Ia:'n:p;n bgclouedat ucahymnking P33 ~~ " 1 me Dcilyolly, oneyear . " tonvmonlhs` Weekly Pres. one you-it _;sennIor`l'hePxenl rcuhr Samples free. Azeats wanied everywlure. mam: mama. . V frankness, $8Pu'k Row. As Advo;-t-ising Medium I'hePreanlnanosnpetiorinXurYat. THE PRESS Wixhinthereachofnll. `themes; and _(:hap-vat` N w in America. Dltlnd ta-gr . C: an newspaper nu A1132 Duilyand Sunday. no team. ` " " 6 months. I` `I 1 M`? nnlv nna ran .])A.lLY, ASUNDAY.` WEEKLY. M 1hA3ogih:e Joann! A NEWSPAPER FOR THE I _. Foundedecaherlan 13. Girculatinn ver_1Illl.00ll copies Y\AI'f`! . ,5. LIUULKJCLIY Hualntgeruily Cirallvianthaaanyotha Bq:uHiunNewIpuparinAmain. scorrs aooxsrone. J - cannot be surpassed for var`f.~:tv ~ tt s Bookstore. THE mass A vtrrrr uvrxnvvp .5 my. Fancy Lather Goods, ' ,1 Ladies Companions, etc. LARGE ariety 5110*. 2?)"; i.'7.5%%. '\`I._l__ 73:2} 165.37 In!` -- gag ; APPLIGATIOIS TIIOBOIIGHLY BEIOVES DAILY. * l 1h --v-r--v _-.- ow Uta ?-`IO `ICU TIlW" nsmlaantcqmzlly auuy. :.:...__ g... 'u1=s 1r. rnnxnz in pretvued to take nnpilafof Instruction, main and ox-gun. Ad- S!!!) 041! FOR SALE.-The Ame:-inn . `Bonn-r White0ng. guano! wild Fiycon-3 sbusbd, , . uncsn. Stro VIllIge.Ont. They u-enhrnnahoa undue notincinedmms. SH. nun am.- xoura or the 2nd an is r-ceive-.1 and 8h=)tl7d huve been rephet to sooncr ha: not absvnou v revented me. 1 can 1- co meni you tolbr Washington Hccnul St. Toronto. uthe best prrou ynucxnget to as at you. and I have no hesitauon in airminsz that you mke his uweatuent &c'o'ding to innzru:- tionslrhich isvery egsyand simple to take you will get ride! your troube. I-`or rome Years I wnsn-oubled with csnrrh of the head nndlhx-oat. until my ifo became a burden. tnrou painful. And in the morning the dbchugutn-rm the throat vn.sprotu-e After t-sing everything! heu-do! Dr. Washington. gothb txestmext. an d runs well as eve:-in six weeks. This is now three or four years d I as t ' ceuen bed in m.:'.:....':1"'..,...."*m.....'*:.=:.,....,..` ` `ours truty W. H. S'l'0B'Y. Will be at the QUBIIIOS4 Bo*'l'BI.. on Thundnv Jan. 28:5 1892. from 11 n. -3. to 4.30 p. n. In I In 111- Afternoon I always became hwarce and nan vials W. IL Storey has to say about it. etc. P ea den: . Mfg. Ass. of the Dom`:- ion and Glove .\lf;.. Adan Ont. in reply {-3 leap: of inquiry :- Acmx. Sea: In 91. E John Cmrnn. Esq. ltanitowaninz, llunwuli.-. Island, Ont: Dun SllL-Yonxs or the 2nd nit is 1 0eivc-1 have haon as-nhn1 tn arLnn._u- 5., 4 R. A. Dutton * S. Caldwell J. McDonald F. X. Martin DRNVASHINGTON I CtBBS mcA'rAnru+ Who Toronto Biscuit & ` Confectionery Go s I III nnoszia LBTIEBS. NONE UFHER - G. ~3NU{`E. '1 the poor we will luvovixh Itnndvo ....l1_..... -1 `II 1_'-__-. `III _ __ , , ,,, SODAS MYRTLE NAVY ! CAUTION! TOYS Cnnbelonpdatthefolloaringszorea __ I11- _ EACH PLUG OF THE MUSIC. ISXARKBD 28. ' Portfolios, Purses, 88 Dunlap-st. 9,1) - T.B.