OONTRAOT ADVERTISING; Contract advertisements will be taken at th following rates. which are drafted on correct commercial principles, and. as they will be st.-ictlyvadhered to in making new contract` after present contracts expire, there will be only one Drlce for all: Almost it not `quit double thet of any .u... Paper pub ed in Barrie. 3 Anvnnrxsnns snotmn Non rms rAm.` (12 lines solid nonpereil make one Inch). mmsxnxr mvmrrzsizunnre. First insertion, 10 cents per line. Each sub sequent insertion, 4 cents per line. . Reading notices, 10 cents per line for first A n sertion; 5 cents per line for each subsequent Insertion of the same matter. Legal. om mm '13 mm t ad rtlso I ments will bogohngged atoglgove 1?:t68. ve- ADVERTISING RATES. THE ADVANCE HAS A OIBOUIaA'l'ION , OF THIRTEEN HUNDRED AND ' EIGHTY COPIES; rms uonrnsnn Anvnuci, mw, o1z_'r_A11' AIN'l'ERA! BHEMIST AND DHUGBIST. Lehuone given in all Branches of Painting. Drswin . 50.. 0. V Terms `on app cation. QT! Il\lt\ . rt... ..a.-a_- -_----L- vu uyyuvuuvu. A 8T|hDa W9-stairs. opposite H at the Five Pointgat 033.;-1?it:l' .OdNDENBlD _. xuuo U|lI`I|C1Ut A severe earthquake occurred in Africa, last week; and caused great. alarm among the inhabitante. It was accompanied by a heavy tidal wave. The shock was felt at Valparaiso. and Santiago. ` VI! . ' "~1'-mv`.=s~r.-as` 1 STORY P` '5 -'0 mm ,(. __ --J a-an-I\|o LIIU 838011 ggndresilde in , any part of the world, or eng out license, or piyment of extra ptfemium. smmnn LIFE Assume: cumin; (ESTABLISHED 18:35.) H HEADISOFFIOE FOR OANADA " A " MONTREAL. Planet Jr. Cultivatol s, {Step Ladders, > % A. Housekeepers Rubber Gloves, c4. ('4. sm-rn, UNI) ER TAKE R, I. P. nwlxht is now President. - At the regular quarterly meeting of the Great Nqrth-western Teleszraph Company. Mr:-H. P; Dwight was appointed presi- dent: in room of Mr. Erastus .-Wiman,re- signed. 110 Dunlap Street, 1}) W A R E, |RON"AND STEEL MERCHANTS "Assure I-ion THE HOWARD FURNACE, SUBSISTING ASSURANCE INVESTED FUN ns- nvnn `BARBIE AND smoun. Plough Lines, Iuav uunvvu uuu vvcuv uuuvulvuu. ' ` 1108 I diet was killed and six were woundegy Ste fa. s1'nA'r|-Iv. Ages n._` OFFER AT LOW PRICES 2 Wheel Barrows, _% ` "*1? "-' `VLJC; I ` And all Funeral Requisitea Furnished. "Orders by Telegraph or otherwise prompr attended to. ' ' G. O. DOLMAGE, Manager, Stroud. Steam Works and Show Room, COLLIER-S'I'.. BAR RIB * % Permanent e1.1-1-ajgements bya {mew and beautiful process. swrram KINGi photo, M and Tables. PHOTO s1'upToT A Bofhwell s Block, Barrlo . A Daoolt Victory. - A` small British fared operating on the Konkkive River had zm engagementwith the natives and were"defe"ated. One sol- da... _.. 1.:n...a .....: ..:.. _-__ _---_ s- : CABINETS FROM $3.00 _PER DOZEN. Circular Saws, Leather Belting, And a full Line of Mill Supplies. OOFFINS AND GASKETS OF ALL KI.\ I;._ I In stock or Mnde to Order. -jajj FIRST PRIZE. BARBIE. I 890. 1 891 . Churns, Ont. Spades and Shovel: I. H. IIAMSAY ' Muuann. Moxwrnw. V ' --.--1-~'-----'.'-'2';' -!'"',9-.I'-, , . The Oh'ineaa_ Govbrnment hag ga1i'ig'on- all the 1 niui`o`n didtridth i_n Ohina Mid has promised~to peyerely punish the perpatmo . tors o('a.nyh1_ture_ oqttfqgea. ; and always 13 . ock. [All orders will re- .