10 10 10 10 ll 12 12 12 12 `I9 `ran: NORTHERN ADyA\'CE 122 (u 100 10` 13.1 1} 1/5 1/5 ll!!! 11 R` 12 . ' After full consideration, Your Commit- I tee recommend that Mr. Scott s tender for St. John pipe be accepted. providing that they are delivered free on the sewers and subject to inspection by the Engineer, the rejected pipes to be removed by the con- tractor. _ . Report No. 9, Waterworks and Sewers : Your Committee beg to report that in compliance with resolution passed at a special meeting of the Council on the 2nd inst. , Mr. Holgate, Civil Engineer, was instructed to prepare plans and `specica- tions and take all necessary steps for the construction of the Bayeld, Toronto and Elizabeth Street sewers. 10 100 125 0A . Z0 871* In 100 100 55 ' 100 an U 50 `553 `+95 1408' `ICC .21 9- Scget, so, John junctions 750. AL__ ._'|I --_ '1 3491 947 `IQ rm 3613 'IZ'E' 36 OUUE 21 62 5 29 0&9 319 sT5o [2 72 at 0:1 , -12 21 12 30 A4 AK ,,_... r_-vv-1 0 Johnston 65 Sarjeant, per foot 220. in 3 foot lengths ;` junctions $1:1O each ; bends 660.; American pipe per foot 230.; junc- tions 920.; bends 70c. ; Canadian pipe per foot (Hamilton) 17 ; junctions 700.; , bends 530. . I uourmg uuw "'the.:.yeo.r':or Innrad sum EUV 18 D00 2: `H! `2 73' 273, REPORTS. `- ' ;The Finance Committee recommend the payment of accounts amounting to $352. 50. . Report N o. 8, Waterworks and Sewers : Your Committee beg to report that ten- ders for sewer pipes have been received from Messrs. J ohnston & Sarjeent and from J. G. Scott at the following prices :-- TI - 5"" O6?) 295 320 35-5 099 275 283 27 273 The Relief Association beg to report for the information of your Council that the sum of $200 has been expanded since the 1st day of April, and the Association re- spectfully request your Honorable Body to make a further appropriation of $100. ROBERT WILLIAMSON. Chairman. George Handy petitions the Council against an income tax bill "of 3500, de- claring that the incomeisionly `$350. . He also complains that he is assessed for lots 21, 22, 23 and 24, north side of Elizabeth Street, Boys Block, at 8110 each, while adjoining lots 19 and 20 on the `same side of street are assessed $75 each only. He says lots 23 and 24 should be assessed for $50 only. He begs for relief - in income tax and for reduction on said lots. Q ` 1): > -. `..._.<..-, v-uunnhuu ; `Min. A1!l_EBlOAN-'.l'l_ANO. , -U1'zexo`elled_ixi ljoneg '1,`ou`h.und Durability. _ Insbeo b!6:`itolloi nod.` *AlVnyI' p eaaed"" to h6w .. ssookslvybydtaulrsnd, . - 1 -A`ho;lot' at |:ood'|eoouil4l1'ond _utrumenta'to; uellonensytermaor to rent .. a Large sale stable of utolnsa hm-sea,` young. .r..`.}"z.I'xf ; ja".i%'.?`}.`}.?g`r`.;'"n`cs."` '7 '"' * ' `min n L`-J-L"'-'l vs:--._:`L4 `kw 4 M` I : El` An-in---..._.... ___ f . l?h]e cl 1ye'a`pedtanAd,.<:`haig:'s.t stock of_ Teas, Coffees; plain and fancy Groceries in town.; - QtxALiTY, HIGH, N The `was read : To the Mayor and Council. VIII jj--2 [J;M.%BOTHWEll. A V, ' `F01? Strqngth, _ Fur"! |pUnm;l TREASURER. counrr or smcom. 'Ba.rrie, Aug.` 30th. 1892. ' Published in NORTHERN ADVANCE rat time" on 8th September. 1892. 