T-O OLD 42-Iv W . ruazx run. Barrister. Barrie. 8&EL1_? {IF BLEG TBIGITY nonmvwnnn `BLEOIBIO nnur Ann `ATTACHMENTS. `All Diseases curable by Electricity can be` treated at home by the Dorenwend seppliancee. The Dorenwend is the only legitimate Electric Belt made, which fulls the requirements oi! Electra-medical science. It is a complete Body Battery, it has on independent Battery which generates a mild continuous current ot Elec- -Inuu luuhhnnt ahnnknl and mun ha rncrnlnfnd -1'1-IE` _T7V'OBLDA S BEST. enerates mun oonunuous current 01 nico- cit`y. (without shocks) and can be re ated to su the strongest man or the weakes chi!d. gnis a Current of Quantity, not merely a sation current, and the quantity current is the greatest curative. It is a successful treat- ment for Indigestion, Rheumatism, Neural a. Sciatica laumbago, Liver and ldney Trouioles, Weak Back, Spinal Disease. Heart Trouble, Nervous Deblltty, Paralysis, Vertigo. Female Complaints, Impotence, Sexual Decline, I and all diseases of the Nervous and Muscular uvnljamun 1 EYIIGIIII. Remember that the Dorenwend Belt is the vol? latest invention in this line. it was invent- ed y a competent electrician. and ranks as the best in the world. we defy any one to bring proof to the contrary. V - Do not class thiabelt with the humbuz combi- nations of leather and metal, with which the -.n...o-.m In hnlna nnn If vnn wish tn Ax. miss, is not a meal, but just. a rerresuer. And when we had taken part in this simple entertainment, we strolled into the fragrant garden, and loitered among the owers, or wandered away past the elds, all scented with the aroma of newly-mown hay, onto the common, amongst the gorse and bracken, to saunter beneath the grand old trees--the Burnham beeches-- which shaded the heath and ferns. nations 0! leatner and 11181281, wun wnwu um country is bein ooded. It you wish to ex- periment with c esp useless articles. buy them. but it you went to procure a ennine electric belt. and one that will be 0 benet, get a. Dorenwend Belt. Send name and address for Illustrated Book on Home Electra-medical treatment, and men- tion this sper. The Dorenwend Electric Belt an and Attachment 00.. 4 C. H. DORENWEND. Electrican. 103 _Yonge St., Toronto. Can. The Dorenwend Belt is the only one that will stand ex rt examination. Others keep clea. of it. whi e we solicit it . INDIA TINTS, ARTISTS;PANELS, PARIS PANELS, PEEK-A-BGOS. : SUNBEAMS, 1 FINELY FINISHED CABINETS, 9 WINTER SCENES. PH OTOG RAP`HY On th 15th Dec, we will PHOTO- GRAPH ALL BABIES brought to our and will present them with a. beautifully nished Cabinet Photo. Studio Flre, Life And $100,000.00 0. A UIITU I'D!` Uullllolyuvlvu widen -v-_--y--v_- Dr. Silas Lane, whilein "the rpcky moim tains, discovered a root that when -nco_mbinAe' with other herbs, makes an eas and certain cure for constipation. It is in t e form of drw .: roots and leaves, and is known as Lane's Family Medicine. It will cure sick-headache , and is the best Spring Medicine. j For the`. blood, liver and kidneys,` and for `c1earingu'p'~ the `complexion-it `(I968 wonder, = D_r1iggits, . sell it at 50c and'$1'a.'pa.`cka.ge. ' ' ' ` PI 0. ' 0. H. LYON &SON, *1`OE0nII)1a-tuna In unvu: town `,_tl3eahonr..toa 1 `tune . - mum PIPE, Poarumn CEMENT. ' o'oK~A'r"rm s,--Mr. .R.`W. Brigham here- * t by gizoes n:t1i;!.`autl:at-`Iii: 2:3 3 one horse cab to,sn`y*nsrt t.h9't.ov;vn-. _ _. - - tgneuonablo-rate: in d L._... Inn) Olga. lnnnr I-1-I I FREE OF CHARGE, OlDERS RESPECTFUi4LY SQLICITED. .21-1;: % XMAS NOVELTIES Olive Tree: $000 Ye} `\()1 d.H. ` A It is almost inexplicable that~th0fV,595" able olive trees should have survived the ravages of so many centuries of warfare and desolation. "Many of them, are 1mm... 4... I... g_.... 