Miss S. A. Kennedy has retuirned from an extensive visit to friends at Tottenham and surrounding district. 1:. Que run:-n Q -u Miss Minnie O'Connor, of Toronto, Miss Maud Hinds and Miss Minnie Cassia, of Chicago, are the guests of Mr. And Mrs. Kennedy, Owen street. I.`lI_l'Illl .1|'IIIuy-y-_uu-, __. A person who wilfully` ente_u,. without the consent of the owner or oceu ant", any or- chard, fruit garden, Dvine ar ,. or grou_nd_ wherein is cultivvaedanyv nit, with intent to take, injdggdr-destroy anything there growing or is punishable by im- ....:..-.`...n.ano. not nviinaina nix months. - ` growmg or grown, 15 puuusuc-um u` prisomnent not exceeding six months, A good many people comlslain that the owers are stolen `from their grounds on Sunday afternoons whenithere isjno one at home. Something `ought to` be _done to bring such petty thieving to an `end `by punishixigi the thieves. . ' _ A i 'a'Insure in the British Empire VMutua1 and get 20 per cent. for your mdney as` well as Insurance on your lif . ins. Elizabeth Rm, Elizobeth street, is visiting friends in Toronto. ' ages -gg. verton. ~ ujnouu-unique nurrtoano. The eat hurricane-that -visited `the IS- land .0 .Ma1-tinique aeouple of weeks ,ago'| was one of the mostedestructive that ever` visited that" track of` Atlantic cyclones. . The number of ,persons_killed_is reported to be 253 and the amount of Y,rope'rty_; destroy- ed mounting up to the mil ions. ' ` . nuu was LIIII -UVUI`.'.' ;u.uu1U-I. mu WEB 1'0` cured,`and=it was! found` that one~ rib 3 been broken and his `cl1'e`ot.y'o.nd "arm badly bruised. V *1 ,. . ; _ . * Mina Ayerst, 1-11:3--bvoen` 'viaitinq friends in Barrie. ` ' ' sad it, iI1t.iI'11:V.tio1.1h[1e hgcil ` H dggger was when the engine w.o.s.a_t_ the _ .._-.`I- .l'1oweI-sbtej g._' &J\Jl-I UIL\J . ' ACheapS%andBe'stABOOts and Shoes anabe c0nvind?~ ' LNIVIVLI `JIIU I 'will recover; ..r,` ' w,-r. _; , .~ . _ 4- .. , ' .~"~ -. . V. .. : _ r . , .- - ` ' ' , . ` ._ , ' .. _ ' .`P` 7- ~ > ~ '*-~ 1 4 ; '2 r . vr\.- " " IQI3` .. - ""~` 3-*'"l;:;,., ;.1HU NTE R & GO: u Il1.lol1n(l8l'BlRIl0(10IIel.`B for sale the east half 1 of lot No. '7 in the 8th concession of the township of Essa. This is one of the best tsrmsinthe county. It is one mile from Ivy P 0.. where therearechurches. school, store. mill. and is within 8 miles of 'lhornt.on. a. Irrsin market and By. station on the G. 1`. B. The farm is well improved. having go ad taicwelling house. bank barn. orchard, wells. e. A - U. For. rtioula to J. T. 8 ul. Solici- tor. Bol. r&de,vor t1:J?>x`t 1lyLennox, I\P:P.O ROBERT Lmenoxf ' wllbnan nun nonsn pownn, 2 LATGIES, BAND 1 SAWS AND muzznn. CIRCULAR \ SAWS AND nounm nucnmn A'r_1'Aonnn,rU1.1.nIs. SIIAFTING. nuurma, ac. All Suitable for any wood working shop. i Avvly at onoe CRYSTAL PALACE STORES. or Box 66, Barrio. . l THE undo!-sinned offers for sale the east halt - 47 oonc_e_siog o_f flan In-unounlul-. AI -..- lIu_:_ 1- --, , , Pu In at short notice. A tuuitook of Iron Pipe to: steam. Water and Gas. Globe V aim. 3 and (book Vllvoa. Steam Gamma. and Water Glusoc. All work in thjsllno T oromptly attended to 'l0.9. IOHN PLAXTO ' umbia, sailing at 6 11.111. 'l`hursday. l\rl0N"l`REAI., Sept. 2.---'.l`he`Canadian Paci- c Railways fast mail train which left Van- couver Satimleiy last at 1 13.111. on the arri- 1 Val of the Ciumtliali Pacic Rai1way s steam- ship Empress of Ja an with the China and J in 21 Days, I Japan mails reache Brockville at 9.03 last evening, having nnule the run in 76 hours, allowing for three hours lost by changes in i time. A special left Murristown over the ` New York Central at 9.45 p.n1., which will probably reach New York at 4.30 \Vednesday morning, making the time from Vancouver to New York about 83, hours and from Yoko- ~ hama to New York a trie less than 13 days. If the mails catch the Inman Liner steam- ship City of New York, which sails at 5, they should reach London \Vednesday, Sept. 9, making the time from Yokohama. to London via t-he C. P. Railway and New York, just `.21 days. The special train on the C. P. R. was delayed about three hours i by hot boxes, otherwise the connection with I the City of New York would have been made with t.