mcwnesoue scenes _A'r A-. CAMP-- MEETING DOWN` SOUTH.` I110 IIUVIIU vv\u.J vv- v--c On Saturday, 5th, there was We. terric gale on the lake.` Captain Forte says` he never saw the water in Collingwood harbor rougher. nu -re 1 r|'7,._J_.. ._-_.-..I-.. J.L..4- bl... There was a. Dunkard teacher from Pennsylvania at the Dutch gettlement last week. Meetings were held Thursday, Fri- day and Saturday nights. ' D `I `I (`I T.` I--- 'I____ ______ Collingwooo. make: out to have afsvmall re about every week. er`! ;I_ __._- _.-_ - a...'...:A.-. nu:`1n U119 vuvnv vvww um-rrl av. -- -v-_ -_ -,, IUIIHIIBL I The Lindsay Warder remerks that the Trent Valley Canal is one of the public works of the near future. --J w-.-- -v-~v------J _.-_-_. A court 0 the I. O. F. has `been. organ- ized at New Lowell. It is called Court Kinnoul. The village can now boast of having these orders :-L. O. L., I. 0. F. _._.'I A TY [IT 1;'fili M .01 and A. . U. W. Edward Linley, of New Lowell. fell from or rather with a. scabld a. little while ago and received severe injuries. He is gradu- ally recovering. \-r .. rv 0 n ,_, .1--- _-`L--'I _:II u--.J - uvv - v- --.n. The Nottawa. Union Sunday school will have a. big entertainment tomorrow the 18th inst. l _ _ - .. _. `says thefe is a. chance for a good `boarding house in that place. A on In .1 IIIUII nnnuvu A switchman nanied. John Coey was so severely injured on Tuesday afternoon at the Beeton station that he died in a about half an hour. To oblige a brakeman he lun- dertook to uncouple some cars when the heavy wooden beam which works the brake suddenly loosened and springing back caught his foot and the advancing car bore him down. He was dragged some distance his foot slid along when it was caught in a frog and the leg torn from the body. -11 I ,I,,,-__,_1 .___.. IIGVW ITCLI IIIIUIU I'll IIULAIUI Close to the pulpit is the mourners bench. not. more than 9. foot in height. There are several penitents, niuscly women. They are all kneeling in front .~f it and look as if the were trying to stand on their heads. t seems incredible that anybody can maintain the et.t,it.nde long, but some of them have been there since morning. Anni HA any-vv\nu in ul\nnf fn knn:n Ln} 1: --v1?exft Q;-:'el-:'_Hti1'e_r-ev's"i_l-l '1': f_rom`| Beeton a. couple of cars of live stock loaded in four decked cars. rt An evil disposgd person threw: a. stone through a. $15 pane of glass at Alliston the other evening. Still he is not yet in 529.01. A 1--rnn 'c'.;.,;g.:s;;2;.c;;{i5e;.;g.;;,: 711031; 3. vain. able colt last week by its falling into an open well on the property of `L. Johnston. In t `I I I ,, ,`I,__J --- v- V--- `.-- -_ -4 -_ _. . ____--_ Navigation on the Muskoim lakcga closed last week, the last boat going to Bra;c'ebridge on Monday. 1-r I \ . 1'\ Hope was organized at Brace- bridge last week and 100 names were en- rolled. It; is reported that nickel ore has been found in the Township of Wood about twenty miles from Bracebridge, and that it is richer in the valued metal than any found at Sudbury. `l".___ _____g __ -_: 22-4 A__ n-..._-n 4`..- If you \;ant ow at or Bonnet for Xmas go to FIIFEPS. l Fort-y-ve candidates for teachers cefti- cates presented 7 themselves at the examina- tion at Bracebridge last week. ' "1 U n 1 I I I I I , `,_-,- WiA_'i*.i1g steam?! into Niidland harbor last Monday. received her load and steamed out again The harbor is still clear of ice. It 7 I _- - o Mr. Longeway, of the 14th concession of Tecumseth, whose house was burned a few days ago lost a. good deal The family were all es'eep at the time and escaped with scarcely any clothing. There was an in- surance of $400 which will be some help in his misfortune. IIUGLI IIllUlU Dlllblz llllll Hilla- Another sermon is about to begin, but 3 ` very important preliminary has to be at- tended to by the coal-black brother who stands solemnly behind the desk. He speaks of the expense of tting up the grounds, the necessity of raising more money than has been contributed liitlierto, and adds: MD...