outrunc%nmm+n1sT3I`vT butt 1 XT$CK Q WIWU Mr. Spurgnon, referring to the work Darker Russia writes: "The Czar is greatly injuring his own country by driv- ing out God : ancient Deonle. No coun- ` try can trample upon Israel with impuni- ty. Jehovah is patient; but as there was ! a day for Pharaoh so is there a tune` for ' every oppreaaor. I ; ` ` 3-. I I V,- I 3:". `S - L IS V:,`. ": ..\; ~\-- .7 . . `. ' ' ' 3 , " V - 139.1: .?J.... ._,_-'2 _ . . `. ,.....nv.. - v -, _ - . . .~, 7 r r. /1 r'*'."u':.~( .` ,. J --..--; H .,.. . . `' ' - . ` " ' I - `*"y ` ` `v H " J-J `H "".'-""3; `-5.1 . 11' ~`. A \ ` `~ ` r ~. . . ~ : ` - _. , - - A .. ' ~ -- ; , . , ... . . '?11P s1?r99ts.]3:,3E{1T1'i;,Q: Af B!9thvi.%7e11 s New Block, Ir H An Australian cabinet crisis. A crisis is imminent` in the Victorian ' Cabinet on theOne Man One Vote quan- tum. Three of the Ministers have already FAQ; (III t` v_ - v-v- QIIVHII ato`7clie::17: p.e1., the election or the Direc- tors, and the traneaction or the other business of the Company. - - - R. LAIDLAW. ` Mnnnann Death the Wages of Their Sm- Peter Baker, a. farmer, was found murdered in his house, Fort Smith, Ark. His wife and a man named Johnson left the country, but both returned a `few- days ago. The neighbors suspected them of putting Baker out of the way and the - couple were captured, lashed together I back and back and then hanged on the same limb with the same rope. ` _ Dublin Corporation condolea. l The corporation ofthe city of Dublin has l already aiopt-ad a vote of condolence with I the Prince and Princess of Wales in the lose they have sustained in the death of their son. On Monday the corporation l held a special meeting, at which reso- lutione were adopted condoling with the Queen and other members of the Royal Family. Iuvnan J III resigned. mm BARRIE mm 6 savmes c0.i -..v--wurvv V ugr-our vunvu pun onday, 1st 'day of Febm: 1892. j at R n`nInn-Jr n In Inn flu: Alan..- '.a .L- mg..- .Williatri'G. Wilson of Newtori Rcibinsoua has passed the 'civi1 s_ervice` examinition. E n,_ _________v`A`gL*__ ___'_-_ _>_ ~_g `_1__ "['g__:j`___]T Fractured Hf: Arm... We learn that Robert `Bradford fell last Saturday on Mulcaster street and broke his x-ightvamm. A slippery sidewalk was the cause of`the tall. v T` clings tothe Holy Kiss. ' . The Rev. John Morrow, who was re- cently expelled from Bethany Home, the Pittsburg fsithcure _ establishment, "has been heard from at several small places in this section within the pastfew days. He was expelled from the Home for promis- cuous kissing of the sisters, including an old colored wonnan. Mr. Morrow is at present the guest of theMiases (30195 of Warren, P2. He has forsaken a pretty wife and -two children 3 and is travelling about proclaiming that he is guided by divine command to spread the doctrine of the holy kiss. Gospel Meetings. The Gospel Meetings held here last week by Evangelist Weaver, were of the most in- teresting character and were well attended by people from the various churches. They have no doubt resulted in much good in rousing up dormant spirituality. - Egan had Fled. [ ' The Times Santiago despatch states that the last Balmacedist refugeeal: `the American legation has escaped from Santiago .by a. night brain [accompanied by Minister - Egan. Don t forget the East End Social to-mor- row evening Mr. H. H. Strathy Q. (-3. will take the chair. Bishop Campbell, and other friends will be present and a very attractive programme has been arranged. ` (LIMITEDJ THE annual meeting of the shareholders of the above Companv takes place on `Il__-1l___ C._L SI, nu-ac 4---` buuncu nu but: Ulilsluul WV]. 3. 5 The Encyelopaadia. Brita.nnic9. Revised and Amended has been written and V` cor- rected up to date and -contains not only the latest. information obtainable, but statistics of every country," city or town in the world worth mentioning to 1891. . 1.