-l.V0 0.8-lfoful attention. i . W-'."~"A'I'0latIona1 Chm-on THE f1_u-nhhod com plate. Caskets and 00'` of isrioua delig "o'uI n 8T.: mm. prrosxi-1 rm: MONTREAL. E. 1888. lSS9o uajvnln qlru Ill I-IXIIAIII I . A greet re broke outin Man"da1a;y, last Thursday. ' Three-quarter: of the to wn='i'e- already destroyed, including the new tel_e_'-- graph_oioe and the old palace. Greet loan of life is reported. ' ' ' Tomr ` World ' pretti Sig am Ll would l-ilhook * so if c FPLH, ` vilf that i '_5OO Patt_ to 1) .still. `prehe -artist (`Was t. .ized lame !'`Hl(`l 17 A` ; give] fessh (A\I votel. {:1}. ll, {{1}} H) n1HH( die flpit the I `ever farth wlnic he 11 spite! Resisting the authorities. It in reported that Fort Ecombria in Brazil, intends to make armed ruaiatanoe to tha national authorities. llIXS\\i $lL\.l she his ii; Bruno: u.nd1Aoo!don't|-I've. flood` and Ste:-m-Plnkod up the ~~~~ -- -~ 1n...I.`n A-u_..... .. Grout l!;'h"o in tgm out in Mali Loon! Obtiop Dotoatocjn pa":-lorl,;.L Thu Toinnhin nf 'Rm"-tnrd Int` Wnnnh. nangxonarnu up now`5:a:to. The Chinese Government` 1.19 l II LI... .`..l--:I.`._' .1:.'_L'_J _4L-._ 2_ nnvv-I Vyvlvql IIUIUQUUSJII ?I'IVI g- Pho Toivnahi of Bui-tiord lul'WVedz1ei: r defeited the "local option by-law by 38 Little am of Science. _ 3|, II (`I ' An In-thqnulso. T --_Lu_ -.._ - I- - ". V5!` Most people suppose that the manufactnre of tobacco consists merely of taking the leaf and pressin it into pluizs. ' Thefact is. how- 1 ever, that t e processis a very delicate one, and the least false step will injure the avor. The leaf must be carefully-Ebttended to for` {_ {months aft er'it'1eaves' thetlantex-`s hand. It , happen muchv1n9isture. is.` e tin-kled ? upon it for the pnr ose'"of opening 1: e leaf. emust_pe_ithert ' `too quic ly or too slowly. Even after it as reached the factory the utmost delicacy: of manipulation: isrequired. The w'ea__the; xnnst1;'e-earefnliyistudied;`for there is.'t.0o'.m'11 h`Ii1`0i,t'ur.e,in.t1`1e ajrgwhen it` is pressed'it.wiv mould, ma: the ,s'aine'T will". ` Again, ifit i,a.av.er rieduin the -ov!.en it- ?-I'?;}`) ."i,3P5 Willaatip-the.ton;I;ine-smokin ., "13 X; 3- ` `W -D 1911. "a, .. V `in. : thati1ie`Myft1e.NaYy*T.h$s..69ii`3a;31 such perfection. The rm who 2 -it have t_11`eir own~etorehouses~in~Virgini*.*gndV- 3 and`?6!1i% true gs 3,r"-M: 3% ' h ; wt; 9; hadsmi'3; 13: '15 us vavuua UU ullla. V 7 These are strong terms, but under the circumstances not one word -too strong or too condemnatory. They surely will pre- vent any further medical participation in these unwholesome deeds. In this coun- try if medical art were degraded to such participation, the act would not only cause universal indignation ' against the offenders. but would force the _pro_tfession_ atlarge to raise its. powerful and humane , voice In repudiation .: of j any and` every g man in its ranks whofdared to take a ipart ~ in so grave an offence against the nationali conscience and professional honor. _ | jjjnw .....,. .........e., vvuuu one victim was, writh-` ing between scorching electrodes. The details of this dreadful .buaineu" tran_oend in cool brutality anything that can be imagined, and yet we are assured that this is the new and approved