iosted 15 W LIJULI. LULIU W cu. Eleven! It chimedout from the clock on the cabinet. The colonel` rose in `aa- tonishment. T ' no- `I_A.-n 151--.. .._'__ ...__-`I I "ff--- 2- ---.. .. ` UUIJLDLIILLUIJ II: So late? Bless my soul! Here isyonr 2 son, I declare! A . .. - , Ana `Jonson :n1`nAa 9-nun (man-1:5 '1 uuu, J. ucuxaxul j_ And there indeed was Char1ie`,lo`ok-V! ing from one tothe` other, with .3 ivagt amount of repressed curiosity making his handsome face eloquently` inter- rogative. ' r-_-.. ;.-1...... 1'.....1.. ...}1n..... ....a. .. .........._. W UUU Dl..I.ll.l.Uo Each muttered an apology, and passed utraightaway the colonel sought his (`I11 JABKSDN, 0; H. LY_oN& soiv, +--Daale1-in ' J.G.SCOTT naumm, ronmmn cmsm. ` Water lalmo, Platter of Pails, kc. Everyone Gets INSURANCE AGENTS AND CON- ` ' VEY ANCERS. Represent the following Companies :- THE SUN FIRE IVSWRANOIQ` OFFICE OF i ` LONDON. ENG.- The oldest pm`-e_ly Fire Ins. Co. in the world lII3rI"I-n 'I'n1'.3i'1`l\ 1 `TIM!!! i1r\I1f l'\l1| \YI\`I)IIII ]` A Iflfj Ei A DU!S`J|.l'ul.lI Barrie. Unt.. Pdsilivgly Selling Out Stores open on Thhs- days and Saturdays until all is sold. "E>"'iE%i`3".%"-%"3`(`)"5" iIi313'inoN's Hardware Store. ' - -__ - _..___ - ..-p-_.- o__-,_A___`__ . _____L_ _A__ _ is new mmoda- unnrn Fu R mT'ru RE ORDERS RESPEOTFULLY ASOLIOITED. 15-tf ' PHOTOGBAPHY. mom mm, LARGE Ponnmrs. mg:-on-nun--no -..uv_'. SOROGGIE & SMITH, Imuranbo Agents. Jnnnln llnf ` Autnngcirs Ann _BI1'IlMIllnIl8 Purrmo Types. PARIS PANELS, Anisro PANELS, mxnno PANELS, On-mo: . Yuma Rose Bl mk. Foot. of Toronto Street Telephone. \ $931,531,? Lm*,oR F93 saw At" Leei s Store VBABI-1113, ONT. --- svccmsson T0 -- ON. BAYFIELb_ Smwr. i {ALL THE-, Who pavs hi}; Subscrip- tion for .1893, Pl-'iOTO"R. and get Bar-1 . in: in. Parlor and` ` . _ gitoom suits. Of the Christmas Number. repur- Duulop orke. Eimprovqdi} Sale. Np om-hgltog-,1pc_;9.1n tho 6th oonoessipn, on ~nuni lo; zootcres. 190 ofeared. good house. 2 lgrgebank barns. 8 welhrnnd wind mill..90w aeresoofgorqhsord. beatzvot clay. 800d state. 0! cultivation. and everyfhingjn good order. 3 miles from New Lowell V `I7nnf_I'|nI.`nI' Q1 in Ihn.'7fh nnnnnaaiiu-`V l\_4. 1All I 1111135 Il'UI!.l NU W JJDWBII. 1 , ' West-haltlot 21 in the 7th concession. Dro. 100 acres. 85 clear-=d. a comfortable frame house; 2 fragne barns and other tguildings, good any I and 1n a. clean state 0, cultxvation. well water- ` ,ad`.xood orchard and 8'miles from Barrie. of Inf. `[3 in than Rt}: nnnmnnlnn 1 Q0. 00!! 0l'Ul1&l'Il B110 6 l.I.ll.lQ.'.B Il.'0l11 15-`LIITIO. I , est-half of `lot 13 in the 8th concession. Mqdonte. 100 acres. 60_ cleaned. frame house, barn. stably and shed, clay soil, fair orchard, 6 miles from Ooidwatel-._ I \'ITanhn-In `IUI-nnlnnn n{' In} `I and RTAI-II\_I',n-I. 0 1111163 IIUIII U0luW&i6r._ Westerly 150-acres of lotfl and North-East I quarter of. lot 8 in the first concession Flos. 200 acres. 85 cleared. balance hardwood and pine. 2 soil a cl sy loam. 2 houses, 2 frame barns stable and sh:-d. 10 miles from Barrie. 1 mile from Hendrie station. | 'll'nn_hnIf nf Inf. :9 11:13 nan-t. nf IS in '7 'h nnn- .I18l10l'lB DUI! 1011. . ' Eest-h~lt of lot 12 and part of 13 1n 7 h con- cession. Vespre. 130 acres, 60 cleared. frame house and burn. pert light soil. balance clay, 5 I miles from Barrie. Dn-no A! In! "I 141-}: nnnnnaninn Tnninl 77' 1111783 tram 1581118. I Part of lot 7, 14th concession. Innis`, 77 acres; all cleared. adjoining the yillage of Allandale and one mile tom the`. town of Barnie. cuitable for a private residence _with full View of the town and bay or for dundjng 2 in crillnan and nnntnrn Int: fnr Hahn. That comm ions solid brick hotel in the viilage of Bradford known as the Queen's hotel. lately retted and renovated. 