1:-run. `l.'l'66l. Auwgouler 16 In one or me most otrored C001 bk . in 3811'! Tag} gt: Ap t?rR0B'l`.`MEIK5Io1:t(}; I-1` `J-pqw-wt l.;.av.-1---iuui A. DUNLOP, Master. WILL MAKE HER` REGULAR TRIPS ON _ this route, leaving Cobourg every morn- ing at 7.30. and Port Ho e at 9.50 o'clock,` on air- rival ot Grand Trunk ailw trains from the east andvweet; connecting in Rochester with Erie Railways. and the Lake Ontario division of the Rome Watertown and Ogdeneburg Railwa for all ta east, west and south. , BET RNIN .-Will leave Charlotte (port of Rochester): on Monday; Wednesdnvn mud rm. t`he4New York Central. Northern Central. and I Illlll auove stauncn and commoulous steamer J.` is now open for engagements for the Ex- curslon Season of 1889. m and to Peninsular Park. Bradford. Orillia. Jackson's Point. (sioltichlching, and all other points on Lake coo. T Commencing J une 25th. the Steamer Enter rise will run between Barrie, and Big Bay oint. twice daily, as follows :-Leave Point, 7 am. (except Monday. than 5.30 am.) Leave Barrie, 2 m. Leave Point, 6 p.m. Leave Barrie. 8.4 p.m. Return Fare, 250. 12 Trip Tickets. $2.60. 24 Trip Tickets, $4.50. Liberal arrangements made with Societies and Schools for `Big Bay Point excursions. I For terms and arrangements apply to r W- Jo VAI.I.EAUo . A _-__A. LSDCI SJ-JHCLJII NORSEJQEAN, A. DUNLOP. Master. ENITB_!$E.l THE above staunch and commodious steamer ` e ments nunnlnn Hanan-u Al `Icon `.4... -_.i 4.. n-_:___-|-_ nuuau L at. In. an UILIUIT 201'! 01' 15095 0]: re` sort on Lak S ooe and Couo ching. On strawberry I d is a large Summer Hoteland anumber of Cottages, in la Pavilion. Public Cook House for the eonven ence of excursion- ists. Bathing Houses, Ioe. Swing Boats. Fish-` ing Tackle. &o.v Around the is d is the best bass fishing grounds in the lake. All excursions to Strawbe Island must be arranged for with Mr. C.` clnnes. proprietor, or with the undersigned as this isthe only steamer privi- lesred to land excursionists there. For further \ information, rates. &o., apply too. H. LYON. ` Agent, P. 0. Box 303, Barrie. 2l~tt 1889. 4.` aenoe munteu on nxgn an-oe< Eied by Geo. Lount. Esq , cont: utranoe Ball-, Dining Room,- Draw Bragkutt `Rnnm- nnvnn Rad:-nnunu: .u amnon on the N. as N. W. and Midlanil 3ii'?` . i:.`? "i>:%'J. "%'%}.` `8e%':` a or ac n s , ` o e - :3:::s:;;.:::*;. *.*3",2:"y `a?"" ""*z'"' ` gort Lakes coera.?i ccgfo m`i?2.3 53. \ - THE NEW LOW pmnssvnm STEAMER -- ORILLIA, `D 'I .\Yn\r Innumun May lat. 1889. ; to mom can or Uneque Bank. London. '"" For Handbook. containing List or upwards of -500~Bonking Houses situated in allnrts of the orld. that Cash Cheque Bank heques on presentation without charge. apply to V J . C. MCKEGGIE J: Con, Bankers. ; 19-31 BUB-AGENTS, BARRII. SEASQLI I389. EXCU_B_SlONS a.\ILIv\l LII LIAN F5131: oaifiah Che ue Bank on ue an Banking ouses inP 3. ` avellers and oglkzgg-3 holding Junnvsn nun-n L4... -- - I` nu uanxmg nousee in Paris. ' V 4 W others holding Cheque Bank Cheques can have their mail matter addressed to them care of Cheque Bank. London. I Handbook. containing Lint no ...........a. .. .um uunx lmmealamly available. Cheque Bank Cheques ere EQUAL TO 0 ASH. as Bank of England Notes are, only safer, for the ..cannot be oeIhed~until signed by holder. 0 eque Bank Cheques from ONE POUND u wards can be cashed on nmtion WITH- mac 0 T CHARGE 't2.500Ba. i om in G Britain and the iaontlnent? us ca mat THE D A DTQ `lifiiifirlnvtsuv nrmun and me uonunent. V _' VISITORS TO THE PARIS EXHIBITIO : can Cash Clglues at upwards of ` my in P s. nnusn uovernment securities. . The bank does not discount notes or bills, no: speculate, but loans its de sits ainst Govern- ment securities thus ma nglal the assets of 9. e. the bank immetiistnly avail Cheque Bank Chennai: lira EDIT A I .'l'n n A an `and. argue`: a.s\.u.Vo unnu IJDAUUIIAMPQ , BANKERS. BANKOFENGLAND. The Capital of the Bank, together with its Guarantee Fund of 50 per cent... is invested in British Government Securities. ` bank does nnf. dinnnnnt anon. Ave 1.11:. .. -- 16-28 '5 `IP31-old slug. -1.. and throwing sid'e'l17'i)F'e'j'Ii'i1'c:a`.".sh"3n?0`x1.: older: it aarreat-saving or manual labor.` In brief, it is - you advertise it to be. Yours. _1m. J. s. cnooxshmks. "-?:6Sz1'n1~1"1i'i-"o5n*- ;""*~ *'o...