.IJUl.u. Alw|I_y Awvvsl Inlnsu _vv -.-- ..._J l_.,.,,, ` There was a. small re at the stable of Mr. Peter McDermott, of Washago, on Friday, but it was fortunately put out without doing much damage; A ,.,_ -2 ml. -...__-....:II- Ill. HULL uwllougvu _ Mr. - George Agnew, of Thompsonville, while attending prayer meeting 9. few evens ings ago became unconscious and has remain- ed so ever since. a l A young man named Young. son of Samuel Young, of Medonte`, was so badly crushed between two lo 5 a_ -few days ago that his recoveryis dou tful. _ . ` ~- --u .u no '|e__ <|A.__`__ A new ugcuum V An untenanted building in Midland was . burned on Sunday mornin , The house of `Dr. Raikes was endangers but saved. by. the fire Brigade. Tramps or wilful ineendiar-e ism suspected. . The icase of, Mt. C.~C,`l?elkey changed with obtainin money under a1se,;pretenc_es~ ` came before? ustices Boyer and Shannon for? hearin1ascsThu_rsdayj, when no vfifdence ' `was-o'ere_`d"a'nd" `the case was dis r-- 111 "1i;L.2'_;-_ Hun ' issedff . , S. ` Mr. George Cairns, of Uhthoff, died last? Thursday of pneumonia. He had just, recovered from e an attack of gripper His last illness lasted only two days. | IIUIIU 5---v--. _-... - V _. The congregation of St Matgthias chnroh, Coldwatexj, will hold 9. and celebration` on the Queen s Birthda.y,- aid of the building fund. Loyaltyand cash are a good combin- ation. . ' ; _ _ ` .. .. ...a_,__, -.1--__._ `-....... All 4.1..` I011. The `South simcoee News `says:--All she.` su'erersin-the late re are getting settled down to work. `The Neilly rm,hardwa.re,is the only one that will not go into business; here again.` L.` _ _ A I -L--_`_-_A.-.: |...:L-I:nn 3n W`. ` W&S`0II8f6U. Iu. pus: vunv vvwa `u..........-..- 'I'heRev. G. _ W. _ Robinson, B. A. ,'.the junior minister 6 the,Cook_s`tow_n' circuit _of_ the Methodist Church, received at few tigys` agd;.from the congregation,"9; iiice=preaent -in` the "shape-`of a.{fu;* coat and aekiudr a,drlrdh._' ' - :59 I`. -_ `I'..I-' ..-:1" A DUI`: BIIEPU VI VI nu. -v-.- .__ Tito laid! 393116;! Le V" .an. Thrne were up using t}1emse1ves'b5; _' t1i1f.9yv- ing `. 's'top`esf `into `{ the Et'T!;orpl_i(;Y _'to break the ic'e_A.e` Lyle` got down on` a"j_bl of ice to; pick' up ,-the` 'si5oue 5w`hen`1%hefb1o`t:k gave e a.wo.y'ahd he-ell`ito `the icurrutiwhibh av_vift end carried him away. The body has kinds, oi` BARBIE. 'rnn- O0Ni`f `.03 -vsmnoin um mm ndnnuox or cnuntoba. CRITERION. BA~RRIE,2 COUNTY .03 ,SIMC0E, 0NTARIO',L APRIL. .14, `Q91; yet been fo"un'd.': V v.ea~1'-ning for. a..cann:ing fa.c.tp_ry.. _, ~ ` . 5 I . . v. 14:`:- `_;irkvi1_1e _:s `99 19" u` `_" ,n' . `,1 7v . there yet, and .y9r`y . ` _ I` III 1" I ' I I la.or5ase`c atl,Coing- wood on Friday evening. T ; 101 , I 1;,` ii-ue1;.';aI;;E";h;:.`.I.i'i:.g did" a." good` deal pf damagejn this -county. - __L,g .I_. an-;:n___`,1 '1:--_L__ `.__:n '"1'e3'Z}.L.TuSE'hIic7i'5:L.;a.inarbgg win beopen-for vesgels` this week. ` -= - : r --_.. A_.'I . In_.L`.4_n.I__i-- -I.---..... A-7'n.'I.."a7'}.i{.i37?:.I.-iiiJ1e. iloapor .n_n'qn Qtor at mo. n_mmtss.. V 2 I_-_,_ __-__..._-.1 .1. r-I-I--us vgwu >20 wuapuwu -pu----g-r -.y_.. b ;A' xiumber of death have occurred `at Viqtoriatubour from diphtheria. I ,1 !A__ I__,,, '"'&'iiJiQLo}';."Z&.}i{z;a its me ball club with D. A. McLean captain. I "{r.y" ;.,I.'Z'be'g2'..};};'{.I}1{;`i;{ii}1ang of A the Bradford High School will be made. (M r\ 11 `Is I,`I The S. 0. E. B,` S. and 1-;lle' VS'e'xennial `Lgague at Longford aie prosper"-ing nely. - Aspdin` is to. ha.v_e.a. sidewalk this . spring. yvhich shown that the -wqrld really mov- wrfii ing. `l'__ .Mr. Chapman the new. principal of the Hillsdale school has entered upon his duties. , . ~, .. . Dancing and sewing bees are said to occu- - y much of the time. of people at Sand- ook. ngvvuou Orillia. is to have a.,r61ler skating rink for the young folks amusement the coming lsummer. _. C Ullll. ' A good many people in Bond Head are sick. Grippe, measles, J ob s disease and what not. L . Dance. Drink and Death was the sub- ject of a revivalist sermon at Creemore on Thursday night. _____-__ L: n_..._:.. L-.. ............l up u cu... va- Sam 'Robihs. of Beeton. fractured his right arm the other day when `throwing a. \ base `ball. _._-`,'I ...;..-- _..-_1A 3.. `Dnn 'l'.`l .....-! nun .1. II as u-.3:-J .3.--n _" Lawyer Ferguson, bf Barrie, has openeci a. branch oice at Cookstown and he will be i there every Tuesday. . . --9- n___I`- _`II `I... 'J-.IIn- GA vyl-It Ann 'vuv.vvvv- I ..-......_.a. We Invite all the ladies to visit our. ` Mllllnery dept. GEORGE REEDY. ' nu , f`IL_____-.. CL-.. ........ . sill ... ....J King E At 0,113,, on April let. the wife;-_-ot` CI-A3 otason. Mr. R. - -u,A 115th. the wife NE!V.`.'C21u0 nasonigr M T - ' J.J.\lh\ol' Lvnv ova ,.....---. -..__ The stable` of AIlist;en s l;I;L`y-<)"r, got on re last week, but by extra. exertion the tire was ` extinguished without much damage. . mnn Ann I_._. ..--:A. L..L.....n.. o-Ln `7u'n4-nu-:o Lllllllllwly Invt-in 1--any-`cu... --1..__._ j. The Stz_:.yne_r Sun says :-Mr. and `Mrs. ` Webb and family, formerly of the Queen s E Hotel, left for Barrie this week. ' 1- An- ._4.s_ |t___- _. .._j_ __ c_,_ Ah|AL5uIlIvu u nu-..v..... .