Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 22 Dec 1892, p. 1

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'"C'l`h'e- patrons of the Uptergrove cheese fac- tory met on Tuesday, 20th, to settle up the sea.aon s'business. ~ ' 4 JamesZE1st.<;nZi(vziilb-eZ the Ardtxea. school- master the coming year. 1-. 1 4 u o I ` annual social was hsld at V Vitchell on Tuesday. ' ` D`I\I. uvuuuvnn no was-u-v--u Tbeannual aoiree of the cougre ation of ' Esson Church, Rugby, will be hel on the 2nd of January. ,_,I- 4I,2._I_ LL-__ ....2II .._-_ . saw . u.-.r. * James Webb, of Fesserton, traded horses the other do . He gave a. pretty one good horse and 1 tube! of outs for another. The next day he took his new horse to the bush and shot him. ` ` W:1;L1;E; f-B:;1;3x; are preparing to build a. new brick church. ` \"-" ""'3 ""' ` secm one otZ;nI1wI'r$E.r()Zl*)WIetI ot Furs. ` Quick. Hunter, Surjeant as 009:. u--\.. `no v---..-J- The Fesserton people think thef will soon . have to build a new school house as the vil-. loge is rapidly enlarging. ' ' L _ 2- `_1____._ -_..1-_1 2.. 4.1.- --:;.:..:4... cvvbv g... -wl----, v__..-u-_- Threshing is almost ended in the vicinity `of J arratt s' `Corners. Farmers report the yield as somew but less than expected. The_ friends of Archie Thompson, ex-reeve ` of theownshi of Onllia, are urging him to ` re-enter' the .`e`ld gas a. _can d_idate for the reeveship. < V 1- tn,|,1, -2 *m--_-_L___ L..-.1_,: 1.-..-- WW8 U1 L/tlpt. .5. V. \,....___`__ _ ___' HENDERSON.- At Maple street. 1: T the wife of J. Henderson. 01 2"? m m'."* Married. I)UNllAM--BUY mus.--At the - reeld u . bride's brother. J. A. Buyers. Sh%r?gegfA`.:2 l`ornt0. on the 17th inst... by the Rev R 15` McKay. J0Bevh Dunham to Charlotte '13; ' eldest daughter of the late William Buyex-Q: of Al1"ston.` Mrs. Fred Morrow, of Waubaushene, came near bein killed by a runaway horse which took to t e sidewalk for his race course. Both her legs were broken and her spine iniured. She is in a very critical condition. . 20 to 25 per cent. on all Mantle: at J. Fyfe9s. - . Rev. William McDonald, of Hawkstone. `was surprised by the presentation to him a few days ago of a valuable set of robes and a. pair of driving mitts. There was an ad- dress and a feed and a good time generally. This was from his friends at Oro Station. Five iyoung Misses were betore ()rillia s Mayor the other day, charged with coasting on the sidewalks. His Worship discharged s them with a caution that the next person charged would be promptly punished on conviction. The dangerous practice is com- monlin Barrie and should be promptly stopped. Report of the chairman of the Local Board or Health for the Town or Barrie. In presenting the Annual Report of the Local Board of Health for the year 1892 ae _.....u:-.\.-I Luv Q6-nbnbn T `manna v\`ananIIn 3n uh, JJUUGI uutu ll U1 J..I.Oauou JUL uuv Juan. a.uua an brequired by Statute, I have pleasure in an- nouncing that the health of the citizens has on the whole been very good during the year. - . T In land in `nu! nnnnn nf tvnhni `And J URI . We had a few cases of typhoid and Idiphtheria in the spring and fall but in all ex- cept one case of the latter, which was fatal, of a mild type.- As the Medical Health Oi- cer will give full statistics I shall not further touch on the nature of the diseases which have been prevalent. 'I`|-an `Rnu-:1 has I-nann Hun manna nf rnnnh The Boarll has been the means of much good being done during the year from a. sani- tary point, and that the businesss was con sidered of importance by the members is shown by the fact that eleven meetings were held Lately the attendance has not been satisfactory and care" should be taken in 3 selecting those whowill devote the time to the duties of theyoicelwhich I need hardly A say are extremely important. \ 'I"Inn annnnu nu-i I-Ln mhnln in in n fair-In nlnnnlv any an: cavL'puIuA_y uu uauuuo The town on the.whl;lue is in a fairly cleanly l condition caused inmy opinion through the action of the Board in engaging for two months a special sanitary inspector. ` His services were invaluable and it would have been in the interest of the health of the town 1 "had he been englaged till April next at a re- duced salary. trust however the incoming 1 Board will remedythis-at an early day. ` Amnno the sanitarv imnrovements made i .DUl`H'u. wux l.'UllIUu_yuIuu an an can. A] uuy. Among the sanitary improvements through the action of the Board I may men- tion the lling in of the ponds on part of south Dunlap street owned by the G. T. RV. Messrs H. H Strathy, J. A. Strathy; F. E. P. Pepler and Dr. Morton. The only pond stillunlled is the one belonging to Judge Ardagh with reference to which the Medical Health Oicer has lately reported and which will occupy the attention of the incoming 08uI'(1. ~ All wells and privy pits within the block I bound by the Bay on the south, John St. on the west, Ross and Collier streets on the north and Mulcaster street on the East, have `been closed and either dry earth closets or. water closets put in to replace the letter. A `nrlflsnvi