way of doing a victim to death. V V ` ' ' TL--- ---A ~l- ' u-u-nu:-anuuu. _ Sincewe last wrote on this subject another "electrocution" scenehas occurred with results even more revolting than any we have previously recorded. Our contemporary, the New York `Medical Record, has joined its voice with our own in condemning this so-called scientic executioner s work, and has cried a halt in the revolting experimentation enacted at every execution. `All the `victims have been killed it is true, adds our con- temporary, but how 1 In every case. repeated strokes were necessary, with torturing `intervals for discussion and dis- putation among the scientific experts; the grim tussle with death was timed by stop watches, while the victim writh-` lnfki nu Al.-I--A-1 A- n" ,,--___, .. ,._..y-w.-_ uv. -.-nu .-.-. causing the plants `to bend ass ) #11913 __h. spnrjeswpuld fall away frotnthe 1',idgQ'l_-__+_`-V within seven days, at the disease on the __ _ _ _o fetierh are iaidto hm` Ljxpptimaqigi; tliifwiy. with |=,hee.. tqstonijhib If re.s91,t!- Where no omoulaingg oree`a;,i'thu,ig iip iwi-I done, the percentage oldisehscdipotetoes was 34; where the Inbulding was imperfect 12; and wh'ere the mouldinc wes perfect,- only 1. . Infection (luring har_vest_ was prevented by allowing thetubersyto re-`; msln` -_!n -the ground -`fo_'r_s- fno_nth:;'ifter ;thp wfxt!;x'_e_;'1ngof"thectops_; : Avcoldhsve .is?deuae&{_ _ r9f_:. -1`.'. l01l 5l"i ffdll :i`if`1nms:am_.aa.::-..r ._.;~.<.L. -'2.-A van unuu Ul. VIII 3; life. I t was consideration. 0:--- _- i V nxeouuon by Electricity. We are specially pleased to see that the `State authorities in New `York are about to reconsider the question `of capital pun-- ishment by electricity, with a view to the abolition of that form of legalized taking of It was, indeed, high time for. re - cnsiderntinn, ' houses were ordered to be at least ve feet apart and not more than nine stories high. Augustus, said they should not exceed seventy feet in height, and Trajan made the limit sixty. -The laborious proofs that sewer air is un wholesome have taken com- missions and Boards of `Health many years of hard labor in our time, but the whole is asclearly recognized in Justin- 1an s Digest, in quotation from Ulpian, that it-is evident that the qtiestion was then past all dispute. uvn vnu us 11051000. _ _ He attempted also to go further. and ordered thatno one should stop/the view of _ the sea from his neighbor. This would be well in our sea bathing towns, where houses are builtbefore others with- out pity, and not only is the view de- stroyed but_ the whole living of the `famil- ies who possessed it and to whom the view paid the rent. But the laws are of no value" unless a strongand vigilant exe- cutive attends to them. Constantinople became so bad that its destruction by re was scarcely deemed a misfortune. Flnw ininnond L... 4.-.-:- ........