2 driving houses. ards and sheds. . . I Um-nu- nlf R in tfhn-.-`nth -nnnr-pnninn, nJnn In Vluag BBQ B8l'aul'0 I053 101' sales I Inn View OI we BOWB uuu. Day or 101' u` village and astute lots for sale. comm .I:"a|l\nl| AU I):-4:13.;-nun` Iranian an fhn I '11 uses. _ North- alf 8 in the inn _' 001108881011. also South-half 11 in the'6th concession and N orth- half 9 in the lath concession. all in the Town- ship A of We t Gwi:limbn~y together with several other improved farms in King, East and West Gwilzimbury. - ` Immediate possession given of each. The properties will be sold on favorable terms of payments. Private funds to loan. ' For particulars angly to: J. D. BOOT . Conveyanoer and Land Agent. Anovnnt `ln IE9`). ' R:-nfnrd. uvvvng up uvu --- -v-v-.-cw`... - ---v--" I I Uonv `August 2nd, 1892 and IPIANWORTE `FUN Ell} `Arman AND TIIIIE nacuuron. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. ---'Fhe-l:e;aix-ing of I3-ianosva. SAtZ1eo(ls.lty.T Salesman for F. BROOKS | Messrs Helntzman 85 Co. 51 Elizabeth St. ' 117 King St.. W.. Toronto. Barrie. - 2-1.r.r ENEW PIANOS 'AJso Pianos that have been in use always on I ' hand for ale. _.:_.-_..:_.__.g..:..-----g: EXCI-I;'1-:1-"G"-ng MADE THE om'"Ec'rh aoure From the West for all points in New Brunswick, Nova Scoua. Prince` Edward Island, Cape Breton | and Newtoundland. : All the popular sea bathing. fishing and plea.- sure resorts of Canada are all along this line. I Duallmnn not-a Tnnvino Montreal nn Mnndnv- ' resorts or l' are an mung uua 11116. | Pullman cars leaving Montreal on Monday. . Wednesday and Friday run through to Halifax. A and on Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday to St. ' John. N. 3.. without change. I a lawn nnnnnminnn made at point Levin 'with ' John. N. H.. Wunouu cnange. __ I 1 `lose connections made at Point Levxs with the Grand 'l`runk Railway and the Riche!ieu and Ontario Navigation Company : steamers [from Montreal. and at Levis with the North I Shore Railway. `llnannt v-av--r-Inna Dnllmnn hn'at_ and ' snore mm way. Elesrant rs:-class. Pullman buffet. and smoking cats on all throusrh trains. F`irnt.nlnnn refreshment rooms at convenient INTAERGOLONIALI smoxmg cars on an tnroukn H`ull1B. _ First-class refreshment rooms at convement distances. ' um-omns AND mamas _n1 a__1 1- _:I__-_A_..----_ 4.- ...-.. `LI. _....4-.. Jun Illll lil Inuull riliu -1`: won: --rw will nd it advantageous, to use this route. as it is the quickest in point of time. and the rates are as low as bty any other- Through freighta forwarded bv ast s ecial trams, and ex euenca has proved the ntercolonial route to the quickest for European freight to and from all points in Canada and the Western States. 'lV:nba+a incur I-m nhfninn nn nlnn infnrmn. rates. Tickets may be obtained and also informa.- 'tion about the `tone and about freight and passenger` rates from ROBERT B. MOODIE. Weeter Freight and Passenger Agent. 93 Rossin House Block. York et., Toronto. . n1\lIIII'If\T.IYI\I'I IMONSOONI I Strengf_I_1, ` The` chapeat audchoicest stock of` Teas,` `Coees, plain and fa.n_cy Groceries in town. PURE |d.M.B079WEll- QUALITY HIEG.H.' I$R1cEs Low. CPL` etty hose ends S at SUBS?/31333 %C%APITA1- -.- onov -:wv-.-w, --- .-v--._v__.. _... _ rvndoub _ _. ins. mm Block. south side Dunlap street; eutottho Pout Omoe` _. BInnIAE{%L0 m Isaviusscn. Tnnoonronxran I88l- ` 4 Pgr cont. -Interest Patton` nepollgo. V Security for jnouoaiwru in 3 Loan -4in: - uuuu.AIII`I mm FINEST `TEA IN THE WORLD ' FOR T E: BROOKS. -- .3... -:-c RAILVVAY. INDIAN solsincmt ran Mums. VPViIr|ty Q IIIOBL nd the require win I Porter 14-tt. 'fi'6'T"r`fIm :{," hhf sh ;.tf. -Emu Flavor. IN u-nan, Chief Superintendent n: nom au ADVANCE` I . ADVERTISING RATES. `Anunon HAS A cxnovuuos on row: I-mm nunnnno AND % . . om: corms. it not qul double thst of any othe: : Paper pub ed in Barrie. ` I . , , ` . U'Anvnn'r1snns snotmn non: -rats uo'r.'II ` (12 lines solid nonparell make one Inch). I Reading notices. 