u nnuunnnvulh ' ' HAMILTON, March 18.-The Church of cension troubles over the alleged ritualistioj practices of the rector, Rev. E. P. Crawford. were brought to a climax to-night. At_'_; special Vestry meeting called by the bunt!-. ritualists a resolution v'vas passed by a vet: 0; - 67 to 26 reducing the rector : a}ai`y71r0h1 $2500t0 $1 per annum. A "reso1ution`WII. also carried cutting out the curate : stipdnd-': Both resolutions are `intended fthl" factor and `In . .....'...4.- 4.- _-..e...-. ~ Jun, ; .,.,.__;-.2. - A bni for `the relief of ex-Soldiers in crtail A QUEER CHARGE. ` ELIARIFF. at the GIIIVU GI! LIUC P101 U11 I`l'lll.C_y LIlUI'LI..I.LIgu -NIAGARLFALLS, March 18.-+Mrs. Burchell jls anxiously awaiting the'arrival of her father and sister. She continues to bc "g're'etIy hu'used at her unpleasant position ma: sleeps sndieats but little.` She is expect- Alngevisit from l(r.He1linnth,~while that 5 gentlexinhn`-is en?)-onto to-mewher \IIlIIC I/`I LVLCCIO mi LIZVIII EDUVUIIBUII. Loxnox, Moarehr 1_8.--Mr. I. F. Hellmuth, who with Mr. Ivey. his partner, are looking after the interests of Mrs. Burchell, left fox New York this afternoon to meet Mr. David Stevenson, father of the unfortunate woman, 3 and one other sisters. T They are expected to arrive in New ark on|Frida;y morning on the White `S V` r Germanic; `The Germanic left Liverpool a. week ago to-mo: rowenditvlhe mikes her trip on time she should am-ive`61r.the bar Thursday night and 'd.ri`ive at -`her pier on Friday morning. : .'NI'vn'p An s.Hn1>1-:1 Mann`: 19 `ll ... 'l).-..-I._`I1 Miss Lockhart Identies Burchell. .Woons'1-ocx,' March 18.-Miss Lockharl ttday accompanied Detective Murray to the jail to identify Burchell. When she came to hiscell she immediately recognized him as the young Englishmen who accompanied Benwell to `Eastwood. 'I_'hie;latter witness, besides two or three others, have been dis`- covered b the detective since the inquest. He has ot or importa_nt evidence yet to pro dnoe. Accused. V . Touonrro, Ms.rch'19.-Government Detec- "tive John"Mnrrey returned to town last evening from Woodstock, where he has been engaged the past week forging additional Iinksin the chain of evidence connecting Bnrchell with `the - murder of F`. C. Yesterday morning Miss Lock- hnrt of Woodstock, who on Monday identied the body ot`Benwe1l as that of one ogtwo Englishmen whom she bed observed dlighttrem the train at Eastwood on Feb. 17, was faken to Woodstock jaiil by Mr. Murray and the 52 prisoners incustody were pended before her. While en route to the all she stated that `she did not think she . could" identify the accused, but when slie came to Bnrche1l s.oell and at the request of, the aoicerhe faced her, she remarked: Thet is the men, I` think. Burchell turned his head so that Mim Lockhart obtained a prole view, when she at once `remarked: . -Yes. 1 am sure now that is the man. t... ..-I..--..---_a.s_ ___._--. I vvav-nova 5 ""r1? mysterious disappearance of Pickthall ` does not bother Detective Murray am `- great extent.` He appears satis the ! c kthall had noghing to do with the murder nor was he cognizant of Burchell s plans Should his presencebe required by the prose gnlion he will be forthcoming at the propel e_ , \ . . "s$I:at'SI-"' Mclnnes of British: Columbia" made a. strong appeal thi. 8,-t0l'n00n for the second_ reading of , his bill Providing for the .' use of the Gaelic language in oiial prooet-dings. `He stated that the Highland Scotch hpd absolute control of 14 counties in the Dominion angl held the'belance of power in 16` more con- . stituencies, these returning 85 members to t the House of Commons. The whole after- noon was taken up in discussing this measure. . ' ' 1 All 1; ,-2j L- --__I.I .;-LL_I_ rnuowv It not an In \a\ltl`-VAC `IL ILI\`ILlIILlEa 3 The Attlorney-General s Department is alsc said to be considering the advisability of asking for thelssuance of a special commis- sion to try Burchell, as-' the delaying of the trial until next October cannot serve any good purpose and the witnesses may be a scattered broadcast, Pelley is at Niagara Falls. It is reported, _ but the rumor is not confirmed, that he has been in receipt of $10 per week and his traveling expenses from the Government since the arrest of Burchell. He was oered; a situation in Toronto but declilwd \. to accept it. The lette) 'w'hich_,was' expected. from Col. `Benwell, the victim father, which will give details oi Atheyutr _ tions between _:his son and th pi-isouer,-and? throw" soine, light upon the amount of money the, murdered had on his had not arrived up to lastnight . Itfis W ` that 001. Benwell will be sub '. phn" forthe t!`ial.- i `iotr.";I.`in`s; A.vMacdons1d'of this cityhu been retained to defend the accused. He re "ceived"ate1"e'gram from Burchell yesterday- morning ' and went to` Woodstock. spending two or thigee` hours with the accused in hi: cell. He declines to outline the defence, bu says that it puts a different light on_the mur der altogether. V ' tn... ........;-..:...... .u_-__-__-..