1 znne a..;-+~om'|n wins: AITHRAGITE inn Vnnumnous, Wuter_ Lime, Plaster of Paris, arc. INSURANCE AGENT. Orrxo . . , Yuma Ros_s`B&`ook. Foot of Toronto Strect I nlnnhnnn- APlTA|.>PRE8,_N_1jl_l_.XcEED8 re-vs-a K088 loox. | 005 01 `xorunw ` - Telephone. _ `T3 Atahxs,` C'>1\`r'r. J. F. ucxsou, Accident Insurance. Correspondence Invited. ---Daa1ers ii; December BAHHJE sI_n,_v_e wunxs. We nre now `manufacturing `and carry in stock Stoves of the latest improved designs. cm Aun gaping STOGK Where colic elsewhere; IN SEWREY. fD00nlo"arbuna BARBIE THE NORTHERN Anwmca %-STEAM- "`` UUBOIIUIOII. know u uy Old D to .!.b f:ou M olnd Q1611 : gun;-led, at Y hgllqw, th. UK D|IUIll-_ unw {PRINTING HBIISE, PROMPT AID TASTEFIII. EXEGIITIOI |23 DUNLIIP ST.. BARBIE, "HA8 UNRIVALLED FAOILITIII BIIKANIIJIIBPHINTINE. _~I respectfully solicit an opportunity to furnish estimates for all kinds of work in all the styles of printing, such OARD9' JJJJ L LJZLI \J.I.J.l`\-I \J JJZJUIJ RECEIPTS, CHECKS, ORDERS, ENVELOPES. it A full line at all prices. `NOTE READINGS, LETTER HEADINGS, MEMORANDUMS. WEDDING INVITATIONS, WEDDING CARDS, VISITING 0.43119. MEMOBIAM CARDS, PROGRAMS, ORDERS OF DANCE MENU CARD$ BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS, AT TORONTO PRICES DEEDS, MORTGAGES. GHATTEL MORTGAGES. QUIT CLAIM DEEDS, ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE AGREEMENTS or EQUITY OF REDEMPTION, STATUTORY LEASES. FARM LEASES, RENEWALS OF . OHATTEL MTJRTGAGE. DISCHARGE OF ASSIGNMENTS OF CHATTEL MORTGAGE. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE, ETO DIVISION COURT BLANKS, MAGISTRATES BLANKS, SURROGATE COURT BLANKS: OONSTABLES BLANKS. FOR 1891. Published bf the Proprietor, S. Wesley, Barrio. Copies 25 cent: at the oico ; 00 sent by mail, poltpdd, on receipt of the In the. bed Ono Dolls: Weekly Pnblhhod In the Oonntv of Bimooo; snd hu . tho;hrgeIt.ol1-oulstlon. ' y kmtuy glance-unu wow. . gif I 'mu,st,ha.ve ha.rd,7" A , and felt her tnder -a.z'- i5 F9: ..-:p\ l'\: l\`l1I'I AQIYE Blank Forms of any kind painted to order. maker mnzoronvz lcourrrv or smcos. POSTERS-Pla.ln and Ornamental. --0l' ORDERS 0!` ALL GLASSES 03- STATEMENTS, BILL HEADS, NOTE CIRCULAR8, LETTER OIROULARB f`I`I`I"I'\lIIlV A full line of BLANK FORMS THE NORTHERN ADVANCE DODGERS, FLYERS, Always kept in stock -'---61' mt: MORTG AGE. SALE OF LAND HOUSE LEASE8. SNIPES, ETO. LABEL8 24,1391. ' ' ,:z'_:`gri'nf:* <:1-._"' agptnoas mo IDUDBU LIULIIIJUI. uav uwuvvu `Iv. JV". . the chronicler Machyn continually sets down such a fact as that on this day XII were hanged at Tyburn, VII .-.men and V women. Mai-inela. were hanged at low water at Wapplijz for . o`e_nceI committed at sea ; the good old custom of pillorizing was maintained with `zeal; and the parading of backsliders in carts or on horseback was kept up.` Thus one woman, for selling` fry of sh, unlawfully. rode triumphantly through the town with garlands of sh decorating her head and shoulders and the `tail of the horse, while one wentbefore beating a brass bason. Another woman was carried round, a dlstaff in her hand and a blue hood on her head, for a cmnin-on scold. A -man was similarly honored for selling measly `pork; and another, riding with head to the animal s tail, for doing some- thing sinful connected with lamb or veal. I47 -1 __._-_:_L..-_._A.. ....I_ ..L......., 'i i`r:T;:61 SIi`"n? eth manta, that feeling maymvell hope` for a prosperous `future for induetries of modern V -5-:-,-'-.vzgntsm.-2!!`-5f'!.LV ";lf!'.' oda mto than-> en; oy-K gwe way to `#2 ..i..ni- 97 . - J 55` T?` L V . ;.A0.0.0rding to gne 6f'_~, 1i6i`1~5ti' the Moharqmedgn !'1ii;iou}`_t* in _a"p1cture of `any livingftliiug. ' A annnnnnn Inhn .'nI;l.