10 cents net line for rst n sertion: 5 cents per line for each subsequent Insertion of the same matter. All items under 5 lines of this character charged as 5 lines. | 1' Ann`! l'\I-l_I -_.I l1--.._...._.-..A. ..2-.._Ll-_ CONTRACT ADVERTISING. Contract advertisements will be_ taken at th following rates, which are drafted on correct commercial pnnciplee, end. as they will be strictly adhered to in making new contract" after present contracts expire. there will be i only one Brice for all: : Eu-st`1nseruon,1o cents per line. Each sub i sequent insertion. 4 cents per line. ting in `ERNS. -anal I-- an-va-vw - - - - - - - - - u u - i gilnohes. } Column. . IA ?_ AL __ I 4I_..._. v.--- 10 Inch';s..v(`3an_;1; 20 Inches, 1 Column `For one month--the three monthly rate with 15 per cent. added. `For two months--the three monthly rate with 10 per oent. added. I H'Preferred positions in the pager will be 11 ove rates. sold at an advance of one third o a | This rule will be strictly carried out. CONTRACT OHANGE8. Advertisers will please bear in mind that no- tice of intention to change advertisements must be handed in to theoioe not later than Saturday at 10 o'clock. and the copy for such change must be in the Anvanou oioe not later than 12 o'clock noon on Tuesday. in any week; otherwise the advertiser : announcement may not bemade public until the week following. Avnv-Hanna will nnf. ha Annwa tn mun thair not nemaue nunuo untu me weex muowmg. Advertisers will not be allowed to use their "space for advertising anglhig outside then o own regular business. they do so. transient rates will be charged for such adver Irlunvnnnt Iulfllllllu J I dsement_ u. wanna van.-uuuvvvn Vang-1 av`. on: v pa.-vu- V I2;-lei . Official and Government advertise t ments will be charged at above rates. sucn B8 wants oruu Klnul. host nun nounu. Property for Sale or to Rent, ggecio Articles. Eto.. Etc" must be aocom ni with the cash. and will be inserted-F t insertion. 2 cents per word. each subsequent insertion, 1 cent 1' word (names. addresses. and gures coun as words): but a reduction to 1 cent per word will be made when the number of insertion: of the cum matter exceed Form. Oonde;:tl advertisements on Fir-at Page such as Wants ofall kinda. Lost and Found. `Danna:-fa On: Gala an in `Paul! Hnnldn A1-Hula: fund ll;e _br G rent: RC- ` Out: for Advertisements must In every I casebe mounted -on solid metal bases. land buy presents for young and old. Look at the large idisplay and you see exactly =Wha.t you Want. Remember !the place, Diamond Hall, 66* Dunlop $1., Barrie. Loans can be closed at once by making per- sonal application. ms nu! netmau AIJBTIUNEEH 9- 3- F939 nmnnns ALL KINDS or; AUCTION suns. Are 3 ' inlty. and tea intending to have sales, consult the r own interests by placing thnlr nnlnfn in his hnndll. R. A. B0 UGLASI B51 W111 IXIIIBIIIF VIUIJIFUWII LIIHUICUIIIJ U IJIBULHK their sales in his hands. OlICE--Next door to J. Galbl-aith's, nearly opposite the Queen : and Barrie Hotels. .: 1\___1-_. 1-1:. -5 41.. A---..-...- -432-.. .-All In. Vyyvwnvv IIALU uvvla It In In -an--n-v gnvvvowu 3 Order: left at th; Anvmon oloe will be attended to. 35 G. R. FORD. They produce a natural fresh pink color on the cheeks and lips. The most remark- able and the most perfect of all health giving remedies. I The greatest of all esh formers. They purify, enrich and strengthen the blood. `The only safe, sure and certain remedy for all those -distressing complaints so peculiar to the female sex. They act promptly on the relaxed mucous membrane of the digestive canal; and in this way restore its functions, t Pale people using these pills ;rapidl-y acquire a beautiful, clear and healthful appearance. ~ . Price 50: per box, or six boxes. for $2. 