CONDENSED ADVERTISEMENTS. `gin-"rte: Ont. TRANSIENT ADVER'l`iSEMENT8. ADVERTISING RATES. --wll1 be round-Q-- W. M. RAMSAY ..v. `....'-.1.-': $l0l,000.000 35,000,000 1,200,000 fsoao int - w-- u----v-- vvrwuv -wvo.-----,. w-v _ -7'.. P. Schmlett, watchmaker and jeweler, died very suddenly in his shop, St John's, N`. B , Thursday. He was read-. ing an evening `paper when he became suddenly ill and fell back dead aglamsti the well, close to where he usually does his work. [1::.;::;| Han . :3-EB uliuuamn, Monmnu. MONTREAL. E|*?2|*W2!i 3!! Inser- tions. (6 mos) " 10 Inser- tions. (3 mos) 4 32:3 1600 nu`-.- I. an. -- 13 issoo '14oo A -- Six Were Killed. A A terrible `threshing machine accident occurred at -Mayville, N. D., Thursday, on division No. 4 of the Granden farm. The boiler of the threshing machine burnt and killed six men. The explosion was due to cold water forced into a heated boiler when the water was low. LI-IUUI $10118 52 funny sco1"r s aboxsrone. A large stock of Public School and Collegiate IIISIW Supplies always on hand. A heavy _mani11a cover given away with every 1>`m1{. Mail orders promptly attended to. OPENING OF THE SGHDOLSI G. G. SMWH, UNDEII !,AI4R . Shelf and Heavy Hardware, Chain, Bar Iron, (jast Spring Steel, Machlnery Steel, Sleigh-Shoe l Steel, assorted length and sizes. Steel, Gutns, Ries,` Primers. Cartridges Sh311S,.Ammunit Cloth for Halls, Oil Cloth Mats for Stoves . and Tables. ion, ( POWDER, SHOT, CARTRIDGE, GAME 'r1-:.\1>s, LANTERNS, CATTLE CHAINS. GRAIN SCOOPS, X-CUT SAWS, A AXES AND HANDLE, (mane: and Anemone-rxre. Flood and` Storm--Picked up the World Over. Lauder to Vlalt Gladstone. Le National is responsible for the state- ment that the Canadian Liberals will pre- sent to'Mr. Gladstone a portrait of him.- aelf and Mr. Laurier "will convey the gift to England. v ' 110 Dunlop Street, RIFLES "(Magazine and Single Shot) HARDWAR IRON AND STEEL MEE%(;:H;:m3 MCALLISTER, STORY YOUR BUY AGENTS FOR THE HOWARD FURNACE` BARRIE AND STROU D. HEW THE WIDE WORLD 18 WA GING SHOT GUNS (Single and Do}1}_)1_e At J. HENDERSO,N Sg OFFER" A1` LOW PRICES I School R Prmanent ei1large1!:L*11tSb.V ignew and beautiful pI`uCeSS. swrrmn KING, Photo. , _ _-u-uln X PHOTO STUDIO! Bothwell s Block, Barrie. BARRAU ._V_..~ -- 74...`; v- LUVVJA. CO'LLIBR-E'_.. BAR RIB OOFFINS AND GASKETS `OF ALL K1.\'E i In stock or Made to Order. ran Dead whuo naming the 1-..`.... ((_-------7 --r--urvgxw I And all Funeral Requxsites F11rnisk:er- Orders by Telegraph cr Otherwise, Prop. ly attended to. G. O. DOLMAGE, Manager, Stroud STEAM WORKS AND SHOW ROOM, T1 _ :-:_: -_--- CABIN ETS . FROM $3.00 PER D()ZE.\- Robes, Grape. A...J -11 1ll--._..._..1 n-_, _ ~ -AT_ j:.._--_. FIRST pruzn. nuumc. 1sss.1 1890. 1391. rva..|.uu.I nuvu, -----~ E BARRIEAND BRACEBRIDG Eooks E TIIB Double Breech and Muzze .Loadin;} animus spa-rs AT hoist ' % AND ABROAD. OPPOSITE TH! rconxregatlonl Cllllf` ns of various d6I18 1 d cw Funerals furl115h f. Plate. Cask `Dd 00 mmnnn 88 Dunlap-st. .1359. _ `ICU U ` . lviezauua he won ; hgvb 1-pom fof: tur_n-V ovor.",._7...v An nnnonumo , . In Ohsppie going to the party this? evening 1" A T * HT :.....:L...I l..:... '....I 1.- ..-:.I |..- __-._|_1 ` vvvlul ll _ ..i;v'ited_him,.an(l he.h_6 would tnrxfit `over iii h'fu"ml`ndi * ' _ '9;;!l`hehQ1e. won't.gfo.- ;_ M. 3 ` to an... ...'.a. 9 so - ;:`1;;;`i;`su:o`;;etw`Il::.myateriu` have all the ohujma of -5 irtation.` I131! It IIUUIW TIIISVSO Sin is the only color element in .mor dern life. Young men want to be faithfgil a :_u'i are not ;- old men want to be faithfnlando can- not. T - - Punctuality is the thief ottime. V Men -`marry `because they are `tired, women ma,r_ry because they are em-ions. Both are disappointed. % ` Dnnnln Skis A-\wu`uo `L:.I."-1` `:--_ Every impulse that we strangle broods in the mind and seasons us, The body sins once and has done with its sin, for action is a mode of purication. Noth- mg remains then but the recollection of 9. pleasure or the luxury of 9. regret. `T A` ' . Nothing Tcsnff sure the` soul but the senses, just as nothing can `cure the ssnses but thesoul. I ' T ~ onu- -m'i`l;';v batweeh a-`oA9.Vprice lasts a little longer. T ` ~ - q:... :. u... ....u_ ..u__._ -a-_.'