`...`l -....-.....__ 1..- " '.&"ei:' a-mosque in` Algiers found that thetile s with ghigh the ' building is decorated, yvliich were very old and beautiful,` are adorned with ihts of birds. ,He. expressed much surprise at this, andosked if the `dommand gysinst` such representations werea modeth edict; 3; ng, ,,,, n ,..._...........1-.u`.- _:_.__ Xahme i if astonishment. - `.2 3 , `f Yes, the Mussulmm 1-eplie`q_l;"" but do you not see that shout the`j'>i1eok of each there `is a ne black line `I, `That is to show: thstthe artist. painted only dead not violated. , . birds, and the command-of the Koran is ._ - ' vIr)uc_s`1r mawuz. `A:-nom s"h.ys;_ T ""77f61`if'2273535L"K}3?e3?{'p?33?K'fa:ra3 t0.W1__|0m he_ "~a1dreu'aaf the qijesuion. ?"B:.: :12;:::":,:;::..:1*'::*=i: *'::`;;:. across the tiles, _the'~other said in" some -*.9':i-h932'=- * ' Sir Edwin : Arnold was asked, by, 9,. New York"ac'jnaintanoe the:-other day if mis- sionaries of the Christian religion were making much impressioii on the .Budd- hists of India. He replied withna jilaugh that they were making about, much impression as if any one should$`attempt to perfume the ocean by pouring cologne water into it. He added that while his comparison, might be considered laugh- able, it was a Lserians reflection. of the situation, because there ;. are 280,000,000 people in India, and. each Bnddhist among them has an idea that no `one can bring him any better ' religion than he alreadypossesses. Their attitude in this respect reminded Sir Edward of the two soldiers who were walking along, when one remarked to the other, Yon-are out- of step, Jack. Said the offender, Oh, I am, am I? Well, just .change.your n. William Hamilton .Gibson, who is a trained observer of plants and_ animals, .satised -himself some time up `that as roostermakes the apping noise}...-that ac- companies his crowing` by striking his wings together over his back. V The popu- lar notion is that the bird produces the noise by striking his wings against his hard, fat thighs. Mr. Gibson discussed the subject with a farmer once,- and the latter, laughed _at the artist s idea and said: I ve been brought up among chicken s, and I guess I know how a roosteraps his wings.' `.`Very-good, said Mr. Gibson, but just watch your own fowls for a week," and tell me what you think -then. The scornful farmer promised, and returned at the end of the week with the humble confession , that- Mr. Gibson was right. I An Anthem Dened. Speaking of a_'nthems'reminded me of the twp old Britishwsailors "who were talk- ing over shore` experiences. One .had been . to a cathedral and heard some very ne music, and was descanting particularly upon an anthem which gave him much pleasure, His shipmate listened for a while and then said, I say. Bill, w.hat s an anthem "I" What, replied Bill, "do you mean to say you 'don t.know whatan hanthem is?" Not me. Well then. 1 ll tell yer. If I was to say to3yer, _.`Ere, Bill, give me that 'andspike, that wouldn t be a hanthem, but was I to say, Bill--Bill-Bill-giv-giv-give--give me-give me that-'--Bill, give me--give me that hand-handspike. hand-hand- spike, spike, spike, spike, ah-men,'ah-men Billgivmethathandapike, spike, ah-men !" Why, that would be a hanthem. A `Winn Baby was sick, we gave her Castorta. Whm she was 9. Child, she cried for Castorla. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. when shohud Children. the gsvothun Gaston-ls. Trees Purify the To insure a pure and fragrant atmos- phere, you must. says a writer on the subject, accept from nature those tall, green chimnnys called trees which imbibe and carry aloft into the air those hurtful gases which, if permitted into the lungs and brain, might disease the former and obstruct the delicate movements of the latter. At various points 1n the country may be observed houses which, in spite of faulty situations, are yet generally healthy chiey because they are environed with trees which shelter them from the cold winds of winter and spring and in summer prevent that sudden and rapid evapora- tion which, after heavy rains, may gener- 1 ate disease. a ..j_..._..:._j. W191 Punishment: in the sixteen: `Cont tury. ' ` - In the matzteref punishments, we` hive: entered upon a. time of greater cruelty than prevailed under the Plantageuets Men are boiled and women burned for :`J: l'7' hnmtica are still burned--in The Pamirdiiclilty appears likely to end,el1ke the Afghan difficulty of six years ago, in a commission. This time, however, China will have a voice, with Russia and En'gland,.in determining the boundaries of disputed territorv. This items China and England against Russia. The Czar is in no condition to ght Eug- lsnd alone , and much less- the yast hordes of China, msrshslled'*`byg;Egngluh didsrs; Therefore. for-_' the -pre'sei1t;;`, ,Athe1" e?, {Will `probably be peace, `and R.u'ssia.will` visit her opportunity, when her troops are thoroughly equippedand famine will have ceased to`, drain hemtreasury. The strug- gle between ' England and Rus`s ia'must come; but: R'ussis`1;vill doubtless see, .. _.when it does.coine,,that China : attention. .~ `is engaged` elsewhere: A , _ _ A Lonmsentenoe. ~ Arthur Paul Davie, better known as V`,`, Doe v _ Devievee liberated from King- .eou I`enitentia.r'y'oxi"1`ueedey. Dr. Davis and his .wifeC`were,both'found guilty of `murdering J e'nnie' Giimour, by procuring a`niel)_or.tio)_;i yihich greiulted fatally. Men ind wife were sentenced. to be hinged on Dec. 8, 1875, but both sentences were commuted to. imprisonment - for T life. -r :=.'-. e7`..-*.'.....'<.-'...-mild: now a. Booster Flaps Eta Wings. The Pamtr Dlmoulty. A `o`o.o.oooooo,oVbooooooooo I oo'ooo_oooLooOoooooooooo' aft) IJULIUI-A Ilu\a vvvnaavna vuusavva Avn poisoning; heretics are still burned--ln 1635 one than suffered for denying the divinity of Christ ; ears are nalleq to the pillory and sliced off for defamatxon and seditious words; long and cruel whip- pings iuicted-in one case through Weat- minstelf and Londonfor forgery. An im- menae number are hanged every `year: -L.._,..\.-Inn Nrnnhvn nnntinnnllv nah: FOR SALE OR TO REN l`.- The west half of lot No. 18 in the 7th Con of the town- ship of Vespra. 100 acres, 80 acres cleared and under cultivation. .'I`here is 9. good house and burn and othe* buildin s on the place. The property is about mi es from Barrie. For particulars apply to 4.` DUNN, Barrie P.0. ` '8lI.d._fOW`\__8"t6>e"l|tii01,y.fl"O0a Its cause is indigestion and"u' sluggish liver, the cars for which is readily tonnd in the useotAyer s Pills.` 7` I haveionud that for sick` headache`, nuns-AR Jun 1. .u.....a....a nnniltinn A! thin " J. llDV6'IOWll(l."liIl3li 101' BIUIS uuuuuuuq, causedaby a-disordered condition of the staomach,.Ayer a Pills are the most re- liable .xe_med.y.'_'-Sam.ue1 0. Bradburn. Worthington, Mass. .. - uAu. ... +1.- ~ ..*..'.~; no vnmwa pm. cm. ran: uu_'n1_:_nAA'r1c1AN. Early and late withhis pencil and slate He toils" over abgles and squares zl What ca.n t he evolve and what mysteries -` solve, ' For which not anothersoul cares? With homologous lines and queer symbols and signs, - `Hypothenuse, polygon, base; _ With some few trapezoids and. as many rhomboids V .Hedea.1s with a. serious face. ' What cares he for timeiwhen thmgs so VV [ICU UKILDD Any av; v--n-v u .--.