i Toronto Pu-men In-tot. ' 'l`onox-ro.Dec. 22. 1891- . wh t b m.IUOO.`.ICC..o93.. ' . . . . . n n n 88: 0 0 0 89 I15], WIlllliooouoooooouluounooluon. ~Hay, nemperton .... Isa-aw 1- ton. bundled............ II.U..O...C..I....IUU. | OWIUUIIIUIIIUC... an-inn push nan nnnrfnr ; 3:.`:3:g*z:;.: WU-o noun an onocooounoou aunuvvvnn vs vuw-. .-v----- '81::-in I;a.mbper'1i1'xi.1'-t'45i-::........ D01'0Wt....uu nnnf hilInI1II.l'1'Ai`Il-................ Feet torequartora, pox-own... IBee_f'hindqun.rters-........... I V... nail n_o.r-cans ........... .. Veu1,p01` nuuuoon m ronuuuu ...'3J. Butte:-,1arRo ro1ls.per h... per , 11 1:151:15 -nn1 Ul.'lDoooooo-oucoocuo-uocouuou "Ii;-keys pox-Ib........ Chickensplgr llnnn nail _________________ I IJUIMUKII-u-ocoocooooooconauu Cgeeseperlbu...................... "`I`IFlIV nA!"h...-.......... ngonnj-1 mono! oconoouogool per1bIOOIIlIlg.ClII (DOD Ducks per pair.................... Potatoes; oer bag DR.WASH|NGTON CUBES mATARR|-I EHAEL '1'1IEAw.1%I:tNiCAE. ..3__.-- savnvug -Ivy-u gun. v-- John Cowan. Esq. Manitowaning, Manitoulin Island. Ont: Dun Sm.-Yours of the 2nd ult. is received and should have been replied to sooner had not absenoe nrevented me. I can recommend you to Dr. Washington, Mocaul St... Toronto. astbe best person you canget to assist you. and I have no hesitation in affirming that if you take his treatment Vaooording to instruc- Innn lllvhlnh {H vnrv anal! and nimnln I take ms treatment B0O0l'IllIlg w instruc- tions (which isvery easy and simple to take) you will get rid of your trouble. For some years I was troubled with catarrh of the head and throat. until my life became a burden. In the afternoon Ialways became hoarse and throat painful. and in the morning the discharge from the throat was profuse. After trying T everything I heard of Dr. Washington. got streatment, and wasas well as everin six weeks. This is now three or four years ago. and Iam at present in excellent health and have hadno trouble slnoe of catarrh. Yours truly. W. H. Sronu. DR. WASHINGTON will visit Barrie agln on Dec. 22nd, Queen : otel, from 11 ,_ a.m. till pdn. ms comm or men: B|lEEIIERS' ASSOCIATION Will hold its FIRST ANNUAL mm A1: BARRIE Wednasda , 8T1-`f115._of June, 1892. "Flu: Qnlm no nwnnnntnkna are now anon :- neg.!il'oels of 1889. mile heats; 2 in 3 to harness. Foals of 1888, mile heats, 3 in 5 to h rneea. ntranoe In eaeh $16.. payable $5 on let Jan. V 1898. -35 let March. 1892, and $5 on 131: May. `I R02, ' i392. IR. `Q0 Lula Juusuu. LOVE, uuuqv vu aw. ......,. , Date money will be added te stakes. To be eligible colts must be owned in the County of Slmeoe on let Nnv.. 1801. mm. om-amp nnrtlnnlnrl nmnlv in the Secre- Slmcoe let NOV" mu. For further particulars apply to the Secre- tary. to whom all entries must be addressed. - . R. A. STEPHENS. Secretary 44-53 Box 244 Barrie E0. cl-uus1'uIAs Ms Ann ranswrsr e__- __v, ' has the larg eat and -best stock of cheap Toys and Holiday Goods in the County. As usual the cnvs'rAL nun: sxongs uiie 1'. E the rule this year. IINIIJN CREDIT 8:. PRIITEETIIJN ASSOCIATION. OR the Collection of Old and Worthles Ac- counts. in any part of the oworld. and no chm-`gee it not collected. This Association has xoca. offices in Canada and Unitad- States, Head and nersl omco. 60; Adelaide st. East. Toronto. ooms 10, 11, 12 one 18. 0. E. GOL- Lrns: (lanai-AI Mniunnnr 2 gr. H. B. ANDREWS. -ncooooouoonvoooto 5 `D01 nouonuunnn _... -.|; 11.LLlA Rooms 10, 11, 12 us. u. as. Uu.u- LINS. General Msneizer; 3'. H. B. ANDREWS, Sec. Address all communications to Toronto, Ont.. oiilce. Telghone No. 2463. This is the only Association t settles accounts. and ad- vances the money to the Creditor it desired. 0. E. COLLINS. Manager. D. 0. MURCHISON. lsolicltor tor Barrie Dlililyof. nut Int IRMI. II UI$IlUU$|U viva. UDUUJ `to v --w, -w --- The tollo gsweepstakea are now 0 n :- 1.. For foals o 1890. 5 mile heats, 3 in 6 har ARE ESTRAY.-Can1o into the premises of the undersi ed. Lot 28. Con. 3. less, about the 20th Sept. sat, a. more about 1 years 3 old. The owner can have her on yln ex- nnnnnn nthnrwlnn aha will be ol have her on Enymlezn genes. otherwise she will be sol JA ES TRIBBELL. Angus. 