M The bank does not ulsconni noun or mus. nor speculate. but loans its deposits a net Government securities, thus making) a the ` assets of the bank immediately availa le. i cheque Bank Ch ues are EQUAL to CASH, as Bank of Englan Notes are onl safer, for they cannot be cashed until signed holder. Cheque Bonk Cheques for ON POUND ` unward can be oashed on presentation WITH- !) VI` (`.1-IAIN}!!! at 9500 `Rnnlrimr Ofnan in \JIlG\`\nI\l van `I `love: - V-r\1-v `II-IIII UNI Va: 51!. cu: ugyward 0 T CHARGE at 2,500 Banking Oloea in Great Britain and the Continent. Parties wiehin to remit large or smell amountsto the 0 d Country will nd this the Che spe-t and most convenient Method. l 'l`v-nvnllnrn and nthm-n hnldimr Cheaua Bank one ape-t am: most uonvement xemou. 1 Travellers and others holding Cheque Bank Cheques can have their mail matter addressed ` to them care of Cheque Bank. London. \ 'll'm- Flnnhnnlr, nnnminimr `Lint of unwnrda to them care or uneque uanx. honuon. } For Handbook. containing List of upward: ` or 2,500 Banking Houses situated in all parts of ` the world. that Cash Cheque Bank Cheques on 1 presentation without charge; apply to. . J. O. MOKEGGIE at C0.. Bankefvszm awn- Anulu VFG nor:-In CROSSLANUS T I-`i.esta._'u.rant Oysters in Every S79, SOUPS. ENTREE8. JELLIES AN ` OREAH8 M ADE TO ORDER, runs? cuss 7331.: Fan oAv1 sonnpena. ` Order: by Tele-plTone wiil receive prompt attention. ESTIMATES Fol! IIIIIER PARTIES AID ` BILL SIIPPERS OI APP|.lBATI0ll- 42-1: nommox mos AND 0llGANS| D uitsil AND AMERICAN PIAN08. Unexoelled in Tone, Touch and Durability. ' Inllleotlon solicited. Always blessed to show goods. Large stock always on hand. ` Also lot of good second-hand instruments to sell on easy terms or to rent. Large sale stable of rstolass horses, young. good drivers and heavy horses. Sound young orses taken on insgruments. _ 1 th "Lo: 'woatEoo1 st. 1/:'f9$u'uK nu z:btem a'r'oes. s. hut Lona. co;'Ti3b`:cma.. ' we-as .51: 12. con.,2na. s. w. Lot 7. Con. 9. ` } Omce, Warerooms. andntublem Corner Owen -" and. Sonhin St. Barrio. ` %Qu saws HOTEL, x1't\13rI'1tJ' 1'2 A V- D. W. I IJJB I. \JUl-In U0 Kntrnxrmnm.` 1/6 acre. Lot l6..aou_th Davin street. `Tuna 1-nus I Pu-k lots 5 and 6'4)-1.1ti1:East 5 or Lot 83.11: M. (inn m Ant-An. iTHE PUBLIC la Into:-men um may now Hotel in now onened for the accommoda- tlonot travellers. `N o expense has been spared tomeke this the best hotel north of Toronto. It has been furnished with every accommoda- tion and comfort in the latest" and most enproved style. Commercial men will find the nnmnln moms. and everything they require 1 . THE PUBLIC is informed that this ; now aooomm nvrnf mumnm-n. No exnenue has been an: Commercial wm um um um le room and everything has on ly attended to. ` Term: from 8100 to 81.60 per day. Porter sttendlsll tz-nine. _ - 14-tt. MAY &co. FLEURY IMIIFMNT snap . ; uptlca. WI. 10 Ibpolnt-_ `thb Town own to mm: an nhh"9u.-A- .u BANKERS, BANK OF ENGLAND. , N01-{T31 BAY. EDWARD `LYNCH. ' PROPRIETOR. 'W_I~}I_.Ws{HEawooo, Five` Pain 15, Invvwvcvcn v nay. `via- ` Vnnxox. A;J'L'i"& WRIGHT. `RA!-I-lnhu-1:, A- " V _nAs 1u}_.1uov'nn HIS IMPLEMENT STORE I-IAVI nnlovcn J. munnuuxn on \.aU.. sun-Aanu TS, Barrie . V-` -.-` _- Chops am} Steak: to Order. (GT5. 1 7'9n Iervme or BUSINESS % A snap in black and colored Henriettas and DRESS SILKS. Lug llunyuau u; up uuuuuuuuuuu I-cu - - u - V . ---nu... . A number of private bills were introduced to-day, including one by Col. Denison, re-' specting the London & Canadian Loan & Agency Company, .' and one by . .Dr.. Montague respecting the Canada & Michigan Tunnel Company, and another Tespectingtlxo River St. Clair Bridge & Tunuc1L?ompan_v. Col. Denison also intro- luced a hill to amend the act. incorporating Lhe Empire Printing and Publishing Com-j pany. L. :..o.. \,l..ni..