--..-.. ...._.......a_ An $80,000 law suit tween the Victoria: Harbour Lumber Company and 1:. Manitoba lumberman will one ot these days be tried at i Barrie. T - 0 II` II 'I __,A___)__ L_ Lllnlnnw-J Fifty of the citizens of Midland went to the station a. few days ago to sew good bye , to Mr. Burton, who goes [to reside at Rat ' Portage` T , -2! _-_..!.._ L..L-.-.-u.-. `Donal-nun our` 1. UL WW6!) _ . The mail carrier between Penetang and , Muskosh lost his horse through `the ice on ' Thursday last. He recovered the` rest of -his driving outt and the mail. , _|__ `I__L.-_..J 1... 1.1.... Gang 1.` Tam- HIE ullvuus vuvuv vuocvn .. ..-..-- |- Mr. Brookelectured to the Sons _of Tem- ' perance of the Back Settlement the other `_ evening; A pleasant and protable evening I is reported to have been spent. an 71` ,___ `l':A.-'..-_.. Q--..!..&-o V.tvv: nun IB Ivrvsvvu -v --- - -T-.. ..`_ __,-, V. A Glen Huron Literary Society will pur- chase a lawn tennis set for the ladies and a base ball outfit for the boys out of the pro- 'ceeds from their winter entertainments.- ` Creemore Star. -I I1." ,_-__ llf\._- ,1-.. ` \J| Vwulvnv uuvuo } The Parry Sound Star says :---One day last week'two young women in the east ward ' took a. cross-cut saw and axes, went to the woods, and in three hours time cut, split and piled up a. cord of pine wood. I | | . 11r_.-L-_-_L...... ...........-`nu-ulnar anuno `1`I-In uuu PIIVIA ur on Vvlvn v. '_..-v .. --... A Waubaushene correspondent says: TIE water in the bay is much lower th spring than the oldest inhabitant has ever seen it before, and there is much speculation ' as to the cause of the gradual falling off every .. year. V A V ~ ' - 1' ,4; c1-A.--_.J..-. AovAuu:v\II 4-kn nf .yClhl.o | Last Saturday evening i the dwelling of Mrs. George Anderson, about 3 mile and a. ' half from Hewkstone, was destroyed by re. The neighborssawed a. few articles of furni-A ture but the greater pert of the old lady's ' goods were destroyed. Loss about $200. . I :\_-_.__-._- Q1.-- nun I7:1`nnA nnunn in in v `L .-At 0 "nu . A hE`I'%INewell.I3t a.&son?m um` " `Nu: In B vn.-At Orillia. Apr'l 3rd. O Boyd, of a daughtella ma wife ot `M13 3 *%s;ai2{`L%':$1`;aQ3`3"we 0. Mr. TA:a2m,:o1:`s*::;*::;:';1:;:m;,3v=p. ma. A*:;m:o%`1:::,';'a;*1;::,::::.w,;;,ggu.%:soa_} C:::':'9v*:: .;;ss4:?4E*3F2;':::; :::s$.:':%o:h. C`$?%i?`nE?E?1s`3{f`a`&ne?t- ihe Y.-In Orillia. on the 2nd of Aprll 1892. Hucvn: _ the Wlte ofwn H: son. _ MARCELLE.--At Sturge B ` ' 29th March. the witgnot git`. s'}m"i`a: cone. of a son. A ,__.-n.. _ .u. Peneta.n2uishene.N Avril 29d. ` LA KUUPIB Ijvbv MUHULVJ vu. ......_ ....-..- V- 4 i . Creemore Star. Our village council is in a bad way. They held a special meeting l and voted some money to the telephone, and now the citizens are petitioning against it. By special request, a prayer for the council was -olfered at the revival meeting now going _- L _._- VIll'vl.LvA\a\n saw -.-v _v~...-._ ___---,, 3 El 1-! on here. The Steyner Sun after considerable ebrt gets olf the following :--You are uite mis- taken. We have discovered since t e 1-lislop murder trial that Detective Greer never lived in Stayner. He comes from either Barrie or Ha.milton_, THE ADVANCE may remark that Orillia. has 9. claim on Greer. V | II 1___ L[__ `__A`__ .l.UllIloLlL Ullllll vau--w nu... .. --..-..- About midnight on Monday, the lar e bank barn" and stables of Mr. Hugh Smit , on the secondconcession of the Township pf Collingwood, was struck by lightning and totally consumed. Three horses, twelve head of cattle and twelve `sheep, also about three hundred bushels of wheat, a similar quantity of oats and fty bushels of peas were destroyed. The loss is very heavy as the insurance is only $1000. -Collingwod Bulletin. . i. On Saturday ni ht or Sunda morning the station house at ottawa was roken open, and the interior left as though a Fourth of J uly celebration had taken place. The stove 1.-__.._:....... .........-nm-I in 1 hnnn, and iand. Iurnuzure were pueu nu up uvar, aux: `thin s generally demoralized. It 13 sup- pose the act was performed by aknight of rest, who was summarily bounced from a train on Saturda .- The same party `met John Teskey on t e track on Saturday, and , persuaded John by forcible argument to. give up his hat in exchange for the relic worn by `LL- A.---n-n ` nn:nd7nnt` `Enfnrnrlse. Corp}. White -Pvte. Parker Bglr, Crockford. "Sex-gt. Price Capt.- Drinkwater Pvoe. Mitchell . J. Moore_ `W. Walker E.` ROQOTB W. Fox. V ! `V '-;-~01-illi>i'Time 1* u 5 5 ` .' 3. Li V ' " See .680; IIIIIIIYS9 bu-o.ln.: counter -15~..l 1 .l!,-.`5"9.'- . ` 4. ` -. H` Wu! Lwvvvv: in engtanguishene. lJ\.L UIIV lllvvnnvn -v -- __- _ uly -trad Eiece. stove nd furniture werepiled in a. heap, and -3---- o-..-uumlln 4-Inrnnrn7A_ It 18 811!)- UV. In. y ugsclay. ? Qbo _. Roux A. i5} 13 '12 `T 15` `III 33 19 I2" 10 10 5f 24 32 . (IA `T6. , '_ The " rin;:`i-1:-c'i`;g.g';sE"1';'e,-'5'hancery, Di- vision 0 the High Court of J ueticewaa `held in the Court House last -`week. . Chancellor -Boyd`,-`presiding; The court.opened'on Tues`-T day, at noon, `and ended on` Thursday after-' ,noon. The foilowing cases were before the asmians. 