`:'$: 37: : V ' J3N..mDne ` . 5 My wife deal:-es'me to an. that she is well satised with your Acme W er. On first trisl she did not fancy it. but on per-severing with it, and aside her prejudices. she con- giders e great-savimr of mmmu 1.9.... .r.. Daily` Likne to_Rocheter. absodzlgat some of-your home peqple mink ` .BnuuI_::, 0M?.. April 13?. 1889. ` MR. ('9. W. `Dmuwnu -- . DAM 3 Mn. (3. W. Danius. _ _ -v:------rt P. LY6N, MASTER. VXCURSIONS WILL ma: RUN FROM ANY` '1 Station the N. Midland ivision or the G. 1`. mmunu 1.. roll In `n....a.. THE wgsn noAnn"rnno'wN AWAY "H No robbing. No friction; No wear and te of the clothes. They are mado whiter cleaner with less hbor. lean soap. and in less time. than by any other mode of washing. .------- wexghs only 5 nu. Useqnn any wash Boiler. Price only $3.00. KUQWII penda- l;wAsnii`3v3?i`isnERl ----.-- \cuI`lIIlI,UA Etab?1$d1;mn`don'.1s7a 0811!` OF F103 3 4 WATERLOO PLACE. PALL MAL LONDON. - TRUSTEES 2: Tm: LATE Rmrrr Hon. Jomv Bman-r, M.P. (Position not yet lled.) . Tm: R1031` Hon. EARL BEAUCHAMP. R AKTVEDQ `D A xv-rr nun . ---. mono Bqward tor Its superior: AGENTS WANVTED. Address. 0. w. naums. % 6-28 337 Yonge-st., TORONTO, ONT. Excy Rsloufsy. , ACRE mam ran an or e xoiuu for town nmmu-tv- In... Inf. :. n... t ' J.`S. 'Mc'E1'n{s3N. 'M;s'ter. FOR_"_9i\ L"E.% THE STEAMER be but STEAMER 11"`? V Asm B.2t:2~ gsse} .DlIl.'l'l6 mt FOR. 1889, . Ppbshod by the Proprietor, s. Wesley, . Ooplu-25 at the ooo ;'or- ' Qoltpaid, on receipt of that Igthgbut Weekly Published of 8hnooe.andhug 1 '11:" . lrooxn nInEemv: %cou%u1!v or smco:.] ASSIGNMENTS or V QHATTEL MORTGAGE. S ABSTRACTS or TITLE, mo DIVISIONOOUR1` BLANKS, MAGISTRATES BLANKS, SURROGATE cumvr BLANKS, A consmpnns? BLANKS. -Bluik Form`: of any kind printed to nrdm-_ ' iRENEWALS or FARM Lmsns, CHATTEL MORTGAGE DISCHARGE OF `EQUITY OF REDEMPTION, I STATUTORY LEASEIS. DEEDS, A MORTGAGES. CHATTEL MORTGAGES. QUIT CLAIM DEEDS, ` ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE AGREEMENTS or AT TORONTO PRIOES. auaaocurjid BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS, T 1>os'mRs-1>1.1n and Orhamental. DODGERS, FLYERS,` MEMORIAM CARDS, PROGRAMS, ORDERS or DANCE, NOTE HEADINGS, % LETTER HEADINGS, D MEMOEANDUMS. WEDDING INVITATIONS, % WEDDING CARDS, VISITING ouzns .IJ.l!J.|. LIIJV UI RECEIPTS, % "CHECKS, ORDERS, ENVELOPES. Z1. Ont: cums, 1 respectfully solicit an opportunity to furnish estimates for all kinds of work in all the styles of printing, such | [nnmmmnn rnmms. |_ lIOIP'I' All TASTEFIII. EXEGIITION --or onmsns or ALL cussns or- :23 mmtnr st. mans, I-ms UNRIVALLED FACILITIES-1 [PRINTING HOUSE, %Tu Hontninu Auvnucs; % ` -s1-:Au- B L A N K F O R M S Alwaylkept in stock tn mjagfnnnn Anuncn STATEMENTS, BILL HEADS, X NOTE cmcumns, % LETTER cmcumnsl f'!'lI!T'D'l`Q .-V--or -nu-- A full line of MORTGAGE. A full line at all prices. MZENU cums, SALE OF LAND HOUSE LEASEE. sN11>Es, mo. VIOI V xl eet, iin. csonc. mason, L. R. O. P.. L. R. O. S. E.. Lecturer on the Eye, Eat and Throat, Trlnlt Medical College, Toronto, Surgeon to the Met oer Eye and at Inrmary and Ocnlist and Am-lsttothe Sick Children s Hospital, late cum cal Assistant Royal London hthalmlc Hoepl tal. Mooreelds, and Centre London Three and Ear Hosm.-.1. has remnvpd tn m mm... nu. moor-enema, and central London Throe Hosp-oi. has removed to 60 (`ollege Avenue. Toronto. Me. be consulted with re- ference to Diseases 01! e Eye, Ear Throat and Nasal peeeegoe. gjvrer 10,000 ladies. `Igeaaant, sari. r . octugl. Ladies `I on drug itefo Penn y stem and ( M no what! to. or incloss%Eat- '~ 0.\.m*'--..*:,<'. *:..:.-,2-........." kiC AL Dzndrr, Ital. '~*`==:|05 `wk w:..-8old1nBu.'rlo by I. WOODS 1_'gI_:EoKfs'B|a"sTr FEIENB I Inna U.l..I.`JlVU.lli U1!" h].l"1'}, 1 the great Medical Work of the age on Manhood Ner- vous and Physical Defauicy Premature Decline. Errors 0 Youth. and the untold miser- ies consequent thereon._ 300 Faxes 8 vo., 125 prescriptions or all diseases. Cloth, full ,/ V / gilt, only $1.00, by mail. seal- 1 - ed. Illustrative sample free to all youn and middle-agedmen. Send now. The Go] and Jewelled Medal awarded to the author b the National Medical Association. Address F. O. Box 1895. Boston. Mass., or Dr. W. H. PAR- KER, graduate of Harvard Medical College, 25 years ractice in Boston. who 'ma b ult- edoo dentiuy. SDBCi8.ltV- Diynnetffonlsnn ycuns ruuuce In D wn. wno'ma.y be 001181113- eaoondenuauy. 