g 1` `row-unnao l`u-morn Tonomro. Dec. 15. 1891. K . I oooooucqooo 93-: 0 |'.}..2.t.`..':E'..`. .`;"... ."{';'.`1...1 ..... ..:' ss.... 3 `C Steer F :1-``_- :c33r' 3sceer,'T::m"mmaa'I;$ 3 owt.. v:lll8O30h......i.-non...-a op, _ ouononnooooo mhuouooooonoouooccu V ml. bn'wIIIOOlIQOO0C' Wheat.spr1ng.`porbunhel ml b IIoooIoOII9Io0IIx O." u.helnuIlIoIcO|Oo0CO OOOOO lPeupe1-bushel...................._ Illnv nnr Inn _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ .Btra.w 1' won. bundled....... |n.y. new,pB1'II0ll......uuuo..uu ` I D HWSOOOOOOLICOIIOI I Ilnttnn nan nIi._ _. Im_-wllttlltiUIOOOOIOOOIIIIIO . m assoc-tonusonoaoul ...`;`Z."`. .I.'.: 3?: h.'}...n.;.1.. |IJl'U%-I I1U`D O0OOOOa.IOOllOIIlOlIl.O lmnttonler owt.................... 'i'`:';`.'F..._.'.'`,.`. ..`:';..::.`;.."t .'.;;:::::::: zz}: i531`rx'uarver'a '.:.:.'::;;:::::: vO`l,per 08l'0888 oooscooovoonocoono .`RnttAr m l'Oll..-...-. .. .. nnnnIOIIII Ve8l,pe1' N D l.'01lB........ n on OII"|0 Butter,la.!'Ro rollsmer ` par domnaaaoaaooaoooooooono C QQOpOl`D-"non... o n u o - I u o 03000` Tm-keys per`b....................... p&i1'.... ouooooocotoo Ga mrlbuooaaooagooconoonooooot :`l'h1nIrII nnr nah----.... ........ H6686 verllloc coacoaggooccaoonooooot Ducks per pair.... .. Potatoes. net-bag oR.wAsHmG'roN| CURES mGATARRH W1 , `HFR \ FIE` ---\ I John Cowan. Esq., Manitowaning; Manitoulin Island. Ont: Dun Bxn.-Yours of the 2nd ult. is received and should have been replied to sooner had not absence prevented me. 1 can recommend you to Dr. Washington. Mccaul St., Tomato, asthe best person you canget toassist you. andl have no hesitation in alrming that if you take his treatment according to instruc- tions (which isvery easy and simple to take) you will get rid of your trouble. For some years I was troubled with catarrh of the head and throat. until my life became a burden. In the afternoon I always became hoarse and throat painful. and in the morning the discharge from the throat was profuse. After try everything I heard of Dr. Washington. I ant trnntmnnt, and wanna well an `ever in inns comm or smcos enemas `' ASSOCIATION | Will hold its [FIRST ANNUAL FAIR. AT BARRIE juuj. iwednesda. , 8th day of June, 1892] Vrhn fnIInw no nwnnnnhuznn an-A nnw nmm 2- The follow $ sweepstakes are now open :- 1. Fortoalso 1890, imile heats, 3in5tohar ness. 331 V. C& T Xi? Iji 2. Foals of 1889. mile heats. 2 in 3 to harness. 3. Foals of 1888. mile heats. 3 in 5 to h" rness. Entrance in each 315.. payable $5 on let Jan. 33: 85 1st March, 1892, and $5 on 1st May. Date money will be added to stakes. To be eligible oolts must be owned in the . County of Simcoeon let N 017.. 1891. For further particulars apply to the Secre- tary. to whom all entries must be addressed. l , R. A. STEPHENS. Secretary? 0 44-52 ' Box 244, Barrie cl-mIs1'u|As ( TIIYS ANII PRESENTS! As usual the V ! cnvsm. mncs snags has the largest and oest stock of ohesp"1`oys and Holiday Goods in the County. R the rule this year. llNlllN'lElJIT &. PHUTEBTION ' ' ASSOOI ATION. FOR the Collection of Old and Worthles Ac- counts. in any part of the world. and no as it not collected. This Association has loos offices in Canada "and United- States, Head and neral oice. 60} Adelaide st. East. Toronto. ms 10, 11, 12 and 13. O. E. COL- LINS, General Manslzer; an H. B. ANDREWS, Sec. Address all communications to Toronto. Ont.. olee. Tele hone No. 2463, This is the only Association t t settles accounts,` and ad- vances the money to the Creditor it desired. 0. E. COLLINS. Manager. D. c. -MURCHISON. lsolicitor tor Barrie District. n... 1.9. mm 41.1, ARE E8'l`RAY.-Csme into the premises of the undersi ed. Lot 28. con. 3. llsse, about the 20th Sept. est. a. more about 13 years old. The owner can have her on ryl ex- Bensee. otherwise she will be sol JA TRIBBELL. Angus. 5063p. Dec. 3. 1891. V HE-n-{REATENS TO BLOW UP A BER. LIN BANK-_ UUIH P. 0. Box 73. Barrie. P. 0. Box 7. Anundule. 71 L311!" lIUl.'l.[|ll.'IlUl.'u.-coconut 3t_??oreqna.x-taera. perowtmu... t aoqyuoocOIollOO nl nail mu-mun: . . . . . . . . .......... on SALE.