~ lu'n kn` Can A1-u 1\'-' II. J. MIIBGIIISIIN ! SIGN BIG I4, DUNLOP STREET, - BARBIE STOVE 8: FURNACE DEPOT STOVES 2 STOVE8 2 2 ALL THE I08 ! APPROVED IAKBB. WITH THE LATEST AND BEST FURNISHINGS AT MANUFACTURERS PRICES. ` orsuwgo __- . :1--- PI In umhonnouco. A tun stock ot n-oi: Pipe for Steam. water and Ga.a.Globo Valvol. am sad Chock Vvu. Steam Guano. and Wnoromuoo. All work in thtslln nromptly sttondedto - 110-9.) JOHN PLAXTON \ Xx. David Dongall, who has been in the Cabinet Business in Barrie for Forty Years 10251011 from it on the 1st of April lest. His sons, James and John Dougall. will hereafter o Ion the business on the same sound principles. which have secured so large 3 `share of pub 'o condence. The rm will hereetter be under the style and title of ` DOUGALL BROS! In retiring, Mr. David Dongdl hereby thanks his friends and the public for their sup- port and patronsge for no long 3 period, and hope: the new rm wxll be favored with its oontinunme. The Ruling -I:tho Barrie and `ro- ronto u-hots During the Week. BARBIE. May 13` 1891. nuuux GRAIN - nun} . 'wh mo 10- elnw ...................... '1 00.9.1 03 George Taylor, M.P.. to-day introduced to ` the Minister of Finance Chilliau Jones and Williau) liyei-5,9. deputation of manufac- lurers from Gauanoque, who {presented a petition that petroleum for fuel_ purposes be admitted free when Im ported by manufacturers. The petition sets forth many manufacturers have [put in expensxve uuicbiuery for using petroleum mixed with air as fuel. Petroleum then 30st $1 per barrel, now it costs $1.86, vwing to Canadian supply giving out, uudtililvsstliey are allowed to import it free they will have to take out their maohin-_ ery uud revert to use of coal. M '11.. v\ u rv u VIIKU, Ul\AtIIIno..I l|8W.u.... P.`. ..'.::::::::: Cow or Stoer.Farmo-; -:3-gr owt.. Oovusteer, '1;1rimmod.per o .. %.75'.:`:'s""un.;'.sa;'a;::::.: .... .. Iaahvklna .. w noun, Wheat. Dnwlnv 1 UIIOKBHBPUI [III-1'---0 M wlbIQIu0IIOIuO nnnlrn new nail`. . .. .. . Acnolns mm: mm: on ma rot '].`1Il'K6y3 per Chiokenapor (lanai . ... nnr lh.... ... loooououcouuo *r .`.`::H .er`:;;:::'.:::::::::::::: ______ sALEsMAN 51 E_I4IZJ,L.B':l'.`2E-I-S'I'., xmn mrrnomsr-cmmcn. noyyvyux, Julltluu v-av v-wvc w---v-`-V--- v--uwv ` the postal receipts of the Island last year * were $22,000, from which commissions had to be deducted, leaving less than $19,000. The cost of ordinary transportation was $13,000 and $17,000 for transportation by railway, * and this without cost of supplies or carrying of the mails by boat. The postal receipts in Prince Edward Island were the smallest in proportion to the population of any part of the Dominion. In fact the postolce depart- ment spent more than double the receipts for the purpose of accommodating the Island. .|\,... AP no-lnnfn hills morn intvnuinnt` I Mmssas. HEINTZMAN & C0. FRED. BROOKS. NEXT DOOR TO THE CANTON TEA STORE. Barrie, May 14th, 1889. MILLS 8: PLAXTOWS GELEBRATED FURNACES Planoforto Tuner I-IAS REMOVED rm: ugnnrs. In introducing his bill for codication o the Criminal law, Sir John Thompson said that as its title implied in was for the codication Jf the criminal laws, but it would also am- brace some new legislation based on the English code. A 1391331-LJLI4 EROS. CHANGE OF BUSINESS. --FOB was-@ Stock Wlll be sold at uni SOUTH SIDE DUNLOP STREET, FOR CASH. 55:00:}. `I! 1 16....1 20 noanl. 45.... 