53]! lumpunlvnuu uvugw an -. -. -. .. The following are the officers of Kempen- feldt Iqige of the Sons of England Beneht Society, Allandale for the coming year. President,F. J. Saunders; Past President, J. H. Bebb; Vice Preeident,J. B. Johnston; Trea.surer,E. Johns; Secretary,C. T. Thrift, Physician, Dr. H, Arnall, Chaplain, A. Longhurst, Committee, W. Collins, John .-r -- -.. - A n....Au:n W, fmmmintzl J. Phil- Lon hurst, Uommmee, vv. Uuluua, `Loo er, A. Goodwin,W. Cummings `W. Hu lips, J. Lambert. I Trustees-, Dr. Arnall, F. J, Saunders, Auditors, J`. Bebb,C. E.Fiaher, W. Cotten? Among the visitors at the meetinwere Bro. F. J. Brown D. D. Bro. bert, Vice President, and Bro. E. J. 7 -~-.. -2 O....6-I-unInv|I'1\I`I Tndaa. "W. Bubberu, V108 Ireuxuouu, an `Lower of Southampton Lodge. Ngw Ynnx, Dec. 17.--From last Satur- day morning until this afternoon the pas- sengers, cond _ ' Ninth~a.\jem1e elevated ra.1lroa.d have nOt_l0- nctors and guards on ,the,_ ed an old man wearing spectacles, leaning- n.- -211 At` .. ...X...1,.uv nv\`f`,\A civil-u Hnnr nf Oot.l8.t.1890. * V ;o|,a.`wallt I. Low PRICES W. H. Freeman. Mold: Lodge 8. 0. I. B. 8. - -A_ .1 'Q._.. I168 Wlli We 11-: Storey has to say about it, eto.. President Mfg. Ass. of the Domin- ion and Glove Mtg.. Acton. Ont... in reply to 9. letter of inquiry :- ACTON. Sent. lat. '91. u __#A _ g'_ __ ur-_u.-..u_ Permanently u vy=.... V5 00... 4 75..... ` Allan Seen for Three Dav:-I bv the Train- men Proves to Be Dead. UV on 05.... `II 00:1 48.. `ll 5000 6' `. do I Rh )0 19 `II Great Proposition INORTHERN A D V AN CE A i?iREV1s1+3I; AND AMENDED. [IN TEN LARGE VOLUMES ENCYGLOPIEDIA BRITANNIGA This afLer'm`.son.a tra.in_man u on nearing the maifs abode" looked up. ' e old man : an the window again, he remarked to a passengex`. The p_zI.3enger, who chanced to be Dr. Donlin, fiie coroner s assistant, glanced in the direabion iixdicated. ' His pI`0fessi0l1a.l eye detected in an instant that the man was dead and that he would remain there until doomsday unless disturbed. The" doctm`0.lighted and going to the house found his surmise correct. The man was `ilCll2J.1'tlE. Harvey, who lived alone. He was kneeling on the oor with his head resting on the window sill. --THE-- [ENCYCLOP/EDIA BRITANNICA! Is always at bind when you are in doubt. Never makes a. mistake or gives bad "advice and will give more genuine pleasure for a. longer number of years than anything else on Ann`-lu The first ve volumes will be delivered to you on signing contract to take THE VANCE for one year and by paying $2 down and for one year, $26 in all, for the Encyclopaedia complete and paper for one year. Second ve volumes delivered in four months or sooner if desired. No better present can be made than a. set of Encyclopaedias, unless it be a year s sub- scription to a. good paper, to be sent to some distant relative or friend, a. daily reminder of your thoughtfulness.` YOU eAuuo1f Buv 3 ALL _ _____ _ -Ti 3-T----7_ Z __ , The Encyclopaadia. Britannica, Revised and amended, unless in connection with a. yea.r s subscription to THE. KDVANCE. Before The Northern Advance secured control of this eat work the publishers price was $40 a. set, while we give you a set and a. year's paper or $26. That sawha;t?you get for patronizing a live newspaper. The Encyclopedia Britannica, Revised and Amended, is published in 10 large illus- tl'8.te(%0and handshmely bound volumes, and contains about 7,000 pages, 14,000 columns, 8,- 500, words-.altogether an amount of reading mattefequal to about 110 ordinary 12 mo. volumes in amount and 1,000 volumes in interest and practical information. Apart from its inestimable value;-as a work of reference, this Eucyclopaedia has a value which many people never think of associating with books of its description. It is a perfect library of general literature of ethe most entertaining kind. Are you fond of history? It contains the history of every nation thatever ourished, tells `the story of every war that ever was `waged, and ives an account of every important battle that was ever fought. Biography ? It tells the ife story of every man who has helped to mould thegdestines or thoughts of the world-completely if the man be dead, or down to,thepresent year if he be still alive. Do you want travels, famous voya es, wild adventures among savage tribes or in in- hospitable deserts ? The Encyclopae ia contains _thQn_a1l, not compiled in a hasty, _ catch- penny