} Thu Wnnnnlnnmin `I2:-H-.n,nnihn 'p.nv;an WOT! WUIIIJI. IIIUIIIIIULIILIE IIU LOU}: 6. The Encyclopaedia Britannica Revised and Amended contains 4,000 biographies of the liv'ing`men of our times ?not contained in the original Encyclopedia Britannica. The original` Encyclopsedia Britannica does not contain the bio raphies of such men as Gladstone, Bismarc , Sir John McDonald, Gen Sherman, Gen. Gareld, Hon. Geo. Brown, and a host of others, because they ' happened to be living at the time the book nrnn '\IIk`:kQJ PI! llllll Wu: ,m"7a. The Encyclopedia Britannica Revised and Amended is in price within the reach of the great mass of people, while the original edition cost the subscriber from $120 to $200 per set. ` 42--tf The names of the men who purchased the Beeton World are Dr. Cheify, E. E ` Strang- ways, G. T. Somers, A W. McDonald, a.m_i W. A. Bell. Mr. W. E. Bennett will be in charge as editor. ' I 1`? .1 I CITRIIIWLWIA UNI `I9 I was published. '7 TEA Ian:-nun `lull ! Ujflllllbl nuvyuxupwuzn 1..-I suauunuw . =1. The 9th otxlatest edition of the Encyclopaedia. Britannica.--th'e*"' greater portion of it-is from eight to sixteen years old, and is entirely behind `the times. n m1_ - 13.. _..-_1-_..._.:I:.. `D_:4.......:.... nu`. . f'.`::` ~$t`<:.:,.2:.* ,a`s;?l>!c;i~;9&=`:.'51,nv-a:z.r.a_:Lz::.gx.::v;vaaIs9;:.~,za a. 2.4.2:` . layman. ' Reasons why the Encyolopaedia Briton`- inlca. Revised and: Amended is preferable to the original Encyclopedia Britannica` :~ `I Tl`; no.1. Av rlnirnnl-, nrIf;nn -nf, I-Lhn IIll|I6l- 2-. The Encyclopedia Britannica 9th `edition is too voluminous . as well as too `classical for any bod excepting college rofessors and scienti _c men, and entirely eyonrl the reach of the ordinary indi- vidual. V - V ' n ma, _ 13.; -___I___._'I:- I)_:.4......._:.... . nA.'L IJW3 MU Il.llUI.'UUn ' 4. The Encyclopaediu. Britannica Revised and Amended contains every article tha.t_is contained in the original Encyclopaedia. Britannica 9th edition, but the voluminous articles referred to have been abridged. and you get in a. nutshell all that is con"- tained in the original work. If: Tho Innunlnnom-Ha "RrH.n,nnin-:1 P.ovinnH V luunn. 3. The Eneyclopaedia Britannica '9th `edition contains voluminous articles on hundreds of subjects in which the public has no interest. I - . nm,, 11., .__-1-__.._-1:- n_:..__._.':-_ n.._.:_...1 FINE S LIPPERS, ETC. Barri. Jan. 7. 1392. God-'5 Ghosen People. A'11:1;o:;;;l:; $53131.- There is a. Mutual Improvement Society in the Dutch Settlement and a. concert is onthe tapis. - - ' ,1n,, ran. `-1- 'o~ SUITABLE. FOR Pnaserrrs AT. I. Hunter 82: Oo s. `K91 . . 1_-3. . ucsruru. An ecceptod bank cheque pnwable to the ~ order of the Minister of Public orks, equal to mvn PER-CENT. or AMoUN'ro1I' TENDE must accomnany each tender. This cheque w betnrteited if the party decline the contract, l or fail to complete the work contracted for. and will be returned in case of non-acceptance of tender. ' * The Department does not bind itself to ac- cent the lowest or any tender, ` `RV nndnr ``"5W 09 9- 91151181. G. W. Duncan. Stroud l V11! _0 1;. Th . 1 not $8601-in eta mm sets. re 3 bra.noh.Oa.93nd are | .-. --U; vvl-I'D II UIIDI-I011 Village. The a not inclineili torujutf KOBE UIIIOB-. 660.. uruua. URI; Plans and Specications can be seen at the Department or Public Works. Ottawa. and at the ethos of J. W. Slaven, Unlala. on and after Tuesday. 12uh_ January. and tenders will not be considered unless made on form supplied nd slgned .with the actual signatures of hen- erers. ' An nnnnnl-n:1> `nan! `Lang- _-_-I.I- 1.- L..- `Dvepartment of Public Workm} T ' Ottawa. Jan, nth. 1892. IIIIAIJIIJU '.l`nolVlJl!al.'lD &(1(ll'B388(1 30 F118 UnQ6l'- signed `and endorsed Tender for Post Office. &c., Orillia." will be received at this olce until Tuesday. 2nd February. 1892, for the several works required in the erection of Post: Omce- 850.. Orillia. Ont. | Diana an;-I Qnnnlnnfinnn '4-nan Rn gnu... -4. L- Rev. Mr. Fitzpatrick is carrying on rviv- a.l meetings at Kirkville. 71.1` on OTICE is hereby given, in pursuance of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1887, b chapter 110. and amending Acts. that all er- scns havinir claims against the estate of R0 ert Ward Brigham, late of the town of Barrie, in the county of Simcoe. Carter and Cab driver, deceased. are hereby required to deliver to or send by mail, postage prepaid, to Messrs. Strathy 8; Eaten. of the said town of Barrie. solicitors for the nndex-mentioned executor of the will of the said Robert Ward Brigham. on or before the 23rd day of January. 