venture to assert, la wholly uncalled for on the part of,The Empire, and unpro- voked by anything that I. have either said or done inimical to the party, to which I think I may olaimau much right, if aer- vioea and devotion count for anything, to the privilege of belonging as any man now in public life in the Dominion. VA -4.3.3.. in` may nnlitinnl nnnrnn on 1 % 1 MB ufouzrnv nxpuxns To the Editor ot The Emu ' I!4.I_ __;___ ' IIUW III l|lIlllU III? III Univ J-I-II-Inlnovllpo You refer to my politics! course as in -series `of e" prolonged and entertaining wobbles, . and suggest that I am proper- ing to sever nally my connection with the Conservative party, with which, as you so i truthfully `say, I have been so long associated, by repudisting the N stional Policy; ` ' A. .4. CL- an--L `k :lIII|D..II` An- L` 'K!au::t`;oV the only impoi-taut oo- ouions upon which I diered from my party friend: were : ' 1` `KNOB I-nCn-nncin Ian` Olin An}. Ilnnnnnn referenee to the Act repeating the Jesuit eeteteu, which I thought, `end still think, ought to hive been 'liuello_w6d under the veto power `by His Excellency the Governor-.Genenl.- end I/Ipdke and veteti Occordingly. t . - ~ v ov .w:.t. ..;.a....;.. an. 1-1. . e'AAu:.1.n. -.- ll'Ul_.I.I out-ppniuvv vvvpu - - . ; ' V 3. The aunt: ojntia 1-._ .t Ke ;iefp'u-sea. school: in the -Nottl1`-west,` which I` have` ioughr, Ind=`|`ti llI'oI aided` 'by'.b'='idhie `of? Olin -g ,-'In-'au- Q-"A :-nu: 1`|n:hl1Iun't 3` CH3 VUIIUII Iilivl-Ilnusljo . t ` 2. With .re'fe'1-once to the provuionu re- -ooid Tuhd `potion. tho nine as tie gsrding; thTe'No'rthM-went tortoiiuh where-` by the French lnugudgo hn'd'be'eu' `-`mudo. English Azongnd, P gwhioh,-' 3-I end_onvored,,; with; measure of - .nooeu, ; to? -exkpunge. fiom `ha-ntvitdto, -- . d `JMISA 1.6;`-'55`;-nan;-K`.- `Q -"fa; ICCI IIKWU FUUII IIIUU I.W.~ ' I But ii the Oonnbwijiyb 'iu .0`! the 'or.`._T`g_'|_I1_`i.t._ Ao:,c If g_lg:v.dul|l _. _.-....~ n1Y".3'?.A_ _ -L# _ _; J.:;a.tI;'t,1:f::f?rlI!?dIo: '7?a'asT?;'f.'..1',;i'a1e*:' i'afJ'rl';II% went? 0! tbsp, rgompnluq Iyltam `of _ separate oohooInln':pooo'd- out olnlnbituntt fn:-3: Z}33n`ui'i2'c .23a`$'a '.'I17"1.71Z5, 77-'2l'3n"i is true of some of in In` _t 9}_>jgcionsblo' f'eirdm,1)`ied1it5l"g 1`i;~ - uni . 3'. `LA 11..-..'..-.-..`.'&:-'. .-`-unA- vuvuv vwuv uqv2. c IOKOTWII `.1 ,. 1.`. `I `.1341 mu.-0 IVKIJ [K IVE,` 1 protaiii. 35 4 did most |?tnh6n;1;!";;i;3V %-an L dinlthe ghlhn f`r0d_ei?trib-? 9.79%` of `gents v'vhfi.I1' thf ' Gdvarhinontg in- __;|_._;.-A., __ -43 __|'_:_I_-. _n___.`-._ 2.. U UIIIICU CI 1 UUIIIC III :I':'o:.='now . as _the ;.~;1.;.,,..;..`...;%%n.;;;.;;;. Jsiuui. fnqlimzo and opinion|._o nine tenth: `Q! them `I. And in it: only when the Reforui party in the Iron!` Legiilatnro imposes a nu.-rymsndar mtiom.ItInt you. at aim _ox- ponant of_Onnuornt_iva news, - can no its inilquity`! . L ` ` -nun-I A--A `A--4. L... h__LL -3- pp-saiuuv V `I must .era:ve..-lease; sir. ."whether` the honest Ognservative "senti- mentof` the province, or of ' the Dominion, if Quebec be excepted, is at variance with my" views upon` any of these questions, and that `what you are pleased to char soterins as my entertaining ~I0l'iOI of wobb`ling. was in truth more In harmony with thefeelings of the" Conservative party than the line taken by those who differ from me. It is most certain that as to all these matters, with the exception of -the redistribution of seats measure of. la=;t `session, I had with me gentlemen who. now hold high rank in the councils of the Conservative Government. A _ 4.