-Lint." Th. ..-.H...l An I11.` I>...:..7a- Az. A VFAIR wannma. I This office has a long list of debtors, whose l accounts have been repeatedly rendered, but stillremaiu unpaid. This refers to suhscrib- ` era for the paper and for oice work. Our` long suffering has been abused, and our` patience is exhausted 4` We therefore have` resolved to offer at public sale, all such ac- ' counts as are not settled by the last of January, 1892. The names and amounts will be published some weeks before, so that -any one who can see a bargain in the pur- chase can take advantage of it. . Dead-beat- ing this oce is played out; Reasons why the Encyclopaedia Britan- nica Revised and Amended is preferable to the original Encyclopaedia. Britannica : I Tina Of]-\ nr Io}-nuf nrlitinn n G-Ln UII9 VI I`llIIII \tl\ItJX`I`C J)`-IINKIIIIIUQ 1. The 9th or latest edition of the Encyclopaedia. Brita.nnica.-the greater portion of it-- is from eight to sixteen years ,old, and is entirely behind the times. n rn1__ 'm4-__-1-__-,1_-- -n -. - l\.I 5 2. The Encyclopaedia. Britannica 9th! edition is too voluminous as well as too classical for any body oxceptin college rofessors and scientic men, an entirely eyond` the reach of the ordinary indi- vidual. V 3.` The Encyclopaedia. Britannica. 9th edition contains voluminous articles on _hundreds `of subjects in which the public P%11_1-Sh. V61Vj9"15.[%C3i`P915. Kid, and all kinds in all sizes. Fl N BS1, ETC" Enoyolopn Ma Britannica. moiiatef Christmas ,,,gn L- L..I.1 :. ll IJUUII \.3\lllIII.I|I|.|LGl| ULDIIUI DU, GNU GKIUBB Bruddern,I'sca1lcd on o` twic t disz mu.wnin' fur a collection. ou s gib me 19 dollahs. We xnmst raise 50 dollahs to-day", sho`! Now, my chiI`ern, gib me a. good col- '?B_'ES Low AT { D "t - . the*newZ'?3i%?5. " "```' ` ` bemg lled wxth cheap Mantollngs and Sealees. Newbress Goods. Latest st les and mod t ` , Weed and Sergza Goods. erase pmes See `"1 heavy ` 3 4 `Full lines of Gloves, ashmeres and Wool Hose_ i Our Furnishing Department is complete; Choice Ties rlatest -cuts in Linen Collars. Cheap Underclothing Ready Made Cothing, Hats .nd Caps. - Uheap-Cottons, F lannels, Table Linens, Towelings, Have just passed into stock a. 1a1 e h colored Flannelettes which We are clearing o1S1t1i:)lI1]:;1)t. of dark JAMES VAIR. Our stock is large and cannot be surpassed for variet and close prices. . - `Bibles, Testaments, Prayer and Hymn Books in endless variety. A complete stock of Books for Sunday School Libraries and prizes, also Toys of every description for Christmas Trees. V Christmas Cards and Booklets in great variety. we HAVE Fancy Leather Goods, Portfolios, Purses, A Ladies Companions, etc. 1 LARGE . ASSORTMENT Plush Goods,_ Toys, Games and Picture '," T Books. lnction on, so hlp me God I ll not a.sk_ yo fur any more onto]! 7 o'clock dig ebenuf. TEA vnnr`n A` Hffn an n"'nnfinn h: n SOOTT S BOOKSTORE. The ADVANCE from now Sc-,ott s Bookstore. has no. interest. __ , 1 A.fI'Il,1'.\ 4.` The Encyclopedia Britannica Revised and Amended contains every articlethat is contained in the original Eucyclopmdia Britannica 9th edition, but the voluminous articles referred to have been abridged. V and you get in a nut-shell all that is con- 3 mined in the original work. ` i K Thn mnnhninnmin III-:fnnn:no Dnvrhsna ---- 1:: uvwwwtu The market all last week was active and a rest deal of produce was purchased from armors. ` Mr Milne is our chief pork buyer and he has a. much larger stock now than he usually has at this time of the year. Satur- dav was :1 ann.