V` LUIIVDU IVE [I51 Ulllyyo Mr. - Blake submitted that agency was not` proven. ' Mr. Osler argued that Mr. Jarvis re- sence on the platform `the evening "M r. y- man was nominated and at other meetings ahowql that he was reasonably an agent. Thif Inrdnhinn nnlnrl fn l-tnnr AIn'rlnnnn uuUvv`I uuuv nu vvua u:u.auuuul._y an gllb. Theirlordehips decided to hear evidence bearing on Committeemeu Niles converse.- tion with Eli S. Jarvis, and the charge was held open till to-morrow. ' Au Alleged 25 Cent Man. Charges 68 to 72 relate ' to a charge of bribing A. McGinnis, laborer, by. M. J. Morkin. ' ' L,,,I,!I,,II i 0 Q C ' " MILTON, Jan. 20.-At the convention of the Helton Liberals the following resolution was passed: 'I_`hat whereas Mr. John Waldie has declined the unanimous nomination of this convention to contest` this county in the interests of the Liberal party and inasmuch as the Patrons of In- dustry have nominated a. candidate to con- test the county for the representation of Halton in the Commons, , this convention 7 deems it inexpedient to put a candidate in the eld. V . . ` BRANTFORD, Jan. 20;-Mr. John J oaeph Hawkins of Bruntf9rd- has been chosen to contest the western division of _ Huron 2.` a.ina1_: Mr; `M. 0. Cameron, J unseixted. -...- .. ..... Agnkb I... All nun.-uAu\O~ cl... __...... - w.-HXQE -.i.I.I.{>f.'.'ii{e Lis}LInI;.-.nto. do. nominated James A. Lowell, Niagara Fa Is South, as their standard-bearer in the approaching e1o6ti_on._ A HAmwk,- N.s., 53$: o.::;Th. body found some time last winter near Lorne,_ Pictou 00., is now believed to have been that of -'1`hompson,Athe iBrantree, .Mau., murderer, who disappeared a. year or two ago and could never tra_ced,., _ -uvuq av v-n- -uua uv Tonnno, Bhio; Jan. 2o.-s.'1'.12.obinaon ` Electric Street Railway barn, with 35 aloo- tlvin Innfnr A-uuu, cu: Janus-anti unnlunulno, ` LVJ VI nus. ` Archibald McGinnis declared he had bor- i rowed 25 cent: from some one in Mr. Mor- kin e burroom the evening before the elec- } tion but. had not been bribed. m|._.._-_ `ll-..l_:_ n_-.._n-.,,, ,, u LII ing. (`n III60 Court adjourned at 6 p.m. until 10 a. m. to-marrow. was a nds of .1` :;:;s II3`21o'S's B3 wY1,"i"$2;3 1?$'::x'I'.- [ scion and ght the seat. it ;,po1ling, F015. 11. 0rrAwA, Jun. 20.-The writ. for Prince` Edward caunt issues esterdaymomination, . Jan. 25; 510 ling. ab. 4. The writ for Halifax w T also issue; nomination, Fob. V ~t _ V_~hu_ edV uh. IIIVUUIIV LJIIIVUII IZIIWCJ IIGIII Wlllll III} UIUU` .|.u u. an agent: U1 :1 man 3. ` Charge 208 was that Eli S. Jarvis, clerk of the Ninth Divisional Court, lent Thomas Steele, a. school. teacher at Evelyn, "$4 to ` enable him to drive into the city and : vote for `Mr. Hyman. This sum has not been repaid. Mr yvvunlnlluj Lu yuu nuvnuug U1 DUB waver "D." . The letter was written enttrely on the witness responaibxhty. Mr .Rlnkn mrhrnilrhul I-I-.'..6 .........m.-.' cm... --L- IIIIILI uuv IIGIA IJUU IIUUII Ill. LUV: Thomas Morkin, hobelkee er, knew noth- ing ma't.eri9.l regarding Mc innis. .l`he charge will be finished in the morn- 0 I111`? nun uqvunus 111175331 uuuc. Charge 40 to 56 includes what is `known as the Irish group. . ' .Tnl1n' MnI(nnan n ("noun-...n..L.'.... 4-1.1 nn vuw 111511 gxuup. John McKenzie, a. Conservebive, told what he knew about a.` couple of meetings - he attended, at which liquor was served by Ed Shea, an agent of Hyman s. Chr I23 .TOI`l1: nI:nn`- R. H. Dignum, solicitor, one of Mr. Hy- ma.n s scrutineers, was at the Italian party held the night prior to the election where he sang Annie Rooney, and assisted in drinking to Mr. Hyma.n s health. Did not consider the meeting as political. 3 nlnlk nlinlifn Y\;ll\+ar. Tnlxn Faun. :- uuumucu uuu uncuuulg u.u_puuucul. Dozmck Cusohto pxloted J ohu Cowan in the colony on the! day of the election and saw nothing illegal done. nhnrnn An on KR nnI...J.u. -.L-L 3- L------~ % article _a_.w uvumucxuu uu uuau. uueu rouneu. \ John Cowan,- hardwax-e clerk, an agent of ` Mr. Hyman s, was quite intimate with sev- eral of the Italians inthe colony and did some electioneering among them. Several of the meetings were described. ` On e1ec- ' tion day be escorted half a; dozen of Italians 30 the polls, but treated noone on election I ay. _ A . l\IUJ|J\J\-I IJIIIIO Witness went on [to explain -certain money transactions in `connection with et_he_ build- ing of the milit.a.ry-ba.rra.cke here by which he considered he had been robbed. ` ,1 ..