- AL- _-s....__ _, I `I vs vuv vvunvs vllvsvv uuvusuuauuu. the future, your apparent desire -to_ condemn me induces you to judge -in "advance of my supposed. ance. Might I eugaeit that it would at least have a greater appearance of fairness,` to Ithich any one, much less a. rhereholder in yourjournnl as I am, whose money you a_re in the dissemination of ,1. hogf-_i1e criticism, is entitled if you -.dela.yed' the decree of nd9mD8!5i0!I Whi0h youhave made up your min`! to pro- nounce until the atteck which you anticl- pete is delivered on the National Policy 7 :- `DIILI '6`:-6 dn - `A-- nun`):- WW? I KVIIVQIWK `III VII? &` XUIIIIIWI 5 VII, I It is true that `I did in a few words which I uttered "at "Mr. Parkin s meeting, held recently inthis city at the Auditor- ium, intimnte my. view that a reduction in the tariff: in -favor of Great 'Britain would i not be injurious V to Canadian interest_s, and would be productive of much benet, in, my judgment, in de- veloping the} growing 'feeling. in the mother country in favor of fair trade, which, might lead to atariff arrangement I 03 l!`.l_f\ll advantage to Canada and the empire. `Is that a sentiment which is looked--uponss tressonuhle in the month of e Conservative `I ` fl\]__1_ __`__ __-____ _,_ .1 1 I :0 l HI` 1 *-&Wm. '1'. '7. U ~..UThat my viewson .` the trade question -dimer from those of the present Govern- fnient 1 have no means" of determining, but I am unwilling `to assume in advance that the Goyernment j and Sir John Thon_1pson~is= !o._bl_ihd to note the signs of the `$1111.63 as to suppose that the National Policy l_I perte_otion. or that it has been P"dt1VQe0f all the advantages that we, ,`1:s9 yore its advocates, ex otod from is, '"II,!1.dth8.l5 the ohangel Twhic have since occurred, `and are daily happening, do not require at the hands of every well- wisher of his country a consideration with an open mind of the present trade "policy and relations of the Dominion.` \K7I..'l.. :L -nan LA `hob cu-uuun innfunsunfznnn full, W IWICUIUIIQ `'5 VII? JJUIIIIIIIUII While it may be that your instructions :are that the N ationai Policy is to be up- held and that no interference with it is to be permitted, 1, as you say, not having had any part-. and not having been con- inulted in either the formation of the Government or the framing of its policy, havenot the same opportunity of reachnng that conclusion; and therefore I prefer, and in this I am fortied by the advice of my friends, that I should not anticipate _di'erences between the Government and myselfon the - trade question until they are made manifest by the statement of the Government : policy, ` which cannot be very much longer delaved. w ` V I have the honor to be, air, . ' ' ` Your obedient servant. ' V : p AroN Mc3An'rnv._ 1 A T` T :`A good msny eople are asking why the ve cent loaf `is not larger than it is withfwhest about one cent :5 pound; Who is responseble for this. the miller or the bsker`? Th_e'oo_nsumer of breed should have some of the sdvsntsge srising `from chesp wheat. The producer snd the con- sumer generally have `the small end of the horn. V - V, It is-currently reported V that grandpa Harrison intends to put an end to the bonding system before. he quits the White House, so as to make himself solid with the Irish-American voters. Some. of the President's V countrymen in the west as well as -in New England had better be consulted _before peypetrating such an act of folly. If the Globe would aendf its calamity hunters out to the country : `remaining timber limits and have them come back _with a warning. to Mr. 