style, but written by masters of thought and language in each department. Some of the nest essays of Macaulay are to be found within the pages of his work ; or, if you incline to scientic study, the Encyclopedia offers yourpapers prepared by such authorities as Huxley. Tyndall and Helmholtz on every department ofscience which the mind of man has yet explored. And the superlative advantage of `the whole arrangement is that if in the course of your reading you meet, as so often happens, a - perplexing reference to something you never have heard of before, or have forgotten, you have only to take down another volume of the Encyclapaedia to learn all about it at a moment s notice. Because it combines the best features of the best English and American Encyclopgedias. It contains in an amended form every article in the original Encyclopaedia Britannica.-an ticles written by the foremost men of the age, at a cost of more than a million dollars. It presents a series of entirely new articles on distinctly Canadian and American subjects, which are but lightly touched in the original edition. It condenses within reasonable limits articles on distinctly British subjects, on which the Britannica is exceedingly diffuse. It contains 4,000 bioiilphical sketches of all prominent living men and women-a feature which is totally lac ' g in the original. And it presents a large number of new and beautifully executed maps, including anventirely new map of each and every nation on earth.` Injshort, it is what its names implies-The Encyclopaedia Britannica, Revised earnu. .u.| uuvn and amended." The most prominent Educationists and Divines in Canada have given the highest commendations of the work. The following are well known gentlemen in Montreal and Toronto who have given attering testimonials :- Alfred Baker, Dean of the University, To- Pastoral Theology, McMaster Hall, To- ronto. ronto. Dr. S. P. May, C. L.H., Superintendent of Rev. Samuel T. Boddy, Archdeacon of Provincial Art Schools and Mechanics York and Rector of St. Peter s, Toronto. Institutes. ' Allan Embury, Public School Inspector, County of Peel. Rev. John Potts, Toronto. James L. Hughes, Public School Inspector, Toronto. Hon. Joe. E. McDougall, County Judge of. York County, Toronto. Rev. J. A. Carmichael,_DeanAof Montreal; Rev. Dr. Stabrd, Toronto. Prof. J. Londew, Toronto University. Hon. J. M. Gibson, Provincial Secretary. Very Rev. Vicar-General McCann, St. _ Michael s, Toronto. Hon. G. W. Allan, gator, Toronto. `Is-.. 111.. nI....I. `M `I . `I . 11` Professor ; G. W. Allan, senator, 1'0l'0nt0. ` Rev. Wm. Clark, M. A. L. L. D.. Professor Mental and Moral Philosophy, Trinity re _ I1 - ..- m--.... an --._._. Her Inuence May Take the Husband Out ofethe Race. NEW YORK, Dec. 17.--A friend of ex- President. Cleveland has been talking to a representative of The Advertiser, and he declares that Mr, Cleveland is not a. candi- late for the V Presidency again. As to x-. l1et,her he would take the nomination if ` tiered to him, it would depend u on who i did the offering. He has had the onor of the Presidency, and a. re-election could not ivld much to that honor. " 1 )3 ,,:,i_:.___.._1 LL- .l'...-..A cu rnnn I-Iandsemely Bound at a Price Never Before Heard of. LIVE AGENTS WANTED. IA dlunvnunn .-. cc.-w-wr__' , rug,-'Il.oron1:o. . xotter, Professor Homiletics and "rs1'm|omFALs_ gs |1'_vlonTH. ,1 .. L .. `VA 0:170?! in-IA1' IT gqmnuus. REVISED AND AMENDED WHY IT IS THE BEST. HOW TO GET IT. AND THE Allan Hon. Carmichael, Dean of Montreal. U. E. Archambault, Prin. Cath. Commercial` Academy, Montreal. W. E. Arthy, Prin High School, Montreal. r ;...-.-v.... ..._--V,D', ivul mucu LU buub uuuur. Besides, continued the friend, a. man should always be considerate of the feeling; of his wife on such a subject. And Mrs. (jlevcla.nd is decidedly averse to a. re-entry V into `politics. Her experience in Washing- Inn has ma.de her satised with a. quiet, social, domestic life. I tell you, Cleveland :5 ...-.0 in 6`xn mono , Reciprocity Treaty `With All British West India Islands. WAs111.\`nToN, Dec. 17.-4The.Secreta.ry of State this afternoon announced the conclu- sion of a commercial reciprocity agreement with the United Sta.tes'a.nd all the British West Indian Islands and British Guiana, and on J an. 1 next the President will issue it pI`oc1a.ma.t10n announcing the details" of the convention. The agreement includes arrangenlents with J amaica, Barbadoes and .1`rixiiduc1 and the Leeward Islands. ___.;:_-....J `nun in!