` A may 1. wuun}. V Juno. 15.-Tho5 Govommot ir. Poftor, the Aluuiou- Minister; ` 1 ns.n1o':-'a` me from cholera . . `I .'._- I K (If the crew of .--.__--:_--__._. , GRAIN MARKETS- RETAl(.IA.T|ON- l`B.L6, lUl' UAPUI U 4.u.uuv ed at 60c, with 5793c bid. Oats 1 quoted a.L,33c to 33c on track. T who-.1?_noeg 1_;n mn.xn and 1'0..- `V T "' iizn;v.g;onucn.w ; ' ; _ _e;f;fFinilquartera-per ow`t.... 7 Beef, forequarters per cwt .... .. 5 _l)ressed_hogspercwc............. 5 Mutton 8 0 0 b C Ve&Io-truce-on.-_-on-c u Clrokana per nan-..... Geese per lb... ,'l`nr :ey's per 16.3.... Butter, roll. verlb. Lard per" lb. .....'.i'.'. E per doz Pggasfnen nar hncr_.... Angxu per mm . .. Po toes per Hay Straw per ton.................... Tallow. Farmer : Cake per lb, Woohwashed. per1b............ `Winn:-_ Rake:-`A, mar nwt . . . . . . . . . . W001. wumeu. perw..,.......... Flour, Baker's, per owt.. .. Flour. family. per cwt... .. Flour. pastry, percwt._..a.. .. Oatmeal per Cornmea.lperowt................ cu -`van: H `DEB. Cowor Steer, Farmer's, perowt Cow or Steer, trimmed, per owt Sheepskins each .. .. .. .. .. No.1 Veal Skins. per 1132`. Lamb Skins each ....... ..... .. "Toronto rarmonunrket. "`l\IIlI`1lIIl\ `Inna 1` Tonorrro, June 14. 1892. ...............u-"0 0 Wheat. spring ..... .. 18.... Wheat, red w ....... .. .. Wheat. goose `Rn v-'I Av , _ _ . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . oo 00 00 00 00 D3) : IaII.I.|Ul|.|] ------u Hay, clover .... . .. Straw.....` . . . . Straw. loose ...... .. Dressed hogs Beef. forequarters .. Beef, hindquarters .. cneouseclceoo Lamb Veal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Butter per lb . . . . . . . Eggs per dozen .. . . . C nckens. spring . . . Ducks, per pair . . . . . Turkeys, lb ....... . . Geese .. T . . . . . . . . . . . . Potatoes. bag . . . . . . . Iron sue av TENDEB.| THE UNDERSIGNED will receive tenders for the sale of the following valu- able estate :- - Parcel l.-Township of Nottswassga. S. $ Lot 40, Concession 8, conta.ining`98} acres more or less. This use. valuable farm situate. just outside the limits of the Town of Collin wood and within one mile of the town Hal]. T erelis a. comfortable store and half brick house thereon and good out uildings. The soil is a clay loam. Possession can be given on the 1st October next. Dun-nnl 2,_'l`nwn of Collingwood, L 16 East ` October Parcel 2.-Town of Collingwood, Lot East Pine street, saving a. right of way. There is 9. large two store` frame dwelling containing 11 rooms on this ot, which is sttuate on one o the beat streets of the town. . `Dan-no` !!_'l`nwn Of Barrie. and 15: Parcel.3-Town of Barrie. Lots 14 15. east of lane as laid out n on Lot 26. Concession 5, Vespra, as per plan '7. Parcel 4.-~Lota 51 and 52, East Mary street, as er plan 115, on which there is a 2; storey R.` , house. stable 850. Parcel 5 -Lots 16 and 11 North Blake street. and Lot 5 South Collingwood street, as er plan 6. also street allowance to north ot ast mentioned lots, containing one acre and one tenth of an acre more or less. A A quiet mare very suitable for the use of ladies or children. buggy. phaeton. cutter and n .... .. mm 1.. anl at. reasonable prices. mmnvamn or 1888, us harness, will be sold at reasonable prices. For further particulars apply to DICKINSON 8c MACWATT. Barristers. Barri and __._.____._.._%_..__._.:_i R B. E. MCKENZIE, 14 Bloor street W., Toronto, will be at the Queen : Hotel, Barrie. Next visit JUNE 25tli.tttrom 1 to 5. the last Saturday of every month. OR SALE'-0ne~yachtca ble of carrying from 10 to 12 persons wit satetv; dgood Sea. elxutor a Boat: will sell cheap for cash or tra. ARR. 22-24p. safety wheel. For partioulars see F. THO .|ll.IIOIuu Illnuu -.--...... Friends of Grand Master John Ross Robertson are working hard to secure a third term for that gentleman. Mr. Rob- s.,__ ._ - ........ ..s ghilitv. and a Free-* third term tor mat geuueumu. ..... . ......,_ ertson is a man of ability, and a Free- mason of tireless energy and unagging zeal. He has put a great deal of hard work into his oicial duties, he has earned the thanks of the craft, and has made himself very popular throughout this - jurisdiction. At the same time it is to be regretted that his near friends are pressing so en- ergetically for a third term. The custom in the grand lodge of Osnsda is that a grand master who deserves well of his brethren is honored with a second term and no more. This custom has never been departed from ; and it has almost crystalized into a law. It is a good cus- tom. The Masonic body is full of able 1 _-_1...... nnnn mnnv Of WhOm look MACWA'l"1'. Barristers. Barrie. Dated Barrie, lat June, 1892. cryetalized into a law. in ID .. 5...... ...... and zealous men, many of whom forward with honorable ambition to the brightest reward that can be conferred upon them. To give one man more than his due is to keep other men from their ` - TA 3- null-n nnfn tn IAV tht M1 . due is to keep otner men mm. vuvu due. It is quite safe to say that Mr. Robertson himself does not seek for the empty honor of a. third term at the cost of keeping back promotion all along the 11... line. VIII, There is no need for a third term. ` Mr. Robertson is, as has been said, an able . and zealous ofcial. But he is no more able and no more zealous than the dis- tinguished brother who, in all probability, will be his successor-_-the present Deputy Grand Master John M. Gibson. It would be a refiection upon the latter to say that there is work to do in the order which Mr. Robertson can do and Mr. Gibson cannot do. It would be a waste of space to prove that Mr. Gibson is an able man, or that he stands very high in the s`ec- tions of his brethren throughout the`~juris- diction. Fortunately the whole machin- ery of grand lodge is in perfect shape ; there is not a mixed question tosfsettle nor a piece of hard work to`f= complete. - There is no reason for departing from the rule of ` two years service. And when no` reason exists for doing an unusual thing, i it is better left `undone. ` n___u__.a_.. `.1... :-..s nut. his narsonal '-One~yachtca 4...... m In 12 um-sons good is better lett -undone. Considering the fact that his personal friends are sgitstlng the third term ` nes- `tion " would it not be wise for Grand ter itobertson to declare distinctly that he will not under my circumstances be a. csndldste ; for re-election l-Hsmilton nu ,- _ -s.-s.-.. . Advandctafesnondonoo. . A lu-no number of the `members of Court Allmdalo I. O. F. , attended divine Iervioe in the Trinity church, Barrie`, last The Allnndslo BIIO Bull Club will play 5 mttoh with tho Ivy club at the Picnic lpld_ there on Wodneuduy, J an 22nd` O --l.. I.-_- Uwvu-' V _._l_ , ` hOl(I `[1333 VII vv Go in and win, boys, Quite an improvement In being nude in the village the lutlow weeks by the hy- lng of new ddowdkg Inc! a noun! clun- The Mason! 0 Grand Hunter. -~ 3 "--L-- Tnkn Janina ll.l`IloIol 82 I.'ICOIIl 4" % an 12.: 10.. 10.. VU.. 13. 11.. DR 0 UV '8 00 13 00 All 10 15 11 10 OK 00 10 RA A recent transaction enables us to offer our customers _some-lines of goods, which for good value is away ahead of anything yet shown, even by ourselves, and as our readers Iknowwe have always had the well earned reputation Of and in fact, everything in our line at even less than city prices. _ i Special lines, in Prints, Dress Goods, Sateens, Gloves, Hosiery, Parasols, Shirtings, Tweeds, Cottons, Boys and Mens Ready Made Clothing, Lace Curtains, Carpets and Oil _ Cloths ` FBAWLEY 8!. DEVLIN. me 13001 ! Manufacturer ' and Binder of . Blank Books Journals Cash Books Minute Books Lodge Books Blank Books made any size and Ruled to any pattern. Allwork g be `rst-class. . Music a specialty in Cloth or Full Leather, Stiff and Limp Covers. Portfolios made of any size and style to order. Repairing of every description of Binding done on short notice. There is nothingyin the Binding and Ruling line that cannot be dc guaranteed rst-class. Parties having Books, &c., to bind need only am or note to the bindery, when a representative will call for the work an same when nished. PRICES LOW AND TERMS CASH. Q1--- -1. T-.. Elgar smmn nnv-nouns, momma cam, JUST UFJSSNJSU uu 1` A muwuu usvvu \l& . .. ._ _ WATCHES. CLOCKS, JEWELRY, PLATED-WARE, _&o. Auu vv Uxvxx u u ........