|... n......... L-...J__--_ -1-..L . A I` 1 to be 0 expenditure. Hyma.n canvassed witness, but was told to cu. UIIUJ wuusu UOVU lb gUUU lallllo eter Birtwist-le, jeweler, took an active part injthe Italian quarter. but wasnot an agent of Mr. Hyman s. Hadgbeen a Con- servative an his life, but in the last election worked for himself, Had supplied the beer consumed at the Italian meeting, for which he paid _about $20. C. W. Rudd,`a tenant of his, about $40 to spend in getting votes, but no_ account was given of the details of the After the nominations, Mr. keep away, which ended the interview. Mr; Hyman had no knowledge of his inten- tion. Conservative Government had robbed him of $8000. For a time he expected to have this loss made good, but when he found this was not to be he determined to strike hack-and do his best to defeat the Conser-A vative candidate at the next election. Ml` nalnn (1413:-ant: In I-......--- --1---- --5A--- - `Witness gave Witness said a few years ago the M vuluvv uauuluauv up but: next: 816051011. Mr. Osler desired to know what witness meant by saying that the Conservatives had robbed hxm, 1x1:.,, , - X - - l ' LONDON, Ont.,Jan. 26;?When courtopen- ed yesterday Jc__>hn_ vRei(l, member of the colored band, gave, _ evidence corroborative 1 of what pre3rioua' witnesses had stated in V regard to various meetings held in the in- ! terests of the colored`vote. At the second -meeting Halin and Durkin carried .in'a clothes basket containing about two dozen bottles of_and-passed withina few feet of Mr. I-Iymanwhile he was. addressingtlie meeting- AWitneas;said-Mr. Hyman could `not have `failed to observe the beer, and be- fore leaving the meeting he (Hyman) said he would leave them in good hands and ho ed they would have a good time; tl` Rirurinfln dntiralnun Innlw n... -41.}..- THE ?L0N1)oN EL1+:c*%f1oN. %_ COVNVTlN U.ATl'O`N or THE `V PTlTl ON" V . `ram. ve$_TeaoAv. Mr. WaldIo'l Retirement in Hutton. Vvltness Whoi.Clai;pe}l Have Been Robbed bf 88600 by` the bcnnsbrvative Gov'ornIi1eut_-J. J." Huwinq ' to R'n`n in Was: Iltiron--Libi'a1~*--Candidate ' in Welland. " ' Reform Candidate for Welland. bods ing J.J. Hawkins for West Huron. He Sang Annie Rooheyf` 'I\' I0 u. _ - Ono Arblratpr Ndmod. Electric `Cars `Burned. .1\I.l.. 1 A Murderer`: Entg. I ;aTu}3i.i"7v5vuu. ' .1. . cuunw. In any pure or we worm. anqno charges if not collected. .'1`hiefAeeoc1a.tion has uocnl omcee In Canada. and United-` Staten. ; Head and general olee. -60) Adelaide at. Eon. Toronto. Booms 10,11,512 Vane l_8. 0. E COL`- . LINE, Hanan-Al 'M nnu.'mI-2 Ir. H. R. Ahlliw 'g;|"$'y;:'.":-`n"y'3 cx"v* a." `6i:"`:o"1?"5;'i:"u`iFfi a c$ 't'.' .......L .;.1`.;.?mT SW 92v utroet. Bu-r1_e. neuu wmsp .w. :1. Storey has to say about it. eto.. President Mfg. Ass. of the Domin- ion` and Glove Mfg., Acton. Ont., in reply to a letter of inquiry :- Acroxv. Sept. lst. 9l. . John Cnwan.Esq., Manitowaning, Manitoulin ' Island, Ont: DEAR S1R.-Yours oi! the 2nd ult. is received and should have been replied to sooner had not absence nrevented me. 1 can recorr mend you" to Dr Washington. Mccaul St.. Toronto, astbe best person you can get to assist you. and I have no hesitation in affirming that if you rake his treatment aou-ording to instruc- tionsiwhioh isvery easy and simple to take) you` will get rid of your trouble. For some years I was troubled with catarrh of the head and throat. until my lif became a burden. In the afternoon. I always became hoarse and throat painful. and in the morning the discharge from the throat was profuse. After try if`? everything I heard of Dr; Washington. , got a treatment. and was `as well as everin six_-weeks. This is now three or four years ago, and 1am at preeentinexoellent health I and have had notrouble since of oatarr . - e Yours truly W. H. STORE.-Y. - will be at the dunes : norm.. on Thursday Jan. 28th 1892. from 11 a. m. `0 Pa Inc V Youths Pan ts. Gents" .U'1_3.-U0W ; Bllll_lll vfllprx 1'60. 