-'v _- ." -w- ._......-v...... ..-.- V-avg ESSA. East 70 acres of Lot 32, in 7th Con. Towxsmp on GORDON-DI8'1`RIC'I` or Aneoxu. Lot 19. W951; Range, 100 acres. ' `I.....__-- (TOWN AND FARM PROPERTY) FOR SALE CHEAP. [VALUABLE -:-Lucas Commencing at 9 o'clock a.m., on Thursday. Cow or Steer, Fm-mer`s.`per cwt... Cow or Steer. Trimmed. per owt.. Sh68D8kil1B6&0h.... .....-no...nu No. 1 Veal Skins. per Lamb Skins ea.ch.. .. .. Toronta l"a.rm'.o1-I Market. , Toaoxro. J une 23. 1891. 1Wheo.t, fall, per bushel............81 08..,.1( ` Thnmt nnrina nnr hnnhnl _ . . . . . .- 1 ....`l I Or Box 148. Barrie. -no nuung""u: Ban-1: 0 an 1-8- ronto Ila:-kotl During the Week,` V BAmu_l. June 24._. 1891, noIolnznottoluooonaoOullllIOII o 50 E8 0 o o u o u o o o n u ononoounnooc'a ,o5.0Io 9-nan gg A~~~~-- ------ 31-.- Dana V _ V 55151 Jun` All: 8. half Lot 18. Con. 6. 100 acres. Want R mu-an `N , l Int. `I9 (`nu 9` 3. I151! I-405 I5, U011. 0. HI] 80195. 8 acres, N. Lot 12, Con. 2nd. so 0 i 7. no . OBI The Queen at a. We(l LONDON. June 23.-The marriage of Miss Alberta Ponsonby. goddaughter of the Queen T and daughter of Sir Henry and the Hon. Lady Ponsonby, to Major and Lieutenant Colonel W. E. Montgomery of the Scots Fusilier Guards took place at 4 o clock thil afternoon at the Wellington Barracks Chapel on Bird Cage Walk, opposite St. James Park. The Queen, the Prince and Princess of Wales, the Duke and `Duchess of` Connaught and nearly 700 guests were pre- sent. TEACHERS EXAMINATIONS. 1/9 ,r 3.! thpa.rtLot W tEccl -sat. Iota g4 gout? Elizabeth et81:eet.e8 03 y vvuvvuwnvnn st. `VI: 39` LENNOX. AULT `as wGn'r. RA!-I-lnfnrn b For the Proprietor. 1 ROBERT BLACK, P. 0- Address, Strand. \ I48. - 16-tt. J agx BARBIE. % % ;WE SHOW THIS WEEK The, Largest and 5011 125... '1 Chief Rabbi of The Empire. LONDON, J nne 26.--The great Bayswater Synagogue was profusely decorated with owers and plants to-dayand was packed til it: utmost capacity with the most re- presentative of the Jewish world of this city and others who had assembled to wit- ness the imposing ceremonies attendant upon the installation of Rev. Hermann Adler, Ph. D., M.A., as Chief Rabbi of the British Empire. The Lord Mayor of London `at- > tended in State, and a number of members of Parliament, several of the Rothschilds family, Chief Rabbi Kabu of France and many of the most wealthy and inuential bankers were present. 54;oum.'oP[ STREET. in diirex-ens part: 1 th to :13 A excellent ts:-ma not ontgide axe l1'r'niP'ta. 0 some WSON & CR ESWICKE. 11." D A --C A DEFORMITIES AND DISH: {SE8 0]!` THE JOINT8-DR. McKENZIE, 44 North st., Toronto. will be at the QUEEN'S H ITEL the last Saturday of oveg fxgxonth till 11 o'clock. P1: In at Ihortnotloo. A tun nook or Iron Pipe for steam. water and Gus. Globe Vs1vu.8uv snd_ Ohook Vdvou. Bloom Causes. and Watoralauoa. All work in thisllno I s-I-ovrazs 2 ms`:-ov1:.-s 2%: LLLVTHAE HOST APPROVED IAKES. WITH THELLTEBT AND BEST PURNIBHIN68 % AT MANUFACTURERS PRICES. 52 DUNLOP STREET BARBIE STOVE & FURNAGE nftii vIc1'oRIA Lums, STRIPE, SPOT 3. CHECK MUSLIMS PRINTS, SATEENS, DELAINES. PARASOLS-of Which we have a. grand selection a: '21. low price. We continue to solicit your condence. Emanolngmf Eypuuolucs, V. i .7 -.'.1`h.L '9` .351? "i3\i*,3`e % Di?!-W" 57 ; : -Roonlsrrnn. Ztunal ` 23;.'*.m;.-.r_:.1= This week we are offering special value in the fdilowing lines. which we invite your very careful attention : " Prints, Dress`Goods and greatly reduced prices. The ere Bargain as Houe Roilillon Kid Gloves. _ Just receiyed another ment of these celebrated K1d Gloves 1n Summer S popular prices. They are the best and cheapest. FBAWLEY 8L DEVLIN. {GREATER BARGAINS THAN EVER Tm 1u17!