-use: as it is it may he missed by I an hour. In that event the mails will go ' by the Hamburg, American steamship Co1- I D -.,j,%*i%}%G','.'!`g~V,L% %fr|nf, cottons. Gloves and Hoslary, Ready`-Made clothlng, Table Linen`, Quilts; carpets, Lace curtains, &c., s,.,_ JAMES -:-VAIR: 5'1-ovms 2 STOVES 2 2 ALL THE IOSTAPPBOYED IAKE8, WITH THE LATEST AND BEST FURNISHINGS % AT-MANUFA(7TURERS' PRICES. "BARBIE STOVE & FURNACE DEPUT 0.tEAnmc -3-SUMMER -=- FIMWLEY & DEVLIN. FOR SALE ! . SOUTH Asmn: DUNLOPV STREET, NEXT DOOR TO THE CANTON TEA STORE. mus & Puxtou-s cmsnnran rumcss IJDIIIHX [Ill-l'l)Ol' Ella Ul`0u "E Co Elle ClC". Capt. McMa.rran 100 s Vbndly battered after his great {i lit with fate. He tells a. thrilling story 0 the battle for life when the ship went down. All the men had on life preservers, but there was only one boat left and she was lled. Those who had pre- sence of mind swam to her, and she was baled out with an empty whisky case. _ The other eight . including the first 1na.te and chief engineer, were never seen after the ship capsized, and were either killed in the Wreckage or carried down by the suction, Capt. l\'IcMzu'ran savs the hurricane was of , only a. few hours diiration, but raged with great fury while it` lasted. The Dunmurry was anew ship on her third voyage. The survivors were semi-naked and penniless. JAMES VA|R S CLOTHING. Farm Fdr Sale. Our Grey, Navy Blue and Fancy Flannels for the fall and Winter are grand value. .G_reys ip light and dark. plain and twill. at the followmg prlces : 10, 12;, 15, 17%, 20, 22%, 25, and so on up as high as 40c. Navy` Blue, from 25c. to 45c Fancy, from 25 to 65c. . ' FLANNELS ! FLANNELS ! ! VI. I-I. Freeman. EVERY DAY BARGAIN DAY. 1891. FALL 1891. the- . A-Erraln Steantner-W1-ekexl. .' HALIFAX, N.B., Sept. _2.--'.l_`he steamer. Dunmurray from New York for Antwerp, grain laden, was upset bya. hurricane Sat- urday morning last at I0 o clock. Eight of her crew were drowned and twenty sevede. by the life boat. The saved were icked up 1`); the steamers Hans 8.53:1 Kurt; rom New; _.l____`11--L,., N, ,,_, ,,,,, nanucsn PBIBES IN EVERY LINE. 52 IID'C'J']N'I.-CF -S'I' L I IJIIALVLV UA. Waakoda. Man. To the Great forget the place. Belngglots %to34 it oluaive north of `gm line b tween Innial and Vespra. L0 ` '62 inclusive west of Thomson street. 1 53 to 68 inclusive south of Ross street. town of Burris. adjoining the village of . dale " @1516 , 1.3% cores will be sold en bloc or in 1 very reasonable terms. A ply to , . J. A.-cCAR'I`H\. Do v-r1'uYPl`. .lV.I.ulU3IIOUU WWHSUIP, Ill [U6 Vlclnly 01 Din)` { steed station on the C. `P. R. are fveryvtnlitih excited over the mysterious (1isa.ppea.r`ance of Susan Kerr, daughter of William _'-Kerr, lot 13 on the 8th concession, who retired e__.sf usual on Friday night and when Satm`-da.yV mornin came had disappeareci gs.s._1fnyster;1 .ious an .e'ectual1y as though swallowed up` by the earth. T , ~ The,y_oung lady occu ied aibed with ,;her sister. _.The.two retire together and Susan-_ has not since been seen by anv pe1on.; Searching parties have scoured {he woods and the surrounding country `for q miles without nding any twee or informa- tion` of her whereabouts". A Her jdisa.p- ' pearance i9eca.I_ls = that of Ma.gg"1'e"McV"ey, who left the house of her father, John Mc-' Vey, in Yarmouth, Elgin county, one even- ing in N ovember, 1878, to drive home the cows from a neighboring eld, and of whose whereabouts no trace has ever been discov- ered,'a.1though rewax-is, government-, coun- ty and private, aggregating $2500 were of- fered for her body, dead or alive. _' `- R/nu Ram in 032 unnra hf nrrn ii-an iiahf. Deslrable Building Lois F o R s A L E NEAR ALLAN DALE 5 SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL $250 000 BARBIE LOAN 8!. SAVINGSCU INCORPORATED l88l- 4 Per Cent. Interest Paid