&G.Co. starpped Pennanently and Picture eEh Biscuit. Ca| d.ii}"JsE21l"" vii the 81000 sewer ra.t`u88709 T44 'n1n1_..i To pa open 1 In ninn .M(;I \ EAI A re Yours truly, `I I) UIIJIJ. J. 8. Buck 36013. so ` 51330: -v-- v -vr-Ia vs cuss uuauugw neuro- vided for. To do this. however, the father hss heeusble to End no employ- ment other than shing on the Bay. A9 to his ine this source I lesrned that some days he caught two demolish, which brought .50 cents, but there were dsys in which theettch did not exessdl half this number. The third case "I10. This family is crmpwsed of s tether in delicate health, 3 mother and Eve . child- ren. The father when at work wss able to earn only $1 per day wanking, but for several weeksulte ha-sheen laid sside by physical tie.-hiltty inmioed, I believe, mainly by s lows of nourishing fund and wmfurtahl: `cluthlt--g, "He is. however,` drswinui per week from s benevolent Orgamzttlwn to which he belongs The fanrth case is that of D, who when I _ found them were wanting in every neces- sary of human well-hetnau The letter E will ever the case of s women sud five children The husfxsnd end fstheris liv- in: st s distsuee. sud since the end of the n 1 put autumn has eessed sending them" say ssststsnce, leaving themnther to provide. ss best she cold for herself end the little ones And though therehu hsrdly been a. ward of mmpssint, I hsve ressonte be- lieve there is snering And not one of these canes of destitution is owing to the excessive use of strung drink. Indeed, sll ere` totsl sbstaiuers except one sud he is nuts dmnksrd. Were I to introduce A the list here of thvvse made sud kept your by drink your spsee would he considers ` shly more drawn Input) to sxri roamsf-yr l the briefest descriptive outline. And let 1 no une omncluvie that In this on-nave he I hsssll the cases of need belbre-him. I .4 hsve sttempted to give specimen cases 1 only, the number persunslly known to me,_ ' end `I mske no claim to know them sll. ` There sre clergyman sud othet persons 3 who cut duubtless urestly sad to the sad . list. Enouh, Ijnwuver. hss been ssid to show the iuoqnslities thst exist. in our I s0cis_l emdivtun. V We sre spt to transfer ` ourselves in persmi or thoughtytothe g gnreod eentresnf Europe when we wish '1 to realise the vest de-fsrences which exist 5 among members of the hurnsn Ismily ;`a yet vsst diereiuees exist snmnn our own I selves. Within the comnarstively smsll l sees covered by this town tnsy be found l weslth sud poverty, men sud women liv- ing in luxury side by side with their sis--' tern sud nrnthers sluwly dying of. hunger. sad culd. Is it my wonder. then in the presence of these socisl inequslities we` hesr st intervsls frum the Due of the sneisl pyrsmid, s vxvice es of the rumbling of distsnt thunder, "pull down the heights sud ll up the dsrk vslleys _thst_ there msy be equslity in msterisl at least." i ll 0 VII 11 t ..._....v.., uuc unsu IZIIMVIII Ill Wlll y0I! are held by us It is now upwards of `Eve years since we rst formed your acquaintance and . by your kind and amiable disposition you I have won many true and-lasting friends. l Your choice of profession is one well suited to you. You have chosen oneoftlne noblest of calling: that of instructing the mind: of the . young. You have nroven -your eiciency not only in this, but also in arousing the latent powers of those of tnatnrer years, many who, before you made your appur- nnoe in this community, had settled tlownin A lintlonq Qfntn I-sang I... ..