ann;I*.nr-I1 rnnnnnlin hnnnmn nnnnn. WGUUK UIU3UIlD pun III IIU LCPIGVV IIIJV Auuuvso A further sanitary measure became neces- sary last yearon account of the new sewer- age namely preventing the cutting of ice in the bay within 9. certain area. mkn gnu-5:0-nut. Tasmanian ovunpin n 4-knunnlnh Sump TENDERS. aadresma to theVPost- A master Gene:-a.l.wi1l be received at Ottawa. until noon. on Friday. Januerv 27th.'for the conveyance of Her Maj esty s Mails. on a pro-' posed Contract for four years. six times per week each wav. between Penville and T9tt.en- ham from the 1st April next. vmm nnnvnvnnnn in he made in.n. vehicle 01' IIIIU U5 WIUIIIU Q UUI IIGIII SW90 The Sanitary Inspector made a thorough examination of butcher and baker shops and all slaughter houses withgood results. Pub- lic notice was also given as to the heavy pen- alties laid down for sellin diseased meat. Asjtuberculosis is apparent y more prevalent than generally supposed and as it is readily conveyed to man specialexaminations should be made frqeuently as to this. V "'14- in tn kn I-annual!-Ar` fhdl: in `rain a noun: I-Inn VG IIIIIKIV l.l\|U|-I`Jl..||llJ QB IIU Illlle "It is to be regretted that infew 1; cases the Board has found it necessary to bring offend: era before the Police Magistrate. A ready comglrliance with the `orders of the Board is sure y in the interests of the health of our *.'.z:e2.8; .__rl ___--L__-J ___2J__._2_ A J!._I_Al- ___S_ ` -Thefybreatened epidemic of diphtheria last spring as well as the fact that four cases have occured within the last month, should cause the members of the town Councilto consider | without a day s delay the question `of an Isolation Hospital. One could be built, from information laid down in the Reports of the. Provincial Board of Health for $1000, and I think I am correct in saying a site could be got -on the General Hospital grounds far enough away from the General Hos ital and from any residence. When diphtheria breaks ....o nun) Man mnmlsnra nf tho ninilo Innis: tn I 1l'Qlll any liualuvuuwo vv nun Vllflllll.-IQ uspnna out now the members of the einily have to be isolated and thus all run the risk of the disease, whereas with an Isolation hospital the danger would be minimised. ' - ` Wu... :1 Pam mm-A nnwnrn which are abso- tne aanger wuuiu uu uluuuuuuu. ` When a few more sewers which are abso- lutely necessary have been constructed; the gradual doing away with_wel1s and` privy pits; more attention to_ sanitation on the art of our citizens ; prompt reporting of all infectious diseases by our physicians_;-am1 a reatlyeompliance with the rules by_ all, Bar- rie can and should be a healthier town , than in the ast although it has always been con-' siderew one of the healthiest in the Domin- ion. 1 .a . or A in . . _ -I 1 7 = . . D. F. Macwn- r,n . ` ` Chairman. \`\ .. ` 9. _\` .\` \ ...\\\w .\ `*3 gm: m[jeuumL IN SESSION.` 3311-03 : or uvnmr s'rA'n'1.n: BY-LAW mscussnn BY nnssns. nacwarr - V at srnunv Legamv onn. Reveal nnouued bv `the ` conno1f-'!'h'e.8'Ith Fixed tor its further conskleration-8pec1al' Session of the council last Tnnnday Evening. T `There was a special session oi . the Council last Thursday evenin .- Members absent, Messrs. Wells, Mc iven, Pearcey and Wiiamson. ,. ,;_I:_ -n-;_.-I _: 'n'--u.I_ _..... .._.. , , e , t, s t day 17th inel:..`_he hlb:}feA()tt q1Q?1E`.o1I.oW.`P{iul1l.R. of a daughter! . . _ ,B ri.D .1 MCI1{s1kr(:f}fI'?'H.An1:[cII 8.0 my CA.MERnN.~In Collingwood. Deo.6th: 1392, the. w)fe of Capt. A. C. CamerAon-a. son. _~..-. A 1- `Mann: an-AAIL nn the Inf. il'IlIf,, VI ll.IIDlllB`llIa _ Report of the Board of Health. was pre.- sented The Trea.surer s annual statement was resented, and Mr. Sutherla.nd s letter than ing the Council for their o'er of the Town. Hall A for the Wood-cutting and Religf Aeeocie.tion s concert. If-. l\u\.'tIl\iV|o$Ir `Tainan:-snn. Aha Irina IUUIUI. ILBBUUIDUIUII B UUIIUGI. II. V Mr. Montgomery's Nulsance-Abating By-law was passed. 'I`ha l`..-uunnil mat in 1-nanlnr nnnninn nn I) 'I.GW WEB Plbuo The Council met_ in regular session on Monday evening, the Mayor presiding. All members were present except Messrs Fletcher, Williamson, Pearcey and Mc- 1 Niven. Dllfll Witt! KIVUH U] uvuuun, cases an uvu. A petition from W. A. Ross and others was presented, praying for the repeal of the Livery Stable - By-law passed last April, and read. The petition contained reasons reasons for rtpeal. A nnnnl-an nah !-inn `Fr-nrn Mnnnr, hi:-kin. Notice of action in the case of Curran vs. 5 Barrie was given by Lennox, Ault & Kerr. A ....;:4.:..... c....... In A D-.. om-I" no}...-a nuusuuu lUl.' rupuau. A counter petition from Messrs. Dickin- son & Macwatt recitin why the said by- law shouldenot be repea ed, was read. . REPORTS. The Finance Committee feported and recommended that accounts amounting to $646.22 be paid, which was adopted. .A nrunfinn urns: intrniilinntl Ant` unanimous. vU`.IU.& us: pluu, vvuluu was auuyuc A motion was introduced and unanimous- ly carried, granting $100 to His Worship the Mayor, which he declined with thanks, giving as one reason that now part of the duty of former Mayors is performed by the police magistrate. Mr Mnnmntt man than ruin.