Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 11 Feb 1892, p. 1

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[VV ' '_51}i'$'-i=resconi of the Midland Fire Depart` ment is reported to be down with _u shght gttack of paralysis. I'\ III! CI 0-`. .n I ".'I;};} hunter of the Hilly Rb.nge has been verye successful this fall. He hash. number" of choice skins. -"_fi.;he-_1;txhV1vh(;1'--h'1`1:'<:.ul-l_e(i._ "1e"i4a:ora High School` Reqister` is 102; _66 from the country and__ 36 from the vilhg. 2 1-,u_.__ ____L A, ..--1.` `LL- r\_2n2_ . "1'`ho yuug ladies bf H01 Trinit ' Church Bradford have 9. Le-up ear bal on the tapis. ' ' ` ` Th; a.universa.ry-oFthe Shanty Ba-.y Meth- odist churchwas held last Sunday and the usual teameeting on Monday evening. V ;1`lV1z:Ir%`oya.l.Temp1ars`of Abh.e1-Iv are talk- ing ofbuilding 9." new hall. : - ' llT._L,,!1, ,-I g 1 I .1 EI`he coming election in E336 Simcbe have` ihecked the boring for salt enterprise at 1:.n.ma % ` I Wait`:v#z1'7i Orillia, Joseph'Martin, Hillsdale. ans Samuel Fraser, Midland, a18'e East Simone : License Commissioners for ` 1 92. ' The Herald says: Last Saturday was one of the busiest days that Penetanguiehenee has ever had` A great many `farmers came in with their grain for the mills and produce for the merchant; besides an those who were delivering tan bark and. wood. l\I` I. I II I`! . P A` (N " 6ia}{x1i1&}-L.'Z:};}J'% Scotch ] Settlement are very poorly. Mr. Grant `is; Ever ninety and his `wife about eighty ve. - T V Vvv-.---.' ------ vv ---- v ----..`_- A lot of fellows wwaii to gee` the Orillia Post Oice contract. T The other day at Beaverton John Doty was committed for trial on a.~cha.rge of rape. , The pla.nti'.i_n the case was 9. daughter of Philip Dawson. 11:: There was a. ne masquerade at the Cold- waber ska.t;i_u ring last. F_rida.y.A ' The cos- tumes were e agent and the masquerade a. I marked success. Anotheriixnzsztzxccesaful attempt `was V made the other day to establish a. cheese factory at J arra.tt; s Corners. The fa._rmers. seem ` t} be afreid to venture. 'aittractlve' mllllnery goods | and at the sums: tune the cheapest In } town at J. FYFE ,S. V ` - - run . -\ nu .- "'i:e`vZ1s'iE:1; SE T;&2&5;1;'2?i57:5'%o 'get` his "~ township rlieved of payin"g_"tlfe 4 costs 'incu_rte`d`in Vtlie Hillsda1e"SchOol "Arbi- tration. A v u . i7 m; 13g1E1ifJ{`&E3ok, 195: a; mu. able horse last week; _ A . xnsuj c...; T Hui his J ;;;;.;.}e; .;oon.,' - shootings and all sorts of cotton goods :11: town as also. nnnnws. ' "i;iVn; to-mdrfow at Ja.rro.-tt: s Corners in connection with the |Methodist 'church._ ` _ . _ I . "s};Li~1$'r'v ifsdn a. visit-to she" neighbbr- I hood of Uhtho&' and severa,`l'cases have been reported. ' I ~nII III III I I I Fbaper Ws'a.wmill lately bufned .d6wn at? Uhnhoff will shortly be rebuilt. _` ' T I |"'.'l`-1;e NewtonLR9binson people advertis ianothqr concert. -A - ~ 3.`ii<`a;a.ting of Penetnng ha.sV had an attack of iuunenzs. ` ` " ' ' WG}i{b;I1 'a?1}I.Zii.1ee North. Lots of `themenare returning ill from the camps. . I ..-..I_. `Y5--. I'l...I...-l.I-..n-.. . _` Anus`; r~-_- --_ - --v ---v v-v---r-- * i.'}*iy?1\tza/wvw;wnn:'bro1I}ar1es- at GEO. REEDY98. J The cohcertin connectionwith St` John s Church, Cookstown, yesterday, was the, I greatest attraction the village 'h_as_ had, _ or some time. 4 ' !__. V` ..._-v _._-qw- --_-----`av I It is said the people of Deerhurst sympa- thize. with the rate ayers of Bradford in the loss of their igh School building. Whether the sympathy takes the cash form. or not, is_ not stated. ` {mum nnm`-n1m1ur nmsj. Tijlirisvivz-'<-'I'.ineo::', of Cooper s} Falia, has been quite7il_l`.- i ~ ~s ~' .I II 11 1 1.111: 1 T`u'1aIe`ii$,%;TB&}.a"Iieaa .-is the uniosti serious one that `ever occurred there. V ,- . _. a ___ 4- A __.-_4. --44-_.-. land N Dlinnhn In-v Vluguuun .QQ`:CQ- Zing ` In IVS Qivhllilb VVlI`!l,. `V - Like The narrow pttho K098- ` There hair beoxi a religious awakexiing at `Wm-minster. * %- " * v `held at Coo er s3 'F9;ll by :1 ` Mr. -`G_eorge Miller are very we l"a.'tteuded.~\ - _, '|l !II,,, ,1 .`il'.'i -.. . o '.`q- .u_~_ 1 awn-runnlnmr SIIOOI an nvu-rmcr IXGEAHGIS AS LOCAL KIWI. "'"`.""'-V `?'.`~"` '3' -"'_'.-' T [I `A mm amed Gab Brya.nt'is `w ma `by Ina nnnlhun `nu I-niiIO:g'i'_ n-nnlland. .' cxjaplu for Aqirsnoo Romain Wh_o_ 'I'.IA `I'll. Knuunt ACCRA II`-at we or%mm ` ~rnn{-scum %or%ammmmL m BARBIE, V CC)I INTY`_iO`F SIMQOE, 4%oN1jA1_uo, FEBRUARY 11, 1892. 1`-IV UUI v|u#vv1 On Tueida , during the abseiioe from home `of Mr. J onat Sissons. ex-Warden ot the r`-.-..Lu- n-.4` L3: smog`; K3: dnn`n`nnni ab (1-nu:-you hair to Its lor. f hair. I3 UUIICUIICII QIBUVIIU VA` WV-CIIAULI VI. IIIIU County, and hie wife, hie reeidenoeet Crown Hill was entirely consumed by re with its contents. . A eervant girl was in the kitchen 1 ironing and wetnetaware of the re: in the lmain building until.-it was beyond control, us :---wv The eeneection between ME. J. Sprouln end Mr. Stewart, as lawyers; has been dis- coqlved. .,Mr.{ Sproul. .-who ,has'for_med 3 rhection with Mr. J. F. Lennox, has moved Bouhwell I Block. __-See pnneunoement 1" 9!19*h9ve919!i*9- :: 7A11 Ni[co\intI `An Twm be _.p1&o:d_ is An` ` nninn .33.? 