The cross-examination proceeding witnem said he had no recollection of any entry hav- ing been made of tuis payment. Reminded that there was an item of $1000 on u_ memorandum he had produced. charged to ` the Levis Graving Docks. he was asked if that item referred to this payment. In an- swer he said he could not say that it did. could not find the checks. 4 Ila 13 xnwuuuu lll Blalllllllilll 8110. popular Steamers Pacic, Captain P. M. Campbell. Atlantic. Capt. R. D. cote, " Baltic. Cant. W. Tate Robertson, "Northern Belle. Capt. J. Wilson. will run as follows d_uring the seasrn of navigation, 1891: Running 1n close connectlon with the G.T R. and ~0'P.R. Companies. Steamers Pacic and Atlantic leave Collingwood at 1.30 .111. every Tuesda.y~ and Saturdlgy respective y after ar- rival nf thn (3. 'l`, , mnrnino trains: fnnrn lll'l'lVBl 01.ln11U U, Inn. 5106! 1100.11 |a1'&111 1l'Ul11 l.0l`0Il' to. for Sault Ste, Marie and intermediate ports. The Saturday Steamer will call at_Wiaz-ton both ways. Parry Sound and Killarney. The steamer Northern Belle leaves Collingwood ev ery Wednesday and Saturday, at 1 p m., on arrival of. the G.'l`.R. morning trains from Toronto and Hamilton, for Parry Sound. and there oonaecting with steamer Manitou from Penetanguishene and Midland for Byng Inlet. French River and Killarney. there connecting with the main line for the Sault. retnrningrvia Parry Sound, and there connect- inwith steamer Mat non for Pene tanguishene an Midland. Wan Hahn}: and lnlnfhnn v\nvul>nn`nu-a nnnlu fn sEA.s 139:. EXCURSIONS. undersigned as this is the only steamer Drivi- leged to land excureionists there. 7 B.--Pa.rtlee permitted to camp on Straw- berry `Island. For further information, rates, for charter- ing and tickets. apply to JOHN GALBBAITH. No, 117 Dnnlop St., gjrrie. Agent. GREAT Nomum mm ms ~ ROYAL MAIL STEAMBOAT LINE. It is intended the atgunch and nnnnlnr Rfnnrnnv-cl Dnnin Ngnfnin Iv vva-gun vvuvu I-v aovv n 919: 'inu:os``1'a`~a`1'1d Saturday respectiv rafcer rival ot the G. T. R. morn'ng trains from Toronto and Hamilton. calling at Meaford. Rfnnmnrg Dnnin Rnltin and Anntin lmnrn '.I.'UI'UlIloU Ill DBIIILIDUII. uuun IE N].88I0!'(1o ' K Steamers Pacic. Baltic and Atlantic leave Owen- Sound at 10.30 p.m. every Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday respectively. after the arrival ofthe 0, RR. afternoon train from Toron- in far Rank. Qfn Marin And intnrmndintn nnrtu Will leave Collin wood eve VMONDAY AND THURSDAY at .30 mm. on Midand at 2 p m. on arrival of G.T.R. morning train from To- ronto, Hamilton, Port Hope and all points on Northern and Northwestern and Midland Divisions of the G.T.R., for Parry Sound, igyknvghglet and French River. thence connect- Tor Collins` Inlvt. Killarney. Manitoulin Island egrte Spanish River and- Massey arriving at ebhwood at 6' pm. on Wenne-_-days and Saturdays. making close connection with the G.P.R.. for Sault Ste. Marie and Rudbury. Returning b same route leaves Webbwopd on Mondays an Thursday: at? a m. on arrivmtz at Sound on Wednesday and Saturdays at` 8.30 a.m. making `close connection at Micllnd with G.T.R. for all points east and non . For tickets and further information apply to all agents of the G.'l`.R. or to W, J.]%HEPPARD, C. E. STEPHENS. Annurnr, QAn..'l`rpnn_ _ tlI\/\uv-J ........ .. .... V--- V- -4.... \Qlvvo nua- Mr. U.~:lcI' asked him to look in. up, at tht 5.11110 tilllu hnudiuz hilnthe eight or ten pocket dizu`ies produced. ,; -.-. \1.\ I0 anu. mluusnu. For tickets and further particulars. apply to all agents of the G.T.R. and C,P.R. to H. E. ~ SMITH, Owen Sound. or to CHARLES CAMERON, Manager, THOS; LONG. Coma wood. Fnn..'I`I-nan tf [The North Shore Navigation Go. [ 4 OF ONTARIO ma.) ! |str. Glfy of Midland patient the` not of breathing.) Tlirout and lung snrxoongol 78 Mc- ounl 83.. Toronto. VIII: ostponod until Monday, June 221: Queen): ~ -- noun, hgmnuu TRlcA`T';I:r .l-I-1(.}Itlrrh o:..tl1e>Ho'od ;:'l'h1-opt. V Death Chronic Bron Akthma and Consumption: also ` `ot'Vo1oo Bore Thmct. llnkrzad '1`. 4 Poly:puI"ot,`lhc any` other `ohm-nod.onnn:_:o,vH.1W1 . theknmn. an A DR.wAsH.mG1'oN 3 BALI: on T0 RENE-oambr id? .;.;.n. hugging house (nine rooms and bath) with ~ ~ non: ollnnd (or nioro` If desired) in ` 5 ' " ' d .':'*-"*.....1`:*.*.*`.:.. ..':'.2%......:..::. M lnlt` `lnorohdl-d` d.$`.'i.'i'.: uu"'a."":1'-`:2 433 on`t.'l :o- LVln. foIgn;DwIIIInIn!;J-3}! j KC 1 3'! ml` EKKYI 3._- 4_ `An onumo sruxnou con: J PANY " xnw mu-rm. swung u uuuuu .. ..... - -j.