-- -1 n2---u._n avinayallllll uvw uulla 15 01.16 man." She subsequently expressed herself sorry that she had identied the prisoner, as she felt pity for him and did. not wish to recognieu . _.Bnvrchell exhibited. the same coolness when thiswltnees identied him as he haeshown all through. ,Thisexhibition of nerve does not, In the opinion of Detective Murray. tell much in his favor. That oicer cited the case of the, Galedonian murderers, the Youngs (uncle and nephew), who sle_w theo_ larmer Abraham Macdonald some 12 years ago aeparalleling that of the present case in thginditference exhibited by the accused parties. A reporter recalled to his memory the demeanor of Ransom Forbesraccused of killing Lewis N. Stillwell at Acacia village, in Elgin,,on. New Year s day, 1884, and,oi Havelock Smith, who was tried for, the mur- 1111- n! It-pal-ml] 'l>:........u. u..- 7...... nt.-..`a. -.- vuvu-. nunnnavll vvuv "plan vs tau. Lulg VHO Hull` 3.: of_Mnrehall Piggott, the Long Pbint oe.ter." Neither of these. two men moved gmusble uethe proofs of their crimes were told by witness after witness. l Detective Murrayeleft strict orders with Sherif Perry that no parties were to be al- lowed to see Burchell excepthis legal adviser. and engployes of the Commercial Hotel who convey his meals. Burchell spends 5' good deal of his time in writing letters. During the past 24 hours he has written eight, six `of which were to acqnaintnn in 'lI'.nn`l.-.A `.......I...... 4.1.... -1 I.:- It so I vnvuuv A IIV svuuvsa WOIU Bull l!" I c 1 of hopeful haracter and in roeeate` colors painted the chagrin `which would be felt by his accusers when his character would be triumphantly vindicated, as it was sure to he ; when bfs defence was made public. They also chatted pleasantly of brief matters: Burchell also wrote letters to J eiler Coulsos of Wellandandtolllr. Baldwin oflagare. at whose boarding house Mrs. Burchell is kept under surveillance. * That maudlin sympathy whichis always ` manifested-respecting a man accused of a particularly atrocious murder is beginning On" Iilbn u: vshann-`A4 0-16 AIL1...--_.L' __ vu...-..J uuuvvnvua I-IIIIIIAVI In ucsuuuus ET Quake its resenoe felt. Although no `bouquets have arrived at the jail as yet numerous epistles written in a. feminine hand have been received by the accused, assuring him of the heartfelt `sympathy of the corre- A nnvsvv Ii` "VI-.a."f`4-._-I `II ...... -- -.u-- v. uuv nnvuu IILULU DJ yauuy UL 0116 UUITT apondenta. A copy of 'Fhe"Gospel Messenger and a. gushing letter written by a. fellow oo'untrywoma.n in V London, 01:17.. Silod Meta, have found their way to his cell. MID vII$l&ID -41! `A...-4 &I._ ..-._.._'.._ D~- __----, _u--V nvuuu vuvu nu IR] nun U011. Mr. Murray will leave this morning for Niagara Falls andivill devote the next few dayq,to Iurthertracing the movements oi Burchell from the time he parted with Pelley In Buifalo until he identied the body. HI expects to be able to account for almost every hour of Burchell s time between 6 o clock on the morning of Monday, Feb. 17, and}! p. m. oi Friday, Feb. 28. The Government will, it is said, consent.to the release of Mrs. Burchell from custody on nominal bail until the trial of her husband,'_which,- it is thought, will take place within a couple of months. VF]..- A&4.......-.. r1___._-u_ 1\___-,A.i., -._L .-A 71-- I - ' ., . The Attorney-General : Department Seen no Reason for Delaying the Trial T1!) | l\4A..I._` .-n-u__-.' ; _u q -. . -o [T TRTF. ,1:-nvsvlo-on-vv \IJwvI cvv, also u QDIOOCVJ , IIVIIIIVJRII J O tween Quebec -and New Bxf_'uhsw1ck;' Chalmers, soil. and timber survey. New Brunswick: Messrs. Flethor and Fairbault, Nova Scetia gold elds. mm... 11...... .......4..:.......I :.. ............:u..... -a` 1_s`sAIo]TH,A'r auacuau. WILL as so DEALT wnu. Gone te `Meet Mr. David Stevenson. I`.-.......-. it-_-I_ in 'IR`.. 1' Til 1 -r-n,,,,, ---.-.--- v-v -. khatt` Identies -ti; ']?YT3'(TMH'fITfNT A GOOD young working Double Harness. and I Long I ?Bobu to!` sale cheap, Apply to J OH A niumdbier of nrst-.cln.ss houses and vacant lot 2 n bront puts of the town. also some excellent farms just outside the limits. HEWBON 85 cmnswrcxn u-mt . - Barrie. um,-ro RENT.-Com risi 17- norm 1: lotmhb. `eighth conce:sionl.mTo:vnshiQ 3; [film a n nnn.nC 9}. 34.6 1-....- 1... As. , -HAISM. 1'U IIa.l!a1V'.!.'u-UOIIlDl'lSlllg 175 34 . 10$ 15. eighth concession, Towns` Essa. This is one of the beat farms in t1 wheat growin locality of thecounty of E and is watere b a. beautiful stream of `D wntar. For nnr mm-A nnnlv ni 'l' ~ "11-av`-E Siuva V` W-IV \JU uu water. F st:-V_ RIB. at~M:f13:rrko;-.l,1 $yI3>:{ to THE butcherinn business of Mr. Thoe. Lowe. dhis i ithemsrkt..it sale?) the gighesstmlgidger. on ens`; tearing`: R`'.`; 1':` 1` ".mAn-3 '. 1i"in"1l'1ri'3tsh.'Lowm. on on prennaea: About 80 acres cleared. hovin tireoted thereon a frame dwelling. trame barn. with stone basement, and stable; Pmonn II.-_Under Mortgage from Henry and Thomas Rogers. Firetly.-`-Lot 28, in the First Con on. west of the Sunnidale Road. at the T lhlp of Snnnidnle, in the County of Simcoe. containing twohundred acres. more or less. v RnnnnIv__'l"hn Went `Hal! aloha Gaul]-' u'.u -uwv nun. .vab novo\aun The House continued in committee of supply, passing geological surveytnd Indidn Department appropriationsguutil adjourned at 1% a. m. ' n...__4.-.. vu-v_._-- -1 h...u.:.1.1 n-I__.I_.1-- LWO llll.lllll'B(l BCTBB. l0l'8 01' I888. Seoondly.