-.....- .A.:.....I_..:..- u-uuc us mus uvuuuluuuoy, uuu. IICLILIBKI. CIOWII III a listless state, have by your stimulative aalvice, coupled with your energetic actions. been e.-roused out of a state of lethargy into one 0! activity and have liacl their minds improved unaler your instruction. You have proved youIse'f a man of rare ability. We can imagine you after you had resolved to |qnit farm life poring over your books, headless of your surroundings, calm and `inconceivable and fancy outward emotion,- --yet vqith that determination and inward re- solve irhich has characterized so many men. of fame; you have -in a few short yearszafa tained"lv__'at height in the ladderof` fame for .' which numerous others have striveu for :- lifetime and failed to reach. e We congratulate you on your . success` tlius . weauossheartily ` `that our inthe future may be " -Ivltli even greater suceeu. You most sass all the of=tescher,3i.vis. :? s Learu'ipg,cuiIcu:`c .> . _:_:_.-Yo `luvs certainly- . r nf i.a.I:.`.:.I.a| ...=...-.:n -_4 ..ua_u-uuaull, dill. II, 1537;: Mr. Jolznvl McLeod, Dun S1n,-Having with deep regret learned of your departure from amongst In `at. an early alate, we embrace this - our last` opportunity of conveying to you our best wishes. also of showing you, but in a. faint" manner, `the high esteem in which you are held [It now ofve year! Q3:-nun -n. A:_.a. t__._ C1 - ,.b....u,;,v spa . nu uci.Iu_1w_.' time was given `at which the entertainment shnnl-1 com-E menee. but about 7.30 the schoolhouse. being nicelyerl, announcement was made i for tea, Mr, McLeod with his young lady -' leading the way. Beautiful bouquets of owers lent additional , beauty to the table, already groaning under the excellentirepest _- which the ladies of Killvleagh so well I know how to prepare Tes being over the meeting was called to order and Mr, T. J Henry was cal ed tothe chair. The chair- man, in s few brief remarks, `stated the objctof the meeting, after which heeealled `upon n Mr. W Sharpe, who read the an- nexed sddress.Mr. R A. Thompson making the presentation : . ` Juunvu IIIJQII T. Ell the presentation 2' yuyllq an-.1 VBFCIIIH 01 `De Section chemselvesin making prcpatya'tigns. for a_ farewell supper which was given to `M1 . 'McLgeo.l on the evening previous to his going; away. No denite time was given Eat the enmrminmnnt '.I...+.|.I ....-... . . T ` Advaneecoireupandenee . ` The people 018. s No 5, Innisl, were Ej thrown into estate of surprise a few evenings " ago when the teacher, Mr ' Jno. McLeod, `eommnnimte-1 his intention of slaving pr 1 Mr. McLeod hail taught but a few days -of =' the current year when he received 3- tele- graphic dispatch from his father in Grenfell. N. .W. T , stating that he ha-1 secured for him the principalship of . the Public School 5 of that village. A Mr.