2 ~- , 7 3.- John Davidson__v,s Victoria Harbor Lumber Company. ` This was an action brought by Mr. John Davis, of this town, the well known lumberman, to com 1.5 the ,,completion of the `bargain andesale V him to the said Companf of a large quantity of A `known as the McRae limit on` the _Manitou- _lin Island, for the sum of $56,500,"of- which V logs, booms, genera lumbering lant, and also a license from the Indian `partment at Ottawa, to cut the whole of the timber $6,600 was to bevin cash and the remaining $50,000 by ve notes of $10,000 each, pay- able at interval..,of six months with interest. Theplaintiff says, that so far as he is con- , cerned, all the conditions have been fullled, . andhe is entitled to have the agreement carried out and the purchase completed by the detendants. He also claims $6000 dim- ages from them for non-fullment of the contract. f'l'\L- _`I-- .1 LI... .I....-..-I....L.n trons vv\:QIIlI\I`A_ Blle. of T T IOMPSON.--At P ` I instant. the wig (( )Nf`ush'g:1:`?),m%sp6ril 2nd ' ` V 11. of a! son. W310; 'r.-At P ultf, the wife %'('$,'fi"{`}`{',{,11v;et. March 25;}, Hoss.~-At Penetamzulshene off" 3011. , am. the wife or H. H. Ross `L? Wdn..,,~, ` M('NAIt1B.tEAt I-gighlamd Poiu'Tlnay d:ulhtr' I ' _ sotdugh-` conrt:-- '~ ~ .. n - - _ 1. Permanent Loans and Saving`: Co., evsn--Jon es Bros. This w"a.s~ an ection on a. mortgage. Verdict fox-..la.intiff. - McKen- zie, for plaintiff. H.'H. trsthy, Q.A,C., for jdefendnnt. V. 2._1?eq vs Start`. was an action to have assets marshelled in favor of a. land- lord-. Judgment reserved. C". E.ARobinson -forplainti J."J.s Robertson, Q C, for defendant. n 'l"_L__ `I'\---:_1..-.. --.. fI\L..TT:..L..-.3.` `l'J'....km- COIIUFIICE The plea of the defendants was, misrepre- sentation as to the quantity of timber that had been cut off the iimit and various other matters. Verdict for plaintiff for $50,000, referringto the local Master to report where- in the defendant had not obtained that which he was to get under the contract. The question of costs reserved. . Mr. Moss, Q. C.,tand H. H Strathy, Q. C., for plain- tiff, andhHon. S. E. Blake and Mr. Anglin . for defendants. . u ___.... u:..I.1.. 1'\.........4- 1. QM. AF 12;-rip I01` aeren QBDEB. 4. Messrs. Mickle,D ment&Son,'of Barrie and Gravenhurst, vs. V . S. Ramsay. This was an action brou ht by plaintiffs for $5,000 against the de endant, a saw miller on the south shore of Lake Simcoe, for a quantity of sawhlogs, booms; boom chains,- etc , belonging to them, which had got astray round the shore of the lake, and who, as was alleged, `had appropriated the same to his own use, hence the claxm, r3--A_---- ...... 3... 4. nnunlnoo t'a`0I.I'1'I nf 38.1116 150 1118 own use, IIUIIUU uuu uxcuxu. Ramsay put in a. counter claim of $5,000 0 forsimilar goods of his seizedby the plain- tiff and wrongfully appro riated to their ` own use, hence his claim 0 $5,000 There were 24 witnesses examined, The learned chancellor remarked that there were two classes of cases which pro- duced more conflicting and contradictory evidence than any other, the one referring to livestock, horses, etc , and the other dead stock, such as lumber. He found that defendant had 320 logs more from the plaintis than they had got from him, and gave judgment for plaintiffs for $150 with nnul-B costs. A Mr. Pepl`e_r, Q C., and Mr. McCarthy for p1ai1}ti's,a.nd H. H Starathy, Q. C , for defendant. .-1 1r..tI..:,'.L4. .... Q...-.4-4 Qanxlml nut nf detenaant. 5. McKnight vs. Scott. Settled out of court. R.`D. Gunn for plaintiff. Mcharen & Co , fqr defendant. ` A _ Q `ow-f:n I1: MnM;]]A. En (2 `U0 IQ!` tunuuuauu. > 6. Martin vs. McMillan, This was an action to set aside a conveyance. Judg- ment for plaintiff, setting `aside the convey- ance. Healop for plalnti`. G. A. Ra.den- hurst for defendant. " ` I-v'l`.........u.. -on Damon rgg an (L nursu I01` uuusuuuuu. > 7_. Connor vs~Regan.-This was an aq- ` tion also to set aside certain conveyances. Action dismissed, each party to pay their own costs. McCosh for pl9.inti'.- R. D. Gunn for defendant. . o nar1............ ..4 nl um (\ N'ni1ptn]_ This Gunn tor aerenaant. 8. 0 Connor ef al vs. 0 Neil etal. This was an action to set aside a conveyance of plainti"s lands. Consent verdict in terms prayed for and costs. C. W. Plaxton for plaintiff. G. A. Radenhurst for defendant. 9. Holt et al vs; .Medonte et al. This action arose out of'the division of School Sec... No 4, Township of Medonte, into two sections pursuant to the wish of .a portion of the ratepayers. . The section wasdivided by by-law of the Municipal Council, but that body subsequently, on further information. saw t to pass airepealing by-law. and the present action was brought in the "interests of those to the division of` the section to re- instate the status quo before the by-laws, which it was urged was bad for various rea- sons. Many witnesses for `and against, the division of the section were heard, and after argument the Chancellor reserved judg- ment. Mr. A. H. Marsh and Mr. Hewson for plainti"s. Mr. Crease for Medonte and F. E. P. Pe ler, Q. C., and Mr. J. A. Mc- t"1-_..1_-- J`-.. AC4.