---. -_ `and engraving done on short notice. I W||-|-H!!! .',..'.!.-R `vi-\ I`I1'l| ;F'|;r'l';i-;I;;l Gardener. --BM;; Plants -- Ton weektstooka. Antes, Phlox. Petunia: Verbena. &o., soc. nu --nu- _`_ son snua on T0 am w. Lot ! Oon 5.0ro.kn the JOHN: N 5i'1ARil`m(`}ood KZ1'y' l::m_ sou " `TING on! M . . "r.'l.1) .;_g:_1;,_ at ` BENT.-New ought-roomou V '31.-'!.'!.-1'. W W` "*1 `a.:;vv" ;Z7v'.;;..m. mm... Oabbnge. Cauliower: Tomato. Celery, &c., mdood quality It` lowest prices. Write for "" -wILI.u,M TAYLOR. ` A II--J-In / 185;` W JOHN u=.'s FURNITURE STORE, 54 and 56 Bsyeld-St. . THE STORES FOR SALE still unsold and now offering atl psics ahead of anything yet o`er- I P 8. --WHOLESALE AND RETAIL _'- g ALL. WORK GUARANTEED. Repairing -. -I-_- -.. ..1.....a .-mung FURN'lTU_REl Good wen ao`ugm are I-lalf Sold. Box 77, ` Day Books ROBERT GRISTOE, PRQPRIETOR. A LAHBEMAMOUNT Ledgers 111311601. 1 Llalvluu .La\.r .. .--. No. 5 Dunlap St;'e;t, Top Floor. Allandale. Telephone 15. In connection with my Fancy Goods Store. MRS. L. STEPHENS. I I'IlVl [All Stations in Ontario Tickets will be sold for Excursion leaving TORONTO 11 p.m. on `I 1- nrsrmrx `for lxcurslon xuunug, ..v..vA..V-.. -- ,.__. V, |J'une- 14, 189 Hand on s-ah-nvn nnf. JITLY 24th. _.-A`? g done snort nouuu. ng thatncannot done here and send a post card. and return the ..-____... ,-....~1-1 Good to return uuhu nu UuuL . .. Good to return until AUGUST 28th. To the following points at rates named : NESBITT oxnow 11131.0 RAINE 1uoos01vnN BINSCARTII ' REGINA 1V.EOOS?E:J'.A.'VV' . YORKTON ' "".'i'."..`.?y` $35.00 EDMONTON `$40.00 4- 3 1-_ .1.-...a..l-I DELUIKAINIS LIIUUBUL V } FRINGE ALBERT | CALGARY Y _ - - - - The Winnipe Agricultural and Industrial Exhibition will held from July 25th to 30th inclusive, and July 18th and 19th have been fixed upon for excursions to enable passengers to attend the Exhibition. A .. A nation Rain of Canadian Pacific Rswgy M Exhibition. An `Auction Sale of Canadian Railway Lands will be held at Edmonton on July 5th. Passengers taking advantage of the excursion June 28 will reach Edmonton in time to attend June 15 Wu: Iuauu numuuw- ... - V the sale. ` For further nartioulu-1 apply to the (13>pa.ny. mme mm &. snvmas cu. l INCORPORATED I88]. SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL ONTESTA smuemcv. \{._. N IRISH cEm; . Y, H.` R 8ALE.-Tho norm g I!!! us, 1 ounoasuon Eon. oontunin 10 norm. The above m.mm$ug3.aa.z%2 4 Per Cent. Interest. Pull on Deposits. The Security (or Dapouitorn in 3 Loan _." hninni n nnnnh W T1}! 3 Good to return tgmrgil AUGUST 7th. 1116 ' 1%, .I.t::: Good to return until JULY ON `HT 31-` u-tj Good to return until JULY 31st, I\\T and cleaning Law Reports Periodicals Pamphlets Sample Cases &c.,'&c., &c. H, 1rishl.e:ulers Send Him a ' five of ham nwwng Him to Stand at ' ernl Eh-ction-~TI1e Greatq(`)Va.n a- ` 0; Given a Denite Reply- (~0n-espomlence `With the Leaders. me 15.--Tha.t Edward Blake.` Id 3 seat in the Imperial P&|`li8.- | would sdiscussed very much some yeufe n he paid a visit to the British Isles I WW rt in some public meetings there. ` then and spoke for,` Hem?` ' besides meeting Mr.JIie. other leaders of the Irish Ru, , It was not, therefore, Home ----inn when the rumor was circulat- guaranteed to :.-'1`ho north lot 18, I bnoesdon nntnlnlna Ilh man. The above FROM SELECTED Sleuth side Dunlop street. Magazines ON THE Lxxms on THE Music "Tr C1u`tUY '` " me party. therefore,` . -. 