36-48 IMONSO on! V. nun-uvu 02 DU 0 05 Z 53 The odjourned Isle teke place on Tues- day 20ch day of December, at one o'clock p.m., at tie some place, ; S. J. Sanford. ova`; East of "rand (South of river) D5 ` 4 `. Ordnance _ 131 94 PtN# .naAuLn.JJ.l.' 1 N Back St W ; 17 S Back St; 17 S Back St 18 SCentre StEpt 9 ' SCenI:re StE n26 N Hlltd St 20/100 , 117 N Hurd St `W 5/100 ' 117 ' A. F. Miller, secretary of the Toronto Hospital wrote :--`Referring to the aie'o Isaac Middlemiee sent here by you on September 23rd, I beg to remind youlthat the guarantee granted in his favor expired on `October 14th. It will not be advisable for him to leave the hospital for some time and I trust therefore you `will. jeign and return the accompanying guarantee for his further maintenancewhile his phy- Wsician thinks it necessary to retain him. If you do not grant this order we will be obliged to send him back in a few days at _ the expense of your town. 1 uulu DI: l 20/100 4 44 5/100 5/100 1 12 N Hurd St E 20/11!) 118 20/100 4 44 N Hurd St W 6/100 118 6/100 The following Lots are Not Patented :- 1 V FLOS TOWNSHIP. `N k 25 4 100 % 16 MATCBEDASH TOWNSHIP. 0 17 1 200 31 57 Q14!) I 0 11A my oh: West Muskglgu ' Street g.nn-gas.- Second Avenue 6 S Main St 1 First Avenue 8 -,v v vv 1/5 9 69 SUNNIDALE STATION VILLAGE. N c ` Av33"' 16 i 97 c-9..-.--..._:-__ , -- (Crawford), N W} T vavalauu S George St 4` S George St 14 Saeorge Sn l5&16 `I`I`TI,I'1'7 l.'&l'K 100.50 Is 011 ` W} . V 21 N E corner-.E i 15 P-klot No9on. . Park lot No 3 onln Ept,E SIONO0 N34E S N18 3811:} W; mm Fmmsr `IE4 INVTHE worm) `IIVTD The regnlsr meeting of tl4ie.'IEoI:v'n nilewss held on mondsy evening, 7th inst. His Worship the1Msyor `presiding. Al the members were present. , " PETITIONS AND coMM_UN1cA'noN_s. : . Mr. John Rogers asked for the" um: remission of taxes on thenMechanics In- stitute. ' Lvsozni 2 .9 Park 106 N01 on `KT I `II E } - _vm-lwl` (Robinson) pt E Q . V `.1 (S?-achan) pt E 9 no nuuupu as No 17 on 107 L JB..Ruuoll St M- m .. in-I unuusuuu ' Ordnance W i Ox-dqa . 75 Ordnagocg .793. urungsnoe . Ordnance 01-dnnnnn ; 3-` 1. :::Q g . '2. AOUlI1'WO3I!NGA'l`Il-.-.|o pg` 301' N01` uuon wan" no vnnuy onvvnonwft, vow: uvvvpa aq@w H_.`..._..'? I: don, ~w_hon_e the City of gob o . .: w'l'N`n2""1W w `E: M` ,N"'3on1?n 3 Russell St No lon 107 E Russell St `M Na 1'] an -.-nvua Queen Stret "260 King Street 100 fII'IT'l'IA 3015"`! %INDIAN ow- 5.9- T :jj ` "' 0, 67 83 `UV 1 1 '1 .60 14 200 15 21 12 10 45 ` - 10 34 SUNNIDALE TOWNSHIP. I _-` A _ V... aunwlgl ufauullvr ` I, . . '%[f fS 'V" jun:-I on womb. nun ' , both an-out to be Puuhod on-I..Iquor manual not to In Bounced-nopono IUUVVQ '1} `EV U1-U I00 .75 v 40 719. me 2s 4 78 TOSSORONTIO TOWNSHIP. _ 16 3 5 3` PHELP.-JTON VILLAGE. -.-...-.... z Ir A I DAUBD 8 2/5 61 BRADFORD VILLAGE. I-T1711 ..-. .-- 10158 WASHAGO VILLAGE. .1- _ I_- "vv"'fvALE v11:'I:AG:." ' _..- aqua - "(IJREEMORE VILLAGE. ` 0 10 , ZUU 4- -15` am my TOWNSHIP. 04 1 -' on - *A::I|',Tf ronfbnnnns. _ 30 . 0 IV!) 50 I I 17 24 L100. 12 vnspng TOWNSHIP. ANGUS VILLAGE. L 'nnn in: town 13 14 19 12 13 13 13 12 12 `I1! 13 13 `I9 12 12 12 12 I9 T18 land "Flavor. 11 12 Pipe 20c. ;` aihglo 1/8 1 R 31! 5/100 PRICES Low; 2 100 100 All _l_/:_ 1/4 1/.4 FTTA 1/5 W 4 16 1/5 2 09 rt! .5.- 90 10 10 100 it 15 AK - GEMLEMEN,-+1 cannot but p,raise.B. B. B. for it-"has `revived ,-Ime ,vvonde:tul1y.f I ' was completely I'.u_n,d0WI!. .11I.d.a painsin my. shoulders, a titd. fee_ling_in my limbs,` low. spirits. in tact In -Bein,~lfec6m.-. mended~to=t,ry-.3. AB.~B.,-I dxdao and with; the use.of ion1y~or.e bottle Lam to-day, -strong` and healthy. 'Ipl"il9':it hly. A T - l . .3133. .B.- ucxnn, Toronto, (Int: V azv 2 93 A09 ll 0! 5 72 43 92 RR 7`) ~ 31. ca '13 4_`. g 13 40 `647 .92-I A namrona ;c,o.1-I. DEAR SIRS,- -My '1itt1e;, last Twuicer had a very bad cold whi_(;h','.