V: ly shook, as he nervously rubbed the-.1) tr- < LLVI UIIUCIII Clcllll Ills` 1%! EC, |'|LUtlJ\J|y I-l||'ll`|tl Iwu | \ ived from the hand of a servant a nufo 'tten in Cypher, that informed him of tho ` reach of the British eet-. In :1 mommt had forgotten everything save the mix-zsirn n which he had come to Sm'anr.ah. With u not even love could stand in the way of _ ty. Mul:in;;e1'ow quiet and hurried pro- 'etions, he vamishenl from the mansion (1 went to confer with some of his tory ' cljutors. The purpose was to fire the town the rear of the American army, just at the .u e when the battle should fairly begin, and cos-srul, had the moment ever come to put into operation; but before anything certain , uld bu g`nthored, after the British had land- the scatter-ucl and utterly demoralized xericun army was already eeing in every action. Soon enough the advance of the ctorious invm.lurs poured into the town. When the battle began, Mr. Fenwicke was one of his plantations some miles in the untry. By the time he could have his riego made ready and be driven into -- . the British were there, rushing` up and wn in the streets; and committing every age known to a mercenary and utterly nscienceless soldiery. Defence-less citizens --- ALA-J I . - - - ~ - - - . - __ ...-111....-.) _.-...__ he plotvwas well laid and must have been J I 1 : grosser enterprise which he regarded as ` hout a sign or word to any of its inmates, ' llow thisup with a Show of attack `upon 2 uuuu-uyu." ~ He was turning away when she a.r_ose _a.nd came toward him, trying to take hzs `hand. i No, no I don t go, I beg of you I Be 1ndul- : gent; I am so much to be pitied 1 Q1... .....,.1.n .2- ludb-an +.-sum: Hlrn nnn mnnnino ` gllla; 1. I111] EU Luuuu UU UV yuuuu- 4 \ She spoke in hollow tones, like one moaning ~ in delirium. Talbot bowed, and went out. He understood only too well her need of his protection. Perhaps in his heart he wished only to yield, so strong was his desire to extricate himself from the abyss of poverty. nu; - _- ___L _1__ 1...! ............1n Inn.-nun tn}-nan UXl|l'lU&lRi LIUHBUIL l.l'Ul.l.l U110 augao UL Puvvn uJ. ` The next day had scarcely begun, when ` some one knocked softly at To.1bot s door. It was Kitty, very pale, and still agitated bv the violent scene of the night before. She" begged him not to abandon the Russian, but to stay to the end of the agreed term." WA nnn f-AA 'v\nn'n {-11 ha ninn M) Ultllay M) IJLIU euu U1 IJLIU aagzuvu :1. us. We are too `poor, Talbot, to be capricious, she` urged. We are in an adventurous land; why not follow our adventures through? I shall feel safe so long as you are with us." . ~ , I That was a convincing `argument, and Tale hot pressed the girl s hand as he said : You are courageous, Kitty. , Then we will journey along with our strange mistress. '17.-++..v.. mm. nlnnra Hnw a-nnd vnu are!" u` along wlm our strange uuauntura. Kitty s face cleared. How good youare! ` A she returned. . Talbot felt unduly reriarded `by this unde- . served burst of gra.t.itud_e.. He went at once . to Mrs. Relitska. For this visit she had not dared to, hope. On wakingshe had recalled` theevente of the previous night, and had thought with horror of nding herself alone in the boundless west. 'How could Talbot be induced to recall hisc_le'cislon!.' She thought that she imderstood him, and his icy polite-_ `nos! inspired her with a. wholesome fear. l When she entered he could scarcely recognize in her the wreck of the night before. She hastened tohi1'n,andtaking his hand,mad him sit down beside her. - Anna ,1: ,_ - -4. -...'- J.'I._6 u-an tlhh-.96. vnnnll +_- mm 810 (10Wn Dengue um . Tell me at once that you didn`t mean to--- that you win forgive me. ` Mada.me,-- - ~ ' L . It you keep up that severe look Iehall never dare to speak. Don`t been cruel to a ---- -A-an-wanna munching ~ l l"l\I'l t nmw (18.1? W Bpulus. LIUIJ II IUU BU vs uva uu 3 poor, nervous creature, who doesn't always know what she s-about. .-Oh,-'I m not trying to excuse myse1I,for .to ;pleadfextenus.l:in`g cir- cumstances I rely ;:not...upo`n-your . gym.- ipathyhut on generosity. .Think- of an: * the danger-for me hotweenhere andthe ranch; an-. wog1d.:1;e_erue1 to.c1_n;g_t xggotn um whoa, __..3 Thorg was. 9 short, Jilence. You must ` understand that I cannot tolerate any mom such scenes wit'.h~Miss Mellish he said. 3174-- _.-_.. L`. -..--.. `printing, I "Youmay be sure. . It. is not to your entreatiea that I yield,` he went one coldly. -In fact my interest in you but -entirely disappeared. Kitty has made the same request. VIVLA -u-nnnnn nnannnil `nnhn in `nun .l A -`J. C $31559 Iv\`u\4uvv - The';oma.n seemed lashed to fury. "And. it is to her that I onto your indulgence i ll`7L_. noun` 1 ad mnf `navy; Ivan` plan cu...- [2 4`. \- u an auav The girl muttered a few .won1<. She knew by experience, aha the mildness would not last. long, and her anger was less ominous H--m hm` season of repeutan'- .. During the mealshe was unusually gay. Slu-. iv.-nt an her energies toward blot-ting out the memory bf the misunderstanding. 'll..-. ..+..,............1.. :...-....,._ ........ 1...... ........n.. la` GI-I L VVIII I-I U `I277 J\J|Lj\LVJ JV understand clearly 7-; will not have you mict indignity on this girl. I agree tore- -......