-'l'he West Half otthe South` H51: 311;: I6(: tt6in th&a.|ll!;i'x-at Concession. or the Town- l`hA fnllnwina hnnu-nun.-mg-.4- --.. .....x.: 4. L- 8111]! U1 aunmume. The following improvements are said to be on the premises: On Lot. 28 west of Snnnldale Road. about 50 acres cleared. having erected thereon a frame `dwellin and shed. On the West Halter the South of Lot 6. in the First Concemlon. about 15 acres cleared. Tn:3xs.-10 cent. of the purchase money to` be paid own on the day of sale. For hnlnnnn On:-nun nylll In; -.-.`I I._-j _a. AI. _ _-u , sn.n.ua.-nu way. 01 me purcnale E10119! balance terms will be made known at the sale. For further particulars apply to JONES BROS. at MACKENZIE. 1o-12 ` Solicitors. Toronto street, Toronto. oN1J1v1:%o1.=v.rGAGJ.=:. |.0UN1`.0lGKlNSON 65 mwm, at the Sale. the following Properties: PARCEL I.-Under Mor ages from Thomas S. McLeod. the East Ho f of Let 24. in `the First Concession. east or the Penetan ishene Road. or the Township of Oro, in the unty ot fimcoe. containing one hundred acres. more or ess. The following. improvements are said to be on the premises: About 80 cleared. hsvinsz erected thereon a frame wnlllho BY virtue of Powers of Sale contained in certain Mortgages. which will be produced PARCEL I.-Unde1- Mnrfnnonn fl-nrn Thoma. , ,j:.__.______.__._..__. _ . ,..___:-&. PRIVATE FUNDS TO ALEND Land of the Shamrock. Note a few of our pricea : A lot of Pure Linen Handkerchiefs at 5c. each ; better goods at 9c , 100., 12c., 15c., up. Linen Towels, heavy and durable, eize 17x35 inches, 10c. each; 20:40,` 15. each; 22:46, 20c.` each, &c. A big lot of Fine Table Napkins, all prices, A. 1 value. Tray Cloths, Table Clothe, Sideboard Covezfs, Splaahers, &c. TOWNSHIPS or om SUNNIDALB. 3'$`n'Z{1v2;';'&; 3:`?:E"1ng.u-""'"6:?e27vZ phosphate district: Mr.` Bailey,` `aoundary Ir...L.-nu... l\....L.... --A `K1 -.. I_"..'_..-.l-I-.-Il- There willbe sold on Monday, 24th day of Ma.rcl}{1`89U, of (`no n n1nnlr in tho nbn-u-.4-... qumrs HOTEL, IN THE TOWN drjbilinlr. EMBROIDERIES. In this dept. ire think we take let place,/ both as togatdu quality, quantity and value. Our uaortment is positively one of the best we have ever seen in I town of six thousand inhnbitantsp GLOVES AND HOSIERY. This in ear pet department. We show this week special value in Ladies and Mines Blk. Cashmere Hose. Children : Heny Ribbed Hosiery away down. Best makes of Kid Gloves alweya in stock, at 500., 75c. $1.00. $1.10 pfepaid. Note. You can always get big value for yonr money at The Popular Cash Store. AUGTIONL SALE : ---0F VVVV BLE mm Pnornvrnms C()UNTY OF SIMCOE. DRESS GOODS. In this dept. we are showing some lovely meterinls, both Block, and also all the new shades for the season. New satin nished Henrietta cloths in lovely shades, st 600. per yd. up. New Bordeted Goods, new Csshmerettee, new ` French Toules, new Soliels, new Lnstrenes, &e., and 5 his; lot of Combination Dress Goods that we are giving away at 100. per yd. Samples on application. NEW GOODS. We are daily opening up new goods In dvery depnrtment in the house. )TEEEY uuuaa u: o. ; Hon. Mr. Abbott said he could not help looking upon the bit`! as a far-fetched practi- Anl -1.]... `-11 nnt\A uunnn fkn Qnnnfn C-A THEM GEO. REEDYZ 'EEEEiEEE: FOR SALE For Sale or to Rent. at` 01:; o'clock in fie afternoon. at the SOLICITORS. BARBIE. 4-I7 cnsu STORE. au uucy at B stream ;m1-{.36 `to'T. _1%.35_1!?tOIg Ella, Eastern Towhshlpr -Mr..L9we Lake St. Jnhn Pnuvnv vumrhuno` r `I'ui&n~` (M-.I-Ah. IJ$\.ll\oJ, --uo -clcvvwvzj -v-v -o-I-nun-` arc: .` wwnurawn. 6 In answer to Sir Richard Cartwright, Hon. G. E. Foster said the Budget would be de-'. livered on the first available day next week. Tuesday will be a holiday,and this will bring the Budget on Thursday unless Wednesday in 7 taken as a Government day, which will prob- ably be done. ` ' ,The House then went into committee of _~ supply and the geological survey appropria- tion coming up, Hon. Edgar Dewdney was questioned concerning the work to becarried on next season. The minister said the sta __,.1_1 L- LL.-- _u_;...n.--L_'_a , ' U11 `IVS-II DUIXUIJO `II? IJOCICIUKI TH` IIIIW wvwu. would be thus distributed : " Dr. Dawson. British Columbia; Mr. Mo`- Connell, Peace River and Athabasca district; Messrs. Tyroll and Dowliug, Duck Lake and Riding Mountains. Manitoba; Dr. B911, Sudbury; Mr. Lawson, Port"Arthur; Dr. ' I111... 'l1V..-L-.... 'lV._..`....I.a..'.. ll- 1' -_- 7 ..I.. an. "withdrawn. ".l.1'ad spoken in sup` pQ_rt of the principle of the resolution it was m. vso u 1 nu L,_,-,I,,I,.L IO- ; ulvu um. - an-vv vs '15 vvvuvuvw an Uuvu Vvlbl Z . Sir John Thompson held that the point covered by this resolution had been decided in the case of Lenoir V.` Ritchie, and that so long as that decision was not pro- versed it, must be considered the"; law of the land. Parliament should. not be asked to pronounce upon a decision of the courts, and especially in this off-hand fashion, and he hoped M). Amyot would not press his motion. A IL-.. `Ll -.. T\.....I IIJIIA 1.-.! -..-I--_ 3.. _....- -~-- --muuuuuu um Intended to cause my Sltor and his curate to The bacgmils 5 Pronounced hjgh ohurchxpnn, in trod 8 up Mr. Crawford in his q;Eo;:t;,t.) :1;;.,:;._ `h 0:316 high church practices, mid ll . urc members have-been low `chuck :10?" 