`a "oat "resulted in congestion of the lungs. ' d6cto'rihgA with her for three monthawithouf` '.8i1'css'l tried H'agyard s'P9horal -Bq1aau'1,` an 't'wo bottles bf it curedher. She is now`str0.n nd: healthyz` MRS. SAMUEL MULHOLLAND, axnilton, Ont. `$2.; 2 73 TEA 278 273 I .I'JlL|a nuance : wan Ialvuulvu wuu Ul1l.Ul.l3' ,. ness, headaci1ean16st_appetite. 1 could not rest at night, and` was very weak, but after using three bottled of B. B.~B. my appetite is good` and I am" better than foryears vpast. would not now be without: ~B;B.B.,~ and am also givninzit t0 my:chli.21dr.9n-+.. ; ~ ` nu WAIMID noun-`M ..:L1.....l `Mr cc E55 278 `3 35 3 15 For-Younfor. Old. V Ohildren and adults are equally benefited by the use of Dr. Wood s Norway Pine Syrup, the new and successful cough remedy. lthstops coughs in one night and may be relied` on `as an effectual remedy for colds, asthma; , bron- chitis and similar troubles, .Price`25 and 50c at druggiats. , ' u i W U"'8HVlM W03 . .. `V ' - cupjed` by Dr. "8 hotel. . R. WM. RICHARDSON. 1) $1815 Grad to . of. the Royal you 0. or Degaml Surges}: I 3, d,l:i_ 0 Graduate 0 Toronto Uni ex-alt . N1. 01` 1' , V Y Bu'r1e,0nt,- L k ' I 8-ly _ aonomn nmral seem, , "nu . arm-1cI?;-3omwr mock. oun?o3Pue3.` ,/ -_-, --,-uvnuuu, DUI` .u n. to. 'W.A.Roaa,1..R.U.a.E`din L. 3.8315 , iondon. J. tt._A,rt.hur, M. 3., 16 . 1-onto University. ' L. U.- P. and 8., mar. Omces and man: residences, Brown's Block. Dunlap street. an-rte. 1e1ephone,77. GENTLEMEN,--I think your valuable medi- cine cannot be equalled, because of the benet I derived from i-t.. After suffering from headache and loss of appetite for nearly three yearsl tried B. B. B. with great success. It gave me relief at once, and Inow enjoiy good health. MR9; MA'r'rHmv Rvnnm._. mmmnnm.' hm-. .u... A we: at night. 1 --x u ` `luuvu a. muunlliuli. .`D. C. M., F. T. M. C. J . (araouaue or 1`rimty Univereiny, '1`o1-onto, Fellow of '1`:-milay m_e..ioal college. '1 oronto. Member College Ph) ewians and Surgeons. Ont. Late of `lo:-onto General Hospital. on ce.-- Next door to Mr. Ball : store, - lzornton. N. B. -ewill be anlvy every Wednesday. tom 1 to 5 n. 111. Will be at. hbett every Friday. uom 1 to 5 p. m. 26-at R. J. F. PALLING. Graduate of Trinity University, `reroute, Fellow or Trinity medioel College. Member of the College or rhyalcians an Sn-geona of Onusri . Unloa- Corner Owen and Collier streets. oppome Central School. uurner uwen I ..u uuuu. 11086, no uerraxa-street. east. 1`o mnto, may be oonamtxd an the Queen's hotel. borne. on 1l`riday,_M.ay :1 e lush, rrom 8 to 11 3. 111.. am; the second Eriday of every month. DR. 7B. E. MCKENZIE, 14 Bloorn street W., Toronto, will be at the Queen : Hotel, Ba.rr1e.,Nov.. 26th, Jan.. 28th. and last Satur- day 01 every second n;l:nt.h, thereafter. .Lfn Qulnoy cured. G_ENTLEMEN,--I used to be troubled with quim-Iy, having an `attack every winter. About ve years ago I tried Hagyard s Yellow Oil, applying it inside my throat with}. feather. _ It quickly cured me and I have not siLce been troubled. 4 1 always keepvit in the house. Mas J. M. Lnwxs. (1.11.-u. A....= 7l'|........A... n_;. *j R T. BANTING. CLERK COUN'IY OF Simooe, will be as his 011109. at the Court nuuae, Hume. every saturuay; Residence and 1 . 0.. Uooksuown. . AMISH lsuw RDS. Conveynncer. Issuer of Marriage. comes. utllce strictly pri- vate. Post Utce Building. Barrie. and nu ma prnvate resiuence, Mary street. 11-Ly nnnuln r1.aA1V.l.NU M].LL.-GEO. BALL, .5 carpenter and Builder, and Manufacturer 91`. Doom. Bush. Blinds. Mouldings. etc. dan- ningot ankm -3 done promptly and satisfac- torny. Factory. ohn street, Barrie. 