vvvv-vvgvvv. =17? _ orrronev-`:iiiT15ffHih%361TV 9 .u|nAvn..q4nm- ;3"!:';u$h`:1"i7:-'I'3o'7._T'T'[:'.'f;;;'.'.`.r.' 2 on-.....u".".2'..`.a 'l`h(nI-.idnv .' UIWWI Dllu.M.0llu'BIIl..unu...._.... | R` I no 09 91906: Inf. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Grand Trunk `I! 1' n0rnIVuIIWuy`l`ul'5uIc|ooooonooou4 `N0 ` GrandTrunkEa.at....................|] Northern Banana` South)....;....... North Bimooe ws , Ponetsnzuh sheneandimidlan Kfnurvnnnbnf. , , , , _ _ _ .. ` :_'v`r3;3t';"::::::::::::::;:::.::Z323:N Hamilton and Beeton Branch Rull- ` Wlyuuoomvnuucotuoosnw 'Meatord'Bra.noh Rsllwayu Gnlllncwnod . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LLLIICQIIOOIIIOIDIO Iuliuooooluvlilttnu R b E Il`9IOIIOllilIOII`I :-1x'hu`na't."Mondy. Wednesday and F1-idn.v ...................... - - IIEGORATOIEIIUI WATER . ,1`,;'! w_'-Kl. .VxrY `_._` ,' _r _. .4_n.|' 4.` _.`_._4,._ . bnxeumi i5no""'_1iu1sr'5 ammo: " ; nous nunn. n-01-rosrrz BARBIE HOTEL` BARRW Carpenter and Builder. 0: Doorl. Blinds. Mon! 0! all kin Faotorv. John street. done promptly uonuor thotollowinc In ` `oonipunou -nc:uo A: -AIQOCQAQQ -nonnc Agog; V DUNLOP _s'r1u:1_I.'r. manngri and Benson in-o1':_:'u1`s4nd not on about IOICIUOIIOOI I I O O O I IIOOOIIO 'Jl.lll.l.llLl'UTIo manual-Y. , WBIIHBBIIII Friduvgool_0IcgvICI9I90|ICoo?n lmw. Eolur gmmnl J. CULVERWELU8 "6i:i5f 6i 'i.bN i5o1; i:i~' `LX1?13. bun! 3111'; mm rnx I TEWART an SPROUL. Barristers. Solici- tors Notaries. Conveyance:-s Money to n. Omoeu-2 Doors North of an]: of To- ronto.A0wen Street. Barrie. 7? n n_..--.u-un I 7|` RDIIDYYIC- Ida: Steel Mitchell` .ndMt. OU'I'lOIOIIIlO?` !,.1`u&o'_1:!_:ni Friduym. 1 War` 1-ll nu nanny. urlwm Term: on` top IILIL _ 17.. -L. nu - w . . v v . v . ~y_ V - - - - - . - - --,v-.. II.OIIIOI.IOIIQUII'CIQOCOIIII |ilwwNorth.V..........'. I1-`nah Rnllwnm... . . . . . . UCIZULUIIVIIU ll "iisomu BREAD FREDERICK J` BROWN AMESEDWARDS. Conveyanoer. Issuerot Martin e ldceneee. Olce atrlotly`pr1- Vvate. Post 0 do Building. Barrie, nd tfyxle private residence. Merv an-eet`. [4mnm| HAVING purohuod uie promises of the law : W. H. Orou-it 00.; we are prepared to` M! the I-IVIGHIST:-DASH: PRIOI for TAN BARK. fl-IIDES-' `OAI'-FIKIN8u' 8HllP8K|N8,.,1'ALLO\V,3oto.- % -gg. _ '1`. BANTING. CLERK COUNTY OF SIM- oon. will be at me oiee at the Court uouee. Bu-rle. every Saturday. Residence and D n nnnkntnwn. _ Are u ty. and artlea intondin to have `sales, oonsultth 1-own intotesta yplaoing their sales in his hands. ` or orders left at the Anmm blca will be attended to. ss_ , G. R. roan. :3ANDLlIS `ALI; limbs or we-r1o`N[ suns. ; GEORGE MONIKMAN, BIIEMIST AN!) nnussIsT. u:x1%noonm*nAu.x~ or cduums. 0lYST,5:|PfA`A5J%3T0 RE5; 1% A % L4is0*1 B8I0K:~I-0 PR1ES= 4 `L. . . *-The popum Ronu.nutaLwaaL-..w:nn1. 3:5! Noun Jlontreol. etc ~ Intending settler: _ Ins` lot, unation w,iil;rHao9iv,o`_ prompt ;*?P'- `_---iv %,:7 .__.._7 V "-'G'1'%EE'rItsfG':c `"_ " A f Ifextend my sincere thanks for your generous and iibersl` p_s.tronage and sup- port." ,It.fosn_not he denied that such .s`upport~comes as an acknowledgement that DIAMOND -HALL is _ th9E best `place for higvhv-class'sWa.tohes and Clocks. I v vill"add during 4t`he fa'll some novel and attrsctivegoods, and will keep none but the best. :v-- v.---' vv ' "-rE.'z"$.'66?:"n"I~"L.;NnT. 29-tt Apvmon Omoe. Agent tor Barrie 2 ooons west or rnmtnnla Hum. A oadlnollcitod for all kinds of DRUGS, PATENT nmnxomns, mm: swam, soA1>s,oom3s, AND BRUSHES, V * VIIIUV, l|ll V DIV. U Y El J lllvuucug Jomv. Dmxmsox B. A.. ` F. Mdowmr. - __--w - w--wet: TIC`-U . ., , l_ . . ` ` : 1yw4:-.r( ` . =':..:..'.-`-.. . H ,`T~.4.'.`1-' .. .' * V K-2. :1 .3 .- z s i u . gv B-AfB_BI~E.-" lglonopy-to loan 9:: reasonable 11-ates. _ II.` Jo VFLETOIIEB, `.