52-:--o 750000 Mr. Bzrxloxlivvlll ask on Thursday whether ' the Trent. Valley Canal Commission has re- ported in favor of the completion of "the scheme and also does the Governments1ntend_ A to ask Parliament this session for a grant tolj the purpose. 1: -- _ 17-24 the pagignt in the act of breathing.) Throat and Lung Surgeon, of 78 Mc- Canl St.. Toronto. will be at the Queen : Hotel. Barrie May 16th. from noon to 4.36 p.m. DISEASES TRlA'I`ED.--U8t8l`l'h of the Head and T_hroat, Catarrhnl Deafness. Chronic Bronohntis, Asthma and Consumption: also Tnnn nf Vnit-A, Qnrn Thhnnt, `llnlnr-om! Tnnnilu Drunumulu, Autumn uuu uuuaumpuun; I180 Loss of Voice. Sore Throat. Enlarged Tonss Polypus of the None or any other Nani Obstruction removed without the knife. 171v snug` A_1{1=L;mu1n;z UEAELEGERIUITY alsolome DR.WASHlNGTON _}E>Ic_1nBIX1. i=URi>BSE HY Tifri _ _ DOBENWENI) Enncrnlo BELT AND ATTACHMENTS. \Jo E4 IJ\lI\aIIlL` YV Ill` II. EIUUIIIIUCI-lo 103 Yonge 8t.'. Toronto. Can. _ The Dorenwend Belt is the only one that win Itlnd ex rt enmlnntlon. Others keep clear -otit, w e we aolioitit All Diseases curable by Electricity can be treated at home by the Dorenwend appliances. The Dorenwend is the only legitimate Electric Belt made. which fulfils the requirements of Electra-medical science. It 13 a complete Bodv Battery, it has an independent Battery which generates amild continuous current of Elec- trlcit . (without shocks) and can be regulated to s t the strongest man or the weakest child. It is a Current of Quantity, not merely a sensation current. and the quantity current is the greatest curative. It is a successful treat~ ment for Indigestion Rheumatism. Neural n, sciatica umbngo, Liver and idney Troubles, Weak Back, Spinal Disease, Heart Tron ble, Nervous Deblhty, Paralysis, Vertigo, Female Complaints, Impotence, sexual Decline. and all diseases of the Nervous and Muscular S stems. = ember that the Dorenwend Belt is the ve latest invention in this line, it was invent- ed y s competent electrician. and ranks as the best in the world` we defy any one to bring proof to the contrary. l Do not class this belt with the humbus combi- nations of leather and metal, with which the country is being ooded. If you wish to ex- nm-imnnt. with p nan useless articles. bnv them. Una u LJUHUA ul- Theu Mr. Haggart had a whack at the matter and said that the debate had assumed 9, wider range than the motion indicated. and if he had supposed that the postal qer- _ sice would have been attacked he would have P,-epnred some statistics about the postal service in Prince Edward Island. He would, however, remind the hon. gentleman that `-1 ._,.....:.n6-n AI flan Yahnui Inn!-. vnnn TIIB 'W'ORLD S BEST. country 18 Dell: 1100060. 1: you Wllll to ex~ getlment with caap useless articles. buy them. ut If you went to procure a enulne electric belt. and one that will be 0 benet. get a. Dorenwend Belt. . Send name and address for Illustrated Book on Home Electro~medical treatment, and men- tion this per. The Dorenwend Electric Belt an and Attachment co. ' 0. H. DORENWEND. Elect:-loan. Thu nnmnwnnd `Rnlt In tl-m nnlv nun that will us: %~F'ZorTS{a|o orto Rent. Graduated in 137-2 at V1150-Ania TTI:ir.xu-n{fI-v JOHN PLAXTON * BARRIE. ....... l\4'\-LII uv uov VA vvlau Dr. Dzlwsou of the Geological Survey has been elected a member of the Royal Society `>fG1`eut l x'iLzu'n. This is the highest 1101101` a scientist . can attain and only enjoyed by ll_1ree Czmzulians. II _ .... `u \.uuu\uuuDu `Messrs . Ingram and L`6piD9 *9 r' presexltutivcs or labor in the House. have arranged with the G0Vel'lImn5 for an interview on Monday next: with a. do- putation of the Executive of the, Dominion Trades and Labor Council, who will present the views of the council as to what legislation is desxred by labor bodies. V yl\|_k A, ,,,, ~- ....... v nuuvn uuunvuo 'l`ho-nliiiiiinl meeting of the Press Gallery '1 was hell] this morning and the following of- licers were elected: President. L. P. Kribio 'l`oroutul~1mpire; vice-president, T. P. Go!