-:1 1-n`nr1drp.nn| PUIIUU [I165 IE 01' BU: Mr. Macwatt was then asked toaddress. the Council with reference to the counter petition re livery stable by-law, which he did. Then Mr. J. A. Strathy was asked to give the Council his reasons for the repeal, which he did at some length. The dis- cussion was energetic, earnest and warm. 'I"l-us {"4-.nnnH 4-I-inn nu.-nu-. int-A n nnnniarn- UUHBIUIJ WEB UluIUl5UIIlU, Val. IJUDL uuu will no: The Council then went into a considera- tion of t-he legality of any action it might take. as the appeal case was sub judice in the High Court and the judgment; of the court. will be rendered on Friday, 23rd. The further consideration was deferred till next Tuesday when a special meeting of the council will be held for that purpose. The Council then adjourned. HULI Us The Secretary read several applications for the position of Principal of the Centre Ward School VIII , D II,,,,!_, ,, L _ _A__,_L__ ______ __________jAj and Tuam, thence direct. to 'l`ot.r,enna.m.| Printed notices containing further internu- tion as to conditions of proposed Contract. may be seen and blank ;forms. of Tendpr may be obtained at the Post Oice of \ -r\ A vrrvnl` QDDV VV GI. DJUIJUUI The following accounts was recommended for payment: . . Alex. Scott, maps . . . . . . . . . .329 10 S. Wesley, for advertismg. . ` 7 24 Mr Brown presented the following An- nual Statement of Receipts and Expenditure for the year 1892 : V " `I0. ,,,_, ,E AI,_ '\,_,__S, A s ecial eneral meeting ;f. `the Public Schoo Boar was held Tuesday evening, for the transaction of general business, and. for the appointment of a. Principal of the Centre Ward School. All members pre- nnnd. "`S;1:1;u:a:x:5; ;>?'l:]17pVenditures of the Barrie Public Schools for the year 1892. 1892. nncnmrs. Jan lat. B31. in .l`reasurer s hands.$ 762 03 Non-resident fees. .- . . . . .. 12 00 One. Model School` Grant. 150 00 A, `\,,`,`2_ (W .l, _ A I_., PIIKI l\l\ 1892. -2--._.-:- Bel: in Trea:surer a hands. .31 133 44 FRED. J. BROWN, Chairman Fin. Committee. The report of the Schoo1VMa.neging Com- mittee recommended necessary repairs furnaces. Adopted. VI... l`Ln:u|-nuns` man!` an Inf-I-An fr-Ann llama!-n xuruuuuu. auupwu. The Chairman read a letter from Messrs. Strathy & Eaten. threatening legal proceed- ings on behalf of Mr Moran, which on mo- tion-was laced on le. - l`I_.._. _.2A1. 7I'Vl...L LL- A_.....\I Diana u.uu`wua Iuuuu uu ulu. Spry-- mith.--That the. Annual Finan- cial Statement be published in the three weekly newspapers, at a total cost of not more than $10. I TL- --_.I8.I-d.nn -91L)` `ant: cannula n I-|'niIu'AI-an` I IUUICU lallllll I.U- The candidates who had made a. personal application for the position of Principal were then `discussed and the choice fell on Mr. T. |A. Reid, of Forest, eta salary of $900 per annum. and the Secretary was authorized to notify Mr. Reid of his a. pointment as Prin- cipal of the Ceutre'Wa.r_ School, `and that `run kn ngn"ngnu`n-1 I-in nnidfn '||:u'nnn'A\I-nnnn n I Go y of reports passed at the Trustee Meet us: of the above held at their Board Room, Barrie, on the 19th day of December. A D., 1892. . Present, Judge Ardagh, chair- men ; Major Joe. Rogers, secretary; Rev. Dr. Parker, Hon. Senator Gowen, and Rev. Vllllll UL Illlc \JCLlIll_U VVIl}L LJULIVUI, IIIJIL DIIIIV 1 he be requested to notify his acceptance at once VIVI, ; `I'\_,_,` ;I -,_ , j2-_-._._-J ELEGTORS OF THE TOWN DF BARBIE II`, Uuusv "\I B. . In acceiting the resignation of Senator Gowan of is position as chairman of the Board of the Barrie Collegiate Institute, the Board desires to place on record the high sense which it entertains of `the services ren- dered to the Institute and to the educational interests of the. community by Senator Golwan during his long connection with the I Board. Senator Gowan has occupied a u LGIBCI. J I 5-`.1.*_4:=_I::s | M LVLUJJUUKIQ Minute in regard tov Senator Gowan and to Judge Boys. A Tn nnnnnnn flan rnnhrnni-inn nf Ronni-hr IIUU The Board then adjourned.- c. 3l._ PETITIONS AND coMMUN1dA r1oNs. comm. Institute nu-no. _-,_-__L._ ___.._~-.1 -A. LL- fl` _ Teacher; Salaries (paid) $5992 96 Extra teaching . . . . . . . . . . 27 25 Model School Teacher. . . . 150 00 - Inspector,` . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 00 Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .; 75 00 Caretaker Centre Ward. 287 50 Caretaker West Ward. . . . 225 00 Caretaker East Ward . . . ,. 45 00 Wood and Fuel . . . . . . . . . . 296 00 Printing and Stationery. . 75 14 Supplies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ` 68 45 Repairs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1068 09 Sundries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 20 Paid on account of Sinking Fund of 12,000 deben- . tures..... . . . . . . . . . .. 60000 Paid interest on same. . . . 720 00 Public. School Levy . . . &`UlI'lUDl|lCIIU IU9Dn o n 0 18 \IV School Ont. Public School Grant. 502 00 County Grant . . . . . . . . ; . . 