- -.44`. \Il\9 hr-gnu lm; nAnJX6-unw-ua -u-vwuAr` AIIIJIUII `luuoauauv. vu uuuu allla L (:6: UV AV` main with you upon the conditions named, but if `you break your promise, no considera- Ohu-. ..I..-rI bnnn I-nn Q15 I-nnn Ilnn' lllllblaln JUILI rluhlstvv IJU LU] ; i|`>`r'1`;h';1`1'1 keep me. So reect well! CIT}:-nn noHnnn(` T I-nun` urn: UH Gilli-IA It Ivnlvvu VVVL.|| H Ihave I need you. I must keep you as a friend if you could only gain 1 some inuenoeover me. I am not naturally depraved-on1y spoiled by my , bad habits. Ah, it I only had met earliersuch people as you and Kitty. She spoke slowly and sadly with the humility of theslavonio people, who ' will always sacrice their vanity to satisfy a capriee. In future you shall have no reason to reproach me. I have always been indulged -who was there to find fault with me ? But I will permit it, and, if necessary, beg you to be severe with me, and not allow any of my whims and caprices. Treat me likea naughty y child ; I should be so glad to find a master. 1 `X7... . Gluuon o Annskln vnnnrrinnv in {Lana ; ULILIIJ , A Bll\II.l..l\.I -uv av alum vv uuu no nun-3:`): . ; Was there a double. meaning in those ? strange words, or was it merely the symptom \ of _ another hysterical attack? Iiuwever, ` Kitty now appoav.-ed and they wmt to break- fast. 44? I, _.__ L_-.. l_-.._L - -...- I.....;.1_ __'AL _-_-_ The stagecoach journey was begun smooth- ly, but within twenty-four home Mrs. Re- titska. had forgotten all her promisne, and was once more the capricious woman of earlier days. The prairie lands were of an exaspera- ling monotony, and the sight of sundry re,- ged and dirty Indians irritah:-d the invalid, who had recourse to a double (10.18 of mor- phine. Then she began to be afraid of the possible consequences: if Talbot should under- take to leave her and take Kitty away too. Toward four o clock in the a.ft,-moon of the second day they were approaching the station of VVillow Creek, when the stage stopped Ihorf-. In her alarm she hailed the driver. IITIPI ,A I I Lll Us I havebeen harsh, \ ery harsh with you, Kitty, said Mrs. Relitska; but. my friend, excuse me. ` :- `I , _-..r Talbot, has shown me my error. You must ._,__lL_._-J A .E__ ___-__1_ ('I, , I,_, , , She got in response the most desolating news that it was impossible to travel further thatday. A gang of cowboys had posswsed the road, and the coach was at the mercy of their capriees. Mrs. Relitska. uttered cries of Ilarm. What; was to become of her ? _ Be calm, Madame, said Talbot ; a httle Wtrienee, and matters will right themselves. e can spend the night; at this log-house; Imd asto the dangers that you fear, I think them purely imaginary. I am well armed, and will keep my eyes open. Tn |'n'u rnunn v-nu`:-:3 OLA tynuunn rnnn tron `av I\l\ Ill W111 AW L11 0 C3 U Ila In his own mind Jthe ykocung man was by no means reassured, but he would not alarm the women, especially the younger and dearer om. He had. learned that twenty-ve da- peradoes, angered against the stage company, were assembled in the neighborhood, resolved to plunder everything it the management should not yield to their demands. D.-m I'nuv:4-n!-{nu n`-an:-nu:-A1` 4-15:11 unnua tn`-uan flan`! \)|AI\I LIUU JICJIJ IRJ Unl-ICJIL \LCl.Il(I-LIIJ3 Her irritation increased still more when they offered her. for a. repast, bread, bacon, and beans. She said not a word, but Kitty knew her too well to be misled. At the sight of the pale face and glittering eyes, the disgust at the food, `and the over excitement of the mor- phine, the girl expected a terrible scene. I! 1Arr,1v\Av1aA run-\v|n1.L-5-(L11 A4 n In!-ova Irifniann PLIIUU, UIJC I G 0611 LIJIO D\.KJLlC'c The log-house consisted of a large kitchen on the ground oor, and several small rooms overhead. One of these Mrs. Belitska. and Kitty occupied, while Talbot took the garret with a single window opening on the prairie, (mm which he could Watch the horizon, and warn the two women in case of danger ohreatening them. Tn LL` u-nu!-Lusnnnr: nu.` n-nnnnnvxnl-{nu 31 UIJI ZIELILLIE IILIWILIQ In his restlessness and preoccupation he did pot notice the Russiaxfs abrupt manner. He suspected she would replace the missing din- ner by whisky, but, being unable to hinder it, he feigned indifference, and soon shut him- self up in his room and opened the window. The encampment of cowboys was insensibly closing in upon t-hem, the only passengers in the coach, as it to shut off every means of escape. ' m...n...4 Am ..,.4. 4!..- 41.....- `1nI1v0: mm-n from auupc. Talbot did not for three hours more from his post. At A last a movement arose outside, and he saw men going to and fro with light- ed torches. What` could be their designs? Did theyvmean to set re to the house? Sud- denly`tl1e men turned their backs on the log- house and walked off toward the enclosme where the cattle and horses belonging to the company were kept. Talbot saw that they mean. to execute one of their favorite man- oeuvres, that of setting fire to the fences and buildings enclosing the animals. The latter, terried by the amec, would break loose and dash frantically about, and while the people of the log-house were trying to catch them the cowboys would carry off all `the baggage in charge of the stage company. 