11311 JBTIBY. s.;me brlndles ` pesaronnd body. brass knobs on horns, end of tail white and white gpowon`-front. ot three Jess jun.` above the: = tern joints, `also vihits bell and udder ; she azvlnrstrnyed awe`; on 7th enuary. instant, Imam ,`M, SHIT _ llnnntv Rhea-{R nllvnn umnu%cnEn%n &. ranrscnnu ASSOCIATION.-. FOB:thb-Oollwtion ot om and worm. Ao- oh nu-:22 nit.nnn`I'llnyntI1):l`:t 9lh?:'A I '1'0X'0lll0u ISOOIIIB LU, .l1,r.I.3 III!` 13. U. 9 LINS. General `Malldkef; 3: H. B . AND Soc; A ddress all. communications to Toronto. Ont..' olce. Tole hone No. 2463. This is thc only Association t as settles accounts, and ad- vances the money to the Creditor -If desired. _ ~ .v A. 0. E. COLLINS. Manager. D. O. MUROHISON; . . sonata: to:-name Dlstsiot. ` 0ot-;!t.1890- V . w,g41-_1y.\ s 3 .O`.S'1!.-'-Cow; amgg` riu-k red. .nartJerIey. ` ` d , .,....E . `.'. .?...`3. l`.`?;.Ea- .2.?f1'.'.`..J. 2?.?. .`-. .`5.`2i . imm mu? @@MM@N8 9 J c: F GANADA , YOUR voruumunul-:m:|-: Dr. Spohn 3; ; . :?:: .:'."..f`..`i`::' Bay, per ton. ..... . ..; Bay. new, per ton ..... . . .. Straw per ton. bundled" .... ; Dressed Hogs Mutton per cwt.................... Spring Lamb per quart.er.. .. .. .. .. Beet. forequarters. per owt.. .. .. .. Beehindquarters .....;.......... IVeal.per carcass . 9 Butter 1 rolla........ hmer, large rolls, per 1b.. .. =`l_I`ga per dozen....;....;.......... no-In narn . . . . . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ , 'EB5D [JUL Iqvnvuo-uouoooooounoounnno permitIlicuuoooloocvurcnuolt ; per munonoucooacooanospoa Chxckensper psi:-.... ............ oouooocohuouooogooouog _Ducks per pa.ir.................... gPo:atoes.ne1-bag DR.WASHlNGTON .CUnES K mcA1'AaRI-IN u I . . Wheat.apx-ins. per bushel Bu-ley per bush_e1........._......... Oats per nuahel..........;......... ' Pam: nnr hnnhnl . _ . _ . _ _ _~ _ . . I'orontoVl'u-men In-tot. V . - ` A 'l`o8oN'ro.Jan. 19, 1892 Wheat, full, pet bushel............80 91;. 0 92 87.... 47.: on RI 8? 50 35 W`, D81` mnoanooooou-no.uuanooI;3 Tallow pet-1b.. .. `Eggs per dozen.........A.. Potatoespm-ba.g.................... -noo--_.-udooco Hay per ton`(new)...._..... .... .. perwnllilil IOOIIOOIIII>I'. ~~-'I'allow, Farmer : Cake, nor Wool. washed, per Flour, Bake:- s. per Flour, Family, porowt Flour, Pastry. per Oat-meal per Cornmealperowtn........;....... allaljo -`Cokw or -Steer, Farmer's. per owt.. Cow or Steer, Trimmed. per o_wt.. Sheepskins eaoh..................... DLICGDBKIIIB 63011.... nun... .. gig. .. , N I o-oooacacooo Lfmb - i..s.`...`.`.f'. .`?f _ _?`.. H T no. ,1 yes: ax inb` Skins 1 EAST SIMGUE ! uuuu nnnu rnuuuuig L h1ndqnrtera,`~perowt. . .. .. . . Reel, foreqnarwra, per o_wt.. .. .. .. on ogtonnoco ` D0l1l1.d_.,......... II loco `Spins Lamb, per ponnr'..... VVe'a.l-bper 1b.. . . . . . . . . . . . . Chickens per pa.ir.. Geese per lb....... Turkeys per 1b.. .. . -cannon!!!` Butter. roll. per lb. ,.[ 9 l'D.'pOl' Dun`.-u... D W mnounuooonc-Iguanas; Tnllnw nan I). -no lrrloosvnnlnm `Time. To- `:-on_to Ila:-kou During th Week. .. BARBIE Jan`, 20 1&2. wmz, ;.m,. .. V. .T.". Wheat. new......; ..... Barley an: , , _ , ,, J Are respectfully solicited for In the Present Election. `BARBIE GRAIN HARKI1`. ELECTORS or _amu.-.'n'n. Pnonuon. 1nQan-. --_. --:A For the orbnahol 310-uonooocrncuooooco oouuooooo;'3-ununoooi 87-0 00 470000 34.. 61 35 62 13 50.. 14 no In ....... ........... 18 00.. 14 no nndlod----'........ 00.: 00 000- Iosonoooouoouo uoonoonaouoauoon-on 'qu&mr..ouounono $.peroWt...'"`. F3 on 'noIo|uou;ouoa'oI0;l l.a"1$$1'-'..I_$:::::::::: oouoooooounooonnlo Quuooolcocvurcouolt olbolcoatcooullqooo P...- oooggtuiooooooooloi noun. D ,IIoooo ouanunacnoun 7 7 (ONO 00.. 10 131.1 IO 23II I 12.... 10.... 55.-... Ba. 7500 CI 451! O0 3 00 8 00 9 00 6 00 8 00 8 00 -20 16 23 15 ll 75 7 83 50 out--o|';uoI.ooouuuouob.o 0 88 .;......... ...... .. 00.__.