50. ~ A Forsale by all druggists, or sent by mail on `receipt of price, by addressing ' `DR. 31.9`; WILKINS,Toronto,0. DR. WILKINS Red No. of `Inches Q-nnn FARM STOCK SALES NOTHING LIKE THEM ON EARTH._ THE JEWELLER Ioounnxsnn Anvnnnsxunnrs. , A TRANSIENT 4 Blood ---GO TO- Ilsosoi 211501" tions. (8 mos) tiona. (Bmos) Ll-IUUI` lg j_..__ i]; no jjo 8400 I PRICE FOR 8 75 tage Pills. iseoo snoo |<'i :'-3? tionn l`lu1I| has Nonnuanu Anvnuoa -STEAM-- pnnmm: HUIISB. ,5-I respectfully solicit `an opportunity to furnish estimates for all kinds ol work in all the styles of printing, suoll 123 numur ST.. BARBIE, HA8 PROMPT AID TASTEFIII. EXEWTIOI IBIIK ANIIJIIB PRINTING. amps, NOTE READINGS, .LE'1"_l`ER HEADINGS, MEMOBIAM CARDS, PROGRAMS, onnmzs or DANCE ' MENU amps runs but One Dollsr Weekly pubuma : In the County of Slmooo. sud In: the largest oiroulqtlon. .' s. wnsm. Publisher and Promo HELL, BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS, POSTERS-Plaln and Ornamental. DODGERS, FLYERS, FOR 1892. Published by the Proprietor, 6. Wenley, Barrie. Copies 25 cent: at the once; 06 sent by mail. poetpnid, on receipt of tho AT TORONTO PRIOE8 FARM Tnmsns, RENEWALS or nd from Ininn no jrocm IIIIIEGTOIIYI GOUNTY OF S_|MGOl. MORTGAGES. OHA TTEL MORTGAGES. QUIT cum mmns, ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE AGREEMENTS OF EQUITY OF REDEMPTION, STATUTORY LEASES. OHATTEL MORTGAGI. DISCHARGE OF ASSIGNMENTS OF OHATTEL MORTGAGE. ABSTRACTS or TITLE, ETO DIVISION COURT BLANKS, marswmms BLANKS, SURROGATE COURT BLANKS, OONSTABLES BLANKS. I892. 4-0] ORDERS OF ALL CLASSES 03- A full line of BLANK FORMS Always kept in stock STATEMENTS, J BILL amps, ITUTIDVHG NOTE OIBOULAR8, LETTER OIROULABI omcoxs, ommns, ENVELOPE8. A full line at all prloll. MEMORANDUM8. WEDDING INVITATION 8, WEDDING cums, VISITING omnl. I'll HOST?! ADVANCE Forms of any kind printed it MORTGAGE. SALE OF LAND `HOUSE LEASE- SNIPES, E'I_'O. ade to ere . and latte 1' b'c]ock I) U I gles. GK. {0 us: ' in ab- Mt -' Aft! ' rich red rug, which ha been woven in shade of perplexity rested upon the '- stf charming face of Mrs. Daring l_)rew -' she sat in her own tasteful and nchl) _ appointed mor_ning-room._ The`"fchne1~g `sunshine glancmg 1n_ la. 1n bars over t. Constantinople, glinted on thepld blue china which lled _the- Qa,'b_inets, land lingered on the hyac1nths--`-*p1nk; purple and yellow"--which blossomed. in i'ra- 37 grant rows from their tall vases 0 on the broad window-sill. ' t.TI- In -nnn1111 4-nn `Y\I1I'I"\11F_ f glass .5 Luv U! uau VVIIIILVVV |l.I. ' "It is really too provr:`ring, murmur- ed Mrs. Drew,eas she sooked up` impa- tiently froga the column headed To Dnn4- 1-n1n1n'h aha 11911 Bonn nnrua tlcuuy .uu.|.u. uuw uu.|.uu..|u uvwuvu. 4.!) Rent, which she had been perusing, that now we are so comfortably settled in this pretty cottage, I must think of moving! Of course I can rent the house ` at e gure to pay me for my-investment, but that is not the question. Where can I go that I shall be as well suited? We shall undoubtedly move. back here when Charlie has outgrown his infatua- . tion for that girl across the street, or when she has married someone else. We cannothope that they would move. The old man is xed as fate itself in that gloomy palace of his. ' A-nil uril-In a min}: aha on-o-in 4-nnlz nnrlm. BLUULIJ) LRIJHUU UL 1113. ` And with a sigh she again took up flu: newspaper. Q1-mg 1-n-an n1-Hf-A rrnnt` 4-A 1nn1.r of on aha .