'ecia1ty, Diseases of Man. 0`1e.~No. 4. Bulnch St. - Iv gunk: C can-v nan vat lull Illll lffucflpllulfe ~ A successful edlcine used over 80 years in thousands of cases. Cure! Spermatorrhe Nervous Weahwss. Emissions. mpotency and. all diseases caused bv abuse. 7 Egmn] indlscnstion. or over-exertion. Ann] Gua t d to Cure when M Fair As`k8e;our for T50 9'08! 123135. P:-uerlptlo-, take no substitute. One package `S1185. b mall. Write forP hl t. Add {maxed co., 1:33 -oft, 11113:: 50 Sold in Battle by J. WOODS. DT\TN s ` BAKING .E.9.WPEF3 -----I -2? II 711:: scmncn: or LIFE, hf fhn non An `Ila-`Lang! \T-_ D00` 1 its PENNYROYAL WAFERS. J. PI-mam-lntimn no . ..I......:...n-_ .4... - . 1 cunm me onxyme- B ' chanical system to straighten born Club Feet( Patented.) . Iwill prove to anybody thato ration - never did not can straigh 11 Club `. Feet. Send 6 cent stamps for Book. i7lIAS- CLUTHB, 1|8 King St. W., Toronto. T I will visit professionally: BARBIE, Barrie House, Saturday. July 13. ORILLIA, Orillia. House,-Frida.y. July 12. :j._ LLIIDUUU uunu nu; Luau LuxuaULlUOo ble Patents, 1:: own invention, inTruss- es, 8 inal and lub Feet Instruments. llIIpture-I guarantee tohold largest Rupture without touching your hip, no straps whatsoever. waterproof. Largest stock of general Trusses also the great Clothe spiral Trusses in stock. Reliable A foronnnmoBY MAIL. system . A SpinalInstrumentssggggzmgzg ~ and more effective. ` ETI claimthe onlyxne- '~ ` chanical ;- ,- Fset(Patented.) -- ' 7 Book; mus. cmrrnn. na KinzSt_ w.. Tnrotn Snoolal httention to Cross Eyes and Cataract 'l'.mlhl5Ul( (Y Wu l"l 0Dl'l0I0l'S. TOIOIIIO. Rumn: The last 26 years! have adjusted more Trussesthan any man in America. Vuln- able 1nvention,in'1`russ~ es, Spinal and Imatrumentg. c.___4.___ 1-__.l I __ . _ _ _ L _ _ A-`_-`jI__..-_L v-u.__, CONTRACT CHANGES. Advertisers will please bear in mind that no- tice of Aintentlon to change advertisements must be handed in to the olce not later than Saturday at 10 o'clock, and the cglpy for such change must be in the AVAN_OE 0 ca not later fhnn 0 n'nI.\..I. ____ .- ' -vv-.---v-g --uuv -Iv wvvvuu zuvu "1011 HUI: D551]. and will be inset-ted-F insertion, 2 cents per word, `each subsequent insertion, 1 cent 1' word `names, addresses. and gures count as words - but a. reduction to 1 cent per word will be madeewhen the number or insertions or the same matter exceed FOUR. ouvusuuy at w 0'ci0CK, and the co y for 0 ADVANCE later than 2 o'clock noon on Tuesday, in any week ; otherwise the advertiser : announcement may not be made public until the week tollowin . Advertisers will not be allowed to use t elr space for advertising an thin outside their own regular business. hon d they do so, BONDENBED ADVERTISEMENTS. Condensed advertisements on First Page such as Wants of all kinds. Lost and Found. Property for Sale or to Rent. gsecio Articles, Eto..Etc.. must be acoom ni w1th the cash. t word. subseauent insertion. 1 mm. M.- iimgusrlan vmmv. 'I1`l:l"l1| an 'I1|\TlV`l1| nun 71-Inna Re} 15$ `For one month--the three-monthly rate with r cent. added. or two months-the three monthly rate with 10 per cent. added. 3` Preferred positions in the pa. or will be sold at an advance of one third on 3 ve rates. This rule will be strictly carried out. 4I1n\nuu-cu . 1-- ...-. .--.._.. EYE. EAR THROAT AND NOSE. -3 a-nvuww - . . . . . o o . u . . 5 Inches, i Column. 10 Inches, Column 20 Inches, 1 Column ___,__,_______ llnch .... ...... .. lnches .......... .. x 7..-`.-- I H-'- uunlruct savernacmenus will be taken ct the following rs which are drafted on correct oommercinl p ciples, and. as they will be strictly adhered to in making new contngcta mar pr_esen_t contracts expire, there will be anyone nrlce torall: ~ _ _.v_. _ --_v` -v-u Inlet-non ot the sine mattr. _ .omom a Goermn t d :' Inex_;swillbiaolia1`-:led at zboye ffw vet 1 CONTRACT ADVERTISING. Gontrbct advertisement: will be taken 3 rates. are drafted nn pm-.... uuut uuuruon, I cents per uno. Winding notices. 10 cents not line for mat in- urtlon: 5 oentopor line for each" subsequent Insertion of the same mat . V 0331:] And fllllrnvunu-nAn6 -.1-...