Iv vvuus Mr, Robert Achison, who has been second millervin our grist mill here, for some time, has gone to Mount Vernon to pursue his calling. He was one of our most respected young men, and as such I wish him the greatest success. Mr Wm. McQuay, formerly of this place, hot glow: of Sunnidale, is visiting hll old ' u,uv uvvv U} I friends here. It is to hoped there will be less dese- 'ey;a.tiox3 of the`Sebbeth at Lebanon by sports this season than in" the past. ' Police On Friday last the court` was occupied ;ne_arly all-day in investigatin a.` charge of gergiry preferred against W. A Fawcett by .` Brownridge . ' A It arisesout of evidence given by Faw- cett in an action brought against him by Lang 8: Co , on promissory notes purorting to be made bv Eu.wqett= in -favor of " rnwn- :-irlnn an.-I nnrlrir-nor` Ev Ri-nun:-idae fh. Lana 130 be made DY ISNH-W(3@lB'ln 'Ia.vor or .pruwn- rid e and endo`rsed_by Brownridge td. `Lang & o. Fawcett eii \ip'th7t Elie ndtes "wet-e_ forgeris, ' " "" "" .' " ' ' Lang 8; Co , were -nonsuitedin. the` civil action. . . ` , 1 . I-lis Worship th Police Magisnra.te,decid- ed that tberegwas suicient to send -Fawcett for trial; and he gave bail . to appear at the uutumn`a;saizes.~ ~ ~ - . - . 1-1 I! I,,,_,,1 On Friday last John A. Carroll charged Reuben -Webb with assaulting him. It; ap- ears that Carroll went .to the American otel and got his dinner and a drink and had no money to pay the bill. Mr. Webb simply put the man out. The case was dis-_ missed. - ~- -- - J- __ T.'... ._ 1]..-.3-n nkcnnnnrl mlssea. The same day James Martin charged Carroll with using .bla_s_phe_mous language on the streets. In default of cash to pay $5.20, he was sent to the castle.` f\.. and-n-11-111 .QfII1\`If'l`\l'I F. 150.20, no was sent: W one uunuu. On Saturday, `John Stapleton charged F. -McCarthy with disturbing ublic worship at the Salvation Army arracks. Fine $5.00 and $4.20 costs. He has paid 37,00 and has tillthe 23rd to pay the balance. Tnlnn 12-Adan urnn oi-martin!` '(`.nnnta.hie' and D33 1'alll.l2l16 `Ann: 00 pay an: umuuuu. John Brown was charged. by VConsta.hle Sweeney with ,va.g'I_'ancy', mi on_ Saturday he was pent-u for three monthein default of paymento $5.20 ne. and costs. that their llispecuun .._.... .._._..-__.-_ _. ______ "age to stay proceedings 1nst1tuted_aguinst a tavern-keeper who was charged with vio- A lating the Liquor Lmw. V . _ Mr. Harcourt had no recollection of the correspondence i'efet`red_to by Mr. Meredith. There had been complaints received` by the = Depai'tment against that particular in- spector, hut nothing of so serious a ndture as the honorable uieniber had reterred to had Come the knowledge of tb_e Department. In,-_ vestigzafioys had been made, but nothing could be proven against the inspector co1,n- ,_ plained 01'. Two _or three inspectors had been removed during the year as the results ofmvesngunons into their conduct; by the Departnient. . t - Full Pay for Aysent. Membetsj M1'.1in1`dy moved` that Messrs. ;Fi`aSel`, Bronson, I o1'ier and` Smith (York) be paidas if they had been present during 7the`wl_1ole session, as in reality they had attended dur ing the actual work of - the session; Mr. Whitney, that Messrs. Smith V (Frontenac) . and Miscalilpell, who had been absent part of the session through. illness be pa_i_d in full; and also that the widow of . E._ Clarke. de- ceased, be paid thefuil session :11 indemnity. These motions were carried without com- _..-.O- w Ea{."'b3B}auu1 ations. % ' Mr. .' W. Campbell; .1>. s. L. at Sogth g..... ....:.1 ;. n`..:.... ..:.:+ m nur xiilluan lnefl 1. ._ Judm_u.noomono. His Honor Jutige Boys has recently `de- livered Jigdgments in two rather important cases tried at the `sittihgs of the County Court in last December. 'I_ rn---1_-- LL- A-..-... A` Q6n1u`\nnnu\t` `Dina- bouru In 1380 .uuueu1um.'. In Taylor v the town ofS_ta.`ixer`,and_13`_ing-' _ ham, yhq pla.inti' s'ough_t to r9co_ver for his services in sinking an 'a`rc`esian* well. There nu... n Anni:-nab 3n an-;f,;rt(I nhrnn-I'1v Rindhm services In HIIIKIHK uu lil.'GI.1BlO.l.l' Wvllo Jnuvnv was a. contract in writing signed.-by Bingham and others on behalf of the town of Stayneif but the town '-refused to` pity `on the grounds-' that t-he3wioi'k was not completed; that there was no by-law and that they had never ac- cepted the work not obtained any benet from it. Bingham '` contended . that he was not ersonellynliable. Mr. F. E. P. -Pepler Q conducted the case for the plaintiff Mr Hauvhton Lennox for the defendants the L-__ -2 a:;`_-_;. .`_.1 11.. 