-.v~ have uucu Uuuun of his statement; that this `.35 per .cent.. me;-es; which was to stand in Robert Mc- G1'eevy smuu0 was subsequently made 2C percent. on the promise by witness that he would make it up in some other way and Mr. 0:161` asked if it; had ever been made" up. He said it had, $5().000 on the account being paidt-ITUOIINIS McGreevy atithe time the bout:-act was signed. He did not know how xhis Ixmlley was paid, and could not account for there being no T entry of such 9. payment. Witness was next asked as to the $10,000 he said he had paid Sir Hector Luugeviu, but as to tbg time and manner of the payment his memory proved a total blank. He said at last that the entry must be in one of his diaries. ' 1: 1\ I .. .. .l... I Li... `A l.-,.l- :4. .-'_ -1. LL. ' s'rnAnmn KATHLEEN `n .1511` U Eec-T aubaushene. OR Q9 , part 2441 la. 5]. .I!iI2'D Iii` uwnu-ran: '. H One `Million Feet to wear Myers I Boots,Shoos Ix slippers The Largest Store in town, with the best assorted stock. THE GHEQUE BANK CHIEF OFFICE Z 4 vmmoo mos ml. MALL, LONDON. .8 own books as Mulxnynna `re: av W" gggbem from the Quebec 0 .16 the rm. , 0319!` than resumed the cross-examine on of Murphy, who was asked as to 9. state monfappeariug in his diary a.s_`-~to. the` dis 0881 of 57000 he said he had pa1d out for thq Section of Hon. Thomas McG'_rreev_v 3:; Que bee West in 1871.` He` thought the entriea were incorrect. His attentien was drawn tq the following entry in ms dtary conicting co when he ... Hun tmtimonv he gave" yesterdaya, The I"~a.pital of the Bank. together with its Guarantee Fund 0t 50 per cent., is invested in British Government Securities. 'I`hn hnnlr Anon nnf, (Hanna-f -nbnu an kill... " I3_ TRUSTEES: Jomv EDWARD TAYLOR, EsQ., Tm: Rxewr HON. EARL BEAUOHAMP. IP03. nru.n.-In uovernment aecpnuel The bank does not dxscout note: or bills. nor speculate.` but_ l_oa.v~e its Ieposlts a inst Government securmes. thus making 9. the assets of the bank immediately available. (Eh:-.nnn `Rank nhnnnnn arc in ll A T. tn 1'`, A Qt!` uu I-l.Il5l.l.l cure or uneque banx. Lona an For Handbook contan-ing List of upwards of 2,500 Banking Houses situated in all parts of the world. that Cash Cheque Bank Cheques on presentation without charge. apply to. J. C. McKEGGIE & CO.. Bankers. a1Yn-Anu~1urra nan-in 17-90 IP03` uuu um: I. uuu 10L UOIIVBIJIGIIE xernoa. Travellers and others holding Cheque Bank Cheques can have their mail matter uddreased to them care of Cheque Bank. Land Fnr Hnndhnnk nnnrnnuino Tint nf nnunnnu S .A.I;EIS]3dZA]N' usual 01 L116 Dam: lnlmeumtely avsxlable. Cheque Bank Che use are ILQUAL to CASH. as Bank of ltnglan Notes are only safer for they cannot be cashed until signed by hlcfer. Chemla Rank Chonnen for nh I:-nnnn usim. The ,`;u,gel Visit to Sir Hector. The Esquimalts work expenditures ward next enquired into.` Witness said it was` in September, 1884, that he saw Sir Hectol La V _ interest in the contract. He did not know whether it was on this special business that he went to see Sir Hebor. There might have been other business. `He was reminded . ._-_ ...,.n...mnr. Hmr. this: 2 : new nnnh ugevm and oifered him 25 per cent ureat. nruam anu U18 uonnnenu. Parties wishing to remit large or small amounts to the Old Country will nd this the Che spe I: and mo-t Convenient Method. rFI`II.17Al`AFI R11!` fhuh (`Hanna nnnlr lMESSR8.AHElNTZMAN & co. Unexcellsd in Tone, Touch and Durability. Inspection solicited. Always pleased to show goods. ' Large stock always on hand. Al__ I.` `I .-;..J -4....) L-.-.I l-..t_..-..._L.. L- I I `B5 UIIKIUITIKIIUKI 01.1021`! I01` sue tlotN . 0 `theta urmnlntho .00: mm. \ F...::;'.. W, .0 o 7 in the 8th ``?3`" . ' oonoeas n o wnuhlp of East. This is` one of the best oounty. It is one mile from Ivy whore than-oarochur-`hes. school. stone. and within 8 miles of, Thornton. a. `sndunuyotstlgg. `I . R. we rov mood bankvborn. orohnd|..,.v`rollI. -" ;.".2'%u:- A 0 portion]: FOR $I.2 FOR $I.5O uuuy cannot De uauneu untu suzneu oy nolaer. Cheque Bank Cheques for ONE POUND u%wa.rd can be cashed on presentation WITH- 0 '1` CHARGE at 2,500 Banking Olces in Great Britain and the Continent. 1 Dnrtinn wishina tn nor-nit `nrrn An .......11 51 IEL.IZABE TI-3?-S'.'E'., NEAR METHODIST CHURCH. |D0lllN|0.V mos AND onms FOR $|.1 f $[UUU LIU Bantu nu uuu g-In-W V`-:' -V` V-0! O fl-Ion. Thomas gn -Qua " ,` entriegv attention to Wm; the testimony gave" yesterdayn _,Wedm,5day, M arch 2.