() on my Read `wha_t W. H. ltm-av has" to snv lfermanently U111 24. WESLEY, BARRIE, ONTARIO. The Encyclopaedia Britannica, Revised and Amended, is published in 10 large illus- trated and handsomely bound volumes, and contains about 7,000 pages, 14,000 columns, 8,- 500,000.words--altogether an amount of reading matter equal to about 110 ordinary 12 mo. volumes in amount and 1,000 volumes in interest and practical information. Apart from its inestimable value as a work of reference, this Encyclopzedia. has a value which many people never think of associating with books of its description. It is a perfect library of , ge ral_ literature of theimost entertaining kind. Are you fond of history? It contains the istory of every nation that ever ourished, tells the story of every war that ever was waged, and gives an account of every important battle that was ever fought. Biography ? It tells the life story of every man who has helped to mould the destines or thoughts of , the world-completely if the man be dead, or down to the present year if he be still alive. Do you want travels, famous voya es, wild adventures among savage ` tribes or in in- hospitable deserts? The Encyclopaz ia contains them all, not compiled in a-hasty, catch- penny style, but written by masters of thought and language in each department. Some of the nest essays of Macaulayare to be found within the pages of his work ; or, if you incline to scientic study, the Encyclopaedia offe s you papers prepared by such authorities as Huxley. Tyndall and Helmholtz on every department of science which the mind of man has yet explored And the superlative advantage of the whole arrangement is that if in the course of your reading you meet, as so often happens, a perplexing reference to something you never have heard of before, or have forgotten, you have only to take down another volume of the Encyclopaedia to learn all about it at a moment s notice. Becauseit combines the best features of the best English and American Encyclopeedias. It contains in an amended form every article in the original. Encyclopaedia Britannica--an ticles written by the foremost men of the age. at a cost of more than a million dollars. It presents a series of entirely newarticles on distinctly Canadian and American subjects, which are but lightly touched in - the original edition. It condenses within reasonable limits articles ondistinctly British subjects, on which the Britannica is exceedingly diffuse. It contains 4,000 bioiraphical sketches of all prominent living men and women-a feature which is totally lac ing in the original. And it presents a large number of new and beautifully executed maps, including an entirely new map of each and every nation on earth. In short, it is what its names implies-The Encyclmzeclia Britannica, Revised and amended. ' ~oAa..1-no gasp.-um, -1--- v- an-v voanvvnwLvJ .I.v' ronto. Dr. S. P. May, C. L. H., Superintendent of Provincial Art Schools and Mechanics Institutes. _ Rev. Dr. oSta'ord, Toronto. :Prof. J. Londew, Toronto University. Hon. J. M, Gibson, Provincial Secretary. Very ' Rev, `Vicar-General McCo.nn, St. Mink an` n 'l"nu-nnlin I L '1`h_is_ proposition will not last always, call at THE ADVANCE V%9fw early andikthe books `The Inost prominent Educationiats and Divines in Canada have given the highest commendatione of the work. The following are well known gentlemen in Montreal and Toronto who have given attering testimonials z-- 1 .Alfred Baker, Dean of the University, To- ' Pastoral Theology, McMaster Hall, To- Inn `*1: rnn fn SOII16- V VI: LUUV-` V [U38 '\UIIUL L LVI.U\JlIIlI-I, QB. I Micha.el e, Toronto. Hon. G; W. Allan, Senator, Toronto.` 'Re'v.`\Vm. Clork, M. A. L. L. D.. Professor Mental and Moral Philosophy, Trinity" - `Coll e, `Toronto. P ` V Rev. I. rotter, Professor Homiletics and Is always at hand when you are in doubt. Never makes a. mistake or glves bad advice and will give more genuine pleasure for a. longer number of years than anything else on ea.rth.} for one yeer, $26 in all, for the /Encyclopaedia. complete and papef for one year. Second ve volumes delivered in four months or sooner if desired. `AT- L-a.4.-._ _.__-____A ___ L- ._.__1. LL__ _ __L .1 . 1- 1 -. 1 9 1 uvu vuluulcu ucnnvcxcu Au LULII Iuuuulln Ul. BUUIICI 11 ucaucu. No better present can be made than a. set of Encyclopaedias, unless it be a. yea.r s sub-. scription to a. good paper, to be sent to some distant relative or friend, a. daily reminder of your thoughtfulness. YOU CANNOT BUY The Encyclopaedia. Britannica, Revised and amended, unless in connection with a year's subscription to THE ADVANCE. Before The Northern Advance secured control of this reat work the publishers price was $40 a, set, while we give you 3. set and a year s paper or`$26. .Tha.t s what you get for patronizing a. live newspaper. The first ve volumes will be delivered to you on signing contract to take ` VANCE for oneyear and by paying $2 down and %REV1SED;AND AMENDED. 