- McLeod at once called 3 3 vmeeting of histrnstees and from them. obtained lave to tender his resignation During the couple of days interval between a Mr. McLeod : resigning` the school and his I 3 depavture from the section, the pupils, ex- 1 pupil; and `parents of the section f tilt-tnnnlwaa "up. n.-LL... .......-..---_ -7- R~ .' U . `V A ,__ ,,_, ._--....,_,. V- -uu-nun, gnaw IIIDU. After fondue and general business tie meeging Ind vurned tovthe lint Tues- day `in February ixhmeduuely after the Orange -may L -dgo meetiuv, when the Helection of uiaen wnll bepmeevded with Thn nhnngl noun. -..-..*.... -..- l...l.'. '.`_ vvvv vwu up uumscca tun; uc pruuevueu WILD ' The sum! oyster supper was held -in Mr. Juhn Brycatoystet palm: and an no in gran style by the Ladies of that establishment. - unnuui urcuununeo mz_v- he telsxcd: Sumo" months ago, `then pttondingthe funeral hi the Canon young lllll when Vere killed in an accident, Ml .. Tndhupe struck his su III the gmnnd, with ' the I -vtdl, and here they must but-ynue E" Now tho with in nab-rmolished.-`Packet. A: to the remedy for the present and futurn diureu loccesch church provide for its own pour. Then fol thoindigeutc out tide the churches let there be 3 gououl committee farmed of representative: from the churches and council. To this can- tnl committee can be entrusted the duty of l eo8lVlng and c inuidonug applications" for help and the giving of uciltuucovwheu the aopllcsnt is adjudged vonhy. The relief fund at its dupwnl to 0:9 formed of 3 yenrly grant ftuln the canned, douuionn_ from iudiviuusll and lucieties benevo- lemlydlsposod. V,_..__ L...-I_ _ .- 1-1: 5 n@6yIUI,o (- _ Bays] Back Preoexory N5`, 140. `held iKl'Il1nIl8l Vnieeting in than 'O:`augef 5 Hall, Alliswn, on Thursday" 21:: innu. `flat aunt;-u- -...A '.....-_.._.l I....-;`,, , Rush been enwled by anarcadant-,ofla_ueynnho has been. nmiateda&Kho'0oIIna'l Bani hyhisuotp Henry, Oaly la: week 10 jaw him in our Ituonloohng as well an and 3 ud- eluuing with old friends, a chill induced chest trouble, which resulted in purslyrin at the `lungp,Innd brought his `life ta 3 nmldan The -funeral.` lhngh the terminus was distant, pad the weather seven. u might be expected Ian very large. although was interrod at "thu- place another very od resideot.MrI.Dnnca_u Raul Auqady mn- ' siswnt Prvsbyterinn, he `in: pr-lmnnent in [church naniru uin other maul-:13. ' .- - 4ucu.It..an_ g--..._.__n.-..__ mok uphis ruideneain the I2.n.._|... II,.._:_..` |___., ,,,-: -- ..; 'r'.'l`uj_' : _ hytoilllliinvhighunnieununuthn Riquwuoadnuuyuin ofunllninutootrlhnneu an on tIolovMnyul lowII1un.. ' A. V 1-... I `II.-___.._ Kn._LYLz,um, Jaxf. il, 1892. L. I -..J war 1: lava-skull, The second anniversary of the East; End Mission took place last. Friday evening in the school house. It. was an exceedingly nlessant afair, the "home being crowded. From 6 till 7 o cloek tes was served by the ladies and _s.:er;tha: pleasant act of rofresh- mens theohaii-.wss tsken by His Honor Judge Arglsgh who'did the duties of . the position in"his_ well known" easy and interest. wsy Th__inlCtiv' 93.1 plessing`epro- shin 05 lhllllc. " and eloquence wsrwell carried out: ` - - ` . M: -..'