70018 thaw an up! m-uu.....1.`.,`-.....-..r__E'n_ .2 ;.m_"g+_vl.!.a "That it is the exclusive right of the local legislatures and the executive e of each province to appoint Queen's` counsel ` for all courts established. maintained and managed by such province and to settle the . rules and rights of precedence in such courtl." 1 0:- YA)... 'l`I...-........... 'L...I.l LI...` LI... _-.'..4. ` The Minister of Finance Announces the Budget for the first Asllilable `pg, Next Week--'1'he 'l`niple Lnn3-nnge Bil) Lost in the Senate. i V : OTTAWA. March 18.--The conicting _ap- ` pointment of Queen's counsel by the Do- `A minion and Provincial Governments was i brought to the attention of the House thin i stternoon by Col. Ausyot introducing the matter on a motion to so into supply. . He pointed out that serious inconvenience was I t to arise, notably in criminal cases where t e crown prosecutor, it e. Queen s counsel, ' had` the right to reply other the addresses I to the jury. He read is long srgument he had prepared to show that the Dominion had ' no right to appoint Q.Cs. except for the" ' courts under Dominion jurisdiction and that ` the power of appointing them had never been taken from the Legislatures; and moved this resolution, seconded by Hon. Dsvid ' IIIIL. . March 20. ANOTHER ouscusslou or _n-Ii: a.c. QUESTION. . % ` Anni! CUT DOWN TO $1 A YEAR. BU ll-IUII UL UIIU-~Vll - vb -vnqv `III-nun: V % vod nogolahc injurics rnlvbody an the rum _._f- vV- vv-r -uiltlvlli fl`Il[[IlllIal0III .. Monrmun. March 18,-Thai `City Council at its rogularmeeting to-day discussed Ald. ._McBri ,3;motion_ for 9.` license` 01181000 on all saloons;`zbut.Ai1}4 was defeated a big majority. It was agreed to appoint a dolo- gation to interview the T Provincial Premier on the "0Annn nnAal-.ln-. ' . '_ Died of Agony. ` ., ${'1)!AsN_APOI3I, nu-ch 18.-.-`Tho body of 1 Espy Stormer was taken out `or the ruins of Bowen, 85 Menrill I store" tqday, one leg wu:bnn;od-'gnbi_Ijol!;-gall. It all-xtllought he dun-at `ohthlming 1.; as ho, _....l_..I --..LI.n- Inn-Innnlnn fl . add-.. __ ow-vwv wvuuotu munx, March 18.-Geourge Eu1s,Va 70- V `your.-91'd"inmato_ot' the Poor Asylum, "had ~ 3 . ~..~ac1_:me;_with smother inmate in the insti- tution thi nvenipg, -meled him severely.` After they papar- atod Ellis sat qn s_ {tor a, tiw minutes, thin : toll forward on tho oor and picked .up lifeless. An inquest willj-be=;1el.- in which the new pum-I uuu 11. \1. Luuunuuu vs. u.vunv- vuuu ' "3 The spokesmen dwelt eloquently on the" advantages to accrue to the `_ Do-' minion from the enlargement of` th'e canals, which by lessening the} cost of transportation would increase the" a price received by theyfarniem for their-~rein, ` and that it would work wonders in_ increasing? . Inter-p rov'incia_l trade. ~ ~ , `T . Mr. Thomas` of the tion Cmnpany said his firm` were prepared to build a special eet 6f"lfea'm3l.`3i'tG` ply be-\ tween Montreal and the western lakesas soon as the canals were enlarged as desired. These vessels would be occupied in -the Atlantic trade in the winter. ' - - ' cu-vcuoo vv 3n the license question. ouvvl vavvv ULIU .RocIIns'mn, . Marc}: .,18.~_--The .sta_tement telegraphed from ,,Al_b_eny he whereabouts of General Lester B. Fan 3 has created e sensation in `the Genesge Valley. At the time of Faulknestfeunerel` the mysterious movements of the family aroused much comment; '.l`he_1'unere,l was private and only the family allowed to view the lwnmnihn mm. Im-'--- ----- A -._- --_.......... on-Iv wvuuvau yvure u. nlrx men who worked on` the General s tam. '.[_`here have been rumors 'curr'ent that [Faulkner never was buried. but nothing |denite was learned. . ? ,..... the - '.B u',nkV-`,W_r'eoliorV -- '_% Annmr. March.18.-+1516 Ev`3n1n"`.i6xirns1 publishes-3 story this evehidg 'o`theA effect -thutLe`Itar B. lraullmcx-;-the wreck'ei' oftho Dmville Bank. supposed to have died Jan`: m:ra*e";;%.mm.- *:.:::d ~- - 9 ,% Vwener avetho 3:13:20 as his own gnd then.q1.1ietly left; Dnncrumnnn `Il'-__L' 1 a nun" i vnnlii `U179 GIT I-IIIEIII I52?` `III KI-IVIIIU `HT- 33}, June 17. That" inluth __preeent under-[ standing among to withgnph important information so gar in. _ .._ 'advanoe:. ` ' , ,; . . .1 Should anythingtransplre at Ottawa in the meantime-`.-which would. in the estima- tion L of the Government and` the party ad} visors in the province, war1'ant.,a delay in holding the elections from a party` stand- point, they will heicamjied over until October, but not later. B'y Jnn'e;1?1_ haying will be over and harvesting" will not have com- menced. J . _'W . - This in: 'tion isjfreliable and can be de- pended upon by the clulis and` o rgah_lsations f both` payties. The members `of.th`.Assem- bly who follow the.Government will go home at the end-oi. the session with definite infor mation as to" dates, so that they can take` every advantage of foijearmingh-_. . TBA 954.1 A? +1-an lKn`ungn_`\l.'nI-`.4... l:l..-i ;.-_".\ every agvantIge_oI rorearmmgh-_. V. V A The trial of the Masseyxmacleen -1 libel case before Mr. Justice McM_a;hon is creeting the liveliest interest," in Methodist educational circles. Mr.M9.ssey-'eqmph.ins that 4 The World called. himi a.