\`nQ 'r2nVQ A_ h V(\TTmrvn. CLOTI-IINGQ For sale orto Rent. SOUTH smn DUNLOP smmm, NEXT DOOR TO THE CANTON TEA STORE. : u:v\- up .n|Q|..\Q VIC IUIIJBQ ` - Mr. Campbell recalled said he had neve: heard of the letters or telegrams until thi action was brought ' un.I.s 3. PLAXTOIPS GEm NAOE8 N, __v .. V--a V-op As I buy tron: the largest and best manufacturers for cash and large discounts. I can sell OI-IEAPER THAN EVER for cash and cash only. BHEAIEST Benmnul quwuv 3:; "1_n_-3'-eel The `old A -garb 1 { Ii1Vt;l1ve`n;i`:es at all kin FURNITURE made by daof CV81` '38 .I.IN.I|l'|:l % cAsH AND one PRICE ON|_y_ FURNITURE. Mr. Vinal. a real estate agent, deposed that letters (produced in court) which were signed by Campbell's name were really in Mrs. O Shea s handwriting. `ll - r1-....I...n ..-.'-n_.a ___-.1 o, , .0 atahd. Bayeld 8` next to Ball's Factory. it now some on. I____ A__.,,. n ALL OVER EMBROIDERIES, NARROW EMBROIDERIES. IN MEN S, BOYS AND YOUTHS From 500. to $1.50. yeld Street, `Aotnrv- ARE: [OFFERING unuxuu. Illll W uaruul U G (10030 mm'(fo".o." Kitty Hired the Houses- Coax, June 23.-The action for libe brought by Henry Campbell, M. P. and pri- vate secretary to Mr. Parnell, against Ald- - ermen John Hooper and Mrs. Eliza Nagle, as owners of The Cork Daily Herald, was con- tinued to-day. Mr. Campbell comnlains of a statement made by The Herald that. while other members of Parliament were attend- ing to their duties, Campbell was hiring houeeetor immoral purposes for Parnell. (`nu-nun` CA-g TL- tY-._-I_I L- A . _ _ , _ , A, , 1 s IsIoo,ooo.ooo.[ Pa O. ' I-`Ire, Llfo And F. A. |.ETT CAPITAL PRESENTED EXGEEDS msunmce AGENT. .5 1'UUb'lVBU. another C0 . 3`r1oves in glmislgu. st and S many lines of Dry Goods t a Accident Insurance. From 3c. to 350. Correspondence Invited. --v--w--vu oaanunvu us `Jill yvuvo LU: L at Mull: Counsel for The Herald to-day contended that, if Campbell did not telegraph about hiring the house at Eastbourne, Parnell did `JOHN PLAXTOF June 25 1891? JoHN}>LAx'rox BARRIE. LONDON. June 23-Sir James Ferg`usson," Political Secretary of the Foreign Oice, re- plying to a question in the House at Corn- mons to-day in regard to the progress of the Newfoundland arbitration, suit that when the Newfoundland agreement - was made with France both governments made the reservation that the agreeemeuts were subject to the approval of their respective Parliaments before the arrangment could be put into execution. The French government,` v Sir James Fergusson explained, had as yet only obtained the approval of the Senate, and until now had abstained from bringing the agreement before the Chamber of Depu-' ties. Her Majesty s Government, said Sir James in conclusion, was doing all it could possibly do to expedite the matter. `rm-: `NEWFOUNDLAND aussr.on AGAIN CONSIDERED. Mrs. 0`Shea Hired .the`Ho:1sesI-5l!`ed (um-' salt to the Beats-+Tl1a `Queen at in; Wqddlng-The"New Chief. Rabbi or the n;_-man Empire. A V T nnvvsnnv `I`...... Q , -ah` Ynnnnn l1......'.'.-...... ' Got-st Will Remain. LONDON, June 23.