'Mow__atto eheok the wood man ; axe for awhile they would do the country name eerv_ice. `Mr. `McCormick, a lumberman, of Sudbury, has traveled through .:' the liuiitl lately sold by the Government and throngh those remaining unsold, and he `says the value of `that un- _Iold is about $2,000,000 and that in the last of the timber area in Ontario. ..t..I. .tg;1,,. *, ;A !it..19...oh9i_If of ohi|~!r!r bpbhod'tho` I1 ; _ L`_.;lmin 5 j ,ch. t- `bountiful hymn, "Hark, tho, ` ould One of the funniest things of the season is the Yankee scare of the Cana- dian navy. Says _ the doughty Major- General Nelson A. Miles: If Canada has built and armed three vessels for `ser- vice on the lakes, `it amounts to a declara- non`o -m. = `lo then goes on to talk all manner--of .stn' abentthe violation of the _Atreatyf'_:of 18I7` If a waslitlib belonging `to Canada or. the -parent state should make its app eara'ne_e, at` an American port the whole nation would evidently i-mam Iithlllimf-. y'1`he .who1o:t.hinz;i-` toset` the entire arena of _' equino- V Vlggqwednudey evening, the 28:1; nIt.,.-lw"e| mbrinht. and joyfuleevening to the. -c.h.ildr9=i of St G.rn .- *"`~ being; the beouion of tlie_ir' annual Xmas cm` A bonnteoun reput was proyided for the` ..iiIi,i1Hi-dn.A'? it whia1l'*tII ;did;- itbi redit; ; AOM he Aitlgwere opened tn; th pn` 3, :1,iI't'ei5I?`36"f 5| splendid 2 freeitntionl n >& ' `b . r/ Jr}... 1.1:? 5: . :. .:-1Y:.'a'.'.a : `IQKQIIIV VI svvuocuvovaa-, uvuau, Irv. IVIIII the nhildrem; :'Ih9;-hall ..wu~. veil` `lled; when at 8 o 9lockethe;sup9ri.ntondent. M- r.`.' Sanders. called gnpon Mr: E. A. Fisher-to` 331;: the chum :1 Iit,t1g,.oh0ilF. 0f3l;il\jr6g1: '...-;.'_LL2i` LI.."!"-.`.'..`.".`L ..H.-l-..'.5 .`-..-LiI:;.:.:.`..`.2_-._ _ .1 . Alluuulo lpuooptl Gnu-ol|V8.8.OhI'l'st-9 Toronto, Deoeinie: ~ A 5: elm:-i-,-ze 9Irl9-igng in , Dubli;..;.>f i1iT~t-ln 9 "Pf the new * ` Moo -on ki1'6'15i!@il=iP!**b9=`fybildin-o ` Anarchists are the avowed ei1emleI._ of 1 nooiety and all that eocumuleted capital man do for the world : progreu. When _ therefore the crimes they? commit: can bl gloved against them,` the extreme of the luv nholde be promptly ewerdedg. ; The benet of clergy to such _POtbljgQf would be e mortal sin Against humanity and their :IlOk6dd8IlI~W'0llldllnp1yjl_Il}`ls wnekei ii in in incident in 5 ' O [Inns 1vom'nnm4 ?A;qvA;\'cL% 039303, :the,; pretreated were `then distribut- Qd. ffl0liI Ci,lQ..x"t-illi, I goholu: 1-3. ceiving a reward, f'and*e'ach' `teacher receiv,-i In: a hands.-.m,Ie:'protent from her class. The Superintendent was also presented the school. Too much praise cannot be and conducted the entertainment from be4 ginning to end. . We trust that every sup- port wili be given to him in his `faithful and earnest work in the S. S., as it is -a position not to be envied, and which he, as one out of twenty, would` consent to take. The Supt. was ably assisted hyall the S, 8. teachers alto in getting up the entertainment; May God bless our S. S. children. teachers and Superintendent and grant them ever future success. = ,i `; _, ;.