% 1.31.09 s'f.tliis`zibc_c1>'"d.4_ ,eha`.asn ?u..i.; -' -elm-on tho:G:-its purusnd tthog `Gonuervhe . %%nd:si..-% _Richu`;1-4 .i'| pug}: 7_u_J man.`-3-al!`.roe' % . V A. 'do._f`i"ss._ Mom`bau-uneoted. .:9.`.`.48 - 83- Membgu disqualied.... 1 j .8 3 tives corrupt, mnjt` , l1`A."`vJ`e?"`a,`f,`(_a_;'c.'f.":.-b1_5.ciq;.` `An- sortion; 5 oenta per ____._- 7-- .--on Readinv koticeg. 10 {Eats per line no: x- at' n ` e on of the 'samQ mtg; oh mbs`_m,m' I First 1nTs<'51-tion, 10 gents pr l1no. E.oh`|ub sequent 1ns_eron.~ 4 cents.-not lino. - `uncut Illlllnl UL IIIIU BCII-I5 Iuual`. m'.:et:`+1R:ch.;:% .`3:;:.;'::::..:.`?*?*` Hubvmnnsnns snovm xowi -rms (12 lines solid nonpu-on make one Inch). um ADVANCE ins A anovunon or run}: um-N nnmmusn AND, ` nmrrnr corms. Almost 11! not quite double that of any other : . Paper pnbixahea in Barrie. ` nus uonnlsnn Anvnuc in Cinema; O oxi5Azn, 77 "-;::..`2h- Anvmnrtsixe RATES. cox-riuvo-1` Anvnn-name. 3l':'7.2l*T?72l7`?li 1; 3' ;l - noun: a-vn T`ia"-ai' Innnn. Tn any PRICE FOR ' - El 14! Anna 1' tiona (1 yr.) 1... v- vv v: and UUIIIQ ZXUGUVQ A Parisian medical writer cities some remarkable experiments of MM. Dortet and Despaig_n`ea`to determine what is the action of earthworms in (spreading the` bacilli of tuberculosis. After exposing` earthworms to contact with tuberculous matter and a month later inoculating guinea pigs with them, it was found that the little animals all became tuberculous. Thisis not the only experimental proof that earthworms are under certain circumstances capable~- of ..1transmitti4q= disease-producing `germs. " . I. mean: sA|..|.s. I'|vun-A-._ on smmnnn use ASSIIIIANGE comv, ~ I-lAADi.AOFFlO_l I-`OR -OANADA - - MONTREAL- Planet Jr. Cltivatols, Step Laddrs, % Housekeepers Rubber Gloves, G. G.SMI'I'H, UNDERTAKER 110 Dunlbp Street, S Shelf and Heavy Hardware, Chain, Bar Iron, Cast Stee Spring Steel, Machinery Steel, Sleigh-Shoe L % Steel, assorted length and sizes. 'Civ`runs';`.'.Ries,` VPri'me1.'s, Cartridges, Shells, Ammunition [, A Cloth for Halls, Oi1e'Cloth Mats for Stoves ' in .and'1`ahles. wifmsintsipgd. .,~ , ;_ . _. ---.--- V`. ---v- -v._ __.- __- A locomotive drawing four passenger oouches has recently-done a mile in 39} second on the Banding goad. which would come very near'~to"100 `miles "an hour 3 -._-- lMC'ALL`ISTER., iRON*AND STEEL MERCHANTg AeEN1's FOR THE HOW AP.D FURNACE BARRIE AND STROU D. Plough, Lines, At J. HENDERSOFVES {HARDWARE u5u-nu Va `SUI: POI uuuu. During the same period 6000 actual settlers have arrived, an increase of 100 per cent. The majority have located in the Souria coalelds district _and. the Sas- katchewan Valley, near Eimonton. , OFFER AT LOW PRICES : 4 . b - Mnuaxn. Moxml .'R.i8"_l"R,ATHYs AQENT. l'I"In. lint- Wheel Barrows, ---""'7 """".lJC And all Funeral Requiaites