--Flynn, Robert` Ma g::,:,{}V, but suggested that Flynn mus have been paid twice, or that Robert return, edtbe money to him. I . e A .. .L .n..,n vnnr wnv out of 11:. send Mr sgso paid. He could not explaigh FRED. BHOOKS. Oysters in Every S-I:;3, SOUPS. ENTREES, JELLIES AND . CREAMS MADE TO ORDER. ESTIMATES FIIII IIIIIIIEII PARTIES AIIII BALI. SIIPPEIIS IIII APPI.IIIA'I'IOII- 42-Ir avvu--In -uvogv u--vvgn -- n -, nu `ra- Also lot or good second-hand-.1;-E-1:umenta to sell on easy terms or to rent. 1- __._- __I_ _--I_l_ -1 A_-L -I___ I. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,, Irv-Q van vs-vi -V---- v- -V _v-- Large sale stable of rst-class horses, young. good drivers and heavy horses. Sound young orsea taken on instruments. 0m_ce, Wu-eroolms. and stables. Corner Owen and. Sophia St. Bare. A SHOIGE PIANO ALWAYS OI HAND FOR SALE- 9`T-1>.f FIRST cuss 331.: FOR `DAY ` BOARDER8. mans mm 3:. snvmss co. INCORPORATED I88l. 0s1e'r. SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL 0 320.000 1:1. B. MYERS. I Vianodoers forulo thoonthslt otlot .0. '7 osth concession of . t Ilthn GAIIIIHIIIII If E11 W` In In nun nf Olin haul: 6T2ossLAND s Reste51rant 4 Per Cent. Interest Paid olrnepoulu. ; ~ ,'l`_h_o Security (for Devoeltoru In 3 Loan ' Commnyfgndouhted. BANKERS, BANK .012` ENGLAND. WM. SHERWOOD, Orders by Teleaene will receive prompt attentlon. rw- 14-cl . 1: I'll `Cu \ W `"`i .i't;.`.',`1'+i?.3..i`..;'.'I.`;.'2..3;`... emf ? F'*:_`;W mcma .p..,-mg osnrg` . ::,o..-ExamInation. . V". ~ ; _ WA July 7,-'l`here was a.la_.I'8 110-` cf ,3}, to.da.y 8 sitting of the Prxvileggf Wdanoe bus Cummitbe. Martin ,; P. }Coq~, 3, and E19; arrived last night from Quebec. n"'c';d bank . books from 1379 to we P'dt new checks and several accoun) P `" '1 of which he secured in Quebec. Wk! $1118 was unable to obtain any of, Mr 4 .o.:::v s b,k3.2. 9'3. M_`:B`_1y had - ___l__.. L- Planoforte Tuner AN!) AMERICAN PIANIDS. HAS REMOVED NoteAt he following prices -. `Farm Forsalo. (Limited.) Established in London. 1873. J. L!lUILl`Jl1'\J`ll1I 00 W01 SUB-AGEN TS. Barrie I cannive you boots to t the little tolka. or: nioood: of Ladies slip -for house wear or a. of Ladies Prunella. boots for the warm weath-=r. . V You can have a. pair of Boys Pchool Boots. strong and useful, or 3 near or Ladies Leather Boots, or 3 pair. of Men's Plough Shoes well made for a- cry dampnrposea. A -...l_ -1 7-31-.) 7'1) 1-|_LL Cl;opa 'an<'i Steaks to Order. ---FOR THE-- A D811` 0! .l.(1l65' K10 BUR. Boots. or 3 unit of Ladies F cy Too Suppers. or a mi: of Men's Canvas Balmorals or `Ameri- -can Tennis and Lacrosse Shoes. `.-vv-nu I am giving bargains in Men : bellows tongned Blueb- ers, worth 1.50. and Ladies Dong Oxfo shoes stylish and I-rettv. and Metro ne leather boots suitable for Sunday wear (1-4-9 uni..- 3.. I ...`I.x....r n__ -wvv -u--u-v -V- -uuuuu-J 1! VGA. Great same in Ladies Ox- ford Shoesgnd Dongola Kid Buttaoned. d Laced Boots. well worth $1.75, also Fine sewed Room for men's wear, cannot be tgeaten. 1 have all kinds of Ladies ne. medium and coarse toot- wear which can only be ap- preciated by beinz seen. I in- -vite you to call and see me in the BIG bTURE, 38 Dunlop-st. '-I .yu.yvvv_v. "X pvaji; of Ladies Kid Butt. nntn nu-A nmlr nf T.n.inn' lI"m2 16-28. LUFB. 17-29. Edtll IIlUu\:_y W _,_____ Ab, thaL s your wa ` . Y Out Of it, Mr that he could not find any such checks. -He. Mr. Osler then read from the main my}. dence, in which the witness said this item A represented _the money he paid to Sir Hector. He also read from the evidence the state fnent of witness, that while he could not say` how he had got this money, his cheeks would-. ` show, and he asked him to produce the checks which showed this. " Murphy replied did not know that there were any missing. His bankbook did not show that there were. . Witness was next asked as to thestatement -. fnade in his main evidence that he `had _ `Gone to Thomas McGreevy to bribe his `la; 1.] nance to have the location of the sewer in ' E the south wall changed. He saidhis evidence 1 '83 correct. and that the change ._ae_ked;b!..i. the firm was made. He was shown `an entry" 7! 4 11 the last page oi! his diary oi! 1891, asked it it was in his handwriting. WitneI;;7;,| '.'|3 dumb, andonly. answered'.whon_'p02i;a ?mM0riiy ordered.` He said itwes his A in"! ,1` *8. Mr. Osler then read ' the ontr'y7Aastol 1_._ . lxowsg ' 3" " bx`: V.< `South wail sewer has been raised fi'om ~o|1'lI H` specication2t. 9in..without my permission: `gr . ' `II- 1. - DanK,uuuna :.avn.u `V-v vf v-w nous, I ,1; secured he \l__.._I._ |._.l ` ..; 'nii'5: : k-_- Q _ an ruomu. emsooe AT vesi`Ea7 DAY S PROCEEDINGS. I gjrakou 3 Weak Turn: `gag ; the Room--lie Beo_om_u Qon. -During Mr. 0llr`,( 189i l FB".AR$._..."thI'oc1 I flhmbu `..:` o 1;: ,."