`--`.`h~ay ork inan. The articles complained of were p blished in connection with the controvex?-a y-['ove`r the federation of `Victoria with the Provincial University. ` , _` ;'l`he_ ooronet e jury investizetini one pt Mn. Olny at.2 o olock' this rngrning re- W.nd"!'"`. di* -*h#'_As1599d .13 `ha ` ` th in violeneeet-the handset heriuslaand 'n1o,.'. '7-" " ~ that duke. _ Somevof the Ministers have been dropping hints as to the date 01 L the general elections, and`-The- World learns on worthy authority .-that theidnteihii been `xed for about .I-_ `I'.-.._ IN 'III__'L .2-` 1.1.- ,. 'ir3oa'"T ('3"sZ:"Ev:n'E"'58}`rZa"5in"1L desirability of_ e eortis being. made . in the interests of reform, the Premier s'f>oko in` general terms in the game strain, `when e motion carrieqL JJLIBIQI-Illa , ' Sir John Macdonald made the usual reply. It must be remembered, he said, that there were land routes as well as water routes in Canada, zfnd the Governmenl could not deal with the"St. Lawrence - route as if it were the only out1et.- But he did not think theyfould be accused of neglecting that route in t e past, and when the supple- mentary esgimates for this year came down it would be found that there was a further vote in that connection. He had the";'i assurance of Chieqiugineer Page that t desired enlargemen could be oomple ' _i within three years. ' 1 nun uvauauqauvu vwAvL_w Ill-I:- JIJILUIALU Us Ilpfll. probably `about the 10th. The Government has given `it_s followers .50 to understand; but it may possibly run for another week from That, ot "course, was a proper" subject :tor interference. but he did not wish to see such societies as the .Forests'rs,ifor.. instance, inter- fered with. -He also-took exception. to the "summary method of dealing with supposedly fraudulent societies, and proposediin _1ieu that the closing not such should be left to the . courts on the motion of the Attorney- General. , . . , _ - I Sev;al speeches were made on the subject of th imprisonment of persons of tender. years. Mr.` Ross (Huron), moving the second of, his bill relating thereto, spoke of . the desirability 0! separating boys and girls in reformatories; ' _ Mr. Meredith fully agreed with the minister as to the desirability-of some action inthe direction indicated, and incidentally re: ferred to the system `which prevails in some portions of Australia, where convicted per- sonsareallowedto go with a sentence re- corded against them to be enforced if they shouldagain oend; Messrs. llfrench and 'KT.....I 1U;..4.:....\. I.-_.:_.._ -.-.._-_....-.I 1.. LL- The Ontario Eloctions to be Jlold ` About I ~ 1: 0 Middle of Juhe.7 Tonorwro, arch 19.-'l`he World this morning published the following: - VIII... .-m.-m-.. .......... -0 5|... r\..L-.... A ........I.|_ . nlv re vuvuv vvwwavu vs Illlv Univ: IV lliwllalllly wm terminate betorb thn middle or April, nnnhnhiu ?..I.....o- 4.1.. mm. In... r1..........-...-..... --no vuuu IUGIIIIIIS D` We H ` _V. ~ | The. House went into ,-on the mining law to make a few amendmente re-~ lating to the age at which children shall be, employed, and this was extended 0.!!! yar. ' Mr. Meredith suggested that the . of women as mining employee - should not be made. The act is from the " ` English measure. and suggests a condition of affairs vqzich does not exist in Canada. A humorous suggestion from the back benches that the whole woman question he referred- [to the-champion of. female suffrage (Mr. _Wat'ers) ended the matter with a laugh. " V _ Inmoving the second reading of the hill: respecting contracts of insurances the Pro- Seoretary referred to the necessity. while not interfering with the operation; of benevolent eocieties_, dealing it}: | fraudulent insurance com `iesincorporated `under the Benevolent Societies Act. t Mr. Meredith said he well understood what had brought the matt,elrto the notice of the Government. It was the operations of the Lion Provident Life 82: Live Stock Association. m|....e. .1 --.-..-- --u ~ -' R 1,... .-nun! -;_vu`-Iv|,hI.n'.-_ ' 1 ` .. nothor Div: I: Y on I ' nrtv Llnnn- v 1 "--V-I -96- vvvuu\I.lIllalllI) l|E'f_0V'f'.'I.~ amendment arming thst the 161! 80-1`. I I stand: is auicient--pra.otioa.lly I nogativo. 'Thethirdreadingpuned.51to.29. 'rhA avian want (.5. .._`.__u.:._`- __ 5.1.- 1 "<~;: ---~ "- W---% T I"! I-Qn.-..I.,-. ..-. Ommo. Mmh 19.-;-hi` the I.a'1.x. ..,.4,f i% yosterdgy the second division of tungsten} ""1 `.00 r! ,mot.ion.,-rot tine Attorney`-1 `Genes! for the third reading of hiuhm to provide that appellants shall in coma`: uu b0 requind to provide pourusy for em. "hm awe-line cactus dacidonp or ,tratea. Mr. Wood (Hastings) lud`movod:II amandmnhf. nfinnlnn nut. 51.. 1;_ -- u an canon nanaocwloilvul Illuv AVOOU 77 All` I `The prezent session of the Ontario Assembly H fntvnrnnl-A knfnmk O-Inn --813.11.` A` A_..ll The 81600 Iiiqgns Proposition. \umnn A 5 `lt-..-I_ 1n - 7 '-~---- -uvulvuni IIHVU `fllwll ~ voara they are vigoronxplygp W Mlons, Mr. Crawfoi - L 'pN'rAni_o'KssEMaL`vT -roao~r6_+6i5I6T5 A Fatal Sufp. 5aqIiiva.1ontto50shil1ingu_eaoh. : ..A.Yt9 "3.f...Q0,hQ.1.01.1s., _,' . . PA-B18. .Marh'.` .18.L1!Ilff._1:h_bV,` Benhto , `to -day To Puvhduf-'7.l'h`ol1' Freedom. V 1bIontn.4s:,. IMarch-.18.