1892. their names and addresses. with full particulars of their csaims and statements of their accounts. and the nature of securities (if any) held by them against the said estate. after which said `last mentioned date the said executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which the said executor has then notice, and that the said executor shall not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof, toany person or persons of whose claim the said executor shall not have had notice. can-are . lunwuuo - _.______ '" "" "E~Z&EY e msmx, _ ' ' Barrie, Solicitor for Frederick Mart. Executor. ` Dated at Barrie this 30th day of December. 1391; 533. `WE HAVE Fancy Leather Goods, Portfolios, Purses. A Ladies Companions, etc. LARGE _ Assonrmanfr Plush Goods, Toys, Games and P1ctur.; T `W Books. Bibles," Testaments, Prayer and Hymn Books in endless variety. A complete stock of Books for Sunday School Libraries and prizes; also Toys \ every description for Christmas Trees; Christmas Cards and Booklets in great variety. sco1"r's Booxsrona. In the matter ot the Estete of Robert Ward Brigham. deceased. 4 Our stock is large and cannot be surpassed for variety and close prices. Notlce to creditors 1| Soows Bookstore. L. } The prices of 511 goods will be placed very low, and every inducement 'jo'ered to `effect a ready sale. H 1$ir.7TT1IVie;7aLn}ie?1'i.mM.P.P;, taught; Mid- land Public School Thursday last, -during Principal Trueman s indisposition. His_ brief uclministration evidenced that he had not forgotten earlierAexperieuce.. l : AVING. given `W. C; Hunter, Barrie, and A, J_ `u "if. ` S_arj.eant,"_Huntsyille, folmerly with T. W. Gray 81. 'C0.', an interest in my Dry Goods Business, I nd it neceg. _,sa_ry to reduce the present large stock from $15,000 to $8,000, B The public know the ability of these young men and `should take advantage of this great Sale. a T";'Ilhe3Goods.are all seasonable and new. vulTl1e change will take place in about 30 days. V - Come and buy at Bargain prices. 7TBargains are offered, Bargains are going, and Bargains will an will Q07 A GHANGE: WEED oavrs FOR 8ALE.-'l`he American 5 Banner White Oats, free of wild seeds. Fifty cents abushel; G, W. Duncan. V-ICRC. Ont. TIIBV EPA I hrnnnh (War, and nu-n VEALED TENDERS` addressed to the under- ` nirnm1'nnd nnnr-sod 'l`amAnv-fnu Dnnf l` any (CD118 By orger ` Holiday Goods m.1`.v. E. ROY. Smu- .u 1 . Secretary. ' 2` 30 IIULILIWJ Du The Tottenham Newspaper man snys.-- One of our citizens 2ot temporarily 1933; in Hamilton the other day. He had only gone four blocks from the railway station b4ut_-l- A led the East End of the city-with interroga.-A tion marks enquiring the way back. ' fl1,LL,,. I, , ,_, 3., __1- -._,_ J .__A_`- _.-__IL.___ LI_!-_,, , Ja,s.Va,ir.1 R; A. Dutton ls. Caldwell LJ. McDonald F. X. Marrin C; Hins unuu; .lVU1'1Ul!i.-'l'n6 January session of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Simcoe ' will commence on TUES` DAY. THE 26TH DAY 01!` JANUARY, INST. 8E8 o'clock p.m.. in the Council Chamber. Barrie. Any person or persons having an! accounts or other business to lay before the Council must do so within the first three dawn of the session. By order. R. T. BANTINGC County Clerk, County of Simooe. 1-3. Barrie, Jon. 6, 1892. MISS F. FREEMAN is prepared to take 119113 for instruction. piano and organ. Ad- Sm 29 John St., Barrie. 1-13. ; UBLIC NO'1`1CE.--The January session of mg finnntuv AI DI-`AA- -:n _-_.__ __ , - , ruovn. rho Toronto Biscuit Gonfectlonary Go s IN BRONZE LETTERS. NONE ~ OTHER -GENUINE. G" A > SVV/\I: I 0 N ' U,.~.-.21 I Horn;-~_ , Hm y` MYRTLE NAVY ! SODAS An Oxmead man Writes: The Rev . Doc.- tor Stone must have touched the hearts of the pea le about here last Sunday judging from t e way he drew the money out of them. Can be found at the following stores in Barrie : EACH PLUG OF THE inn BUSINESS IS MARKED $199??? 21,1892. 88 Dunlap-st. T.B.&c.co. staggped .T Qufiite. vpeople at Noutawa. tire dowh with influenza. eih Biscuit. vorq TUDm.mr. I01). 11. - TH|"MI'S0l\ dauuhr am d_7' '1----_ __ I .lUIJl|| '1'"- l9'h_ 1&4` REID. AL Januur late nu FABRHL .1111}. l . `II Mumc. 1 Mn PILKF \',M `I-101 n-`n I bald I CULIn~`m i-.0 The Attendance at th; Orillia. High schooi during the opening `week was .94 an in- crease over the opening week last year. A ___._._ _....._-'l IV-_I___J ,, `I CRA VV} 1'76 Born. 0 la; EASI RACH 1-: H. L In... SPONG. 