-` A. . BIIOWNLEE. '8' '_ . " .. Dnnlongl`-oet. BSrrio. ITO} E~%PUBl|.G lilllllll Dlllllo U081} 3 `I116 IOWBIIB ED515581 with satet . Bonuses every three gears. never less than _ percent. on the lite p 11. nor less than 14 per cent. on the endowment plan. Total Abstinence Assurance: The only eompan in Canada oiferlng special advantages to tota ab- stalners. Accumulated Fund nearly :e.ooo.ooo. Heed otllce torsnada, Montreal. '9 `V. 1-uosvvv-`nor nnvvsuun Inns ow neume AIIBTIONEEH I G. R. FORD, ` 1 % sum` up. or .9 % A FAN9Y, <'%@-099? Y J4|NE' R. A. Douous, V , `mm anvs(mu.n1 . nonlwiuss Bl._ocK.DllllI.oPs1'.`BARlIlE_ E on a. solid foundation of economy or management and. sound business prlnoixies. Speo1sl1_eetures:Fortyeers experience; b- etel term of Policy on non-forfeiteble after two and three years. . Prominent 0 eat : Sound life assurance; -87,000,000 aid in ms; 4.000 tsmmes beneted. Cost: he lowest consistent Ilvlfh -nfntv Dnnuunn nunnnr Gianna wanna manga- 711515 JAILVU li5'l'A.15l.,4.| nmu UUULYALV 1 18 based 'o1=' `.;`B1\1 G-_'ZL.A.J$1'D. nsu3_u1_:_-l:n IN 1347. Tara LONG` msrusmsnmn COMPANY is economy Innnnanvnnnl! nn -nnn hi-Ininnnn nrlnnlnlnn [LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY} BOIIID. Burma. 0 V 1 PD. Oookutown. rnuonnmoxs onnunnr oourovxnxn. ` iIisunAucE 3. REAL ESTATE mints. TOILET AR'1`IOLE`S'--A FULL LINE. `FARM STOCKSALES ` V :3. ` AGINT8 .- '2' . _B_`1=1'I`IS I-I EMPIRE THE NORTHERN ADVANCE "--wmAbo.tnna-,- B. PALMER. SURGEON. EYE.-VEAR,. Throa N 46 Gerrard-atreet. out To- m m-=*"Fb:1ai-`*=a::d :.:::*:..2:,.a-;: :::.& n'ngnt.he seoghd Fryiday at ev'ery month. ' ..,,.--, &ti`gut L $ _ , at-.`-Belli Brovni, Ethel ' ' Shaw. 013:: II jt-.-Muggio Cameron, Lizzie Wortley, Beuie Malcolm. ' K ' vii. ty 1 _;..`v`w:_J'_ $..V~..` . ' r April`:-.-0lgq.I,LtYe-ll I IV Mboh ; cuuirp WI1'u'.B:oag ]`)'ItI"TI-c- nen;._Im1n nruuu, . ... Btwu-dJISlcolnr:* """` I: -'~`_ 1 r . , ~ --s_v \ s `V-_ "v..- - V pnlilnic school 6 .A%"l9 .. . . . Olen`. -Jelm` Scott. 3 Okla IV--Hoghl Leughlan, Bertha Rosutree`, Florence Riohey; "Chis .II{-Lillian 3'Ou-Icadden, David .D&Vidl0n,` John. `Robilltrd. Glue Il at.--Willie%Lncu; -Jeuie` Davidson, ' "Inainda..1'n 3 order of lIlOl'lt:-'--= Lucy Smith." .0153: II jr.-:-Amelia, Deaordte, Alfred Wallace, Felix Deajar-3' gilne, Average attendance for the`-month '1 V 0, 31'. `EIGIJIIIII uuyvsuvly, , 99 .l'_J 3` get. Class IV.`, J r.-J oaep"h'~ Smith, Lillie I. Grifn; Minnie Wilson.` - Class III. -Albert Ervin, Emily Tilson, Angus Ed- gar. Claus `-II.-J ohn H. `Blinks, Almire 0. Banks, Christian Gibson.` Part_'2nd.- Ellen J. `Edgar, Alex. Ross, ` Norman Thompson. Part lat.-_+Albert Thompson A. MoGR-EGOR M. D. O. M. l!'.'l`. M.O. . Graduate ot '1`r{n1ty University. Toronto. euow ot Trinit Medical College. Toronto. Member College hyaiolone and sur eona.0nt. late of Toronto General Hos 1 . 0loe .-n Next door to Mr. Ball : store. T ornton. N.B. -Will he at Ivy every Wedneadogutrrom 1 to 6 . E ' .. 2'1`n.mTWmboot. abort every Fri tgggxflto Gaixl equal relief from pain By the rise" of Clarkfs Lightning. Liniment. The swelled . {nfnl-.n fr-nrn n av"-n-nun nun fnnnnuu an-n 1-a1hnynr1 N Vlll D. lJl6I.l|oLlLl.Ig lJLI.lLlllUll|Ig 1. MG WULlCQ joints from n sprain or founder are relieved and cured at once by its use. Every owner of a horse should kee a. bottle of this great rem- edy in his stable. ` very consideration of econ- omy and humanity sue;gest,_this ready relief. Price vfty cents; sold by all druggists. Clark Chemical Co. , Toronto, New York. Honor Roll of Egbert `Public School No. 14, Essa, for the` `month `of April 1891-. ` Names in order of` merit.` Clap IV. , Sr. -Hannah Lavorsclr, Qusio Ed- ..--. m-.. Iv. .1.-_Jmum`hI. Smith- Honor Roll for Bama Separate School for A ril. Form III`--Fourth Class Sr.-V Mau Blain Maggie`Healy,gJane Kenna, Carrie McGuire, Elizlt Keanoy, C. Moore, J 0 NeilI Fourth 013:: J r.-0. Martin, '1`. Byrne, A. McDonald, J. Keaney, R. Dal- ton, P. Keat'na.. Third Cla.sa--R. Ban-y,J. Brennan", % D. Muhonv, D. McGuire, J. C:-oulund, J no`. McDonald. Second Clan--.E. I Blain,`_ W. Donn , D. Brown, C. Powell, F. Geary. Joe Brennan. 1l':\u-in n`......sI. fII;-_ "___ "____ V. J. uvyuu, .1`. uvlr]. glut; uruuuuu. Form IlI-Fourth Cleu-Mery Moran Amelia Ryan, Lena.` McDonald, Mary Skhel, Inez.Ea1-ly. Third _Oleae-_-Kyetie Moore, "Ella Mahony, Josie. Hamlin. J ouebhine B.oImrd.