church have organized an Auxilia. in con- nection with the Woman : iseionary society. Mrs. Richards in greeident; Mrs. T. M. Greenaway, vice- resident; Mien R. Mercer, rec -eec.; Miss ary Tegart, cor.- eec. and Mrs. Mercer. treasurer. FIVL- `run, 1 n The ladies of the Tottenham Methodietl .2. Gus. theutoqt an?-but 9-1!. ? qoloei in:Snnders.P. Bllgok. .thpt. Dental . _m j \ `wk hI.:}!l!::xb6t` science on KIWI. - '1-Pd .vv-I:-full? -_-_;- D. 0. mnzcmson, llnltnml-B-__..l- 3-,. - -. ' %lIn 7 I10 F "`c-.`in3'n } "u`I'r3.'` ``3 a'?'3a` L ,.n%fo::`.: .o:.?";a.T;*.f*5.l*.:!.2w:-..2:.-.- sons! |p;.l?oa21oxT. umnn menu a. Pnurecnnu ASSOCIATION. Slocum s Oxygenized Emulsion f Pure Cod iv__er Oil. Loana can be Iona! application. closed at once bymuklng pa- 'VV'2E! o'ANi~1'o'r lLl3ut1A.ESmCFIJ!dRofsl8;'-Wes!1;s`30tt,S B00kSt0I ew Rev A F. Mackenzie of Knox, now Central church, Oro, having resigned his position as pastor, is going to the North West ' an was nlwrntlln raiwaye 08081110 DQIIO; and throat painful. and in the morning the discharge from the throat was profuse. After tryi everything I heard of Dr. Washington. got treatment. and waeae well as everin eixweeke. This is now three or four years I-30. and Iam at present in excellent health and hlV8 had nn trnnhln-llnnn nf not-nun-I. -xo. um 1 am at present in excellent health and hqve had no trouble" since at oatsrrh. V mu-n tr-nlv on uxenu uresunent aoeommg to Instruc- nelwhloh is very euyond elmple to take) you will get rid of your trouble. For some years I was troubled with ooterrh of the lead dthroet. until my life become a burden. on In the afternoon Ielweye became hoarse and nninfnl- And `In thn lnnrnlna tin ISBIII. Willi We no Storey has to say about it. eto.. President Mfg. Ann. of the Domin- ion and Glove Mtg.. Acton. 0nt., in reply to a letter of Inquiry :- Aeron. Sept. lot. '91. John Cowsn. Esq., Msnlwwaninsr, Manitoulin Island. Ont: ' Dun 8m.-Yours ot the 2nd ult. is received and should have been replied to sooner had not absence nrevented me. 1 can recommend you to 9:. Washington. Moceul 8t., Toronto. asthe bestperson oueenget toeeslst 73%` endl have no heel tton in smrming the on take his treatment according to instruc- nslwhioh lsverv ansvnnd nimnln in mm No prepafrat/i<:n' of the hind has ever met with the same success in the same time and the testimonials in its favor are all from the most authentic sources. Every drug- gist sell it. _ RIDE 35 CENTS PER BOTTLE. I 9.951 R. J rLi'f1imR.Agent, Bu-rte. 13-ly. ---1 For full nrormutlon and desert tive pun met: of Manitoba, the North-Went` Te tories an British Columbia, apply to any 0.P.R. Agent. DRNVASHINGTON (TUBES mcnrnnnu ISETTLER ,, - ... -._- ---- ---v- -v -vv UI-VIIJ_H ,WVLlo The Washago 'people send their children to.Church ve days per week. The Church they send them to is a. pretty good teacher. ` A `I J...........L:_- 11:11- N, - ._-COME AND SEE OUR- !'""' '-"'3"'-'5A"``"*'A" BEAUTIFUL naumss. 4 FORF mu I.EAVE'|'0lI0l|T0 A % |v|AIq_'j'fgfo BA " EVERY " TU E3 DAY_ -` "I-n.....'.l....aIlA'Dl\_II"nIV|1lI APRIL V JOHN LEE 8 FURNITURE STORE, 54 and 56 Blyeld-St. 'I'_EE STORES FOR SALE. `I i - ?g---- L 7 Arms I-o: a. EUR_NiiTUR%E| |_'&I\ I `During MARCH and APRIL . lit 9.00 pan. - . AND THE !2.