| o. OoIn'mon's who not- ed-..;t_hatfthe House- : ahouldsit .on Dom- ~%.;i,n1o._nDa.3' will 100k ` ;.v 9'3 811501` . -- y 5 * ..-thenext electionas 1 tbs. snmsn `in .g A _ they i won't. { . It will all depend - upon how the elect- they think Canada's; _. natal day. should. _. mark the country : ,:_ expression of par -=t1-iotism once a.. V ` ` " year, and it they, think that this feeling of nationality should be emphasized annually, the chances are on look at it. .If.l V that there may be a surprise in store for those , hardworking M. s P. who persisted in sitting on Canada s national holiday while they loosely permitted` an adjournment of the vHonse on the Fourth of .` July, the natal day of the [American republic. It may be the electors will forget all about the matter when the time comes around; or they may be persuaded that the member who voted against adjournment was i justified in his newly-found desire for work. Whatever the Dominion representatives did in this regard, the people of the country.'gen- erally celebrated the day right loyally. In several places, notably in Toronto, a new de- parture signalized the keeping of the day. The school children to the number of 1500 sang patriotic songs,_ and eloquent gentle- men spoke upon` the Day and patriotism in general, and altogether the scene was, as the Mail describes it. pretty, pleasing and pro- found by patriotic. nha l In England just now the German Emperor. and Empress are the lions of the hour, and will continue to be so `for a week. They ar- rived in the imperial yacht Eohenzollern on Friday afternoon at .Port Victoria, where they were received fwlth a deafening salute from the English eet, They were received by the Prince of Wales, the Dukes of Edin- burgh, Connaught, and Clarence, the German Ambassador, Count Hatzfeldt, and other members of the German embassy. After luncheon on the Hohenzollern, the Royal and Imperial party took train for Windsor, which was brilliantly decorated for the occasion. The Emperor and Empress are the guests of the Queen at the Castle, during their visit. It will be a very busy week for the Court ocials, and for the Emperor. Every hour of his time is provid- ed for/between a review at,Wimbledon, visits to Guildhall, the opera, and other , functions provided for his amusement or boredom. The German press is delighted at the Emperqr s visit to England, and dwells upon` the ' racial alnities and traits of character` existing between the two nations. They describe the meeting of Emperor William and Queen ` Victoria as one between the monarchs of two of the most peace-loving nations in Europe. 0! course Engl'and s friendly bearing towards the triple alliance is not forgotten, nor does the German press, in return for many com- pliments perhaps, forget to point out that `England s greatest enemies are the countries inimical to the triple alliance. Whatever "may bthe reason, the English public is in a , far more friendly mood to the German Em- peror than upon his last visit. The reason probably is that he has proved more of a man and less of a boy than seemed probable. ` .a..|..|. uluuloe oFFHANdoasa'\usItbNs*AaouT MEN ' %`%".-`:";:"7kF:L"'%.*%3` j Mr. U518!` then read from Mr. Murphy s` miuexuxninationlast week, where he pro-* fessed a good recollection of this transaction and had said that he drew this money on checks signed by him in the name of the firm and he believed they were endorsed by ; Nicholas Connolly. He had then said also} that he asked for $100 bills, but the bank had not got them, and he had to take 850's and mm. ' The great international teachers conven- tion, at which some thousands of ,teachers from the.United States as well as our own . country, will enable the educators` of the re- public to form some accurate opinions of Canada -and the Canadians. The fact that- Toronto people freely opened their. homes to accommodate them, will prove our_ hospital- , ity, and their inspection of the lions of the city and their visit to such near-at-hand , wligits of interest as the Thousand nds, the Muskoka. region, the Nia- gara district, the Upper Magnetawan and the Georgian Bay. Queenston Heights, Lundy s Lane and the old town of Newark, will"give them a fair -idea of the resources i and pleasant historical spots in the banner a .province of the Dominion. The first dele- ; -gate arrived on Friday. She is from Minne- I apolis, and was received hospitably. The steamer Eurydice was chartered by the local _ committee and certain hours and days were apart for each State's representatives `who ~ were thusev-enabled to see` the Queen City to the best -advantage. This convention oughtto do a'_ good; work in spreading abroad a thorough knowledge of Canada among the young and rising gener- ation in the United States.