1...; ..-n.:.. (grant an nntm-v was heard x In cuurge UL um DLDEU puunyuu.-_y. Just atthis_ instant an outcry was heard I from the room given to the women. Talbot; ~ grasped the situation, a. disgraceful scene was being made there by the morphine woman. When he ought to be on the watch for the safety of his companions, he found himself obliged to save Kitty from the possible fury of a mad woman. CHAPTER III. l The morphine taker combined with the drunkard isuo longer a thinking creature, but is a. brute. whose unbridled passions may lead to crime. Mrs. Relitska was no longer a responsible person. She had forgotten all x..... ..*.......`.;cm fn 'I`n'Ihnt.. and. after a struggle aresponsime purauu. um: uuu ..v. b.,...,,,.. .... her promises to Talbot, and, after a struggle herself, the wretched woman had come to the end of her forces. Kitty had not felt re-assured, and, far from sharing Tal- bot`s condence, had been expecting that their employer would make an outbreak. As usual, Mrs. Relitska was seeking oblivion, and` she doubled the quantity of whiskey justjas she had doubled the dose of morphine. Wrapped in her shawls, she lay prostrate on the hard oor, with vacant, wide-opened eyes,`and lost ina sullen reverie. The heavy silence was broken only by the shouts coming from the prairie encampment. The hours dragged slowly by ; she did not move or speak. Was she `going to fall asleep there! Suddenly shefstarted up, throwing oi! her wraps, . Kitty, she said harshly. I am here, Madame,-replied the girl, who had not disrobed. No words! Obey me I. V ` A Kitty understood that morphine was want- my `1.nueI'UlUU\.l IIIIGU luv} IIILJI-IV "no WU-lav" ed . but whether her hand trembled, or had grwn stiff with fatigue, in administering the desired dose of morphine she happened to T 4.41.. .1... n..m;...-.1. fnr-ahnn, Punishment the desired nose u; 1uuLH`" "7 "l`lf""""` W strike the Russian s forehead. Pun_lShmeI1t was not long in following. Mrs. Rohtska. be- rated her so rudely that she burst into tears. ..~r....4......: ..a nun cfnni m-vim:-_ van had rated ner so ruueny uuuu auu ulunu Luvv Ilviggg. Instead of that stupid crying, you had beyter go tp work again? _s;xe said, in the sum Empire Mintnzl snd` qt'20 percent for your money as well up ihnurahoo on your life. - HID Ihllll K-uuv 4. vznv Jung: auuuagvuucl Yes; and I will not have you-do you wuainnnl-nu-I1` nnt knot` Gnu Luv: 1-. Au uul (tun: Lu EMU l.llAl.|CI4I Unlu LIA 5 v VI a What has happened ? she cried in an- -uh.-1. 1EcooK's BESTFRIEND ..-.n=-1- cg: :- nu (Hanan: smua AND rmcv GRGBERIES. HMO GHOIGE TEAS QUALITY B IG H. |.J.M.BojjHwELL y -- -----I----'---, `Iv-:15--' { or be W711: Cold .1 have C`L lll`.lI with It; and the |o.dvanta:o.~ in that. the most; ensl- | tlve summon can take it. Another gt-hing whcln oovnnxezms _it. is the ustlnnlllatinx.-: pa-om-rtiees at the y- : phlluutmi wlxiuin It (:cv.:xalms. | ou Wm nd It for :'-ml- at your I Ilunno-ad.-M. :.. a..I..-.-..- -.....-_.-.._ .._ a pIIu\u.r..iur.-.v~i wnusu ll (:(z9'.|l2|lIl|I.` your I nl'll:;!,f..`}.-21'.-3. in Sxzlnmn wranper. no tsuro you: ;.-:0: the in-.n:::ine." l RIM` 'l"rc A. IAn'I\'1- II V11 .w1 , out \l\IJI .|'.u.l.V.l.IJ.l\o \-VJLJJC I I lsommimes call it. Bermuda Bot- : tied, and many cases: m` LL3nQnh:1::unn;n- |T:HE ADVANCE, | 1%,: IIIMJIQIJI ibili-IIJII | "You IIIHNI; go as III-rmmla. I ! F `on do` not I will n-vr. an-. rnsponslc : 10 `'01 .lye-1-un2sermm|(-ea:. But, inning an... .uI~`....1 ....nL.._ gm- ' Ill! I106 I IV! ll"l. an-. l'l5S[I0l|I' | for. I-ll(?~('0[l12t]ll(`1lI(``,rI. iductor. I can :_u:`or~I neither the. ittme mar theimoney." "Well. It * that is Innposgglple. try, L1 j` T1 L: J Assns olr-. . Brmmlzitis, Cough. lip: Qnuyu. , _g;_yrgyda_BB"fi|ed.4 - Janis .` 'I-ng~---- -` ` :_-_.--.-vs... tr:-ji or PU_RE`-!;-ORVVEGIAN con LIVER 011.. Ian-nan: . . . n . n an!` n- 1 ........... .... III-\l\l\lI\\II.au.\a I I I\IInIII LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. I-`on BIUOUSNESS. CONSTIPATION. INDIGESTION. DIZZINESS, SICK HEADACHE, Aup msnsas or TH: BTOIIIACI-I. LIVER AND BOWELS. THEY An: muoxmonouczn AND raomrr IN ACTION. AND roan A vALuAa|.: AID to Bunoocx BLOOD Brrnns IN tn: 'I'a:A'ru:ur mo cum: or CHRONIC: AN D OBSTINATE DISEASES. The largest and best selected Stock in town of 'i5'I'b`i&i`:3""I'uoN, ?nun|~1tu}):'I:.:~ [V4111 . mi PAPER m smcon . .. ..-- ,.,..-- ---V pp`,-an-innit- S(`lT-'!"i` A _l0'|\"? II. B1-Ih-vine. '\o\.P~ Jnrx --. .. ,A.f..`;;.`.`.-.\...-.` [FURNITURE] LESS TIIAII TORONTO PRIOES 64 and 58 Bayeld-St... next to Ball's Factory. This is the place to save mono in buying as we are trying to so nut. J. Leia} sou 1| ' PREMISES FOR sum. 9 1. SUBSCRIBE FOR A SPECIALTY. A SURE CURE KGE. RICH GOFFEES IF YOU WANT PRICES LOW. nd pntdjw I83]. or LAND ON, RY Luau .." ' `TOM D ,';fTf 1. 7 EXEBUT IJIIH-3. ALA-3 IIK.