Furnished. attended to. G. O. DOLMAGE, Manager Stroud, Steam Works, and Show Room, Order : by Telegraph or otherwise prom; COLLIER-ST.. BAR RI; oAB"fETs FFROM $3.00 PERLDOZEN. ` Permanent enlargements bye n_ew and beautiful process. swrrnm KING. Photo. ' nmll --:1 -'__ ,___._nr- PHOTO s'runio: %Bothwa'll s_`B_lock, Barrlo BARRAUIJ Circular Saws, I Leather Belting, And a full Line of Mill Supplie; COFFINS AND GASKETS OF ALL Kl.\`j i In stock or Made to Order. Irlobes, Cfipe Ana-I all Franny-I 1):-nu~.:..L.... L`..__,,,- 1 Immigration Pouring In. ' . During the first quarter of 1892 sales of lands in the N onhwest have aggregat- ed 80.000 acres, `compared; with 15,000 during the same period of 1891, an in- crease of 433 percent. - n|1I:nn l-no an-Una -u._...l nnnn _ ,L , I :-j'-j- FIRST PRIZE. BARBIE. l 888. 1SS9. 1890. 1891. f\\ \ N Churns, --- _-.-_-vcI, -DOV"'9 BARRI E AND BRACEBRIDGEI ~ * ,. z. . . " 5* . " 4- _..v_....o1-rosxu IE1 . ".5"'.'.", (;n u_I ' - `) :I'11X."-I'D 'oo|emn%s1.~ nAI|"' z a 1'e . om. Spades and S11ow.7;- TIEEE 8l0l,000.000 35,000,000 1.200.000 ` metal attention- V What They call It; . The Russians `call the grip Chinese ca.- tarrh, the Germans call it the Russian pest, the Italians name it the German disease, The French call it the Italian fever and the Spanish catarrh. The Ital- ians invented the term influenza in the seventeenth century and attributed the disease to the inuence of certain ` planets and A price: away! ` -Bbk:)o_k. Aordeuwm" \ un- life r)` Amos lnolrclea by Submarine _'yl.'eie-V y stuvlu. The dark continent is now completely encircled with snbmprine telegrsplmmore than 17,000 miles of cable having been employed in cectiug it end several com- psnies with more or less aid from British. French, Spanish and Portuguese - govern- ments hsve prrticipsted in carrying out the work. `P:-moo George or Wales to Visit Canada. `It. waaannouuced the other` day that Prince George of Wales, only son of the Prince of Wales. will make. -3 visit to Canada .in 1893. After-visiting -Quebec`, Montreal, Toronto and other place: of in- terest in the Dominion, he will _go- to. Chicago to attend the world e Fair. He. will then return to England. lvolution oi ($1073. - = _ The savages of the Amtz tn. ;region fed the common green parrot for \ generations . with the fat `of certain `shes, tlyni dahtng it tobeoume beautifully variegated with. red and yellow _feqtbers. ; In like.;nanp'er. v the natives of the MaTay`arohipelao `by a. ` process of feeding` changed the_ntalk_rative '_lory_ into tpe aorizeons king loziyg` ` .lU'lllUllFlll IUFIWBIICB I0!" BUB `_III_l6IF OI -U11`. argnvoa pearls and for subsvquont per-- ]ury. - .. . _ - . Mh9 DPI'rl:mrmt A6hIVi1t' uiale _I. [. Zdvornlnh eI;t`(;r;p Bojiortv . A '1' April report. the. stn;_1-,iaei"iiu".