-- A 1 ed` with F Apply O0M_ gli'2;E:lVHfgE. Al1an9d:.lR Camille ".lL'ownsend. The renowned actress Camille Townsend appeared before a Barrie audience on Mon- `day night, in `the Queen of Hearts. -She. was received withdelight and isvr rded *as`on'.e of `the-most natural ancftaented artistes thatwhas for` _~ ears appeared en the s inthie:town.n . ercostumes are ex- c ingly beautiful, glittering with 1...! `alinnnnnli , 0ot.llt.l890. [ARE E8TRAY.-Cat;i;a on! I-In: nnnl-niavnnd. Int 28. Gun. 3. REID. am LONDON GUARANTEE ac `ACCI- DENT co., LIMITED. _ - `R. SULLIVAN DAVID. Commissioner for nebeo. '| 134-310 `Dav-Iain ,Aggnf_ Low PRICE 3 W. I-I. Freeman. .\I.\2\'CIIESTER, Dec. 16 -At Accrington, I.;1m;zlshire, 19 miles from Manchester, on th.-. Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway, 2!. freight train overran its stops and burst into the wall of the freight; depot. The building thereupon collapsed, burying sev- eral pvople in the ruins. One dead body has been extracted from the ruins and many persons have been injured by the accident. IIBIQ . wuuo VVo I-I-o Storey has to say about it, eto.. President Mfg. Ass. of the Domin- ion and Glove Mfg.. Acton. 0nt.. in reply to aletter of inquiry :- Read what `W. H. lfnunu In n a saw ACTON, Sept. lat. '91`. "__1A.-_Il_ Permanently 49-xy-`.' J-hobo Great Proposition A French Duel. l`..uu.<, Dec. 16. -,The explorer Charles Holler and Col. Andruzzi recently became involved in a dispute concerning the. colo- nizxl policy of the Government and forcible language was used. The men fought aduel yl.-.stez~Juy. Soller was wounded in the lulcurln and Andruzzi received a severe? sword lunge in the chest. --_---13.: - , h NORTHERN ADVANCE REVISED AND AMENDED. IN TEN LARGE VOLUMES Is always at hand when you areein doubt. Never makes a mistake or gives bad advice and will give more genuine pleasure for a longer number of years than anything else on an-.61. ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNIGA --THE--- ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA ! The rst ve` volumes will be delivered to you on signing contract to take THE AD- VANCE for one year and by paying $2 down and . for one year, $26 in all, for the Encyclopaedia complete and paper for one year. Second ve volumes delivered in four months or sooner if desired. No better present can be made than a set of Encyclopaadias, unless it be a.year s sub- scription to a good paper, to be sent to some distant jelative or friend, a daily reminder of your thoughtfulness. YOU GANNOT BUY 3% :-T-___ _ ? V The Encyclopedia. Britannica, Revised and amended, unless in connection with a. yea.r s subscription to THE ADVANCE. Before The Northern Advance secured control of this ........a. .......I, +1. nuinhern nrice was $40 9. set. while we give you 9. set and a. year s paper -C-C--C- -- 7--___ The Encyclopaedia Britannica, Revised and Amended, is published in 10 large illus- trated and handsomely bound volumes, and contains about 7,000 pages, 14,000 columns, 8,- 500,000 words--altogether an amount of reading matter equal to about 110 ordinary 12 mo. volumes in amount and 1,000 volumes in interest and practical information. Apart from its inestimable value as a work of reference, this Eucyclopaedia has a value which many people never think of associating with books of its description. It is a perfect library of general literature of the most entertaining kind. Are you fond of history? It contains the history of every nation that ever ourished, tells the story of every war that ever was waged, and ives an account of every important battle that was ever fought. Biography 2 It tells the ife story of every man who has helped to mould the destines or thoughts of the world-completely if the man be dead, or down to the present year if he be still alive. Do you want` travels, famous voyages, wild adventures among. savage tribes or in in- hospitable deserts? The Encyclopaedia contains them all, not compiled in a hasty, catch- penny style, but written by masters of thought and language in each department. Some of the nest essays of Macaulay are to be found within the pages of his work ; or, if you incline to scientic study, the Encyclopaedia offers you papers prepared by such authorities as Huxley. Tyndall and Helmholtz on every department of science which the mind of man has yet explored. And the superlative advantage of the whole arrangement is that if in the course of your reading you meet, as so often happens, a perplexing reference to something you never have heard of before, or have forgotten, you have only to take down another volume of the Encyclopaedia to learn all about it at a moment s notice. subscrxpmon I70 Inn Au V .LLV\.J.I!A. ucwu: ,|.uU .u u. vuvnu ...... ...