-.,-'1?he. Arab masters `have uganinaouslyaooopted the terms of : Mackenzib, agent of=the:Britiah East -Africa` ucompdny, b'y. whlchlnou-1y.3000 mmuwuy 'ul1wee..who have settled in Fnllqloys will l% procure, their-.-:r?udom. by` doing work? (no.3 Srprniisd 1:6` " ,pp<`wr`.t` li. Inci- `.n.M;..`.1-. ' W QOV-:' I6.- .-.AIn.u".a..`.:.`- 1n\'Aa.'..l` "rm... mm. xv an ployes hive signed 5 now ugroapiont. - .\ '.%_"7'i.a2"x1;'mu, "7E1""ug.ny' .v'c`1.1.:'z.t:1`r',~f-0`;-1 .-a.';1.<`1. thit`he`hdd'at the tips a wife` living in the 3 "`i~`*"%.}}"}"1 `"%"'3"`i?`%`~ _ul_iu Wa`1tz9r_-O.,l,Ie1bou_rna`, charged with bjgnmy; placed on in the Queen : ; BL;-AL I-AJIQJW I11... nnnb `Ali I-Inn nnnnrn C- yuan--J, vivuw. r------ v- -.-.-v .- --V xv-van--u Bofpch to-day; '_1`he cage for he crown in E chc.itho`%prigoner inarued McDonald. -n..`An.;-._.a_a..}rxi...;.......`. ...;....o.. n...4. .....a .muu.-=.w.- 1*. M wwr-.W.=-9. {war-an-., 1'99. .Chng`1bor` Lo: Deputies ' 818 _ to vs, hxpresed foo _e`qce;.1uthe`Gov i'nmeht. ` 7 _ ,. ., -` A Obnlplrqmsjcbnfesqion. L , `S0l'IA_`,` ` M_a.toh- :18.-A-An`IA1t-omoers -of ~' the ' army arrestadj`fn-complicity in the Panftza i conspiracy ha.s'oon_1'ess4d,im'p1icating" many 'A`-numberot'cipher documents be- lrlongingv utb the` . conspirators nhavef been dis- :.::ove1'-ed, o;_ .. A ' . 1 4 For Unreetcteq Reciprocity. \ WmNxPmG,`_March _18.7A,t_.torney-General Maftin gave _notio_e z;ight,in the the Leglqlature thathe would mojvge. this resolu- tionito-morrow. . . A V 35:: resolvegithatan humble petltlonzbe pre- Ientbd by this House to the Parliament of..the Dominion of Canada praying that steps be, by said Domlnien P`ax"1lament_ to negotla lth ~ .the: `Government `of the 0'12: America}--Jwith' e a view? 30f`, arriving` ` It .=eome`f`_, Ig`reement- by -which there; Ihouldhe unreurioted-teolp,roc1ty in` trade be "tween `thetvyd countries, and also (that an humble address presented -, to His Excellency the _ \4 v.9rno.r-.Gen .,:,ln.-Council praying that he 11! take th state of- .I.a ......._.I...... 1.5.. -......a.a....u.... -...1 ...2u`;.-u.- ._;-s. Huts aavn uvn An immense deputation from Toronto, Hamilton, Montreal and intermediate pointe along the St. Lawrence intervieived the Government to-day in the interesteof St. Lawrence navigation. The deputation were accompanied by 19 members of Parliament. The Government were representedby Sir John Macdonald and Hon. `C. C. Colby. The spokesmen for the deputation were Mr. A. M. Smith of Toronto, who made the intro- ductory address, Messrs. Crandell, Gaskin and Faingrieve of the Marine Association, Thomas Marks of Port Arthur, A. T. Freed of Hamilton,Barlow Cumberland of Toronto, Hugh McLennan, Robert Reford. D. A.Vatt* ....a A ('1 "'\I\V\`Il\I\ nf llnnl-.1-on` ` `_ . y5u;u-I5 vuu-vy any vv uu nu-av vuv plot! UL- :ho province into consideration and will take such , Stet"! Ipout unrest:-i P A geoipmcity in trae `between ` ~ V`II'nd11:,11qQ__Q.nit'od States ot UB9 IIIFUIIIIIKIJ -II_ `1.ln9r103r.". 5".` wvnnanuunnn ulvnunvnw vvnvnn JAAH \.l`7l.lI)lCIll! BmiLIN.' March 18,-`Tho`Emperor `called a. me.eting'fof'the commandrs of the ; variqus'army oo_rpa_.- He had a `nfe_r_enoe ` with the-Minister of War thiis afte noon.7 % V To '1x`~y"Fo,1` BlgarIsSeat."_' ` ? V DiILIN, TMarchV18.--'lThe Home Rule con- ventidn of the ,vvet2' division of County Cavaiit to-day accepted is 'a..ca'ndida.to for the s_entin the House 91` Commons made vaqant by the deth_,ot,,M'xf.' Biggair, V6_sey' Kdbxj the meter Pfotestmtj i'e'cdh_nmr.ide.d b`y- \Parne.IL - ' J """ -' . `The Victoria and Albert is to be escorted the channel by, the Osborne, _Galatea and Enchantrees. The will arrive at Cherbourg at 4 o'clock on Wednesday. She will sleep and dine on the yacht. Thursday morning the Queen will start from the harbor stated direct for Aix les Bains, where she will arrive early on Friday. She will "stay there three weeks and return to" Windsor by the same route, The Queen is to reside at Al: lee Bains in Villa, Victoria, an annex of the" Hotel`d_e`Europe'.' The Queen's horses -and V carriages andjetable servants. with heavy ;luggage, and Her Majesty s_ favorite `chair ' and the donkey which draws it, arrived at- ` on Saturday. The Dock Laborers` Strike Collapsing. Livnuroob, March 18.--The strike of deck ` laborers here is collapsing. The leaders of i the-strike have lost touch with the menend * the latter are showing a disposition tosubmit the question in dispute between themselves and the dock companies to arbitration. New hands to. 1111 the placesot the strikers are ar-L -r:II:nnnn 8.. `I 1.`...-...-'I -4. - .......:J .._A... -----v-1 av, O... Va-V `cu.-vvw Inn `VI-Vow uvonaval rivjng in Liverpool at a, rapid rate. of the muscles otono `leg. It does not impair :91; as she is w:l1`l.a.z;d_ lgokahiogli , u one no disguising ac w ovoryono admits who goes her, th'at the Queen has used considerably in the _last two The Queen's Health. LONDON, March L18.--'l he Queen was looks" I in; "very well again last week, though not \ quiteeo pleasant. _ Atthe last drawing-room , she did not my all the time, so many Lniseed seeing` her. she sat-a_ good deal, for she can- not now stand very longvor go upstairs, and on her visits to Lady Ely and the Duchess 0; Fire she was received on both occasions down- lttirl. Rheumatism, _ from . which Her 11.4.... a. ...n...;..... -....a _.1..a..1. 