-.,ot` the average cpnditftjifof winter vtggg 0.5, , V.-the Int otmsa-at-. :sz1`:o:::=vns-.:..>-.:-A.-.4 --_-..-_2' _. . It is stated Mr. Efatlewa, the" `Home V jvnwtvtd .v Soon-et`sry,-e haul droided-, mo mime Mu.-. . Florence Ethel Osborne, who in penving (a. 10-month sentence for the :_1'fl bf .Mra. _;__,I _.:__I, _._J p`,_ -,- M ~ Bayonet : Suxuisvtiono, . 5`fSi;fg:|I'f` `B3as$1"`*pt1 " ;l6?guh-- ._ .,` .' I,Iituoi`3 ogluhtiigqreft-okg liotec` of umli den6'm1na tio1ii. being .I--_ -2_LLI_. -_.I .-._-...-..;4..\_`..:I.'.`.In j_'.VII`4q.V" `II lvlllt D ",1 Iioteiof den`:)!mindio1r`1`.V.E:3`i`5:e; clean, nightly, and uncounterfeitable. canal and Aoo 1tTlo'i:tu-,-lire. flood and ...__s>.-9.: a.:s.-.'.__. __ -._- .}. 1 nuidrod n:l1leIsn.8`our. Earthworm: and Disease; nu.` osoriio oiio` iolohutl ;_ u..n mootoral corruption. L-_J'f1 ...L._..!,,I_._ .-1| Ill I-ICU/`U C IQ-_"Il `lllfl. ; up-ouch as ,mn'n.-`-Fre_a ....c uyvvrlgu cpuamon or winter wheat oh: ;the 1;: or ;spri1~ 8.1.2"'"Tlj19T.,ll17i';;g,e, ,_p_t- fthe` . pri_ti;cxpnl" wintar wheat ; S batons-in-9 f: Ohio, 71: Michigan, 83; Iudlnha, V"I8;' Illinoii',~'82?; Missouri 72; and Kauai, V77.:"1_ l.`l1"`%avorage 0% these I]; ,in. 77; sednic 97:3 in April otP1s9t.~ It M97 "in! .% , * `34`.3ii';;_:5ii3i"'" v"'*f::: -in, " .' the: the i A?6h9!* F%!!3f7%!f?e1A:0tirit?.; e : --pvony DUIIII ilo An amusing etory_ is told ofa certain occasion in the House of Commons, _when_ ane.'l`homao Massey Maeaey- moved that . the Church of Henry YIII. gbould get 1 rid of rho` #39501 e'9t.`rnsIIl[if . iii} `hriatma-a.~ 1 and pqbititnte in place of -the too qmiam, I .expreaaion the more Saxon one, .u`r`t.ide,. um, `Ohriscide." O'Connell-, "who'!|jap4t' pened to be.pr_eaent, and who w`aa leldomq at a loan-. for "the right word attire right time, moved that "aarthe honorable gen- I -' 'm!1*b'hrI'-i'-ed h9`0.1df$7I.`.' .']O 5.13053; 110, V lwon.1"d9;#el!,n&9` beaiifr bdrm `!i&ma1y.;n` .to`Sa:5>`n1i_1z:ah.l;1::. mm :1A%_;i.;.;g.;lpe`., '1'? ~-9 .~iE.1..i;... .3 1:21`-ueyfa, _ ahfh` pi1t"_1l`1i:n stielg ,`;hJ `;?_ iil; . @010 115,; n_n,`_ 0),`, "` ney"- tidy :1. _419*9t.!3Z$1I'9t.:hH91f99r:_;3`9dtdW=I 2 ' he oompletoftums-of-> the tablet :.>oz.:~;]:aa . ., 9 .' .`. "_ ".`9".;'. . g T A l?h}1 0119Win 9*iiIti9! 1'D0i.'6d iby : :4;-friend wn-.:_-'eoe'n'tl ovqvhqayd, bqtwben - -tw , ind-6 `yeah: ' ,_ , Say, Winny, `whait_ in, tl_1e~di'gro_n0fO ; ;;%x,2:%::,.9r*zs9"*#. ;bI<=::219%{ 9` r, . .~ . ,mae.'(a:a gs;e: .;:gie:.{;i`.jif;"vvis.` `apt; % s ns hows . ' ii 'E"zo;l:v9:.';..~.1 '.1s-_,*-n.g_2..'; E ' i-S3 ho!` ii n6. -..' 6 2` H6156 pwgya bf312?{"1 _ _ _; .5 ea j_t.1t_,)1lhE" ` wt 5. nil u_`A-'Pleaee, air," .119` said, no she. teak out`. her teeth, I will hand them round; the young gentlemen might like to `look at them closer. q`T]o:v.:mgent1omen, he Said, int-he case of this woman here. certain things could be condentqly airmed from the condition of her teeth_. ` `g__ ___ _____A, - ,1: vvuulunvu UL HUI.