on` DeP'" The Security for Depoaitors in 3 L080 Company is undoubted. l.R.Iv _J-o -PLAXTON JAIN I u ; . Barrister. . Barns. LCLCU. LUI IICL UUUJ, IIUGLI UL lr.lI\ Us Miss Kerr is 2 years of age, '11-asjligllt" curly hair. rather short, had on light brown dress with black trimmings, man s "coarse" straw hat wit h red luilld and widerim, light red woolen stockings without shoes, is about 5 feet4 or 5 inches in height, of . medium build, weighing about 115 pounds. lots on II I/ll? DUVCIIIICID JIUIIID Glllll JXUI U IIUIII LVUVV Yvork for Rotterdam on Monday even'i1'.g and transferred to a shing boat this evening o' Halifax harbor and bro glut to the city. fVA._A. \I_`Il_.___-,, I,- I `I1 I 44 , , I Wrxosok, "Se 1;. 2.--The residents of} Maidstone towns nip, in the vicinity of Elm - nfnnt` nnf:nI1 An flan (! `D D own ununv vniviln . And Although rugs Wu On sagm~a.y~{s:.af Has Not Been Seen Since--T116 Llliaciggle MoVey Mygtery R4-dulled--_Her l?onon-E5 al Appqaramse, 'll..:.l..4-...... L.........?..... L. H..- ..:..:..:c.. -6 131..., 13. residents of North 'ater1oo Electi:n Petition, II'I__.,_ , (1 . r. A. r\ 1 -I-1-1-n A"%MA;nsa~om;_% 2uT.!uDE%N% MYSTERIOUSLY QlSAPPEAfP.$_ fz=Rpgw HER PARENTS aesIoENcE,i*` v Cross] 93; Again. `n'__L . P: LL :,,`,, ,,,~|n Injured by _a. `Runayiafty. ......A.. 0...`. 0 -A . In _,, , The Perils of the Sea. = ; ..`,{."!`{'.. `my, presxded; I -r`, ,I .11! VI Ill IUIIII T S43v3?`-I -IIUITO _ ` LONDON; Sept." 2. --Grea.t_, curio`sit}'r pre-` veils here asfto the. direction in` which the"; immense estates of the late `Duke. `of Cleve"-`*3 land" have one. As "he hits no heiretheij title lapses, nfr it? appears `thuw the~`Duk'e : made awill last year, which (is one" of the: .most%singula't on:reoord..` .5 . , `mhn`Innrnn- -pldsn us; `-'51:-n:Ao.ncuun4;g.L 1--.. .' OI-l`lQU flllsulal \ lI`I Uvllltlr .'I`he`la.wyets drew thg Ving-b1a.nk.the nameI:o , Q `as the amounmdeygiqed, ;and these `were 1l- ` th.6*1,88%tIe9..5o - 55. wu le:lnJ:rE:?t1z byhe bld"I')uEe,' Who in ` E V nI- 9\a\nn5\rc-` ` Dllll. WJlI(1lI.IlKn The military Wocheablatt urges the im- portance and [necessity of inventing new cannon to meet the requirements of modern warfare. The sma.l1_ca.1ibire` magaine_ guns having reduced to minimumj. dvantdge which artil1ery former1py `possessed ove'r` .in.- fantry. ' ' - ' " anrnnnn nnnnva nn`-InInnvil>1'n`n unnn Q...I.... Gegnnan papers, cmnmenting upon Sedan Day, dilate upon a. situation requiring Ger- many to be more alert than ever, but they are unanimous. that Germany. will never begin `a war, however provoked. ' Z A , NIONTREAL, Sept. `.2.--Ben W-hitworth or Big Ben, as he is popularly called, the steward of the Beaver Line steamship Lake Ontario, was accidentally shot on the voyage over. Dr. Holden was vaccinating the emi- grants. and a. Polish Jew took off his ,co._t, laying it across his arm, and the doctor was : jut about to vaccinate himvwben,ther__e was '8. loud report, -and with a cry of My God, I: m shot, Big Ben fell to `the deck. "Tile Polish Jew, it appears, had `a. 42 calibre bull `dog revolver in his coax/pocket, and this `was discharged a,ccidenta.1ly, the bullet struck Big Ben in the right chest, plo11 gh'_-`i--'~ `ing its way right across the chest, and [nally lodging in the left shoulder. Dr. ;Holden cut the |bullet out and Whit-worth 1-vi" 1-nnnvnr ' ' ed in rivati J ljiwixniense 1-ioheI'hov`e:gone.: . -.,; _if;yf%31I:"61d"'i)ui<;e,` wh3"ci'n % lock up_ '; e wi1I."f N'o`_"oia at present knows, 1idtevnthe la'wy\i';` 150 Whom all % . -' .`- 3- ` - 1 7.1, Another Suicide. BROCKVILLE, Ont., Se ta. 2. -Ye,sterday morning Mrs. VVilIia.mv owell, aged 50, while laboring under a t of temporary in- sanity took a dose of carbolic acid and died in the evening. ' Swept by Violent Gales and Many Wrecks i - the Result. ` I LONDON, Sept. 2. -Violent gales and rainstorms continue to sweep over Great Britain and Ireland. Despatclies fromDub- lin state the crops throu hout the province of .Ulster are in a. pit-ia le condition, and that in many parts of Ulster and elsewhere they are almost entirely submerged._ In other sections the crops are in several feet of water and will be completely destroyed. n` Tl frn nnrnlun nnxrnvnuexurn unafov-J o u V.