-`IIVJ 5\I||J vvuuuu lulu! Dvul, NIH walled snuff-box and his purse were quickly rn from his person, while with rude bu`ets ` ey silenced his evevy effort to explain to am his loyalty to Great Britain, `and the rviccs he had rendered to'the king's army. is nose was bleeding on account of a heavy low from the elbow of one of the Hessians, d hi8tl1l`O{it bore long scratches from thr- ails oi another. Still another had snatcho. e old gentleman's hat; his`cIothes were rn, his linen soiled, his hair disheveled. 'mous1y looking from one "to a.noi;l1er ottho tes, he stug.,ror041 as he stood. At this momuut a single Amzsric-an soldier, ring the soiled uniform of a T.ieu`ena.ntl I IVJHIUIJ U1 mu pl 130 luulu uuuu va. UNIJ va.-nun . He, with all his shrewd insight, had dreamed that she could summon at it- muutfs notice the p0W(.`!` to C1`u;~.sh him like 8. Moreover, the exhibition of calm, erb, absolutely commanding dignity so ed to her charm, that he felt a. great joy in even while collapsing under its, serene ight of contempt. ` urge, almost gigantosqiie, in siatiire, with suppioness of health combinerl with the ngth of a justly proportiouozl and thor- hly trained physique, he rallied quickly m n Iv1l\I\I\I` u.lnn-kn:-< rd Hun hnriv nr nf ln ll.D\.4AUIA\:\J|L')a yJ'~lA\.A\IlvV| ;.zx.A.\/;u4\. guns: vAvAuvaQa bayouetted, houses were pillaged, women tmged, nogmcs beaten with clubbed mus- tza, drunken Hassiaus revelled in all manner debauchery. . l Mr. Fenwickds driver was an old negro black, and when a sound of brutal sol- rs, half-crazed with wine, stopped the rriuge, he tumbled of} the seat and fell upon I knms in the sand at their feet. They urned him with their heavy boots and pro ded to dm.g- forth Mr. Fenwiuke, Whose e and lameness were no appeal to their lings. His heavy gold mxtxcb and seal, his I11/\1'\t` on-nnf3`_}.no ant` lulu vnnnun vlunvn rnI{n`r`19 ! an whose courage was as pale as his face V 1'~l|-l>|l\`|||J, I$ AJU `Luv ug. Quvuouqlauuu v---..- V-r--v~ , grace and purity. e shrank into himself, so to say, and. for a moments after she had gone, his mind vamnh, and his whole natuxa zshrivelled. course, with such uman this was but a g state` of discomture and disorder, mmlb of surprise more chm: of anything U4; -`.36-L nli LL.` nklvnvnr` {nc{rr`1f. `\l` 'l.l1y UIIIIUUKI nJ\ilLl" MU lttlsunl `1\|u.-ass`, 0. wound whether` of the body or of the d. The stupor of sm`pl`iso and (US(`Ullltv- soon passed from him, and withu sinister 'le ho yuwned and stretchod himself as if king of! a lirght; nap. . `Confound the girl I 119 e.`:t`.]:1inmd, con- d the girl! She is stunning, nnm'/Jug, ildering 1 - 6 Walked bzwk and tortlt, chuulclin:.; to __|o 1.1.. 0...... .. _ .._..l .....l H... g-I..nr`ulv uuatu Luuu CUllVU_yUu uuu ulna uauuvuauuv vu- t and abhorrenco; at all events there no margin left for even the shadow of V Never before in his life had he felt 11, week, ins11fc~ieuti11 the presence of an rgency, no nmtta1' how forn1ida.b1e. se turned from him with just that deliber- dignity of movement which gave greatest L to her beauty, and walked away the d iment, as he felt, of incompamable statkr nn I1-|nIt\/\ nmpl .......H-n |M DRTGAQII K16 VVKLUUII uwul`. u.uu. Lu; mu, v1Lu\ILuu vu msell , his face quite red, and the slander Irgleuuniug on his cheok like a t.mu;'1a uf me. Minute beads of sweat g".u:umaLl on sforehead and his large, shapely huml:~: au- `.11.. .\..\nIy nu kn m...-nu J17 n-.uk\\_;.l ihuxn Ln. ` DWN DI-ID IUYU WIIIUU 1151' UVMUIIJ CH`-I QDWV`-V enklndled in his strong and unsgruplowi my that she repulsed him is to miss all owe of statement necessary to the simple She scarcely spoke, nor was her man? the least; vehement. A look, a. gesture.- ` w turning away, as from Something un- `7lI`\'IT l`t\:vu\lt\n`\`I\ ant` hlf f.}'|[\ W UUTIJIIIK Way, $5 IFUIII HIJJ-|$UU|4|503 " ably despicable and vile, perhaps the le word : You I" uttered scarcely above .brea.Lh, but with a distinctuoics and an basis that conveyed the last muemeut of Inf nnnl nlxlnnvnvnnnn - Inf. 1: nlllgllltl fllr [':1*:_: om leaped mm the ve1}1o1p.a .th__ n nu!-. url-n in Hui hr-an "'33: am it occur` to my cbazaong-ms? to imygngm uny- bx-o`hen sndjlyffgf-n'rmy` of was Iikaft. !qur_tn1_`rbuko him, that after he}uxdpg natiover a ume 103 caused it round-sli0t.A19I11I Ipent.` much his horse ....Am'. Ind... are the uevwvarnf the Bh oo1;`surrtv al 9 month of the river had gone abroad in , anuah, Maymmi quietly disappeared from Fenwicka mansion, about notice to any househo. . _ , . Nth! duty -pmvious to this be but tried great. -adroltnoss. and much show of A enoo, mingled with passion, to pour inn. `8 our the love which her beauty and grace` l1"'I`.l`I\It)(':I\ LL: abun-an nun` III|llIVI`I'\'l'\`lIR `bu. - , 1'. Fenwicke was lifted bodi1y_ and placed his carriage, the couchman felt a hand "on ' back of his neck. - 4 `Get into that seat and drive home, or kill you!" growled a very determined `M . I-I-Ia VI`-`Z. &uu`.n7u. IIIIRJ ,ULIv YCIIIU 0 put whip to the horses. "1'ha.nk you: `oh, thank you! art; it. How shall I-%-'-'--`, oh! W65 ' "t. Prgcoht! mg: _I m, 1 P --7-v out of an alleyway, drawn sword In d, and fell furiously upon the Hessians, ting thorn right and left in such fuahio AGE. TITLE. IN Ks. f K8, '1' BLANK! II I uuu)l'wuvu' n under him. 3.! name: -morn-sox,__ cmrrrsn V. 2'n"1'$1"1.'T.I1`2;1iI'6i:`3'.I;'V Z$'m'"3o'v77?p'f.Bi-{'g'33E r iii little \_va.1lum1 gate, ' ` A 2... ' Ullxnn nn Huh I fa`- win I" aruu-nut` n Ii yuan uvvului ' The horses were gentle. well`-keptgnlow buasts, whose pace not even tha violent lashing 011:1:-nortellnbout their anks could may i much_qul`ckun. L . . . YO: -`Jan nnl-qfnvn (haw: hit` I-A an `n\1n4QA| -5):`: IIUUQW CUOOIJ sKUl$o_ Gwn' on dab. I `bole yb l"sto1imed dI'iV.sr, rednulxlinghis lashes and-at tlienamo mime shrinking and shivering in his seat. Gwa` on duh. yo` lazy ole racks 0 bones, yo ! Nebber seesich poke-easy old bosses!" Thaw nontnn {aka dun!