- --_-__- ._- sublime As apothegmsnew may take sprout? Equations and such, well, it just beats the Dutch-- How fast he can gure them out. - Percentage and fractions are not his attrac- t tions, i For they are, too simple by far ; The calculus more`, than less difcult Delights this logirithmical star. He may not .more learn from the leaves he A - may turn, V ' So versed in `the science is he ; But one thing doth elude his most scholarly . mood ' _ And lls him with uncertainty : No rules can he nd. in or out of his mind, A i The secret to gain, spite his strife ; Working early andlate he cannot demon- strate * .That- most wonderful problem called. Life. `V VCUQIIIIBVUII, JIITDO ,, , . . J . .`A1ter.the`us'e` `qt Aye`r3s` `Pills for many years, in my practice and family, I am ustied in saying that they are an excel ent cathartic fan liver medicine-u eustainingvall, the claimsmadenfor them. -;N.V.A.V esttgll`, M. D.. V. P. Austin 8: N.HW. Railway Co., Bnrnet, Texas. . Ayer e` Bills are the best medicine known tome for regulating the bowels, and `for all diseases caused. by. a dis- ordered stomach and 1iv:er- I-suffered for over three years from headache. in- digestion,` and constipation. I had no - dintino mvnnlf- appetite and. was weak and: nervous most` of the time. B`; using three boxes of;Ayer s Pills an at the same, time f was comnletelv cured. OIIASOVS -.|.'l anu av uluhauusq-. uuuu dietinfm , was com lately outed. 1 km % ,7-..Phi._ p H V_ od`;.'.l`9_p_eV ,f'Kansa's.` 0u'b1_d 101"years with indi- `ge oh, ondtlptln, and headache.- A `few boxes`of5Ayer s Pills, used in small daily doses. urestoredl me to health. They are mm 1; and eectlve.-W. H. Stroht, ea.d_v le, Pg. Ayetis Pills A 31$ `. Dr. J. O; Ayer &;co.. Lowell, Mus. ` `s61d`1iy*a1t Drhggibt ind `Damn us Medicine. > Food. `Per Diem` for 0 one Man, Professor Huxley s food table tells how many grains per day each average man of 154 pound weight should consume of solid food. Of lean. beafstealrhe should have 5.000 grains; bread, 6000 grains; milk, 7000 grains ; potatoes, 3,000 grains; butter, 6000 grains, and-water, 22,000 grains. = A man of: the weight mentioned above will have 68 pounds of muscles and their appurtenances; his bones will we1gh.2' pounds ; skin, 101} pounds ; fat, 28 pounds ; ..brain, ..3.pounds; thoracic viscera, 3% pou,nls ;_,abd,om'rnal viscera, .1],-'pounds_ ; blood, 7.pou_nds.v _ ' VUHI. l`l1e cruelty of punishments only shows that the administration of the law was weak. In fact, the machinery for enforc- ing law and repressing crime was growing more and more unequal to the task, as the city grew in numbers and in popula- tion. The magistrates sought to deter by the spectacle of suffering. This is a deterrent which acts benecially only when punishment is certain, or nearly certain. `The knowledge thatnine crim- inals will escape for one who is whipped all the way from Cbaring Cross to New- gate encourages the whole ten to continue in their evil ways. Men are like children; if they are to be kept in the paths of virtue, it is better to watch and prevent them continually thanto leave them free and punish them if` they fall. Rut this great law was not as vet understood. u_ll1ll0_n0e_ OI `DRIED: A}: 19 lgl.lU lllIlDlI|_wI.Ivv of woman coming to the help 9f the intelli- gence of _.mgn_. I am . ntyterly fuuvfble to see hOW_lil co1i1ragi_e|hipinftho;L%xhaha.ge- `-mon_t gqt atom it1;er` loyvfet the` i i'nnA'I| " ' -` ` digniy`.`of1i:_ n"x1`L*ppfunsx thg na.turo_ (if 170, ,, Did you ever buy a. horse and not have some misgivxn s as to his points till they are fully tested? 1 01: so` with Aye:- s earsapa.ri1la; `you may be sure of it at the start. It` never disap- poits thosewho give it 9. fair and persistent +',;n.