Eonor Ron. I Honor roll of s. s. No. 11, Innial, forl October, 1891: Class IV.-Edwa.rd Maneer, Lydia Gordon. Class III.-- Maggie Robinson, Annie Johnston. Class II.-Albert Robinson, William Howie. Nellie Bond- Class I., part II. S:-_..._.R.nhl'. nnwnn Mnsubkn `Dal-3--A- uuww. neule D0l_1(1.. was: 1., part 11. Sr.-Robt. Howie, Martha Robinson. Class I., -part II. Jr.--Ambroae Law- rence, Wightnizin Neely. Class I., part I.-Fred. Robertson, John Breen. The regular ihlonthliyvmeetilng of the Barrie W. C. T. U. was held at the -Young Men's Christian Association Rooms on Monday afternoon. It was an interesting and protable - meeting and was largely attended. It is increasing _in numbers and the temperance women of the town would nd useful and protable channels of work by uniting with their sisters in this organization. The N awn says Mr. Fred Stevenson` was at Bradford for a. few days of the past week. T ` ' Mr. A. J. McDonal and his bride, of Longford, paid a. ying visit to their friends on Bradford street. on their return from their honeymoon. T III! 1". 1- `-1- -n ... --- noon-nnnavn Anintereating programme is announced ` for Friday next with the addition of the first appeamnce of the Glee Club. v . Personals. Miss Maqio Mullen, of Everett, is vis- iting friends in town. -n . ;u -- .- _ .. _ -LE1 . John Cooioeotvmd famiiy, of Cooks- town, will shortly `remove to Barrie to rea_ide. . T | van:-unvl L-VJ.ll\.AUl'a The cit- iti"<:`, . Miss Maud Montgomery then reviewed the programme in an able manner IOOBGOQ D0 Q0806!) Wnsl:-u pnsvu uu nun-yuvu. on the. 28:11 of September, 1828. --He went from there to St. Catherines and thence to Toronto. Becoming tired of . city life he bought slot at Kempenfeldt, which had just been surveyed and laid out as the site of .-the county town, but was in the rough with scarcely a tree cut down; The property boilghtby Mr. Ball atauction from the government contained 2 acres, into which the` town lots were divided and "W313 sold for 14, 10s. 6d., on which he built the homestead in which he lived 59 years. The deceasedtook much interest in muuicipal-and- public a`airs. He served the town for 19 years in the capacities of Town Inspector, `Tavern In- spactor and Councillor. In religious be- lief the deceased was a Methodist and in politics a strong and consistent conserva- tive. He leaves a widow and ten of a family, ve of each sex, all grown up and all but one, who lives in Manitoba, were at the funeral which took place to the Union Cemetery last `Friday. His second|aon F; H Hall is now in the council and has for some years represented St, Patrick's" Ward in that body. The; de- ceased leaves, besides ve sons and ve daughters, twenty grand-children and all his large family are left in comfortabe cir- cumstances. The deceased was as very successful farmer, a kind parent. is good neighbor and a devoted friend. ' v_.... .........u. a.n.`n.l' -`Mrs. Kerr has sglglh Notzawa hotel to Mr. S. Burnett who takes immediate pos- session. _ j collegiate Literary Society. ' An interesting meeting of the above was held on Friday afternoon last with the President Mr. Milden in the chair; It was decided to havean entertainment and a committee was e_lectedUto see to the preparations for the same. The pro- aramme consisted of a reading_ by Mr. E. Brunton, vocal sols by Mr. Graw, recita- tion. Mr. A. Watt, instrumental duet, Misses N. Clark. E Spry, piano solo Mr. Geo. Smith, piano solo, Miss Graham, recitation, Mr. Milden. TL ..-2L:-- `Ki..- '| _._.l `ll'_...L._-.._-__ ~ LPItI"hI.'0l|'".!1'."3;|'.