-won- DUE lull , UUHIUEVIU Lllvn is not in the race. e&d( ui],['LCl-b UL `Vii? nuvu. ;uv tnavtuv ysuff 2355 [lb live m rugul accordance Awgth the M1891` cut. their hair, and their appearance, es ecially that of the men. is, grotcsqup in consequence. Mills has until rccegntl lwed in Marlborough-a.venue,v Toronto. t was there that he was puried. I thought I was being torn to pieces, be send, In de- scribing the process of purication. HT ......q thrown to the ground and balls of laid down in the Old Testament. They' .1l`1l]1LlH.(l 8.1101 L116 .uUuwuu`u Lluuuuu. In return for the continued free Intro- duction of sugar and coffee into the United States it has been agreed by the colonies named not only to greatly enlarge the free A list of the taritfs, but also to make very con- siderable reductions in the duty on the leading agricultural and other products of 1111: `Yrfurl Q1-nfna ' ` l\.LIt\.IIIIb' (-Il5ll\4|Il|l|-Iluinl the United States. Starving Miners in Indiana. \ . BRAZIL, Ind., Dec. 17.-The situation in the bituminous coal region, where there are 20,000 miners on strike, is a. gloomy one for the strikers. Many of the men and their fmnilies are subsisting on one meal a.-day and have been doing so for two weeks. The men talk with an air of grim determmetion to light it out to the death if need be. There 19 no hope, however, that this will not be- come necessary, as the National Executive Board of the Coal Miners Association of the United States has at last recognized the strike and approved it and has issued a call to all its members to contribute to the relief of the strikers. It has been stated that mine owners in adjoining states have been supplying contracts for the Indiana mine owners. This will be investigated by the board, and if it cannot be settled in an other way the miners in those states wi l be called out also.` One Dead, the other Ilfiano. _ NEW Yonx, Dec. 17. --John Kleusch, who competed with George Stratton, deceased, in a. 45 days fast. in a dime museum `here, ` was adjudged insane to-day, and sent to an . -no-Jenna ` V'IN KVJJII asylum. born 01 u uuuu. FALL RIVER, Ma.ss., Dec. l7.-Hodgen Dayton, aged 15, has been jailed for as- saulting Sadie Mn.ncheIter,- aged 9. Dray.- Lon, who is 6 feet tall, was born in Teunton almshouse Feb. 1, 1876, his mother being only 10 years 8 months old at connemtllt. while his father was a. lad of 15. The cut was authen ticete at the time. - ' Her Skin an Inch Thick. NEW HAVEN, Conn., Dec. 17.-I-Ianr1t`ta Dudley died last ni b from dephantonin,-A skin disease. Her 3 in was an inch thick and very hard, and she was known jal` thf nuu;QnrI urn:-nan ' uALl\.I VOL , IIIlI\-I W ossied woman. .'.l`heno omoors. were eloctod: `` P1_'u id6nt.L nude _ Ontario Dalrymc n. Woonsrocx, Dec. V17.`-'-'1`he_ ueognd `one " nual meetin of the`0xford?I)IiryniIn'I A- sociation he d hero _t,o-day wt an] Lvelfy .luc.- ceI_sful one. Abdut 100 ~ reprglentativo danrymen, cheelemukerl and .fa.!`merI from all parts of the 'equntry,_wor- .ptoI ant,. .1 `K __L -L A _.A. `II........'._._II.I. .` uv'&:C| MRS. CLEVELAND SAYS NO. SCI-imng we pruucba UL lJLllLl1UQULULlo I was thrown to the round and balls fire ew from all parts 0 my body. I said . __;-.. and 1 nnnnone ten thousand times. do: .2 DEATH AT THE w-meow, _..g-n Born of a (mild. CAYUGA, Ont., Dec; 22.`--'Theettem teto unseat. -Dr.; Montague, Conservative .P. for Haldimend, `failed the evidence 1 offered failing to show any culpability on his part. There had been considerable 1-.- sonating, however, ,and_ no costs,-were al QW- ed. The cross-, et'ition' agaii|st ?Qelter,' the defeated candi ate, was also dismissed with: `out coats. ` - PoLmcAL._- ` `rho Bunion Aguinit .1).-`; Mon te;'no> of 3 t llnlnllunna I\I-...I.......| _ M The Halifax Petltiop. - ` HALIFAX, Dec. 22. --'1`he trial of the ` Halifax _A petition was resumed yester- .da.y.