1 vv. run 1L'1'UN. Barrister. Solicitor. (J Notary Public Uonveyancer &c. Oices over Fraser. Clark at 00' store. Dunlap St. Barrie. money-p1-ivate and company funds to lend at lowest rates or interest on town and farm property. 32-1y TEWART 8; BOYS.--Bm-risters. Solicitors or :- upreme Court, Conveyance:-8, ,etc. pIces-2 doors north of Bank of Toronto. Owen Sn, barrio. H, D. STEWART, LL.B. W. A. Bovs. Money to Loan at Lowest Rates. 2;-ly. vuauxuxna VV. 1.JUUN'1'. l5A11HlS1`Ef (I torney. Smidtor, Notary Public. in Bank of Toronto buildings, Owen Barrie. Ont. 21-1 T R. FERGUSON, BARRI.5 i`ER,- somer- . Tun. or we Supreme uu rt ot Judicature 1ur Ontario, Cunveyancer. etc. Money to Loan. unless in k ank of Toronw Bzqck. Uwen Street, Barrie. 50 DxA.J.Iu`LLA.lJ. IX; JHEDLJIILV. _ BARRISTERS. solicitors in High Court of Justice, Notaries Public. Uonveyancers. O.=oea over the 1 am; of Toronto, Bar- . ` -n uo.........--__nn 4- -- J T. SPROUL. Barrister, Solicitor, Not .17. I . Uonveyancer. Money to Loan. Uice- Bothwelrs Bmck. Dunlap street. barrio, -- vv-- -_ A bit EAR SIRS,-l was";:;;t'1-bl`d wifhbilious'- _ ngsss, hgafla_1che9:ni1`I6st _appetit_e. _ on-covuu-o I~,uww- 3 - Cw uvguykuuygu. Councillor orinars v;'131.xm.ib..;g1,.. up the question ot limiting`-the` ianxriber `of li09hl8l_t0 9, by -movin} ,l.h9 t.hi_x-d rggdmg ofwby-law :to; that end, Introduced: and di-u-*1. -!*v'i!-% Mr=%P1+x*nV%hbid_% th-t.1i'?"'!.W1;bn~,8t1iJia&itd.;;ii: u.."n:s.. .4: 1 -.....As... ._s....... 'n."`...-_ -n. g-w VI C-'TtO:Ol|7?%'L9" lillllbllllg LUHVUJBBCBTB, BEG. ` D'AL`fON Mo Marat. Q.C. J. A. MCCARTHY ' F.` 11:. P. rEPLI1:B;Q 0.. 1!`. HORNSBY, Barrie. MCCARTHY. PEPLER, MCCARTHY & DUNCAN, Alliston and Ureemore. MGCAM HY. Evans, PEPLER & MCCARTHY, V urillia. DICKINSON & MACWATT, BARRISTERS Notaries Public. Solicitors of Supreme Uovurt.-etc... Barrie. Ont. 0111008 in Bank of Toronto Block, No. 3, Owen street. Branch Oioedlmvale, ML-Keggie s Block. T..rru `l\in:1u-uu.`- u A n - -- nxvnuzx. nuur, A ac WtlU1:l.'1'. Bar- risters, .-Sollcirora of the Supreme Court. I-rdotora. Notaries. Conveyancera etc. Money to loan. 0lces-'Blnd`s Block. opposite N. 8c .N -W Ry -station, Barrie. anq Binghanrs Block. Bradford. 1"! .-_._._n__ u ___,- 7 -- --vv-, .1. uuua-Union Haven-ran L_nNNx. WELLINGTON Atmr. I J OHN R. K333. T. u_. A. WRIGHT. [AMES EUW RDS. larrlage. (senses. htpa tfintlh nu-i_ `LII. UUIIM J: .19 Drl Ban-1e. Barrie. 1atA0ct4., 1885.` I: G A. ,B_ADlINHURST. BABRISTER.- A1`- " ' .- toruev. Bo icl o1-in Chancery, Conveyan- car. etc. 0mce-Fi1-at door Owen street. over _;BHq.n;kPot;Coq1meroe,~ Barrie. 49-A8 . uun 1, nuawou on u:smavvu.`nni. ;l1A.l1.- , riatars.-Solicitora of the Supremecourt ot `audioatnr pt Ontario. Proctoru Notaries. conve a.n_era, etc. Money toLoun. 0mces- Boas 'ock; Barrie. ' "I7__ Y _Z___ J\ In n 1 -2 Tum QUEHEV '15, 1-lu'1'11;l... -4. W. Httow N. _ Prop: ietor.` Excellent accommodation for ..t'ne' travelling public; -Bar and larder well supplied with the best. Good stabllng and a. - tentive hustlers. Luggage of guests conveyed tree to and from on trains. Few doors west of Market street on Dunlap street. - )R. PALMER. SURGEON. LYE. EAR Throat. Rose, 46 Go:-raxd-street. nto. xnnyfbe oonaultxd the Ouamn. Hnml So far from light being an attraction to lworms, it has been found that astrong light concentrated for a considerable time, say ve oraix minutes, upon the `head of the worm wijill cause it to gradually retreat into its burrow, proving -that, though _blind in the ordinary sense, there still 13 suicient sensibility in the nerves of the head to enable the animal slowly to dis- tinguish the continuance of light-. (.1. A vn.t.nn_nnunnn`w A an [BITCH Iona Uolunyo nous rum :1 Iruugula lulu - Gonvoyanoingixr-til-1*: branches. Mar- ; Licenses gamed. 