` ' . ` `u Clccl` II? \I\III`9I`lIl\l EU I1 V II WI 6 L. l"" _ ' Iiacdonnld, the widow of the late dis- tin iIhPd"pvO3hIlOr of Canada, end she` will 4 be known uethe "tCountea's` at Earnaolitre." It is the impression in London, Eng.,-however, What not many `'31 5 n- - terred on_` C!;anadla_n`,"nnii' 1651: considered . quite -that ..-they 7 wl1`ete` i,_I`f;th,o,` V -. .AIi1iiiQn. . Hdthm I..onII:.|.1 v - 5.111;." .; nnhu Ila-alum`!-7` nor Mncdonqld have heirs yo whom the 1 It has been announced in Montreal,- though not oiciallv, that Count Mercier and Mr. She hyn have made satisfactory arrangements with a Belgian and French syndicate for the oating -of the 810,000,000 loan, and for the conversion of Quebec : debt. _ -The loan." it is stated, is not to be oated until the. state of the money market becomes favorable; but in the meantime the syndicate will. advance whatever funds are wanted for immediate provincial requirements` at 4' per cent. in. . will be` no small portion of the whole loan. aha. were ithnot tor -the fact that it was`abso1u't"ely_necesary that a large sum should be at once; .Mr.. Mercier could scaroely be congratulated -on the ar- rangement. .a.:a..a. g. The"Quee:'1 lVms `conferred aT eerage upon ' `LIE. "..4nI4;-u-`In. 1:3`;-uun A` `Jan InI'A ' A`_ Odmmdni-f-'Vi`irio}"' `(ii-est` Ino1`-nutlo Convohon _gfV'._I."ouohexV-s ._} ml uoi n}mm1a" ` 31." Viis1ii ((':e1`e!;-`seed In L..- 1 gtw v`;1`rop-,*.19d 7 ` olloti-dlIGI'l$ Vii _-* `J loath: .?`.1'ThO:Uu ~'-%.a.rnmm i A nu:-ouoacou-qua. L } P A%SSAGE..A V _..v E..- vuv l`_`\l|j\IJ. Ll-C `U was from the bank, but he could not tell What bank. It would be either the Bank of British North America or the Union Bank. He thought he paid the money in the daytime. He could not `tell whether or non he had himself drawn the checks on which he got the money, or to whose order they were drawn. He hadno idea. what kind uf bills he got. He professed to have no rec- collectiou whatever of the details of the transaction. It would be quite impossible so ' long ufter as this. July, Beayer. Line Lake Superior. Captain Stewart from '-I-igerpool, Friday, June 26, got into port th ; afternoon. The Lake `Superior had come through a frighful hurricane which even in` the dead of winter has not often been surpassed in violence. Thirty- three saloon, 23 intermediate and 134 steer- age passengers were on board On Saturday afternoon a southeasterly gale sprang up and increased in fury as the hours were on until ' on Sunday morning`. . about 8 o clock. it was blowing a. terrible hurricane. Waves" lashed over the decks, sweeping every looserarticle7 overboard, and the goal cat-gqg shifted twice _ `in the midst of thqstorm, and theboat listed amid the cries of the frightened passengers. A cattlemau named Cyrus Gracie had occasionto go along the Jorecastle deck. Before he had gone a few feet the ship gave a sudden uip, and a. -barrel of oil. came rolling along. jamming GI-Ania nmnnn. - ........o.:o.. -1 I----|--- AOANADIAN LINER. THE` . % > or THE sea. , oomimon PARLIAMENT. The Debate on the, Budget Continued-A ' , Question of Privilege. , OTTAWA, July 7.-In the House this after- noon Mr. Laurier, rising to .a question of privilege, said that the instructions given the Minister of Public Works to bring flown all the original papers in connection with the. Kingston graving dock `had not been ful- -lled. He repeated the order was not ful- lled. '_1`he`Minister promised to bring all these papers without restriction. jMu1ock had asked tor all the tenders. The Bancroft tender was produced, but .not the Larkin-Connolly tender. This was: unfor- tunate, because he had no hesitation in say- ing on` his responsibility as a member of the House that the Bancroft tender was signed in the handwriting of Michael '. Connolly. He knew Michael Counolly s, writing per- fectly well, because as counsel for Mr. Tarte last summer he had over50of Connolly's letters in hishand. He also read a letter to" Mr. Gobeil, secretary of the de- partment, dated Russell House, Ottawa, April 4, 1883, sigael A. C. Bancroft, saying he had entered into an agreement with ~IJ8l'kiI'.