-u_- . Qywl yuuuauuu ul borne. Cmvmmnu snotmn non -nus uc'r.'II (12 lines solid nonpu-all make one inch); `I'D Alln mm A I-utvunn-ua-g...-.._. A Y,_,_. _ yy p`-u:-v__~u-1- ru urzuy v-ICZ Evnnnsme RA ms. fun: AnvA1(:i'1'iiA"sA clnouuvnon OP TIIIB I BEN HUNDRED AND ' ' '. EIGIITY COPIES, Almost. if not quit double tint of my other Paper nub ed in Bart-in. vs uuo ocvscuuuag cw uuu umue HIDE DUF- recting Acidity of the Stomach, curing Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Headaches, Dizziness, Heartburn, Constipation, Dryness of the Skin, Dropssy, Dimness of V_isIon, Jaun- dice. alt Rheum, E s1 alas, Sero- fula, Flutterin of t e eart, Ner- vnnsmnqu, and ynnnnol nnhilifn can The Inventor of the Air-brake. A -tory is told of the boyhood of (ieorge Westinghouse, Jr., who is known everywhere as the inventor of the cele- brated air-brake which bears his name, - and later by his gigantic operations in electric lighting and natural gas, which shows that the germs of his inventive ability were very early ripe for develop- ment. George was very fond of playing ball, and was very often absent from his father s factory. It was at last decided that George s work should be arranged on the piece system, instead of the time s jstem, so that soon as he had nished his task he could seek the seductions of `the, ball ground. The quickening effect of this arrangement` was soon made manifest, for without any previous knowledge of the now well-know disk method of cutting metals, he experimented and discovered that with a circular disk of soft sheet iron, on the highest speed of his lathe he could split a le. He quickly utilized this method of completing his daily task and [repaired so early each day to ._th'e ball ground that hisfather at rstfeared a miscount had occurred.. On watching George at work, he soon saw for himself . how the remarkable feat was accomplished. fiiil F1Ta'ti3f:T6'%fa3`i?13?s_"i~'E,"B`1?3 vousness, and enera1Deb1lity;a.1l tI_1ese and many other similar Complaints geld to the happy inuence of BURDOCK LOOD` BITTERS. For Sale by all Dealers. mllnhlrnnn |\,-,,, , , 1 VI IJIAIUW T. MILBURN &w.TooEoE Toronto. {Tins uontngnu AIWANOE A IIVIFDVFTQ Kill I) A VIVDD Unlocks all the clogged avenues of the Bowels, Kidnegs and Liver, ca.1'1'ying o gradually wit out weakening the sys- tem, all the impurities and foul humors of the secretions; at the same time Cor- vanfincp Aniili-in A4? 41.. ac..........I. _ _-__ _.v--'--v- an-20 vuv llllll-Ila V .T;AN8ll.N'l` ADVIBTIBIIINTI. .%*;'::.?:*.; .::-.,'::::::,:>::u'*::- *'"`* n00$ 10 cent: nap no In: uub l.., No. of Inches Rnnnn In: KEY TO HEALTH. if tint a Paper pn ed in Barrie. 7-77WZli `vu- 375 5,.` 5 l ' 2221377215 "(;lmots_)'( vvv 875 - .u_. 13 i (3:33-3]g Th w.I1YTllOyCOIl1ClI'GII$:lOo . 1 _eM - 1']; v ` J 1; rnuoyn, "`1P_Darta !1e `1v:rl`iv,egd1?lg:l .1 Olnmbalium in the olden timo'q, =O1|9ih` my long ago abandoned 'thQ:hIbit.- 3;Th! j reason for this `practice is found ; `N-`t-which maintain most of the island: 6!`? . BIOIII. D (1 yr.) u uAAu uaauu uuuuto ??I`he couple did get married on Wddns- day, and no happier pair during their life- time wasto be met, with in the State of Illinois. The girl blushed and was dumfounded. Jacob mounted his horse and rode away. The girl inquired into Mr. Strawn a ch'ar- actor and standing, and was advised by those with whom she lived to accept the offer of his hand. Punctually, a week later, Jacob rode up to the doorian-d knocked again with hiswhip and asked :' Is it no or yes 7 Blushingly thegirl answered in a low tone, blltqllite distinctly : - Yes. v ' T A Well, said Jacob, we ll be married the day after to-xnorrow, Wednesday. Here's some money to buy a wedding outt, and he threw her a purse contain- ing a thousand dollars. ` - 'Y`l. ,. ,.A_._.1- J23 , ,1 ' I "5 '- The lady of the house answered his! summons, and immediately on her ap- pearance Jacob asked for the servant girl. The servant girl came. J acob said : "I want a wife and 1 heveeplcked you out as the most proper person for that position I can possibly nd. I ve never spoken to you before, but then that makes .no difference. I ll give you one week to decide. I7!