|Ndre-0roulend_. Sarah Melkim, Kate Bolfe. Second Glue- Winnie Hylend,' Lydia Shenacy, Lula Geery, Mary Sevigny Ollie Scully. :--v- -vv-u Honor roll for Allenwood Public school for the Mouth of April. :-Clsss V- Eneline Srigley. -Class IV;-Richard J. Dickinson. Samuel S1-igley,`,Annie Bay- sroft. Flore Henderson. Class III--' Evngll. Manning, Bose -Beycroft, John Kidd, iAnnic F. Masters, Mary Langmsn, H4-V Lizzie L Mennmg, Welter N orth- A graves, Mnggie Kidd,,Thomss Lsngmsn, Violet `Gm-est`, JennyfBell. Part, II-' John, "W." Doe," J gm; "Forbes, "Elle M. Miillen,Csrrie`:Mehning, Richard Garret, Hen`r y%Bel_lL' Olss`s' I sr. No. 1-Chai-lee. .G;'i|z, John Tubman, .Hettie Henderson, , Archie` M_cQusrrie,, Harry _Wsllsoe. . Class I er. No. 2:-Msggie ',O.`Be1l,'M8l'!iMq-x. Key, :.-Willie` .Lsngmsn,. Thomas Bell," Ethel Baycrolta . Olbss I jr. -Amos D. ?B`ell, Lens sMnllen Samuel" Inngnien, Wsllsce Minty, _N eison Gsrrett. i _ A" Public ao_n_oou. . Honor Roll 'for Bu-"tie Public" School: frAv!fi- . %` A ' ...---.'___` ..3..x_._.. %i1 z.s_n71.;.;$}'iE.L.}"knni Rbgn Msgglo Ohmpboll; .lodid_sh Gz-eon, Eu-nu; "P|l1'VlI,'- Alherts:Booth.s . ` .. . . j _ . ' naunnn "rug LKJIII-.1521- .`l- _LI;; 3,2 I J. $lVl-, E-I333-IIVVUHI ._ 4` ' . .Ro_sm '1%I;'-'4-W-illio' Lilo,:Ms r_tl1"a0riIpln, Olitibrdi % Lloyd; ~` _-1 thew: Robertson, JTain u'H'endrioI'I,~ 3"`. , "- ` Bopm II`l;`-L-!I'iizz`i_O Hst'mah1Arx'n- Itmnk, Edith ,`.B1i]:e1.J;`.' J9.!191""f9':',.1 r ftos: raw:- Rooin v.-.-Vnm*df; V 3hu1;:w.,~n:;' v -Jennie.-`Qliteh Iiiloif . mlh ..=Ell'I:` W111.-' Inn} . a.vuvu.| J. V .-.'AI.I.Alf _ ill} ; `lilll ' nuns Jennie , ,Qlivei",. Lino; Armnon. `Ella Wi1l_ - ' mta .. ..' .,';' , ' :_iR,oom=. Y.-+eMnmia =;'Fyfo,; Percy Spu- ling,:} Ada. =F.yfe, Willie John may-gh.{,s,.. gr-...g.v.; ; .: ..f.; . . `V_'I$=`-+Frink_: Scgddnnd, Uhulie` mm`: "5-` `n{'?,1i*09h.- VA-01i?r*4`Lyon,`~ Ohsrl1o',__.l3m,.'V . ,, i Reign ,r.Minn!o; Sn:-i(;h., 1`+ !siIe.1`i1tf9!&, `B-r- an "'2,-.7.3'-"`u 1; ` .'*(`ii'.-'. .13., ~ .-Boqm:,:.{Yh`rL+m8`an;;rb' . u::.Z9 7.5.i ..,l;'n;:;I:Lini8mith: Hawks. ,_ ` ` .`.`.,:`:'.':'{:;' 29:. Ha; ,:_:.r; 5 ; 1, L Room`IX.-Evn Scott, Olnnnu Sarah Monthur, Roland Oliver, Willie 35? OBI.` ` LIIUILIIIHIIIII -I. Herbert Gama? Mammd (to her little-boy). `V`N ow, Bennie,` ` if you ll be good - and go: to sleep, mamma ll ` give you one 0! Dr. Ayer s nice sugar-coated Cathartic Pills. -next time you need-medicine. Bennie, smiling sweetly. ropped o`. tosleep at Am An nce. Honor 8011. Honor roll Bethesda. Public School for April : 4th--Ide Smith, Mary Coleman, Ada Rosa, Florrie Reiney. 3:-d-Hetty Rainey, Eva Cooper, Ethel Cooper, Frank Wrey. 3rd, J r.-Annie Cooper, Beattie Sproule, Haywood Groee, Frank Hindle. 2nd-R.. Black, Edna. Cooper, Eddie Cooper, Frank Groae- Part:II-- Ogle Moire, Ida. Rsiney. Iat-Cyrus Smith, Joe Cooper, E`a Groae, Tillie Cooper. - ` . _ ' lunar Boa.n'_ V v _ - ' Gain by the use" rnI( l'.n}\l'nI`nn Iivrnnyuf Tho anrann Honor 8011. Honor roll of S. S.v1\To511 Inninl for th'e.mO1ith of April. _l89L:-Clua IV. -- DA- ' (and :Q lo U `l.l.lUI.llou UL ayxug _a.uuL...-vsuu-u a. v. er.-Belle Neely. Clue` IV. jr.-Bei-the Montgomery, Herb Webb. Class III.- George Neely, Loiuie Neely. Meggte Robinson. Clue. II-Fred Birnie, Wil- liam-Howie. Albert Robinson and Nellie Bond equal. Clean I. pert .II--Stephen Fermet, Thou. Fegen, Lilly Leonard Class I pa.rtI--Wlghtman Neely, Allie Feely. V Or so quick to give relief as Clark's Lightning Liniment. It will in a few moments, when taken according to directions, cure cramps,- colic, diarrhoea, dys psia, heartburn, _sick headache. sour stomac ,spasms, wind in the bowels, and all internal pains. It is an ever ready help at every hour of the day or night, and a bottle should be in every cupboard. For sale by all druggists ; price fty cents. Be sure you get (`.lark s Lightning Liniment. Clark Chemical Co;.Toronto, New York- 1 _% Honor Ron. `Noam; so Good R. J. F. PALLING. Graduate of Trlnity University, Toronto. Fellow oi Trinity Medical Coll . Member of the College of Physicians on Surgeons of Ontario. Onioe-- Corner Owen and Collier streets. opposite Central School. V - . czmn yvA3n; Honor Ron. Honor Roll . gnu A T 0. Lily ~~* OIAiver Gszoly, Nellii Cameron, Hat_tioMcKee, N orman Met-.1 HI. ,E,!!i9.1.3.!"