14` . EVVAIL` [I K` Unit/K I "* the 1' ex Rm . `V to Miss hux`.~a-L. -..u.. -.1 years .6l VOL. I grh;hi T!o:1Aqvugqo-.Bo]ade`n Vino ; Like The uarrgw or the Maat,,._., The Conservatives of Cardwell M11; hold their annual meeting at Beetouon the . 29th int. ' I . . ; ' ` ` . ' _---_. .yg`--qy ., gu-v_-puyw--_v-ow-.V--1 . __ -v.-.~ And dondenIod}.l`nto `-,lVntoro7Il;|l. Para- ----ulnl-: CA- Ajay.-uanA.BA-4Igun than IJII nf` Bradford \Viths there is a.- good: deal of sickness thereabout.` = ` - ' nr:n:.....=.n um.-..... ..c 'n-.....;.....'. n..<"I.:....... r-.-..-v-. -.-- --v -- ..-- . --- I v.................. The averag.b)tlai1dance- `of the Bradford? High School last term was 67 and now- -there are 91 names on the roll. _ b L b i>.ri"ifMVi1`1 bf V}57`::a;if9rd tau?" one nigh: last week and broke his ,leg A defective sidewalk has the blame. ~ DUIIII IE uvnvuo Mr. J A. Brown has leased the mill pond for ten years and intends going into the business of exporting ice on a. large scale. It is said to be first class quality and much su erior to that at Bu.rrie.-Cardwel1 Senti- na says -Don't be silly, man. There is no better ice on this pleasant earth of ours than is produced in Kempenfeldt Bay. ,0 ,. --._ _--..- 4-..... A man named 7op1_aud_ was sent to Tgadl here from Otillia, charged with stealing a. box oi cigars from Gettie s hotel The Totbenham people have an idea that some time ago they had a view of something like the electric light, but it has again faded from their view, ` While some men were raising the smoke stack at J e'rey s mi1l,'Ardtrea., last Friday, the derrick and pulley fell and injure four of the men, one of whom, James Smit , was. very seriously injured. Mr. Alfred Jeffrey was also sigry badly hurt. ' ' A __-_-.'_ -_ __ II A niost e}.}o,};i was spent the other night at Marchburn Farm near Eady. Some 50 or 60 couples were there and music was furnished by. msgnicient new piano. ` Last Monday morning the dwelling house of Mr. Charles Taylor. of Seabright, wits burned, Everything of value in the house was fortunately sav . _' ".- rl-u,- (IV :1 nu -rv A)` .-4. "'i5;;.}'iaI.7s'6;u}"}';;i held: at snare.-af last Tuesday and a. good n1`a.uy cases were` up for cousidera.tion.- ' - ' rpnnnhnrn hnun hat` itih: A` nrnnnnl-.I than ~ W {r`r.;g;;.i.;.;,.T is ,;1;;u.;a Zwitl.1'p)11`1Zt!_y thieves V like some other places. II-I1 rm`. I I I V `1 "#155; S}si>}{{{y E0135 ui.'e'77s'un.1 is frozen over to Three Mile Point, but the ice is only two inches thick. ` rlu `rm . 1 ? III 1.1- `v u- W ilamilon formerly of Tecum seth is dead. ` 11.. 1 A 'l)._..._'__. L-.. 1-___.I 1.1.- .__:n _.__._1 Mr. D. Livingstone. of Guthrie, ship d a. car load of wheat at Oro Station for race- bridge the other day` for Livingstone Bros_., millet! of that town. V 3 " - LIP IUI \i\IIIBI'-Ivlqlllllllu Teachers have had Iota of presents these. holidays. Tho "`nl-I-nnlnnvn Nnmannnon v-non corn: __ vv-vac -y nvv-DCUUIIVAJ SIUVVVJI Th; W. C. T. U., of oriuia, met Int m.. J. Mi1ler s residence on the 5th inst, when the resolutions passed at tho. County Con- .vention were endorsed. TTliieveVsv;zV1t;:-_e:i'-t;1' of T ' W. Modt, Orillia, the other night and stole forty dol- lgrs worth of` tobacco. ` --w-up vv V. vs: \ID VVIIKIUUUQ - John A. Clark, of Jarrett ; Carriers, while skidding logs on Wednesday, hadone of his legs broken by a. log rolling ovgr him. mkn nun... 'D_--L_L-_! I ,, ___._,-- ..J .- nu. ovnsnus VVVI. u_l|llo ('I(`he new Presbyterian chhrch at the Corners will be completed by -the 15th of February. ` . I r T ~ wMr.uj,;I._ Brown is idoitig big htisiness in hay pressing in Oro. He sends his machin- ery and press gang to the farmers barns, does the pressing and then the hay is sent to market. _ .. ' . t ` . uruuuu 0: me mmcoe Bioneer Society wil} be heldin Association Hall, on Tuesday, 22nd February. Rev. Dr. Gm will reedua. pane!` and it in hoped there wil be . '95_ le_rj';e_ attendance, ' _ ` . ..j.-Y VIII, I-5 - - W V . -.