- great work the publishers price was $40 a set, give you or $26. '.[`hat s what you get for patronizing a. live newspaper. IJAIIUII II vu--uuluo ` l)L'nL1N, Dec. 16. -In a. shindy_ at Ennis tmluy John Dillon was hitover the face with a stone and badly cut. Because it combines the best features of the best English and American Encyclopaedias. `It contains in an amended form every article in the original Encyclopaedia Britannica-ar- ticles written by the foremost men of the age. at a cost of more than a million dollars. It presents a series of entirely new articles on distinctly Canadian and American subjects, which are but lightly touched in the original edition. It condenses within reasonable limits articles on distinctly British subjects, (11 which the Britannica is exceedingly diffuse. It contains 4,000 bio aphical sketches of all prominent living men and women-a feature which is totall lac ing in the original. And it presents a large number of new and beautifully 'exe uted maps, including an entirely new map of each and every nation on earth. In short,` it is what its names implies--The Encyclopasdia Britannica, Revised and amended. 'wI-IZj in -.. T -, , . T The most prominent Educationists and Divines in Canada have given the highest commendatione of the work. - The following are well known gentlemen in Montreal and Toronto who have given attering testimonials :- V Alfred Baker, Dean of the University, To- Pastoral Theology, McMaster Hall, To- ` ` 'ronto. _ _ _ _ _ 81550 Jaw.-V- .-v.__. -_ , _ ronto. Dr. S. 1?. May, C. L. H., Superintendent of Provincial Art Schools and Mechanics ' Institutes. Rev. Dr. Stafford, Toronto. Prof.-J. Londew, Toronto University. -tr-.. 1 -n n:1.....-.. D.-A-uinninl Qnnretarv. Prof.rJ. Londew, '1'oronr.o Unlverauay. Hon. J. M. Gibson, Provincial Secretary. `Very Rev. Vicar-General McCa.nn, _St. Michael a,. Toronto. Hon. G. W. Allan, Senator, Toronto. Rev. Wm. Clark, M. A. L. L. D.. Professor Mental and Moral Philosophy, Trinity nu - II _ _.- 'V_......L.. Juuuuu uouu u.v..-. .. ...-__-&. ..d , Coolgo, Toronto. Rev. I.- (otter, Professor Homiletics and % This proposition will not last always, call at Tm; Ajmmog [o`1ce.ear1y and see the books. SIWESLEY, BA'R|E, oNTAR.o_ Handsemely Bound at a Price Never Before Heard of. e e LIVEAGENTS WANTED. . Leo XIII. as an Heir. -l .m1s, Dec. 16.--On Wednesday there will be begun before the Civil Tribunal of Illoutdidier a case of almost unique interest, 01` in will show His Holiness Pope Leo XIII. summoned before the smallest tri- lmnal in the French Republic. On July 4 of last year there died at the Chateau du Mnreull, Mme. de Pastoret, Marquise du l lcssis-Belliere, leaving a fortune of 10,- (lUU,0U() francs, part of which consisted of ` the famous Chateau de Moreuil. -11 AL- `|.l-_...-2..... 'I..CA"-13.-.vun f.lI`\ nevnseo AND AMENDED; `WHY IT IS THE BEST. WHAT IT GONTAHQS.` HOW TO GET IT. AND THE ..u~uyw--_ ___V,, } , M Rev. Samuel T. Boddy, Archdeacon of York and Rector of St. Peter s, Toronto. Allan Embury, Public School Inspector, County of Peel. Rev. John Potts, Toronto. James L. Hughes, Public School Inspector, * Toronto. , Hon. Joe. E. McDouga.1l, County Judge of. York County, Toronto. r A n........:..1....I mum of Montreal. fl-.. York Gounty,.1'oronr.o. Rev. J. A. Carmichael, Dean of Montreal. U. E. Archambault, Prin. Cath. Commercial * Academy, Montreal. ` W. E. _Arthy,P1-in. High School, Montreal. l1V8:LlUU acuul cu. Uvuunun Us uuuz r you and \ncI December 1. H10 Iumous unateau (16 .Lv1ureuu. > By her will the Marquise left Pope Leo X I II. heir to her entire property. The , natural heirs of the Marquise are contesting the validity of the will- (`,la.rence':-1 W uuunug. LONDON, Dec. l6.'