'lJ'.....I 6.... Mm An- nauwnwn Lennon nu` uuu uucuuuuw uuv town of Steiner and Mr. Hood tor the de- fendant Bingham. jA greatnumber of legal points wereraieed by the Defence and a multitude of cases and authorities referred to on both sides His Honor gave judgment for all the defendants with costs restin his judgment mainly upon the points 9. ve referred to. The Municipal Law overnmg this class. of cases in very abiy an cleverly set out in a carefully considered written judgment. - . nu... v 'Rnrl:l....1-rind. at the same court Juugmenu. Olsen V Budd--tried. at the same without a jury is an action for wages involv ing some nice le al questions,the on! one of general interest ing the liability u a mat- ried woman on aoontract. Judgment that {the defendant Elizabeth Budd was not pos- sessed of separate estateso` as to enable her to contract. Mr. Hauhton Lennox,` counsel for the plt fs,Mr. H. `. Strathy-, Q. C. conn- ...1 3-.. clan :`n`numt`nv\C' IUI.` uuc lJll.lB,LIJ.l.o .31.. 1.1.` `se1_ for the defendant. GIQIIIV -nun-vs wv:u-----_. The new committee of citizens and coun- cilmen formed for relieving the deserving poor - has been fully` organized and com- menced their work. The large sum of $2000 used, spent in nine months, by the Indigent Committee of the Town Council last year, indicated something wrong. It turns out that many undeserving persons were draw- ing from that fund, and it may be that some really deserving `objects of public charity ot nothing. If the members of the newly ormed committee do the` duty assigned to them, all worthy persons will obtain needed help, and all unworthy ones will be excluded from the benet of a fund never intended for them. Mr. Henry Bird is at present acting as secretary to the committee, and all . who have beenfound in need of aid are sent to -him with a voucher of their need and worthiness, and he then ives an order on some one" for a, specific. :sum.' Bird 4...n.. .... n...n.*.. 1.1.. 'nnl-. +1.1. .+.m a lmners to In zrcg v7_.Jet y :1! Iaohannfotrulpltu`. K.` ;,D5:campbe11, of comngwood,. occupied` th ulpit of _ the Presbyterian church on Sun ay last and preachod~- two very excel- ..'I`n`I-,nnA nnnnntnhln EAFIIHIIII; - _ _ one 101' {Is BpeU1uuu~- Buys. LV.l:lu- _uuu tells us that be his got the store keepers to whom orders have been given`, to endorse on them the articles purchased. So far as the orders already given show, the recipients have not 'ol$ta.ine d"the `actual neoess_sries,_ but what are sometimes called-luxuries. .;plab' at Co11i1igvvood,'_i$_11_d 'vr'`h;ive no doubt v praae`nt he claims thgrright to put D.-. D. 'onI7._b9f!e MI `3?99!'29ns1.tnot after in ,.1-?:"I':',';c"x,d72-.c'c.3.17tt3~.I`=1/.[ .v:wr.m.o.ns- -. . ; . 1 Rev. D. D-. McLeod.top_k_ "Dr... ._C_mpbe1l. | at 'qi1ite -.acceptzg. ble`f `t9 ? the cbhgtegatibn -ithar. By the wa'y,o11r brother of the Bulletin @113 Mr. _McL_eod `fDoctor._ This we ` thihkis a>misconoe'ption,?orv`a. lapaua-tpennae` - ':AltlL`ou 11 Rev; M13 -M`cLeod -in "is" much` dint-`itle to this appellation by his wide acquaintance with thevqlogy, .391: man who write D. Dvgften their~nauwIi.=.we =be ieve at ,_._-u~l.;..I- .m- ==i~.l -xix: ~ .- - Servide with ml 9..m, : 7 "The Gfeatsaorioe.- ~ `S'unda.y,"A V1;-ni_uV-of,`the - " 7`p;m.' ` Sqb+'= W vanes 1: - van - ` * Friday, Appil 15th; Good Efidg _ ,. Divixie,` ~ " .-t"='r. _ gr :1:"lth.. Easter Day, 11 a. up. su3;;33c:::`. _ho{,1-st` Barrie Reno! committee. 'l.V'l|I'!nio0;IilI'I`(lnt'l"Io~ABsfrIo`NuIIdV1'o-' -"rontbvcrhuunurlnutlnnwoovl. v | - - BAnnn.Ap1'-1118 132. ! '0|oUu;o"c'Ol"lIIIIOlDiOIo`cunoUo 80 BIl'{0]......-'.uu.... -canon.-can 301310 ` Q2 30 fl..- " r ' 0R.M3KEB3- Bu rle Agents. `R. A. Dutton S. Caldwell J. McDonald 1 F. X. Marrin C. Hinds P. Kearns I-'aEsH.cs7=,'rAs1'v. go A u.'r I o N 2 MYRTLE NAVY !` imam; ~ UTHER%- GENUINE. Aml CD QOICU Q In---V. It a frog is at the bottom of a well, ten feet ,deep, how many `days will it take him to get to the too if he climbs.upone foot each day. and slides back six inches each n ht. One Hundred Dollars will e paid to the ._ e:-son who sends the rst correct answer to - e above prize puzzle. an elegant pair of Diamond earrings in sold gold settings given `to the one sending second correct answer. A `complete education at business college given ; for fourth correct answer. An imported Music Box (playing six pieces) given for fifth correct answer. A silk dress pattern for each of the "next ve correct answers. A handsome parlor `lamp to each of the next ten AND A SOLID -Gum) Wxrcn FOR THE mnsrconnxcr AN8WR raom neon Pnovmcn. Every person answer- inmmust enclose tour three cent stamps for two sample copies of the nest illustrated publica- ~tion on this continent. We give these prices simply to introduce it. Address, Lamas |-rn-rnnIn'.WI:nKl .Y 4) Toronto. Can. 14 16 simply to Introduce 15. Laurens, unuusu 1-Ic'roRuL Wnxm (22) Toronto. son snua on To IIEIIT 1| .W. Lot? Con.5.0ro. known on the JOHN BAR on imam. Good undy loam soil good trune house ondborn. Appruo g F A. l:T l` GLA ., n. n rough can 3 story mlnuura oowuge. a nun- .I. ~ , 1 . hall dining d kitoh hard .n'3's3:t wave:-Ln} ofsronnd, not 0 out Bradford utreet. For pu-dculu-s apply sauna. E. DODSON. on the premises. ? M16. `UK DARE-_'l WU lvll lrvunv uvuvvwp vu--av. B togetherouepu-ate`). situeted on Ellen street. House No. 1 contains 4 rooms and Jmmmer kitchen. Home `No. 2 oonteine 3 ........m um wondnhedl. FLETCHER ac ` to SON Q BARJEANT. BARBIE. Im- v .pou-teru.ndDoaleruin0oalsotu.l1k1i1dI.a.nd = town,GroyqndGu.el -White (Palms. Oomentaot ullkin Fire Briokaan I 3311-. Storehouse at the Northern e.n-.o.wlmh_ mat of John st:-act. near the owN`DwicLLma to rent "or for sale.