Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 10 Dec 1891, p. 1

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cA.`oiac::..e; . ` ' - TO SEND: U Ill 1% I Respectfully submitted, DANIEL SPRY, Chairman. J osnrn Romans. Mr. Radenhurst reported verbally that the committee on school management had arranged that Mr. Moran and Mr. White- bread would conduct the promotion examin- tions, He also stated that the committee had gone over the applications (16 in num- her) for the principalship and recommended three of them for the consideration of the whole Board. - Mr. Baikie moved, see. by Dr. R. A.| Ross. that Mr Moran be re-appointed.` Mr. Rogers said he could not see how the Board could consistently, after advertising for a new Principal at a salary of $900, re- ' appoint Mr. Moran at $1000. Mr. Baikie said that Mr. Moran s experience in the school entitled him to an extra 3100 Mr. Baikie s motion was then put by the chair- man and carried. __-_ L___._._1_L -... LL- ........LL:.... -6` HIGH Gill). UlvlllUu- Mr. Rogers brought up the question of re-appointing Miss Bowen. Mr. Spry moved, sec. by Dr. Ross, that she be appointed and that she be assigned her work in that ward school where required, and that classes be arranged accordingly. 'll ......A `Ln 1!. Ilailpin can I-nr K12` Qnrv Bull tuuc uguaauu uu` (III. auguu auuu: \.u.u5:.Jo Moved "by Mr. Baikie, see. by Mr. Spry, that the distribution of teachers be made by the principal with the approval ot the Com- mittee on School mana. ement. . rm --- --- --.._=.1-_-L - .1:..........:.... .. n... 11110366 Uu IDUIIUUI. Iuuua uuxcuu. There was considerab 9 discussion on the question of insurance of school property in conneotaion-with two rival, companies. A L 4.. -....`I.. 1...... `Ln `Dan:-A nJ1'nnIvnnr` . Save money. ivorcouts. i s n h At a special sittings of the Court on Thurs- speclal sittings. ' G._ T. R. vs. Senu-Kirkup, claimant. day this action arising out of the recent defalcations of freight agent Senn, was tried` before His Honor Judge Boys. It seems that Senn has been purchasing a fancy horse and conveyance among` other articles of luxury, and the G. T. R, in this action which was to recover a portion of the moneyvallegcd to have been misappropriat- ed, procured a writ of attachment to issue alleging that Senn had absconded under which a horse and buggy and harness were seized. in the possession of Mr. hirkup, who led a claim against the horse and harness, | alleging that the horse was to remain his property until paid for and that he had re- urchased it from Senn before he left for amil ton, where he was arrested, and also claiming that he never sold the harness at all. 'Kirkup also claimed $25 for keep of the horse. -,-_ _.-_ L.........`l..L C.-A-as `-l\o(lnI\1:I\ nnsl- me _nor e. . Senn was brought from the gaol in cus- `tadv of the sheriff togive evidence. The evidence was very contradictory asvto the sale of the horse, but Kirl:'up s claim to the horse was disallowed, also his claim for keep of the animal, but the Judge held the harness had not been sold. Judgment accordingly, over-ruling objections to juris- diction of Court as to regularity of attach- I _- _..~ 1 A 1.1.-.f`..-4-kw nnnnnrp for H19. G- 'd.1ct10n OI UOUYU B3 130 regu1uuuy_ UL aI.aun\.au' ment-. ,J. A. McCarthy appeared for the G T. R. and John Hood for Kirkup. V `A: - _ I save money. Hosiery and G101 D I. uu L 1. 41 um, e. having stone 6 rooms, nantry. K, 31:11:. large law . p .y to * . W. gLAX'l`0N, _ Barrister. Barne. Tl:|A'1' t 1u3.'1`1 1 nuuuur 132 Elizabeth St.. 8 foundation. good cellar. closets, hard and soft w garden, new stables, e 50-52 aw ounc- .`!.. The sixth monthly shoot for the Set of Carvers took place on Tuesday last. The day was most favorable for shooting, and consequently good scoring was "done. Mr. Robt Neilly won the trophy for the third] and last time, and we congratulate him on - his success. The following are the scores : R. Neilly 95, Joe. Neilly 92, J G. Neilly an m D...-.1...-+. saw 1.... A_ Nemv 35_ s,l annulus` vu vuc uuapuoul. The Council then adjourned. i the last Friday R. Neilly 95, Joe. menuy 92, u 88, W. Probert 87, Jae. A. Neilly 86, M_cWi11iams 79. J. O Connel177, J. Doo- little 77, J. Booth 71. In future "the monthly pmcticei matches will `be shot on of each month. ` The Barrie Rie club will shoot 9. match with the home The Barrie club Ui . LV euiy club on New Year s Day. won the championship of the O. H. `R. A. a. short time ago and "doubtless the coining ..-n...'l.. ...:n 1....m..lI nnn+.ss.nmd_ ' The O_O_H, s. W011 UIU UIIGIIIEILIILIULIIPI V. -..- -. .__- _v__ ,,, ago doubtless coming match will be o well contested. The 0.0.H. R.A,a.nd' the C.O.H.R.A. having a.ma`qa.