` -111 1 I I - - - Outside of Jacksonville, a couple of miles. perhaps there lived a respectable family. This family employed a servant girl. Graceful and extreme, and possess- ing a fair share of intelligence, this girl was a match for whomsoever might take her unto himself. Jacob saw this ower and determined to possess it. One day he rode up to the door of the residence of the fair maid, alighted from his horse and knocked with the butt end of his whip. ' ` NIL- 1-.1._ ,9 .1, I - -- an wunvsu vvul II-llljlo Jacob Stra.wn`,oof Jacksonville, Illinois, was during his lifetime the largest farmer in Illinois, and a. very eccentric man. The circumstances of, his marriage are as" fol- lows :- A D u-- u --- vwuvs van IHI AIID IDIIV-It A Wfhe` Fzinance `Committee recommended that the following accounts be paid : Wm. Sissons, for work on townline, $7 ; Web- I ate!` & Sons, for lumber, $21.18 ; Harry Wyles, for lumber, $4 ; Jan. B. Johnston, for nails, 42c , and Jae. Brumby, for re- pairing bridgeon 13th con , $6. That an order be given for 6 steel road scrapers, and that $5 be granted to Robt. Orrock to improve the hill on 4th line. - ' - The reportwas adopted. ' The Council adjourned to Monday, 8th J uiy, next, at 10 a.m._ _ A`- was " _ 2 ; - The Committee on Road: and Bridges s reported as follows : _That they have carc- \ fully considered the communication of\ 7 Messrs. Strathy & Eaten, barristers, re 4 overow of water pver N. 8, 11th con. owned by Jon. Hmdle, end recommen that the clerk, be authorized to write to the said law rm and inform them that the Council of this ccrgoration have done no act to maketthem liable for any dam- ages sustained by their client by the over- ` now of water on to his land. VP]... 'l]`.'...-....... l`I.....___21L- - , reu nuu Uklllllljl-IUCI . Several documentawerov presented sud read and [referred to the standing oommit._ tees U ml... n........:u.... ..... 13..-}- _.__s -n on The.Cuuncil`.met on 24t.h Juo, 1839, pursuant to adjvvurpment. _ All the mam. bars present. The Reeve In the chair`. The minutes of the last meoting veto read and conrmed. (`I_...._-` Annnnnnnusbnf-pg.-`V ....__.-..L_ _I I ` J0nn VVUVUII vuuu vu u `uu V V ' van WU: The name of David Adgil-=. \: s. 8,11th . A'A"|d.~ I tor Ads. con : to be changed to John g I 10!: pa. vv 2 u `urvuvvu uvvgvu." [{;r:,_ J, S van, J . _A. '1roll,opo.` Thou V Sutton and J .;hn Church to be entered on you under M S Aou. ' . A . The assessment M J apnea McKmlay god John Wmds each tube reduced $50, T ` ~ mz_- ..nn\>n nf Dnvid annn-....J".l".`_- ` . vuprs O9un91l__ __ W _ - . M tho gdjnuxfned Oouri '6f"I{iIi o 3 heid on the 17th 39-9 h0.!o|lowiug_- V _i-j ti. and`alt9;-atuong togtlgo |I`IoIimTnt ' -.`v'.I. o. Webb to be of w 5 lot 3; 13,11 Vlc_t" r H`rt . , 1:5 ', D, E, you 3, 13h wm. Brown to be 99$er9d_ , V s.. lot P E E3 9 M034 "2? Richard MOI!` to bentored .0; _fr.bllA in ten`nt pqta W `& 6, g 111.... _ . van- J. A- TI-nlI.1na 'lVh..'.. '~ :."..'.'..`.......,.....,...,.` 9 on "1! They 0onlda;'`lfat-`lion. A l'..._'_ In - ~ . July 4, 1889 A Ouiok courtship 0 L..-_._ -2 T- -1, , -In I-I|.ll\4l.U\Il\ IILVUI-I JJl_Io|.VlD_ (Ill!-I UNIS W CHUIU I3 nothing equal to it. `T308 O'BRIEN. B. B. cures dyspepsia, biliousness and constipa- tion. . A clone Cull. -` FTER suffering for three weeks from Cholera. Infantum` so that I was_` not` ex- cted to live,_and, at the time, wiou-Yd even ave been glad had death called me, soi great was in an ering, a friend recommended Dr. Fowler 3 Extract of wild St_awberrv,. which acted like magic on In syste_x_n.. But for Ltiiih medicine I would-not e` alive now,-' 4* . JOHN W. Bnmeuaw.` - L 39 st; Paul eumsntreal, 11Q.? . `mum 1-.23. 3. j IDNEY ailliilillfwiiid: L `bad ` V `tiiisch A `i:r6ubled'."iue'f9r,y V hut`! waa`.;cut'e_`cl: .15 Mile bf B?1 3 .i Em`; ` .. Q heailt +1` _ ` 1 Wavsi - --_..-- . .--.`------- v -, "W--""'*v "J ""'` .II "V" '.l'ho:Ano!ont Capital. - UEBEC. I`have been troubled with in-' digestion for the paqt twovyears and have mad man medicines without` avail. I tried Burdock lood Bitters, and can say there is no-n'nn Anna` in N- .'l`I.rna lvnnvnu I! H uuy v-vy 1,11; 15 1- Jr" :1. uuv -: -7: --u -. ---au-ya-vvv,v_v--v onvviu Freely `Used. . . . R WM. MANN , of Ott wa, Ont.