-I suim-n an Ann uuuuu; man an uuxa uuuu 01 Due year. 68-011!`- day was a. good avera. e day. The prices on t.he_mar et; square were as flllcll II-I UIIC III IBILIQI VVUI 10 5 The Encyelopaedia. Britannica Revised and Amendedc has been written and cor- rected u to date and contains not only the latest ingormation obtainable, but statistics of every country, city or town in the world worth mentioning to 1891. I-1 Tho 13nnt1n`nI-uonraio `II-:l'nn|v:nn Dnuv:un.I VVUI Ill VVVLIILI IIIVIIUIULIIIJE II`, 10010 6. The Encyclopaadia. Britannica Revised and Amended contains 4,000 biographies of the living men of our times not contained in the original Encyclopaadia Britannica. The original Encyclopaedia Britannica does not contain the bio raphies of such men as 1 Gladstone. Bismarc , Sir John McDonald; 3Gen Sherman, Gen. Gareld, Hon. Geo. Brown, and a host of others, because they happened to be living at the time the book was published. ` . II II, , 1- -Is 0. 1 1-. yu IILIBII C`-Io 7; The Eucyclopaedia. Britannica Revised and Amended is in price within the reach of the great mass of people, while the original edition cost the subscriber from $120 to $200 per set. i 42-tf II\I V VI `ll-I`): Now while some brudder sin 3 us a sweet song, says the preacher. we 11 pass the hat. Brudder Green Sanders, wxll yo` pass the C`lumby County hat 2" _ 'Sho l ejaculates Brother Sanders. Brudder Johnson ll curry de S wanee County but. ' T2:-At`-mar In`-unann. rnvnvnntlu nhnonta flan until J a.nua.ry% 1, 1893, for Hakka: Notes. Holiday Goods A CALL SOLIGITED. Both7r11's New Block, % % ALLANQALE. auu. G llllllily VVUIIIUU. u.uurc5u, Mr. Batten has proved himself to lo 8 excellent teacher and has won the respevt and esteem of his pupils. He has heen en- gaged as teacher of the Stroud Pubhc school for 1892 and we heartily congratulate tllf` trustees and people on securing the servxcesel of 7so eicient an educator. `KI nu] IUUVCG IJIIUKJII ` `.7 UIIIIIE |II_ `IIJI3IIIII Q The mode of 11ft,m do c l'ect1on 1s a novel one. ` ' ((\Y_._ __.\,!I_ ,, _' I,,,II,, ,! '-The Barrie and Allandale Ministerial Association will meet in the Y. M. C. A rooms, on Monday next: the 21st inst._ at 10 30 a.m subject for consideration, l rIS0 Reform, introduce` by Rev. D. D. McLeod. j*-s under:-- Wheat, 88c. to 90c.; barley, 40c. to 50c.: rye, 84c. to 86 , oats, 30c to 320.; pease. 60c to 6lc.; h&Ys$7.00 to$8.5) a. ton. ; straw, GA Kn On m an inn. 11131;` `\;n(`r1II9l1'fPT_ Presentation and Address. At the close of the Public school term, the Eupils of Principal Moran s class. who 113 een under the instruction of Mr. Batten during the Model School session, pr_esenLed that gentleman with an elegant slmvxng C350 and a. nicely worded address, no `Raff-nvu Lu-an Iulvluivnt` I-\v.rv\nn" fn l`P. wuvu In: Us. um vuvv I/vqvu-UJ u uunu, uv---~ v ` $4.50 to ,8. ton; beef, hiudquarters, $6.00 per cwt.; forequarters, $5.00 per cv;vt._; l mutton, 8c. 9. lb ; pork, $5.00 to $039 nan nnrf o frunlrntva On n Inn 'nDl` LI IIIUDBUU, O0. 3 ll); POTK, @U.UU LU C"-""" per cwt.; turkeys, 9c. to 10c per 11%; geese, 5c. to 60. per 1b.; ducks 50c. er pair; fowls, 50c. 600. a. pair; butter, rols, 16c. to 19c. per 1b.; tub, 15c to_ 166-; eggs, 17c. to 18c. per doz; untrimriied hides, 3&0. to 4c. per 1b.; sheopsk1r_18x 700. to 90 a piece; potatoes. 30c. to 306. per bag;apples. $1.25 to $2.00 9. barrel; wood, $3.25 to $3 50 per cord; Anthra- cite coal $6.25 per ton. $3.25 per half ton I Bituminous coal $6.50 per ton, $3.50 per half ton. December 17, 88 Dunlap-st. 7, 1891. \JU\-|lI VJ uwv. Brother J ohnson- promptly accepts the responsibility. _ Now we 11 hub 11 Madison County but. c Village Mi ` voice gem. VVC h` voice Mr plain` Them 4 C By M. `tnlifow we"ll County but, en a. Georgy hat, as I see a. heap o` Georgy people hyer. Yes, on we'll hub at Jackson- ville het. En Bruddel` V Gaut.ling--a - teacher from Key West, weighin nearly . 