|l.UVVD1Jall)UI.a ' She was quite good to look at as she sat there, despite` her ve and -forty "I? ears. There was no trace of gray in 1 er wavy blonde hair; her features re- 1,. tained the delicate outlines of youth. There was a -warm color in her plump` _ cheeks, and her gown of moss-`green fa wool, sparingly decorated with narrow silver braid, `proved that she gave artis- tic attention to the setting off of 119.1` I mature beauty. nn nvnr -nnl-_ Mains nuunnnnna has .1! l . WJ"u'11a`1'1ie, T she said, reverting 141,8 subject .which ' they had the previous evening discussed, I have here the ad-_ vertisement or a place which I think would suit us a.dm1ra.bly. N813; Uvv`< ):au1J1E>t have supposd her `old enough to be the mother of the stalwart young fellow who now en{:red the room. * . . 7 A.'I`!1-_`_.`!- )5 ,1, A __S1 -_-_, _ !_,._, VVULILU. Bulb U5 sU.l.l1l.l'U1ya Charlie--who had melancholy dark eyes and the sweetest smile imaginable --read the lines pointed out, his expres- sion one of comical depreciation. `X.'1no1- an`!-u 1Yt'\1I Y'nl\+I\I| TI!'=11 an- DLUIL U11`? UL UUIJJLDCUL \LU1JLU\lLGUlUIlc . - What suits you, mother, will suit me; but I m blessed if I can see why we should think of leaving, even temporar- ily, such a satisfactory home as 151118. -" T `Ia-awn 1-n`|r"I vnn aha nnntxrnrn with ll) , SUCH 8 S3FlB.[&CUOI'_V 1101116 8:8 131115."-' ` ; I have told you, she answered, with _` an unwonted note of irritation in her. well-bred voice, _ that I prefer to spend the summer near the lake. I think - the air on the North Side would prove more bracing for me. Then, as I shall prob- :ably spend the greater part of the Wm-. ter in Washington, it would be more desirable to leave this house in the hands of reputable tenants than closed `up. Au unvu uyich tnnmnr ho 295:1 ~ and ! VVUIJU l1vWl`l'_y. 1 But as he rode down to business that morning, he smiled more than once. Tho vvnocsrvna rrhrn-n 1-not-`n van-v {'9'}!-__nn 1.LI.U1111115, 11D B1..I.111U\L 111U1U_ lJ1lGIl..I. ULJUU. * The reasons given were very fair-on the surface-but he guessed what the real root of the matter was, and wonder- ed if his mother attributed to him ab- normal obtuseness. A n-unnn `Ian :1`-uut'\l\`I g.-.-y-. `Ln 1v\I\n`nn-`- LLU1 LLLGL UUUuDU11UDo ' Across the street from the modest but I decidedly attractive Queen Anne cot- W tage of the Drew s, stood-with quite a deal of ground about it for a city house -a massive structure of greenish stone. Therein dwelt Colonel Wilfred Cristphal and his only daughter, Isola. Vanna `kn-nsoo 11115::-n` {-1113 nmntna ant` ` "` As you wish, mother, he said,` and ! went away. `Du-.+ on `ho onila Rn-rn 4-n 'h11a~Innua +119}: TUGK. llzllkl L113 ULILJ LLGVLISLLUUI, .l.DUl.Il- Years before, when the Drews and` Cristphals were neighbors in a dreary little Michigan town, a dispute had arisen regarding acertain piece of land \ which the head of each family claimed ` as being part of his property.` . l f`nn+~.-nuoa-an nnnnna-nunm 4-Mn rnoffnr 11A. 1 11,3 UULII5 Pal. U UL LIJD 1JLUyUL DJ: ` Controversy concerning the matter be- came bitter, and the neighbors, hithert0_ so friendly, had now no word to ex- change. Finally the ownership was legally accredited to Dering Drew, and soon after the Cristphals moved away. Tn Han n-H-w 4-hon xxrn-n 1-:1an.'H-.15 on!` His- DUUU ill. [JUL [4116 \ll.LDlJ1Jl1C|IJ-5 LUUVULI Walls In the city the won wealth and dis- tinction. As a. awyer, the colonel be- came well and widely. known. and his sons also gained reputations that were 1 enviable in their chosen professions. 4 Now Mrs. Cristphal was dead, the boys married and gone to homes of their own, ` and the colonel and Isola. were left praac- 3 tically alone in the big, splendid house. \ Avnnnn {manna 1-rvuu fhb nn1nnn1 nhn uuxucu .LV.L1B. 1.161 11.15 JJ auu.ucL Dun. ., I Also chagrined was Mrs. Drew when after moving in, she discovered that 1:113 plate-glass windows glaring down upon her own were those of her husband's old-time enemy, Wilfred Cristphal. ` T4. .vA\-1 no.