---u-you --_--mug n. nvvn, BERLIN, Sept. 2.-Cha.nce11or Von Cap- ri.vi and Herr Von Kalterhorn Sta.E:kha.n,. Minister of War, have had frequent pro- longed audiences with the Emperor as 9. preliminary to an impbrtant announcement. The Reichsangier says the variants rumors current in regard to these audiences *-are unreliable - ` ` " , . nu] -1-; 11'? I no .. .- ' - u., L. L. 1)., master of St. John -s`_`(.}p}_J:_ego1,` .C.amt2r.'-idse; , c..h.v.n;:e11or-; of ,tlqat mnmr- .\~ \ .. ..-.. .9, ...g`.,_"._}_` my, presxded. -..; _ .. . ~* [ . .- Sunday ilarvestinng. OTTAWA`, Sept. 2. --At Old Chelsea on ! Sunday mass was celebrated and the sermon I omitted, the reverend father ofciatin tell- , ing his ock" as soon as mass was cone uded L to go out and make use of the ne weather | by gathering. the kindly fruits of the earth. To Swim the Whirlpool. A NIAGARA FALLS, Sept. 2.-The Philadeli phia. cooper, Carlisle D. Graham, who oated through the rapids ve years ago in 9. barrel, is here, and says that Tommy Burns of Liverpool will soon come over and together ,1 they `will swim the whirlpool. UL waucl auu wxu. uc UUllVllJlUlIUl_y ucswuyeu. O' Ilfracombe, Devonshire, yesterday, during a. gale, a -passengerstearner having a hundred passengers on board had a narrow escape from" destruction. A succession of heav seas struck her, sweeping -the decks, smashing in the saloon skylights and pour- ing tons of water down the companionways. A So severe was the pounding the steamer re- ceived by the waves that man passengers were severely injured, of whic number six are in a. precarious condition. Tn +111) Morgan in nvv-ants`; '7U||I\`9:r\'nn LUULIISUUII JIGLLH Illllll. '\JUUl.lU JIGIJ, _GUUuU &!) miles west of `here. Hejleft Sturgeon Falls on a. velocipede about .12. 30 p.m. and was run into by No. 4 express comin east shortly afterwm-ds. `His head, -bot [feet and one"ha,nd were severed from the body. - -r - Unsuccessful Diving, BUR I.Il~m'roN BEACH, Sept. 2.-The Toron- to diver has been at work all day looking for the bodyof reman Crouch -the other victim of Sunda. night s- awful accident on the Grand `Trun , but so far without suc-, cess. [It is thought now that the body is [held down by some of the wreckage. 'I`ORO.\*'ro, Sept. 2.--At Os oode Hall yes- terday, in the matter of the orth VVaterloo Dominion election Mr. Justice MacMahon `delivered judgment on the motion to dis- ' miss the petition which was argued some- i time before vacation. The motion it will be remembered was to set aside the petition ' on preliminary objections, the principal of which was that the petitioner, Conrad Knell, 'was an alien and not entitled to vote there- ! fore not to file a petition. At the same time i it was asked tlmt if the petition was pfound bad, on this ground, that a new U ! petitioner might be substituted. His Lordship holds that the petition, as it now stands, is bad and must be set aside. 'l`he order made was that the matter stand for three weeks, and if by that time no new petitioner asks to be substitut- ed in the stead of the present one the peti- tion be dismissed with costs, but if a eti- tioner comes forward and asks to be su sti- tuted he may be so substituted. "--7i{i7-F7KL`C. " Beaver over. rn-nnfc nun` n pnlialm Tour fnntv A13` Lia " "4. Ann 1 . l l l -vv-v u-.v r. v v n-awv of-Ulster inf pit-ialble Devons-hire, passengers seas smas ing the companionways. -_ number ` In the Mersey a fishing smack, making for shelter from the storm, foundered.. All hands were lost. . ' -_ _ On the southcoast of England there have been several wrecks. T The, gale continued in Ireland`, -Wales, the north of Engiand and Scotland the whole of the day. V steamers were delayed. L The ' VVelsh', rivers are ooded, and much `damage has been done to property. H A house was blown `over i in Dublin and three inmates were buried in the ruins. - All were" badly injured, one being in a dying condition. ` ' All i eross channel - \J1Ll1'V.4'l,, Idctlllo a'd,j'J.IlC LIUUCIVVQB L c \Jo uuua given a gold medal to VVillie Anderson, aged 8, of Antrim, 01112., who had his foot taken | off by a reaper while pieading with the i d__r1ver of a. machine to stop to save the lives of a nest of swallows -he had found in the hay-eld. ' A `E1111 DUGIIII} I11, 860; 201157 (ll , ainltim Last year shield was won by` _I 0th, Royal }rena.diers wi_th iscoreqf 214.