00 pounda-- will be collect.or-a.t- ehge en, 0 outside with 9. luhge he-t. Now _you, x-udder Gambling. kg) oo ebery white pusson in do pavilion en gi `em my best rega.hds.. A sweet singer starbeal up: - ' L Ride on,'Jesusl - ' Ride on,'kuh-onkerin King! ` Want tn an in hnavnn In 5: mnwnih'l V show demo into work the t clad, voice -Al till by 0 uses. `cont fyin [11 Ill Purs am! oh Datei pass Brot lmm Hlg V Mu ford Ion, HM` man In I` uluull M C} bi ad R0 31111` The diiforent hats are now circulating through the audicnce with deadly effect on ' the emaciated pocketbooks, and when the singing hacoeuod the preacher grgoly a.n-- nounou: - A I = ~ - ,!?Yo.v;nn_t .dollah beta , we go 39; hosvon in do" murnin, .'?v " " " ' ` . VAno&l:orh'IoIgg::>|AI;;;Iut on lt'n.puugo.A ft?" in h by awu m 11 me had int 'l'hLe ins Mr pm the 0 poor sinner, yo` better begin! Do do` he shot an yo kuint git in! T . Chorus: Bids on, Jesus, etc. times longer--and is attended by all the brethren and sisters for miles around. The railroads frequently give reduced rates of fare. and the crowds that ock to the scene, particularl Sundays, are im- mense, picturesque an perspiring. . The colored camnd-meetmxz of which it is now van, ,1: vwuauo iiide on, kuh-onkeriu Want to go to heaven in e muwnin l You pray for me, . I f r I ` orus: p{1'&' o..",f;2.`i., ow. I'M: o.u.m:n on Y(' 1'W1t!r.' GOOD-BY, CITY 0!` BABYLON. V evidently 5 favgrxte, to: it is gepegfed at ` great? lbngth: V `nu-.r;_I ._ .;_x,. ;_A.__- n#- _; .1- |.._.._:._9 _A ; aoiif mgfih down` are up do harm` * at V59 V 1'51 UUWII III` III, IIU V Sodom, ~ ; ` - Groin toreindownrte _ _ Goin to rain down re, . c . -. : Groin to rain down rre at 116 -rbuminof Sodom I IIIIl'IuICl{ III I God donetole yo by do rainbow` . ; heads, the. gleaming Rein dow'n,re_! e l ` _ No mo water, but de re next time. Rsindownrel. v ' - _ Followed by a chorus of Rain K down . tire, till the air seems very sulphurous. 1 E1 it had not been fur Adam ; tall ' ` _ We would not hsbto die at all! Take dat hypocrite-ef /yo` dare. En yo will hear him cuss en swear. Chorus-Rain down re! As the excitement increased the bobbing of heads became euersl. -t The 'ple _stood up on the enches. their min keeping time to the music, while the handclapping was tumultuous and far- res.cliing.o The rolling eyes, the` jerking ~ `V teeth-,. the gro- ' ` tesque bodily contortions, produced an in-` r 1 describabls effect `on the beholder.` They sang the son on their hands, the clsppino of the palms ein continuous, like the rol of a drum, in sbso utely perfect`time,' while ; high above it the roar of the voices in "a frenzy of excitement was like a. Nia. are`. It is hardly necessary to say t at the one mo dolla.h yes lifted. 15--.. LL- ..__...-_ -- _`I.---4. L- L....:.. YIVLA |ll'UlllUv Yes, my breth et'n, on we are deprived of ouzrrights ! [Yes`! Yes !]_ We. t git justice in de co,. .ts. -En all dat makes us cndu it is de hope dab we'll see a. new % heaben en 9, new earth ! 'I'T___- LL- __...._-._ -_ ..._.._`I_. _`I_____._._ A ' U119 suu uuuanll win IllVV\Ie But the sermon is about to be in. The colored Talmage reads his text: A nd Isaw anew heaven and a- new earth.-John xxi., 1. He begins slowly and im ressively, but soon warms up. - Pious ejacu ations on the part of his hearers become -frequent. He raises his voice and they row more numerous and impassioned, unti a cease-j less undercurrent of Amen! Yes!"