- mated under the name of Dominion Off- Hand Rie Association, the matches in future. will be shot on a much smaller target. Barrie and Bmdforcg comprise one- ciietrict, and ve matches will be shoti L. -4 AL- -....... `Khl-nncm 1diatrict,and. nve matones E during the ve.r.'--Witne_sa. Willi lovuryuup wuv--- -. The Canadian Almanac and iscellaneous Directory, ublished by The pp,` Clark Co. , `(Limited) , oronta. 18 a tv useful annual. `It_,isf now in` its 45th , and every year A ` ssential from the contents.~ This an- ur table and-is said to . . " 'a.nd 17.000 names, and all for_20 cents. Inthe oice; the counting. rooinnnd theshop,-_` is dispensable. M DllI1eJIilUu w.1uu uwu l.'1vm_uuu:1:uuLvu. At an_ early hour the Board adjourned ` niumie {u - `at GE0.BEEIlY9S Price: on style the work.`_ .; 4cl`c`a?~3s?:u;a?7u"1zaiiIi,tbis, : Mr. .: W6h1d`1_11;;e1;q ` % DEG R I4, I5 AN A Heller 'thI.t II I Heifer. : -.~ " `Mr. Reid, 91 `0`l`b,"6n`of the county con- steblee, sold a3`yei.r1in heifer last week to In- m|.z..`....- Qqiblvnn n Imam-- which Weih Ml`. '1-HOIUDH DIIIIUULI III Java! over 10001bs._ She is 3.. prize takerat `all shows w gghibifged. If any _--man in ,_ ;:- :-;.'...'. a-I.o.`.-I-Milt!-AI! ;f.ha.l >165, sold a;`yea.run uauer Luau Hutu .. ` Thdniks Sutton, 0 Edgar, which weighs snnn `II... Ln... in n um-fact beautv. 3 What Everyone should we. '*` -'--A --A :-naa` DOHIBS Buuwu, UL nu5cu, u....... .. "5..- lbs, isa,_ Nfoct ,be,aut , aakerat shows ere.uhe~ en ted. any-man in the Count of `e<'an%do7<-bttfer :tbanj;th`is,..LMr.;; id` :;1n_L 2.- .I-;*.ga...'?.I;;:`-up . Pnbllo son_oo1.soua. 7o GEO. lummr tor ,__.__ . (ago. REEDY nor County Court Am! General Sessions. The County Court; and General Sessions was opened at the Court House at 1.30 p. m. on Tuesday. _Judge Ardagh presides in the C mina1 division and Judge Boys in the {`-:1-1` 1600} RIGUL ` B MEETING AT Til HlGEAN- l I08` INSTITUTI ON FRIDAY. ! `THE SIMGUE PIONEER SGGIETY. I 5 non senator Gowan delivers a very 1ntor- ' eating add:-eu-const1tutlon and By- laws adopted-A number of additions - to the society membershln. .- The secondmeetin of this society was held in Barrie on Friday last, the 4th inst , Hon. Senator-Gowan. aftergthe minutes of - the previous meeting had been read and con- rmed, addressed the meeting, and thanked the members for having honoredhim with the oice of Honorary President of the society It must, he_ said, be evident to everyone who has looked at the subject that it is most important to have a record of local events, and the object of this society will accordingly commend itself in all direc- tions. He had come to live in this county in January, 1843 and it is astonishing to ' contrasttits condition at that time with what ' it is at present. The mode of travelling from place to place was on horseback. At | that time, too, municipal organization had just begun. Capt, Iriving, father of [Emeline Irving, Q C. of Hamilton, had just. been ' appointed the rst Warden of the newly constituted Simcoe District. Local councils were also then established in the townships for the rst time, the head of the local coun- cil being the representative of the township in the County Council. . The change had been made in accordance with the views of Hon. Robert Baldwin and others of the day. He had been opposed to the change of plac- ing municipal afairs in the hands of the elected officers. For forty years he was connected with the municipal system in the capacity of either arty /`ex or particeps. ,__ I,,.,!1 -who had become judges.` -V.`._-- Speaking of educational progress, he said I I I I "J " L L that our present school system would not have been what it is to-day, had it not been for the guiding hand of Dr. Egerton Ryer- son. There was a Board of Education for the county in those early years of which he was chairman. Their work was consider- able, but_he was ably assisted by the other members of the Board, particularly by Rev. Mr. Gray and Mr. Dallas, of Orillia. The qualications of the early teachers, which the Board demanded. were not extensive. They had three grades then, as now. The range of studies in the schools was narrow, yet with the rudimentary instruction ob- tained there, some of the pupils have be- come the ablest men in Canada On a re- cent occasion he had looked backward over 1 the history of the county and had counted no less than ten young men from this county These were :-The late Christopher Armstrong, of Carleton County; VV VV. Dean, of Lindsay, who was educatedat Barrie Grammar School ; Samuel J. Lane and Judge Creasor, of Owen Sound ; iMait1and McCarthy, of Orangeville; Feath- erstone Osler, of the Supreme Court; W. G. Falconbridge, of the Queen s Bench Di- vision; J. A. Ardagh, and VV. E. A. Boys, of Barrie; and W. C Mahaffy, of Brace- bridge. Qnrnn ammn nr nirrlmf xmm-n after he name UIIUEU. Some seven or eight years after he came to the county, he was able to say that it con- , tained a population greater