1...... 1..........' _ 5;":1I`4,fO_lI3NMENT DEFEAT IN `THEN I T I-`lO.L|8E or commons. LLUBIJ 4lLvJJUuIAoUu. svvvva v ow!-lava van` and A. G. Thomson of Montreal. ,I___-IA. -1---____ a-vvinuno II UH? \Jllll\-$llUI D IU5I`lluUIuIle J 'l.'he .ettitude of the Emperor in "opposing Prince Bisma.r.ck.ie taken as an indication of his desire to conciliete the Clerical party. If i the Government is to secune a. `working * majority in the new Reichsteg it cannot well ;e get on without the party of the,Centre which 1 Dr. Wlndthonst controls. `T 3 ?! 99'] t `: t The A nanonuy [Gazette believes Count Herbert Bismarck win remain in omee. ?The Tagblntt attributes Prince 13' pm. resignation entirely to tine 15 ` _'tlon } question. The.Bourse was only slightly at- ` fected by the Chanoellor s resignation, I WI` nf.3f.IIAA AI `kn nIv\vun-An u. ..-..-...-l--- CI? fC-UIlITI' ~"` -\II!l.'I|l.DIl o Bl:!u.I1`,Ll_h_.rcl_x_,_18`e.-- 1 h_e Naiongl Gaze joys: {1`lge'rtltu&e tiiward the restorer of .Germ&iI. that 1sn111ng`the hearts or the Germans at this ormoal time proves Prince .Bi.Imu',ok_1_;vill.-long be regarded as theper- ;I::`icution of Germany s growth and pros~ tv ' . FVIOOIIVTUI ` parity. NV]..- `I Various Theories aafto the Causelot Ill 4,: lift:-ck'Va_1 lies!`-Ilation -- It Is Thoui f{;l,lI Remain in 0iIlce--The - L - V Government was Commons this even- ing on the: motion of .l!i`canan (Lib.) complaining ot-encroachmenfaupon the pub- lic right of -way in Scotland and asking that the lawn be reformed and that the matter be entrusted to the county 'councils. 7 Mr. Chamberlain, a numberoi j ministers and a few Scotchgconeervativee supported the motion which, was adopted, 110 to 97.- The Government has summoned to. London Mr. Balfour, the chief secretary for Ireland. . Lord Randolph Churchill in a bantering reply to the Paddingtcn Conservative Coun- cil_ twits `them with prudently retraining tram expressing an opinion as to theinectitude ott- hisaoticn. He predicts that in future the Tories will designate the Parnellommiuion with an adjective more common than polite. Hedeclines to accept the council s resolution `as the opinion of the electors. "T mIsA'r1;1"NT15"o anvmsf 4w_m1'am confers with ma Generals. ': ..A.. ~9* aw` -i -' `- u- -`ax.-I led` a` U1 ` . The [Bolton-or of .Go1-nnn'ny. In If-sud. an ,__'!I..- ' M'.La...-'I 4 its` unwuv on raw vvaocvvn Mr. Barlow Cumberland showed that it would be quite feasible for vessels to take their cargoes right through from the lakes to England. V, d.:.. 1.1.... It-...I,.....1,: ......a.. n_- --.__--I ._-._1_. {X `.~'. ; -x`y-,,'_,- Q` l: _ ' ` NORTHERN "`AD'VA `E ' ~ J...` , _ . _ .- `_ -:-_~.`.u;- Charged with Embouloment. . . Moz_rr'n E;;L, March 18.-Alexa.nder Shaw, `head bookkeperfprithe Canada J ute Com pany, was arrested to-day on a chargeoi embezz1ing,$'f000. 5 About+a;:week ago I sho1jtagQ.of 81800/Was diaco`vered in the book: which Wa ma.do_good by Sha1;v.,.,Lb1_xtj._it led "ta ;-, ,the jnvevqigatign `reamed in his An Unlucky Steamship. ' Boston. 5' M;srch;_18.-f1`ha steamship Do l was ashore oi the Mass: `Which gb_t_ dE{I_M;onday, struck on 'Davis' nenirBoston_to'-cipy, having steamed pAllou` ' `,.:..' r_ .111 = " itnznswf . . - L" The Flaekconsp cy Trial.` ` Nnw Yonx,-~Ma.rch 18.- Flack was examined in the divorce matter to-day. The silence oi! the `court room was oppressiv. when she was ,ca.1led_ to the stand. The sheriff moved uneasily in his seet and tin s_on s fsoe ushed. The women wept most 01 the time she was on the stand. Her straight ',;;orwa1wd "Story" told heavily tho uh-`un..rnu|oI Ins`; non`: ' _ov- vvvunvu nivnrnl " heri'vand- his sogm `To Encourage Matrimony. T 1 ` WASHINGTON, March 18.--H`ere is the text of a bill introduced in the` Senate by M1-.v Jones (Ark.) for`Mr. Ingalls: _ - . ' omun Train : Trip. - - TACOMA, March 18.-'Boon after 5 tih. morning" Train left his hotel ; here for histrip around the world and was driven rapidly tozthe steamer Olympia. Can non were fired at the start, bells rang and steam whistles l_)lew_ on all sides. Four hun dred, people accompanied him to the steamer Abyssiniavvhich he boarded` while at anchoa e of! Viotoria,` VB'. C. Mr. Train says he is xed so he'caln`buy` _a steamer in case oonnection. fail. He"is in fine health and spirits and-con a.a.."...u--L.-..` `..;m 1..-....a -4: 4.1.`. ..a.....a.:..... ._...-..l.. _:..:_ CIUQIQ `CV DU 55-5 555513, I-IUICIUII GUI-I\I CHI} If II\\3\ u dent he will land at the starting point with- in 60 day. He sto.rts= at a. d vantage in going by the. Abyssinia, which 7 . hree day: slower than the Pa:-thin between the Sound _a.nd;Yoko_ha.rna, but will make, up T some less! time by special train from New.York tn Teqoma-. vgu ll! vain? ualu UL nun. Gnu Fl: um ucuul uu soldier`: widow shall be entitled to $32 per month at long as she remains his widow -If the said soldier`: wife refuaedto live. with himzand care for him -5`... I... -I__-_-- -1 '..I__ _.