`- man, Ottawa Free Press; secretary. i HOPIGO Wallis. 'l`oro`uto Mail; executive committee. J. A. Pliillips, London Free Press; W. A llarkin, Montreal Star; Fred Cook. Toronto Empire; A. J. Magurn, Toronto Globe. A_ resolution was passed cordially endorsing the proposition of the Canadian Press Asso- ciation to hold their annual meeting for 1892 at Ottawa during session of Parliament and promising to do everything possible to make` this visit apleesant one. The gallery will , pay its annual visit to the Speaker in the morning. rm-.. . . ---- ---- ......unu;. ' The state ball is in progress at Rideau Hall t0~night and is largely attended by 9. number of members of Parliament and, their W110! and daughters. usual over fun: ...,.,__,,_____ __ bare subject 0 winter commuui "W" i with the island, including an efY0i`b gtttz`: M P5 lro scheme a vice. talking, the was 3 ml a. complaint about the m`u'sl._ former pointing out that ch." rt of Davies to get an expression g m the Minister of Marine on tau tI':JI:l1i1'\.)e`:> A M5""3.- P9? aml Davies did the lack of proper winter service and the latter admitting that; the Stanley d d Ill ' ` Eatprovo an e clent boat, but complained partment was wanted on the island Mr. Tupper moved an mm (1 ` the retuz-_u. include a, raportn 133:; uzgt Deputy Mlulster of Marine on the gamers I aresponsible offlcer of the Marine De \ which he said would show that the dglay of three days at opening of qeason ., ` ` was on by cucmuatzmcos over which the departgzednt had no control. IL` ""`""'9`- H A . 1| urhnnlp n'._ "in M}. Mc1\1ullen will on Thursday nex- ask `f What was the amount on deposit; in "ouch rgrstoice and Dominion Savings Boukon ay 1. "W; A. Iiir. Lepine gives notice tint he will eek tor D1es of all correspondence between the] W0rkmzm"s associations of Canada and Minister of Agriculture with reference to the Stablislunent of the bureau. of `labor etetiuo". ties for the Dominion. 1-r......._ __:n ,_|- -,, IIu_-___;J_.... ;.;L_LL-_ IL "V" `W U6 UOXIIIDIOD. Hyman will ask on Thtirsday whthor it _ Is the intention or the Government to make | new issue of saadlory to the rst regiment `A 9f cavalry in lieu of thatcondemned by the :` board of officers appointed :9: tho`purD6h ,j bf examining the same. fhinann p-I-A. -ALIA- LL-.5 Ly. -.3 n-A-cg A- v is Island was aww-M I The debate arose over a. motion of Perky?` as relative to service performed. the steamer Stanley and" Ipioad M; 31 over the somewhat thread- Esge of commnnicstlon wtilth effort on the . _. nnvinn to get expression of opinion. -- vwuuullug the same. T ` ;:.. .. J amieson gives notice that he will move on . Thursday next: That in the opinion this house the time has nrrived when it` 2.11:2? Mdient toprohibit the manufacture, _'l}f. Portation and sale of intoxicating iiquorl tor bVl`&ge purposes." . V - ~ Thompson announced in the House to-day- I shut proclamation would be issued declaring Monday, 25th May, the date for oelohrnt}in37.`~ Queen : birthday. . . - - W Y0!!! Woman Fatally Blllld. 1.1;` T ; h Mirna, my 1a.-'ruo M18-yoag-1d ' thur or June: Sgbutlan of Ghdutolo, `' I0 badly burned tohst she will die in con- ibequonco of hot duh nlhu-Q, if 'Gru.mbllng 9 Pmvinco In ARUS ISLAND bAym.1-.45 coMMoNs~. L ww -.._-,, bung From the Kicking ace the Gulf-Free `_Pc..