comm uAnm1-nIsTnIu'rnEnns,% ll Fhe Board then adjduj'ned.' ;n;it3 - 3,~- Penehanguishene. He kg! 05.: ` ,9 ;1`4.1?.h.?!!9!:I.- 9t 911; 15 collegiate Iutltntn Board. .1 I`1I1,,9, , comhgwood s Grapii. ifankn an we nnhliahd `a. }IJOI`UI UU IDK" Il5II5'| "In connectioo ivith the P1:-eeby'te;ri,an ; School Concert on Friday; 18th -inet., Angus and Cookatown ; lepding .theiraid.. - '_ ` . ` Woodbeee, hope and rafee,. tre-thevriu- inig subjects adjacent tothe village. ' I-I-v `I 1 7,_- '.._ ....- 3..-cannula fhil TIIQIQA- iv ! ' . V. . L Advance Ooxrecpondenoe _ Burglar: are reported in our -vicinity. Lossoitso far'light, ` " " - ' At AL- 1);..-I...`.'m-inn lug uu_uJuI._;vu .ll`lJIHUvAuIv -7_-.._ .E._`. a ` U W. J. Kemihurmformerly of this place, has taken unto V himself a wife and in. about removing to Manitoba. ' , L` ` 31* n1` KT- IIUUUII Kvllluvlup vv uuuuuuuu ... . The annual meeting of L. O.'L., No. V 450, took place on Friday, "4th inst. W. E. Davis, District Master, "of Innisl; presided and the following ooers were elegad :-Bros. J no. Carworth, W. M- ; Robt. Dales, D. M. ; Rev. H, H.'.Cuu- uinghnm, Ghspllsin ;, Rec.- Sec ; D. Miller. Fin.-Sec. ; Jno' . Maw, Treasurer ; W. J . Carr, D. of C. ; J . A. Millereud J no. Little, Lecturers; W. A: Miller,` 1st Com. ; Richard Bell, 2nd Gem. ; W. A. Speers, 3rd Com. ; Samuel Brown, 4th Oom. ; George Davis, 5th Com. After the installment of the oioers a sumptuous repsst wee partaken of. when the brethren after singing the" National Anthem repaired to their respective sbodes. . ` - "vi"!-a-.;';"(;l-l8:lI`i'i't.)'(:f' v;'>;):1_;sU1)eing shipped from Sturgeon Bay this season. nu 1'1 II,-I, . j3_L ;I_____l_ -._.:II Invvuv on One `of the most remarkable deals in horseesh` north of Toronto, took place in our village last week. Two of the off.- springs of the sires of which our Domin- ion maybe proud changed hands. You may talk about the wonderful Derform- ances of Sunol, Areen, etc.,, but they must take a back seat when those two noted animals whose record stands ten miles in eleven hours loom up. If the famous Dwyer Bros, had heard of them they would in all probability have paid the enormous sum of fty cents at - the least calculation for the said animals. The dealers left the scene of the trade with the speed of a hearse. " ' `'`Bono:.R,oll. L Monthly report of Egb'ert"*Pn-blic. Seliool, No. 14. Essa, for Nov., 1891': Fourth Class---Marks obtainable 700- Arilla Thompson 661. Joseph E. Smith 456, Cassie Edgar "451. Third Class- Marks obtainable 600-An2us Mc D. Edgar 443,. Emily '1`1lson 421. Douglas Gibson 378. Second Class-Marks ob- tainable 500-Alma E Mooney 463, Lulu E. Griin 345. L`zzie E Gordon 373 Part 2nd Class--Marks obtainable 300---Henry Conn 260; Norman Thomp- son 255, Ellen Wlll0lI 254. First Class -=-J`~sie Gordon, Geo. R. Banks, Priscilla Wilson. Christ Church, 3. 1:. Sunday, Dec 13, the rector will preach at both services. 11 a.m., subject--The Vir in s Ivy 7 p". m.,-- What the Bib e has done for the Mother, being the second sermon of the series. The rector will also conduct Divine service in , the east end schoolhouse, at 3 o clock, and at the ' e.t5o clock. Strangers heartily welcome at all the services. Fire at Ailandale. r _On Thursday evening, just as the McGib- liey concert was over, the re alarm was sounded, and it was observed that there was a re at Allandale. `It proved to [be the shoe shop of Mr Crawford, which was en- tirely consumed. Our re brigade went over and succeeded in saving some building in the vicinity of the tire. The re was near Armstrong s' hotel." Haydn`: creation. On the 18th the people of the Town will have an opportunity at hearing that magni- cien_t Oratorio The C_rea.tion. The Choral VIVIIV \.Il IIBUI IV I [I9 \Il UQIIIUIII cl. LIV \JlL\Jl 1| Society are endeavorin to create a. taste for such works of the (great Masters and deserve the encouragement and patronage of every lover of music; We hope the ball will be lled on that occasion. --Miss Camille Townsend and her Com pany will be here next Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. She has imbibed the true spirit of the drama. She is a. remark: ably handsome lady and her ne gure is set off to advsntage by the costly dresses she wears so gracefully. Remember the time. - POI IOI`I8llo Mina Bertha. Strong. of Bradford. in the guest of her uncle, Mr. E.