--When their marriage hccurs the Duke and Duchess of Clarence and A.vonda.le will have an income of 20,- 000 a year out of the sum which was voted by Parliament in 1889. The Duke and the Princess continue to plead for their mar- riage to be allowed to take place in West- minster Abbey. The Queen, however, still ...n...ma in Windsor. . mlrlber IXUUCJ. .|.|;\. adheres to Windsor. V And two ULIIUI. Prtvnusvn vvuvllsusssa nu yyuguy wder, the nature of which was not fiowu. Neither the prisoner's name my anything that might establish his identity has so far been learned He has remained mute to all questions and the efforts of the police to throw light upon we matter have thus far. been without avail. The prisoner had apparently followed closely the accounts nblished here of the Sage affair in New ork, as his plan of. operation was exactly` the same as that of the New York dynamiter. An Archduke Dies From Grip. \'1i:.\'xA, Dec. l6.--Archduke Si ismund Leopold Renier of the Imperial ouse "of Austria died to-day of influenza. He was a cousin of the Austrian Kaiser and son of the late Archduke Renicr, for many years Viceroy of Lombardy, and noted for his. severity against Italians struggling for li- berty. Sigismund was born in Milan in` 1826. He was a brother of the late Arch-. duke Henry. Twins Nine Times Without In Skip. _ NORFOLK, Va.., Dec. l6.--Mr. John Mis- ca.1l, who is one of the head bakers in J amen` Reed & Sons bakery, was last. night made the proud possessor of the ninth consecutive pair of healthy and st-rong-twins, 9. boy and ` girl. Mrs. Miscall has never given birth to Ann At . f,i| ]'|e_ 811 In JJLLU. gvgnwvu.-- _. one child a.t.a. time. Emin in Danger. PARIS, Dec. l6.--Priva.te advices from Africa. state Emin Pasha has had several bloody conflicts in the lake district and his` position is precarious. - .- Park Gate Tender Dead. NIAGARA FALLS, Ont-., Dec. l6.--Thomb.a : Wilson, aged 70, state tender at Queen Victoria Niagara Falls Park, dropped dead while in Superintendent Wilson : oce at 10 o clock yesterday morning. Dom Pedro`: Ponqlon Too Late. ' R10 J ANEIRO, Brazil, . Dec. A l5.-One. of A the last acts passed by the Brazilian Con- g_ress before `its dissolution anted a. pen- 51011 of $60,000 er year 120. om, ,Pg,d_ro do Alcantara, ex- mperor 9 of Bro.zil;- ~with nm-an nu `manna mg. 1 K I `llbucll UNI, UA'J.'llIl VI arrears from N of. f5. `i`88:_ olsonad by PIfIiIliII;.I.': Commm, (2., Dec. l6_.-'.l'W0.yOI}'ll8`fl:``l1_1, of Paul Parent of Sta has won poisoned` `on Monday by satin ' `Wit! nx __ _,; fuh lads is in 5 cItlu'lt: V `9e',`"1:he`gth'Gt. is recovering. (`.ia.rne"s Wgddmg. 1-rm ,,, A.`L..! Railway Vvreck. Diilbu W om;ded. uh.-- .___--_ Privy Coimcillor Loper, a. noted sa.va.nt,_ died in Berlin, Germany, yesterday, of in- ucnza. N . u` so 10 I . `I'\I ,,_LL 17. 1891 `Ibo Nwenovlee In "`Montr'enl to Ilvnde 3 Liquor Laws. ' MoN'rn1r.AL,, Dec. l6.-For years candy? `st stores have been known to be selling liquor on Sunday. 5 'In"va.i n.the oicers. rushed into- ea.loonsn.nd. candy stores out of which they ~ saw drunken men coming. The owners of the places were elwd. s inside, but the bars were alwaysshut, 8.113 not a glass was to be seen around. Candg shops were sea.rched= from top to bottom or liquor. All in va.in.: V The etorekeepers only laughed at the police for their pains. `V `I .....4...__J... , A -' ` till. UIIUII YesterJany:l:.detective- produced. in court: a tin corseta At the `left hand `side-of this wonderful garment there waea small tap, "which on being turned gave a flow of whisky.- He explained that on Sunday he managed ;to get into a saloon in St. Catharine-street east, which had long been suspected, There were lots of men in at the time. Finally one of the crowd went up to the man who ran the saloon and gave him a five 1 cent piece.` The keeper then unbuttoned 2 his coat and gave the man who had handed him the money a thin, innocent looking tube ; at the same time he pnta hand under his vest and turned on the tap, which let th nut nf 111: nnnnalh Tkn Luuuvnn uuu vuou nuu uuruuu Uu uuu IMP, W010!) 