1 IN TEN LARGE VOLUMES --THE-- ENCYCLOIUEDIA BRITANNICA! [NORTHERN A D V AN 0 E ENGYCLOP/EDIA BRITANNIGA `>00. area: PI-oposition Handsomely Bound at a Price Never Before ` Heard of. LIVEAGENTSWANTED. TESTIMONIALS or rrs wanna. REVISED AND AMENDED WHY IT IS THE BEST. WHAT IT CONTAINS. HOW TO GET IT. AND THE nuau nluuux Luuuv uvuuun .|.uuyvvvvn., County ofJl. eel. Rev. John Potts, Toronto. James L. Hughes, Public School Inspector, Tnnnn I-A UOluUTuor1:,.n.;;|..|`||VB, L uunnv uvnnvvn Luwrvvvv. , Hon. Joe. E. McDouga.ll, County Judge of. van`! nan n Inn "Par-on "1\ ronto. Rev. Samuel T. Boddy, Archdeacon of York and Rector of St. Peter's, Toronto. All-.. I'B...L.-.... 1).-LI:.. GAL ....`I T-u1uu\4\1|`AIQ LUIQ D1511 LVCUUIII UL IJIIQ L UIIUI. D, .L\IL\I|II1\II _Al1a.n Embury. Public School Inspector, nnnunw A` Dan` .l.J.Ul.lo U03. .l.`Ju LVLUIJUIISGIL, Uvuuvl uuusv vlu York County. Toronto. Rev. J. A. Carmichael, Dean of Montreal. U. E. Archambault, Prin. Cath. Commercial A -- .`.I....... `ll... a.......I U0 1:1: tltvuullluuulv, 1. snug vwvuo vvunluvnvawu Academy, Montreal. * W. E. Arthy, Prin High School, Montreal. THE AD- 1, this juncture there was another row ulting in arratlgemeuts for another duel, ich it was settled sh.ould.`precede that ween M. Castelilxand M; Delpech. bout the same time, also in the lobby, I ell-known journalist struck M. Boudoau, oulangist member. I nfnn nn {kn unfnrrnvxi-at` mu`!-I-3.`... cu-.. ..._ e matter was shelved after discussion, as M. Laurer was leaving the tribune Constans, toward whom the iuainua-'J s were directed suddenly,'advanced, and i ck him in the face. There was an up- i 1' immediately. _ - he Government supporters wildly che er- t `ed in violent 'ua.rrels. "During one of * se disputes M. elpech, a. Republican, `fed the ears of I)e uty Custelin, a.Bou- gist. As the resut of this act of`vio- co M. Dumarteil waited on M. Delpech the lobby to arrange for aduel with UIIIINIISIDII IIIUIIIKVGI. 0 ter on the interrupted sit-ting was re- ed. M. Constans on entering! the mber was greeted_ with cheers. 0 re- Jn.` `av nvnvnnavnn lr\::| nu`-:n:..nL:;.-. -1. 1 NSATIONAL scam-: IN THE FRENCH T .CHAMBER, - . lllljbl n we 5A\.I:uvu VVLUIJ ullcvlu 11.0 IIU` dcd by expressing his sa.tisfactio11a.t sympathy shown 11111:: in `the chamber, ` ing that it; was somgtxmes Impossible to ntuin one s sang-frold. he remains of thevpersons who met their 11 in the ca'tastrophe which oceurred at yesterday, on the occasion of the cere- v of the blessing of the waters of the r Kur, has been unremittingly c0ninu- nce the accident happened. At last me 73 bodies had been recovered. l +:'ri~:RsJ; Jan. 20.-There has fighting at Kallasdash arising a. revolt fomented by Persian ts on _ the tobacco question mcnt, the local troops having been tell by the insurgents. In the en- ICIIL 80 soldiers and 200 rebels were and more than a hundred wounded. 1 E'l`ERSBURG, Jan. i20.--The search nntiyer French Decoration Scundal.. A1us,Jzm. 20.--From present appear- s the country is on the eve of another . ration sczmdal simila'r to that in which son, the son-in-law of President -Grevy, the central figure, and which Caused retirement. De Cassaigxmac and La terue both charge Gen. Brugere, the ~ nfuru nf flux: nv-nu1.:]nnf n III;.:.":|I\I1 l\nI1nn_ Luwuu an uuu \.llld:IlIlI('ol' U1 .l.lU1)llUlU DU . A Boulnngisb member, M. Laurer, _hed to ask a. question, the object OH ch was to have newspaper _'u.1't;icles read 6 fh frilnunn roan:-I";nrv nu GL1: rlntvnnn: Lot : 250 Dead on the Field. AR.\'ElLL}jS, Jan. 20.-There has been let` trouble between the French and the omizms. Advices by steamer report ` 2000 Dahomiams attacked Kottonu. ; ]"1-curl: garrison made a. gallamt defence the righting lasted three hours. Finally T `mun-In nunln Ll any-f'.n ant` fhn nl~fnnlrnnr LIKC Ilsllllllls IKUDUULI IJIILCVF Il\JlIIo llllluu. `ranch xmule a sortie and the attacking y ed, leaving 250 dead on the eld }"x-ouch loss was 30 killed and 10 ndcd. ` 'm,1.