-Donnell. Mr. Albert Lowe. of the Queen : Hotel, atarted for England last Saturday. He visits his old home in London and fnends in dierent parts ot the country. He will be away some two` or three months. - ' Mr. John H. Seals, of the Dominion Express" C_-L , Toronto, a former Barrie boy, was in town a few days last week on a. visit to his sister, Mrs. A. W. Brown. -v-- - www-- Several hundred new books have been added to the Bracebridge Mechanics In- stitute library. I E `III ________A__'__ |_____ - ww---v-- - --ouu---u- ---v-~:... All municipal councils throughout the province meet on Dec. 15th for the purpose of laying a statement of receipts and. ex penditures for the year before the ratepayers prior to the municipal elections. _ Baptist church. ' Rev. R. Trotter. the pastor, will preach at the Baptist church next Sunday morning and Professor Trotter, of McMa.ster Hall, will address the children in the afternoon. He will also preach in the evening, Collegiate concert. A concert in aid of the Library of the Col- legiate Institute will be held in the Music Hall, on Tuesday evening; the 15th inst. The programme will be provided by the . pupils of the school, and by local talent. A 5}4D.urn% & L _ % AT / I %%#%Both'we11 s New Block, - '_ ._ r~ 3 ax :A:'=.~Ls`i;.---%.,`;'A.z .;.-"_ :A,LLApAL, ` ""` 'l`:`.i no .:.,':' rr'.rf5_L --...,, _'C . '.x. .,'r ; ' "Y9~-.`~ iJ . 3:1.-. t...-. . .. T. . ?1`1Shs V91V6t:%LC6{rpet. Kid, and all kinds in all sizes. F'N..-_':.'_E __EE R_- ETC" Municipal council Financial Meeting. A1! !,',,`I __ , ,5`, I,_,_A_ L`. A`__.___ -_ Sl.l|TABLE__F_O_R CHRISTMAS Pnasaits AT The Royazi jfem lure: of Tempera.n ce have organized a. counc' at Atherly with twenty- six charter members. A Bjrgeih i'11L:eVei;ycDepartment, each being lled ' with the Q newest choice goods. o`Lt`ttl d dt." i Tweed azgssegfaseoggsr mo era 6 I.mceS' See our h`3aVY W p Full lines of Gloves, Cashmeres and Wool Hose i `V Our Furnishing Department is complete. Choice Ti es, latest cutsin Linen Collars. Cheap Underclothinn Read 07 3'. Made Cothing, Hats .nd Caps. L Uheap Cottons, Flannels, Table Linens, Towelinrrs M Have just passed into stock a laige sh` colored Flannelettes which we are clearing out1Ic)1I11:1IIl)t_Of(1ark JAMES VAIR. monanwenn nectnlc_pLf_p[a9__AT1AoHM:ur co. `$5 * -- Book on home treatment presented free to every caller. Treatment of Rupture a. Specialty, If you are ruptured and are wearing 9. tum. catl and see the new attachment whereby 3 our truss can be made into an Electric Truss, making rlloturg cure more certain and re. id and giving ease and comfort to the wearer. Rexnember. a: Queen : Hotel on SATU DAY, Dec. 12th, Dorenwend E. 8. as A. Co., Toronto. Can will man has in I`IlUUIl - 30 II will also bein " "I')e;)'11-t:y_"l`?.-3;v;l3Ze`a;tz`t:V3':,7of Tay, s;ys he is going t_o retire from Municipal service and he will not this time be 9. ca.ndida.te,, Our stock is large and cannot be surpassed for variety and close prices. we HAVE Fancy Leather Goods, Portfolios, I l1I*s>. A Ladies Companions, etc. LARGE . ASSORTMENT Plush Goods, Toys, Games and PlCt111`v: " Books. Bibles, Testaments, Prayer and Hymn Books in endless variety. _ ` H _ A complete stock of Books for Sunday School Libraries and prizes, also l<.'