than those of , Manitoba and British Columbia combined. This was owin to the extent of the county, which then inc uded the present areas of Dufferin and Grey counties. For this vast - territory, there was but one judge; now, there are ten or more within the same.area. He cited several reminiscences of Toronto, in which he had lived during the thirties. In his travels from place to place on circuit duties, he always found a Methodist preach~ er wherever he would go, showing their energy and enthusiasm in their cause. He l believed that there was too much ocking into the professions: Farming was a more valuable occupation to the country at large. Of late years it was becoming more honor- able than it had previously been. A...`-`mat rs`-Ln #1-|:I'|rl HA nrltinrl 8.018 Duuu lb uuu PlUVl.UunLJ Amongst other things he added would be an interesting ethnological study to follow the descendants of the plucky band of Scotch settlers who left the Selkirk KICVIR. that it l Settlement on the Red River and came through the forests to West Gwillimbury, and see how far these descendants, many of whom have attained distinction in various professions, have given evidence of the pluck and perseverance of their parents. In a. humorous vvay he referred to the wonderful faculty of the North of Ireland man "to look out for himself. _Wherever he had gone he took root and lived One of the chief points in the joke is the fact that the Senator himself is a. native of Donegal. He cited a number of men of that race who have attained world-wide distinction In referring to the early newspapers of the county he mentioned Hugh Scobie, a Simcoe `D-innnnvv nu +1-un fir-at I1'|5|.YI in to (I klliuvvv ` county ne meuuuucu. .u.u5u puuum, i Pioneer, as the first man in Canada. to raise iournalism out of the low condition in which it was. In conclusion, he hoped that the I that it would become an inuential body, as the York Pioneers had become The speak- er concluded his remarks amidst applause. A . n,_ ._- --:.:._... 4.1.... `kw Luna and nnnutitn- start the society had made would ripen. and | I CO!!ClI1(leO. I118 I'8lllul.'na auuunu clllpununvu At the meeting the by-laws and constitu- tion of the York Pioneers, in substance and detail, with such changes as are necessary ` for local conditions were accepted as the by-laws and constitution of the Simcoe So- (nd-I1 |IJ lllVVw \~bo\Q vv---v------'-_ _ - ciety. The following persons were elected mem- bers of the society :--Robert Grose, Barrie ; Henry E Quantz, Innisl ; Donald Ross, Barrie ; Charles L. Stephens, Orillia. ; Rev. T. Laboreau, Penetanguishene. ` V'l1I...Q....:-L.. ...-13.:-nnnil I-n rnnpf, n_an_in in \/L IIIL civil. Laooreau, renetunguusuuuu. T .The Society adiourned to meet again Barrie on the first Friday in February, iT`o c:lo;kw save luuuuyo \ Shirts and Bra; 1 ` The Ramsay concert. 1 A pretty good audience greeted the Mc- Gibeny .Family. at the Town Hall last- Thursday night, though it was by no means a crowded house. The family is remarkable for versatility of talents in the line of music; There does not seem to be any instrument on which they cannot play, and their vocal powers are quite as varied and well trained. The various numbers were warmly applauded and honestly encored. In closing these remarks on the excellent entertainment, Tun ADVANCE would kindly suggest to the parents of Leo, that a little training in manners and modest would be a great nelpto the little pr igy. A baby that lmowsjtoo much is not pleasing, either on the stage oifinithe nursery. . .. . ,-Anotto-`Sale-. `Mond:iy`,`Dec.`l4th 9l-0n lot 2. con. 10 Iunialz horses, cattle`, pi s,- implements, `hay, tc., sale at] o'clock. m.- Armstrong jp5`d"p, , .'jD a.uctioneer,j.f ' I ~ 5 Save money. -S210 GEO. ;lEEl)Y for I`InIIII- and . P3 . grmuwnlms 1=n1w11. Poms. inns? nncon. nu-runs IIUOEIJ `Very Interesting and Goesipy chapter of Local History. --The bay is still clear` of ice +Oro township c ncil next Tuesday. Beautiful Fur anllee and Sets at J i1rnI'_I;vs._ K iwhloh. Linked Together. construct a _NoV sum. in ule Jllebnnulau ' L:n-JEN"mS'A11iston. by the Rev. '1`. Dnnlop, 3145011889 n 61 r` .5'tT.'1.3raI?;s .?nkLlI:a`.:>t _ '%ce:grontl:>s. Em murR.--On Dec. 8th. in the Con- . WxsuAa1:i;3f1_ church, by the Rev. J. R. , A, Mr. Frank Wieeman and Mlfgagh Turner. both of Barrie. ' . BI Y,NnY.-At the Presbyterian Manse, 1 the 25:11 Nov., by the Rev. i`,`3{3`}`m'3s. Prince Sherman Belfry. to Esme, Euen N ey, `both 01 the Township of TI) - _ AWDEN.-011 25th .Nov., at the MAGR!An'1:{ 0? the bride : arents. Gotham. ".A,,pe1le Valley. N. . '|`.. by the Rev. 3 G Bea}, Rector of Grentell. Wm. ,g'kins'on Ma rath. eldest son of the Rev. Mile, yagrat. . rector of Christ church R. E Barrie. to Edith Annie. second daughter at Thomas Bawden, 11130.. ~ Died. 24e`1`.x&`..`.'-",3 . 