-. Fuel-Labor l.oglaInl.lon-. `MA . I891 W *1."10an's claim`. Strooter a sovereign, which the latter nlinnlklg ...._.`.._.n _,:L. :uuuuvt'I n-muerga sovereign, threw into a. crucible covered` with some kind of a powder, ,a_n,<:l alter appearing to melt it pulled outa luinp of` gold equal in Witbt to three 1 sovereigns.) j ._8heeny Al_ V then Iuggsted that 7 `Btreeter shoul furnish him with l0.000vIovereigns. which he -would transform by._tl|e use of the Phllosopher a Stone into gold weighing 24,000 sovereigns, or equal to 120,000. Streeter appeared to agree to this and asked that Pinter should go -to his jewelry works to. further test the power of the Philosopher s Stone. Pinter consented and appeared there on May 4, placed two sovereigns in a cruel- ble. covered them with the powder and placed the crucible and its -contents in a heated furnace. Streeter, however, had be- come suspicious and when the gold was sim- mering he gave a signal which brought two Scotland Yard detectives from concealment in the workshop and Pinter was arrested. \ 1171.-.. _...._r.____; A e ` `the new-I - - - - azxcnnnavanvcvm .: -as--. .us..m---.v-s-u-n* _ _COMM,lTTE,p. A:-93; IRIA % u.-uuuuai-n [u.a;~ Jufnu Dunn. -- ..--vr wave a. nuvcnv was! as nuevvuo (_jVVV~l1`en arraigned to-day Plnterlnsisted he could increase the weight of gold- and asked it it was just that he should be compelled -to divulge his secret in court. ' Thereupon Streeter called attention to the fact that Pinter, while claiming to increase the weight of gold. refused to make the increase with gold bars and kept everybody away from the crucible while the v`fexperimen_t" was being conducted. claiming the fumes of the acid he used would kill any- body who* approached it without being thoroughly prepared for and guarded against the fumes. - - ouueuavnli Messrs. A-very 85 Pollard appeared as counsel for the Public Prosecutcr_ underla- structions from the Treasury Department. Mr. Avery said the game the prisoner played was 0! the most simple nature possible. He made it a condition of his "experiments that the sovereigns were to remain in the acid or composition which he used for a cer- tain time. The prisoner would theu use materials which produced such a horrible stench that everybody present at the ex- periment was glad to crush away. When they returned to ascertain the result 9! the American's work they found the prisoner and the sovereigns gone. Several years ago Pinter played this trick with success in Liverpool. He then managed to get 500 sovereigns and vanished. The hearing was then adjourned. m'\.;n'<.>`t.1';"t'l.1;:;e'op1e said to have ben . vie,- tianzedv by Pinter : Philosopher's Stone is a. member of the Rothschild family and a `member of the firm of Baring -Bros. Want of Harmony in the Camper Legis- - llative Prohibltioniste. `OTTAWA, May 12.--At a conference of Senators and members of Parliament in- terested in prohibition held in the tower room this morning, the action of the Alliance Com- mittee on Legislation at their meeting last week was endorsed and it was decided to in- troduce the immediate prohibition resolution agreed upon at the earliest practicable moment. There were some differences of opinion on matters of detail. The meeting was rather stormy at the outset. as the re- sult of the announcement made by the chair- man, Mr. Jamieson, that he intended to move the resolution adopted by the Alliance Committee, thus shutting oi! any alteration which this meeting might pro- pose. A number of members opposed to im- mediate prohibition objected to the reso- lution and held that the present meeting wasaltogether useless if they werenot to be allowed to declare what shape the Parlia- __ -1. _--|.