~` every description for Christmas Trees. Christmas Cards and Booklets in great variety. SGOTT S% BOOKSTORE, The ADVANCE from now J until January 1, 1893, for Sczows Bookstore. BARRIEJM QUEEN '8 HOTEL. on SATURDAY, DEC, 12. A Rzrnaseufaflvs PHYSICIAN an ELECTRICIAN or me `Ghoap Mantellngs and Sealettes_ New Dress Goods. - o o o o o o o - - u natal a o o n o u - o JUIOI4 ALLISTON. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . .. WYEVALE, at `fatty : Hotel, Mr. Arnold, of Essa, father of Mr. Thomas Arnold, of Cookstown, died last Wednesday at the patriarchal age of 88 years. . is l l'V 1 N! n 1`: Il !"II 1 Holiday Goods A CALL SOLIGITED. --`--or TORONTO WILL BE IN vans and Chronic , ase. 1) . 818. Kidney" 9 ' Liver zroyffeng Heart Weakn s. Spinal (1 ' . , , urvsmrc. Rheumatls = ciauca. Gout, Neural. 118 Do bility, Spermg. mnotency, :-exual \\'eak_ 11 line of the Dorenwend Electrica; A Appiiances-- The VVor1d`s Best" 5,-,_. ten for self treatment-a.1=0 medi. cued Chest Proctectors, Abdominai Sun otters. Obstetric Bind(3r gm No rug treatments, all cures affect- ei by Electrical and Mechanical Aonliances. He will not treat you but will give you advice (Which wiii O)8t you nothimz) and show you how to treat yourself at home cheaply and successfully. Consider how many owe their health and vigor to Elec tricity as aoplied by the Dorenwend inventions. ls it worth your while to enquire into the matter? can uni see the lists of those who testify to their merits. perhaps you may nd the names of friends or neighbors among them. No charge for consultation. Dgcember 10, .Deco . 11; 1`_'c 88 Dunlap-st. ), 1891. ULIU UGUIJ, IJIJIB lllo ' James Lawrence, of Bradford, when going through his carriage works the other day tripped over asleigh and fell, breaking a. number of his ribs. ' $1 Mrs John Orr, of Woxmead, has presented her husband with a. ne baby boy as a. Christ- mas box} It is a. little early, but John appreciates the gift all the same. James Avery 9. Baysville young man re- cently shot` two large bears near Monomonee Lake. The old mother which had two cubs with her was very ferocious. The cubs escaped. 1" I , ` E .1` I I I 1 fl! In Jzrayer meetings at Sturgeon Bay on Thurs ay evening in consequence of the 7,. c, The residence of Weeidow Henderson near the northwest ward school, Collingwood, was destroyed by re `the other day. ,II'I,__ -,____ I._ 2-, yvvy-V _V- --9---.-V-W - _ _ - . . Pork thieves are pursuing their hoggish work,a.I_; Foxmead. ` . , ` - ' Charles Cooke, of Creighton, has his sawmill running again for a. while, but will shut" down so as to get in more stock. if A 1-: 9 `TI 9 .1 1- ll :MF7`(;71tZrl1eLd of cattle belonging to T. Mc- Eachern of Point Mara, says the Beaverton Exoress, worked to the center of a. straw stack and two died because they could not turn around. Mr. H. McQuade, a. farmer living not fair from Cooksbown, lost $50 in than bu a. few days ago There is no inbimatio? in the report; whether he lostiu at poker or any other game. 1x .I A4. C5 Inspector Day says the Sturgeon Bay Public School is in a very satisfactory state as to order, management, discipline, &c., but maps, blackboafds and other things need re-organizing. While ripping lumber last Thursday morning in Wilson Bros . factory, Colling- wood, Colin Findlay got his hand in contact; with 9. saw and one of his ngers was cut off and two others badly injured. 11: mezi talk of starting a. cheese factory at Ulfington if sufficient en- couragement is given. III P 0'I , 1"I`,__j_,__A___ ______ ichuiiczh: 7i)`eeir-hursb, was re- opened last Sunday. The services were interesting and instructive. Rev. Dr. Parker, of Barrie. preached in the morning and evening, and Rev. F. Smith `in the afbetfnoon. ' The: wt.sbrfyv:'orks-1i1e`sti.(>n;is{ agitaiysg the people of Alliaton. V T = .