|, Connolly 85 C0,, whom he had plea- sure in recommending as a reliable rm. This letter, he had no hesitation in saying, was in the handwriting of Michael Connolly. -It was` therefore all the more important that all the tenders should be brought down. He would make no charge now, but it was evi- i dent that there was a gross fraud on the de-.~ partment. "He insisted on the production of the tender ot La:-kin, Connolly & Co. $1.. C'.._L.... Y .. ..-.'.I L- n.I.........`...L ..II s.:;-:.`;n:,`%.:'..."i'* lVeal'.pei- carcass ..'.'.'.'.:'.'.'.:'.:::::: D ml-180! IIIOOI Iltlitlclllugp Butte:-,larze rolls.per Eggs per C eeseperm............C` ....... Turkeys Chi_ckensperpair.... GOOB8 Dflbu.;................uu Ducks per O I I O I I IOOOOIOIIOIO PUBLIC NOTl' AKE NOTICE that the Munici of the Corporation of the Tow having been duly petitioned. by t owners interested under the pro` Act respect Local Im rovement construct a e inch p `be sewer s Owen street. from Sonhia street street. a distance of 1.620 fest. Also on Worsley street a nin sewer and drain from Mulcaster to a distance of 650 feet. also on Worsley street a nine inc} and dram from Owen street to street. a distance of 550 feet. And to assess the final cost therc roperty abutting thereon; and to t ereby to the extent and at the one third of the cost per foot frn elusive of connections) the same m in all the sum of fty cents per to and otherwise in accordancewith t] of general B -law No. 376 and s thereto, and t ata statement showi liable to pay the saidassessmentan of the owners thereof as far as! ascertained from the last revised roll as now ied in the office of the municipality and is open for inspec omce hours The estimated cost of the work is which 82 733 is to be provided out 4 of the municipality, divided as foll: Owen street section. total. . . . ..... . . Town's share . . . . . . . . . . . ._ ........ . . . Worsley street, east section total. .. Town's:-hare ................ Wnrnlnv ctr-net, wnhf. nontinn, tntal _ The Bbavor Line stenuublp Like` Snipg. um D!n=-.`hn.t.11_-+n .`.- Passengers Tor; ai Iggn-`;'_iI luau. _-_; -._. .~ _ Gnjaoie `7g}n7ox{"a ' 'EiIfa.'n"ui'}"3: `"3355- and smashing his` leg-almost into a .-pl_llp. . A -heavy sea then struck the ship.tea.ring open a portnnd hundreds of ' tons of water rushed into the hold. The water was with difficulty bailed out - and the ship saved. 1` caused by.the hurri- cane was frightful. The passengers lost nearly talltheir belongings and` the steerage passengers especially suffered severely. The hurricane listed for nearly three days. Itnnv `at-`away: In-I vvu--vv-av-g v--v- --- van- Sir Richard Cartwright asked it une"c;S{-- V-ernment would bring down a list of the shareholderszot the Winnipeg & Hudson Bay Railway Company before the bill granting it 880,000 a year was read a third time. It was important to know who they were sub Bidizing. I u-_ r\-....l.--.. -..:| L... .......1.I :........:.... l ' Sir Hector Ltngeviu said he thought all . thopapers had been brought down, but he i would at once write to his deputy to send all | the original tenders- ` van -out-nova Va. 1: no-av-c Sirector Lengevin said he could not ' produce th ; check because the custom is for ." the nance department to cash the check when the contract is signed andkeap the money. ` ` II- 'I"....b... lIl\:.I I-LA `I :-.3.-C-nun AOOAIQ L-an :m.i;l;. Edrte asked the Minister to bring down the Bancroft check. ' _ nauuuavn van 5 LVrI -v-1 vu -- u---' -. _w- . J -Sir Hector Langevin said the question was note fair one. He would bring down all the papers in connection with the contract cu- n:.:n......a n.'...a......:...s.o ....|....a :1 M... r1.m., Mr. U51-91' proceeded to show that the trans actions small and great; appoared to be en- Iered lwn) without reference no their import? ause, and Inn read thisoas a sample: April E l|_\'1.-ir...I \1.- 'l`....+.\ ..o- L.:.. |.,....... .....:I :.. LL4 I -a-v-aw; u Mr. Tarte: Did the Minister ever see Bancroft ? [Cries 0! Order, n:_ r1__.-.. 1' '..__....'.x.. -_:.I 5|... ........s:... ..u.... the debate on tha ' budget. ' ` - nu... Anlnnl-A -anus n;n{n|unr` I\w Kfn (`J-Inn`- b.Dewdney said he would inquire whgcher there was av list. UVIII Mr. Desjardin.a(L Is1et) moved the adjourn"!-. ment of the debate,` which was carried. , 1 . . Notes. ,3` 1 I .' The bill to incorporate the Whirlpool * Bridge Company, which proposesito build a. railway near Niagara Falls, was defeated in ; `the'Senate to-day. J k -' V` .13.. rn_..I__ |..... ....:Q..... ant-bun (aka!