|NlDlAN_ NORTH-WEST , .,-_` _.v_- wv -v-a -rvuuuvno Al V1 `F530 1 The Chosen Friends, Patrons of Indus- try and the Independent Order of Foresters of Everett; are all said to be doing well. '1`!-.n \'KT`..-I.......- '_-_._1_ __,, 3 .1 < o u .. . A LARGE AMDIIN or I -__- But '1`. A. SLOCUM of 186 West Adelaide St, Torontn, Ont., must feel more than ordinary pride in the success of his valuable 5}'epara- ti_on, for the cure of lung xseasea, V12. 9 A D".*"%*.:";;V-%% j PER OENT. on Flrlt ind M8:-tgagu pan! of. N0 OMMIBBIO . Agent! Wanted. Oall or and 80- - otamp for OIROULAR. I _, - Z nus: Lumen AI` vu can u auvaullwlll` Q mYenAnn.cow`ANn,cALrt isle`. J`lWhItW0"0f0Il0I0f J61-no is can wold , `.1: .J:N'1bwuI'n ' umdeun'";'l 'd R8, ` u-st. _, ,,,_ -_--_- vv _- - rouuv avvu. IaVw\iI.lI=I{o A Hampshire Mills man writes. .The maple sap runs well but it is not very sweet which is a. sign of along season of sap weath- er. - T 1717 _____ . _ _ . __v_ .. vvvv u... o \.I\J\.5IJ 111111.! uuu . L unooot oatnrrh. ' I 5 J 10%? gugb B". Want School supplies, or anything in the line of StatioL- _ art? on l-n Permanently HUNTER, SARJEANT & cu, lI1lll_ Y. N , J Loan `Va .. an ` ` r.2'g"nu-xii Sin bo.'Ji'n'i's .T.?- 0110 . . 5- 5 jgsglgsulg -mt D,'.l.1`0hIt1:ora. 'rI':'e $937 A mun? 1au:s'r1'nN.~ ' 5 `:`- ',:,"`.`~.'ve||g1gj-5 . . %v%1;u.uAaI.E nulwnnc LOTS .. SAILE.` f:'5I1`?*`THE;{71'0WN, oF BARRIE2 T _` s)1,_{;_ Le Curtains In great variety at J. FYFIPS. _ Perfect Regulation of Depth of H055 in I: . seed 59 .mo 03. Sow: aho 001-1-egg hot 13:13` itgwdegou 3 tea (31-Saving Binder. {keepers Mowers- ul gt. Sand for illuntrsted Octal 0 0. a . Montreal ; 80 Fnont St. ggouronto: 135 Km --`-7. -..__v-. I ` K (V vi ALL WORK GUARANTEED. Repairing and cleaning of all kinds. and engraving done on short notice. V MRS. L. STEPHENS; WATO HES," oL66i{`, ifavf * -n-_--.?'-f}TED:WARE &Q- -. o-. ___13\.__# NEWJ!lL_X_8T0E Bry, go to Housekeepers will consult their best interests 1 ing our Stock befere purchasing their Wall Paper. WE HAVE AN ENDLESS VARIETY WALL PAPER ! A Byiig Inlet North, '<':`)'1.'t.'-espondent of the Midland--Free Press says, Burton & Bro. are anticipating 9. big sea.son s work. ` TIVL- ul`IL-_--, "` ` ` ` } Mrs. Armstrong. iv-44- -~ .u . ` ,....- F-`ad; J:;.`9fs.z.i:i ' 2;.` r` . (`S-1 7:17 4 v- v.- . 9-1.3 In. connection ea Dunlop-st., -` Opp. Railway stauon. .__.__.____.________._____ JUST OPENED OUT A` LARGE srocx OF WELL SELECTED Hog_sek_ee_p P. 8;-Styl|sn Dressmaklng In chargg, _ -v-a- '_-u-v.uu- 77 the organizer of lodges of Patrons of Industry has organized one at Ruskview-with 17 members. Guaranteed the Best N-I|'| T M; m nnnxlnn `II:-III_ ._.I -n_._.. __ _ J _ FANCY Goon; VVE QELL OIIEAP, APPy_QTl0ll$ T0ROUEHLV m-moves! _FA8l'llONABI.E `rm-:50 messes, % . aLovas, I-IOSIERY and WALL PAPER. , , j.:V --w t- -j W with my Fhncy Good: Store. The above Department is under the management of j. _ -j__ :1:-:I:oos:_I_:_:g=.-J3 26 DU'l`IITC3I -SCI`17{EI'T.` - __ . -- .. .. __-. -, nouvunnuvvnwn H]-Business is re orted as lively at Foxmead. The Hadden an Orr saw mills are running and turningout lots of work.` A11 ,,,, _,'I I;\Y .1 - -A1*;TH=- ""","-0.0`! OI fl V ` nousrin the Town of name ki.P'm"- "W `i . P"`|N8 to slivnly their own! 59 1.1,tio,n- dtnrnhh uri . Th xoww no;oe.o'o:r.ily agepted? ~.,,.1 ,,_,, A _ rt .L'!0-I7_.."