`,' writes: I have used Dr. Fo 1er's Exteet of Wild Strawberry in my family with t e very best results. I recommend it to my friends and think it the best medicine in use for all summer complaints, `diarrhoea , dysentery, etc. I u.l.a.|u.`.u.'a qato uav J uclu. LIVCI uuuz sauna uuu J. mndiggstion. Nothing didme any wood until I tried Burdock Blood Bitters, th'1_feeci>ot- tles of which cured me. I shall use B. B. B. as my medicine. `JOHN FLOYD; Barnesvill N. B. `B. B. B. regulates _th__e liver. f _ ` 'nAAIuI H-AL ' FIHE season of green fruiteand summer. drinks is the tlme when the worst forms of cholera morbus, and bowel complaints pre- vail. As a safeguard, Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry should be kept at hand. For 30 years it has been the most reliable remed . . y A mum I-me- BREE years ;-ggvl-31:5 coniphtint and , mdigestion. gdod .....L!I T 4-2..) `I).-...J....I- `D1-_.l DELL---` LL-.._. Last week Geor e Lewis. acting under in - structions from l\ re. Macksy, urved write in an action for libel afuinst two well-known newspapers, one pub other in the eountr . Sir Charles Russell will appear for the E einti, whose object is to discover, if posei lo, and severely unieli iehed in London, the . the realvauthors of the toes elen ers in 4 uestion. In the event of o telnln damages , Macks. proposes to give 1: em to a. London charity. _ EDMUND Ymrns. vuvvvvlasuo JJUIII IJHICI-IIIIIIH UIOUWO has Been no surrender from the first. He avers that it is a warning against the system, note ainst the individual. Ian) not surprise that His Royal Highness ell-mean mediation was unattended with edesire result. - The judges who are going on` the north- western circuit have -just received an inti- mation from the Mayor of Liverpool -that the Shah will visit the town during the. assize. This will create a_eurious'_ question of reeedence, for the judges always take ran as representatives of the Queen, and . diiculty will arise as to what they will do. Justice Stephen is not likely to make any difficulty, but it `will trouble the soul of the a Lord Chief Justice sorely, to whom his rank. position and precedence are such a vital satisfaction. ` ' T...L _.__I-T`I_,,,._,' O 1: nl Illl [OCH 0 The E :-ince of Wales while at Asot last week did his best tovbrlng about an under- atandln between Lord Durham and Sir Gear e hetwynd. Lord Durham : motto kg` . ggn nn nitlvvuann-Lug , C-Ann J-L- 3--L nu vv uuau- uu UUJBCDOPI. The" opposition in the cit was dum- iounded e.t~the idea of H, .111 . being adopted by the leprosy committee, and this` has caused a commotion among them which bide fair to eclipse that created by. Sir Morell Mackenzie : book. flhe college view: with much disfavor the idea of creating a leper centre in the metroolie. The ofiicial heads of the profeseio are very angry at not having been consulted before the movement, was initiated. Sir Andrew Clark was averse to it, yet his- name appeared on the cemmitteen the face of three categorical refueaie, andbe is not a little indignant at this unfortunate mistake. ' - 1I._ 'n_s___ .1011! u an . - -- suruulessengel` the same day. * The royal agricultural show at Windsor ' was opened under most favorable condi- tions. The most interestin feature so" far has been the visit of the Pr nce and Prin-' cess of Wales, who, with their five chi1- ' dren, attended morning service on Sunday in the show yard. To suit. their conveni-P once this service, generally held at 11, was postponed until 12 o'clock. file Prince and incess brought Lord and Lady Lon--` donderry, Lord Cadogan, Lord Fife, Lord Clonmel, Col. Montucue and `Christy- pher Sykes. The platform upon which the Dean of Windsor, assisted . . by one of the minor canons and . ea isurplieed was crowded with re alties. Prince and Princess Christian an their young A son and two daughters were also present. A great many other well known people were among the con re atlon. V The ha of Persia will never probably` know to what extent he is indebted for the reception which waits him in En land. to the ener and inuence of the rinoe of Wales. he visit, when first proposed, was very unfavorably received in many quarters, but the Prince s arguments about geographi- cal position, the ank of India and the ad- vance of Russia carried. the day and silenced all would-be objectors. Tho" nnnnnilnlnu in LL- ..2L- -L--- 3-- choir, was waiting to begin the services, 3 boxes which, arrive Huiing the revious night. Usually she sends `them bac by re- turn` mesaengezj the day. . roval narianltnnl .1"... ..