-Z.;n__ 4:. _.;_a __u_n-- henebeence of VVIAVIVLIISKEVVIIV VVIZDJIDXIAZIMI `El? SUI IIIII-I six, mohths the said soldie coin, with two before uni county `court within the United States and prove that his wife has left him and refused to live withhin _ andcare fol-d him,`an`d the said county court she} igsuethe , or Q divorce for 85 endeosts-.; Culmlnation of the Anti-Rftunllstio '1':-ou1';1;;o`,"~ at Hamilton. _ . j 'E.------- `I ` A `' - nnvwvn up wv _ was-u .v\. :=o3:;;.T Court 1E"x;ommg' yvith selling '1'i'q1I3 . to children under 16 `years of age. The hotel- men-had-a. general order from the parents The magistrate reserved his decision. The post-`mo!-tem exemihation on the body Q! the wife of Thomas Boggess, who died sud- denly in Pittsburg, Pa.., last Saturday morn- ing, failed `to rev:ea.lanything that would bear out the theory advanced by the w;eman t friends that death was caused by poisoning. It.was=found that death resulted frozn the bunstingot a blood vessel. in-gthe stomach No trace of poisoning could betound. u uvvniipno-I-In\I\I' sunny :1 uvauuva - suuv nuo Ava both eyes, or one or one leg, or both arms or both legs, or one A _ and one leg. be.ent,ltled to get gnarried at pnyftlxpe dqring his life to son: oge to take` cafe or him and `at his death the _-I.n__q_ _1_:-._ .I.-n L. ._-1.14)-; ;.- `nan_. __ __, -,, AI Accuunga Mother -of.-the Abduction .oT - Her Own Child HAuwroN,= March 18.-At the Policecoun this mornihg Mm Margaret Mullen, former ly of this `city, now` of Bualo, N.Y., v'va. charged with theahduction other own child The complhinhnt` in- the case was Jamel Neville, in whose can she lottthechild some time ago. `The ma.gistra.te`dismissed the cast and awaided the custody of the child to. it: _. ..LI. .- V Bemit enacted by the_ seate qnd Hoi_1se Bop resentatives ot.the United St_.ates.of Americq, in Congress assembled. that a. soldier. that has lost hath Anna an Aug nuns Au nun I4... 4- KAI-L -....__ who ;the new legialn ve provisions in.- bllgeone that `no*'im rtetione-hall be made to the United V stutea:.w1gq1:.;s1'24;;pt show plainly the country fro which they .urelniporfed. This`-isdoneto pthecom- mon practice of importing foreigngoodswith American brands. the purpose being to do ceive {the public and have the waves sup; plant popnlu-.Aa:ex-leenpgoods. The bill will also repeal the law which gives the United States and contractors under it the right ta import supplies free of duty.- . . . . Thelree list. which conhine with a few on I oeptione all the items in the Senate bill and a few others not in the Senate` bill, will it in estimated make a. reduction of between 1}: and 1% `million dollars. I11e,revieions made through the ttari schedules are expected in effect 9. reduction of about $15,000,000. The A..J.-I ..-.I_-_:.:-.. ..__.I~- 1.-- LL- l..'II .'_ -_a.:__-.;.I tom2alwvwr';(it`1"c:t:i<`;2-zwmadue E'{1I{{sIi}'"oc}LaaEe7: at 860,000,000. ' . . .` ya u ,vvv vvV ll VLU,VVV'U\IVa ` In the lumber schedule the duty on sawed -boards,-planks andvnihhed `lumber is re *dueed50per cent, from the `present rate. Therein a special provision that it Ceunda `laysan import. duty upon lumber, duties shall becollected `according to existing` rate. There is an increase generally along the. Intirelist in the duties upon. agrioultnra' products. The duty on barley is raised to 30 oeutea bushel,-ho -to 415- cents a=p`ound_- . buokwhee.tto15 nte a--bushel, oatsrtoll cents a bushel. ' The duty on agricultural Ieeds is increased. ` - - ~ r - _ Butter and substitutes therefor have the `iuty increased to cents a pound. The duty eneggsis grade 5 cents-a dozen; Potatoes will pay 25 cents a bushel. ' Hides, now 0] the freelist, are made dutiable at 1% centers pound. There is a small increase in the duties upon fruits. Advances in duties have gener- ally been conceded where it is believed the)- will benet the farmer. Salt has not boot - vuvq u-uanln in I-50 IE5 Illllll llulclllll-$Il|II`1I tobacco will be reduced from 8c.to"4o.e pound; cigars, cheroote and cigarettes will carry the name tax as under the preeent law. Alcohol used in the arts in tree under_Iuh- wnntlnlly the some restrictions as prescribed lnthe some Bill. The reduction: in a.. revenue tram these sources will be between $17,000,000 and 819,000,000. ~ - ` - 1'- 4-1.... 1.....:.... ....:._.a-_u- .n.- ..__;.. ._ _.__'.u s p 1'-4 I 3.PIl>1.1_.iI.! 9!II.I!I1.t.t90iIIn 581509! 19" ; 3 ' ' ` Point of the Net Schedule. _ e WAsn1NorbN',Mnrch18._-The Repnblicnn, ` tnenibereot ihe Honee Wnyeend Mennecom 1 niitteelmve practically upon. every 1 point of division, on the tnriechedulee ans -_t_he~reductions 005.0 made from internal revenue and will present their bill to the hi! | committee this week. The relating.` to carpet wools. Mexican leed lend one or` two. other articles have not been finally peaedupon, but the bill is believed to be substentiallyanishedmegisuresotar eethe znndority ot the committed is concerned. The internal revenue` features are: Thu abolition of all special taxes upon uuv won: an: o ovwvuvnn `any-s cal joke, and called upo the Senate vote the measure down, whic was done on a division of 42 to 7.` The seven were: Mo- lvvnsua uyuu Innes (British Columbia). Sulliva:_1,McQb.llu;n, . Parquet, McDonald (Victoria), & Sutherland and Merner. A A! , A,.._,, X` _ _ . , , L, A