3`'$.7i`:% 5: %vE1`}%i3 arfX: aged 52 Y<=9-I`3- T CAMERON --In Seattle. Wash.. Nov. 12th. John Cameron. son or Mr. Malcolm Cameron. or B333 Lake, aged 31 years. -_ 1.. Alliafnn nn Wnnnnnv, Nnv -The best mgn i_`; the town should be chosen for oice. --There is ominous stillness in mu nl icipal election matters I -Mercha.nts are getting ready for the rush of holiday business. 11?, I .0!!! .3 n -Severai (duly: last week the weather was like summer. l eWe `hear of (some still-hunting for 'votea for council positions. ' fnl 1-1 5-.` I -The s1eighin`g is I1n; of the best, but - still some persons try in. I 117 1 . up vx iv -\ g ' --We 1;ot:ice tha; Mr. P. K. Perry, of [Byng Inlet North, was in town. k-in;.e"n.;.{.{..io'" '.{.$I;T.Y.i.e place to get full Mllllne FYFE S. . --A snow storm began Sunciay afternoon. The amount is about four inches. J -Miss Minnie Ayers, of Ardtrea, is | spending some time with friends in Barrie . IN 11-: 1 vs . `r\ a 1 HE nancial year endi% Statute on the 15:11 December, 1891, tepayers must pay Mair invna in fnl] hv than 1 4-Centr zsiuicgxe TF;a7t;;r\Ve7rs q-Institute at Vvyevale on the th of January. I-II..- I'|.._..|-.l..A .._.-._ 1.141.. _I_._ 4- I '-~Ca.;tain Milner and Lieut. Briey, `lady ofcers, are` now in command at I . Barrxe. I -A V` new fence has been pub in front of | the Army Barracks which makes the place `look much tidier. ' W-WCrossla.nd `J. Senn was up before His A Honor Judge Ardagh last Monday and was ` again remanded for a week. 1*. I -1 .. . til I I (--Election of oi Legion No. 16, S K. attendance required. (*4 I 1 1' r1 3 -It is said attempts will be made to brin oubalady candidate for one of the !war 3 as Public School trustee. -The Young Men's Christian Association intend to have a. big time next Monday even- |ing. Every member is expected. Eff} C '! Well then e Crystal Palace Stores where ud the best and cheapest s y Toys a.nd Presents in the Cou ty. N t corner west of the I VVel1ington Hotel. 50-51 -Dit1 you gee em'? you d better go I 711 ,,, LL - uptured pons should, see the new Dorenwend Electrical a.tta. in t to com- bine with any truss, ma ' res. certain and adding comfo the Quecn s Hotel, on Saturday, mber 12,` per ad- vertisement in another column. QUEEN OF HEARTS . . . . . . . . . ..EA.ST LYNNE h . . ..DAVID GARRICK ?10nda:'. Dec. 14th.. .. rucidliy. Dec. 15th. Wednesday, Dec. ' 'ZLE}{i;'i.-,{ 11;; E" W and Presents W . bankrupt stocks ` for Holiday Toys ave Bought largely of II. and therefore can sell cheaper th ever. Don't: forget Free- ma.n s Crystal lace Stores is the place to buy at, Wes of the Wellington Hotel. 50.51 -Miss Townsand appears in the character of David Garrick and she is the only lady in this country who has essayed this character. As Lady Isabelle she rises to positive grandeur. There is not a tittle of rant in her acting but all her characters are natural showing through study and preparation. Do not miss it. V f\ . c `guy -a-g-aw A @Dr. Jebb the well known Optical Specialist will be in ie at Chas. L. Sanders jevgvelr _ (opposite Fyfe s) en Dec. 15th till Dec. h from 1 o clock tlii ?4ea.ch day. `The ly optician in Canada. making the" g and tting_ of compli- cated lenses for the eye a. specialty. Con- ` sulting and examination free. 49-50 On Friday evening last, there was a. mee`.- ing of the Board of Health, though there was not very much business to be done, rm... 4'.-.I1..m:.m mnmhm-q were nreserlt :- was HUI: VcI._y Luuuu uuanumau I/v ..-V ..v..-_ The followin members were; present:-- Chairman Croo 'shanks, Secretary Bird, and Messrs. McWa.tt, Creswicke, Man` and C. 1"!` `I1 -.._ 11. 1 IlUBDu The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. The following letter `from Judge Ardagh was read : BARBIE, Nov. 28th. 1891. J. S. Orookshank, M.D., Chairman Board of Health : SIR,-I begtosay that I repudiate all liability for the so called nuisance arising from the ponds on my water lots. What- ever state of things exists is owing to the action of the railway company who, by placing their road bed `where they did, stopped the ow of water. No complaint hasiever been made until the culvert was. this year, almost entirely closed by the company. Yours obediently, Last Friday night the l3arrie Literary So- ciety struggled with the labor question. The `subject of debate was : Resolved that eight hours should constitute a legal day s work. Mr. Hay was chairman, and Mr. Edwards critic. Messrs. Brownlee and Stephens were on the airmative and` Messrs. Blow and Bird the negative. The decision was in favor of the negative. Next Friday evening, the President, Mr. Sproul, will .....1 - -nnnnr nn The Extinction of the Yours obediently, JOHN ARDAHII. No action was taken on the matter to which the letter refers, nor will there be till spring. as no danger from said ponds can arise while frozen. } ;uu...V.._.. The following motion was carried, nem. con: That the Sanitary Inspector report at next meeting his reason for allowing the filth to remain so long in Mr. Bothwel1 s evening, H16 1 l'8Bl.uenh, LV1l.'u oynuux, nu. read a paper on The Extinction I-Iurona. Let the auditorium be full as the paper will no doubt be interesting and in- nnn nit: VA , V urn uecemner, mm, zleir taxes in full by they Julullo After sc adjourned. PCPUI 7' All atructive. `That Fountain. The W.C T,U. deserves well of the town `for presenting it with the fountain which adorns the Five Foints It is elegant in design,` and wi1l.be of ivqndrous benet to the thi}'sty._whether1nan `or beast. (16315!