-+ nu-A--- ,,_, --v..--uss .'IduInli-grates am... `Princes ` _: i y _ ~snd lIsiil?gteIuIes.. r LONDQN, June'25.'-`-,'l`he_ Queen left Bal- `morsl esterday fsfternoon fo1_`~' Windsor, where, he wlllnot stay much more than] a. fortnight be!dre_gol_11g'to Osborne. `The Prince and Princess` of tWale"sdiued_ at the castle to-day ujth the Queen. There will also be adinuer party on Thursday,` "The Queen willcome to -town on Thursday steak-.5 for the Marlboro Lodge garden` arty. During the Queen : present stay at Ba moral a messenger hssleft London every morning. dispatched from Buckingham ,als`ce` and the Home Olce alternately. These mes- sen ers leave King's Cross at 10 and arr ve at Ba!mor,al st.2,th`e_ next morn- - ing. The return messenger lesTves the castle at 1 and "reaches Euston station at 8 the following morning. The Queen deals every mornlu with the boxes during .t e revious night. Usunllv aha nmh. nm... 1.... - I-'- A When the whites came among then: ,:the; cooked some individuals nun eiperiment. but very gene!-all abandoned the practice in nding the {lei too ult-txhe result, m. doubt.` of the" use of` the condiment in most f-1-rue of civilized food, the. taste of which the Maori could not tend. Most of their white captives, therefore. were kept an eleven, and were reedily given up to on y one who would exchinge` an old musket or 3 dozen cart:-idguv for them. blo to obtain. [ ' _ V `The Mloril `never. `ate thqiiffgfrien-la unless they were hungry, _-Vaijyl. igdglethemnolveu upon the gnqmigi typo [I l'A:l| nu '-....L-.'-, GO8|P A665? R'*OYALTY.A An Old Tape Favorite. A send pm. In hqreby givnwhdt Holt!" obminuniostiona [in - t to matter: smoking no out of 532?: Axum. should be .150 tggom `out: 0 Is. pewney an Superlnten ant norsl dim ` u:d not'uu'M1mator of the g:l`gr.Vor to theiundengned. All (moon oil nnrtmnnt nhnnld ch-an: thaho nlnlgl ntdflnd :1 ~D~ o`3t$3a;`1:chmlo!? '2` ' TNT: '0 Wu `II. In uh All unIl" UK th D` t should dross H1611 oh] !W...?3?*W* ' .: 5'. 5 v y .4 sulnncs Ann rantings 1| MEBH'ANT :I'AI:L0R- uvu VII I -III! rlli EJITUII I EIIU ' will and it advantageous to use this route, as is the uiekest in point of time, and the rat are as ow as b any other. Through freight s forwarded by t special trains and exper- ienoe has proved the interoolon route to be the quickest for European frveght to and from all rpoints in Canada and the estern States. . - okets may be obtained and also information about the route and about freight and passen- fro . . '1'1c'>'i3`?$'nr i'i'.Moonm. \KT'AntAI-n Wrnlaht nnil `Dnnannnmn A.-4-5 Ranwavt 011106. Mqnoton? I118! EIIDOHIIEOIIGOII N.B. MM 8.` 1885. Wok AND mot wonsms 2' `. STRIPED AND CHECK _ A s'P~LaI`NVAp_% SUMMER. LQALL % AND SEE THEM W16 UFBDII 'u'u |and Ontario N Innvn `Inn than I one uruuu Irunx nauwa. am: we ruoneueu and Navi tlon xnpan a steamers from Montreal. an at Levis wi the North Shm-n Rnilwnv. ITDIII MODBTBB. Shore Railway `mlnonnf an m"`:::.:::'n*a*.:.%:g*;.%.`3::"`- W :23 refreshment; rooms at convenient Gull` Fl}; CH3 I 1 L 1 .. sure resorw or Uanaaa are along tme lino. Pullman cars leaving Montreal on Monday. Wednesday and Friday runthrough to Halifax. and on Tueeda. , `Thursday and Saturday to St. John. N.B.. wi ut chance. ` _ Close connections made at,Polnt Levis with the Grand Trunk Railwa and the Richelieu ll!!!` nntsu-in Nnvlontlnn 1|vnI\nvnr n nhsnnnnnn THE oIdae-c:-1' ROUTE From the West for all points in New Bmnswick, Nova seotla, Prince Edward Island, Cape Breton and Newfoundland. All the popular sea bathln , shing and plea- sure resorts of Canada are a ong this line. Pullman 08.1`! leavimz Mont:-an] nn Mnnnv [INTERGOLUNIAL RAILWAY. ovum cuvuvlwuq dull DU IJDVLD VVIIIU IILIU LVUKIIII lhore Railwa .`:r:.=:::-i.":`.,:.s:,.*:.::2e::b*t- ~nd~mk- ' J ' - . rnnrzmnnnr Dr. J. O. Ayer &~co.. Lowell, Mass. ' Sold by all Dealers in Medicine. .. -. v. z - --~--- -- -v-W v- "`J` W Pills and am always promptly relieved. I find them e uall benecial in colds; and, in my ami y, they are used for bilious complaints and other disturb- ances with such good effect that we rare- ly, if ever, have to. call a ph sician."