` E6951]: 7 He was proceeding to purticularize. but just then the patient bi-oko in upon him . - I - nun " {'l'f}un';.dieouasioxi Vwae just becoming ixii;er- 1 estingwhen the pa_tieut remarked that"-his -* strange lookingefe was made of gum. ! At `-Another n i. ' nin tho ` n-nC.g-_-_ ... uvIIlIl`U>l\IUIu5_`v _U`WCl lulu! I At -another . cfimc the %-professor in .charge was -discussing Lleiarnedly jgbout the importance of attending to ,.ininor' symptoms. . ' HKTA... ...-_u . _ _ _ _,n 1 ' -. ... - nu-nu umuuno us uuv ucllli, - An unrismrel murinuring sound could { be heard from that organ, and -the pupil,` of one of his eyes was very much` dils_tegi. The peculiar spnesruinoe of the eye. seem- ed to show cardiac_a.'ection,, but various opinions were expressed by the `different students as to whet precise t__rouble it w_s's. _ _` IuvuD-"Ia U0 U3 nll'u.' ' `A Ingthe-conte:tetion of elections to th T0omm on's since t.he'_i_nstitutEon of 1:}: election courts in 1874,` the record in 3 follows. including the election bf 139;: Too Betty. V Dr Barton, in an address lately report- ed in the London Lancet,?wa.e jcautioning` 1 his hearorseagaiuwhaatily expressed opin- ions, He was evidently eueripg from` some disease of the hear,l_=. An Ilnailinl Inn--an nnnnn __'..._H - ` " Many eople who pride themselves on their 1 `blue 5100 `would be, far happier xvifh pure blood ;but, while we cannot choose our an- cestors, fortunatly, by the usg of Ayer s Sar-A saparilla, we can transmit pur blood to our postcfrity. . __ 4;_. Herodotus tells of a king who loaded his prisoners with golden chains. that sub- stance being more common than` itbronze. ' 0 Copperpwas`ev'e_n worn for ornament in` preference, to gold. Thad treasures` brought by, tbeQueeu of Sheba .to `Solo- mon's Temple must have. been of enor- ` mous value. Since theyear 1500 Africa ` has produced about $500,000,000 worth of a gold, but the supply is nearly... used up now. ' ' United Statesare steadily diminishing, It is the same `way _with Australia. which has yielded for the world's use about The supplies of gold drawn item the; . $1 300. 000,000 worth of metal.. N ot less` +.h.'n s1l'7-"nnn nnn nnn ._-..n. -2 .14: -e - qu. uvv.\(Uv,U\(U wunau U1 1116631.. l_.V OT: 1883 thin $7i0O0,000.000_ worth of gold has been dug in all_cou,ntriea since Columbus \ discovered America, 400 years ago. ' \ 5u ca.IuIuIu;u. ' _ A V Brazil, which only a century ago was the richest of gold producing countries, } hasjnow oessedito be largely prodnctive.