3';.u.oao.`. . A `fa. "1`:":x.~'t`:1-`Ba fan o6'.'. I559" A news spar ` man not 9. thousand miles from Dun as has lately been blessed with a girl baby andhis heart.` is lled with joy so that he had to impart some of it to friends abroad one of whom` lives here. ' It is to be hoped thatthe little" blue-eyed baby will be blessed with some of apa s., boetich enius. and sometime sing. ofl o`ote s,. ._a.ra.- lnn Ant` :1? (aka nnlnlirnil-inn nf .4-Jun nniahlmnr- VIII. CI-II-I IUIIIEIIIHIU Hills, Ul \JI-IIJIIU D-, J.'_WI' ins, and of the sublimitiea of the neighbor V inghmo_unt a.in'. ., _ V A _ ; V . t"o1{ B; f4h'iIbr. P'a'rkHer,of.Barr1_ ` -e` conduct the: annivatsapy _serViqa' at ,ABra.o`ebridge VMqth odis'_ i:11I"1_1',c'h. 'I`I e; Ta.1so;!>ill_ed for'an ydd-1-"ass dn _ the folloyv \lQIl_IlIuWI, III -LULUIIUUI ' Mrs _Cr_ew, Mary street, has returned from Rochester where she [has made a. pro- longed visit to her son. 1 t9_,1\ II 1-1"n,,,,; -,1 11-, 1': `.1 -r KVII-70 Z: LVLIUUQIIIIJUUIL L'Lo I L 0 J: IULII IIID father s1-eeidence. Allandale for his hoine in Midland last Saturday. He has been under the care of Dr. Wallwin of this town fox-some time. Mr. Miscampbelfe condition renders it impossible for him to take any active part in the campai in East Simcoe or elsewhere without en angering his life. He in still un- der his physician : care who thinks hiepatient may be able to at around in the course of about three wee 5.. . - ---::-0-20------2 Mrs. John,C1immin, `formerly of Barrie, andnow of Da.kota.; is visiting Mrs. Nathan l_ Johnson, `town. a .. `:1 an 7 : u u J our-no.1 31in} Aiiiie 6.{ii.${e';;d Miss Bertha Lane are visiting this week with friends up New- ton_B.obins_on. . T We are pleased to be able to announce to I our readers that the date for the Barrie Amateur Minstrels has been denitel x- ed for the 25th of this month. Mr , A. Ramsay of Toronto; Mr. J Bryce M undie, `solo tenor of the -Angus Thompson 0 era Troupe Mr.Mc Donald of the celebrated am ilton-Minstrels . Dr J ebb, the well known banjo soloist, Mr. `Atkinson of Collingwood with his tricklmule and celebrated areas . a chorus 'of_ 25 voices thorou hly drilled, and a rst rate. strin ree and brass Orchestra should till the all to over-owing. `Particulars next week. \I\IllIllIULUW, VIVIV IJCUIIR VII 'L\ll\IlI|IIl VLVV ! F, E. P. V Pepler, ex-mayor, $100: The i '_1r`hes inns. er D. Spry.- S. J. Sanford and `n ~nn(d3n `R9 '75 u Ms: `D H auvaxvglv. _ you. an Luau. 11.. .ora`t;l)y and daughters, 366 J. Galbraith`; `Son, $10. lnbereat on deposits. $35.50; total, $480.25. Previously acknowledged, $695.89 ; grand total, 31176. 14. Hookey-Banku vs _Le|zautes, was played last Friday afternoon, the Bank- ers being determined to reverse the` result of the game of the previous week;-but although I hey played most ferociously, were defeated by a score of 8 goa.1s.to,l A The play, taking it all round, -was extremelv good `and of a very fast order. A practice ma'tc_h.was also played on \ Ve'dnesda.y last between the same sides, and resulted in awin for the'Legalites by 7 goale to 2. Another game was played yesterday we have not learned the result.` mkn `n|`nlI1:I-Irv Irrnnn O-Inn `I\`O1YnIVIl 1 .n(Inl:fnn .A return match between the above teams I. BANKERS H. H Mon-is F. Y. Checkley A. McKenzie VV. M Cotter W. C. Johnston S. R. Forde. |J. C. Ardagh. M ~. Personals. " - The Herald says, Mrs. Scott and Mrs. ` Hogg, of Barrie, are the guests of Mrs,` Robert Scott, Allxstoia. ` V I '1 Mr. of>pr.V of Woodlo.w'n, has re- ` `turned from 9. visit toher daughter, Mrs. Smith, of Rochester._ ' ' Znospltal Funds. 4 P.. H. Stewart, Treasurer of Barrie subscriptions to Feb. 6, 1892: Bank 0 gommerce, $100; Banklof -Toronto, $100; D air IV|nI9t\lI - VF]... General Hospital, reports the followin . E '1`i1es_ Tiaz'1.V -517 iI'):'Sp_!" y."-`E S3.;{f5z-Vd Enci [J. .% Mc eggie, $68.75; Mrs. H. H. .q.f.I'AI'.|II7 urn` t`;II`|.'AI` `RR o J rlnihv-nilth r FZ.Z"'s.,1enam` cry current A 110} uaru \lul'lCGlI,, UL Jluilll, LUHU llll QWUIP vihg h_o_u_se,by u- you the 27th uvltf. It yvds Ains_ur9d in uhe_ imcoe;Mu'1tua.l fog f 'f`}'I'AJl`.I`ADl`I\(\I` Q5-.311 natty`; `I-}IA'I\n 15: Q !`Ivn.;_' The Tottenham Village Council , met on Monday evening and, there being no bnei- ness to do they Immediately a.dj'o:u-ned and didn't lounge around for hours waiting V T for somebody tovcrop up -in search of a. grant Sentinel. *` ~ T V P; Mcdabe, of Adjala Centre, `is getting material ready for a. large new `barn, % = - riu,:1\._`-,, t11,,1In- I o .' . 1 Irv, but somehow GEO. .REEDY beat: them all for Hosiery and. |.Gloveu. - ` ' L -= .Rev B P. Bowles, `of Gravenhurst has had rippe and last Sunday the Methodist and reabvterian congregations united, Rev. Mr. Bethune conducting services morning and evening. yuauwnuwj V10 Llllvc LAUU Lvunuvxt UIIU tvnuluo The following were the. plavers, Legalites playing with 1 man short. 5 . _...,_._AL_ 7 4. .__A._.._., ` """"`r "' ""`.` Mrs. Moore. Mar; street, is visiting her daughtezrin Toronto. T `ll..- [`...u-u LI .-.-n ..L_...-.4. 1...