--no vv W `In f'(I;lV1e-1;acket says a. meeting of -the brim}. Branch of the S_1mcoe Pioneer Society will Association Hull. nn Tran-Rn" '1`he pezmg He1}i;s, Mr. N. Mc- Rae, Reeve of Tiny is in the eld for the Wardenship of the county for 1692. Mr McRae is one of the "old heads in the" o , nnnnf-It nnnnn {en unvun v\nU\|1`nIn num:` null ..... L V99. `#3 m 9%-i uuuwuuuollc. . The new .Churc_h-at G;i.t:hria _was_ opened1a.st_ ndpy, The Rev. Mango F_ra.ser, D.;A.D.,_.. oondugtedz the iervices and - I pre_ac,hed...-appropria.te `sermons Tho` con-A gr`ego.tiona- were I [sign audjuste`ntive3 5 `fl`,Iiiere' 21.,-:1 `$- .8$.;..5L1.i.3f' ? .1... "*F"?"*".E.'+.+.'.!* !?"*'.9'"; 3:1: nY.smoo_I, Ann DISTRICT? :onANans 'As.x.9cn. saws. 5 .. `_.,. ' ,:., .3.,:'x`;l::.;;.:;`_:1`-,,4.-:, . \ i.`3:{.:.lr D.:`Ff Mdcw&tt, of Barrie, chai - s --nnn Alilig Gill` $@lIl".I\fC lila iil` g . Coldwater people are. {amusing .1 ~ se1ve:;:by_c2Lrni\:9.ls?,a..11d.maaquerades on % the LVII} ll. 1': UIIIUVVGU UL -IJGLIIU WED UlIll&`- .ma.~neA .Mw.1i and .:pe.aJ .so3,od and. $245 wa.s._t9a_lized aiittlxe .v'a._rjous aervicgm, ice. ; T":r'h".r'%;}T iii k1$i}niaLi`:3"'i;{ui{ a}}}1'" marriages registered in Stayner for `the half year ended Dec. 31st. - ~` " Thorn Inna nn r`.n|-nntv hnnunr nI- >6-Inn l\nynn JUIUL KILILIVKI lJ\i\Io' QJLBUC There was no` County Court at fhe Owen Sound sessions recently, an occurrence not I known in 35 years. ' II -r n -rr .1 a o . n n .u., l Mr. J S. Iioath, principal of the` Ailiston | Public gchqol has resigned that position for 9. general agency iman Ins_ura.11ce compamy. mL-__' :_ - L-___- :_. mg- _,,,,L_ ,, 1 1 - that locality. ; "" "` "!"'l.""'J ' . `Ehere is a. lioom in `the eerdwood business. at Everett. ~ T _ . . . Clover Hill has a. case of typhoid fever. "b A concert will be given at Bra.den s shdol house no-night by the Literary Society of K-`IIII-.....-. -` -I--._l-- _._.l-__ J r " ies .a;;g;ee;;r1;,g.,.; , 2.: `A;g;.a;.g rigs men the Rosseau school Muskoka. for the current year. ' (N T1'!,,_- IL __,, .1! l1,...,.,___ L-` E, ,, a.u.vn.vwv nu unu. vg. uuu Vlu. ucaun All IIILU county council is very popular and will no doubt have many supporters for the War- den s chair. The sajw log and wood i-auiuess is: getting lively at Creemore aided by the snow and good roads, ' = .n\Y.. ..u - ` I`! V VMr. Ha.Z1'TI -`is of N ottawa. wa.s.str_ickeu- down by paralysis while at Collingwood last week; I-t`\ II .0 1l\. 1 I ll it cleai-lung price: at J. FYFE S. - - ` Thompsonville ,_is_ all agog by vafious citizens moving into different houses. `I ! I I1 `I I . II C shi;)m`nt': of V any gonds ever made from Colliugwood direct to Ant-` werp, Belgium, was made by Messrs. Guil- foyle Bros, lastweek, when they shipped one carload of dried apple peelings and cores. These goods are the refuse from the evaporator on Pine St. and are used in foreign countries for avoring champagne. -- Collingwood Bulletin. , 1 1 cheese` 'fz:ctery which has ` been spoken of has not yet materialized ru v ZS.WHisy & son, of Creemor_e, .ha.d'-f_ou.r thorough-bred" pigs six weeks old stolen out [of their yard the other night, ' 1 ic: V `The Gravenhurst Banner says teams were passing through there every day this `week to the lumber woods. -There were twenty- four stayed in town one night. rru 1711- . I ll 1 I O 1 I 1 The". Sfaynr M;.s;>n are. contemplating having a. ba.ll.a.tTthat place. has `been received by the Penetanguishene Court: I._ O. F. in response to circulars sent; out by them to other Courts asking practical sympathy on beha.|f of- Brother Cummings whose sad loss by re was stated in our columns some time ago. Herald. - Thomas Dunemore. of Coldweter, severed the tendons of one of his feet the other day by the glancingof an axe when cutting wood. ` The Weather. I . There are two things for - which mankind ought to be thankful and they are` weather and tobacco They are blessings because l promotive of sociality. One stranger be- comes acquainted with anotherby means of the tobacco pouch . He would scorn to ask : a person for. ve cents or speak to him about I anything else but the weather or ask him for achew of tobacco ' Thus the con- versation is set aoat and often a most pleas- ant acquaintances formed by means of these 1 two most important factors. By the way I what is weather any how? Although it is_ so often the subject of conversation I ll I wager a nickel against a - v cucumber I