-`Anni-Q BA1.~.'~Swrm'r.-In Midland, A ril 6th. ' by '. Rev. Mr Morgan. at the reel once of the bride's father. Mr. Wm. G. Bain. to Miss Edith Violet Sweet. eldest. daughter of Mr. Beh_]8.(I))ll Sweet. _ BENNli.'l`l`~ GRmAM.-At the Clydesdale House Barrie. on Wednesday, March 30th by the Rev. John Hunter. of Guthrie. Mr. m. n. Bennett. to Miss Flora, daughter of Mr. John Graham. of Oro. I Wn.so.~:-LovxcmNe.-At the residence of the hride`s father. on the 6th of April, by the. | Rev, J. H. Sheppard. George E. Wilson. of Fesserton, to Elizabeth Hamilton Lover- ing, youngest daughter of W. D. Levering. Esq , of Matchedaah. Died. sun: Ac\'.-In Barrie. on the 4th inst., William Shanacy, aged 53 years. A P1:.uzs,n,r . -At_her parents residence. Andrew street. Orlllla. on April 4th. V 1892, Ida Mays gearsall, aged 6 years. 9 months and 4 ays. L,'AlRl\'z~`.~- At North Orillia, April 1st, George E. e Cairns. agtd 02. A ),`[.~],}`,7\'f\',.\N,- At Orillia, on the 5th of April, 152:2, Alexander McLennan, aged 45 years, (`A1mu,.--At Elmvale. on the 22nd March. 1 ~*.I2.. Daniel Carrol. native 01'. County Clare- Ireland. aged 56 years. . W1n11:nm:An -In Barrie, on the 9th inst... Ann. the beloved wife 0!, George White- bruad. aged 81 years. Pehler, C., -Carthy for efendants. ._:._. EUQIIA Inn ivy:---, The regular meeting of the Board of Health was held last Thursday. evening, the chairman, D. F. Macwatt, presiding, 'J?resent,-- besides the chairman and the secretary, Mr. Bird, Messrs. R. Kingf, O. H. Ross, Joseph Rogers and Dr. Crook- shank. m-.. _.:.....L... J the m-mrinm: meetimr slaughter nouses. A A Ordered, that the Secretary notify Mr. Maundrell, that from and after this date that no `blood-boiling or slaughtering of animals on his premises on Elizabeth ` street, shalljvbe allowed, and that the Board of License Commissioners he notied of `the insanitary condition of the Wellington Hotel__stabl."__oI and ;fthg_t . the occupant has been rejiatedly notied of the (matter, and that action `be taken at once. " _ n_.1......: 4.I...o.-In Hnnvnl-Avv m we nuhlin that action `too much as once. . -Ordered, that the Secretary give public notice, that heavy _pena.lties are provided under the provisions-of the Public Health `Act against.-the-eale~of cattle. affected `with A tuberculosis, coimhonlyiknown as lump jaw, oi-.for selling the meat of diseased V animals,` "and that any infringement of. the; law will- be prosecuted, Also, that notice` be _ given that an "erds and other pi,-e`m`isee` be cleared` in: ith removed by the" rst week in see those Oreponu at J. Ka".T .}2: . - J L . Mr. Holgabe be communic`at_ed with Board 6! Health, uo AI, '_ L1--- OR HALE.---The north } lot 13, 2 concession }os. containimz 10:: acres. The above plat?!` has cnnaidembhanine timber. Apply to MRS. ELLEN 0 CONNELL, East End. Barrie. I. FYFE"8. 1892. V iifrefereuanchae to llixig up the water lots and the prieeof hlling and time of doing it I-us nannrl-snn ' Cllll DI-IU tVlI|3U~UL be ascertained. ,'f\._.j___-_I' -LI_-L DB_ 8308!` 551116. ' ,, Ordered , `that this. Board deem `it desir- able and necessary in. the public interest, that a sewer from the north side of `Toronto Street; to the centre of Elizabeth street, \ `an Anna`-gnlnnfnti and nnninnn xnna UDITW, IJIU UULIIIIIU UL JHLIZUUUII Dlllwvu, be constructed and con tinued along Elizabeth street easter`:y. to intersect the sewer on Eliza- beth street, for the purpose of providing an outlet for the. proposed sewer on `Toronto street and that this outlet is desirable and .ne- cessary for sanitary purposes, and therefore recommend the corporatlon of the Town of Barrie to proceed with said work simultane- ously with theToronto street sewer,under the provisions ofisub.-sec. 4,. of section 616, of the Municipal Act, as amended by sec .38, chap. .50 -53, Victoria, Statutes oi Ontario. 'l"kn Ram:-.~'l than nrl~innr-nm l_ ` .o`m_-: s_i.oo Kid` Gloves are the be-:1 made for theprlco. qno, nanny. W , Masonic Lecture. Last Wednesday evening, the Most Wor- shipiul Grand Master,John Ross Robertson, deliveredia lecture at the Masonic Hall, `Owen street, on the History of Masonry. `His lecture occupying about two hours and with only sparing use of notes, was full of most interesting information concerning the growth and progress of Masonry from the earliest timestill the present. While the lecture bristled with facts with reference to the Grand Craft, it also overowed with * genial humor. Itwas listened to with great at- tention and leasure by V a large number of 4 members of orinthian and Kerr Lodges, as well as by some visitors from a distance. Among those in attendance we saw the fol- I...3~u-o . LILIIUIJE lowing : an cc-r 0! furniture. electro plate, glass, houqe linen. nook. pictures. ornaments. &c., on vxew, on and after Monday. April 18th..trom 10 9. m. to 8 p.m. each day, at MRS. WM. D. A.RI:)l:gI:1 S, The Hill. : J. H. McKeggie, W. A. Turner, F. M. H LVUUUIII LLHJ5 an. n Geo. Monkman n D. F. Macwatt n J. McL Stevenson n C L. Sanders .. R. E. Fletcher n Samuel Wesley M John Ro erson n Fred J. rown u A. Urquhart n John Gordon u `W..C. McLean n J. C. Morgan ` n J H.Bennett n G`. G.