`- ....L...._...1 ,V ~ Janie: `Br-ewnlee,- formerly Eh` old resident "of Tecnmseth, died at Palgrave a. few -`days `#30 58B'587*y6'a`.'x's..1-f-;:~: : _ r- Tr " ' w , "Mantle. at [cost and under `it? .1. r,.,.-- ' I 7/)` ';__: 1- J1" Barnard `.Curra.n,. of Adiala, lost his dwell- I-Innnn Ian A... An {Jun 07$];-. IL T6 Invnln nuuunau Lu yup ouuuue Jnuuuut 101; Q60!)- Th Creempre Sthr 890539 h0`.:W&$ 8} .dyn3.- mo`sh_over tnjyingjto buy but .thei1j electric "plant; ` ' - " ` ~ -rnu_u,,,-r-r-n"ra- n "'EL$'Ee}3'v}?$rfa'EL? 52$}; '.umte.1 with the Confession of Faith. -"~ - * ' Ital. .._..' C`: L... _..-.....I_..--- 111115 kction ; pulls c 1198. TIQII VIII? LU` all 31.15% `III Illjc IUIIUWQI8 them into a. mangle. " evading... i----". * A -_ J Douglas Pa.lm'ar`.' of " Bta.cebi'i`d'ge` had a` numbev of his ngena smashed by gouging` % 1-_A,_`__A1-s.__,,_., p ` u -.... 1.1 ` . 1 `-`ick Rbmghi` 3': ,B;:ac,;ebridge,is" .1okiixgf]; for aprisoner w'ho~`scapcI from his _cust;od5{ ' 9l1,Ml.|d8-Y. 9Venir,,:_g-_ .. .. . ' _ . " On the 14th inst Dr. Parkenof Bairie will: . serviqes` thy "B1-ao`ebrid2e' Methodist bhiirh . "H6 1:: mdfshapxeful mgner. .Cql'1~i_pgroodV priaeg. . V ; . -I-_gI;'__1-n,19,,,,,"?' !nI\ i -1 7A1l ; .m L. ...1.....: V AAblAo:to Train! Bone. Mr. A. Miscampbell M. P. P. left his ni-`nan : Iu:nh`nnnn Annnninlftnv `n "Il`\I.IltI {n B_u-no Amateur Dllhnreln. He is Proud or nhnaby. - l'.IroM-t0tow._n8I.lf1-' nvpddrbss LEGALITES F. I-Iornsby L. G. McCarthy 7 H, C. Choppin B. H. Ardagh , C, E. Stewart S. $t.evqnon an a._ny other menca. ` N Ulla BUFII .`:2."`:, .9" I III! WIBII VIIU IJU BU r D. `F. Macwett, in the interests of `his client; Mrs. Cook, who owns the ad- joining property, was the `irst speaker. He dwelt upon the increase of insurance rates upon adjoining property that would follow the establishment of this livery stable. `The ifnnnnnnntl Anal `nnvn I-I-min an-an n`nnn in KL: ta. reanlin come notes on the Mackinaw] Re ief exec ition, _which passed ncroei the ice of La. e'Simcoe and `down the Nottawa enga. in. 1814. About that time there was erected, near themouth of this river, a block-house `which we; nttacked by the _Americana~on Aug. 14, 1814. and destroyed. as well as the North-West Company : schooner-,~ Nancy, `which was lying in the nver. ' ~ A , - _ lfIL'_ ....2_...3-.. `E 53.. l`I--.....- II-_'j 4.- 11-..- 'u:1,l`i.e mission of Sir George Head to `Pene- tenzuiehene in 1815, in connection with the War. was nexttaken up. This oicer also crossed Lake. Simcoe on" the ice and` via Kempenfeldt along the newly cut road to Penetanguiehene harbor where he and his crew ertivedon Feb. 28th. There they found a small piece of qleared land. and on fhn " nfni" AnnvEIr{y1'-Hath.` Nnntineuiiti I-so 7 I-Lin ` LIV Ipllllllvl IIIIU Ill IBUIIUL , John Murnane was charged with commit- ting a rage on an imbecile girl named Robina in the ownship of Tiny. The evidence went to show that the girl was an assenting party and the prisoner was therefore dis-' charged. county of Simone Pioneer and S _.A-A.- This lately organized Society held its regular meeting at Barrie last Friday, Hon. Senator Gowan presiding The session was one of more than ordinary `interest. The gogramme consisted of a discussion of the ar of 1812 and its relation to this county. The sub'eot was introduced by the Secre- ta r in some notes on Mackinaw lie i2fTex`]_1,e_ition. which passed across .n:_.-_-`._i.1*_1____ LL- 11--.L____ LUUHQ P_IUUU _I.!l_ qwnruu >153. nun. On he % -their %a #9?` ocoupid by [the Reformaeory, -._there"wo're stew small huts" made of -poles thataohediover with spruce Margaret Lamaroux, a French girl from Lafontaine was charged with stealing stock- ings from Mrs. Bartineaux; The, Judge thought the evidence did not warrant a con- viction being only matter of, suspicion and be dismissed the prisoner Jnhn Krlrnnnn Inna ohms-and 1:139}; nrnnrn-_ DUUIU UUUUPIGII IJ JILL \IQI.IJl.Gl~|llla Councillor C." W. Plaxton suggested the amendment of the`by-law by `leaving out certain words to make the wording corres- pond with the wording of the Statute Tho Hv_`n|1 I-nnu than nnuun ` n-An u-think tlewspa per. .. .._J 4_--I. Ulltl VVIUII IIIIU WUIIAIII UL UIIU DJIKUILIIU The by-la.'w was then passed, after which I the council adjourned. 0 Go where you will. GEO. REED! sells cueapor than any` of them. L IUVIIIUIQI .I. GLIIUGIIUIWIJ KI! IITI\.I IIIIIULO John Jones was charged with going into - the brewery at Orillia and stealing beer. As the prisoner was at large on suspended sentence for a previous crime. His Honor gave him a severe lecture, telling him how the court took compassion on him on account of his youth; but aslhe did not show his appreciation of the _ clemency extended to him he would commit him to the common '..__I E-.. A.L___- ..__._LI_.. Illlll [IV VVUI.lL\L UUIIIIIIIU I gaol for three months. GUI LU` DIILWC III\IIII[lIl La Burhis the mulatto _ who was convicted of having on the 13th of July last cut a man at Elmvale with a razor asked a week : grace in order to get certificates of past good characte ' '|l'-.