!'n.- _ : :-,,':m:.-:'r:A; vtwr v------. `* .1 .11 Hd'o L- ._ __d, John McKenzie, Z. McQudrry, `abort Anderson. 11.7-"'-EddioGa.llio, ~L0nio Atkin- Ion;" ~"Lo_ttie-rw8;nit_h, `Bertie Ford, Role ` Ohgrchillgtn ` -u:.. Smith Mnrthn $155891 Moved` by M1-.`Little. seconded by Mr. Webb-'1`het the council do now ed'ourn -to meet in Allandele at Graham : otel out Tuesday 26th of May, for the let meeting of the Court of Revision, 2nd meeting .30th of May at Churchill, 3rd meeting, 2nd of June at Crnigvele, 4th 0. ' PALIJNG, _'1`_ow_ynehip Clerk. - meeting, 4th of June it 'l`hornton.--Car-C ed. M . we no ;qsuu-wuwr, uruln VIIIDOIJVOI IO Montrea_l',"1n ninety`-two hours, four hinrs less lthan four` days. The distance from Montreal to Vanoouer is 2.906 miles .sot;his train made an average speed of Moon about 31 miles an hour; Nothing like this has been done on the American lines no1l"oould"it" he done for? the distance by thorn .ysry",`invfuoh greater`. and several '.i1!?9m:syso!Ii!`z9.t0% 'm:V(aPr the :t0.I.1t.bI; ... requiring frequent -P`I"i" K9i'h'aui'n ; -'I`li`. u..-2 .1.-- alr _i'frfho":doj not A travel In . the ' Unubrcnlu. Room III.-lilattie Smith, Mum! Oolquh.,onn., Rona: , Neelanda, ,. Lillie; Rod " QM. "d/MOF :1 d. . ` R53: IV...-5`-I-1}lmr E4-git, Melvin Lam-. ` VJennio Cummings, Ethel Hudson, 'l`_eonie M.MiuIna` 2 ' ' . '. ' _ * , Room .V.--Glon'u Molntyre, Lillie Galbraith, Mabel Nolnnth, Mabel `3-A-- `l2|....I:... AAAGIIQ , DIUKDI irown. ".='nai'?1'3msT' Honorzroll of `I31-sinswiok Public School `for April: Senior 4th.-.-J. Nixon, S. ; Nixon. .A..~rMorrinon,- O. `Blackmore. : Junior 4th.--Mina Ross. G. Henson, E. i Mitchell, W. A Foster. Third Clau--J. -Warnica, My tsibbald, A. May, .H.: Morrison. . Seoondclass--VR. Forbes, A. ` Nixon, W. Morrison, Jan.-Colbert. - . - 1 A-In WUI at night. Innlsm council. Petitions of Thomas Teasdsle, James McLean, and Isaac Robinson. Com- munications from ~W. C. Sohreiber, A. Gsrtley,_G. P. McKay, W. L. Walsh, J. Mnwnn Q!!!` T "U T\-..:- A4;...' -3 A uauswuuvu run 1.. 1.1.. slaving ncva- U1 :1 !Gilpin, W. R.Oo1em_an and Geo. Leslie. A g4nA- 1;;-nan A-.`_.._J L- L- Indiqenta, Mrs. Bowman, $5.00; Mrs. Marlin, $5.00; Mrs. Meredith, $5.00; Mrs, Davidson, $5.00; Mrs. Gillespie, $5.00; Mrs- Irwin: family, $b.00;I.Jamea 0 vMi:Lean, $5.00; `John Cowly,.810.00. hi! -AAA-`AAA L-- I UUI-III WUWI "I.l.vAJwl-I, |pv.vv,' ,_0.LU.UU.V Moved by Mr. Webb. seconded by Mr. Little-'l`hat Mr. W. R. Coleman be ap- pointed Arbitzator for this Township in connection with. Union School section be- tween Innisl. Veapradand Ens.--Carried - 'Il'..l'V.....1.....' _-A-- J A -` L - u-.vv uu nu nun :5 In one ullb|iU!'.*"UIl'l'l6(1. Moved by Mr..Webb, seconded by Mr. AMcGonkey-'--.'1`hM the clerk be instructed to ordergix copies of /the,.municipal- mis- cellany for the age of clerk slid members "A- -2 I... II- 'Il'_t`I,._ 1, , C O - vs vulw vvullvlle VCl~';|IUInII Moved by Mr. McOonkey, seconded by Mr. Webb-'I`ha.t` the clerk be instructed "to. write .to Mr. A Wm. Greeneld asking him to remove his old stable and buildings o` main street Allandslest once ".'"i.`_i. V v-u anuuuv Vvlllcllio The apezi;-1. traih Awhih_ brought the round-thoyjrorld Apuneuggi-3 by the Em- preu of India made the run from, `tide- wg to ,` , ddlwster; from Vancouver to -tn` M`~.m'_aa.Il='a.`..T `..a..;.'.4.-...a.;...~ 1.-.... l---- Honor Roll. Honor roll for S. S. No. .11. Om, names given in order of merit : Class V. --James Wiggin. Clue IV.-Alf. W. "Bell, Hugh Roan. Ida Emma. Class III. _ art of I-, Sr.-Rob.' Crawford, Anniei Oliver B. Ross. Class II., Sr.-Ann. J .. Kirkpatrick, F rnncie Bell, Willie Craw- ford. Class II., Jr.