- j The total. outputof the rnetal "from `that part of theworld from "the end of the sixteenth century until now is estimated` at $700,000,000. All the famous gold coast of Africa-_ does not at present yield as much as $400,000 a_ year. Yet the dark, continent, was formerly noted as_ the ` country of gold. Mummies have` been numeroualy found in Egyptvwirh massive necldlaces and other ornaments of the meta . ~ ' t ' In ancient times gold. was obtained abundantly from the riversof `Asia. jfg'1`h_e sands of Pactolus, the golden e.e`ce,`s`eour- ed by the Argonauts. the. yellow. metal of Ophir, the fable of King Midas, all illus- trate the Eastern origin of gold. V Alex- a ander the Great-brought nearly $500,000,- 000 of - gold`fro1_n `Persia. _ Gold` also came from Arabia and. from the. middle of Africaby way of the ; Nj_-_le'. But all s of these famous sources of supplylwaere 19);" ago exhausted. D-....:I _L':-L ,._n_ - , ,X- - vuuu,~ _uuIa nun,` wru pup}! UV qgnuuulg, 'Whyie gold `go v_ri1',e"lV ,Si.Il ,'5beq\1`e it as heavy. 3 There : `ere only. ;ft'wo;m"e`,ta . "that fare heavier, pamely, gpl ot{,nn[1n and Iiridiuin. {Retneniiber that. at-.the begin-~ . ning the earth was abody of gas _13y. gradual . oundennation-1t"*.beoame.~ liquid; ,while"x"1ow" the whole of `itex;fi'egs',";eave `oulyen ou'te__r'c'niet. much othinnerzin pro- ' portioil to-the whole bulk -than-' is--the ehellpf-on egg, Mould be.a.uid but for .the foot that it it. held together by tre- mendom L pressure. .Natn.raliy.. -in the oourefef of its formation a.b 1|," qjeptte of -attrootion, the weiahtier ,pu`tiole,i oonipoe? , `ing the globe gathered about that centre. Accordingly we nd that the`eur'th`ee a g whole o..weig h`s ize. tiines aenilioh htwater, `while the rocks farming the orut ar'e only . `about two `and one-half times dd heavy as water. ;w(;;lFdu8mreo,.' V L L `if Ther'e"'is no joke 8b.0,llt itLTh'0r K0191 `production at the fworld , is steadily de-a: creasing from year to year, and it will not be very long before :-he_snppl'y` is practic- ally used hp- Not more than $100,000,`-'_ 000 wbtth of the precious `mstfal, is; `now mined annually, audthis is not 'nearly' enough. to `meet the -re'_qLu,irex_n`ent_s .0! expanding commerce." Of ou`i1r_ae `new de- fposits.w'-ill .be.'disc'o'yered "from time to'_ time, but they will soon be exhatistegif, HIV C III.Cl ' It is quite l`1'l.l'if0f!h`y reported that i` ' vi,ntel=1nI*:noI.sve:-ye death; au`d`?in> `I:'sn'y_" seeuenl it Int :31`. mild timers `T Killing` was ex.|.0B)-91.181 01'. Jilllitedao at end was ereu.--_ go.o:.-respoudent.e report. the .=o,rop-. improving in appearance at .the1'Ilete` ` of '-their l'eporteand- indicate a. ufffutther i'unojwfvg.men;sj wjiuh-' iasvausablewi April` weather. . __`_.-,,:._,,, `n;o A the obn-. dition 1: ?g'lib1`*`.` "'7 V 1-,; `I : :. -..:a.. ....1`I.n-.i..I... ..-..-..A.-.`l n.l.-L LL>-~: an-Ill gt)! Preu. -----2-0-C-0-1---ji- Bizotry Run and. ..