1 ige when onculat-L um that Mr. Blake had recexved an ' the leaders of the Home" to accept .n nomina- bhe forthcoming ritain. 'l`he Telegram pub- despatch and a rter waited upon Mr. Blake and this publication. Mr. _Bleke . hadnot. authorized the publication I h h, but, said that he had racew- ubstance of the kg, 1'ur<)n(U: Inentary pm-ty unanimously invites :an Irish seat at the General Elec- ` ` '- Tnnmrv 1 r`.nAR.'I`HY. any Agent of non Jvs'rm MCCARTHY. Jonx DILLON. MICHAEL DAVITT. '1`. M. HEALY. Wu. O`BIm:x. 1ether he would accept the prob E A seat in the Briush _HQl_1.S.~3 of Commons, ereidke declined to make a statement. Evidence of the favor with which he re- Mdsmepropositiolm, however, v_vas apparen ` - _ was now In commum: - th the Irish leaders on the matter. his IW1,1bleeals) that the offer was nob_ _h V ,1 5m'pl`ise to the H01]. Edward, and 0 . .L.-... 1,. hncnnnb: ;\ strong - _ Ln - his attitude e may soon take a. seat at C IIUII. wuyyuuu, uuu. bespeaks a strong rUUllLu....'. \\ estunuszer. FEARF ClDENT. ._-_.-- An Engine and 'l'x`Ht1a-F.|1gin Fin-man Ki .\I1n1>I.}:.~'mm, ful wreck occtlrr the Lom-some H 1: n ..,_..`,,..1.,.\.; (Ind 16 Cars Fall Through a ' 1-l.9plle~F.I1ginewr, (`onductor and - l{ill.ed--Others Injured. l{y., June 15 -A fright- m-l:l11'1`cl at the trestle spanning llollnw on the*K.C. M. & L. l`..R. \'csle1'l.':_\` afternoon at. 2.15 o c1ock. Frelght engine N0. 10 with 16 loaded l~o.\'cnrs went tllmugh the trestle to the arouml llelow, falling 8. distance of 250 feet. The engineer, Frank Sargent, reman Henry .\`lntor and conductor Duckwort/h were lllllell outright. Four are mortally wounded land six otlwrs slightly hurt. The nUl`l1lII)lllitl passenger train. with 100 pasengers, was only saved by being 'llRlf8.lll\0l1[` late. A special from. this place wenl to the scene of the wreck and "brought lmck the dead and injured. WVLFIID m \lHl (`.(l lnakemen jumped just as IUFOHBIIL Utu.-\ slaw Three colored ihe last span of ti ...__._...___ Rumor That um Venezuelan President Hus I-`Iml the Country. -.\'r:w \'um{, June 1;'$.--A special to The Hem!-1 frum ('uru(:a says ilnelligence has waclwnl there from Caracas, `capit9.1of \'enezu1:u-, that President 1 a1a.cio is 3 iugiti\`e,u11~1 that the revolution is within 2` few hours of ending in favor of General Crespo. his diicult -to verify the re- port on account. of the demoralized condi- tion of the country and the strict. cenIOr- ship exercised .overa.11 telegraphic and cable despatches, but the news comes from amost reliable source. Palacio is said to have taken refuge on a vessel a.t._La. Guayra. Capture of a Notorious 'Burglar-A Valu- | able Lot of Swag Recovered. NEW Yul-.1<, June 15.--Ja.Vmes Wallace, alias John .\':anlan, the most notorious at house ml.`ncr in the country, is a. prisoner at police lueadquarters. In his house were f.;un worth of watches, jewelry, (locks, [nlclums and numerous pawn ticketl. lln \\'allace`s confession several pawn- brokers were arrested. A large portion nf the stolen property has been identied by the tlliefs _vicLims. T I-`our Killed at a Fire. "u`>\ITZ, June 1;';.-A cask of benzino Wtl imited :1cI.'i by a ma.tch in a shop zn } 21Vi:l tn-My. The cask exploded, the oor and ceiling collapsed and the building vzmght re at once on the rst and secon Honr_q.. `f-nur persons were kllled and hva were injured. The re was extinguished i shortly. A Cyclone Brings Death and Destruction. 1),, , `YVI 1-v IlV,.__] L__'........L-.I I` \. lZIUlIU I)l`II|gD JIUIILII dllll llvnunuvnravsac ` PEURIA, lll., Jiine l5.-Word has reached this city tllat Galva, a town in Henry - (founty, 45 miles north of here, was wrecke l~_v a cycloiie last evening. Several person are known to lie killed and many building were dcsL- eyed. V ' -..n______-_______ 1 A '(`urnc-.ll Student Drowned. I'm.\ Y., June ]5.