\`, Jan. 20.-Another etfort has Imulc to reconcile the two opposing one of the Irish Nitionalists William ion, apparently of the opinion that the t I m'ne1lite victories have widened t-he ch iJ(`L\\'CCIl them and their 0 ponents, published a. lengthy open etter ad- iui in jniln T-Pcninnnnl` in 1u"\;n]1 kn u-uusuluhn ul ADIIEUIIJ U VII LUUUUL au` ct] to John E. Redmond, in which he uses that the existing `differences be lillcd to arbitration. Mr. O Brien even s to retire from public life if it should . n.~:idcre that such a course would tend cure the end in view. vn ' truck and Ears cuecl-and `Hall a Dozen Dm-ls on the Tupi: in Conan-_ nuance -- '73 Bmlies Recovered F_I-om the River Kur-0`Brien olcudonvol-lug`? to Reconcile the Factlolaa. |(\;A Alb l)\lUIl lallullv \J\allg JJI llsclc, I/IAU etary of the president s military house- , with lmving conferred the red ribbon e legion of honor upon several persons ecuuiauy considerations. (Uh AVI I ` 1. G1 I V, I\ uuuuul uuu All UUUII 5.. He was imlled out; o the car and lothes closely searched. A number of rs were secured by the men, who ly decamped. ,A.nIs,.Jan. 20.--'lT`here was unusual ex-. ment in the (}l1ax\1ler})f Deputies to- A T{nIIlnnauf. Innn-u1\np .\IT Tn-nu- Shot by Masked Men m.r.\', Jan. 20.-Nea.r Newgrove, ty Clare, four masked men stopped 8. in which Charles Perry was riding. shooting and killing. the horse they at Mr, Perry, woundin him in both (1 IT.-. nu... .\..1I..,I Ant .. LI-.. ...... _...J X . /V/1 / /// // u, .u1uaI suuat-Lu: .l`AlllUl', uuu LIIUII COIN` 1 suicide. Dr. Bredermann was 42 old,- while the girl was 17. The affair In-uuded in" mystery. alos` 1\lessage to DubIin`s Mayor. pox, Jan. `.20.-The Prince of Wales in to the Lord Mayor of Dublin a gun in reply to the resolution adopted Dublin corporation condoling with d his family on the death of the of Clarence and Avondale. _ Hi: Highness says: d the Princess of Wales are deeply d by the resolution of condolence d by the corporation of Dublin. Your Of SVmDathV have unnn tn nlin 1......-L- Jun-:5 x11ucl`|U:Iu IIUVGIIBII, VVOIQOWII` ier, who died recently Va._t Dresd9n`-~ Vnhoid fever. ` ` ' 7 - ms llis (`hild-Betrotlied and Then Commits Suicide. 1,15`. Jun. 20.-Dr. Bredermann, 01' of the chemical laboratory in the rsity of Berlin, yesterday killed his be- 1, l\].u'gzu`il.tzL Emer, and then com- ] guipitln 1\v Tlr-nrln-unnnn -n---- In The Pope Has the Grip. na, Jan. `20.--It has just ben an- ed that the Pope is suffering from an of influenza. The report. has caused cmhle apprehension owing to the ex: age of His Holiness. . Saunders. of the experimental farm, a. s commissioner to the Chicago s Fair, leaves this evening for Chi? no make preliminary nrrangementi; ' " tter from St. Petersburg says the, fever is increasing at a. terrible mtg _ an, Simbrisk and Saratov. nvict named Bishen, conned ' in the rison, killed 8. warderr yestexlilr ; 11 iron bar obtained from a. bedstie ;` onned the wa.rder s clothing, t0ok,hil_: nd escaped. ' ` _ j _` yard Kipling. the Story" writer, (1 yesterday to .Miss iBq.liBtiel", sister-~T young American novelist, Wolleott; ier. who mm: .........M'.. ..+- -n.....I-- zmsn AND FOREI(}N. rew Broder, ex-M.L.A. for Dundaa,` inted collector of customs at Morris- vice Cameron, stlperanntzated. "nun lA.....J-....1J I , - ' A A; ` [352 .. .._. uuu uug pun uuuu UL UllDllIl. 1011? sympathy have gone to our hearts. :1!` sun was very happy in Ireland and Id have shortly returned there if he 13 been strieknn hv :1 fans` 51"`-`=6 ruau LIIIVD auuruy l'BDUI'DeU Unera Pt been stricken by a fatal illness. 3 ---"---'---""' t h 9-. e lips, L ve > yqu LlTEREST|,NG ITEMS av WIRE- 73 of the Bodies Recovered. buess M u u ulu vv uuvvc` IICWDPKIPUI ,U:l IILUIUS LOG the tribune reecting on the Govern-' T \ b I Submitted to Arbitration. A DOCTOR`S CRIME; .-. -- V4.5 w\lrlVI- wunluruuo ;i\1"acdonald has returned to Ct? I ll/LKIJILLQKII-I ,-a hll mmd. The Pan-noime Lender`: Mother. DUBLIN, Jan. 20,-Th mother of John E. Redmond, the Parnellit leader and recent- ly glected member for Waterford, di_e_d to-_ day. A ` 1 _-_. 