181? , the whisk out of the corset. The buyer was allowe to take one swallow only. ` A intinntinn JIAI rnnn in Ghana uvkn nu?)-I In was wuvvvvu IIU haul: uuu BWDHUVV pxuy. distinction was made to those who paid 10: cents, as they were allowed to take three swa.llowa.. `A___ _7 ` `G I . 1' .| n wvvw||vvvIIo- ' After watching several men take their` drinks in this disgusting manner the ser- geant pounced on the man with the tube and `searched him. The result was the discovery of the tin corset in question; which was conscated. . s London Furriers Call for Thirty Trnounnd `.l!homas`" skins. _ LONDON, Dec. 15. -A V rm of London furriers has advertised for 30,000 cat skins. Not only will this rove a serious matter for pussy at home. ut it will result in a de- velopment of the cat farms, which started years ago in Al iers. - Grimalkin su denly assumes a position of great importance in the furrier world, and his career as a family ~ pe_t may be regarded ` as ended for the time being. V E He Hopes to Escape from Africa Wltlnout Loss of Capital. LONDON, Dec. - 16. -- Lord Randolph Churchill s disgust with Mashonaland is more full brought out in his fourteenth * letter to he Graphic, which is to be pub- l:..I-..-,.A ln,vv\nnIInu7 mnrninn than in sun: urn. IFOIH llllll. The letter concludes in the following way: VVhat I have seen `since I com- menced my travels in South Africa has led me to V" the conclusion that `no more unwise and easafe speculation exists than the investment` of money in exploration syndicates here. `It may be that many of these are at work here or on their way out. Most of those which have ; come under my notice have had their money nally wasted and their business property I mismanaged. . .11: ..--.:...... 5.. ........-I 5.-.. LOIIDUI. UU .LnV \JLGPIlLV, VVAILIJII no vv may run: lished to-morrow morning, than in any pre- vious communicatmn that has been received from him. rnL_ I_;.4-__.__....I.-.J.... .. 61... C.-.11.-.-u uuwuu-, yvuvvn ---J, V- --..-...---..... Sir James Risdon Bennett, M.D.', ex- president of the Royal College of Physi-. cxzms, is dead, aged 82. ' :_ o.__ LL- ._-1..'L....L...J '-l~:nn IIll3lll&lIHag|'5Uu ` . . Mainly, however, owing to good for- tune, good advice and the excellent quali- ties of those who are conducting my expe- ditinn,- AI haxe some anticipation of escaping from this country without any appreciable loss of capital; butothere are seven share- holders at home in ex loration syndicates p .out here who will hard y see again a. single sixpence of their money. The Tribe: of Run; and Hagar Fighting T An Guerillao. CALCUTTA, Dec. 16.--The tribee of Hunza and N agar, though driven out. of the Nitt, have not been entirely subdued and are con- ducting 9. guerilla. werfare. `Desultory ring h is carried on daily, but thus far there have ` been no ecasuelties since the rgt engage- i nletgtas. 'n.-_.__..1 r1-_.A. A..l....... .....1 T:.-mt HIGHES- Col. Durand, Capt. Aylmer and Lieut. Babcock and` the 20 Sepoys who were` wounded at the storming and capture of Nilt, and Lieut. Gordon and the seven Se- : poys who were wounded during the pursuit ` of the tribesmen in the mountains, are all maknag favorable progress towards re- cover)`. _ mk nvmknn flonnfln nI1rnmn.PV of covery. The Bombay Gazette summary of the 14th ultg, just to hand, does not. seem to share the alarmist reports cabled about the a.'a.ir. Speaking of its origin it says: ' (-1.1 A A 'r\..........J 12.-{#34:}: nnnnf. at 8118.11`. Dpetuiulg us was uu3xu w an J30 Col. A. G. Durand, British agent at Gilgit, has received denite orders toabring the robber tribes of Hunza and Nagar under control. These tribes are the pirates of Central Asia, whose chief occupation is . lundering caravans on the Yarkund and sh ar. Any prisoners they take on these expe itions are sold into slavery. Col. Durand has established an outpost at Chalt, about 30 miles beyond Gilgit, on the Hunza River, and intends making a road to Alia- bad, the capital of the Hunza chief,vat once. That he will meet with armed opposition in doing so is not improbable. --.'-----. She is Attacked in the Place de l"0pera by u Footpad. PARIS, Dec. 16.