--Alex. Crawford, Freddie Crawford, Mary` O Hearn. II. \ -C_ha.u. G. Kirkpatrick. Jeanie Perry, I vie,-' Jane D. Ross. 11. part of I. Jr. -Ba.rbsra` 0 Hearn, Gilbert .McCuaig, Donald McCuaig; Class I., Sr.-Emma Pen-y,i Ellen 0'1-. learn, Maths Ross. l Class. I., J r.-Archie MoArthur, Herbie Crawford, Maggie Bell. A PKIIUIV .9` `U3 SUVIIIIIE |ITIIUI\l `1 We have received from Messrs. Williamson 65 Co., publishers, Toronto, a little paper cover book, entitled The Breeding of Horses in Canada, Price 30c. It contains some useful hints on horse breeding, which will be protably read by all who want to go into the business of raising horses for the British market. Our farmers ought to know that there is money in this business to those who par- sue it in the right way. The author of this little horse book is H. Qaetton, St. VISAS IIUUIIJ IIIII -? II\I\J George, Oaktidgea; LOUNT. HEWSON 8:. ORESWIOKE BAR- rlstera, Solicitors of the Supreme (5 Jud! nature at Ontar1o..Prooton, NotarleI%on- voyuoon. to. Money to Loan. Omoos- th- woll'u Block. opposte N. 8: N, W. Ry. Station. Bu-1'10. _ Wu. Loan-r. 3. 0. O. E. Blwsox. 1;- .11. Gnmswmxl. out or W. L.`w.1.;1;, TII McFadden and T.'H. Davin. Aces ; ofA (1:I-2_ `IT 'I'\ I1_1_.___,, ,, 1 vhe following aocs. were ordered to be ` paid, A. W. Gilpin, hauling gravel and lling in culvert in Allandale, $2 50 ; W. R.` Coleman, 157 ft. cedar, $4.71; Geo. Leslie, repairing culvert on 12 con, $5.00 also that Mr; Mconkey be authorized to i call for tenders at Crouaus creek on 4 ` sideline; _Dr. Little, $2.00 to send .Mias ` Clayton to General Hospital ; Henry ` Sloan 870, balance of salary for assessor ; fox; l_9l. \ up 1-; 4.. -- __ 1 vvvvvu suuauul. V Uwyluytv J-`lDIlo""\J'HI'I'l8Cl Moved by Mr. Mc0onkey', seconded by Mr. Little-`-That_ hsving considered the petition of Isaac Robinson and others in regard to overowofwster from con 14 to buy, they recommend. thstno action, be taken in the.mstter.as they consider they hsveno authority in the mutter.--Carried. "Anna "us ,5!-.1.` -.s--_.I-J I-- `ll , is [[110 U UUF wrlval .1!) Ppllntsizaifzi;-l: line `has tI;ti,.`!51h ,0.1a9dVAnV { . ittlt-E-11 under %9;.:9P8F..!5`P? . A V`, 1 L ii ' o` o gncivof th91ourne;|;o the Ed.1t.or s Table. ' The Methodist Magazine for Key is on 1 our table, is :5 capital number lled with good things and nely illustrated. This Magazine merits the generous support not only of Methodists, `but of the general public for its sterling qualities, X- 1.-.... -......8-nu! 8---n `IE4---- W Baby was sick, we gave her Castoris: Whit Bhewala Child, she cried for Castoria. When she boume Miss, she clung to Custom. When ohohd Gxlldron, the gavothln Cutorh. -:u:---.-3-Qa--nj:-nu A G:-at Aolnvoinen .-_.!_I A_,! I1`: 1 Wl` VABD.. - -5 C 7 - 9.. W. A. Boss. moiehuaue at the Royal 1 S Edlnb . Licentiate nf Izl-9:1l!g|`I1n.?Co3?r?!::.PhYBi1:1l. Enlindo yxnva vu --_-- Mu-rin, Dan Samara: 2-2:3 " I V"-"'-'I to = $0 @l`n.`,_tbing .o.thI.3-A to Vanomjeu in and The Sweating System. The sweating system as carried on ;. New York city, the subject of a report re` ceutly submitted to the Legislature of tbs`. State, is one of the chief causes of low wages in certain articles of clothing. FW3 60,000 to 70,000 of these workers live 1: miserable tenement houses, working fro: twelve toeighteen hours per day for net? to nothing. They are all foreigera, 53'- few of whom speak the English 187-" nnnnh Fathers. And Sons. ATHERS and sons as well as \\'i\`1~i 1- daughters need a purifying tom 1:. cine in Spring to prepare the system I1: is v; hot season an accumulated in Winter. B. B. B. has no vxf ~ as a spring purier and costs less than .4 cg. dose. There is healing virtue in ex :-1}` II ' B30. Worse, worst. drive out the seeds of dism Cold; cough," consumption, to cm. the and second and prevent the third use ll;a;_'_w-' -- Pectoral Balsam, the never-failing fauni'._\' nu- icine for all diseases of the throat, Iung_'<, -if chest.` A marvel of healing in 1~u1mon`+ "complaints. BURDCCK 31.001) BITTERS for the ma- BUR-DOCK BLOOD BITTERS for the L1o~--A BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS for the my ABURDOCK.