-The juuiof o`.z1ss of (umell University is plunged" in grief over the death by drowning of C.S. Strong, (>114: of its most popular members; ` The ]a1`(-nts of the deceased student live in (dlevclmul. ` !~`nAonz I e-.n:\ for l'resiglen t of Arm-.nf_.iIm. Iimzrms A\'m`..<. June 15.-The_Electora.l Collegehua nomiimted Senor. Suenz Pena. ; for the 1'1`(:sidcI1(`y and Senor Unburu for the \'ice-Presidency. ' D0.\'1ruA.\`.Neb., June 15.-A terric hail storm struck this vicinity at 6 p.n;_` yesterday, destroying all fruit and grow- ingcrops in its track and `breaking every window in the town exposed to "the fury of- the storm. Hailstones as large as hen : ,e%gs banked up in some places to a depth 0 two feet. JUIU uclc ycaucluay IIIUIJHIU u Rlvlmslmis, Ca.1., J um 14. -The heuvieqt`! earthquake felt. hero in many month: oc . cured at 5.30 yesterday morning. -: THE GENERAL \'/|CTOR|OUS. ___:... Earthquake Shocks in Callflornlvu. V ` SANTA ANNA, CAL, Juno 15.-An out- quake shock, lasting nearly 30 secondywa felt here yesterday mormng. . R1VRRQ1hi! nu] .TI1lI _"I"l-1` `\`ntv:AnIu A Congressman Dz-o`p| Dead. WAs}`11NG'roN, J une 15.--Represent&HYO* Stackhouuo of South Carolina, droppd dead last. night. .. Steamship Arrivals. Date - 'ame. Reported ac. hon; June 13.-Anchoriu. . . . .'New York . . . .Gluxow_ " -Toronto. .' . . . . .Fa.ther Point..Liverpoo -Amar nthin..Gluow .... ..Montronl -Inchu vs... ...HIllfa.x .... ...London -_ 2 14.--:;ide|. . . . . . .Fa.ther Point...Glugow_ V .. 9 V . Winnipeg. . Fathoirn Point. .'Llvorpoa 33 . o n c u 0 New York . . . .Bromen-_-._f. --Monte Vidonn.London. . . . . . Mantra . -Mongolian . . . .LlvVe1-pool. ; . . .lIont.noi-` --E I ' ' 0'0 I I .-..u-vn Awe 0 ntbia vs. . . . H u in i 11 P05 -Amox-lcs. .. Vida -Dacia. 'u.I"' Luhn; . . -Nornndlo . KING OF HIS TRADE- A (`urnell Student Drowned. -. -- .. 1111 Obluuu, : that he ` `V Y-~u'ch -rs slightly hurt. hhmxnll gers, was r 1ale.T this to :k I . -1....nn L-nnnnr] 1.113}, 5: i the ueau uuu 1uJu|:u. 1 nrc-(1 bxakemen jumped Just 1 the trestle gave away. , regu- s the A Terric Hail Storm. lfllllld < ' uhn....;.sout1um ` annulus -._A\'l.- V... tiers g n--The Great Cana- Definit I{Iply- ` -u L`. g`_ __ I I I 1 h...`.T.4Sout)uTIn ton';Now :....Now Yor ..,...LlV01 3,,.. A A Milli it Dnilnr fire At. lnlt|moro--3lIip- Pink And \\"IIarva-.5 Burm-d-A Petro- hzim Shin Explm1ew Ain_d In _Blown to ` . v-V , .srct:s-_0t.lnexi,_j4insol,_s ;l.*lr,d"N byb .tl_:b" isurning o11-mt:.._en Lives Lodz. BORDEAUX. June l5.-An appalliu acci- dent .6<-curred yesterdo. just outsige the ` harbor of Bhiye, or the iver Gironde, 24 ` miles Iioypheusp of the city. _Lyin 03` the ' harbor was the British =afteamer gtrolia, I commanded_ by Capt. Hubback, which had arrived June '12 from Phihidelphia. The nnnn] rnntinn wnrlz man Imii-an na-tn-m~.o.I I blown to (pieces. `'5 `_ Q V V`| V ||$|_V -`I-`Ci `l__l'\\-[III L'IIlIUl;lUIP|llGo L "U usual routine work was being performed on -board, when suddenly there was a flash and a tremendous roarand the vessel was , Huge f,ragments`oi the]. deck and deck houses were carried upward to as, great _hei ht. The shock of the ex- plosion alarmedthe ` town, and hundreds of people rushed to the wharves to dis- cover the cause of the noise; It was readily seen that the disaster was due to an explosion of gas that had , formed from the petroleum comprising her \. \ cargo. . Burning oil was oating on the water. This drifted with the tide, and several vessels lying at anchor near by were set on re. , Two or three other vessels were ignited by burning oil that fell on their decks or tarred rig ings. The petroleum . was burning furious" y and the heat . was so intense -that it was dangerous for the many small boats that were launched to a proach her. , Dense volumes of stiing smolz over and around the burning steamer. Some of the more venturesome of the boat- `men heard cries for help and rowed as l is; closely