` ' ` , .Qsmr?n P-0'. 3;.-u vary fiiain-`I's."-4' -- Tndors For I-Ieatlns i snap` me man mu: ow zthnzlioatinci at the `win--'sn..:A4_...._.i_I _ 8 ,:;o.:v.a bv the ;(I.'n%>., Iucansdfi, oN_T- -_- ..__- vv --- v--v Knox church ma-nae, Oro. and sixty acres attached were sold last week for $800 to~Mr. George Crawford. 15.. 11-1-n, ,2: . Luxvuu , 12-15 3. R0 art!- Sanry -0 Km: A lot o7fW;1>Veop1evfrom.the country districts ocked into Bradford. to see if the reports about the re were true- _-._-- ----uo- drawn VIII. II5 VIICIIICIV` The Hillsdale correspondent of the Orillia Packet says: Mr. Chapman, of Georgina, has been engaged for Principal of our school on the Cheap John system and is to be paid for his services at the rate of 8275 a- year. Is it possible that such a and such trustees are to be found V i1i?~*!thxs" County of Simcoe ? I s ` ` '_ Before J ustices Shannop Boyer,` Mo_Ij{_i day afternoon, a man named Pelkey was charged w ' " " false pretenoes. Some ve `weeks agogj it appears, the accused mold to Mr. Fred Saunders, for $76,, a horse which `he repre- sented;.t,e-be his own while it belonged to the Singer Sewing Machine lfanufacturing C0,, and by whoin the anitnal was a few: days ago,,replevied and.ta`ken to `Barrie ; ..Upon.'~ ascertaining that Pelkeyavas at North ` "y.&_ the Sherirtslsgra hedao a con`stab1e"ef that` 1-1t`4v :13.-we. iwtrrstedst ;_`IIeA,was* mush} '*`l.'I x and` the" ',' .4 lnw Mr. Ne ELL.-_-1 .SnANAcx { Shan gPEARSAL t strca ,. Pear e daym .CARR4 T.. I 13.01 " M('1AF'..\'.V 1592, VV11 Mr.V.VTz;1:e`<-1,rr_>f' has secured` contract for building the new Methoa church in Bond Hea . ' ' _1_ ru placv h `runs H. VOL. plan` 1: MES. 11. Of-f-urni `nooks. and Mr 8 p.m. 0 Thu H 'YD."Au Boyd, 0 At 1 For our x-at-cla been up Apply West C888i0D bulldin Avply |II.l\a . BOD. .,-__, --_-..,,. . V Spriugfever is said to be epidemic at Keenansville and the sunny side of a. straw _ stack is at a. premium. ' `A `ll 1- - - * NO` 3t`,_ 110": ' and _pe estate F108, i died 0 nun lun D0 R .uIv :- Dost (iallng A.-.nn.;.. and th by 1110 Ann \ PJH. `Theiij war will p dccva hzwin notice and t the an peran notice ..o 9}... .1 Kn .~. Cairn April. __ __ --_... -..v-uuou The uniform promotion examination in the Inspectorate of Fast Simcoe will be held on the 13th and 14th inst. AB| 1") ; 1rel'n [[18 law hag 3 tin Ann ..:.l 1. .J _ _ . . _ _ ' V nu- iIV`I;wton.Robinson base-ba.llVists are becom- ing active jushnow and $0 doubt a good club will `be organized. nu 1 g-- _- _I 7'.l.`7hTVavh;>_I1r`s:a-c;E'i\?r. Robert Black of Wau-I baushene, was totally destroyed by re Thursday morning. ' 0..-}..- E.._... S. ' ` ` ` ` ` i1v (l`1e})upilI:oAf the Duntroon Public school hold a concert and literary meeting every Friday afternoon. 17 is - ' `-- uuvauu guns mu Ill Dona 11880. are 80113!`- inz from gt-ippe while others are struggling with measles. . out -V_- v _.._.a r--r-v wvwui --vs vuunvssc ATlTf1-Zegd Tudhope. who was shot in an Oril- lia. bar-room sometime ago is able to be out IIIIU Last Sunday a. buttery entered St J ohn s church, Atherly, and caused quite a. sensa- tion. There was a very successful tea-meeting at Forest Home Presbyterian church last Friday. Prof. Dyke, was there with his phonograph and astonished the natives. VIVL, I1- AA kninvkw ;<;:1l.:i'i-1'.l:.e to see I more 0 the young people attend church. AI`-All I"...JL-_- _-L_ ---A --l -` 5 " " at [Midland has not been a. marked success this year. FBI... ....