0lce-Roas Block, ID .3.r.9.t-..B.-.1.'r1- . 451! o THE QUEFJVKS. I-IQ'l`EL.-A. W. RROW N. P1'0p1i8tO!'.' Excellent t.'hn' 1:1-hvislilno nnhliti ,l-{.n- 'nnd In:-Ann 1:11:11 ON pmvxrn FUNDS TO LOAN - `. bl ealhutato at lowest:-a. es. Farmers 'Lnr;- nl-nnnnhui- Pnllnntlnnn mndn in Anv FOR INVESTMENT on good , freehold sgonrity at lowest rate utjntumt. _No.pr1noipalmono requir d un- tilond of the term. b. 11. 8'1` A 1`n:l~Y. Solic~ itor,.eto., Borne, 87 ONEY.--A large amount of nvate funds to lend on atrui ht loans at "owes: rates. `ll:-I(`.AI?'l"`| -IV? `D .IJ'l.`li`.I? Ir 'Iln(`!AI2'l`IlV -v-vnavv, LJIIL ` 100 7-H . H. STRATHY, Q. O. :-------___-._z_-___.__.__ ARRIE PLANING MILL.-GEO. { _` Uaryomgr and Builder. and Manufnntnrnr 3.1 ...n. ` `- :u_av{)r.. MI3`j`~E3` GA` ofthe County. Real Mt: o bought and "33." `. : ;?.t.2 ..`;';.`.`.`{`.`..'.`.`.':'.E.`;2"m`.f.`:5 x. g on new llilillu Ila Iuwulrru us. .lIl'nl0l'l' $1: 5 Discounted. Collections made in any part .1 . "No B!uuketr,No.Bnlle1ujaha." "J oA Maori whose requests for blankets had at last elicited a decided refueal from the missionary, o exclaimed :'--_ Kapai (good); no more blankets, no. more hallelujahs. and thereupon: return- ed to the taith of his fathers. No less humorous, though inanother way, was~ theplea of a-_Maori in litigation for a piece of land. Being called on to tell the court on what proof he relied for his title, he pointed to the rival claimant and said simply :--"` I ate his father. A.MCGi1EGOB. ED. 0. . (araouma or '1`:-mm. n..;.,. __--. ---.- vs-av, nla.v4xU5alU D lJIUUK ' J UHNDICKINSON, B. A. D. B . MACWAIT. ;TRATHY sc ESTEN. ________________.._______ VEORGE W. LOUNT. BARRISTER. AT- fitorney. Smidtor. Notarv Pnhlin, nmn... Lonny ,/ "1'. ARNALL. M. v. C. M 1 en : Bxoc Almyame. up in 30th- n we premises 45-ly ' ENNOX. AULT, KERR & WRIGHT. Bar- J 1-iatarg..8nlicI.rnrn nftlm Run:-an-in 0,... ' OUNT, 1st`mwso$1'a, CBESWICKE. ~BAR- J l'1`I 1I'_.SnIil-.i1.nl':I nf thn Qnnrnrnnflnnrt nf _.___._._.__._________________ W. PLA XTUN. Barrister. Notary Public Convavnnmw Am nmmm [ ABTHY, PEPLER & MOCARTHY. ` V Barristers, Solicitors, Lonveyancers, etc. 1 A'l ."l`tA1Nr:`In"Ai'amr11.-r D!` 1 A I:...r~._._---_ ` The fall of the year is 8. trying season for. elderly people. The many cheerless, dark, dismal days act depressingly, not .to say injuriously, on both old and young. Now is the time to re-entorce the vital energies with Ayer s Sa.rsaparil! a..-the best - of all blood medicines. ' I ONEY To LOAN -3250 ooo at e and 6} mar cent. J. '1`. SP1 UL, Solicitor. etc.. 1`?! II- .w1:})"i31'1E73-1i"t.1-':'s`i'h "'fTaIi:'a't'i3'vIzS5E' `n'iE'e"Ea".' MOCABTHY, P PLER & MCCARTHY. -_ nuNmrAc'rUnEs. PHYSILIANS. NT, 0. C. E. A. H. Cnnsyvuxn. nnnnsm-sf vngnnnain Money to Loam _Jews in Parliament. A V In the British House of Commons there are seven Jewish mensbers, all of whom sat in the last House, and all of whom were re-elected this year. A London correspondent says that they all belong to the one nanclallset and one family, .v and are all related to the Rothschilds. Baron .Henry `De Worms. Sir Julian Goldsmid,. Mr. Steen, and Mr. Cohen are cousins; Mr. Mont-aau is a brother-in- law cf Mr. Cohen, and Mr. Leon's wife is a. cousin of the others. QFFICIAL. IGAV1I.I.lR-D0llINI6N AND am Land Surveyor. Hun-1o(`)oo, monk- I.-s-Ar nevlot. of {registered 'PPr.1.1e&rl1nnL and hunk- . m1uncn|..* nownns. `----------------2---- '.Dent1 . 9_-1t9;:`a_ ?.`.