as possible to the party. They succeeded in picking up 16 of_ her crew, three of her engineers and the second officer. Some of the rescued men were severely burned. They were taken ashore as rapidly as possible and physicians summoned to at- tend them. "The survivors said there were 20 others on board the vessel when the eit- losion occurred, and search was made in the vicinity of the steamer _for_ them, but not a body was found, and `it ,_is believed every one of those 20 men perished. The crewsof the other vessels that caught re did their utmost to quench the ames, but their` efforts were fruitless, and some of the craft, mostly vessels engaged in the river and coasting trade, were burned to the water s edge. , p The Lighters Sink--1` he Wharves Burned. 1-u-___._-- 1--.... 1:: 7'I`|..-. linl-.0-are nan!` e hung * whom you k bu lad ' ' G393 `*0 glow F W pmlvfmtrom .n{nIi;~. . .I.... ..:.m.-.-as-.;a.. _. .l.llI`l IAIEIILUII ..`JIIn-- I uu wu .. BORDEAUX, June 15.- l`he lighters nea. the Pebrolia. sank a few minutes after the explosion and three men who were aboard of them were drowned. The rewas com- municated by burning oil to the landing stage, which was soon a mass of ames. The woods along the bank of the river were -1-~ -A` run run run}: a nnn.nf.itV ()fV8.1U.aob1e RZATION. The woods along me mm: 01 um: uvcn "U16 also set on re and a quantity of valuable ` timber burned. The damage is very ex- tensive. "' It-' 1.._;L__ :-.::\nvr\o_ ueusxvu. A 4 , l BORDEAUX, June 15 .-Furthsr informa- tion from Blaye shows a. thunderstorm was prevailing at the time the explosion occur- red, and .,l1a.t the disaster was caused by l lightning striking the vessel. ha---um ...:.1..;.-.M __1i`if1-.aen nersons \ \ \ llglluuusg, nu snssss Bonnmux, midnight.-Fifteen persons were killed by the explosion and fire. vssv v \-u-.-.. Gr-eutfFire At the Ratlubun Shops. DESERONTO, June 15..-_--Fire broke out in the Rathbun Compa.ny s car shop this evening. At 6.45 an alarm was sounded and in a. few minutes streams of wa.ter'were pouring in from the different departments, but owing to the rapid progress of the re the south end, where the re originated, was soon consumed, together with the ' 0 car castings and lumber, which had for the construction of new care. was completely destroyed. The loss `is estimated between $15,000 and $17,000. Great Fire At the Docks. ,BALTIMOR.E, June l5.-Fire broke out on the Norfolk steamboat Caroline at Union Nearly 1000 barrels d on the dock with ' A large schooner caught re from the stesmer and getting loose oated about the harbor. The emes communicated to the fruit-packing W. W. Boyer &`Co. -Z-1 _ house of "M7 V _ _ I 7 Tue Preacher : Pistol the Qnlckui. B1us'roL,`Tenn., June l5.-Rev J. W. Panell, a crippled preacher, and W. B. Davidson, a. tough ', became involved in e. uarrel yesterday. Davidson whipped out a nife and was about to etch the preach er, when he got three bullets in succession in his body from the preacher : pistol. He died in a fewminutee. The preacher yvas arrested and given a Ill 3 I`UVV Inns:---V`- was preliminary hearing. acquitted. $\t\.1 & n v v V __. T The Trial of Buvalchol, the Anal-ohht. PARIS, June l5.-Tho Court of Appeals has pronounce vachol, the Anarchilmwho appealed a must the decision of` the Chamber of V ritl, hug. ..-+m-na`-.d a. true bill agaipst him for; (1 against the appeal of Ba ` decision '01 me u............ __ _ which returned a, him for the murder of Brunei, the hermit of Chamblea, and for the murder of two ladies named Marcon alt St. Etienne, and his trial has been xed for June 20 before the Mont- ' ' will be selected by lots and their names will not be dis- closed. This is to guard ega.instAAn8.rchist friends of the prisoner attempting to inti- midate the jurora. ` - , -------. Success of the Oanade. Loan. LONDON. June 15.