-;1- -1.` `II: n___:n_ _, , u 1 In _Z from Tottenhzinl to Schomberg is talked of. ' TV (knew organ has beenfpurchased for St David : church, Everett. I A__.A_-_._ -__.l-_.4,-__ 3 , g .. -. _ =E?iglr1t1;o;se is to be placedvon Giant s Tomb, Georgian Bay. . ` D fflnn -_-_.- -_, _. v on www- L_e;;e your order torn spring Suit and. overcoat at J. FY_FE s. A " There is some talk of a. -new cheese factory going up at Ebenezer. A I!,,I A I , , I I I AI! ;; native of Bleak `Horse says there is not a. horse in the village. . ' ` nu.-.__` .1- _.s,_ ._n_ ,1 , _, _,__' ,u ,, p WA n.;..i.'{oF}.Zo faring from i I F 'I\i nuenza. ple at _1\'ovar are still auf-. \-i7.:-$1-El-6\L-.-." c-2. Uifiikiiirmsimi 933$ ` G ,`__ -.--- wuuvunuuvu U119 IIEIIIVUBQ The Penetanguishene Herald remarks that the saw mills in town have commenced t- ting up for their season's work and that there isa. prospect of 9. busy year `in the milling business 7I\l,, " qnruann nxfggxbi ` nxon_Am_:ns as noon. saws. ` Lu}: condo} T into iultoroutj ` ' Para- graphs for Advance Readers who 1' .4 nos. Il-.....- -ioI.- Ilgno o:vero.l pox-sans. in Band Head Ere au`er- ` no from on-innn `pl-.31.; .-.4-l........ ..-;. ..;...-....I2,, H LVWUWL U IJLCVVGL L, the Bradford jte. "i.~}ie71i)};ii is ma 'up--to wit the Brind- ford News Devil. . ""691. of the ,sVhing1e. mills afe running. _ L V , .V Table muons [and To wen at J mamas. ' The roads round Black Horse a.r. nearly impassable. `D.-..:_..-.. ..L `D....;I-...1 I.-- L-..-. (unlit! Jnll A-1;;-s;;;;;-at Bradford has been very dull since the fire. T ` ` T WT[heTB1;echin Methodists have re solved build a parsonage A ` 1 1'I,`,,,,. (VL,,, A` I U ; I I ' `inc no uamw of and Heat. Orillia. builders expect a busy season.` Nothing going on at Creemore last week A`nd now Tottenham . is to hav a turf 1_?_.<;1>`c_a1'rt`tewart, is the heaviest loser` by `M: RIFAIIFAFII rn ' ' . uvnoavnili There was a debate ,a.t Bmcebridqe the other evenin on this subject-A-Resolved -That the . P. R. shouldn't have been built It was not decided by the bald headed Liberals who held the debate just whlen they would begin tearing up the rat a. " ` ` nv R. J. Sturgeon, of- Sturgeon Bay, chad` his farewell sermon the other] ;on,~ the new Methodist uvuu. vau UUHIEDIIIIIIII Ul nunuuuw. `As a further expresalh of 6111- rev rd Aforv you've de_sire`t'o present you with t is" `old- :-'i.:_`:g' and pin, tx-acting tha't".ybu'm'a.y 66): upgh them '1n'yeara too9`m ` pleasant re-` minder: of hm-mv dvl Ind` In-x'rl'u`u#'p`4'..:.'