-Lord Salisbury has effected a reconciliation between Viscount Cross. Secretary of State for the Indian De- partment, and Sir John Gorst, Political Secretary of the India Oice. The result in . -that Sir" John G_orst's resignation has been withdraw n. Bkxiisn Aim Rouse Sanitation. `This town has a system of Waterworks and soon it will have the basis of a sewerage system completed. In order that these im- protant wor s may fully accomplish the pur- 'poses of their, construction there must be general house sanitation. To brin this about _ 18 a work of time. The people nee . to be edu- cated up to this point and we know of noth- ing that will give so many useful hints in so small a spaoeas En eer Chi man's little I Q I.o_do it. Some suggestions, on House Sanita- tion, bein a rprepared for. the Asso- ciation o Ealttcptftive Health Ocers of I V - H A ` - I _-2-___ _2u, _ 9 r ' '0 -I I - 'pamphlet latelylpu lished ca led. iI-Iow` Iv _ Committee on `Roads and Bridges` recommended the payment of various ac- counts and the making anumber of grants It-mong whicheare :-Easa. and Sunnidale ` 3100; F103, $100; Tiny. $100 ; Tay, $100} Medonte. $75 ; Orillia, `$100 ; IMatchedash. 75 ; N ottawesaga; $45 ; ;Veapra, $50 ; Midland. $30 ; Orillia $75 ; and to Creemore $200 to build a bridge `over Mad River. l Moved by Mr. Wilson, Seconded by Mr. T. S. Graham--That the thanks of this council are due and are hereby ex- ltened _to His Worship the Warden, J. `Sissons, Eeq., for the able and dignied .manner in which he has presided over its. ,vdeIuberations, and for his courteous, but `rm adherence to the rules laid down for- uur governance. We avail ourselves of the `present occasion to give this expression of our appreoietian of his courtesy towards all the members as we may'noI.' have another opportunity of doing so during his term of Oce. ' III; \IJI U1` IUD I In view of the importance of the subject `and to secure the town e future healthful- ness the council would do a good work by putting this pamphlets into general circula- tion among the people` as an educative factor. The pri pit and case pool must `go if civic samtat on is to be a-success. Let 3. he'Sanitary' Inspector take a -walk through- - the town any of these warm days and unless ,hls sense of smell has been lost he will nd. scores of places emit *e_Iuviathat en- danger the health of all xv o-are compelled to stay within their influence.` Ev house-_ holder in Barrie should have one ,3 |Chipmanfs pamphlets. .- V Willis p `The-Bdnk of Conimeroarwillromove to its ' new and `plegant qu'a.1-tern ontho corner of. Dunlap and Owen streets `on Satmday'next. j The committee recommend that Mr. J. ,C~ Morgan and N r J ames Wilson be arbit- . ratorsre School Sec., No. 4,Medonte;also ` that in regard to School _Sec , No. 11, Tecumseth that the matter be left in the hands of the Reeves of Tecumseth and West Gwillimbury. _ . Report No. 13 of the Committee of `Finance stated that the nances of the county are in a good condition as per anditors - report, showing a balance on $4 00 for examination of lunattcs and that no free license be granted to John O Brien. C | It also .recommends that action be taken against the town of Barrie for the enforce- hand $28,985 67 and that the said audit- i on report be printed in the J one minutes. 1 The committee recommended the payment _I to the Treasurers of Adjala and Beeton 5 -!ment of Scott Act nes amounting to ' $417.81 due the countv for said nes and that the expenses of A. Craig through whose exertions thisclaim was established be paid. It recommends the payment of. ;$6.00 to Sheriff Phelps for conveying a vagrant to the hospital. The Committee on Contingencies recommended the pay- ment of Sundry accounts which may be seen in the minutes. ` 1\ 0 51' BI!) III \II \JIII\lCu ' The clerk read the xation and H th imamh-rs reap-wnded by a unanimous atanin; vote. ' IIVUII III VII? IIIIIIIIUWQ The Committee `on Printing recom- imend the payment of the account of A. IF. Hunter, Co., printer. $95.95` VI... l'1......L.. `D...