-. I-an mill VH6 Duunw run; a . Mr. Taylor has given notice that he will enquire whether it is the intention` of the Government to have 9. monument of the late Sir John A. .Ma.odona1d erected on the par- lialnent grounds at Ottawa. It so, when and ` where _will the same be erected! ,_-__.._..v_ |_:II ......'......a.:...... cl... Q6 l`1nI-horn. Hamilton and Toronto. Carpenter's bill respecting the St. Cathar- lnes 85 Niagara Central Railway was passed in Railway Committee this morning. "This ' bill provides among other things for the ex- tension of the issue of debentures to $80,000 per mile. A.deput.ation' from Toronto will wait upon the Government tomorrow to ask for a subsidy on the road between WIICFB wsu. uuv auauu U: vuwvuwuu ' Ir1IvI&II-.---- ----%_ An Exoltlnng scene at Windsor 0a.eti-In-, epeotlng the Life Gnardl. ~ LONDON, J ulye 7.`--Attere breaktasting with Queen Victoria at Windsor. Emperor Wila Ham droveto the pa.rk,where he watched the musical ride of the Life Guerdg. The Em- peror suid it was one of the finest "military spectacles he had ever seen. V V '|`|---A ---- -_ .`.-..n-Inn -nan: AI . I'.hAA..l`V.l 5 Ipotlcl I10 tutu Uvur Iwuo There was an exciting Ioene at the royal -banquet given at Windsor Castle [net night in honor of the Queen : Imperial V grandson. A large wnterpipe burst in the banquet hall while the Queen was entertnin1n' the Em- perordnd a. party of diitinguishedgueetrw The hall was almost ooded with water. It ____ A-_-...I -'.-.....-nn ha` llvllilh thh ll WII KUIIIIQ IIUUUIUDIJ _vv -In---V-. :--v ---- brigade, whp evencuglly succeeded in turn- In; the water -on. _ ' "1 hb`B;n :'po_ror has proqontod Qdoon'Viotoriq .`wltn..o lite-hide foil plinth; of himself in the at I British admiral standing the budge of a vessel; The` pibtnro InIII'-l'und- ` -ad bygjold fume. ',xA Tbe debate was continued by Mr. Charl- .._-_, .... . . V... vuA7-uuD u au.u.|yAo. LIP! u :. U-\ nsiu.-1 Mr. Tarte at his house and in the . e\'en11r,: plzxyccl draw poker at my house and won $25 f1'uu| Robert McGreevy. :1 _. ,-.-_- -u--Irv-nvai J V1-med nd. Main Malmed (or II Their Lite. muc IN THEHEANQUET HALHL. cu:--: If:-an bur _ho`soa;' > 1., ;_ _ ...n.n-_n .....Ilal.n.s `TROUGH % S I :11 vvuxvglnu, Wheat. ring.perbushel Barleynerbushel.........;........ mm per I I O I IIIIOIIOIIIOIIIC permoonoooonovoouoooooocon-u 0000 00 ~;................. 1' bllndleduu...-.... D Hmlillia CChIIlIIIIIIIl Mutton per `Sap:-i`n Lambperqua.rt.e1;.t........ ee oreqmu-ters.pero Bearlmndquu-m Veal. Butter 1-0115.... Chickens per Ge Potapoeanerbaz ...... W: Uullll--u.u.....) cuooauoouo 1.00-call. U5 $1000 98 47oOII 52'.IC N .. 74} 9.00.. 12 00 8 10 00 v.._ _ _ gqtongrxoununnxcngwook. A " ` ` ~ 'numn.Ju1:a1s1. `ma non I-Halli. Cow or 8toer,.Fnrmer s. per cwt.. V Dow or Steer. Trimmed. per owt.. Sheepskins N 1vea.1skina. m..'... uchpffoononooo vv noun, 1 Wheat. I an what u 1 Inna: lVUl'1U.Ili (nan tne munlemu uouncu Town of Barrie. the property provision otthe reapeetixnribocel rovement. intends to and drain on to Dunlap Alan An Tnrnlnv nfnonf. :1 Irina Inn}: ulna Mr. Tarte protested that he did not-P18? cards and was not present. T IT?-. TAKE NOTICE the Municipal Council Barrie. `marina Egan Jul-6 -..4tA_-.I `I... cl..- .._...'.....A._ H UIBHSIJGC OI OOU I805. on inch pipe sewer and Clapperton feet. nal thereof upon the be beneted rate of one frontage. (ex- not to exceed foot frontage. the provision amendments at a showing the lands liable pay said. assessment and the names the as they can be assessment clerk of the inspection during hours cost the is $4.100.00, of 733 be out of the funds of follows :- section. . . .......... . $2.400 share . . ...... . . 800 total ....... .. ` 825 Town sshare .... ......... ....... .... 275 Worsley street. west section. total ...... . .. 875 vITown s share.......... ......291.50 The court of Revision will be held on Friday. the 17th day or J uly. at 10 a.m., at the Council Chamber. Barrie, for the purpose of hearing complaints against the proposed assessments or accuracy or the frontage measurements or any olher complaint in connection with the above mentioned works, which rsons inter- . ested may desire to make, and w ch is by laws ` cognlzable by the court. V HENRY BIRD. _ Town Clerk. ' DI..l.'uUb, u UIBBIIIOB OI 1.030 I885: on nine inch pipe Owen street A`IIl'I nn wnenainn nl-nnn n nIno tlnnh Quinn anemon- I SEALED TENDERS. addressed to the Post- master General. will be received at Ottawa until noon. on Friday. Ju_1y 31st. 1891. for the I conveyance of Her Maoeaty s Mails, on a proposed contract for tour ears. six tunes per week each way. between arrle and Hilladale from the lat October next. The conveyance to. In: vnntln In 1 vnhinln via. Crown Hill, nnlnfnn D6 111508 In 3 VUII-IUIU V15 ULUWII ELI-IA, IJDIDIIUII and Orejghm-at The mails to leave Hlllsdale poet olee once dsil . Sundays excepted. at 7 e.m., and arrive at e at` 10 can. in time for deepatoh of {ragga by train leaving Barrie for '],`oronto about . am. A ' To leave Barrie poet oloe at 12 30 p. m., and strive at Ellladale post office at 3.30 pm. DI-Infn nntinnn nnnfnininlr fnrthnr Infm-ma. me 155 UC'0D8l' IIBXIE. 