` BLOOD BITTERS "for tl1cN0<'; BURDOC`-K BLOOD BITTERS for the bloc-T BURDOQK BLOOD BITTERS for the hblox ' "5 cauhtlnashut. FREQUENT source' of accident is W `in sliafting. Great care should b9 u-ed a supply of Hagyards Yellow on kevt 0" "*,L in case of wounds, bruises, sprains, burn-'_,'., s$3ld3- It is th Pl'ov1Ptest Pain reliever Ohm" H. R. ' ' K s %ZB`i`e`.` HUI IIIIIH , av: vuv v uv uuuf ll - " The followtng`6e_xtract rigm p|'int e d for _Rioharde Bankes by Rage! Wyer. relatmg to the legal times of w "' meals` and sleep for articera in the (M of King Henry VIII., and entitled Egg Ordynral orstatut concernying A f he Servauntea, and labourers, newly pyr Ycera with` dyvers other things zherim `ddedxr will doubtless be of imer`:l.1tt~. .6It is enacted by ye eayd statute made ir. I the Vi. you of King Henry the VI - iii. chaptyer, that every artyfyce,a'~' the myddea of March and myddea of f'::;`:::.'..;;`:;:. ill? 2` halte an {cure for his breflxsfa 1 have but houre and an halfe for his 3 me and time as he hath to ale e b yltfyr M such and when he bath to 315 e by he ?"te, and whenhe hath no aeiaony tto ehsytame m av, poyngecl to ;_slepe;;'th(lan he shall have bag ne otflre her 15 yner, and halfe an dourete or t lf noottlte mealt{e, and um he .:.,,a .1: ': And that slam the me dfljsc oef gt nigh" to the myddes of Maryche l eptembm and labourer to be at worLer51a" f * `of the (laye and departe notn t llnprynge And yf that any of the sa d y nyght` _Y 9 Aftifycers or (labourers do offende 111 any of mm Artyclea, that then theyre defaultea to be marked by hym or hm deputy that shall paye theyr wages, and at the weke a egi theyr wages to be abated after the me And that the saydeartyfycers and labour. or: shall not alepe 1n the day, but one; tlfze lnyddest of Mayo unto the myddegf H '0 Auguste. The Chntern Hundreds. We have received by postal card an ;;. quiry as to the meaning of the phm, used in the despatches from London. 1:. which the statement is made that )1: Parnell accepted the,Chi1tern H undreds. and will stand for re-election `to Parlia- ment in the Cork District. The wnzer wants to know what the Chiltern Hm; dreds are. The word hundred" is use: in England to designate a division or par: of a country supposed to have original; contained 100 families. There are tllri: of these divisions called the Chilter: Hundreds, because they are located 2:. the region of the Chiltern hills: their names are Stoke, Desborough and Burn- ham. The,Chiltern hills lie between l"e:' ford and Hartford. A long time ago they were covered with a thick beech foxes and were a favorite shelter for robbers J So a steward was appointed by the R3,; to put down these marauders. The ne cessity for such an ofcer has lone since ceased, for the beech forests have been ex. down and the country is absolutely peace- fulAbut the office still remains. - ...__-L__ 1 1) College or surgeons. nacnnnnrz. uwununw at the R0 51 College of Physician, England. Ollloe an residence in B1-own o.New mock. Bu-rte. On the premises at night. L . DISC IIIIU UlI\l `Ill-I\I\} QUIC' LIJILIZIIJQD A member of Parliament does not dp rectly resign his seat in that body, but 1:: cannot hold his seat in Parliament and a; oice under the Crown. Accepting at~.`.'. an oice of necessity vacates his seat. Hence the custom arose, when a member from any cause desired to leave Parlin-_ 1110113. that he applied to the Chancellorcz the Exchequer for the stewardship of the Chiltern Hundreds. This being granted. his seat at once becomes vacant. `Im- mediately after he has effected his 0b}<`CT~ he resigns his oice as steward. S0 W Parnell gets out of Parliament by `hi-' means and immediately stands for re-9'19? tion.--Toledo Blade. xi T , ` Cue. qetlanai; ~The`cue'ofMrs E,:A, Storey, Of 5100;; Ont..`is remarkable proof of BuFd"F0r Bitioratinbidicho. She Writes` ~n. . ~40y6u'htI wasfdimartyr to headache 1" Inlw a tucka:about'once a week, H3730 9`. 11005 3 `botfles o1B.'B'.B. and have 113 '...L:1.-.. p`...'; ._.. - _.._!...:.1... tr nu.-an nu-rnu nvuvv vuu Uul provided for it.