-n of Ina Tlnuunnnnf, thoy to 80 h_0wevex9,?..tho F`onwicke`.mansion I being already insight, 'ita nn1n1` 13.13-].-xniyhnn 'urInnu:rn-nun:-Ina t\v'IO Ii- OVKJIII-ILTI Du.-0-I rl\llB\J V$\1`J want slut: They mxgwhed the gate at last. "iieutenant vPresoott `hustled Mr; Fouwinko out of the ca.rriage a.nd throltghthe gain." ` Tnl-A flu: Innnen nnfnbl. I111!` afnv fhnrn HI I 5558`! IOU!`-I UCII `JIUEUQ VIII) $IC\K7I Into the house, quick! and stay there, he exclaimed, as he thrusts him up the steps. Thu nnnrvun `maul-nu'Ar1 O-A nvuI- 4-`in nnwrnrvn ll Unubwllsluu, Ice: uu nut IO-`JV uaun ll VIL`J DVUIIJO uThe negro hastenbd to get the carriage fhrough a. side entrance into the roar euclo- _ sure, and thus the man was` saved from his ] friends. `II1'-_..- `I')..--,._LLI_ _-.._...- -1 LL- -I.I If- TR-.- GE8. DEEDS, MORTGAGI : gs Auuum Wayne Prescott's rescue of the old Mr. Feu- wlcke was also a. saving of Rose for a bride, tor the royalist father eventually saw with equa.uimity_lxis daughter wedded to the rebel ofcer; and here we will stop in telling. with historical truth, how a. revolutionary bride nu... `n-. 0:: an mitunm evening, atertain gentleman ten`. in the host room eta. certain tavern In ll`-.-nwr. The time was autumn, but the :1 of the year was wintry and woeful. A drizzling, thin rain, fine as needles, and chill on icicles, lmed the view. The inn was 9. wretched place, but it might well have seemed as pleasing as 9. palace to any wander- nr abroad on such a. doleful day. Yet the eccupmitnf the best room--aud had was the best-did not uppearto be overpleased with hlequurters. A fire blazed upon the hearth, and sent queer shadows leaping hbout the stark walls and quivering in the dusty corners of the room. The gentleman suteopposite the re, with one booted leg swung over the other and his chair tilted back, staring into the ,4 mg uuerna: ..bn\tqo!" pea hiiB1oodin"" `g` nod and waao -9` just his disordered hair. ' A From every diremgiou came ominous Inland! Bhota, shouts. retfms, the noise of plan-n --all In\nnI:{n"ci`4 udnnnrn Wnrnni mint` TZIIRANT` IN _'r_IjE'n0cKIEs. r ` . . _ nr .n.r.~.~'rx:v H. uoouvrur, 3:. P., AND at "-81 DELPIT. `JIIUM "C`\IIIm UOIW IIUIK `II M doonand. nnkin'C` ?Vindowa. _ "3 Ohilna ` T gyvildly mm: , thitl,iB!'i'` : 7 j `nun...-s ....x.~ .1; am.` ........n ii. 3.1.`: .32....` '4.-- oUII|lOI'lOJ V-Ivsnvuuuv-' uooovvc "Faster you old acounurel, or 1:11 prick you with my sword! ` Thu Lnuann xunnn unnfh: \un`I_`rnnIa `nit-I was won. "9'!P :..=; ' :';.=`= 5 '.= I .. .. ._."1:!,!xa.,ca`pt: mean`?! hedd T. 5fl!biz!6!'h18Q>!!iod?mIrb9X :m;-e-: ;y~paen.-am ? .1 ` t Pxiiootfgix 7.` do ear to than dnquirlnl; He simply cried outtoh v driver: H1Fnal-nu nun nltl annnuuh-n` l\II '9 rush-55 wan flame, and lightly humming to himself, beneath his breath, the gracious Irish rebel tune, The Slum Van Vocht. He looked as niixodly gallant and depres~;ed as an olden knight in bad luck, for he was as handsome 8. young Irishman as ever wandered from Ire- land in quest of fortune. His ccxatume was a departure from civilized garb toward the j picturesque dress of a. cowboy. By the side of a. rickety chimney-piece a square of print- } ed paper had been lately stuck up, mid on this 1 square of printed paper the eyes of the gentle- nian frequently rested, and whenever they did I so an amused light danced in them, and the l humming sped at a. blither gait. It is a custom , in that region to advertise in 0. particular I newspaper with very big type, such things as 1 cattle ranchers desire to buy or sell, _ and this N clipping was typograpliicaily bold in the 0011- . ventionul way, but its matter was novel if its I manner was not. It read: I wnv . u :1 ,1, Fe at all pl . --.._.-.-- .. .,,.. -- .-..... ` Wanted. --A gentleman who speaks French ! and is po1't`ectly familiar with the Rocky 1\Iouutainsrogion, to act asguide. and guard to :1 lady `on aprospeuting tour. Address, M. R., at this oico. nw... ..,\..n............ 1.-.: `.+....1. 41... ...1......o.:....mm~.4-. 