______-L `I"_w_._.,_:,,__,,. - 'I'\,_ I ,0 I 1 ` AI"ri there We `special n'1eeI'.1'ng,of the Town Councils to dispose of V the Livery` Stiaihle qqestion vibich was cong sidered by the Council at its regular meeting on the let inst?` His Worship Mayor Cres- vwicke was in the chair and all the members. present except. Messrs. Dyment,` Bothwell and John Plaxbon. A ....L.'4.:..... 2.4. ... Q n'r.`........---..I_ _.__1 -u_ _..'._ -_a.'nd John Plaxton. . ~ A petition from S Weaymouth and others was pregented `asking the council not to im- pose any restrictions on" his right to establish 'a. livery stable oii_D(1nlop,etr'eet south . I The Committee on Fire and Police brought in 3 report with the consent of a. majority of its members referring the question of ' the- livey stableto the whole council to be dealt wit . t A D" L... L- ..-..L3l..L LL ; -.;.A...Ll:_I__.-_L -1 . uvvu '. Fermission to address the couneil on` the subject was then granted" to. - anyone who might wish to do so. 11.. 'l\ `l'.I `ll- ____44 9 AI ` 0 . . p UIIU VEUQIIIIBIIIIICIIU VI U]-I55 ILVVIJ QIITUICJ LIIV increased cost, from this source alone, to his client would be more than $30 It was, he .Aea.id, the intention of some of her tenants to move out if they go; on with the proposed stztble. - . `no .'I\ .,,,,,,, , 1- .1 '1- 0 I Mr. A E `Bemrose, one of the adjoining tenants, also addressed the council, briey. He said the window of their sleeping apart.- ment would be distant only a footongi a half from thelivery, and that if the proposition to establish it were carried out he would vacate the premises, and probably leave the fnun-I ~ ing by ex; ondence ' town. V ' Mr. J. T Sproul, on behalf of the petition- -er, Mr. S. Weaymouth, spoke next. `He contended that there would be no increase of insurance rates, and quoted alocal insurance agent as authority As to the sanitary com- plaint he held that the case had been exag- gerated The conncil, "he ` said, were con- fronted with the fact that Mr. .Weaymouth had already vested rights, being the tenant of the property, . ` v e V 1 ' c . Mr..~Macw,att, replied that thevsame insntl ance agent had stated to him there would be an increase `of insurance rates. Also, that Mr. Strathy, the owner, was willing to re- lease Mr. Weaymouth from his undertaking, in view of the stopping of the livery. V nnlinnillinr pnnrnhu unit` Q-kn`-, Irnnnlxln with Lu VIUW Ill AUUU BUUPPIUH UL IIUC IIVUI Y Councillor Pearcey said that trou-ble with the loca.tion_ of stables had arisn in former years, the council for some years `having been confronted with an unsanitary stable on Owen street until the Board of Health came to the rescue, ,`I , A,,, _, 1! 1` I w(`3't;|`:x1`<:GiT1J<`;: Mont.goniei'y' head from the last schedule of the tire -underwriters. the rates that would govern the present building and also if it were transformed into ' a livery. ' The increase_._would be $1; on the $100, which would also Va'ect the whole block from the Ross block as far east as the brick store occupied by Mr Galbraith. , ` r_____:n-_n"rrr nI___._ _L-j .1; '_ County Jud_`o nj `Last Thursday His, Honor Judge Boys held an -interim criminal court when the following cases were conlidered:-- ' Tnrnnn IIIt\lI A`-nnuulunrl 2-ygl-`1 Q`lu`:-1:0 LUIIUW I115 `V VI CULIHIILUI Ull 3'-' J axnes Copeland was charged with stealing cigars at Orillia After hearing the evidence the Judge found the prisoner guilty. Mr. Cotter put in previous convictlons against the prisoner. The risoner was then sentenced to 2 years an 6 months in the l Provincial Penitentiary at hard labor, . ,1:-Jan _Tnnnn nrnu nkarnn.-I `nil-Jr-n IDn:rIt! :2`!-A .2168: dd-both ulei `by Beproseiitdtlvon ti! ' _: 1'th`aiPartI aI o'once u.-nod-By-lawpauod ;l'orb1dgl1nt, tuna same on late a as-Ana - `V7 LUPI - - _ A By-law to prohibit the establishment of I liveryand boarding stables on Dunlap street from Mulcaster. to Clapperton street, was then introduced and advancpd a stage or, two L `II .I '1 . "1-3.1: 1`.1v :air; s,-1'a.nVt.I nusitiis bx: 'DUNIa0P STREET SITTLID. ` - -uvwvv town. Int, my uaII m:IL;m SPEGIAL ssssmn. }a Q; igztkv.-. inbjllmoii "or out"; c1_ u"rmR1oN. A-Mag. -~`*'- 1'J';`:""~ .\-3. 1 _ >4. wan - The annual nieeting of West Simcoe L. 0.24 , was held at Stayner the 22nd inst. `The attendance was good and the usual re- ports presented.- The following are the oicers elect for the current year :-W. M., Bro, John MacKay,_ Creemore ; D. D. M., Bro. John Matthews, Sunnidale; Che lain, "Bro. Rev} `Thomas. McKee, Barrie; ec.