-Newn. striking for the eight hour ayatexm` &__ v T Haven't Times Change. The following from an Eqglim may form interesting reading Artyfycers of the present day P3138: to the who are Th. fnnnwina nvln-ans :_-, $3 C `UUUIOIUU VI Lhllq ll: Gl- tafekb for 4 or G/m'o_n`1;hs.. , ., Tax. ,3 ". `Th"'i38107'tI5x ma [relieve poverty bug. for painful to H; mtxggle cup for thou u`w" nw E:-zap, sgre W Wlllilzo. colds and in story dW"' May 14, 1391. a.m:.'i oimsox as s.mJn:.N'i; BXRRIE. Im- portal-send Dee1ers1nOoe1eo1.e11k1nds.and Georgetown. Grey and Guelph White F 4 Lime, Cements of all kinds, Fire Bricks van Plasterers Hair. Storehouse at the Northern Beltway Switch. toot or John street. neanthe. mt! The bond of this Lime 1;; bettelathen O Luv nthar kind- and tho nlhh nnnm-lm-. ICKIN BUN an M.AUWA'l"1`. nannnuxnnn, Notaries Public. Solicitor of Supreme Court. 850. Bu-rte, Ont... Oloea in Bank of Toronto Block. No. 8. Owen Street. At Branch Office, Elmvale. everyonday, - ` Yauvnv I\Invrv\vnn\vIl A ' V n W 11 Solicitors. Oonveyunoero. aw. money up Loan. Oloe-Over D. J. Murchison : Eton. Inrket-Street Barrie. Branch 0!oe-Potter u Block. roteenha . lnnuunn .1. Hanan. D. O. Munonxgox. Hum an mmomsox. BA_RB.I8TERS.. . M '50 ......9}%3%E2 3n92'1`?1.&'..r`1&..n-.?:eI cIm. n. WALD I. , UOFHBFTWCIF OI KW` 11. W N ` Oloe. over Mokezsldb Bank. Barrio, on the premise: at night. 16-29. ."` i, an nnsmanm mmd; ii::bu' lolnuloutor. 4 1:. by June: Kerr. hlti. to Q` ' um:-I L! on no'1`o`ot- n on igdud about it. And is beautiful 1 muted. .3- avvly to mnnox. AULH: zmnn. isaam: " -- ---~~ ----% -m ..i-.-am; 1%? . um . ._____._._______.__.__.___....._.__.__._. G A. RADENHURST. BARRISTER. AT- I tornoy Solicitor in Chancery. Come on- azo. odoe-mac Door BouthofPoutO oo. 001'. Elnd'o Block Owen Street. Barrio. 7E'roe`t;'i"6i61'tZ5."'1`l6xihbnb No. 1.093. To .Bowmn. my 3`. E. GALBBAITEQ v-uvp v n w-- - - B. D. S'1'I:wA'1z71"," Bun um. fortunolhnveboodmlditi war for us. by Ann: Par! Auulm Texu,`nhd' Jno. Bonn. To 050 Ohio- Soo out. Others are doing '"`i- W! at you? Home earn over $500300 1. month. You can dulho worrud V0 1 home, whqrevot you no. Em: C- nuou are usually nrnln ~'fmn`II4|o' ` -; 101:1: .411-n g.4WA , nyouhow` 1 V _nnd uar you. an wot gnu utlmu 30:01! the mac. ll: money work: ` _ ,en. Falluro unknown n on; gholu. - ` NEW and wonderful. I`: hlllllifis _ Ilcllnllott 00.. Box 880 l'ortl3IIIl.XO|IO 1' :'.l`RA.'1`HY 86 ESTEN. iI6dk".T'11ottonha.m. lawn J. Hume. D. O. Mtmomsox. OBEPE ROGERS. CHIEF CONSTABLE. County 0! Bunooe. 0moo-Pol1oe Uonrt. A` . it monem W. LOUNT, BARRISTER. AT- I' mrnav- Solicitor. Notary Public. l_Jm08_B ...--v. v-.. 1ALBRAlTH 8: HOWARD. BARRIBTERS I Solicitors. &o.. York Chambers. 9 Toronto mat 'l`nI-nntn- 'l`alanhono No. 1.093. V Ununs ao'riI:1.-A. w. oellent uooomm dlsrd or wall nu: BROWN. odntion for Inp- snd amn- )IOKIN son & MAOWATT. Bmnrswnns, Not_ur1ea_ Pu_bllo_. _8oll`g1`g_o1-A _ot 1.. n-_I. -1 ' R B rrlste 8011- .`E.`.. .'.`2".;..}. .}.' s`.&.,. ...." .5". p.-':'om.. . t R -1 )R:..7Y;.f:.eI?.s.mI;`1:'3.1?ur3. ?lcon31yL:o )3. H. WALLWIN, Corner .-welt "or Post Olnn- nvnr Mall anohh Rank RAI-I-la. "I:-or am ..`mm;u v as 0I'IIZ$C m` OQARTHY. PEPLER & MCCARTHY. Barr tutors. Solicitors. Notaries. 850.. Money to Loan. D'AL'1`0N Mocuvrnv. Q. 0. I . E. P. Pnpuuc. Q.0., J. A. Mocmmv. - Barrie and Amazon. H00An'ra!.,EvAN8.r:I.nn 8: Mocuvmv. '1`. ARNALL. M. D- O. M `omoe in Both- . well : Block. Allundale. Ontheuremises nIaht._ . 4R.lv '00:: Mr-'rms...n ., J hrulvnn nnnn gnu. I .*9.'4>.~::.-..9o'::1a:a.=-::..*.m| |'0NE!{-A large amount ot 1-Into tnndu in km! an ntrnlthl ion: at ovzutlmas; ` V '1`. LITTLE. MD. 0611 hm-4 Dig 1116 00110. 0! (III uune 1! DOEWILUBBI but any other kind. and the nish superior. no -Corner of John and Elisabeth atrooto. 11": nuuuu, auvuu-nu`... .. kings and Y. Faotorv. sweep, B91-rie. 3"` Yo-A IIPIO 0111011! In nvnl to load on night Iona pt owe: MOOARTHY EPLER &. Mood - 16, on rnuay. may we won, uvu: o w . , and the second Friday of every month. I'lVylnIVvvo - w ..