__:` , ' 1; .1 s scomplamc ttontwhiau may enter > nn In-an nun` Ali-Cd`? MA`. `'12: Anna` ~ Women Have Sdlnothlnz To Say.` J uatin . McCarthy, TM. P- writing of women in .Englia_h. .poliI;iqa,; a_sy|_:,-- _`.`_Wo- man ia,_Lco;ni_x_1`g`;f_orwa"1'@,* becguse the huf -omthina to us which 9h9:f91!_ to be; i'a`.id.` Thin his the._at1jict_pl'y. Alegsitinnte i'1_xHAnej16e_ of `woman. I} it th_e`i_nte licence .2 ___'.-.. ....}..-..- 645: I-ha kn`n A` fh iEMlJI.sIII |--Ivupu-Iuuw VI -uyuv ulllul UU|l_ ID almost as palatable as milk. A MARVELLOIIS FLESH PRODUCER ` It is Indeed. and the little lads and V lassles who take cold easily, may be fortified against a cough that might `prove serious. `by taking Scott's ` I the winter season. V V Beware of aubati nations and imitations. y 8001"!` & _BOVlNE,-._BeIIevllle. Emulsion after their meals during :.'t"pu'z$` dad Lmrou with Hypo- 1 phoephltes -of Llme and soda` lo alrnn-6 an nalabakl Ann -uulll. uv _= I- .*TE1E..1`I9.R1fHERN ADVANCE Enjoy It. j:_jV.j,n, An ED311311 Tea. Whilst we import fresh innovations fmu the British isles, why do we not oftener emulate that universal tea' which would be such a blessing to the burden-bearing housewife who wishes to be hospitable ? Not oral teas, although there is often a wealth of owers, but 'ust those every-day friendly affairs, to which any chance visitor is cordially in- vited without ceremony, and with which any of us who have landed on Albion s shore" are familiar. With the advent of that cup which cheers," formality, is banished, and there reigns a sudden pleas- ant social harmony. Am.........a. ....... .mn.6_n1nnn-hail Vrcnnllnn. Children A IT.` 1'1: ADVAN CE |vAusnaLE+=-L1 % ('row1Ti~'1'>RorER`1`Y)W i F 0' R sAiLE % 0 HEAP. . awn-V . mat1oaora9tLots_2.`in7thcon. Towxsmp or Gonnox-D1s'rmo'r OI` Amonu Lot 19. West Range, 100 acres. | NEW PIANOS lPIANORRil"I% 1%`1TNlR| Action AND mus lIEI:ll|.A1'0R.. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. VAJso Planes that have been in use always on . hand for sale. u L BUUHIL uulsusuuy a _ Amongst my most-cherished recollec- tions is the picture of a low-ceilinged room, with windows wreathed with .trail- mu vines and owers, opening. on`, to a trim lawn in a sunny garden,` set down amidst the identical scenery of which eMr. Black has given us such a graphic pic- picture in Kilmeny." A laughing, in- formal party, we gathered round the `Lovely, silver-haired, rosy-cheeked host- (-83. There was no bringing together of fashion or display; andyet. as the soft air raised the lace curtains, and waited a fragrance of roses and mignonette across the table, with its old silver and shining china, how delightful it all was! There was no effort to tire the hostess either, if she had been obliged to attend to the pre- parations with her own hands, because therewas nolgrouping together of visnds diiiioult to make ready, no variety of cakes and other things which we too often display when we have guests, as if the ceremony of meeting meant the sampling of cookery. , There were wafer- like slices of. bread and butter, is _Ma- deira cake, delicious raspberry Jam, some sprays of water-cress, and plenty of corn versation and merry jest. for as an old English woman once observed, '.l`ea,` Illla, is not a` meal, but just a refresher." ., _- 1.-.: ...I-..... .-.....a. in Hui... -'I-`he R-e;airing of Fianosva Soecioity. Salesman for F. BROOKS Messrs Heintzman 85 Co. 51 Elizabeth St. 117 King St.. W.. Toronto. Barrie- 27' \BX2C2EiA`2.lE3.-iu MADE Bth Qou. 10 acres. West 1 Lot 19, Con. 13. . All of part Lot 2. in 1th 0011.. east ofrallway. lloaoree. 