- Sec. Bro. .A_`- Williams, Stayrier ;. Fin. -Sec., i Bro. Robert Nole, ; Treasurer, Bro`;.R. _Steele, Creemore ' Director of Ceremonies, Bro. Robert fnngford. Mel- on:-ose ; Lecturer. Bro. Francis Dunn, Barrie ;` Bgggty Lecturer, Bro. (Joseph Leighton. -v -u-u on-cyst urn c-unanun V Special attention is called to the fact that -the business of the late R. W. Brigham will be carried `on by his Ion, E.T. Brigham both vcab a.ndca.1"I:ng'eVbuainess. He respectfully asks ghnt the! patron e enjoyed by his tethaxmay be extend _ L to him. 6-6 unvw, Illv IIIIIVIII` uunuy sauna DU WUIK 101` its suppression. The :it1sh Government oa.ries on the traio for revenue purposes. Like slavery this is a foul blot on a Christian people. Petitions to the Im erial Parlia- ment praying mat the traic prohibited are now at the -Mechanics Institute` andithe Banks ofp'1`oronto and Commerce for signa- ture. More about this later on. ' ` vuu: noun. nus UIIU CI? 0 0 UIOUK nrnuay |.evening_ of week. A full attendance is Is`:-I`nn`niIu-J - - uuuu uvuuunuxyuuu uuugu ll-uu Luaulyculclula Lodge, Allandale made the party. They had re works with them to celebrate the event. Nearing the goal one of the Sons, a well known bread and cake man undertook to signal their approach by ring a rocket. He had the balancing rod of the rocket stuck I in the snow and lighted the pyrotechnic ' with a match. Thething instead of going up, sent its ery contents down into the snow so exciting our friend that in making 2.16 time to get out of the_,way he turned a summersault into a snow bank remaining in a reversed position till extricated by friends. All s well that ends well. A first class time was put in; refreshment, speeches and songs being the order of the evening. and home was reached in the wee sma hours. This annual sleighing trip is one of the most plgasunable events of the season to the ons. Cjjo 010 ,: `--The regular monthly business meeting ot i this Assn. will tskeeplsoe at 8 o clook Friday `evening this full attendance is uu.u_u_y._ -'=~ _'-` ' ' - ` _ A B,'on.j _- Senator` Gowan remarked that in 1 1847 be accompanied a survey party which was under the direction of the late George Lount, _,then m`aking'a.survey of a proposed road from Barrie to the mouth of the Not- ` tawasaga. " This,scheme_did not materialize ; :but on ._the .-`Nottawasnga B.iver, two `miles belovrv-whereiit"is joined by Willow Creek, the"pa'rty came upon the Glengarry V Landing _ where the Mackinaw Relief ex- `pedition in the time of the war had landed tanguishene he said that information on the" amongst the earliest at that post. At one from Barrie to Penetanguishene were kept by half-pay officers who had served in the and-built their eet of batteaux from timber cut down on the. spot. In these batteaux ` the Mackinaw expedition had crossed Lake Huron to their destination. j In regard to the landi_ng"place near the head of Kempen- feldt Bay he stated that while there used to be one near the present railway depot, there was another a few hundred yards to the east of his residence The probabilities go to show that many Indians landed at that place in former times, as their remains- have been found in abundance near the \ landing and also when his resent dwelling was under construction. 11 regard to the early records of the establishment at Pene- subject might perhaps be gleaned from Mr. Moberley of Collingwood whose father was time most of the numerous wayside inns WEI`. 'f\,,, 'I`\ `IS I ' V ' A` 5' ' subsequent establishment or blockhouses Dr. Jakeway of Stayner remarked that near the place where the sunken schooner Nancy now lies in the Nottawasa. ga, anumber-oft cannon balls have been found. T This is at some distance from the 1 near the niout-h of the river. vTl- n - n n n . . n A . . n AAA 51...; 1].`- 1_l'........' T.-,1..... %vrywh9!'o LL10 ulnulu uauuz u.I Luum null [DB 380. 1'6 cults, are-movlnq many rsonsto work for Thg rinsh want. 1 Rev Dr, `Parker gave a. description of the British post at Michilimackinac as it ap- i neared in 1812. T . \ II ha: | 1 .1 William McDonald was charged by Wm. Lowe with assault with intent. This case has been before the magistrate several times. Yesterday morning he was liberated under suspended sentence and compelled to enter into heavy bonds to keep the peace towards Lowe; - Henry Penton charged J. B. Johnston ` with malt;-eating his son Harry. The boy was sent by" his father to collect a. bill, and ` it is "alleged, was assaulted by Johnston, J ohnsuon said the boy was saucy and dunned him on the street. `Fined $5 and costs. ebojxghsg` These were the habitations of the ment .:which had been made only` two or three weeks before. The wbo'e establish- ment Twas by` instrlrctione from York (T0r0'nl1o) broken np ten days aiterwards. Head returned -by.` the road-he went, and having arrived at Kern _ eldt Bay on March l1th..Vaw.a_it,ed .f_urt er orders. Here herem_ained..for.more than three months oicers` andsoldiers of the new estab1ish- ` until. he wa.s'_nally liberated on June 16th. Extracts` from 'Head s interesting `book, Forest "Scenes',' 7 wetemd to illustrate his experience in the woods, more than 150 pages of-the-work being devoted to a nar- rative of his journey andresidence in this county- - ` will be given before hand in the news-: papers. ' uocu. uuu ulUlLl'|l UL bub llyclo ` It was announced that His Honor J udae Ardagh would in all likilihoorl give a.n '.1d- 1 dress at theenext meeting,due notice of which ` A Police court. ` The fo`lowing Police Court cases have 2 been dealt with since our last report. ' J I R Neil, a. vag, was sent up for 30 days. A charge of larceny against John Brown- M `lie wad dismissed. - ` 1')___'A._-S__ (V,__ __.._ ,1 ,,,,, `I 1 (N `IV WEB \Lll,III5QCll0 Benjamin Somers charged James Spence on the 4th inst,. with assault. Spence` pleaded his own case, but failed to convince, and was ned $3 and costs, $8.95 in all. any` __ I FYFE=s. If you want a nice Fur Set go to J Thosonuntlngland. The Sons of England make an annual `sleighing excursion to the-: hospitable dwell- ing of that genial,n1_erry sou],Cha.rleyPalling Last Wednesday evening, this annual visit 1-nnlr rilnnn nut` nlmrusi RFFI1 `:r\Y1 IA`..nI:n`n-man I EEK LY. .