| 5-1-- `A ...-...~.I- iklan uuuvvuuwuvvuuw vvuuev -u--yv .-. _...-... mentary action should take. Amongst those strongly objecting were Messrs. Taylor and Trow, the chic! whips of the Government and Opposition `respectively. They declared that many members favorably disposed _to the principle of prohibition would be com- pelled to_ vote against the proposed immediate enforcement. Finally` the dissidents left the room and the members remaining endorsed the resolution as above stated. commits Suicide at Buonos Ayres Under the Wheels of a Train. LONDON, May 11.--Many there are who will remember the commotion that was caused when the news was spread in March, 1854, that Charles III. of the Duchy of Parma, in`Itaiy, had been stabbed to death by an assassin.` All the police authorities in Europe were long in search of the murderer, but they failed to nd him and the foul deed has long ceased to be spoken about. But a man known as Louis Barda lately committed suicide at Buenos Ayres by throwing himselt down before a railway train. He has left - behind him documented fwhich,.as it is now made lknownfperfectly satisfy the Italian police that the self-murderer was none other than Cara, the assassin oi._Charlea III. _._-------:.------------ Printing Oilloo Burned. _ Mmnnaoox, May 12.-About 10 o clock on Monday night The Millbrook Reporter print- ing office was destroyed by re. who print- in; plant. owned by T. 'B.,Co1line do 00., was 3 total loss. The plant was insured in the Norwich Union for 81500. the building in the Western for 8200. ` , As expeouathe huhgry Austrollans will not let the world : Ioulllng ohamplonulip have their soil. It Blaonbury should win this race hqwill tlndjomo excuse for postponing Amorloan. visit and moo with O Conno"r. ' Bhouldnobosn win than Stonburrs patriot-,,. Inn wlll not ho violated by: tifp so this con- l`ho'World e Chnmploliehlp to I50 0outeet- ed tor`-In Australia in July. ' 8YbNn:!._N.S.W,,Mey-V12.-4A match has been fixed between McLean and Stehbury, the oarsmen, for the championship and 200 : 3 side, the contest to tete `place on the Pure- ...-...._ 1:u..'...`. Tnla I1` nch rnuuuaxplulh j V`"V'" `"3 """""' " ~ Azmnxcm: Boston 18. Columbus 53 A9519 mu 9; Loummo 4; St. Louis 6, Balslmqro 0: Olnoinnayl 6, W'uhinton~9. I = in...` _.__..- Bngliu ll Illunnw ,0 `I IIUU Illlw vvuvuruv vv 1 mutt; River. July 7." NLTl0NAL:`F1;lIt;;):ir 6,'3w York}; Brooklyn 18, Cincinnati 7; Olmlond 3.1 hiladolplii 8; chic-to 11. Bo-ton 6- A-._......-. `Adlai: `IR nlnumhnins Ah. 635:7 DlVVI\$Ilvv Iv` Ivguuuu--- . I Lebanon 1}~Nov` 7. CONSIDERABLE OBJECTION. 'MURDER OF CHARLES Ill. lg frliioq Loaguu. II! .;_I....._ A `T-.. "thelife of the Cnarewitch and that he had ` port that an attempt hue 'rna_de npo:~' been wounded in the head by a fanatic. The deepeteh says the attack up m the heir to the Basel V an throne was made yesterday and that the eoeneot the attempted assassination Waist Oteu. on Lake Biwa. 18 miles from Kioto, how omcially called Saekio, or W est- ern Capital, the former capital of Japan, on `the Island on Henna, 2`: miles by rail north- east A of Ozako and 250 miles eonthwevt of Tokyo. The Czarewitch, who has been travel- ing in-Indie endechine for some tivne past, recently returned to Hong Kong from Can- ton and started for Foo Chow and? Haukow. After leaving China the eCzarAe_\\ itch started fin` .'nI'in n ` "1'HEcz.newnr;cH or-`H #7.-ssu OUSLYVVOUNO.*..)_. LONDON, May I2.-A dospatch-rq here fl-om.Japan ololally conrms an attempt has been th nf OI-in I'1....