-. W 00 none woo aparu an the way up, and the projections which caused the houses to nearlyuwet above were disal- lowed. This was an e'ort after a. long in- I terval of neglect. ' . `FL: nlblvnvv--ml-All -`-- ` - '- - The Art or sewer Building Took a. Long Time to Ilsa:-n--Ancient Dangling. ._ Towns must." have Ifearfully suffered be- fore people learned that the houses must 1 be so far separate'as.to allow `air to blow between them. The Greeks must cer- tainly have made their cities and many of their streets exceedingly handsome. but their earlier towns and even Athens were too much crowded, and so much` did they fearjobbery among _the sharp-eyed business men of the city` that they dared not trust any one with money to rebuild the place. In Constantinople Zeno ordered all houses to be twelve feet apart all the up, nrniections whinh mm-mi H--- uxeymoau woods. - . V _ , A - ` ~ `Recent invehtigations ahbwf that -the average speed of the transmission of osrth 1 _quake:hocl{a is nearly 16,000 fe_t per sec- ond. EE}*:.&5: i 5:i i 5*` tlll QIEQDBIOH '83" 01108 . 4 ' I Pspetfislnow. beingimede iepiof, and is extensively used in the construction of_ dwellings. Itcan be made `of; '_eny color desired, and can be polnehed end. i worked like: most woods. .,,__.__L _., .. unnlus uuuwu U1 Bvtiryhnlng _8l'OllIld D01`. Pain--joy.-A German anatomist has called the attention of his class to certain hysterical women who are a'ected with a kind of pain- Joy -not only experiencing no pain from surgical mutilation, but hav- ing a morbid desire to bear without anaesthetics operations which should prove- very painful. A young woman was intro- duced who had seriously injured her" low- a er jaw during a paroxysm of hysteria'.but who had insisted upon haviniz the neces- sary removal of part of the jaw and liga- ture of two arteries performed without an anaesthetic, and subsequently declared that the` operations had given her great` pleasure. r . ` I The `Potato Disease-In Denmark some interesting and perhaps very` valuable." researches into the potato disease have been made bv Prof. J. L. Jonson. The disease `is found to consist of` "a fungus,-I whose .sp'ores are-`carried by -the wind,-and which first attacks ;the foliasze of the plants It spreads. to the "tubers in about seven-. days by spores} washed down `.`fr;om'*~p/than stemjsdd 1t;o1ine- Con-iden:inimhese.taier-;: it wasuthoughtzthat the cubeu... ~ might =be i pro_i`ied;,;by `..uioulding' 1 ,':_`the . soil int ofa`~ : bro` 'rid ge, 3 "or 4- inchei;hig"h"and I ?10-=:or' 12 inches wide. after the rstmeedinjf a further earthing _u`p Ao;i'_`one{-si,ilq"p on y...>.: ' causing plants to bendso that the: J Ifi iris-I11` Ca. `._.'.-.. _-'l_ "A`:', :.-.-It -rL`A'~ 7 nuances. " .'l`hef f 't'elephe'n'e . has F.` `bleach shocessfnl'l % used in surgery to locate than position _of metallic substances in the body, thus en- abling enioperetion -to he per-fo_rI_n ed_ ih the-_ right direction `at once; Pnnhi 'r'n'.nn- hninn'n`.;.A-` `:.. ......"...:' '....1` .....--r-w vu--o wv ut1vK7IIllIll_V\-Io` .Mangen`in, w}_:i;c_h;is;ah` Il'o y.,6f copper"-,_;i nikel',IhLnd manganese-, has Jemarkable` electrical` pfopertiea; Its re'si`_atence,h}a'i'd-` ly v8r.i.h.' a/t_all'fe.vn .th`r'<.'1'u'zh. a .ranae~ of temperature va.rying;f,rom 15 to 97 vcentigrde. It..t.bua b.6oom'ea 3 aurperior aiatnces. ML . . metal -for_ the consruotienf_of N94-tiAoialv ref ' qxtentff when bpth `conditions ,u-gj pre- sent. >> ' _A[new method of testing the .1, har_.in'aa.n" of steel has been ivbhtd by .11 (Swedish metallurgist. V -It - is -based upon` they intni sity ofourrent necep_ary4' td _fue;'ja wire-of athnddrd asize. Experiments . show; "the curtentvrquirod for-`wires of vayiouq pizes dud updh th ia`b 8si` f-'he"q ua1ity of any-. sample can be date:-min_ed.f ` ' . ' "'I ........