--Tl1`e tenders for the d 9. quarter millions `sterling have Just closed. About seven price was 91. _ V V The price obtained is somewhat below the hopes rst held out. Tenders.a.t 91 18s 6d at 50 per cent. and all went at 91. The ten ere numbered 500. In 1888 only 367 teudersswere received for four millions, showing that the present loan has been taken by the smaller -non-sp_ecula.tive_ hold- tender by th 50 per ce numbere eewere receive 1 e -non-sp , V T ' . Bun-aoln Fl:-ed by Lightning. _ BERLIN, June l5.--The barracks and forage stores at Bayreuth were struck by lightningiand entirely consumed. I A ` T I V ` Sieryr Queenelenu r-.u.......,..- _ labor bill, has given the Keneke notice of a. motion deciurin that _ the position of the o end tojone another is \llIlItlIf&Ot0)y.' reeclution further thatimey be mad direction .0! I110 _' 3.pin .`9h3-1 K , . ii}: vo e`e`in the oveign policy of the empire; -. ' L {v'e's' L5's"'r,.' need against me appuuu UL ..... u a ainst on of V rnd ` "`~---1 Hm hermit ANY ' uz.u-nus, -Juuc J.u.-.r.u.- 18.85 me 15.9 US- tribution Bill has been qdvonaaed a stage" the second retgding beit'fg.pas_sed one vote, ; i of 97 for to 60 against, andthe House et- ` ting into com .nit.tee-and passing the rst clause, which xes the number of members ` in the House from each province. "df.nl`l`I||7, nlnnha Inna urns-Iv ..'I.u .-. TOOK. nu unc asuuau uulu CIIUII PFUVIIICB. , Ye.sterday s debate was very slow with the \ exception, .. of the speech of Mr Mills, which was carefully pre-_ pared and full of information. The balance 3 of the Rebate en Mr. Somervi1le`s' amend- -ment was taken up by the Prince Edward Island members, Messrs. Davies, Mac donald, Yeo, McLean and Pei`:-y speaking "N in the ordernamed, after which the amend- * ment was lost, 59.for to 95 against. Tn fl-no nn-u.nn:66nn an n`.'nl\`.r Qconn .~u..I.`.' L.- suvuv NOB IVIII, UU-lUl. UV UIJ`C5ClIIIIo In the committee an attack was made by Mr. Mills and other members of the Op- position on British Columbia s representa- tion, which it was claimed should only be four instead of six. This called forth the "ire of the British Columbia members, and T Messrs.` Mara, Cor- bould and Gordon jumped on the Opposition in great shape, pointing out that they had ` always tried to hamper and injure British Columbia. ` T` . _ ` \J\II \I III III! Sir John Thompson said that British --Columbia entered the union (in what was i ranted it. to all intents and `purposes a. treaty, which xed her minimum representation at six. It could not be reduced, `although It might be increased when the population war- rnu, - ,1 _, -41, _,, ______1 -__J st- __.._-__:._.n._- `I an uuu llh . Thewclause then passed and the committee reported progress. Rev. Dr. Douglas Attack. In an interview with an intimate friend to-day Sir John Thompson, in answer to the question whether he intended to reply to the attack of Rev. Dr. Douglas in the Methodist Conference, said: It "would be idle to give.re9.sons to those who do not be- lieve that a. man may conscientiously become 3. Catholic. A an 9 ,,v,,,_Al'_.. "7?<, "~;.-- . 0niWA;'5:Tiia 15."-V-`Ad: use the Re us: l';`1IIf;nn\ `Inna `\l;-ncn -J.-_.. ..J C Chinese Immigration. It appears that Mr. Gordon s bill amend- ment to the Chinese immigration act is not to be on the order paper in the annual slaughter of the innocents, as Hon. Mr. Chapleau gives notice to-night that he will move that it be removed fromprivate bills and orders to Government orders, which means that it will come up for discussion, but it by no means follows that the Govern- ment will not oppose it. Railway Passenger Rates. Mr. W. F. Maclean of East York gave notice last night of a very important amend- ment he'proposes moving on the third read`- ing of the bill amending the act incorpora- tin the Midland Railway company. It is as ollows: Nothing in any bylaw or regulation of the company, whether approv- ed of by the Railway ` Committee of the Privy Council or not, shall be so construed as to allow any rate of fare for way passen- gers greater than two cents per mile to be charged or taken over the track or tracks of such company. Although this applies to -the Midland rate above, it is understood` that Mr. Maclean will suggest to the Min- ister of Railways and Canals that it might be incorporated in the Railway Act and made to apply to all railways in Canada. 