_.T,. 1,!` is not a. bad begining for a friendship and is 9. good ending for one 1-! unvu ` jfne one V charm of marriage is that it makes` 3 Info of decepcion no.ces'sary for `both parties. 1 ___,,L:__.,_ .,, _. -1. , I.` ,1 I, - - n uuuvnvlu vuw IIGLIIIUIIJ UL any I600- The ugly and the stupid have the beat of it in this world. They can `sit quietly and gape. .They live as we all should live,undistutbed, Indifferent and without disquiet ' mhn nun} lI`Il|ZIv\ 4.` ...___:_...._ 1- A.L_L Oscar Wyldehcynioiim. 4 Beauty ends where intellect begins. Intellect is in itself an exaggeration and destroys the harmony of any face. mhn nun`:-1 ant: Okn cl-nu-`:11 L--4- LI... L-..L iwllillclh should be his own physician, re- scribing for himseif such food as he finds contributes moat. ` to his ` daily health. Regularity in mealeand time:in eating, with good cooking, hare `of course indie-. penaable to proper digestion,` without which no. man can hope to enjoy thorough health. ` ' 32;-"'1ae`I',;1"ir:;I{"ei& 'E' `$2: up intorthejr `gsmp, Iw_ogl V! \II nun Charles. A. Dana has just passed 72 years old. When he was askedsome time ago how he preserved his youthful vigor marvelously :_as he has done, he said : I `live _well and take rational exercise. I have no hobbies about plain and simple food, but eateverything I can get that is good` and that [know by ex- perience agrees with me. Theories about eating are all nonsense. Experience must govern every sensi* man's selec- tion of his food. Mr. any. is right. "One man s meat is another man poison. . v | Ti` -1. -L-._IJ L- L1- -__ __L,,_! S `Jay Gould says : _ I do not myself believe that any man can stand the strain of a large business unless he lives on the simplest food he can get. But Richard A. .McCurdy declares emphatically in favor of French caokery. ` rs 'I\ -r1 ; .. up . E. B. Harper, president of the Mutual Reserve Fund Association, says : The gospel of good living is the most import- ant of all things earthly. 'I\.. 'I"-I............ ......... . at \T,. ...-__ -_., L- (ll-IU `II (III UIIlIJ` Will UIIIJI Dr. Talmaae says : No man can be a Christian if his stomach is out of order. Henry Ward Beecher, before `he had dyspepsia himself, snoke in a similar strain, denouncing sikness as criminal. h- `D.-.l....... (`\..n...... .....`.:|`.' at .L:...-1- world. ilvsulsla v \l\.lLI\l\lIl\IIl-I ELUILIJUBD GD utyuuuuu. Dr. Robert Coilyer said} I think the American people, take them all in, are the best liver; of any people in the I A -ix n o . - -_.~ Opinions or Prominent Editors, Business Men and Ministers, Regular living, with perfectly cooked food, are the best medicines for averting much of the dyspepsia and other troubles to which humanity is subject. Speaking of good cooking, Robert B. Roosevelt, ex-Minister to the Hague, says : ``It is at the foundation of all happiness, for there can be none without it, and it should be taught in our public schools before even ~ ` the three R s. and epaulettes woujldibei sway ircm me. I-soon would-be thsffne? te119rv.3*vlche ~ runclean and .t`ri'i`g tr,iI`st,'wti`i-t,lLy'5`ihat..*I;.aam ' I called jto~day. i5'5l&iiiii5*the?=*political wbrld would not long, be scandalizad; such things have happened before; Sir Richard Cartwright can tell how -it is done. In- deed. I do notpretend that a man can-. not differ at times from his. colleagues, from hi! party He can even`sever"his` connection` with his party. for political reasons or for personal di`-rence. if the the latter render his relations intolerable, and he is a fool if he does not nd all the precedents he wants in high spheres of British public life. This is noptreasnn, I have no hesitation in saying that I have at times su'ered- at the hands of my own party. My party has never suffered at my hands. I have made representations when, to use thewords of the Spectator, a geographical `consideration, length of service; political inuence. administra- tive ability and experience were discard- ed. I made them frankly,`I made them to those whrse duty it was to hear them.