` A? {Jan nqqnnl-`nu l-n a11*nI\I\ua L1C'du_V muuu 111 but: U15, upnuuuxu uuuao. Amazed, mdeed, was the colonel one day when he learned that the recently- completed cottage opposite -had been built for the occupancy of a. widow named Mrs. Dering Drew and her son. ` A 1!Il'\ Aka)-unn4-I trvnn lfwa Dunn? 1111501! \Jl\l'U111lC CKLULI-I. , '7 811-3 UV-L \Jl-IDIIIINI-Irlllt It was out of the question to suppose I they would not meet. Meet they did, but they merely bowed with scant cour- tesy, each resolving that the_young 0- _ ple should not become acquainted.` at neither considered the possible interfer- ence of that sly knave, Cupid. For- they not only were introduced at a. sleighing party given by a. common; friend, but their admiration was mutual ; and profound. _ . e ` nn nwnn-Ina (`.'hn.1~1iA Thvnur rnnn 'hn'I contrary. -_ The *even'inf `cf the day that Mrs. 1 Drew repea. to her son `her desire to leave the West Side, Colonel Cristphal came home to dinner with the phant air of a man who_' has ;so1ved`a puzzlin uesti011~._._ 2, 7` , 1 Ton1|;gqt1nQ.f" }`:A began. 'I v3.b9en auu pruiuuuu. _ ` One evenin Charlie Drew made hold to callon Iso a. He was received by her with blushing pleasure, b her father with lefty frigidit-y. On ' re- 4-nun `Inn-wan Ln Boos-H i-BA afnv-17 AP Ernst ` Lu. UJJU cal auu uuu uuu uuucx. What diiference did the bygone ua.r- ' rel off the elders make to him? hese were not the days of the Montagues and Capulets. So he contnved to see Isola as often as possible, stern parents to the contrary. E; i . ` nisfent never nor less Total nI\II in LHIUUUIV \ 1IIl-I LULUJ J-l.15l\LI.l'J- \Ill I115 LU` turn home he heard the story of how - Cristphal had tried to rob his fatherhof . roperty-at least, that is the version 1 harlie heard. But with him it went in one ear and out the other. T I T`KI`l....A. Aixnununn A-41 I-`Inn `Inc-nun...` A-unacn I puzzling questw .. . lsola, dear, he ,begq.n_, ;,.I ev9-,been. thinking it t is rathei-. ridiculous to h` you and me alone occupying such &"b8.!'-` rack of a place as thiS2f`_I :!I18dQ':`llp"`iI)y.` mind we would be, ,inQne of those elegant ats now being built all through the nicest residence portions`; of the city. `So, to-day, havin a ne chance to rent this house, I di 'so,,s.nd Vi engaged for us a mall handsome suit of apartments on the orth side. There 1 we can dispense with two of our four - servants, and shall be much more oom- ` fortab1e-at least until Ican-get sway .4 ` ' `I cm. .. c..__ __,_-1_.. _`..1_.......... g. l.Ul laiU1U"aU 133155 U011 .l \7Dll-' 5VV_ .,_"!x_"I ` for a few weeks, whenwe shall the mountains. What__do you hulk about it?" I ` - ' n ` " T,.--I, _A1, _ ___ _ _'1__-1:.-.1. `l....1...`..n 134-, uuuub Lu . _ _ ' . . _ II '3he__Pa`_pabe1i'e 131:8 &nt`i0iP9ti1?-was Large 832: r 6 os ew1 c {q pm_en __ - 5 . . . _ . Plea, looked as she `scarcely knew , he promlsesg whether to laugh or cry. - o What matter [wh tI think. `abotxjf n_ow? It is done. cdurs!`1t'i = . - - ght-1 am sure it is`al1 tight. - i` V s cannot blame me for being tremohdoql-T 15' surprised." L ~ A % ;;.ug1..~n,"r;;..;`fieea.,. % .301: o so'ea.s1ly.v f._~ tT* will be vliie,-going In 1: new nitv inafnn n Enna I-n niunialunsu (got on; so->e.as1y;- no ` to a new cxty mstead of omg to another part of the same city. am snre.yon'l1` p. enjoy the change. Oh. by the way, if you should meet that oung Drew, don't . say anything to him a at our proposed _ plans. a _ Why not, papa 1 ? 1 Well, Tbecause-that is, you seei-his fnl-Janr niacin !-nt'I mun nnnln AF-anvnn -nn1nn`|\1n "u_.15 LlULl.lUv._llII|:Ul. vuau. uauau. uu \9uupL! Lau ; hurriedly'up_th! I4-`ort i'ght`qf_,i M `nits steps leading M V Qxe mam ~;'-ha , `and } almost collide nit"1f a. poison `coming ; down-a.we11-urdnnade young fellow with `melancholly eyes and an uncommonly , sweet smile. I 13.. `L ..