` A -1-Killed} apt North Bay. - . NORTH BAY, Sept`; 2.`--Am'a.n'na.med Tho Emson, a.n:employe of the-C. P. 'R., was killed last ni ht. on the main `line between Sturgeon Fall and [Cache Bay, _about~23 rnnnu nrnlui-, n` have no Inf!-. Qlhrn-nvnnn W11] An Immense Parade. QUEBEC, `Sept. 2.--La.bo_r day witnessed` yesterday the largest public demonstration ever witnessed in Quebec. It is estimated that 15,000 took part in the procession that morning," which assembled in St. Sa.uveu.r_ and marched through the streets of lower town, upper town and the suburbs. It was ` over an hour passing a. given point. 2:25; 0! Lu -unw. Vuish 0119.1 nge s1IiZ1`if rii;c1i, G. I4.` G., 7fZ,lii1,s,.32D'8cQre; $30. .131-h Bnth. . (lst teain) 73 hits, 307 score; $20, 63rd Ba.tt., .75 "hits, 300 score;`$l0, 3rd Victoria. Ries, M 65 hits, 268 score; Roya.1VGrena.diers, 63 hits, 263 score; 12th Ba.t.t -., 52 hits, 239 scgre; 2nd_ Q; G R., 54 hits, 232 score; G. G`. ;F,A `G. * )...J a-.........\ [IA 000. A9...1 K ! `)1: J.` UIIUW Ills TU VVl!IIIUl'H;_~ `--- 4 -V G-zowski Inatch-, cup.and $50, G.F2G. -,-. score 526; $40, 3rd Victoria Ries, 480; $35, 431'-d, O; & C. Ries, .476; $30, Q. 0, R., 470; 525, 12th Butt. , 465;$20, 5t-h Royal Scots, 458. Next in order were: R0 alrrenadiera, 451; o. 63rd Ba.tit., 444; V D Corps, 422;" 57th `Batt. 408. . - lxnfulltry: School _ 12..;+;.1. m...n....`.... .q1. .'..I;1 m.;+.}.h I`: \.' LII. orx lI.I.uo, gun DDUt\),' `|2nd team) 54, 229;.43rd,.57, 215.. T Ali` rvnnuu aL:n`A `(Inn II!l\I\ `any `I morning, a_:id__a. __1mion,, , geryicg A_ was ` Held in we '* auditorium of the Methodist ehlii-*el`i`_in"tIhe ; e`s'rni'n '-,4 which was lled to its utmost. `capacity . " l1e=i `ser -._ vice was cue of great `power. 'Fro'm *No.r--= wich the even elistg?goito`Paris, t'he i1>c'e.to, Owen Sound, randohi Culgax-y-`and* -other i places in the Norbh1\iest`,'.`iLnd will once more visit the Pacic coast before `return-=1 ing to Ontario next summer. . V L Dominion Rie -Matcgllem-. V M OTTA WA, Sept. ~ 2. --Another. succeesfxildav. . of the Dominion Rie Association meeting ' was brought. to 9. close yesterday. The . Minister of Militiafs match was shot in the forenoon,' and in the afternoon the Gzowski match and British. Challenge Shield match. The sun was bright. and strong;.no Following are winners: (`-l1l\IlIlP;I'fII":n ! nun onnl . Al: `:3 :._. V. F. ' I I . .n'.. 4 .~` ..._`._r . K .. '1'he;,0x1`len`t.8lv :.l:`oNna:$r,: Se ;."l-are-The';0x:ientaJ.; t 'oB`,A.., _[,\ `_ "ya: n; . 1)., v_'cfS't_;.ohn'.:y" 9...~.I....:.l.....; -.....:-..1._..-.u-.. -: ..n_-;--:.._:`-_.-'.i"-` . u 555:5: In-|.v\:f_ v,IU\4lVVl\.I.I.l uywuy 1].} 3: ` " zihq,ir:fa1Jzg9an1pn1sa. `-It'1;,.th19' ; 'l.'he-vI'zubya'iit'i1 .anil`.?'1?f&pubr\':chnmhq& ; -. 4:3` .- "_ xi _ ()TTA\v_A,, Sept; 2,:~;I.:l;e Ott':.\-v:a;-sTP; C. has Ivvnn n Irn`r` rv\ntJo1 +r\ Ahrlnvsnnh unt` ' No wm`ana"a Lapsed Title. A Burns-Hearted Boy. (1 I Germain Afmy Prhbs, (`I IV! THE , BRI1w'isH*TsfIa(s: " 17E3?}i'L"$3m"371"3 twenty one-loaded I care, a conductor : van, engine 259 and tend- ` er, bound for Toronto over? a. newly con- strucl:ed.spur'line on the beach. The crew was made u of Point Edward men`, and consisted of `Camgbell conductor; William; Hall, driver; AW . Conch, reman; and R. Shaw and William MoKeown, brakemen. .4. =There'-dieingIyery ,}i1:t1e,tra.i9--on ;~.Sil;lId;9-y shpwain mute [>i'at.t3?ifI"I1it:iLmo_.n.:`. 1.