-A ` rd 8 bed- ...'1.`....=.=.=:.*.=::!*,:.:<.'.'.' '=.=;:.'.*...'...,..': .::_*:-....,.... OR BALl.-'1`wo rou h-out houiel. hither toga h . 0 E11 .+_...r. nfmago` contains roogm snag kitchen. noun no. I oontama 45 moms and woodsheda. `FLETCHER as BROWNLEE I 1815]). 111 I111 nt. ` . ' DOS! 0 .:.?:::h3::;.'.:`h:`'*..:" upot. .'l`ho.; bond of ms Lime xlfottec than , zhst qt anyothar kind. and the nish superior. - )llloo -ou-nu; at Johnna Elisabeth streets. I l1`4,0oo* -y-._---?.._ Made b the Toronto Biscuit 85 -ontootionery Co. _____.__....____._____.__. annnmn snnvawr wanmn 13 -...!2"..!;+P`.`:..."l?.'!.'.';; 9`3' '3' m ' Lnimsst uuicuunou. Look! EACH PLUG or TI-ll TRY A BOX in oved in amendment that- unuv. _ Provincial Aid to Railways. Mr. Hai`C0l1l`l S bill respecting aid to eer- tain railways was passed the roxnmittee and given its third reading. It provides that there shall be granted. out of the con- solidated ' reve .ue fund to the Port Arthur, Duluth and Western Railway Company a . cash subsidy of $3000 per mile and not ex- ceeding in the whole the sum of $21,000 for the construction of seven miles of railway , from a point near the east end of Gunint Lake to a point near Magnetiu Lake, and a cash subsidy of $2000 per mile and_no t axe ceeding in the \\ hole $7000 for the construc- tion oi :3}; miles of that portion of railway known as the Kakabeka. branch,-extending from a point at or near the junction of the said railway with the .Kamiuistiguie.` River to a point at ornear Kakabeka Falls.' `Dening Corrupt Practices. - . During the discusslonof Mr.` Ross bill to consolidate the acts respecting the election: of members of the Legislature Mr; Meredith" nu LL. l_N BRONZE LETTERS. GINIBAL B6UCI. ..-..A__.- _-_ `:6 I All gnerl advertisers in- ` dplfse the ADVANCE as the ` best advertxsing medium in ` _` the County of Simcoe. to bash Aonzoodtu-m security .st6_pc,1-cont. JAME8?algOG- I8 MARKED F250` ow, 6)` GROGER l 2 See his New Store, said to be the most complete in Ca.- ,nada Everything new and ; c1e_an. A 1 DIV 150 E New system of conducting |a Grocery. e Divided into Departments. 7 Teas not allowed to be con- taminated by Spicesz etc. 1 I1-.-.1.. _._ ,_...,...4. | variety. I | (1-11 _ V (III. IUUJ 0 Call and judge of our goods, iprices and methods yourself. inunou TIIE amen U11-DUBLVI. LU nu uauua ua uuv .. y-..-- of J ustice, Chance Division. made in the matter of the estate of ohn Arnold. deceased. and in a cause of Coleman against Rankin. the creditors of John Arnold, late of the township of Essa in the County of Simcoe. who died on or about the eighth day of November, 1889. intes- tate or any person having any special or general lien or charge atzalnst the share or shares ot Rachael Coleman. James Colwell Arnold. J vne Rankin, George Warnlo Arnold. William Alexander Arnold. John Thomas Arnold and Ellen Jane Brooks. parties to thus action. are on or before the 25th day of April, 1892. to send her nnat m-nnnm. to Messrs. Louat. Hewson 86 1u\Jv\.u ALA uu....\...`..... ..- _._._- Every person having any contract wlth,the_ Government fur the performance of any work, the doing of anything or me furnishing of any goods or materials, and having or expecting to have nny claim or demand against the Govern- ment by reason of such contract, and every per_- son having a liquor license, who either directly or indirectly, by himself or by any other person on his behalf, subscribes. promotes, or given," or promises to give any money` ..or other valuable consideration for 'the-purpose of promoting the election of any candidate, nr nf nnv member. class or party, before the 25th day or Apru, law. In senu by post. prepaid, to Messrs. Louat. Creswicke, of the town of Barrie. in the County of Simcoe. the solicitors for the defendant, Jane Rankin, the administratrix of the de- ceased. . their christian and surnames. ad- dresses and description. the full varticuiars. of their claims, a statement of their accounts and the nature of their security (if any) held by them ; or in default thereof. they will be petliemptorily excluded from the benet of said or ere Every creditor holding any security is to produce the same before me at my chambers in the Court House. at the said town of Barrie. "Ei!1`lI_`(`l_3:`}',: the 5th day of May, 1892. - ..LI.... Anl\v|l\I\I| knit-no H19 time U1`! wvwn v-vvd w T- at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, be `tho [time appointed for adjudication on the c aims. Dated this 15th day of March, 1892. (S d.) 8 J. R. COITER. 1 n 1 1 Ilnnfnr motlce To creditors I In the Matter of`James R. Colfey, ot the Township of Nottawuaga, in the County 01 Slmcoe, Farmer. OTICE is hereb given that the above named James Coffey has made an assignment to me under the provisions oi. Chapter 124. R. S. 0., 1887. of all his estate and effacts in trust for the benefit of his creditors. A meeting of the creditors of the said estate will be held at the ofoe of Messrs. Mc- Carthy. Pepler ac McCarthy. No. 29 Dunlop St,, Rn!