- -' 1')-_L'LL2 . _ . . . .. . nnnnn u:nn-n I-HA3: At a meeting of the reeves of Muskoka. resolutions were adopted in favor of paying 10per centfor collecting arrears of taxes, that each reeve audit the accounts of his own township on Dec 15 in each year, and that the present system of selecting jurors is ap- provable. Av: unav nuuuv v --vw--- A branch eifwghe Bible Society has been organized at Tot-uenham. _ ' IIVL- t'\..II2.. 1' 2|-..._..I I'M...-annual -3:91 ; nnnnn:n_ Rev. Thomas McKee, P. S. I., was an the teachers convention at Bradford model school last week and taught a. lesson in grammar to the model class. Is t_here any truth in the report around the village that some of last year's prize money from the Beeton`has not been paid over yet? If this rumor be false, the director's should take steps to suppress it, as it will make very much against a the suc- cess of future exhibitions.-World. ' Mr McKee. son of our worthv Inspector of Public Schools, Rev. Thos. McKee, and member of the law rm of McDonnell, Corley & McKee, Toronto, has opened {an ofce in Stodda.rt s brick block. He has also moved his family to town and taken up residence on Queen street, We welcome Mr. McKee to our midst and hope he will work up a business that will exceed his most sanguine `expectations. -Bx_'e.dford Wit- ness. The Packet`s J arratts Corner s correspond- enthas this:-Messrs. C. H. and N. Orser went north on Wednesday, to conduct a. series of revival services in connection with the Methodist Church in that district. They begin work at Burk_ s Falls, the circuit now presided over b the -Rev ; Smiley, ' M. 'A , late of Severn ` ridge. The `meetings were to begin on Wednesday. evening.` Many will ray. that the services may.` be much blesses. ' ' A - Ate meeting of the W. C. T. jU. on Tuesday there A were 12 `members __present Mrs. MoI{_sy,v_ya9_.eleoted a vjce-president in connection with `the Presbyterian church. A oommitte/'.WIis"'appointed* to mike "all nhnnnnnntr-nhnixnlbnrnnhth `tun I-Juli Iiisnhnlzinii nn fl VUI-IIIIIIIIIIVII "CD $.Ixl|JlIIUV\-I UV IIIQQW K II necessary ayreugemente for sh reception on New Y,_ep.r s Dey. V. Mrs. Whiuan, Mrs. Wal- lace and the Preside%nt,c who --went as dele-. testo Barrie on` Tueldiy last, reported t at e. County~Unjlo_n, been ,orzanized- eud.g|ns oi` the work being done through .,the county.;;'!.% iugi old`-at`, the` \ i ofMre-.`G.' J. _ Charles Hughes, of Foxmead, has com- gleteda fine and well arranged barn on . his Rze bw9.vs f in bushel. at `.BeebohV just C UUlIIIUHj ICUU lllvilvuvnung -- graph: for Agvinoo newer: who `Like `the nu-rw of the lost. lib-nir;1nc6: AND bxsrntct nuwns A8 1.0041. xlws. "- Mil:la.r`at': p. m.: gunk rnnnt}: ;.NhInn Tntfnr 5: ` i. LIIIIIC! EU 00! Pa Illa VII IIIIF `ll each mont.h.~-N`ow.u- Letter. I V.-.-..--_ vvv - w ---...-v....-- The Orillia Liberal-Conserva.1';ire associa- tionmet last Tuesday "evening. ' 2,- .. -I'_2__..-.`I _' cl-II? JJIII-l5I\lI\` WI down for a. season. _c_h,urc'h opened at Doe Lake; "_ I . T . n-_,_L_3__ ;-n-_';r l_._:I_`I!-_._ ;" 1__._ '_sA1_ TS3&ij$y Tea11;.ifrA:;ui1aan&N; laige "nk. and a. hgll at Elmvalg. .3 V 28 nV6 mou 4-y. B r,DlT Good: lroln GEO. BEE BY. 1! Veils pheap. Rev. Mr.,g' ``d` a. missionary sermon in Graham : church Everett last Sunday. ` it `,, ` ` .1\4. OI `J &.;.; be opened 09 the 20th jnsy. 3 ,_. }v`h'a;}i}ai :ef1urci1 st-Stay`1}erviil1 be opened the 20I;h_ns1_;. _ - The Severn river isfrozenfoyer ahd has been good sport fojr the boya._{ ' - III Smynexjs Artgsiun swell is .:Vi.l.1g its peMo- ple some trouble. One of .t ese is a law suit. '4'" V - H` 1%-ay` at Pezfetangdighene wad frozn over last Saturdziy night, but the ice is not safe for skaters. " ' Mhlvlvr. J. Lount, Bf B:-a..cebrid'ge"ha.s pur- chased The Grove_' the homestead of `Mr. T. Myers. b T , . Mr. W, A. Furlong, the vetrau an school- master, iof Nottawa. is just com leting his 22nd year as teacher of that p ace The trustees have engaged Mr." Furlong for the v [ensuing year. V 4 H1! in I 1`! ha. `I 1\ I Anvnno pg 5`.