..A. r ' Jvu vvua use must uuuaeu. ' ' We know that your many excellent traits of character. will readily secure for you many friends where you are going, `but we feel sure_ that none will esteem on more highly or love you more tenderly t an `those who must now say good-bye to you, and we would like you tofeel that whatever other friendships you may form, these hearts will ever beat in deepest, warmest, truest friend-_ shi , and -while the Stars _; wi wave above you in our new home, we trust you will never , or-get the old Union Jack and your `Canadian home, and your dearold companions of Allandale. ' ` ' AI H. fnllii-hint ilvsiil-niiliviu-i"nl `Aim. I..." upgpnvuueul In year: 130 091116 ,p1euuVu`tL `re nyindgrq pf hap .y dya__3nd1ovln frienda. : `Signed o`n"b alf of th_eclnb', ` } _ ' . L T Fannf 0m'asm`r,~ " `l - ('1. `to a. sumptuous suppr: `given Lfby: t,;jhAe-:`k'1'nd f Idilseruryxboiety will be 'glVoh"thiI-(Than- _ . "ugp];}1w1'., .u.u'l.;|,Js u..:_1:',oruqr ,ot>'~Wlndaor.1vh'o; `ALmNnALn, April` l, .1892. _ V` '_ 2' has bgen vialtmg her. lnghter,lIt|.D3ni9l 'Mr.-- Cameron, thauh mken.9P `iir1 `bi pry"l?`t-'nf1.' T'nt`.l `s`m'-' surprise,-expressed-=hia; aippreoiat1on*o-yhe - '7'.` ' ` V` j ~ ~- " _. kindneamof his friends .n,hiiuual_w1tty f _ N'!`.,.' E4 nr.` - "" ' ."'", ..-V "Zu; the'bpresentn".tio,n' the boys did,-justice 1M.r.~ Morzdnfl 1eotiIro=bf,:o~tho Bmia h08|5B`I1d"liiI.f8il'w tner-'.s.-4 , 4: :....;; The:.'::ev eix`ix}g: " ving:i de_parbegl apd~*tho . `(dny)?ovening_-i_npteng1 of `Friday ienlngi L-9 9999:!9z*3!QS3.l- M . % ~ `I .` ..::-Liz: 3;; .{,',.,:7 1 . 4: a_y LVIOUIVIIBHIPB Dav ul'lIl.lllUl.lla. . You will be greatly missed, not only in our homes and in .thQ*is`ocial .circle, but in club, and in our hardest struggles during the incomin season, when the heaviest bat- ter. the sw' test runner, the surest catcher and the most active player is most needed, you will be most missed. ' ' ' `Va `inn!-II `In-G ------ ----- V V "' . - ------- v-v, --1- DEAR SIR.--Having learned of your con- templa`ed departure from this village and from this country, we. the members and friends of the Allandale base ball club. felt that we could not let you go without some expression `of regret on our part, and some recognitionof the esteem in which we hold` you, both as a citizen of this village and a member of our club. You have been a citizen of our village for several. years and a member of our club since its formation, and we have ever regarded you as a valuable ac- quaintance to both. Your frank, genial na- ture, your cheeriul disposition, your kind` courtesy, your tender consideration in the social circle, your liberal views, your sports- manlike demeanor, your manliness on the base ball grounds, `and your willing and hearty co-operation in ever thing that tends to promote our. genera enjoyment and the prosperity of the club have won for you a warm place in our aections, and no words that we can command can ade- quately express the regret we feel at the severance of the strong ties that bind you to us, But we know, of course, that all earth- ly relationships are transient. Vnn will HA as-Antler In:-gs. --1. -..i_ 5.. nuuvvu-J vunau us q_uUl.alIU, _U1l0Il. A very enjoyable evening was em: and towards the close thefollowing ad was was read by Mr. F. Ormsby and the presenta- tion was made by Mr. I. Johns. K. R. Cameron, Esq. T\_.._ f1.__ 1'7 --u-unuruu UUIIII C IYCCWUIVHQ ' A ve pleasant gathering took place at the resi ence of `Mr. Geo. Lawrence, Allan- dale, on Friday evening last in honor of Mr. Keith R Cameron who was about to leave Allandale, havin resigned his position in Mr. Webster s o co totake a osition in a railway oice in Marquette, Mic . A vnrv nninunhln nu.