-win. nn iingfgyltpazatn day of Apri1,1892. - _n.... ..umn..-`nun fnn an nu aw. ul-ALIA-I. ulnvvd I v-v-ww-- -7- -_ V, `I at two dclock in the afternoon. for the pur- se of appointing inst ectors and for giving ctions with reference to the disposal of the The Creditors of the saii estate are her by requested to file their claims with my solici tors. veried by aidavit and stating the nature ot the security (it any) held by them, on or before the 28th da of April, A.D.. `I892, after which date I sha 1 proceed to distri oute the said estate. having regard only to such claims as I shall then have notice of. vr\I1\Y IVAIIQIIIY minated Spices, Qapned Goods in great Luau savv- MCCARTHY. PEPLER 8; MCCZRTHY, Solicitors tor Assignee Dated at Barrie this 5th day of A ril. 1892. 11-16 promoung the elecuon 01 any uuuumuw, or of any member, class party, of candidates to the Legislative Assembly, or withthe intent. in any way of inuenc1ng...or affecting the results of any such election. And every person who receives such mone or valu- able consideration or the promise _t. erect is guilty of a corrupt. practice. - ~- 7 - - 1:- u,.._.._. .......I..:.....A O-hot (aha Jdnnnn in MIJLGASTER smear am Hausa; BARBIE. Established 25 years. |slOHN_ QA'3LE)- Builder of every description of Yachts Skiffs, Yawls. Boats. Dingeys &c. Estimates furnish- ed for any style of pleasure boats. Call and exam ne my large stock before purchasing elsewhere. Having. had thirty years exper- ien ce in the boat building. I am satisfied I can give satisfaction in style. nish and material. every craft turned out of my shop. Boats for hire by the hour. day. week or season. Yachts and skim; built harder. New and second~hand skiffs always in stock. Remember the name, Notice to creditors; LIIJI-I-I Annvu -no-.-. .Io I-Iii QJOARLEYI Eioccn-e=. .=- SN.-W! Desire to intimate to their man friends and the public generally that they ave this do entered into nartnerahio in the INSURALC AN D CONVEYANCING BUSINESS, and trust by strict attention, reasonable terms and moderate cha to give the greatest ible satisfaction to ose who 1! nor them th their P3-`O33-80o . JAMES SCROGGIE. A-u-_..__x.._2-_-.. I- G [V `I BARBIE. HA'rva1uab1amm conaistlnz of the West _ uh co in of Essa. ?...1:-:s:>*=.:.:..*.?.i..-*.t:r::.:........:*..`z::..1'*. good .l- `halt of low? in the 10m uonoemon on; man There are about I) acres cleared. and a. good spring creek runs through it. . Th farm in o. Rood one and has been under oultivotion. It is now in excellent posture condition. For particulars apnlyte. ' MRS. WESLEY BLACKSTOOK, _--- ll|l_-_...L-._ I'I l\ )3NTAR[() L r+,G1sI.A1jg.%& _.._.___.-. _ 7-3 >_ x .. HIS WORSHIP, WALTER LAWSON. War- den of the County of Simone, has appoint- ed Charles McDonald. Eaq.. of Golllngwood. associate Auditor for the said County In the place of Mr; Barry Jennings. who has left the nmmtrv. [H500 III. I country, 12. n. J. 9133 WISHART. Toronto .ms1usn:s ot mo mm. Inn THROAT` '-muzosu. my be oononmd at tho Queen'- Hotel. non-1 th 4t.hl`rlds otooon th. -Next viucfinoguoooraximr. z:o5"1:ot.. O-an-ninuri h'\`II `In. 1%: Bu'rlo,`1t April. 1892. lhrch29.`l892. IIIU Ild.` :I.O`|iBl. ubltul. Noxtvidttgonrrloc ro|n8s.III.to`u um. For Sale or to Rent. N OTICE. ;;u1.L_y UL U. CUI'l:U[)b [Jl'U|alUU- " Mr. .\lowa.c explained that the `clause in the Douliuiou Statutes was madga tgo apply as much to Provincial as to Dommnon elec- V9 uvvavv vs: JOHN COFFEY. A _-1 Ulllllli L?\ll.l-\l\J\a nan. Commissioner in_ H. C. J. THOS. SMITH. .. ...A. g... R. T. BANTING. 00. Clerk Co. Slmcoe. 'rnomtox':-i'>. 0. 14g1.e. u.. unu UOUS. \ nu on us a - nu`... _.._........_,.._ -. When the House went into Committed of Supply Mr. Meredith moved the following resolution: - u n; n \u\.IA\ALA\1A: a A vote of $15,500 for the erection of new build- ings fur the extension of industries at the Cen- zml I I`isnu. and of $25,000 for machinery for the .nmu hnrnnun in hhinnr kdf that Without IDY tml Prison. and or $25,000 tor mactlnuery tux` but: name purpose is being asked; that any appropriation for the purpose aforesaid by this House or other legal warrant the Government has proceeded with the said work: and thereby assumed to commit the House to such expendi- ture, and that such action is subversiveot the principle of l u.t'litimentary control of public ex- penditure, and in derrogation of rights and privi- leges of this House. This was defeated on -ustrict party divi- 51011 of `:8 yeas and 50 nays. ' K1!