0'44 bro. ICU vulu \ILII\aI)| The gentleman had stuck the advertisement on the wall, as if to see, by regarding it, how he would look in the employment which it offered. He was out of money, and nearly out of hope. Therefore any source of imme- diate income was to he appreciately consider- ed. But he was something of nu aristocrat at home, and therefore the job of courier was i something which he had never before thought of as possible to him. Whenever the gentle- man's eyes rested on the bit of paper they brightened, but, when they turned again to the re they gloomed and the The Shun Van Vocht agged m`a.rkedly. For the fire was full of pictures, as all tires are to the observant, and the pictures they painted now to their watcher were melancholy enough. He saw t-he ruins of his family estate in Ireland; he saw gallant gentlefolk of ancient name wan- ` tlering wearily in , foreign lands. Deso- 3 late, pathetic pictures. But the fire pic- ture he studied were chiey personals- little pictures, in which two persons play- ed prominent parts. He was one of the , actors; his cousin, Gregory 0 Carroll,2wes the ` the other. The last thing he had heard of . concerning Gregory was that _he was seeking the hand of Kitty Mellie-h, the girl whom he , had kissed good-by on the night before he quitted his Irish home to seek a better fortune in America. She was a handsome girl he re- membered, scanning his dream-pictures in the gleaming coals. Would she be sorry, he won- dered, if he never -returned`! Would shebe glad if he went back enriched? What would she think of him--of Talbot Power, scion of the ruined, but still proud, Power family"-if she knew that he would hire himself out as a` courier. . non- .....La. 4... :5 l...I-4...-. 4-I... -.4H-, UUUIEIUIH She ought to think it better than cattle- stealing orstage-1'obbing, he said to himself; and theee are the a.1t`exfnatives, so far as I can see. So I gotta M. R., whoever she may and she may have melt. she will. V `L'l h-. n-mun:-nnn O:-no Han uh: was uinaenr uuu auu uluy Iluvwutu as nuv vvau. His preparation for the visit was singular. It consisted, of shaving oi! his beard _ end" moustache. ' His: heard was of American growth, but the moustache had covered his lips end overhung his mouth since, he was, twenty. 5 The clean shave was in the whimsi-V cal nature of a disguise. `He smiled bitterly as he surveyed in the glass his-face`, smoothie that of an actor or a lackey. .1-Io saw, too, theta. change had come over his expression during his: days of western struggling." A -1 liuecrossed his forehead, his cheeks had her` ome thinner, gmdhie whole (ace bed A1 nrder. ` ` 1-- _'.. u.....`..'1.- h..." a.. 41.... ;..........;..;. ..a u?`..` ha.rde!_'. . . . . . A _r Imxn hour he was in the presence of Mrs. Mira. Re1itska,a. Russian countess, wealthy` and advexiturous, who` had come to `America one pleasure tour; He had made up his to retreat if the stranger proved to.` be dis- agreeable. But h 1: gnodeeot reception qston; iehed- rhim eo-1`nii'ch~=tl')g1i: gt; ignjg batoi-ah: regained the sense of real ty`. ` ` lm hotel room in -aereqiiutng .oha.ir,`lny I |.u:orna.u `of th thirty-ve yeare.1 `She At` th.`h`d :"_o!:1 4 ".| .` and bLll.t.l!l.l.l~:.=!1'-3lI..llllIA> at that : compdmtive yo`I1th'her `face appeared old, : upowcloaer inspection. because of the many ue wrinkles covering the temples and neck. Ber grey eyes were wandering, dull and . colorless. Only her-heavy blonde hair and M white teeth kept the beauty of youth, though her delicate hands showed her noble birth. in AL :- I4 nus unnndnnuh . chn and.` in .l|| pt :32)` L Lun I|4Ibl"'l"U"l -w---_v. - the one whom he had been stu minutes before. The heavy eyes had become almost brilliant and the indolent figure al- most energetic. She took a. Russian cigar-v ettaefrome. silver. case and touched a. bell.. After lighting hex! cigarette, she rested her arm upon the table and g;ra.ciously repeated : Von vvnn I-Joann v-Inn wart! I'l1IIt\` Mnnu ru Lu uyuu uuu IKIUIU nun 5l'u:\ilUuuI_v Auyvulvvu o Yes, you please me very much, Mon- sieur. I think that my trip will last a. year. Mason has asked me to give you three months salary in advance; You shall have six. In several weeks we shall be able to judge of each other, and either of us shall have the right to break the engagement if not satised with the other. ` rm.- _-___-__n_ ___.nJ,-_-- ___.x I_- ....... _...~.N-n Ill 1' ~ ` . The young man responded with an appm printe bow, took uchair and sat tranqixilly down. Then he looked at Mrs. Rulituka. and waits] for her to begin. His hard. dimct glance seemed to elnban re.-sa we lady. for she bluslmtl skightly. and spoke in the plaint~i\'e, impluring `tone of a child, You have seen Mason?" he being the agent tlxrough whom Tnlboc had briey negotiated before calling on her. You accept, Ihope, the 0%! -us: whicli he has ua.mv.d`!" Yr.-.'.` Ma.lamo." A Ah, that is well. Izun glad to hear it." 8110 drew a mnull r-yrin._~:(.~ from a, case on the tkxlile ht-side her. "I am obliged to` use nmr? phine when I s11ffor so much.7 am so ill." "I ;.~.Ml\- anal slcillfnllv she iniieohvl the vvauu uuv Uuuulo ' The woman s condence and her generosity touched him. I am very grateful for your words, Madame," he said, but I must cllne your offer, for it would give` me the lion's share of the bargain. Let us keep to the conditions xed by Mason. It is fair that I should receive a. quarter`s salary before starting, since)`, am quite pennileu but I have no right toaccept more. re 131;!-alpn Ha-MG`:-y cv\u-nn-trot` hnr RhO]- . lief LICIICQLIU IIBIIUII nuuvvua uva oavwua uu vuo "Ah, isiit you, Monsieur !" she said in French, in a. lingering voice. Pwdon me lfldo not riseto reqoiV_'e.yov.. lam in, so ill!" ' m1.- __....... ...--. noun-\4\uA1|A nfh an &'\I\!IIu_ n|_u\-g um: I uuuu. .