1'56 OOIIVOYEIIIOB DD. } gggsde in 3 vehicle via. Crown Hill, Dalston nn I`!-nlahnrnl-. ' IITIVB It uluauule puns muse ab 0.00 pan. Printed notices containing further Informa- tion as to conditions of proposed contract may be seen. and blank forms of Tender may be obtained at the post omces of Barrie. Crown Hill. Dalston, Craighurst and I-Iillsdalo. DANIEL SPRY. ` . - Post Othce Inspector. Post Oloe Inspeotox-'s Oloe, Barrie. June 1 19th. 1891. s ` 27-29. T N the matter or non Auan. um: u: we Town of Barrie. for nerly of the township of Floa. Farmer. deceased. Pursuant to the Revised Stotntesot Ontario. 1887. chapter 110, I and amendments thereto. - . Huang In Ins:-aha oivnn thnt ll um-nnnn MAIL CONTRACT; Witness could not remember whether it Wasm1d.suun11er or midwiuter than he paid _ this $10,000 to Sir Hector. He could not tell ` where he gut the money. He supposed it wnu In-n... nu. L-..I- L--- 1.- --.-r.1 __a. `-1: and amendments tnOl.'OI0._ - Notice is hereby ziven that all persons having claims against the estate of Lee Allen. late of the Town of Barrie in the County of Simooe, farmer de- ceased, formerly of the township of Flos, who died on or about the 7th day of May. A.D. 1891. are requiredto deliver. or send -by oat . I-n-Anal!` an m- hnfnrn th lth dnv nf`Jl1lV. 1. 1891. requlreuw uenver. or aenu ny out nremid. on or before the 30th day oi'"Jully, rain, to the undersigned. -ti-nthy 8c Eaten. so ioitore for the executors. Joseph Leighton. Francis Dunn. and G. H. Eaten. a. atategnentin writ- ing containing _their_ christian _e._hq _a_nrnu}_I_1ea. l regard onl;'o: trntnrn have; t] x1't\'l:|f'I'1L`.l` .`D-A`? T an .-'1>Um.I'<?>` in `Hobs! know vogglgod lonottravonerl. tomnke`thn e lthubeonf rs vodIt!10.0o --e:.;~ W hat . . .3 UL nmndonltnlnn. [N the msttr ot Lea Allen. late of the mnum nf Ran-In fnr rm!-hr nf the tnwnnhin 5', r5n'ri~1 .-BAY. .' iavwm mom -} !`BPR!m`0s. 1 . 5 Notice tocradors. 'i=7G'I.Tc'TlT6E._ I long time to find it, a couple of days he thought. ` "Olinn,saii M1`. Osler, not so long a: that. Let me help you by undoing thy hand~nt the same time suiting the acnio: totbe word. Mr. Murphy was then asked to endeavor to locate the year, and be re 1l1Ct`lllH_\'S51iI(,`l1 his conclusion" that it must be 15-80 in` 1857. He was first given the diary of 15.3., and after five minutes` search said the emry \\'us not there. \\ itness then saidit would take him 9. very. fl-1i36'1i_E'ckats and Bagg.g3U}}gp_1; mum xrnbmrr I711-in .1- -_- - - -.. ..-._ __-cc..c- ---v--- .'rne: `;IE)R:lI; KING isone of the urges ewitteet and most powerful Steamers on the Lane; lighted by Electricity and modern throughout. . n- II`_n.Tl.nll:`RQT.u:`ll'.Vll! ETD! sun I GIVE | United States. uuuugnnun. F;-`L-GILDERSLEEVE C. H. NIo13Ison' lgfmger mngmm Gen. Pass and Fgt. Agen Port 0 e. 194`. . 7 ggo31'H7R|NG| ' . THE Nam} LOW PRnSSURE ST EA M E n OBILLIA. EXCURSINS WILL BE RUN FROM AN} station on the N. 8: N. W. and Midland Divisions of the G T, Railway by rail to Barrie, Orillla. or J a.cks_on s Point, then by the beauti- ful steamer Orillia to Strawberry Island or uny other portsor Elaces of resort on Lakes Sinl `Alla {`.m-m inhlnm n Rf:-curl-unnnu \_Il.AIIUII In: IUULIIVVIIULLJ LDIQIAII. Ill :'f1'y'i)'t'l'13.1:'i1orta`or laces Lak Simcoo `and Come iohing. On Strawberry Illld is a lawn Summer Hnfnl and n. nnmhar mmcoe `and. uoucmening. Un strawberry Islandisalarge Summer Hotel and nnumber of Cottages. 3 leruo Pavillion, Public rook House for the convenience of excursnoniets. Bathing rlouses. Ice. Swings, Boats. Fishing- "ackle, etc. Around the Island is the best bass shing grounds in the lake All excursions to Strawberry Island must be arranged for with Mr, U. Mclnnes. proprietor. or. with the undersigned the laced tn land nxanrninniatn that-n A Little Game of Di-'a.W. '1`hn:1111 funk the diary of 1886 and Asvpentl Iorninuus with similar result, except that he disco\`eI'ed an entry ota keg of (30119 wiue"-1nzu-lied as sent; to Sir Hecbor r~ house.