150 00 Model School Fees. . . . . 115 00 U`\|V1lhuDr.L\..1, Post Office Inspector's Office. - Post Office . Ban-ie. Dec. 16th, 1892. ) Inspector 51-1.` Bu-no Public shoo`. EXPEN DITURE. _ . .$?92\o<)-o0 $10891 03 sT7% "55 11 001 Art An position on the Board for the long period of forty-nine years, having entered on his duties astrustee in the year 1843. During twenty-one years of that time he has occu- I pied the position of Chairman, having been 3 appointed to that oice in the year 1871. Throughout the whole of this period his ,, `I __2-L --.,,2I2___. PUIUUUII III) LIJQII IJLLIUU Ill IIIJV JUGL .IU|1n Ilhroughout the services have beenrendered with unfailing delity and punctuality. while his warm sympathy with the work of the Institute has contributed much to the success of the school and to the comfort of the staff. His thorough knowledge of the law, and his in- terest in, and acquaintance with the history of educational work in all its relations, were` at all times of `the highest use to his colleagues. and to the institution of which he and they had the oversight and direction. His genial and judicious conduct in the chair, carried the board through the frequent perplexities of its work without friction and with the best results for the duties entrusted to it. The Board has pleasure in placing this inadequate tribute to Senator Gowan s work on its records and at the same time express- 1 es its satisfaction that though retiring from ~ the position of chairman he had consented in-the meantime to continue to occupy the V position of trustee. T-.. nnnnnoinn Olnn nnadmnofinn nf .1I1llITA LKJHILIUII Ul lot ILBLUG In accepting the resignation of Judge Boys of his position as secretary of the Board of the Barrie Collegiate Institute, the Board desires to place upon its records a statement of its appreciation of the ser- vices which Judge Boys has rendered to the Board, and to the _ educational interests entrusted toit. Judge Boys has occupied the office of secretary for the long period of twenty-seven years, having been elected to that oice in the year 1865. Only those ..... l|:l\l: -":6-L Ir`-In nun-Ir nf Ghudlilnnnrrl 'nnn IA) uuuu UUJUI: Ill uuv yuan. auuuo \JuIJ uuvuu ac uainted with the work of the"'Board "can un erstand the great axnount of work per- formed by Judge Boys` during his occu- pancy of that position. Work which con [7 sumed a great deal of time and which in volved a great deal of labour. The faith- ful and painstaking accuracy with whic that work was ever performed very mater-1,` ially conduced to the success of labours hi the Board, and of the ,2 Institute. and entitle Judge Boys not only to the warmest recognition of his colleagues; but to the thanks of the community for which he labored so dis- interestedly and with such unfailing regu- larity. The Board regrets sincerely that the ; Judge has seen it to be his duty to resign his position, not only as Secretary, but as 2 _ Trustee. It will be diicult to nd one 1-. , take his place who will bring to the posi tion thejknowledge of the law and the ca 1. pacity for method and accuracy which th Judge possesses This renders his resign : tion a serious loss to the eiciency of th Board. _ ,,.s,,__ c_-__- L:__ :.. L1- ._a:..:..1 .. MAIL coufraA_cjr, Anti in parting from him in his oicial ca pacity as Secretary and Trustee the Boar would assure the Judge that he carries wit. him their highest esteem and their sincer cllffzsire for his welfare in eyery relation 0 1 e. Christmas rate. Our butchers always make bountiful pro visions for the Christmas festivities, an THE ADVANCE never fails to offer commend ations Last Saturday there was a fin display. Mr. \Villiam Hubbert s stall an that of Mr. Bingham s attracted special at tention by the large display they made an the artistic taste displayed in the arrange ment. ll `r1',,I,L-__A_ L- .1 1!--- L-.. I -3 .._E......`.. `IL llllllia Mr. Hubbert had ve head of animals fe by Mr. Richard Monteith. of Vespra averaging 1200 pounds, one ne heifer an fteen Southdown lambs fed by Dr. Morton, and one ne fat steer fed by Mr. _W. Standen, of Minesing. Besides these, be exhibited a Rocky Mountain goat. exceed- ingly fat, and immense quantity of poultry rabbits and pigeons. Mn I13:-|nhnIv| |I aka nlnn nrnnntnal A n YHUUIUU uuu PIEUUIIB. Mr. Bingham s shall also presented a fin appearance The beef, mutton, poultry &c., exhibited, being such as would gladde the heart of an alderman. and tempt th appetites of Her ajesty s beef-eaters. Mr 'l"l-uvumna {`.n an Air! nnf on into {:11 QPPUUILCS U1 J..I.Cl L1 QJUGIIJ D Iu\avI."u-uunu Mr. Thomas Co es did not go int`:o th evergreen ornamentation of his meat, but 11 had some very good bee! and pork. i i i Temple of Fame." ` , _Mr. J. Grant Henderson, of Hamllton has forthree weeks been training the 3 young ladies who are to give this pleasing and instructive entertainment in the Town Hall, to night and tomorrow night, under the auspices of the Mechanics Institute. We promise for those who go to hear it a night of song, comedy and elocution. com- bined with spectacular effect, such as is sel- dom heard or seen in Barrie. Go and hes. 38 of the world s most famous women, eac pleading before the Goddess of Fame wha she has done entitling her to be crowned `Queen of Fame. Plan of hall at L. Sanders . we -.. The- regular meeting of Southamption Lodge, No 28, took place on Wednesday the 14th inst. There wasa very large at- tendance The receipts of the evening be- ins: $147. The following ofcers were elected : ' W. Hubbert, President. . ' A. J. Lewis, Vice-President. A. Wilkes, Chaplain. Joe C Lang, R.,Sec. ' G. Whitebread, F. Sec. . Dr. J. Palling, Surgeon :G. G. Smith, Treasurer. I-I. Edwards, I G. ' ' H. Bo_nd,A0 G. f.......