-I, H uuu he P.hir=W~ I $1.00 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE smanr. corms, nvn: curs. some informal talk the Board Barrio Literary Society. Board of Health. officers in Kempenfeldt of C. bo-night. Good rot` Popular Prices. and 50 Cents. 50 50 . . Tick: MOTIONS. "$0.51. I Somers vs. Cairn--Replevin of a. horse, ` Louut, Hewson & Creswicke for plaintiff, Hood & Co. for defendant. n It _____--- -..-. D`m:":'\n A..Z.... . ___ TAX NOT;6E. 00(l 0:, U0. LU]. uuluuuuauuo 2 Mushgrove vs. Pb1ll1ps-Action on promises. Note and counter cla.1m.. Gunn - & Ambrose for plainti . W. H. Bennett for defemlallt. A In I ,, ,,__ CIA...-...--. Anl-:nn run nnnl-'-unnt At Barrie, on 1160. `mm, Lam, we EUNTEEJA. M Hunter. of a son. - govmsfg son. W51 Midland. Dec. 1st.. Mrs. Louis 3gI1'H'. f daughter. v ' . amxth oInMid1and. on Nov. 16th. the wife G3mAM-`Thomas Graham of a. daughter. Of Mr` , . .-._:n.~.. nn than `lint. 1111 ... the: wife; uexemxamc. ' _ T 1 4 Taylor vs. Sta.yner--Act1on on contract. McCarthy & Co. for plaintil Hood & Co. for defendant. , I'1.'I...--an A n`-:nn An nnnynn Aur (ICIGDGBJIE. . _ 4 Horman vs. G1lmore-Act1on on coven- ant in chattel mortgage. M608-1`thY 55 CD for plaintiff. Gunn & Ambl`08 f0? 'df_l1d.' ant. ' ` ` 5 Raly vs. I3rown-- A'1.1B`:8`5.<`1` T`, di.';5.5Hvh";d': trespass. Gunn.& Aiii1)`i"c'i8.TfJ:l`A.P19-i"7i:' J` ,J`.__L p ,, ,1.____'I-_4." `FM Sale or to/Kent, IN UR -J U n l__ Vanna. 1 Cameron vs. ~f;~AHi`h5.l.-IntrPl3d"5 Alex McLa.reu for plainmf. Bruce; Fair!` 00. for defendant. - `2 Olsein vs. Budd--Action on misbfy ro note. Lennox & Co. for pla.intif ?Sti'a.thy? & l'<`.n+..., c-.. .:..c.....1....4. Ranm-+1 hf muses rlugn Uuuu and 8 days. - `&" - LGIIDOX N U0. I01` llluululuo, :w.t'A Eaten for defendant. Report Of next week. . V ' ', ` . . '. z.;&?Y' `au%g:2232uaa;:F`:i{ a to - b tHa.rv1e. ' R er -Nov aom. at the Methodist ut-JENK1N,s' . n;..+.m hv tha Rev. 'l`- Dnnlnn Ill.Ul`U VIII] Ill VIII! `ltvunulyo Last week Detective Beardsley heard of . 501116 infringements of Tth Hawkers and Pedlars By-law in the townahi `of Em.; .i1 as `the pedlar; He? summonad um` ' A m `hi and a ne" of -$10" ` 09}i1_il`*i|! H P0966`, {and that. -he at '-t&k,.GilA>IlI'-~`-8' re`whxch .119` did; .2 Thus -f-tlia i nIInn\Anlu;.I Hr.-..`.F - ~` He got on the trail and loo. ` on to Ppear before the M ' ' tr&l a0"-I>.!I'I 2 fjo ` wuomn no.Asoes} V01 SAMUEL Wmsmcv. Proprietor. _ _ Three night engagement of e young, beautiful and talented tress 5`)-50. NEW ADVERTISEE NTSo vyum-3. \Xull -\I/ Janus Cosh for defendant; T Ell Inna - _At D" . 2 d. . A M Hunter. 0161: 30:. 189-1' the More Gash the READ TI-Ii}; I4-th yfstant, NON-.fpg`c3`si:,ls. J URY. CASES. Town Treasurer. "7IJ DUI Tickets at Sanders` TOWN mm: m snsslf rune: A1` Anus an-1-was -ran} sum: mm 191' nnrunr wnnns. .; some Winn jnuenulon olfithe lleotrlo Light Qneqtlon- Oounou Not Duponed to Inoredee or `Prloe--Ausndsle amal- gamation Question, &e.. ;&o.,i so. The regular meeting of the Town Coun- cil was held on Monday evening. The Mayor presided. All the members were present except Councillor Pearcey. ...'A---_..--_.. . _____ __ i some .. cn__1A g _ UNCH, High Tea: and C cert in aid of the Woman s AuXil19aT'Y 0 i-unions. at King s Hall on WEDNESDAY 6th inst. Admission Lunch. 2.5c., for II `Fan and Concert. 25c., and for Concert ne, 100. ' ' Having been waiting for a long length of time to hear from you with regard? to. the ditch that was cut through my lot No. 4. on the east side of Mary street. it was agreed toby_the Mayor andy Reeve in the presence of Mr Chipman to allow me `what was fair remuneration for it,and that is all I want. It took about 15 feet wide the depth of the lot. Trusting you will give this matter your immediate consideration, g 7 ' V I am yours,. ` JAS. Wrnxmson. A letter from Alexander Wiggins asking ` the council to give him employment. v e A `A!-for `s-Ann ,Tnv-non \X7.....1 than manta nnIv, 'coMMUN1dA'r1oNs.' " To the Mag/or and Oomoration of the Town ~ Q/` arrie.