` I would not be ashamed to publish my correspondence on these matters. The right to petition, as the petition uf right, is part of the constitution. I have never surrendered my liberty of action to the whims of a man or a party. I never pandered to racial or religious prej udices. Success would be bought tun dear at that price, but I challenge the f._Glob,e or -any- one else to showthat I-`have been dragged into treasonable plots for ambition or for gain. Since 1859 I have constantly been on the battleeld in the ran ks of the Conserva- tive party. V I have, I admit, always held in sincere contempt those preachers of propriety V who scorn a soldier because his tunic is torn and his face cut, regard- less of the fact that he was in the bloody fray for his party, while they were gossip-` ing slander at their tiresides. I owe the little inuence that I have and the devo- tion which my friends have shown me, to my open speaking, square dealing, and fair lighting on every occasion, and I am not going to change my habits for any- body s care or any body s threats now to mvm; 'l`he ~S?abboth--School at Batteau isprospex ing nnd_e1*:thatble' snperintendency of Mrs. 74bo`ut `$40 wot -gh fof gnoir books hddrl-to tlie`libt5a'ry__'I,bsboIy,;;` - . . ` . . \- top of .1` Regina Meeeffol -'-a` kini:doin'.'o'f Hon. Mr. Chapleau s Denial. Hon. Mr. Chapleau has been shown the editorial article in the Globe of Friday, charging him with treachery to the party in having offered to join the Liberalsduring last session, and that of the Hamilton Spectator commenting thereon.` The Secretary of State then made the follow- ing statement:---That paragraph of the Globe's contains as many falsehoods as there are sentences in it. Our worthy friend, the Hamilton Spectator, is mis- taken in saying that these charges are ex- ceptional and such that no honorable man should allow them to remain uncontradict- ed. I have already ontlived similar out- rages from the Grit and Rouge press, and I don't think of committing-suicide from the grief which the Globe imagines I must feel at its attacks, evenifi nine men in every ten were silly enough-tot take Mr. Farrer ssay_ings,fo'r the gospel. When it suited the Grits to -predict the fall of the Conservative Government they were wont to say that I had a :strong per- sonal following in my province; when they sell: in their helplessness ,to get dupes or accomplices," they may, -call "me "sour grapes with impunity`. But it ~ they accuse me of treason to my leaders or to my party they lie knowingly or criminally. They once `offered rme--not Lfz-oxnthertop of 9 "moan . _u.; hut.-. from the glcrypnd power. I refused" and rented them. Hence; their fhatred. Still. you Inner Ina" nnevn Vilrlsnlr `-3'7 and Znnnhln-it --".57: '5` HAVtNG'pu ~chaeed. the premises of the late W. H. Cross 85 00., we are prepared to pay the HIGHEST DASH PRICE tor TAN `BARK H|DE8- OALI-`SKINS- SHEEPSKINS; TALLOW, 830-eh Pub in at short; notice. A full stock of Iron Pipe for Steam, Water and Gas, Globe Valves, V Stop and Check Valves, Steam Gauges, and Water Glasses. All work 10-9 in this line promptly attendetl to. `ALL THE MOST APPROVED MAKES, WITH THE LATEST AND BEST FUR- NISHINGS,`AT MAN UFAOTURERS PRICES. The CL A S 8 H _Po|_-|C| Es of the STANDARD are FREE FROM RESTRICTION of any kind. The assured under this Policy may proceed to, and reside in, any part of. the world, or engage in occupation of any kind, with- out license, or payment of `extra premium. . 8." EUGENE SALL8. _ . INBPEOTORQ Banana BARRIE STOVE & FURNAGE DEPOTI .. ryness or me man D;-3w"PBY;'ngss of Vision, Jauni P 9 di fyalt Rh 1 1 S m1, mu::ep?n"`arE`zKe xe2`3, 23.