\......|... I`......__2J.L _ _ _ _ . . ..- I I 'Theuaotdt;`i;r<: [;e:t;`b;Ph,1.:hittee recom mended the putting in of_ the waterworks iinto the G301 and Court House and that the tender of Otton Bros. be accepted ;. .it also recommends that R. Graham and R. E. Fletcher be empowered to remove E the old fence around the county buildmgs ? repaxr. and ;put the same in a. proper state of` '1'... l'V_.........:u.... ._ D.__.:_ _.__1 `D_:_1___;` Lost a 8700 Diamond Ring. ~ l I Mournun, June 23.-'l`he wife of the manager of a well-known express company ' had occasion to leave Toronto for Montreal. 1 She took a. sleeper. When some 30 miles from Montreal she went to the toilet room to wash. On her third nger she were 9. 8700didmond ring. and while washing `her - hands the soap loosened the ring, which slipped from heruger and rolledtiuto the wnehbasinfand down the water pipe" -to the track below. Sectionrnen have since search. ' . ed for the ring. but without su_cces s.' The Committee on Education state that they have received the annual reports of V Elnepectors Morgan, McKee and Day. and -recommend that the schedule of visits of ;said' inspectors be printed in the June `minutes. It states thatelnspector Morgan addressed the Committee at some length iin regard to some statements which` ap- ,peared recently in one of the Barrie ,papers which he supposed referred ito him, and which in his opinion `affected his character as an oioer `of this county. Hesubmitted a nancial I .statement and report from the county ' lauditors which at his request the commitee , lrecommended to be printed with the June ; j minutes. ' . .1 . -up 1- I UUUU uuucuucu Dluvu uuw uluv VI. uuu JVGIQ A by-law was passed to buy $36,744 to meet the current expenses of the year and also one to levy $20 000 to meet the de- `benturee of the `Hamilton & N orth- lweetern Railway. A by-law was passed `for levying the annual school rates. IIU ILIIIBU IJUIIIIVI. pnvvvvvnvu uuaunuuu ago. Report N o. 8 of that committee says they are pleased to nd that through the lcommendable diligence and zeal of the `County Clerk and Mess: nger hawker: and .p;dlars are so e'ectua1`y and satisfactorily looked after, the sum of $340 having been collected since the-first of the year. ` `-- `~-- --A- -----.-I L- L.-_ 0! "711 L- I qpus sv. . The Finance -Committee recommends a grant of $1 000 to the suerers in`.}the_ late re at Alliston,` also that no addition of salary be given to` County Auditors ; that a grant of $25 00 be made each to the East, . West,an_d -Centre Simooeo Farmers Institutes, It also recommends that the. Treasurer do not hold back moneys Sranted to Roads and Bridges in municipalities which are in arrears and that the Treasurer pay to Lieut-Col. O Brien the amounts of purchase 01 helmets. It recommends the guarantee- ing of the debentures of the town of Penetanguishene to the extent of $6,000 to make better protection against `re. 'I5-___.L `T- O l\ LL-` au..nn-ndb-an dlfi I-IIIIIIUU UI Lllxll \JUllDl4B|I_lUo ~ - ` . The Printing Committeeereeommende 4` the payment of the following-accounts: A F. Hunter, $2 50; King Btol'.$2;50 ;. Alexander -Scott, $1 50; Wm. Mann, . $5770. " '- " l'l\I.- I1`:---5-` l`1..........:LL.... Zt\II\II|IUIQI\AQ" a-:..S;....,o:..u...t.... A - Continued from page 2. A The committee on" county `prope1."tj-"re-T commends that the petitiouof Dr. Bounko for the nae of the council chamber or`: the In:gr_u__uwu._ -V , _ , It recommends that Alh-ed.W.. Beards.