-The epidemic of `street robbery continues, and it is absolutely unsafe for unprotected `ladies toltake their walks: abroad. _ Yesterday afternoon Mlle. Lariedky, a young actress, visited a jeweler s shop in the Chaussee d Antin, where she purchased a goldneeklace for 16,000 francs. On leaving the shop at 8 o clock she proceeded towards the Place de l Ope'ra., examining her pur- chase on the way. -She had just` arrived at the open place when a man suddenly rushed upon her and tried to snatch the necklace, twisting her wrists to make her let go. She, however, caught hold of him and screamed and he, ndin himself in danger ` of being seized by the ystanders, tri ped her up and took `to his heels. 'The ady fell under the wheels of a passin carriage, but fortunately was only slight y ~ bruised about the shoulders, as the eoachman suc- ceededin stoplping his horses in time. The robber esca e A ___LL.... QACV inns: n_d'.nn`rAt` `II . afa robber eeca. ea. Another ady was attacked in . the same neighborhood at 6 o'clock in the evening by \ a thief, who succeeded _in snatching her valuable gold watch and chain and then ed. He was Eursued and captured, On ' T` 4...... 41... nnmminmrv of ,... 4-1--.. Egrsued On being taken _fore the Commissary of Police he confessed that he was the same individual who had attacked Mlle. La- , !_jI___ ` GREENVILLE, N.C., Dec. l6.-W. VE. Grimsby of Snow Hill, who on the 8th shot Rev. J. T. Abernathy for kissin his (Grimsb s) wife, made a. second assau *. on Abernet. '3 at Snow Hill yesterday. Aber- nethy was on the street for the rst time hinge tha 1shooti;1g.';`. Gmbyjsaw him and } with oathsbega;n ring at him. Abdn f` y drew a,..piatol-and 1`j;eVt;1__1r1;.edmt_l,1,__e _ii'r;e_.-, I H - .~.'..-n.:. ~'..,... Iril`h?u1_ . Uhtlla, Au \-vulva, Uv\r\.~ v-. Jean Servais Stas, the celebrated Belgian chemist who contributed to Bunsen a and Ken-hofis discoveries on the electric nature of sunlight, died to-day, aged 79. 1- ,.__ n... .....,...on.. AC {rho Mnrrin `HUI. 7 `III! riedky. IITGVV PLBIIUI uuu waskilled. V : `H;&.I.1;r';A:x:, "l`('3..-ri-E-!;;z;'ner sought death b inmvil 9 into ti" ms."niAnv_"` 3- w 5 - deg b."c{I;o:r. RANDOLPH DISENCHANTED. TROUBLESOME` HILLSMEN. LIB II sterday. ` A.-can ALAS!_ POOR PUSSY. WI-IISKY coasefr. AN ACTRESS HELD UP- ll lluuauu - Major-General Pedler died at Plymouth, England, yesterday, of inuenza. 11- 1,.-- 732-3-.. 'I)......ALL 1.` h` av- For Kiulng 1119 Wife. .-browned Bun-VIolf. ` '\ r In I]___._` `JUBZBIIUIF uvunpu into the hurbcrf F desponddnti om) DEFENDWG LIFE tBVRUCE _USED .A' PISTOL AND A L uuuugneo, 13,1891. VGUN, BVUTAWAS QVERP OWERED , " ` ' `Ins... .1; ` ------~- -- ` , V ; _ I Mn. _Batoh"and- Hen-_' child :-en snug t_o_ Db en-by? Eirldcngso-fSIispIg:on_ than V the` Quadruple Murder Wu the~Bbt9pe of a J_l_l_ted lgoyer.` _ A T A J AOKSONNIILE, Flu, Dec. 16.-The,theorv that the quadruple murder at New Sinyrni - was committed by tramps has been -abuu-_ doned. A trail has been discovered leadin from the houre to the north and` then aoutlgx to the road through a path no one. could travel unless he was fa.milia.r_ with~..the country. - v ` ` 'l`Hnrn awn: nvk:-mg-inn- A: .. J3-..-...I...I 1----.. UU_\lllUlJo ' There are whieperiiige of a disca.rded- lover I ivho had swornven eance and a. suspicion that..Mn. Hatch an the two children were killed to prevent them telliu who assaulted and than murdered Miss ruce. .. State oicials will be asked to aid the county authorities in ferreting out the "murderer. nnn A` flit: Run}. A` fl-in nnnn in hbtlh 5`:- W76nu}`::1: l:;:kul`>m mtI;'e"wiIv1:l:\:: a. m of blood, we foun Mrs. Hatch, apistol IIll\III|t' nu `kn inn:1`n -vnnuvnnn A` I-gnu I or us UIUUII WU .l\lLIlII.l J.VI.lBs ILQIIUII, II/PIBIIUL UQLI wound on the inside comer T of her left e e, her :face blackened with powder. . be other bodies lay near; When the [crash came she had evidently - been nearVt.he win- dow. ` (lL__LI,-__-..._,`,,_, ,,A ,1 I 191;` IIUVVO ' I As the murderer entered, her little son, frenzied with fri ht, had probably ed, as a I child would, an sought refuge under the - bedclothes on a lounge at the other end of the room. He was torn from these, shot over the bleflfee and his throat was cut in" three laces. is head was almost severed from 4 is body. ' ~While the murderer was entering the ` window Miss Bruce had apparently secured an old pistol, which was handy, and red at him. H '1:he ball lodged in the window frame. 