- ~ The court (refused: to ailow';1thq'i peti- tioners to add any fu1:the1;_charges to their 1 :particula.r_s~.e,nd `ordered: a large portion of the particulars led to be struck out as too indenite. Portions thus struck out con- stitute a. large proportion of the whole. John F. Stairs was the first witness and oc- cupied the witness stendiall day. ` ` ` A A Senator Chaplin. . . /_ ST. CATHARINES, Dec. 22. -The announce- -ment` in The Toronto World yesterday that Mr. William Chaplin, one of our leading manufacturers, is to be called to the Senate created intense e_x_citem.ent _.her_e to-day. The matter is discussed to the exclusion of all other subjects. It was generally sup- csed the honor was to be conferred on Dr. erguson. Mr} Rykert was also in the eld and is very bitter over `tho-elevation of his formervantagonist. ` -~ to ` V w . aw U ZIIJ\III\I.Il claw; JZICI Allvtlg % `-1-`iu>1LNr.n:Ont., Dec; 22. -"The trial of the rotest ainst election of Mr._ Dawson as .P. Ad ington was nished "_I`ue`sday mnrnina Tho n*n`u {urn nn I-1|:-an nnw\n:nnn uuu u..a.n uL"L\l\.Il.I.I`lI\III WW6 uuuauvu LIIVBUIIJ morning. The only two or three reinainin charges being disposed` of, J udges Qsler an Maclennan dismissed the petition with costs and pronounced it the purest. election they ever tried. - Dr. Wilson wm Run in East El, In. _ 1 AYLMER, Ont;, Dec, 22.--'I`he, efor m convention met here yesterda. 4 and selected Dr. Wilson, ex-M.P. of St. homas, as a \ candidate to contest the riding of East El- l gin at" the coming by-election. W u'u1u au aol. US UL an uuu u ; awn: fire He P J J . wise God, 1 suppose ten thousand times. ince that time I have been free from bodily mrmity. My food, which formerly dis- reed with me, nourishes me Perfectly, agd Iam tted to lead the people In ,_..1 7 - 811 runs 411- Right. ~ CHATHAM, Dec. 23. --The etition a. ainst the return of the Hon. }l)a.vid Mi ls, as Liberal member for the Dominion Parlia- ment, was dismissed with costs yester- day for want of evidence. ujuj The Dickey Birds P1-age Defeat. ' HAMFAX, N.S., Dec. 22.--The trial of the Cumberland election case against Arthur R. Dickey,-Conservative M.P.,.wo.s continued at Amherst , yesterday, several cases of bribery and other illegal practices on behalf of respondent were proved. Lieut.-Governor Dewidney. HALIFAX, N.S., Dee. 23.-F. F. Forbes of Moose River, N.W.T., who is at resent in Halifax, has been tendered the iberal nomination for East Assinaboia as Mr. Dewdney, the present M.P., will accept the Lieut.-Governorship of_British Columbia. shortly. ~ ` - . A Supposed Horse Thief Cuts us. Throat in . -all. PRESTON, Ont. , Dec. 23.-An unknown man was arrested yesterday for trying to sell `a horse and bugg ` supposed to have been stolen. He wasp aced in the lock-up. Two hours later police found the prisoner on the oor of his cell with his throat horri- bly gashed, and V beside him, written on a piece of an old geography map, this messa. e: V I am gone to the devi1-yes, gone. not bother yourselves about me. This is the last of me. T1 - :.. _A1I -1}--- L--A. --._..-......:...... .....J I...- The Pun-out Electlqn They Ever Trio `\T....`....... I\_L 1'\--, an. .n'n__ 1.2.2-1. bus: Luau UL nuu. ` Hais still alive but unconscious, and has not yet. been identified. ' IGUIIUI Illr Iauv vulnuounuuuu - -nu: -vs... Bnocxv1LLE,- Dee. 23.-Lt.-Col. -Da\;id Wylie, known as the father of the Cana- dianpress, died yesterday, aged 80 years. . Col. Wylie was born in Renfrewshire, Scot- land, in 1811 and was associated -with journalism in England` and Scotland, until l845,whon he came to Canada as a reporter `on The Montreal Herald. From . 1850 to 1883 Mr. Wylie edited The Brockville Re- corder. Lo.$,' 2.".'..i'.1.'.. `i/fa.aI1s;; More ton, the dramatist, is dead. - L Mr. Morton was 80 years old, and during his lone: life was a. prolinc writer of tnrces, among them Box and Cox, which became famous. Bis plays were as successful nsthey were nu- merous, nnd the royalties paid himlwould have ` inade most men rich, but he was so .im rovident that in his old age he had to Ieekshel r in the Charter House or London. Figaro`e Dramatic Critic Dead. PARIS, Dec.` 23 .o--Albert Wolff, the no- ted dramatic critic of The Figaro is dead, aged 56.. V ` A Well-known Author. _ _ CALEDONIA, N.Y., Dec. 23.