-u ........,..y .. ..... W .... Lightly and skillfully she ' injected the drug muler the skin nlmvo her left. glmulrler. Almcst_ il1lll lBdl!llAj:ly_ her head full back hl=n.\fll_v upon the cu.~a'ui-rn of the chair. Tul- but \v:xtclwLlhe1`i1)uum.-zulnent, ualclxag, l'.im- ~ s(lf1I.l.hu woman cc`. . he cmz;_y. ljur u ; tuluutu .~sl1r.- roxnaxnm '.lllUtll'Vll.il`:;>', `in ..._.xl;` pl`l).s'(;:`utflnl1 when sudn. zly stm`ting up mix 'ltl(lll;;flln78.l`1:l.`fL-ll. ,_nap, s`um'os:~, aml` t`m`mvin;2; back hm` hm` with ax.-oq1wH.~.`l.y g~;l.um, said : ," I teal quite c.m'enl. Now we cuutalk. :\19.'suu told me your mune, Lula] ' ht: vu fm";:nttex1 it." M T:-l H v ll, P1)\\'I`1`S. " -\l\, ll\vun}.'.<, " I. you -5` mam co rd lm. diy con-.:.a.l `rei- .u1r`m'isra\ '1`ul.~: m.i.u;m:. rl lady cuuul um; b.~ Ihhn nun Iivlnnvn L. I...) i..-u, at-:11.-inn ennui UUU J LRIVU UU Flgllll B0 RCLVPD LllUl'Ua Mrs. Relitsku lightly shrugged her shoul- ders and replied, dryly, As you ohooso, Monsieur. There was a short silence; then stretching out her hand to the young man, with an almost feline movement, she added, Then we do agree `P Entirely." I am to start in three days for 9. ram- bling, roaming tour of the Rocky Mountains _regioi_1. It shall be your duty, if you please. to be a guide-not in an ordinary sense, but as a protector, adviser and cha1npi'on-for me and the young lady who is my only compan- ion. We are good travellers, and have come across the Atlantic, as well as this far across A'v\o\II:l|a\ 1u~:`-`\nnI- n Iusnln ne(\n1*f" hllfn IMJFUES U10 t1lr.ItI.ll.`l(.', I15 \Vt:1l un uua Lu; unnuaa America, without a. male escort: but the Rockies make us afraid, and so we wiil truszt our safety to you, s.i1'.` `[ "CHAPTER 11. lB1`eakfa:-.1 . waethe nst meal lj 'u1l"0- l 1 Power was to eat in the same `f".`.`1 \vhv;rc l his employer lodged. She had as ncl him to meet her in the parlor at nine O`LL(`(.<, to be I introduced to her young female <~o:.upzmir>n, M and then take the meal together. He was ahead of her. When she entered, accompanied by the girl--a typical Irish beauty, with gray eyes, rimmed by black lashes, with a clear white complexion sprinkled with a few freckles, and with a demurely shy 'r_mmner--T she turned to introduce the twolyoung persons. But before she could utter their names they were themselves ejwculutingethem. H Kitty 2 C` 'Fn\nf I tuuuu !" ~ 7 _ Their clasp of hands approached closely to an impulsive caress, and a kiss was reluctant ly left unexchanged. N `"4-nu bnnw nnnh nthnr 3 LIPS. y Lem unexcuuugeu. _ 1 You know each other 1 Mrs. Rehtska ; exclaimed. ll `!n____. _l_... _.- ......_.. `>1-vA 'nn` I'n Tn`- OXCIEIIDBU. Ever since we were two feet tall, Tal- bot responded. ' We grew up in the same county in Ireland. L n 11.... ..-.....m. n nknnm that I should have county 111 u`u.m.uu. _ - How strange a chance that I should have engaged Miss Mellish in London", to make the` Journey with me, and then you here in `Den- ver to make out the party," and there was a toneof questioning doubt in Mrs. Relitska s mind, as though she glimmeringly fancied some plot. Did neither of you know that the other was here? .1 left Miss Mellish at home in Ireland when I started for America, said Talbot, and I didn t dream that the ocean was not still between us. ' ., _ \_ A|_._J._-..- -..-_I- all nun-unvv 7, go-I suu oeuweeu us." Papa s fortune went all away, said` Kitty, and I determined to do for myself. I went to London, to beach, or do anything feasible. when I was taken by this lady." um. 41......` ...:........I....1u nmnninh-ul Jnrllvirlnnla E23411 ;I&ll1\'lDl8. T1811 .l. was uuxuu DJ uuxa luau}. I The three singularly associated individuals breakfasted together, and afterward packed their belongings for travel. Only for a. few minutes at a time were Talbot and Kitty` alone together. The girl seemed disinclined totalk of her employer. V Still, she was ex- plicit enough to show to Talbot the complex and spiteful character of Mrs Relitska. Hav- ing become a morphine-taker, the lady had fallen seriously ill atthe endof two years. `It was then that she had retired to the hospital in Berlin, a fashionable asylum for fashion- able nianitws, Some curious `statistic re-- garding victims of the morphine habit show; that out or aghundited cases thirty were oom- . pletely cured, _forty-'six died of the poison, and twenty`-tour became habitual clrunkards; on leaving Berlin. Mrs, Relitska had} given up morphine but -had taken` to drinking, ` Thai -svnnnnnnnllnd hv hm` Old `V108 she " up IIIUTIJIJIJLU Ullll uauu Illa-IVDLI vv uanunsz Themreconquered by her old vice she he? added alcohol to opium, morphine during the day, and whisky at night, until ehe -fell asleep in exhaustion ~ What was. the noise last night in her room!" Talbot enquired. She dosen`t dare to abuse you? n nu. ..... 1 6hn"nIeuI'f1\ tam! flint? was H19 wuuusuyuux" 1 Oh, am Ithe girl to stand that? was the evasive reply,` V . . Then the lady entered, and` discussion of her bad to cease. 