-Shana T (`.nrnv-rednnn ll l`.l'nIK' J D` IJCIIUIIIIJUI u u`IO`*-vv-o Hos. SENATOR GOWAN, the just Judge, the wise Counselor, the friend of Education. Tax Anvmvcm offers him the compliments of the season apd wishes him many more re- turns-ck-`Ithe day to enjoy the respect and estesuijof his fellow citizens. n. DOIlu,`U or Committee -J..Cum_mings. G. Crow, J. Burridge, T. Parr, H. Penwn, T. Looker. . - The Gjnddlan Annual 1893. We have only `a. limited number of this beautiful` Book at our disposal. 'lT___ L`|'.-L_..-3`-A-n cncvxntv '| `nu 'I"uu REEVESH|P.l Deaucmu Duuu no uur uuspumu. New Subscribers paying $1. ()0 for THE ADVANCE for 1893 will receive a. copy, and our present subscribers who pay in -advance for the ear 1893, will receive a. copy. fI1L- _.I. ...:II `Ln 1u:nvnn nvilrk on unit` anln. I01` U118 83!` 10310, Wu: Iuuclvc a uupy The ok will be given with all paid sub- scriptions for 1893 until the sup 1y is ex- hausted. First come, First serveg. IIIIIIIUIIIDI nnvv --an ----._-_-. St. Paul : Sunday School Christmas Tree entertainment will be held at the Temper- ance Hall, Stroud,_ December 27th. Miss Laura. Harper, the Citizens Band. Gunod Glee Club, Stroud Quertette, &c., will aid in making it oneof the events of the season. Let everybody go and have a good time. Ghrletmee Tree Entertainment. , DI,I,__I ("Il__2_.l..._.... I 1818-Daoomber 22nd.-1892. - - _._..A. PARAGB.APHER S PENGIL POINTS. MANY MINOR MATTERS HUGBLY `Which. Together. construct I C __.__ C_.A.-__-.Al_... --.I R__-.l:-n ' "nJS{- '.}'I.7oaTm'o}}T" ,_ -Beautiful Holiday weather. --Tempera.ture Tuesglay morning 10 be- low zero In seeking re-election I would again solicit at your hands, that vote and support so kindly accorded me in the past. 1 Judge Anlagh is visiting friends in Toronto. 7 -Boats7 on the bay on Monday with her- ring shers. `.-2'II I 1 `I\ 1 I I I ! . I 'aa$Ta.ylor s Dental parlors. Best work at city prices. v 1 ~ .u A .s nu tn. 0| "w-;>`e'<:'i;.-l meeting of the Town Cohncil next Tuesday evening.. II l\IAI. II /1 .1 Il'T\ I, 1-Z-Lir.TIT) A`1ton Mcaarthy, M.P., was in town last Saturday. -rr n . 1 `I r. all --_- -v----- ---J . A--Hon. Senator and Mrs. Gowanv will spend Christmas in _'l`oronto. `Y 0 .0 n In an 1 ail ..._.v.-- v--.--..-.._ -.. -..- '---.,- +Nomina.tion fof Councilmen and public school Trustees next M onday. t\ -. .0. . 9 II II _-_--.- ._-..----_ __v _. _..-_-___~J. ---Quite a. quantity ot snow fell on Mon- day and the sleighing is good. -__._. ..tLL_.n I-'___ n-_.._._ _n_-__ A_I.. -" "-" "" ""D""'D " D""' Heavy ribbed Home |Ia e size: only 25c. at Hunter, Sarjeant C095. If!` 1 1 I I- uwvvw -w ---..-v- , -J.-g`-4.-_-- `- vv -- --That is a nice little memorandum book, Mr.` Rogerson. Thanks, awfully. J. M. BOTHWELL. and card the av;.n u Lvvvuuvnn. J. uwuuu up u guns. 9 -Some place off the streets should be provided for the boys and girls coasting ex- ercisea. up vuuv-.u -The Barrie Tanning Company, 'mited with capital stock $40,000, has been cor- porated. - ' A; IAI I III, B'Don t buy your dress goods before you see the splendid assortment at Fraser, Clark & Co -SUVBscB1B1=: 19-03 THE ADVANCE THE mas ! NDUCTED AND MOST READABLE JOURNAL IN 33' Go to Freema.n s for Toys and Xmas Presents. A large assortment cheaper than ever. Chrystal Palace Stores. _ 61-51 A WQQI v--_ _,--_J..-.._-__..-- ..,__--_. -_ -7 --A Christmas tree .enterta..inmen.`. will be held in the Elizabeth street Methodist. church this (Thursday) evening. All are welcome. V _ ---That Grand Exhibition -The Temple of Fa.me-a.t the Town Hall to-night and to- morrow night. There will, no doubt, be crowded houses. Onons FROM THE Guwmcs or Pmxsm tly describe the fragraxnco of the perfume: to be obtained at John Woods . Go, ladies, and complete your toilettes by getting some of these delicious perfumes. ---Mr. Jonathan Sissons, Blake St;.. has been appoinneda. member of the Agricul- tural and Arts Association for the ensuing term of three years. r\ I II .1 IN -Cha.rles Dickey got 8 lashes last Thurs- day. `The punishment; was given- in the presence of the Grand Jury, and was admin- istered by a. county constable. The fellow had to be put into a. cell for a. number of days for breach of discipliiie. --Special services in all the Congrega- tional churches on Sunday next, 25th inst. Special singing, special sermon. . Subject-- The Song of the Angels Rugby, 1 p m. Edgar, 2 30 p.m. Dalston, 6.30 p.m. Come. Pres Dr. Wm. Richardson; Vice-Presi- dents (the President of each society); Secre- tary, Mr. Albert E. Young : Treasurer, Miss A. McCo_nkey. During the coming year arrangements will be made for a series of union meetings. --oF `vAf.u'.