`u'???.';,'. asuu as vuuc, uuu. L uuvv CllJU guuu ucuuu. MRS. Mxrrumv SPROUL, ungannon' Ont.- G. H. EBTEN. % Hnwsox. IZE .100 UAHUCU ran SlI`c6l., 21-ly .nm.. 111'- c. Omces an R: I-..r : Money to Loan? 050,000 ::,::n0; a;::ma:2o6p:::y?esf'c. ~ MUR'UHISON.'Barrister, Solicitor. &c.. Mar ket Street," Barrie. < MEN WANTED.-Owing to the change 1 Singer Manufacturing Co's business here they;ur9_tak1ng from the Barrie District. 8 number of their men , and.wi1l want other 80 reliable-manto ll theirnlaoes. Good, en_er80~ i`:.:0`a"*2':*:.;0z*'m .;;."0*;;*`s:""`3:&%n% ? . na 0 ~- . user . tnoturinor oo.. 6o mng St. West, Toronto. 2941 t0 `0nntmct`or of all kinds of excavatin ,1`? SEWERS DELLARS, WELLS. (:IS'l`ERT'P- _RAINS,'&c.. Job work and general repl" 1 3 doaoonlhort notice. Address 21:1 _Du_n1op 3'3: Brtie, lat house west of the Gas \\ criss- nn I__ Hotel BLIC is ' tion is into tom2`*ave11'i3' Igendn?;>ex-dtlfhm this "9" 9 this thgbesg tlilxpensb h:BabCeC0I11n1oda- me: am o,* a%:::,**.:s:? en fumiahe (1 with "l'Y accommoda. SE `ion `a `nbidvog mfort -- at in t 310. Commergfallgtest gmq mo 911 wxll had the `"11 le room, an ' `1 ever 3`th' . mg `hey rcquxre Te n3Deoia.n "`tBndsBguf't'" co8`:?,ng;d to. _ 3` "50 per d9-5 . I;orter \\_\_` mt. HOUL5iOl EXC-AVATO B. WV: _._- _..- -- vv -n-ynovoaii \l$IlC|-IICIJ banks have bezn enjoying prosperity un- known for years. Not only` has money been actively employed in mercantile pur- suits at home, but there has `been an un-, preoedented demand fromlChioago. ` St.` Paul, 1 Minneapolis and other western states where an excessive rate prevails. At the close of September Canadian banks had loaned on public discounts in Canada $188,157,135 and call loans in the United . States of $22,800,000, of which sum the Bank of Montreal had $13,184,192. The total call loans in Canada were $19, 828,. 270. V [.TEEii7s. HOTE L; Tl\C1-Cur: CQ-C rllnga .hUlVu- .I1;:5'l`ABLlSHID COMPANI 15 based on a solid foundation of economy of management and sound business princlplfl Speolal features: Forty years experience: Lib- eral form of Policy and non-rorreitable after two and three years. Prominent object : Sound life assurance; 87,000,000 paid in claims; 4.000 tamilies beneted. Cost: Theroweez consistent with safety. Bonuses every three years. never ess than 20 per cent. on the lite plan, nor 1089 than 14 per cent. on the endowment plan. Tots! Abstinence Assurance: The only company In Canada offering special advantages to total ab- stainers. Accumulated Fund nearly $6,000.000. Head omoe for Canada. Montreal. - H. N. COURTLANDT. 29-tf ADVANCE Office. Agent for Barrie OF ENGLAND. i nsnmusnnn IN 1347. THIS LONG ESTABLISHED COMPANY is toundapiqn Innnaoun-5--` .._.1 --__ .1 x [L1FEAssuaAN6E*domNv 33 Dunlop Si-`V. I 22-ly. _ _______ HIS certies that l lmve T no agents selling f1'(_'l{Q[_; for me for $2 00, and any issued after date will not lfe honored, also that any1'n1ucc- ment offered by my agents Will be at their own ri. and expense, as no CAI}I.\'l-3'1` Pno- Tos Will be taken for less than $3.00 at the Gallery. NORTH BAY. EDWARD LYNCH, - PROPRIETOP. Soups, Entrees, Jellies, etc. order on the shortest notice. ESTIMATES AND PRICES ON Gomforfablerooms and 6 o clock Dinner. |'FRE'SH OYSTERS ALWAYS IN STOCK. T :Aguinac it."--lat. Deputy Reve`Wella, 2nd Deputy Reeve. Fletcher;-,. Councillors Pearcey, Montgomery, John Plaxton, Fruwley, Wnlkinsozi, MoN_evin, .Cald_well. The Council then adj surned. _ 5.... ...v.. Lvv V V611!