-._._ _L-.--- ` A %32v ! 1149'-4. ry.:,{ ._ ; \ i6iioited'ror all kind: or DnvGs..Mz.u;nsm ,A% mums, n 2 2,2; :1`. ` Om _ ....-3 , :3`zv.=:|`N'rrIonnivrnti-in.;..:..... ' ; L. - 4 `-:1-m .uaxt,nn rgiiinnom` -cinnvnnr ~goI,ii>'UIfpn (e!, .*'!3%'.:..' . . J t .2 .- . i . , . I.x'l(`1~l;u:`1._1 ` . . . . . . . . '<'y.:`N:t.iVH='e'.,) . III % T0 Iklx mi oumi. 51.2.7 ' ` J` ;-'- ` `LIA. V; ..-1: '. 2; 1;. . `J .. _ 1} . *1!` J m- .. . ` l 1 ' '<*`}'hJl 3 : zrlf ,2.-M :;._`~ 1' ms (U911-J :>`2i.a.-.'; 3 - ' s.l|':.`3 .. .A :,.. 4; ._-. ..' . . W] 9F1!3'Ti 1 .u -~. S%1o%cum %s Oxygenized Emulsion % Of Pure Cod L-iV9r 011- ' V` I". N6 prepa1;a.t?;i6n of :t1fe, kind has fgvz` met with the s_am_e _ success '- in, r . t1jeaui_e tiph anti theeatimoniala ' ` n .it fs,ybr are a11._.r`om`_ th -qgbsuy authtxc sourcga. Every, dgfqg-_. gia,t.a.e1lit., . V 1 v kf.=.?_'cANNo'r AlLB.EMI%R8T! _ Moei to ion on rgisofmble rates. n._.J~J.-m.E'ronnn, A. nnowuum. '8 A . ' Dn1i1opStreet.[Barrio. _.-_----1 I I I 3 `IV Add `incite are ;`p.e'titionu lg&il lI't'G.l_'.UI,4 a.nd"but 1 againut 'Conaorvb.ti,ve'1--1eiving out of count the petition: up that bya9l_eo- tions-yet to be heard. In`t"I.l!!'\lIf.If.Afj't\II A3 nl....L:....- 4.- AL . : awn . t`! u .`4\-.04. pa , (hicago.Monu-ea1.'etc. Iht o'l1?1-iiigs'e't.t'.le1-5 Wr dug `for intormation will receive prompt repl!es.- ` ` . The Popular Route E331: and 'Ws1`:. `Winni- (hicago. Menu-eal. eto. Intending settlers dug information Awm rannivn nrnmnt FLETCHER & Baowm ` |ustIm uE Ta. nALfzsm1`Ac`n1s. `Punt-V ah athort ngzig. A'u11seck`or'1rn Pipe for Steam, Water and Gaza, Globe Valves " " `Stop ;1,n<'i4(J,l,ic_k Va.l_ves, Steam Gauges, and Water Glasses. All work 10-9 . T ' in this line promptly attended to; ' aLL~'rH E MOS 1"`APPR.OVED'ngAKES, WITH mm LA H ` ` NISHINGS. 'AT MANUFACTUREEQ I -.yvvvn we Vin : uyuvn. Sir Riohardartwright still stiolss to his assertien that the snceess of the Con- rnpt means. The record of the election courts in the trial of protests against the return of members to the present Parlia- ment alfords conclusive dlsproofeof Sir Richal-d s_ statement. It is as follows: C9114 "A___|_____ _____,,`L ,.1 - - -- __.-_ U acts on all. the organs of the body to produce regular action, to strengthen, purify and tone, and to remove all impure accumulations of morbid matter from a Common Pimple to the worst Scrofulous Sore. r A Thottsands of reliable men and women testifyto its good effects in "the above diseases. .,Is it not worth at least a. trial in your case? Price `Sir perzbottle, 6 for $5,. or less than 1c. :1 dose. ' `agd an di`sa_es ; L DYSPEPSIA, co`Ns'r1pfA:r1ox,% Hmnacnn. 53roMAc%H, LIVER, BOWELS mo BLOOD. -u\-u\.-; 1uodh.d;soea-to`chnd:auV ouoo2hanuOone.OonIvIlan.