-V. ley be _a detective for the county with the duties of High Constable. T 7'... I)... -.s....... I`.-..........sIuuu -pnun-vs-nun-I4`: THANKS TO THE WARDEN. u -' vs QIII IIIIUV. iv-u--u --unnwvv v Last Friday a large deputation from To- ronto and Newmarket visited Barrie for the urpose of ins ectin Lake Simcoe with re- 4 erence to supp ying oronto with water by the gravitation scheme. The delegation con- sisted of Alderman -I-Iewitt, Thomas Foster, John Baile , `Fred Philli as, Thomas Howard, F. T. Love 1, Norman A en, Medical Oicer, W; C. Brough, C. E. Engineer Waterworks Department, J. W.` Somers, Secretarv. Wil- liam Stew-(art, Civil Engineer of Toronto, a1d'J., W. Woodcock, Reeve of -Newmarket, 13'.` Lloyd, Town Clerk, and John Adair. They went down the lake per steamer Ken- drink rm Qnthrnv nn nnnnpl Q.....l...`. :.. 532% "o`L""s`Z.`%'&`aC` 331 s`ZZ$"u'3`:'{ Olryigia. 1'.'l`hey reporth the` schegie for 111 - p g` oronto `wit waver rom` V e Simcoe entirely feasible. They took a num- ber `of sample; of water to Toronto for nhnlvn -gIr_'tpl- Adsisigtqnt at rat-bum. . - N _ '1fQg9'm7Q, .Jnr;e 24.;4(?,hhrIa.*Bfqyvn. son of 3 G. Brovylg, -the weukuowsVwlivery-Ian,raj I f_tj ~ hi. s.'j.,s\il.1iey`= a T:,tib`e-j-'1`oront,9_ ' Urioiet Gfdiindt ybiwrday. He'wa`s f pickd` up unconscious, when it was found that his Ik'ul_l'wu fractured: 'only:li_v_ad. ust;qugl_ ing. . I U5 U9 analysis. . nu Wookly concert. T _ ~ `The Citizens Band will be on the Post Oiee_ triangle exactly at 7 30 this [evening and give the follo_wing_ aalections: : 1" Mdrch, The Crown 1?r1nc.. . . .C."W `II-..-__ _.4 { H A ' -no1_met 2 Medley selection of Plantation ngs.-...L. H ~ _ ` ' = - `j V-`--Conterno 3 Glarionet uo1o,"`Am ' Lion Polka.,Bu'nard M .11 nlhnli ` gun can lllll. ` 4;'Selection from tuna." .<;.. .Wa.l1ace 5 _Wa._ltz Tho`Miko;do`.. . .`.`..v..:.Buca.loui ` --< v.;.. .. A ~..L.'%';'V":" %n;'i..`3..m..``n_-_%EV. N""` Marnie Lillie, ch:'b;aTt;;c wnfpxy nr ` bay thiuummer. 4;an'_ived ;Tuea1a.y- night',. u:_d*now. sounds on thren ca;-n;a.t._ the ntntnon. u. pus ueen nu-msnea witn every accommoda- tion and comfort in the latest and most approved style. Commercial men will nd the earn le rooms. and everything they require has en specially attended to. Terms from 81.00 to $1.60 per day. Porter attends ell trains, 14-tt. 1 lull: ruuulu ls mrormea that this new Hotel is now opened for the accommoda- tion of travellers. No expense has been spared to make this the best hotel north of Toronto. It has been furnished with accommoda- comfort in the latent mm ....-..+ [THE ADVANCE. THE PUBLIC is informed that this now the_a.lcoommoda_- I Ildtin AC fvonrrtd ll \ A -_..-._-- I-- Chat From Over "the Sea. Despatches from Tiis, the capital of Rus- sian Transcaucasia. state that a band of brigands, 17 in number, recently attacked and robbed a mail coach near the village of Saljan, killing two travelers and severely wounding a postilion. The brigands then at- tacked and pillaged the village of Salj-an and escaped with the booty secured. A squadron of Cossacks hasbeen sent in pursuit of the outlaws. I I , , __ -__ OR SALE OR TO RENT--Corner lot com- prising house (nine rooms and bath) with `quarter acre of land (or more if desired) in `lawn and kitchen. garden. stable and wood- shed. hard and soft water in the house. Also half an acre adjoining in orchard and 3 small fruit treesin full bearing. A ply on the .premises. 100 Blake street, on to St. Vin- .cent s Park. Barrie. . a 25-28- :QUEEN S HOTEL, \TI\t)f'l'!T1 1'1 A 11 iTown Dwelling and Lo-t| `I'1l'\`D GAT,` III) llll'\ DIR!!! A'\___._., 1 . , pwmwca. 