4 VV UUUD'l.'U\Jl\, u an. GU. -"u ulucla u.. uvuvv1vJ , I Bnin-street, died very suddenly gesterday. Deceased was 8 carver, em_ loye in Hay : factory, and `was cut work ondey. ` has no rough- A newer Perth Jmor. Srnxrronn, Jan. 20.-Robert Kay, rm}: . 25 years jailen of Perth, who removed to Steven : Point, Wieconsis, in 1881, died f l there `the other day, aged 87 years. '3'v}'5."hc1"ia5g 'ci,i";1ifT' 3"" ;1-xrH1`3}ii-c{v.Vl examination`, f Hip`-iitnta fadul is are sgd: ly sha.t.tered'.~ He was. keeping bachelor I` Inn An 1111:: rivm-_ and the dun-men of his Qrialllulnnalla wvvvv, -av.-`gun n vucunnnnpvanuiuuu ` LONDON, Jan. 20.--Benjamin Scott, Fel- ` low of the Royal Astronomical Society and 3 Chamberlain of London, died yesterday. Mr. 1 Scott was born 78 years ago.` He resigned * the chief clerkshi of the Cua.mberla.in s ~ F office in 1853 and ounded the Bank of Lon- ~ don, of which he was secretary until the ` death of Sir John Key in 1858, when he was unanvimouely elected to the oice of City Chamberlain. He took an active part in education and in 1851 founded the Work- , .,,!_ `l_I-___A.__._I 77... -.. qaunnuv-ovv vv-so -nu--up BELLIWILLE, Jan. 2o.-1Cm. AEa. Reeves, the oldest; resident of the city, died on Sunday. She was in her 100th year. Iv Vinunvuv Q4 :-.1-`can. v u _| I-ii-xMIL'roN, Jan. 20. --Ja..me.sv }`I-ea't:li,.;ged 62, died at 83 Pearl-stree last eveniug.. He was the oldest employe of ' the `Great Western division of the G. T. R.,`a.ud held LL- ......l..I .. .....-J. . 7' UDUUKLI IJIVLHIVII III the medal as such. ] J1 xvllnnluuuuy vnsu-wu cw; uuuuuuu woo. 3 RAT .POR.'1`AG}E, ,O_nt.,_.. J an. 20_..--A. S. A` Thompspn, &;_8I1dQnI5 of `Manitoba ` College, who has been actin` as a Presbywriqn mis- Tsiona.1"y .`ah,' Roth rhnces-, f ..wa.a :brou'ght'..Ito~ town, and lodgedin jq.iI;= din? aqmedical 4-.m:i.'nHnn= 'l1l'In'.`r`u u -n f.si. '?n'(ii1I lI.l'A and. ` Death of c. A. samen-. the Oldest Barris- ter In Ontario. - HAMIlZ.TON, Jan. 20.-C. A. Sadleir, bar- rister, is dead aged 67 years. Mr. Sadleir weethe-oldest practising barrister in On- tario, having been admitted to the bar in ` 1847 at Kingston, where he was studying ` law at the same time as the late Sir John tMacdonald. In the same year he settled in Hamilton. His son, C. A. Sadleir, was `until recentl clerk of the Legislative As-` sembly at innipeg, but resigned to enter the church, and is now studying at Wycliffe College, Toronto. - 1 A Veteran Clergymun. i \ WELLAND, Jan. 20. -Rev. Alexander_ Kennedy, one of the oldest ministers of the Presbyterian Church, died at the residence ` of his brother-in-law, Mr. George C. Cow- per, here yesterday, _a ed 88. Deceased was born in Ayrshire, cotland, and was the first missionary to Trinidad. He came to Canada in 1850 and had charge of con- gregations at Enniskillen and Dunbarton, ` being at the latter place 30 years. Ill c`-IICKQQUIUII GIIKI III 8311` l\I|ll.l\ a ingmen s Educational Union. l A Jesuit General. . . ` ` Rbn'nI:, Jan. 20. -The.-Rgir. `Father Ander- led " died yesterday; L He was Hie successor, ,a.n sometime coadjVm:pr,( of the lat; Father Beckx, _G_ox_1era1l-9fthe-`Society of Jesus. A ` Iuawereup `EU ll! BUUIJLI-I5 uuvuulvl. II ` ital! on the_,riyer, and the drohrineu of his -I|uvn:uIi|`=lIlIn `- Q. NEW YORK, Jan. 20.--The General As- sembly Committee on the Revision of Faith made good progressyesterday in revising confession of faith in accordance with the recommendations "of `the various Presby- teries. - T - pg-_ _1 1 a pa 5 . 1' .o :- IJWI IVBO The doctrine of infant damnation was eli- rninated by the adoption of the following substitute for chapter XIL, section 3,whicb now reads: Infants dying in infaucy,'and all other per- sonswho are not guilty of actual transgres- sion, are included in the election of grace and are saved and regenerated by Christ, through the Spirit who worketh when and where and how he pleaseth. so also are all. other elect persons who are not outwardly called by the ministry of the word. Benjamin Scott, London`: Chamberlnin. T __-_ _-_ `I --. (`IA 1"i-__, .2 (V , _'A,A 11` I Hall the droprineu of his surroundings in 'Iuppooed5to have unbalanced 3 M3: n-uni:-I ` --, .,.... uggugu vuruusn. OTTAWA, J an. 20. -Prof. Baldwimcharged with practising medicine without the neces- sary qualications, was arrested in Chester- ville and placed on the train by the con- stable in whoee charge he was to be con- veyed back to Kemptville. The train had got to a speed of 30 miles an hour, when the constable left his man for a. few minutes. During this time the prisoner made a. jump for the door and leaped from the train and ' escaped. A _____..