` V" -` < ; smmcn.Duu-x~h Eruotl ....*~~;-:.:*;::--;v.*:...m..."**"'*;%;,::**s=~ us-' wow. was wet: --a ~-~---- - .. .. . `I .~ -- - ;11o.QT:lotII`V8t-. BI"0AIkli'I.I:{.Y.` .u.,q 9u'iT'r<`:'3 2 `Ell! IA unit-1 % %4MIl_I & PiaxthfsceIebra1edVFurnacos But '17. A.-SLOCUM of .186` Wes- ._Adel'aide St; Toronto, Ont., must feel more than ordinary pride` in the success of his valuable prepara- tion,` for the cure of lung diseases, vxz. : ` ` ;%vStdves%,I.%%Stoves`J1 Stoves! Membeu unseafdd . . . . Members disqualied Memban auscpinod. . IO.) B3uR_ppcK BLOOD BITTERS -__, v\,_ -_ j `__ _ 7__,v.___:_ __?_ `ff f's"';`it3'71'?H 1}b3..6'uNnbi$ raEET, NEXT '.ro"i'11E OANTGN . ._'l-`EA STORE. - . PLAXTON. Era: Teujomc 's1'An TO` I-A'lEAIA.1'l-I: L ' A POSITIVE cake non ' "APPROVED 'n4AK`1r.s, LATEST `A NISHINGS, 'A'1_' MANUFACTURERS PRICES. % V _ i pun, BILIOUSNESS, ON, BA!) BLOOD, A BHEUMATISM, FOUL HUMORS, JAUNDIGE, ` : arising from a disordered condition of the %jfi3r`%,`.'l'iitaht s and clilldren. `sUBscRIBEDf*`CAPI5i35 % j " . ame g hen e nnmheno `2d`1?.`0},78,-.4. . ,__-_. .... --v u-nnUU' urban` I-llluUv' ;Property.!or 8alo or,to_sR.ont..8_ ` ( lea-.:.<.2 `9m;'5'*'** per word. aoh B1 : 5, ti` wort! (DI!m0s.? ';sMws%% =s1rIv`iras%:eo ,..lNQOB.P9BATFD>;;I.`f-1:3 %' 1 _ ff '--_--~` . `J ' ` Ad rldse ' I bear inmlnd Vt . two 3: mm't}315 ptoage advertlde 7 :3. must be handed inwto the o_ co not-lae'1'-"than Saturday` at _10 _o'e1o`6k. and the 00 change must hen the Anvmon ofoe not later - than 12 o olookgloogn Tuesday, man week; yforauolf '. *1i'or one 1nonth-the three monthlj rate with n 16 per cent. added. . . . "Fer monthe-the three monthly nu" with 10 per cent. added. 'P1-eterred positions in the pa erwlllbo sold at an advance of one third on n we EMS, b rulewillbeetrlotlycnrrledont. n. V. .~ ooh-mno-r cancers; -.x V .. E':;.TI.e."i'6.;i.;;.;;.'.Z 10 Inches. i Column 20 Inches, 1 Column I H __ }1Inh`90'Iooooougoa Cl 7- _I. -- Contract advertisements will be taken at tlm following teanwhich are drafted on corneot D 1-1:. 0 131 cl 1 . d, th will :trln1:ntl;madhered topifzsnrsrclngunevvreycontre utter present contracts explre, there will be only one nrlce tprnll: V e 4 ` Women Voting. The recent municipal` elections in {Kan- sas shown `great falling of!` in` the `num- ber of women voting. The novelty has worn off The same result has .been_ noted in Boston, whereuwomen enjoy the right to vote for the school - committee. On a few occasions they have turned ~ out in great numbers. `The woman vote `may be termed an emergency-"vote ;, still ,men do not perform. their duties"as electors with great aleority, although" they "`hg've always enjoyed the; .right .. of ' suf-.` frage. Large numbers of men wouldf`. wholly neglect their public duties were b they not fairly driven. to y the polls. 3