& 5 dg at `_tIji e, sf ._ 8:. and... tndtbdi .5 iui9It?:;ir-i-Worthy andx creditable rnannerhand were the cause of; great amueementitc the audience. After ; this part of the entertainment wasecon.-in with a beautiful grip from the teachers cf 1 given to_the_ Superintendent for the able manner in which he trained the children Advsnoe Correspondence. -A ' A Among the many visitors in town this week I've noticed-Mrs. A. A. Richards -(nee Miss Lizzie Dickie) of Livingstone ; Montana; Rev. G. _W. Robinson, ot Stay-_ ner ; the Misses Goodehild,7Mr. John and" Miss Goodfellow. Misses Art. and Alf.. Driill, Mr." T. W.` Evans, Mr. A. Paul,` Messrs. B. and G. Smith, Mr. A.'UnIi .* worth, Miss. L. Blighf, all of Toronto; Miss McLean,` of Osmpbellford; Ed. "Shear, Allandele; Miss Pearson, Queens- ville; Jno. Bu-nerd, Goldwater; Mr. and `Mrs- E.- Donnell, Barrie`; Mr. Johii Sutherland. Toronto; Mrs.`Jsmes Luck- Zwsll, Woodstock; Mr. and Mrs. J . Steven-L son, Mr. Fred. Sceyenson, Tomato, 7 - I ---vxvvu ' The exqitomont over municipal election: 1 here on Monday was greater than has ex- isted-for some time. From early morn- Jlig cenvouers were busy and cutters were Jlylnn in all directions during the entire day. The council for 1893 will be as fol- lows: Reeve--T. 8. Graham, (by accla- mation). Counoillora-J. 8. Buddy, A. Thompson, Wm. Campbell and T. Ed- manson. sympathy is felt for the bereaveg ' ".`.ent which has befallen Mr. and Mrs.- Robert Wallace and family by the sudden death of their son Wellington, which oc- curred in Barrie on Saturday. Mr. Wal- lace spent Christmas Day at his home. here, and was then in good health, so in fact he was until a few hours of his death. He was a steady, industrious young ._man of 28 years, and had recently been ap-- pointed to a responsible position in the -I. O; F. His body was brought here on Sunday and the funeral `took place on Tuesday at 2.30. ' - II n` I Q: `Is I `Miss Mamie Stoddart and Mr. Fred. Stoddart leave here next _Monday for Denver, 001., where the latter in going to seek medical advice and renewed strength. I trust the journey and the sojourn in the south may prove benecial to Mr. Stoddart. 7' Rerr Harper, of Bondhead, will preach in the Methodist Church next Sunday morning; ' if Wwlaaugh, ywifeyand family ar- rived in town on Monday, and on Tues- -day Mr. Waugh began his duties on Bed ,Muter of the High School. Mr. Waugh is well thought of here, and will be eup- `portnd by the Trustees in all he may do to promote the welfare of the school. . Mr. ohn Robimgon has` re(tu(t:ried home after spending thd summer and fall in Manitoba. , 1 {On Sunday we had the first genuine snow storm of _the season, and now we have excellent eleighing. The first dance of the season. given. by tne Quadrille Club, was held last. night, Wednesday. In a u - - A L 13}. . % I _ 9An1'AI. - - }- -;.ooo. Eaith Graham, who has been teaching in Allandale, has returned home and` will not resume teaching. ' -n. -u a -\ -4.... . . . -' (Miss JessiVe(Iv)Zr-ii|.l( vlVe s;ies"s1ext week, think, for Toronto N ornnsl School to study for a professional second. A Mien` ' Emmi T left here `last week and hen oommenoed her nurse's course in St._ Luke's Hospital, New York. iS41}b{iI$h$i"t$L1}er. are receiving gifts and kind iiwoi-da from their pupils now-Mra. John McGee received aband- aomie plnlhi jewel case, Mina Walker 0.,` beautiful ailk handkerchief and aatohet, Mr. Ta 8. Graham a well-bound copy of Burns. ` . V ' - 4 