there is not one man in ten who could give l off hand an intelligible denition of it.just l as you will not nd one man in ten who on Monday morning, could tell you the texts of the sermons he had heard the (lay bafure, or the special points which the preacher sought to make We are having some ne winter weather just now although the tem- perature changes very rapidly some_da.ys. At seven o clock on `Saturday; evening the thermometer marked 4 below zero and I I on Sunday morning at 7 a.m it stood at 32 a change of 36 9 in twelve hours One 'I would think if grippe IS caused by a germ oating in the air that the temperature of l Tuesday would pretty well freeze it to death It is howevera very uncertain thing how this Some doctors say that isnot reduced by a bacillus or a micrococcus but t it is pro- pagated by contagion just as measles and small pox is communicated and that this has been demonstrated. Ifthisris true the duty of Health oicers is obvious, isolation is "neces- sar' to check the epidemic, Both doctors an people stand in need of more ali ht on these points, a V ` ones. ' fatal malady is caused and propagated. `Out in one of the xlirel schoo's there is. .a. teacher named Quail and a. pupil na.medIl`oa.at. It is not every. ba_,ck settlement .that cpmso frequently in dulge in quail on toast. M _. . . Il!__ T'l!__,'I!, rnu ; 1' I1 ,!,,I_,____;_ L-.. " 1~&isi;i:.iis Tii$'rL.{{n?}}r" Tlaijgiiae` Fm. -some per. coonswhoae,conduct while living have entitled them to pots of honor in the drawing room`a.s stu'e d speqimgens of 1'1a;b,ur- V a 9.] history` m1._ __ _-__ L_,_.,'1,,n _,. L..- 'n-....- 1)_'._.`....-.. Very Rev..Dea.n Bergip, ot Barrie; and ` Fa.ther s Gearin. of Flos; Moyna, of St.a.yn.er; _ Kierna.n.'of Collingwood; Lynch, of Orillia; : McEvoy,of Hamimilton and Rudkinslof Peter- boro will likely be nests of Father McGuire on or about the 181: .--Muskoka. Hqra.ld.. , . Xxryou mm a jiice"xI{L'2{"2f'3 `.1 F'YFE9S. T T V x .u.:uuuny, uuu. 6001:, Loan -Uu luv 0, cull. I 1, Oro; horses, cattle, sheep,. pigs, imple- ` ments, `etc Sale at 12, o'clock.` James Howard, proprietor. G. -,~Ford, Auc-I tioneer. v V " ,. ` ` _ `A V Re}. iirf %s%.;1u;;;.&;;1;,{,; of Algoma, has been paying; oicial visits to.ma_ny% of the Episcopal churches in his la.rge di`ocese._A. n . , `gen '1 __,'J` H`A<:'1:r-n'g" n.;;i{1.Sv.;Qnkmiaim. ma: Penetanguishene was "played on_ the `rink here Friday evening with ' the following result:-Midland: R O. Stokes, J Wallace. R. Cain, F. H. Holland, A Misca.mpbell-,. Skip. 22 Penetalnguishenez W `Thompson ; A Thompson, -N Cloutier, A. -F; "Spring, Capt Featherstonhaugh--Skip; 1V5._--Mid_-' land Free Pgeas. ~ $(V)'i;o;1f ;s;r_~1.alVter 18 to - be 4operate"d_-. at North Bay. ` U .. In . 9 .1 , `Y ,,u,I_._L-I_ The retiring directors of the Northbrook cheese factory reported $5500 Iworth of cheese made -during hve ,mont,.hs and ve days operations This was; divided among 50 patrons. - , { - V ,_ _,`I'I , n ,,_ -n-,,,,9," -1. *n_..._:-..__.,:I: Robert Kirkwood, of Vasey, was picking up the chips made by a. boy who was manufacturing a. wedge, when the axe very greatly demoralized the knuckles of his left hand Dr. McGee did the surgery made necessary, but the man mb.yVlose.tAhe use of his hand. B Becauie Detective Greer once resided in arrie, HE ADVANCE c aims him use Kem- penfeldt boy, and accordingly calls him a %l?"$':1ff"ci~`i1 la'l TL ` 2. `iZ"{f d no I8. Mr Greer was born in`0rillia., and hereafter refer to him as an Orillian.-Urillia limes. THE ADVANCE has no desire to- deprive Orillia.-of,a.ny.c1_'edit that belongs to it, as it needs all to which it is entitled. AWhere Mr Greer was born we never inqiiired, what we do know is, that _Mr Greer s home. is in Barrie and has been fer many years, _a.nd that he acquired 9. good sharefef his skill as a. detective in hunting. up rogties in and sroundOrillia. V - " L ' Wednesda.y.Jui.`27th, 1892.`-`-On lot 14, con 1, Vespra..;horo'ea, cattle; sheep, oigs, hens, im laments, etc- Sale at 1 o clook W. J.` ymons, proprietor. G. R - Ford, Auctiogger. , " . , V ;es'* o_\vnLhzill on the Rams: Rsrveb will be at once_ commenced. The .Aei:ng' liinieter of Fisheries` V to Fishery Overseer L. S. Sanders in reply to, a _let_t.er fog ,infonn6_tion l)y,Mr. Sanders,the.tVno.spear_"_ `osh will _b_e. Ta]-, lowed in Luke Simcoe min winter. Al; evpsefu-' owners will take ndtice efjhis and goveghf ?th%*!!1?