_A AI__ ,_' `O V O r - ass. cauun-Juu xuvlsuunsc uni! `DUO Ml BFBCIILI the Collegiate Institute in Collowingwood. Miss` Maria McKenzie has charge of the Junior Division of Nottawa Public schooL Town lxponauuro--8nto1uInotDco1t. As Ercbuirmsu of Fmanoe I desire to point out, thus the new Mayor : figured in his addreu if grouped together sud a balance struck uh-av in surplus thua:-- Total gmouut yet payable . 88637 41 V Cash on hand . . . . . 4.82441 27 The 1891` portion of 1111- A id taxes comin in gin? tn`m-_r.hm-- girl- _few days. -yIii;"A;'n?a' "1:n has arrived home from Towenham where she has" beep `spending I `I5 -I of: at C u uuucl III-lC'\IlIl ayilptlll. It iastrange that it should -be so, but in this county -when" poor people become old they are committal as criminal: "Can any member of the County, Council who his votedmfor the present brutal sys- tem give a teason why honest novelty, if .3396 and inrm, must herd with the ' enm- inals in a common j`iLV Gentlemen of the Simcoe ConntyTConncil, answervthiu qua- cm svinvonr *1CZ-0---dz Tholoand Annlvonu-1 ` ' X-._n__. - T'7l"hx';3-'v'v'-as-`:1-no.-opemnv . ' hymn by Minion choir, then pjnyerwy Bishop Camp-~ bell; theCj_nirmm,| address; 3 reciutnon, "u: 94...! n....|- -9 n...1t2-- -1' - :I.'ne Thornton Di vision Sons of Temperance ' 18 in an nnusnaliy vigorous state. ` In mun- - bets are eonunnally growing as is also its "`"&. Anew placed in` the-_h_all; si-la have been chosen for an op- position entertainment the `last saltday evening of ` January everything predicts a most. interestingiquarter. Thu `y`nI'hh.`;c'f, nlnnir Inga A;m.n:~....l an i III.I' LJGVU aouurul many . 1:: culvla Q Jill ulusrauug quarter The Methodisjt choir was d:ap}tate.t on Sunday evening last, the organist. being laid up with In grip L V "in: `nnhs a-Inn lung nor}:-u` 'InIn- I-u-nun , Houses of Refuge. . Coroner Holmes, who is also Counily Treasurer of the County of Huron, in - dressing the -jury at an inquest held an to the death of an aged and inrm V woman in theconnty jail, are applicable to all coun- ties where the [poor are utill cared for under-theiolcloyatem; ` T ' If. 3: are-gnnn oI.-6 :5 -I._-_I) I. - , 2 ucu; we unnu'ma.n,I uddreu; I V . "the sgneot sonny." by am-No,1.nd D . I 'Tbe.;[ViuesV Booth, of Brqdford, who were ljisitiog at Mr. Hugh Blackstockk have gone ome ' ,'A11-, 1117 ,-`1 ' . l - we are glad to 'ay,"Ieeu_:s.to havexakenlitr flight from our village. Ln. Fgrippe aml measles, hdwevqr are amongst ns_ i and have secured many L V Thnflnfn 'I"Iho.~.:.... Q...` 1.` '4--------- mente Iao Sower n- tracton are consider- ed there is the. of the 30000 evuildble being invested at 6 percent with thereu- psyers ` end asaivi-t, w h it: h accordingly .-<-se:no;w_-n`; ;.`,. :if. } 1;-, 0.. `II ; IJJGI Dlllllv `TIDE Dly. E M11. Matthew is` `so `seriously ill that her death any hour vivould-hen Eof no surprise ' '\2_ n. ; I ' Sleigbingis excellent and an 3 conseq_ u` enoelzhe roads ate 1m_1ch_tra.velle`(1 Much grain isbeing received as the `grain-houses. The merchant: "being unusually. busy." Matthew (`nmu-p `in -. g.