___LL ......,1 _.. .....,.`l......- ..'...,1 manna] | VV U11, -.Hbl _J!3Utl.l15U"l.Il1llrlu 16, you 539'-"`Il1B`y , father cheated meant of some valuable 1 property years "ago. V .I donffcare for in- ._ ,tima.oy with the family. Of `course their ` courts decided the matter, but I have I always been satised the decision was erroneous. When will it be convenient for you to see aboutrmoving `? "' ` A fhdr (`ow Funrn fhnf can `IRA- . dI.I._ LUL JV: IIU, DUI? QUUUIU>lLl_\lVLll5/ The third day from that San ?Mu`(lA .- u phals established on the main .100: .15. a.` ne apartmentnbuilding on we North t Side. ' The rent was very high, b .t the elaboration and nish of every architec- ` tural detail were warrant for thesnm I demanded. - A j'J_ 'l._'l1 ____. L1._.-____1- LL- _.._.L_.._ -3 I uu(3:1`o:ueUv:1J1`i`1:;, Colonel Grist hal, - com- ,-ing home later than usual to er, ran ' 1|-:i1owinH11v"'a1v\ I-7:1 nnsvf ,Ii'}I-A \alUl-LllIl.l.\.LI.7\.L o L A wide hall rant-hrou h -the center of - L the house, and from t is a polished I stairway wound upward. Flanking it were passenger elevators. - I While msnn} fn.m'i]ic-A livnd wnar the" VV V10 IIWDUUILSIFI. VI-U V THU} Do While many families lived under the _ same roof, they were almost as com- ; pletely separated as` if each occupied a. 0 , duferent hotgse. ` I A--- -_-,__,-_, n_1____1`r1__2_L_1-_1 A-.. Lilli G151! III daughter. ` `-I fni 1` Ll`! LISIJIJIVI u 1 told you notito tell Charlie Drew that we were coming to live here. tIl did notltell him," she answered, di- me _. .. 3 . T . " as he been here this afternoon vis- iting you? i A . ~ You are mistaken,_ ~stea,dily. He hag not. . ~ ~ `I -4- .1. L3... 1-_._'__;__ 1.1.. L _ _ _ . __ T m`B`Im1 r`1"e:t him leaving the house as I came in, he declared, quickly. ' T `mourn snnf aka ~: anon UGIIJU Ill, LIU \LCUlULU.\|, ` . - ., I have not, she mslsyed, seen lnm smce we left the West S1de. T1`- __:J _. ___-..- 1_._L'J.1__._--..`I_ J__-.. D11-JUU YVU I-VLU UI-IV VV UDII uxuv. He said no more, but` through dinner, and for all `the rest of `the evening, `a constrained silence reigned. The nnvi-. 11-its-`I-54>. Tank: Inn-nit `PA 1-1: (`.111 . UULID UL GIILVVI DIIUILUU I U151-IV`-In The next night Isola went to the Col- umbia. with a theatre ty, which was cha eroned by an` o (1 friend of her mot er. After her departure the. col- onel tried to read, but found it imposs- ible to x his attention._ He nally tossed aside his book and decided to walk as far as thepark and back. A u `no Vnf-nnnail {nfn I-1-an 1112' Ian nnfinnt` VVGILIL GD I-all GD IILIU yazn auu. IJGIUR Ashe stepped in the.ha11,)he noticed that theparlor door which corresponded with theirs stood wide open. The room ` revealed was brilliantl lighted, and seated sewing bye 9. litt e wicker-work table in the center of the apartment was a woman clad in a gown of dark violet A silk, with a good, deal of ufy white chiffon at the bosom. 11. _;_..a ..-;...:c...: 1-1.. -i....... 1.1.. 5.1.- only of Li. inlon, Yia Ul.|.1.I.LU.ll an IJLIU UUDUILI. He stood petried. He knew the deli-_ cate prole, the wavy blonde hair, the fat white hands. 11I"1__.`l `L _____ .._u: 1... ..._.........:I. 'n........ 1' Luv WLILIJU unuub. ' _ Good_ heayens I he groaneq; have I moved s1x 1111168 to `escape thus woman and her son, and has she followed 113?". 1'I'\11l'\1I`I\`I'\!`:1If BA hail l\'l0l'\nl1l1 uuu. HUI UULI, 3111 111115 B11!) LU11UVVULl_LlD| . Involuntarily he had crossed the hall. 1~Irs. Drew looked up, and met the eyes 7 resting upon her. Qhn vnan `lnuaf-i'Iv o cu-Iran Huck nf n- 1. V5 01115 LIPUIL 1101 0 She rose hastily, a sudden ush of an- noyance surging over her countenance. : Had she attempted to remove Charlie from the : wiles of Colonel Cristphal s daughter, only to nd herself confronted in her retreat by" the colonel himself? (:13... _.