- Lord, help! owsalong beneath the re- - sistless torrent of eloquence that pours from the speakei s lips. The seventy-ve preach- ers on the stage back of the pulpit are shouting, _weavin to and_fro.and the excite- ment is tremen ous. The speaker rushes back and forth, waving his hands `in frantic gestures, the perspiration rollin from his ' ace, and his voice at its hig est pitch, roaring like the rush of mighty waters. A sister springs into the air with terric screeches, ops madly about and is` grabbed by several other sisters who vainly try to hold her. ' ____):._:-.-_ _m..4. :. .....-.l.......I 1.... LI... HUI HUI : Aprodigious effect ie produced `by the preacher when he describes the sufferings "and trials of the old days of slavery: ' HA4 ..;.;.1.o. mu nln mnmmv H1 mnlrn I-no VIIUW IUIIS I \l JJUILI, ill)" I How long! 0 Lord !W?-I;ow long 1" responded hundreds of voices in a. weird kind of chant that is thrilling in the ex- treme. 1117-- ..-._ I.._.:.L)_.'_.. ._ _- _.__' _I-;.._:-._.J LIFTIN A CLEC'l`ION. uuu III IGID U1 UIIU Ulu. uavvu VI. unuvusl o . At night. my ole rammy d make me kneel by her side en she'd pray en groan: `How long ! O Lord, how Ion ! `(Haw Inna-I n I'.nv-JV nut Irma I {AT THE Motmmms BENC3. stalwart prea.cher-t.o put ` a. stop to the tumu1t--rushes up, seizes the orator round the waist, and makesfhim sit down, while the song commences: ' Yo t go under him, Yo cain t. go ober him, Yo cuin t go round him, Yo must go through by do Lamb! - Then begins a. season ob pra r at the altar. and the exerciqes are Eyrolon ed till sheer exhaustion on the part 0 the eadera brings the meetin to 3 close. Than` nnn-uh: u 5` rdu Janna- xiuinng-114:` kn III Illa` I4|I IIICWVIII ' U9 3 \-`Vwo Then comes a oly da.nce,Asucceeded by an intermission for supper, and the scenes of `the afternoon are repeated in the evening, the holy dance that follow; the ui ht ser- vie lasting frequently until daybrea. . Than nvrnnnrlu urn Hnklnol nf ninkl Ln Lung VIEW IIDUIIIS Ilwllhlclllll Qyvll `J1! 3| U53: The grounds are lighted at night by huge lightwood res Aon platforms about four feet , high, made of boards and covered with clay. ` A peripatetic artist with a camera and -a ` "tent does a brisk` business all day Sunday * taking tintv es, and therestaurants and stores are wel patronized. Vast numbers of su ar cane stalks are sold for chewing. The greases of the women and the ribbons and furbelows in which they deck them- selves are always of the brightest hue, and the effect, is striking. Tho nvnv-ninnn has-A Joann-nan` awn managing` VIIU UIAUUUV ID Illlllllss The exercises here described are re ested every day, varying in intensity a.ccor ing to the size of the crowd. The power is al- ways most powerful, so to speak, when it i has the most subjects upon which to exert ` itself. ` 1),_A, -I_- ._, _ ,4!" W, I! ,II,, I IIIUSIILI But the meetings finally come to a. close. The last song is sung, the but passed for the last time, the li hts are put out, the breth- ren and sisters isperse to their homes, the lordly white Floridian make his ` usual sur- cnstic comments on the eisir, and silence broods over. the deserted campground.- Chicago Sunday Tribune. IUCUIIIJU UL Ulla L lull] 5 Ma.ud-I talked wit; him over stho tale- phone the other night. on deahabxllo, . ' ' Ills Pretty `rypowrltox-_, "I used to have the sweetest, prottient little typewriter in the world, he said with I. mink . Ethel-Wh are. you do ubushed ih xhi presence of r. Plumb? A ; V Mn|1A_T fnllrntl |ni.l\ `Hun nuns! thn A`A_ Rellgic-ne tenor of the Colored People Under the Inuence of the 'Po`we:-"- Excitement during the PA:-oceu of Rain- in; One Mo Dollah"--'l`he T" H911 Dance." but became of her?` inquired his sym- putheticfriend. - - _ - ; V ~ nh I l'lIn,IIIIt` MAR GUI!