-can -r-J --..- -v--v--w The ';L`ookstown Methodist church `will `hold its anniversary tea on New Year s Day. . . _ The Free Press states that the Midland Eeand of Hope composes close on to 400 mem rs. . injured one of his eyes. James Richmond, of Gibraltar, met with a. serious accident while out shooting `last week. The barrel of his. rie burst: and H was within an ace of having it deatroye Save money. Go t Blac-k Caslnmeres a no. n`EEmr for Dress Goods. The notorious Jamie A. Fetterly `is in trouble again ' He had some diiculty. with a. neighbor named Cooper and tried` to rune. pitchfork through him He was ned $10 and $12 costs and compelled to enter into` bonds to" keep the peace T mkn `III. M-OIIA `I703 l\l'\'\`.:I\I' IIl'\II7I`I LIUIIIIE Iu\I ILIZIJII IJIIWJ FWJKHVKJ The tug Maud S. was coming down the hay.on Sunday night with two ski's in_. tow, one behind the other. In the foremost there was Edward Freeman, and in the, latter Robt. McFarlane, son of Mr. Jas.; McFarlane, St. Paul street; The skiffs be came parted from the tug and afterwards from one another. Freeman arrived here all right, but McFarlane drifted around the bay all night. In the morning a couple of searching parties started -out to nd him Capt, Carson o_f.the tug Welcome found the lad nearly perished with the cold, a few miles otf Tiny shore. -Bulletin. L ' . _____.t.____ 1 `Thomas J of Ba.ndz s, 'l_ia.t;eIy. lost ve cattle from their eating too much wheat; several othersre sick, but will regovezf ' -. on. 'u` ` u -.pyv--.-- v------. --v ----_, -w--- VI -_- --vv-v- The new Hig'H school at Aurora has. been taken for a. ldgiatiq asylum. .'1`hissi_s 9. com- pliment, as If were, to the -architect and trustees. " T" - Mr." K'ent1V-ea.. one of -the oldest inhabitents `of NewA.Low`ll,` is suffering from `drdpsy and but smazjf hopes are utertained of his recovery. " E K T ' 13-: II-~.l}-...n .. ' .. I\_--_ 11--.|.. ..' Z The i1;.d River Star says the Presbyterian` minister at Eugenia gave one of Mr Fen- wick s sons 23. personal lecture in church last: Sunday, because he wasvsleepy from the` pa.rson s drawl. ` 4'1 1 sum .0 I I rvv The Cardwell Sentinel remarks :-We are asked to remind the village truant officer that if he does not look a. little sharper after the children he ll not get 011` as easy as he does over the cow by-law ' V 1' 'I\ 1 PIII I. "e" }Jc.?i{;n'a;a sndiars of the Awning` Public school hve arranged for a. ne enter- tninment on th_e'23r_i inst. There was": a very pi&q.nt entertainment at the Allieton Presbyterian church, last week and geems to have pleased everybody who attenged. F. W. Je'ery& Co , Mid'a.nd are erect- ing a large ice house for their own use. A large trade in ice is looked for next sea.- son. Monday night the house of, Mr. 1 Moft. of Warmiuster, was burned with all its contents. The family were away at the time. Rev.` -Mr. Hughes,` of 'Maxwell_. has accepted '9. call from the Rosemont and" Manseld-~ congregations. The induction will shortly take place. `I ? I `I1 I I , ,,A, , , , I I We have the st mantle goods in Town J .FYFE __ u-_-.._,, _ - v - - .