/D. Ma}! Matter `taken from the am boxes daily (Sundays excepted) at a.m. and 3 and 8 o clock p.m. I Pnnt nfnn Ila:-mu. Y----- rm - 5. vs: 6 uu IUDLUFU I01` the ` Unitelaatates 3 cents per ounce, mm and the Brit 1 d I I d 5 em 8iBt1g.to81'1nfeer :1e]nte.cem8 per ha ounce lie- 11-31 11-4.`-.. A - - cnosstgw mmu, 1 and sum _ _ _ _. W Toronto at ...... .. `Toronto at.. ........ _ , Toronto at... ....................... . . Toronto at. ............... ..' . - - . . . . . . way f . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , _ . _ ! meafprd g`ragn3ch1'I;1itl1e south a.t.. ! lway 3 ~ Sxmcoe H - , 110 Berth` Collingwood 13:5 3 at - - . . . . 3 Gruvenhuro t. 3 . _ _' ........ Hillsdale, Er8iII3l'll]l(I::s1t,R8[')&Y at. . a - u . . ,_ . . . . , '. - . . ., 35 . Toronto and ALL MAILS so1'1ii1'iz`tm" Moatord Branch Railwa Simooe Railway ..l:'h 1 coningwood and urulia. at. ........ " Grlvenhurst Branch Railway at " 1 Crown B111. Dalston Edg hum and Hillscaie at. 8" C"" `IIIAL---`* "' ' lawn. Ed ax-,0;-""'. Hilladale a .... 1 Midhurst (Mondays, Wed ' Fridays) at ...................... ._ 11 Grenfell (Tuesdays and F -` A 'l`oronto............. Toronto. ...... .{ BOARDING HOUSE ! - F6: tliezthird :l.;n.L(d7i;1`;i.:-WA-'LIe_asra. C. Plaxtdn, F-. Ball, Reeve Buthwell, R. Wylliamqon. H .- ' -- " ,._. ....... .. ....u u u mums p.m. Post Office, Barrie. June 28th, 341.11 1' "'"' - -* * EBITISH EMPI HE - v... we- 86-11 RESTAURAN'_l' --AND-- 90 IJUNLOP S'I'I{EE'1`. DAILY RAILS FOR November _ I vv vvv x 38-1! tie. 1.391, J. EDWARDS P: ' t6*.popi*IIitibni~u> th.o;j =7.-ofa... ` . , ggented` e inthat`-;pii`a there would` be "nix iujiteud `"*of-`1`3`. The question led to 3 long diaouuiom. _ `I\ II! .I nu WPHOTOR. ` FROM 17, 1892. A rm.1 (:AIxr.`v_v. Foatmaak made to The .;...1.,.1I..;;; amaga on the e:h:g_f`: reading of the by-law, which vwne loet; The voteeatood aI_fe1lov_u: L ulidum agreeing to` 1th| e__c d1idi " ""`l"" """`l """ "" Montgomery - Willia;1;son That A the - north-Coast" mu in thgn1's r`ketA bild{ng.b9 loaded to Wgmam Hubbert uI:?,u}'1y'ont'l. at 81:-0 ~.vk.- 91 '99 9**P*%i%=1:fzf!im`nii- fcturinu. of -_a`uurze -bxhsnd pm; jomy; and for Itorngq, the; lame gopiqnz 3 momb. i 1 ` n---_-:'n-_ n'1. ...I-.. {n`__.;'_ ` a .` Dr. We1le--.-Osldwoll-.-`Thu thQ.fDrthI!: consideration of the matter .ofA.Tlimiting linemen be deferradtill next .moetxng_,0fV; the Council. Lost. ' ` A7 - was sick. we `gave her Ciastorlc. W BDOWII I "Child, cried for Cigstorla. 1 _ WhenehehebumeMxu,ahe When IhOlIIOhildren,|hegtnthln cutom Canadian, I l I';l;0i'.ou i. During the past few months Canadian -__I_- L, I wing 19 up uJy;(:umu`._8n.,,. ggg Mns. Warm .BU.s.Ns.'.Maithnd, N.- S. Worms sennmve to Light. A` compllongd cue; 4 Iifan `iI)\Ii1\t;lu -2-H Gtve Good Appetite. I 111.: .IJl'J VV ID Galley Ave`.', Toronto Ont. vvzmgxvozg. `S t 111 E1 0248 t1_1_l Wl}E1_ 9 I11 A motion by Councillor `Caldwell to grant $15 towards purchasing tickets" to send the children of as Mrs. (Josey, .a widow, hack to the `Old Country, she be` ing in destitute cirounistences endunshlef to support them, was lost. A . I - V `I. I `.I,'.._. , . "-4 z __ v "21s";'ac` ` `v':": 111 .. ' `Ill E1 '4` ' 1*` N 2 - m 134:. : E213: % s.%wAa.,a...:: 20 8 pt '~ 111 W,~lNQ.2{ splll ' E1 5. Spt '-' "ll`l E ` 21.8 111 $31 3 ~ $5 1.No` 32- %'t`11l`b:.