- 9'di!i8- ' Amman sale. ` -_.r ' Mondnv, Ja.n.`25th; 1892 -On lot 5, con. nan - kahuna nub-61 nknnn u\::na :uuu-5`-u No Sues:-1n:ot C2,, __ :12 - . It may seem somewhat\undignied for me to notice an anonymous writer in this way and somewhat unnecessary in assuming the burthen of representing the nances which more properly belong to the Finance Com- mittee or the Treasurer, but the fact is I desired an opportunity such as these letters 'presented of explaining the position of the sinking fund,` and in investigating this main matter I wasgladito nd that the Finance Committee and the Treasurer had dealt with the nances generally in the satisfactory manner it `seems they have, considering the large publicimprovemeuts and exceptional 8XfQDOe8z0f vtlieglast two or threelyears. ;pxjpsume.,tl_1,at (including the ._ payments accruingiu. 92,_to the Sewer contractors etc.) there is not at: present enough cash .on hand I to pay a1la..l?,ti,t.that cannot fairly he called a ,' decit as`tlie' 91i ta_xe s (general and sewer) I yet` so 'coij1ect_(ove`r $7,000) `will considerably -more` ihan meet an p yments and liabilities |9ff9l._ T3 . .5~'fi.:.<=--9. .;e'..a>:-I-3-~.:~2:::w+.._.< HM TEE Pnurnunvn T0811! nus Irwulusv UV IUIIUVV lllllln e has against himself omitted the Tiny Debenture altogether and has -improperly credited us with two -instalment debentures. He . has also. improperly charged sinking fund with interest on the `investments (al- though nodeduction for interest on invest- ments has ever - been made in the levy) a. course, as he can learn on enquiry of the late Treasurer, properly never acted on and while, improperly making these. . interest charges he characteristically gives "no credit fortinterest paid on sinking fund debentures which would more` than double the charges. . QTIDDA-Ilhliff nf `inferno!-,_,lun Etna nlan ;vIn]|IAnt` vvuluu wuuua IIIUIG I/uau UUIIUIO DIIU uutugcu. Speaking of-interest;-116 has also included in interest on deposit. receipts $451 47 of principal deposited in 1889- being the-- pro-. I ceedsof F103 and Tiny -Debentures which are of course included in total Flos and Tiny Delwentupeg already charged` II`|1v-rhnr Clan Dharn:|un\ :4-nnn 1-an `\nn The young men of Byng Inlet have form- ed a. troupe known as the -Byng Inlet North Negro Minstrelg and are practicing diligent- ly for their first entertainment to be given in the school house oftha.tlumbe_r town. IIIUIII J qtowvd. ' P.;e:'i erring4to that, letter I'~mayVsa.iy-that the writer ho.s-eva.ded my~ specice charges of.on1issions.endihas essayed no.1-eply _to inys main fact,--.-the large deficiency in is inking fund and has taken refuge in glib generalities" --a.ndAa.s the sinking fund haseither `design- edly; ore ignorantl so inextricably mixed up ]the sinking and debentures with the instalment debentures and interest with Erincipal anti otherwise mixed the ures oth for and against himself that it is a. most impossible to follow him. ` _ 1.... .._____n_ l..!._-__I -__-SLL_J 4| , H10 , "rho Kelly concert. i `~ ~ It isisaid 1:beentert's.inmenti at the Music Hall Tuesday night wasof very ziexceptional excellence` Since. Mr. V Kelly appeared be- fore Elli audience in Barrie some years -ago, his, voice has acquired wonderful exibility `and softness. As an elpcutionist, Miss Lorimiep,,..;akgs;1high :1tu;1k.`.['I`h`e whol 'ai`air wasV"rst..cIass,, but viasfpoor1y"batrbi1.g Aijz'd,., 3 fInjtg.1e;s_ q;9g fd3?*"; * 9 s '1 crowd. IIIDIICQLI UL QPUTOV (IE I. IIIILI _VVLl.IJIgPll IMO` None of these gures affect the total or change the resultin any way my address; which I. say (after reading the letter of 'ra.tepayer f. in : la.at. `V weel a_ paper) ii ` abso-` Iutelv and liuerallv `correct: in every re- spect. ' M ` " e ` * p.nFnrr:nn `tn }\n.f-. Initial! T . rnnu anI1l-Jul!-. Lllllilflvllyiil` CIIKUGVJJ UIIQUISULL Further in the Premium it__em he has included two F108 .Debgntures received'inA 1890 `and simi_laHv included in the said` tptal .. , ` ' ;.L5_`- r.` ',!,-I .1 c. 1 '1 o. IIULNI , V "If this` nancial authority (who writes uently, ' a.1beit= `With evident a.