`~. ; Last `Wednesday. cfoliei-`28th~,` Mr. George Ball,of Kempenfeldt, passed away at. _ the age of 90. years,-,5,.I'n.o`mhs and ,;;28 days. He was one . of `Bert-ie's oldest cltizens and one at the most highly res- pected; He was born in Ireland 1st May 180]. and started. to Canada 1st May, 1828. He was shipwrecked after seven weeks on the ocean and waspicked .011` a rock by some shermenafter being `exposed for several days without shelter. He was transferred to a war vessel and taken to Halifax N 8., where _he landed and pro- ceeded to Quebec which place he reached AL. 610.]. .-.3 nnarn"inI' Ha I ._Ca,l_l anc_%1 be dohvinc ed_. srnuny 85 ESTENA Vanda:-an sa..n..!a ~ ord .Wood hr Pine. Cedar Poe Baled &or Bed Straw. call on JOHN 0 E85 lller street.` The `vicinity of Kirkville is establishing a. claim to be one of the best. fruit growing sections in Ontario. . IN THE HIGH cum 01+` JUSTIUE ommcanv DIVISION. BLACK vs- SLOAN et al. unauAN'1' to me udgment and nal orde1-`tor sale m e in this cause and hearing date respectively the sixteenth day of ` February, 1891, and the twenty-second day of October, 1891. there will be sold. with the approbation or J. R, Cotter. Esq., Master of this Court, at the town of Barrie, .in the County or Simcoe, by George R. Ford. Esq.. Auctioneer, at the Queen's Hotel in the said t town of Barrie, at the hour of twelve o'clock, I 110011. on ` -, 3 AVING purchased the premises of the late W. H.` Cross sz Co., we are prepared to III? the HIGHEST CASH PRICE for TAN BARK HIDES OALFSKINS. SHEEPSKINS, TALLOW, etc. * AURSUANT to the 'udgment and order` tor Ehis benrinsr nfn v-nnnnnunln u-`In. - ......._.n_ .a__ -. -vv-9 vu- Saturday, 14:11 day of Nov., 1391. In t`. I\IIlhI'l\3ua-ma - j. __ BANK 01+` COMMERCE. Removed IBROSSLAN D 8 RESTAURANT` 'nA'1%1 xdaz l}ISE1IiNftL en 01`! 5 O OPS, `$0 381'] 1|_lI-r."'i $;{lliam Roliing, of Gibraltar, garner- ed 1300 bushels of grain from 30 acres, VI..- I"l7..L..:_I .._ -I_ - _ , BarrVl'e;_'tlf'anHl:'1 Go. TO OLD WANTED. NOTICE. -%Sell _m$;____ - 1.1.5. Master. Barrie. D o'n t forget the place. ,___ -_-__ -- -..v -----.-n V i`;xere v;rere extensive res inhe Holland River Maraheg lastweek. j 1 (Sack or Morni A44 -1- or style and Hg Coat), Boys and Children s Goods 3 up ` 1t . guarantee our Ordered work. em Y JAl\[!S NVAIR, vvv. Fine TMelton and Worsted Overcoatings madeu in good style, top seams, (colored p or black), Aqn -M~4 \ $6, $8.50, $10, $12,'$ WA--LAJ C1 ,3: - 13 and $15 LTHE ADVANCE. Notice is hereby given in nursusnce t` Revised Statutes of Ontario. 1S~7. (`hsptei-1... Sec. 36, that all creditors and other rersons ' having claims against the estate or Richagd Whiteacre. late of the township of Flos. in U10 l'0unty of Simcoe. Farmer. who died or. 01' about the loth day of Amzust. l8'l.,87 required to send by Dost nrenaid or to dcllV.' to Messrs, McCarthy. Pcnler & .\icCarIhF% ilk ~B31'1Ti9 P. 0.. Solicitors for Samuel Allen 3 _ `liable for the said assets or any part Richard Whiteacre. executors of the SW Richard Whiteacre, (ieceasod, on or before the 13th day of November. 1891. a statement 2; writing of their names and addresses and rm. Darticulars of their claims and demands. arid the nature of the securities nf any) held 9.` them. And notice is hereby gin-n, that after 881d 13th do. of November, l*!l1. the 53? executors wi roceed to destribute thr assets of the said eceased among the P9790 entitled thereto. having regard only '0 the claims of which they shall then have 11:; notice. and the said executors will not _ thereo! -3811? person or persons of whose. claim 0- claims they shall not have had notice 8` the t1 "e of such distribution. , nnfnl` no n....... fhmha I'll-h Ann nf (`m.t.. 1591. u "e or such (natrmuuon. W1 Dated at Barrie this 13th day of Oct" ~~ ' MCCARTHY. PEPLER 8:, MCCARTHY. 4245 Splicitors for Exec%t;>rFl;m 4.2 '1`he Meaford Mirror man has seen ripe raspberries gathered on the shore of the Georgian Bayin\Oc-tober which he claims will be a. better advertisement of Canada than 0. beer story or a winter scene. lrunustune srocus LUl'u.lB as as wuole _a most Oesxruble pronerty. II. The Hutch1nson" Farm.