-a.~:_ _..I_:.-I_,3_.,u . ~--I ._ ya-ua us uuus arch uuuuvllulll I30 I .9'99n lalwdmmtemdshsigglgxlir Wavquvrnxesrsvondadgnzra .9: nite.d..8tsteI. In the 2rest.99.l3 gyayfee .,.of_ _-1,51; 17,1882, the, Vfsll`_o_ 20 .91 grees "extended over an am of 1,i`01}OOO,s.qu.a.re `miles, andwthe fall of 10 degrees included 2,929,000 square miles. In six cold waves of" the sen yeisrs the area "of `the full of 20`degrees: was more then a million square miles. Gold waves follow 3 day after an Il'G& of high pressure, reaching `their greatest e_xten1;` when. both c`ond_ition_s _s.re_ pre- -A-`L wwnj- .u 1 ehoure of'l0 d over 39 V I square m1lee%% , parts of this area descending to : `Rn;-..... IQQII --uI`0 u... I... 4.1.- :.-3.1-0-}O-:--- Execution by Electricity. inn --\n..I-'II_ _I_- V 1 I `. gncmnr SANITATION. -.9 .*'> I . A*oold' llY_0 i_d:j9_&-1)]; -91|`-irtllznt.tst9p:9tatq%ixmrenty::pq::. `r g~_ 55." v v;..`.zi' . Ere iii ;O_!l'l; to 36 daqrees. 5].-.. en! --`l.1 -orv V u u v man on rarm Propbrty. `D.':C.f-[ MUBUHISON. Banister, Solicitor. &o..- kea:su-ee:,Bm-1e.- ~ - .' ,AP.6o:-01 F991 ; Ddn.t.i >; J` L. E- F`ran,ciI.*`a.r`=" a:>o.-Meff '39hvrein-* fut-th;theI,ll_ix zoig false Ohiiue, i_ie_&."a,t;,l1iu- homq Rioli * K .'..;',I,`h!1r_I4, by: n hs>rr.`=;i;nnt. agedAixtyg`-{7:13 ;r9!ten 46619:! % % he vv'5iild"iievr'die. an ohnsti was alregdy; my - earth iyyjth-,:i;eaVOn. -,at- I_lock0l'ds Whigh pltonu-ho.vh:gd frequently xvuibed .. .4 with hit: I ;vuifa~ ii` t.1m ;otber:_ womon.,fmvom=::Ribh-; I " oi: :9,:sTha.dcqued '7WII~f_0l.`II1Ol'1yil6I'd-V ing :cita"zono, 1 Midindn}; -fdouuti; L sjqii f,o'1_-* fo'g'ty;"y'bir"-'`ax"m9mb%r,~ o__`tli`OhHitiih 9h1 fri:Hiirh"i"1ig if\ veallii.li'H3 dfedldibif`? ,In `pogo:-ty, haying g4i_v9;_1A la4r'ely`td`tfI'8 ` 1-:`3 bait; ` .v .,, .. -<.r;.:i.~9;s.'-u,; 9 ; r..;.#utIarv.)-~ .. - ` 2 ` Z _` ' ' . . .847 . _ , . ~ .,.*.*t'.*:'.',*..f;.!,*.?,:*an...r:`*`'% 9* M W- SIJBSCRIBED CAPITAL i, $250,900 nu... uuu. us wumn 3 mues of Thornton. a. grain market and R . station on the G. T. R. he farm is well 1mproved.'havi good gweuing house. bank barn. oro wells. . .'(_I 5or pa`;-tionlars .gp1*:. T. 891-oul. Solici- II tor, Barrie. or to Jo nno Iv P.0. ' I ROBERT I4` OX. 2.tf. Wnnknn, Ilnn mans LOAN an suvmss cu.` INCORPORATED -I88]. j J. or nor. N0. I7 in the 8th oonoevsio-`of the township of Essa. .This is one of the best grins in the county, It is one mile from Ivy 0.. where there are churches, school, store. . and is within ` 8 miles of. mill Ry. on the _he___farm 1mnroved-- hum. onn THE underaizned otters for safe the east hlf fh of lot No '17 in __l_1Agi th oonqeqsion of A fnunnnluln oi`. --- {Per cent, Interest Paid 0' IV no V - . The Security .o_r Doposltonliln 3- Ioanpn.-.`., I I Ii". ` _`=q_1l1bBnIsundoub 8-!!! V `llisufh duh!