- H. Voulliem. Hotel Voul em, Sara.-' toga Springs, N. Y. - n .-_.._ _..__a_,_ -v--v-wt I have used Ayer s Pills in my fami- ly for seven or ei ht years. Whenever ' I have an attack 0 headache, to which I am. very subject, I take a. dose of Ayer s I nd them Anllnnv I-mnnnlnl In nnhlg . -\lCllIlIJ V II-l\J In "I ` ' A.yer s Pills have been inuse in my family upwards of. twenty ears, and have completely `veried a 1 that [is claimed for them.-Thomas F. Adams, San Diego,,Texas. ' n1-1...--- -___; ._,. . o.... . - for thyself and family."-.)`. '1`. Hess, Leithsville, Pa. ~ H A ......9.. nan- 1.---.- I_ _ _, o, aEVAu1'u=uI_. RANGE -- ---.._ ---y-v -] va 9. sun I. IQCIP Paine s Celery Compound is now being prepared in quantities, and can be procured at any reputable druggist. An attractive bunch of celery is to be found on every `wrapper. It has become specially popular among professional men, mind workers, ladies burdened with ex"citin g social duties and e. quenters of the leading clubs. -V -- my Inithv ti"ea'tn1-e1:: of slight; ailments " would save a vast amount of sickness and misery._ One of Ayer s Pills, taken after dinner, will assist Digestion ; taken at night, twill relieve Constipation; taken at any time, `will correct irregu- larities of the Stomach and Bowels, stimulate the Liver, and cure Sick Headache. -Aye:- s Pills, asall know who use them, are amild cathartic, pleasant to take, and always prompt and satisfactory in their results. ` Il`I'-.._ _-_4-4---A--J " ` ..__.. ...-.--..-u-V-wag cu vuvu LUDILLIJBI I can recommend Aye:-'3 Pills abovo all others, having long proved their value as a V Oat_h._af_tic ,p,_ ______Il -, 1' .. ._ __ The above of late l rof. Edward" E. Phelps, M.D., sLL.D., of Dartmouth-Coll ' ,' Hew'as a strong, able manmshostoodhig in the literaryand scientic , worlds. It is notgenerally known, but it is, nevertheless, the truth, that Prof.` Phelps was r the discoverer of what is known to the Medi- cal Profession and Chemists universally as I_ aine s Celery Compound, unquestionably one 9f the most valuable discoveries of this century. This remarkable compound is not C i `a; nervine; ;gn essence, 9. sarsaparilla, or any devised iarticle,but" a. a7z':cor/cry, and it marks `a distinct step` in medical practice and the ; treatment ._o_f. nervous complications.` It has been freely a 'tted'- b best medical talent in the` and, an also bythe leading chemists and scientists, that for nerve troubles, nervous exhaustion,-insomnia, debility, senility and even the dreaded and tcfrible Paresis, nothing has ever been discovered which reaches the disorder and restores health equal to this discovery of Prof. Phelps pQI.I\ E (`In.-.. f`-.....----- 1 ' *$?v"`2"i: ;$i"?a:= AV. tn re an assen :- 98Ro_ssin Hguso Bloc Yorgeatu orgnto. - ~ . .D.P0'l`T GER. dlwnv. Volo Mnnofnn.o1]1Y%eRf_ SK3"t`3'}s9a`_ "' THE um: GEO-N|AY S. _|10mmon% Sense K7}4 2-: Pills, DDIBDA nun nu- "iiiionrans AID mamas Run! '5 ntlwnnnmnnnn Gnu -u-an 6I.l_ -...A- o euro Emotive y, __un v.,au:_s\.g,u,\_xaa_.uI.p.. V . ` -...`..%.';'.a"e ~o``E ..`.`s- :I'..`...'...`:.'&._.r.a'c,n-.a.. - ---on-a-v .If6t'x-aiae E1311. mnm R"53n u';'15'E'a 'oo"T Jireekfeet Room. seven Bedrooms. Ba Room and W.C.. elultted. with hot and cold water. Kitchen. oellu. consume and Brick Ste e. .'l`he lawn is tastefully I out with choice ornamental treee fountain, The Kitchen Garden is planted th a choice lot of 5 .1 "1-`.'1'.'x.' "......`.`.: ..."".;."`. .123` .?n..`.`..a .`..'."..'.;"l` ` Aonn: or dxohuta To oa " " gn 9:::nu Wu 5 f 1 -1901 my asa-1i'i:wsoNrasi cams-r vclzkn. n`u-no. ` . int. ._...._._.....j.. . ot the Watertown a ints .BE'l` (portot Rochester `. on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri- days,`_'at o'clock .n.m.. Tuesdays at 9 o'clock ngmg. Thursda s at 11~o'clook p.m , and Satur- dn V for-Port ope direct at 4 p.m. ' -' in the cheapest and most expeditions gO:t6&to Osweno. 3039011. Albany. New York, . c_ _ Connects V with "eerly "trains for North; on 5 Tuea_da.ys._'1'hursde.ys end Saturdays, at 7 can; 5 sunsm-Em. BRICK` CL AD Rmsl-L ` v denoe situated on High Street and occu- iad bv Gan. Lount- Em _. madam, n.`