=--.1- mv. ------o-oo----- If you -want a new at or Bonhet for go to J. F1385. _ I -..- ',....6.-..u-uw lIG_ll-I5 Gluilllll $1 10' D1201! was callednpon andfora few mo- Ements` , vevy _pleanam.'ly entertained his g friends The was closed with the u National Anthem, and every one went home ii convince] in the annals of Killylagh, no pleasant evening was "spent in the ac - . ` . -----.- ---`.1 ucr-.5 Iv`)v_lJU wl6UI`I.lCla VTAnen . followed an amusing programme of speeches, recitations, vocal and instrument 31- music, chief among which was the "Sharp string band.1whosemn;ic jcaptnreui the `audience handhelicihtod many hearty encore: The programme exhausted Mr Lic- Leotf wan mllgd '......... ....A 1..-- t._ _. Mr. Mclnaod very gratefully acknowledg- ed the praebueboth of which were, in-S deal. excelleno-and hoped always to re- ~ member with peamre the kindly . feeling existing between them, the m_any |`IlIl|I7 Linn.` 4L--- l--'1 nu-yr IJUIIIB . "R: Then ---_-L - V _ .. ` Jpn. 11, ll, A `Hr Ina clend, S 8'. No. 6. 111% : Dani 813,-`-Itf is with feelings of "sorrow, vhetter feltthahexpmaenl,` thgtwecometo fey goocthye to you` We . have taken oppgrmnity to "express toIy_m oar appre- cugnoaof youraerviees Awhiluamongn us. vYon harenotonlyeinieatedyonkselfm the ehilalren of this section butalso to theewhole community, and on their behalf we ask you toaccep: this dressing caseas a. memento ` andaslightwkenof theuteemili which you are held by "as. We sincerely wish you '3 ate and 3 happy ejionrney together with ewerysnc-ecu: this world can bestow, Crossing thagif in Divine Providence we are nevet again petmitted to have social inter- eou_r'.ne,- we hopeallto meet in the-tterh ;-Signedonhehalfof ,l'I_-' `May health, wealth and ` . -.--ru--u .. wvr uauv Ilaluct I-ll nalfofihin eo'uu n_nnity;, Tmundyou life, andheuvan:; yonrlnome eternal ignexlonhehalf otAa;Fo'ochanV1*;.m,.. .Wu.ui: SHARPE, ~ Anna: _T.uomsox.v _ Befote.Mr McLeod` was givcnme to iepny .n. J HillandMr..F.Roua_me UIIIG Mr. Addison McKenzie has gone to attend h (`1|I]v7iAIt| 'lIf;I'.IIfA `ll (`1|"t|1I1 :-utvunpu-n1 uranium: ,lI-III_-'- `IIl|Il.IZE,': 'nhiI`:gol:l-liner! silver cnpunich "was I] toninBeemninltEefa.of&,Ie.aalkyou 4 magwepIt,,notf'iIsint;insi Iut|liutau_ '1 adimtoka:o fti;eftiemlIi!nipanullnuther- 1 1y e which exists hem:-can ff; 1 Manyamusiin nanyaspunai' _ 1 were tbexanlmd theeoutags, butyour nanncalwayuaunezl y!u_moputinanarly-Qappanme, andad~ nnnnlrr `Kn Hg. --n-41. .1]-n._ '-....*..._.:l..I 1 . M ~nL:nnaiJ.e..4_srwIicV-r11vvL|-uvvivrrvlwvn-ta-(`I1-. ,..v __ _y....p . -M--~......-4:-xoo-:2 :Kv . .-..r..--- v,-51.`-V--x$'wI-"!-tlv 4 niuailrlnlieynquilnl , '1! Oman, so-eaanql` `; duet,-Byg- yumhavunho eljqul 3' fail Ptiw,*u mlH Gk ;ic'IIlr taut ofnncle in alili thneufv.-atuer yarn. qt-ingot land":-ior; solo, -I.n: tN' " Misre- I ` . " u 5!, .` _ l8:B,by;{alrput_uan;m`gawasyoaauun- lnm,!udmg,, Dun, r.A.Wa3t,n Q `nut -ll man: ml-Av-nnnnnnnl ...ll..n:..... ju Mnlnnn` 9.; azgg "".;;;..'".?...:.