` kn n3d`nnnI again I Ch: "lay--TI am boss bf my. own house. Pen ocked-.-"'1`hen `your yvifo 4d0:`I`l,'v`$.,V |m1> I at 40-I h1 -`V her, uni he`sigheTd.o.gain more pmfoundly yhan before. ` V ` VQIJWII II IIWVV CGI III] 5 Here the uproar is simply deafening. A L - n}. vxowfotn. ley-I boss of own 7 p.I!IlV.kI.-""`hOli `unnls -38- AAA-n My God is so high, T So high! ` My God is so low, So low! Hamlbn Modosty. |anIr1m awn-msrklut llkhns. - `-53 T jUT C1CT3m* - v.- -_ _ cranks for Advance Readers WI: -lake `rho In-row` of the lost. County sawing bees are the order of the day at Sandhook. V . _ Ann" 51550 \JIvvn v yaw -ya-..-..-v-. ` 1, 5 J 3 Business is humming at the Thompsonville grist mill. T . ` n _., 7,: 11... J 11--.`! -__......`l....A Th'e- man who hasnever been a specta- tor at a colored? camp-meeting down` South when it was runnin at` full pres- sure, with the emphasis al on and the breaks all oil`, has missed a sight worth going through the ram if necessary a `long istance to see. The religious fervor of the 4 Southern black when the power has taken possession ot him would drive a sawmill if the energy expended could be utilized in s mechanical way. The camp-meeting lasts generally about ten` days--some- `L-an Iain ICU Iuuunnunuv , ..... -Mr. George Bellmore, aged 98 years, died the other day at the residence of his son-in- `Ia_w,V Mr.eGeorge Bray, Sandhook. -_ _ L LL- IIVL -..._..;-_uo:l`A Rev. Mr. Savage, of Bond Head,'prea.ched missionary sermons last. Sunday in connection with Thompsonyille and West Essa. circuit. Many gathered to linen` to the earnest sp- peals of the rev. speaker. _;__4;.-___ 2_ "`-LJ..._.I---u canton `Ian 1 rvscnw vo you-4 any v u wrv--v- - T Election matters in Tottenham, sa s the Sentinel,. are very quiet. `Messrs. earn ? and Greenaway are out hot for the reeve- j ship, while Mr. Coleman will defend his l 'osition in the council against all comers. 1 %eyond this all is silent as the grave. 2 Last Thursday morning, says the Orillia News Letter, some erson took the storm windows off Mr. gortuguese residence, William street, raised the windows, re- moved the plants` which lled it, and enter- ed. None of the family were awakened. The sum of $45 was stoli. ' ,,4 4...: __.A 22-..`---p I-n UAVP'l'I18ID`B'!'A,8lc()` l_:'AL1ll.J nxshixbr . txcmn NGIS A8 noon. Nnws. Luv nuua v. 75:: nun. w... The chm. out ind `en Ilonloryv In town at J; IIFE98. .:;n 1'? 1_,,,_ LL- -u.-_ .3-.. IIIVUII GI do 1' 35'.-rue 1 .4." A John Newby shot a lynx the other day in a swamp near Sebright. He came across two of the `f varmints while hunting and the one he killed sprang from the ground to the limb of a tree full fteen feet. From tip to tip it measures ve feet, stands 26 inches high -and weighs about fty pounds. Taxidermist Sutherland, of Orillia. says the lynx is a very rare animal in that part of the country, and the one shot is N above the average size. 1 u_2 .... _...'-._.. ` -vw `noun--uapv-aw w---.--... Thg crew of the City of Midland r_e- % sented Captain Bassett a handsome c ock ` -at the close of the season and an a address 1 showing the kindly feelings that exist between them. The captain made a suit- able reply. T ' A I` l\,I_, ,__ _ 11--. _A___..._2__I___-' 4- ------ su- Mr. Orton, th: teacher of the Model school, Bradford, was presented. by the students with an easy chair at the close at the session. ` '1`.heTSTunday scbool of the church of the Good Shephevd, Ssayner, announces for 9. ` musical and literary entertainment. AC- we II D IJIVIIQU, FIUUIIICDIIUU (ll|\L Ulylllll 0 The colored campt-meetmg of which it is the purpose of the writer, with some mis- givings, to attempt a. description, waif held Lbout two miles from a city of some com- mercial importance in Eastern Flor-idn. VH1... ~....:........I ....