> . V IIIIV UVIII-IIIII NU [V9 IIIIII VI-IIPIUJ IIIULIUC < A lettetnfrom J ames Ward was read _ ask- ing . remission of the fees for the Town Hall for the St. George s Society concert -on - the ground that 'it was for a. charitable pur- 1`\l'\ . P139! T ~ V BAnizIE,~])e 7th, 1891. T9 the Mayor and Council. A % G1:N{rLEME_N. - VIRUS lUl.' U119 [IIUBUIIIJ YUGF6 ` . . The large commodious reading room of the Institute. is open to ; the public every day from 2 to 5 p. m.. anslfrom 7.30 to 9.30 p. m. This involves considerable expense, and the Institute has been unable to rent any of its rooms; The only source of our revenue ` are the annual membership fee of $1 _00. 1 The Government grant of $282,` and the a town grant.` _ , _ l Hoping for your favorable consideration, I am Gentlemen, - ' Y ours respectfully, ' A. HAY, Treasurer V A. Miscampbell writes along letter com.- plainingof the Assessor tampering and humbuggiug him. . . 3 I beg tc make application in i)ebalf of the Mechanics Institute tor remission of the taxes for the present vear; rm... 1...... ...........i:..... ..-...::..... ........... ..c .1... av vnvv gvluavv vvUvvV v_'....... _.I -. DEAR SIRs,-I am instructed to communi- cate to your honorable body on behalf of the Hospital Committee, that a meeting of the Committee was held on Nov. 9th, at which it was concluded to buy the propertv owned by Mr Lloyd on` Duckwortlutreet. It was assumed that the town would give the $500 which they formerly appropriated to aid the committee in buying and furnishing the place; and it was decided to present this resolution to your honorable body with the object of asking you to withdraw the re- strictions upon which the said grant was- ' T --A u-vnuuun `n:Irl\`I`I`lI1 To the Mayor and` Council Q/` .Barrie.' A. Bird, Esq , Town Clerk. DEAR Sm,-Having ascertained by a year s experience what we can afford to do in the way of street lighting with gas under the new process, the Barrie Gas 00., directs me to say that they will supply gas for one year for street lam s, . bein ve feet erg hour, the same to urn eac -night (ot er . than the usual. moon light nights) from dark till 2 m., at the rate of $13 per each lamp, shoul 20 lamps be required. Should 40 or more lamps be required the Company would accept $12 per lamp. The C0 ,2 would "ex- pect the wwn to light and put out the lamps. supplylamps, etc. , the Company s ten er being tor the gas alone. ` N V Vours respectfully, 1 `Barrie Dec. 7th 1891. Henry Bird, Town Olerk, Barrie. `I 1') A . A `g by the Co oraiion of Bame should be livered forthwit to ensure -Dayment by the` h inst. A - _ R?` D. C. MURCHISON. and all accounts 0 ` aaaa v-U .--. _. DEAR sm,-About a. year ago J. R. Cotter Esq.Crown Attorney sent in a. `bill to the corporation for the amount expended by him in rebuilding his fence which had been re- moved by the oicinls of the corporation when straightening the creek which runs through his property. He has not, so far, even had a. reply to his letter with reference to the matter and he has instructed us to take proceedings, unless payment` is made immediately. Kindly bring this letter before the Coun- cil this evening and let us know what they ____ an `A UII. ULIID U Y 051111: propose to do` g/J.\/a.n----.rv-- V. ._._, , A letter from George Lount re nuisance of sewerage discher ed on the lot of Samuel Lount, threatening ega.1proceedi_ngs in the premises - A A A h-.._:- n-.. -1.1; IQOI To the Mayor .1: oozipiciz. GENTLEMEN, ' A As requested .by your committee on `Fire and Police we beg to `submit the following tender for lighting the streets of the ' town.- As your a.re`a.wd.re we have `lately built a. steam plant inetown} witl1'jd`uplic3te machm,-I cry in ogder to lislhr-thditninterruipted run- ..:..a nf ("in-r liabh."5nd on;-acuonut. of t-,hig`_ in orgler to 1nH.lPO . ....- ning of our ligbtflnd on -acuuunt this large 'excpendit'ure,'>and the incnjeased cost of running byjsteam as: oompar,ed- with walzer` owerastealre obliged to askp. highet, price mm the town for street lights. A ,.W will - .,t;;rn:igh`,a.1L`night1ights if ten o_r over. .are `,`tu.ken.*=,or the main streets, ,at $130 -per a.nnu1i1,' to burn from dusk to dawn three | hundred nights in the year, . A m- _.:n :......:.1. I-iahtn m burn`from dusk` twelve o clock for Iourmonuna an at yua- sent for three hundred. nights `for $75 per annum. The aboveto be 2000 candle power (nominal). are. We will furnish 32 ' candle incandescent lights IL toburn one half the ni ht at $30 per annnm or-_$6__0 per` an- num a night. ` -,The'ab,ove;o_`er. is made in fconsideration of o`,m.,giving us`a_ten y o!iuf le aa'e.',`i. I __ x 1 ' Iva willlurhigh all p'ig`Jht}`5.r` __"l1te it ten or more taken`at $135 pe1'annun_1to 300 night!-, ; 0 .. , "; ; 0' *W6 ;1Hll 7fu;n;ie`h' lights to burn*- till` one -o'61asl:";*'oli> eight iihhsiiu and: till twelve, o'clock for foormonths at lgfer yeah. 2: ~:'1`he abovcnpriei igfinwo erati6n*of at . "`:}1:':" .`?.