` In John M. Moran n J. E Smith Bros H. H. McVittie, John Hood, 0 H. Lyon Will D. B. -Spry, Thomas Baker, F. Edwards, F. D Hewson, S J. Sanford, T. W. Lennox, H. N. Courtlandt, Geo. F. Henderson, J. J. Turner, W. Johnston, Francis Dunn, W. P. Chapman, F. M. Montgomery, VV. VVallace,Samuel Prior, G. '1`, Evans, Humphrey Bennett, Dr. Wallwin, John Dickenson, H. H. Otton, G. Parks J. S. Brunton, John Little, F. Hornsby, Fred Stevenson, G. Whiten, H. Harper, R. A. Douglas, Jose h Lang, F. J. Lower, Joseph Anderton. J. . . Brown, L. S Sanders, L. E. Lane, D. C. Murchison, R. D. Murchison, Smith, W. A. Ross, `W D. Vansickle, Fred . Marr, J. C. Mitchell, H. B. Myers, W. H. Myers, R. A. Ross, W. G. Sutherland, E. Dartnell, Harmony Lodge 57, Binbrook; G. H` Crawford, Occident Lodge 346, Toronto; D L. Gordon, Wilson Lodge 85, Toronto; Will C. Tait, Unity Lodge 375, Huntsville ; R. W Greig, Harris Lodge 216, Orangeville. Tho are nr` Mnntnr IRS nrenented l)V M. nap. "00, V IUMJIIID, uuauusu The Board then adjourned. Urangevlue. The Grand Master was presented by W. Bro D. Spry and R. W. Bro. R. King. A cu... +1.- Ianm.-n 1-ha brethren renaired to W. Bro D. Spry ana ts. vv. Dl'0. IV. niug. After the lecture, the brethren repaired the banqueting room and partook of lunch and an hour's enjoyment in social converse. On the removal of the cloth the usual toasts, The Queen and the Craft, The Grand Lodge and the Grand Master were proposed and appropriately responded to, interspersed with a short service of song. Then came the Junior Wa.rden s toast. Happy to meet, sorry to part, happy to meet agam. nun. 4-I-.34: nmlml 11 mnnt nleasing- instruc- to part, nappy no mean aguw. With this ended a. moat pleasing, instruc- K tive and protable evening. Ban-is mterarv Society. ` ` Bv the Society : Own Reporter. The last meeting of `the season of the Barrie Literary Society was held in the auditorium of the Mechanics Institute on Thursday evening last. An interesting and instructive lecture was delivered by Mr. J. ` I u C. Morgan, P. S. I. -The hall was crowded and many had to remain in the ante-rooms. The lecturer treated his subject from three stand points, to wit, Physical, Moral and Mental Education, each branch being handled in a clear and masterly way. 11;. 11:13-- ....... nah-Gn and Mr Iifunu-g handled In a. cxear uuu umauu 1_y way. . Mr. Milden was cutie, and Mr. Edwards | presided. rm. Inntnrnr was annlauded freauentlvl presmea. - The lecturer was applauded frequently during the delivery of the lecture, and a. hearty _vote of thanks was given at the (II A IIUGI. VJ close. It Sblllilvv Cw:-:-u- :-.-..- ' The South Simcoe News has ceased to - exist. Mr. Broughtow has sold out his whole plant to'Mr. Garrett of the Witness, who was burnt out at the late fire and who will publish the Witness again The South Simcoe News has been in existence for 25 years, and Mr. Broughton, in taking leave of his readers, says he is weary of the work. The truth of it is," that Bradford cannot properly support twonewspapers, but ought to have one good one, and, no doubt, Mr. Garrett will furnish it. V ly. If tation-_ Pretty Pink Paper. ` The grand Easter edition of the Albany Telegram for the issue of Saturda, April 16, will be rinted on pretty pin paper with beauti ul blue ink. It will be a paper worth preserving as a souvenir. There will be Easter poetry, stories, historical articles and beautifufillustrations Think of it, 16 large pages`of_ re'a`diu for 5 cents. Ask your l ne'w'sb__oy or newsdea er for a copy. ` me At g....~';sf.s. Town Hall. .. Leevery onenvremember . that the At Home at the Town Hall, next Monday evening} for the Catholic Church purposes, m-omiea to be a ne treat. A np1endi_d_ en- evening. for the purposes: promiee to ne n lendid tertainment is _ promised by t ose taking art injoit. Note the date in your pocket` my no that you will not make any other engagement for that evening, - o Prqggst riled. An election petition was led on Monday in the Queen : Bench division, against the return of `W. H. Bennetl:,~Coneerva.tive,` for hsimooe. The usoa.1_charge_s_ot tamper- with ballot`;-.end 1 other frauds" . oh ,l:he :o.de uty returning oieera. The seat for Dr. J Sgohn; the .: defeated ____J3.I-L- . -n.1,. ll OIDIIJIJBU 10!." ul. Libera1_candidate.'-CGiZ$ . Bro. John Ross Robertson, Grand ` n Daniel Spry [Masten Robert King 8!.` (lap. Mnnknin A Slmobe Journal Dead.` |mum1=nE1vs _1g mu11. Puma. KAN? HINGE HATTIRS KUOILY III? 1'` %&wI 'vw---3- Fo1`Ddrtie8 with capital to invest in several M ret-classinventions on which pa.te}nta have been applied for. Articles in every day-use. A pm)` to . H. BUNISER; when. Linked -regether. conetmec 3: cr-._. v..A.._._aa_-e g-A I14-gin: U was Q-av. vuv.-- --_ -.__.'- chapter ot noou mst'o:-y. 1 u -The ice is entirely out of the boy. , `"4-The cold wave is a. pretty long one. -Mrs. J. Ross is at present visiting in Toronto. " ' --nun . , 7 . .I,\II Ull UV- -Good Friday to-morrow and a general holiday. 1 ,1,,,_ 1-.. l`1I_A.I_2__...._L`I'_`I'.-._L.