-L_._'_ _..-.... ....a- 'IA.\'I-.....-.0) 1-n1nl\ I n LIL LLWL LCUL `fill! DJ. UL-IV \J\J&\II&\JL I-Ll-I-l.lLJ\Jl-J-D _` `For whom were you looking? she asked, with icy politeness. My [son and I occupy these apartments. T ,`,T R-?Rn`+ `Irv-inn! 17n11 Trnnixr mniu. tr doubt _ I`)et -!)~`-`Ba-id ` muhinn and fahna 'rnHnva"h~i`ivino uuu. .l. uuuupy vucpu ayax uxuvuumb I-`-I didn't know, you know, mut- tered the colonel, pulling his gray mous- 'ta in bewilderment. ,- 1- _ :______:n__ _........'.I -1. 1.1.... :.!I:...... LLJLLU, \J\JLLl\) J-I-I lULJ\I. wan: \A\I VVAAQ . 7 He was rather surprised at his own alacrity in entering and taking the chair she pointed out. `|'Tcr\1o ':a o+ Han " `ha nnnnnnn. IJIIUILU 111 UU W ILUUL LLIULIIJ. Then he inwardly raged at the idiocy ofrsuch a remark, and thought how ex- vceedingly weil she wore her years. TNT-I1] vnu aha nalrn with n.fn:inf: gJt:eu1ug1_y WU11 xsuu VVUIU LIUI. JUGLD. . W11l you, she asked, w1th a famt smlle, come 1n and s1t down? . _-__ ___L1-'-_. .____..-.........'I -1. L:.. A... B116 [JUl.lll:t'-Ll uuu. - lsola is at the theater," he announc- ed, as if_ in apology for his prompt ac- * ceptance of her permission. - 4 "Charlie is at the Athletic Club. v 1 What is that you are making, Nel- lie? I beg your pa.rdon`;_ but you know I used to call you Nellie long ago-be- i fore Drew came to town. | urnL.:_. :. -, ..........J-`ln_nnn..l-' 4-nun-:nnv snow . IUTU .IJ1'UW U'd;l11U l'U IIUVVLL. ! Thisia amantle-scarf,turnin rosy 1 again, and needle` y ng in 1 and out of the Indian silk at a.confus- ingly rapid rate; then,.lower: I remem- 4 `Inna P l{`5`J bgr. D De`r"What good T. friends we used to be, Ne11ie._ ' '_. _ 4417..- M ``Yes. ' a If it were not for my obstinacy about that ground-- - .23 V - N That was not `Obstinacy, It was` merely mistaken perseverance. _ ' Do you, delightedly, really thm ` V Dal. IIL`\J.I'!lI\\`l fouo win Companies ` THE EN(}.- k THE INSURANCE co'Y 015' NORTH AMER- ` ' I Ac $3, 80? _ t . - ! `rm: MER()AN'I`ILl~l|`lRE INSURANCE 00 ``Yes, indeed. Andfit was all so long V Gsplta-I 8500.000 : Government deposit mido. ago V .: run wurnmnoo MUTUAL FIRE menu ANGIE. GO. Genital. C500.0W. THE ECONOMIC AL FIRE INSURANCE CO. V ' BERLIN. Total `SUSIE. 3340.w0-' Money to loan on. rs. mortgages. Con- veyancing done, Accounts colleete . -950. ` t\__-._ I"l"|\Y`I\1FI)QI\\T! That _is true. How pret vour rooms are, Nellie! And you ool: as young as ever. Do you hear from the a old place? How are the Fergusens do- _ ing? I have often thought of them. ' XTAL I... .~........ .' contain `Ln II-a Drain A10 nqsrsrnnvn -I-VD, Llauuuua on:-Io nu vvvvuw vvuwvu -v ----g 1! are, That is pret vour" Fergusens do- ` `M l... ..........-- A` _nl\1|-Q LAJ `Ion 1\un1-Iv AQ ` l.'U5i1|vl/I V U. l "`Good~m' t to her friends, ran up the J ust then Isela. calling out a merry ` :_.-steps an along` the corridor. She` as she? saw the grenp in the op- site_r pm.` A- . . 1 P-`;1'Iaa* in Nhm-, and she ioined _ much for the success of `one caprioe of Sir Cupid! s ? ~ J .1 _~Sl rogue, he kept on atrhis cunning V wor until new the 'Cristpha1s_ and the Drewsffot,-n_1 ones,;Tfsu1i:lyb..;_ 9; M g 3... Ills I L I&CIV\l \ILU\dI VJ-I\IIAbI-DU Ill: If-Ow.-1 Not for mang a." year had Mrs. Drew_or - Colonel Cristp an hour as they did that of comfortable, retrospective, condential conversation which followed. 1.11-__-_ a 11 -L2_.--: .`__L 1..-..- LL- _1--`I_ al enjoyed so thoroughly. pos1t> V . 'They.ca1led to .her, and she joined `them? --When at midnight `she and her father went to their: own apartments, it was with -the understanding that they were to `dine with the Drewethe fellow- ing evening. 4 .. .........`I. has {ha nnnnnml nf D119 c8.`DI'i08 EATION.