__ ..._'L -1, I A Iunuuv. Arum ! with a- 5'.l|-zrt Suooomls In Bully tiullimc mu` .Romn.uo`R Prince uomcq He is! .l'I _ " L Parctilarai of the ;\lIvt~lllMlM|5.` ` ` 8u.&Ne1_"1`Ax,>'Ma"y` 12. -4-.-'i.'l1'i`) --`Q2-i.l`B`.1 itch had gone to apictnresqne resort V-known as Otsu 011: Lake Biwaumi. six miles from Kioto, Japan. 'l`here`Va 'na'tive~ police- mam, Tsuda e Zinsn, struck the CZI.l`0- witch, on the head with a sword with intent to murder -him, but owing to the toughness and thioknessvof the Cznrewitch s sun helmet the wound inflicted by the sword was not serious. The. injnrv is de- _scribed as a A. sword cut _ on the side of the forehead. The Czaretvitch and party immediately returned to Kioto and-there obtained surgical assistance; It is believed the culprit is insane, or that brood- ing over fancied wrongs he was tempted to commit the deed by the-presence of the illus- trious guest. The Emparor and his minis- ters hurried to Kioto to express their con-_ 00"). r`_____ ___7_ _ .. _. .... A. . - -377%! IUK V II {or J gpan. with has ST. PETERSBURG; Li-my l3.-The official account conrms the dospat-ch from Shang- hai about the attack on the Czzrewitch, and adds that as the assailant raiscd`his weapon for a second blow Prince George of Greece oored him `with his walking stick. The Czarewitch himself telegraphed his father that his injury was not serious enough to change his program. nu! Id `,t\I n\I1 A In A up--uc`u unch- YOKOI!1LM:,vE; 1:3. - According to ad- vices receivedhere the wounds indicted on the Czerewitch are more serious than rep ort- ed or them at first supposed.` `Nrther par- ticulars of theiaffair are a.uxiou-_.y expected here. The utmost regret at the occurrence is expressed in Government diplomatic circles. The French Senate Adopts the Commit- tee's Report of Arbitration. . `PARIS. May i2. -The Senate has approved of the report made by the committee on the Newfoundland arbitration convention. Be- forethe adoption of the report the Marquis de Beaumanoiz said there was no need to. add to the number of treaties existing, remark- ing: .We are at home on the French shore and can make our own police regu- lations: The British have no right to know whether we sh for iobsters or not. They have no right to come there. Treaties often savor ot drawing-room diplomacy. The Minister of Marine ought to strengthen the resolution of_ his colleagues. Ironclads are not meant for more naval promenades. _,__L___ 1' _____-I _._._-_ ..I Ll...L l.1...\...-.. no... can TIC II\IV IIJCIIIJU LU! IOIIIIV III-vino to - v - ~ n v - - vuv . Senator Lenvol argued that France ran :10 risk in referring the matter to arbitration. -"-asour rights do not form part on the ro- ferencojto the arbitrators. '\!l_-L 1:.-_.:-a.-_ -1 `l:1......:..... A (Duh... IUIVIIUU in: out! (II VI In uuvn w. M. Ribot, Minister of Foreign Affairs, `sold thatboth_Governments were obliged to proceed on parallel lines in order` to place themselves in accord with `their respective Legislatures.` There was no `doubt that the English convention bill would pass.` Suits gufac-A In the oxnecor the Minister of the In- " terior. ' LISBON. May 12.5-Iu the midst of the alarm caused here by the...-nancial panic, a `sensation was caused to-day by an explosion. supposed to be,the work of the Republican party, which took place in the Ministry of the Interior. The authorities are keeping the facts from the public, but it is known that the explosion was caused by a dynamite boinb, which caused a tremendous report and did considerable damage. III \XIJUl.||h Joseph Chamberlain and Lo'rd nartington are down with inuenza. - , 3.'I,_ n_-I.1..... 3.- A-hn ]'_In\_ I U |-IVVVIJ Vvluu luuuvuue-o There was a panicky feeling in the Lon- don Sbock. Exchange yesterday.