*h_r.0iil.r,Og: heavy}. ` ngcomings on;.eo;the`pigu. ip, QeL:`za}3fth:n`.:theA9neiun:;7og;;ziy9z; :.;2;.' ; '?..;:;;:a7.#":;:2fu:?g.T;:?y$ plea Ag-bi: Hyena . and ;m_c_hed at {Chg me 99:; 25 or W m11es5an;hohr.:mt.o.:t.h9;: :.1qanp],,,,;,A; In-an rml ;r]inI1_I'.'i'n Iran}. "\Inn;;|n An. 4-Ln, -.2..- I @533? 335m lures; iiii l.'lI.IlI85G_l-I, lb`ll>lhl I\C|I. gunuzucr, wuen D116 horse rim gzwy . '{,fhe1 lad was Vlth;-ovm out and was run over. Meiiical aid was ro- ._1I_ `and -:4 unbdr Cnunvv LL.A A..- J-3*) -S:1:1-1-1;; Vt !-1-er:-v`v.as."z';.t:.:rrible accident st Burlin ton -Beach Through some st'u`pid,b11inde r, a . T R. coal train dashed I-fkn Anna` lil` I-urn A` I-kn nu-A-o -.'..l. LL-:.. W35 ;)::a`i::m'a;.;1w1':')"mtl;z:u-1':;s|.I1rne of * Wiimrs was. badly squeezed on Monday night last I while coupling cars at Beetqn, . nvuunulvnyuuuwl on u. .1. Lu. uuux uuuu UOSIIULI. `.0 % "the canal rind two of the crew met their dath under the water with the mass. of wfdkage at its bottom. nnnn;n1-A:-I 4-.` 0-on ;-`Leo A-g.L"I.....I-.! _ _ " MAl`lan'd8lO. ` '_ On ,Sa.t_uda'y night last some miscreant threw a stone at the evening expressbetween Angus. and Brentwood. The stone was .thrown* with such force that it passed ithrough one window and across the train out on the other side, A section man who |was sleeping had `a narrow escape from I being struk with the stone. - . a, .L Iinbnunnn I-my flan man!-Inn a.C.`I7:a.l...;..- u-uvu vuv vy can .uuu.- J.u.cuuuu|aI; uuuruu, 1.01` W Congregational church in New Mexico, there has been talk about shutting the little church up and the congregation removing to Collier street or to Alla.nda.le' Last Sunday even- ing the. congregation were asked to give ex- pression to their views upon the matter when a. large majority voted by a. show of hands to keep. the church open. Conference will therefore be asked to send a eupplyr V 5 ,w.xun:o-<-.o- -v~u--cup.-w '7? VVT ".7 `W. Johnson, athlete, -I s hai=`re ai6Bed*1ai e city atte;::sis'sintel** `ea , . psriende ' up wool `gwoo `Ed- l Wia!`d"`_G6gg,3 of this city, skinned-out!` of" ; $2,)_0}"`en afootraoe: ' `It was` the old _stofy" bf -`wool4gath'eriug and coming home} shorn i-"as .~fa1-`as: Mr; Gegg * was concerned. ` The-~ story dates away back to last w1nter,~ _ audit occurred in this way :4-Iphnson and several'other.~.sgo'rts started a gymnasium in u ,this city calls the Olympic. xGegg closed '. "them `up and sold out the lant,`=.andiever * since then they. have wbeen ayingfor him. "A couple of weeksxago Boyd, the runner, and some other sports told Geggethat there was a gold mine to be madeinsawing up a _ lumberman frome Oro. who; was willing to back Boyd for any amount. It was arrangel that Bo do was to run and lose the race, `so that egg would scoop in the cash. Mr. Gegg thought hehad a snap and it was ar- ranged that a race should` be made between . Boyd and Croyn, and that the latter was to win The dust taken from the lumberman .was to be divided Gegg had it arranged ` that Smith, of `Toronto was to.be the referee and they went up to Collingwood on Friday. The articles were drawn up, and Gregg `al- leges that in signing the articles they had played a im-am trick on_him`and substi- tuted anagreement with-E. W. Johnson s name as the referee; The race came off in the rain on the Town park of Collingwood on Friday. After the unknown lumberman who is said to be a man named` Saulter, had put up some $2,200, Bo d ran through and won` the race, giving egg the double cross. -Johnson declared the race in favor of Boyd, and the money was paid over be- fore Gegg recovered from his surprise. Then the air was lled with strange oaths, V and Mr Gegg started for a lawyer while the sports decamped with his cash, but not un- til after they had coolly told him they had been laying for him forsix months and had 1 about got even Gegg is wild, and` has in- stituted proceedings against the stakeholder for his money. The lumberman who was . going to be sawed up pocketed a hundred an for his trouble, and ghed at Mr Gegg M. tun-:nn\:n `An! I\` O-`an I-nsnn anew `r-admiring`; _._.