--John H. McNaughton, the author of Ounalinda, digd this afternoqn at his home in this _ .1 _............._u. QIUU. mun GIUUIIIVVAI I K village of pneumonia. V IIUVCIIIIIJ IIIUVQ `any `In an..." - Bnmwronn; _Dec. 23. -Detective Greer `was in the cit this moruin . He had an . interview wit Constable unterregarding certain statements, made to him by prisoner ` Douglas, and which constituted important evidence of accessory after the fact on the part of Douglas. ~Doug1a.s and Bartram are Itill in the county jail. T. uu. J W` ""`" ' ' "' "' ' In '7" "' 1.' Islpige house of Mills is the finest in the ,,eigl1borhood and the central house of the soot in the United States. In addition_ to the Bible they have a. peculiar r_evela_.t1o'n ea11ed"`the ying roll. The roll 18 said to have been in preparation for 100 years and to have been the work of the seven thun- ._,- 1+ nnnming nn.qm=a.lmhle words. an- Father orrme Canadiim Press" Dead. I1 I 'I'\,,,! A Lily Bloomod for Death. V ` Wmnson, Co nn., Dec. 23. --_AA calla. lily owned by Orrin Sea. 1-10: is a. strange freak. Mr. Searlea says that 20 years a 0 there wag a. beautiful blossom on the lay stalk. His wife died and in all the {earl not 3 bud ______-_.-.1 .--L:` -u--LA-unique: an an L3- -Annual` 5.13 W116 uxcu uuu Lu nu uuu vnnu uvu u uuu up red until yesterday, w en his second wi e died. Then. 9. fine large `ower appeared and is in full bloom. , i T.;;.;.g.; ..;. h:.h.;" h I aged 12, wandered out on thin ice at Camp- | bollford village, broke through and Wu J mantra Al` . A0'1'rAwA, Dec. 23.-Thoma.a Mulligan,` UUILIUI u L drowned. SUNDRIDGI, 0nt., Dec. 23.-Mr. Charles Tripp of this place we: to-day crossing Round Lake wnth a. load of log sleigh: when the ice broke letting the load and horses through. The team was drowned and the 1-..: 1.-..+. `Mu Tu-inn nnairnwlv enmninn wrougn. .111! wuux was utvvvuvu wuu . loud lout, Mr. Tripp narrowly escaping \'!IIuI1u w; w -`...-.. OTTAWA, Dec. 23.-Ma.rtin Downey wan ` beating down a.n_iold burn on; ghiarm he. had 1 purchased` at Rouchette, when he was [ {truck on the by-a and 8-tally i V . . Flourlng Mill Burned. , Gonnmo, Dec. 23.--Henning s our inill h fin!-_t&ll7,,deItg' t b E 1: .::,..-.....% 1.". .aooo? =x...z..;::;:2:.'&*' A Bank President Dying.` ' ' _ OTMWA, Dec. 23.-Mr. James McLa.ren, president of bye Bank of Ottawa, of Buc_k- 1 ,,I;-__. 5- J-nouns Hg TELLS A REPORTER How a_- E` WAS PURIFeED. . . ,_ Author of B03 and cox" Dad. up can -I pun... C3.IDIlICU ,lJ I`. 1.111 aldlmnd Dismissed. Abooslory After the Crime. -~-- T\-- no `I'\-L-..L:--- any UL uuu a n, in dyfng. Elhad by 1: Beam. `ll - ..L2_ T\.. Lou cn:Logd. ? QUEBEC LEG{sLA;uae>` DISMISSED av .. `means.- Eilgptlonsz` i to L.` :Plu_oe ind Also igppointod to` 9' 'i-s M=*r Iii`:-."l :',,:l`:23i7"`!"`-'L?"tTe"I..'.':f' `"'.F"-_ " Qimm.-:0, Dec. i23.;=-Anf extra. of The Oicial Gazettes will be `published to-dsy - dissolving the Legislature and '3. point-` mg a. commission to investigate urther a.lle' ed boodling by:vthe.1a.te Government, ' oinii1e`tions'will beheld on March 1 and voting March 8,, writs returnable March 15. The Legislatnre is called for April'7. ' `The New 'Commlssxon. ' ,QUm;Ea,. Dec. 23. --The news is |conrmed that Premier De Boucherville will form a -royal commission to enquire into the doings of the Mercier Government. The depart- ments will be gone throu h. The commis- sion will be composed o 9. French-Conan `disn judge with a. su rior oicer of the civil service and a we 1-known accountant of this city. ' Mn Mnuninu has A Annilvniu QA1#r` R3- newIOIIIOIOIOIOOlI\ IOCIIIDOIIIIIOIIIIIII IIIIIOIOOIIIO O I O O I I DIIO Peas ` ' ` Bosh hlndqnsi-tars. perow. Beet. toreqnsrters, per ow Hogs per owt.`. .. . gllhtglonipe Dound._ .... .. 8 In . '1. eel per D8i.I.'u....... 'iGOBOD8rlb...... n s n u o - e In !'l`u1'keysperlb............. ; 5...o..u. bsoeoedeesnhuggoen l DOTD...-..-ea-_...-. gllggs per .dozen..... .... .. PotstQesperba.g........... Parampsver bnshel....... ,Hsy perton(new)......... 8trsw pert.on....... : Tallow, Farmer- s Cake. :14 Wool. washed, per b..... Flour, Baker's, per owt... Flour, Family, per cm .. . .l!'lo .Pae . ewt..`. o...`.:.Fe.1 pg Corn_meslperowt......... HIDE , t\__,_ 4... -Mr. Mgrcier has ` denitel 'settle_d his campaign preparations. The iberal Com- 1 mittee opens at;the Clarendon House to- p morrow. ' Hon. Mr.