` ' 'l'|-__;1_, Articial Skull Shaping-Astonishing success has attended the .e'o'rts of Dr. Lannelongue, an eminent specialist of Paris, to give intelligence to a little idiot girl. Though four years old,the child could neither walknorstand, and never smiled nor took notice of anything. The doctor concluded that the abnormal narrcwness of the head obstructed the growth of the brain, and in May last he made an incision in the centre of the skull and out a piece of bone from the left side. The result was marvelous. ` Within less than a month the child could walk, and she has become quite bright-playin, smiling, and taking notice of everything around her. ipnin.--'inv_A (`la-n..... -..-L---!~L "Ir I llv'\I-- ."-' ` DYSPEPSIA. BILICUSNESS. CONSTIPATION. HEADACHE RHFI lh f`l5f\l_-I II A Dr.` J. G. Ayer 8: co., "La-veil, Mass. _ Price 81; six bpttlea, $5. "Womb $5 a bottle. \rvAA4Io V 4'-LAVIIO I .Liver, complaint and Indigestion made my life a. burden and came near ending my existence. For more than . four years I suffered untold agon , was ' reduced almost to a skeleton, and xardl y had strength to drag myself about. All kinds of food distressed--me and only the most delicate could be igested at all. Within the time mentioned several -[uh sicians treated me without giving ro- e ie . Nothing that I took seemed to do any permanent good until I commenced the use of Ayer s Sarsaparilla, which . has produced wonderful results. Soon after commencing to take the Sarsapa rilla I could see an improvement in my condition. My appetite began to return and with it came the ability to digest all the food taken, my strength im- proved each day. and after a few months of faithful attention to your directions, I found myself a well wnman,.able to attend to all household duties. The medicine has given me a new lease of life. ` Ayer s Sarsaparilla, noun A din -up Put-'inAa.t shrt notices 1 `A`full stock oi Irbn Pips for Sseam, Water Ga.s',.(':`rAlobe-Valves - Stop ind Check Valves, Steam Gauges, and Water Glasses. All work _10-9 ` in this line `promptly attended to. % 7 . ,`.r, _-v .v , u ALL THE MOST xprlidvmo` J'na"i} RTTHIJ T`hTl1Q ` A cu. unuerauznea otters for sale No. '7 the concession This in mm nf nu. in... ....... V... u uauubvollls uumplulub, UL E Y itself, b'1"1t, by causing the blood to become depraved andfthe system en- `feeblyed; is the parent of "innumerable maladies. That Ay`er s Sarsdarlll is the best cure for Indigestion, even` when complicated with Liver Complaint, is proved by the following testimony from Mrs. Joseph Lake, ov Brockway Centre, Mich.: - - T: . . . . -........1-2_A. -_- JI y.l,B_A/*RR_ ;!_E S`m'0v~E.. &:; runNAcEnEP0t ! Rgul_a.t_es the Stomach. _ L.iv`er'AandBowels, unlocks theSgcrgi-.iqns,`Purifiesth,e `Blopd and removgs all im- purities from a `Pimple to % theworsj. Sc`:-of,`ulbus Sore. - Lcngheadea Bismarck. The Paris correspondent ofethe Times asserts that Prince Bismarck .t'old'a friend recently that he had warned Emperor William when he quitted the oice of chancellor that the artisans 'whom the emperor desired to regenerate would prove more ungrateful than courteous; that he might even experience a repetition of the scenes of 1848. when the Prussian sovereign was [forced to ee from `the rioters. FS not only adistressing comp1aint,%of _. but, by blood Mcnov Via Lu-Ie% Farm For Sale. QDEDQIA Stoves! ' Stoves ! Stovs ! Mills lVz,;| .la xt6nfs4olobrato.I Furnages P5?! mmi-3 1:` Liz`! `((7 RI 5 si)Ur-Ii SVIhl')E DAl.fNL(`)P s131iEE'r, NEXT To THE `CANTON '- % TEASTORE. % V. Prlnee Michael Remanded. Prince Michael and Lizzie Courts. his spiritual wife, were taken to Police Court last Wednesday, for examination. ' In- stead of pleading guilty or not guilty, Mills said: Honored brother, I will bow my head low and bear all blame. I know I am in the hands of my Father, who will defend me against all false witnesses.