|Juuu vvvuusuua uvuuuls, ulua uuuuau V1516: took. `lace and about by jolly Englishmen, from outhampton Lodge and Kempenfeldt T111109, Annnrlnln `maria that nnri-.11 Than . Opium Trade In India; _ The opium traic in India and its sad re- |I`f.I nil!-lI`Il\l!`i'\lI ivlni-Irv I\4;-an-an LA -..._I- I-.. To Pooplo or name I I _LL-`__L_'__ 2'. _,n_,1 ., .1 n Y.I. O.A.. -_ __-. .. vvvv-any Don _t ne leot its, but go u once to John Woods" or 8 bottle of hi ugh Syrup of of_Pino Tar and Wild Cherry. It not: like I charm `in `soothing the irritated organ: that give so much trouble. -c._vp'--_.-v --v--up ; nrvvnvv The usual meeting of the above was held on Friday afternoon last in the assembly rooms. On the motion of Mr. Carr, 9. resolu- tion of regret was passed for the death of Mr. James Philp, formerly a master in the Barrie Collegiate, and the secretary instruct- ed to send the motion to Mrs. Pbilp. The` meeting then adjourned in memory of the same, the programme arranged for that meeting to take place on Friday afternoon .I.vwuau5o My LuO0llD- U DBIICIGITU, As a 1.1: Stevens, W. Milden and Andrew Hay.` Mr. Blow acted as chairman and Mr. Edwards as critic. . Mr. J T. S;_:ronl a longgromised essay ox{ The Extinction of the urona is to be forthcoming on Frida next, which will no donbtattraot a conai arable audience. ' WHlN"GBIPPE LOOSENS HIBHOLDTHIRR I8 OFTEN A OOUGH. -usiness, tho:1Jg.h not what is called booming, is fairly good. -Z-Gri}Z1peZw1<);>'sfex:i;1`g :1->'c;n out Ipe ople though a. good many are ill yet. A I-A_ _E A_.,.,, `H 30 copies --Tbe Asuizes will commence in Bairie on Tuesday, 1st of March, Mr. Justice Rose 1 presiding. . vvv - -- Ben-1e Literary society. Bytbc Society :-.'}wu Rapomr. The lestmeeting of the Barrie Literary Society was quite a. successful one. A good `audience greeted the presentation of the programme. It consisted of xgniscellaneous Z-`R`ev.*D;.' ' Parker will preach at Brace- ,bridge Next Sunday. - I . o It I L; a'Don t buy your dress goods oefore you ee `the splendid assortment at Fraser, Clark : & Co. s I. Q `-Eva.nqelist Weaver, we are told, has nished his work in Barrie and is laboring in Allandale. M . -Bur1ington (Ha.;;Ikeye from Mr, Har- rington. Onr friends dont forget us and we don t forget them. ' 1\ n 1 91.. - - --on | -Dr. Spo}c;n;s is again unavoidably held over in consequence of its length and press of other matter. `r\I1 .u 1 . n .- VIII-ll IV! Llllll. BUM. D||\1\aVDy k)llU HID] GLBU UU seen at the residence of Dr. Kennedy Phelpston any day during the week Sundays excepted. -A_._T, , ` The Press Downing the Law. A few days a o a. Barrie Jburnalist was I walking 11 to t e Court House beside one of I our town rristers. By some means the nnuvnnnnnn IYIOVI n`u'I-Inn:-I ll!` 0-kn 1'nnnnnI:nOu'n UIAI. UV W In URI I 1D|.Ul D: I) HUIIIU IIIUGLIB IIIIU news aner man slipped and the journalistic peda s gotmixed up with the legal ones when the press and the law became cumber an: nf tho on-Ann:-I Thu Inn: Mar` 4: um.-.6-nl _a.lso WIJULI [LIV PIUBG lil.I\L IIIIU IDW UCUGIIIU UUIIIUUI ers of the round. The law had 9. ventral osition w ile the press assumed the dorsal. orses were frightened. and men- laughed wondering why such should happen so early in the morning. Writs of ma,ndamua,-fa certiorar:',and a lot of others were talked ot but now all is serene and nobody hurt. |I ABAHRAPHEB S PENGIL POINTS. HLNY KINOR MATTERS KUOHLY `much; unkoa rogatnef. construct a V9117 Interesting and Gossip: (`jun-.a.... -1 v -..| 121.`-.. -011: Que}; _pJl<:'a-;1'g'l1_'ser\'ice is highly ap- preciated by our people. T___.-_4,., ll ,, I -11 . 1 . .1 I "" f"f"' ' -T-]L'Z11rs-1)e<?;or Morgan is still contmed to the `house from Grippe s sequelaa .g.`l'\, ,. . 1 I -0 0 ""175." " "'1.""" I . t$'Ii671(17ot forget the great reduction sa._l_e | at `James Va.ir s dry good department. I-`HAW , V 1 o u I 1 H -The very best paper for successful adver- tising in this northern country is THE Q NORTHERN ADVANCE. -Did you notice that ne oil painting in the window of Capon & Co ? The Connoiseur ' sees_ the work of a. master s hand in those I faces nnnellng correspondence. Mrs. Kennedy of Phelpston will be at Mrs. Cota's on Monday afternoon February 15th to receive the names of any who may desire to take lessons in either vocal or instrument al music. Only a limited number of pupils will be taken. Mrs. Kennedy graduated as a gold medalist in music and for eight years was organist and leader of the choir of Our" Lady in Guelph. during which time she taught both vocal and instrumental music with very marked success, She may also be .nnnn nl-. .44-no v-noinnnn AF hr Vnnnaalur ?House; - --a --`-um vwvou. cu-nun Vavuwnyj A ' "chapter at noon mstory. n -More snow about every day. . .