-.3-nu covnn ..........a. ..._.a '1 Gray, Merchant of $hantsy Bay, has leased the premises at Oro Station `lately occupierl by John Bunker and will sell dry goods and groceries there. I'I'VL_ C1L,,,,, 1` Joseph Robins had Councillor Wilson, Adjala, up before Squire Barton the other day on a question of wages, Both parties agreed that defendant had hired plainti fora ear at the rate of $143 per annum, but p aintiff deposed that there was` a bar- gain that in case they disagreed plaintiff might leave and was to be paid winter wages This was denied by defendant. Plainti` left services some weeks ago and sued for $23. Defendant refused to pay anything; hence the suit The magistrate awarde 10.--Cardwell Sentinel. _`.__..- ---- u-v-1;-nvuogf 3' DUI I.` l.l`ll'Gl he Midlan-c-l Free Press has this:--D . Raikes went through the ice on Thursday . night while returning from Victoria. Harbor. His young horse was drowned. His cutter harness, robes, `satchel, etc., were recovered It is probable that he will also recover the value of the horse, as the accident was caus- ed bynon-compliance with the law to place a fence around the spot where the ice 18 be- ing cut. Midland can get along without the doctor s horse, but the doctor's fortunate escape from drowning causes universal satis- faction. . Last week several residents of the township of Stephenson were before the Bracebridge Magistrates, charged with killin a moose. W. Gendron, was ned $40 an costs for killing; E. Whitmore, $10 and costs for assisting; G. C` Butcher, $10 and costs for having some of the meat in his possession- I avid Jones was charged with having the hide in his possession but it was shown it was on his premises without his consent and the charge was dismissed. ' sprlnglvlantleu cheap at J. FYFIPS. rm..-1s:.n__: 1\ It is within the range of probabilities -that the Queen of the Isles will . be brought up from the Bay of Quinta to run on Couchich ing this summer. If she is brought back she will robably run in connection with the Lily, ma. ing daily tri syto Barrie, calling at Couchiching, the Is and, and Peninsular Park, Whether she will be back will be linown positive`y in a" few days.-0rillis `imes. ' ,7- ,--.~--J --_-- V..- "no day last week, Mr. Robert Boyd. of Matchedash,was chopping in the bueh,when a. tree fell across a hollow log, which proved to be the winter abode of a bear and its two cubs. The old bear started o' on a ru,and though watched for did not return. Mr. Boyd took the cube home, where they are now as playful as a pair of kittens - Packet. ' V- V.-- I`- vvvuu.-v-cu-you The residence of Mr. George , Tudhope,- Warminster, was burned down` about 4 o'clock the other morning. The family managed to get out of the building unhurt but the contents were nearly all burned. ; . fi._- .!-_-I,,;,. I :1 I - I-Isrry Fx:oniaVi1i;,V svgsjrrested A at Goldwater, Wednesday last for indecently assaulting Miss Barnicut, 18, the evening before. The prisoner escaped from custody and has not yet been retaken. T T Some sneak entered Black : Hotel, Shel- burne, one day recentiy tmd almost destroy- ed two fur coats that were hanging on the well. They were cut with` a. knife. ' ` 71' `IN 5;`. . - ""1*1;e'}}-ieialis ( cm. Hawkins, of `Gra.ssT take, to the number of forty gave him. a good send off before his departure for the land of the setting sun. A I-rt-.1 Ann 7v'.