` (Hhunn (F-Iumilt`.nn\ Ellbmitted ml the ll-mat rognml nu Touches of I the -Liquor Railways, 51011 or `J5 and av nays. Mr. Gibson (Hamilton) submitted that the Govt-rumeut had acted within `its constitu- tional authority in proceeding toerect the building. - '- _ . ~ Mr. `Wood (Hastings) said the action of the Government was unwarranted and un- constitutional. It -was a paltry. _,excuse to offer that a few convicts would be idle if the V building had not` been proceeded with. Better to have 1000 men idle than that the principles of constitutional Government should be undermined. M r. McMahon considered the point at issue` differed from, that involved in _ the `U pper Canada College matter. The expenditure of mouey-if there was` `expenditure--in this case could not be avoided. He would support the Government. ` some Generous Words. Mr. Meredlth was glad to see in the supple- mentary estimates an item p!'0p08in8` W in` crease the Attorney-General s salary. HO tbouzhtthat Mr. Mowat ea;'ned.9V1| ..m1' than the House was called pon $0 VOW: id be was sure the proposal would 11199.`. the acceptance of every member Onthatiido of the House. ' Ila ll,\...|. .___ ..-;.I.-.. ....__.'~I.)uI. `ll ' the supplementary estimuteir, several ` ought not to be sent across the Hon'OGs09Pi` ` ridings represented in the Housb. by 01 the house. V e -- ~A ;. Mr. Monk was rather su!'P'`.'d` '0 ' in-' for roads in North Rpnfrew lfhzgez no money had bee}! P9; V ~se,3i._~ part of the province 0'1;~&n`b1,.` al years. He was _t9tBY om: at to account for the changt 1l1"m` .p -any they the Government unless the 0h`n55'~ ncod representation of that riding had in 0 the Government. ' Mr. Hardy thought inch` on i_a3'n`3 ally as there were estimatrfor evbrhl Pku` bers of the Op osition. If 30 r_m4y`-;h'?`= been spent in orth Renfrew tor 39'0"` . ...... C -can ("uni Venr: 11- ....... _ _--.u ..-.. -- " an .~"' . -....u. me up osmon. 1` "" - oral '" din years it was a 5004 "930" two "I something now. ' The Closing Scone. ` , Spectators were hardly aware that-the business of the session bad boon added iho MI` nik--_ -1 1-1 ' ;.1- -_ -_l QIUIUH llvll n Ulla, nun 09' -._u-vs) V` ""6 ,-- in bi` . Mr. Gibson of Huron rag M n gjngilm I to ted A_uld L808 Va `tho-53"` `%1.pmg hm hand! 39 a to bar: 09" sues. All the other H103` ir 83'1"` b their feet, and !"5i` um . to 101 - ` than joined hand: and tried 1. Bulla song or the immortal B05 . - Central Prison Expenditure. on 1 Hnlle . `.,..., 245 OF CONCLUDED `pector uuu rcquuanuu a nu instituted ag ma!` who was charzed wlbh it-1---_. . se wm be-flrqn-ma'1l,y `Hun-.~dny - The Finiuhin . Legislation -Inspectors and law - Provincial pad to 13}--When the L`egis-J} A 11 - II- 2 tai1ad:tok:nep.in no same` key; TIIQT Ate ` 9 up. . '5.-at`. l}Tb`s'6iI'i"`vo'i6o Ii ihicli todrgind hi: pitched the tunolo hlzh tint. the other Vmomborq -tornef,-Geue.rnl:}1ooked`ro Ind - for__Io`meo_he join, huhds;iMtb;~.. I-is .: .- .::!V.I`e,.`n0!lD.L of his colleazues near, `so he struck in, evidently intnding to swell the unrtin 1` chorus. But. alas. N 3 Tune` wan fnn hiah mu` able evxuunuy II I mung to swell Drtlh alas. 9 f|_1'ne`was too high and `the i'sl:Jii6fte stuck inf; throat. It gave `nearly all~I:he honorable gentlemen a pain to strive to be jolly with the tune soaring away up near G, so in We middle of the second stanza they all gave 9. whoop and 316 down.. 1 They then e-jzad; their" Ejclinjr cushions -and ` shied themlat. u:ne`auoI`h:-r's heads. V ` I papersdid live y duty. uvu . , ' ' : '1:El's1Wes also carried 4_ unanimously, but the song seemed nottobe forthcoming, so another consi nmeut of dying books and . V _ Something .Unexpected. A Mr. Mowat thenstood up and anuoun ced that he was about to call the attention of `the House to a duty yet undone which h'- felt sure would ` gladden every member's heart. All was expectancy when he plunged deliberately the. proposition to subsidize D the Ottawa 0 he had `long;h'ad it in his heart to. make this grant" because the County of Prescott had no railway at all but he feared losing the supportot so many ofhis followers as` to.: rise being defeated. But now as the 0 position had assured him that they support the roposition he was glad to move that the uni way be granted a cash subsidy of $2000 per mile for 50_mi1es. d Montreal Railway. `f`He salt . wou d. __.- - _. 4 - - -a-cu-no-`re Called the Premier for It The Speaker heal just restore! order when 'Mr'."Hudsoi1` toga and moved that the Attor- ney-Genernl be requested to give the House a song. The motion viasecou seconded god the '8p`ek'e'r-in his most deliberate tone said: It has been moved and seconded that the -Attorney`-General give_,ius -e_ji'eong. All in favor say aye! The .aye that followed shook the roof. Carried unanimously. said the Speaker. Mr. Mowet moved iu amendment that the hon. ;mmber.for_ Louidou be called on torje V` none-_ ' Pleasant, `Bullion-y. Mr. Meredith was glad to supfmrt the" motion, but he `was sorry thatour not-lo province had been so humiliated as to have M its Premier_ compelled to say that be was un'abl`e~to do `what he. thoughtwas just and right without tho" aid of an Opposition which had so far been powerless to prevenb unlayvfgl expenditureof the p_ubli_3.-funds or ` to defeats unjust: and hasty, legislation. ` ` Mr Rnlfnnr nrnfpntnd mtainnt. thnnrnnngod D0 B1350 lllljulla uuu. l.