` Joly do Lotbiniere 1 ontors in action again. He will, in company tlwitgh several other politicians, start for a I - ~ n ~ cam ax tour 1n the rovhice. N Tip}: M1! Monngn Iwninunn in AI\"A {Jan IBIS UUIII Ill UIIV PIIIVI-LIVUI | A is said Mr. Mssson refuses to enter the new Cabinet again owing to ill-health. Composition `ot the New Cabin at. The new Ministry was sworn in by Lien- tenant-Governor Angers as follows: ' U Mr. De Bouchervllle, Premier and Presid eirar ' W- ' 1'. Hall, Treasurer. " 1' Mr. L. P.4'Pelletier, Provincial Secretary. ` ` 1\Ir.'Nantel, Public Works. . r. Flynn," Crown Lands. r. Beaubien, Agriculture. Mr. essgrein, Attorney-Genera). There are three Ministers without I}`)ort- 7 folio, namely, Messrs. `L. R. Masson, . O. Taillon and J. Mackintosh. It will be seen that tlie'EngIish have one Minister more in this Government than in that of Mr. Mer- c1er s. " ~ ` ` __, __:.1 LL_`. LL- T..u4n-nan} rlnurnvnnn Rm of fire Flew rcvm All "Parts 6! Bil Body and He aaid "Prn.lse__God `Ten Thousand Times--'l`he Forlner Elgili Book Pedlnr Transfer-_s His Head; quarters From Toronto to Deriot. ' 'I`\ III B A ..-I!._ ` It is said that the Lieutenant-Governor will dissolve the Le ' lature and order a new election. Meanvgle another commis- sion will examine the acts of the recent Ad- ministration. m-ssoLv_m. . p majorit last year at Quebec, and althoug M the ex- dress meetings ` I "will be fouht exclusively on that . call upon in him or if not choose somebody else,whom V he will undertake _to support. A V Nlel.'0IGl"I .l`0l'UUI vs `salsa In point of organization the Mercierites are more advanced than _the Conservatives. Mr. Mercier and his friends have the old tampaign organization, which gave them 2181 remier loses in Pacaud, who is no longer the `party organizer, an able lieuten- ant, still there are many -others willinp and capable to replace him. Mercier wil ad- shortly -at St. Hyacinthe, St. John, P. Coaticooke and SoreL Mr. Mercier will most likely be accompanied in his tour by a numerous escort of phrtisans of all nationalities, the speakers being for French audiences. Messrs. M. Langelier, Bel ue, Tnrgeon, 'M.P.,and Poirier, and for Eng ish audiences Hon. Joly de Lotbiniere, Hon. P. Mitchell and perhaps Mr. Green- shields. In order to open the eld to all those who,di'ering with Mercier in politics, yet -believe that a violation of the constitu- tion has been perpetrated, the campaigg roun SKI: and if, as t e Liberals ex ect, the vatives are defeated,Mr. place as-leader` of the party and them to elect him if they believe resign his ercier announces = that-he will call a meeting of all his friends, no says 0500.000 Was megauy Iiaisea for Conservative Election Expenses. On.-AWA, -Dec. 23.-J. "Israel Tarts, ex- M.P., who is in the city on the Connolly- McGreevy trial, says the people of Quebec are quite alive regarding such acts of ` tyranny as Lieutenant-Governor Angers has committed. He says Angers has been badly `advised and "he is sorry for him. He has c0mmitted'a frightful blunder. It is not a question of Mercier and his government, but of the people of Quebec tomanaige their own affairs. As regards Sir Adolphe Caron H Tarte says: He betrayed me and I will put him completely in the soup before he is much older. I have not told one tittle of- what I mean to prove. uQ........... `Mfg:-niar tn ha anilf.v_ continued what 1 to prove." Suppose Mercier to be guilty, continued Mr. Tarte, who are his accusers? They are men whom I know to be far worse than he-the Federal ministers,who knew of the Langevin-McGreevy frauds, and at whose special request I made my charges last session. Continuing, Mr. Tarte said he would like to know whether Sir A. P. Caron did not A know of somebody else besides Mercier who had signed endorsed promissory notes for election purposes, which he hadvnever been ....1l...-I Isnnn tn nnv. but had been redeemed electlon PUYPOIGI, wuiuu uu lluuvllvvvn Inrvvoo called upon to pa , but had been 'by contractors w_ one action was never re- pudiated. The last Dominion elections had 0 cost the Conservatives $500,000. Where did they come from`! If the electors of Mont- `morenci returned him once more he" pledged his honor. that he would demand an investi- gation and prove that such a snip had been expended, and also show wlearibe a large rtion of it came. He would prove also `that the day before polling at the last elec- tions as federal contractor had arrived. in `Qi1ebec`wi_th' $45,000. to be expended in Tory corruption and that a minister of the grown was perfectly cognizant of that The` LI!