1`:- . . , . . , W. '5 Lot 14. in 6th Con.. 100 acres. Lot 1, Gen. 6. 100 acres, except south 10 Lots. 11:13 Con.. 200a..~.1-es f Tqwnsnm or Run. ouumo Comrnr. Let 10. Cenceeslon " B5 102 acres. Lot 8. Concession "C. 100 acres. \ II`V`Tl\b A I?! III A. I1vI\'rtMI-I-llI- GROSSLANIPS RESTAU RANT Removed` [BANK on commnw. I-L` L` ADJ Alli s.m1r= _t18.Son.6.100a.cres. Wont R`nnI-an 1`I'.nl-. `II! (`An 9 i'"':`:"aores," 1` r`rJ"1'6t:l'i`,33"2na 9 u no u s. W. 1 Lot 7, Con. 9. Pupil of H. M. Field and W. O. For-ayth (Late of Leipsio and Berlin and now teacher and Lecturer in the Toronto College of Music.) W H ' . _" -'1/6 acre. Lot 16, south Davis streqt. 1'v__.__ . . Beneath eac ` -3 "" ~ '-' 3' `;.."- s`:7 2 Ii`! n6'i"nIi{.' ~ ove comes back to me sme one I gent-,l - er . ., ., W" `W y 1.? wave of megggpy-15 e my mother thqte ' ~_;-is kin'dly glance-and vbnd. " if 'must.h9'V, h_8-1'53} _`;: Iaeem t- 3 with every 1;. ..nmn8 Park lots 5 and s on the mat g ot-Lot22, in xh Gnu- m n.m-an- . 7-"-V _ VWillAbei1 1 A . Barrie Every Tuesday and Wednesday} For terms. &o.. address Aurora, or care of Queen's Hotel, Barrie. ` ' THOROUGH `INSTRUCTION GUARAN TEED. T A`! L` THAT PRETTY ROUGHGAST COTTAGE. 132 Elizabeth St.. Barrie. having stone foundation. od cellar. hall. 6 rooms, pantry, closets, and soft water. smk, large lawn, d . t bl to. A 1 to _ gar an new 8 8 es 8 C. W.p'ZAXTON. us an Dnwwlnfnn `Rn:-1-IA, DOMINION PIANOS. AND OBGANS AN!) AMERICAN PIANOS. -Unexcelled in Tone, Touch and Durability. Inspection solicited. Always pleased to show goods. Large stock always on hand. .1... 1.4 .-.0 nmmi nnnnn-11nn inqtrnmnntn tn guuuu. Jauxgu wuvun u. u u, .. V... ....__.. A130 101; of good second-hand inst1:uments to sell on easy terms or to rent. , 4_|_ ..`-I_I- -1 u.-L nlnnn `unsung u-run:-human B611 Uu vuu; uvuu.-u V- .v -~..__. Large sale stable 01'. rst-class horses, young, drivers and heavy horses. Sound young orses taken on instruments. , ` 1 Ofnce. Warerooms. and stables. Corner Owen and. Sonhia. St. Barrie. ld0HN 0AB!-_EYel `rm-h: BOAT BUILDER. - Boats for hire 1) the hour. day, week or season. ' Yaehtseh skih builttoorder. New and second-hand skiifs always in stock. All work in his line done withneatness and de- toh, . _ v qplgnat house `a. few steps east or the Railway toh, goat house fewntopa Station, and at the oot1 Street. --' 1] very Kllluly glnuup-ugu rfeetis as musthavq hdargf Her speak, felt. -ga: mm. all the love of o1g1en_ da.)_'s._ wilcnan or gggrqnpnn Iiamouv CJEIIHIEO Dacron, th Lot `W tEooles~at. ot24o1:'t?PEnI z:ll;teths11:oet.ea , `II_V._. For Sale or to Rent. " " i:7"i~r'35{, A{fL'Fia'v75E:'ian1'; `Rn:-rlnfni-n, .6 42 1:! WM. sn-uaawooo. F- 3R9K$s G. O. FORSYTH, s Igyehgll olden days. V And [am moved to take her hand,` A . And tell her now I understand. " ow tired she grew beneath the strain Of feeling every lovecl one _s pain ;~. _ 0 further burdens couldshe` `hear; The promise of that land morefair A , Alone could tempther from her child.` And now if I couldwkeep her here, 7 ' ` - 0 sacrice could_ be too dear, I No temperetilwlnd for her too mild. Then I would_ sheath and kiss her -face, And by her side take my old place . - ` And sob my years and cares away. he tears I have so long repressedj ~ Would lose their ache upon her breast ; Ithink if I eould feel her touch once more, it would not mattermuchv . How sunny 01` hW dark the day.- i [love each mother that I `see That brings my own so near to me ; For though I uevermore ma frame Upon my lips that hallowe name To any who will draw me near And answer me with warm caress,-gs As long as there are mothers `here, ` `A No child can be quite motherless-. I __?.o..-_-_-: eak, and I8ll5.l.18l.' wnuar fguzga