- IEQ1 .LJReport(l`lo._ Works, recom- mends the payment of $15 to Thomas McCullough as compensation in full for property in dispute and now included as part of Nelson Street. this payment being ` conditional on_Mr. McCullough deeding` said property to the Corporation of Bar- rie free from any further charge thereon. MOTIONS. ' ` Montgomer-y-- Wells-A motion to con- struct a 3 plank sidewalk on the north side of Rose Slt., from Peel St., cast, was lost. TOW0$HR ' sUNNfDAJ E. W 3} 5 M1 1"i"fvVn' Dunn OnW } 8 SJohn Sl: No 27&28 pt W i 8 8 Mary Sl: No 194 pt W } 8 8 Mary St No 191131: W 2; 8 8 Harvey` 81: .No38_ptW 8 SJohn St No 57pcW 8 C) `fYIY\Y"f\ . -vv-- V- W A V `14 No; 1- Tucker's Ian nt 1!: W i 7 o 2 Tuckes plan NE; Wk` 7 b No 4 Tuckers Islam In? `H XIITI 1! } Dt Broken N 45 E E 8 2!. E N 31 S :5 E Broken Broken W an J. -33 Z 38 1 200 7 43 38&39 5 A 175 17 ORO TOWNSHIP. PB 3 W DC 15 12 I 8 S 12 N 27 - 5 135 12 9 _N 39 s 53 5 13 39 12 88 114' 13 ~14 I00 24 72 W 88 E 133 90 14 83 10 79 N E Co!` 1 ' 14 2 5 40 - NORTH ORILLIA TOWNSHIP. N E } 8 1 50 12 54 S 43 N W } 9 3 43 29 48 E 65 N g 10 3 % 65 30 23 E } }S 3 100 25 81 S If i 16 5 50 27 66 W Q` 22 6 100 ll 04 22 - 9 300 9 9`! E i 13 20 99 E i 14 20 90 N 55 W} 14 15 52 E } 15 10 92 W i W i , 14 , 50 15 92 ` XV nt '1 in 121- n M'- T Z 'V'Villiamson--Bothwell--That the Relief Association be granted the mm of $1 ()0. A ____L:__ 1., I` I S"5?N14W}i1 3 u 3 35(1)" No5BlockBpt 22 12 1-5 3 38 ' NOTTAWASAGA TOWNSHIP. S 23 W 50 S Q 32 1 ' 23 4 86 S2N31t;}m32. 1 2 18 N 1 S 3 N 313} i b ` N Q 32 1 1 10 Wlh1.22W50N 32 1 If 12 113} W6E22W50 . AILulIIJ\JLV `No 3 part 41 No'lpt 41 W pt` - 49 Wpt 50 S 51 N 14 W } 10 N 0 6Block B pt SE} i(. :x I T0,-Wrr:' fDTranf`1ad11'ed`by'7:o` ax-do -t'th`C t."tSi` `.`beaIn'd ` : ';thaThil1'-t?eth e(in}`7n}.i?Aonnu;IL9i |1"thg vgnrqat-S` \ mm hon:-lot one o :-look In the afternoon. at the Cjou:-t'Honee. in the Town` or Barrie. pro- ceed toeell by Public Auction so much of the ee.i_d jldnde ee may-`l$e'enmcient`to gllecharge the m.xee'i'end all lewtnlychargee incurred in and about the sale and collection or same. 1 The following lots are `patented :- V ; _:ADJA.LA;'1`-0.WNSH.IP_._`_ _ . Put Con; . Acres :.Amt Coats. AH. 2, 0...- warden or the County" of Sh cos,` I: xhilmweth .. sft`:iA118uat.` 1111'" 0l_1l.' Lord one _t ousand eight in U` Upon the completion of the work, Mr. Holgate is to receive 5 per cent. upon the total cost of construction` and a sum not exceeding $3 per day for an assistant dur- ing actual construction. ` J;.nx,weyn , Set iauzliit.` tne.:_year'iot our Lord ti 1 oueend , hundred and nine y two. -Indfto me `directed. commanding me go leva`upon;the -.ev.-A1-gl lands, ihereineher e.i.ipne,d and. described as _being in the _ oun of Simc`qe.'for'arrea.r of taxes respec- Varrears beaooner paid Ieha. 1. on, tively duethereon. together` with - my costs. I nereby give notice `that? unions the said IlI'I-__'__.__'I-_ ;1__ in: -n - - `fi1_fti5.71T11`e'i;`i17(i5."y: Bffnca. A.D.,% a-pi ALA I.-.- TREASI ears ForTaxes ,icouN1'rYoF smcos; In 3 JV 1'8 5`! E 10 14 31 9 15 en 15 en 10 15 80 . 8 ~ 16 50 en. -11 17. 125 2743 som ORILLI TOWNSHIP. r.o`Smcor;: Y?vi}z Vol` a'W3,.1".-* L ' : ' ; ' ` ' . .-cube County of S1;%:no,b:s`11-Inlydglttcg nfinfh `Q3 17" Iconic:-ab '- In-v--0|`- ~ _-_..-~ -1 i ':,ms's`A Tbwxsr. ` (01.1!!! In A To pi-erent any possible misunderstand- ing, your Committee think it advisable to embody in thiareport the conditions on whicn Mr. Holgate undertake: all en- gineering work. - .`l'T U I) 0U 13 I 5 5 1995 34 s MEDONTE TOWNSHIP. '1'-KY '1'5wizsn1P. .1 an 1 an `III I... } k .5 5 TINY TOWNSHIP. 111 T 111 111 '11! I ._ . 111 111 10 10 ` 33" : 70 .11 42 . 1 150 4 I 103 208 '13` . 11, so 13 14 14 14 .14 IR Mr. Holgate promptly entered `upon the work and has already supplied the Clerk with theinfotmation required to, ask for tenders for the construction of ssid sewers.