-"kin-Connolly Trial. O`1'1'AWA,'Dec. 23.-The case against the Connollys,` Mick` and Nick, and , Hon. Thomas McGx-eevy for conspiracy ete., wae resumed in the Police Court yesterday before Judge Ross. Martin P.` Connolly, bookkeeper of the late firm of Larkin, Con- nolly Gt 00., and R. McGreev, son 0 Robert H, McGreevy, an exile in t e United States, were examined, but their-evidence was of no account. The question as to the admissibility of the Parliamentary Commit- tee e. evidence waeconeidered. Hie Honor` decided to.acce'pt*the evidence, subject . to objections, and Walter Todd put in the `drug ' Rob. of being the aaaunanu 01 an. .I.`l.'a:un n............, I _pay.. master of the .Rideau Canal. Mg. *.&bb6W,' howe\' cr,~ fiils" 'to"identif`y him. IIJUV` glue I'll. . T. DETR h 5 P , sect & `n the nnrthern part. of the clty, on, Dec. 17.--A curious ureligioua urcha.sed a. large number bf pretty ' _ s1 _ . ww1ge11yl1a.ve settled there wxth then-V 1a sgidgr, Michael Kiefer Mi1l_s.. orehousel will be purchased and` the v1cm1tyAma.d.e the headquzu-ters of the sect. The `peop1e'pro__- live in rigid wxth 1---. fn .Bccauu Ho Led the Life dot -3 "Toad Under 3 narrow." - iS'1'n.A'rFon.D, Dec. 23.-Bece.use he thought his wife had bought` a. ddle for one of the children, John` Smith of the Gore of` Dbwnie threw a plate at his wife, in icting I wound on her head which bled freely. ; At the police cpurt to-day Smith declared that he wait a used .men and led the -un e life of a toad-_ _ r a. barrow with hi: wife. His worship decided to impose a fine . and bind the prisoner over` to keep the `l'h`o `Assault on tlio Ridoau Pay Mastr. 0'rrAwA, Dec. 23;--Henry James Cook, tn old;-timer, has beenarrpsted on sun icion of being the assailant of Mr. Frank A bott, --H Ihnnfnli nf th uue DOCK- The Court then adjourned. Mercia-`u Forces Organized. AI, _ `ll --. THREW A PLATE AT HlS\_NlFE. WHAT MR. TARTE sAvs. -u:-jun `swag pol. DWI0u 00 00 00:0 00 `D0!-D0ulld.."....-....u... E ri In 1), ..... ..i*...,,":., W o v 0 o - o o - o 0 o 0 0 0 o n 0 0 00 :h`es_1 to-day d"a" it- Lte anther 9`rnment, ~ :Geeso per lb.............,-........... g lbso 00.00000--c March, 2, `I, We, ;e;;1.w_--:--- .p`1'-il'7 .[' ;-ranowperi.2IIIZZIII:;:ZZZ:2Z""" pe1t.dozen........... Pom perbmlIIOOOlOOlOCIIIIOOOI I. ` . b IO0Ol0l00lOICIlI :l|r1f',m pol:-stg::(ncw)..........;....... ` W IO . per 5.. `.. The 'he our, lI%akn1l"0, 0111', 8 y 0000 0000 00 0: ice: A5`.`:`.:.? :..1`,?3".,$`E.`??f?:::::::::::: _ cornmeal peroWt.. . 0000000000,): 00 00 00 00 RIDES. uni-.5.` AA `I3. -- - IL: -4 'per.D8iI.`."...u.....-nfg-`* ~ ML .I.IuIZ.I.| have Dccu um yyul` UL uuv gg'U U I-l\.,`- ders. It contains [1113 - . kable cordmg to Lhefa.1th wh-pea , Words ac. . , lch 1!; 1s un1a`wfu l to .LL,... LIU V UL` UVUII no n.nnnTn't.no nu-no um 1`o- ronto Hutch During the Wash. Buzmn Dec. 23. 1891. Wheat, ola...............:.....;:o 87 u u o o u - o ooouoouoiuoocdcoo Bu-lav ___________ ., T Oil. . emunux. an parowt..'...... 1. .. Dressed perowt.;?. .. .4 MlItf.I|_ `ha! . nnnnrl BARBIE GRAIN HABKIT. $: countsIoouooonI?nooofo;o.( 11-0ll50l'0W`u'.oo..ooo.o.o. n`:.i i`m'mundu}'nasa-o--cocono pon` n~..... V Chinknnn nnln mi. : V081 lb........_..-...... .... 'per.p`i-rovvou-can-notIlhfv iGT1?-igsgaegai-b1`fffT77TT"""'"""` 'vD|_lI"cr 3......-o..-...-U: I biflooinvooo;oooI0onoJoIDOan permitulna-ccipuoouvounocaon : downoolooonuooo 00000000 Pntnfnm: mun I-snap E Cow or Stoer, Farmer's. Cow or Steer, Trimmed. per owt.. 98011.... Iollolno IOIOIOOO N `1 vedsmwbonolcunooloo l 03011.. no so IDIIIO :00! IO Wheat, fall. per buaho1......`......| Wheat.spr1ng.pe1-bushel Barley pet-bushel ..... mu per:bIIBh6l........-o...-on-no `Peuperbuaheln ....... ........... HBy,DOl't0nu-nu. c o o o o I I uonnoo-can Haw. nnw. nar mn .............. .. .. CU [Ln Olu llllul \Ncu.1 1113 nvcuuwunvu, u.uuua.u5- on the sill of a window on the sixth floor of the tenement house No. 645 Greenwich-. street. His arms were crossed on_the ca.so- l ment and upon ghem rested his `head with the face t.urned'si as thou Yh watch- ing something going on downb e street-,. Hour after hour as the numberless trains sped by the motionless form of the man still reinained. vm -, ,1-.4_.;_,._.. - 4._,.:__..._._ .-.....- _;.....:.....