1w DIBKE ' cent u.. u U]. a In]. an Lu u.IB., BB U18 UOIIDOU an-ie. for the purpose of hearing ts against the roposed assessments for ace soy ot the iron e measnrementsor ;eny er complaint in connection with the 'o.bov entioned works. which 1-sons inter- ; este sy desire to make. and w ch is by law co abie by the court. HENRY BIRD. A Town Clerk. ; B'a.rr1e. ,' QUEEN' H5TEL`a.t Angus for sale occu- pied at nresent by Mr. James Reid. the tyll ssdhotelinA .1ngood i. gpositge I11-silway statlonl.)gl'i`sl1is props mD:vi!l.l be sold very reasonable, and on easy rms.' Apply to James McQuay, Angus. 25-37p. . rupeny IDIIWIDK we `- tlhereby , . and no no nenenteu d at the rate of one r foot frontage. (ex- -e same not to exceed nts per foot trontaige, , anoewith the provls on _ 376 and amendments tatement showing the ,ssessment and the names t as far as they- can be ascertained from w e last revised assessment roll as now filed i~ - e olce of the clerk of the municipality v,` _. open for inspection during office hours - . - - star the work is s4.1oo.oo, of `which 32 733 is , . be rovlded out or the funds of the mnnici __ v ty, ivided as to1lows:- to the extent one third of the cost elusive oi.` connections in all the sum of fty ' and otherwise in aoc of general By-law _ thereto, and that :3 lands to pay the sai ot the owners the 8 ...-v a. Low 7 annual N All U0 uuxu VII 1` LIME]. 'the 10th a" ` July. at 10 u.m., at the Council ,Chamb . comp ts against the m-onosed nanannmanm Interesting Experiments. . WASHINGTON, June 28.-The last agricul- tural appropriation act contained an appro- priation of $7000 to be used in experiments in the production of rainfall. The depart- 1 meat will test the theory that heavy exp1os- 1 ions cause rain. Last evening a...balloon sent up in the northern suburbs was exploded with great violence amid the clouds. Whether the downpour of rain later was caused by the explosion remains to be deter- mined. The department will try the experi- 4` meat on a larger scale. , v I ANTED. -General servant (middle aged) 1 . 1 tt t ;Bmlepp y to Miss I oy 44 Char o 5_%1:eet.. and drain `from Owen t to Clupperton street. a distance 015550 1. .' Inn` in nnnnua It]-en nal 4- Giununnl run. this ' H unsuunue OI 000 IBQE. ' . A180 on Worsley street %e inch pipe sewer Bl-l.'UUlo. I (ll3DIIl(W' OI, DUI! I . And to assess the in t thereof upon the roperty abutting the and to be beneted t ereby Inna I-L8-ui A0 61.4; nlnnlv - `A5455 J....-s-..... I..- .1 or the Corporation of the T q; ,n of Barrie, having been duiy petitioned 3; he property owners interested under the vision ofthe Aqt respectin Local Im rove t. intends to construct e e inch p pe so and drain on Owen street. from Soohia. s to Dunlap street, a. distance of 1.620 1'e_-L3` Alan An Tnna1nw at-want nlnn Inn!` v-dun Bl-F660, ll QIBIIBDC5 OI .I..D'U 18.": I Also on Worsley street nine inch pipe i sewer and drain from Mn] 1' to Owen street a distance of 550 feet. I Akin nn `KT;-saint: nfnnnl n A Inn`-n n-Inn ...'.nmn -3.-. - --na-a-.