` I deny the charges. The judge listened .a while and then remanded Mills until Mon- day. . r1iz1=.ui1:n at J :9 L A. :x: -1- o~N., A?P1`z6vEo`.'MiAKEs, WITH THE LATEST AND BEST FUR.` NISHINGS,` AT MANUFACTURERS PRICES. . F 1.1` unm IN UK. Wukoda. Man. n`Iiiif t 3na Achnaren. ; Iiasu"nAjucV _:fgf%:u18;'-A Money:toJoonon:mason'h'lnrsteu;==x '2' replies; V. _ ~ ' i ho tp and~.Wpst.: Winnqii 5 " . Chicaao. ` .'. tb. `Int . ttl v5ung for mr3r':n ft7:.Ayg:ur5```;`?%o;n9 Saw the Ghosts of his Victims. Counsel for Deeming says that the de- [fence will prove that the prisoner is insane. Among the witnesses who will testify will be a Mrs. Taft, with whom Deeminglodg ed in Sydney. and who ejected himh from her house because he was,a1ways complain- ing that the place was haunted with ghosts that annoyed him. ` i am noon to` suit} or djianfzl MPLETBHER %&1%%BRawNLEm[ % Josggp L KnlP"|I"l"n" ' ' --wiVllbotouhd--` - 2 nouns west or TIIE BAIIIIIE HOTEL. we ULAS8 H A call .onou.a:muu.a. ot ` REs1'I_uo1*1oNot an mwas, PATENT nmmomns, mm 9?` 1. 1.di .7 part STUFFS, Iv I out 1190359, pIym0nt AND .BRUsHn.s. , '1`0Ii.E 1` ARTICLES-7-A FULL " -`b""'fNf,`:";:-E 1-nVnsonIi'r1o1;ts.0ALlIl.I'.iI`I.I.Vr oourouxhin. V` ` semi` MouI_(_y.I_IN,% wuru. names, auareeaes, and gures eounterfii gaorde - but a. reduction to 1 cent per word will e when the. number of insertion: of the ame. matser exceed FOUR. . Condensed advertisements on First Page such as Wants of all kinds. Lost and Found. Property for Sale or to Rent. ggeoio A1-tiol Eto.. Eto.. must be aooom ni with the cash. and will be inserts -- t inset-tion.2osnts cox-rnso-r cantons. Advertisers will please bear in mind that no- tice oi. intention to cha e advertisements must be handed in to the 0 cc not later than Saturday at 10 o clock, and the cglpy for such change must be in the Anvsxcn o ce not later than 12 o clock noon on Tuesday, in any week; otherwise the advertiser's announcement may not be made public until the week following. Advertisers will not be allowed to use their space for advertising an E outside their own regular business. he the do so. dtransientt rates will be charged for su adver men ' `For two months--the throo `monthly rate with 10 per cent. added. M'Prefe1-red positions in the pagor will be sold at an advance of one third on a. , ve rates. This rule will be strictly carried out. `For one month-the three menthly 1`-ate with 15 per cent. added. . Sealing must Stop. . , The Collector of Customs at Victoria, B. 0., has been notied by telegraph from Ottawa not to allow any more clearance: to vessels going to Behring Sea." This is taken an an indication that an agreement has been reached between Lord Salisbury and Mr. Blaine foz-`the xevtval of the seal- ing modua vivendi.