\ot 5 in 2nd range Oro 120 acres more or less. This is also an ex Acellent farm and is especially adap'ed for atom raising being well watered and some portiox ;. the land Beaver Meadow mhnnn firnruav-ru'n'n quill kn .-...1.I .. .1- .:.I. 31_v, we 131111 ".D8.V8I' MCEQOW " These properties will be sold at decidedly low gures and on terms to suitpurchasers, apply ' 7 STRATHY & ESTE.\', Barristers. etc . Barrie. 27-49 . I. The Whitakex-" Farm, E. } of W401` _q and E. } of W. 5 of `.8 in 4th con. Uro, 1(0 acres more or less. Excellent land. large clearing, good frame dwellinsz house and other buildings. ` his farm is situated nea.r`th_- villggsj of Shanty Dow nvk. cu. 6L.._A - -- - g`uI_Ju u`uu1t_: u\_Neu1n2 nouse and other building} 1a situated nea.rKh_` villagP sham} Bay. yvhrre there are a school and churches on a mum road and within 6 miles of Barrie, 1; V extends to the shores of Kempenfeldz Bay and` forms as a whole a most desirable _ The Hutch1naon" Farm in: .-'. in and M..." FVALUABLE ono mms `sin sn, *msuaANc . cnmmw OF HARTFORD, CONN. I 5 I I n insets lst Jawv 1890 . . $10,071,509 65 'mcomnmn I829. cHAmn 9:- PETUAL The gLongfdfd -i:t;t`r 1l)_e rv`VCq<'>mpany` have four camps this winter and expect: to cut 12,000,000 feet. a. g.. _.. - ForSa mo, $1-2, $13"ana $14. AGENT. 9 Owen st, next to Bank of Toronto. Burma OTICE TO` camnxroas or RICHARD .WhITEACRE. DECEASED. THE BARGAIN HOUSE, j __ al Tweed and Serge, made up in first-class style, - 37-48. $11.50, $13 mild $16. WILL D. B. SPRY, At Auction Prices. A Washago correspondent of the Packet says: Messrs. Booth of Orillia, and Miller of Washago J P5. held court here on Tuesday afternoon, to decide an eviction case. The difficulty is over the possession of the building known as the Washago House, owned and until lately occupied by Mr. D. Kidd. It appear Mr. Kidd failed to meethis payments, and the original owner, Mr. R. Genno, with the assistance of the constable, broke into the house and removed Mr. Kiddfs furniture, taking possession of the premises. Mr. Kidd objected to. this kind of work, and hence the suit. A few witnesses were examined and the case was adiourned to Orillia. 52 Dunlop Street. Remainder of W. H. ADVERTISE IN 4 iuits, newest cut patterns, Freeman's I IWGHIL 42-lv Lt, choice (FIRE) Some of Tottenha.m s uppercrust citizens` are said to be in for shooting on Sunday. Both civic and religious gattling gun batter- ies are to be op ed 11 them. ' 7 If you" wan stylish good tting mantle go to Dominion House J. FYFE S. .hos IZ`hToma.s :am$6;?f Cookstown is report- ed to have sold a. sucking colt; for $150. That comes of raising good stock. ' T\___.__,,1L_-___,-_, . 1 I .-A I a A gang of. men hav been engaged for some days in removing obstructions from the east outlet of_ Lake Couchiching near Wash-, ago. " A II? I - . . _. .--..._-.. _..-V: . u vw-u lW'l`h'e Evening cheese fwtohf lmanufactlunred during the 123 days of its-season 440001 ): of cheese from 463384` lbs of milk. L Every body concerned seems well pleased with the result. -. A ' 1 Thai Curdwell Sentinel sa.ys:--A ilittle stranger arrived at Mr. _I, a.trick McCa.nn's, of Achill, lately,` What is singular about this is, the father is about 75 years old. Both mother and da.ughter'a.re doing well. - iover EH11 and Cookstoh L. 0. L lodges attended Braden s lst Essa. church, last Sunday mo:-ning ' ll It is reported that a. settler near Lake Joseph has been ` scooping summer tourists and gattering in a. goodly number of shekels by representing himself as a. Game Inspector and tor a small c,onsidera.tiou allowing the tourist to kill just one ca.lf- (deer) for his own use, during the close season. 