-Fiue Lunarnhalo Saturday night. -The sleighing is remarkably qod. -Town Council next Monday evening. -Don t forget; the lecture by Dr. Howi on I the 18th _inst. v t$ Big diapla; I Sarjeant & CO. --Mr. Shanacy had a visit from three robina in his garden on Wednesday morn- ing Temperature below zero. They made I a. mistake in some way, ax Inn 1 o . -.1 I n v\ u -Dr. Washington will be in Barrie on February 17th, from 11 -a.m. till 4 p.m. The cause of the Doctor s absence on the date of his appointment was a. death in his family. `r\ nun. u 1 ..- -Dr Jebb, the Optical Specialist, will be in Barrie at Chas. L. Sanders jewelry store on Saturday, Monday and Tuesday, Feb. 13th, 15th end 16th, Examination of the eyes and sight tested free. 5-6. -Every Reformer thinks Dr. Spohn is going to be elected and every Conservative has the same opinion regarding Mr. Bennett. Everybody, who has one, thinks their own baby the prettiest and the fellow with a. girl thinks her the sweetest. Toronto people known good thing when they see it and sodas everybody in Barrie, that is the reason the Toronto Biscuit and Confectionery Company s sodas sell so ra idly in this enterprising town. T. B 85 . Co. stamped on each biscuit. . The chat: out and best Hosiery In town at J. YFEPS. M -:A ice 3fAa;};;"'a;s"'rJ;{ Mr. :Will D. B. Spry. Phi a.de1ph'ia.. Thank `you. } _ :3 V-. . - - - - -Mrs. Daniel Spry has been called away to Windsor in consequence of the illness of her parents, Mr and Mrs. Fortier VVe regret to learn that Mr. Fortier died shortly : after her arrival. You can buy the cheapest white Co!- ton in town at GEO. Bls`.EDY S., diayilay of new goods at Hunter, iarieant &. ( ` , F3'87l.~IASSEs. {$1.00 Pm: ANNUM IN mvmu SINGLE COPIFS, FIVE OINTB. Gououigto Literary society. -__.--I _._-_L2_ ._ ,l . 'selves of lUlNE; G 0., HAT most eligible building site-situate on the north side of Theresa. Street 11 the own of Burrie.`pa.rt of the estate of the late oseph Leslie. deceased. and known as " The ' eslie Market Garden," will be sold at slow . price on easy terms and in one parcel, or mmm-nr.nIv to omit. nurnhnnam. Tito Rood. ....___. on S aLE.-Ea.st half lot 5. 13 con. Vesnra. wen timber-ed. hardwpod. Must be sold. cheap. For particulars. apply to L0 UN '1`. HEW:30N 8; URESWICKE. ` 6 7 `V 1892, Agnes. beloved WIIO or Jenn moueou. postmaster. of Elkhorn. formerly of Allis- ton, 0nt.. aged 49 years. Non'roN.--In, Alliston. on the 30th January. - _1892. Ernest Alfred. infant son of Mr. W. J. Norton. aged 5 months. MO0NEY.-In Allieton. on the 25tn' Januy. 1892, Olive Luwena. infant daughter of r. geremiah Mooney, aged 10 weeks and 5 8Y8. ' Co MP13wLL.-At Orilli on J anuary 31st. 1892. ` belen Jane Irwin ampbell, eldest daugh- ternf R. P. Campbell. aged 26years and ~ 5 months. - V BUDD.-0n Wednesday. 3rd Feb. at 18 Hayter ; Street. Toronto, after alingering illness. Thomas Budd. son of Mr. Ambrose Budd. ` or Shanty Hay, aged 32 years. Fcnnwn.--At Windsor. 0nt.. on the 8th Feb.. M 1892. Charles G. Fortier. Neq.. father of Mrs. D. Spry, Barrie, aged 75 years, ' Bmmum -In Barrxe. on Monday. Feb. 8th. 1892. Elizabeth Rose Bingham, aged 22 years. 10 months and 19 days. ' McKnvL1cY.-At Lot 13. Con. 9, Inninl. on the t 4th insn. James McKinley. aged 60 years. LL Accounts that have been rendered three 4' nmes and are not settled at once, will be publicly advertised for sale in THE ADVANCE, R A. DUTTON. 69. j The Grocer. Ba.rr'e. Sm'rH.--In M1d1nd.-5:uE7ao','Mu; Geo. sum; A' of a daughter. still born. . . 1 MoMu.I.AN.-In Viotorlaarbor. Jan.` in; S. McMillan of a daughter. Kn:NN1cnY.-In Midland, Jan. 2, Mga, ,_I_`u. xn;'j anedv of a son. . H.u2R1s.-At Atherly. Feb.` 3. `the yvltojot: -Mr-.* Thou, Harris of a daughter. MILLAnD.-At Coldwafer. Jan.-30th.d the vafto, or C. G. Millard. drugglst, of 11 Sun. _ GnooMBmnan:.-In Al1laton.~ on Jandmryd lg . Mrs. E. Groombrldge of - a daughter; AL n__....:. .. 1' .... ..- nu.I.,. unn:s~ .10 WILL BUY good driving mar; sound and quiet. together wxth Cut- terand Harm-.88. Apply to VVM. STEPHENS, reight Shed. - 6~8. ~ NlAY-HELI4.--AI -loll! ruamcuuu UL hue Uranus I te . oak st.. Collinzwood.;o th 2711 Sgnur by the Rev. J. Campbel. Pg. j gon R. R. R. May. Of Cneemore.. to M6ry \ CROZlER-D nmNNAN.-At the 1-esidenee.of*the bride's father, on J snuary 27th. by the Rev, T. Dunlon. Mr. John Grazia`.-`of i Mono. to Miss Maggie Drennen. of 'N!ohol- e nfnn I round 1 ` .-At his id oe, Lot_17. Con. M M'r`3 u'i3 v'vasaga, on"n?zo3.y, Jan. 25. James ; Morrison, aged 77 years. ` C --At,coll1ngwood. on Monday. Feb.- LA1tI.{ 1892. George son or the late George_ and Mary Ann Clark. aged 31 years and 6 months. ' ' ~ ,--At Vi d . the 26th Januar . ] L{(JIIJlgDA annn }1':nI$7A(?l11I7lfe of John MOL80. N x 1 \ 1 _ .-Atth id oo-oftK.heUb"rld' `.f..3.'