11fI1I_'. . C I _ . J`--- -`A`_3..--.._`_.-..`.L BER,-, Dec. 16.--Duriug tne business, , ,8 Veste,-day a. young man entered the W sin this city occupied by Hermann & ceba,,1,e;-s, and asked to have a personal ('1' ,[-ivate interview with the principal. `" `bar of the rm on busines of a most im- mgnt nature. The stranger was `ushered fftro 9, waiting-room and Mr. Hermann soon joined him. When the two men were `love we stranger handed the `banker a roeodo marks to the bearer, with thethrear that in case of a refusal the premises woud. .m,,,1y be blown up with d amite r Hermann called out for he The Mfow thereupon made a dash mm the me, but was captured and hand- Ed over to the police. When searched Among the various things taken from his ckets were two packets of gunpowder my two other packages containing a white e_-.,1... the nature of which was not containing a demand to pay ovet UILIUBIIII-IVIVD III IUILUUII-I5 UIIU IJIIU llllcll-\-IUl'Ul{o One of the first of the men to reach the scene after the alarm was given hays: 3 nil haw `manly ht! 1-J-In Irina-`nut in n nan` IITIIIIIUI The murderer,_heedl_ess of thisonsla ht, l continued his terrible work and nishe it. By this time Miss Bruce had gone to the closet and secured a. double-barrel shot 11. She leveled it at the man as he approac ed, but unfortunatel the hammers snagrped on the shells that ad been, ex lode many - days before. He assaulted er, robably | after killing her little nephew. he was j found lyin on her back on the bed, her feet ` touching the floor and her clothing disar- mammal` ran ea. . ' r . `gfhe murderer had shot her through the Eight cheek, the bullet stxiking the wall and ....... .... 4.1.... I..`-J .ia.'r1:.s'i;.i1;1ae bod. ' I en another struggle must have begun for the gun and he 6V1 ently tore it from her and, swinging it around his head with I both hands, drove the stock against her face with great force. The blow struck 3 her between the forehead and nose and caved in the skull. Every bone in the face wasrgroken. - _._LL _ L--- l........A I.-.33.` Ina fi ht C `Is. W53 UI'U|Uo Then, with no. keen bread-knife, he` stabbed her in the neck, cutting out a. s uare section of esh, and nishing the jo with two terrible gushes on the throat. u14`....nlz:. `Do:-I: nmml n. hexmtifnl little \ J00 WIUH UWO \aUl'l.'1Ul.U guauca Uu vuv Uulvuvo } Frankie Packwood, a. beautiful little golden-haired child of ve years, was found on the oor at the foot. of the bed with his throat cut. His features had not been marred. urnt- 11--.. -8 `l....LL mania` n . . nun nnuunonn-I marred. . The oors of both rooms were covered with blood and the mattress on the bed on 1 which Miss Bruce la. was soggy with gore i On the curtains a walls blood was spat - tered. V s Near the house the neighbors found the track of `a_1eft foot, No. 7 or 8, with a com- mon box-toe shoe. The indentation` of the ; heel on the outside was deeper than the in- ` side, indicating that the man wearing it was bowlegged. -..- 1_---_... LL- Ln;qan `J-|`A1'v nanf. _TA!I.. ` IIUVV lU56U\ln Before leavin the house they sent J en- V: kins out to look or tracks. Jenkins found none in the leaf-carpeted hammock; but on the main road, half a. mile south, he found tracks like that near the house, accom- panied by those of 9. dog. `l1I_'A.__ ...-.. an tulsmnn`-unis`! QIV:`k nnvna nun IUIllV\l Ill vuuvuv '- - wve. Fifty men on horseback, with guns, are ! searching` for the murderer, but up to to- ` night no clue beyond those described had been found. . 1 ~,n_____ U1 buuusuu, uu.u in: nu, , we-.. .... Mr. Morris, the inventor of the Morris tube, yesterday committed suicide by shoots ing himself with a rie in London, Eng- -1 land. No reason is given for the act. * IIVUAA nvuuvuu { - It was thought that the murder was com-' ` mitted Friday ni ht,'but it is now believed t that it was done turday morning. For 12 hours after Saturday morning the bread in the kitchen continued to rise, and half a cooked ham lay near, evidently prepara- tions for Sunday. V _-,_ E, -1... LL. .._.1.