-.7----_.'.. --' -vv -u ---u. Last Saturday mornin engineer Chipman along with Councillor rawley and others inspected a part of the sewe_r system of the town and tested the automatic ushing tank. A number of the manholes were opened and by means of a. sheet of tin, the light was thrown to the bottom of the holes so. that the mechanism for keeping -the town clean could be seen Mr. Chipman explained the method of working both ordinarily and in storms. From appearance the system is a good -one and works well being amply sufcient for all emergencies All. connections with build- ings on Dunlop street are to be made at once so that the street will not again have to be disturbed, a most important consideration both in a sanitary and commercial sense. As soon as this is accomplished` THE AD- VANCE will give its readers a" full description of the great public works which the public spirit :of Barrie has caused to be construct- Cds ` . A '_ - V -Don t want to Shut 1t.tJ;5 Since the Rev. s C. wr ht concludehi tb leave the West End. Metho ist church, for 9. (.`.nnnrnnn}-fnnnl ink no-nln in Van: ll .-J...-. 4.1.--- LLUILIIICLI, .I.Ul UIIIIU The Point is pretty well deserted, most of the campers having left. Those who re- main, leave this week or next. If-o T4`-oar] Q-:4-In Th. 1' Hannah 1113:: "run, \J\-IIILSU VVIIIII IIIIU LVDIIIILIIIJIII UV `I'VE UUIIIW VIICIIIO The West and East Ward Schools were also well supplied with Young Canada, full of hope and vi or mingled with the childish propensit got` innocent mischief. THE ADVANCE thin s it would not be a bad thing it the parents would go in occasionally and see what the teachers are doing and thus` "show their children that -the have -some interest in theitwork. It woul do all parties good. A` n -`-`r:-*'-.; 4 No1zwI` 4 2.--4"`1"/he F. Exrhvngelists %3sli:.ud_ grlunter, 9ff'e;j,;v;\.c;tion p_en_t in v sh?!` '( #'1i-i`I"iiIB'5! .` `n'A.1-.Ir _*' ~ |ia.\'m * v-h'ni1.`;. ` . 31 Bayrolnt. The following guests registered at the Robinson House during the past week,:- J. W. Whiteworth, Mrs. George Boxall and family, Wm. P. Moose, Miss L. Moose, Miss Ethel Clarkson, Toronto, John Nee- lands, Barrie, T. Herbert Lennox, Aurora, Matthew Lawson and wife, Barrie; Adelaide M. Orr, Toronto; Mrs. Harbie, Jun. Master _H B Harcourt Vernon Strathallan, Kem- enfeldt Bay; Maggie Bartley. . Toronto; liss F. M. Henderson, Barrie; Miss Tuie, Jonesville; the Misses Comollye. Winne- peg, W.`Campbe1l, H Chopin, Barrie; J . G. Ryan, T. Moore, Barrie;_E. M. Saunders. Barrie; Elsie A. Atcheson, Midland; John Bray, Stouffville; `George Boxall, Toronto; sWill D. B. Spry, F. J ._.V Crease, Barrie; Miss Helliwell, Toronto rm..- 1)..:_... :_ ......u..; .....'n A........a.....| ........a. .: IIICIIIJ, IUDVU Iolll VVVUR UL 1.IGl\U- Mr. Fred Smith, Dr. J. Harper, His Hon-- or Judge Boys, Mrs. Binns, Mrs Coates, and parties. have all left during the past week or so. opening of the schools. The educational institutions of the town were opened on Monday after the holidays. The Collegiate Institute opened with 70- | students which in a few days will likely be increased to one hundred or more. All the members of the sta.' were in their places. At the Central School the numbers was up to the average all bright and cheerful ready to -grapple with the little diiculties which children` meet with in their school course with the resolution to overcome them. !'I'1L_ 'II7__A. _,__'I 73-..; 117-..`) (`l-I--_1_ __-__- `UL I5 ULUIJUIK7, Gilli IQUIEIICI-I GI" dlalln \IV 6 gegting foul of the buzz-saw himself. Mar yegg will not monkey with a. buzz-saw from Oro for some time to come. The matter will be fought out inthe courts.--Ma.1l. vs ruv uusuniuurllill I.5UP]b':.,:;l egg. :1` .h.t.'i`5a!19H`? ._!*,1#r9;%2is I u -..4`h'.`,"-9.r`.'J '.L A`Pl`uno go W;4k L ...L Q.....l.... ..:...I..L 51....-- _..- - ;.;_._n,I Impacting the Seven. __-_ --... v. ---w uxiauiyo 5 HALIFAX, Se[->t.'.