- On Tuesday, Dec. 22nd, and Wednesday, Dec. 23rd, the Barrie Amusement Enter- prise have arranged for a rare treat This is MacDonald s Picouresque Scotland Musical and Novelty Co One hundred mammoth views of Scotland's finest. scenery, ruined churches and abbeys, beautiful lakes and rivers, good old mountains, castles nd monuments interspersed with old t e ballads, national dances, recitations char c- ter sketches, &c.. ' 3 m.......:.... ............. ...:u 1.... .. q....a...t. ........:..... "1;"a'\;J'l!ed'1 ord c ' a Dress Good: In" the leadlngohade _ J. FYFE98. UUL DIX`? UUIICD, Tuesday evening will be 9. Scotch evening and Wednesday an "Irish one. No enter- KID: tainment more unique interesting and in-, teresting and instructive can be -imagined In speaking of it the Boston Herald says : Both individually and collectively, the- features of the Scotch concert in the music hall last night were meritorious. The pro- gramme was arranged in a novel manner, embracing an exhibition of views in Scot- land, with musical and literary inter- spersions. Remember the dates, Dec. 22nd and 23rd. Tickets 25, 35, and 50c. at L. S Sanders. ` .-`Another Old Resident Gone. Last Friday Mr. Samuel Wright, a. re`- spectable and old-time resident, was seized with paralysis of the brain and after a. few hours lying in a. state of _unconscious- ness, quietly and gently passed away. . 'l`l1n Annnnunrlurnu flu: n1r]n:|f'. nnn nf Jan-non ucaa, 1-IILIUDIJ GI.I\L KIFLIBIJ IIIIUDULI WWW The deceased-was the eldest son of James and Margaret Wright, and was born in Tubbermore, County Derry, Ire'and, o'n the 8th of February, 1835. He left Belfast with his parents in August, 1837. and after a voyage of six weeks landed in Toronto. There the family lived for some years. In February, 1846, he came with his parents to Barrie and settled on the corner - of John and Elizabeth streets, where he resided till the time of his death. In April, 1865, he married Annie, eldest daughter of James Brewer, who was at that time a prominent business man. `On the 22nd of March, 1885, M.r Wright was stricken with paralysis which affected his rightside. When partially. recovered he was on the 5th of May of that year alicted with a second stroke of i so severe a nature, that he` was completely helpless. After some months he - artially rallied and though incapacitated or busi- ness was able to be about. [Last Friday, as above stated. "he had a 4 third stroke which `~ paralyzed "the brain; For half an hour he was conscious and i'su'ered`greatly during that "time, theulapsing into uncon- sciousness he passed gently away` to his everlastiugres .. t r ~ " T-In urn: mall Iznnmn an an 4lu'nn;nf. sun-I U VUIIIGEVIII5 I OBI He was well known. as an honest and upright man, and was held in the highest respect. He had good business abilities and for some years carried on business. in the town. In olitics `he was astaunohv Conservative. e 'leaves a mother, who resided with him, a wife, two dau" hters and a son to mourn hisdeparture. e was a member of the Independent ',Orderi of Foresters who attended the funeral in a body. , The ritual of the Order wee1re_a'd"at the grave, ;as._also the beautiful `service, of Riner. ; V ` The `funeral; A _ A 1?: Union Cemfeterygan $i1n; " >. .. '9 i Q !.`5.h by 135.?-,.; : =C9.`9 a.:a;uni ranch 'afh'." `i`the`uberds` ' 9"" ones Indm:-`eepect ?:':Iihe=daaiwa.=*M`:g ` The Longford'?pail`;aoto;yvha.s been closed 7 `Anny: `nu n anonnn Music, Btatox?-Hy, Poetry. an 1 1 I11 Fox hunting is a. favorite -sport in. the vicinity of Schomberg. `William Ho11iug- shed, sr.. caught; six and two other hunters one each, this fall. T Tnwv\nlN T nwrvnnnunn A` Ilnnticnv-I1 nvtxnn nn:v\rv "'Vr};'b A-gild iaiiiy Adsire t4iai{i}hse ` valued jrienda whose kind .a.ttent1`ona`.were a. ao1a.c_e it; their sorrow; - > I Iiiizhiriil Tweed V`t.Je3"F`.YFvE`,S.`._' L A e ' iv mioyabpauu nugannxgu; ` Reasons, Why "the Encyclopedia iBrita.n- '. nice. Reiiised and Amended is preferable to the original Encyclopzedie. Britannica : 4 1. The '9th"`or latest edition ` of` the? Encyclopaetlia. 'Brita.nnica~-the `greater portion of it--is from eight to sixteen years old, and is entirely behind the times.- . . , n rnl. _ `IR- ___-1-.......I:.. -Dn:`nI\I||:lIII uzuuwu. - . , . . '~ , '; . I Mr. Spotton was instructed! to charge -$1 00 per` month per'pupil' 6; the tea.c_h1ng months.