4 ' ` V Deer and bears arc: blentiflll in the neighborhood of Foxmead. Mr. Arnnstron ef the Mansion House Cookstown is reported to be about to {sell out his business there; The Acton Agricultural society expects to be about $200 behind is year. Delightful Tw etrect Dress goods at J. FYFE S. During the m ont.l? of September one hundred car loads of. freight were carried over the ten miles of Parry Sound Coloniza- tion Railway now in operation. T The? }xgr{c'.;i.}};I ;;o1{Ee'E, netted the society about $140. Aliiaton has 9. Lime Kiln Club. Rev. Thomas MeKee, P S I. was in `Allis. -V ion on Tuesday visiting the public schools. The Good Tem lam, of Tottenham, adver- tise a Spiber eb Social. What next? Mr. William.S`herman has shipped about IO tun`: nf nrinlnu frnvn Qtnvnnn kia in" and at Bradford , 1 It is reported that skating, will soon be booming again at Elmvale. Here the tem- perature was 50 at seven o clock in the morning for some days. `II II`? A 1 A.` It n 1:- A few of our {oung sportsmen have taken to hunting on t e Sabbath. The . Inspector should hunt them u and introduce ` them to our J P .-Bradfor Witness. . Creemore Star says $3000 worth of butter was shipped from that burgv lest `_ w'e,ek.f ,` I V A 3 The Creemore ,St';sr talks of the ' . genial face of; the ,p6puIar _baili' -~Ther_e insomn- _ thi':5'l, cam`ical to the people on whoms baliif pus y.posll's*izi. `the idea.-that `.his'7f:ics' is "89i'-`i""1h`!t ;!1 5.8.-Pp.u'6r-` - I '0 ~1~1.gs`. ..'..g.g.1 1m.g.g1v1,g.i.erig tom. the 5 wuaheuauc undsy in St. George: Chaim, Msdoiitb. whichewu-preytilx decor: 0 JV Ulll UL G1-IVIVB LLUI-ll L7UIiIJllVl Illl LQII Qllll is storing a. quantity for" shipment later lifl Re.Chafls' E Perry lectured in Stewart : Hall, Stayner last Saturday evening. 10 cars of apples from Stayner this fall and 3: cl-Av-{nu 9 nnnni-it-.0 Fnn" aI:3nvnnnI- `atom W -I`he` population of Stayner by the late census in 1357, 1-` I`! run I . In nu. huilding connilittee of Willie `Presby- terian church, Jarrett : Corners, have resol- ved to put new seats' in, which will delay A the opening till Christmas. . L T _ -21-L___g'_ |_,-'1__-_ L- n__ "ia}7'6${;aH;`oE"1Ir}aTi.as been to on Station to try to get up a. singing class He` had but indifferent success. . T mm onnm-n1smur mus. ;;r:'1;;thy is felt. for Mr. ;Wi1liam Iei of Nevis, Oro. on the death of his son I` In`- ou'mnxn.nv sumo: m ms-nucir nxonmau AS Loon. NIW8. Ana Into Para.- xnphn for Advance Readers, Who Like The narrow of the lost. The large box factory, atwaubauahene,` -was destroyed by fire on the 21st ult Origin of the re unknown. Loss 82500, in- suranee $1500. A n. A II Itvoano Miss Edith Sing has reduced her claims against` the corporation and the G. T..R._ from $500 to $200. The case will come up at the county court which meets in Barrie in a. few weeks. The plaintiffs -are prepar- ing their case and intend to make a. strong ght._ It may be mentioned here that since the accident the hole has been covered over. --Coiliugwood Bulletin. Eve In the place to .YFE9s. % by which the cartipge iva: the middle of . .the_ road 'g.;;,|f1l-.;e;-ti . . . . 1*I,1:ineo.991in'l bars the harness r11ined;;qndMr. MCurthy badiy hakn Iciw <|5?'t;`.i1P`55`.5-'5 me `Mr; mecm:.ny sham ge'__.1he';[mi- . L.n.iBhft ttiaii <.;sana:aage;4 and :9 1:6 [do '"17.$l1ay, Nov.= 10, 9l--0n lot 21, Con;6.. .0ro; cattle. implements, Iewingw ma chinee, repairs for sulkey rakes &e 1 8936 at 10 o'clock. ~J.a,mee Ross ;pro_p. G. R. AF0l_`d mmtinnmar- - ' - A Be:-IouI'Rune.1Vn.y` Accident. . A very serious accident happ ned to Mr. Je'r A. McCarthy. or the law rm of Mc_- `Cart y, Pepler 855 McCarthy; last esmrday night. Mr. McCarthy was driving` {along the 11th concession`: `of Tecumsethc on'11in way to Barrie, the ni ht bein` quite dark, when the horses stqm led at a urge hole in `the middle-of_..the.r :;_ late ._by a,_o_u1.ver bv which the nnrisiud in... "kg... .-.