`..;',"&1~l i,`;c-Ezi='i'1:.-':x-q>5.l!\'ro .1 M I` V > 7 s.:$."b:I=' - case "will be _ Lliggrd to-5ly._--Munkoh 3.33." 1! (T1 I: w 7`- L~Ta'e);3)u1Ibui` tIi6 oi" "'.)'_f"i1;1i` o;" .E.`,..` -, f - r ,5 . r 'W`bB'of thc-;Q!11e'eii s' `HAo_t1A_St_ay_ner ha.s.sold,ouI to Mr. 0, P.T.Conwa.y, .1_ata . 9f Hun'svill,Ont.' L V T V V _ u.- 1-H. VVIIVII rails. Thomais Thornton, of Orillie, A pleaded guilty the other day to the charge of selling intoxicantseduring prohibited hours and was ned.$20 and costs ` `S'i!IVl;);Ivl-1`lifped -`from Stayner fvio. of extra. tine cats e last week; He `paidMr`- Tan..- Dab-` QHQK 8.... A..- Amp`-on -~ -~ --~v-~~- '--- V - ---- --- very small auciience a.saen;blrl at Oto ` Station to bear - the "Rev 1. _ ' Couch deliver his lecturg on the Model Home. f There was 44 applicants for the ition of care taker of the Owen Sound 0 legiete Ins itute`. The salary is the big some of $900 a. year ` A V ' f . . . \ III! . A f\ ill! I I I Ill. UAIILC I-IIIU UGIIIIIU IIIUU W_UUEt VLJ | Isaac Baker 3735 for one drove. Address sud Presentstion. ..__ _I__.__..L N A1 tin'I1'Ao `_iVwz`1,)"].`,i)_A1->'z i"t' T inamo.` G1: 'F.<`)i3.t'le. of o5wn:a.o..=. Shot, bu been visiting` hex -.` Spry, `left town ;fo1f Toronto . `Saint.-I. day... I . , v ; wlivllljo The Chancery Diviaion of the High` Court of Justice waa opened on Tneaday, Vice-Ohanoellor Boyd preaidlng. The legal fraternity `were well repreaented. Among theee waa Mr. 8. E. Blake, Q.O.,~ Toronto. Our repo H of the oaaea will -ppe.-r n`=*n'.,#-[ ; V o wnninymon motvodh copies, of: .th oicy_ Stu on Monm nhioh hm, evideutlv. been within range ot the -Jute. cyclone. It was covered with Kanuu mm! thick enough to germinate` small nod: and with" `water. ohdugh - to. d:_l'y:,.wa_storI1 dgpughhz 1` -. . ., IA _I_rV _`A.`,..}".. - The Christian Endeavor of Banks had a grand social on Friday evenin last. The music and recibations were 0 a superior character. ' eta. or an cola for Great Briteinund Ireland vi be reduced to 20 centeper pound, and that 3 corresponding reduction of 5 cents per pound will be mode in rate: on parcel: for foraign countries forwarded ,vie. Eng- lan . ' 5 -uuavnv uuayau-Mung uuuuru HUKIUII. It is worthy of remark, that. with one or two exceptions, all the hate and bon- neta on exhibition on Wednesday night, were made in Mr. Reedy : own work rooms; and iudging from the remarks of the ladies present was very attering to Miss Fraser, as many were under the im- preuion that a large number were put- terna. It is safe to ray that nothing ner in the way of the apeoialtiea mentioned was ever exhibited in Barrie before. uuvvu asuus new uvla JMUIUPUIU IIUIIIBI. A We notice since the Fall openings, Mr. Reedy : millinery rooms have been en- larged and besutied, and we do not think hsndsoxner show rooms are to be found north of Toronto. The exhibit here _of new French owers was very beautiful almost surpassing nature herself. I` `I it-unnuuo A: cnA--__|_ LL-L ._3LL .'