`2._-A special from Ber-N muda says: The steamer Duart Castle. from _Ha.lifa.x, arrived esterday. She encounter- f_ed a. `hurricane u a.turday morning, durin which two seamen were washed overboar and drowned... Ten horse; were killed and the 0a.!-Q9 shifted. . i ' - ` n'll__ .___-;_:_,- 11:1.` ,'~_'.r1 1 "1 31%;. 31'. -siv;;"g'.r" 1. visiting the family of Mr. A. Guun. . i) Alt.on L(IcCairtiiy,il'!'J`.`P., spent Suday and Monday In town. I'D`! 4 `-s- Miss Alice Freeu;ax(l`a;.l; Fonton) spent a few days in _town la-t. week. I Dr. A. Myers of Jamestown .Y. has beenapending a. few` any: under the par- /ental roof and renewing old acquaint- nncee. Miss A. Telfer, was `taken ill at Bug Bay Point on Saturday night. She is now conned to her room. T Dr. Bxfemnef ret;1rned from his trip to the Old Country. 'Il*`lU up.` _. - John Waitson, Ego, of`To1-onto, for- merly one of `ion;-Juoceaaful merchants, was In town on Monday. ` ` Ir~ 1? X I ` Miss Peplel: and - llTiina'a)`[1'aiVVrv,`.;>'11rpone sailing by the Cu-cauianof the Allan line on the 9th inst. * V | .130 -of the grade. .- . ~ -'Ieiz`nmed1'ately' `gave the alarm to `his - freman, Couch,` and running to`_' the right ' side of the cab made a ying lea out into thenight. "That was the last he newof_the calamity, as with an awful;-oar the locomo-- `tive pitched into the canal, followed by one _`car after another till nine of them were piled up from the bottom to the top. of the high pier. Fireman Couch was evidently unable to escape when Hall `gave him the signal as both he and brakeman Shaw who rode on the rst car could not be tound. ` An inquest will be heldby Coroner Wool- 1vnu|`l\n ' Floro Froemoo o;g;x1i;tv'o;'.b!-1rist church is visiting friends in Toronto. Wi`1`1:l "1`?g`;`;;i`;e Pitt; ayted chains" during the Ihr-rica.nean`d Wntfto She has not yet returned -md,it- is feared ,she1 is A Mis Belle Heridernvon ha.sVret.u_rn eci`from Southampton. whre aha his been staying for some time. ' Mr. W. Cultonu and Mr. W. Little have I returned from their holiday tour. Mr. (`ulross has been to Colorado and Mr. Little to New Brunswick. Miss Temple." of Tex-ento,V who has been visiting her aunt Mrs. Black. of Owen etreet, hesjreturned to the city. `ll ! Ian 1: - - an - . Miss Dyment, returned on Monday evening from her European trip. I 111,, AI-, in /15 .,. -ta coming Amusements. .. The theatregoing season is about ready to commence, and during the summer months the caterers to the publics amuse- ment, the Amusement Enterprise, have been watching the columns of` many` dramatic papers with "a view` to securing the best Dossible attractions for Barrie, and they inform us that thll season they expect will be the best on `record. _ Hav- ing made arrangements with Mr. Percy T. Greene, of the Academy of Music. of Toronto. and who has a booking oice in New York, for the securing of the com- panies for Barrie, they have secured some of the best possible attractions, among which are Per-ii," A. Dead Auck, True Irish Hearts," The Paymaster, as l\_. .1 La... 'E`;.......s 9 H (1.... 1)-..- ' Mrs. G. R. Ford and daughter return- ed home on Monday from afew weeks visit in Owen Sound, where Mrs. Ford has been enjoying a holiday with her daughter, Mrs. Brook, formerly ot Barrie. Min Todd of ale} post ofco has raturn- Tl ed from two -weeks holidaying it Toronto, Schombera and other places. _ 1-; 11-! 1'1 :1 Int A n o Rev. W. Walker, M. A. , formerly pastor of the Baptist church here, now of the Forest City, has been spending a few days with old friends in town. ` -n.- n A. -m --. In} `I? J.` l3lI LLKJIII WW II [Ill-YUIIO One of the Fineat, :m:`Z}t;y Bros . Minstrels, Irish Honor," `(Including Grand Ballet, and Operatic Choru 5. (`Misti Mary Brown, Mr. A. Taylor, and Miss Spike:-, have been, visiting Sunni- dale. ..-T-.--- -~ -v----.v.uJv LONDON, Sept. l2-yea.r-o ld laiV\d~.- named Stinchcombe; of London West, ` was r'idii1g7-on"Dunda.s-street `with ~ a. man Finnigns a;-Mmarket `go.rdene'r, " 1?`vh'n' t` Inn-an 1-in a-main " c'I"Hn, `lad Iivnn I-|......'... -..'v ....4.