`.4;. ...1:..: - v w urnwavoov auctioneer. Friday, Nov , 6,--At the Globe Hotel, Hillsdale; all the household furniture "mid effects of the Globe Hotel. Sale at 11 o clock. Robert McGowan, proprietor, G. R. Ford,io.uctioneer. ` ` . 4- - -_ Monday, Nov. 9-O'n_ lot 25, con. 1, Oro ; horses, cattle, pigs, fowl, im laments, hard- wood, hay,.turnips, etc. So. eat 12 o clock. H. E. Jory; proprieyor; G. R. Ford, _auc tioneer. . -` ' J. IllIIpU\al\iI IILCWI I look for THE ADVANCE every week as _I always want to know what isigoingon in the old town One day last week I saw the 1st regiment of the N atioual Guards of Pennsylvania, commonly known as the State Fencibles. They paraded the princi- al streets from 9 to ll p.m. with their rass, fe and bugle bands (3). '1`-heizmusic is very rocky and in my opiniondoes not compare very favorably with the Citizens of Barrie. The marching of the Fencibles, who by the way, are cracked up to be the finest drill corps in the state. was exceed-. ingly poor. A The company les looked more like a rail fence `in t e township of Flos. They cannot equal in any one -feature - the local companies of Barrie of the 35th Bat- talion. The Central School boys march. with a more regular military step. 7 vwu |l\Jl. LL uuuugtluwn C. One important feature of our modern civilization vvas _that the possession of money was set up as the standard of merit, rather than character and brains This led to or encouraged dishonesty both in private and public life `The rev. gentle- man referred to a good many things that might very naturally admit of (divergence of opinion, such as the National Policy, Free Trade and the like. He referred to the truism that the measure of civilization of a country may-be known by the number and condition of its roads by which free trade._ social and commercial intercourse, &c., may_ be encouraged. The edu- cational question was referred to as indicative of the measure of civiliza- tion. Classical allusions, political reference, Ruskin s sayings, and such like, were scattered all along the line. At the close "of the. lecture Rev. Dr. Parker moved a vote of thanks to the lecturer, prefaced by some humorous remarks To. nu... .. .............. .....n ...-.:|. ..1.._.._..u;_ UJ DUIIIU llllllllll. Uu IUIIIGICHH It was an evening well and` pleasantly spen_t._ The Donilnlon no th gotfnll Mllllnerv YFE S. II'____ 77,, ,, 1 ---v:- - vs unov 0-nnvuousvvo We give the following from a letter writ- ten to us by Mr. Will. D. B. Spry now in Philadelphia: ` . f Inn`: `nu 'l`tr|:I Anvrnxvnn on-....... .......I. _. T Mr. Alex`. Scott, of Allandale, had sent out to him from Golspie, Sutherlandshire,. Scotland, a. few weeks ago, a highly prized trophy-a silver cup, valued at sixteen pounds sterling and won by him in 1879 at a meeting of the Highland Rie Association in Inverness. There were 700 competitors at this meeting and Sandy carried off the third prize. He being an old poacher, and late game-keeper for Mr. Reid, on Gordon Bush Estate, it consequently followsthat he is a good marksman. Last Thursday evening the Auditorium at the Young Men s Christian Association rooms as well as the parlor. was crowded to hear Rev. Mr. -McLeod lecture on some of the features of our civilization. The meet- ing was opened with devotional exercises. The lecture in its main features wasthe same as the rev. gentleman "delivered on one occasion in town before. (He instit ted a. comparison between the civilization` of the colonies and the older cou_n`.ries of_ the eastern hemisphere. T ` (`no I.rYII\nI\|'oI|I- Fan}-Juan 1-.` Innis` o......JA..... The Chief Constable seems to been im- portant oicial in Barrie. He not only at- tends to police work. but he makes `reports on the working of the electric light system. He keeps tally of the street lights, and if any of them are not going, he reports tothe Council. He recentlyrreported that the in- candoscent lights had not been working for three Weeks. Collingwood certainly has no complaint of that kind to mal;e.