-an uwnu All\JLJ\LI~J vv\......,... -The Local Legislature Adjourns this afternoon at 3 o clock. ` V , 4.4,. n._.._.__'_ m_.n4. _...l .... _.., . $'Hea.dqua.rters for Clothing is at Hunter Sarjeant & Co s. '_ V 1-. , 1,_____--A.:.... -3 4.1.- 'l"....-.'l".. .u..n GLUULLIUULI (III 1.1 v vavvnn Leave your order torn Spring suit and overcoat at J. FYFIPS. . WNW, ,,!,I,L ._.LL Daquauu uu uv n. ` _ -Regular meeting of the Town Council - next Monday evening. nu v 1 *r__.:_1-L.__- .j:_______ ;|__!. `IVOTISUIII 3| ale 1` L I.` lxwzro - -Snow squalls about every night with prevaiiing Northwest winds. rnu___I_ _---- L'..:.....3 `n'......:......L,... 8.... Ind-A lllvvulnlua L`\lQ vu - v -7-... -- ------ -Thank you ffiend Harrington for late copies of the Burlington Hawkeye. 11,," `|l _If-.. ...JJ....._....J n `-nrv\v\nlnnv\n -Mrs. McKee addrease vvrnvu so. u...- d a. temperance meeting at Stayner on Monday evening, __ . -n____n ........ '!l\T\ A Dan ..L `Cl -no.4;-un West half or lot number 21 in mm. nu wu- ceseion of the Township of Oro. 100 acres. good buildings, good farm, immediate possession. Annlv tn ulvvvnub -v -go--J _-_ __ _,__-,,, c, EA FINE OPENING FOR A Tiov t Hunter, Sarjeant `& Co , (inone of our nobby suits.) --On Saturday morning the gentle, frog- inspiring, warm spring. had a. severe chill. New Mantleu. Cape: and Dolmana at quick selling prices at GEO. REEDY9So rnl,__ -__..l- -u:L~\:-uanlan 6-`an Ilfl` un`AIV\II IIICQ BUIIIII` [In nvvw `low \a---v- _.:._ __ _- --This week witnesses the most solemn "services of the year in the Roman Catholic church. ` I ' I f` A_`__, TT-..g `E.very pair of our stainless Cotton Hose are guaranteed. Try them, Hunter, Sa.r jeant & Co. rI1I-_ SELL 'D-LLn`3nn Q:|-nnnn wnrnafn Jvuuu uu V -The 35th Battalion, Simcoe Forester! it is expected. will go into camp at Niagara next June. --... .. 1-\ .. ` A.__ UCAII U unnu- -Messrs. Mickle & Dyment have a. large stock of 10 s on hand, and their mill starts `I on May 2n . us a 11 2,, LL- m_1I__J_1 Ull AILIOJ -rum: -Service will be held in the Tollendal Baptist church, next Sunday, (April 17th) at 2 30 p. In. ,9-I .,_II L- L..`.1 3.- {Ln L:nn. Ghauvlluu --A bun social will be held in the Eliza.- beth street Methodist church, on Good Friday evening. ` .L-A. -..:A.- .. .........L..... -3 An:. L' I IKIIDJ UV \.LAl|.lbu -We nbtice that quite a. number of resi- dences are being erected in the neighbor- hood of Butt.ereld s foundry. 1 _,_L_ uvvu. Us u-avuv...--v. .. --.._,.,J _ -Davidson`s mill (Fairview) started cut- ting last Wednesday. A large stock of logs is at hand ready for the saw. l1,___:- GA. f......~n n Qr\n:A`IV 111: nn1a. I\J5 ID (loll LJl~LI\.| Avv-us. av- wan`: ~--.. . --Barrie St. George s Society will cele- brate their 17th anniversary by a. dinner at the Queen s Hotel on the 25th inst. 1 . A 11' h_._---LL 1\....L:..A. Ulllllllg, Apply to UIIV Vgluuuu u .--vvv- v.. ....v ._v... -_._-, 1 Remember that A. H. Bennett, Dentist has removedhis office to Brown s Block, between the Barrie and Queen's hotels. x -- - . u n 1 . 9 _ | DGLWCUII hut: uaxsno auuu Vuuvvu n ..u..~.... -There was a pitch in between a special and a. passenger train at Burk s Falls on Tuesday. What damage was done we have not learned. ' not learned. T -'I.`he public are requested to bear in mind that D. J. Gibb Wisbart, M. D., will be at the Queeu s Hotel, Barrie, on Friday `2'2nd inst, from 8 a.. In. to 11 a.. m. A I n 3,- LL-._..L -:...... ` --Our bay is now c1ea.r.of ice,though since the winter ice left a. thin lm covered its sur- face on one night since and the cold nights give a. fringe of ice round the shore which disappears during the day. - ,,,,,:I1_ L-_L`I..._ -4. 4.1..-. \\7n"3..;-0. unoupla-.w-u ......--. _._- ..-.., - \ -Mr. Somerville, hostler at the Welling- ton hotel was standing on a. stepladder a. few days ago, cleaning a. window, when an acquaintance kicked the ladder from under him, causing him to fall, breaking his left --The Barrie Bicycle Club will meet in front of the Post Office this (Thursda.y)even- ing at 7 o'clock. sharp, for a. run and a. busi uess meeting will beheld at 8.in Y. M.C.A. rooms A good attendance is requested. Run` 4... m.....+w Rm (land Fridav morning at POOIDB A g0Ull. dhhcuuauuc La lckltlvcuvtso 1.... to Shanty Bay, Good Friday mormng a`; 9.30, from market. Slow pace set for new 3 J -___. I7: UV, 54 riders. A sad Drownlnx. On Friday afternoon the body of V_Villiam Shanacy, of Grenfell was taken out of the bay close to the Mulcaster street wharf. He had been missing since Monday night. He was in town that day and was seen leaving `for home about 10 o clock. He seems to have missed his way and walkin down Mulcaster street evidently walked 0% the end of the wharf. A cry was heard by some one on Dunlop street. just about that time which is thought to have been made by the unfortunate man as he fell, but as it was not repeated nothing more was thought of it His watch stopped at one minute to ten. Search was made for him as he did not reach his home and ultimately resulted as above related. He leaves a wife and ve children to getalong in the world without his aid. His hat was found oating some distance away. The remains were taken to the house of his brother Mr. E. Shanacy, Sophia street, and on Sunday were conveyed to the Roman Catholic Cemetery. The deceased was a brother of Mr. M. Shan- ---_ _t 4.1.... To\`n'\l` D,n\yLn11n `Dnmu-fmnnt. (leceaseu WEB it Iuuuucu U]. 