|lD|I]_ Iqgnauauuu. Mr. Balfour protestad against the proposed `subsidy because his own county `Essex `had never received a dollar from the funds of the province for its railways; Mr Gihnnn (T-Inr om exnlained that. there` PTOVIDCE IO!` 15! runways. . Mr. Gibson (Hur on) explained that there ` was no comparison between Essex ani Pres-- cott. Essex hadreceived large grants from T the Dominion, but Prescott to this day had not a railway tie within its `orders. Prescott will get its subsidy. The last s__gs_s__ioxi in the old, Parliament buildinzs then closed its business with God Save the Queen, and three cheers for every- `\n1`I1 " DGY E It body. 'Pu-nr bouy. - Prorogation will take place on Thursday at 3 p.m. ` W llllng LU puscu usun upuu xuuuuuuvu. `tiplication, no matter how large the - Ajcorrespondent gave him any number of- iapparentlydiicult examples. `In each in- -the` gures given, and then return --the cor- ;thegures singly, and has not the"l east:,- {idea of rou ingthem. " V ' face and hisrepeatxng difficult questions. His mathematical powers have come to him naturally. He is boyish in all his acts and in his speech, yet is an old head at gures. He solves mentally and with wonderful rapidity any sum in mul- gures. stance he would readily move his lips, lisp rect answer. When the gures4, 9, 7, 7were placed upon a piece of paper theyonng man could not give the amount they;.;riIIn`esented, but readily gured it. .He sixupvly hibws Last all e could` not count` ahove`--'jl2,* and it was at this time his skill `in gures was first recognized. , He has attended. school but two months. That he has a sys- tern of his own by which he works is evi- dent by the thoughtful expression of_ his Astonishing Fonts in Multiplication Por- formed by E Michigan 6-Year-Old. V MANTON, Mich. , Ap1riLlp3.--A remarkable boy mathematicianjs at . present attracting. attention to this village. Frank Northrup is the lad : name, "and his age is but 6 ears. The boy : parents are receiving .ettersofv enquiry, many of them from, iamusement managers, but thev are no w illing to place him upon exhibition. 11:. m..+.h..mat.inaI nnwem have come `to for` Anarchy in Brazil. - ' LONDON, April 13.-The Brs.zilian_ Min- ister here has made a. sensational statement as regards thebcauses of the disturbances in Brazil recently. He says that the seditious momenthas been promoted by Anarchists ...u_. n....... 1...... 1'v'nnnI-Inn!` in In-an numbers 1 issued that all those implicatedbe `impri- soned and punished. A state of siege was " found 'on7.March'28_last oating in the river !n0ulenW.nH3 DUB PFUIIIUUUU I) azuuuvus-awn who have been imported in lar `e numbers into the countr lately from East Prussia. he Anarchists, helissys, fo-- ' mented sedition under the pretence of acele-. bration of Gen. Fonseca s recove: y from his ill- ness. The Government by its prompt measures frustrated the attempt at a re- volution. Subsequently it was ascertained by Government oicials that many mem- bers of Congress had been implicated in the Anarchists conspiracy. An order was proclaimed ahd rigidly enforced for three days. The republic is now quiet, and the garrisons remain loyal. ' ..________._._,____..__ . -Think-no wasMur dered.'- NOEWOOD, 0nt., April 12.--The body of Richard `Wigmore; `a"young man who was i at"Peterb6rb, was yesterday exhumed from the Norwood cemetery and a post mortem examination was made by_ Drs. Ford and` Petti're'w ," Friends say that young7 Wig. more ,ad considerable money `at the `time-' of his disap earance in January last and ' claim`-that t e man was murdered. ' ' m oland and . . The Paris Fire. PARIS, Ont., April l2.-Nearly i one` hundred men are thrown out of em loyment 11:; the destruction by fire of t 0 Paris enufacturing` Co. e knitting _ mill last night.` . The ames started in the card `room, iwhich was situated in the second at, and was caused by 0. gas [at igniting the wood A-number-of-.A~_. 0- ton` were" , 2..." LL- A.-- ab AC thnvlnl Wh workin In me mp new m Iauv ...... ..V...... t.b0_re roke out, All nganagegl t_o gaqap` Th loss is estimikdvany where frail) $753003 ta9 Cl00,000. '.1`ho*lnnumnco csrried amount ` $9 $70,000. - ~..v-,.- r , ~::-A . '.Stom`n"Ihiohe And crime. BOMBAY, . Indie, ..April ,.-.=.-12. 3-I-A native charged with having killed a. child for the sake of the ornaments it had on"'i'ts wrins and neck admitted the deed,'but pleaded that it hedlieen cominitted under the ini- pulse of ' e severe neetion of the stomach. As 5 proof of .hone.des he. moreover oifelb ed that the organ` `should he opened" in Q`- derf tht the truth of his defe nee. should be demonstrated. ` V e g Between the cutting open of We stomach and hanging there is not much chfoi'ce., The , jud , however, seelnsfto ha.ve_decided on. r the tter use easier and more .e_xped_itioes_ ` __...-.!:An Dale. .Nqma. Reverted ac. I5-om.: April 12-FurnoIIh...Hovi1lo..,.. ......NowHYork~ . . ....Antworp " -1meaIand._...new.Yon:.T . V F --3370! . . .;.j. Southampton, . .NoIrYork "0 ...'nurl_g',..._;._. Qmonltown. . . . .Now York l_-|E lS (5000 AT FIGURES. A-*numb0I"~`j0I' 5lIO~"0plll'DvUlu wvlv ; in the top a't of the mill when .....u.