---Colling- wood Enterprise. It `Q N .. A .n 1- q n The $outh Simcoe News; Bredforgj, says Mr. Sea.th_ the High School Inspector, visited the High School there on Friday and` said` that he was well pleased with the eicient manner the school is conducted under the present mamagenment. ' rnl, l`1I' 3'11 .11 .V>`l` r.a KJ -" J""' Typhoiciifger is raging in vaous`sections of the country. It is said to be an Epidemic in North Bay. - - De Blaquiere s mill: recently; buArneAd at ` g lake, is in course of re-erection and will soon be ready to on ingles.` ` v V `I7. I__--A 41.- _.I _- ...-_.`l- ...--.I_ .n_ _:1`-he-f I-5-rgsv. arbmakinlz rapid pro- gees with their new mill at the end of Adelaide St., where they selected a beauti- ful site on the property of Mr. .Neil.Mc- Eachern. of Magnetawan. Mr 1-I.-Sewery, of Barrie, wil supply and set up the machinery, ' and in a very short time T the welcome and familiar `hum of the saw, and. the blowin . of the whistle will sound on the `air.-- `ree Grant Gazette. V ..--.. an. -v.-J an We hav the xi ` Town J. FYFE9 _-___. -v ~w rgv-v-v- .. -`cur-c-- wwww -u Newton Robinson teachers have` been I engaged for the next year. - . ' l "l`_,_I ,9` P C ` `Following 11 the V/recent meeting heldlhere -9. meeting or the organization of the Pioneer - and Historical Society will be` held at Barrie on Frgday next at 2 o clock. Judge AArdagh, Senator Gowan and. others are expected to be present. e-N ewe Letter. "IVL - `LT ,__,4 __ _.___._._ -- 6-..-.. an vv wvovw 1 vwybrirlge cheese.E:;<.:toryTclose;1 last- Saturday for the season. It ha.s don e well. Dr. Sgohn M.`P. is reported to be suffering from irritation of the lungs. - V V m|_-_- _-_- Aka, The Orillio. [contingent of the Sa.'lvatio`n Army held what they call a. fall show and auction sale on Monday evening. Every- thinwas arranged similar to the regulation exhi tion, The fake took pretty well. James Canning, who shot young Cleavely in mistake for a deer vnear-Huntsville. two weeks ago, has been jailed at Bracebridge. on ' a. charge of manslaughter. . mL_ t\,.,-us . . .. '.~ -. J. Hale, 'sr., of -Uhgton, went oi1t"the. other afternoon to do some chopping; Not returning as he should his wife wentout -to look for him. He had felled a tree and his dead body was found some distancefrom it. There was no bruise or scratch upon him. He was 76 years old. 71`he_T closed `last Wliiiesday V gnd theannual ball was` held the same even- mg. I - T ' V ` ' (*1 a u , u . 4-: - &ted_- by_tl:;gou V ladies of t;lxe.,_-congregs? tion.-_ A g co action was taken up on the occasion. :m."l`l'1<'ah`[`'a;:.l'1odis't:s of U611 h hive: improving their ohurch=_bnilT ing. - ~- ` 7`. ,2 . , 7,... . Young Men : christian Association. TI`! 1 Look: For tlW:eT Advance. D `II I Auofllon Sales. t In any case of increase of sickness there is a tendency to exaggerate. The general prevalence of typhoid fever in many localities in Western Ontario is the result of `exceptional conditions. and in some places unnecessary alarin has been created. Its existence in Barrie hasbeen niade the ~of:cynheid haven Been reported onr;Beard =,of. Health. and three caaes.__9f,-diphtheria. `-"Ill pre`se'_nt: cases are progressing - towards :There is noleecesion whatever ~.. 3.- C-`.";~';`*"':. '`.'`.7.'`;.'fA ` W . : .snbj"eet_of|wild end nntrntbful,nsl"aten1 ents. f of hundreds of.os-5.` only 30 cases .'.l.`he're.. is no extension - of, the -.disease and (AT R.1;sier whos barns were lately ` destroyed by fire has met with another 1088. Anna Ivalur `Gnu nknnn Lawn Ln... .1....L.._-...,I ` uvuvu -u-vvuc .I.n_uI:u UUVU|'U\t I) llllllrlnxo Several ` cues of typhold fever in our ftown,` but glad to any allure gepovering. _--..