-- - anus: uuvussnv, nu! uuw IIIUII lllllfe Mr. Reedy being a trne and genuine Irishman. taken great pride in his display of Irish linens, which makes 3 magni- eient show. His chenille and lace eur- tains are very ne. At least two thirds of the stock exhibited here wss imported direct from the best European houses. W- ....s:.... -...-.. u.- 1.1-1: -._-._-.._- It, Hr . Georze Reedy : opening. There was nothing but unqualied ad- miration expressed by the vast concourse- of ladies that crowded the rooms of Mr. Reedy s fairy-like establishment. His exhibit of owers, hosiery and parasols was exceedingly ne. He showed a su- perb stock of French Delaines , and dress materials, and he informs us that his trade in that department is fairly boom- ing under the successful management of Miss Gilchrist, his new dress maker. Mn `\n:-nan 4 L--- __J .-.---3-- Will UUIIIIIIULIUU IIICUIIIUU DU UIJUU - Neighboring teams desiring a match should communicate with the Secretary as soon as possible. in order that a match may be ar- ranged for an early date. -u M - up-rvnln Boat: lorztrolling can be had at John Carley : Boat House upto the 24th of May ; at greatly reduced `rates. -I vvv trump. ` An enthueastic meeting was held on Mon- day April 4th in the,B. C. I. rooms which resulted in the election of V the following oicers; .. `D......:.J-..a- ll... f\I.!... TTL... `D... II . ' 11:1 President,Mr. Olde; Vice Pres. Mr.-' Mil- den;Seo. Tr_eae., A. W. Young; Captain, '1`. J. Moore; Committee, E. Brunton, T. E ` Mc Kee, and A. Crawford. ` TL- nlul. ....-_.:....... L- I... - ..-_.`l _..- __.1 JJLV LLVU, uuu Rn uxawsunu. The club promises to be a good -one and ` `will commence practice at once Nrn3nl|`\nn:nn llnnvnn t1n:IV;I-ill n manta`: cl-uuul vssssjieciderl by a. debate at Shelburne, the other evening that capital punishment should be abolished. That of course settles the matter. Iulaluulc, ca; Lu. us: Lvsuwuat v,uu, E. Partridge, 63; Eva"i 4;:1: n::ige, 60 H. Rix G. Bell,59; G. Hickling. 37; B. Pa.rtridge,38 J Hickling, 24, 8 Hg... Rollfor March, Crown Hill ;,Public' Scliool.-'--4th Class:--B L'n'ck,43I'; W, Drury .365; E Hill. 348; D. Chaggell, 248; M. Jam ieson, 230; J. Rinehart, 2. ; A. Luck, 216; E3. Caldwell, 214; E, Shanacy, 198; E. Johnston, 179; E `Partridge, 139; L Rix, 126. 3rd Class,--W Luck,l65,D. Luck,l49 D. Jamieson, 143; J., Jamieson. _, l34;_ T. Aconley, 124; J. Drury, 119; M Rinehard, 116; B Drury, 110; M. Howard . 100; D. lPa.rt'.ridge,'99; H. Howard 98; 0. Chappell, 86; J . Shanacy, 70.`E Emma, 61; E. Cald- well, 48; T Bell, 45; C. Bell, 40. 2nd Class -G. Darby, 158; M Chappell 112; A. Eugsmore, 99; M. Hill, 73; L Rineha.rt,63; ....a._.l..... R9. I3`..- `Daub-3.1.... an `E `Di. 31* _ .". r'::- .". ul'I' 6-6 "3'V(`V-in-v-'.`-I hau;a.;quhg;% } " the boys, aftef" `Mi. Lawrence for their Vhospicalit`y;"`Ieft for their homes Iingihg**`Oh, I-I_ a I Jlgy -" L ,;N `Illa ll_ '01 ,5 3 qug? n_gg4?hg.I:t!_eo`:.;t.`}?E9o, lIE_l}l_l.Y3. T- -- u . <'s'hbrt. . =1`: Barrio Lltonrv Society. '1':-oiling Season open. A... A_,,II! . _, , `L h r~--~----- ,_ . -_ ,uuw_ |_I_u`IrvuUI(lB!'l OI .bohgld?11?:hr:1Cg:. " 7 .,,-"..;."$.`1`z'.f`.`..:h.`.'..``. Barrie. Ont.. on T URSDAY. APRIL mu, 1 :f*"v** +- 1 ----_ .._.~ B-vvvaavu uuvnv. Tlle Sturgeon Bay, people, are proud of their Sabbath School Lihrary,which contains most excellent books which are read with pleasure and profit by the children.