-...ol...~.. `only v\`nn1n :0` g -wvvvv cu.` -. ._..c. ..._v. Collingwood has pigeon thieves among itsmdishonest sneaks. _- _v`.-_ - \4 `Mr. A. C. Osborne, of Peneta.nguishene,. delivered a. lecture in the Methodist church , of that town last Friday on Darkest Africa, illustrated with ne views. The Bradford "Witness declares that place alive with temperance delegates. "I `I A1` I,,, ,`,,A,` "Hm; "1;;.ie;e.1.e;.; e.;:e' flereen elected Gra.nd- Worthy Associate in the Grand Division of the Soneof _Tempera.nce. --4-_.__. __.-._4 _ _L.. '11.... 9-4. _.- 4- `I Viffygu waint 1 (:6 Fa; Set go to J. FFE9S. A Mr. J ohns*on'e is suing the township of Adjala. for damages resulting from a. defec- fective roadway. Mr. J. A McCarthy for Johnsbonennd Mr. I-Iearn for the town- ship. T If.` 1'; |,,,I _.TT ,,I ,I,, m';1:he Methodist church as Vasey has been thoroughly freqhened and beautied. There ; IIIIIE (I "Q_l'I"IQ`I'IIl'I( I'II'| Qlifllqf fIl" II ` UIIUL \llI5ll IJ LL VBIIVIIUKL @ll\I \IWIH|I LIIJVLIQ L IIQI V was a re-opening service on Sunday and 9. E tea. and talk on Monday evening. 1'. I O n A` I ITYUIII I I I\ "Tish is; and that Wilhelm Reyhaolds, of on 1 Lake, considers he ought to be one of the councillors for Flos for the coming year. 15 `I `II E `IEO `I `I I An Aspdin man writes: Game-keepers should be appointed. Fancy a. man boast- ing of killing 28 deer in one year. Some- thing should be done to enforce the laws as they now exist. ` un . -\n q u `I01 UGIIUU, IGELIIIS an IIUIII. \Jl UVVU The first visit to the grounds found about fty of the brethren and sisters gathered in front of the rude stand that served for 9. pulpit, singing with the pecu- liar intonation of the race an interminable song, the refrain of which was-- ` Good-by , City of Babylon! This is repeated at least fty times, their heads bobbing up and down and the clapping of hands keeping {perfect time to the music. It is Sunday a ternoon and the huge shed is packed with Afro-American humanity of all tints and shades imaginable, from coal black to nearly if not quite white. Back of the pulpit is a large platform on which are seventy-ve or more colored preachers. `M-nun in Fr-nnf. nf flu: `nnlnif. nnr` lvina n,I* Rev. Mr. Morgan, of Midlaxfdz hos ao- cepted a. call to (Jookatown subject to the approval of the Methodist Conference next June. Barrister I-Iea.'rn,v,of Tottemham, was in Toronto last Week attending the funeral of . | his sister-in-law, Mrs, Hearn. Mr. A. Mowat. B.A., an honor graduate of Toronto University and 9. Specialist in English and History, has been engaged as essisstant in Meaford High School. 'rII|.-..__-.- -44.. --n_- _._nnnn_-_._ _-_;_ we mllllnery good: and al. the an ume the cheapest In town at J. E98; . The -Meaford Mirror says : We under- stand that many farmers, who, of late, sold their grainat other places, now give the preterenceto Meaford. Meaford is a rising place and is bound to go ahead. It is one of the priettiest places we have seen in` Western Ontario. . Z Everet-tfnraan zinnubled by drunks the other night that did some red-painting to the annoyance of the people. V Z ri1il1;rie1i'e.`i:"'\'llisbon give the rise in the price of feed as a. reason for raising the price of milk to 6 cents a. quart. T`h'1'ib1'i"o the Elmvale Presby- .terian church lately presented Dr and Mrs. Clinton, with two handsome easy chairs Miss Elizabeth Vausickle read an address and Messrs. Malcolm and Andrew presented the chairs. There was an Oraegeisoiree at Everett yesterday. The Alliston Methodiet choir furnished the music. "i~}ie'ii<}n0y}$.