- v-v- up -J;-ngyuuunngs 1 At the regular monthly meeting of the ` St. Patrick .S3ciety held in their hall, C M.B A. rcoms, on Tuesday evening, Nov. 3. '91, the President, J. T. Sproule, Esq.. in the chair, it was moved by J no. Rogers, E.~q.. seconded by F. X. Liarrin : Thatthe members of this society having learned with sincere regret of the death of our, esteemed brother. Egerton Warreu Kinz, be it resolved that we. the members of the St. Patrick Society, extend to Mrs. E. King and family our heartfelt sympathy in this their hour of sorrow, and pray that the Abundant Giver of all .bl_essings may comfort and strengthen them to bear with resignation the loss `of a true husband and loving father ; and that a copy of this resolution be entered in the minutes of this society, and-a copy of the same be forwarded to the family of the deceased brother. .v-V--5 " About twoweeka ago a fire took place I at Mr. _J. Mont:-ith a. which had the wind proved favorable would have been a ner- ioua loan. A: it was, only a straw stack, cow shed and one or two similar buildings `were destroyed. .Only by steady watch- qfulneaa and care was the barn and con- tent: raved. Lona covered` by inanranoe. Havana` `noun. 1.` 6-u-.L...I' 3....-- -_ 7 - - Waverley. _ _ Advance Correspondence. Indian slimmer last week. Weather: delightnl. - ALnnL L-.- -"--L_ --- _ 12;- 1 I ' u I . . _ Honor Roll. b ` Crown Hill Public School honor roll in order of merit for October: Senior Department--H. 4th Cla.ss-D. Chappell, M. Jamieson, W Drury, E. Hill, W Hicklmg, B. rLuck. L. 4r.h Class-_-E Shanghneasy, E Johnston, E2. Caldwell, I. Luck, G. Herring, J. Rinehart. 3rd C_la.as--_E.. Partridge. F Jamieson, L. Rix, B. Drury, `M. Rinehart, J. Drury; E. Emma. 2nd Olass-A Sissons,7G. 'Ball,. G. Darby, M. Howard, E. Part- ridge, M. Hill. JUNIOR DEPARTMENT. L 2nd Olass-W.A Grant..L Emma, H. Rix, M. Chappel, Z. Magille, L. Rina- hart. S. .2nd Part-I. Aconley, W.i Magill, M. Peacock. L. 2nd Part--W. Caldwell,` R. Johnston. M. Partridge. W. Rix, Hickling, H Partridge. H lat Olass-M. Grant. `W. Caldwell. A. Gough, Darby, B. Darby. H. `Hill, L. 151: Ola.ss--D. Grant, W. Gough. Orngemen March to church.` The members of L.O.L._. 452. Association, will assemble in the Orange Hall, Clapper- ton street on Sunday morning next, 8th for the purpose of` attending the Congrega- tional church. . mvmon court. The Division Court was held at the Court [House on Tuesday. There was no case cell- ing for any pa.rticula.r'comment. There were about forty cases on the - docket and about twenty judgment summonses. called Up for Admomtion. On Monday three of- our business men `were cited before the Police Magistrate, "for not having the rear of their places of busi- ness clear of rubbish. They were given till Friday to do the necessary cleaning up or the alternative would he the law s penalties, Fire, that general purier, was soon called into play and now the lot complained of is cleaner than it has been for years. It has always been an offensive eye-sore to persons going down Owen street. 7' Q5 Pu UlIucuo 7. ,The Encyclopaedia Britannica Revised `and Amended is in price within the reach of the great mass of people, while the original edition cost the subscriber from $120 to $200 per set. ~42-tf uuuusvluu nu uno nun uscu Wlbll uuUbl.lUl' J53- Some vex`? fine sheep have been desbt;oyed by a. neig 1bor s dog. V 3 In .I I II .1 `Is a . . uunlu WUI loll ulcuuuuul UU 10371.. 6. The Encyclopzedias Britannica Revised ` and Amended contains 4,000 biographies of the living men of our times not contained in the original Encyclopaedia Britannica. \ The original Encyclopaedia. Britannica does not contain the biographies of such men as Gladstone, Bismarck, Sir John McDonald, Gen Sherman, Gen. Gareld, Hon. Geo. Brown, and a host of others, because they happened to be" living at the time the book was published. '7 "N... l:`........1..........1:.. `D..:a....._:.... 