{nT.n__ 7 Trovvn and Fartn Property. T -The East Simcoe election petition has been withdrawn, and last Thursday, the day set for the trial, Dr. Spohn s representative said that he had no evidence to offer, and the case was at once diamissed. each party . paying his owmicosts. nu _,,, ,,.9,,, ,L';I_, ,,,,,-J, . _ Y.P.S.G.l. . On Thursday evening, Dec. 15, in the Lecture room of the Collier St. Methodist Church a Local Christian Endeavor Union waeformed, with the following oicera :- rrr 'l\I I ,1 172-- `I|._,,- -The openin meeting of the union pray- er meeting was held on Monday, Col. Major presiding. He delivered an interesting ad- dress. Quite a number attended. These meetings will be continued Monday after- noons from 3 to 4. Rev. Dr. Parker will preside Monday next. ` (V E `I I I ,, , I I I ,1. -Dr. Stone, of .Mea.ford, preached last Sunday in the Collier St., Methodist church to large congregations. His sermons were seasonable, pointed and earnest. He is a ready speaker and fearless in denouncing evil, both in the church and the world. ham, hypocrisy and the worship of gold were scathmgly denounced. Among the varied displays of holiday goods in town, few preseht as attractive ap- earance as that shown in the window of Mr. l ). H Mac..a.ren s Drug Store. Fine per- fume tastefully put up in fancy cases has become such a favorite Christmas Gift that no doubt, Mr. MacLaren will have a large demand for his elegant assortment of ne perfumes during the holidays. 51-51 Barrie : Beautiful Homes. Idlewild is the leasant home of Mr. John Stephens; Ex gecumbe, is the title of the elegantly nished residence of Dr. Falling; Lethen," is the cosy abode of Mr. D. F. Macwatt; Park House, em- bowered in trees. the pretty home of Judge Boys; `,` Sans Souci, is what Mrs. Bird calls her pretty home; Inglennok, is the picturesque residence of Mr. J. H. McKeg qie; over the bay is Stratl1alla.n, the picturesque summer residence of Hon. G. .W. Allan ; Woodcot, the rural home of Captain \Vhish, R. N.; Beechenwood," just what the name implies, .is the home of Haughton Lennox. Esq.; The Boulders." .is the name of Mr. Schrieber s home, and "Tynehead," the pretty summer residence of ex-Mayor Pcp`.er. lclagistrate Ross res uuuauuu Ucluru IOHCC the prosecution. Tr `.1 n;n11:Rnan 6-Ln` KI ... A `l'.._....I.--__4. ulted in their committa.l_ for trial. Mr. Haughton Lennox acted for" I IJBCD ll UIUII - minis signicant that Mr. A. Longlmrst` had a. number of fowls killed the same` `night. -A-- G Incendlarism. Mr. Buttereld s implement snore house was set on fire on Tuesday morning It was discovered by Mr. Clark, engine~driver, and call-boy Whiteley, shortly after it was lighted and but little damage was done. Free use had been made of coal oil and nurpeutine. Tracks on the fresh snow cast isuspicion upon John Palbrooke and his "`*" W` {$1.00 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE swam. corms. nvn oxwrs. Tiiins ronwoon. Holiday Good I. ' efore Pohce MORT9_AQ_SALE URSUANT to meager of Sale contained in a. certain Indenture of Mortgage which mm ho nrnnnn at the: time of sale. there will I 1) U IISU AN'l' (0 I118 KOWUI` 0!. null: uuuuuuuu will he produced at tha time of sale, there will be offered for sale by Public Auction by John W. Morrow. Auctioneer. at the Queen s Hotel, in the Town of Barrie. on * ll` d i Ivvvvvsa-v-vvd I - . . - . . --- II ' ' , I at the hour of one o'clock in the afternoon, the following lands and premises :- pm-m.| 1. Lm._q numbers 12. 13. 14 and 15 on following lands and prem1ses:- Parccl 1. Lots numbers 12. 13. the west side of Clapperton Street, in the Town of Barrie. in the Cnunty of Simcoe. as laid out on the west half of Lot. number 23, in the Fourth Concession of the Township of Vesx ra. and Dara-nl `7 I`hn nnnfh I111]: nf T.nI'. nnmhnr 4 `III UODCCSSIOB OI H16 '1'OWI)BIllD OI V 05! 1'8. anu Parcel `.3. The south ha.l- of Lot number 4, in the First Uonceesion of the Township of Vespra. in the County 01 Simcoe. containing by Minnea- 81 rement one hundred acres be the same more u `(IEO ml`;-.::s:b1 1. On th_ia property _is built the Run- geu Terrace. frontmg on Welhngton Street. in the Town Jf Barrie. consisting of ve pair of semi-detached. rough-cast-. two-storey dwell- in S. c . "`h'. 0 ext consists of 3 100 an-.a];u?-`rn2nif.:1nf.g`:{Il`l()!e niriles from Barrie on Parcel 2. ': ms Dronerty consists or u. ; a.cr- farm situated three miles from Barrie on the Penetang Road. l`he farm is- all cleared. its soi. is clay to cla loam with a -little sandy loam and the bun dings thereon and their dimensions are said to be as tollows.:--Brick Fouse 2 `"30 Frame barn 40:60 and frame stable 16x60 and 16116. m...m.- pm-mi 1. 20 net cent. in cash at time ' and nude. . Terms Parcel 1. 