{"i{k'"{vo}E;T Eiys the Creemore Star made 230,000 bricks the past |ea.son_a.nd will make a. mu_ch larger quanti- _ty next year. - ` it Cookstown. had a. I most excellent time at their Wednesday evening meeting last week. Lloydtown seems to have a. dancing craze. I ` And now Newton Robinson is struggling with the whooping cough. MIDI. VIII: llllpllu LI-IIIUU Lu IJJIIDUULII 1. Au: nuuo The principal meetings took place in a. pavilion or shed that would hold about a. thousand people. In addition to this struc- ture, there were several small shanties and a. number of roughly built ``stores' and restaurzmts, the entire aggregation con- stituting the camp-ground. Qnuolvul nnlvvvinnn uvnv-n nv-an:-kn!` Alihz 1 foundatinn of the new Meth- odist church, Bond Head, is being hauled. ' TL 3. __!J LL'-_- 2, ___A_ _,_ mg a;i 1.1.} ;z.'1r-_en;i>};y "1IJ.}' in Bond Head. . V - V ':1;he Edgar Foresters Court is in a trooper- on; condition. A , o i A ` . -Ed. Walker. of Avenin , shot 9. beat a. little east of that hamlet. t e other day. I'I1L_ 'I i___ -______ 3 11,,!_I I 6;.;'.,; `;.;;"a'h;i;`.;;. amhaemnts at Washago will be shooting for live geese and turkeva. Edge; school-master leaves his school t? prepare himself for the practice of medi-' vc ne; ' ' 7 . "5i1};E{.I}};'$nLB;y Sabbath school contin- ues to flourish. _ i v An artesian well at Elmvale `gives a. steady ow of good,wa.ter. n-u - u I n .| uu. . -\ 1 Pl;)V'f:v.i:-, of Star eon Bay, re- ceived a. handsome new aai ing boat the `other day that was built fqr him In Collin};- wood. A Suitable reward is oered by the late secretary of .the D. A. Jones Co. for un- eient information to enable him to ascertain who nr_loined a. sixty-pound tin of honey from in new house, who tore the lead from `several panes of glass, who made his front door three inches -shorter then-theframe; who ziuudetho, window nah one-'eig auuaumus uuc \;aaIuy'5iuuuu. Several sermons were preached during the day, the intervals hetween the services being marked by frequent. indulgence in 9. holy dance, lasting an hour or two. Thn rut. vicir. fn the l'fI`f\I)l\(' fnnnrl Uptergfov Preqbyterinns announce thei annual tea.-meeting for the 30th inst. -,,,-.',I,I_ _-_,'_-,,I '2, AaL.,-5|I,__ .1 vialuibl `colored glass wnuo um 5,` aet'the furnaco up `without Ere clay, and who caused other calamities .-to overtake him.--Beeton VVor1d. ` ` ' IL _ _._ ..-...'.... ('11.-3;!-inn: o ' gavw-v.. On Christmaeunightia. meme} tree and entertainment will be held. in Rugby Congregational church. _ , James` Mchenzie, of Jarrett : Corners, has been ned $20 and costs by Magistrate giooth for selling liquor during prohibited ours. . A " 1' 1'! ,L:,I_2.... 3- L-A`:-n Ii!` - nouns. ' The ice on Lake Conchiching is broken up ' and the Times says the oldest inhabitant cannot recall a. similar instance, for the lake when once frozen over, has` hitherto had a. habit of remaining so until the gentle spring L1... - th in the g1ue,,who broke several pane: of` valusble eoloral glue while hgiazing, who set ` the .vgith9_\3t re 1 tune. Sneak-thieving seems to pretty preval- ent in Orillia. A _[ . ' I n I I, L--__.- UH. [Ill IDIIIII uccu. vuanuuu -3 vv-..-... ' At Hugh McArthur s sale of `cattle and sheep last week, says a Jarratt s Corner s scribe, cattle and sheep commanded high prices. ' 1 ,. 11,21-.. LL _..- ....... .. _....n mr|I1n*:nn` An.` ULIU Ill \IL I-little S. Black has erected e. comforteble house _on his farm near J s Corners. ' I I __;4.`I- ___,1 Last Friday there was ayrare musical and literary entertainment: at Malta and every onetbere was happy for an [hour or two. .q can I -__ -__L L. L...` on gonna I CIIUILUL DI Down in front of the pulpit and lying at full length in the aisles are ten or a. dozen women, some of them at on their faces, and all as motionless as if petried. They haxe lain th`ere fc`>r hours.