511.1. use vuuu-n.r acy of the Inland Revenue Department, Barrie. Pioneer society. The Simcoe County Pioneer. and His- torical Society will hold its next meeting at Barrie on Friday, the 22nd inst.. at 11 a.m. The delegates from this society to the Pro- vincial Pioneer and Historical Association will be apfointed at this meeting, and their names wil be added to the committee in Toronto for making arrangements to cele- brate the Centennial of the First Parlia- ment of Upper Canada. His Honor Judge Ardagh, at the coming meeting. will give an addression Reminiscences of Barrie and of the County of Simcoe which will undoubt- edly be both interesting and instructive. _n.oya1As-on Chapter. On Tuesday the 19th inst a. s ecial convo- cation of Signet Royal Arch Ch her will be held in the Chn ter rooms, M onic Hall Owen st:-eet,at o clock p.m Th grand Z. M. Ex; Comp. J. J. Mason _ willwrisii ~ the Chapter oicially and dedicate `tins new !-rooms :1... LL. f1........I Qunnm=n&nnAAnH` nf EBA Spring Mantle: cheap at J. FYFE S. Irooma. Also the Grand Superintendent of the district, R. Ex. Comp- George Clarke will oicially visit the Uhapter. N UIUIIIIU III can -wv--u-u The Tennessee River has risen twenty- ve feet in the last 48 hours and is still rising six inches an hour. The rain in the last 72 hours has been over ve and one- third'inch.eI.~'~ It has wrou ht great 1133700 in Nort~her_11,(}e9_rgie. and abame, -2::-: {O 00 PER AMIUM IN ADVANCI SINGLE OOPIICB. FIVE CENTS. Hedda in the south. :-( j ` in the matter of the estate of Daniel Carrol of the Township of Floe. In R the County of Simcoe. Deceased. T PURSUANT to the {revisions of the Revised ` q Statutesliaf 0`!)ltB.i` 0. Chzatt)`tet1' 1l1`0. "iBeacsi%iorI;. .t`, notic is ere y wen a. a c o and perstzans having c eime upon or against the tltatc ofthDa(nie1 t argolsiotogxe ftzwnahip 1?! `os,`n e .ounvo In . &m6!'.Wo about th1et22x(11dlg1ay of lztiareh. di8%2, _ x ulre o e war or o sen 33% efgexyiaigi to Peter Kenney gnhnanip 4; 1 er, mva. e, execu era 0 e em dgcezged, on or before the 12!h DAY OF MAY. 1892. a statement in writing or their names and ..,m........ and full nurticulnrsvot their olgitng ` ._ xLI.No.15 . WHOLl|."\ I080 VOL SAMUEL Wnsmv. Proprietor. 0" .__.____.._______-..._..-_-?,. NOTICE to GREDITORS` I iailaguur, mu. . ..... -..--_ deceased, addresses, and full particulars of claims and the nature of the securities (it any) held by them. 7 Ann notice is further given, that after. the said 12th day of May. 1892, the said executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the persons entitled thereto. having regard only to the claims of which . notice shall have been given as above required, . and the said executors will not be liable for the said assets or anv part thereof to any person or 1-sons of whose claim or claims notice aha not have been received by them at the time aforesaid. ' PETER KENNY. - 1 DANIEL GALLAGHER, ;E"""- -I..._.-|- I) n. 5 11.111. Huuu `The L`-Hnuu. ..- .3 __ inst., the mm of D. `J. MoNa.bb, or ter )uN'mwArrE.-At Com ` I April 3rd. the wife of 033' `E mite. of a. son. Apyu oru. um u. wmte, of M half of lot number 21 in the.7th con- .,..m.-,... ..e um Tnwnnhin of Oro. TOWNSHIP or ESSA] April 9th, 1892. To! TREASUREWS ABSTBAGT STATEMENT. 15-l7. DISBURSIIINTS. B R a (1 1a 167822 1.31"2J..`.``u-..'.3.`a _f'.1". .... 211 25 IHIIIJVI-av Q Dated this ninth day of April. 1892. 15-18. --.-j-_"vvg; gr. _ We certify that the above is 3 correct nonto- ggxt 9! the aogourhot the Tu'l%3:ur6Fhi_0'.:_ 3 111118 t ' V 5 ` _ _ V ` - have exaI.I1`1?ixt11e1s owitlf tyl?:rvouohorI " belonzintz and found correct. ' 3 L V` H. L. TARBUBH. V ' -' . j1`reaaurer'sOmoe,-Maroh 25th.1893., . ' `,1 55 [15-15. V - -_-- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ` nouoooo..unooooncooc` Borrowed on notea........ J no. Watson. taxes W i .4 nn Rth nn _ . . . . . . . . . .. JHU. VV NMUUU, IIIIUH VV I On 8th C0n.........-u Co.GrantR.&B.........._ B8]. "8wooIooo0"' License Fund. G Din- nynnv man ,, ,.-_--.' LIIUUHUU nuuu. \I o Illll` IDIlOl`.'."> Lewislative So 001 Grant Land Improvement Fund Taxes for 1891............1 Non Resident tax. 00. Tvnn nrnvnuu L` on ISBBIUBDD DIX. Ulla Treasurer .. ....... Amount not yet collected On Roll 1891......"-no PETER. lsmuru. . 5 ' 50808 3110, rlga . u c - cg. Indigent nuoooucooonnh Miacenlaneous Account... Salaries and Municipal Gov.-1-nmnnf. .-........ omumes anu munuupm Govcrnment. ....------. Schools. Legislative Grant Schools. Municipal Grant Schools, Township and G OOIIIIIVII Cash ?1l1]\e1?1nd?.v.y. ........ .. 1enera.l1.eVy........-- Cash onhand.............v. lll.lluI"l'u'Ju.. :T.-In ril sun. by ` Lther. Miss 'iol9t gweet, eldest or ..u.nI> ilarrled. `t!JI-_.I RECEIPTS. BUN KER, Barri 6. J. D. BOOTH. ' ' Bradford. 