20 per cent. cash [time of sale. a further 39 nor cent. within 30` days tneea.1'terwit.hout mbereet, the balance being 50 per cc nt of the purchase money to be secure` by a ret 1. o tszage on the prole;-ty. payable as fv. =-vwe : -Fcur equal annua mstalmente of $`n0 each and the gvemainder at the expiration ox lbc fnh year With Interest {ram date of sale at 6 per cent. per annum. nayable halt yearly. Tnrmn `Dav-r-AI 2. 10 mar cent. in cash at time cent. annum. payame nan you-a,y. Terms Parcel 2. 10 per cent. of saw. 2 further 20 per cent within 31 days therel1ft.e1' vlithoutinterest, the balance being 70 per cent. of the purchase money to be secur- e by a first mol Lgage on the progerty. pa able as follows :--Fon'r equal annual stalmen of $200 each. and the remainder at :he .etpiratlon- of the tth year with interest from date of. sale at 6 per cent. per aunum payable yearly. ~ the purchasers desire the above propel-t"es will be sold lor cash. payable as rollo s:-lo er cent. at time of sale and. the ca. willn th'!_`f)' days thereafter without interest. 14 nr Fn v-t'h.uI nnnjnulnrn and conditions Of l tmrry da; 3 thereafter wnnout IDWPBBB. I For further rmiculars and conditions.-ofl sale apply to J0 N V . MORROW Auction- eer. Barrie. ox-to MESSRS-. EDGAR 8: MA- LONE. Vendors Solicitors. 59 YOIIIIR 331003. 'l`m-nntn 1892. nun n.. vendors uouoxwra.` 0? """` """ ' Toronto. Dated at Toronto the 17th 557 f Deimr _ Lrake Sneolal Notice of This. . We are requested to state that only. 1'.- sons qualied no vote for councillors `a all`: have the right to vote on the 1feduc.ti_on,./ot! licences and no person shall votomoret jthun once. That is persons who have av vote in_ different wards cannot vote on the. license question in more than one ward.` _ , T. ` . XLI. N .61 WHOLE `N .30 VOL SAMt?EL WESLEY, Proprietor. ` 2'8 _ -The men arrested for {attempting to-re, Ruttereld s foundry were 'a.rro.i 'uedfetl't; day and pleaded not guilty. 9 I; "liwin be held next Wednesday, 28th. ` ' _, - um. I Iv vu %it1i555i?jfJ%:I1i}&r!: 34% 1893 ..-... A..- cl. VEBTl8EMENT8. Respectfully Yours, RSGS vs c.--Q-xg Chairman of t-1:e Supply Committee. 1893. Birth. Died. 7 51.52. ; D WIEL SPRIY, Dnaf I \mnA to } mum l}RELlI-DI8TB.Il}T mus. 1 o LPTURID BY since: an ms-rnxc-r L nxcmnans AS LOCAL znws. iua condensed um lntoroitllll Para graphn for Advance 8eai'lenT `lino Like The Harrow 91 the lost. Reviva.1 services tire still going. on `at New- ton Robinson. _ The Presbyterians round Avening talk of building a church. ' 1; s 1\.u An..u A bmpany are building a large store house for ice at Bell Ewart, eMe.-rriagea' in tl;`e Dutch Settlement seem to be on the. increase. ' V Thv at Bond Head is to be opened on Christmas day. fl1L_ 11__, 5|! 1 f\ 1 III IV: I can 1 i1'a:s"1);e'1;- ;;;ie'r-1<`i."id sleighing at Huntsville for three weeks`; _`.__.V-.- -_. --- -_-_.-.._ __.J- I Tjh Bradfor Qu}dri11e Club w-iVllhave its I opening assembly early in J anuary. '1: is'iik91y th;t Maluchedash Qm return I its presentcouncil by acclamation. TL 2,, ,,,!1 .0 . IN .I` M KEG `nu.--At I 1 1;, ' - C the :1 : fant daugge:l:)%Mr.?rI$eM]g:e;::1g' `MA'r`rmcwS--In Allisto th Elizabeth. Matthews? .?ea esgnyeg-ghhxrsi months. SNEAT1I.--On Sunday, December-18th. 1892, Georae E. Sneath, aged 42 yea" `ml 9 ` 12 isZsz`i;i't'I1:tis:;re;|; }};'};ining with commercial dpummers last week. g ch')- lcu-t and chea est overcoat: In Burrno at Hunter. sar eantd: 009-. `I12, 'I\, I II `I\ 1.), ;- __.. ___--..-- `ow ---uo-vv-g -aw--".:1v--- vv -- Mr. Prentice, of Dunedin, intends to erect. an elegant residence next._ summer. IIII (N, . I ;I III :1 I , ..._-!,, T1;e""s.i{:7i;s1;i Q}; B}; ieiii; grain market this year his distanced all comp_tit- l\" , ":1`he Beeton World deities that diphtheria exists there, as stated by some of the county papers. ' -.4 -L71 1- \v . I,,",I.___j__ `3t;lwI'e8 Nolan, of Newton .ha.s' hlreatiyl trapped this year _l00 musk rats and 25 mink. . I It is rumored that ex-Warden Switzervhas a notion of trying again for the reeveship of Sunnidale. ` Dr. McAl1ister,of Nomwasaga, is likely to be opposed by Mr. R. '1`. Gray for the reeveship. nu .. aI..I III 3 Is .1 9, _,L3lI _ litile village of Batteau is still on the move and [occasionally some persons come and go. nu. II Irv I D .I `IS I! 1 HE Trustees of the Public School invite tenders for 100 cords meme and beech wood 4 feet long -two thirds to be manle-als1 .10 cords at dry nine. to be delivered this winter h t the schools as directed. Tenders ta iiearissea to Mr. Fulljames. Secretary of h l B d. to Saturday 31st inst. `h? E? eggthagaifm fnggntion 1-esnectinz the same l"i`*'rrIeWI\Z/ia.(s,t:;r Workman of A. 0. U. W., for the coming John_ Hockridge. '1 II` The $e(t-reVtTnqZIZ3ridge Temperance. Lodge which has been dormant for some time is to be re-organized. V nu ' .- 1- .1 `ll .1 I9,` -.v _ - --l..___-_-._. The annual teameeting of '-the Methodist church at Fair Valley, Mara, takes place on the 28th of January. `AI ---- _--__ V- _ V_. ._l. The EpworVthViv.eo.gue in `connection with ` the Methodist church at Beeton is reported _to be favorably progressing. 