` Berlin an Paris Bourses were depressed. . on... u`........ -1 nmmnnn vanfnr-3nI`r av- , Chat From Over tho Sen. All Jews are being expelled from beyond the Caspian, V ll'\I.l..L- A..- kunnrinnnn` uvnnunra hnvn ufrnnk uuu Uuapluuo . Thirty-vo hundred weavers have struck at Ghent. `,1 lI|,_,__|____I-.I._ _...I 1' ....A Lanai-ivkmtrnn KIT]! Duuruua vvunu uvya vuawu. - The House ot . Commons yesterday ex- pelled Capt. Verney. `De Cobain will also be expelled in a day or two. The South Wales miners conference, by a vote of 87 to 27 has resolvedto continue the agitation for at working day of eight hours. rm... 'I5..I..... (In-gum-mnl-. hnn threatened Igwuuuu l.Ul` u VVUIIILI5 um; vu. V-5... ..v....... The `Belgian Government lme threatened to expel Gen. Boulenger from the country unlessjhe is silent on political matters. For Counterfeiting. I SANDWICH, May 12.-John St-inson and his son William were placed on trial here to- daypfor having in their possession .tools used In the manufacture of bogus `American silver dollars. The prisoners have a farm in % `Rochester Township, Essexcounty, and had, at the time of their arrest in. January last, a * restaurant in Detroit. The prisoners were A arrested on the farm and the toolacon.-which the charge is based were found on it; De- tectives" Mulhall and Turnhull were the principal yritnemee examined to-day. The former testified that the prisoners made counterfeit money in hiepreseuce and sold it . . 1: :._I_1..._ L- Lglnannnni n tho nrnnlrnd to him, thinking he belonged to the cro;l`t.e;l' traternity. ~--- Wu lot Drunk, HAMILTON, May 12.-Before the police aommiesionere this morning Big Jan Mac- kenzie, the well-known ' detective, wee charged with getting _n jag `on, so to_ speak, hiring the lorepoon on April 2; and that `while in thotjetate he visited the house" of J. E. Berrynnn and insultel the Queen, Six` John A. .MZa.odonn1d,.Berryman.and:his wife. sltwu broughtaontahy; the evidence of Chief IpKtnnou. Dr. vWClle9e_ and others that the ioender wee dued with quinine and not with >iiquur,`nnd -e ou'eewu'nil'oweti to drop. Brushes,| h cqnvligtdd c)lMurdor;V_ . A v`-Wx_muna, my 12.-At that C.I'i!ninal,*3 Court, whiclxopouod at Buttlotord,y 9auorday % 'I|dtihIr, I -wlontultoowboy, win ..tr?id ma `(ound'`i:1Io yjotdIo Ihurdor=ydt`agb':gXtbrood' umod l`u't*Fblswax-y_.* A%'l`Al`ACKEI%) BY A .l,A,l . FRANCE AND NEWFOUNDLAND. A Lnsa`c$N EXPLOSION. dosmtch roceivod ' lIl\n| H n... .- L`. - Young an-,,. swat.` `E~'.'E`i-l|`, , : To 47 Dunlop Str_eo*,. next doof to Ex- preu and Telegraph Omoo. gmunau-: - :- Lnuij uzncumr 'rAu.ons (TOWN _AND FARM PROPERTY) FOR SALE CHEAP.` ` ........ mi 10 acres of Lot 32.11: `In: con. Towxsmp or GonpoN-D1anuc'r or Amonn i not Is.'_ West Range. looacrea. Imog-an-on IBIS was U lluu. I) van Iouv nuuu 3 VI. uuo 00, ll] 8th 0011.. 10 cores. Went} Lot 19, Con. 13. T . All ct pert Lot 2. in 1th Con.. east of railway. 90 acres. W. } Lot 14. in 6th com. 100 acres. 1!. i Let 1. Con. 6. 100 acres. except cent): to "175? 8. in 13 con{. zoo cares Towxsmp or Run. Oxrrnuo comrrr. Lot 10. Concession B_; 102 acres. Lot 8. Conoeeeion "G. -100 acres. I Il\1\1'I\\? A ITYJB O. 1BI)'I l`I`ElII in-Ia cl-IEQIJE BANK qumma.) Established in London. 1373. CHIEF OFFICE 2 4 wnmoo mes. PALI. MALL, LONDON. musrnns: Joan EDWARD TAYLOR. Esq.. Tm: Rxewr Hos. Eur. Buucruur. "6 3 The apital of the Bank. together with its , Gun:-anteo Fund or 60 per gent... is invested in British Government Securities. - The bank does not discount lob: or bills. V nnvu nnnnulnfn hilt Inllli `HI .IU'II`CI lllfllllf. 5cu1`3*13 I