--:;\- :3: Auninn UIULIII uu. tJuuuwJ e From these facts the conclusion is drawn that the first attack was made upon the kitchen Saturday morning and that a.1l'ra.n to the other house and bolted the doors. Mr. Packwood says he has suspicions, but will only divulge them to the coroner : jury. `I51- Jury. Bloodhoundg have been sent for and will be used, though it is feared too late to be of use. T - c t 17 _- n_-___...- I....1:...... $1.; The people of New Smyrna. believe -the murderer belongs .in that nei hborhood, there being many little `things w ich clinch that supposition; The blood was dipper- ` ed from the house, "then scooped up in-` masses and thrown away, then the remain- w der was soppeds u with cloths and the spots were scrubbe V -and` strewn with flour. But even this did not hide the evidence of the crime. V` ' - A -` 7' - _ L. _._.._..._L:.. ..-.;\L I/IIU Uluuua The scene `of the crime is a romantic spot, half waybetween Smyrna and Oak Hill on Hillsborough River, a sort of sound divid-_ `ing a. long narrow beach from the mainland. It varies from a quarter. of a mile to ten miles in width and is 100 miles long. A -..........-....... 6nd-n'l4:u nnnmn in nlina to it 1111165 In Wmnn auu. us .I.Uu ruuup wu5. ~ A gruesome fatality seems to cling to it. Here the Shives famil , father, son, wife and baby, were mur ered by Indians in 1856. T It will be remembered by the- read- ers of Early Pioneer Days. Sheldon and ? 9. compamon ii: a. boat on the river saw the smoke from the ruins. In the creek near the house the mother slay half "covered. by the water, her hair oatmg across her face and half -concealing the babe in her arms. In... 1.-.... ml-mm 1-.hin-Int.ns':f. murder was ' and Dan 'C0nC53IlIlg IJLIU uuus-.x_Lu uun In. sum. The house where this latest murder was ommitted is on the site of those ruins. um. :..._.....I -8 51.- .-nun`-lav-ml urnmnn and committed 18 line Blue 01 Luunu nuua. \ The funeral of the murdered woman and children took place yesterday mornin , ser- vices being held 'at Mr. D. L._ a.t.ch s houee. . I Janna:-up so--u----_ ._-_.__-_, _ I v DEADWOOD, S. D., Dec. l6.-The applica- tion of Mar Nevins Blaine for temporary alimony an counsel fees to prosecute her suit for a divorce against James G. Blaine, 'r., was heard in chambers before J ndge homas to-day. The court granted her 8500 tejmgrorary alimony and 8300 for at- torneys' ees, and the further sum of $800 to be paid within 30 days after service of the order upon the attorneys for the de- ; fondant. . ~. V H ~ A Skel emon in it Cargo. Lo.\'1)oN, Dec. 16.--An Italian sailor almzu'(l the Genoese bark Emanuel. from Rangoon for London, murdered a. shipmate slmrtly after leaving Rangoon. He was put in iroiis, but managed to slip them and BnuglltI`ef11ge in the cargo, where he kept the crew at bay for six weeks, subsisting meantime on biscuits and water. It was not until the cargo had been removed at the India docks, Mitwall, that the mur-. rlr-ror surrendered. He was reduced to a. sk elcton and is now in the hospital. Carling ton East Mlddlesexg _ -O'rrAwA, Dec. 16.-It in atatod here that l Hon. John Carling will run in East Middle- Iex, which has become vacant through the nnaeatingof, Joseph Marshall, and resign his sent 111 the Senate. ' T ' Vrvwu-- --v_._,, Daief Name. at. ' V 11':-cm . Do".T15.-aren` .;.;.;New York.:...e1ugow ll Q. '~--'- .....munbun % u _D`nu"",,_,, ' .....nuu-vu-I 22... ;-op.u;orn1a ... -;-Iiamburty .- -v - --`' Y`"." Wu ;;a~grurhJ;;IAvorpool;L..... % " .' ..:n..uOVmC...i -Ina .. Mrs. Blaine Granted Alimony. n-.1 ill "`I, '0cSiun t6ihn`lIlp' Ifovomeutl. .n._; TH E N0nrHEm~. ADVANCE Looouovlw-av" , ` "wheat. o1a.'... ` \ U ......:I...I.O'O.I."I.I.:I.`...l.C2.0.w % 0 Bar -L -y.--.. ------j--- ' ` 0 00...'.0 An _ GIIIIBAL ` Beef. hindquu-tern. Beef. foraannrthrn. nar nwI:__ QA ,, `M Bwkor slmws Pluck. Hdwever, and th, Man is Arrastcl-John Dulon Wounde(l--Railway Wrock ln`Eng1a`m]` _A skeleton In a Largo.