` , . , , f.\...' -v;nL=.\-u `tun qvrltlllt-IIEIO I!ll| Q :v\1-C-nnInC;s:1 WO!'l(l. Wortu lneubluuwg W, 10:11. , ` 6. The Encyclopedia Britannica Revised ; and Amended contains 4,000'biographies of i the living men of our times not` contained in the original Encyclopaedia Britannica. The original Encyclopedia Britannica does not contain the bio raphies of such men as GIadstone, Bismarc , Sir John McDona1_d,. Gen Sherman, Gen. Gareld, Hon. Geo." D-n~--u. IIUIII ll Last I\` A4-`mama knnnnun thnv` umesp . 1 2.` The. Encyclopedia `Britannica 9th edition is too voluminous as well as too _1-__:..-I :.... ...... mt! mp.-mud-inn nnllncm edition 18 too voluuuuuuq as wcu can wv classical for any body exceptin _ colle e Erofessors and scientic men, an entire y. e ond the reach of the ordinary indi- vi ual. V V . ' 3. The Encyclopaedia Britannica. 9th edition contains voluminous articles on! hundreds of subjects in `which the public i has no interest. ' ' ' A fl1L_ 111.. ___-1`..._..I2- `D-:La|:-unglllll unuunua. K0n motion th4e..S;ecreVtaryV woo instructed to communioa.te"with `the_ County A Council calling attention to their_`proport1on of the 1 expenses due for count pupi]s_ attending } +_`1AATI`-.':`!1;'D nin-I IJ-uni-7+ `nu urn I-nnnirn fn ` H33 110 lllD6l'8BUo . . 4. The Eucyclopwdia Britannica Revised and Amended contains every article that is contained in the original Encyclopaedia Britannica 9th edition, but the voluminous articles referred to have been `abridged, and you get in a nutshell all that is con- tained in the original work. - K Tkg Wnnnnlnnmdn nr;f.Ann;nm There was a meeting of .the Colle iate In- stitute Board at the Mechanics nstitute Rooms on the 2nd inst. Members present, Hon. Senator Gowan, Chairman ; His Honor Judge Boys, Secretary ;. His Honor Judge Ardagh, Rev. Dr. Parker. Rev. Dean `Ber- gin. Rev. D D. McLeod and Mr. Daniel Spry; After routine business. the Secretary said he had received a number of. applica- tions in answer to, the advertisement in the Globe -for the position of science . teacher, which were read. It was nally decided that the choice lay between two of the ap- plicants, and Mr. Spotton was requested to ascertain as far as possible the standing of at these two gentlemen, so that the Boar V its next meeting may act thereon In the event of neither of the applicants being up to the standard or whomight not come to the terms offered, another meetin of the Board would be called, but if satisfactory u... ......._4. ..1:...-L1,. ..c Ll. H... ......1.1 `L... ... The" South Simcoe News announces that the Bradford modelites started for Barrie on Saturday for their examinations which took place on Monday, Tuesday and Wed- nesday. 1 -r I 1` III 158111811 In 5116 Orlguuu wuns. * . 5 The Encyelopwdia. "Britannica. Reyisedui and Amended has been written and cor- 1 rected u to date and contains not only the ` latest in ormation obtainable, but statistics of every country, `city on town in the world worth mentioning to 1891. I2 ml... ta`-\n11n1nrunA;n .Rl|;f.nI`II`l;l'|. R.AVil` the mosteligible of the two wouldbe se- lected. " ' >.uut.u'u wuuxu. uu uaucu, uuu u. Bnu;puItv"UI.J E 'u'_ u._-u.-.. _._-.. :....a...'.-..a....J`. L- ..L..-...- ei`:`pufes[dg1eT fc_>r :`pu`pi]s_ the Institute, and that" t _ey are. prequired to settle the amount of fees paid for such I'\I'I1\:`n DVUUIIF U prdpriation for the rat ha.1`i uo?`l'83f to Barrie Collegiate Insitute, and to the"High Schools -4: 12.....u.....1 .....1 n..:n:.. rm...-".aa'......+. +n nnl. 1 UIIC `Ill ` ' f" :Yo7ui; ohm; ese;;'m; ;f:'j. J OHN M1LIA'1i, Dep. Minister. It will be seen theb Cellingwood gets con- ` siderably more than any other `High School in the county. LIEU Dugrunuu uvu. Utaxuvau uvu. uuu. Brown, and a,host of others, beca.use the '. happen:c`1 to `as living at the time the boo urn:--nu ;nHn I wasgpublished. H fI'1I_ _ T3,- -_._ W53 ' pu UIIBLI CU.