__.._.____._._ The General Assembly. Coiintnittee Elimi- nates Tlns Doctrine. us; was: uu auauu in nu Lu uuc -Uluucu OUNUGB District Court. Last night at Sprakers station, on the New York Central, while in ` charge of Deputy Colt, Muldoon succeeded 1 in getting his custodia.n s attention disen-T gaged for a. moment and made 9. vbrea.k~ for liberty, jumping from the train, and has probably got to Canada. by this time. lrticles, Duuvv, llllll UWIUS. UUV IIIIU lJl.'UUGl{lUI-ID UUIIKIIUIUII of his health obtained a pardon. - He had been accused of smugglin Chinamen into United States territory; `he lesson of that imprisonment was lost on James. . He re- turned to Toronto, again became connected with the pilotage business and again he fell into thehands of United States minions, ; and for several months past he has been conned here- Yesterday the United States marshals took Jimmy from pie Buffalo quarters to convey .him to Albany, where he was to stand trial in the United States 1\:.~d-....L lV.......A. T ....A. .__.LL - L Daring Euoapoot a Well-Known Chinese smuggler. " ' _; BUFFAL3, Jan. 2O.-Jim1ny' Muldoon pf Toronto is pretty slick, and no .mist.a.ke. . Mr. Muldoo .wa.s `once .9. yigisoner in this `nfnlfg 1...; .... ..... 4.. ALI. `.......... -..'... ...._..`I.L:.\... LuqvuJu _ ' _ . There seems to be no question but that he revival meetings have unbalanced ulter s mind. His trial comes up at the as been remanded to jail. Coulter says he has never "been safe since e murdered his father, as the old man *omee every night and pulls the clothes o is bed. His mother died in an insane sylum. . - izee nextgmonth. In `the meantime he fl\Ir. Muldodn `wdZ7onr_.f;.3.' this state, but owing. to the precarwus condition nf 113:: health nl\I'nnnJ n nnv-Ann , no lune` Suddenly Called. Woonswocx, J an.20. `-J ames H. Schooley, v...'... ..6......o Ahul `rant! auulnnlw trnutnrnu Ike mm 3: m....... It Wm? Not iaoiviy. But Pull: the Bedclothe.-I 08` I; Pouitent hon.` ' A SAULT Sm. MARIE, Jan.` jo-William_ `oulter wasarrested yestei-day at the Michi- an Sault charged with swearing false evi was when on trial charged with the A mur- er of his father. His confession-a.t'tlie re- ivalist meeting was put in as evidence and e admitted the charge, stating that he wnrn Fulani`: AC4-an of-O-nnzlinn not-raw)` nf 1 Ill DGIVCIIIIUII IU SUV II`! ILUEVUIL J VMany people place little credence in the onfession, as his confession does not agree ith known facts in connection with the raqedy. ` Thorn can-nan 1-n `xa I-\l\ nun-snQ:nn `uni G`-nu} U IIUIIIAUUOI-L IILIU Ulltls BUGUIIIE lllltlu ILU wore falsely. After attendiu several _of he tevivalistjneetings he coul not control Iirnnlnlf 2.11!` [I-and tn nnnfnnu Van ituyna I-n IIU IVVIVGIIBU IIIUUDIIIEB IIU uuuau I-I\AlII UUIIIJI U1 imself and ,had to coufess,Ta.s it was his nly sa.lva.t.ion to get to Heaven. Mann nonln nlnnu Iifln nv-nrlnnnn 3n tho K at % though The Oldest Employe of the G. W. R. 1--r , , _ , __ `I , 1.A 1', __,,- `I`I'__AL -_, it Missionary erased by Lgnonneu. Us 1': , , _ . _;__ t'\_ ;_ 1'.` ._ an A JUMPED FBOM THE TBAJN- _A Beilvllle Centeliamlan. An. up nnn HIS FATHER'S `GHOST. INFANT DAMNATION. Bvithe Same 0n(lg6. T--- nn 11..-! T1_I1 OBITUARY. WAsn1xawoiw.. Jen. :20,-Edward J. Phelps of Vermont; fo'rtne`_x'ly minister to England, will be one of the representatives of the United States on. the Behring Bee ga;bitretion.- The Way He Crossed His 'l."s.l A letter was produced dated March 4. which Mr. Jarvis reco nized as his writing. This letter requested r. Steele to be sure and come to the city and vote; that he would not be the loser.` The letter was signed Mice.a.nd the writing disguised, but the authorship was discovered by a. peculiarity in the stroking of the tetter t. The lttl` IIMIQ nu-ii-Inn nnl-I'u~nI1y an OLA