- ....+. All mnnnaed to escape. 3'-* 1:-' ~ 24 .5` " A {T Pu:-uojgsA__. 2 lg: n|ii.Ioi-631 \vu/era `ft-f1otI`:;iuu_`Lg V Fq_na i.n '8n liclalilitcl Iank et. `ag-ii ' '_ y 11!/IOIIH--`iI|jII)IVtInV["\ Mn_1'-do:-rypj I.,`jrO_IOI1l _l aovei-' in ligland. `-.,5~;y- ' _ `an. _ , ~ _ _ v -via-.gaIrVwIT III 1:,-(Inll. 9"` L" 7 ._, 5:. " . W" \ L0ND01`6" 5AFfil.l.l3?41'h"B1`itish":ai1thori- lties have applied for a warrant, against; Deeming, the murderer,jsojtluat hemay be brought to England audr:presocut7ed for the" Rainhill crimes incase the rosecutionl in Australia should -result iti fai ure to convict, ' The apglication has `been made at Widnesl, Lancaa ire, within the magisterial "jurisdic- tion where the Rainhill murders were 'ner- M fltllfnfi nn 3` ""` " _" Ulvu "1161 O_ IJLIU LVGIUIIIII lll|ll'(l8!'B retrated. One of. thevnewfepapen repub-. ishes an account of the banquet given by Deeming, alias _Williains,.at. the time that, he left ~ ingland` with` Miins`Mather,` thwife* whom he murdered at Melbourne. ~ It reads` qu_eerl% no_w: r _ , On ednedgy ivenin ; Mr. -0.- WilliatnI,"an inspector o the-Indian "-jArm Service,` who is on a short visit to Englan , and has taken up his residence in Rainhill while in this country, entertained at the Railway and Commercial Hotel, Rainhill, a number of the residents of the village whose friendship he has made during his sojourn among .'them. "1`h`e menu was at`. an. excellent character. After full justice had been done ` to the good things 'provid- ed, Mr. Williams resided and Mr. Short occupied the vice-c air. s Thu usual Inna` ` n-"I .....L_2-L:.. A.--...L... .|.uv unuul Luytu ill P80110510 `P083113, having beeir i iubmitted and .responded.`. to, oe of the! nests in a felicitous s V pro so .'I. e health of -their 113:? Mr. powilliaxns. He said. that whilst that gentleman ` had been with themin Rainhill he had made many friend- ships which he. sincerely hoped, now that he was going away again _to foreign service, would tend for-many hours, when ennui set in, to bring back to his mind the many pleasant and social evenings the had spent with them at Rainhill. rm_- A.--...L ____ __..I_,__:-_,.9__n__ ,1,,,,,L VIIVII UIIVIII GU LUllLIllIlIy 1 a The toast was .enthusia.st.ically drunk with musical honors. Mr. Williams, in re- A ply, t.hau`ked his neat: for the hearty-wav In whichthey 11 received his name`; He hint` human `in rnnnn n`3nnna on?` nnunlvnhau awn] Ill VV IlI\iII- UIIVJ IzI3\.l IVIJWI V CIA IIID IIGIIIUQ LLV had been in many climes and countries, and had mixed with many nations, but he must say that he never in his life met `a, more ~ sociable number of friends than he had done at Rainhill. During the evening rmusical selections were iven by. the host (Mr. Williams) and ot era. The party broke up at I] n nInnl.r nn Iunnnv nubtnnn hn\n'nn'}xann VV IIIIQIIIUI nuns VJIIIJUIHD LIIV lll VJ UIUIIKU (ll) at. 11 o clock,-a. happy evening havmg been spent. " . His Murdered Vite`: Clothes. MELBOURNE, Australia, April 13. -=-An unclaimed leather-covered basket, which has lain in the Bairnsdale Railway - Station` since January last, has just been forwarded to the police here. It has been found that the name, Mrs. Dobs, inscribed upon a label on the basket, is in Deeming s hand- writing and a key found upon Deeming t- i ted into the lock. rnI__L__I__._ ___;__-..-:I ____ ..-I -__.-._I__v IIUU IIIIIU IIIIU JUI- The basket contained vappsrel formerlyn belonging to the murdered Mrs. Williams or Deemmg _(Emil$' Mather) and a portion of a.Liverpoo1 paper, another ortion -of which was found at the scene o the `mur- der of Mrs. Deeming at Windsor. hnnminn Anni-3r.nn tn 'v\v-ntnnrl thnf. ha in UV]. UL Lulu. .J.IuvuIl.|.I5 nu Iv-suuuua. V Deemingontinues to pretend that he is insane, althouih a number of physicians ha._ve testified in at he is perfectly sane. . Ami Killed Her Uncle Bocauov HQ Cume Between Thom. LONDOR, April 13. -A man named Ham-H ilton, residing at Melkshem, in Wiltahire- on-Avon, was engaged to be `married to .a. oung lady of that place. He,- however, came convinced that .the uncle of his ance was seeking to inuence her to-`break the engagement. Hamilton brooded over the matter and nally determinedtokill the uncle`. He procured arevolyer and accused the `uncle of taking ndventage of his "relations to the girl -to prejudice .her against him. But fewwords were exchen ed, when Harn- ilton drew his revolver an shotlnnd killed the uncle. L Hamilton fled to Warminster; where the police found him yesterday, ._ A sergeant attempted to take him into custody, but Hamiltonrmade a. desperate resistance. Finding the policeman was getting the better of the struggle, Hamilton drew his ` revolver and shot the `oicer deed.` Other oicere seized him before he could fire again and overpowered him.` uvulnuu uuv V LUU-Ulllllfu The usual loyal` and patriotic toastsj nvimr Imn?|*..