` dj_ eneg-9.1 Debint * or m , ,s;m11ar*0o may '1lth 1 "ed-,-l "` Bowels,'I1dn_ee `;g181d.I?i:::1?;..m3 ,,.y, t-`hug o gradually _w1 out weakening the sys. $6111. all the xmpurities and toul humora ouhe secretions; at the same time Cor. recting Acidity of the stomach, curing - Blllousness, Dyspepsia, Headaches. Dizziness, Heartburn, gggstipation, Dryness of the skin, DEV. Dimnnaa nf Vlulnn _'lnun_ One year ago I was taken ill with inammatory rheumatism, bein - con- ned to my house six months. came out of the sickness very much debili- tated, with no appetite, and my system disordered inevery way. I commenced using Ayer s Sarsaparilla and began to improve at once, gaining in stren h and soon recovering my` usual hea th. I cannot say` too much in praise of this 'we1i-known medi<-ine';-Mrs. L. A. Stark, Nashua, N. H. Slmcoe Pioneer and Historical Society. An informal gathering was held in the council room Tuesday evening to discuss the pros and cons of organizing a Pioneer and Historical Society for this county. eA. F. Hunter, editor of the Barrie Ex- aminer, was called to the chair, -and C. W. Lawton was made secretary pro. tem. Among those present were Mayor Harvey Councillor John Gray of Medonte, W. Dunn, Geo. H. Hale of the Packet, In- spector Morgan. J. 0. Rose It was deemed advisable that such an association be organized with the object of gathering and preserving the early history of the county and its settlers, and to cultivate a Canadian patriotic sentiment in connec- tion therewith A meeting for organiza- tion will be will be in Barrie at some near date, when some one from the Provincial Association may he present.-()rillia Times. V y}er& s;_3;_;i:f_s_zgnariIIa, PREPARED 3? ET: J: Co & 00-, Pziigg $1.; nix bouleo,__$5. Worth tnbottlo. swam use Assumes nomrnuv, About two years ago, after suffering, for nearly two years from rheumatic gout, being able to walk only with great discomfort, and having tried various remedies, `including mineral waters, without relief, I saw by an advertise- ment in a Chicago paper that a man had been relieved of this distressing com- plaint, after long suifering, by taking Ayer s Sarsaparilla. I then decided to make a trial of this medicine, and took it regularly for eight months, and am pleased to state that it has effected a complete cure. I have since had no re-. turn of -the disease.-Mrs. R. Irving Dodge, 110 West 125th st., New York. Rheumatism, duo `in {>1-an I V . . . ' V Vf BEING due to the presence of uric acid in the blood, is most eectually cured. by the use of Aye:- s Sarsapan rilla. Be sure you get Ayer s and no other, and take it till the poisonous acid is thoroughly expelled from the system. We challenge attention to this testimony :.- . 111: KEY to llElL`l'll. ln:0+1:!:e;1-dTt:s;;;6-;1::t:ax';;r prey;-1-p't: mam Hi Du. Add 3. __...A$L I)-unglplj `V 3 ~"OutorIaiaoowol1ada;I2',edtochiIdronthat I nggnumovunu IL -an -u-can-3`: 645 any: mnnanwinn I HEAD. OFFICE FOR OANADA `What the Duke of Hamilton is Doing. The Duke of Hamilton does not seem to care about the comfort or peace of mind of any one else. It appears that he possesses some legal right to work the minerals under the Scotch town of Motherwell, and notwithstanding all ef- forts on the part of the municipality to save their public buildings and their homes, he has refused to consent to any compromise or to desist. He was "then implored t> leave the stoops or supports, of coal under the ancient town hall, which is threatened by the subsid- ence of the foundations, but he turned a deaf ear to their entreaties, and is. there- fore, for the sake af extracting a few ad- ditional hundred .tons of coal, calmly wrecking one of the most interesting memorials of by-gone ages. %Barr`l'o%.# ""lI'1;II'I" Go. 21-tf Stoves ! Stoves ! Stoves ! Mllls 8: Plaxton s celebrated Furnaces WANTED. SOUTH SIDE DUNLOP STREET, NEXT TO THE CANTON TEA STORE. NOTICE. `sUnAs1s':1'1Na ASUBANOE INVESTED FUNDS.,0VEB GOV. nnposrr AT OTTAWA J01-I1\'r P:r_..eL:z.'roJ.