Dr. Evans; formerly of`Tayi<;r gE;rr;, has opened a practice in Bond Head. _ On Monday. morning Mr. Robert Mo- Oullough received: ktck from shone and was pretty badly disabled, although no serious results followed. - Six weeks ago Mr. Joe. R. Wells, of Denver, 001., a native of Bradford, was married to Miss Sophia Foad. of Toronto,` and on Christmas Day- Mrs. Walls died from fever. Mr. Walls brought the re- mains of his bride to Toronto for inter- ment last week. Some of our .bicy_oliate were out for 3 spin on Saturday `Ind pronounced the road: in excellent condition for such sport. Sunda.y e JIIOW, however, would induce them to peek other means of amusement. The Hockey Club begenprectlcing lent week," and now that the elections are over the curling club willprobgbly follow suit. Arrangements ere heinlrmede for e hockey match between Bradford and Newmarket, to be .pley'ed here in the course of e few days. V V , - un-IaI-ulna-I Jndl-l-l.l-V -I-l\Io The Sudbury Journal given an account ` '`~'*..*` `I `I. `N of} `ye:- y bazaar givfen by the h gt-;:ym'gndbo `I-,;1'l'Io,ther.Fath'e,_r, Siater. Brother, &c., in all the latest designs in China, Doulton, `n than `O, glite-L$uiogI:,k(f}arla8|):d, Royal Devon. Japanese, Glaaa and Granite Goods, Dinner, tgiiinaaxytot V0! 1-? ,*I- J ; L R A .-.:~.?,_ .Agiand d.i aplay'po{ Leather FanoyGooda.allnew and charming. J uat imported. H:~:`mmn.9JTmo'inR-\th`-ha A-rvi`e=? `Lamps 1n Endless Va.r1ety. -by `hi. 0?? H-`"1 H-9;`, J N`) . ` ` Q l5`1Ti!59'_nd9dto,.thd,: = *y6urholf"` `;;fU"m. The cmnnmnn. ' .\ ,. , v , ~ .,._I. _ , . ,`.`_XV;` ,; , J ...1_,- __ . `_ ,_ , , T. M; . ` . , ,, . ' ` . -.5: J p."",'dun*hg the Month of December. = \ 1 1` 4*" You inuat come and see them. J uet what you want for a Sweetheart, or Wife, r I Av'.,|u.|1 Z".'~A.;\J". 9??-Sferifite Stock in too numerous deaoribe. . You `must call and see it` H No new name will be added to the Bub- serlggg List until the money is paid. e all beta now in for three `months and over vgill be oharszed 81.50 Der snnnm. i 1 The Ikntimz fin; ink been well pltrdli-.' ized sofa this geuon`. ,' ' _ church at nnguua 'eA1so Special inducements to buy `Half Hose, Gloves,` Braces, Collars, Underwear in Heavy Ribbed and , Being} a. Manufacturers set of sam- A ples which We are offering at less than the Whole- sale Price. 400 mm PAIIERNS 400 ee W%e direct Special Attention to a. large purchase of Ladies and Children s VVoo1 Hose, which We have marked: Chi1dren s 10c. 12c. and 15c. Ladies, full size, all WOQ1, 15 cents. Fraser, Clark 81 Co. ents Ties! Opened this Week . . 0 4000 V08. WHITE 00TTON And which we wlll sell Retail at close Wholesale * Prlces. % vvuw .v- u--- --wv v-- 7--v--v-' 1.Tnni`1~e Is eUnn,pay:L-1:19 in all pqm` 5: `Cumin, Great. Britain, the United Stgtee of America, and elsewhere. A Great Bargain `Yen and what want Sweetheart, Wife, - `l'Ie.1ier.fFather,. &c., in design: Elite:LiInoe, Oatlabad, Royal Granite '!.`eaandBteakfaet:8ete. , : e e _` _ Leatper Fancy all_new and chariiaing. lm ported. Posltlvaly no reduction made by buying a ASSORTMENT THE POPULAR CASH STORE, 4000YDS. FACTORY BUTTON HOSIERY ! Shipped to us direct from the Mill, ~ mans or sunscmpnos. . $1 Per Annum in Advance. $1. USEFUL PRESENTS. FANCY PRESENTS. ELEGANT` PRESENTS. TO START THE YEAR wrru. CHOICE OF OVER -g p. ..1u.. January 5, 1893. ". cildu M c IN A I aheri depu 9 mun man othe T. HE NORTHERN ADVANGE,!