." b.u St`... c?n:3ood. on the 27713 1 tains all the day editions. Daily or are * receiving it. V B. OTICE is hereby given, that application will will he made to the Leuislative Assembly 1 the Provinre oi! untario at its next Session. or an Act continuing, enlargin and extending e Act 38 Vic.. Chapter [50 of e said Legisla- ive Assembly, and to increase the issue of tool: and bonds. to reconstruct a new Provis onslhoard of Directors and to change the name , t the said Company to The Ontario Ship Rail- ay Company ; and further. tolcontinue in and C rant to the reconstructed Company all the rigptn, powers and `privileges conferred by id38 Vic.. ch.50. en also to rant to sale omnany all such powers and r vileges as will nable it to construct such wor s as will aiford mole facilities to transfer treights and pas- engers between the upper lakes and Lake On- ario, including power to construct and maintain we or more single or double lines of railway to e operated by steam or electricity or both as the Comyanv may determine. Also to establish elec- ric lights and telegraph and telephone lines nd to build. construct purch `se or lease a ne or lines of steam or sailing vessels or of 0th or other water craft for t-atc purposes. lso power to build and maintain wharves. ocks. warehouses and elevators. and also to entail the usual powers and privileges ao- ertaining to the working of rail ways an hlpglng and also such powers as will enable he ompany to undertake the work of trans- erring vessels of any size and their cargoes rom lake to lake. HOLMES. GREGORY 8:. LAMPORT. Solicitors for Applicants. ated at Toronto 1 l 1 l uu.u- nu u.vvu..u....,.. .. .. __.......... Snwmnv.--At Barri on January !4th~,*v~1892* the wife at Geo. . Sew:-ey.;ota`son, : _. ILICDIJU JVLKILILUII untuuu, VIII] U9 uulu III: II av vv Separately to suit purchasers. Tito good. Annlv tn -While lecturlna DR. HOW! WGI-ll thb ental Uostumeu and give: otr`. tern Song, ' Doors open at half put Iovong eight. supurubexy apply to no Dated at Toronto December 9th 1891. IALUABLE BUILDING LOTS` .'Illl S'l'llY IIFAMY I.[l'l!;`1 -'EBRUARY lath, I392," :a::::':::r.'.' M_a_di_um IOTICE ia;:: {hat u:;p1lostlon `will mm hn maa tn tho Laulnlntlvn Annnmhlv F O R S A L E IN THE TOWN or BARRIE. DULT8. 150-: JVIIJLIU SE01). u.v..- C,`l:EOD.-.-A-t Vlrden. on Januag: 1892, beloved wife of John MoLe nnmvnnntnr nf mllzhm-n. formerly of Allis- VOL. XLI. No. 6 WHOLE No. 307 SAMUEL Wzanmr. Prom-lgtor. . `- :HOSN|`.HOW|, IETI-IODIST CHURCH` UNDER THE AUBPIOES or ran: LADIES AID SOCIETY. Nbtice to Debtor; ud cheapest '_ . . . . . . .. 500 . . . . . . $260 "Maw AnvER'1'1smvI_lN'1`s. ( -18 THURSDAY EVENING Will Lecture in the STRATHY & ESTEN. Vanni on. Rnlinlrn mmssxon: % c. _. omnnnnu;1_9. mm lorinii V` '|rnnvu'.'";'_V %, SUBJECT : M. `It'll an nab .l.'.lluV, Vendors Solicitors. Barrie. . - -- ..,._v.-._---- s and trash. 9 Press. ' itoriul page inns. IIIIU PUIIUU IUF IJIIIIIIDIIJ 1% llllll 1. H1136 `USU Nab during her huuban3 s a W no_9_ ftm town. I It appeal-I Br anhboorddd at Mo- NIb'I~ and was rude boddn '0. considerable` sum to th6m;:;.N.ld+be '.,;\bout-. to? leave. on %Monda.y;nigl;_& I-11!` .m._;og1 :19: the Tsmqunt, . T ;n'L`~L- -J._..4 -Jk`- `on Q `.5: little: while ago 355 `bloriiniz tlulev Y , P. S. C._E Presbyterian `church and 825 An` Isl: `ah II I$A`;I'h!`Q QAI-lan I-Rn `\In1n'd'| -_`i}_;n:e;;~I;afeIt:;v;:`ile forking in Book ; Inn}; bar pump hgdf. his. ieg `tgrokep a._ fa! days :52; ,{vI."m`ZnZ3Z.' 752.`; `E3312 `ER : 103% ' of William Barron of Ma9aulay,_ -udjinonving n'..`...l..hI an ' . i-1;!'r'.`a j1\'I'ori'is. for man ` years re`e\'ro `of the township of-Munkokis ` ied nit `nk .QnntInIr'.`nnAn` "'11!-van; 3. - , . ;|. vice an `i Ocboberthe 13th and 14th.. John J ohnston, of Runs. is giving ,-up the clerkshfip nicer seven oyearsof` fqithul set- , going into the shin l_e business with `his brothers at Peninsular ake.- Mnskoka The Beaten 3.nn11a`l_ fair isiset down for r"1s'1'a3'.nvfamilieeih Stiated_townhhpere'1ald | up with inuenza." . t - . Group is `prevalent at South Falls. . ` `On Thursday morniuge the temperuture was 27 at South Falls low zero` and at Huntsville 3_l `_belovr. ~- A _i.~i{ 1i.}a3E11}}; iimebrxag in L our- ishing institution. ' - ,. ,1 -1, - ,,I,o , ,,`o n 1.: 1.` f7e"'$`5L'a'`g&"'m'}`3?.T '-'_ 1 A3], Iu._`..;_ elfirk. `Anian xiahigd G30 Brym'is' htigad % the police for btuullyiuulnn rs. ~L;l,o*-1' Nah An:-Ina Innva hnnhnnzvn n ' nnn iihm mun Ill IillI3lII,,;IIl|I1UUIl M hf wu. . vim 1:9 2319 .9945 T [Ira the Scotch Setflehment there are whis- ` perings of weddings. T 'I'-___-._. II'-__I-_._ LL- I_,__.L_._ _ LL- l(TI II__ - "i`i1ea'qt:a;.<`:t;e'1-'-s'-a;1'i'pu ils of Bradford High" School have taken up t eir quartsrn a.t_ the Town Hall. ' - - I piece. 7 Monday Mr. A. Marcie purchased 18 horses and shipped them to Montreal the next day.) They averaged` him $90 a. `A .a nun n`u.g..nv`.- .n- cg -. UI: VV IIIIGIII III! | Braoebridge, II_ II? II. ,;Il_lVIU-, yv. 6vIvv.vu M , - ` . w 3'x["'t .5 -ms mad as an - \ IUIIIIIIRIU HI --lw:ed.f9r thq jmount Rev; L. Sinclair visited the Ravenscliife Public School the otherday and `was much pleased with Miss Thompson : method `of teaching ' :\ Nybridge p'Zp1a7'a}T qse.id' to feel" the necessity of some temperance or anizdtion in the village to counteract. the ev_i s of drink 1113.. T ' - ' ~ ` - VII IJURWLI Midland. formerly ourselves mg bene; t to our-'

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