---...__.__ , ' vomn :3u5i1o'.'"l3'a_r sndlsrdovall wlth 0 bolt. Good Itabl1usnd.slmn- holtl . L 1 tn a fee :1! ta-43.3511 :`:`5I".'3 `l?'o$vu3'oon1!v1e?i & sn- nreot on Dunlon street. ' T R. FERGUSON. BARRISTE SOLICI- . T03 of the Supreme Court. or udiosture for Ontario. Conveyunoer. &o. Money to Long. - otnoes 1nTBonk ot roronto Block. Owen Steoe Battle. 50 c-_ ll` OI." , Ont. - M:Li1FA0'.I.`UBE8._ ' msinanmu: mw.3.'o. V `o.n:.'nnwsx. A. . H. CBISVHOXI. V PHYSICIANS. OFFICIAL. jfifgm. __ Luau. Uoln TRATHY & EB'1'EN. ` BARRISTERE V ouonoru In High Court. of Justice. Notaries Public. Oonveyancers. Oloes over IheBa.nk of Tomato. Barrio. K. B. smurzn. Q.d.~. G, H. Earns. J. '1`. Snow. van am 2145' I_:the;k;gthe pub1:otvBorriw e for the liberal patronage bestowed upon him in the peat, begs to state that he `has. at con Iiderabie expense increased his baking teoili ties and is now prepared to do a larger business th'n."r' nalgln x _ THE nummllm BAKBIIYI LEADSTHE VAN. .1?`-F: 53.F$9WN -._.l :I_I-` L.- monutootm-ed fresh every day. ` Ask your nrooor for them and you will use no other. Home manna _ocu1.s la wnnnnzea supplied at short notion and on reasonable ` mnnn. ' IWUUII F118 noun! OI-U Ir a, (1 5 D. In. stored Letters nn'Tat '$'3'handed In 15 min- utes tore the close or each mail. [The letters (and all other mail matter) ere taken trom the street letter boxes every day Sundays excepted, at 8.00 o'clock a. In. and at o'clock and at 8.`00`D. In ` 86-11 - J. EDWARDS Postmaster UIPIII IAIN! INNS WIIII EIIU II9V'I'l' g IIIPIEIIGII mont. at mum tuna , mm MEROANTEE 1'13]; INSURANCE 00 Capital 3600.000; Government` dpoult mode. TBIADOVIABI ALLITOUK oounxus. `BEE WATIIRLOOU MUTUAL FIRE INSUR- x .. : AND]: 00. ~(}_ap1tal.'OB0.0O0. 'l.'8l~NOB'1`nlI A880-RA.N0l:00llPAN! EORGE W. LOUNT, $01110! In Bank of Toronto Bun nan:-in, nut. .A.I1IU.B'1'.lliIV. Solicitor. Notary um dings. Oweghgtreet. -n-E::;% ;;;g;;`%I&IIOOIlOI`COII` W u :_r9l_I0 `G:l`I!|d TfI.IIk-lIIt..'.`... |Q>O.III'Ol|O`III N : MonMddooi'uIoc>IuoI_uuc i .` 'll."I"Ul,OKIOjIlloyifoiotootIilofo` Orlllia - I Q I I I I I I I I O I I I I I I I I I I I I I IIIIIIII J-UIIU UFQUTI WW 011 Ill MUIIU Ul'uUI' n!ted8 0111093 1: Canada, tutu. Great mam Prince ` Edward Island. Newfoundland and `India. and nvinxn Rank nnnnitn 1-nnnivnd ha- l l'Ill0U .li(lWBl'II INDIE. JNGWIUUIIIHI I110. India, and Savings Bank deposits renewed be- tween the hours on a. m..an(1 4 p. m. Rmriatarad 'l'.nttm-n mum: ha hnmdnd In 1!! min. [nun wrrma & same PABLOB| us. soala, comnncnn.comssIoIEnmH.c.J. onus a:.ooo.ooo: aojooasced min the am... 0I:tswun,oo.000. Reqeno AMI tnu-no; XlfwxfouaouoocoocoiIoooocooooocoocnu m.TI.ICI IQIOCII IVQVOIIIIII Mnnnn tn . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. III DUB] Barrie. u`}i'ui;`.2 : "0!'UWllHIu.`..........a`.. n u n c - 0100- ` Dnmhn -`Edgar lmnln Illfnhnllh` s`i`.L:.3 i`n"&`11'`.I .f .. Newn;a.rkot_ VOIIIIIl|OIIOl`IIIO-00.00 Hamllmn nmd Baamn Bunch R: Oloe hours. 83.111. to 7 11.11:. Sundo '3 ex- oepted). and for 20 minutes utter a 5 vol of the Toronto night mail on Saturday night only. Mono Orders ted on an Mona Order nltod Btuteo. rltnin Dlvlnnn muvnn Inland Uguplnnnlnn nun` Illll IIWIII Ilwr I ubuu ox rwncu. W I clll l|lI ll|IIl Jvu lIU un- loymonl and teach you ll. No I on to exdaluln here. Full omaon IFBII. TRUE & 0.. All UBTA. nun. SIGN%PA|N*FER:! `HE -Hcmlltont not-ton Bunch ma IIOOITIO C. 0' 0| I00. -~ Rsilws . D-and-Anunlnhnnn, Illtllnnal An Tomnmiilil-OIIOI Toronwoglulclcuto 'l`nv-nnfn _ _ _ . . _ . _ . . . woronu"32!I22212Z2222Iii-IIZ2IIIZZiZZ.ZIZZ Ottawa and.Monu-eal...............A. .\TnnIvhAnn Dnlluvnvlvnnthi , , , , . . . _ Runway... . . . .. .. .`%2.`}.`.`.;`.`;.7.;.'..`%'.'.:_::::::::::::::::L::::.. 000... oocu\-uaoauopoofunacon Uouulkw C0lul1KW00_du..` o u o o cutout-Ionunuauuoo Orn1l.Iooqtvnroonoo I o u c n_ucno pcoo`c-c`ooo- UII"'I` IIICIIIIIIIC'IIIC."I. II B1llsd.a.le.Oro_.1hurst.Dalston.Orown Dual! `Elan: Hfnnln Boueuore. 550.. Ian: unuuu U nu-ee&,To:-onto. Telephone e 'l'. .nWARD. 451v .B`.E.