-iuihmitt-A gm-`I u-..n ne.A.A slx Thoosand H1-IIIOI 0 "succumb to the Flames. LONDON, April 13.-A despatch from Tokyo says the conagration that broke out there on Sunday last did enormous damage. I6 despatch is vague as to which portion of the city is I urned over',but states that 6000 houses were destroyed. The loss of life was heavy. Up to the present" it is known that'~50 of the natives lost theiriwlives, and a mimber are _.:n ...:....:..... "IADIII. V VI: IIJDII up still missing. Anoth . hum-go Laid._,-~` V DETROIT, April .-7-V-Prince Mi.c hb.elLand Lizzie Courts have been unable to secure \ ' I 1*` ` ;` V ' > ' 1 '(r__L-._.1-.. nu-.. 1:i....;I:........ ........=1 10 D311. :~ `~ . Yesterday Ellen. Rnwlinson, aged 19, arrived from Toronto and aware out another information against the Prince for assault. The character of the information. is. such that,` if convicted, Mills` may receive 9. ` -nu\`-I:v|l'IA of irnnrinnnrnnnf. fnr iifn, WHEN, U. >UUuVl.UI.IUu, LVLIIIB sun, I _sentence of imprisonment for life. ALI. 1:-7ii'i*..g.%% ;_. Suit Over an Option. NTFOBD, April l3.--At the assizes Tuesday, Isaac Hazel obtained a verdict for $658 against S . R. Potter, the amount of a promissory note given by defendant to plaintiff for an 0 tion for one year on the sale of a" "mining imit at Port Arthur. The defendant was to `sell tvhevpro ert and get 10 per `cent. of the grocee e o the sale. He gave this note" or the option of V ' _ `Flixod for .n`ny`12. HALIFAX; ",N.S:, -"April 13. --Jnd'gment has beonzdeliverod; in. t.he`Sup`rome Cquit in the election case'df Hon.` Ari us McGillivrdy v. .Sir John Thompson. iafwas a motion L- 1:. 1.1.. .1... Sn.` fr-ht` Thu nnnrt hrs `Body Vwuhod 4uuqu;: . nmson, `A ril;l3.;-..JTh.bbdV pn.j~ was washed as o1'eba.1;,Pele'if;jHl`;a_wt'I,_d._'>n * Stin`-`A ` f day. Inia`a`t1_xtAt`_.6f*:'a. u;a.n,' dreI'aod_:m working clohhag, wip high The body was bur1od?on~the beach. , ` " . Btljll purge _n__ur>uuu. . , Wnnwnhuno. ~'On.t.,n April :13.-,-The small steam barge, AW. 8. Ireland, was" badly burned at the Erie and Huron rail- , Iydy dock`heI e last evening. She is owned by Jolm1Coopr. nnd has V uet A b.ee,n.tt,od lodding for .Detroi_ The re ii: to have ugh around the out fer `t}h`sueuon e "war and -5i'nt.ended' t5M W.I_l" VIln,ed et:_O80_00 :~ innretl re _In_. the for 83500. ir Jhons Infompamlx. wax: u. uluuga x.t ms: or?!` .,s=9urt%smn% `_' Qiop`~tud ,fox;__`;JE`ly,f_ .;l: _A 8,t9III|;Bl1`. .B.!Ir.n_9d- ______;. *(\_n. `A...-:I .1 April 13.-W ` . Y*`S'Pl`(luy arerl LBi8-I Wlntuey asked Mr. Mowatr . a.m. Mr. ernment intended to E If vy Gov; ladies `-55 Da,L es next. sssionmploy young this would l.gnbul: consistaut. ,:It=: ttl::?l_lzh; y lhg `GOV8]~nn]ent n. it tion taken forced through the bill t V women to 'PY`i\CBise law 4 To. allo" Voting` a Is W > -: ` 33' such 9. humor 3 mauu 0!` as to 0p`);Js1lhioI1 memlers. _ owat congratulated b . _ the~ hn' . _ `J ..__. L` "` HE LOVED HER.` THE TOKYO FIRE --a--;- "y `washed AIl.mN=-' L_. ':A__:I .10 ML". L..I.. :A1:1Y.N15+ V -anvv savnn vvgrv-w-v-vvu . ye Bra who :am*Mhis% " J L t-iipus-Weds t "ghe me timepnd Mr: Jung: Boo _ - received an Aiglyiiound infthe hand and his anti" wae`inJ'ured`_.. 110159 t0 900 yqu; gentlemen, noon able to `attend to your daily avocation.` , The remtina of Mrs. Fletcher, relict bf ' .I-Iui'H'J.'g`tX ]' `VF Wlnonknn `-3- h :nnnIin:` {rm ."W,`L_u rclun|u_u|. nluwpw, uzuuu In their last -`resting pI1io`o'~on-'- Phursday, 7th iP.!..t- - ' V ` . I Elise Mai1.,.;::i;....`.g Mills, is visiting her sister and brother here. Also, Miss Kerr, of G`uelpVh,einv vieitgingnher aunt, Mrs. Wloughby; V _ _ ` H Special eervicesrwill be held in the Epis- cdpal chilrchhere on Gieod Friday." `Il'.. 7.. - f`-._._-_LL L- A an au1nnAaa:uu' "'!"" "'-"'_ ""` '_ "" """'J' ` `Mr. Jno Coxworth had a successful _pI9ughing_ herelaat week. Ir__ 1}--n_.._1_1 _._---_.-.'.;':| L... I....L.'...A BIVUIISLIII-I5 IIUI W `IZU '7 W910 Mu.- McDonald presented her husband, Mr. Samuel McDonald. with a. bouncing boy recent] . Congratulations. 11.. run n_..._1.-n: 1) cc 1' .3 CI....'u.` `. JILL": J.`_n `Y a VGUIPUUQ, _ I. o It ._ Ill uvssuu .- `Gui, paid.a.,ying visit to our village lat pus-u- 0ppositiBr1nienil.ers. '_ . _ Mr. Mowat honorable member on the wonderful pro,;ress he had made since the hill just mentioned `lied passed, He had not thought_ of employing, young women as pages, but since the Oppogi; tion had so strongly recommended that course the Government vvonld very seriously ousideI"ltl.6fOI` assuming the responsibii. jty of rejecting the services of the young women. Tins broughta storm of applause from the Government benches. 4 Inspectors and the Liquor Law, Mr. Meredith callel the attention of the Government to a letter he had received from . temperance man of Waterloo, complaining that the Government had taken no notica of complaints lodged ngeiiist the license in- spector `of. that district. e'I,`hepl_ette;- stated that inspector had requested a. magis. mm m emv proceedings against,