'n...-:....,: 5 The Encyefhpadia .Brita.nnica. Revised and Amended has been. written and. cor- ` rected upto date and contains not only the \ latest-information obtainable, but statistics of every country, `city or town in the world worth mentioning to 1891. A Thin 1l`.nnvn]nnunr1;n `lipid-nnniino Dn:v=anA 4.` The Eucyclopaediu Britannica Revised and Amended contains every article that is contiiined in the original Eucyclopeedia. Britainnica. 9th edition, but the voluminous . articles referred to have been abridged. ` and you get in a. nutshell all that is con- tained in the original work. _. 5 mhn mnnunlnnmA:n nm=#nnn=nn Davina!` 2.. The Encyclopaedia. Britannica. 9th edition is too voluminous as, well as too classical for any . bod ` exceptin ' college rofessora ` and scienti omen, 'an `entirely ` . egond the reach of the` ordinary indi- vi :1 ' ` n` nut, in 1 -no is -. . n , l'\L`_ 3. The ` Encyclopaedia. ` Britannica 9th edition contains voluminous: articles on hundreds of subjects in which the public hasno interest. . A rn1._ _-___1;___1s_ 'n_2-_-___s-_ 1'n-_;:___1 that he had .to.leave` hisgow-n horse and the wreck of his 1-ig behindiand hire `a team to take him to Cooketown. in order to `get the train", The accident `not far from Newton` Robinson`. 1It3appe'ers to us that the townehip, authorities were `most crimin- ' y. negligent in permitting. the road to remainin so dangerous'_ a condition, and for which they will likely have to pay- no --Bu nnvn II Anvnnnnnl . 4 . .`t:;oyo1op`*ad!a1-3;-tetnhloa; "9-i lieisons why the eEii'e y'c1`9'p;sdia `V Britan-9 nic_a. Revised and Amendeaig preferable to the original Enyelopgedia Britannica : E1, -The ,9th_ or la.'test_ edition of the Encyclopaedia. Brita{m_1ica-the greater portion" of ` it~is from eight to sixteen years old, and entirely behind the 4-3 in an . VVIIIUII UIIU Ill. ' AICVI small sum (or? Hamaggsj: JPbU times. (I III1 Arm Matinee held onthe Barrie race track afewedays ago, 0. race between R. Hill's Sta.uton, R A. Stevens Black Lucy, and R. McDona.ld s B1izza.rd" resulted in the order named:---best time three minutes. H. L. 'l`hurlow s Big Ben trotted three heats against time; best time, 2, 355:. "VI... 1 -._...:-.._1 Il_'II__ 1 ___,,L , .|.u-7uncLu UUI , IUIIIUIII urn`, but! 111 Ian UL N o vem ber, . Tis gunpowder treason and plot, There can be no reason why gunpowder I`. ran nnn ' _--v-v awn. us: now Avsilovu treason" . Should ever be forgot. Remember, remember, the fifth of; Nfi I70 IV! \DI` Resolution 0! Sympathy. -.._____I,._ _, V A` % 1`HEfN0l_i.THEB.N. ADVANCE. Honor Roll. - Vine Public School report for October : 4th Claus--Flo.v Lizer. 3rd Glau- Frank Kelcey, Jennie Reynolds, Lizzie, Watt, John Reid. 2nd` Olosa-Edmond Reynolds, Hannah Lookhart, Thou. "Reynolds, Evelyn Keleey. 2nd Part- Jennie Rainey, Nixon Huret,. Harry Reid, Isabella Watt, Harry Keloey, Mabel,Robe1-teen, Victogis Rainey. Honor Roll. The following in thevetanding of the pupils of N o. 17 lnnial for the month of October. Only the names of those who obtained one half the aggregate number of marks are given :- ALL (`H...-- T l`|--JIA-- " " VA usluurnnw V IVUII "" 4:1; o1;'a-'-`J. Coulter. 3rd om};-E. Coulter, M. Wioe, R. Wino 2nd Class, Sr.-M; Priest,VM. Wioe, E. Carr. 2nd Class, Jr -1*`. Smith, G. Smith. Part 2nd-S. Carr, I. Warnica, B. Quantz; Part 1st-G. Webb, R. Cart, A. Qunntz, A Wice. . _-_ _.__.-J ._vv-- The Rev; J: H. F. Blue, Qt Montreal, his spending a. few days with his friend, the Rev. W. Miler Mag:-a.th.v The Rev. Mr. Blue preached at both services in. Christ Church, on Sunday last. ' The'Rig'lit ZRev(."Dr. Sullivan, Bishop of Algoma, oiciated at St. James church Graveuhurst, last Sndjy. `