'l`albot s disgust was mingl- ed with anger. He felt humiliated and disheartened. Was he` condemned to remain with this despicable," besotted I creature! Should he leave Kitty Mellish with I her I Up to this point he had no reason per- . sonally to complain; but what was his duty to the girl he loved! Perhaps Kitty divined his apprehensions, for she soon found the chance to say: . - `O. Talbot, you are above these humiliations. In spite of her violent disposit.ion,. Madame ' will tal:ecare_notto oeud you. She needs ; your "wits, your societyy and your talents. i In short, she has seenthat you` are a man at- theworld,`-i-a= gentleman in` aposition beneath 5. o_Ir7realf-dignity: . 8h'e:iea.rs;you,i and ` ` _ p or; tear. isonlyibne. tonn ot:espect.._ 11 beg ` ot`you'e`tox"ake-:-"the ;tnip ,with any: your.-own. dz a5.;i{,;t'.v ran Nolrrnnnu ADVANCE nuuuvaacuuuu wan uuo ualuuuxvv, auu Lvuuu him very intelligent. It takes considerabl wit to know how to listen. Moreover, the more he listened to her, the more she irritated him. The egotism and ha:-dues` of this still beautiful woman were constantly betraying themselves. Besides, it was quite apparent that she was jealous of Kitty Mellish. In this way they travelled until they reached the -Itation on the prairie where they were to leave the comfortable cars, and take to stage ` teaches. Until this point the Ruwian showed herself less cordial, but also less familiar. For his pa.rt, Talbot remained shut up in his glacial reserve. His politeness amounted to stiffness Her retaliation took the form 01 coldness and hauteur toward Kitty. rm... ...:...1..4. ....... ......._4. -4. .. ........1`I {nu 1-nun uuu. . The tmu-1.~.1.-:v.'-:-x'e off before nlght; on the rzziiwzy ;.u.~.. m (-1 tlze. joumey. The Russian 1 one I v -m ~~~~~nv~s t;av~ihu'n r-.o11ce=i'11i*v;'lv=1'.~*=`f`. Lnd a.s'1`albot was not talkative, she found h1'nn um... ..+..n.-.......4. 14. ..\.-.. nr\v|Q=I`|?`Q`\`B UIII: Cl-Ill-NV ; 5993"] 7"" 5 5"` ' engagements. . A Then I shall. of course, keep mine," he at.- denbly responded. s We are too poor to be fastidious, and you shall at least be safe. _ `ll... u..1a+c1n. land in Avnlnin in her '2 our employment, dun . ..;.. nnnannnsnnfn lII3|I_lll.lU\dB, uuu Jul: Dual: uvnv&U UV DIlu._ - Mrs. Relitska had to explain to her compan- ions thut she was going to the utterniost bounds of Dakota, near Deadwood, to sell lends left to her by her second husband. She "had been told that it was a region of thieves and Inlll'(l(il`el'S. The papers recounted sinister- exploits of the oow-boy, that amiable child of the far west, who knew no 0% her law than his own good pleasure, and no other judge than the revolver. Then, too, what an arduous journey. She would have to travel across the prairies in stagecuuches. She had laugh- ed, and answered that she was going to Dead- wood for lmsinornr, not pleasure; that half of ' her 1'01-time was at stake and that she owed it to herse`.t` to brave these imaginary perils. B:'~.=i:`le--1 slw wishezl to get .':<':ny from civiliza- Liun nu 4*` ..lIP l..|',u.- ...'nJ-.6 A... #1.. uuuucoo auu HDUIDUI wwaxu u.uu_,. The night was spent at a. small inn, from which the stage was to start early next morn- ing. During supper Mrs; Relitska remained silent, affecting not to notice her hired com- panions. The ladies were tired, and therefore retired early to their rooms, while Talbot spent an hour saunter-ing about the premises He was just closing the door of his room when a tumult was heard in` Mrs. Re1itska. s apartment. He rushed to the possible aid of Kitty, for he knew not what might occur. Upon the threshold of her room stood the girl, a... ....:.a.... ..1......... ...1..n.. M... Dnlitnlm wan IJIIULI DIJU Llll CBIJULIL UL LIC-I I UUA.I.I BUUUU III-Iv all -) in evident alarm, while Mrs. Raelitska was scolding-her loudly. The Russian reooiled at the sight of the young man. uur...-4 .. .............a. u...:....... n ._..:.I ha in im. DUE B15110 U]. ULIU `YUILIIE usuu. Wait a moment, Madame, said he, in im- porious tones. `LL; `AA V1.YV `A `unit nnnvn GI` H KEITH- PU` IV ll |4KJLI`.' He led Kitty to her room, n ea return- ed, with the resolve to break, at any cost, the ties that united them. He found her buried in an arm-chair, motionlem, with hands fold- ed and eyes xed. - nut uuln.-.& u'.-L6- J ; -u-us Iuunvv 1vnnvQo1' V GI-|\-I U_yU LI.ACllo ' By what right do you busy yourself with my affairs?" cried she, hoarsely, I never meddle with yours, I fancy. stun ............ :.. 1....-no. `I ..... ..1m..9 4-A lmnm Jill]. Ah 1 She made an abrupt movement. asit in some hasty annoyance. A bottle of whiskey, half empty, stood beside her on the table. The \.`tched woman was drunk, but not enough so ILIUIAIJIU VVLIJIJ JUUI D, J. .|.Gl.lU~Vo VMy answer is brief: I am about to leave you. 1 H AL I Q1-.5 Iv|`1\t`l\ not n1`-uni Vr\I|1'!thfI'|hII+. gaff -_*._< that she failedto see the disgust upon his face. Then she blushed, as if for the first time her voice made her a.shn.n_1ed. J- _.-A. JI.....J.. u-AL 17.... M1118 1181' V0106 muuu uvx uoutuuuu. " I beg of you-do not decide yet. You see that it is impossible for me to argue with you. Please think over it until tomorrow. I ask your pardon for the words thatl have just used. C` "1-v -manna`:-uu't\r| :3 :|vIIn17nII!I}\`n ` Juan useu." I My resolution is irrevocable, replied Talbot frigidly. I am at the end of my patience, and I must protect Miss Mellish. l"1--.I 1...- M -;i1e";).`.. eoeipt 91;}?