1111 1 e I ,`I,,;.,__ _; i V 151;; iadgiis 2:,e;,":;.;;.;:s of Industry at Lion is rapidly growing. There were 30 members at the last meeting. Great overcoat sale at J. Fyteh. The other day, Mrs. Davidson. of Col: lingwood, was kicked by a horse by which one arm was broken near the wrist. ` i`he revival at: Nottawa under the aus-' pices of `the Methodists. with a Mr Viner as associate and assistant. is being continued. David Miller, of Washago. is (getting out some nershingle timber on the Head River, where he has purchased the timber on 400 nnlln "45.; fiuf }ii.rI.;;{ irlnjiin Orillia, had his right foot so badly cut in the saw-* mill that amputation was necessary. ` It is said Mr. James Wilson will not be a candidate for W. Gwillimbury for the com- ing yealj in consequence of iailinv health. ' mini. A. Miscampbell, M. P. P., preached ' in the Tompkins school house last Sunday. The building was packed with" anxious hear- era. {He School Bound. up -=`e'turda3', insf. V Any further information respecting the can be had by applying to the undersigned GEO. BALL. _ r\___- _I_ t*c-_. _._.!AL- _ Letters addressed to Midland will reach the home of the member for East Simcoe Penemng is not in it any more.-Midla.nd Free Press. T The ordimmtion services in connection with the ordination of Rev. William A. Wyley, ` at Waubaushene ea few days ago, were deep- ` ly impressive. .` `l (III . I I 1 Al `I West Essa. folk seem to be fond of danc- ing. There was 9.` select: party tripping the light fantastic toe at Mrs. Henderson s on Friday night. ' ' CI ? 1-. 1 1| 1'` ca. - I Rev. VVV. aR.t Barker, of Collingwoodt. asked his congregation for $150 for church purposes last Sunday T morning. The re- sponse was $180. ' ` - ' 25 per cent. on all Furs at J. VFyfe9s. . Singbampton will `have two big events one the 26th, to-wit: Entertainments by the Presbyterian and Methodist churches. Both advertise taking programmes. ll |ts,I_1_ s\,'_,,_ ,. n n 1 1 '- u "" ` ' ii ? &"'`W""_ Messrs. Mickle. Dyment & Son's shingle mill at Severn Bridge is still running. It has had a. number of unfortunate accidents T thatk compelled stoppages since is "began wor . V a William Dodd, of Foxmead, lately kiued] two Chester white pigs which weighed 560 1 lbs., when dressed That` is -a_ protable a.` way to transform coarse, damaged, unsale- able grain into cash. . - ,,.,-`I AI,!, -,,_-,I C ` Robert Brown, of Elliott : Corner, has threshed out 800 bushels of wheat, over 100 bushels of pease and about 1000 bushels of oats. He has a. 200 acre farm and cultivates- ~it well. A birth was registered this week in town. the rst during the past six months. Either, parents are neglec`ing,to register or there is : evidence ofrthe native population becoming t extinct.--Cardwell` Sentinel. _ - . i j w"'[:h-e"0ri'l{i_" "1>}k;_";sT=-*1`ie driver ; sitting on the tail end of the snow plough \ makes the work easy for the horses and him- ` self, but the pedestrians nd the - walking somewhat heavysin consequence. - - 4-- _- __ __._4 -1_II II--nnurilndn (1181511- W2'?;:: U:-.31: :11-1: f1_"1a;;'ii:':eps GodI_ KI` Jo F IO,Uo _ ` V ' ._'r1___.._.:...... I....u..... l.......... .. 51.52 . l,--I $0 l"Iv'uvv Mr. James" Cummings. better known as Kimmons. an old resident of Tecumseth, died on Wednesday last, and; his ' remains were interred at St. John s on Frids. . De-s ceased was 82 years and 7 months 01 .. ___... H 'tA__LL;_ -I.`I uuaauu warn us yv-nu uu... . ..--_-..__ -_V_ The Creemore Star says :--Another old resident of the township passed away on Saturday morning `last, in `the erson of Mrs. John Nevils. With her, hus and she had been a resident for over forty years, and was `highly respected by allwho had the pleasure of her acquaintance. . . --- l"|-_.l_ .....--. I-nun knnn sh-uinn fn UL nus aIIa1uu.u...~..--. The Green Goods men has been trging to get some of the dollarrwhich he elieves the Editor of the Stayuer Sun possesses- The redeeming feature of the temptinv o`er made to get good Canadian currency for -savfvd_ust,ais the pleasure of the that the green goods tempter is out two debts `for `THE. ;1N i!`n1sn:s` f `1v;jQr AB_A`AB`;BIi " am; 6011: um THE` nommox '0} Hum; ounfcnrrmuox. the Bradford year will be BAR1:IE;.iC0UNTY"0:E SIMCOE, ONTARIO, DECEMBER 22, 1392. a pQSt:2.ge . One night la.tely,.Thomas Jory, of Dalston, had ten turkeys stolen. V A 9. "4;{A;e"}s{.}{e -{:l_1i';_z;;-aa.re reported at l Goldwater, but no diphtheria. _-_.__ -..- .4 A-.. an: (Ill `-4- Ad ID...`- -_'-- -.---1"-` -.-._'v--._- V. '7 Mr.'l)re1er'e. of Warminsber, hada. horse ` 'gI.l!lp9.d the other day, while on his way to 11 1a.. ` The wood business at _ Goldwater is in. a._ 1 ourishing condition. Higher prices are ex- pected. A -3 .1 , 1"r,_';-__.____- _L_.... l._ ham from the lat Apru next. The conveyance to be made in .a. vehicle or otherwise. The M ails to l'a.ve Tottenham Post Ofce once daily, Sundays excepted. as soon as possible after the arrival of the m vrnimz mail train from Hamilton and proceed via. Penville. Dunkeroon and Tuam, thence direct to 'l`ot.tenha.m.i Duh-and nnvinnn nnntniinino fnrthal` infO1`I11i-

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