@".....m"' ' 0,, Roman Roomzm, T -`A. Toxnggcn, R; "HI. . ` -`T911:-n Dthna We 54Dun1op Street, Barrie, J BotI;v;r;H s name, & ALLAII Somebody whats ' havethe name--the Dutch Settletnemt--a.bolished and some Plush, Velvet, (3a.rpet, Kid, and all kinds in all sizes. Avawnlalnlonthiy. ` The Municirgt World is 4 monthly 12 page paper pa lishenl st St. Thoma. It`con_- ininn Innnln ring`-Q` 3-3------L=-- - In-6v ray`: `l>IlUIl.II?I IF UR Lnom 1` can taun much useful information about. matters, engineering, law, etc. 1: m etc. ll A V1!` Ant` 3: -A" -`A-`*5 3` ...-nu-u V s nu-vac! II, cuguwenng, IBW, 330. etc. 1?; $1.00 9 your and is well worth it. Whose Duty In it `I A lot of the ratepayert in the neighbor hood of the intersection" of Wornely and IClap'perton'sa-eets want to know whose duty : it is to attend to tbelighting of the gas lamp` at that int; The Gas Company say they have on y tofurnish the gas and that the ' Inspector or Night `Watchman should do the ghting. Just now, itis said, small boys whoha _ ntownnttoplay inthnt locality do the hting baton dark nights. when the small boys happen to stay at home there is no one to attend to -it. On behnlf of the people who have complained-to us shout this we would suggest that the council settle this matter or the committee whose function: emhnce street lighting. l\IIIII1DI\IIl IILI ELI` III` LU ' from this table um :13}: '53; oecnrred `in: `Barrie ' in 189), by which insured bni_ld1ngs_` weteinvolved. One of these took place in Jan `and two in March One took re from an adjoining building, one from a lamp and one the cause is unknown. The total amount of insurance was $1683.50. T paid on these _- E v vs avlrxulvc Iillllrll IJIIVIAIIIFII Ill \Jll' . ario d nnng the y ended Dec lat, 1890, the date of occurrence, mnseeof re, gnounte of insurance paid, and much inta'est1ng- in- formation ontherve question It appear: vfrnnn 9'55: fnhln that fhran rm: vnainnpnnul I :-u jvuu. We have received from the Distribution A Oiee. Toronto, 5 copy of the Detailed Re- _; port of J.T Howard Hunter. Inspecmt of In-_ _: sumnce. It contains a table showing the L Inn-Q17 nf `XL! Gnu. r3||:n}| Anon:-marl in (la, Gilli)!/Us II VJIIIJQI-ID Q ICIIT` DIIUWIIIS UIIU locglityqf kres which occurred in On- A__.._ j_____._AL_ _--_ -- 1,1 `l'\,, on,` can-um 55.? per awn; tI!rkeys,Al,0c. E lb;_;V` geese, 6c.` to Tc. pet. lb.;,ducks _ pair; fowls, 50 to60c. apainbutter, . , We.` to. 19. per lb; "tub, 14 to l6c.; E92232 216. per doz; Imttinuned hides, $3.50 to,$4.00; pea` cwn; sheepskins, "80c. yo $1.003 piece; potatoes. 3):. _to35c. ipcr bag;app1ea. $1.50 to.82.(l)s-harrel; navy` ' C1 5): Cnnc .u.._.I - |_.L.... -Nu, - qauou -ya. -auu ; annua- 9 cite coal $6.25 per ton $3.25 perbalf ton} Bituminous coal $6.50 per ton, 8.50 . half inn. ' this family as also four little ones and ti IQILAQ --...nI.-.- 3-- A;-- - - V ` - """'~"""'- Ind plnce"intheconmnaof`l'he Press. * .Tb*'=1=I'xe' mtke`. 