`3! ' . S3 hundred night: m we year, We will furnish lights to 'burn ' from dusk tillone o'clock for eight` months and` bill clock` for? four-"months as at pre- ~-_-L 2-.. I-luunn hundred. Lnightg $75 U Yours truly,` ' DICKINSON & MACWATT. I arr; yours faithfully, ' A. F. HUNTER, Secretary. ~ -. I(\t\1 _'BARRiE. Dec. 4th. % 1891:. 91V 11. . - -' ` th' The fouowmg are the cwxl cases on e docket`. BARBIE, Dec. 1891. BIULIU. Yours respectfully, S. DYMENT, A Secretary. , Ban-ioADec. 7:11 1391. BARBIE, Ixug-v-- v -.v;3i'35:::?){l1! -1 varly contract. . W. .--n ----u ' v-- - vvu Ins GU In We are gentlemen your obt. servants. ` The `Barrie Electric Light Co. 7 A per. S. J. SANFORD.` w - .V Manager. A letter from Lennox; Ault & Kerr, 'for James Wilkinson re condition of culvert be- tween John and Mary streetsetc. A lnttam 4-`mm "l'|l........ r1..1.a:- M"... .1: unvvu uuuu uuu 1.51 , 50138353 050. - A letter from Thomas Goldie, Mayor of Guelph re the -Silica." Barytric stone side- walks-, etc. ~ . ' V . b A`ll tdocuments were .. referred to their respective committees except" the .letter from Electric Light Company. . V - v V _ nnronre. I Mr. Burton presented report No 36 of Committee on Finance, which rec ammended the payment of accounts amounting to $530.95 which had been examined and found correct. . n- 1ur-n....u_._ .. ..... `-1 _._._L 4-..n.- mm mm miblwtv. WWMVV d d N _ A n. on a net; ay. ov. CLIg5T$'Ei11y, s:a8<:c?nd daughter of Mr. '1`. 1. Clifton. aged 26 years- ' p-~mnLLY.-In Tossorontio. on the 28th nlt. 'AMnrY Gertrude. eldest daughter of. Mr. Hugh Donnelly, aged 11 years, `9 months nn R d.VS. : ' svuuu. vvsp vv Ho Dr. McCa.1'th`yv presented report from the Sewer, Committee, which was adopted : Ann!-1'. NA 2 Commit-.1-an nn n_nn; Inna vuv uvvvvs, uvusullvvuv, wuI.Ul.._| IVE! GUUPUUU. 3 Rep'drtNo. 3, Committee on Relief, was presented by Councillor Pullan. It states that $740.20 has been given since the 24th of la.st_A ril for the relief of 37 persons, and also t at the present system of giving relief is entirely unsatisfactory. . llnnnlnf. A 15 Viva II\(` Dn1nn -4-nl-on LVILCL ID UIIIILLUI ILIIDQLIDIGVUVLJI Report No. 15, Fire and Police, states that the committee is unable to avree with the Electric Liszht Co. , and the committee desires to refer the matter to the Council for` consideration. ` '.lh1s and toe etter ot the Electric Light Company increasing the price of their lights led to one of .the warmest debates of the year. The feeling of the Council is directly against any increase in theprice of the lights, and that the patronage of the town should be divided between the Elec- tric Light Company and the Gas Company. - "I"Iun-n mac n, nu-4H-.v HM-.19 nnnnnan :11: Arm: Irlilu .IJl5uI. uuulyuuy aura. uuw uao \JUlll.tI(llIJe There was a pretty llttle passage at arms between Reeve Burton and 1st Deputy Wells.- The Deputy asked the Reeve if he thought it was in the interest of the town to make a long contract such as the Elec- tric` Light Co. ask. -The Reeve answered decidedly, Yes. Dr Wells then pulled an address of Mr. Burton s out of his pocket and read an opinion of the Reeve s directly the reverse This seemed to touch a very tender spot in the reeve s mental machinery I and the excitement became feverish. __ A... _-- `L- ma-`Amt ucvna wn`tn-aunt` Run`! EH41 E118 exulwumuu ucuauus uzvcn Ann. On motion the re ort was referred back to the committee` Wlth instructions to re- port at next meeting . Report of special committee appointed to meet the committee of ratepayers of Allan- dale with a view to amalgamation, read as | follows: ` `T . V _ _ . _ # ...2.L.... 1......-`Ln nnnnn `kof l\nlr:nrv ' IOHOWBZ Your committee beg to report that having meet the Allandale committee and conferred with them with regard to a. suitable scheme for amalgamating, your committee eu'bmit- ted the followihg progosal to be discussed by 9. public meeting 0 Allandale rate ayers: ` 1 _Tha.t the_wa._terw_'o'r_ks_l_>e eiftende so as i Dy 8 puuuu lucuuug UL rxuauuucuv Auuuvgx-J ugn. S That the waterworks be extende o to give eight hydrants in the village. ` 2 That electric light also be extended to give arc lights. ' X Q 'l`}m.+. mn u-min of sidewalk of 6 feet and gwe arc ugnts. 