`nimus') will makeths'e corrections, -he will find his. gures agree-with mine.` ~ A: in flan n-.m:.......'l` nlnn Fa-an tn -5.-I-n39 it 9l as of Dec. 15th with 88 I III UIIIIU LI-IIIIJI As to his comparison of cash on hand etc., it is mere child's plav-the cash on ha.n`d- at a. given date is accidental, depending on a. variet.y'of canses-1-expenses. amount of taxes received, etc.. etc., a.ny_c_euses for it, such as extrava.ga.uce etc would be reasonable sub- ject of comment-; but even in this childish amusement he cannot be fair, he compares as of Dec. 3186, a great; difference. A V '- A . __,___ _ _ . _ -_ -;L_ ._-.-,_ J7`, 3 `A1 UI gavuuv \.l.l.I.AUl.VLl\4Un A comparison of the same date in either case would be to the advantage of 9l. The cash on hand Dec. 15th 9l (deducting deposit receipt) was $5330 13 and" the balance on Uollector's.roll $8763 75 while on same date in 88 it was $1377.74 and the . balance on roll $13000, that is we had more ' cash and less arrears anrlso far from the S8 `administration having a clean slate this balance of $1377.74 was reduced by Dec. ? 31st to $264.57--a difference of 1113.17 and l the balance on the roll to $8000-a ditler- 'ence of $5000 or no less than the sum of $6113.17, spent in that fortnight after the publication of their printed statement and even then left sosmuch for their successors that it was the subject of a special con- demnatory report from the new Finance com- mittee and was also the subject of comment in my inaugural address. Ratepayer would have been better advised had he avoided any referenceto the nances of that admin- istration and particularly the question of I decit. Such matters as that huge fraud on the ratepayers, the $15000 lo_an,~ is better left unprobed, -submitted nominally .for I public works but really to ll the hole creat- ed by their decit and gone as soon as received, the discount in the Bank that year (1887) ($22000) (although no special works or expeuces and `although they had for some yearsneglected half the levy for sinking fund) is the best and most practical illustration of this odoriferous transaction.` "They should, having received this $15000 within . the nancial year, have left us a large surplus instead `of-7thenominal sum of $264.57 which `we found on" 1st Jan; '89, necessitating our discounting almost immediately and to a large amount to meet thei legacies and to pay o ur"wav. ~ J ' . er: am. `im- , blot that Wtllold _ _`. ilxe Qpgnlqnn 9t1_:Vh`oWr_1tor.p . The folirweig lett_era"addreuedto the editm-V I` of Tax : Nolrrnnnlr Ammo: have been zeeeu ed for publication - ` M - ` M ` ' Mere Liizht Iromltr. Penler. ; Through xtypographical error as tothe `meaning `of my word "Ditto rone'pa,rt of my address in your .-ash week's issue?` appears rather confused the part I refer tor should read as `follows:-- V A . * - . - $ 33382 00 Add proper levy for ; V . 1889 on $59600. .$ 2980 .00. A3,: ............. 1...... 0...`... Euevw I-unuv 'VVlUll IIIIIIUO ' As to the premiums! am free to admit it is a nice uestion butas I pointed out in my address atiter charging ourselves with them the balance `is. still on the right side and there is enough; doubt about this question `(owing to the Debentures and stock not having been bought at par)` to justify the Treesitrer in retaining this surplus to the credit of sinking fund more par`ticula.rly in I View of the lamentable deciency that exists I in that fund. ` ` - 1| I I 1 Dog tams are all the r,ageLa.t Byng Inl_et North. a,nkd~in- the latr pa1:t hf. 9. similar? error the gure.1$343-.J Q0 ~9.ppears_ instead bf $3480 as I had written it.- xr...... -4: n....... c......... ..a'....' `M... ;....1 EA!` fro nnr;-or Luuu vu wuvuvv. uqp ,,Add .pr6per ._le\'y_ fdr . 1890 on $29600 plus th .yeq.r on the 330000". ., ; . . . .. w.)vvvv..... . . , ( I Add proper lvy for 1'89! on $21600 plus` the 'yea.r onthe ,ssoou.....,_ ..... .. 71213 34 V .2230 00. '1: 6423 35. L . _ L _ . . . ...L At a. social the other night at Mrs.` J. Foster's says the Midland Free Press, for the benet of the Methodist church on the Mountain, considerable fun was created over guessing the weight of a. cake and the num- ber of , candies in a. bottle. The church peo le up there do not intend the gamblers she. lhave all the fun. `