0 Snfdiiig hnsthebrightest page andagoorldealof haytason the market:;finNei.Yetk. Itsparkleswixhpovima. square. Therewasafadlinthepriceofwhent; `ue P13 wads: Kdia: Visa szlendid` -' ' " ' of , twenty nnper. en.ng' canes _A co: emf; l_- x ran-in!-""""`=e w=m`=- ""7 " 3 ..T.:...'::..:... .=.:.*'.;.;,'**:*.;-.:= am"..,':'.,.:: Wheat,84cto86c;harley,-10 to-i5c.;v ~ " F01-those Irhocannot afford the i17uiiy_or arr r .7579 349-V W 369.3 0: 5`: *9 39-; P9`'V:-p-eI'eatadbyds-tunco fzomeaziyteceinngvit. 53 eo60c.; ha.y,$7.50-to"89.00 aV tom; stni',j the Weekly is: splendid substitute. 4:?` In k:'\(l|- Han` Intlnnnrfnou 15 an In " - -j SIDE. B `j.Frj{lay ew axing. 7:3l-Pz-aygt and Praise Sernca 7:55-Re,admg Minutes. -81!)- S. S. A-idres, Rev D D'1lcLeod, Barrie. '8:30-Discussion 8:~I5-S. S. Ad-`lrea, 4 `Rev. BalphTmtter, Barrie, 9:l5- DiscIn- ;.:.... o..n_J-..n....:.... 1>.....|...:....- _-.x . Fridliy afternoon, 2:(I)-0pemng.' 2:15` Reading Minutes, Trans. and Sea : Reports of Committees 2213-8. S. V follouring Sabbath. Rev. 4-W. Amos, Anton.` 3:3)-C'_hildxen 3 Meeting, uidrened by Rev. J- Lenhman. Angus _ 4:1o-Quaaon Drawer. Rev._ W. W- sumth, Nevmatket. 4 and Chung l ` par nmrzuuv 1-QILDQQGA Q-n-1` VD--2.... slut. llnnulus, 7x.'vIl$_lZl, 18, NEW` Pnyerand Praise Service. 9-'45-.-Ravling. `Minutes, Col_nmiuea`Appointed, Adopting Chnstimtinn. 10:0 ) ~A-ddxen, The 8.8., its Relation-to the Home and CIIiImlI, 7 Rev N, Wellwood, ER-..H.S..~ Orillia. 10.40- CourenaxionalDiacnnioImfAddrQ. 10:50 --Addrz, DeEnitcAinuin S. S.Work,. is. air I `V groan ! Qua.-Sr-`II. ln-ltl I?i31";'.`niZc"""` FE a:"Mmm"- '"Ja..",' Inalll _ theannlrautyiiasasuwaaln. ntobefdnae.' _ SUITABLE son Vpnzsaurs AT I. Hunter & Co s. PRICES Low AT -- -v---.-- .--r-- `w; fine mean In an Luna-u -.'cw'tpaper.l [Chap news. rulznr sensations and =1-uh n_dnopI|c`eintheeoEnmn3ot`l'he ' fdvli @L_1\_-_ s__--c_- this one the question: What could you suggest, Mr. Editor. that would he more npproprinte than ` Dutch Settlement I think itiswellvorthy ofthe nune Years ago when it was 3 forest, the Gennnns cone in one by one. cleotedup the land and made "comfortable home: for their families with ; A great deal of hard labor. With the ex- ception of one or two families they were _nll Germans endtherefore it was called ` Dntcl; Settlement. _ I tllneink it is 3 ehe romeo theyoung peop totry to e may the name that; their fathers and mothers gave it and which they love so well The dear old hoe with its old-fashioned churches and tge little school house. the beautiful forms and the best piece of road inall theeounty._ Long nnyit beealled b" Dutch Settlement. ` NERVE BEANS; %nowi:u:hunoanimouiticaxo;rene. T ; ikntxenntknhlc-' ups` T . S1`mesin1\ owY:rk. P" l The Puuaiuneonu-not Ination: Inns` 2-U lpuvu WU will 17 CI'_'- T T W : noouna . Fur in have been may well ngqaaintbi dIilIIri!lIK_Oto'I_?'.IlI.dIf;d`flC7t0 Itsxothatu no pn-moo: tine petiodhnvcaaaofpovatybouponnnl aocsorexnnuc. Inuycivo wn -`y Husfewafthcuoanaihautho haul: novue:nnonbciugknovn.onIytoInyIolf, slew trusted innards," ' a the say. For two days they iubuital on ant!-mt. nnlu L... -.......L.. -L_._a. _'.__:-..u A-