\T. '1-1?!" ' The Tasman sea, ' A new name has been given to a part of the Pacic Ocean. A sort of a basin is formed by the east coast of Australia and Tasmania, New Zealand and the A western islands of the Polynesian groups, which in the opinion of Australian geographers should have a distinctive name. The Australian Association for the advance- ment of Science has accordingly given to this basin the name of Tasman Sea, and the English Admiralty has ordered that the name be inserted upon the Admiralty charts. THE NORTHERN ADVANCE. for ('Es'rA;BVI..Is-1:-113D F1825.) Tnwnts and children. A. s'rRA1'o-Iv. Ag Iaxtnoon to nun for WIIEIBE. 2 nouns \VE8'l =0F nu: BARBIE Imam. jjn ' Aonll sou1tedtq_r.gui;1ndsot` } A mujes, PATENT..MEDICINES, DYE ~ STUFFS, SOAPS; OOMB8,_ L AND BRUSHES. cpuuu pu: uuvermslng an 1111) outside then own regular business. h the`! do so. 0 transient rates will be charggd for an adver tisement A ' "clutoh Donahue : Widow. Mrs. Eliza Dnnohue attempted to com- mit suicide by jumping into the Niagara River a few days ago, but was rescued. Mrs. Donohue is the widow of Clutch Donohne, the famous express robber who stole $40,000.fz-om the American Express i Company several years ago and who was pardoned out of Kingston Penitentiary only to die outside of the prison walls __ . _.-__....---nun` Aw! Condensed advertisements on First Page such as Wants of all kinds. Lost and Found, Property for Sale or to Rent, 8 ecio Articles, Eto., Eto.. must be aooomipeni with the cash. and will be inserted-F rst insertion. 2 cents per word. each subsequent insertion, 1 cent names, addresses, and gures ooun as words - but a. reduotionto 1 cent per word will be made when the number or insertions or the | `ems matter exceed -Form. ' j - ___- _- 7` Tn can-nun Coxmzw, 77 numy Street, N. Y. CONTRACT CHANGES. Advertisers will please bear in mind that no- tice of intention to chan e advertisements must be handed in to the o ce not later than Saturday at 10 o'clock, and the co y for -such change must be in the Anvnzcn o co not later than 12 o'clock noon on Tuesday. in any week; otherwise the advertiser's announcement, may not be made public until the week following. Advertisers will nnt ha nllnuma 4.. mm 4-1. -I- uuu nu mane punuo unuu the week following. ' Advertisers will not be allowed to use their 3 space tor advertising angthin outside regular business. hnn nun an -n `For one month-the three monthly rate with j 15 per cent. added. *Fer two xnonths-the three monthly rate with 10 per cent. added. a`Preterred positions in the pa or will be sold at an advance 0: one third on a ove rates. This rule will be strictly carried out. -w .-vuvwg 3 \Jv|Il.I.|.ll.l 20 Inches, 1 Column ' 1Inch................: 2; Inches .... 5 Inches, Column.. ` 10 Inches, 9 Column On `I`_-I..... 1 1-4;u,,_,, { CONTRACT ADVERTISING. Contract advertisements will be taken at th following rates, which are drafted on correct commercial principles, and, as they will be \ strictly adhered to in making new contract` after present contracts expire, there will be only one Brice for all: } Reading notices, 10 cents oer line for first in l sertion; 5 cents per line for each subsequent ` lnsertxon of the same matter. i L Convicted of l`ncest.- h At the Assizesin Oobourg last week George Washington Hearns, of Colborne, was placed on trial for incest with his sis- ter, Mslvina J ane Hesrns, the girl alleg- ing that he was the father of echild she is charged with killing. He was found guilty and sentenced to four years impris- onment. The jury in the girl : case dis- agreed. ` Lega.l,.01cia.l and `Government advertise ments will be charged at above rates. First insertion, 10 cents per line. Each sub sequent insertion. 4 cents per line, . um ADVANCE HAS A cInom.A'r1oN on THIRTEEN nmnnnn AND EIGHTY corms. Almost, if not quite. double that of any other Paper published in Barrie. a'ADvER'rIsn:ns sHdUI.n NOTE THIS crr.`B V \ (12 lines solid nonpareil make one inch). i rm: uonnusnn Anvnncs TOILET ARTICLES-_A FULL LINE. N 0. of Inches Space. cgaemnsrmn DHUGBIST. Fatal Railway Accident, As George Hollinger; a cooper of Bridgeport. was returning from Baden with an empty barrel waggon and was crossing the Galt branch of the G.T.R. at Berlin, train: No. 9 from Galt came along and struck the wagon before it had clear- ed the track. `Holhngerfwas almost .in- stantly killed.