- 7.' The Eucyclopaedia 0BritVa.nnica. Revised ` and ` Amended is` in price within the reach of the great mass. of people, while the original edition cost the subscriber from` $120 to $200 per set. - 42-tf Ullvlavv .llJIV\`LG TI-I\` U`-I VIII! `#1551 kI\III\J\Il 3 : Bradford and Orillia. The"g"ran_t 199 Col- lingwood was not then stated; -- The e,Tfo1_low- ing note to the County Clerk was r'eived' theother day: ` _._ .`: -..-.,_swg:.s-2: EDUCATION" DE1>AR'rME1f'r, - " Tc_?_1*1oi1tE>'," 1`)'e'a7 3&2: ` '1 s91. -- "-'~ .\/~a2"'.! rt .9. . W VI: n.GIl II.` VIKIIICIKII Lake" Couchichiuj: was frozen ovr last Sunday morning, - IIII `lN,,-___LL _.__-2__ _.-._I_-L L-.. Lani. .LUl.'UI.IIaU, JJUU. OFU `I031. ` ' - ,\ /`.9? L! Dear Sir,-The Vf.3ilg;_w1pg at.'e_'!.be`)'( High V -;, I . . - c School grants forg1s'E half of 189}, wlnch have been remitted to the Board direct : Collingwood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$640 I `I0 1,, T Some lvtvleevkvs a;;(: :v'e'}`)_u-l)1;i1:E?z!. nte from the Educational De artzment giving the ap- propriation half of 1891 Market Notes. Last week the market was very active and 9. good `deal of business was done. On Thursday a. very large quantity of pork was brought in and disposed of, also large quan- tities of hay. . "VI-.43 urnnn .Qnl-..I1Iu1nu n I\rI:nna I n lIIIJIU Ul. Clo . The following were Saburdey a prices on the market square: V lknnb Q7}-5 Q-A Onn o ho!-IA11 Ann I-A Rnn 0 IIIIV IIIGI. BUD D\1Illl.I.i - Wheat, 870. _to 900.; barley, 40c. to 50c.; rye, 84c. to 88c.,_oa.ts, 30c .150 32c.; pease, 60c ; hay. $7.00 t.o$8.50 9. ton.;'stra.w, $4.00 to $5.00 _a. ton; beef, hindquarters, $6.00 per cwt.; fdreqarters, $4.50 per cwt.; mutton, 8c. 8. lb. ; pork, $5.00 to $5.50 per ewt.; turkeys, 10c. to llc per 1b.; geese, 5c. to 6c. per 1b.; ducks 50c. to 60. a pair; fowls, 50. a pair; butter, rolls, 16c. to 18c. per lb ; tub, 15c. to 17. ; eggs, 17c. to 18c.` per doz; untrimmed hides, $3.50 to $4.00 per cwt.;` sheepskins, 800. to $1.00 a. piece; potatoes, 32c. to" 350. per bag;.a.pples. $1.25 to $1.50 9. barrel; wood, $3.25 to $3 50 per cord; Anthra- cite coal $6.25 per ton. $3.25 per half ton ; Bituminous c'oa.I $6.50 per ton, $3.50 per half ton. collegiate Literary society. 81 the Society : Own Reporter. A large number attended the last pro- gramme meeting for the` termiof the above society on Friday afternoon` last. The pro , gramme consisted of readings by Misses | Jamieson. M. Erly, Messrs. Kidd, Craw ; ` iano solos by Miss Kennecg, and Mr. Geo. I tnith ; vocal solo byMr. .' Washington; chorus` Boy s ' Glee Club. . A- noticeable feature of the afternoon was the; absence of none of the performers announced to appear. Miss M. S rv was elected critic for the even- ing. On A idav afternoon the last meeting of the term will be held, when the various reports `for. the term will be received. ` . . 1` 1111'.` Us U. .I.u.u|. uvuuuu uwu vuvcswu uu use duties as Ptincigal Protestant teacher at th Reformato ` 3, 4 enetanguishene. is a. L....LL.... -8 _ - ,\KnDIunnann ti` Chg `Ran!-An ;}`I;:;1 ?W 1 _ As per advertisement it illbe seen that _s. representstisye physicxa nd electrician of Dorenwend Electric Bel 0., Toronto, will he at the Queeis Hpte on Saturday, De- 'cemberl2,'\fvlife re he .'.be `consulted with about the selfichre o `muscular, nervous end hrmilc _dise` ; `New the. aiicted hsvehaneopportuni bf qettin '9. free and impartial o inion slimited; on -t 88 It: `I7 their trot le. His stsyl `I-; inuunoa In an New rum. V Mr. J ." C.` McPherson has entered on itis _ -_ __ 'n_:__2__I IJ__4.--A.....L A.-....L-- -5. AL- wuuuul lllvn . > The Everett grain market has been brisk for the last V three weeks. an n . I I