--v illamey. Manitoulin Island uu,n.uaa. For 00111118` Inlet. port-i Spanish or and Massey arriving at Wehwood at p in. on Wednev-days and Sam rdaya. it close connection with the C.P.R. fog ult Ste. Marie and Sndbnry. Returning b me route leaves Webbwoodjgn i Mondays an ursdayn at7a m. on at-rivintr at Party Soun on 'Wedneaday' and Saturdays . making close connection . at J1 f-l.'l`,`R far All nninhn Anni: and Bi|}`$'tlc ts sndfurther intormaticn apply to all agen of the G. l`.R. or to W. J. EPPARD, C. E. STEPHENS, nnmrm-_ San--'l`renn_ _ AKE NOTICE that the Muui V Council of the Corporation of the"`1` n of Barrie, Lavina `hnnn nhr uni-M-innn Inn nunnnntu 85 6-311 3. IIIIKIDR 0 IXJDIIBOBIOII Eli Midland h G.'1`.'R. foruf points east and ` south. ' ` mm. {WA in nnrfnnfhnil Infnnrnnlnn and-u On I Will ieave Collingwood` e MONDAY AND THURSDAY at 8.30 8.. an Midand at 2 p m. on arrival of G.T.B.. ruins: train from To- ronto..H-unilton, P-or one and annotate on Northern and Nort Divisions of the B_vng_Inlet ann Fre ing mth - .R.,. for Parry Sound, (River. thence connect- eatern and ` Midland Death Before Snrromler, 3% Btmu:,`June 23_.-Lieut. Lijrgghi _of the '1 Itahunanny,` who tied to. Switzerland some ' timengo to escape prosecution jp'_` qogtiection ( with the wholesale murder at uatiies ail Massowah and forthe extradition of whom 's negotiations have been jaending far jgpmc .1 time. aglteuipoed to suicide here 1 day. .. Tue Bundesravh bits uow ort_1g;'e;I " gill f immedialo gun-renderijo`-gltnly. , `l |5*"- '*Y W`_%'_"_'.`{'f EDWARD LY8H:-~ :>r_:3PR`1n:'roR. none sunooo water I-or Toronto. __.. n_:_1-;_ _ 1_.._. _n.., PUBLIG NOTIGE. Hotel for Sale. NORTH BAY. -"merry 5ons.'.'. .19. God saye1fh_o Queen. ' II J GLLIII QIQ OH. 35181 LJLHLVEI, Lger. ' , Sec.-'l`reaa.. Vaubauahene. ` Collingwood. . an as ADVERTISE IN One Man One Vot.e~-One Woman Also.` Vxcronu. N. S. W., June 23.--The Gov- ernor of New South Wales, the Earl of Jersey, in opening Parliament yesterday, announced that bills would be introduced to abolish plural voting and to enfranchise women. I 1' u - o - u n o n onnnconoucu cu . east section total. 3., .' %$2ai;'i:i6i{.'6i.' .' .' .' DLU BMW` 25-26. DU`! 875 A9`! Go, ortnnlssfaupcuutmmrs oxronn /SHOES ! . . P%nces;tosu1IV: thetiiimeis. 7% % and see :for yourself. ' The editor of The Moscow Illustrated Gazette red with a revolver at the editor of The Viedomosti. The shot missed the man` for whom it was intended, but killed the let? ter s companion, a journalist named Sibiria- ko.` ' nu.` .mV1'u.AnIU EXAMINATIONS will be T held at the Ccloglate Instutes and High Schools on - THURSDAY, FRI DAY AND SATURDAY. JULY 2nd, 3rd um tug, 1391, f`-.._..___- #- - HE ENTRANCE EXAMINATIONS will be qnhlield In an L Primary or III Glass. TUESDAY, JULY 7. Junior Leaving and Pun.` Matriculation. TUESDAY. JULY 7th. Senior Leaving and Honor` Matriculation, TUESDAY, JULY 14th. . J. C. MORGAN, Barrie. May 27th. 1891. 23-23 P.s.I. Will make this season at his own stable. lot No. 14. 10th Con.. Innisl. close to the Village of V Victoria, and four miles from Allnndule station. Thin Ian:-an -In 64;.` u... 1...... ;|_._-.__L '."L -I - Bluliulaltllla This horse is too well known throughout the Don inion of Canada and the United States to need description. having won prizes against the best horses of his day in both countries. $1%`%Bms-To insure, $15.00; single service, --Tl-IE-- H Thoroughbred Stallion, MILESIAN. ENTRANCE EXAMINATIONS- v-. .. . ` -v. .' -v-u v KnuP;::NrnLi7r.| 1/6_ acre. Lot 16. south Davis street. - Vzspxu. Park lots 5 and e on the East ; of Lot 22, in J 6th 0013.. 10 acres. West } Lot 19, Con. 13. 9oAll of part Lot 2, in 1th Con., east ofrsllway, acres. W i Lot 14. in 6th com. 100 acres. E. g Lot 1. Con. 6, 100 acres. except south 10 acres. Lot 8, in 13 com. 200 acres Towxsnm or Run. Oxumo COUNTY. Lotlo Co oesslo "B102so1-es. Lot 8. Conl`>essionn C.` 100 acres. \ ulxvxrnv A 1-11 on`-_ can-no.- c?nli97e(ovtlie.t.; ;&iiI199b?;Ri*r.`:r91l`I'n?1,gt %