4-; `I b 53:. '` .3:fi'urii:aI_s" ?iIov{ .; . -givhtg ___'_rhqrhpmi: " and xi. .1 D}9 Ghinue f)u`migration --,-Rail Za1&-m.-.4 ,.Il.'&L '_ ES ! What the Persecution of outhern Negroes May Bring About. ST. PAUL, Minn., J une 15.-A1bion W. Tourgee said yesterday: `It' there is not a. marked change in the attitude of the country toward the colored race we shall have within the next 10 years a massacre '- -~ I---- -A` lumn ngrallnlnd nincg tha have within the next w years an llluuauvuz such as has not been paralleled since the French revolution. I am amazed that the : negro has been so patient under the intense gersecution which he has had to endure. ince the proclamation of emancipation there have been more colored men murdered by whites in the south than there have been days in all the years which have elapsed. and yet in this fearful array of crimes justice has avenged only four. The persecution which is showered upon the nnarn in the south knows no amelioration. . ado to persecution wmcn 13 Buuvvulcu ..,..,.. ..... negro in the south The Christian Church endorses slavery and has transmitted to its` adherents the hatred` of the race. Jud eTourgee also expressed the opinion warm y that the Republican party was not doing its duty toward the colored men. __..._.._.______ `Tho Prices nnd Business Done at To- ronto. Yesterday, Receipts of grain on the street market: 100 bushels of wheat at 84c for fall and-70c for goose, 300 bushels of oats at 34'c,to 35c and two~lna.ds of barley at 41c. Hay was in good supply, 50 loads selling at $12 to $15 for timothy and $8 to $11 for clover. "Straw is quoted at $9 to $10. Dressed hogs V nominal at $6. 50 to $6. 75. Business was inactive on call board, with few offerings and no sales. Flour-Quiet at $3.60 to $3.70 for strai ht roller. \Vhea.t -No. 1 regular aoat at ort Arthur o`er- * ed at 61c, without bids. Peas-9O0OTbushels of peas, freight old rate, for export Mont- treal offered 60J_zc, m.....I.. ".1.-.r.a.d at.r33c lol'|'5'd:l uuvn Ivvn ..- .. -Stea.dy, quote attening the ,,_'I Inn ~-_ , , _ A I Breakfast With Kerosene , e._'lhe Usual Result. IMPERIAL, Pa., June 15.-4Mrs. - Jules Leroy, wife of a coal miner, tried to hasten the breakfast yesterday by pouring kero- e on the re. An explosion followed fatally injured. I _ __..__l____._______ Newspaper Man Killed. BUIIFALO;-N.Y. ,June 15. -J ohn S chrader, for many years marine and commercial editor of The Courier, and one of the best. known marine writer: on the lakes, fell into `the hold of the it-eamor Scranton yester- day _and was killed. He leaves a wife. rive warm weather comes an mu....... .. numberof deaths throughout thiecisy. Sunday 106 deaths were reported and L---=-- Inn 'I`hn incrouo-was portion] T Mortality Through the Boat. NEW Yong, June l5.-With the exces- warm weather comes an increuoin the ~~...t.-..~.. .1..th: thx-omzhout'this`cit.y. On deaths tnrougnouv um: u...,. \Ill 106 deaths yes- terday 160. The incrouewu particularly heeyy in the tenement `districts. A num- 3 bervof persons succumbed to the heat in the streets y:`eet.ex-d_a.y._ . _ V -II-wvvw J -._ 7 ' . Aoolddnt to the scotch `Express. Luvs, J-u`ne_ l5.-Tho Scotch express on the Midland Rnilwayran into an engine at the L'ced|,at a.t.ion yesterday. Sev en` person: were .severely`inju1ied. ' . ] British suitors mo u-om u-............ CA!.du'1'rA;`Juno 15.-`-Six of the crew the British ship Croftin Hall, which put. back to this port I. jaw" du.{s.uft.or saaling for Hull, have giiqd from cho era, _[