16-16. Luuw. 1 Elmvale P. 0. an -Ann so: w 13515. ' 15219 03 91530 79 10 4289 99 1479 42. um: '43 211 030`! R0 5Spect- i 805 06 473 so '10 In J Sunday, `Rounth- 3:13:94 51 313594 51 _-L - `-4- 3swamunsm:+nImIu:nms.L ` Ir-nh.-tor Whit - mu m ma-9 he-=3 V OrilliaVSpr_i,ng Show` Tuesday 263;}: instg` If '1(`1her,e, are some ca.s_es.of:me`a;sles'V 51: V Brad- or . . 9 1 ZB2t71ilding o;.);1:a.tion; bin, . Matchedash Lure `active. - . . , . - s 32 nxuf-1_uc'r` nx_n4u.-mu; `Ag L903. znws. ';(1;h;rc:)'_Lds in Iiatdheah fare`-I$ad'ly wag}!- ed out. . ~ - ~ .= : V '].;lZ1vaVr-r'1umpI-`is disturbing ' :the 'peop.1e [of Notta.wa.._ : ~ ' ~ ;. .. T "The: Pa.;Vbrbns- c;fV Iudusl:1'.5 b".ha.ve at Everett. - - T 3 . ' l -AI;i'<>;1_er Saciy has -been foried in Not-' `tawasaga. " T `V ` . ' " The beat lace for Gloves and ~ llosery at J. FYF 98. ' - . T "A'l'o; ;f-lizgci Head `people are trbulilel with German measles. _ ` ` . . ' b I T.` I, ,1` I `TI reorganized on>Thursda.y evening last. ' -. | `I"...I...-II-_ -13 _`I_..___I_ L--A1-`-.4 I1 l `It l;)o-lZ{-5 an thotigini i eheba1\g.was going to Iprganize a lacrosse club. . , . V rnn r\,,-I19, 1',,,,,,-I l ,,,,.___,,,!,.1 Umbrellas nd 1"-`nrnsols. bait falue In I town, at GEO. apnnvs. ,1` `I S_,, ,,S.,I,L `A_`_ v-c, -- --1?- --:----- .- _'i`he thunder storm of Menday night, 43:11: was very severe at Foxmead. A number of young people are leaving -Ardtrea. fer the "Northwest. ` A window in St. James Church; Colgan, was smashed by Tuesday : storm. ` ' ' -nu . I p,__`. _n___._` vvvv-v -...-------~ -7., _._-~._.-. .. ._-__ There will be a. shooting rr'1a't<;l_1' fora silvr ' cup at Tottenham on Good Fzfiday. L M -4. D1L___..._-__ `I'D--- I-_L No religiot;s:|';a'1_'./'i;e; Bay last Sunday as the minister was non eat. | 1-: 1|: ,1, ,.,,AA-L `l'.1-___.-_`_.'I 2..- .12.. res ELIQEQVLE a. dis- turbing element in that community. | " It is reported there are 9. good many `geese in the Holland River tharphes. n u , 1-, .__|...._ ..l.-_-_-..L-._L :.I_:.. ........4... -3` avuuyv ._ --.- _---- The fall wi1_ea.t. t;1:'oughou;;l_m.Vi; -'cV>unty of E Simcoe, is looking green and healthy. ` V 9 | es 1-su. I 0., ,1! 1'n1,.,,,-1_ I-_._ - 2..--.. LL- WiS;}EZ1'izi_a}?.r I_]irVr1-vzva:i;a1V)`s-t;Zz.Z(vt1Zger the ' other day wh-ile ruuninga cutting box. ` vv I'I\I (V: 'i"1;;i::'a TRiv.e1T Satmrday ` 2nd inst. and the river` is open to Cook : Bay. . ' 11- 11 ,..s_. L-___ L--_- _-....-- ,J....L......L!.... 4-A ....._,. _ Field mice have been very destructive to fruit trees in the vicinity of Orillia. since last l fall. -'.-[;he Free Methediss have been ha.ving' good success at their meetings at Cooper e ' Falls. --- -xu .-rs p1-`H, J \~L_| no ` The house of Mr. Robert'Brown, of Port 1 Sydney, was -destroyed by re last Friday night. `T _ ` . . 4.4.- -.--__L2L.._ -2 ...:..I........1 nun "lrunn ...5..... A large quantity of ickerel are `being ` caught at Horse Shoe ay and Sturgeon` Point. L I II 1I_,__` L UIII Ill The Atherley people are looking for 9.` good time when their new Templars Halleis opened. 1\ ,, ,1__)._ ._L!.. .1- ...31I Tnn`.`non `\nI7:f\fI \Jr7I4lI\l\-I-I . Brady : shingle mill, Washdgo, having `I nished cutting the winter stock shut` down last Saturday. I _..n_A_ 4-_-.L 4I_- I...-G anuua` nlunnllnnll nunzv run-van uua-J u A plain fact, the best and cheaj9eu' stock of Brass Goods in town In at GEO. BEEDY9S. ` 1| .1 1 , ,, .,I.;_ -1 I IIIBIIO lIr.l!l.l:III.l. was The revised by-laws of the Atowneshiup of Tecumseth are being printed at the Sentinel Oice, Tottenha.m.: . '1-11|,,,,`.,'L_-_ ____1 ___:__\_ \JLLI\4v, J. v 5 vvnan-u-nuns. All the Sick Teop1e ofFesse4rton and neigh- borhood, and t are are many of them, are favorably progressing. .` ,.-u__1_____ -_ ...:.i:;:..- `l\ Ll... I. V VI. IDIJAJ 11.. van. vhlunulai I There has lately been an addition to the Tottenham Mechanics Institute library of . $200 worth of books. ` ,,:u__: 1:. 1.-..-_. .. 4.}-.. 1..- qiavv V1 V; U A n v - w v v--u ` B. Sheer of Bradford fell. from 9. tree he was pruning a. few day ago and received some severe injuries. 1 o I - -11 ,.V *|l2L,L-`II | DUIIIU Du V vs v nu] up nvwu ` Robert Cra.wford s shing1e'milla.6 Mitchell Square was burned last Tuesday night. Loss ' l $1,000--No insurance. , __.L_ .13.... --4...`_-....` 4.1.... up 1 ,vvv~`;\ v uuuuuuuuu vs ` Somebody has ben stealing oats` from `the. bin of a. Rockside man and he thinks it : ` mean to treat him that wgy. V `is - ,,,__ _- - .1._:I IIIVWII ll\l vnvvwv oanunn vs;-wv -ww- ,. Sergeant Price. of Price : Corners, is dril- ling a. squad of active young recruits for Company No.` 7 Simcoe Foresters. . ' ny -n I , ,2 A_1:-I_ L-..1........ ..`.....-.A \JU1II[-IWIIJ .n_v- u rsannlnvvv --.--...-..-... A. W. Burke, of Adja,la., has been oered a. big price for his famous trotting stallion, Fulton Scott, but has declined the offer. our Blk. Cashmere [lose at 250., 350... 4513.`, and 60. per pair are the best value we ever offered. GEO. BEEDY. nu , t,,_1__-_._1-_A. t`\...J.... -0 Wnunufnra nfu KVIIIIIID we ova: Ullvlvuo uuvu ......__- | The Independent Order of Foresters of Penetang had an evening. with Mrs Sara Lord Baily lately and were greatly plea.sed;_ , ,___n 1:..- -1. LL- ...L..|-J- AG Mn