3 That 600 rods .ot sidewalk of 6 feet 4 feet wide be- constructed within two years- after cunion, at least half to be built the rst" year. on the same p1anTa.'nd subject to the same `conditions as now prevail in Barrie, z rm....4. '. Luna I-n1I1nl|\n hiaf. as nnnn as 4, That the system of sewers be extended" strucceo. - These proposals were laid before a re- presentatwe gathering of the attended rate- payers and resolutions in favorof endeavor-- ing to carry out theunion of the two places were carried by large majorities at that meeting Your committee therefore re- commend that these proposals be favor- ably entertained by this Council if the same are officially erformed" by this. Your committee would also recommend in investment of capital and connection of works by the Grand Trunk Railway, that in case of union the total on the railroad property in the-town be placed at a gure not exceeding $60,000 and to remain at such . a rate . for a term of ten years and that if required a guarantee be iv,en' the new railroad author- ities to that e ect. . Your committee further recommend that a by law be passed at the next-meeting of this Council embodying the above conditions provided that conditions are also included in said by-law guarantee- . ingthe interests of this town in the present passenger and freight accommodation such as it now has. ' . Some -discussion" took place regarding the report V It was the opinion of some of the Council that Allandale was getting an ex- tremely liberal offer, and one which ought to be acce ted without hesitation. The re- I port was nally adopted. _ v.u__1'`letc er. Bosanko. Frawley. Bur- order to induce and `encourage furhcr IUUII old. HARE! 'COIl(1lDlUu3 an uuw Plvvuu. Lu uxuuv, 5 That. 'a. hose tower be built; as soon as the` water mains and hydrants are con- structed. ` 'I`-4 __.._. ._....`~ uuvnnn` I-gnfnrn Q FA- nnau auopteu. Yeas-Fletc er, ton, Bothwell, McCarthy, Pullan, Caldwell and Wells . Nays-Pae, Ball and Forsyth. Report No 17 of Standin` Committee on Waterworks and Sewers. - hat having con- sidered the pplication of the Board of Man- agers of the resbyterian Church asking for exemption from draina e tax on Worsley street on the ground t at the pay tax for drainage on Owen-treet; won d recommend that this application be not granted as the Court of Revision refused to consider ' any appeals made for the same cause as this ap- plication", and your committee further think `that it would be most unwise to make any deviation from the requirements of the drain- age by-law as it now exists. -, Mr John Plaxton was present in the in- V terests otthe Barrie Gas Oo.,_and stated - that now as theVCo.. had new and` expensive plant giv_ing_ asatisfaotory light, he` ` saw no -`_ _-_IJ ..-- uu\A1\:IvA `n ghgpn by-IGW 3:8 15 IIUW uasnw. , Mr was terests of the now the had and giving a satisfactory saw no reason why they should not receive `a share of the street lighting. ` None of the Council however; favored going back to gas for street lighting Mr. othwellmpresented. a report of the Committee on arkets _ which , recommends -that therequest of the Treasurer be anted, and that he have the use of tne 01 band room; only; on condition of his using it as `1.n.3.c.';' .1 ' '. Av - 9 ` . A by-law exempting Messrs. _ Vansickle & fBros saw mill from taxation for seven years `was introduced and passed. 1 A McCarthy-Bothwe1l.-Ordered that ..the Indigent` Committee report at next meeting of Council the `number. and names of those |now,1'eceivingr'elief,' who are, in their opin- -A .--.... ..c - ..1....Inm rnmeuiitv. and also "nowreceiving tenet, wno are, In uuvu er...- ion, cases of `absolute -nec.eaai_I:v, and `that they give any suggesting: for distribu- tionxqf rel1ef other than by Vmeane of ghe preoent~Indi e_nt Cemmittee._ _. f Burbon- thwell.-Qgdetjedg. _tha.t'} the Treasurer make a. ljequesc of payment from `ex-Mayor Ross, _for the gore on Dunlop street, the dee'd~hI,Lvinbeeii given, and that men: he taken-` to collect "n'anj1e..at once; ; 4. Lltlcnrtltyk-{-Bcghwell.-r-Ordered that the ta115oIpIitit9'1e. i!5"[i9d-tlibipili.`to .~:a.t1:'_it;3<.>.I1n.t=il...\.it_!!.. meeting 99`:1!9i2}i;ifs. e vrbhlly or lttter, at statement" of their intentions as to the p se and method of crrying on the hospita . ' mhn (`.1-noun:-n:1 C-LA-u -.3:-.-__-.J uLll\IIlI Ifl IEIIZIII, III \I\I"II 591" at the Agricu1tura.l5Park . . . . . .$ M. Henley cleanin well, repairing ' ump at East ard school. . . . A. ,.' Rbinhart sawing wpod. . . . Miqs V. Lee `teaching West and - _Centre VVa.rd school. . . . . . . . . . S. Hurst. 6 chairs for Central A shool . . . . ., . . . . . . . . . . Geo: 0 Cooper for work` at Centre ' ard school as caretaker 2 .]week a.nd_4 days at $1.00 per ` `day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - u-nu.-- -cvqvun -rwuu-Inn ~ The regular monthly meeting of the Public School Board washeld in the Board Room, Central school on Monday evening. All the members were present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read .and approved. ' ` " nnronrs. - `The Committee on Finanee respectfully report that the following accounts have been examined, found correct and recommended for payment:-- . Thomas Brigham, taking down seats` at l-in AnIv:n|1`-,nnn` Dan`: A N`) Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$A6705 Your committee recommend the secretary's salary be increased $25 per annum from lat July last. ' `Doc:-unnffnrl I1 a|11\rn-*4-.ar`

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